Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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Oflle. 10 Foart
Westerdahl Elected President and Names
. . . . , the 8tandin Committees.
Superintendent Clifford m4 Principal
rhomm of the High school Are
Rnth Re-F,lectea for An
other Tear.
n lie reorganisation of the llounl of
Kllul-gUnn lint night Emmet Tlnley and O.
A. Schoedsark. the newly eleeterl tnmbfrl,
t'Xk their seat, Tlnley succeeding himself
.ind ScbOedsark taking the neat vacated
ly W. .B. McConnell. ,
According tr a circular explaining- the
new sc'hool law received yr-sterdaj-. by
farrrtary Roes from Stat Superintendent
Rlgg, the term" of members of the board
ra not affected but the . newly
elected school treasurer, O. H.. Davis, will
not 'assume ' the office until July 1 and
Treasurer II. 0. McOee will continue an
:utodJan. of the school funda until that
late: Davis term will' they not expire
untti ' 1, 19W. Thla change was made
In order to make the fiscal year conform
with th school year.
l noer ma new taw-rne enumeration or
Kchool census will be made In June of each
year, Instead of In September, and taxes
will be certified to between July 1 and the
, fourth .Monday In August, Instead of be
;tft.n the third Monday In March and the
?ourth '.Man day In ."May. Tjio v -r : ary
M1 ba Fleeted on July 1.
,' ' Ifw Bml tnr Treasurer.
Treasurer Mcftec --furniNherl n new tumii
vli the-'sum of 75,fl0 for his extended term
.of.hree months. his auretles being E. E.
-Hart, T. ' O. Turner; C. O. Rs under n and E.
,A.; A'Wham, Tt was decided that O. S.
; 'pavhv, -the neirry' elated- treasurer, a.1-
'-tnouglv it 'would not assume his ome
j ... . . . . .
riinii .nu.v i, Fnouja qunnry witnin ten nays
ih. kA.M Will ....A. 1.Aa,4.. ikt .
-ririv wm, si wnicn time xnr. uavm aaia
ho would present his bond, which also will
vt la . the. rum of tlh,(m. - .-
!'The canvass of the Vote cast at the school
'election' last week showed the returna a
Already published to be correct and Emmet
flnley and O. A." fjclioedsack took their
Meats'. , . - v
!3. V. Westerduhl was etco.ted president
Tiy HVe Votes oilt of the seven, one going to
1.f P.-Mess, the retiring president, and one
jTiJ T. j. Shugsrf. The oath of office was
Vidnilnlatered to President , Westordahl by
Member Tinier'.- I-
, President Westerdahl announced the fol
. lowing standing committees for the ensu
ing year! '
, .Teachers and Rules Hess and Hhiiearf.
Finance and .Accounts Cooper and Tln-
Buildings and GroundsAnderson and
Jahltors' and Rupplles-Shugnrt and An-
lerson.- - -
TextBooks and Course of Studv Tlnlev
't.'rl JlcM. -
'Fuel (MvV ttealihg Schoejsaik f'and
(llffurn and Thomas H-Klertd.
Orj notlon'pf'lltember Hess W. N. Clif
ford was re-efocterl fupertntnndent for, the
Mnmiing year, and S. 'I. Thorn -as-re-Jprtml)
of thwTitgh'si-tiool? It fiss
oles oustwmairy for several yitr.. to elect
.-irixe two officers at the March iviuetlnd of
Mi.oard..; ; f,( ,. " ;
MHsg "Trow M elected' to till the vai-uncy
In the faculty (t 4he . 'NYaithlngton Avenue
-hoil. caused by the resignation of Miss
Woy Frank'. ,nnd Miss Crow's salary was
(Wyd t K0 it month.' "
'e ;TIet committee on buildings and grounds
was Instruoled tn prepare plana and speci
fications and secure-Ndi for the raining of
theNottb,.Elghtli.fitreet nclauot "nd.lfar tli
,'onatruetlon of a, hallway and the erection
f a two-room addition at the Twentieth
'".Vvenue school Chairman" Anaersfrrr estl
(iaed Jit woiOd "k ahuut lo.BOO for the
nralting of he. North Eighrh street building
'Wnd abeuf 3,ftW' tot the proposed Improve
ment at the Twentieth Avenue school.- '
' The' tepVirt 'of Tf'iunt Ofllcer Herner
showed. that, durUm the pat month he had
tpald fy visits to' famllUK. forty-two to
schools anil- had returned six' truants to
schools. .. f y , ,
f The- repcir'i qf Si'iiiei'lntea'Jent Clifford fee
i ; the .; most: concen
trated fonnof beef
goodness for sick
i room, .and kitchen
. W.MU5T hare THIS signaiur.
ktae. or It's not r,'il
Ilat -Comparison
Good Hat
Better Hat
Gordon Hat;
; . :; ; ; 3.oo
Every Vcman
hlUUneUd Sn4 should knew
MOtVCL Hhirl na Sarav
Mo4 rureirot.
tMlMT, but MtHl fiAMIB fltf
awav attrLBj mo
llUlanfelexi baMar - 1 - t aataa -
. full trtcul4vr and 'Inwitor t lu-
. . .Cfcaw sVilr
. iMh and Dodge fcta.
