Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Trio Draws Total of Eiehtwm Yean from
Judee Button of District Court.
rirnn Hurr Jlinwi TfB(tfrf Plr
ThrratmrH l.ynrhlnar o rirart
;lll, FenrloK Mob In the
JiMur fiutton yrstrnlay afternoon Ksvs
stiff prnltr ntlary spntinos to three more
Douglas rounty rrl"riprs. Thry are:
J. )I. Roblnpon. mlored. rhsrgrd with as
saulting M. P. MoC'lung, a drug clerk, with
Intent tomb, ten yeara.
J. R. Edwards, alliis Adklns, chained with
atatutory aaKault upon 15-year-old Annis
Forfnan, five, years.
George Smith, colored, charged with as
aault to commit great bodily harm upon
John I,arson. three yeara.
Roblnaon nnd Rlnlth both entered (ilnis
of guilty. The former charged with
entering the drug at ore of 8. H. Knrns
wnrth. 211K fuming street Krbruary 2S and
hitting the rlerk, M. 1'. MrPlung. over tha
hftad with half a brick ns he was stooping
over fining the Are. Meriting showed fight
ind In the struggle grabd a rustle and hit
Roblnaon a blow on the head. Roblnaon
ran, but was captured shortly afterward.
Mr. MeClung aald he asked (or money be
fore, striking him.
Roblnaon anld he had been driking that
day and had Just pawned hla wife's aklrt
and bought liquor with the money, lie de
nied any intent to rob, but aald tha two
had trouble and quarreled. He told the
Judge he had come to Omaha from Paraons,
"You eame to the wrong plnce," aald tho
Judge. "Thla haa been an open winter and
you should have been at work instead of
drinking bad whisky and trying to rob
people for a living."
Edwards was convicted before a jury two
weeks ago. W. W. Dodge, his attorney.
tried to secure a new trlril on technical
grounds, but his motion was overruled.
The Jury when It returned the verdict rec
ommended leniency because Edwards Is 60
years old and has a wife and two young
Rd wards Oenlea It All.
Edwards denied Ids guilt, but Deputy
County Attorney Foster said he hnd found
this waa not the only case of the kind the
defendant had been implicated in. Thla
also Edwards denied. Judgo Sutton said
ordinarily a man convicted of this ofTwise.
should receive not leas than ten years in
the penitentiary.' Owing to the fact the
Jury had recommended him to the mercy
of the court, he said he would cut the
usual sentence In two and give him live
years. , "
George Smith la .only 19 years old, accord
ing to his statement. He was charged with
beating John Larson, a decrepit man, (0
years old and an Inmate of the county hos
pital, with a club and leaving him uncon
scious. Larson waa not discovered until
the following day. The assault occurred
October 22. but Smith whs not arrested
until some time In January. Rrfusul to
give him money on demand la alleged to
have been the cause of the assault, but
Smith said Larson called him a bad name.
,A strong tendency among the negro pris
oners at toe county jail to plead guilty In
order that they may be removed from the
jail Is said to be noticeable since tbs at
tempted lynching last , week. . The colored
"!ls as good at a Mtftib
bin" is the best thing that can be
tairi or a hat.
There is no weak point in a
"McKibb'm color, trimmings,
felt are all the best Style "up-to"
the-minute" soft, tuff and in all
the standard
hat Value
Sold by best and most reliable dealers
ererywhere. t
ibbin- (TQ
dardot J)3
ue -
men. it la aald, are afraid when the Flury
murderers are brought back the Jail will
be broken Into and some of the prisoners
taken out and hung. They are also afraid
the mob will not exercise a very close dis
crimination among the colored men In the
Protection of Fnrma Requested by at
Property Owners Association
eor Waterloo.
J. H. Taylor and Hans Hansen, repre
senting aij association of property owners
near Waterloo, met with the county com
missioners Monday afternoon and discussed
matters connected with the construction
and maintenance of a large dike five miles
southwest of Waterloo, by means of which
seventeen sections of farm land are pro
tected from floods.
