Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1906, Part Two, Page 15, Image 15

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Office, 10 Feiri
Promotort Lookins: Forward to Larre and
Enthusiastic Gatherine.
Attractive Maslral Proaram Aiaaaed
for the Orrailsn-Addresses by
Thou Who IIit Had Km
pertenre la Work.
Airangemente for the Young Mem Cluts
tliin association mM mating to be held
Sunday afternoon at i o'clock In the
Dodge, Light Guards' armory were com
pleted yesterday and the program an
nounced. Joe W Smith, chatrman of the
general committee having the project in
charge, will preside and the speaker! will
include Rev. O. O. Smith, pastor of the
t'lrot Congregational church. Rev. Jamos
O May, pa"'""" ot tnp Uroadway Methodist
church; I. W. Cnrpenter of Omaha, W.
A. alagee. Young Men'a Christian associa
tion state secretary of Iowa, and J. P.
Halley, state secretary for Nebraska.
In connection with " the riiass meeting
Sunday the general committee has Issued
the following appeal:
The time for the big Young Men's Chris
tian association ma meeting draws n-ar,
and the nearer it draws, the more Interest
there is manifested in this grand move
ment. , ,
The willingness on the part of the people
to lend a helping hand toward boosting
the project, has been a source of a great
deal of -satisfaction to the general com
mittee.) The subject i becoming an all
Imnorttfnt one, and Is causing much com
ment in home, -shop and street, which
is the best possible way to advertise. It
In hoped that every person In Council
Bluffs, both young and old. who know
of the movement, will take it up and
help to toss this great subject from tongue
to tongue until no man can say: "I did
not know of such a movement." Every
body tell each other about it and do all
he can In the ' advertising way and In a
financial way, when the time comes; and
In due time, Council Bluffs will be the
possessor of an Institution to which her
people can point with pride for years to
Governor Cummins. In referring to tne
Young Men'a Christian association, never
sr-oke more trulv than when he said
"There is no ally In, good government
more effective and peftlstent, no agency
more helpful in keeping young men from
wickedness, nothing that does more to help
this country on to a bright destiny than
the organisation I have named. Every
dollar you Invest In it will return to you
many times. It Is a great deal better to
Invest a dollar In this Institution than to
spend the money for employing another
policeman to arrest evil doers, or another
Judge to punish them." 1
And right here are referred to Jhat part
of Mr. Emmet Tlnley'a address before the
Commercial club, where he said with refer
ence to the Young Men'a Christian asso
ciation: "It occurs to me that In our ad
vocacy of that which will contribute to
' our municipal upbuilding, we have over
' looked one of the moat Important factors,
that of providing for the character build
ing of our young men."
Is not this true? Eet us not be guilty
uf this neglect any longer, but unite our
forces and give to the boy and young man
a foundation on which to build his char
acter, and let that foundation be a Young
Men's Christian association and a beautiful
building for Ita home.
, Program of Meeting:.
This la the complete program for fha
, meeting: - . .
Hymn The Bon of Ood Ooea Forth to
War- Male Chorus
Hymn The Praises of the Heavenly
King.- Male Chorus
Hymn My Country, 'Tie of Thee
Introductory Remarks
Chairman Joseph W. Smith
Hymn Let th Gospel Light Shine Out
Male Chom
Hymn Jesus, My Savior Male Chorus
Prayer Rev. O. O. Smith
Cornet Bolo Prof. A. A. Covalt
ilt rt i
alt J
Address What I Have Heard- Some
Business Men Say Abut the Young
Men's Christian Association
. W. A. McOee. Y. M. C. A. State
Secretary for Iowa.
Hymn Throw Out the Life Line
Solo by Dr. Lewis (Male Chorus)
Address What t aa a Business Man
Think of the Young Men's Chrlsttnn '
Association I. W. Carpenter. Om;ia
Hymn Swell the Bong of Gladness.....
Duet and Male Chorus
Address What I as a Preacher Think
of the Young Men'a Christian Asso-
J elation Rev. James U'May
Hymn Onward, Christian Soldiers
Hymn Lead Kindly LikTit... .Elks Quartet
2Q pounds
4 cans Council Bluffs
Or per dozen
. .cans
4 cans Atlantic
Or per dozen
cans '.
