TIIK OMAHA DAILY BEK: TUKSDAY, MARCH Ho, 15HK. V w. t flTWTF FOR AY DPTKTFRFn tlla.Kb I U1Y iMjiVIVLUl J1LIYLU I ' Opportunity will Be Given By City Clerk j s -Tot All Eligible to Vote. i PRIVILEGE WILL LAST FOR FIVE DAYS I Foar Rrnonii Mhirh Volrrn Sot Al ready Registered .May Offer In, Order to 'rtlelpate i .' In Primaries. City Clerk ' Klbourn Monday uo nlng threw open the door of opportunity to non. leglstered voter to participate In the nun Inatlng primaries, provided they can show the reasons prescribed by la entitling them . i rwv,initln Viiliri m-lm huVA nmvpd o another precinct since last fall also will lm accommodated by the Issuance of re moval ceYtlllcate, If ' their-names can be found on the registration bSoks. The priv ilege will be extended Ave days, or until Friday night. To give, laboring men an equal' chance, the clerk has arranged to keep hlf otftei) open yntll 10 o'clock Thurs day and Friday nights, A nonrt gistertd , voter can qualify for lh, primaries only I li.r the following reasons.' 1. Ahseni-e from the city on all . three list registration daS. i.j, , J -. Becoming of age since the last gen eral election. . Becauev of. rerseml fkkness or 'ca lamity in the family on Wgistratlon days, excuses of this kind to be accompanied by phytlrian't certificate. V ' 4. Becoming an elector here by establish; Jng a residency since the lait registration, the refiiirementi aa to residency being six months In tho state, forty days in the county and ten dae In "the precinct. New voters, whether by reason of Age or length of residency 'must have their affi davits supported by two cltlxen owning Piopi rty and reklding In the precincts from which tha former comes. Except In the Hes where a physician's certificate Is re quired, the clerk announces that he will recognize tho oath of the applicant as suffi cient proof of hla right to voto, unless It is illHpuled. The lists of voters thus spe cially registered or granted transfers Is to be published before the primaries, so that thoy may be scrutinized closely. Several questions have been brought up ut the Special registration privileges, which are under consideration by the legal department, One of these pertains to per sons who have taken out their first natural ization papers, the question being as to whether these must be secured thirty days liefore' the primary or thirty days before election day. The city clerk la Inclined to the first requirement. During tho morning about a dozen nun registered voters made prcpatlons to make out affidavits. All wern republicans. Five republicans and one democratic transfer certificates had been issued up to noon. To assist In the extra work, George Wlyttum was appointed as a temporary clerk. IMPORTANT TERM OF COURT Mnoh Business of I nnsnal Moment Transacted at I.nst Federal Court Session. Outing the Noveniher term of the federal courts Just closed a considerable amount of business was transacted. In the dis trict court six. cases were disposed of by jury and about an equal number by the court without Jury trials. The session was prolonged by the excessive length of sev eral of the trials, notably that of the case against Rev. G. O. Ware and on, or twi others. More oases would have been tried, part(i:ularly,,ths .liquor, ' cases . analiai Indian delinquents for introducing Aiuor onto tho reservation, but for the appeal taHen.'ln the St. Cyr case to tho ITnlt-.-d States supreme court, on the ground of the Brewer decision, which asserted tha cltlsennhlp of Indians holding allotments, thereby granting them certain rights In the purchase of liquor. As a couscquenoe most of these liquor cases are suspended, liendinK the result of the appeal. Fourteen Jury cais were tried In tha circuit court and a large number disposed of without trial. The term was fruitful of Important decisions, notably those of the. railroad tax rases in favor of the State Board of Equalization, and the water company case, decided in favor of the city after a trial of nearly a month. The term alao was distinguished as hav- THE E-LIM-l-fSO TREATMENT APPEALS TO MEN VISO TIIIIiK. People who investigate giva their unqualified endorsement to Dri E. C. Scott's rescrip- ' tions bocaute he rejects all elements that produce drug habits or leave bad after effects. E-UM-I-NO overcomes Waaknnas and Dopraaajon without alcohol, whisky, vina or , atrichnina stimulants. E-lim-l-no act by cleaning tha blood of poisonous waste products . and thus restores tha circulation. E4.IM-I-NETS Cur Chronle Conatipation and nuke unnecessary the continued tut of physic They ar a delight to all thus atrikted. E-UM-I-NA-TUM Stops Pain and Rallavaa Seranaas without tha use of opium. morphine, cocaine, or other narcotics. E-llm-l-na-tum acts by