' rnca music lbuoni
wtth each giaae no 14
lne aiaaaa far
tut da. Tweaty-flve.
makes ef glane te
ereB rroa. TWrena
tie eat aad c
Ver month.
fcy-h metier Mueller',
ifunm ruwfTa, la
- 'Phone kaV
.let ttieaSj.sjr.
''XfS. '
8t. Tel. 4.
the sixth month of school, ending February
-1. gave thene statistics:
Boys. Oirlfi. Total.
Fntlre enrollment 2. MS TI
Monthly enrollment ..:i:,.t.1M 2.60 S.'rtl
Averse dally attendance 4.W7.11
Per cent of attendance
Number cases of tnrriine ms
Number neither alent nor tardy 3.St'T
o actio ttn ArPKopni tio
Coaaell Adjvaraa to March 2T
W hen
It Will lie tnnaldered.
The city council last night postpone I
action on the appropriation ordinance until
Tuesday night, March 27. It was stated
that the ordinance had not been completed.
The ordinance requiting the Great West
ern railroad to construct and maintain u
viaduct at the Woodbury avenue crossing
also went over at- the request of State Sena
tor- Saunders, local attorney for' the rati
road. A number of residents from the
Woodbury' avenue' vicinity, wcie lit atteud
ance. , expecting that , the council would
finally- take some action In this long de
serted matter, but they yrt-re, disappointed
as they had been on numerous e previous
occasions. " '
Charles L. Claar wag reupioii)ted a mer
chant police and his bond In the sum of
tl.nno with John Reno an surety was ap
proved. .
The following applications to conduct
saloons were referred to the chief of police:
Alexander Loftman West Broudway; J
Miller Brewing company, 5-3 eoutn Mam
street; C. Oeise & Son. Frank and Broad
way. .-
A communicatiun from the Commercial
club stated that the Von Dorn Elevator
company had complied with the requlfe
menti demanded by the council and had
completed the purchase of the property
abutting the part of the street proposed vacated In It fa,vor by the city.., The
acceptance of the -vaaction ordinance and
the conditions therein Imposed by the Von
Dorn company was received and ordered
filed. ' ' ' r- .I'
Mrs. P. C. Windsor asked that her claim
for damages by reason of Injuries received
'by fc fall on the sidewalk at Wlllirw avenue
and Eighth street be nettled. No specific
amount was demanded by Mrs. Windsor
and the claim was turned over to the
Judiciary committee and the city solicitor.
Rosenf eldt . Rrotbers asked permission .to
extend their store' windows eighteen Inches
over the sidewalk. The request was re
frred to the committee of the whole.
After transacting some minor roti lne busi
ness the council adjourned, the democratic
members, all of whom' are" candidates for
re-election, repairing to the-ofllce of - Mayor j
Macrae where a political caucus was held.
Faf a oIcm; Sal.' "
I will offer the flve-reomed house und lot
at IMS Avenue A for one week at $S50. Kew
house; city water. , Easy terms. No better
Investment In Council Bluffs, Make a (lne
home. -Wallaoe Benjamin, room 1. First Na
tional bank,. I write fire insurance. Office
"phone, S0!t; residence, 'phone. Black H44,
' Let' us help you remember your Hear,
departed mother, lather, sister. or brother
by putting a alee- monument, on tbetr
grave a 'monument that will stand the
elements of time, ont; that will beautify
and be a . lasting remembrance to . their
good--deeds nw past, but. not forgotten.
Wf can make almost any design you wish,
from, the different 'marbleor stone taken
front- the- best quarries In the. world 'Rut,
land blue,1 Florence or Italian pure white,
Vermont JUttsford- wh'tu, . vartgatfd blue
or black white, with beautiful rustle de
signs, handsomely Traced and highly pol
ished by hand, leaving no flaws to face the
elements. Our prlcea are -always reason
able. Sheeley A. Lane, Marble and Granite
Works. 217 East Broadway. '
Don't forget opening week at W. 8. Hew
et son's. Masonic Temple, Fourth and
Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. Wall paper.
Jo "per roll and up. Muralite.-for wall tint
ing, 40c pr package. Pictures, art goods
and framing, While our present stock of
picture molding lasts. 83' per cent .oft.
Work done artistically and guaranteed.
F.stlmates given on home decorations. D.
F. Oaylord, manager. ; .
..Clifton-Walker- Co,.: hava . recently closed
tha sal of 'number tit Bropet-ttes. which
reduces their list. They have a larga
number of other clients wno .wisiu io ui
est; Perhaps your aroperty Is just what
they ant. Better place it with them for
eulok action. . '
'';Real Rstate Traaalera. '"
'.These transfers Were reported to The
Bee March 18 tiv the Title Guaranty and
Trust company .of Cpu'ncll . Bluffs': ' '
W. C Dickey to Estate of F. H.
- Everham, lot 13. block 8. Caeaady'a
addition to Courtcll Bluffs, la.. '
w. d.. . $J,'-M0
Willis H. Kimball and wife to James
SiiuS, s4f feet of lot 14, subdivision
or. lot 74. original plul of Council '
Bluffs. la., w. d I.0M)
Mae Mayherry and husbajid .to Stuart
Ratliff, lota 1 and 2. block . Wright s
addition to Council Bluffs, la..
w. U ()
Heirs of Christina Bock to C W.