The association is composed of 100 mem
bers, who contributed between 11,700 and
$1,800 toward the, expense of building the
dike, the work being under the direction
of the commissioners. The association has
asked the commissioners to put the dike
In charge of a committee of the associa
tion. The work of W.. If. Brown, the road
overseer who had charge of construction,
did not meet the approval of the property
owners. The committee also nsks that It
be allowed to examine the records to ascer
tain the cost of labor and material used
Id the building of the dike.
-a, hums mi
Put your Foot into a
Foot-Schulze Shoe
Everyone is made oh honor by "the
Weft leading shoe
makers.-the leading
ever put into foot
wear. For
$3. to $3. .
Md only by
Home Cominv Week at Ioulsvllle
Promises to Be an F.vent of
Ureat Interest.
J. J. Ryder, clerk of the county board, Is
in receipt of literature relating to the
"Kentucky Homo Coming Week" to be
celebrated In Louisville from June IS to
17 and to which till former Kentucklans
have been Invited. The occasion will be
made a big reunion of former residents of
the state and an elaborate program haa
been arranged for the entertainment of
visitors. ' Among the special days will be
one devoted to Stephen C, Foster, another
to Daniel Boone, a greater Kentucky day
and a Kentucky Sunday In the various
ohurches of the city. The celebration Is
unique and Is attracting .considerable at
tention among the old . residents of the
state. Former Kentucklans who have not
received" literature from the general com
mittee are usked to send their addresses
o Mr. Ryder.
John Morrlsey Faces Jury on Charge
of Holding Ip Ponth
Omaha Saloon.
John Morrlsey. an alleged "pal" of Mlka
Ford 1 In the holdup of John Rybln ln
South Omaha December 16, Is facing a
Jury In Judge Troup's court. It Is alleged
they secured 152 from their victim. Mor
rlsey Is being defended by J. M. Macfar
land and Deputy County Attorney Murdock
Is conducting the prosecution.
John Johnson, charged with stealing a
bracelet from Clara Wright at 902'4 Capi
tol avenue, pleaded guilty to petty lar
ceny and was sentenced by Judge Sutton
to thirty days in the county jail.
Oentnrjs No. 1, Five-Men Team, Makes a
Score of 2,794 Points,
Re Illy and Flseher Rolls Ip a Score
of l.OOH 1 Vandersro. Also of
rhlcatro. Makes Highest
, Individual "core.
LOUISVILLE. Ky., March 1.-The end of
the second day's play In the tournament of
the American Bowling congress showed an
Improvement over the work of the first
night, due to the bowlers settling Into their
stride, as they grew more accustomed to
the surroundings and to the use of the six
teen-pound ball and the alleys. The two
two-men teams and the singles were
started today, with the five-men teams oc
cupying the night session, and this order
wi(l be maintained throughout the tourna
t'onsidoiable confusion and not a little
inconvenience to the bowlers .has resulted
from the changes In order of bowling,
made necessary by the forced abandonment
of the Sunday sessions after the schedule
had been printed. Some teams on arriving
find they may have to wait for four or five
days for their turn. Instead of one or two.
as antletpated. Others And they have been
scheduled under the new order to bowl In
half an hour after they step ' from the
train, and some probably will not arrive
until after their turn. These defects, how
ever. It Is expected will be straightened out
by tomorrow night.
Tonight several of the crack eastern and
middle western five-men teams made their
appearance. A sensational performance
was that of the Century No. 1 of Chicago,
which rolled 934 In Its first game, almost a
perfect score In the second, making 997, and
finished with &G3 in the third, making a
grand total of 2.794. This score exceeded
that made by the Pastimes of Cincinnati
Saturday night by about 5ft points. The
work of the Cetiturys was loudly cheered.
Two-Men Teams.
