Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1906, Part Two, Page 16, Image 16
1(5 T1IE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, MAKCII '17, ' lf0f. 4 M Foundation - collars m 5c 2 THIS IS THE SALE THAT MAKES SATURDAY A DIG BARGAIN DAY. i Ladies' Spring Neckwear I RIBBON Silk Embroidered Stocks, Silk Braided Collars, Lace Collars, Collar and Cuff Sets, Pretty New Stocks and Tabs All new styles shown for the first time this season. Every popular effect These come In colors and white and in a regular way should sell as high as 50c each. Raturdny, on bargain square, at, each 1 le - lie M HI H a Thousands of yards of new all silk ribbons, plain and fancy effects and many new floral designs black silk moires, etc. suitable for neck ribbons, belt ribbons and trim ming ribbons, great variety f! of colors, worth as high as H U DO 35c yard ; at, yard AaiV (ttVV EXTRA SPECIAL SALE OF HOSIERY Ladies,' Men's and Children's Fine Black, Tan and Fancy Hosier fine and heavy ribbed; also Men's Silk Finished Mercerized Hosiery and Ladies' fl A I'll n 1 Cn Plain Lisle Hose, pair. IUC-IA 2C-IaJk Saturday JEWELRY SALE GOLD CROSSES AND LOCKETS AND CHAINS From the S. O. Blg ney co. guaranteed 1-10 solid gold, a ten year guarantee with every purchase, Crosses Saturday CJ 58-2 49 LADIES' MOUNTED AND SET COMBS Entire new stock to select from, mounted In pearl turquoise and plain gold AQ. JA bands, prices HfJC IO $1U H Men's 15 Jewel Elgin or Waltham Watch, dust proof case 4.98 New styles in ladies' gold and silver belts, 25c-49c French Belts in gold and silver will go on sale, at " $2 to $10 .InnnMese Nnveltiea Iti Arcnrle. ' - - - Dainty Jap China, ornaments, bric-a-brac, etc., at extremely mod erate prices: Calling Cards at 30c ' 5 J. L BRAN DEIS & SONS - BOSTON STuRE 5 FURNITURE FIRM WILL BUILD Miller, Stewart & Beaton to Erect Tare botue on East Farnam Street.. BUY LOT OPPOSITE UNION PACIFIC Several Other Important Real Estate - Traaaactiona Are Made or Pead- lag Addtag; to Geaeral . Activity la Baalaeaa. Miller. Stewart Beaton will build a new warehouse, 88x133 reet, worth J5O.000 on Farnam strert opposite the Union Pa cific headquarter. Last fall A. J.. Beaton bought a 44-foot lot and announced that he would build on It a wart house for the com pany. Friday morning - Mr. Beaton ac quired two 22-foot lots on ttie west of his former purchase and has announced that the company will build a warehouse twice as large as was at first contemplated. In creasing the facilities of both wholesale and warehouse part of the Business. One lot was owned by Dr. Porter and the otlrr by the Byron Reed estate. Harrison & Morton and the Payne Investment com pany made the dcaL The price of the lots waa 17.500. The gwennon Mercantile company, a new wholesale notion firm located temporarily at 1US Farnam street, has bought lot i in block 1:3, aa a location for a home, though definite plana tor building have liot been formulated. The price was $9,000. R. C. Feters ic Co made the sale. The lot la on Tenth street Immediately north Of the Burlington headquarters. ' Another concern which Is looking for a new horn la the Omaha Loan and Building association. Several locations have been offered, among them the Douglas block at the southeast corner of Slxteent hand Dodge streets, and Indications point to the purchase of this. The price asked Is aid to be t&.OOO. Klaetr-taree Lots Boaaht. Hastings & Heyden have bought from the Omaha Safety Deposit and Trust com pany ninety-three lots west of Miller park ahd northwest of Fort Omaha. They will lay out the land In acre ahd half-acre tracts, build several houses and place the property on the market. 