THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. MARCH 17, 1?0C. 6 ,Lniialllly OoDftereo A Day of Bargain Giving Unrivaled, Offerings of Unequaled Quality at Prices So Lcv uiDETD g Batwdav peoafls Big Shoe Sale Saturday . Women's $S Oft snd $1 10 hand turned end Ooodyear welt shoes, Tlci kid f Ofi and patent colt ev Women' Ane rlrl kid, mt top P-lurher cut $l!.SO nd . UNION MADHO f . shoes, Cutn hMli, 12.60 and VV Vrn' UNION MADE work shoes. O Ofl $2.M value a.VU fc0"' and Youth satin oalf tl-M . Qgg Women's and mlnaea' $1 50 kid iTlRr. hoes VOC Small sixes women' SS.M kid and OHn calf shoes VOW The Hats to Suit the Head Are here, all block, la the best and most popular makes, bring Uie head for . the hat. Saturday We'll supply style that' satisfying at price that' right. hn B. Stetson In all the new spring atyle at $5. $4.50. 14 and, niB CHAMPION I1M HAT 1 Special Saturday at .3.50 2.00 MER AND IMPERIAL WOO HATS-fltlff . or soft, In tha new blocka and 1 Kn colors, at ou ThlMren' Spring Caps, worth 60c, f Cr f al I6c, S6o and 10 Saturday Specials ,l.()f Planey Sofa Pillow Covers ,49o These ," Covers ara complete with fancy ruffle and embroidered, a regular wah ACln pillow, at i 0c FANCT SILK VEILING ONLT 12c Thi I a lot of the very latest Novcltlsn In fancy and- plain meh, either with chenille or velvet dot. regular 60c f Olf, ' . quality, Saturday, only, yard lasIW .o SACHET POWDER. . Iflf , ALL ODORS ONLY.... 60o SATIN PAD SUPPORTERS 25c A new a Una of the extra lare satin pad support- i era, with 1H In. elastic nd fiber OC button, all colors, Saturday only.... -w Oo NECKWEAR ONLY 6c-A beautiful ''. new Una of hand made stock collars atid fancy embroidered collar and cuff OIZs t sets,, all .so on sal Saturday, at.."-,fc' tl.oj Copyright Book, each 0e Oold Belt, " , each 10c Silk "Belt,' . ' only- .' 60c Corset dover Embroideries .only s'lOc Purs Linen Handkerchief, . snly ..47c ..25c ..25c ..25c ...5c Eyes Fitted Exactly Right With Classes By our expert optometerlat. who absolute:' imrii wtthnut a peer, much lees an equal. anywhere. Price are right. I onaultauuu I free, tils work speaks tor itself. , DUN'S REVIEW' OF TRADE Tenor of Host Commercial Report Continues j ' ' Favorable. UBOR SITUATION . ' IS CLEARING Record 'Breaking- tfalra of Leather, Steel hntf " lnmber-BI Inrreasev in Ea- ports. NEW YORK, March. lti.-R. G. Dun. A Co.'s Weekly Review 'of Trade tomorrow ill say:, . - ....... . Wholesome conditions are maintained In commercial channels, the tenor of most re txirts being favorable, and comparatively hi tie anxiety la felt regarding the labor ait umlon. New, project are constantly ap pearing, calling for much capital and giving employment to many wage-earners. Several- scales have been signed that provide for higher wage after this month, and the general prosperity of the winter is believed to assure a very large retail trade In spring wearing apparel. Jobbing houses have been enabled to make shipments with unusual promptness owing to the ample railroad fa cilities and few freight blockades that ' re sulted from an exceptionally mild winter. Borne backward retail trade In. overshoes add kindred line was made up by more seasonable weather In many sections of the country during the paat week. Manfactur ing returns from the leading Industries eontlnue favorable, the week feature being rect id-breaking sales of leather, while tho steel mills and Iron furnaces operate at full capacity, the demand for' ceeds the aupply and glass factories are preparing to advance quotations. Exports of farm staples in February exceeded last J ear's I $;t3.6i0.000, or about 45 per cent, and tha movement of foreign commerce at this port for the last week shows gains of $3,258,401 In exports and $1,162,157 in Imports as compared with the same oats in 1905. Railway' earnings for the first week of March were S per cent larger than last year . Although there 1 no evidence of decreased activity at the textile mills and factories, the primary market for cotton good begin to exhibit sign of weakness. '.Nominal quotations no longer prevail for packer hides, . large transaction having been effected at pronounced concessions. New England footwear manufacturers re port only a moderate volume tf new busi ness. Failure this wk r"'-""! ' United State, against 250 last year, and $4 hi Canada, compureu ui - . BRADSTREET-S REVIEW OP TRADE VldeaprMd Stersa Delays Opealna; of SprlBBT Trade. 