The best scores of the two-men teams,
which rolled during the afternoon, were:
Retlly and Fischer. Chicago ....l.nps
F. Worden and Welland, Chicago 1,7
Ward and MeOutre, Chicago . 1,078
Senn and Hildebrand, Ixmlsvtlle... 1.0"0
Moosek and Esslery, Chlcsgo 1.0M
gohwabald and Schupp, lxuisvlllo...,...l.o4
Wolfe and Wolfe, Chicago ........1,040
Brltt and Blast. Ijoiiisvllle 1,0W
F. Hehr and J. Burns, Chicago 1,0X3
llerwlg and Sully. St. Iouls l,0M
Ooodwln and Stevens. Chicago ...... ,...1,0X1
Peterson and Bnumworth. Indianapolis. 1.0HS
Hummer and Clausen. Cedar Rapids.. ..1,013
Peters and Bachniun. Covlnaton. Kv...l.0f,7
Loeb and VonAlbe, Chicago i.ofio
Maas and Thltmany, Chicago 1,015
Individual Scores
The individual bowlers began play at 3:10
p. m. Following are included in the high
F. J. Kauffman, Fort Wayne,-Ind...... 574
K. M. Hlackealey. Louisville 5T
rs. rmtmany, t. ntcago ouj
W. J. Maas, Chicago Ml
W. M. BurrelL Chicago 527
A. O. Dittmler, Louisville 5Jb
J. F. Nonneman, Dayton, O .....511
G. Hchuler, Pittsburg. Pa osl
C. W. Hummer. Cedar Kapids, la...... 511
F. J. Koch, Chicago ., 543
L. Vandersyde, Chicago IVI3
F. Worden, Chicago ,. 612
Ed. Blouiti, Chicago 6i6
E. Kood. Chicago 5Ni
H. Stelnmlller. Chicago 67S
Harvey Saunders, Chicago 575
J. A. Berlin, Chicago 667
William Moosek, Chicago ofio
Fred Mahoney, Chicago 560
J. O. Lovell. Chicago 51
E. L. Esslery, Chicago , 533
.1. Blouin, Chicago '. 542
Flaucher. Milwaukee............ 533
O. A. Thomas.-Chicago 519
B. Willard. Chicago j.4 5B4
F. Farman. Fort Wuvn .5.)
O. F. Bridges, Memphis ; 645
It. . Plummer, Memphis 517
N. Shenadore, Buffalo 630
J. J. Schneider. Buffalo 5S9
Frank Koo, Cincinnati 559
J. X. Klmberger. Louisville.. 654
Five-Men Teams.
The ten highest five-men teams In the
first squad of the night's pluy finished as
Century No. 1. Chicago.. 2.794
eDers. Toieao , ....2.595
Solo. Chicago i.firto
4 ai l Rlchters, Chicago 2.55s
Coughlln Stars, Chicago 2,541
Century No. 8, Chicago 2.531
Difficulty No. 1, Belleville, 111 2.475
Casino. Buffalo 1.473
ltopKlns, Des Moines 2.4til
Ewgles, Toungstown, Ohio 2,44ii
The ten. highest five-men teams in the
second group of the night:
Anson, No. 1, Chicago 2.704
Cocoa Cola, Jxmlsvllte 2,6?4
Terra Haute, Terre Haute, Ind 2,t'l
Anson. No. 2, Chicago., ; 1,377
taailiac. PJo. 1, Detroit 2.54
Has Beens, Wheeling. W. Va 2.5JI
laamac, ro. 1 14
Malt Sinew, Chicago 2,i;i3
Interior, Washington. D. C 2,538
I Pportln (Irevltles.
Twenty states will be represented at the
bowling congress at ulsville.
Jim Key will take the place of roller
skating for a time at the Auditorium.
The snow will make shooting hard on the
eyes of the cracks, but the weather man has
promised "fsir for Tuesday.
All the auto manufacturers are lining tin
for the auto show which will be held in
Omaha, Many declared they would not ex
hibit, but ' are gradually falling In line.
