tiie omatta daily bee: Wednesday, march 21, v.m. BRIEF IN BURLINGTON CASE Attorney General Brown Arpies Tax Ques tion for Eighteen Counties. INSURANCE COMPANIES PAYING TAXES Prrll( I, If ana Salinas Company art nurd License rr4ln Kiam laatloa of Affair of the ' (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March 20. (SiK-clal.) Attor ney General Norrls Brown has prepared a brief to be filed In the United States su preme court In opposition to the. appeal of the Burlington railroad from .the action of ddfre Mungcr In dismissing the petition for an Injunction to prevent the collection of railroad taxes In those counties where the amount In controversy waa less than $3,000. In the counties where the amount In controversy was t?,000 or over the case waa passed upon by Judge Munger and is now pending In ' the higher court,' but where the amount was less than 12.000 Judge Munger dismissed the application, and from this decision the Burlington ap pealed. , ,. 7 The counties Involved In this case, to gether with the amount of tax levied, the amount tendered and the amount en Joined Is ihown In the following table: 1!04 Taxes 1904 Taxes as tendered as extended or paid dur- on Tax month of Amount to Books, Blaine H.7R9&9 Buffalo 5.94AM Chase 2.M1.IM Colfax 9707 Dawson 2 B4 Pntiglas ..... t.613.1d Garfield 1.1S2.W Gosper 4.570 W Grant 4.907 Hall .6o2.M Hayes 1.7SS Merrick S. 434. 24 Platte l,1M9fi Polk S293 Sarpv 8 23.fiR Rloui 2.7M.99 Vallev , 490.6a Wheeler 794.84 Nov. beenloln'd IXIOR.2 S1.W1.itl 4.442.S7 I.BH4.31 i.10 2k5.K 2Sl.f2 91.37 Xt&) l.RW.M l.ttTSo l,tt.lS l.1.2 7 34 IIS. 70 1,714.37 W2.44 l.!'i9.03 2.19 Rl dKo.JS 4.W.72 2.fi21.7 KM 73 2. H70.77 3.2.r.! 3. fi.3 1.W7.M 3.4K2 !K 7SS.B2 3MS.M fi.SiW 75 1.901.RS 4. B;tl.S9 564. si) In hla brief the attorney general main tains It la the established rule of the court w?iere an action la brought to enjoin the collection of taxes, and a number of tax collectors are made the defendants, the amount In controversy Is determined by the amount aought to be enjoined against each. The case comes up In October. Iitsrwee Companies Paring; Tax. All old line Insurance companies and all casualty companies doing business In Ne braska have paid up their 2 per cent tax on their gross receipts together with th? fees due the state. Under the terms of the reciprocal insurance tax all but nine of the companies have paid and these are now in correspondence with the head of the insurance department and will shortly remit. Since January 1 there has been paid into the department the aum of V7.000 under the provisions of the t per cent tax on gross premiums, and a total of $91,000 for all licensee and feea. Within the next thirty days nearly all of the money to be taken In during the year will have been collected and It la expected the amount awlll react the aum of $110,000. Thls ' will be an Increase of over $20,000 over the total collections of last year, when from all sources the Insurance department collected the aum of $87,000. A good portion of this increase la due to the payments under the provisions of the reciprocal tax law which the supreme court recently held constitutional. It waa freely talked that should the' su preme court hold the law waa valid and , capable of enforcement, many . of the old companies would withdraw from the state and cease to do business here, but such results, however, were not realised. All of the companies, with the exception of a few, have paid up and these have notified the department they expect to pay. Thj decision kept no company out of the state. Insarausc Company Barred. The Providence Savings Life Insurance company of New York has been refused permission to do buslnesa in Nebraska. Deputy Pierce said the company had not been examined for about thirty years by a atate department, and until thla is done he will refuse to Issue a license. The com pany maintains several agents in this atate. Capital City Briefs. Judge Boyd of Nellgh, who will compete thla fall with Congressman McCarthy of the Third district for the republican nomina tion, waa In Lincoln thla afternoon taking l!PI-I' Made leathers. knowing tney are ftyliskly dressed wnctner in San Fran cisco or New York. Made witk trie idea of comfort for people wKo are forced 'to be on tneir feet a great deal. reels rigrit; looVs rignt; wears riglit; costs but $3.00 Sola BT th test aslr cwry-wker. NORTH STAR SHOE CO. Minneapolis i Where to Have The Best Good Times Nowhere in all the world are no many places and conditions Ideal for good times as in The trip can be made profitable, too Let ua tell you how. It cannot but be pleasurable Let us tell you why. There's most to see along the shortest route Let us tell you what. THE UNION PACIFIC Overland Limited U two meals the shortest .way to San KrancUco. That means both time and money saved. ' For full Information inquire at City Ticket Office, t.iZt Farnafh St. 'Phone lHiiglah-3.'li. a look at some of the Uw books In the slate libra!