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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1906)
0 TirE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MARCH 18, lOOCu L PS i 1 SPECIAL I0T1CES A4rtlimnn lor thee cnlipmi will ke takea antll IS . for tha evenlas? edition and nnlll H p. ni. for ta morulas mm Unadar edition. Hlttl 1 l-2a a word nnl luarrllna, 1 wor4 thereafter. Nothlasr taken for less thaa into for the flrat Imff. tloa. Tkn, adtfriiirafXi an a at be raa raaaeratlvely. Advertlarre, hr reqaestlasj a aara krrrd cheek, eaa have iMnm id ol The Bee. Aiiitin addreaaed will be delivered oa preaeatatlea af ehepk. MISCELLANEOUS OMAHA Bafo and Iron Works make a spe cialty of lire escapes, shutters, doors and alec. U. Aiiureen, t'tuu., uu a. win oi. Halo Tioa R RUM BEL & SON. 1124 SIGN PAINTING. B. IL Cole. 1302 Douglas. R Vol WE BUT and sell typewriters. We will sell vour machine on a small commission. Omaha Typewriter Exchange, 82 Neville uim. Tel. Doug. fco. k aitm BTEINWAT piano, upright, big bargain. pernaia l lano Co., ibil rurnaru ou R 901 GUNSMITH, keys, trunk locks, repairing. Henln, 217 8. 14th. Tel. Douglas 2974. R 8o KNIVES AND FORKS silver plated, $2.25 per dus. Omaha Plating to., mos narney R M704 MohJl HAVE Wilson bang paper, quick, clean. Pa per cleaning a spuumiiy. lei. uoug.-wroa. TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. TeL Doug. kM o BrAunu'nAiiif i it- 1 1 v: , hjmiou lf and repaired. Fcrer's Typewriter Sup ply v-o., owi on viua iwa. R 367 Apr 1 iNCUBATORS, brooders and chick food. Burr incuuaior co., "u Aavenuui u n iuiw juviim lows. Sanitary Cleaning Co., Ul Farnam. M QOi SECOND-HAND Typewriters sold, rented lid repaired. rerers lypewriier nu upply Co., 160 Farnam. 1Phone Doug- it 431 Apr. i BURVEYINU. Bflckensderfer, 1U Bee Bldg. 1 SAD IRONS replated. 1608 Harney Si. t H MiUo Mch21 MARTIN METER, ghlrU. underwear to or- JdJfa JXV JUIW OMAHA Electric Work, repair- i iiat. i-ricei r.Knt. uo-i DJug. 1181. H-MliU WANTED MALE HELP v Do you want a good position at a good a.. I.. .- 9 . Do you want a better position at a better galary 7 ... Do you want a place with a brighter future? If you do, you had better write us at once for plan and list of vacancies now on hand. We list a few vacancies below: Traveling salesman, good Drill, 11.80; also expense and commission. Btenographer, commercial, 105. Blenograuher and cleik. R. R., !. Retail hardware and furniture salesman, 160. Bookkeeper and accountant, ISO. ' Clothing salesman, retail,, 105 and P. M's. Structural draughtsman, low to II W. Western Reference and Bond Assn. Inc. Mo-l-i N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. B--271 18 DRUG stores bought and sold. Drug clerks wanted. . v. ivnieat, Ki it, x. u. B 907 WANTED For U. B. army, able-bodied ' men between ages of 21 and 36; citizens of United Btatea, of good character anu ieiu ' Derate hahlla. who can SDeak. reud and ' write English. For Information apply to , ttecruiung uirice, lain ana uuuiui on., f Omaha; Lincoln and Grand Island. Nel., or bioUx City, la. . w MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing, oricgiaying, plastering traues; u a ' dav. Coyne Bros. Co.. New York. Chi- r, cago. Cincinnati, St. Louis. Free cata- loa-ua. Mwjo CIVIL SERVICE work. See Underhlll, 33M N. 114th. B W C"" STOP' th Neo- House, 1307 Douglas; Uiul rooms 2bo and up; beds (Iron) lie; B-M31S81 WANTED Four trustworthy boys, with bicycles; permanent poslllous. A. u, i. CO.. 11 a. ma OU D-mmv w WANT K D Window tnmraer and sign writer. Apply People a blore. ; B-M677 WANTED Competent- experienced Insur ance producers for best fraternity ex tant; salary ana commission, t . r . noose, presiuent, Denver, coio. a amut i IS SIX week we educate you In salesman. ship, secure you a position as traveling salesman with responsible firm. Address . the Bradstreet System, Rochester, N. Y. B-Slll-IH .e':V"'rvL"" .VlJrrFKrSr ..u y "'"'' " IN SIX WEEKS you can become a success ful commercial traveling salesman. We teach you free and get you responsible position. Bradstreet School Commercial Salesmanship, Buffalo, N. Y. B-360 lSx RiCII A FALCONER, repairing a specialty; also contracting, 2ul7 N. ioth, Douglas i.l. R M447-A-17 CD AT maker wanted; steady work. J. F. Ueesen, Se.ward, Neb. B M442 20 WANTED A German sausage maker; one who has had experience in the sausage making Duainoas. write R. M. v est. plialeil, Atlantic, la. B-M 4-13 18 WANTED At once, a first-class barber: steady Job. J. C. Morgan, Seward, Neb. a JtJ lbX WE will si ll the exclusive right to manu facture and sell our household garbage burner In the state of Nebraska to tue right partlos. For prices, Information and description of device apply to Domestic Garbage Burner Co., Kalamasno, Mich. U 41 4Wi Z4 WE WANT a man in all the small towns to show and sell farms and other proper ties to our customers: good salary and commission; honesty more necessary than experience. write immediately. Nortn American uini CO., Minneapolis, Minn. - B tlii lax WANTED Four men to travel In each state, distribute sumples and advertise our goods: salary 1-1 week and ex- I-eiMi-s, guaranteed; exMn8.