Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Tuesday's Great Special Selling of Dlack Goods.
Should Sell Every Yard at Ihcsc Reduced Prices.
Our Display of Ladies'
Wearing Apparel, Second
Butirui cults, tn to to ..
Handsome coat, $7.raJ to l':S.
Perfect flttllng skirts. 14 60 to I If'.
I.lnrertn waists. II to 112.6.
Fine petticoats, tl to $5. J
Negligee) hoase gowns, ft. Si) to 115.
New Spring Apparel at Bar
gain Prices.
New silk petticoats" In popular colors
ft W and .
New silk suits. at $9.D6.
New short Eton coats Of fine. taffeta, at
Beautiful and exclusive sprint; waists,
49r, 75c, 7SK) to tZM each.
Tailor made house Wrappers, good liberal
lengths and full widths, $1 tl.25, tl.M to
tl, full', finished seams. Economy hsse
mailt. Buttons.
A very popular mods- of trimming spring
(owns It by the ..neVal use of dainty but.
tons. Our stock is large and carefully
Delected tt meet the demand of the most
exacting. New fancy buttons of gilt, steel
and enamel. In every desired size and
Hhape, to match the new cloths at from
12Ho to 78c per dosen.
Cut steel buttons, large medium and
small slses from e to 12.50 a dosen.
Pressed steel buttons, 25c to tl a dosen.
Fancy enamel buttons In all the popular
shades of green, gray and blue, large and
small sises, 25c to M-fiO a dosen.
We carry a large line of pearl buttons
in all sises, at 10c, 12Hc, 15c, 18c, 20c, 25o, 30c,
Oe. 50c. ttc, 75a, $1.25 tl.50 a dosen.
A good pearl button, one dosen on a
. ....... ..a Ml ,..,.-
-a. UeUU ItMA fclloWOOUilll .t..
itua anawa iuu ditjviiiit; since A'tkuus, i..-
itikAVk t.WHtluu. a.i 'llta-j t:.i.
aualaaaa fraua t.iiirl Slirr tt ...
aaatoet twill
WAJslll.NUiA., mJ. V... .Ut.lll U. ....
WtlUaW UlJ wvuill.y luek Kjm. i.iu ......
"VM VUlie Wvivi.t id Irluit4 iu l..
WaCiler UUA'tMU, tJAetlllilillat t..t LUCCiO v..
iuu yi'tiVeUiiiiaj .atotui, iiit i.uiiQirfLUii..
iuw lit iufc' dils iiititi oi I...
tMU. 'iilS SlfcUUI Meatttll DUIIU4 lltftill ...
lilt) SOUUI fcUlU eAleltutu lUlti l..iatu,i.
.W Iwia, 111 awwet' ikku liua ...... it,.
upper Ohio vsney, wui luo iuu urun,
lulu snow touay. The liveis tit tue ntaio
ul ALississippi, Alaoama, Goorgia and ii.v
CaxutiiiMS him banatui, ami fclue8 aiHv.
h uangerune are expected tomorrow ii.
i majomy of the big waterways.
- U'faa slorm Is execied to paia down tht
It.' Lawrence vaiiey during tne next
twenty-four hours, and talr weather to
morrow is the prediction of the weather
bureau for the region ect of the Missis
sippi river except In New England and
eastern New York, where It Will not clear
until late in the flay. ' J ' '
NtW YORK,. March 1.Blx" inches .of
snow fell In this city today. Tonight It is
raining hard. Trolley schedules uptown
nd In ths suburbs were demoralised, and
in soma cases traffic was abandoned for
several hours.
Shipping In the harbor was Interfered
with, but ths only accident reported was a
oolllslon between the West Shore railroad
farry Rochester with tne Erie railroad
tarry Passaic. The latter steamer was
quite seriously damaged, but none of the
passengers waa Injured. '
CHICAGO, March 19.-Th heaviest snow
storm of ths winter has been In progress
hera sine last night. In twelve hours
four Inchea of snow fell and, being drifted
by a high wind from the northwest. It
drifted badly and made operation of street
cars, particularly In the suburbs, difficult
It was only by the constant operation of
snow plows that the streets In the down
town section could be kept open for the
passage of the cars.
Train service generally was In bad condi
tion. Many trains were reported anywhere
from two Ul ten hours lute.
Eighteen Inches of snowfall between S
o'clock last night and noon today, this Is
the heaviest snowfall ever known here.
All business Is suspended. Street car and
Interurban lines were blockaded until after
noon. There were no passenger trains to
day on soma railroads. No trains on any
read moved without two locomotives. One
train with four locomotives on the Cincin
nati, Hamilton fc Dayton lino la stuck in
tha drifts six miles east of Decatur.
ST. LOUIS, March 19. A heavy snow
storm, which began lust night, seriously
inconvenienced truffle of all kinds today,
and tha forecast Issued this morning pre
dicts mora snow and a minimum tempera
ture or IK or 18 degrees above aero, with
brisk northwest winds. At o'clock this
morning tha full of snow measured nine
Inches, and It was then snowing hard.