'NEW. YORK. March llBradstrcefs to morrow . will say: The widespread winter storm haa delayed the opening of spring trade at retail, caus ing some complaint of bad roads and Inter ruption to personal buying at leading Job bing centers. On ths other hand, the bene The confidence of the public 13 the find proof of merit Old Uaderoof Rye Has stood the test It is old and pure. CHAS. DENNEHY & COMPANY, Chicago. The CROSSKTT UNION MADID shoe for rren. In all leather, the beet hoea for the price that money can buy r CH 13.50 and eS.UU OBOVKR B aoft hoea for tender feet are the eslest hoe ever put on a woman' foot. We carry twenty-nine etylea ef this celebrated shoe. Bra the Ulfferent styles of new a ROVER oxford. BOTH' SCHOOL. SHOES ths kind 4 Kfi that wear-12.00, $1.76 and In fonts' 60-cent soft sol hoe... 21c SAMPLE HATS IN ALI.. STYLFS-Flvs case Just received, worth up to (W on ale Saturday In two lota, at fLtO QQ TRUNK FLOOR SAMPLES greatly under Priced Saturday at I8 60, 17.60, g QQ Our 16 00 Leather Bult Case, leathers mr lined, speoiai at wOU Our Corset Dep't Offer the Very Best Opportunity for Satisfactory Selection. WARNERS RUST-PROOF No. Ml. here illuatraled, shapes the form Into fashion' retsulrementa the corset eklrt I Ions;, rounding- the hip while flattening the ab domen; the batiste in this shape 1 a beau tiful Rummer model come i sn In white or drab at.; lOU Our La Marguerite, In pink, blue or white silk brocha. with "long hips. high but and tapering waist is a leader.' $4 SEB THEM. . -Batiste Corset In long and short hip mod els, also fancy tape girdles, Adn worth 76c, special at fits of accompanying heavy snow or rains to the crops probably tar outwelgn to damage due to this cause or injury causet. to small rruit ana truoK interests oy tin freezing weather. Wholesale trade and In dustry shown no signs of hesitation anu even the building trades have given little heed to the temporary weather setback, in view of the Immense business for sprliiK and summer offering. Tho coal strike situation Is still a flaw In the situation, but signs of the conflict lieing localised are seen and a general suspension of all work is scouted. ... Jobbing trade at leading centers is large, and reorders for-sprlng delivery are al ready reported at western centers. Rail way earnings for February and the first half of . March break all records for this season, collections are classed as' fair to good.-export trade is of a large midwinter volume, and there are signs that lowered fyrices of sereala have found response In mproved foreign buying. Additional favor able feature are report of Improvement In the flour trade, of heavy sales of leather for home and foreign consumption and of higher price for wools. The Iron and teol mills are busily employed end, while new business is smaller In volume, there Is a marked undertone of strength to this as to other metals, uch as copper. Prices generally show strength; cereal are cer tainly firmer, but cotton is lower than a week ago, and the vagaries of the raw ma terial affect Borne lines of goods, this, how ever, for far future delivery. Altogether, there Is everything to Indicate that the spring trade, present and prospective, will break nil past years' recorda. hiuMness rnuures in tne 1 nuea mates for the week ending March 15'number Ihi, agalnfct 177 lust week. 16 in the like week ot Hi. Irj ltKM. 1M In 1903 and 197 In VMi. in lannnn lor inn ween iiuiui'ei , f.a against 'M last week and 22 In this week a year ago. Wheat, including flour, export from the United State and Canada for the week e.idlng March 16 are 2."lo,?37 bu.. against 2.6tvl.Bx3 bu. last week, KH6.742 bu. this wecl. last year, 2,K0t,124 in l04'and 2.395.26 bu in 19B. f rom July 1 to uate me- expori. are 9. 152,792 bu.. against 45.690,111 bu. last year, 112.!0,439 bu. In l!s4 and lt8,437,628 bu. In 1903. Corn export for the week are 2.S36,2? bj., against 2,894,445 bu. last week, 3.M1.411 bu. a year ago, 1.68.1,259 bu. in 1904 and 1.072. Obi bu In 19uA From July 1 to date the ex ports of corn- are $9,152,449 bu., against 53, Oil,36S bu. In 195. against 42.540,560 bu. In 19o4 and 40,h21,37; bu. In 1903. REPORT OF THUS CLEARING HOI SK, Transactions of the Associated Basks for the Week. NEW YORK. March 18. The following table, compiled by Uradstreet, show the bank clearing at the principal cltle for the week ended March 15, with the per centage of Increase and decrease as com- parea wua wis uurrcspunumg im. year: CITIES. Clearing.) Inc.) Dec. New York Chicago rioeton Philadelphia ... St. Lout Pittsburg Hn Francisco Baltimore fl,7ffl,T3i.l.