Many of the more prominent features of the
big isew xorit ana cnicago snows win be
The t'nlverslty of Nebraska basket ball
team will meet the Bellevue basket ball
team In a game at Oermanla hall In Omaha
Tuesday night. Considerable rivalry has
existed between these teams and the man
agement has decided to pluy off the final
game on neutral grounds, so Omnha wnai
tne piaee cnosen. racn university wi'i send
up a large bunch of rooters, which, added
to the alumni of 'each school as well as
the local followers of the game, will tax
the riding school's capacity. The Ne
braska team is enroute north and on the
trip will play Sioux City, Sliattuck acad
emy, the Indians at Red Wing and the
t'nlverslty of Minnesota. The men will line
up for this Rume1: Hoar, captain; D.
Bell, guard; . Moses, center; P. Bell and
Eddie Hagenslck, forwards.
Terrible Disaster Averted.
The terrible disaster of nervous break
down, caused by dyspepsia. Is averted by
Electric Bitters. 50c. Guaranteed. For
sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
91 SB
Pa! fef
a.; W. H. Hoes. Jewell. Ia ;Alhert Ul
n, Holdrege. Neb. .
IMunk Rllllarrilst Defeats Poaen
. nurtf for Ktaa! Uarne of aeries.
CHICAGO. March 19-Kdward W. Oard.
ner of laoaln, N. J.. Is the amateur
illllard champion of America. He won the
itle tonight at the Chicago Athletic asso
ciation in the final game of the tournament
which haa been In progress for the last
week. His opinent tonight was J. F. Pog
genburg of JSew York, and the new cham
pion won nv the score of ami to 2e. ari-
ner went through the entlre five games he
ilayed without s defeat. '
There Is a trlnle tie for second prise
Calvin Pemareet. a l-yoar-old Chicago
my: Henry. Wright of San Francisco and
F. Pnggenburg each hsvlng won three
and lost two games. These tfes twill be
laved off tomorrow. t . Y. ConKlln or
Chicago. Inst year's champion, finished In
nrth place, with one game to nis creon
and four defeats. Charles 8. Norrls of
New York finished In last' position, having
lost all five games.
Demarest won the priie for tne nignest
grand average 12 8-1 IS. Wright made 'the
high run of the tournament 127.
Mrange Solicitor of Funds, Moved
Out of Lincoln, Starts for
Superintendent !M6rrls of the Associated
Charities takes occasion to warn the pub
lic of Omaha against a woman and girt
going as Mrs. 'Evelyn Wurtsbaugh and
daughter. They have operated In Lincoln
and upon being -requested by the police to
changp their field of endeavor. It Is re.
ported, started for Omaha. According to
voluminous accounts In the Lincoln papers
the mother represents herself to be a rich
Kentucky woman temporarily embarrassed,
She has some 'trunks at her boarding place
and a small bill to settle for and applies
to aonu well known man In the city for a
little financial old. t to $10. until she cun
secure funds from home. The papers say
she did fairly well at this game among
ministers, business men and others until
the police interfered, with her operations
and asked her to move on, which. It la
understood, sim 'did," with designs upon
Omaha. Her daughter Is said to be a girl
of about 14 years,,, '.
i . -
f'halrman Rroatch ' Absent and I.lttle
' H n ml h . 1 . T .
1 e - :
City Prosecutor Diflcharees Fire Notorious
Characters Without a Hearing
loans Man ot Known In Those
t lrrlea et , Sentence After
. Mr. Lee Prosecutes
"I am running this police court and 1
will discharge these cases If I see fit."
declared City Prosecutor Tom Lee to De
tective Ferris Monday morning, relative
to a set of notorious characters the de
tective had hauled In from the proscribed
district, only to see them politely dis
missed by the city prosecutor, to repeat
their offenses if they chose. Ferris was
exasperated, as he was Impressed with the
guilt of the people and the evidence against
them, but showed equal exasperation
In rebuking a mere detective for presum
ing to Inrt on the prosecution of an al
leged criminal five in this rasee-whom he
chose to turn loose.
