Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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.... , (.
Offloa, 1 Ftiri
' Tavl Mils drugs.
Stacker ell carpets.
A. K. Hunter fn.' fur rugs.
Kd Roger' Tony Faust beer.
' Plumbing and heating, Rlxby tfc Bon.
Woodrtng-Bchmldt. undertakers. Tel. W.
Vtm. Woodbury, dentist, 30 Pearl street.
Dour at 11.10 per sack.- Glen- Ave. Gro
cery. Diamond as an Investment. Talk to
f.eftsrt about It.
Number 1 baron at the Glen Avenue Gro
cery, a pound.
Jarvls think It no trouble to show you
his wines and liquors.
NW shipment of beautiful fancv frames
JUHt received. C. E. Alexander, 33S B way.
For imported wines, liquors and cham
pagne,, 1 Hosenfold company, 319 Main Bt.
If you -want a nlca spring overcoat call
on E. V Hicks. I hava the correct goods.
Council' Blurts Court of Honor will hold
ln regular meeting this evening In Danish
hall. . ...
An acre of fruit, .with new. modern
houa. This will not Is ft lone Cllfton
Walkr Co. .
If you want your fir Insurance to In
rure have Cllttoa-Walket Co. writ It In
reliable companies.
For saM at bargain prices, gray team,
harness and truck, Inquire at store. W.
A. Maiifer.
Fresh salted almonds, salted peanuts,
Swiss milk caramels. Purity Candy Kitchen,
4W West Broadway. O. V. Brown.
When you hava your shoes half soled take
ihern to -Sargent's, Have them sewed on
and aavrton. Bargem a Model 8ho Shop.
Good positions are secured by Western
Iowa Colics: students after finishing u
imirss In bookkeeping, shorthand and type
writing. .. .
Ro,nlr A Annl. money to loan; cash on
hand, no delay; city and. farm property for
sal on easy terms of payment. Office,' 101
Petri street.-
Talking about niters. We have the Dav
ouport 'combination cooler and filter. Clenr
i old water all the time. .Paddock Handschy
Hardware Co.
Wo are paying' 'the' highest cash prices
for old Iron , and metals. Council Bluffs
Junk House, J, Kattleman, proprietor.
Tel. ,5C .it S. Main.
Tho democ ratio city central committee
held a meeting last night-In the patrol room
at police headquarters. A number of the
party candidates were present.
Purs California wine for colds and grip.
Beat, 13 per gallon.' Jarvls.
A snap for somebody, a 1300 Ice wagon
for 11.6. We haveused it only four months.
Is practically new. Brldenrtrln A Smith,
coal and -wood, 14th- Ave. and 6th Bt.
For rug, A. E. Hunter Co.
Missouri oak dry cordwood, 6 a cord;
shellbark hickory, 17; Arkansas anthracite,
12 bo par. ton less than hard coal. William
Welsh, 1 .North Main St. Telephone lis.
Kebraska X'nlverslty Mandolin and Oloo
clubo will glv a concert In the high school
Auditorium Friday evening. March 3. Com
and hear the college sonas. Admission, Wo.
Owing to the non-attendance of the at
torneya Interested, Judge Mcpherson yes
terday postponed handing down his de.
clslon In -the Armstrong bankruptcy case
until later. .
Go to the Manhattan It you want a good
teak, mutton chop, pork chop or a good
cup of coffee. - Everything is guaranteed
to b first-class at the Manhattan restaur
rant and bar.
Tha Sooth tide ' Improvement club will
meet Thursday evening when a number of
candidate's, both democrat to, and republican,
hava -promised -to be present and submit
to a quitting. . . . , ,
Fire Chief Nlnholeoa" received word yes
terday from Philadelphia that the fire
curtain for the New theater had been
"typped from there on. March, and ought
to arrive hero today.
Thw 'irirst Wi Jmprovemotit olub will
.meet tonight la tho1 otty council chamber
tMlA- on- Invitation a 'number -of , the candl
t both tloketa will-be prasont and
' " t' 'Viewa- on. municipal o,uelioiia.
jJenevrr our telephone, bell rings there
ISidvidinw-nf laswlwr -satisfied mitmri'.
Vou -ram (begin to appreciates-tha many
uttU Ahlmja uuit go to maJte for good tele,
phono service- until j-ouMry us.' Clark Drug
(k,. . 5 ..
Lr Jnsn of Stanton, J"eb, and plfrcda
Trterson of Meadow Grove, ' Neb,' were
married In cUils ,ciiy .yesterday (Uiernoon,
Itv. Henry , Dc Long performing the ceremony-Jit
hi officii at the, county court
liouso; , ,
Bud, against whom two churgrs
of disturbing tho. peaco were pending, wai
yesterday sentenced In police .court to two
leimi In Jail on bread and water diet, thf
nrat for twenty -days and the second lot
ira aaya. ., - .
4J per cent discount oh all our pianos for
the next week during our pre-lnventory
xhIs. Cash or largely can n and short time
nasi, liourlclus Pluno House, 'Aid Broad
way, -Council Bluffs, In., where- the organ
. stands upon the building.
James Krue, the boy win) run uway from
I he Christian' Home some tlnM ago and was
.turned over to Probation titflcer UcLong
' Monday, was yewterday ordered sent to the
Hoys' Industrial school at KUlora by Judgo
Wheelvr of the district court.
John Sexton was yesterday ordered by the
I'ommlssloners for the Insune paroled from
he ssylym bt Clarlnda on the application
f his wife and recommendation ol Dr.
WItle, auperlntendent of Uie asylum.. St-ji-.on
is a farmer of Norwalk townshlji.
Miss Mary Maher of Kll Klghth avenue,
igalnsi wnnm her father. John Mnher, hHd
1id an information charging her wltn he
ng luaamr mas, after a Hearing yenterdny
...rtore the' t'oninilaxlunois on lnsiinlt.
irdered Committed to the state asylum at
Jlarinda. , .
In the case of Mrs. Minnie O Briuu. wifu
f A. 8. O'Brien,, tho CommUsioners on
insanity yesterday doelded to Icuvo the
woman for the present at sit. Bernard
Uospiiul, bllevlng Unit with . proper oarc
anil treatment ana -will soon rucover her
liormul statu.