-3!.. .1 lO.t 1.01. 149.793.31 .. 132.4W.811 54.630. 702',. 47.040.99OI 45.312.61lj 27.520,7031 1.7 ii 4 $ io'.-rL 32.81. 4.4 . J 77 nn Our Special , Catalogues are free tor the asking. We want you to have them. Write now. j 5c to 12!c Par Copy' Don't fall to get our prices on sheet mulo this Saturday before going eleewhere a we will plate everything in sheet mnulo en sol at the very lowest of prices. We hava hundred of new and popular aong and Instrumental hlta and everybody liould take advantage of this enormous offer. These prices have never been equalled In this city before. Oood concert (singing and playing) free all day. Everybody waloome. Speolal rates to teachers and professional. Extraordinary Sale Spring Suits Saturday Our Cloak Buyer on bia recent trip to New York secured the surplus stork of several manufacturer of Women' Outer Garment at from one-half to one-third their actual value. Several lota of these garments are now here, and Saturday morning will begin one.of the greatest bargain giving sale of Stylish Spring Apparel Omaha has ever known. , Wise one will attend early and get the pick of these magnificent bargains. NEW WOOL SUITS AT $7.95 $75 garments In this lot, from Steger & Spagat, 9ft Oreen Street, New York. Come In great assortment of handsome all wool material, check, line plaids, fancy mix ture and Panamas. In browns, blues, green or grey a. Jackets are prettily trimmed and silk lined, all newest atyle. Made for New York trade to ell at and $1.00 our Bale price Satur- J tf The skirt alone are worth the price we ask. NEW SAMPLE SUITS From Louis Pell man' st Bros.. 18 West Eighteenth Street. New York. All their garments are of finest materials were manufactured ex- ' pressly for high class trade. The mot handsomely designed lot of samples it haa ever been our pleasure to show. Our Saturday price will be fully one-third less than their value 125 garmenta to select from-at $26.00, 20.00, O 116.00 and 'ou STYLISH CRAVENETTES AND COVERT COATS From Holstein. Silberman ft Young, East Seventeenth Street. New York. Over TOO garments secured at about half price twenty different styles to select from divided lato three ; great lots for Saturday's selling. LOT l-COVETCT COATS, made to sell at $7.00 and $8.00 choice Satur- gsj LOT J-COVERT COATS, made to sell at $12.00, $15.00 and $18.u0 choice U u Saturday .O.VtJ Cincinnati 'Kansas City New Orleans 'Minneapolis Cleveland Louisville Detroit Lon Angele OMAHA Milwaukee Providence Buffalo Indianapolis St. Paul Denver Seattle Memphis r ort worm Richmond 25.4 Columbus . ........... wasntne-ton St. Joseph .......... Savannah Portland, Ore Albany Salt !aka City Toledo. O Rochester Atlanta Tacoma 1 Spokane, Waah Hartford Nashville Peoria Des Moines New Haven Grand Rapids Norfolk Augusta, Ga Springfield. Mass... Portland, Me Dayton Sioux City Evanavllle Birmingham Worcester Svracuse Charleston, 8. C . Knoxvllle Jacksonville, Fla... Vllmlngton. Del.... Wichita 3K4i. 2l. 25.51. 11.211 I 24. 11 .01.. 19.3. Wllkesbarre Chattanooga Davenport Little Rock Kalamaxoo, Mich... Topeka Wheeling, W. Va.. Macon Springfield, in Fall River Helena ...'...... .Lexington Fargo. N. V New Bedford Ynungstown Akron 919, 9.5ft! 9-I.V609: Sfi6.031l S23 3331 M6.418I. fii".977! BT2.M4I 644 O0l 691,7061 1.0M.463! 434 S0 5?7.6io 421.7431 4I7.96! 492,101 610.6161 Kfi0.9'Hl 5?' 97' 24.11. 2.8 '42!8 Rockford. III.. 22.71 feflsr rianins, Ia.. Canton, O Blnghamton Chester, Pa Lowell Oreensburg. Pa Bloorrlnrton. III.... Sprlngne'd. O Onlncv. Ill Mansfield. O... Decatur. Ill Sioux Falls. S. D... .Tscksonvllle, 111.... Fremont. Nb tm-mth Bend, Ind... tHoustr.p Galveston Fort Wayne Total. V. S Outside New York. 18.1 12.1! 21.71 48.11 16.6 13.4 "i'.i 13.1! 3-16.7971.... 4T.'9I n ii 393 0141 81.9! 2S2 2: 281 R701 4 to 612' 6 6 8.0 18.304.4701 1J196 0(101 64 51. 22.61. C75.584I 2.41. -I- .;$2.Ti6 2',.6 844l. . 992.611. 190i .1 6.1 4.21. Canada. Montreal , Toronto .. Winnipeg Ottawa ... Halifax .. Vancouver, 25.618.' 94t. ...I 22.TT:: 105I 19 81. 18 SI. 7.1!. I 40.8'. I 21.81. 10.0!. 7.3!. 5.S!. 1- .1. ,6.SS5t 6611 FrfK) 1601. 2347.1 1 37? 1 11 .S b. c. 1.914.1 Quebec Hamilton St. John, N. B.. '.ondon, Ont "lctorla,.B. C... i.46 ; l,w ( ?6 S47i. M6I ...I 9tSI O61I 0691 9n i 9n0.