Dinner Party Corn,
. 3 cans
3 cans Colorado
2 3-lb. cans of
3 rana of Wax or
String Beans
5 pacVages of
3 packages of
6 lba. of hand picked
Navy Beana
4 lbs. Lima
. Beans
10 lba. of Cracked
20c can of Alaska Red
Salmon, 2 cans for.
3-lb. can Peach
3-lb. pall
Lard . . .
Bent Home Rendered Ieaf
Lard, 1 lbs. for
30c Broom
10 bars Beat "Era All and
Swift's Pride Soap
"Big A"
White Rose
Gold Medal
Meaddw Gold
Per Sack
Strictly Fresh Eggs,
S doren
Glen Ave. Grocery
235 W, BroUiay, Tel. 1C8.
St. Tel. 43.
Address What the Young Men's Chris
tian Association Means
J. P. Hall)-. Y. M C. A. State Sec
retary for Nebraska.
Hymn Hark. Hark. My Soul!
Male Chorus
Hymn All Hall the Power of Jesus'
Name Audience
ntnlnatloa of W. K. Sapp for Mayor
onrerted to Re at "Irons; One.
The nomination of William F. Sapp as
head of the republican city ticket mets
with general approval, as was evinced by
the talk on the streets yesterday. Mr. Sapp
Is believed to be the right man to lead the
party to victory on March ifi, and as far as
this goes the whole ticket Is conceded to be
an exceptionally strong one. The conven
tion was a most enthusiastic one and re
publicans feel Inspired to get out and work
for the slaughter of the democratic ticket
from top to bottom.
William Fletcher Sapp, the republican
nominee for mayor, hardly needs any In
troduction to the people of Council Plan's,
In whose midst he has lived since his early
childhood. He came to this city In 13
with his father, the late Colonel W. F.
Sapp, who was one of the prominent cltl
ens of Iowa.
Mr. Sapp has long been prominent In the
business and social circles of Council Bluffs.
As an Indlcntlon of his belief In the city
which he had adopted as his home, Mr.
Sapp erected the handsome building at the
corner of Broadway and Scott street known
as the Shpp building. Mr. Sapp Is particu
larly proud of what was practically a tinan
linous nomination at the hands of his party,
as It came to him entirely unsolicited. Mr.
Sapp has for a number of years been en
gaged in the real estate and Insurance busi
ness. Speaking of tile city campaign yesterday,
a well known business man said: "Will
Sapp Is the very man; the republicans did
right In nominating him, as I believe he la
the best fitted to lead the party ticket to
victory and to place the city once more un
der a republican and conservative admin
istration." Mothersl ,
Mothers, do not use all your strength In
carrying your baby around, when com
fortable folding and reclining go-cart can
: be had at our special aale for 3.75 and up.
Keller-Farnsworth Fur. Co.
Twenty-one lbs. Granulated Sugar, $1.00;
3-lb. can Good Tomatoes, 10c; 6 cans Good
Corn, 25c; 4 cans Extra Fancy Corn, J6c;
2-lb. can Stringks Beans, 8c; 2-lb. can
Wax Beans, 8c; 26c can California Table
Egg Plums, packed in heavy syrup,. 12Hc;
25c can California Table Green Gage
Plums, packed In heavy syrup, 12Hc;
20c can Salmon, 3 for 25c; 10 cans Oil Sar
dines, 25c; 1-lb. can Dr. Price's Baking
Powder, 39c; 20c can Table Pears, 12Hc;
25c can Imported Pineapples, extra fancy,
15c; 3-lb. can Good Pumpkin, 8c; 8-lb. cart
Baked Beans. c; 2-lb. can Heinle's Baked
Beans, 12c; New Potatoes. Asparagus,
Splnacfi. Head Lettuce, Leaf Lettuce, Rad
ishes, Green Onions. Cauliflower. Beets,
Cucumbers,- Red Cabbage, Bananas,
Oranges, etc. No delivery of sugar alone.
J. Zolier Mer. Co., 'phone 320; 100-102-106
Geo. A. Hoagland has Just received a car
load of the famous Amaxon Rubber roofing
and will make you very attractive prices
on targe or small quantities. Now Is the
time to get your roofs In shape before the
heavy spring rains.
Fine Colorado farm land, 35 an acre.