-s advanced; exierlence unnecessary. Addreas, wllh stamp, stating age and occupation, Rt-eve Co.. 41: lerborn Bt.. Chicago. . . H-33S 18x GOOD MAN to travel and appoint agents. Expense, ilary. Dr. C. H. Berry Co., , .... II -114-lk MAN WANTED In real estate business; experience unnecessary; if honest, ambi tious and willing to learn the business thoroughly by mall and earn $.fcJ0 to $6o0 monthly as our local representative, write Immediately for full particulars. Ad dress National Co-Operative Realty Co, B Atheiuteum Bldg., Chicago. B SiO lbx GOOD PAY To men everywhere to taok s.gus, distribute circular, sumples, etc. No canvassing. Universal Adv. Co., t iii- cago. u its ux MEN EVERYWHERE $4 dally pass clr- Continental Distributing Co., t'hiciiKo. B-J17 Ux TRAVKI.INO salesman. Several for west ern trad. By large wholesale house to a 11 staple, well advertised bus to gen eral stores; year's contract and llbernl drawing account to right men. Box . Chicago. B til Ux TAILORS wanted at 1!57 Farnsm and ell N. Mill St., South Omaha. B M4. 1 JTAKTEB-Thro Hia. Omaha Bex Co., .Last, Ouiat.a, B Mum 1 COMPOSITORS-Nonunlon, job. stone, cat- F$U&fi?'ES; aloBue and make-up men; permanent po- kly f$Z Cain . Irtmake si lion, to capable men of good character; fSPFam"st. ' C-Mlit 17 unexcelled opportunities for independent 13-4 arnam bt. . c-mii u WANTED MALE HELP , THE SPRING TERM AT Boyles College Opens Monday, April 2, and It is now time for us to bring to your attention some of the peculiar and In dividual personal advantages that Boyles College holds out to yuu to emphasize some of the points of superiority that Boyles College possesses over every other business college In this section of the coun try. i-'lrst and foremost Is the one fact that can't be dodged and that is that Hoyles College is the one and. only college in an Nebraska that has erected an entlrn build ing to be devoted solely and wholly to business college Durtxim s and la today oc cupying every inch of that building for business college purposes. Itoyies college Is the only commercial college In Ibis section of the country that possesses the true university atmosphere. At Boyles College you ore not taught merely stenography, bookkeeping, or tele graphyyou are taught how to succeed. You will be taught- how to succeed In stenography out in the business world, by stenographers who have succeeded as stenographers out In the business world you will be taught bookkeeping by those who have been successful bookkeepers out In the business wdrld you will be taught telegraphy by telegraphers, wno nave ueen successful railroad and commercial op eratorsyou will be taught any of the Eng lish branches you may choose, by must carefully selected ex-publlo school teachers. We urge to select a successful business college, where successful business men and women are made. Bend for the catalogue If you desire it, or call. Why not do it tomorrow. BOYLES COLLEGE, H. B. Boyles, President. Boyles Blilg, Omaha Neb. li WANTED First class meat cutter; good hours; must be strictly sober; good pay. A. U. Bracke, Fairbury, Neb. WANTED Industrious man with a little capital to take half Interest in one or me best and cleanest Dusinesses in uiimnfc Address W 31. Bee. B M267 lx HARNESS MAKERS, with factory expert ence at light work, wanted oy bciiuim Bros. Co., Dulutn, Alinn. u miai aa WANTED A llthographlo transferer for permanent position; small city in low,, highest waes paid; one familiar with Bcott press prererrea. auress w. m. WelcL Co., Anamosa, la. b M23I 18 WANTED First-class bushelman; none other need apply, ureaner, joio rarimm St. B-MiSS 18 WANTBD-One coat maker, one vest , nnA iu,.na r,i nrompr- nmt. ,?Hce."Vr li! Btts Hastings Neb. tiM is WANTED by calendar factor at Red Oak, la., compositors, uoruon pressmen una Oooil wattes. Address E. G. Wllliama SupL, care Thos. v. Murpny WE WANT A RESPONSIBLE MAN In every town to sen our eeu l.ikhiuih - Mantles, our representative nvnoso . a . n.l , .-...l.t.w. 1 lulit t . per wees: prom, i iic fs"v Canal St., Chicago. B 18x DRAFTSMEN, Architectural, Structural ami Mechanical for new worn, near Omaha. Long engagement, $76 to U0. Chief Engineer, 4, 88 Jackson Blvd. Chi- CM U ti. J ' AO Uf i WTPn mem ,v,pvvhArA' ffivid IVRV I to distriDuie circulars, urn. imi "" signs, etc.; no canvassing. juuito tlonal Distributing Bureau, lot) Oakland Bonk Bldg., Chicago, liu o umoa a. AUTOMOBILE instruction on easy pay ments at ono-nai wnai uiucr bluuuis u .. XMTfita fnr rta r t InillAm whv nurfl .Is the' best school on earth. National Automobile Bcliooi, pepL iu, noooKen, WE WANT a man in all the small towns to show and sell farms anu oiner prop erties to our customers; good salary and commission; honesty more necessary than experience. Write immediately. North American liuia CO., juinneapous, mum. . B 333 18x C.l L.nMCil 1. iiicmi "'. ' v-" - y - lliAIlI. L UULV.Ua tU,IUVW " ' " assist field manager, city and out of town routes; $i weekly expenses ad vanced; no experience necessary; only those out of employment need apply Monday-after 8:30 a, m. to 11. E. He bard, . . . i i rj k. i , iu. r axton uotei WE require a good bookkeeper with $1,000. Ad d ress W 62, Bee. Mfa a'x WANTED FEMALE HELP BtenograDher. 146.00: wholesale house. Stenographer, 150.00, for April 1; good place. Bookkeeper and stenographer, retail bouse, ot.w. Cashier. $40.00 Hot in line tor a better DOSltlon. Call or write fur booklet and complete list of vacanciea WESTERN KEK. & BOND ASSN. (Ino.) Dept. B, 840-1-3 IN. X. Lite Blag. Omaha, Neb. C-273 18 APPRENTICE girls, Burgess Shirt Co. v; -my WANTED-A cook and housemaid. 628 B. 87th St. C-M213 17 WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. C. S. Ely. Z120 Blnney. C Mil GIRL for general housework; small fam lly; good wages. Mrs. c. H. Btennins, liw Park Wild A vs. 