( I- Total. Canada.... '$ 65.587.3321 j "Pslsrces rld In cash. ', tNnt included In totals because containing i -iter items hflH cleurings. JNot Included In total. Comparisons In complete. Dramatic. Class Graduates. NEW YORK. March 16. The gradua- i (ion in Ainruunii m.uciii, of Dramatic Art took place yesterday at the Empire theater. Addresses were deliv ered bv Otis . Pkinner, George Fawceit, Miss Clara Bloodgood, Miss Katherliie Grey and other. The exercise closed with the presentation of diplomas to the twenty four members of the graduating class. The David Belasco medal for technical skill wa awarded to Edward O. Longman of Brooklyn, and the Mra. Esther Herrman gold medal for earnestness and progress wa awarded Forrest H. Orr, Dallas, Tex. Frlahtfal Loss ef Life result from throat and lung disease. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Is a sure cure. 6oc and $1.00, For sale by Sherman a: McConnell Drug Co. Gaae-Salllvaa Fight Potoaed. I8 ANGELEJ4. Cel.. March 16. The fight advartlsed to take place tonight at Chute's base ball park brtwern Joe dans and Mike (Twin) Sullivan ha been postponed until Saturday nignt on account of heavy rain. Gift for Drery rolles. SPRINGFIELD. Mri.. March Hi. Andrew Carnegie has Klvtn Drury college (Con grvtiiuvnuij tears itiUuul. any coujliivo. ' 'w.'s ""4I6 ?rrT LbUXJ THE RGLIADLC STORE. Great Sheet Music Sale Write for anything yon may want as to mail yon and we will send you the best possible price. We have everything. If you send ti more than sufficient money to fill your order we will return balance to you. Add 1 rent extra per copy for postage. . ' SPORTS C' h DAY. EVEXT8 0 THE niXMSQ TRACKS Miller Pill Is Jsdge Kolaa aad Nar rowly Escapes Violence. NEW ORLEANS. 1m., March 1.-Stee-Dlechase Jockey E. Miller furnished the sensation at City park today. Ho had the mount on Judge Nolan In the second 'race and seemed to spare no effort to keep the horse rrom finishing first, junge isoian was ridden to the extreme outside ot every Jump and 'was finally pulled in behind the leader, tierore tne numners went up a howling mob was after the Jockey, who took refuge in the paddock under protec tion of the police. The atewarris at once ruled Miller off the turf, and n soon as the excitement had quieted down he wa smuggled out of the grounds, escaping a small hut determined knot of men who aw ilted hltn In the customary exits. Plmte, who won the race, was the only winning favorite of the day. Covlno was caught In a Jam at the half mile In the last race, fell and broke his leg. Track lumpy and slow. Results: First race, three and a half furlongs: Jack Iee won. Belsay second. Young Ste vens third. Time: 0:45. Second race, steeplechase, short course: Pirate won. Judge Nolan second, Tripoli third. Time: 3:35. Third race, seven furlongs: Nonie Lu cille won, America II. second. Creel third. Time: 1:314. Fourth race, one mile: Juba won. Merry Acrobat second. Gold Coin third. Time: 1-.4SH. Fifth race, one mile: Glrard won. Gold If second, Glenclare third. Time: 1:46. Sixth race, Ave and a half furlongs: Juli. M. won. Prestige second, Billy Woodwan nira. Time: i:io4. Seventh race, seven furlongs:' Fuputhura won. Merry George second. Clover Hamp ton third. Time: 1.17. Result at fair 'grounds: First race, five and a half furlongs, sell ng: Sweet Favor won, Monkent second, Trossachs third. Time: 1:10. Second race, three and a half furlongs, selling: Schroder's Midway won, Helmuth second. Beatrice II. third. Time: 0.44. Third race, Ave and a half furlongs, sell ing: Dan McKenna won, Usury second, Shenandoah third. Time: 1:09. Fourth race, mile and a alxteenth: Lan castrian won, Aurumaster second, Peter Mathanler third. Time: 1:62. Fifth race, five furlongs: Pride of Wood stock won, J. C. Clem second, Young Re minder third. Time: 1:03. Sixth race, mile and a sixteenth, selling: Sonoma Belle won, Uncle Henry second, Gleeman third. Time: 1:52. HOT SPRINGS, Ark., March 14.-Reult at Oaklawn: Flrat race, alx furlong: J. W. O'Neill won, Stumptown second. Dusky third. Time: 1:15. Second race, three and a half furlongs: Elksino won, Mike Sutton second, Rifleman third. Time: 0:43. Third face Ave and a half furlongs: Ben Lear won, little Gregg second, Canajoharle tnird. Time: 1:09. Fourth race. Ave and a half furlongs: Buxom won. Amador second, Kundry third. Time: 1:10. Fifth race, Ave and a half furlongs: The Saracen won, Mary Prim second, Flor ence third. Time: 1:10. -Sixth race, mile and seventy yards: Hlle won, Amberlta second. Arsenal third. Tima: 1:47. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., March It-Results at Oakland: First race, live furlongs: Pepper Pod won. Maiiel second, Laura Van third. Time: 1 :04. Second race, six furlongs: St. Francis won, I'm Joe second, Cocksure third. Time. 1:17. Third race, futurity course: Blumenthal won, Mlno second, Fullsway third. Time: 1:14. Fourth race, one mile: Pickaway won, Jackful second, Modicum third. Time: 1:44. Fifth race, mile and Afty yards: Penta gon wan, Chalbls second, Wenrlck third. Time: 1:47. Sixth race, six furlong: Ralhert won. Hector second. Elevation third. Time: 1:15. LOS ANGELES, Cal., March 14.-Result at Ascot: First race, six furlongs: Lelmo won, Brannlgan second, My Surprise third. Time. 1:17. Second race, six and a half furlongs: KumiM won, Musapan second, Kougrock third. Time: 1:24. Third race, Ave and a half furlongs: Seed Cake won. Babe B. second. Turkeyfoot third. Time: 1:10. Fourth race, one mile: , Colonel Bronston won, Ila second, J. F. Donohue third. Time: 1:4J. Fifth race, six furlongs: Mary Glenn won, Durbar second. Kl.isman third. Time: 1.15. Sixth race, nillu and seventy yards: Lord Budge won MU May Bowdlsh second. Graphite third. Time: 1 iV Seventh nice, six fuiionK'. Pacuca won, Pmsy Lrown second. Bailey third. Time: 1:16. Asserieaa Athletes Wis at Oxford. IXlNDON. March IA Three American Rhodes K"holartnp student have bwn se lected to reprwtt.'it Oxford in tl Inter-unl-verbity eports Hhtch. are to take flare nn March 24. P. M. Young. University of South DiU.uta. will compete In the high Jump; Warren E. Sctiult of Cornell In the ene mile ruo, and Albert M Stvitf ul.WtUi- SPRISG SAMPLES Are Now Ready They're Free For the Asking. Send For Them. ' 5c to 121c Per Copy LOT $ CRAVENKTTE COATS, made t ) sell at $12.60 and $16.00-choice n &i Saturday .OU WOMEN'S SKIRT8,-FTom Max Solmon. New York, the king of skirt makers 1,600 garments, in newest spring stylos' and materials to select from, made to snn at irom to 112.00 in two OS lot. Saturday at $6.96 and O.VO NEW LINGERIE WAISTS-In six dlf- ffrent styles, worth $2.00 special Suturday, at I.0 NEW JAP SILK WAISTS-In white or black, all sisei. $4.00 , values, 'j ("ii special Saturday, at OU SEE OUR HOME-MADE WRAPPERS Unequalled values, at $2.26. $2.0", a -$1.76, $1.60 and & FROM S TILL 10 A. M. Children's fiftr $1.60 DreHSuH, at FROM 8:30 TILL 9:30 A. M. Women's Sateen and Moreen Underskirts, "7ljr worth $l.i0, at FROM 9 TILL 10 A. M. Women's Wrap , pers, twenty dozen In the lot, '7t$ worth to $1.50, at, choice , NEW 81 UK SUITS AT $5.95475 handsome Silk Suits, secured from the Fashion Manufacturing Company, 212 Oreen Street, New ork, at about 2fc on the dollar; all new styles, made of Giver naud'a taffetaa. iruaranteed not to crack; come In all now shades, brown, blue, green, grays and fancy check; made to ell at $15.00 to $10.00 iill at one price Saturday your choice J.zru nantlc, Conn., in tho hnmnier throwing In the Balllott college snorts today Steven: von the broad and high Jumps and- th" 20-yard hurdles. jARDMCR LEADS BILLIARDISTX Wright Makes lllahest Ran of Toarney in Afternoon Game. CHICAGO. March 16.-Edv.nrd W. Gard ner of Passaic, N. J., has the lend tonight in thu amateur billiard tournament, hav ing four victories to his credit without a loss. J. F. PoKirenhurg of New loik c.lso has a percentage of 1.(100, but he has only taken part In three games. only two games were played todny. be cause of a misunderstanding. ' C. F. Conk- Un Tif Chicago and Chnrles S. Norris of New York were to have- mot at l!:30 o'clock In the ufternoon, but Conklin did not put In' an appearance, ns he thought he wm scheduled for the game tonight, and the niLitch between him and" Norris was post poned until tomorrow. The. afternoon game between Hurry Wright of San Francisco and Calvin Demarest of Chicago brought out tho best billiards of the tournament so lar. temaret took th lend nt the start snd at the end of tho sixteenth inning ih ugni uy points. w rigut, who had been playing rather out of form, got nis siroKe in tins inning and run out tlio I'f icsHary 199 points to win In the next two Innings. I Hiring tho nineteenth Inning he counted 127 points, the higheFt run of the tourna ment. His average for the paino was 16 12-18 and that of Demarest 15 lo-i7. The standing of th players at the con clusion of tonight's play follows: Won. Lost. tiarnner , 4 0 Pogge'nburg ...' 