Bernhaidt. lot t, block 2. Stutsman's
Second addition' te Council Bluffs,
la., w. d... ...... v.- .... i )
August Bock and wife to t). W. Bern- .
hardl. lot . block 12, Stutsman's
Second addition tu Council Bluffs, la.,
' w. d
Des Molne Elevator company to Cen
tennial Mill company, part or lot 13.
block , Avix-n, li... 14. c. d
Six truufcrs...UUl..
Mothers! . .
Mothers, do- not use 'all your strength In
carrying "your baby around, when com
fortable foltMng.and raclliilng go-onrts can
be had at our special sale tor fcl.78 and 'up.
Keller-Farnsworth Fur. Co. ''
Swanson Music coiniwuy, new lucailun,
4i7 Broudway. We sell pianos in our reg
ular businesslike .way.. No new schemes;
no certificate. Prices right; gooda Ke
liaUe. Terms, from $i to $10 per month.
We have splendid storage room for pianos.
Will not need to be boxed. Tuning and
repairing a. specialty. -
Prices too low to Ipentlon.' on . uur uew
stock of " carpets.-large and- smsH alae
ruga.- linoleum, oil cloth, mattings, window
shades, lace and tapestry curtains, go
carts., and our entire new. stock bf furni
ture. Come in and let us show you how
cheap we sell. D. -W. Keller. 103 South
Mala. , . , : .
v . , Fas Sale-
New dwelling near new High school C
N umber of new dwellings for sale.
Beautiful lot on Olen avenue, $1,00.
Insure your house and furniture with me.
Tel. tU. Chaa. T. Officer. 4 W Broadway.
Geo. A. Hoagland lia Jus( received a. car
toad of the famous Amaton Rubber roofing
and will make you very attractive prices
n large or small quantities. Now is the
time to get yuur roofs lu shuive before the
heavy spring rains. ,
Ha re a. Term at oer Tedsr.
The March term uf the diimlcl.cou) I will
let convened this morning by Judge
Wheeler. The grand Jury, however,- -will
not be impMueli'd until May 1. a that body
recently In adjourned session cU-sued up all
Ui criminal buslneee for' the (inihehk
"-- e - "
The trial jury h:m n sununom-d for
An il .
- The licaill.c In the fH-elverslilp unit of
,E. P. Wowlrlng xgulnst Hairy P. St-hmldt
1ia been algmd for today, hut may be
'postponed njiiln on hoouiu of flic illness
of Hchmidl. . .
. , Jgnlto Mantles.
liafy as electricity! liulf the price. Jut
turn on the gas. Icnitu inantlea liglit
themselves. For sale at W. A. Maurer's.
"MuAtee for good ttilug to eiit."' He!t
goods, best prices, fairest prices; prompt
and careful delivery; and If you want tha
best bakery goods served
we inike them.
your table, ,
Ten-cent store in Council Hluffs. la.,
$I.S. To exchange for house and lot ir
aa part payment on a small farm or wild
land. See me.
Houses and lots on monthly payments.
Bargains, all parts of city.
Real Estate, Insurance and Loans, 7 Ev
erett Hlock.
Let- Borwlck decoratu your house. Ha
has the best wall paper and paint to do
It with. Bed-rock prices and work guaran
teed. 211 So. Main. Tel. 6S3. Ce'l him up
an,d ask htm about It,
When you need a gocii tool, pocket
knife, rasor or pair of scissors or shears
get the Keen Kutter, the only, best. Pad
lock Haivlschy Hardware Co.
The Title Guaranty and Trust company,
abstracters of titles. Rooks date back to
Books axe ah up to date. Work ac
curately and promptly done at lowest
prices. Office opposite court house, 135 Pearl
atreet, Council Bluffs, la.
Jensen tc Nicholson, 238 West Hroadway,
contract for painting. They use pure white
lead and 'linstrd oil. Now is the time to
let them do the work, before the' rush
commences. Tou can get your work done
right if you let them do It.
We van give you the best figures on a
furnace to put " In your new house. We
handle the famous Norfolk Green's fur
nace. Ask the people that use them, they
will tell you what they are. Spencer, im
West Brnadway.
The Snnshlne I'ainl.
Put a. little sunshine paint In your home,
Sold at Swaine A Mauer's, .1.16-338 B'way.
Fine Colorado farm lend, $5 an acre.
Improved ranches. $10 to $20 per acre. One
Improved ranch, four miles from town, $1
per acre. A' big snap. Excursion March
SO. Tare, $10.20. F. C. Lougce, 12t South
Mala street.
" 5
you prefer quality to quantity and
e satisfaction to yourself, get
eonmldt s photos. Always guaranteed to
please. 'Phone 857. 406 Broadway.
pon't forget Easter Is Coming and you
want a new ult. Leave your order early
at Hicks', If you want a nice, up-to-date
one 'Phone Red 7T8. .
I rent sewing machines, 75 cents a week.
I repair all makes of 'machines. Second
hand machines. If, to $1(X 8. M. William
Son, Tel. Red-1167, 17 North Main St.