If you want a good meal drop in ul the
Vienna restaurant Tho flavor Of our cof
fee cannot be equaled becausu wo use good
coffee and good cream. Our butter Is the
beat wa cau get. We know our rolls are
good because we make thorn ourelven from
tne beat flour obtamablo. ...
LH you want an elegant tifly-two-plece
dinner eet? Well, If you do, just (art IU
I. -tiers that you find In each package of
-.Mother' Oats sold by us at lu cents a
lackage, and when you get enough letters
to make .up .the word "Mothera ' brina; the
lettars to u and will give you the din
ner set. John Olson. JSi-741 West Broadway.
The receipts In tha general fund of the
Christian Home last week were 74.10. Iielng
below tli needs f ,ihe we.-k and in-
reaxtng the 'mnount needed In the improve-menu-and
oohtmgent fund lor i!H to 114.
i4A(6. In the itHtniijier'a fund the receipts
were $3. being tU Ik low the needs of thn
week- and Inereaetng trie dflolency In this
t Hurt tu date to t& .
a mw cannin I Kill.
Pat a 'little .sunshine paint in your borne.
iold,at Snalne 4 jliuT'l. 33-3S B'way.
It requires the strongest kind of effort
a a' rule, as Well u ron1netng arguments,
to demonstrate the superiority of certain
vehicles over others. . If you will only call
st W repository tt wlll le-my aim to pre
vent to you a tw facts and ureuments
that establish belond doubt that "Van
' llrunt" arv the best.
"MeAtee for good things u eat." Best
goods, best prices, fairest prices; prompt
and careful delivery; and If you want tha
lK-st bakery good setved on your tab!,
. bake them-
A neighbut hai uairel wis slopped tho
im-r dsy by one of the partus pui haslna
'Hi' new pattern of poultry fence. A sm
leniedy at little coat.' . Hafer.
If, Jou piefsr quality to quantity and
nbsoluts satisfaction to yourself, get
. svhmldl photos. Always guarantee,! :o
phage. Thon koT. 4(4 Bioartaay.
ItK ..ih Ml... . 14
t p'ann qt
i7io. Twenty-tire
tcakea of ptaao to
': oom from. Terms
tieau ck.h gnd fi.e
prt month.
V-hprilr Moallar
C'ounei Bluffa i
' Hhar.s .
M atroagaay.
t. Tel. 4S.
Chairmen of Both City Committee Answer
Improvement Club Requertt.
Chairman Hess of Itepakilraa tM
nlttee Asks that He Bo Called oa
for Aay Assistance In
Ills Pavrer.
At the meeting of the Council Bluffs Im
provement federation communications from
Chairman Hee of tho republican arid Chair
man Hughes of the democratic city central
committees were read, assuring the federa
tion of their co-operation In preventing any
buses at the city election next Monday.
The letter follow:
Dear Sir I have your favor of Marcli 9
In reference to the action of the federation
regarding the suppression of Influencing
rtv support lS h?
t morlu2ti,
Li 2.,Jii;-5 i
voters. You have my hes
matter- There Is nothing
to mo than a group of men around a Ions
bottle of whisky near a voting place, and as
chairman of our committee, it Is with t!e
understanding that no llfiuor be used.
The democratic party has been In such a
hopeless minority that It has been Impos
sible to procure a rainpaign fund of mure
than enough to pay onr legitimate expenses.
I hope the federation will recognise (he
fact thst there sre legitimate expenses In
city campaigns.
The facts are thst the population Of the
cltv Is often Judged by Its vote. It Is un
doubtedly a credit to the citizens of a com
munity where an the people exercise their
right of suffrage, and for these reasons it
is necessary to have workers at the polls.
In your effort to purify elections I hope
you Will he mindful of these facta and In
ho way retard the work of getting out the
voters or embarrass the wnrkers. Your re
spectfully, J. J. HTOIIES.
Chairman Democratic City Central Com
mittee. Dear Sir I have your favor of March .
Which has Just been received by me upon
my return to the city from Avoca, und I
have carefully voted its contents. Would
say In reply that I will be glnd to assist your
association in any possinie way m reacn
the end desired by you. You may call upon
me for any co-operation you desire In the
matter that Is within reason. It Is my pur
pose to uphold the law Insofar as It Is pos
sible for me to dor so. apd 1 trust that you
wilt feel at perfect liberty to report to inc
anv matter that should be- looked Into by
the department of the business of the
county which conies under my sutervtelnti.
Tour respectfully. J. J. HKSS.
Chairman Republican City Central Com
mittas. ' -
Haslnvsa" Traasaeted
Assianwieat of C
Tlie March term of district court wa
convened yesterday morning by Judg
Wheeler, but beyond making a first assign
ment of equity cases there was little busi
ness before the court.
On motion of the defense the hearing on
the application toe a receiver In the suit
Of E. P. Woodrlrtg against Harry. Schmidt
was postponed for on week. The hearing
had been assigned for yesterday." '
The caw of F.- J. Day against Mary L..
and Claude W. Thorp was settled out of
court anil dismissed. "
I'va M. Frank. (I teacher it) the Washlng-ton;-Avtnue
school, has. brought-.; suit in
district (ourt against the fnlted States
InaUllment fteolty .company of. Minneapo
lis to ico-ee ia6 which. shei paid fn by .n
t'a'Hmenta of $11.2; a ntontfi,,, 'MlS.'Tfink
allege that' under- her contract-with, tb'c
company she -was entitled to wlthdi'BWt her
ntouey atfer f,ii) had bee'n paid Inbut 'tb'e
company has refused to pay it bAfik
The following assignment of equity cases
wa iuude by 'Judge Wheeler:
Wednesday, March .m p. J. Hutchinson
against the City of .-Council Bluffs
Thursday. Mnrch 22 Clark Manufactur-
x Company againat-A. A. Clark et al.
Friday, March 23 Hhillaber against Mary
R. Crane el al: J. W. Suuire. trustee, .
against Mary M. Crane et al; J. W. Squire
atrainst V. H. Evemlmm et al.