'lei. .uougiaa-uuu. C 241 WANTED Experienced shirt hands, on power machine; good wages; steady em ployment. Albert, 131 Farnam St, WANTED Experienced coat hands for ladies alteration aeparuneni; guoa sal aries. S. Fredrick Burger & Co., 1617 Farnam St. C 240 WANTED Experienced cook, with refer encea. Apply "io cuss. c iuisi is WANTED A good rlrl to do plain wash lug and Ironing, the Creche, mn and Harney. c iwi is WANTED Competent girl for s-eneral nousew rk; gool wages. Apply sai i way Ave. 1 uuiuj liarney au.. v. mill WANTED Capable nurse children and to do Uimuliu work; good wages. i'liune iiarney an. C-M415 tOx LADIES To do piece work at home; we furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $U weekly. Bend stamped envelope to Royal Co., 54 is Monroo, cuictigo. C-3V9 18x LADY manager in every county. Ofllce In yt.ur home. Biliary, 111 per weeK ana ex penses. F. E. Barr Mgr., t'omo Bldg, Chicago. C 31 1SX 5o0 PEOPLE to make kitchen aprons 6y doxeus; increase business; small room, tnerefore home work. Permanen Stamped addressed envelope for particu lars. American Apron Co., 44u8 Indiana Ave., cntcago. is Ml in CAPABIJ3 lndy to travel and appoint agents. Exp. -, salary. Dr. C. li. lierry Co., cnioago. c Hit l?x MEN and women, quick to learn, 112 to $18 weekly, tno canvassing), particular stamed envelope. Globe Institute, Minn apolis, Minn. c a4 Ux WANTED Girls who are handy with the needle. M, r arnam and ill N. 21th, Koiitit umaiia. c It, IS LADIES WlNVElKDti sewing at h.viw maaiiig sanitary tveits, gooa waties, steady lurk: paillcMiaia alaniied ei Iol. Lt-nux Co.. Deit. ta. Chicago. C 311-18X WANTED At once, cook, neat, oapabl and respeciatiie, icr l . per clay: hotel woman preferred. Alo chambermaid who will wait on table. Tue Brudiord Holel, Storm Lake. Ia. C 87 l,x WANTED Neat girl for genei-nl house work; small tainlly. Ir.qune --1 Cspitul Ava. C MM A GOOD forelady wanted who can furnls $.' in order to retain her Address W fci, Bea C iltl WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Several Fmlth Premier touch lWn.lA T .-.. t n - I 'rt IT - wr,m . .-. D WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION as housekeeper clr attendant, by capable, miimie-ngcft American woman. Address W 63. care Bee. A M2i4 ISx EXPERIENCED woman wishes place in office nn cleric, or stenographer. Rent oily references. Would accept half day position. P. OBox r.'S, city. A 449 is WANTED AGENTS AGENTS WANTED everywhere to sell our popular policies, covering all acci dents, diseases -and occupations; some thing entirely new and Issued by this society only; easily understood and easily solo; cost but per annum each, pay able monthly It desired; large commis sions paid Immediately and exclusive territory allowed. Address National Ac cident Society. 320 Broadway, New York. Established 20 years. J WE PAY $36 A WEEK and expenses to men with rigs to introduce our poultry com pound, dear's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 54, Parsons, Kan. J OUR big $1 60 combination box containing perfume, talcum powder, dentifrice, soaps; costs agent lac; sells at sight; deal with manufacturer. Davis Snap Works, 33 Union Park Place, Chicago. J 125 WEEKLY easily earned by each indy agent taking orders Tor us; outfit prepaid; we start you In business and make you Independent; write fur circular and terms. Woman's Apparel Supply Co., Chicago. J AGENTS WANTED Bell our fl bottle of sarsaparllla for 3-.c; best seller; 350 per cent profit. Write today for terms and territory. F. R. Greene, lis Lake St., Chicago. J A LIVE, enegetlo young man can receive profitable employment soliciting health and accident Insurance, call Monday at Room ace Bee Bldg. J z4 i.x WANTED Agent to sell our new process window washer water tank sponge, rub ber, dryer combined. Klefer Bros., Cleveland, Ohio. J 398 18 x WANTED Agents to sell California prod ucts: quick and ensy sellers, distinctly Calirornlan; big profits and exclusive ter ritory; write toaay. jonn W- uraun, Huntington Bldg., Los Angeles. J K0 18x PICTURE AGENTS Large 24x28-lnch rramed wan pictures; cost it! complete; sell for 9hc easy: 15 subjects: credit given; enclose stamp for catalogue. Por trait Co., wayne, ill. j asi ix AGENTS Legitimate substitute for slot machines. Bells quick for $1. Good terri tory open. Particulars. GIBHA CO., Anderson, ind. J aw isx STARTLING household Invention. Mads in United States. Sells on sight. Agents coining money with it. Salary or com mission. BRADY-GARRETBUN CO., Ita., Desk 76, Brantfofd, Canada. J SSsj ISX LIVE agents to handle our Una of rid vertising novelties; strictly new ana up- ...i ... .... to-date; quick sellers; big money makers; appreciated soon as seen. Knoxvllla Printing and Box Co., Knoxvllle. Tenn. . J 384 18x AGENTS make $18 weekly and more selling fixtures. Illinois Gas and Electric Fixture Co., 1D4 Randolph St., Chicago. J 383 lSx AGENTS Self-lighting gas mantles; sell on sight; big profits; chemical, everlast ing, good proposition; sample 2oc; write quick, ix-pt. u, ugiiier cx., Detroit, Mich. J 3se 18x AGENTS to handle Maltoplns Extract for Beer 1U0 glasses la cents. ienni ana full slsed package sent postpaid 10 cents. Maltoplne Mfg. Co., 513 Fifth avenue, Brooklyn, New York. J 178 18x WANTED Good, reliable, hustling district agents to solicit Health and Accident In surance In Nebraska. Liberal contracts to right men. Address