-. Crawfotd Kennedy, the (lnRni man of the republican state committee In times very recent, but 'who Is now a bailiff In Judge Mungnr'i court at Omaha, was a Lincoln visitor today and left tonleht for Columbus to attend to some private busi ness. Ieputy I.nnd Commissioner Shlvely Wt this afternoon for Lincoln county, where he gona to review appraisements of school lands. Mr Shlvely said the local appraisers were doing much better In arriving at the true value of land .during the last few months Heretofore the local appraisers hnve been guided by local conditions and have valued school lands at such a low figure that the land commissioner In many Instances has been compelled to set aside the local appraisement end have the land reappraised. Governor Mickey today issued a requisi tion for the return to Antelope county of Frank Donncr, who Is under arrest In Spokane, but who la wanted by the Ne braska authorities for grand larceny. P011 ner was arrested on a charge of stealing two steers and while In Jail managed to escape. ' ! MIHTH LOt P DIFFER BAD BLtJE Nearly All of Business District la Destroyed by Fire. NORTH LOIT, Neb., March 20. (Special Telegram.) A disastrous fire broke out this morning at 7::30 on the second floor of Babcock & Oowen's department store anil entirely consumed the building and most of the dry goods stock. The fire then spread to the postofTlce and to H. K. Davis' furniture store, burning both buildings to the ground. The contents of both buildings were removed and the damage to this Is slight. The three buildings which were burned were frame buildings and In two hours were entirely destroyed. The town Is without fire protection, and it was only by the heroic work of a large number of mhen that the balance of the business portion was saved. "The stock of F. Johnson sustained Slight damage and practically all the plate glass windows within a radius of a block were broken by the heat. The cause of the fire Is not known, but the supposition Is that it caught from a stovepipe. The total damage Is estimated at about $;i6,000, partially covered by Insurance. Woodmen at Beatrice. BEATRICE, Neb., March 20. fSpeclal.) The convention of district No. 4, Woodmen of the World, waa held here yesterday afternoon, but owing to the Inclement weather there was a small attendance of delegates. The meeting was called to order at 3 o'clock by President Carre, the minutes of the last convention read and the regular order of business taken up. After some discussion it was decided to hold a picnic and log rolling in Beatrice on Labor day These officers were elected for the ensuing term: W. L. Leigh, Beatrice, president; Joseph Cerveny. Swanton, vice president; D. B. Penrod, Beatrice, secretary; William Purdy, Beatrice, treasurer. The officers, with President Carre, comprise the execu tive committee. The matter of fixing the date for the next district convention was left to the secretary. Sovereign Carre brought the afternoon session to a close with an address in which he urged all members of-4he order to feel the necessity of working individually and collectively for the welfare of the organiia tlon. In the end that it may lead nil other orders in the atate as regards membership. At the evening meeting two candidates were initiated, after which State Manager Walsh of Omaha delivered an address on fraternal insurance. Refreshments were served at the close of the business session. taa on old Fort Kearney. KEAF WEr.JVeb,, March 30. (Special Tele gram.) W. O. Dungan has placed a tenant on hla farm south of the river, which em braces the old Fort Kearney alte, and haa removed to Mlnden. Mr. Dungan will here after be engaged In organizing branches of the American Society of Equity, he having been appointed to take charge of thla work for the counties of Kearney, Phelps and Franklin. He gays that the project of mak ing a national park out of the old Fort Kearney site la by no meana dead, but that General Culver 'is pushing it. Chamberlln Case Postponed. AUBURN, Neb., March 20. (Speelnl.)- Dlstrict court convened here yesterday afternoon with Judge Raper of Pawnee City on the bench, for the purpose of try ing the caae against Charles M. Chamber lln of Tecumseh, brought to this county on a change of venue. This morning on motion of defendant the case was con- J tlnued until May 7. The regular panel OtfelST$Doo Lady's ShoeO in tne latest ati apes and Tkose wko wear tie Tourist Have trie satisfaction of f the Jury was excused until that time. Judge Raper will sit as examining mugls- rate In the case against J. P. Cohoe, harged with stealing tl.SK) found on the property of Joseph Albrlcht, who Is In the nsnne asylum at Lincoln. Kerney Darke will also be given his preliminary hearing n the charge of obtaining from O. T. Dustin under fal!e pretenses. farmer tonnri Head In Street, i ARAPAHOK, Neb., March 30. (Special elegram.) The lifeless body of AVtlllsm Bchievelbeln. a prominent German farmer j f Gosper county, living ten miles north- west of this place, was discovered this morning lying on the Main street and at first It was supposed he had froien to death. At the coroner's Inquest but little was elicited other thnn that the deceased had been drinking some, but not more than usual for lilm, but In some manner, after inlying his team to go home, was thrown from his wagim and either so stunned or Injured as to cause his death by freezing or the injuries. The deceased was well known both In Furnas and Gosper