dissolving from tha tissues . and Joints the poisons that are settling and causing pain. IT HELPS CORRECT FAULTY LIVING To malnulB tt-s bt(b tenaioa of a itreniious 11f m rworl to the vtilp and ipur ot tluiuUUuu. Mott ' uien um caff uiU uwia to iicbm. to vtaich mur sua ih ae of totfri. sua s. la sua slculiolic : Suuka til of wbl'b atimulste but raun su a-rumui(Lun of poii.a,ij ih in Ibe tvui. Vi tis boallh !! Ili.'jr bsv rrsi'fcea tbs limit. To sltrmut to whip up lbs fullnf ;ieui with more ' t!muiDt or lo da-les their growing psiua with oiiie sad bairotUs ouly aggwaies tho truuW sad : bring i, a the ralsmitr of dru( bihli. At tb Yntem Im sirolf loaded with poisonous wtwte products the sir vlis roarte Is to clean out the poliona. Tbit Is what tu lloulno Kvrueules du. ht thus Clearing lb aytwui tut) (It aaao aud tuuilort . sad rastors heal la sad isturai bouraacjr. ( Ara You Willing to Ba Shownf To prove tht great superiority of the tlimino Jeme- , dies over all other medicines for the ailments named below wa will send amakad copy of Dr. E. C. Soott't New G4Pago Book Free t all sufferers who will place a cross (X) in front of their ailments and tend this announce- : ment in with thei? nansc and address plainly written. Poor Circulation Daapondancy Low Vitality Drug Habits Catarrh Conatipation 6!saplaaanaaa 1 Variooaa Valns Send no money, tha Book is free. You $c; f-.liwino and Eliatinatum f i.oo each. If your druggist does not hav or will not get them for you, they will be sent direct, prepaid, on receipt of prita. mem tor you, tncy wui D sent j-LIMhNETS II I -a-fl M ! N ATUM; I 1 ELIKINO ,n" ,,,ur"', f th largest verdicts fr,r rinmage aaslnst the railroads. In th history of the Nebraska district. The most prominent of these were the verdict for pr. r. c, noewatr tor iii.o and that fr"- Mrs. Ora ThorriH for llfiAt. DREAM CITY PARK The Proposed rieasure Heanrt Which Is Planned by t-'.ivstem Parties. ' Dream City and Dream City park, th proposed pleasure park at fnrpy City which is being so enthusiastically promoted by eastern parties, if it materializes on th plans now proposed by them, will be more than welcomed by Omaha and South Omaha people-." That therej Is a demand for Just such a pleasure park with its but door entertainments la vouched for by the throngs of people who filled the different parks and boating places accessible from Omaha each-evening hist summer. The promoters of the enterprise lack nothing In the way of enthusiasm for the success of their enterprise. " One of them says: "The park will, be a charming place for women, unaccompanied by escorts w ho, de siring a day"s ouftng with their children, they can feel absolutely safe In the park. Tho management will have none but the cleanest gratia of amusement features, and while there wh be Innumerable stands for liquid refreshment. Intoxicants of every description will be barred. "We are now arranging for all the new concessions and all those that have proved so successful in other places, among them will bo "The Mysterious River,' 'Fire and Flame,' 'Thrill the Thrills.' a new Idea In 'Scenlo Railways;' 'Japanese Tea Garden,' a real 'Air Khlp,' 'Continuous Vaudeville, 'Circus t"pto-date,' 'Katsenjammer Cas tle.' 'Shoot the Chutes,' 'Baby Incubator, Dragon's Gorge,' and several other brand new Inventions the exclusive rights of which are controlled by tho Finney Bros. "A boulevard will lead from Omaha Into tho grounds and a mile speedway will be on attraction for the owners of fast horses The two branches of tho Butterfly river pass through the grounds, the smaller stream being utilized In, forming tnlnianira lakes, upon which fulry boats will be de light ful features. "Ve know there Is a demand for a Mist class Dleaaure park In Omaha, such cs there Is in the largo eastern cities. "Omaha la growing In population and wealth much faster than a great many of her people realize; there Is. double the amount of money spent In tho way of amusements than there was a year or so ago. It Is In Just inch cities as Omaha, that are forging ahead, that tho amuse ment business is good, and Dream City park will be a success from tho very day tho gates are opened, July 1. Passengers oast from Chicago to Fort Wayne, Flndlay, Fostoria, Cleveland, Erie Buffalo, New York City, Boston and all points east, will consult their Interests and find advantage in selecting tho Nickel Plate road east from Chicago. Three through trains are run dally, with through day coaches to New York City, and modern Pullman sleeping cars to destination. Rates always the lowest, and no excess fares are charged on any train, for any part of the Journey. Mqnern dinlrijr car service, with Individual club meals, rang lug In price from SS cents to $1; also meals a la carte. Ask for tickets via theNickel Plate road. Chicago depot, Lasalle and Van Buren Mtreets, the only station In Chicago on the Elevated Doop. Chicago pity tfrket office, 111 Adams street. De tailed, information may be secured by ad' dressing John T. Calahan, general agent No. IIS Adams street, room SDR, Chicago. One Fare for the Roand Trio. Via ' Chicago Great Western , railway to points within IV) miles. Tickets on sale every Saturday and Sunday to April 1 1!K. Good returning the following Monday. Ixiw rates to other points on sale every Friday. For full information apply to H If. Churchill. G. A.. 1512 Farnani St. Bee Want Ads Are Business Boosters. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Vincent E. Jakl, who for the last two years has occupied the position of third assistant observer In the office of the Omaha weather bureau, has been promoted to the position of second assistant, which carries with It tin increased compensation. Rhaumatiam Nauralgia Seiatloa Lumbago Kidnay Trouble Stomach Troubal Hoart Troubla Diiainsaa t ret the medicine of vour druneist. F.liminets . l Das imarkaDl remedies are based upon the new pnn- -cipl of elimination instead of th common practk of stunu-1 tauon ana stupefaction. 1 U Book and ir.e remedies deserve ' to be in every home. Wriie todat. Do it now. ' Address MEDICINE CO., D Koines, Iowa , CORNISH AGAIN DENIES SALE President Carter White Lead Works 8yi Merger Story is False. TRUST HAS NOT BOUGHT HIS CONCERN or Is Any Ileal Font Uooklna z the Snrrender of Independent tnmpany tn the Bla Corporation. President E. J. Cornish of the Cat let White Lead company returned Monday morning from Chicago. He was pressed to confirm or deny the reported sale of the Carter concern to the National Lead com pany, commonly known as the Lead trust. Mr. Cornish wrote this statement: The Carter company Is not selling out or being merged with any other companies. I and my friends control the majority of stock and are not contemplating any trans action that will in any manner change any officer or employe or the policy of the com pany or Its position In the trade. There Is nothing pending mat would cause the Omaha plant to cease to be oH-rated to the limit of Its capacity. The rumors to that eflect are unfounded and In jurious to the company. It Is uot denied by officers, however, that there has been an Important deal In stock carried on by attorneys, with the identity of the purchasers considerably In the dark. President Cornish says he regrets the air of mystery which' has surrounded the ne gotiations, but feels he Is in a position where ho is unable to give out full and definite information. He emphasises tho assertion that he remains In control of tha company and that 1 the manufacture o white lead will continue a leading Industry in Omaha. Thorn In Side of Trust. , Behind the bare statement made regard ing tho desire of other Interests to acquire the Carter White lead properties is said to exist a story of commercial combat of re markable Interest. President Cornish de clines to outline the affair, but it is known t'.iat for years the Carter company ha been a costly thorn in the side of the Lead trust and other Interests as well. For twenty years the National Lead' com pany has controlled the white-lead situa tion except In so far as the Carter com pany was concerned. It Is capitalized at 150,000,000 and owns every white lead pro ducing plant of consequence In the country: except tnosn ot tne carter company, wnicn Is capitalized, at ll.OUO.OOO with about three-fourths of the stocs outstanding. A third factor, that has endeavored to exert influence is the United Lead company, owned by the Interests of the American Smelting and Refining company, and which is described as a corporation with immense capital, but no business. The National Lead company has had covetous eyes on the Carter properties for a long time, but has not been nearly so keen or eager to buy as the United Lead company, so the report goes. Price SuUl to Be Fictitious. In tho negotiations for tha purchase of Carter .stock by the Iad trust the figure of $1,000,000 was mentioned as theousidsra- lion. It is said the physical property of the Carter concern in Omaha, Chicago and Montreal and elsewhere Is not worth to exceed the $l,rio,noo capitalization. The In tangible value la said to exist in the process cf manufacturing white load owned by the Carter people. It is this process that has enabled the Omaha coroporatlon to fight the trust with marvelous and increasing success for many years. The lack of as good or better process has kept the I'rrlted Lead company in its place. The prize In She possession of the Carter company is what has made the ' competitors so ex tremely