Improved ranches, $10 to 320 per acre. One
Improved ranch, four miles from town, 36
per acre. A big snap. Excursion March
20. Fare. $10.20. F. C. Lougee. 124 South
Main street.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
March 18 by the Title Guaranty and Trust
company of Council Bluffs:
Patrick H. Ine and wife to James
Ijine. swl, 15-77-40. w. d $12,0H
Robert H. Reed and wife to John Yat-
kar. part of lot 1. swU nw4 Sti-74-38.
w. d 7
J. W. Squires and wife to Willis J.
Bundy, part of lots 4 and 5, block 14,
Grimes' add., w. d
Richard A. Filter and wife to Charles
A. Miller, part of lot 6, block 17,
Grimes' add., w. d
Heirs of Frederick Johnson to Julius
H. Johnson, lots 9 and 10, block 71,
Riddles' suhdlv., w. d
Interstate Realty company to Green
shields & Everest company, lots 1
and 2, block M. Perry's 2d add. w. d.
C. D. Dlllin and wife to T. C. Ferris,
lot 12, block to. Railroad add., w. d..
George 8. Wright to Elmer L. Fehr,
lots (and 10. block 28, Perry's 1st
add., and lots 1, 3, 4, t, and 10, block
A. Perry's 2d add., q. c. d
Iowa Central Building and Loan as
sociation to Harry Perry, lot 10,
block 2, Fairmount add., s. w. d
Emma L. Smith and huxhand to Belle
McKlnlev and Elva Mills, part sw
sw4 81-75-43. w. d
Lars Christiansen and wife to Charles
K. Wassor, lots 4. 5, , 7 and part of
lot 8. In subdlv. of eiwV, ne H-77-S9,
w. d
Harvev A. McTalhW-r and wife to J.
F. Wilcox, lot 4. block J, Proepect
Place add., w. d
Elmer L. Fehr to W. K. Tyson, lot 11.
block V. Stutsman's 2d add., w. d
Thirteen transfers, total 327.405
3o Sale.
New dwelling near new High school. 32,2.
Number of new dwellings for sale.
Beautiful lot on Glen avenue, ll.).
Insure your house and furniture with me.
Tel. a, Chas. T. Officer, 419 Broadway.
Swanson Musio Co.. New Location w1
Broadway-We sell pianos In our regular i
businesslike way. No new schemes;
way. o new scnemes; no
Pianos' right, goods reliable.
Terms from 35 to 310 per month.
o Jr insea in rrurrai louri. ,
The bottom fell out of the I'nlted 8tates i
court ducket yesterday and the petit Jury,
which had not beuu called to try a single
case, was discharged.
J. A. Koxter of Ralston. Ia., whose hear
ing on a charge of bootlegging had betui
continued several terms, entered a plea of
128 Wast Broadway
'Phono 63
Kro-h Hvnm- CtiirkfiiM and
Our Itegulai' ltuaat lltt-t Kcle.
No PoPRoist over 5c to 6c per lb.
with each plana s Id
fee ) pianos for
117100 Twenty-five
makes , of pianos to
ronse from. Te'tns.
110 00 cash and
per month,
ferhmoller A Mueller
Council Bluffs la
1 Phone -Jtt:
OX bruadaay.
guilty yesterday and escaped with a fine of
ISO and costs. "
Jfldge McPheraon adjourned court at noon
until this morning, when he expects to
take up a few equity matters.
Klla HaVe F.njorable Social.
The pika' stag social last night brought
out a big gathering of the antleted herd
and as usual a most enjoyable time was
had. A feature of the evening's enter
tainment was a most eloquent address by
Emmet Tlnley. who In his most happy
vein told of "What It means to be an elk."
Mr. Tlnley Is fast becoming recognised
a one of the leading orators of this sec
tion of the country and his effort last
jiight before a congenial gathering of his
brother Elks only added to the prestige he
has already attained.
The program offered was a decidedly
varied one. there being a number of stunts
by several artists from the local vaudeville
houses, music by the Elks quartet and as
an Innovation a four-round boxing match
for points between Ha itch F.mltli, a colored
lightweight, and "Kid Campbell, white.
Campbell was given the decision after a
pretty exhibition of sparring.
At the close of the program lunch was
servert and an Impromptu program en-
I loVHrf.
The Sunshine Point.
Put a little sunshine paint In your home.
Sold at Swalne Manor's. 3i-S38B'way.
Let us help you remember your dear,
departed mother, father, sister or brother
by putting a nice monument on their
grave a monument that will stand the
elements of time, one that will beautify
and be a lasting remembrance to their
good deeds now past, but nut forgotten.