KANSAS CITV, March 1.-The weather
today In the southwest was clear and
warmer, with no snow falling. Street car
t radio at various points In Missouri and
Kansas was still Interrupted mora or less,
and many trains were late. The ground
waa covered with about six inches of snow
on ths' level, while In some placea It waa
drifted badly. In Oklahoma and ludlau
Territory the snow was melting fast.
. DECATUR. III.. March 1.-Wlth fifteen
Inches of snow on the level, a Cincinnati,
Hamilton Dayton paaaenger train was
stalled, tn snowdrifts east of Decatur this
evening; The ' train was snowbound for
several hours. Farmers carried fuod to the
liasavagers. All trains are delayed.
A .Gaaraaie Cars las Mies.
Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding
Your diuggtal will refund money C :
ululmunt fails to euro you In to 14 days
pi lea
days. 60e
. VsWirat.
Uvu t L. Suter and Mlsa Mauie K Grate
wer tuarrled by Rev, Charles W. Savldge
8turay evening at tha residence of J. K.
Hetisif 9U North Twenty-fourth street.
from using
10 days' trial will show YOU
: ,,ThrV Reason."
II. Black Novelty Panama. So
Inrhes wide, with small Invisible
check, very choice snd desirsble, spe
cial price, Tuesdsy 6Hc a yard.
tl 00 BIscV. Basket Panama. 4:1 Inches
wide, special price Tuesday B!c a yard.
1 .80 Black Dress Skirting. 4 Inch
wide, very desirable, in this .sale Tues
day use a sard.
tl.OO Pointille Panama. 47 inches
wide, Tuesday 6c a yard.
Wc Batiste Pointille, 44 Inches wide,
Tuesday 4c a yard.
41. 60 Black Basket Panama, 4 Inches
wide, Tuesdsy Kc a yard.
card. Be a card.
Two dosen on a card, at So a doien.
Fish eye pearl buttons, two dozens on a
card, ino a card.
Dress Trimmings.
A large and handsome sssortment of thor
oughly up-to-date trimmings for every oc
casion. For the new Eton Jackets we are
showing Persian Bands from H-Jn. to rvi-tn.
wide. Prices ranging from 15c to 11.00 a yard.
Baby Irish Tces in all-overs, bands and
All-overs for entire waists as well as
yokes, vests and cuffs.
There are many choice novelties which
are difficult to describe. Among the very
newest ant beaded trimmings In the Indian
colors. Ask to see them. TVe have just
received some new black silk dress nets,
45-ln. wide, In both plain and figured pat
terns. Prices H.OO, 1.25 and tl.50 a yard.
Children's Hose Special.
Fast black, excellent quality Lisle Hose,
suitable for boys or girls, lxl. ribbed, of
very fine texture, made with double knses,
solesf heels and toes. Tuesday's special
Howard Cor. Sixteenth Street,
Exteuded Speeches bj Messrs. McOreary,
"ind Hejburn.
He Ceatenda that tomrfii Maa A
solote Right to rr escribe Lim
itations of fssrti It
WASHINGTON, March l.-Thei- were
three speeches on the railroad rste bill
In the senate today. Messrs. McCreary,
llaliey and Heyburn were the orators. Mr.
McCreary announced his determination to
voto for the bill, whether amended or not,
but said that he would not object to a
reasonable provision for the review of the
Interstate Commerce commission's findings.
Mr. Bailey replied to criticisms of his
suggestion for a prohibition In ' the bill
against the suspension of the commission's
orders by courts below the supreme court.
He contended that congress had the abso
lute power to prescribe limitations fof the
courts which It creates and clted 'a large
number of decisions In support of his po
sition. x
Mr. Heyburn advocated a review pro
vision, but expressed the opinion that even
If It were omitted no person could bo de
prived of his .right of admission to the
The senate today adopted a resolution, by
Mr. Hansbrough, directing the secretary of
the Interior to furnish on the first Mon
day In December, 190, the names of per
sons and firms or corporations who have
relinquished to the United States land In
the vicinity of forest reservations. The
Information required is to include tha
names of those who have not selected lands
In lieu of those relinauished, and the sec
retary Is instructed to provide the means
for such persons taking patents to lands
to which they are entitled.
Mr. McCreary was the (lrst speaker on
the house railroad rate bill. The measure
was called up by Mr. Tillman at 12:
o'clock. Notice was given by Mr. Bailey
that he would speak on the bill, following
Mr. McCreary.
The right of the Interstate commerce com
mission to fix railroad rates was defended
by Mr. McCreary and he argued that the
rata fixed should remain In effect unless
reversed by the court of, review. He did
not agree with the belief of some that the
bill was unconstitutional.
Mr. Bailey gtatra Hla PosWIoa.