anxious to obtain control. "' "" Founded lr Levi Carter, The Carter company was founded and developed in Omaha by Levi Carter, who was regarded as a remarkable man in the business and financial world. Mr. Carter's brains ajid Ingenuity raised his concern to an important position. When he died he was succeeded about a year ago by E. J. Cornish. Since his administration of the affairs of the company began a large pro ducing plant has been built and put in operation at Montreal, operation of the Omaha plant resumed and the volume of business done by . the company Increased tremendously. This activity has focused the desires of the competitors. The valua of the stock advanced so rapidly that cer tain stockholders, nearly all of whom live In Omaha, were unable to resist the pro posals. Stock has lies sold; this much Is clear, but President Cornish asserts with a smile he Is still in the saddle and pro poses to remain. BUFFALO BILL IS ALL RIGHT ever In Better Health and Kow Italy with Ills Wild West Show. In NEW YORK. March J9. Colonel W. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) has cabled from Oenoa, Italy, emphatically denying- the reports widely disseminated throughout the United Ht.iles that owing to family troubles, busi ness perplexities and falling health he la threatened with complete collapse and would shortly retire from the head of his famous Wild West show, which Is now en tour In Europe. Colonel Cody's cablegram was addressed to J. A. Bailey, aeneral di rector of tho Barnum & Bailey's Circus, who is Colonel Cody's business partner in the Wild West, show. It is as follows: GENOA. Italy. March 12 Barnum , ,Builcy, 2ii West Thirty-fourth Street. New t York: Strongly dony reports falling health, had bulne and retirement. Never in life fell better and business Immense. CODT. I When questioned in regard to the matter i Mr. Bailey said: "I cannot Imagine how the reports of Colonel Cody's Illness and j contemplated retirement originated Cer tainly there is nothing either in Colonel Cody's state of health or the success of th Wild West show In Europe to warrant such statements. When he left New York February 15 on the Savoie, en rout for France, he was tha picture of health and enthusiastic over the prospects for the season. This feeling was justified by the big business of the opening performance at Marseilles and ,te success of the tour since that time has been beyond all ex pectations. Colonel Cody ts so far from retirement that he has already arranged with me to return to tne United States vlth the Wild West show next November and make a very coinprhenslve tour of this country with an exMbitlon that will far surpass anything heretofore seen In the way of rough riders and sensational acts ot horsemanship and heroism." HEAVY FALL RAISES - LAND Know Ha KaTeet of Advancing Price a Farm Property In tha West. "The recent snowfall haa raised the pric of western lands," said George O. Wallace, an Omaha real estate man. "People who have been thinking of buying farms in western Kansas and Nebraska have' been stirred Into activity, by the heavy snow and those who have been hesitating have finally dutided to buy. Inquiries have been many In the last week, and sales Vave been good. In consequence of th demand, the land holders have raised their prices. But thea, prices have been going up in th last year or two. One loo-acre out west I know of. onVrod a year ago for 1,, has Just been old at tl.tSo. Another sold at $15.10 an acre, a net advance of H an acre In a year and a half." The reports that the Chicago ft North western railroad would build a large freight house In the vicinity of Fifteenth and Webster Itreets has caused a tush of prop erty owners to redeem property In that neighborhood, which, was sold under the scavenger tax law. A large number of tracts was paid out Saturday and Monday. WRECK VICTIMS RECOVERING All ow In Hospitals Supposed to Have Been Fatally Injured, nolaa- Well. No further deaths have resulted from the street railway accident on South Thir teenth street. The Injured In the hospitals are reported as doing well and the doctors say nearly all are out of danger. Alex Fpsteln, bruised on the head and body, is about ready to leave the hospital, which will leave four In the South Omaha hos pital and one, Mary Abraham, at St. Jo seph's hospital. She Is reported as better than at any time since the accident, having been badly Injured about the head by broken glass. The four still In the hospital are Leo McUulre, who had a lib pushed Into his lung, said to be greatly Improved: T. E. Peterson, who had his chest crushed and. his lung also penetrated by a rib. Improv ing; William ; Richt, ssreral ribs broken and was severely cut about the head, said to