8 11 Wright ;.. 2 ; Demarest 2 2 Conklin ; 0 ' ; Norris 0 .Best single average of the tournament, 0 12-18, held Jointly by Wright and Poagoii uurg. fiign run, lit. nmue ty Wright. BOWLING TOIRXEY OPES9 TO.MGHT Fisht (or Presldrory and Next Meet las; Already Dentin. LOUISVILLE, Ky., March lfl.-With an increase of nearly 2S per cent in the num ber of entries and a larger amount of prlxe money in bank for tho winners thun ha been the case at any tournament previ ously, the annual tournament of the Bowl ing congress will open at the Jefferson County armory tomorrow night. The flrsi hall of the first match of the first alley will be rolled by the Vic Lorch 5-mcn team at 7:30 o'clock in a magnilicenily decorated and equipped arena. The tournament will last ten days. Delegates to the congress ar.d team mem bers have already begun to arrive, t lie la meat single party thus far being that from St. Louis, which reached the city to night. St. Ixula, St. Paul ar.d Philadelphia have already started a warm three-cornered tight for the next congress, nlthough Philadel phia's chances have been unfavorably af fected by the fact that the eint is sending a smaller number of bowlers than was ex pected. Al Baltx of Philadelphia, Charles J. Kauff man of Cincinnati and Charles H. Kbbetts of Brooklyn are candidates for president of the congress. There aro rumors that St. Louis bowlers will throw their strength to Kauffman, . receiving in turn Clnclnnati'a support for the next meeting place. Mlsonrl Defeats Kansas. KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 16.Mlsaouri university defeated Kansas university by a score of 55 to 30 in their annual dual indoor athletic meet In ("'invention hall In this city tonight. Missouri won tight of the eleven events. Tldd, a Missouri freshman, was the star performer, winning th 50 yard dash and the quarter-mile run. and alone making 10 points for Missouri. These two everts had been conceded to Kansas. There were no exceptional record made. Bportlaa Brevities. The Cardinal Infield will have two West ern league graduates In McBrlde at short and Perrine at second. The receipt for the McGovern-NeUon bout were said to have been $21.0. of whteh Mntjovern received $ti,50 and Nelson $9,866. A little easy money tor two bruisera to atand and hug each other for eighteen minutes. Hoelsketter will be retained by McClos key. the new manager of the St. Louis Catc'inala. lie will be held as a utility man and may be given a try-out as a pitcher. , Bill Hallmau, manager of the Denver team when Hoelsketter played there, has told th St. Louis management he considers him a better pitcher than In fielder. President O Nelll of the Western league has announced his list of umpires for tha coming seaaon, one being well known to Omaha fans and the other two being new fuoes. They are John Keefe of Pittxburg. Peter Fuller of Chicago and J. Ira Davis, who umpired In the Pacinc CobNt league last season. Caruthera aaa let out laHt lull by President O'Neill and the others failed of reappointment. Caruthera. it w ill he recalled, failed to let Mike Cantlllon parade 1.1s policy of bluff at all time. Ten-dollar tickets In the hands of scalp ers sold for as iiU'h at iJ outside the rtab house doors for tie Nelson-Moiovern fig lit. Very little money was bet in Omaha or at the ringside for tilt matter, and the only proposition l"ft to bet on in view of the no decision ruling was whether Nelson would be able to l.imk him out In six rounds. One train'oad from New Vork car ried bfteen cars of op!e to the rlKht. ant It estimated, troil 1..'' pn,(.ie 'alto gether carue irviuf KrW Yoik. f ' . Splendid Furnishing Bargains Saturday Another Great Purchase of Men Ihres and Negligee. Hhlrta. , Another fortu nate purchase, enables ua to offer our customer high grade shirt. vich n Griffon, Lion, Cluett A Prlraler brands, in negligee), pleated or stiff bosoms, cuffs attached or detached, good styles and worth up to $100, in four ir .5""4.": 25c, 50c. 69c and 98c MEN'S HOSK In light weight cashmere, lisle thread or mm cotton, mostly full fashioned, in blacks, tans and fancies, worth up to 6oo, at I5c, 12Sc IOC MENS PIURT8 AND DRAWERS -In na twral wool or camel's hair, all sixes, worth double at, 41 garruent UVC IADIICS' MUSLIN SKIRTS-lIandsomelv trimmed with deep flounce of lnce and Inserting or embroideries, haa underlay with deep ruffle, value up to ou $2.60, at $1.50 and VOC Omaha's Greatest Grocery Dept. Interesting Prices tor Saturday ti lbs. best pure Can Granulated Sugar $1 Bromangelon or Jello, per pkg 7o 1-lb. . package Mince Meat 6c 1-lb. package Corn Starch 4c- Large bottle Ffcncy gueen Olive 16o 1- lb. can fancy Alaska Salmon o 2- lb. can fancy Sweet Sugar Corn 5c 2-lb. can fancy Wax or String Means.. IP The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per lb a,. 