Reading from an account of the demo
cratic senator's luncheon at the home of
Mr. Newlands yesterday, published In u
Washington paper today, Mr. Dailey said
that the criticism of his views was the
exact opposite of what had taken place.
ine report rererrea to BHlit tnst a ma
jority of those present were against his
proposed amendment. He then proceeded
with a legal discussion of his position and
declared that he had been upheld in his coa
tentlon by the supreme court of the United
More than a dosen decisions fiom the
fourth Dallas to the li7th United States,
he said, proved the power of congress to
control tho Jurisdiction of the equity pro
ctedlngs as a ell as tho law proceedings in
the ftderal courts. ' Mr. Bailey laid espe
clul stress upon the contention that con
gress may prescribe the Jurisdiction of the.
subordinate courts, which it creates. Mr.
Ralley declared that all he was contending
for was to have the rates fixed by the com
mission stand until finully adjudicated by
the court, becausu he believed it might be
assumed that any rato established by that
body would be mure Just than the rates of
the railroad companies, the one disinter
ested and the other interested.
"I appeal to you to- say which is mors
apt tu be right. If you give your voice to
that fixed by the commission I demand in
the Interest of the people that It stand until
a Anal decree to the contrary Is recorded."
"Are we to undVrvtand that the seuator
tavors a Anal review by tlie courts?" Mr.
Aldrich asked.
"I do." replied Mr. bailey. "J liave, never
seen the day when I wouKl favor the clos
ing of tsj doors of tfcs courts to aifj-, per
son, curpo.-.te or otherwise. I favor a fair
and Impartial jiroceedlng. What 1 contend
for Is that the courts should not have the
power to svt aside findings without thor
ough Inquiry."
He said that he did not have confidence
In all the Judges on ths federal bench.
Mr. Hes hoara MpVaks.
Mr. Heyburn expressed confidence that
the proaeut effort would result In legisla
tion to fix raiiut M'd It was neosssary
to pursus ineTfcs that would stand tha
tests of the courts. Ha did not believe
that orders of the commission could be
made final because of the constitutional
rights of all people, but he saw no objec
tion to the insertion of a provision for the
review by the cauits iif the findings of the
, H dolret that the extstturf
Upc, March 1, lJnfj.
price, SOc pair, regular 2.".e quality. Economy
Tuesday, the Second Day of
Our Great March White
Goods Sale.
All our No. 25o Imperial Long Cloili, liVs1-'
qusllty. 7c yard; No. SP0. 15c quality, 9c
yard: No. , 16Sc quality, 1V yard: No.
Bon, isc quality, 12c yurd.
All our 60c White Dotted Bwlea EH-: fcc
quality. 4Jc; 76c quality, 5e; 11.00 quality,
75c yard.
All our lie White Persian Luwns, 10c; Mc
quality. 15c; 25c quality. lc; c quality, 20c;
45c quality, ac; 50c quality, 35c; Vc quality,
48-ln. wide, 35c yard.
All our 1:k India Linon. c; 16,c quality,
8c; ISc quality, 10c; 20c quality, 14c; 26c qual
ity, lc; V quality, 2oc; 35c quality. 23c; 50c
quality,, 35c a yard.
All our 25c White Piques, 17c; 75c quality,
50c a yard.
All our 30c White Linen Suiting. 19c; 50c
quality. 30c; 6c quality, 43c; 40c quality, 2!c;
60c quality, 39c e yard.
All our tl.SB French Lawn, 48-ln. wide, S9c;
11.00 quality, 48 In. wide, 75c; tec quality, 48
in. wide, 49c; 50c quality, 48-ln. wide, SSc a
All our 25c Repp Suiting, 19c a yard.
commerce law had resulted In building up
seashore communities at the expense of the
Interior regions, by construction of .the
long and short haul clause so as. to dis
criminate In favor of coast cities.
After passing a bill establishing a fish
culture nation In Nebraska the senate at 4
o'clock went into executive session and ad
journed eight minutes later.
House Reaches s Compromise on
Lieutenant General BUI.
WASHINGTON, March IS The house to
day reached a compromise on the question
of abolishing the grade of lieutenant gen
eral In the army, but providing that It
shall not become effective until October
12, next, in order that Generals Corhln and
MacArthur may be promoted before their
An Important bill, declared to be the first
step toward a reorganization of the con
sular service, was pasxed. The bill al
ready has been acted upon by the senatp.
It re-classlfles the services and Increases
salaries to the extent of $170,000 a year.
, During the completion of the general
debate on the legislative bill Mr. Gros
venor of Ohio came to the .defense of the
army lu the Mount Dajo battle and was
replied to by Mr. Williams, , the minority
leader, briefly, who asserted that all
criticism was bused on the official reports
so far received.
The retirement of aged clerks received
the attention of the house for more than
an hour, during which the debate was
general, while Mr. Tawney, chairman of
the appropriations committee, held the
floor In advocacy of the 70-year retirement
provision in the bill.