be about out of danger, as Is also Rich ard Wendlund. who suffered from concus sion of tha brain. Catherine Tobler, who suffered great pain from a broken collar bone, Is mora comfortable and is not In fljne serious condition that was first re- poneu. Some of the street railway employes who were on the cars which collided suffered severe shocks, but all are about ready to resume work. Howard Earl Bullock, one of the victims of tho South Omaha street car wreck, set tled with the street car company In county court Monday for $10. " Announcements of the Theaters. "The Gingerbread Man," which is now running at the Boyd theater, has scored one of the biggest hits of the season. It merits in every regard' tho enthusiastic praise that has been showered on It. It will remain nt the theater until after Wednesday night, with a matinee on Wednesday. ' The grand opera season at the Boyd theater Is attracting much attention and the advance sale of seats indicates that each performance will be wltneased by a large audience. The Henry W. Savage English Grand 0era company is winning for that energetic promoter of American musical ' culture a great name. Ills en thusiasm over American voices is shared ill by his countrymen, and the tour this season of his organization has been a tre mendous success. In Omaha three operas will be sung, "la Boheme," by Fuclnl, on Friday evening; "Faust," by Verdi, on Saturday afternoon, and "Die Walkure," by Richard Wagner, on Saturday evening. The words aro all sung In English. Tin curtain rises early for "Faust" and "Dl Walkure." "The Second In Command". Is the success of the season at the Burwood. The work of the principals, MIbs Uang, Mr. Morrison and Mr. Owen, Is by far the beat they have done yet. whllethe others are fairly outdoing all former efforts. The regular professional matinee will be given this afternoon. ')r .Only fo" the Orpheum oad show was there such an e xtraoxdjnrv. demand for reserved seats as that of sterday at the Orpheum for next week, starting Sunday matinee, March iio. Valertex IJergere pre sentlng a condensed version of; "Carmen" Is booked for that date, and being popular here this beguiling star will undoubtedly receive a warm reception., Chamberlain's Conah Hemedy n r'nvorlte. "We prefer Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to any other for our children," says Mr. L. J. Woodbury of Twining. Mich. "It ha also C i the work for us In hard oolds and croup and we take pleasure In recommend ing It." LOCAL BREVITIES Th Isabel league will hold an open meet ing Tuesday night at Labor temple. It in vites the public. . J. B. Mason is drafting plans for a resi dence In Remls park for V. 8. Heaton. It will cost about ii.OOfl. The city ha issued a permit to J. E. Dewey for a $!.oi frame dwelling at 901 North Twenty-third street. Fate Davis has applied in district court for a divorce from Zylpha Davis, to whom he was married in Malvern, la.. October 25, 1W2. He says she created bad feeling In his household and had an ungovernable temper which she did not try to control when she could pour out her wrath upon htm. He says she forced him to leave horn by her treatment and then refused to make up again. ' . A Jurv In th' case of George Merrltt against the Merchants' National bank, in which h sought $.i,0U) damages for per sonal injuries, brought In a verdict for the defendant Monday morning. Merrltt says he was putting an office desk on an ele vator In the defendant's building at Thlr tenth and Farnam streets when the ele vator started to go up of its own accord and crushed several fingers on his left hand. A Valuable Agent. Th glycerine employed In. Dr. Pierce'i medicine greatly enhances the medi cinal properties which It extracts and hold in solution much better than alco hol would. It also possesses medicinal properties of its own, being a valuable demulcent, nutritive, antiseptic and antl ferment. It adds greatly to the efficacy of the Black t herrybark. Golden Seal root, Stone root and Queen's root, con tained In "Golden Medical Discovery In subduing chronic, or lingering rotig'js, bronchial, throat and lung affections, for all of which theae agent aro recom mended by standard medical authorities. In all cases where there It a wasting away of flesh, lews of appetite), with weak stomach, as In the early stage of consumption, there can be no doubt that glycerine acts at a valuable nutritive and aldt the Golden Seal root. Stone root, Queen' root and Black C'licrr) bark In promoting digestion and building up the flesh and strength, controlling tha cough and bringing about a healthy condition of the whole system. Of course, it must not be expected to work miracles. It will not cure consumption except In its earlier Uges. It will