8. R Cox, a live stock commission man of South Omuha, has bought the lot and frame dwelling at the southwest corner of Twenty-fourth and Dodge streets from Joseph Folsom, a nonresident, through Hastings & Heyden. The consideration was tS.Ouo. Mrs. I Aura B. Summers, wife of Dr. J. E. Summers. Jr., has bought what Is said to be one of the best residence lots in the city, and will build a residence on It. The lot la 78xlS feet and la at the northeast corner of Thlrty-scvtmth street and Dewey avenue,' The Cudahy home la on the op posite corner and on one of the other cor ners Hugh Murphy will build a fine house. The consideration was fT.but). J. T. Kerns has bought from the Na tional Life Insurance company, for f.,500, two brick flats at Thirty-second and Pop pleton avenue. H. K. Burktt paid M. C. Grant of New York 13,760 for a fifty-foot vacant lot at Twenty-ninth avenue and Jockaon street, next Mr. Burket's new home. Dr. li. C. Henry baa bought the F. L. Harris residence at the southwest corner of Thirty-fifth avenue and Jackson street for 4.S0- SPECIAL ATTENTION is called to our friends and patrons that lady demonstrators are now calling on every MOTHER In Omaha In the Interest of the well known DR. HAND'S HOME REMEDIES FOR THE CHILDREN. These remedies consist of Dr. Hand's Teething Lotion, Dr. Hand's General Tonic, Dr. Hand's Pleasant Physic, Dr. Hand's Colic Cure, Dr. Hand's Cough and Croup Cure, etc. These are -remedies which are success fully used 4n a great many homes where the ailments are so minor that the phy sician is not needed. Theae demonstrators are leaving samples. at the homes where there are children and we beopeak a kind reception to them, assuring all our Omaha mothers that they are highly recommended as thoroughly competent to do their dem onstrating in a business-like manner. Respectfully Submitted, 7cT SCHAEFER'Q .BUS. Comer 10th and Chicago, OMAHA. 24th and N., BO. OMAHA. Cor. tth and Main St. CO. BLUFFS. IA. Jaeksoa ta Jail. On a charge of assault which he Suva is Inspired by animus of enemies, O W. Jack Son. Janitor of the city jail, was bound over to the district court by police J untie Craw ford. Friday, the woman in the c&su Ih-Iiik ens who gives the name of Ttielma IV Vail, who was fined tn police court Tuesday fciorning Ub and costs for disorderly con fauot in Minnie Pali child's house of ill tepute. Jackson could not give the re fnired bond of il.OUO and went la the county . PlAHONVS-JTrtnaor, ifih ut Pod. Spring Tonics Now is the time to begin on your spring medicine. Howell's Sarsaparllla la the best blood purifier ' Qfl- per bottle OUW 75c Beef, Iron and Bn. Wine OUC 11 .00 Olery Cfp Nervine .OUC $1.00 Peruvian QOn Tonic OUC Howell Drug Co. 16th vid Caoitol Ave. GRANDMA ALWAYS SAID "To be well and happy always re- , member to keep the feet warm, head oool, bowels open." DR. VESTMAL'S LITTLE SEI1IIA PILLS werk so nice and easy. One at bedtime, and next morning you'll feel fine. 25c, Postpaid. SHERMAN & McCCXMELL DRUS CO. Cor. teta aad Dodge, Oausk PEPUTT STATE VETERINARIAN. H. L RAMACCIOTTI. D. V. S CITY BTER1HARI AS. Office and Inhrmery. itn and Mason St. OMAHA. NEB. Telephone 331 ' HOTBIA "When in Chicago"?) Stop at The fcivi' ,ii;!t Uh Stfatiord Hotel European Plan Refined. Flegaat. Quiet Located eor ner of city's tro nnett Louievuds, convenient to entire buudnet center, t lose to bet theatres and shopping ditrlc. room. 150 private baths; luxurious writing and reception rooms; woodwork mahogany throughout: brass beds and U modern comforts; telephoae in every room: beautiful dining rooms the beat of evorytiiiuar at madmii. ri. Aktiltaaand Jacksoai Mvd&, Chicago S2.2 of Cravenette Coats S7.50 Men's elegant Cravenette Coats that sell mostly anywhere for I1S.0O. Neat patterns to choose from. Bale price, 17.