Senate Confirms Semhisllnsi.
WASHINGTON, March 19.-The senate.
In executive session, toduy confirmed the
following nominations:
Indian Agents John F. Hlackmon, for
the Kiowa agency, in Oklahoma; William
L. Relden. for the Standing Rock agency,
South Dakota.
Colonel John W. Bubb to lie brigadier
The following to be brigadier generals
and retired: Colonel William L. Stanton,
Lieutenant Colonel Loreuo W. Cooke.
Lieutenant Colonel Joseph M. CallfT, Lieu
tenant Colonel Heurv S. Turrlll. Lieuten
ant Colonel Crosby P. Miller and Lieuten
ant Colonel Charles F. Powell.
Also a. number of other promotions in
the army and navy.
Francis to Sneeeed Storer.
WASHINGTON, March W. The'name of
Charles S. Francis of Troy, N. Y., former
American minister to Greece, will be sent
to the senate as ambassador to Austria
Hungary to succeed Bellamy Storer. Mr.
Francis" father was formerly ambassador
to Austria.
Card ol Thanks.
We wish to express our sincere thanks
to our many friends for their kindness and
sympathy; also the street railway man-, thu
Street Railway Employes Relief association,
the Street Railway Men's union, members of
the Vinton street house, the Harney hauss,
the Ames avenue house and the Swiss so
ciety, shown us during the illness and
death of our beloved son and brother.
Forest "Fires Controlled.
BELLI NGH AM. Wash.. March 19. Forest
fires that yesterday destroyed the village
and mill at Noithwood. leaving thirty
families destitute, and threatened the town
of Lynden, were placed under control t'
day. A large force of men battled with the
flumes lait nigiit until Lynden was ut of
Scott's Emulsion is
44 the easy oil " easy to
take, easy in action. Iti
use insures deliverance
from the griping and nau
seating sensation peculiar
to the raw oil. Nobody
who has any regard for
the stomach thinks of
taking cod liver oil in the
old way when Scott's
Emulsion is to be had.
It is equally certairvthat
no one whose health is
properly regarded will
accept a cheap emulsion
or alcoholic substitute
for Scott's Emulsion. It
fulfills every mission of
cod liver oil and more.
i a JLs Sal sueat.
Senate Committee Favors Making. Two Fed
eral Districts, in Nebraska.
Motion Filed In Supreme f 'onrt W hich
Mill Teat l.raelltr of Sentencing
Indiana for Taklnc l.lqnor
, Onto a Reservation.
(From a Stsft Correspondent. I
WASHINGTON. Marc h W.-t Special Tele
gram.) The bill Introdui-ed by Senator j
Hurkett creating a new federal Judicial
aismcv, to te Known as tne souinern ju
dicial district of Nebraska, following the
meander of the Platte river, was reported
favorably to the senate today by the Ju
diciary committee.
Senator Kittredge. in his report on th"
bill. Includes a letter from Judge Munger
supporting the bill. In whli'h he states that
during 1"J court wss In session days,
during 1!M 376 days snd from January 1 to
November 1, 16. 15 days. When flrty-two
Sundays In each year are added to the
total number of days court was In session
Judge Monger bellevs some relief should
be given him. The report of the attorney
general for 1904 shows the total Judgments
rendered In civil suits In Iowa during the
fiscal year ending June JO, 194, amounted
to I72.K7. as against $557,133 In Nebraska
during the same period. Further, the re
port states that there Is a Inrge amount of
government land hi Nebraska, and from
the nature of it it will probably always re
main government land. Illegal fencing, Il
legal hnmesteading and civil and criminal
business contribute their share to the doc
ket, together with Irrigation projects and
litigation growing out of the North Plutte
project In the western part of the state. It
Is contended that the additional cost to the
government In the establishment of - this
new federal Judicial UlatrlcL will be saved
In reduced witness fees and other charges
against the government. According to pop
ulation the districts created by the bill will
divide the state as follows: North, district,
53,905; south district, 6o2.39t.
More Fees fit Attending; Court.
The senate committee on Judiciary today
made a favorable report on Senator Clark's
bill amending the act of congress fixing
the, fees of Jurors and witnesses in United
States Courts in the ststea of Wyoming,
Montana, Washington. Oregon, California,
Nevada. Ma ho, Colorado and Utah, and In
tho territories of New Mexico and Arixona,
who by the terms of the amendment shall
be entitled to receive for actual attendance
$.1 per day and 15 cents for each mile" neces
sarily traveled by stage line or by private
conveyance and 5 cents for each mile over
any railway.
Congressman McCarthy today recom
mended the appointment of Albert Edwards
as postmaster at Cornlea, Platte county,
vice the present postmaster, resigned.
More Pension for Widows.
Representative Hinshaw appeared befor
the Invalid pensions committee In behalf
of his bill to pension widows of civil war
soldiers uniformly at $12 per month, with
some exception as to large incomes. Mr.