Hutuniay. March L'4 JlerKcrt ugainst .Mer-
kert isnecial). -
Monday. March 'Jii-J. l. lynn agomsi
JTu;;dav.'hSV-K. H. ,olittl. et B, I
against t. L. Poston et al; ClarU J. Bejma-
against J; J. Bejnm et nl. ; -
Wednesday. March 28 W.' C. Vlllls against
George I. Wilkinson, appeal (special).
Thursdav, March 2I-B. Douglus. Jr.. :
a-n!vst K. C. Lotigee et al. X
Fridav. March 30 Flora ' Thompson J
against Magnus Thompson; W. A. James I
against Cora James. - -
Saturday. March 31-Co-()peratlve Bank ;
of Iowaagalnst S. 1L Starrett et. all. :-i
W. Sfiufr agalnat
M otwm v. a iri i 2 J .
W f Hirrt et a I (aTHH'lall.
Wednesday, April 4-r.siate oi rienry
vvhii,. ur.iiii.-Htloo tor allowance
Thuisdav. Anrll 5 W. O. Koons against
J. . . 8nuie, (special). .
I'sr a aulrlV Sale.
I will offer the five-roomed house und lot
t 4o'Avenue A for one week nt 8850. New
house; city water. ' Easy terrti. No bettor
Investment In Council Bluff. Mak a fine
home. Wallace .Benjamin, room 1. First Na
tional bank. I Write lire Insurance. Office
"photic,-2cJ; resldonce. 'jihoiic, Bluuk 1444.
Spring oicns March 21 and the fluwora
alii aooji lo here. You ure perhaps tliink
Ing of a loved one now resting In peace.
Have you a monument on hi or her grave?
If not. you can preserve their, memory by
pl.ttlng One on their grave. "Gates Ajur" is
a handsome monument, loautlfully deco
rated, In blue. tt'' or P"r white, while on
the top is an open Bible neatly draped.
This monument represents the finest work
manship lu the monumental nrt. The price
Is very reasouabl.t... Marble and Granite
Work. 217" Fast Broadway, Counclk Bluffs,
Don't forget opentng wek atW. 8. Haw
etson't.i Masonic Temple, Fourth nd
Broadway, Council Bluffs. Ia. Wall paper.
So per. r0ll and" up. " Murallu-, fur wall tint
ing. .4i per package, pictures, art goods
and framing. While our present stock of
picture iliolding lasts. $3', per cent off.'
Work don) artistically and guaranteed.
Fsttmntes given an iioni decorations D.
F. Oaylord. manager .' ' - "
.1'itcea too low to mention on Our. uw
io-k of carpets, large and (mall io
rtiRS, linoleum, oil cloth, mattings, window
shades, lace and tapestry curtains, go.
carts, and cur entire new steak of furni
ture. Come In and let us show you how
cheap we elt. D. W. Keller. Iu3 South
Are you tired whan you Rrt ,im at
nigl t? Well, just get one of our footstools
and last your fei on It. You will think
H a worth five times the price you pa for
It. Stuckert Carpel company.
Kou't forget Easter ia coming and you
want a new uil. Leave, your order early
at mens, it you wum a nice, up-io-aai
one Vncne Red 778.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. let. .in. Night
I A. E. Hunter Co. for tuga.
j Derides to terif. Out Ti-r,
J Jon Wcstrip, the. ouii(l t'aiierwond Jiuti
I aho aa rcce.itly Hned 2n by Ju.lge Thorn;
jell in district court for atKuipttng to o:;-
turt money ' 'nun F. ; T. C. ' Johnson, u
' at ilihy farmer living near Bentley. la., by
seil'lijig h'lU a Vtireau au.littr..'i'itTi-nd
J ered . biuislf to glicijit Catiniuj, wi.l,
afternoon. Finding that he would be un
able to ralre the amount of his fine young
Westrlp decided to serve out the sixty day
In the county Jail.
SVKI.I.IXi (01TE1T l !t IHHU.H
alisera. U the tarloaa t.rades Are
Contest In spelling and arithmetic were
held In the larger schools of the city yes
terday and the following were the winners
In the different grades:
Washington Avenue .1-1. Anna Conner;
4- 1, Brnre Oochrlng; 4-2. Jsmes 1evercit;
5- 1. Ada Klsebiirh: -2, rsullne RrldT; 0-1.
Roslna Hamburg: -l Florence Jones; 7-1,
Phil Selion: 8-1. Grace Gunn. Re.le Mont
gomery: 8-3, 8ule Ie, fells I-apldus.
Rloonier i-2, Mnrton Turner; 4-1. Flossie
F-trlOw: 4-2. Taul McDonald: M. Dorothy
Schneider; 4-2. Marl Mullcan: Douls
Nrlman; -t. Ksther Nelson; 7-1, Clara Nel
son; 7-2. Kdith lnng: 8-1, I.ticile Bracket!.
Twentieth Avenue 3-2, Nellie Pureell; 4-1.
Carrie I,und: 4-2. Albert Chrtstofferson; 8-t,
Magale Kteelnnd: fi-2. Harry Dugsn; fi-1,
Mary - Henston: -2. May Meught-r; 7-1,
Peter Alehrr; 7-2. Kllznbeth Jones.
Pierce Street :',-2, Chrlsiena Chtlstensen:
4-1. Sydney North; 4-2. Edward Jensen; 6-1.
Resl Battey; 5-2. Gladys Wilson; fr-1,
Kdna Curry; ft-2, Margorle Skaden; 7-1,
lv.ura Lsrsen.
Third Street Dean Schlacter: 4-1,
Hae Wlndte; 4-2. Caroline Morrow: 5-1.
Henry Pchlncter; 8-2. Helen Ilohr; rt-1. Percy
Ford r -2. Anna Sweeney; 7-1, Maud Freet.
Second Avenue 3-2. Phyllis Wheeler: 4-1.
Ralph Randall; 4-2, Audrey Ward: 5-1. Frit
Turner; Arnold Johr
?ton: ; W,rfl; lMl" ltM- '
UmI" Peterson: 8-1. Eva Reulvnrant.