Julia Rose, Jennie Carter, Jennie Col
lins and Madge Anthony, four notorious
women of the proscribed district, and Wil
liam Carter, known to the detectives as
an Idler, who lives on the earnings of
fallen women, were those whom Lee dis
charged. J. E. Locke, a young white man,
unknown around police court, - received a
sentence of ten days. '
60 far as could be determined the facts
of ' the cases wrre that E. R. Tracy of
South Omaha lost $10 while Jn the resort
of Julia Rose, while Joe Ludwltk of Cas
per, Wyo., lost $40 In the Collin's resort.
As Is customary In cases of that character
neither of the . victims could swear posi
tively they saw the women take their
purses from their persons, although they
had reasonable circumstantial evidence
the women In question secured the money.
The detectives made the arrests.
. , Ferris Is Disgusted.
Detective Ferris first placed the facts of
the cases before Deputy County Attorney
Foster, who stated, he did hot have suffi
cient evidence at hand to warrant him
filing complaints before the police judge,
as he felt confident thut when the cases
came before a Jury they would be promptly
Thrown out of the district court and the
cotJnty placed to unnecessary expense. But
the rub came when Detective Ferris took
his cases to the city prosecutor, after fall
ing to get complaints from the county at
torney. 'Detective Ferris' stated the facts to City
Prosecutor Lee, who Immediately and em
phatically told Ferrlsi he would discharge
the cases if he saw fit, and then told the
detective he was running the police court.
Other hot words passed, and the detective
left the premises. True to his word, tho
city prosecutor discharged the Tour women
referred to and also discharged William
Carter, although In the case of tho man
Detective Ferris had testified he hnd not
been working and had been living at the
Midway saloon. Twelfth and Capitol avenue.
None Other, Judge Sutton Says, Will
RelleT Talesman for Service
on Jury.
Judge Sutton announced to the new Jury
panel In district court Monday morning
that It would do no good to apply to him
to be excused for any but statutory rea
on.' ' '
"tlKciiaea will not he minted for business
transacted? Hje'Miarges against Michael reasons," he said. "For tho protection of
C. Kotch, msftibclr of tha fire department. ' life and property It is necessary to have
good jurymen, and the best jurymen are
usually the ones who ask to be excused.
Later we may be able to grant excuses
for' a day or two at a time, after the
Juries are selected, but no excuse for the
term will be granted except for causes
named In the statutes."
The usual number of applications to be
relieved from duty was made, but most of
them were refused.
The Board Fl.rjo and ' Police Comniis
sioners met ltistimight without Ks chair
man, W. J. BrOktah and little business was
for Insubordination and using abusive and!
Indecent Iunruage were set for hearing at
the next meeting. The only other matter
of. Importance was the passing, of a motion
to purchase 10,000'feet of new fire hose, half
"Paragon" and half "Eureka."
WATCHES FfDser, J5th and Dodge.
Fair Today and Tomorrow In Ne
braska., South Dakota, Wrtw. .
lnT and Kansas.
Bourbon, Bellevue. Ky 8,582
Praise Bestowed on Veteran Promoter
f College Sports.
A splendid tribute was paid to Prof. Pat
tengiil by the Chicago Tribune, and this
mill be seconded by all alumni to whose
LonKeat EcUbliBhtd, Moat Saccetful and lb-liable Specialists, as Medl
Cil Diplomas, Licrnara and Newspaper ltacords Show.
' We have been the means of restoring thousands of afflicted sufferers to com
p . V'1 health. Will you place your confidence In the care of hon
est, skillful and successful snecia Mats? The ehunge In thousands of eases
we have treated was simply marvelous. Blighted lives, blasted hopes, weak
ened systems debilitated and atrophied organs, and nervous wrecks were
quickly and safely cured by our method We have evolved a svstem of treat
ment that Is a owerful, permanent and determined medical corrective where
mans characteristic energies have become weakened or debilitated, either
through sexual excesses, indiscretions, abusive habits, or the results of ne
glected or Improperly treated private diseases.