We can make almost any design you wish,
from the different marble or stone taken
from ftie best quarries In the world Rut
land blue, Florence or Italian pure white,
Vermont Ylttsford white, varigated blue
or black white, with' beautiful rustic de
signs, handsomely traced and highly pol
ished by hand, leaving no flaws to face the
elements. Our prices are always reason
able. Sheeley A Lane, Marble and Granite
Works. 217 East Broadway.
Our specials for today are Alaska salmon
and oranges. The salmon are packed In
one-pound cans. They are red and extra
fine 10c per can. The oranges are extra
fine, the same variety we had on sale three
weeks ago only 25c per dox. Battel &.
Miller, Tel. 359.
We have a factory and can turn out any
kind of woodwork wanted. We manufac
ture more window and door frames, tanks,
screens and sash of all kinds than any
other. C. Hofer.
The A. Hospe company operates five
piano stores, but have only one price, and
that the same, and lowest price. Buy your
piano of them, at 33 South Main street.
Council Bluffs.
Let Borwick decorate your house. He
has the best wall paper and paint to do
It with. Bed-rock prices and work guaran
teed. 211 So. Main. Tel. 683. Call him up
and ask him about It.
Milwaukee May Bnlld Depot.
The presence of J. H. Foster, superintend
ent of the Milwaukee railroad, in this city
for a couple of days this week has revived
the rumor that the company planned erect
ing a new passenger depot. Local officials
of the road, however, deny that the matter
has been definitely determined.
The Milwaukee railroad owns the prop
erty on the west side of Main street di
rectly north of the Rock Island passenger
depot, and the rumor Is that the new depot
Is to be erected on this site. The company
has a spur track to' Its freight depot which
runs d'agnnally through this proprrty. This
spur track was originally intended for use
as the main line to connect with the pro
posed union depot which never material
ised. That the Milwaukee road needs a
new and larger depot has been conceded
for some time by the officials of the com
pany, and there have been rumors from
time to time that one was to be erected.
Lent Is Hero.
Now you will have the time to take those
much needed electrical scalp treatments.
They are only (0 cents. Including the violet
light. Grave. 106 Pearl street.
Bourlcius has rarely ever a second-hand
piano In stock; their customers are always
well pleased and never let the pianos "go
back." Investigate this. 335 Broadway,
where the organ stands upon the building.
"McAtee for good things to eat." Best
goods, best prices, fairest prices; prompt
and careful delivery; and If you want the
best bakery goods served on your table,
we bake them.
Don't forget Easter is coming and you
want a new suit. Leave your order early
at Hicks', If you want a nice, up-to-date
one 'Phone Red 778.
St. Patrick's Dor.
Saturday, March 17, Is St. Patrick's day.
We have the genuine shamrock, grown
from Imported seed. Wear a real sham
rock boutonnlere and take a plant home
and watch It grow. Wilcox, Florist.
Jensen A Nicholson, 18 West Broadway,
contract for painting. They use pure white
lead and llnted oil. Now Is the time to
let them do the work, before the rush
commences. You can get your work done
right If you let them do It.
If you prefer quality to quantity and
absolute aatiafactlon to yourself. vet
Schmidt's photos. Always guaranteed to
'Phone 867. 408 Broadway.
CUfton-Walker Co. have recently closed
the stile of a number of properties, which
I reduces their list. They have a large
number of other clients who wish to In-
vest. Perhaps your property la Just what
...... - ' . ...
quick action.
Fur Sal.
Centrally located bakery, ftrst-chwa oven
and fixtures; cash trade, !M0.
Two' chair barber shop, good fixtures,
good location, cheap rent; a bargain; see
me. Alva Smith, real estate. Insurance, ex
changes, room 7, Everett block.
Broken dishes are not pleasant to look
at. Fill up your old sets, or call and se
our extensive line of English dinnerware
patterns. The latest thing in English
bre&Kfust sets new on display In our win
dow. VV. A. Maurer.
We can give you the best figures on a
furnuce to put In your new house. We
handle the famous Norfolk at Green's fur
nace. Ask the people that use them, they
will tell you what they are. 8pencer, l&S
West Broadway.
Paul Takea Hume far Burial.