Avenue R-.1-2. Fsv Sellers: 4-i. Mnssle
Frnry: 4-?. Mary Carroll: .V, Viola Oelrich;
5-2, Mae Smltb: a-1, Robert nickerson;
Flnren'ee Kilmer; 7-1, Emma Hardin; 7-2,
Eula Myres; 8-1, Claudia Harris; 8-2, Haxel
Thirty-Second Street 3-2, Dauno Miles;
4-1. Fred Bin her; 4-2. Katie Newcomb; 5-1,
Regina Biesendorfer.
Msdlfnn Avenue 3-;',. Walter WakchnuKe;
4-1. Jessie Millard; 4-2. Orville Crabtree; 5-1,
Rue Copclund: 5-2, Mlra Rieder.
Klghth Avenue 3-2, Bmma Larson; 4-1,
I.vdla Fry.
Eighth Street 3-2. Janet Gillinskv; 4-t
Hattli JaeobBn: 4-2. Jemima Ross; 5-1.
Ruby Diffenbaugh; 6-2, Rov Peterson; 6-1.
Thorn Bell.
Arithmetic contest :
Washington Avenue 3-i. Mildred Mont
gomery: 4-1. Marvel Mlllr; 4-2. Iivlnl
Wolf; 5-1, John Snyder: 5-2, Asa Baker; -l,
Kmma Hertle; fl-2. Elmela Bovson; 7-1,
Fannie Kellej : 7-2. Harlev Peterson: 8-1,
Pearl Campbell, Rose Weinberg; 8-2. Rob
ert Cooper. Leona Schlarh.
Dloomer 3-2, Ernest GeiBe;-4-l, Frank
Stevenson; 4-2. Mollle Ssltsman; 5-1, Harry
Hornberger; 6-2. Sarah Elv; tl-1, Magdeline
Klngan; -2, Rose Cherniss; 7-1. Robert
Crawford, 7-2, Nellie Stevenson;. 8-1. Earl
Twentieth Aventnv-3-2. Mvrtle Miller; 4-1
Hattle Bofley; 4-2. Joseph Jensen; 5-1.
Blanche Kerns; 5-2, Mabel Klllln; 0-1
Arthur Peterson: H-2. Bessie Crowl; 7-1
Helga Jensen: 7-2, Ellsalieth Jones.
PierCe 8lreet-3-2. Clyde Bell; 4-1. IeUa.
Fuller; 4-2. Nellie Stamy: 5-1. aark Picket
ing; a-2, LttonArd Grant; 8-1, Wllma
Graves; B-2, .John. Reynolds; 7-1. Marius
Third Sireet-3-a. Willie Reynolds:
Frank . Allen: 4-2, Bernice Brown;
Charles Thompson; 5-3. Irene Cooper;
Florence I-endt; 6-2, wiHiam Tyler;
Clara Ayres.
Eighth 8treet--2. Jason Bens.oter;
Clifford German: 4-'i. Jmirv.i c.-..
4- L
5- 1,
6- 1.
7- V
4- 1,
5- 1,
Beryl Clayton: 5-2, Eugene Gillingsky; -l
a- t ij jvwriiiuiiH,
Second Avenue 3-2, Lena JafTee; 4-2
Isabel Anderson; 5-1, Frit Wolden: 8-2.
R'"": Colan Campbell; 8-2, Flovd
Mathls: i-l. Alice Spearman: 7-2, Mabel
Henderson; 8-1, Emma Justeson.
Avenue B 3-2, Wayne Turner; 4-1. Jeueva
"fe7i 4;t- ToJn "; 6-1. Ernest Rock
wc I; 5-2. Mae Smith; 8-1. Katie Martin; 8-3,
Fairy Badger; (l, Emma Harden; 7-2
li ."''r" MHUd Reddingtonf 8-3,
Mel Bellinger. '
ThirLv-Second Street 8-i. Neva Butler-4-1.
Lillle Fuller; 4-2. John Campbell; 6-1
Ella Anderson. .
Miuliann Ave.mje.Y-!. May Corbltt; 4-1,
Jessie Millard; 4-2. Annie Oroen; B-l. Rue
Copoland; 5-2, Mira Rledeo.
"''' ' ros- ale.
Kew dwelling .neay new High, sclioot. U.2"fc
' "Kumber of new 'dwelling for sale,
Beautiful lot on Glen avenue, 81,800. '
Insure your house and furniture with me,
Td. 61, Cha. T. Officer, 419 Broadway,
Beautiful hand woven" rugs made out of
your old carpets. They are reversible and
will last a lifetime. You run no risk; If
the rugs are not satlKfurt,.. ..,. i..
represented we refonrt . C, y
''' !!" ' retuml the money, also
fJ Ior carpet. Send for freo booklet.
Phone 516. Council Bluffs f'n w r-i,.
i-none aio. council Bluffs Carpet C
Ing and Rug Mfg. Co., 34 No. Main St
, and Rue Jff f m v .
almost imagine from some ad-
ertl8lng that price la the only thing to be
"Kidered in buyjng a piano and quality
unimportant. - A. Hospo company comes
nearest to combining the two and Klvea
better aualltv nrlee foe net,.. h. i
"mV . ,!, , P , f,r mlce- than ,a P0""
lb,! . obtain elsewhere. 33 South Main
stroel. Council Blurts. Ia
j . Nicholson -J8 v... u .
. " 'Uiolson, 8 est Broadway.
Oontract for painting. They us pur whit
iKUd and llnsted oil. .Now ia tho tlms to
I tneln ' do the work, befot e the rush
commences. You can et your work dona
right If you let them do It.
We can give you the best figures on a
furnace to put in yourvtiew house. Wo
handle the flmoui Norfolk at Green fur
nace. Ask the people that use them, they
will tell you what they are. Spencer, 158
West Broadway .