W euro safely and thoroughly
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal Kid
ney and Urinary Diseases,
and all diseases and wnaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil bablts, ex-
muuw v. n.ui, v. )wiuu 1 j 1 gimme u!mases.
make- no misleading statements deceptive or unbusinesslike
proposition to the afflicted, neither do we promise to cure them In a
few laj, nor offer cheap, worthless treatment In order to set-u re their
patronage. HoneM doctor of recognized ability do net resort to arvch
methods. We guarantee a perfect, safe and lasting cure In th nnUi
I possible time, without leaving Injurious after-effects In the system and
5 at the lowest cost possible for honest, skillful and successful treatment
If yon cannot call writs
for symptom blank.
. rOfC sasultatloa
. V I L , ., . .. r , . - . -
---- ana aiaminausa vjuice uuurs a. m. 10 p. m. Sundays. 10 to 1 nniu
.,1308 Faraam St., Bet. 13th and 14th Sta., Omaha, Neb.
notice It may come:
"By the death of Prof. A. H. Paltenglll
of the t'nlverslty of Michigan college sport
loses one of Its oldest and best friends
among the many It has made In the aol
lege world, and one whose place It will be
difficult, if not impossible, to fill. From
the earliest beginnings of athletic sports In
the middle west he haa been Interested
and prominent in them, first as a partici
pant and later as a guide and guardian.
His preferences were for horseback riding
and base ball, although he waa Interested
In and conversant with all branches of out
door amateur sports. In the former days
of college base ball he wss a member of
the faculty teams which used to play the
rlass teams at Michigan, and always nfll
clated ss pitcher. When advancing yeara
compelled the relinquishment of active
participation he did not lose Interest In
athletics In any degree. From the Inception
of the college conference, the body which
governs athletics in the nine leading uni
versities of this section, he has been a
member of that athletic board of gov
ernors. His years as chairman of the
Michigan board of athletic control have
been stamped with the Justice and fair
ness of his dealings with athletics and
athletes at the Ann Arbor university
Justice which never before this haa been
equalled in the history of the institution.
Tills endeared him to the students as
greatly as did bis love for the company of
young men. which was something he never
lost. It is believed the strain of recent ef
forts in tha line of foot ball reform, at tlv
two conferences in this city, wcrre responsi
ble for hastening his death."
WASHINGTON, March 19. Forecast of
the weather for Tuesday and Wednesday:
For Nebraska, ' Colorado, Wyoming. Mon
tana. South Dakota and Kansas Fair ami
warmer Tuesday and Wednesday.
For Iowa and Missouri Fair Tuesday
and Wednesday; warmer Wednesday.
Local Record.
OMAHA, March 19. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
years: . is, isos. lao4. 1903.
Maximum tempe.raturt.'... 1!2 87 57 67
Minimum temperature.:.. 14 3.1 34 a
Mean temperature 18 , 35 46 S9
Precipitation ...''...'J..!'..... .1 .fti .00 .20
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal hT Omaha since March 1
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature 31
Deficiency for the day lit
Total deficiency smco March 1 HH
Normal precipitation 05 Inch
Excess for the day..... 11 inch
Total rainfall since March 1 1.27 Inches
Excess since March 1 .49 Inch
Deficiency for ir period. ldH5 .. .14 Inch
Deltcicncy for cor- period, 1!4 29 Inch
Reports from" gtatioas at T P. I.
Station and HI its Temp. Max. Rain
of Weather. . i 7 p. m. Temp. lull.