Many- people are troubled with indiges
tion because the bread they eat Is not
made from Crystal mills Big A flour. Try
It before taking any more dopea .
gTrltenea. . : '
Graves,' JUS Pearl street, carry the Jinest
line of switches in tlio city.; Call and see
them. )
One would almost Imagine from Home ad
vertising that price is the only thing to be
considered in buying a piano and quality
la-' unimportant. A. Hospn company comes
nearest to combining the two and gives
better quality, price for price, than la pos
sible to obtain elsewhere. $.1 South Main
street. Council Bluffs, la.
Ranaway Roy Mivated.
James Flue, a 13-year-old Inmate of the
Christian Home, becoming dissatisfied with
life there, ran away. Since then he has
been 'living with the Koaky family at
isortn Eighth street, but
yesterday Mrs.
are to "keep the
T." 1 . . . J i . . . . . . .
runy ucciiieu sne am not care -to keen
youth any longer and turned him over to
Rev. Henry DeLong, court probation offi
cer, Mrs. Kocky was unaware until after
Rev, Mr! DeLong bad taken charge of the.
V,uth that the boy. was
runaway from
the 'Christian Home, and although the boy
: Eruptions Appeared on Chest, and
Face, and rtak Were All Broken
Out Scales and Crusts Formed
Iowa Lady Has Great Faith
in Cuticura Remedies for Skin
Diseases.. :
"I had an eruption appear on my
ehet and body and extend upwards
and downwards, so that my neck and
face were all broken out ; also my anus
and tha lower liinbg as far aa the knee.
J at first thought it was prickly heat.
But soon scales or trust formed where
the breaking out was. - Instead of going
to ft physician, I purchased ft complete
treatment of the Cuticura, Remedies, In '
which I had great faith, and all wag
satisfactory. A year or two later the
eruption appeared again, only a little
lower; Dai before it had time to spread
I procured another supply of the Cuti
eura Remedies, and continued their use
until the cure was complete. It is now
fire years since the- last -attack, and
have not seen any signs of a return. I
have taken about three bottles of the
Cuticura Resolvent, and do not know
how much of the Boap or Ointment, aa
I always keep them with me; probably
one half dosen of each.
"I decided to give the Cuticura Rem
ftdiee trial after I had seen the results
of their treatment of ecseoift on an
infant belonging to one of our neigh
bors. The parent took the child to the
nearest physician, but his treatment did
too good. 80 they procured the Cuticurs.
Remedies and cured her with thetp.
W hen they began using Cuticura Rem
edies her face was terriUy disfigure. 1
with sore, but she was entirely rured,
for I saw the same child at the age of
five years, and her mother told. mo the
ecsenia had never broken out since. I .
have mere faith in Cuticura Remedies
for skin diseases than anything I know
of. 1 am, respectfully yours, Emma K.
Wilson, liscomb, loss, Oct. 1, 1905."
OaeU EiHfMl m4 liuml TrwosoM tot grf
Suar, flow riinr ! hnhit. frM ifftcj ! Acs,
Mlturi 4 Cult, urt iMf . . Otntiiel, S-,
) torm ol CIum .!( AtW Piiii. 3 9mt via,
1 . n,7 ft k4 m4 til ItuuMl tutr Ml 41 hwt
wui Iru S I ifM Cmi n lii..11uue. Via
ar aiuiWriw u w c ax tu, w,4 Maa
had for six months been living within to
Mocks of the institution the manugment
was unaware- of Ills whereabouts. Toting
Flue wa placed in the Juvenile detention
quartets in the county courthouse ovr
night and h(s tmr will- be brought to the
iittcniion of Judge Wheeler this morning
by Rev. Mr. DLong.
. . , .
It requires the strongest kind of effort
as a rule, aa well as convincing arguments,
to demonstrate the superiority of Wertain
vehicles over others. Jf you will only call
at my repository it will be my aim to pre
sent to you A few facts and nrgiimetitfl
What establish beyond doubt that "Van ure the best.
I Ueuutiful blind woven rugs nimle out of
your old ca-tpets. They are reversible and i
will last ii lifetime. You run no risk; if ;
the rugs are not satisfactory or exactly
in represented we. refund the money, lo
pay for the carpet. Send for free booklet.
Thone 51. Council Bluffs Carpet Clean
ing and Rug Mfg. Co., 34 No. Main 8t.
N. T. Plumbing Co, lei. J50. Night W't.
I'fcvls sells drugs.
Stockert sells carpets.
Kd Rogers' Tony Faust u . . .
Plumbing and heating, Blxby & Sou.
Woodrlng-Schmidt, undertakers. Tel. ti.
Prs. Woodbtry, dentists, 30 Pearl street.
WhlHky bottled in bond. Jarvls, Main St.
Flour at $1.10 per sack. Olen Ave. Gro
cery. iMamonds as an inveatmeiu. Talk to
Lcffert about It.
New shipment of beautiful fanev frames
Just received. C. E Alexander. 333 B way.
For imported wnes, liquors and cham
pagne, Lv Rosetifcld company. ulK Main St.
Jewel court. Tribe of Ben Hur. will meet
this eenlng In the hall in the Brown block.
If you want a nice spring overcoat call
on E. 6. Hicks. I have the correct goods.