Wheu It cornea to breadmukiiig "Big A"
flour leads them all. One trial will con
vince you of this fact.
t I.HIaatlott Over a Hal.
lr. tj. W. Pa tig la and the
Charitlea are In controversy over an In
fant which Ben Donaldson adopted from
the doctor'a "sanitarium" and which is
nOw being cared for at tha "Creche. Donald
son and Dr. Pangle attempted to regain
posseuHlon of the infant, but were frtis
tiated. Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson theu ex
ecuted adoption pgpere giving the child
bgck to Dr. Pangle. Yesterday Dr. Pangle
stated he contemplated bringing proceed
ings against the Associated Charities, but
up to last evening none had been com
menced. The child wa taken to the Creche
with the consent of Mr. Donaldson, who
has children of her own. at the suggestion
of memlier of the Associated Charities,
ho had beeu Informed thut the Donald
son were. In poor circumstances and aa it
was alleged were unable to properly care
for the little one. Donaldson, however, did
not approve of what his wife had done, and
In company witli Us. Pangle went to the
Creche and attempted to regain possession
of the Infuut. When the matron tele
phoned for the police Donaldson left lfore
the arrival of the officers.
i Motberst
Mothais, do not use all your strength In
carrying our baby around, when coin-
frtabl folding and reclining go-cart can
j bo had at our special al for 81. 7i and up.
; Keller-Farnsworth Fur. Co.
I Geo. A. Hoagland has Just received a car
load of tho fsmoua Amason Rubber roofing
and will mak you vary attractive prleea
on large or small quantities. Now Is tha
, tim to get your roofs in shape before th
heavy spring isins.
j When )ou ned a good tool, pocket
; knife, i-sior or pair of scissors or shear
et the Keen Kuner, th oaly. best, pad
I loik HandsUiy Hardwaro Co.
U-t .oiir rugs ut tho A. E. Huulr Co.
Mult Over Hallway Cars.
In trial of the suit of County Super
intendent O. J. McManus against the Great
Western and Cana'an Pacific railroads, to
rcc vei damages alleged Injury to stock
bt il.-Uv In tiam fudge Scott yesterday
ii'ill .l.i. a t slon i.rderlria the r.
j Icasu cf the lu ' ahkh had ba t
tsched by Sheriff Canning m the I'nion
Pacific yarda.
The court held rtiat the Vnlon Pacific we
In possession of the car and was using
them under the custom giving railroads the
right to a certain "wheelage-! of cars of
other roads passing over Its lines, and that
they were not theraforo subject to attach
ment In a ult In which the Vnlon Pacific
was not interested. The case will probably
go to the Jury today. '
Accasea Maa Gives His Sloe of tho
Paul Woerth, young man who Is en
gaged In selling and trading South Dakota
land and has made Council Bluffs his head
quarters for the last year, was arrested
yesterday afternoon by Sheriff Canning at
the request of the sheriff of Bedford, IV y
lor county. Woerth, It Is understood. Is
wanted to answer a charge of cheating by
false pretenses or obtaining money by false
pretenses In connection with a recent land
deal In Beadle county.'South Dakota.
Woerth was much surprised' at being ar
rested and was unable on short notice to
furnish the teiulred bail bond In the um of
11. Sn. He wss plsced In the custody of
Deputy Sheriff Woolman last night.
Woerth explained that the charge against
him was evidently brought by a man named
L. J. Duncan of Bedford. Ia.. to whom he
hud sold a form In South Dakota and on
which Duncan had paid 81.000. The owner
of the farm, however., declined later to soli
and Woerth, so he stated, paid back to
Duncan the 81. (XX) he had paid on the land
and In addition paid him another $1.W in
settlement of any claim for damages Dun
cjn mlglrt have. Duncan at first demanded
$1,500 damages In addition to the $1,000 hs
had paid on the land.
The sheriff from Taylor county Is ex
pected here this morning, but It was staled
lost evening that Woerth might resort to
habeas corpr proceedings.
Jacob gayles f'aagnt In ghaftlna la
Planln Mill.
Jucob Suyles was seriously and possibly
fatally Injured yesterday morning by being
caught In a line shaft nt P. H. Wind s
pinning mill on Thirteenth street, near
Broadway, where he was employed.
Sayles was passing neor the shaft wlun
the sleeve -of hi coat was caught by a
checknut on the shaft. Before he could ex
tricate himself Sayles was Jerked from his
feet and whirled around'a number of time
at terrific speed. .His clothing was torn to
shreds and even a hunch of keys In Ms
pocket wa bent and broken. A soon ua
possible the machinery .wa ttoppd and the
unfortunate man rescued fro-.n his position.
He was taken aa promptly as possible to
Mercy hospital, where examlnution i-howed
four ribs were fractured, one protruding
front the side and another p ri ti.ultig the
lungs. , -
Saylua is about 50 years of age and re
side at 1502 Avenue A. At the h.r;pioil lust
evening It was stated Say lea was Ing
easily, but owing to the seriousness of the
Internal injuries the attending physicians
were doubtful a to his recovery.
Graves," 105 Pearl street, .carry the finest
line of switches in tho lty. Cft and see
them. ' ' i
Swanson Music company, new location,
407 Broadway. We . gelt, piano 111 our reg
ular businesslike way..n Ko new scheme;
no certificate. Prices '"tMfh't; good re
liable. -Terms from-. Vi. to W. pwr mouth.
We have splendid gtor) jrooin for plnnos.
Will not need to bo ,tyoid.! ; Tuning and
repairing a specialty.
' t rt v
Clifton-Walker Co.. hava recently closed
tha sal of a number ot properties, which
reduce -their list, they have g larg
number of other clients who wish to In
vest. Perhaps your property 1 Just what
they want Better place it. with them for
quick action. "'-; ""'
The Title Guaranty aud Trust company,
abstracter of titles. Books dote back to
1853. Book are ah op to date. Work o
curatoly and promptly dona at lowest
price. Office opposite court house, l3 Pearl
street, Council Bluffs, la.