(0. Cravonetto Coats $10.00 Cravenette Coats; large line to choose from; fancy Worsteds, black Thlbets, etc. High priced clothera get aa high aa $22.60 for some no better. Sale, price, $10.00. Top Coats ' Splendid assortment of Top Coats at the most popular prices, saving you from $2.60 to $7.50 on a ooat. Overcoats Buy your next winter Overcoat now. We now sell good ones for $3.00 and up rather than carry them over. Pants $1.25 Men's heavy Corduroy Panta that coin par with the kind you paid $2.50 for be. fore. Sale price, $1.25. Pants $1.90 Men's Panta In endless variety, worth all the way up to $S60. Some of them odd from fine suits; others just one or two left; reduced for the sale to 11.90. GUARANTEE CLOTIHUG CO. 1519-1521 Douglas St. Exceedingly Good Taste Is essential to combine Ideas governing diversity of opinion In an effort to create Htyle, but it doesn't require the slightest degren of exertion to secure the choicest quality. GROCERIES AND MEATS that Taste Exceedingly Goad when procured from ' S0MMER BROS "EXPONENTS OF GOOD LIVING." 28th and Farnam Streets. Green Asparagus, Rhubarb, Spinach, Fresh Mushrooms, Head Lettuce, Leaf Lettuce, New Potatoes, Radishes, Shallot, Cauliflower, New Beets, New Turnips, Cue.umbera, Mce Celery. Water Cress, Pineapples, Tanyerlnea, Grape Fruit. Alton Flour, per suck Royal Baking Powder, per lb. can Dr. Price's Baking Powder, per lb, can Creamery Butter, 4 . per lb , Lipton's No. 1 Tea, per lb. can Egg-O-See, S pkRS PufTed Rice, 2 pkgn Golden Pumpkin, $ cans 20c can Pork and Beana, (In tomato sauce) 10c can Pork and Beans, (In tomato sauce) , $1 15 .:..42c ....42c . 28c . .29c 25c 25c '25c 10c Z...5C g Girls' and Boys' Shoe Headquarters There is no other place you can go and find such a complete stock of high grade, long wearing late style, shoes for boys' and girls' as you will find at this store. $1.50 and $2.00 are a special feature ' with us. We have them for boys and girls of any age. We have othera up to the finest dress shoes, and low prices on all. FRY SHOE CO. Wh Mud Douflis Sti. GREATS A continuous feast of fresh,' Juicy meats is being set before our cus tomers at prices much lower than usually asked for meats of equal high quality. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY: Sipl0r'npo8undk.T. 10c and 8c B'r Sound" 10c and 8c 3ic 8c 5c 10c I2Sc ; ..3c VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS. P. B. MURRAY 517 South 16th Streat Talepboaa . . . Douglas 1744 ' ........ ,m....mmmm-- Boiling Beef per pound.... Veal Roast per pound.... Veal Stew per pound.... No. 1 Hams per pound.... No. 1 Bacon per pound.... Corn Beef per pound.... jalij(Ha DENTAL 1 1AT10 RQOMS. I 1510 Douglas 1510 1 SEQFJELi ClMIC&.SUITCO.""1'" ORKIN DROS.. Props. Groat Sale of Stylish Covert Jackets Over 200 Stylish Covert Jackets arrived just in time to go on Saturday's sale. Every . garment in this special offering is elegantly tailored of the very best all wool covert cloth in all the correct new styles. Some are plain tailored, some are tailor strapped or stitched and others are handsomely trim med, lined with either best satin or taffeta, Regular $10 aid $12.50 jjQ Smart New Tailored Suits $17.50 A special offering for Saturday of Tailor Made Suits that will be appreciated by every woman who will visit this store. Every suit in this sale is a smart new style, many to select from, handsomely tailored of fine all wool broadcloth, serge, Panama, mixtures, and mannish suitinirs StlSO m colors, very special values, at & B The Best Is Only Good Enough for You. It's Here. Mm mm THE RELIABLE STORE Your Spring Suit's Here. lt'$H3rt,Scha!t' ner& Marx Hand Tailored. n TO THE PUBLIC : Regardless of the frantic efforts made by some of the installment houses in this vicinity to pose as Public Benefactors, we desire to . . ... . ' T 0 assure you that all is not gold that glitters, and that we will continue to. undersell all such by at least 25 per cent and deliver a better quality of merchandise. We sell on Weekly or Monthly Payments, but we don't charge installment store prices. , Omaha Furniture and Carpet Co., 1209-1211-1213 Farnam Street. SPRING SUIT STYLE, as shown m our great Men's Clothing Department, cannot help but meet with favor with those who admire real dressy dress. They possess an individuality and stylo character unequaled elsewhere in ready-made clothing at the price. The almost unlimited variety in color, pattern and design assures satisfactory selection to the most particular. The superior quality of workmanship and fabric guarantees splendid service. HAND-TAILORED SUITS in the latest styles and fabrics spe cially priced Saturday at $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $18.00 HOW ABOUT THAT RAIN COAT?. The first time you ar caught in an unexpected 6hower it will pay' for itself in comfort If it's one of our Hart, Schaffncr & Marx Coats it will pay for itself in style satisfaction whenever you wear it, rain or shine noth ing but all wool fabrics in these garments -r prices S10.00.S12.50, S15.00.S18.00 NEW HPR1XO TOP COATS The most complete stock and best values In ths cuy at 910.00, miz.&o ana fia.uu. SPECIAL SALE KXFK PAXTS SUITS We have Just closed out from a well known manufacturer an Immense line of Boys' and Chlldrens Knee PanM Suits, In all the newest styles and materials, secured at a price wnicn enables us to offer our customers the greatest values ever known in seasonable suits at $2.50 and $2.95. i DOX'T NEGLECT THIS OPPORTUNITY SATURDAY. . HAYDEN BROS.. lip h it li Si i 1 1 '(A 111 x II Copyright 1906 by Hirt Sclisffiirr iff Mstx Boys Will Be Boys and they will wear out their shoe. Borne ahoei will wear longer than others. Tho extra values we put Into our boys' shoes make them the best for the money to be found In Omaha we have always given our boys' shoes special attention and are very careful In properly fitting- our boy customers that accounts for the fact that we sell iuore boys' shoe: than any two stores la Omaha. . Boys' and Youths' sixes $2.00. Little Cents' slses 160. Saturday Is boys' day at our store. Brine them In big and little. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Street SPRING WOOLENS THE cloth makers of the world were certainly at their heat In producing thla season's tempt lng fabrics. Over 1,000 styles.' Youll pick, from the choicest If you pick now. Trousers, JS ti JU-SnIti, JJO It S50 THE LANGE GROCERY COMPANY Twenty-fourth tvivd Cuming Streets SV' Tou have certainly heard of the Lansre Grocery Co-'aelllnif the beet ro-. cerlei and meat at 'way down prlcwt-snd It's very eaoy for us to keep It . up and still do a little better-all tho time because we buy In large quanti ties and sell for cash only. SATURDAY SPECIALS ....