Hinshaw would not haaard a guess as to
the disposition the committee will make of
his bill, but he hopes for a favorable re
port. . '..
Pollard Opposes Free Needs.
Congressman Pollard is opposed to the
free distribution of seeds on the part of the
government and will vote o sustain the
agricultural committee's recommendation
that the govcrnnvM discontinue the prac
tice f issuing sctds. ; Mr. Pollard believes
In . spending. tU ;moie- which, it annually
costs the government. for seeds in improvr
Ing the productive quality of corn, wheat,
oats and other,, coreals. He believes the
money spent for free seeds could be spent
with larger results In scientific experimen
tation, with, the object of Improving the
general agricultural conditions.
Cash for Forest Experiments.
' Senator Burkett Is much Interested in
the nursery and planting operations
how being carried on In the Dismal river
forest reserve near Halsey, Neb. The ex
periments In tree growing In the sandhill
country, now being conducted by the
bureau of forestry, are producing splendid
results, and In order tnat these experi
ments may be still further continued Sena
tor Burkett today Introduced an amend
ment to the agricultural appropriation bill
providing for the expending of 115,000 for
the extension of experimental forest plant
ing on the forest reserves In Nebraska.
Test of Liquor Law.
Congressman Kennedy presented today
in the supreme court a motion for leave
to Ale an application for habeas corpus on
behalf of James Lincoln, now connned-ln
the Douglas county Jail. Lincoln is an al
lottee of land granted to him on the Win
nebago reservation, in Thurston county.
He was indicted in the United States dis
trict court at Omaha . for Introducing
liquor Into the reservation, and was con
victed and sentenced., to the Douglas
county Jail for sixty days and fined $100
and costs. It is asserted by attorneys for
Lincoln that the conviction is lllegul and
void, and that habeas co.pus proceedings
Is the direct method of testing the ques
tion. Accompanying the papers is a stip
ulation of facta signed by District Attor
ney Goss on behalf of the government and
by attorneys for the defendant. Should the
court grant leave to file the application, at.
torneys for Lincoln will come to Washing
ton to argue It, as Mr. Kennedy is not an
attorney in the case. He apptured simply
as a matter of form and out of courtesy
to W. 8. Summers. The court will not be
in session again until April 2. The appli
cation fchows that the proceedings aro on
the suggestion of Judge Muugrr.
Representative Kinkald today recom
mended John Jucobson for. postmaster at
Cushing, Howard county, to succeed John
Flint, resigned, and C. A. South to le
postmaster at Butte, Boyd county, to suc
cecU T. 8. Armstrong, resigned.
Pea to klwa Rate Bill.
Should President Roosevelt ever huve nil
opportunity to sign a railroad rate bill, he
will doubtless use a pcmiolder of ebony
from the Philippines, Uniquely carved by
T. G. Harris of the quartermaster's de
partment at Fort Robinson, Neb., which
was today presented to the president by
Congressman Kinkald. 'i.i president ex
preseed to Judge Kinkald his appreciation
of the pen, and said h would be "de
lighted" to use It In signing a railroad rate
Minor Matters at Capital.
Ths senate today passed Senator Bur
kett's bill appropriating ;j6.0uo fur a fish
culture station In Nebrasau. the location
of which la left to the commissioner of
Representative Burke today Introduced a
bill authorising ths conatruction of a
bridge across the Missouri river between
Walworth and Dewey counties, S. D. The
proposed bridge is to W constructed by
the Chicago, Minneapolis St. Paul Rail
road company. A duplicate of this bill
was also Introduced in the senate today by
Senator Gamble. j
Postmasters I appointed: Nebraska Hig
Springs, Deuel county, R. V. Beach, vice
i H. H. Weldl. resigned: Walworth. Custer
i (uuuty, I.. O. Hoi. lee. vice R. B. Sargent,
I removed. lOwa H.inley. Madison county,
i W. C. Montgomery, vice I K. GlHsgow.
resigned. Lowdeu. (Vdar county, C. II.
Hnd, Ice N- D. Henry, resigned. South
. Dakota- Freaho, T.ymun county, William E
Sweeney, vlro t. llelllkson. resigned. Wy.
omlng Ionia, Big Horn county, Joseph S.
Brown, vice L. A. Brown, resigned.
Rural carriers appointed for lows rouies:
Walllngford. route 1. Jonns I. Overboil,
carrier; Joseph Ovciiiult, substitute. Wood
bine, route 4. O. E. Puddles, currier; Joliti
Suddlrk, substitute.
Tralnloaal of Radiators ontlna In
One shipment on the F.te
of spring.
On the eve of spring, the last day of the
calender season of winter, the American
Radiator company will bring into Omaha
a tralnload of rsdlstnrs. thirty-five cars.