coun ties. He was one of a large family which removed to southwestern Nebraska In the early '80s, all of whom have become wealthy and prominent In the upbuilding of this section. &eir of Nebraska. GKNF.VA Four Inches of snow fell Run- dsy tilitht and yesterday afternoon, making total of seventeen Inches on a level. COOK J. K. Hall, who has been side for the last two years. Is now reported rerv low, with small hopes of recovery. COOK The license party of Cook has placed In nomination for vlllngo trustees K. F. Kthrldge, W. O. Tomer and K. G. Unas. CAMRRIIXtK An epidemic of measles Is pervading the town and more than forty absentees from the public schools are thus amictea. COLl'MRl'S The adjourned term of the district court convened Monday, taking up he criminal docket, with Judge Itollcnbeck presiding. CAMBRIDGE Rome colored evnngelista arrived last evening to assist In the pro tracted meetings oeing Held in the .Metho dist church. MINDKN The pastor and members of the Christian church are raising money with which to remodel and enlarge the church this spring. STKLliA A. L. Ogden of Bethany has accepted a call to till the Christian pulpit In this city every other week for the next year. He preaches at Louisville alternate Sundays. PA PILLION Doctor J. C. Kllngeman died this morning after thirty years prac tice or medicine In Karoy county, aged 56 years. lie leaves a wife and one married uaiighter. RKATRtCB Ben Schneider yesterday severed his connection with the clothing store of Voortman & Co.. and left for Plckrell to go to work in the general store of J. D. White. PLATTSMOl'TII-Mr. and Mrs. G. M Porter very pleasantly entertained the fif teen members of the Symphony club, a musical organization. In honor of Miss Janet Buzzell. ALBION The mercury reached the aero point every night during last week. Sev eral Inches of snow cover the ground and tne weather Is more like winter than any thing previously experienced this year. JJKATR1CK G. K. Llston of Omaha ar rived in the city ycFtcrday to succeed J. If. Mlminltt as weight inspector for the Western Weighing association, Mr. Dimmltt having been transferred to Den ver. BEATRICR On account of the cold weather work on the Young Men's Chris tian association building has been sus pended for the past week. Plasterers will be put to work as soon as the weathur is fit. BEATRICE Samuel Latshaw. an unmar ried man 40 years of ae, who has resided about six miles southwest of Cortland for a long time, was adjudged Insane yester day ana taken to the asylum by Sheriff, Trude. GENEVA The Enterprise Printing com pany has purchased the Fillmore County Press, edited by Fred 8. Davis. Mr. Davis nas Deen in Arkansas, where he bought a large tract of lund, and will move there at once. . COOK Miss Mvrtle Smith and Ra Phillips, popular young people of this com munity, were married Sunday nt the home of the brlde'a parents, Mr. and Mr.- Vol smitn. four and a half miles southeast of here. ALBION M. B. Thome-son. nrcsldent of the Albion National bank, who wus stricken with paralysis and whose life has been despaired of by his friends. Is Improving and hopea are now entertained for his recovery. NEBRASKA CITY-S. W. Trail, a re tired business man, died Monday morning at his home in this city as a result of a paralytic stroke, tie was in business in this city for many years. He leaves a wife and three grown children. MINDEN The no license people nomi nated the following ticket: For muvor, I A. Dasher; for clerk, G. H. Weniier; for treasurer, Elmer Ted wall; for council men. North ward. James Cadwell and A G. Bloomtlcld; South ward, W. B. Nlchol. TABLE ROCK Two or three Table Rock nlmrod8 who went down the road some fifty miles to Lake Bigelow, Mo., to enjoy an outing and shoot ducks are reported to have run up against the game laws of Missouri, for which they are held to answer. MADISON The high school held its annual declamatory contest this evening. The contestants were Misses Martha Gilt ner. Belle Gillespie and Clulre Fichter. Miss Giltner was the victor and will repre sent Madison at the district contest at Norfolk. MADISON At the citizens' convention tonight C. 8. Smith was nominated mayor for the fourth term and Dirk Boe and John Horst were nominated for the council. Jack Horsham and O. H. Gillespie wero nominated for members of the Board of Education. MADISON Mrs. J. H. Rlnlclus was burled here today. Deceased was the wife of one of Madison's early settlers and was nearly 70 years old at the time of her death, which was caused by a paralytic stroke that deprived her of the power to speak or swallow. COLL'MBl'S Dr. W. H. Slater, who had been in Kansas City taking a post-graduate course In veterinary, came .home quite sick and has been confined to his home under the doctor's care ever since. His class graduated and the doctor received his degree in abstentla. STELLA Mrs. R. J. McMullen of Tarklo. Mo., who Is visiting her son. A. R. Mc Mullen, a few miles east of here, while going down stairs tripped and fell to the bottom. It was not though she was seri ously hurt at the time, but later a physi cian found two ribs fractured. 