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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1906)
The Daily NEW LOCATION THE BLE BUSINESS OFFICE Ground Fleor Corner Tbt Pee ".gliding - lilt and Ftrnam PnrtTwo Pages 9 to 16 ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. 1 OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 17, 190(5. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. Omaha Bee. OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST aay Fair mm Warmer. j OMAHA F. n T7s T7T TVTT V) H V M 1 V GREEN TRADING STAMPS EVERT TIME' Big Dinnerware Sale Sat day . And All Next Week. SPECIAL SETS AND SPECIAL PRICES. Edwin M. Knowles Semi-Percelain, pretty pink spray, gold traced, full 100- Q Piece Sets, a $12.Q0 value, for. '. . Beautiful blue decoration in the 11 OT same fine ware, a $15 value, for. . I IOJ German China Set, on a very .- ' pretty shape, $18 value, for J Royal Austrian China Set, full sizes, in pretty white and gold, aspecial purchaf 1 Q 7 $25 value, for. . . . I -O Haviland &,Co., pretty green decoration, full 100 pieced, a $35 value, Jl Cfl at. NEW CtT GLASS. . NEW NOVKLTIES IX CHINA, . TOMATO KALTH AXD rEPPEIW. - CHICKEN HALTS AN1 PKPPERS. MAYONNAISE DRESSING SETS. Satsuma Red Japanese China, plate, Y C bowl, china spoon, at Many how pieces In this popular line of Japanese, alt at loweiit prices. , Wen Salt Shaker Has' Detachable Crystal Lid, Held Tight by Broad, Nickel Screv Ring. No Tarnishing. Newest Thing Out. See them 25c and i DRY GOODS SECTION SPECIAL SILK SALE SATURDAY Fine French Silk Chiffon Poplin New pretty spring colors and blacks, regular price 85c yd., Saturday . . JJC 10 pieces 3( inch Cream "White Japanese Silks, washa- Cl n ble kind, worth 75c a yard, Saturday Uv SPECIALS AT DRESS GOODS COUNTER. 54 inch Oavenette, absolutely warterproof, Herringbone and plain effects, popular shades, values up to $2.00 a CA yard, grouped in one lot, a yard, for Jv 4-t inch. Wool Taffeta, new spring shades, Alice blue, pearl, mode, navy, reseda, helio and lavender, proper weight (P for jacket suits, very fine quality, a yard, only .P DOMESTICS AND WASH GOODS. Drapery Cretonnes in new, pretty Oriental patterns, f A light and dark colors, worth 18c yd., Saturday, yd, . t tUv 25 pieces new dress Ducks, in light and dark olors, fi 1 ; with dots and stripes, special for Saturday, yard . . . 2y Arnold's Henriettas for spring suits, in all size checks blacks and whites, browns and whites, and blues ad whites, O special for Saturday, a yard . . . .' IOC 40 inch Curtain Scrim, in white, worth 10c a yard, 71p Saturday, at, per yard ,. . . 2 An Excellent Glove Special The celebrated Reynier's Lelia glove, made of fine quality French kid; fully glaced, with new Paris point stitching, in a full range of colors, 1 Special, a pair ; H' Sale of New Veils Fine wash chiffon veils, three yard lengths neatly hemstitched, gray, white, navy, brown, light blue and black every one warranted washable sale price ti f each, $1.75 and H1 Special Lot Fine chiffon veils, 3-yard lengths, hemstitched borders; navy, brown, black and white, regular 75c C f p. value, Saturday, each tJltX Pretty Wash Turnover Collars 100. doten fine linen lawn turnover col lars, fancy emkroldered. In a large assortment of new patterns, C Saturday, each. 25c. 15c, 10c and . .... Lady's Covert Box Jacket Neatly tailored, strapped, pockets CC and cuffs, unllned, at v vp Lady's Covert Jacket Box frout and back, strapped, medium P CAj length, at , . .aJ.aJU Lady's Tight Fitting Jcket Strapped, with or without collars, C QC satin lined, at DJD Ladies' and Misses' Three-Quarter Jacket In light colored checks and plaids; also in the Pastel and medium shades and dark colors, neatly made, trimmed with velvet and moire silk, and self trimmed, O C elegant values. $9.90, IS. 95, $7.95 and O.JD Sale of New Spring Belts New lot of fancy and plain gilt belts, embroid ered gilts in the new Parisian effects; full line of black and white silk belts, and the new tailor-made leather belts. This lot of belts worth to $1.00 each Sale price Saturday, each, 60c and LDC Sale fancy Back Combs 39c Here is an opportunity of uncommon occurence to supply your needs 50c, 75c and $1.00 values from a prominent comb factory. Shell and Amber Combs of graceful shapes, beautifully mounted with fancy metal and lj jf colored stones, large assortment; choice, )) (l Saturday only, at .' JJ zJ New Spring Millinery MODIFICATIONS OF THE EMPERIC AND COLONIAL PERIODS. turh are the governing ideas of 1906 Spring Milline ry. Ituy And their truest a nd completed expression in the. snj r and ravishing display in BENNETTS GREAT MILLINERY THE LOUIS XIV AND COLONIAL STYLES nct their characteristic modern entente cordiak to those queen of the modern stage MAUDE ADAMS with her PETER PAS, MADAME DU BARRY vcith her TRICKY LITTLE SAILOR, FRITZ SC1IEFF with fur TRICORS, and BERX1IARDT tcith her FETE DE FLEUR. Thete dreams of style and rtal products of millinery qenius, have been made by Verot, Susanne Blum, Oerot, Ponyanns, Cam ille Rogers and others high up in the millinery arts of Paris. AN INSPECTION BY EVERY LADY OF TASTE and every woman intertisted in millinery, of these exquisite ideas will show that BENNETTS BIG MILLINERY is first, last and all tfie time supreme in mttern millinery merchandising. YOU ARE INVITED HOSIERY HOSIERY Heavy and Medium Weight IIoso .at lteuaonublo lYIces. Ladles' good quality-wool, tloeco liuod and plain cotton Maco hose; children's One and heavy rlbbod extra quality cotton hose, plain and fleeced, warranted fast dye; this lot worth to 26c a 1C. pair, Saturday, pair IJC Sl.ftO Ladies' Vnlon Suit. 08c The Amazon Union Suits, soft fleece lined, smooth seams, me dium and out sizes, worth $1.50 a suit. This sale Sat- QQ urday, a suit JOC Fifty Engraved Cards and Copper Plate, with CQ your name, Sat'd'y 50 Engraved Cards, printed from your plate, Of, Saturday OC 1,000 .boxes Persian Lawn Paper (60 sheets and 60 en velopes) 60c value, ")P at JC Stationery Main Floor. EXTRAORDINARY ART BARGAINS uiiiiiir 1 ' 3 Wtor Color Hoadu in 11x34 c-vnl ineiul icoiil biirnlMK'd frnmn, a ntiue pimiilvrly not Ivnx limn i.'.uu, nn tfuiurtlay I his tlrst oprtng rl'f nn hargnln at J S AND FIFTY GJtEliN THADuNU ST A. MTS This I by fnr the (rrratst value evfr fifOroil Omahans. Frames alone, r ft.irdlrss of beautiful water color heads. ARE WOK 111 DOLBL.E TUB IIIICE. POVPLE GRKEN TRADING PTAMl'S ON l'ICTLRE FKAM-1NU. Pyrojraphy Spring Arrival New I'auels, Hoxps, IVdcslals, Benehes, Stools and Many Novell I suitable as wooden-weddiiiK rerncm tirancrs. Bl'ECIAL FOR SATfRDAT: 60c Glove and 'Kerchief boxes, Qg 46c New Oval Tanels, 35c 35c New Oval Panels, 23C Sfc New fxlO Panels, 1QC orTFITSi .," '13.2S 1 (SO and IsW Send for latest catalogue, beautifully Illustrated. t'jMiT". S I I 111 IV HI XKY.'- A X . tin w.i.'v V-.i- 'ft AND f i POTATOKS Sand Hill Grown, splendid quality. Peck, at.... .'