An acre of fruit, ith new, modern
bouse. This will not last lung. Cllfron
Walker Co.
If you want your tire Insurance to In
sure have Clifton-Walker, Co. write It In
reliable companies.
For sale at bargain prices, gray team,
harness and truck. Inquire at store. W.
A. Maurer.
A special meeting of ouncil Bluffs lodge
of Elas will be held Friday evening for tho
election of officers.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Thorns. 2S.U
Avenue B. a daughter. Mrs. Thome is at
the Oeneral hospital.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Loomls left yester
day for Iais Angeles, fail., where they may
decide to settle permanently.
Fresh salted almonds, salted peanuts.
Swiss milk caramels. Purity Candy Kitchen,
HQ West Broadway. O. C. Brown.
A marriage license was issued yesterday
to Thornburg Moss., aged , and Mamie
Miller, aged 17, both o Macedonia, la.
When you have your viioea half soled take
them to Sargent's. Have them sewed on
and save 6Uc. Sargent a Model Shoe Shop.
fciood positions are secured by Western
Iowa College students after finishing u
course In bookkeeping, shorthand and type
writing. Council Bluffs corn,' Sc. per dox. - Olen
Ave. Grocery.
The new memorial building at the Chris
tian home, now neartng completion, will be
dedicated with fitting exercises Thursday.
March 2f.
Squire aV Annis, money to loan; cash on
hand, no delay; elty and farm property for
sale on easy terms of payment. Office, 101
Pearl street.
St. Katheriue's gubd of" PI. Paul's
church wH meet this' afternoon at tha
home of Mrs. H If. pooiltilo, 107 South
Seventh street.
Talking about niters. We have the Dav
enport combination cooler and filter. Clear
cold water all the tlmePaddock Handschy
Hardware Co.
The woman's auxiliary of St. Paul's
Episcopal church will- imeet Friday after
noon at the residence of Mrs. T. J. Foley
on South Sixth streeU-
Pa,n ineihig-ltest caah prires
. n ana ""eta's. Council Bluffs
Kl""! B. MainV,,eraan PrPrieter'
Km V.?V'S 'arnier Vwnllmn a $500 barn
hill $1.5 80 you see it is not healthy for
anyone to close a lumber purchase without
getting oor figures. C. Hafer.
E. H Albee. aged 7, of Mcrldan, la., died
hoJW 1 .B- B'rn'-1 - hospital. The
body will be taken to llerlden today. He
is survived by three daughters.
Ixilse B. the 1-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. U B. McCray, 117 Iowa avenue.
? RTTr5arJThe. rlna'"e will be taken
to Red Oak today for interment.
A snap for somebody,, a $3W Ice wagon
for Sim. We haveused it only four months,
is practically new. Brldensteln 4 Smith
coal and wood, 14th Ave. and 6th St.
Missouri oak drv rnrHMH te - jt .
fhellbark hickory. T; Arkansas anthracite'
?v?.?erlatoJ '!? .t.han t'lr,1coa' William
. nuim ju&iii oi. icieptione UX
The hearings by the commissioners for
the insane In the cases of MIps Mary Maher
of this city and B. K. WalHton of Kearney
Neb., were continued yesterday until today.
Council camp, Woodmen of the World
will entertain Its member this evening
with a social session, for which a varied
and Interesting program has been ar
ranged. uo to the Manhattan it you want a good
steak, mutton chop, pork chop or a good
cup of coffee. Everything Is guaranteed
to be first-class at thtj Manhattan restaur
rant and bar.
D. L. HeinHhelmer. ihe well known
nanker of Glenwood. la., was In the city
yesterday enroute to sotthern California
to bring home his. wife and family, who
have been spending .the, winter there.
Whenever our telephone bell rings there
la evidence of another satisfied customer
You can't begin to appreciate the many
little things that go to niuko for good tele
phone service untfl you try us. Clark Drug
Red Alaska Salmon, 3 cuns for 25c. Olen
Ave. Grocery.
Judge- Smith . McPluVson returned from
Red Oak yesterday morning and reconvened
federal court, taking up some minor equity
matters. Today Judtce AfcPherson will hutid
down his decision In the Armstrong; bank
ruptcy case.
S) per cent discount on all our pianos for
the next week during our pre-lnventory
sale. Cash or largely cash and short tlin!
basis, bourlciua Piano House. 3j Broad
way, Council Bluffs, la..- where the organ
stands upon the building.
James Magulre. the Individual who was
found asleep in St. Paul's Kpiscopal chuivn
at an early hour Sunday morning uJ tho
rector. Rev. II. W. Starr, was given ten
days on a bread-und-nater diet in police
court yesterday morning.
A special meeting of tho Council jtluffs
Improvement Club Federation has b'-cn
called for tills evening ut M o'clock In thi;
city council enamour. A full attendance is
lequ sled, as there Is business of Impor
tance to come before the meeting.
Why don't you keep that carpet Or rug
clean. I 11 toll you why, because you use a
broom and It don t pica up the particles of
dirt like one ot our carpet sweepers does.
V e handle the best carpet sweepers mane
and car always suit you on price. Stacker!
Carpet Co.