6IIELTON The heaviest snow which has ever laid on the ground at this season of the year is now evenly distributed over this section. Twelve Incnes fell in six days of the last eight and sleighing Is first -clan. Should this melt soon fanning will not be able to commence before April 1, COOK John E. Hall, one of the oldest settlers In this county, passed away on March 19 at his home four miles southeast of here, aged 81 years. He came to Ne braska and settled on his homestead near here Just after the close of the civil war. He leaves a wife and eight children. TABLE ROCK H. C. Stutheli, a German farmer, who has lived for forty years on his farm ten miles northeast of here. In the edge of Nemaha county, and who was sent to the hospital for the insane several months ago, where he died Sunday, was lirought home yesterday and the funeral will be held at tho German church neai his old home tomorrow. FI'LLERTON The anti-liccne people held a caucus last evening and placed in the field the following candidates: For mayor. W. H. Davis; for clerk. H. M. Kellogg; for treasurer, David Stephenson; for councllmen. First waul. W. J. McCay; Second ward. Robert A. Mtiwhiney; Third ward, for two years. G. F. Robinson; for one year, Arthur Ileaman. STELLA The anti-license people nomi nated the following ticket: W. H. Hogrefe H. C. Fankell, 8. II. Bailey an,t j. w. Vaught. The IiIkIi license party nonunated tne following: n. a. Liiirn. j. M Good- le, Clyde HaskiiiM and 8ld Tlmerman. but Mr. Goodloe and Mr Haskins refused 10 allow their names to 1 placed on the ticket and the vacancies will have to be tilled by petition. f'V1' 81.?,-I'ocal,y ,he. '"'PresKion pre- vailed that Platte county hud leen setiled o long ago thut the proving no on home- steads waa a thing of the past, bit lo1ay before the clerk of the district .-ourt Abr.i- bam V . Ijirilft unri tVunLi I4,i.r.ri ineir nnai priois on lioinetiteadM in range 1. and us each of them HxwlBted the other they must have settled their homes alKiiit the same time. BEATRK'K Judge Hailett of this cltv, who recently made a trip to Washington. D. C, in the interest of the paid-out set tlers on the Otoe and Miiutourl Indian lands In thl county, received word yester- Iriay from Washington that the commit tee of congress having the consideration of the bill for the relief of the settler J had recommended it pasaag. Th bill Is one which Interests every purchaser of Indian lands In the. south psrt. of the county who paid out on his purchase, ami It Is hoped by those Interested that It will pass tlie house and le approved by the senate. ( P.KATRICK Word has Wn received here that Marry (launder, a son of Mr. ami Mrs. A. V. H Saunders, former residents of Beatrice who are now living at Fort Morgan, Colo, was recently killed In a I wreck near Brush, Colo. He was a flre- man on the Burlington, with a run between nd Alliance, and was to have been married next June. He was born in liea:- "p ami was j years 01 age. "HELTON Charles H 8mlth, an old Monjy morning after a week s IM- ness. One week ago he was stricken with appoplexy and gradually weakened until lilt; vim team-. 11- imp ivi ninny ,rniR ut-ru it contractor and builder here and was prominent In lodge work and Grand Army affairs. He was T1 years old and leaves a widow and married children. NEBRASKA CITY-Pnst D, Travelers Protective association, has elected these officers: President L. P. I'tterhack; vice president, A. P. Stafford; secretary and treasurer. K. M. Chase; directors, John W . Stelnhart. William Blschorf, jr., L. P. I'tterhack. A. N. Oerecke, H. O. Rice; delcirates to state convention. A. J. Ilsle, W. A. Hughey, John (Jolden. W. H. Penn. A. P. Stafford: delegate to national conven tion, John Golden. ALBION As a result of the Indictments recently found by the grand Jury lines to the amount of 12.500 have leen assessed and either paid or secured. These are all for violations of the state liquor law, ami four parties Indicted, with an aggregate of about thirty counts have not yet been tried. This does not Include several parties against whom Indictments have been found who have disappeared since the convening of (he grahd Jury. Not less than WW will be recovered by way of penalties. The city has also begun action against fho various defendants for violations of the city ordinances, setting out the same sales upon which the parties were fined in the district court. GENEVA Two caucuses were held Mon day night to nominate municipal officers and two members for the Board of Educa tion. The citizens' party, for high license, nominated the following: For mayor. A. H. Steven: for councllmen. First waid. V. I Arenschild; Second ward, M. Propst; Third ward. Fred Camp; for clerk, H. P. vnson; lor treasurer, w. B. Huston; for members of board, J. H. Pager and J. II. Heath. The people's party, opposed to saloons, nominated as follows: For mavor. 