. BuBhel, at. 20c 75c Saturday List of Money SaLving Items Pride of Bennett't Flour, qq And Fifty Green Trading; Stamps. Best Granulated Sugar, Twenty f f( pounds l.tJ And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Coffee, pound OBn package. J " And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Teas all kinds ft'ln pound UOW And Forty Green Trading' Stamps. Pure Ground Black Pepper, 14-lb. can - And Ten Green Trading Stamps. 1 A CARIXAD NAVAt. ORANGES Large, Juicy, sweet the best quality Call- Oftp fornla produces, dozen, 2iic and ... And Ten Green Trading Stamps with Each Dozen. Fresh Daily Supply: LETTUCE, CUCUMBERS, ONIONS, RADISHES, Cauliflower, Asparagus ...10c .. 5c BANANAS Ripe and sound, dozon, lfk and Fresh Roasted Peanuts, full quart Cheese Red Cloud Full Cream Cheese, Orr pound AVJW And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Finest Virginia Swiss Cheese, OI,, pound And ten Green Trading Stamps. Neufchatel Af, Hand Cheese, " l Cheese, ea.. each "Iv Koyal Luncheon Cheese, 24c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Royal Luncheon Cheese, IOC And F)ve Green Trading Stamps. Uneeda Biscuit, three packages And Ten Green TradingStamps. Colorado Frame Honey, frame And Ten Green Trading Stamps, Three-pound can Omar Baked Beans And Ten Green Trading Stamps. BenneU's Bargain Laundry Soap, 25c Flower and Vegetable Seeds, . package " 15 1. 15c 9c CANNED PPECIAL. Two cans Three-Star Salmon 25c Two cans Maine Corn i!n3 Two vans Genesee Tomatoes i8o Two cans Genesee Lima Beans 20c $1.00 And Sixty Green Trading Stamps. 30c Two pounds Sultana Seed'rss Raisins And Forty Green Trading Stamps. lMurtTET FRENCH MACARONI, SJ'ACilETTI and VERMICELLI ln .. uud packages, loC And ten Green Trading Stamps In each package. Jell-O, assorted, three oCp packages And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Two Sacks Worcester Table (A Salt IUC And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Three 10c Wiggle Stirk )Rn Bluing OC And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Diamond S Peaches, Pineapples, Cherries, Strawberries OStri can mOV, And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER THREE THOUSAND POUNDS BEN NETT'S CAPITOL CREAMERY 1 . pound brick, full i)Q weight OC Dennett's Candy SATURDAY SPECIAL. Several Hundred Pounds Fresh Made Chocolate Creams, "J n pound lC EASTER NOVELTIES NOW ON SAJLI-:. MIXED CANDY, ft pound , . . . .IUC In Cigar Section ALBA FLORA, a strictly first class cleat Havana diplomatic shape, 2 for lr 25c cigar, Saturday only, each ... " B0 for $4.00 EL BOOADOR, a genuine Porto Rico, Chlco shapo fc cigar, e. Saturdiyr only, 8 for 1(10 for 12.75 PATTERSON'S SEAL CUT PLUG, 8-01. at".8- 24c And Five Green Trading Stamps. Genuine FRENCH BRIER PIPE 3Qg And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. JULIUS C BASER, a good long filled 5c 1.00 And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Ha.rdwa.rc Specials Ssv.turda.y 20c 40c 15c 19c 10c 75c 28c Twenty green trading stamps with extra good cotton braided Clothes Line, 50 feet Twenty green trading stamps with Sash Cord Clothes Line, 60 feet Twenty green trading stamps with Mrs. Vroo roan's Sink Strainer, 19c and Twenty green trading stamps with shaker .' . Flour Sifter, a. ., Tea grvea trading stampa with Hunter style Flour Sifter Forty green trading stamps with 60-lb. Flour Can . , Thirty green trading stamps with Never Break Steel Spider, at 38c, 32c and ,.. DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMP8 ON ALL PAINTS VARNISHES SATURDAY. WE'RE