cure very severe, obstin ate, chronic coughs, bronchial and Isryn geal trouble, ard chronic sore throat with hoarseness. Iu acute coughs it la not o effective. It is in the lingering coughs, or thou of lung standing, even when accompanied by bleeding from lungs, that it has performed )tt most marvelous cure. Send for and read the little book of extract, treating of the properties and use of the several m ed ict us I roots that enter Into Dr. Pierce'a Goldett Medical Discovery and learn why this medicine has such a wide range of application, in the cure of discuses. It is aent free. Addrc- Dr. K. V. Pierce, buffalo, N. V. The Discovery con tain no alcohol or harmful, habit-forming drug. Ingredient all printed on each bottle wrapiier lu plain English.. 8lcit people, eieclally those suffering from disease of long standing, are luvltjd to consult Dr. Pierre by letter, frr. All correspondence la held a strictly prlvat and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. B. V. Plerr. Buffalo. N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser la aent frt4 on receipt of stamp to pay eipensa of mailing on. Send 31 one-cent stamps for paper-covered, or SI stamp for ckith bouiid tfopy. tgggrr: zzz.... . gzgzz.. crrz. lES ) 11 A Food So Work On ELOPEMENT ENDS HAPPILY Marriatre pf Clara Francis Blessed by Parents After Shock is Over. MOTHER WEEPS, BUT SAYS IT'S ALL RIGHT Former Omaha Girl sad ller Chleaao Snrrthpsrt flteal A Tray aad Itetnrn as Man and Wlfa. Cards nave been received In Omaha an nouncing the marriage at Fox River, III., of Miss Clara Francis and Otto Blrk, both of Chicago. Miss Frances Is the 18-ytar-old foster daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Francis, formerly of Omaha, and frleiffls In this city were much Interested, as well as surprised, at the announcement. But these announcements did not Hell that the marriage was a surprise to Mr. and Mrs. Francis as well. The young couplo had telopsd. This version of the affair is given by the RecoriS-Herald : "Walter said he, didn't want me to talc Clara away for a little visit to California," explained Mrs. Francis last night at her heme, toil Kenmor avenue, ".nitiwr family has the slightest objection but thy are both so young." Blrk Is years old. It was three weeks aao that Mrs. Francis announced that She and her daughter would spend two months In southern California, and a day later Blrk began planning to pre vent nix sweetheart Irom Doing away so long, lie took a Thursday afternoon off and went out to Geneva, in Kane county, , to arrange lor a wedding. The next Sunday, March 4, Walter, ins chum Walter Wettewer, Miss Francis and her young friend, Miss Ieola Welswlnkle, , took the third-rail electric line for the old ' town on the Fox river. That sains day the Francis family was at the Blrk home, I lltnl Wellington avenue, lor dinner, and Mr. and Mrs. Blrk accompanied th guests f to their homo In th evening, the youngor ltirk and hi bride appeared soon after ward. "We re married," said Mrs. Blrk, Jr., "and I don't think 1 11 go to California.' Iso you are not, replied Mis. trrancis. as she told of the Interview last night. Mrs. Francis began to cry and Mr. Uirk began expressing his opinion in forcible language. 'it was all over, tnougn, went on Mrs. Francis, "In two minutes. There was noth ing wrong about It, but we wanted to give oui'daugnter a big wedding, and she would have gotten It had she waited until (Sep tember. But Clara Is perfectly happy, and so am I now." , The next dsy Mr. Francis asked his daughter's opinion ot California as a honey moon setting, in young wue expressed herself glowingly. Walter's father alo took a sjifferent view of the matter the fol lowing duy. and auggested "a little time off" from business. Walter said a couple of weeks would be about right. I think you had better take a trip or a month." said the elder Blrk. "Here a lit tle change for you, Walter. Itav a good lime HlUi couw uavca. u&ii.v. The "change wa ten bills or II UU each. The elder Blrk said he supposed tin would hav spent that much on the wedding, ' lor Walter Is a good boy." Mrs. Francis said last night the young man was "the manli est boy" she ever had known. The Francis parlors were niiso wun flowers last night, and they kept arriving all evening. The young Mrs. HlrK ts a musician or talent. For two winters she attended St. Mary's college at Knoxvllle. and last win ter was at school in Washington. This winter she had been continuing liSr musical studies in Chicago. She Is a social favorite In the young North Bide set. She met Walter Blrk about a year ago, and he has been attentive since. Blrk's older brother, Frank, la secretary of the brewery company. The Francises left Omaha leas than two years