The body of L. J. Paul, who died sud
dealy Thursday night at the Kiel hotel,
was takeu tj Logan, la., yesterday morning
by n.emU re of his family. Mr. Paul was
in attendance on the United States supreme
court In this city as a member of the petit
Jury. lie was H year of age and hud been
a resident of Harrison i county for many
1 air. i-aui xpem iiiuisoay arternoon
t - ..luia and on returning to the hotel ...
Mr. Paul spent Thuisday afternoon In
hearty supper, and to one of his friends
stated he was feeling In the best of health.
An hour after supper, however, he com
plained of pain In the region of his heart
and' retired to his room. A few minutes
later he sent for a physician and Dr. N.
J. Rice, who was summoned, gave him
temporary relief, but Mr. Paul rapidly
grew worse and In less than an hour after
going to his room was dead. .
o Meetla of City f'ooncll.
At the city hall yesterday It was stated
that owing to the absence of Mayor Macrae
the meeting of the city council, scheduled
for tonight, would In all probability be
postponed until Monday night. No word
has been received as to whether General
Attorney Brlggs of the Great Western
railroad would be present tonight to pre
sent the railroad's side of the question as
to the construction of a viaduct at the
Woodbury avenue crossing. No word has
been received from the State Railroad
commission as to when the members ex
pect to visit Council Bluffs to Investigate
this matter, and the whole question, it now
looks, will go over until after election.
The appropriation sheet was due to come
up for action tonight, but It will probably
have to go over until Monday. Action on
this, however, cannot be delayed many
days, as It has to be published according
to law to become effective April 1.
For QnlrU Sale.
I will offer the five-roomed house and lot
at 3S45 Avenue A for one treek at 8S50. New
bouse; city water. Easy terms. No better
Investment In Council Bluffs, Make a fine
home. Wallace Benjamin, room 1, First Na
tional bank. I write flro Insurance. Office
'phono, 203; residence, 'phone, Black 144.
We are asking you to try our coffee, be
cause we know you will be satisfied It's
the gas roasted coffee by Paxton A. Gal
lagher, and you can't find any better fla
vored, fresher coffee any place. We sell
It at from 15 to 40c a lb. We know If you
try It you will come back. J. Olson, 739-741
West Broadway.
Bed rock prices on all our new stock of
carpets, rugs, linoleum, oil cloth, matting,
window shades, lace curtains, tapestry cur
tains, go carts, and our entire new stock
of furniture. Do not fall to call and in
spect for youifcelf. D. W. Keller, 103
South Main.
The Title Guaranty and Trust company,
abstracters of titles. Books date back to
1853.. Books are ali up to date. Work ac
curately and promptly done at lowest
prices. Office opposite court house, 135 Pearl
street. Council Bluffs, la.
I rent sewing machines. 75 cents a week.
I repair all makes of machines. Second
hand machines. $5 to 110. B. M. William
son, Tel. Red-1157, 17 North Main St.
Many people are troubled with Indiges
tion because the bread they eat Is not
made from Crystal mills Big A flour. Try
it before taking any more dopes.
When you need a good tool, pocket
knife, rasor or pair of scissors or shears
get the Keen Kutter, the only, best. Pad
dock Handschy Hardware Co.
Shorthand and bookkeeping positions nre
easily secured If you are well qualified. We
do that. New classes this week. Western
Iowa college. .
N. T. Plumbing Co. lei. 250. Night 6!.
Davis sells drugs. .
Stockert selis carpets.
Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby & Son.
Jarvla Wine Co.. 225 Main. 'Phone 1:.
Woodring-Schmidt. undertakers. Tel. 839.
Drs. Woodbury, dentists. 80 Pearl street.
Diamonds as an Investment. Talk to
Leffeit about it.
Hot and cold sodas, the best In town. Ut
Clark Drug Co.'s.
School paints, pens, papers and tablets.
Alexander's, 333 B'way.
The Knights and Uidles of Security will
meet In regular session this evening.
Oranges that are nice and sweet at only
25c ter dox. Bartel & Miller, Tel. 359.
That's what they all say, "Jarvla has
the best wlnea. brandlea and whiskies.
For Imported wines, liquors and cham
pagne, L. Rosenfcld company. 319 Main St.
If you want a nice spring overcoat call
on E. 8. Hicks. I have the correct goods.
Bradley's Woodland Violet Sea Bait, the
finest thing for the bath, at Clark Drug
An acre of fruit, with new. modern
house. This will not last long. Clifton
Walker Co.