Let Borwick decorate your house. Ho
ha the beat wall paper and paint to do
It with. Bed-rock price and work guaran
teed. 211 So. Main. Tel. 083. Call him u
and ask him about It.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfer were reported to The Bee
March ao by the Title -Guaranty and Trust
company of Council Bluffs;
Thomas 8. Robinson to Henry SpiuU,
lot 1 In Auditor Subdiv of neinuU
24-75-44, w. d t',ijjiO
Jamte Clinton Kyers to Christen An
derson, lot 8 in Well Park add to
Council Bluffs, la., w, d l.guu
f. t iougee and wire to Mary 8. Wil
liams, lot 10, block x, in Potter &
- Cobb'a add to Council Bluffs, Ia.',
a', d ; too
Elmer U Fehr to Olive M. and Nettie
M. Harl, lots 21 and -'S, block 23. in
Central Subdiv in Council Bluffn, Ia.,
q. o. d 30
John S. Crook und wife to Olive M.
anil Nettle M. Harl, lot 2-i, block J3,
In Central Bultdlv in Council Bluffs,
la., q. c. d 0
Five transfer, tota) -.. ,1'J
lgalt Maatlea.
Easy aa electrlolty; half the price. Just
turn on the gas. Ignito mantle light
themselves. For sola at W, A. Maurer's.
Ten-cent store in Council Bluffs, Ia.,
11,2(10. To exchange for house and lot or
as part payment ou a email farm or wild
laud. See me.
House i and lots on monthly payments.
Bargains, all part of city.
Real Estate, Insurance and Loans, 7 Ev
erett Block.
Flour a sack at the Glen Avenue
Hugs: KugV: A. E. Hunter Co.
Mrrl(( I.lreusrs.
Licenses to wed were Issued )esterduy to
the following:
Num and Residence. x Age.
O. H. Ludalg. Lawton. la J4
Helen E. Tiorks. Council Bluffs, zi
S. Y. Nelson. Neola, la
A. C. Hondo, Weslon, la 31
J. B. Fulton. Atlantic. Ia. 24
Florence Herrtman, Council Bluffs i
l-ars Jensen, Stanton. Neb 37
Elfreda Petersen. Meadow Grove, Neb... 15
Dslllier's Paaltlaa wa Hallway Halo
till Fadaraed.
WEBSTER CITY, la., March .-(Special
Telejjram.V Tito fltst republican coujity
convention to he held In the state of Iowa
was held ill this city this aftertuojn. Judge
J. II. Richard presiding. Th delegates from
Hamilton county to the state convention
are limtiucted for Governor Cummins. l)ol
liver's stand on the rate- bill was com
mended and the candidacy of Hon. D. C.
Cha.. for ;au senator endorsed. The con
vention war unanimous aral most enthusi
astic tor the governor.
Frlaht'al . of Life
result from throat and lung diseases. r
King"! New Discovery for Consumption la
a ur rure. W and t1.0. For sal by
SharaaaJ McCvnnsU Drug Co.
Hong Committee, Laji the Mpgjrure to
Sleep Early in th Gme. ,
Hall Brings l.lbel Actlaa Agalas
lh.oa for Chargea Made by the
Latter la Opening Speech
(From a Staff Corresondeht.)
DE8 MOINES. March n.-(Sw)al Tele
gram.) The senate committee this after
noon reported for passage the bill giving
women the right 10 vole for presidential
The house committee reported for pas
sage the state marshal's hill, killed in the
senate earlier In tho session.
P. S. Eustls or th Burlington and J. F.
Merry of. the Illinois Central appeared be
fore the railroad committee of the houwe
this afternoon on the J-cfnt fare bill. The
cnnimitee killed the hill.
Hull fae Dob eon.
Congressman J. A. T. Hull today guvr
notice that he Would sue his opponent.
George L. Dobson, for exemplary damages
for slsnder because of statements msde by
the latter In his opening speech In his cam
paign to defeat Hull, for the republican
nomination for congress In this district. The
speech was delivered last night and was
sensational In Its accusations.
"HI chsrges were outrageously false."
said Congressman Hull, "but It Is entirely
useless for us to stand about calling one
another names. At least 1 shall not en
gage in that sort of thing.
"The Courts are constituted for the pur
pose of redressing such wrongs as Mr.
Dobson has done pie and to the courts I
have appealed."
Pressare for Weeks Hill.
tl Is intimated that pressure will be
brought to. bear on the appropriations com
mittees of the house and senate In the in
terests of the Weeks bill to appropriate $S7.
000 for extension work at the State Agri
cultural college st Ames. Just what this
pressure is to be la not stated, but there is
a strong Intimation that It will be the
bringing of a lqt of farmers down from
the .districts of the chairmen of the two
committees who will tell these chairmen
what they want. The Iowa Grain Dealers'
association is Just now making a strong
effort In behalf of the bill. With the other
friend of the measure they are trying now
to arrange for a hearing before the house
appropriations cnmittee. This committee,
however, has voted to have no more public
Hart f liaraea Bribery.
In' his speech In the house today in op
position to. the Warren school bill provid
ing state certificates for school teachers,
Representative Hart charged that the
county attorneys had been Induced to sup
port the bill by the Insertion of a clause
paying them $240 a year extra for expenses
for visiting the country schools. H clso
attacked Superintendent Rlggs and his
deputy, Mr. Bennett, charging that they
left the office In the charge of a stenog
rapher while they spent their time lobby
ing about the house and senate for the
Warren bill.
senate oa Heeuts Bill.
The senate today took up the regents bill
again and spent the greater part of the
day discussing It. Following Crossley, who
talked against It, Smith of Mitchell took
the floor In Its behalf Senator Courtrlght
will make a speech against it, and It is ex
pected a vote will be reached probably to
morrow. . aate Proceeding. .
The senate oday killed- the Stookey bill
to elect th township clerks from the votes
of the people outside of the towns situated
In the t6wnships; passed the bill Increasing
from 870 to 8100 a month the compensation
Of the chaplains at the state perittjentlaiies;
passed the bill legalizing the issuing of
school bonds In Lyons school districts Clin
ton county, for which Senator Wilson
fought so hard, and provided for a recep
tion to the Pioneer Lawmakers, now In
session here, appointing Senators Jamieson,
Dowell and Taylor as a committee to ar
range the reception.
- After Aatl-Dlsoriiulaatloa Low.
Wholesale! grocer are hot after the anti
discrimination bill that wa intended to
operate against the Standard Oil company.