Roy Hronson of this city, who recently
went to Belle Fourc-he, S. D., with the In
tentiun of buying a ranch In the Cave illlls,
ban instead purcnaaed a drug store In Belle
Kourchc. Before leaving Council Bluffs be
sold his interest lu the drug ei jre here to
his brother.
The fire department was called yesterd iv
morning by u- still alarm to 1 wenty-llrat
street and Avenue B. The call should have
been to Twenty-Mrst street and Avenue U,
where a lace .uruirwln a'cnttage cuughl
tire, but was vxungutsned before the, ar
rival Of the depurtinent.
If you want a good' meal drop in at the
Vienna restaurant. The flavor of our cof
fee cannot be equaled because we use good
coifeo and good cream. Our butter Is the
beat we can get. We know our rolls are
good becaase we make t.ieiu ourselves from
the boat flour obminuble.
Do you want an elegant Hlly-two-plt cc
dinner set? Well, If you do. Just .ive the
1,-ttnrs that you find lu each pacKuge of
Mother's oats sola by us at lO ceiue a
I package, and when you get enough letters
to make up me word Moment urtna tue
letters to us and we will givo you the din
ner set. John Oison. 73-741 West Broadway.
The Vnlverslty fllee. the Girls' Glee and
the Mandolin and Guitar clubs of the Ne
braska Stale university will give a concert
hi the hlph school auditorium K. Iday night
under the auspices of tile teachers of the
public xchoolK ut thla city. About sixty
young men ui.d wfii4.ik compri -ii g the dif
ferent organisations are expectew- here and
great preparations to entertain thei.i are
being made by ttie students f the high
school. ...... - .- . .
Mrs. Margaret MIlUr died yesterday at
Almost hpfore you know it houso t'lfnniiii? time will le
cai-H't a thorough dt'iinsin? of the rooms, ml tlivn-
Why not do your claiming and gt-t ivady before the rush is on. Make your selections
now when you have the leisure time to think it over ami can get your' 'choice from thj
large unbroken assortments. The display of rugs in our Pearl Street Show Window
will give you an idea of the beautiful IJugs carried by the New Store. '.Hitter yet
come to the Hug Department on the third floor and see the lines in their completeness. It
is a pleasure to look at, rugs here every convenience for showing them and the newest
patterns out in Wiltons, Velvets, Axminsters, Moipiettes. Hrussels, Smyrnas, Orientals,
Xavajos, etc. Moquctte Rugs, door mat size, IS.x.'W, beautiful patterns, at !rl.Xt. Velvet
Kugs, choice new patterns, 117x53, at $1.75. Moijuette lings, i27xK, handsome designs and
Very popular, at $2.50. Axminster Kugs, o(s(U. fine quality, heavy pile rugs, neweest de
signs, at $4.00. Moyuette Kugs, 36x72, very latest designs, elegant in appearance and
splendid service givers, at $3.0S. -
ROOM SIZE RUGS Elegant lines of large rugs, Wiltons, Velvets. Moquettes,
Axminsters, Brussels, in sizes 8 feet 3 inches by 10 feet (5 inches, und i feet by 12 feet,
ranging in price from $14.00 to $55.00 each. A visit to our Kug Department will bear
out the assertion you now
A. E.
JOHN BEN0, Pres.
St. Bernard's hospital, aged ki years. Three
sons. Henry or Washington, Adam, living
In tills city, and Krnest. a resident of Mon
tana, and two daughters. Mrs. Wllllnm
Huuerkeniper and Mrs. William OofT, both
of this city, survive her. The funeral will
be held Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock
from the residence of Mrs. lioff, 812 Klghth
avenue, and Interment will be In the
Bloomer township cemetery.
We deliver you a bottle or gallon of wine,
whisky or other liquors. Jarvla.
Three years ago a bob sled belonging to
his son was stolen from the residence of
Assistant County Attorney Ross. Sunday
afternoon while out walking Mr. Roxs rec
ognized his boy's sled In one which was
forming the hind runner for a large trav
elVr on which a nuhiber of youths were
coasting. With the asslstafcee of Detective
Wilson. Mr. Ross had the traveler con
veyed to police headquarters, where tho
stolen sled was dismembered from the trav
eler. No arrests were made.
Judge Scott. In the superior court, yes
terday commenced the trlaJ of the suit of
County Superintendent O. J. McMamis
nualnst the Great Western. Canadian Pa
clllc and other railroads for 7i damages
for delay in transit of stork to Canada
from thla county. The t'nlon Paclnc. as
Intervenor, filed an answer setting up that
the two cars nt inched by McManus were In
Its care. It being the custom for railroads
to exchange cars, and that It had (In Its
possession these cars under this custom,
and therefore they -ere not liable to selx
ure. While these la.v questions were being
argued the Jury was exxcused, and the trial
will be resumed this morning.