1'eter loungers; for councllmen. First ward, William Benson; Second ward, W. M. Dlnneen; Third ward, Willis Davis; for clerk. A. D. Curtlss; for treasurer, J. R. Mc Peck; for board, J. H. Heath and J. 11. Sager. BEATRICE The official program for the Southwestern Nebraska Educational asso ciation, which holds Its annual meeting In Beatrice April 4-6. has Just been Is sued. The meeting will open Wednesday evening at the Paddock opera house with a debate between the schools of Pawnee City, Falrbury, Falls City. Humboldt, Wit her, Wymore, Beatrice and Nebraska City, and close with an impersonation, "A Christmas Carol," by Montavtlle Flowers. Addresses will be delivered during the ses sion by prominent educators of the state. The officers of the association are Sup erintendent C. A. Fulmer, Beatrice, presi dent; W. H. Plllsbury. Falls City, vie president: Rose B. Clark, Friend, secretary; R. I Hoff, Humboldt, treasurer. PLATTSMOUTH The republican city convention In this city last evening, was the most harmonious and enthusiastic of any held here for years. H. N. Dovey, cashier of the First National bank, was made chairman, and W. L. Picket, secre tary. The first ballot showed that each of the five wards had cast their full vote for Judge W. H. Newell for mayor. The other nominations were unanimously made. Police Judge, William Weber; clerk, Em mons Rlchey; members of the school boatd. Dr. C. A. Marshall and H. N. Dovey; coun cllmen. Henry Schunts, Cyril Janda, F. H. Stelmker and R. H. Putton. City Treasurer R. W. Clement, a democrat, having given entire satisfaction, no one was named to make the race against hi in. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair and Warmer Today In Ne braska, Iowa, "oath Dakota and Kaaaaa. WASHINGTON. March M.-Forecat of the weather for Wednesday and Thursday; For Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Kan saa ana Missouri fair and warmer Wednesday. Thursday, 'ialr. Local Heord OFFICE OF THE WFATHBR RCRF.ATT OMAHA, March 20. Official record of tem perature ana precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 190&. 1904. 1903 Maximum temperature .. 32 39 42 84 Minimum temperature ... 4 32 28 16 Mean temperature 18 3t 35 Precipitation 00 .01 .08 .00 Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March 1 ana comparison witn tne lost two years: Normal temperature 31 Deficiency for the day 1 Total excess since March 1 164 Normal precipitation 06 Inch Deficiency for the day 05 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 1.27 Inches Excess since March 1 44 Inch Deficiency cor. period, 1906 18 Inch Deficiency cor. period, 1904 28 Inch Reports from Statlona at T P. M. Station and State Temp. Max. Raln- ot weatner. 7 p. m. Temp. fall. Bismarck, cloudy Cheyenne, partly cloudy.. Chicago, clear Davenport, clear Denver, partly cloudy.... Havre, clear Helena, clear Huron, clear Kansas City, clear North Platte, clear Omaha, clear Rapid City, clear St. Louis, clear St. Paul, partly cloudy... Salt Lake City, cloudy... Valentine, clear Wllllston. cloudy 32 32 .00 32 36 .IJ0 24 26 .00 26 28 .00 40 44 .00 32 3 .00 40 42 . 00 32 34 .00 36 38 .00 30 34 .00 29 32 .00 30 40 .00 30 32 .00 32 36 .00 48 52 .00 32 36 .00 28 28 .00 L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster STRANGE FACTS. It seem strange that sometime your tomach or bowel won't digest your food, no matter what you eat. It may be the weather or it may be Just the state o'f your general health, but in any case, there i only one certain, safe and positive method of cure, and that is the proper use of that unlversul remedy for all form of dyspeptic trouble or dilu tive weakness, whether In stomach, liver, kidney or bowels Stuart Dyspepsia Tab lets. v Strange, It Is, that in such little tablet to be taken a few time a day, may Ho such wondrous potential possibilities, that by their use the course of a man's whole life yea, of the world may be changed! Yet, who would not appreciate the fact that If Napoleon had not been Buffering from Cancer of the Stomach he would have won instead of lost at Waterloo? And Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets would have cured this Stomach Trouble had they then been Invented, as they 'have cured thousand of other In the past ten years, who have suffered Just as Napoleon did. So you can readily appreciate that today, by cuilng all theao people, Stuart Dys pepsia 'tablets is helping to get the woriu work done, by people who would uo woiw work if Uuy were sick, w they must be having a great Influence, in a quiet way, on the world progress. Tlity may, thereioie, be classed a one of the triumph of science, amongst other discoveries, in medicine, mechuhics, trans portation, etc. Let this, then, remain in your memory, a i&ct upon which to act when occasion I require. hen any organ in your vast digestive -... ,. , , ,.,... ' " I 'our t venti r command one of the greatest In- ions of the age, in Stuart liysoensla I Tablets, to put your machinery in order ! , i " By o doing you will save mucii useless ! friction, add to the energy unrl w..lki.. possibillUe of your bodily machine, and relieve yourself from suffering, disease, weakness, premature old age and death. All this is strictly In accordance with the must modern teachings of the best scientific school of health, hygiene ntjd medicine, and it will be to your advantage to lay these fact to heart. Don't hesitate. Try Sluart'a Dyspepsia Tablets today. INCREASE PAY OF CARRIERS Burkett Em -Bill Which Would Give Lincoln Men More Fay. BETTER MAIL SERVICE TO FAIRBURY Rnslness Men of that Tlare and Omaha tree It oa Department Throaah Congressmen Ken nedy and lllnsharr. (From