ago. Mr. Francis had been general passenger agent of the Burlington west of the Missouri river for many years. He went to Chicago to become general passen ger agent of th Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy. His young daughter wa a great favorite with friends here. ' SNOW BREAKS ALL RECORDS More Widespread Than Ever 1st His tory of Hurrss-Springe May Bring? Relief. "Never within th history of th weather bureau hus so widespread a blanket of snow covered the northern part of th United States as at this time," say Foie caater Welsh. "It la unusual from th fact that it sxlends from the Pacific to the At lantic coast. In Nebraska the average depth of the snow on the ground Monday morning was six Inches. Th snowfall In and about Omaha during the laat twtnty fuur hour wa about two and one-half Inches. "The weather Is clearing In the west, but It Is snowing at every alation eastward to the Atlantic coast. The outlook Is for colder tonight and with a promise, of wanner tomorrow " Spring, or the vernal julnox, begins at I a. m. March 21, and according to popular tradition warmer weather Is likely to fol low. However, on this subject Forecaster Welsh said: "I cannot say that the vernal aqulnojs- Is an Infallible harbinger ofwarmer weather. About all that can be said 1 4hat th present condition ai unseasonaU and unusual." Work. Work!! Work!!! Lots of energy is needed to keep up the pace. In the struggle, the man with the strong body and dtar brain wins out every time. The man of to-day needs something more than mere food ; he needs a food that makes energy a food to work on. ' Although some people may not realize it, yet it is a fact, proved and established beyond doubt, that soda cracker and this means Unceda DlsCUlt are richer in muscle and fat-making elements and have a much higher 'per cent of tissue-building properties than any other article of food made from flour. That this is becoming known more and more every day is attested by the sale of nearly 400,000,000 pack ages of Uneeda OlsCUttt the finest soda cracker ever baked. An energy-giving food of surpassing value sold in a package which brings it to you with all the original flavor and nutriment perfectly pre served. Truly tht food to hork on. Whoever you arc whatever you are wherever you work Uneeda Dlocult. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY 'SS"''"'''''"'w'"''"'''a' ALONG THE RAILROAD RUN I'nlon Pacific's Oregon Properties Pro duce Blaaest Income Inr lo; Janaary. The statement of the comptroller of the Union I'acino for January shows an In crease over the same month last year of $J.1t,0,.).33 In the net earnings and an in crease In the net earnings for the seven months ending January 31 over same period of the year before of ia7,2.M.T7. The gross receipts for January were CUB. 176. and the expenses and taxes were $2,85U,0i3.6, showing net earnings of 12,266.122.40. The net earning for the seven months were ll?r4,W6.$3. The mileage of the Oregon Short Line Is 1,127.68 mile and the Oregon Railway ft Navigation company 1,130.68. The total net Income of th Short Line was 111,900.381 and of tho Oregon Railway & Navigation company 15,914.639, making a total of $17. 814,930. Thee figures show the Oregon di visions of the Union Faclflo wer the most profitable of any, and aa they are held under lease, all aurplu accrues tojji Union Faclflo Income account. Tralna Plow Throaab.. Hsow, Trains in and out ot Omaha are In good condition, as far as the schedule goes, con sidering th heavy snows and storms. The only train which lias been badly delayed is the hot Angeles Limited,' which wa stopped In California by the heavy rains. Friday's train arrived at the station Mon day morning, the first train to get through since that time. The western trslns were about one hour late, the Wabash from St. Louis being an hour and a half behind time. The trains from the west go through a little better than those to the west, the Denver trains arriving a couple of hours late. The Burlington train from the north west Sunday night wa about five hour late, but th train Monday morning from that country was but one hour late and th Monday afternoon train waa reported on time. Railway Hote and Personal. The Missouri River & Northwestern rail road, running between Mystlo and Rapid City, will begin th operation of passenger trains between these two points April 1. Bam Hutchinson, excursion manager for the Union Pacific, passed through Omaha enroute east Monday with the first of the personally conducted exclusively Mrst-class Chicago to the Pacific roast excursions. "Seeing America First" Is the title of a pamphlet Just issued by the Denver A Hlo Cirande railroad. It contains the address delivered by Herber M. Wells