Bismarck, clear. ..i IK. 2" .(10
Cheyenne, clear.... 2o 2B . .00
. io
Chicago, snowing... i8
Davenport, cloudy. M
Denver, pt. cloudy 24
Havre, clear 12
Helena, clear 14
Huron, pt. cloudy. f It!
Kansas City, clear...... 22
North Platte, clear 14
Omaha, cloudy 'io
Rapid City, clear 12
Pt. Juls. cloudy.., E
St. Paul, clear t IS
Halt lAtke City, clear 40
Valentine, clear...:.... 1
Williston. clear ltf
T indicates trace of precipitation.
U A. WELSH. Local Forecaster
Former Gate City Man Author, of
Boston Herald's Article on
Nebraska Metropolis.
Edgar 8. Bradley, formerly proprietor of
the Omaha Commercial, Is the author of
the article on the growth of the Omaha
grain market which appeared originally In
the Boston Herald and which was re
printed In The Sunday Bee. E. J. McVann
has received a letetr from Mr. Bradley en
closing a clipping of the story and promis
ing to give Omaha several other big boosts
In a scries of articles he Is writing for the
Herald, with the purpose of stirring Bos
ton's commercial Interests to the fullest
realisation of the city's possibilities. Mr.
Bradley Is on the editorial staff of the
Post and Is doing some side work for tho
Kxcavatlon for Xre-Srhaeider-Fomter
Elevator tinea to Pbelau '
A Shirley.
The contract was let Monday morning for
grading for the new Nye-Schnelder-Fowlr
elevator on the terminal tracts of the
Great Western. The contract calls for the
removal of 60.000 cubic yards of dirt and
was let to Phalen & Shirley. Herman
Smith, superintendent of construction for
the elevator company, was in the city
Monday morning and established his office
In the firm's office in The Bee building
He will superintend all construction whlcii
will be done by the company Itself. The
members of the firm are In Chicago buying
such material as cannot be had In Omaha
and work wilt be Begun as soon 'as tho
traders are out of the way.
Sum her of Prominent ftnnarra WD
Attend Three Days Contest.
The three days' shoot of the Omaha (J j:
club will begin thla morning at the ground,
across the river and shooters from all sec
lions of the country have signified tliel
Intention of attending. Twelve events ar
scheduled for each day, the shooting t
start at 9 o'clock each morning. Fred (
Whitney will keep track of the events as i
times past. The money will be divided X
isi JO and IS per cent, with i averaic,
money to each of the twenty high guns.
Many of the shooters already are oi
hand, coming direct Hunday from the Iowu
state shoot at Des Moines, and most of thf
others art expected today. A practict
shoot was held Monday afternoon. Amom
those who will shoot are. W. D. Townsenif
Omaha; W. B. Llnell. Kklora. Ia.; Frani
Weatherhead. Bed Oak. la.; C. D. Uniei
man. Cortland. Neb.; William Veach. Fall.
City Neb.; George Carter. Lincoln; Da:
Bray. Columbus; Pete Btmpson. Genoa; H
W. Wilson. Audubon. Ia.; J. Peterson. Re.
0""'t. la.; F Vermllya, Audubon, la.; W. I:
by. O'Fallon. III.: Chris Uoitlieb. Kan
City; W. H. V'letmeyer. Chicago: Fran! t,.t. i .iV. .u - fj :. v.: ;ct,4 V... ri, V.lrw Rheu.
Rlehl, Alton. 111.; Charles hudd. I u&uiu, auutti tuat tut uuu, w.u6 UUu.u.v, 7 ,,
Moines; Thomas Marshall. Kiethsburg. ill rnatism, Catarrh, $ores and Ulcers, ScrofuW, Contagious Blood Poison, etc..
Rock V?u Qcitnybyia?a?t.rin a" h -Ha"rdi are a11 deep-seated blood disorders, and for their cure nothing equals S. S. S.