a Rtaff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. March . (Special TM- egram.) Senator Burkett today Introduced a bill In the senate to amend the Vnlted States statutes relating to the classification and compensation of letter-carriers In cities. Mr. Burkett's amendment reads an follows: There may be in sll cities which contsln a population of 4o,i or more three clases of letter carriers, as follows: Carriers of Mist class, whose salaries shall be M.vi per annum: of second class, whose salar'-s shall be h0O per annum, and third class, whose salaries shall be $600 per annum. In places containing a population of less than 40.000 there may be two classes of letter carriers, as follows: Carriers of second class, whose salaries shall be tM per annum, and of third class, whose sal aries shall be $600 per annum. The law as It stands now, provides that In cities of 76.000 or more population three classes of letter carriers may be employed, as follows: Carriers of first class at ll.ooo. of second class at $S0O and of the third class, $600 per annum. The present law also provides that In cities of less than 75.000 population only two classes of letter carriers shall be employed; carriers of the second class, at $850, and carriers of thirl class at $600 per annum. The effect of this legislation will be to change the classification and thereby ralso the salaries of carriers In cities of more than 40,000 and less than ?u,000 Inhabitant. Better Mall Service Wanted. Representatives Kennedy and Hinshaw had a conference today with the second as sistant postmaster general and Captain White, chief of the railway mall service, looking to better mail service between Omaha and Falrbury, which Is on the Rock Island railroad. The business men of both Omaha and Falrbury complain of Inade quate service on the afternoon trains out of Omaha and on corresponding other morning service from Falrbury to Omaha. The Commercial club of Omaha and the bankers of that city have wired Mr. Kennedy as well as Mr. ITinshaw particulars In rela tion to the trains which now carry closed mall pouches from Omaha through Falr bury, and they are asking that space be set apart In these mall car for local mes senger service. Assistant Postmaster Gen eral Shallenberger and Captain White were not acquainted with the conditions existing between Omaha and Falrbury on the Rock Island, but Informed the congressmen the matter would be taken up with the proper officials with a view of meeting the desires of the business Interests. Minor Matter nt Capital. Congressman Pollard called at the Post office department today for the purpose of ascertaining the reason for the delay In the Issuance of the commission of George Relcher as assistant postmaster at Falls City. He wa Informed the delay was due to the postmaster in making out Mr. Reich- er's bond; that Just a soon aa 'the bond waa properly executed the commission would Issue. Ralph Connell of New Mexico, son of W. J. Connell of Omaha, Is In Washington In connection with matter pertaining to the ndlan ervlce with which he Is connected. Rural carriers appointed: Iowa Belle vue, route 4, Albert Bohrer, carrier; Henry Gerlach, substitute. Miles, route 2, Charles Carter, carrier: Frank Carter, substitute. South Dakota Fairfax, route 1, Mark Mur phy, carrier; John Murphy, substitute. Rural route No. 6 has been ordered estab lished May 1 at Hamburg, Fremont county, la., serving 500 people and 100 houses. Nebraska postmasters appointed: Fort Niobrara, Cherry county, William H. Boyer, Jj O. Vincent, resigned; Louisville, Cass county, Wilfred C. Dorsey, vice G. W. May field, resigned. RULE ON STATEHOOD BILL evr Flan of Handling Measure to Prevent ft from Going to Committee. .WASHINGTON, March 20.-The state hood bill will be taken up In the house tomorrow under the protection of a spe cial rule, the adoption of which will lie tho necessary step on the part of the houso to get the bill Into the hands of the con ference committee of the senate and house. Forty minutes' debate will be divided be tween the friends and opponents of the rule, when a vote will be taken. The special rule Is declared to be the only way the bill can be taken from the speak er's table, as otherwise It would have to go to tho commltee on territories, because of the senate amendment making a different disposition of certain government property than was contemplated by the house bill. If this amendment hod not been mado a motion to concur In the senate amendment would have been In order, a taking prece dence over a motion to disagree. However, the advocate of the house bill see a tactical advantage In the special rule, a some members who were Inclined to sup port a motion to concur with the senate will not be Inclined to oppose a rule direct from the speaker' room. A meeting of the republican "insurgent" I contem plated. Their leaders say the rule prob ably will be adopted, but that while they have no real objection to (ending the bill to conference, they will vote against the rule, aa they consider It constructive in In struction to the house conferees that they are not to report unless they can reach an agreement in accordance with the house bill. They predict that the vote tomorrow