1-lb. cans fancy Cove Oysters 9c 1-lb. can assorted Soup fc- 1-lb. Jar pure Fruit Preserve , TH" $-lb. pnrkage Fruen's Wheat Wafers.. TV Pint bottle pure Tomato Catsup $v- Oil Snrd nes, per can 3c HI TTER AND CHEE8B PRICES. Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, per lb JV Fancy Wisconsin Brick Cheesa, per lb.. 16c Funcy Wisconsin Full Cream Cheese, iter IK ,k I Neufehatel Cheeese. each .'..'. Sc Mp rvgo t heese. each 7ic Imported Ho(uefort Cheese, per lh Joe CANDY. CANDY. CANDY. Made from the finest pure cane granu luted sugar. We make our own. THE BIG Choice Leg of Mutton, KJr per pound OJ B Rib or Loin Mutton Chops, fin per pound Uv Mutton Roast, 1lf per pound olv Mutton Stew, J) . per pound C Veal Roast, Air. Veal Stew a 3c per pound vsa per-poun DRUG SPECIALS Bath Brushes, at .09. 15c " 5c Bath Sweet Powder, at Williams' Shaving Soap, at ANTI-SEMITE IS LOCATED Author of Inflammatory Circular Dismissed from Service of Csar, ELECTIONS ARE CONDUCTED IRREGULARLY Polls Clone at One Place and at An- other' Manhood SufTraae Is Permitted at the Election. ST. PETERSBURG. March 16. The au thor of the anti-Jewish circulars was M. Levroff, an employe of the ministry of tho interior, holding a rank In the official hier archy equivalent to councillor of state. He la the leader of the "League of the Russian People." Ho has been dismissed from the service and arrested and will be prosecuted. The first step of the peasant elections ha been completed In twenty-eight provinces and in the workmens' elections the first stage was ended In ten provinces and six towns. In many cases no returns have been published, but the Rcch (speech) claims toj THE MEN'S TRUE SPECIALISTS Longest Established, Most Successful and Unliable Specialist, as Medi cal Diplomas, Mcenses and Newspaper Kecords Bhow. BLOOD POISON (Syphlllls) Is one of the most terrible diseases In It ravage upon the human system to which mortal Aesh is nelr and may be either hereditary or acquired. It may be termed that slimy hissing serpent that blights and poisons everything It touches. It is a disease that snares neither age nor sex, rank or fortune. It Is a terrible and Insatiable tyrant, blasting, devastating and destroying, establishing a gloomy empire of misery and death. It Is the plague of our own day, and the curso of millions yet unborn. For centuries this loathsome, lingering disease was considered n curable, and for hundreds of years battled the most learned phyelclun. Thou .ur,,i. mu.n thonminfi. i.r oersons have been practically ostracised from so ciety, suffering untold mlserle and humiliations, without respite, relief or abatement,-waitins for death to relieve them of their suffering. It attacks and breaka down the tissues, penetrates tne aeeper Bnicmir., leaving the unfortunate victim an abomination to himself and a deaplsed outcast to all human aoclety. ...... ..... 1 - .v.. If you have mucous patches 'n the mouth or throat, little ulcers on the tongde. hair or eyebrows falling out, copper colored spots on body,: pain In bones, pimples or sores on any part of the body or limbs, or any other symp toms of this terrible disease In the primary, secondary or tertiary stages, come to us and we will spare you tho penalties associated with this terrible atllic llon iwn't think because you have Inherited or contracted blood poison (Syphlisj that you must go through life tainted and contaminated, or saturate 'yourself Willi mercury, and other deleterioua druKS until ou are thoruugh iy salivated. You need suffer no longer If you will avail yourself of , our treatment. ' . . , . .,, , ' . Our treatment cleanses snd eradicates every vestige of the syphilitic virus from the system and all danger of transmission and recurrence Is removed. We do not call a 'smothering'' of a few sores a cure. By our method of treat ment the blood and system are thoroughly cleansed, all poisonous Impurities eliminated and you are freed from every trace of syphilitic blood poison, and In less time than anywhere else, and at less expense. - Hot Springs and other old-time