Chairman Dowell of the senate Judiciary
committee ay he believes he has letters
from every wholesaler in the country pro
testing against the bill. A subcommittee
recommended Its passage, but the Judlclary
committee had heard from tha wholesalers
and it was only by great effort that it kill
ing there was put off by sending It again
to a subcommittee. The house committee
ha reoommended It for passage and It I
on for special oraer for tomorrow. The
senate committee will take no aftion till
the house vote on the measure.
Pioneer Law .Maker Here.
The first session of the annual meeting
of the Iowa Pioneer Law-makers" associa
tion was held thl morning in the historical
building. Twenty members, including many
old-time solon, were present. General J.
B. Weaver of Colfax, tho president, pre
sided. The meeting wa opened with prayer
by Df. A. L. Frlsblo,-after which General
Weaver announced Ills committees. ,
This afternoon Governor Cummin de
livered an add res of welcome, to which
General Weaver replied. Tomorrow General
D. Perkins of Sioux City, who is a candi
date for governor, will speak on "News
paper and the Law."
The association today accepted the In.
vltatlon of the senate to visit that body
tomorrow afternoon at 2:30.
' Worked la Ies Moines.
C. M. Carpenter, who has been arrested
In Chicago for bribing Racine. Wis., alder,
men, aa manager for the Barber Asphalt
company, has for some time acted a
manager for the Barber Asphalt company
In this city and state.
Would Maudanaaa (Joveraer.
Dr. Oscar W. Phelps of Hawarden, Ia.,
an old soldier, has determined to be a can
didate for the position on the state
pharmacy board held by Fred Russel of
1 Rockwell City. He will make application
for the position and If he Is not appointed
arlll HeH n aetlon In the district court ft.
la in tha city and ha employed Major
Charles McKensie. Judge advocate general
of tha Ioaa department, Grand Army of
the Republic, to take charge of his case.
Perkins' Headsjaarters.
Heudquurtera for the Perkins' campaign
for governor were opened In thl city this
morning In rooms Observatory block.
Senator Jackson of Woodbury' will be in
charge after the close of the legislature.
Bars tarda from PrUaaera.
CEDAR RAPIDS, la., March Ju. iBpe
clal.l J. G. Crosier, the newly elected mar
shal of this city, has Issued an order pro
hibiting the use of tobacco and playing
cards by the prisoners in the city tail.
Formerly the prisoners were allowed the
Use of these articles provided they could
obtatr. them st their own expenae, but a
this was rather an Inducement for some of
the hu bit ul offenders Marshal Crosier
thought It Ix-st to prohibit their use alto
gether. SIDNEY. Ia.. March . (Special. The
1 city election next Monday promises to b u
I gutet one There Is no politics In It. Th-r
I ar tao ticket in th Held, citi sens'
ft rcakea ydu
dinnr tim
Best for flaky castry.
' wholesome bread and biscuit
best for criso cookies
best for delicious cakes,
some muffins, doughnuts that
will melt in your mouth.
Everything- you mike well,
it will help to make better,
because If "beat by tent.'5
Anybody rsa cook well If h4 n
(Jalaraot Baking Powder, railuiawlth
It is almost impossible. The load pre
pared with It I fro from Alum,
Rochelle Salts or any Injurious
Prlo Is Mod
peoplo's. The formei is headed by Attor
ney W. H. Norcutt, who Is a candidate for
mayor lu succeed himself, and the oilier
candidate are also up for re-election. The
opposing candidate for mayor Is Samuel
Reeves, Justice of the peace.
Tno ) Men re Killed and Two
gerloasly lalared.
CKDAR FALLS. Ia.. March St. iHpeclal
Telegram.) By a terrific explosion tills
morning the gas plant, was wrecked, two
men killed and two others seriously In
jured. Gas burned In the main for hours.
The city Is without gas or electricity. Is.
estimated. I'jO.OoO, partly Insured. Tim plant
Is owned by the Cltlsens" Oas and F.leetrlc
company, with headquarters at Waterloo.
Foreman James Dorris, the sole support of
his mother, and Assistant tea Bhubert were
burned beyond recognition.
Fremont Cssnlr Court.
SIDNEY. Ia.. March 3D. (SpeciaU-lJiK-trict
court convened today with Judge
Thornell on the bench. The docket Is rather
light, but there ure several interesting nnd
somewhat sensational case. There are five
Indictments for forgery against H. C. Dye.
the Tabor banker. Mrs. Lena Hayes of Riv
erton asks heavy dauiagos of Kmunuel
Smith, banker and tnayor of Rlverton. for
slandering her. Owen Cavanuugh asks
tLUUlO damages from Henry Parklson and
nine other well known cltUens of Perclval
for maltreating and shooting him on Feb
ruary li! last. If these cases all come to
trial there will be something doing.
Major Chittenden Transferred.
SIOCX CITY. Ia., March 2a.-MaJor H.
M. Chittenden, I'nlted Slates engineer In
charge of the Missouri river and Yellow
stone national park work, has received
official notification of his transfer to Scuttle
to be In charge of river and harbor work
at Seattle, Tacoma and Grays harbor.
Major Chittenden will . be succeeded by
Colr nel James B. Quinn of Savannah, Oa..
and Lieutenant E. D. Peak, now stationed
in Cincinnati. Colonel Quinn will have
charge of Missouri river work and will be
stationed here. Lieutenant Peak will have
charge of the national park and will he
stationed at Yellowstone.
Modale'a Mnnlelonl Ticket.
MODALE, la.. March 2o.--epeclal.)-Two
tickets are in the Held to participate In
Modale's municipal election. The . nrat
ticket Is as follows: For mayor, J. X.
McMantmie; councllmen, . J. P. Kgan-and
W. M. Sharpnack; clerk, Charles Harnes;
assessor, James Middleton. The secony
ticket's candidates are As follows: For
mayor. E. Oill: councllmen, C. A. Foun
tain and C. I. Hiddleston: clerk, K. Ritclil
aon: treasurer. W. A. cttnoot; .nasensor, J.
R. Hodson.
Business Changes at She uaudou b.
SHENANDOAH, Ia., March t0. (Special
Telegram.) There have been several busi
ness change In this city recently. Fred
W. Wallert has retired from the Jewelry
firm of Gauff, Simons A Co. The legal Arm
of Jennings A Fischer has been dissolved
and Mr. Jennings bus formed a partner
hip with Levi Motter. Mr. FHcher will
devote his tim In a large measure to .!
telephone business.