will be the last one In which the "regu lars'' can hold their strength and that If a report comes In Arlsona and New Mexico will be eliminated from the bill. Thirty "Insurgent" republicans met In Representative Babcock's committee room today and agreed to stand together In op position to Speaker Cannon' plan to send the statehood bill to conference. The "ln urgenta" say they favor sending the bill, as amended by the senate, to a conference, but will not support any rule to hut off debate and prevent the house from In structing its member of the conference aa to how to vote. Representatives liabcock, Mondell and other leaders In the Insur gent faction Insist that the speaker plan will railroad the bill to the conference In such a way that the house members of the conference must Insist on the bill prac tically aa it was framed and passed by the house. HYMENEAL ;rabaiu-anke . KEARNEY, Neb.. March 20 (Special Tel egram.) A pleasant wedding occurred at the purscinsge of the Methodist church of this city last night. The contracting parties were Miss Birdie I). Sunkey and William E. Graham, both of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Graham are Buffalo county people, having lived here from childhood. They will make their future home in the Alberta country, northweat Canada. They will Join a com pany of farmer from near Shelton who have settled there and taken up homestead. Jim Key is coming. A TRAINED NURSE After Years of Experience. Advises Women la Regard to Their Health. Mrs. Martha Tohlman of 65 Chester Avenue, Newark, N. J., who in a praduate Nurse from the Rlockley Training School, at riiiladelphlv and for f.x years Chief Clinio Nurse at the Philadelphia Hospital, vrite8 the letter printed below. the has the advantage of poraonal experience, beRides her professional i education, and what she has to say may be absolutely relied tipon. Many other women are afflicted as she was. They ran regain health in the same way. It is prudent to heed such advice from such a source. Mrs. Pohlman writes: " I am firmly persuaded, after eight years of experience with Lvdia E. Pinkbams Vegetable Compound, that it is the safest and best medicine for any suffering woman to use." " Immediately after my marriage I found that my health began to fail me. I be raine weak and pale, with severe bearing-down pains, fearful backache and fre quent dizzy spells. The doctors prescribed for me, yet I did not improve. I would bloat after eating, and frequently become nauseate I. 1 bail pains down through my limb go I could hardly walk. It wa a bad a case of female trouble a I hav ever known. Lydla E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, however, cured me within four months. Since that time I have had occasion to recommend it to a numlier of patients suffering from all form of female difficulties, and I find that while it is considered unprofessional to rec ommend a patent medicine, I can honestly recommend Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,- for I have found that it cures female ills, where all ot her medicine fails, It Is a grand medicine for sick women." Money cannot buy such testimony as this merit alo le ran produce such re sults, and the ablest specialists now agree that Lydia K. Pinkham'a Vege table Compound is the most univer sally successful remedy for all female diseases known to medicine. When women are troubled with Ir regular, suppressed or painful periods, weakness, displacement or ulceration of the female organs, that bearing down feeling, inflammation, backache, bloating (or flatulence), general debili ty, indigestion, and nervous prostra tion, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, fain tness, lassitude, excita- Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where Others Fall. MERCHANT OUT OF EXCHANGE Resists aa Secretary and Will Ee Believed April First. SUCCESSOR HAS NOT YET BEEN SELECTED- Action No Surprise, a It Wa Anticipated Director Will Re Deliberate in Mam Ins; New Man. Secretary Merchant of the Omaha Grain exchange has resigned his position and will be relieved April 1. The board of directors of the exchange accepted his resignation at a meeting Monday, tho minutes of which read thus: The resignation of A. H. Merchant as secretary of the exchange was presented by the president, and after due and care ful consideration tho following resolution was offered by Mr. Kirkeudall, seconded b Mr. timith, and, on motion, was adopted by unanimous vote: "Resolved. That the board of directors reluctantly accept the reslKnatioit)f A. 11. Merchant as secretary, with the under standing that he will remain In the service of the exchange for a reasonable time, until his place can be -filled. Resolved That in accepting this resigna tion wo express our appreciation of the valuable and efficient services of Mr. Mer chant as secretaiy; that through Ills ex perience and efficient services much of the success of this exchange lias been accom plished: that we express the hope that his future employment may be congenial and profitable, and exceedingly regret the neces TIIE MEN'S TRUE SPECIALISTS. Longest KMatiliwIiod, Must (Successful and Reliable Specialists, as Medi cal Diplomas, Licenses and Newspaper