mercurial treatments simply suppress the more prominent symptoms fer a tlm and cause a temporary abatement, but you are never safe, for In a short time. U10 disease again returns with renewed vigor and virulence. Thla disease ha doubtless brought more misery into the world than all other diseases combined, and whlie It Is not criminal to con tract or Inherit blood poison. It should be considered criminal to nliow It to progress and pollute the system. By neglecting to secure a complete arid per manent cure of tills disease, you may not only shorten your own llie. nut en tall misery and suffering on others, possibly those ahoin you may hold near and dear to you, thus blasting their future live and prospect by your own wilful neglect. Ws solicit the most obstinate case In the most aggravated stages. ' We cure safely and thoroughly , Strict 11 re. Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Hcxual lability, Impotency,, Mood I'olson (Hytihill). lUvUl. Kidney and Urinary Disease . - .... .... 1. - Kul.l.a . and ii diseases and weakness" 01 men aue 10 ninei nunc, - ......oi e,t MTM-i-irt,. ..r nrivste dlbeases. t w:. miL a nn misleadina statements, deceptive or unbusinesslike proposition to the afflicted, neither do we promise to cure Ihein In a few days, r.or offer cheap, worthies treatment in onler to secure ttirlr patron-iRc. Ilomft doctor of rccoifnied ability do not resort to wvh methods. We jniarniiiee a perfect, aft and UMlng cure lu the quickest possible time, without Icuvlni; Injurious after-effects In i'.ie system, and at the lowiht coe-l possible for honest, skillful and su--efcful Ireutineut. FREE Censultstlea If you ana Examlasiiei umcs nour STATE MEDICAL' INSTITUTE 1308 Karnam M.. lift wren 13th and letli Sis.. OMAHA. NEB. CZE! MEN'S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Heavy -fleece lined, In all alaea, worth up to and"1' llr,"rrr"nt' 25C JAniKW OOWNS-Beautlfully trimmed with lace, embroideries and tuck. Worth fully double; Saturday' price. OSP c. Th:. 60c and OOC LADIES' CORSKT COVERS AND DRAWERS Nirely trimmed OCri worth 50c; special, at SSc and JV A beautiful line of l-artles" Slip, In lawn or silks, at from $2.50 down &0C Fancy Pure Sugar Chocolate Creams.' per lb , VM Fsnoy Pure Sugar Cream Mixed Candy, per lb 104 Fancy Popcorn and Peanut Brittle, per lb .V..10T Funcy Yankee Peanut Candy, per lb....KX Fancy Jelly Beans, per lb !0o FamyFresh Salted Peanuts, per lb 10c Fancy Mint Luienges, per lb ltc Fancy Pure Sugar Taffy, assorted fla vor, per lb loo Fancy Vanilla Flavored Marshmallows. , made from the finest pure cane sugar and the white of strictly new laid eggs, per lb K Funcy Walnut Top. Pecan Top or Ali , mond Top Chocolate Creams, per W Ib.tOe ORANGES. ORANGES. ORANGES. The balance of one car we received Thursday to go on sale Saturday. This Is our famous Highland brand of Navel there Is none so good. Rich flavored and Juicy. We will sell the balance of this IE. car TWENTY FUR. tmtJt, Per dosen .150 MEAT-SAVING SECTION Boiling Beef, 55 per pound ajv Large Choice Norway Mackerel, qi. each OOC Choice Irish Mackerel, I5c Genuine Fancy Oeorgla Cod Fish, 1 Cle ver pound I VII Boneless Cod Fish Middles, per pound lie Dr. Woodbury's Soaps, 15r at. Violet Talcum. . En .Glycerine Soap. 4t at IUrj Aunsage ureain nna, 9c at..-. '. have authentic Information showing that the peasants In seventy-two districts elected progressive delegates, ugainst forty-eight conservatives. Election rows occurred at various places. At Torxhok, provjnc of Tver, the marshal of the nobility was compelled to close a small landowners' assembly because the electors Insisted that nonreglstcred person were participating. In tha Scheulessberg district the workmen took the elections into their own hands and proceeded on the basis of universal suffrage. LABOR UNIONS MAY STRIKE Cincinnati Jadgt Makes RnlinaT In Action Bronght to Keep Men at Work. CINCINNATI, March 16.-The right of a labor union to conduct a strike was sus tained by. Judge Howard Ferris of the su perior court In a decision here today. The case was that of the Perkins-Campbell com pany against the United Leather Workers, the company seeking to enjoin the union from striking. The case was argued some months ago and pending the decision today the difficulties between the company and the union were left In abeyance on prom ise of good behavior. 1S FOR MEN s cannot call writ tor symptom oian. - t . ... - e- -....-. w