- Bnrglara at Cedar Haulda.
CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia.. March 20. (Spe
cial.) This city hss been troubled very
much of late with a gang of burglars,
many houses having been robbed In the
last few weeks and soma valuable property
taken. The police have used every effort
to apprehend the thieves, but all their at
tempt have failed up to the present time,
having no clue to work on.
Ktaat for Menatorskln.
SHENANDOAH. Ia.. March . Special
Telegram.) Tho fight for senator from this
district is warming up. I'p lo within a few
doys ago Senutor Lewis of Clarlnda. who
seeks a renomlnnllon. and Gcorga ISogurt,
s banker of this city, were the only candi
dates, but today O. H. Fink announced
himself fc In the race. The night is largelv
of a personal nature.
Anxiety for Iowa Man.
DEB MOINES. March 20 James Oill of
Packwood, Ia., Is now believed to be one
of the unidentified victim of the Florence,
Colo., wreck. Gill was to have been a
passenger on the wrecked train, and hi
on has heard nothing from him since th
accident. The aon. Mitchell Gill, has gone
to Colorsdo and will attempt an identifica
tion. ew t hief Mall" Clerk.
CEDAR RAPIDS, Ia., . March io.-Spe-clal.)
Albert F. Weiss, a mail clerk on th
Chicago and West Liberty railway post
office, has been appointed to the office cf
chief clerk to succeed the late A. T. Wil
son, aho died suddenly In Toledo so'ne
weeets ago.
' Family Asphy xl.-ited.
I PITT8BCRC. March iO.-The entile fum-
My of John H. Williamson, postmaster and
I station agent at Glen Osborne. Pa., on the
! Fort Wayne railroad, were found uncon
j sclous from asphyxiation today. The famlly
consisted of the father, mother and five
I children After tao hours' worU the only
1 one revived was the youngest child, un tn
I fant.
Indiana Prisoners r: scape.
VINCEXNEK. Iiid . March 3i. Four
I prisoners in the Jsil here escaped lat
t nljrht by rawing their wy out. The turn.
I key made his usual rounds and locaed nil
I cells, but failed to s. rui llile clooe eious.ll
j and left the four In the corridors of th
Jail. Th prisoner were local character.
Snowglides Near Siherton, Colorado, CauM
Mines to Suspend Operators.
All Passeuarra Finally Reach Ter
minus of Itoad Without I adergo- .
In t.'rrat Hardships from -Kxposnre
While Enrestt.
DENVER. March 3D. Owing to file fear
of snowslldes all mines tn thn neighbor
hood of Sllvcrtoh, Colo.; have been closed
and 3.0P0 miners hnve fled to SUvertOn for
safety. Sixteen men have been cruaheU
or suffocated to death- by the avalanche
in that district tn the last three day. Th
property loss Is now estimated at 1500,000.
The railroad between Sllverton and
Durango 1 blockaded and Sllverton la now
fuclng 11 famine! ' -
A train which had been four day ou th
road reached Crested Butte, the terminut
of the branch of the Denver & Rio Grand
running north from Gunnison, last night
All snowbound passengers, it la said, have
been rescued without undergoing unusual
hardships. Travel on the main line of
the Denver A Rio Grande through th
state has not been Interrupted.
Train Una; from Drift.
DICCATCR. III.. Mnrch 'M.-The Cincin
nati, Hamilton & Dayton passenger trait
due In Decatur from Indianapolis at 4 a
m. Monday and fast tn a snow drift ail
mile east of Decatur all day Monday atu
Monday night was dug out of the snoa
todity. The four locomotive which wer
stuck in the drifts while trying, to hel
the train out Monday backed into Decatm
today. A new Tcltef engine wa at onci
sent to bring tn. the train and was back
In half on hour without rurther difficulty.
Th fifteen passengers who were On th
train had plenty of food., supplied In ha. -kets
by the company. All the passengert
spent the night in sleeping cars. That
wa no suffering. 1 The total snowfall At'
Decatur was fourteen inches. Interurbua .
and street cat' line are all open again
today, Trains, with two engine ar froia
one to ten hours lute.
. Mother Train Nnoirbonad. . ' '''
Illinois Central passenger, train leaving
Decatur at T:1S Monday for Champaign 11 '
till In a" snow.. drift at .Argenta, twotv
miles from Decatur. Four- engine tries
unavailingly' all night to more M. Twelve
puasengera at comfortable in the ' cars
fanners nearby supplying food and hot
coffee. " ' " , '
Vundnlia passenger train due iu Decatur
at l(':iu Monday morning arrived this morn
ing at 11 drawn by seven engine. Th con
tinental limited on the Waoash frfcm New
York to St. Louis, due In Decatur at 4:3.
p. 111. Monday afternoon, .passed .Decatur
at i o'clock this morning after being Seven
hours In a drift near Phllo, III. The snow
wum so deep that the windows of the cstt
were hidden. Four locomotives' pulled tin
train out. There was much sutTet-lne from
! the cold because the heat In the cars had
to be cut oft while the car were pulled
out one al a time.' An Illinois Central pas
senger train which left Doratur at i:H
Monday afternoon for Mattoon had T10I
reached Muttuon by 10 o'clock this morning,
sow In . Alabama.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., March 20. Tha flrt
now of. the season fell here today. AH
streams in northern Alabama ar high be
cause ofTeeent rains, and train ar de
layed by washouts. .
Must's Body Cremated.
CINCINNATI, March 20 The body ol
Johann Most, the -anarchist, was cremate
in this city this afternoon. There was .iu
religious ceremony, but aome of Moat's
comrades delivered brief addresses before
the cremation. Mrs. Most will tak her
husband ashes to New York at one am:
the memorial meeting I to be held there It
a few duys.
Uhe Best of
The Only Double
Track Railway
to Chicago
Low Colonist's Rates
Every Day Till April 7tir
Portia ad. SaUI. '
Spokaaa, HgtaiM,
4 Fuft Sao4 alata.
Clty Office?
1401-1403 FAR NAM T,
Ttu tta-egi