$e ...10c ..7Hc .to a lbs. pure Cane Granulated Sugar fneeda Biscuits, pkg Orape-Nutx. pkg Concent Wheat Flakes, pkg.. Boda, Oyster Crackers and Olneeranan. tier lb....l I.emon Waftfrs, per lb 12Ho Fig Bar Cookies, per lb Wo Noeded Ralfilns, 1-lb. pkg., full weight THo Minnesota . Macaroni, 1-lb. pkg. . .8V4C Red Alaska Balmon, regular 16c seller TVio MEATS MEATS We handle nothing Good 8trak, per lb 6o Round Bteak, S lbs. for 26c Porterhouse, per lh 10c eirloln Bleak, per lb lie Rib Roast, per lb e to lc Shoulder Roast, per lb fto to 8c ...Mo ....6o Spaghetti. 1 lb package Sweet Com, 1-lb. can Peas. 2-lb. , can Pumpkin. 11-1 b. can Baked Beans, S-Ib. can Fancy Apple Butter, regular 10c slse oo Table Bauce, 10c bottle 7Vo ORANGF.S ORANGES Sweet and Juicy, per dos 15c and lo Lemons, per doi 160 8-lb. sack Purity Flour the best on the market evsry sack . guaranteed per sack .1 but ccrnfed natives steers Pork Sausage, per lb wl0 unmS.maiia Hsmburser. ner lD.iViO Bscon. nice and lean, strip lb.. 1240 ID. riHtUII. llivn m,.u .., No. 1 Regular Hams, per lb Skinned Hams, per lb ...IOC THE LANGE GROCERY COMPANY 24th ind Cuming. -Tela. 1530.Doiigla.3223. TAILOR- WILLIAM JERREMS SONS. 200-811 So. ISth Screet. ve Meet uompetition And want the people to know It. We also guarantee all goods sold. These prices will convince you that we mean butluess: First quality Granulated Bugar, a pounds for 1 00 Forest City Canned Corn, rtgOlar lftc grade, per can "''.c Forest City Canned Tomaion. regular 12fc grade, t cans for So Red Alaska Salmon.' regular lie grade, per can 6c Apple Butter, very best. loo grade, for Su Country Butter, guaranteed pound. So Ask for prices on our flour, ull high est and best grades. LB. SCOTT, .410 Cuim. Til. Ooozll! 2302 1 ----- v TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Cwsta Hat H s Ymw Steal AgrlsaltmraJ rae &he Best of Everything The Only Double TracK Railway to Chicago VERY, VERY LOW ONE-WAY Settler's Rates to points la . Minnesota, North Dakota and Canadian Northwest EVERY TUESDAY Iff March and April. -City Officer 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. OfAAHA tcu at4ei -7 hlmi ..the' Siiui ! . to Oinnha'g largest exclusive meat market the Central EUDarket The market that sells only the choicest meats that come to Omaha and when It oemes to prices, we recognize no competitor. ' , One of our Saturday specials: 14 PoundsFresh Leaf Lard, $1.00. CENTRAL MARKETS, 16TH AND HARNEY. Tel. Douglas 2D9. 16TH and CAP. AVE. . Tel. Douglas 1796. A Small Office In The Bee Building carries with it all the advantages of being in the best office building in Omaha. The Bee building is always kept in. perfect repair. The elevator service is ample and the elevator conductors accommodating and courteous. Rental price includes electric light, janitor service, heat, water and all the conveniences of a modern office building. At . the present time there are vacant one office at $12.00 per month, one at $15.00 per month and one at $18.00 per month. There are only three small offices vacant in the building today and these will not stay vacant long. If you want one, apply at once. R. W. BAKER, Sept. K. 418, Bee Bide. C. C. ROSEWATER, Becy. '1702 Kariuuu St. mm such i MOST DELICIOUS PIES. FRUIT CAKES . PUDDINGS !N2-PlEl0cPACKACESi7 AND COOKIES. MIRRELLSOULE CO. VJTaftl 1VT1 i rit ) J i. I t J .3iuLUJic.rLn aivai aaauaa w Ems mm aa aas aaa asa ass saa ats fae aaa aw m am asj bm ssa asa sm mm mm Ma A i