Uncoin; Dr. Plank." Denver; H.' w." Wahid It does not injuriously aflect the most delicate parts of the body and can be
itavenport. Ia.; Fred Whitney. Dee Moine. tatea wjtQ perfect safety by old or young. Book on the blood and any
IIS! l-a O Lev- ill - , dv. liuia, sa. ni ai t , r . . - . .
Chicago; Marshall Bharp Buffalo, N. Y : aUVlCC UefcUta Wlinoui enaxge.
Cxtorga kfttxwell, Ilolsteln. Neb.; ( rmrlt i
North. Cleveland; tL K. Barber, Paulina,
The purifying action and curative properties of this great remedy have
made " S. S. S. for The Blood " a household saying, and thousands who are ,
today enjoying perfect health owe their recovery from blood or skin disease
to this universally used blood medicine. S. S. S. is made entirely from roots, j
herbs and barks which possess not only cleansing and healing ingredients, .
but building-up and strengthening properties to keep the blood in perfect
order. No one can be well when the blood is impure ; they lack the energy !
and strength that is natural with health, the complexion becomes pale and
sallow, the vitality is weakened and they suffer from a general broken down
condition. When the waste or refuse matter, which nature intends shall be
thrown off, is left in the system because of a sluggish, torpid condition of
the expelling members, it is absorbed into the
GUARANTEED Mood, making this vital stream weak, 6our and
&nrmn acrid. n( condition is manifested by boils,
FREE FROH pimples, rashes, blotches and other eruptions of
MINERALS the skin. S. S. S. goes into the circulation
- r a- ws removes every particle of blood taint or
noison of e-verv character, makes the blood fresh and 6trong and gives energy
to the entire body. When the blood has been cleansed by S. S. S. all skin
diseases and eruptions pass away and the smooth, clear ekin, glowing with
. ... . ..r t t. : I l... .iA Dh.,,.
Air that is best In whiskey
you will find in
' Old
It is thoroughly matured,
soft and rich
' Chicago.
Mai IUsttaaWI
We ar ever advancing.
The combined knowledge of the most emi
nent physicians of the world Is ours and
we are still studying. -
As specialists to men we acknowledge no
superiors. We cure to stay cured.
It ts no unusual thing for us to cure cases
of nervous debility, varicocele, contagious
blood poison and special troubles after the
patient has been pronounced Incurable by
other physlclaus.
The diseases of men due to the abuses ot
youth are an open book to us.
We will wait for our fee until patient la
We are Specialists for Diseases and Weaknesses
of MEN and MEN ONLY. .We know just what
we can do, and we have such firm confidence
we are willing to cure our patients under an
. Absolute Guarantee of
We mean this most emphatically.
; It is for you for everybody.
f Lost Power Restored, according to age, 14 to 60 days.
J Private Diaeaaee, recently contracted, 4 day.
I ., Varicocele, without an operation, 10 to 30 days.
aavj Blood Poison, no merenry or potash, 80 to 00 days.
( ... Kidney or Bladder Troubles, cither acute or chronic, (
' 15 to 40 days.
CO "' "" ' " ' - .... .-i v.
Northwest Corner Thirteenth and Farnam, Omaha, Neb.
To April T, lOOfl.
Be sure yovr tickets read ovtr thi line.
Inoiilre at
City Ticket Office, 1324 Tarnam
Phona, Douglas El.
A Small Office
jus swift srecinc co., atiahta, qa.
in The Bee Building
parries with it all the advantages of being in
the best office building in Omaha.
The Bee building: is always kept in perfect repair..
"The elevator service is ample and the elevator conductors
accommodating and courteous.
Rental price includes electric light, janitor
. service, heat, water and all the conveniences of
a modern office building.
' At the present time there are vacant one office at
$12.00 per month, one at $15.00 per month and one at
$18.00 per month. There are only three small ofiWa
vacant in the building today and these will not stay
vacant long. If you want one, apply at once.
R. W. BAKER, Sunt.
K. 418. Bea Bldf.
C. C. ROSEWATKR, ftecy.
1702 Faruaiu St.