P. O. Box 189, Omaha, Neb. J 360 18 AGENTS, something new: cigarette smok ers make 3tv per cent using imperial Pocket Cigarette 'Machine; retails 60 cents; exclusive territory. Columbia Ma chine works, JZ west Zd St., New York. J ouo 18X MANAGER wanted to every city and county to handle best paying business known; legitimate, new, exclusive con trol: no Insurance or book canvassinir, Address Chaa. Halstead, 34 W. 2Gth St., jnw lorx. j jio mx WANTED Agents to sell dress goods and . silk embroidered waists. R. Beardsworth, 14 Broadway, New York. J 2M8 18 x WANTED Energetic, trustworthy man to work in Nebraska, representing large manufacturing company. Salary $W to f!)0 per month, paid weekly; expenses ad vanced. Address with stamp, J. H. Moore umana, is to. j aou ux AGENTS $30 weekly selling self-generat ing gas Durners, fitting common kerosene lamps; brilliant, portable gaslight; ab solutely safe; exclusive territory; posi tive monopoly; description free. Eastern Ciasiigm Co., ZMJ Broadway, New York. J 304 isx MUSHROOMS MAKE BIG MONBY Large demand: easily grown the whole year without capital or experience. A small space in your cellar or other waste piace win make profitable mushroom beds. it interested, write Interstate Culture Co., Depr, K, 878 Broadway, N. Y. J 299 18x $100 PER MONTH and traveling expenses luiu salesmen to place our goods with dealers; experience unnecessary. Defiance co., uepu a, i-arsons, ivan. J AGENTS Big money selllnr Com hi nut inn uas Ltmp, wun detachable heater and cooker. Makes own gas; brilliant light. Heats room: cooks anvthlns-: c.r,l in dally; circulars free. Combination Lamp v. , , . uuv. j , iBjii. au, .jew I ore ' J 305 Ux $2,000-$8,000 yearly and expenses for local sales manager; world famous household necessity, colonial Co., f actory no. Wells tiub, rt. x. , .3U lax WANTED Gentleman or ladv with mail references, to travel for firm of $io,000 capital; salary i.uiz per year and ex penses; salary paid weekly and expenses advanced. Address with stamp, J. A. Aiexanaer, cimana, ieo. J 297 18x AGENTS Learn to fit glasses by sendln for our free book 1 on tha eve. I will tell you all about it; get a profession m pays you irom s(t to iia per month the optical profession will do It for vnn no field so pleasant, profitable or so lit. tie worked; no longer necessary to wor for some one else at a meager salary We are sending our booklet free; It will tell how you may become an optician. A puBiai enra win pring it by return mail. Jacksonlan Optical College, Dept. B 33, jacmiua, mil' ii. j WANTED Agents for Htnkle'a Stand-l Carpet Stretcher. Sample stretcher $L I. is. Minnie co., coiumuus, ci. J 135 lSx WE START you selling diamonds: don' fall getting our liberal oiler; Id dull sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse. N i. Mention paper. J 332 lex WANTED Agents; men or women, to sell a good staple article; extraordinary In duimenta; exclusive territory. Address pox Hi. inaiauapoiis, ino. I J-S22-18 PORTRAIT Men send your work to artists. Beat work at lowest prices, samples free. The Siegfried Studio, 1-11 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. J-322-lb SELL our reservoir dustless floor and car pet hruahes in stores, schools, residences public buildings, hotels, balls; field uiiUiu lied; reduce dust W l-er cent actual test gold medal at St. Louis worlds' fair trictly guaranteed; big margin and grea seller, with opportunity to build up per manent trade; exclusive territory; no competition; stats exrlence, Milwaukee uusliess Brush Co., Milwaukee, wis. lax AGENTS can easily make $10.00 a day sell ing our gold window letters, novellv si4iia and changeable signs; catalogue ire, ouiiivan CO., ud van Bureu at Chicago, iit. J 347 18 WANTED District agents for lamest sic and aecidant insurance company in ml, 1,11 west; big commission and salary to pro ducer 4 Ainerlcan Beuuvolent assocla- ...... J. T ...,, , - uuii, ni, wun,,, jaift j ,u 1AX. auc.-nio: xmcnquKB ariywnerc: pa . euted: big seller; horaemen dollghted. rocaet uaicniugoosi Co.. Uauile. ind J-tM lex WANTED AGENTS AGENTS, Luminous tiameplstr. ign, numbers; readable darkest nights; easily Sold; profits large; sumples free. Wright 6upply Co., Englewood. 111. J 343 lSx. MEN willing to work positively mnke $2.0X to mi per yeftr selling our Just patented machine. Eagle Tool Co., B t"S. Cincin nati, O. , J 353-lSx GAS LAMP with combination heater and cooker; makes Its g.ts. euuals electricity, heater heats room, cooker cook anything. 1 hree combined cost one cent dally to op erate. Agents coining money. crown Company, 13 Liberty St., New York. J -412-15- $60 TO $W PER WEEK; either sex: a posi tive snap for agents; Imported silk and linen shirtwaists patterns exuuisltely em broidered; nearly every woman buys; man made ll'o in 11 nays; girl $lo In two nays. This is your opportunity grasp it. Write to Stephenson A Dwelle, 418 New Nelson Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. J 326 lHx WANTED-Live men to introduce our won derful soap advertising proposition to con sumers; big money, crew managers wanted. Parker Chemical Co., Chlcnso. J-3i3 18 X WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Experienced salesmen to sell medicines and household articles from a wagon to farmers on commission. Travel ing expenses allowed end a reasonable earning guaranteed. Both old and new territory available. The Haller Proprie tary Co., Blair, Neb. L M184 21 WANTED Land salesman; a hustler; must