HEADQUARTERS FOR JAP-A-LAC. Forty green trading stamps with Gasoline Ovens, at $1.98 and Fifty green trading stamps with Gasoline Stove, at-f 3.98, $2.98 and Good Wire Sink Strainer for Ten green trading stamps with set of 6 White Metal Tea Spoons Twenty green trading stamps with set of 6 White Metal Table Spoons 1.50 1.98 10c 10c 20c BIG SATURDAY SHOE SALE Unsettled weather and unsettled leather these have played hookey in the shoe busine. All the same, we are glad to show 70a all . the styles possible for 1006, spring and summer, even to a dainty , sandal. Our price for reliable footwear are proofs of the highest values in Omuha's shoe busineas. MEATS! MEATS! Pork Shoulder Roast, pound ,8 He Spare Ribs, pound...' 7HC Choice No. 1 Sirloin Roast or Steak, from choice ' native steers, pound, 12 He and ' 10c ,No. Rib Boiling Beef, 8 pounds , for ...23c Bennett's Capitol Home-made Breakfast Sausage ' 1 two bqsea for....... .....25c HAMS. HAMS. HAMS. Morrell's choice selected Iowa Hams every one guaranteed, on sale at, a pound 14 Hc And Thirty Green Trading Stamps with Each Ham. Cudahy's or Swift's Sugar Cured Regular Hams, guaranteed, average 10 to 12 pounds, on sale, lb. 12 He . And Thirty) Green Trading Stamps with Each Ham. Rex Bacon, narrow strips, at lHic LARD. LARD. LARD. Swift s Silver Leaf or Cudahy's Rex In J-lb. pails, 30c; in 5 lb. palls, 41c;Jn 10-lb, palls, 98c; In 20-lb. palls, 11.90; In 5Mlb cans, 14.50. Compound Lard, in 8,' 6 and 10-pound palls, at 7c; In 50 pound cans, at 7a 1 DELICATESSEN. Best grades "f Sausages fresh dally from Welsel & Co., Milwaukee. A full line of Kosher Sausages from David Berg tk Co.. Chicago. Headquarters for all kinds of Salt and Smoked Fish. Special prices for Lenten season. Another Great Book Sale Saturday Nine Great Books. Every Oae Published at $1.50 Illustrated. Best Grade fiction CLOTH NG V CRAVENETTt I Quality, Satisfaction and Low Prices Two hundred pairs patent colt College Cut Lace Shoes at Boys' storm calf Rip-Nit Lace Shoes at JEWELRY MAIN FLOOR, Grover's Soft Shoe for tender feet all styles Full line of Ladles' Colored Spata. Men's strong kangaroo calf lace or congretut Work Shoe, uuion made, at Men'a genuine Cordovan Goodyear Welt Lace Shoes--union uiude at 3.00 2.00 . 2.00 2.50 "Tie Man on the Box," by . Harold McGrath. "Zelda Dameron," by Mere dith Nicholson. "The Cost," by David Gra ham Phillips. "The Master of Warlock," by Eggleston. "St. Elmo," by Augusta Evans 1 "The Law of the Land," by Emerson Hough. "The Kidnaped Millionaires," by Frederick Adams. "The Rise of Ruderick Clowd," by Joslah Flynt. "Sir Henry Morgan, Buccaneer," by Cyrus Townsend Brady. Hundreds of other books, good ones, very interesting. Buy one to read over Sunday. DO IT SATURDAY. BENNETT'S 40c BOOK SALE. IU J Upham WALL PAPER. DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS With purchase of i 15c Paper, and Fifty Additional Green Trading Stamps with every 20c or 2oc . Floral Pattern purchased Saturday -We Hang Paper Under Guarantee. THIRD FLOOR. THIRD FLOOR. $1.50, $1.25 AND 75c COPYRIGHT BOOKS Beautiful Bindings, Illustrated, and Printed From Large, Clear Type. A Few Titles 'and Authors: "Donovan Pasha," by Gilbert Parker. "Visits of Elizabeth." by Elinor Glyn. "The Way of he West," by Gen. Chas. King, "Linnet," by Grant Allen. "Good Mrs. Hypocrite," by Rita. "A State Secret," by B. M. Croker. "A Maiden's Choice," by W. Heimberg. "Beyond the Pale," by B. M. Croker. "Bill Nye'a Comic History of States," illustrated