One for Benefit of State and Another
for rtallrnad Patrons.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DBS MOINES. March 19. (Special.) The
senate this afternoon passed without Op
position two Important bills. One is the bill
introduced by Temple In the house, and
which was drawn by the attorney general,
and provides that of property In the hands
of receivers the state shall hava prior
claim for taxes. It Is asserted that th
state baa lost hundreds of thousands of
dollar because of the absence of such a
The other measure passed was house file
No. 36, by Wright, which allows greater
latitude In the manner of bringing suit
against common carriers for, damages to
shipments in transit over more than one
line of road. The bill has already passed
the house. It allows suit to be brought In
any county of the state through which any
one of the roads carrying the shipment
pnsses. provided the shipper lives there. It
provides that companies carrying the ship
ment can be made to Join In the Issues and
notice of suit can be served on tha station
agent of any1 or the roads carrying the ship
ment. After increasing the amount from $S,(XW
to 17.000 the spnate today paased the bill to
provide for dedicating all the monuments
erected on southern battlefields to the
memory of Iowa soldiers. A special train
will be made up to take. In each monument
In turn.
It is expected that the appointment of a
member of the State Board of Control to
succeed the late I.. G. Klnne will be made
by Governor Cummins some time next
week. The governor In a way has already
taken the matter up and Is giving it con
sideration. It is believed now that W. H".
W'itmer, one of the owners of the Savery
hotel, a former owner of' tha Register and
Lender and a man of large property Inter
ests in the state, could have the appoint
ment it ho would consent to take It. He
was a member of the Iowa commission to
the St. Louis exposition. It Is believed,
however, that because of his large prop
erty interests he cannot be persuaded to
accept It. The appointment will be made
In time to be confirmed by the senate be
fore adjournment.
It is claimed now by the chairmen Of the
two appropriations committees that the
amount of money availuble for appropria
tions tt this eestlon will not reach 63,ui,
a asserted by thy governor In his message
and as at first ngured up by the ways and
means committees. It Is asserted now that
It will be nearly IICO.OhO less than that. As
the committees have recommended for pas
sage bills aggregating 9o.K3 this leaves
only a trifle over IjO.'JOO aval'Hble for addi
tional appropriations. It Is becoming more
evident every day that there must be a
wnolesale slaughtering or appropriation
blils. .The completion of the historical
building and provision for a number of the
most important measures before the legis
lature must be irude out of that $100,000.
Mrs. John Ounnersou of (lladbronk, la.,
nnd her twin daughters came to Dos Moines
Willi an txt iirsioii party Saturday. On the
streets the little girls saw their fatner,
who hud disappeared from home two years
ago. They culled their mother's attention,
but the father disappeared around a cor
ner. Later the mother, having abandoned
the. excursion party, located hor husband's
home on Scott street, and a woman there
said she wss his wife. They held a tearful
conference and the police are now trying to
tlud Uunuerson.
The. house committee killed the bill re
pealing the Lax ferret law.
i Lose. ie, maer irnin.
FORT DODGE, la.. March 19. (Special
Telegram.) James Jondel had bis right
leg severed by an Illinois Central train
, Make
Dr- Graves'
Tooth Powder
your twice-a-day friend; it will
t make you many admiring friends
i those who have keen eyes for
bright, white teeth and pure breath.
! your sweetheart knows why.
La handy see-tat cms or bottles, toe
! Dr CrsYes' Tcsth Powder Ca,
lliiiIL""i"tiifi"l 'i""l"M BHB
hear on every hand, that it is a pleasure to snop at Hunter s.
- 35 Pearl Street. 32-34 Main Street.
W. A. MAUR.tR See.
Inst night. The team he was driving ran
away, throwing him onto the trucks, where
ho was struck by an outgoing pnscngor
train. Ills recovery Is doubtful.
(i.Aioi: nn: nctriiF.w miim:v
Man Wanted fair Alleaed Forgery
Will Fare lows (onrt.
SIDNEY. 1h.. March 19. (Special!
Sheriff C. T. Kent got back today from
Walla Walla. Wash., with II. Claude D ".
former vice president of the Slate bunk
of Tabor, who was Indicted on five counts
at the last session of the grand Jury. Ha
Is charged with forget les amounting to
over $13,000. The names and amounts
forged are as follows: I F. Trowbridge,
$2,500; J. F. Oreen. $2,5ft: W. O. Gregory,
$3,000; Sylvester Dye (his father). $6,000;
R 8. Roberts. $700. At Walla Walla Dye
was engaged as an expert accountant upon
the books of the city officials, being In
the employ of a 8eattle firm which fur
nishes experts in ferreting out frauds In
public and private accounts. It has been
reported that Dye was on the eve of de
parting for Alaska when arrested, but ttds
story lacks confirmation. He came bacg
willingly, without making a fight of any
kind, nnd told Sheriff Kent that If he had
wired him he would have come alone. Upon
his arrival at Sidney he was Immediately
released on bonds, which were fixed at
$3,800 and furnished by his father, three
of his father's brothers and G. E. Smith
of Council Bluffs. The names on the bond
are good for several hundred thousand.
Dye's lawyers are W. E. Whltehlll of
Sidney and Mr. Flickenger of Council
Bluffs. The acoused Is cheerful and In
good spirits, but has nothing whatever to
say concerning his case. Court begins on
the 20th, but It is not thought that Dye
will be tried this term.
Mrs. Dye Is lii Seattle. One of her sis
ters, Mrs. Nettie Grass, who lives In Tabor,
is reported to have been driven Insane
by the troubles "and disgrace brought upon
the family by the discovery of her brother-in-law's
K. 3. Redman Killed nnd Two Other
Trainmen Injured.