be experienced; give references. Address Box 44, Julesburg. Colo. L M201 21 WANTED Competent wall paper salesman at once. Apply by letter to W 19 care WANTED Experienced road salesman. Give reference ana experience. ino schemes. W. J. Lorack, Sales Manager, Iowa City, Ia. L 261 Ux AGENTS to sell Marine white lead, staple and permanent business. f ree outfit. Consolidated White Lead Works, St. Louis, Mo. L WANTED One each, clothing, drygoods and grocery salesmen for country only, thoroughly experienced men wanted. Call at Paxton Hotel, Sunday and Momiav. L M432 lflx WANTED A well educated young man of position In sales organisation of larg3 . . a .,. .1 . . .. corporation. c-utiuce iui nuvo.iiv.o ment. Call on C. W. Eckerman, lfiTS Farnam. L M437 20 8ALKSM EN Notice, large manufacturer wants salesmen to sell staple specialty to dealers. It Is guaranteed and sold on thirty days' trial; exclusive territory and liberal drawing account to right man. Box 1343, St. Louis, Mo. L 401 lax WANTED First-class salesman to call on grocery iraue. Aiuieii iaiiuy auu dibcuii Co.. Green Bay, Wis. L M4C3 20x SALESMEN Photograph postal card rack nroDOsltion. sells to cigar, stationery, drua- stores, news stands, department stores, etc. Small sample; liberal com mission. Photo Co., 112 Clark St., Chi cago. L ass SALESMAN WANTED By old established house, experienced traveling salesman; him commission, liberal drawing account; exclusive teirltory. Address Bales Man ager, Room 822, Heed Bldg., Phlladelphia. A 0,1 10X WANTED Salesman with ability to earn 12.000 and expenses selling Jewelry assort ments direct from factories. Excluslvo Nebraska territory open. Manufacturing Jewelers' Assortment Co., Dept. B., De troit, Mich. L 803 1 TRAVELING SALESMAN for Nebraska . and Iowa with a full line of soaps, per fumes and flavoring extracts; furnishing the $2 for $1 selling plan to the retail dealer; $30 weekly advance for expenses, F. F. Cook, Sales Dept., Detroit, Mich. L-302 18x SALESMAN A few experienced, first-class road sulemen. Men capable of earning high salaries. Staple line for retail mer chants. Old established Jobbing and manufacturing company. P. O. Box 41, Minneapolis, Minn. Lr-fsn isx WANTED Experienced salesmen to sell new line or staple naroware gooas to trade. Commission basis. U. B. tool and Stamping Co., Rooms 317-32L 79 Dear born i. I., Chicago, in. l3W lax CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line, high commissions, with $100 monthly advance; permanent position to right man. Jess 11. Smith Co., De troit, Mich. l 291 isx JOHN SEXTON & COMPANY, importers. manufacturers ana wholesale grocers, in to 22 State street, Chicago, want active, progressive, hustling salesmen to sell to farmers and all .large consumers. Sexton 4 Company are the largest grocers In America selling directly to this class of trade and are pioneers In the pure food movement; permanent trade, paying fine Income, quickly built up; good references required. Lr SALESMEN wanted for easy selling mer chandise. $3.50 commission each sale, good side line, C. O. MYERS Co., At chlson, Kan. unt tax SALESMAN WANTED A first-class all round salesman to cover unoccupied ter rltorv: permanent position and good In come to right man. Address Sales Man ager, BOX 1198, BL LOUIS, MO. L-340 18X CIGAR salesman wanted in your locality city ana country trsae; salary ana ex nenses or commission: experience unneo essary; enclose stamp for particulars National CUar Co., Dept. 29, Toledo, Ohio j Aj am lax WANTED Salesmen of ability and neat appearance to call on ail mercnants in terrltorv: elegant side line conveni ent to carry; good commissions; prompt remittance. Beimom Mig. co., unrainaii, WANTED Salesman by wholesale Jewelry house to sell tneir line or jeweiry to geii i ,.u. in K'..hrflHkR Wa offer special i ...4 , ,.nt, tn merchants which makes sales easy; high commissions; permanent position. MCAlllBier-ioinau -u., OJvi ci c ...i in T .r7 ik DOrU DU. vmv;'.., thb nnalllnn of genera! salesman with es tabllshed patent medicine house Is open for experienced man, wno can aen goou and teach others; salary and expenses Address Box BUi. cnicago. u a-o ibm. wanted Book salesman: To handle His torlans' History under new management. New plan of sale, new commissions. Bar cus & Hallam, Sixth and Olive sts.. St. LOUIS, MO. U iini io ADVERTISING Men, work your town on new telephone devise. 10 spaces, big win ner. Novelty Co., 1122 W. lfcth si., Des Moines, la., iov 1 w a KTTFm Salesmen who have formerl ..,....oaf ullv aold assortments. Jewelry, toilet goods, or similar specialties. Strictly now rvr.irvosiifoii different from any nasi nlan. Absolutely will sell out all th eooda for merchant In 90 days. Tw aMleainen Si ild over ti.OuO each last week Highest rate commission. Address W 23, care Bee. a oj im BIG- money quick returns. We manufac tore tha largest exclusive line of jd vertlsina- fans annealing to all classes. Heat months. March to June. Liberal commissions semi-monthly. Samples free to established salesmen. Write today The Kemper-Thomas Company, ran ae- partment. Cincinnati, ct. Lra lax WANTED A good live hustling representa tive to travel the states of Kansas and Nebraska, to sell our line or sole an harness leather, and shoe goods; one hav luit knowledge of the goods and prli experience preferred. Address with refer ence, slating salary aesirea, or ir wunn to travel on commission. Mtchigi Leather Co.. Detroit. Mich. I-3f, IK FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Far' mm. E--K13 Doug. 611 O.M.E. Uaul Truuks E U WEI L furnlsiied, modurn, steam heated rooms. Xii Farnaiu, FUt 8. Tel. Doug, fcxti. E 7al NEWLY furnished rooms. 