This gigantic shipment comes from the
company's manufacturing plant' at Litch
field, 111., one of Its best plants. The train
Is on the Wabash and. If making schedule
time will reach Omnha soimlme this af
ternoon. "Within the lust year or two Omaha has
developed Into one of the big centers of
the west In the distribution cjf this line of
goods, being only one of the many lines
along which It has made great progress ss
a wholesale center. The trade of the Amer- I
lean company attained such proportions as
to necessitate the building of lsrger quar
ters, and with the general tide of expan
sion the company erected n large structure
on South Tenth street, which it occupies
"nlemn lllah Mass Celebrated at Hos
pital with Prominent Men
in Attendance. .
Solemn high mass In honor of St. Josep'i
was celebrated Monday morning ut St.
Joseph's hospital. Father Bronsgeest ass
celebrant of the mass; Father Adolph, O.
8. M., deacon; Father Flenne, subdeacon;
Father Jennette, master of ceremonies.
Bishop Scannell was present and his as
sistants were Father Smith and Father
Vrnnek. Father McCarthy preached an
eloquent and Impressive sermon. Other
priests were in the satictuary snd Count
John A. Crelghton and' John Schenck were
present. After tho mass a dinner was
given for the priests.
Willis Hall Turner.
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., March 19.
Wlllls Hall Turner, general manager of
the Grand Rapids Herald, died early today
from paralysis, with which he was stricken
several days ago. He was born In 1W, In
South Bend, Ind.. became editor of the
Jackson. Mich., Patrolt, and In 1892 be
came manager of the Grand Rapids Even
ing Press. In 1X97 Mr. Turner assumed the
management of the Chicago Journal, and
became president of the Chicago City Pub
lishers' association. Later he published
the St. Joseph Press and the Memphis
Scimitar. About a year ago he returned
to Grsnd Rapids. A widow and one son
survive him.
F.d Y. Harlan.
YORK, Neb., March 1. Speciul.j The
many friends of Ed V. Harlnn were
shocked to learn of his death at Vald.
Alaska. Friday a telegram was received
from his father at Valdei saying Edward
was sick and later another message an
nouncing his death. Edward Harlan Is
the only son of Hon. N. V. Harlnn. dis
trict attorney of Alaska, a graduate of
the York High school and a most popular
young man, liked and loved by every one
and Just entering a business career as
banker at Fairfax, Alaska.
James Robinson.
PRINCETON. N. J.. March !. Jaanes
Robinson. Princeton's famous athletic
trainer, died at his home here this evening
of heart failure, the result of a long Illness,
dating from a severe sunstroke which he
sustained last summer. He was born In
England $6 years ago, and came to this
country In 1879 as a trainer of race horses.
He had also been athletic trainer at Har
vard, Michigan and Yale.
(leorge R. t'omatoek.
George B. Comstock. a grain commission
merchant, died Monday morning at his
home, 3640 Harney streej, at the age of
6S years. He left a wife, two daughters
and one son. The service and funeral will
be held privately Wednesday afternoon.
Rev. L. O. Baird. D. D., will conduct the
service at the residence.
Jimmy Fixed It.
A isrseverlng youth had called several
times at the home of a young lady, to
be piet each time with t "not at home."
Upon one occasion he hao seen her go In
Just before he reached the gate. Iis ring
waa answered by her small brother.
"Jimmy, I'd like to see your sister," the
determined young man said.
"She ain't at home." Jimmy i-aid, sur
veying him disdainfully,
"But I Just saw her coiue In,' the youth
"Can't help that. Tell you what I'll do,
though," Jimmy said, condescendingly.
"You give me your pack of cigarettes, un'
I'll send her down.''
"You are too young to smoke, Jimmy."
To I get 'emt" Jimmy said, aggres
sively, half closing tho door.
"Here they are!" sit the conciliating re
ply, und the box was handed over. Leav
ing the visitor seated in the parlor. Jimmy
disappeared, to return In a few minutes.
"She'll be down soon." he said.
"How did you work that. Jimmy?" the
youth Inquired.
The boy surveyed him with an amused
gi !n.
"Aw, 1 told her It was the fellow she's
engaged to," he said. Harper's Weekly.
Make Your Wants Known Through Ths
pea Want Ad Page.
Favor Hoaaatt'a Appointment.
WASHINGTON. March 19. The senate
committee on territories today authorised
a favorable report on the nomination of
Wilfred B. Hoggatt to be governor of
51 a me
if you lah to rwalva a copy of tha xxk
mentioned In Oils advert iaament. rlia uur
name aud addie.a Id tha .e. ft"'"- 'r
ihia ouiMin an.l mall to Hnllle t fees.
Sanitarium Co.. Ltd., Dept. H
Haul reek. Mich.
, . I IT Ol T HKHI...
If a 1-ould roavlnce you in tbia ad of
tha value la YOU uf vur FRKE new book.
"Tha Bet Ue Creek Idea." you ajuld be j,.ne
to pay ILu.oft for II
TMa aok la Teluable be.aue It ahaea
vou bow to be well aud etroot without, tak
ing drug or ir-Jiriu.