by F. Opper, $2.00 edition, at . . : ; . . . . "Helen's Babies," $1.25 illustrated edition, at , the United XM4 45. Mackinette and Cravenette for Early Spring. A Rain Coat is the only coat for a man to wear or carry in his grip when traveling. It is a most convenient coat; for all business or social uses from early morning to late evening whether the sky is clear or pouring rain, it's a coat for service as well as a coat of style. BLACK THIBETS, black unfinished worsteds, plain satiu- finished Rain Coat worsteds, in a variety of invisible plaid and stripes and high-class Oxford Covert effects; also Paddock stvles from $37.50 XL O Va-S TV A WV OUR $10.00 AND $15.00 COATS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY. Great Spring SaJe of Perfection Brand "THE CLOTHING THAT'S BUILT." Novelties in Etons and Busters for the little tots, Snappy Sacks for the boys, Swagger 6tyles for the youths. An unexampled variety at un matchable prices. ' 50 95 Ages 3 to 16, prices $7.50 down to ... . 30 to 38, Long Trou&er Suits, prices $20.00 down 5 Q (J $7.50 Three-Piece Suits, r q n at JJJ Last Call for Men's and Young Men's Overcoats and Ulsters $10.00 ones, 3 75 ' $2 neS' Q QQ FURNISHINGS. Fifty dozen Four-in-Hand Ties, Saturday, at, each 15c Odd Garments of Winter Underwear, at, garment 19c New Spring Lines Are Arriving Among the first are our Fancy Soft Shirt, at $1.50 and 1 00 Fancy Laydown Collars , 6 for ftc Suspenders (And-Fifty Green Trading Stamps) 5)c Silk Lined Dress Gloves 75c HAT DEPARTMENT. Young Men's Novelties Stylish shapes in black, brown, olive pearl, nutria and slate, :).)0, 2.RU, $2-00, $1.50 and Men's Conservative Shapes In black, pearl, brown and nutria, ;j.oo, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 and : Boy's Soft and Stiff Felts all shapes and colors, $2.00, $JJSO. $1.00 and Men's Black and Brown Stiff Hats three shades of brown; also the "Tate" Knos block, in black only, $4.00, $2.50, $-J.OO and . . Stetson's Soft Felts, In all shapes and colors $5 00 Ones, A Kfl 1 t 00 Oues, at .UU t at Men's and Boys' Spring Caps All shapes and colors, $1,00, 75c, coc and .1.00 .1.00 ..50c .1.50 .3.50 ..25c wS&SsZ IDEAS MULTIPLY IN IOWA it.tktr TkrUllusj laaavatto D ! f Brla Bachelors mm . Maids Ttr, la Iowa thers' has b'n started a mar rlas association, with the avowed pur pote of promoting matrimony. Ita speclnb in. t hods are not stated, but the concern iropoaes to found, with money contributed, a fund to dower homes so that young uouple shall nut lK-tn housekeeping by buylna" a tew easaiitiala on the Installment pi in. It announces a tender regard (or t lnUtutkn ot wedlock, and a capital stock of Iea Is (re from many ( the economic conditions that tend to erect an army nf Bachelors and set over against it an army of maids that at one day, now gone, would have been termed spinsters. There are no large cities In which representatives of the two sexes enter Into fierce competition for the privilege of running a tpyewriter or calling, Here, boy!" The great re source of the state la in Its farina. The cltlsen who haa acquired a clear S0 la rli'h and independent. The employe who fls certain of 130 a. month Is better off than he would be in any of the crowded can ters at three times as much. The financial stress of supporting u family In Iowa Is reduced to a minimum. This fvt brings the marriage association under a suxplcion perhaps unjust. A marriage dower fund would with difficulty be expanded to pro portions making