26S4 Davenport; walking distance. E Hi FURNISHED rooms for rsnt at 2684 Dav tnport bt. E 36 NICELY furnished large southeast room; n.odarn, suitable for una or two gent lu men. 217 South 26ih bu C 179 FIVE furnished rooms twr rent or sell, CR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DESIRABLE ROOM In new modern horns; gentlemen only. 2Jff Douglas Bt. EV M217 18x FURNISHED ROOMS Modern, 2152 Bt. Marys. Phone Douglas 4tU. tuJ-vx FURNISHED moms will rent readily if properly furnished. Get our prices be fore furnishing them. We can save you 25 per cent. We don't ask Installment prices. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO. 1209-1211-1113 Farnam Be E 275 IS A LARGE FRONT ROOM with alcove. nicely furnished, modern; private family, close In. 1U N. 20th Bt. E-MJ4 FOUR nicely furnished front rooms, with piano; complete for housekeeping. tht Davenport St. E M1S8 17x SUITE of moms suitable for I or I boys; modern conveniences; use of telephone. 2224 Chicago. E-241 17 TWO nicely furnished moms, modern gentlemen prefered, 1917 Cass Bt., 'lei. Douglas 6878. E M181 19x FRONT room; bay window, bed room. closet and hall; light housekeeping. 2718 N. Twenty-fifth St. and Corby. E 410-18X ONE finely furnished front room and al cove; 8 large closets; all modern. Tel 58 Douglas, or 122 8. 26th St. E 491 18x LARGE nicely furnished mom; persons oc cupied during aay prererrea. 2.J4 naven port. E 496 2ox FOUR elegantly furnished front rooms, wun piano, lor nouseseeping. zmn Lmven port. E 496 19x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. S1A Doug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunk F-810 ROOMS and good board, $6 per week and .... t ii ,r - v. , a. i.- fi i uh v. n 1 1 iuii v-uivbrii 1 f eLm NICELY furnished rooms In house entirely modern; good board; all heme comforts. Mrs. F. liurvcy, 319 So. ZUtli St. F-243 22 FOR RENT A comfortable room and su perior board In private family for a re fined gentleman; all modern conveniences. Address W 34, care Bee. F 411 18x TWO very pleasant south front rooms; family laDle. sum Farnam st. F-M 208 19x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT modern rooms, parlor floor. 1608 8. 2Sth 81 U 2t8 TWO large rooms with alcove. 2412 Cass. G M7v)7 CENTRAL, all-modern 8-room. ' parlor G MtuO floor. 220 North 23d. TWO rooms for housekeeping, modern, 122 S. , Ji St. lei. G-M232 17x with heat, $16. Douglas 6308. THREE nice unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 2636 Seward. G M219 19x THREE ground fioor rooms; heat and range; $12. Two rooms for housekeeping, $7. One large front room and alcove; all modern. Tel. Douglas-6309, or 122 S. 25th St. G 492 lSx PERSONAL laundryc'ss,k" U 861 PLEATING Ruchlng. Buttons.' ana samples. r tin; uuluman 1'i.EAiiriu cj., 200 Douglas Block. TeL Doug. 19S3. MAflNETTf! treatment & Baths. Mmj ixLtiUliliXlUBmlll, 118 N. 16, 2d fl.. r . U 866 DR. JACKSON, R. 4, Frenser block. V.UIUIUU aiseasea a specialty. " itvu ires. v ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call wine to me matron oi i" "v"r . Army home tor women at 8824 N 4th vmMia, lieu v OMAHA Stammerer Instltuta. Ramge Blk. PIAKO CLUB Pianos delivered at once, $1 weekly. All iiiusio lessons free, join nuw. i-eiMju i-iano Co., 16U Farnam Bt. u PRIVATE home during confinement; babies uoaraea ana adopted. Mrs. uaiueu, diaries. lei. - AJoug. UflA. vj TH K Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth- iis, in sacL, anyAning you uu nv . .7 we collect, repair and Sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy i . , Coll 'Ok.... I i ..... . , , If. unA uaunn ...ill Ann TT All W141 " WE RENT sewing machines, 75c week. Wa repair ail makes of macnines; aecuou- nana machines, $6 to $10. NeO. cycle co.. iei. Aoug. louj. cor. mm ana uJ"e FREE meidcal and surgical treatment at creignton Medical college, lltn aua ai nmiri Htm rum-idI attention nald to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college piofessors. Phone Doug, litu, calls answered day or night. u ia W. W. LEMON, EXPERIENCED CHINA; pries uoderals. Tel. tied Mia. U t&an jucuxa PHONE Doug. 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, $2. Perheld Piano Co., ion f arnam. u sua TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. Doug. 8630. 'PHONE U 868 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no Injec tions. Call or write for booklet, cjuiuk Cure Rupture Co.. 611 W. O. w. Bldg, Omaha. U fel l)H. ROY, Chiropody, R. I 1, 1606 Farnam. WE TAKE CARE of clothing by tha month. L. SOUK UP dc CO., expert clean ers and dyers. 618 8. 13th St. Tel. Doug. PRIVATE hospital during connnauent. Ba bies adopted. Best and cneapest in tha U M506 U WlAS PllV-lftllil 9 lEdOd To any person sending us the nam of any "I,", T 1 . i.'n , , i.tvt i - 1 1 n- i ., 1" " . . v.llllia A BVUmi ftJIU.lU, 111 Ml vi prospective piano buyer. PERFIELD PIANO CO., Tel 7UL lull Farnam SU U-UT GREEN TRADING ?an- and Uijuorft; by jug or botU. CackUy m-ijb. vluii Jijastuiuue. v 10 All CHAMPJON rr..t,7!i?","'f,.Wo'; from old carpets; prices reasonable. ;jo a. iiiu cu A nl. AX)Uglas-u4 U liie Jell MME. PARKE of N. Y..-Shaving. Facial wocMje, Aiailicuruig. UV AOUgUAS Blk. u . -MtL2 ii iuuk saving 40 per cent. Investigate renueii iuinuoiy Co., 1U bouth 16th St. U-7u0 SYRINGES, rubber goods by mall; cut Drum .l VAra.l llllnt. 