All It caete f . however, la tha prl a of a
Stasia we eid It abaolutety free.
If tha attainment iir iotntiea of your own
good healUl and the good wealth uf thoea
duar la you la worth a poatal, Bend ua one
today tor uaa above rjupoui. sod wa will
forward tha book piotintl?.
You do not ol.ligaie )ouree)f 111 any way
by anawerlng thla advenleement. You are
neither required to buy anything nor to
arotmaa anything. All wa aak la that )ou
read the book careMll!v.
It telle hnw you ao live. In yi.ur uwu
home, without dleturblug your daily routine
iu any way. a eane. healthful life the he
that baa reatnred tltouaanda to health at the
famoua fcatlle t rek Sanitarium.
It le now retognUod that nliie-tetiltie of
all dleaaaee a re cauaed by Improper diet.
You eat diaaaae; and you eat health. Ii
te ail In tha bnl.a of fooda. "Toe Bui'.le
Creek Ideal" w;il tell yeu bow to .h.iupe
rlalit ao ae to aet and keep good health
If tha health la worth having, the book ia
worth aek'ng for tortav. Ad'ireee
The Haiti I reek Kanltarlam
t o., Ltd.. Uept. H SH.
Bailie f reek, wleh.
Stock in Waters-Piercs Company Held hj
Individuals for the Standard.
VA era-Pierce Company Kns oil
. From Independent Concern and
".ends Checks for It to
Standard Office.
ST. LOUIS. Mo., March IS.-The healing
in the Missouri oustr suit against the
Standard. Republic and Waters-Pierce-till
companies was resumed here today before
Special Commissioner Anthony, and testi
mony wss hesrd from William T. McKee
of Cleveland. O.. secretary of the Republic
Oil company; Charles M. Adams, secretary
of the Waters-Pierre Oil company, ami
Henry Clay Th ree, former president of the
latter company. Sir. Pierce wss on the
stand for but a few moments before ad
journment this evening and will probably
be called when the session opens tomorrow
"lock Held for Standard.
The points brought ont In the testimony
today summed up stund as follows:
That stock of the Republic Oil company
Is held by Individuals for the Standard
Oil company.
That Frank Wilson, assistant secretary
to W. G. Rockefeller, president of the
Standard Oil. Is a Republic stockholder.
That the Waters-Pierce Oil company
bought oil from Standard Oil refineries.
That In payment for oil bought by the
Waters. Pierce Oil company from the At
lantic refinery of Philadelphia, an alleged
Independent concern, the checks, since 1904,
have been sent to 26 Broadway, Now York,
headquarter of the Standard Oil.
That stock In the Waters-Fierce Oil com
pany Is held by M. M. Van Buren, nephew
of John Archbold, an official of the Stand
ard OH.
That Charles M. Adams, secretary of the
Waters-Pierce OH company, visited
Broadway to discuss the affairs of the
Waters-Pierce company with Standard Oil
Honda anil Papers I'rodneeal.
In accordance with the ruling of the
supreme court officers of the Republic and
Waters-Pierce companies testified and books
and papers from both companies were pro
duced as evidence. It wss anticipated that
C. I.. Nichols, president of the Republic
company, would be called to the witness
stand today, but after SecretaYy McKee
had finished his testimony It was announced
by Attorney General Hadley that the pres
ence of Mr. Nichols at this time would be
waived, on the ground thst Mr. McKee
hud given all the Information desired at
the nresent time.
Depositions taken in Cleveland and in
Oklahoma City were offered In evidence
and objected to by counsel for the defense,
but the objections were overruled and the
depositions admitted.
Frightful Loss of Life
results from throat and lung diseases. Dr
King's New Discovery for Consumption Is
a sure cure. 5(io nnd 11.00. For salo by
Sherman McConnell Drug Co.
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses have
been isstied:
Name and Residence. Age.
Edward T. Edwards, Omaha .; ... 24
Gertrude M. Martin. Omaha 32
John R. Segear. South Omaha 48
Ida L. Rogers, (mahu 41
Hiram Peterson, Omaha 5
Nina Brunell, Omaha
T t'uraia Col4 In One l)t
take LAXATIVE RROMO Qulnln Tablets.
Druggists refund money if It fails to cure.
E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 25o
Promotion for Judge.
Governor Folk announced this morning that
on April 1 he would commission Judge W.
W. Graves of Butler Judge of the supreme
court. To succeed Judge Marshall, resigned,
in the event Judge Marshall does not
withdraw his resignation before that time.
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
e X
Cleanses and beautifies the
teeth and purifies the breath.
Used by people of refinement
for over a quarter of a century.
Convenient for tourists.
ffte Best of
The Only Double
TracK Railway
to Chicago
Settler's Rates
to points lu
North Dakota and
Canadian Northwest
t March and April.