FORT DODGE, la.. March 19. (Special
Telegram.) E. J. 'Hedman, a switchman,
was fatally injured, two brakemen
slightly hurt, four freight cars totally de
molished and traffic delayed ten houra by
a wreck which occurred on the) Illinois
Central here last night, n train of thirty
cars, which was being hauled by two en
gines, one at either er.J. broke In two when
about a mile outside the city. The front
section started to run back along the line
and crashed Into the rear part of the train
at full speed. The three Injured were
burled beneath the wreckage over aa hour
before being rescued.
C. ',. Davis Meets Death When Trains
Collide on tit. Panl RnaTI.
ROCKFORD. 111.. March 1 C. E. Davis,
a stockman of Sioux' City, la., was killed
and Brakeman E. M. Crummey of Mil
waukee was Injured In a colllMlon of freight
trains on the St. Paul road at Davis Junc
tion early today. The collision wus due
to a mistake In tlgaals.
Conrt at l.oaan.
LOGAN. Ia., March 1. (SpftciaD-Tlie
March term of the Harrison county Uis-
f th suffering nA danger in store for her, rob the expectant mother
f all pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and casts over her a
shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thouiands of women
have found that the ute of Mother's Friend during pregnancy roba
confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother
and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at thai
time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mether'a Friend
carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its use
gently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents "morning
sickness," and other dis-
comforts of this period. 1 ffTmT7' H fl FT1 T?i & f1
Sold by all druggist, at juJlUJ U UlI ILull
$1,00 per bottle. Book
containin? valuable information
... ....... r. ...
mm avr ut- j ncfNiiivr to.f Atlanta
Every Saturday and Sunday
up to April 1st. 1906
,PU Let,
Harlan -Manning
Carroll ' -Fort
Dodge -
J 1.00
- 1.60
- 2.80
Ceed returning following Monday.
fr lull ia form alio mpl
H. H. Churcaiff. Cro Agear. .Jf t;mm Stress,
lsxm ULTUtUXUl'XJEaY i
liriv up will t-onif tin' winter
. .
A. E. HUNTER, Tretvi.
trlct court will convene here tomorrow
morning at o'clock, with Judge N. W.
Macy ort the bench. The grand Jury will
also convene, but the petit Jury will not
assemble until next week. .The bar docket
contains 293 Cases, of wnlch elxteety are
criminal.' fifty-one probate, ninety-six are
equity and 130 are law.
Minor Officers In Rnaaln. Canse Peas
anf to Vote as Dealred and
' t otnnlalnta Are Made.
ST. PETERSBURG, March 19. As the
elections proceed there Is more and more,
evidence of the virtual exclusion from par
ticipation of the radical elements of the
population. The preliminary stages of the
elections will rob the national assembly of
much of Its nntlonal character. Its au
thority tospeak will be absolutely denied
by the proletariat organisation, which bote
the brunt of the fight for liberty. Com
plaints of Interference and durress In tha
country districts are incresslng. Many
flagrant lnstnnces are cited of the terrorism
nf local officials In preventing a fres ex
pression of the peasants and often prac
tically compelling the, selection of priests
and vilhign elders. The seeming apathy of
the small land owners assemblies, at which
n average of only 10 per cent of the voters
were present. It. explainable by the feeling
that they were not free to choose.
Carefully collected Information from the
outlaying Industrial districts' today showa
that the elctlons were a complete farce.
Nominally eleven out of the thirty-nine
working groups entitled to participate
elected twenty out of fifty-seven delegates
to the convention, which will select eighteen
representatives for the city.
The convention which in turn elects for
St. Petersburg, .six members of the national
assembly. In reality the number of work
men participating was Infinitesimal. Borne
of them held meetings and discuased the
advisability of par'tlAipatinff. Uut the great
mass simply withdrew declaring that dur
ing the present reign of terror the design
ation of their real choice' was equivalent to
turning over tha men to the police. In tha
big Okhta and Moscow districts not" a
single man has been elected, the railroad
employes unanimously refused to vote until
the Imprisoned, member of their organ
ization are released from Jail. .
ODESSA, March 19. A nephew f the
Late Interior Minister Slplagulne and a
leading candidate of tne constitutional
democrats for election to the national as
sembly has been expelled from Odessa.
PAVLOORAD, Government of Pavlograd.
Russia, March 19. A proclamation 'has been
Issued by the governor general announcing
that any attempts against the property or
lives of Jews will be mercilessly sup
pressed. , . , '.
Harrow P. scape
from poisoning, caused by constipation, had
Mrs. Young, Clay City, N. T. Pr. King's
New Life Pills cured her. I8c. For sale
by Sherman ac McConnell Drug Co.
Dry laiek Dwr Aarnln mi Hea.
LAS PALMAS, Canary Islands, March 1
The Cnlted States floating drydock
Dewey, en route for the naval station at
Olongapo, Philippine Islands, which arrived
here February 23, left Saturday In tow of
the colliers Brutus, Caesar and Glacier and
the navy tug Potomac. The Dewey will call
at Gibraltar1.
nothing compares with '
the pain and horror of -ehild-brth.
The thou eh t
ua mJ mm mm i
Eagle Grove
Clarion -Hampton
Mason City -
5 45