1 ra t , . ' viiwua, U 744 MuiaaI HKAKKV A WH-Arcv Carriages lor funerals, weddings' and tar . U-M830 11 MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY Mrs. M. Rlt ten- iiousa. 412 N. liith. mum Z. rr, n.. U-818 Mchii WALL PAPER cleaner. Tel. Harney 3:'9tt. U-64 MANICURING, handdresslng and mas ansa, iittin. Aiaui, i anil aik. Te Doug, alia. U 4kU RAMSHRlrarJli1 Hattar. Hats rsi rano- ug U MS17 bUnitlCUlLK at Creamery, lfrjft Caaa. Al FOR Eastar mllllnsry at reasonable prices. 4VMS sajrvuwuital 4D l 4TI WV Jj "PlOWra OP THF SOUTH" Smnkln Mixture, Superb quality. Absolut purity. Direct lo tuum h, ,4 only, rl.l -puundi, $1: bounds. $2. Exoress iiuid. Plantation Tobacco Co., a!8 i' Sir Sot, Waslilngton. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS losinq; Out Sale on Pianos! 60 new pianos, 19 square pianos, 36 sooond-hsnd orirrtna and many accJ bnd-band and slightly used upright pianos tlcally at CUSTOMERS' We find we are obliged to vacate ball at once. All the above mentioned goods being stored there, must be dis poned of at once. Call at our salesroom, 1611 Farnam St., and a man will ao' company you to our factory, where you portunity to buy an Instrument, if price New Pianos at Just Any piano in our store, including pianos, also such well known makes as Mendell, Halner Bros, and many that will startle piano purchasers. piano at Just one-half regular price. the piano buying public that we can afford them oppportunities for purchasing; a piano that can be secured In no other piano house In Omaha. Material and startling reductions comes in prepared to pay $10 down and PERFIELD 611 FARNAM ST. PERSONAL PRIVATE confinement home; babies adopted. Mrs. or. Ulng, 20L8 N. Zlst St. Tel. 8jc8. U-M7W FURNITURE packing and repairing; up holstering ana mattress ma King. l Smith, 19i3 Lake. Tel Douglas tt8. U-M170 A1J MASQUE COSTUMES. Ueben. Tel. 4115. U-Mln C. E. DAY, palnllug and paper hanging; high class worn at low prices, uoug. 894. U-Mlai A14 KOCHER, carpet weaving. 1611 Izard. UOliM JLIIt tidccc trellises, grapevines trimmed; now is the time. John Cane, 1810 Cuming. Doug. 1641. U M208 A 14 MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocoalne habit myself cured; win luiorm-you of harmless permanent home cure. Mary Baldwin, Box 1212, Chicago. U OMAHA Steam Paste Co. manufactures pure flour pasts. 2210 Cuming. Tel. Doug. 46J1. . U SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and conndentlal; all work guaranteed. Mrs. Allendcr, 422 N. Y. Life. U- HANDSOME young lady worth $36,000 wants acquaintance of honorable gentle man; early marriage; r objections to poor man if honest. Address Mrs. W 697 Fulton St., Chicago. U MRS. MERGES, PIANIST. 208 8. 20th. Tel. Doug. 46SS. ATTRACTIVE young widow, very wealthy, out lonesome, wisnes to correspond witn some nice gentleman. Object matrimony. Address, Box 88 Harvey, 111. U 390 Ux LET U8 furnish your home. Everything for housekeeping on easy payments. We don't ask Installment prices. $25 worth, $1 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO, 1200-1211-1213 Farnam St. U-277 18 AN elderly doctor, wealthy, kind and lib eral wants a good companionable wife. Address, Box 107, Oak Park, 111. U 892 18x STEADY position year round knitting hosiery for us at home; io a wen; ma chines furnished on easy payments. Write for particulars, U. S. Woolen Co., 66 State. Detroit. Mich. U-882 18x IMPORTER, widower, going abroad, seeks marriage with sensible woman con fidential. 817 North Broad, Philadelphia. . U-307 18x WANTED Information of Sarah C. Phil lips, a sister of Rosannah E. Fish, dec, late of Newark, N. J., or of Mrs. John Walters, late of Newman Grove, Ne braska. Address August Wagner, Att'y., Columbus, Neb. U- 18 LADIES and gentlemen send name, address and description for free list or those wishing to correspond. Strictly private. Box 113, Denver, Colo. U 3o6 lbx WE DESIRE nusband for refined musician, age si, wortn i,w; widow 3, worth $10,000. Another 41, worth $-6,WX). Family Circle, Toledo, O. U-318-18X. ATTRACTIVE and handsome young widow worm viv.uuu easn, owns home, desires the acquaintance of gentleman, object matri mony; no objection to poor man; will as sist financially after marriage. Miss Hart, Dept. 2o0, 64 Wabash, Chicago. U-337 18x WEALTHY ladles and gentlemen of refine ment, anxious to marry : photographs and descriptions free, O B, Box 7. Canon City, Colo. U-338 18x WANTED A refined young Catholic man wisnes to correspond with a refined young Catholic lady, object matrimony. Address W 28, care Bee. U MS38 19x ENLARGE YOUR BUST. LADIES! 4 to 10 Inches at horns, with Dr. Conway s bus toids at trifling cost; $1,000 if we can't; those developed In past 18 years prove 'tis permanent, safe and sure. Scaled facts, 4c stamps. CONWAY'S SPECIFIC CO., 15 Temple Place, Boston, Mass. U-331 18x THE DRYSMOKANCHU goes on sale at tobacconists naturaay. t-u, h MEDICAL FOR women only. Dr. Raymond's Pills, women's monthly regulator, has brought happiness to tbouaauds of anxious women; no pain, no danger, no inlet far nee with work; relief in 3 to 6 days. W have never known of a single tailure. price, $2 by mall. Raymonds Monthly Regulator in ll'iuid, $3. Dr. R. G. Ray mond Remedy Co., Room 8a, 4 Adams St., Chicago, 111. -8t4 LADIES, $1,000 REWARD! I positively guarantee my Never-Falling ERGO. KOLO Remedy. Safely relieves longest, most obstinate cases of delayed Monthly periods In 8 to 5 days without liana, pain or Interference wllh work. Mall, $ Double strength. $2.00. "SPECIAL FOLD ER FOR LADIES FREE. DR. B. H. SOUTHINGTON CO.. KANSAS ClTlf. MO. LADIES Chlchestei's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return . mall. Ask your druggist. Chiclicslar Chemical Co . Philadelphia. Pa. DR HUTCHINSON, specialist of women and children. Office 22u6 Cuming, 'phone Douglas 8667. BE8T nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills si box, posipaia. eucrman at McC'onnell Drug Co.. Omaha. MRS. CARRIE BMITH, MARVELOUd MAGNETIC HKAl.r.K. ALL KIM'S lir w ear Ness and diseases treated CURE GUARANTEED. u7 N. WH ST. PHONE RED 6. J 4. PATENTS II. A. BTURGE8, registered attorney; pat ents, trade murks, copyrirhia; no fas un less successful. 