. - City Offtcaaw
14011A03 FARNAM ST.
tel. a4ai
a i
ill JJIIiai ai till aiaaaaaaajaaammseMeaaajaa
, . .1,1.1-1. -Ml .
Uurttl After 50 Year. Hp Can Curt
rilcw and Trove It.
ample Parkas) Free h Mall, go
that inn Can Prove tt on Vonr-
aelf. No Para-err.
riles (or hemorrhoids) rsrely kill, hilt
they cause more exquisite agony In a few.
minutes than much more serious trouble.
This Is especially true In the case of those
who s.rc tver so slightly constipated. 1
means the certain renewal of the agony
every morning. It la inevitable nnd un
avoidable. Piles can now bo quickly and perfectly
I cured, without rain, rutting or detention
from business or occupation. It has al
ready been demonstrated in thousands of
cases. In both sexts, at n,ll agea and In the
very worst ns well as the ordinary ones.
We propose to let you try it yourselt.
You have probably been bitterly disap
pointed by nvmy so-called Pile Cures.
This Is why we want you to try our
remedy before you pay a penny for It. Then
you will know certainly and sbsolutely,
whether It will do for you what It h
done for many others. It Is for sale in
every drug store because people- mut
have it.
No one who hus nit suffered tliv o -inunts
of Itching, painful or bleeding plies
can appreciate for one moment the ninl
velous sense of relief thatfollows the us
of the Pyramid Pile Cure. You Can go to
ths toilet without dread, or fenr, yofl cai.
cure yourself at honle without the slightest'
trouble. Inconvenience or difficulty.
Follow a few easy and simple directions
and get well and stay well.
Go to your druggist nt once and buy
a box of Pyramid Pile Cure for V) cents.
Here, for Instance, Is n sample of ths
kind of letters We get every day and wt!
don't have to ask fof them:
"Friend, I write to tell you What 'good
your pyramid Pile Cure has done' for me.
1 used your sample, and It did me so much
good I went and got two boxes, and 1
used one and I am 'another mart altogethei.
I have no pain, no piles, and I have been
troubled with them for over fifty years,
and could find no relief till now, thanks
to your timely cure. I'se my name If It
will do you sny good. Isaac Smith, Whar
ton. N. Y."
For Free Samples send tit the Pyramid
Drug Co., 1W1 Pyramid Building, Marshall,
Mich.. "
Delicate enough for the softest
tatin, and yet efficacious in removing
any stain. Keeps the skin in perfect
condition. In the bath gives all the
desirable after-effecf s of a Turkish
bath. It should be oo ever)' wasn
"Good Housekeeping," a ' Veil known
household national msgaslne voluntarily
made a thorough examination and test of
None-Huch Mince Mest, snd placed it with
out reservation upon Its roll of honor.
In the March number of flood House
keeping, In the department of "f'ure Food
Assurance." we find
"None-Such Mince Meat. Merrlll-Sonie
Co., Byraouee, a seml-molst condensed
compound of beef, apples, spices,,
raisins, currants, boiled cider, and salt,
without other persrytlvs nr;adulerRiitN
no artificial coloring, produced under con.
riltlons as near to sanitary perfecilon n
This guarantee, which could not be
bought at sny price, ought to satisfy the
most pnrticulsr house-wife. The sale
one million packages a month senms to
I rove the statement to be true. Your gro
cer sells Nonc-Hucli. Try it, und satisfy
yourself. Your are the one.
YVedneedny Matinee and Night
The Ginger Bread Man
Big and Brilliant All-Star Cast.
Augmented Orchestra.
Friday, "l.a Bohetne." Sat. Mat.
"Faust." Pat. Night. "Valkyre."
Prices, ioc, SI, II. 5. 2.(A $2.80.
Man., Tues., Wed. Mat. and Night,
.March 2. 27 and 28 The Success
of the Century
Prices ICvenlngs, J- to $2; Mat., ewo
to ll.SU.
n j Nights-Bun. Mat. lUc-l&o
t IW 1 fuss.. Thurs., ML
" -Mat.
-Mat. luo, sue.
Tonight snd All Week.
Tho Military Krsmi, ' "
Next AVek Mv Friend from India.
- souven;r night, apri t -
l flarch 27 & 2 J
Tin' World's Celebrated Arabian
Tlire Matinee Daily
Tuesday and Wednesday, l:HO, "J: IS,
Kvcuings 8: 13
Admission - - 25 cents
xo iiEaSKRVEU tiz.vra
Benefit Humane Society
Phons Douglas 4N.
Tonight and Saturday Matinee and Night.
Tha Eight Allisons. Sidney Co :
Five Vernons. Wynite Wlnslow, Armstrong
A. Holly, William lMvls Co, lisrr k
Evans, and the Klnodrome. ,
PKICEH-luc, ttc and toe.
-Prkes-15c, 25c, 50c. 76c.-
The Thrllhng Melodramatic .
Thursdsy "Meui's Enemy,"' ''
ft a A -0