before the "Seeing America First" congress, which waa held at Bait Lelte City in Januarv. A. E. Welby has had his Jurisdiction ex tended as general superintendent of the Denver Rio Grande Railroad company. Major Hooper, head of the passenger de partment of the Rio Grande, has prepared a special design for an emblem for the See America league. K. F. Dresher, paymaster of th Chicago Great Western, of St. Paul, is In th city handing out a few checks. O. Cornelisen. superintendent of the AFJD YET SO CHEAP The perfect purity of H AYNER WHISKEY la guaranteed because it roe direct to you, from our own distillery and doesn't pas through tha hand of any dealer or ro.iddlein.an to adulterate it. Have your doctor teat it and see what he says. Whenyou buy HAYNER WHISKEY you gave) the dealera' enormous profits. That's why it cost less than you pay tor adulterated stuff. Yon cannot buy anything purer, better or mora satisfactory than HAYNER WHISKEY, no matter how much yon pay. It Is recommended by leading physicians and tiRed in hospitals, simply because it is so good and pure. That's just why YOU should try it. Units Btata Senate, Washington, D. C. "I havs found Haynar Whiaksy ts be very pleasant sod palatable, aad possessed of aualitl that lomraaod it for th table aad the sick room." T. C. Plait. U. Senator from New York. FULL $5)0 EXPRESS QUARTS t2) pnEPAID OFFER W wfll send yea la a plala Mld case, with no wwa. vra sa Xo tbow content. FOUR FULL QUART BOTTLES of HAYS UK PRIVATE fcTOCft RYB or bOURBUN for U.2U. and w will pay th express charge. Tak It home sod tampt It, 'laav your doctor tst it vry bottl If you wish. Thea II you don't Hod It )nst s w say aad perfectly tistaetory, shlprt bark la a AT OL'R EX PEN SB and your B..0 will be promptly refunded. How eouMaar oflsr be fairer. Yoo doa't risk a cent. Order for Aria., CsL. Col.. Idaho, Mont, .. K. M . Or.. Utah . Wsth., or Wrn . mast be rn tha basis of 4 Quarts) tor M.OO by It preaa prepaid or law tuarta lor Iftjtv by relgtat fi-epald. Writ ear acaieat olflo and do it NOW. THE HAYKER DISTILLING. COMPANY St. Lewis, . St. Paul, Ml. Atlanta, 6a, Dayton, O. S401, , OtarnxaBT, Taoi. O. Israsusaso law. 3 Great Western at Clarion, Is In the city. O. Davidson, division engineer of the Great Western, Is In th city. Q'HEARN TELLS OF ROBBERY Relates Interesting- Incident ' Ceu neeted with Hold-l of Irng Store. On Ills way to Uneoln with Sheriff Mo Donald Saturday night Jay O'Hearn told an Interesting Incident connected with th holdup of the drug store of B. Robinson. 6J4 South Sixteenth treet. the Friday night preceding the Lausten murder4. The Job was done by O'Hearn. Angus nnd Nelson. As they entered the store Mr, Robinson was seated in the rear of the store with his wife. He waa reading a book and Mrs. Robinson wai crocheting. O'Hearn aya he ordered them to keep right on and I of the opinion that Mr. Robinson did not miss a line or hi wife drop a' atltch while they rifled the money drawer. The next day O'Hearn, who was a waiter in the U. S. restaurant, was startled to see Mr. and Mrs. Robinson walk Into the restaurant and start for him. He says his first thought was they had come to Identify him. but he "stood pat" and after they had seated themselves at a tfble waited on them as if he had never seen them before. He admitted he was a little nervous for fear they would recognise him. but If they did they said nothing about It, . SMITHS' RENT NEW QUARTERS Blsr Wholesale Dry Good Firm g-v rare Another Warehonse on Harney Street. , M. E. Smith Co. have rented the build ing now occupied by the Rlbbel Paper and Woodenware company, 1102 Harney street, and will use it for a' warehouse. A. C. Smith says the firm will Tie crowded for room, even though -this makes three large storage 'houses the company maintains. Tho company ha a factory and warehouse at Eleventh and Douglas, the main ware house and salesroom at Eleventh and How ard, a warehouse at 1414 Harney and the old Rlbhrl quarters. When the firm gel Into the two buildings which will be erected this summer on Ninth street from Farnani to Douglas, the congestion will lie relieved. The Rlbbel Paper and Woodenwar com pany is moving Into the old Crane building at Ninth and Douglas streets. The firm bought the building several months ago, but because of the delay In the completion of the new Crane building on South Tenth street has been unable to get Into It new location. Legr 1 Broken. Fred Ball,,, a laborer In the employ of Dorly & Moody, contractors on th lfnlon Psolflc cut-off, broke his leg while getting off a car at Twenty-ninth avenue and Leavenworth streets Monday forenoon. The police ambulance was called and he waa taken to the Omaha General hospital. sMsM .. i.-eV I fcleVTIljUa-' it . I