617 N. Y. Life, Omaha. -8 F. J. LARSON A CO., patent lawyers. Patent book f raa. Baa Bldg., Omaha. N'-t, SHARPS MACHINE WORKgPatents procured. Inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. tM-uii B. 10th Bt- s&l PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na UuAial lavesunsnt Co.. U PvugUs Block. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS must be sacrificed this week. Prao A OWN PRICE. our factory wareroom In Washington will be given a once-ln-a-Hfetlme op has anything to do with It, Half Price for Cash, i our famous Smith & Nixon and Ebersol the Story & Clark, Hampton, Marshall others will be sold this week at a price Call early and select a high grade We are determined to demonstrate ta will also be allowed to anyone who $6 or $7 monthly. , PIANO CO., TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 701 Q-449 It-: $6 Cash and $3 Per MontB buys a beautiful, new, upright piano, fully guaranteed. Wa are compelled to racat our present building: by April 1 and offer, regardless of cost, over 800 pianos and organs now on hand. j Hallett A Cumston, ebony $ SO Marchant A Smith, rosewood.... SS Chase, rosewood (5 1 Vose ft Sons, larga site, ebony... 83 1 Chlckertng, upright, ebony... 116 Singer, full sise, oak 124. - - Arton, burl walnut 138: Wheelock, walnut 1(6 Gremer, mahogany 185 Btoger St Sons, oak 285 Steirer A Sons, mahogany $45 . I Btelnway, ebony 200 : Organs of all makes, at your own price, from $10 up. Terms, 25 to 60c per week. If you want a good ' piano at tha lowest price ever quoted In Omaha, don't delay longer. Writ for free catalogue and bargain list today or pay us a visit of Inspection. We ship pianos everywhere. t Schmoller & Mueller I Piano Co. Tel. Douglas 162. 1407 Harney Street MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE ' MONEY TO LOAN . At 5 and 6 per cent on improved real estate in amounts $300' and upward. No deluy. We pass on security. ' Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. w WANTED City loans ana warrants, W. Farnam Biiulu & Co., 1320 Farnam St. . . . W-821, ' atONEY TO LOAN Payne. Investment Co. W-ftA BUILDING loans on residence property; t per cent. W. M. MeLkle, Ramge Blk. W-828 LOWEST RATES Bemls, ' Paxton Block. W-97 PRIVATE mousy. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas, w-m GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam; city loans, and 6it per cent Interest; no delay. W-623 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, R. 1, N. Y. Ufa. W-830 6 & 6 PER CENT loans on city property. W. fi. Thomas, 1st National Bank Bldg. , W-S81 WANTED City Loans. R. C. Petsrs Co. W Mi FARM, CITY AND BU1LDINO LOANS. Reed Bros., 1710 Farnam St. W 93$ 6 PER CENT STOCK, $1,000 or $2,000. of U. 8. xards co. stock tor sale, w. L. belby, 440 Board of Trad Bldg. W M294 LOW rates. Private Money. $100 and Up. CHAS. B. W1LLIANSON CO. W LOANS mads on Omaha Improved property; also for building purposes. Hastings as Heyden, 16u9Vi Farnam. W 463 18 CLAIRVOYANTS COME, COME, COME, and see for yourself that there is Ufa be yond the change called death. Rev. Ed wards and Madam Bean will conduct a spiritual meeting and lectura: eubjnet, "The Change Called Death." There will be wonderful tests and demonstrations of life beyond the grave. Rav. Edwards also plays the most wonderful psychological music that you ever beard Sunday van. ing, 8 o clock, .Patterson Blk., 17th sn4 Farnam. 8 286 li MME. BUDDHA. LEADING PALM Id Cull at No. 113 South 16th St., upatalra, RusuJUul prediction absolutely given. REV. EDWARDS, spiritual medium, gives wonderful life roAdings. Room 1. Patter son Blk., 17th and Farnam. S Mil 6 17 IF IN trouble consult Mrs. Faust. La dles, toe Satisfaction guaranteed, lits Jackson. B M265 lax MRS. CARRIE SMITH SOVEREIGN UDT CJUEEN OF CLAIKVOYAN 1 S. PALMIST AND TRANCE MEDIUM. Everything told, past, present and future. Satisfaction or no pay. 807 N. 18th 8U I'hone Red 6736 DRESSMAKING M DO WELL o school, 1623 Far., room U.. LADIES' shirt waist suits our spaclaity. Burgess, 8u24 Farnam SU Tel. Doug. 411. M6u Mil MRS. ROYS lingerie waists and fancy summer dresses. Douglas 8746; 'LA Dav enport. Mu&l Ae? SCANLON, robes, dressmaking. 119 N. 16th. -M7U A8 RADMAN, ladles' tailor: riding habits anJ evenli'K coats, special prices till April 16. 21214 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 8611. M 238 A16 WE TEACH dress making, rutting ajT fitting. Morgan Dressmaking School. tV) Paxton block. 866 18 CEMENT BLOCK MACHINERY XI TT ipci Facs Down rement block ma diinery. Call or write and lot us show you our Una. 'Phone lJoug. C7j4. lPi C'btrUCllolA Cv, t ivDia I Ik. H-4.1 iLA . AA W. Vi. UX