Iteeords (Show. THERE are thousands of men whose minds are weak and Impaired, and whose bodies are unsound and diseased. They suffer from the follies aid excesses of youth, which weaken their physical, mental and sexual powers. They are weak, nervous, tired, dixsy, languid, despondent, absent minded; have weak, aching back, palpitation of the heart, capricious appetite -frightful dreams, a constant fear of Intending danger, night losses and day drains, which unfits them for work, study, business or marriage. Other are suffering from private diseases, such as Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture, Varico cele, Enlarged Prostate or Blood Poison (Syphlll). Are you one of these men? Are you staggering under the burden of a secret weakness, which Is a slow but sure drain on your strength and vitality? In your present condition are you tit to hold a responsible position? Can anybody rely on you or can you rely on yourself? Is your body almost wrecked and your brain In a whirl? It Is terrible to le In this condition, but it is still worse to allow It to progress and U come more aggravated, fur It will then fill your, whole tife with falluie, mlaery and woe. There are thousands of ruined and ; chec lesH hollies, filled witu dlhcontent and unhappinesa. lacking In love and companionHhip through the sexual vu-akness and phyxlcal Impairment of men whoxe years do not Justify such a condition. We have gladdened the heart of thousands of young and middle-aged men who were plunging toward the grave, restoring them to perfect specimens of physical manhood, full of vim. vigor and vitality. 1 1 We Cure riafely and Thoroughly ' Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, - and all diseases and wraknesKes of men due to Inheritance, evil habit, ex- . cesses, self-abuse or the result of .mclne or private diseases. We make 110 misleading statement, deceptive or unbusinesslike ' propositions to the afflicted, neither do we promise to cure them In few days nor offer rhi'MP, worthless treatment In order to secure their patronage.. Honest doctors of recognized ability do not resort to such methods. cYe guarantee a perfect, safe and lasting cure. In the quickest possible lime, without leaving Injurious after effects In the system, and at the lowest cost possible for honest, skillful ami successful treatment, enCC Consultation If you cannot call write for symptom blank. r - sua fcaamlnatloa Office Hours, m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, lu to 1 only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Famam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. ;'-t-.. AVartba -i v O bility, irritability, nervousness, sleep, lessness, melancholy, "all-gone " and " want-to-be-left-alone"' feeling, bluea and hopelessness, they should remem ber there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound at once removes such troubles. No other female medicine in the world has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. ' The needless suffering of women frora diseases peculiar to their Sex la terrible to see. The money which, they pay to duetcwi who do not help them, ia an enormous waste. The pain is cured and the money is saved by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It is well for women who are ill to write Mrs. Pinkhain. at Lynn, Mass. The present Mrs. Pinkham is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham, her assistant for many years before her ' decease, and for twenty - five years since her advice has been freely given to sick women. In her great experi ence, which covers many years, she has probably had to deal with dozens of cases just like yours. Her advica 1. . 1 : .1 1 .. 11 ) .1 1 is strictly confidential. sity, for business reasons, of severing his connection with the exchange." (Signed! . W. WATTLES, President. .ot Much of a Surprise. The action of Mr. Merchant was not a surprise to a majority of the member of the exchange, nor men In touch Willi K. It had been anticipated and was even known positively by some before !t was officially announced. He came to the exchange in December of 19tB and the exchange began active operations In February of the next year. ' ' ' Mr. Merchant stated that he and W. Jj Morphy, formerly assistant' secretary of the exchange, now secretary of tha Taylor Mountain Mining company, would organise the Omaha Venture company, a concern whose object will .be to buy and develop mining properties." The company, will have ' offices In the Bee building. In this connection, Mr, Merchant said a mining exchange waa a possibility and a probability for Omaha. No successor to Mr. Merchant has been chosen. Vice President S. A. McWhortor suld several men had been mentioned for the position, but the board had taken no action looking toward a selection of a new secretary.J In order to avoid friction and come us near a possible satisfying till elements time will be taken for the selection of the man. A Miraculous Kscape from bleeding - to death, had A. Plnska, Nashotah, Wis., who healed hlj wound with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. ' 2So. For salo by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. WATCHES Frenxer, 15th and Dodge. for .EU.EE1 niN