It equal to the Inevitable draft upon it. The Iowa nan mho wanted to get married would baldly defer the happy day so as to get a useful slice of the fund, for a swifter wooer would get to the fund first. '.' Probably a wiser Idea would be one Im pelling young folk contemplating matri mony to place In the bureau drawer, or an old teapot, or a savings bank, the sums they otherwise would cover Into the as sociation's treasury, for , thea they would be certain of some monetary basis to begin on. If they were to pay these sums Into a common fund, the way they could get them out again Is by no means clear. If they were allowed to. draw out more than they put In. plainly somebody elae must receive leas, or nothing. The asaoclatlon haa the ispect of aa In surance scheme, wherela -we must marry to "beat the game," as la life insurance one accompllHhes the same end by dying. Even for the sake of winning compara tively few consent , to die ahead of na ture's stipulated time, but plenty would rush Into wedlock without hesitancy for the sake of a dividend sufficient to pur chase an oil stova, rendering the associa tion's treasury liable to constant and overwhelming attack. Unbiased judgment lends to the con clusion that, despite the offer of the matri monial ausoclutioii, corn and hogs consti tute a better investment for Iowa capital. Philadelphia Ledger. When you have anything to iraue. adver tise it tn the Kor Exchange Column of The Bee Want Ad Page. NEW BOON JO BACHELORS A Haad-Scwln Hachta that Meads Reata by TaralasT a Creak. "I have been wondering for some time," said the girl in the while shirtwaist, "who uses all of those little hand aewlng ma chines that we sell nowadays. Yesterday I found out. It Is the men. I hud noticed for several weeka that the masculine ehop ptrs Investing in thote nandy Utile con trivances far exceeded the feminine, but I aet their preponderate down to good-natured obedienco which impelled them to buy at their wives' or slsteis' behest. "B. yesterday afternoon a good looking. helpless Hercules came in and made 'in quiries about a machlno. His manner showed me be was not hampered with many womenfolk, so I finally plucked up enough courage to ask him for whom his purchase was Intended. " 'Ftor myself,' ha said. Innocently; I've seen so many of ths fellows up at the school fooling with them this winter I'm a medical student, you know that I thought I would sue what kind of a stagger I could make at my own mending. You have no Idea whnt expert sewers some of the boys havo become. I believe they could make a vhole suit on one of these llttlo machines. I've seen them make all kinds of repairs. They were all pretty awka.d in the begin ning, but they persevered until they got so they could turn the crank with on hand and guide the cloth with the other as well aa any woman.' "The young man's breeiy explanation nearly floored me. but in the light of pre ceding experiences I knew It must be so, and I fancy that if seams had voices a grodly number of tnem could tell of their origin on hand sewing machines that hive been run by the bachelors of New York." New York Press. Foot Ball Players Ilrfy olawbla. NEW YOrtK. Varch H.-Accordlng tn a morning paper theCohimbln university foot full team, In defiance of the order for It to dl-tand, lias elected a captuin for th coming season. The election was held some time ago, but all the men who ia part were pleda-rd to Beorecy. The , captain, who has no team behind liiin, is Ailhur AlgelUuger, science.