Salmon 1-lb. tall can. extra fine and red
on sale todav at loc per can. Bartel &
Miller. Tel. So9.
Bernard Brown of the money order de
partment of the postotilee. is enjoying his
annual vacation.
If you want your fire Insurance to In
sure have Clifton-Walker Co. write It In
reliable companies.
Why does the Gleif Ave. Grocery do such
big business? because It sells good goods
at such low prices.
A marriage license was Issued yesterday
to Glen W. Holden, aged 'a, and Nora i.
Meyers, aged both of Omaha.
When you have your shoes half soled take
them to Sargent's. Have them sewed on
and save sue Sargent's Model Shoe Shop.
Squire & Annls. money to loan; caati on
hand, no delay; city and farm property for
salo on easy terms of payment. Office, lt'l
Pearl' street.
We are paying the highest rash prices
for old Iron and metals. Counull Blulfa
Junk Houae, J. Kattleman, propriuler.
Tel. 650. Si 8. Main.
The Great Western railroad Thursday
paid Into the city treasury 14.800 for toe
paving and curbing assessment on Third
street abutting its property.
Robert Mackenzie Is confined to his home
on r irst street as the result of a fall from
a ladder. He sunered a severely spralneu
back and a number of bruises.
Rev. James O'May, pastor of Broadway
Mettiodisl church, ent to Tabor, la., last
evening to preside as Judge at an Inter
county high ecliool debating contest.
A snap for somebody, a f0 Ice wagon
fur l... e naveuaeu u only four monlns,
la nractlcallv new. Brldenateln o: fcmiih.
j coal and wood. 14th Ave. and tn St.
We have a few nice hams not weighing
v?r 3 lbs. at 14c per lb. Bartel & Miller,
Missouri oak dry coi d wood, H a cord;,
shelloark hickory, 7; Arkansas anthracite, per ton less than hard coal. William
Welso, It North Main 8t. Telephone Lte.
Charles Unttitn of Little Koch, Ark., died
yeatertlay at Mercy hospital after a snort
Illness trom rheumatism. He was bu ers
of age and leaves a wife and two children.
tin to the Mannattan if you want a good
steak, mutton chop, pork chop or a good
cup of coftee. Everything Is guaranteed
to oe nrai-ciaps at the Manhattan restaur
rant and bar.
Peanut Brittle, Bauer Lemon Props,
Maple Peanut Fudge, Pecan Nut Bar,
Almond Nut Bar, English Walnut Bar,
Purity Candy Kitchen, o West B way.,
O. C. Browu, manager.
Tou like to have your kitc hen floor look
clean, don't you? Well, Juxl get some of
our oilcloth or linoleum and put it down
and see now easy It is kept clean. The low
price we make on it will surprise you.
Come In and aee. Stacker! Carpet Co.
Do you know what makes a, buggy worth
owning? 1 will ten you. first its uurabillty
and wearing qualities; second. Its appear
ance and comfort. These pulnta you will
kiways nr.d in "Van Brunt Vehicles." No
um talking Uiey have no equals. Call and
Jarvla "that good whisky house" Main
The Peterson Schoenlng Co have jufct
received their new spring tok of rugs,
niauuifcs and lat e cui lams. Tne pat'ema
are of entirely new designs strictly up to
date and very beautiful. It mill pay you to
Investigate If you are thinking of buying
rugs or curtalua.
If you want a good meal drop in at the
Vienna restaurant. The flavor of our rof-
, m. . ., ........ J ... . -
In I i. j . v j uac gooa
. ZtlT, T k J'.
good because we maks them ourselves from
the best flour obtainable.
Bale today on oranes at ?5c per dos.;
sn.mon io per can. liartcl A Miller, Tel.
i here Is no argument about having your
rarpets and mas cleaned by machinery.
It Is not an experiment. Charges are very
moflTate. Prompt service. The Council
HiufT Carpet Clvanlnx and Rug M(g. t o.
Tei. 61. 34 N. Main Ft. We mike beautiful
rugs out of old wornont carjets.
Rt. Rev. T. N. Morrison, Episcopal blehop
of Iowa, will arrive In Council Hluns to
day and on Sunday will administer the rite
of conlit niation to a rlsn of candidates at
St. - Paul's church. Blsiioo Morrison will
preach in the morning ana In to evening
will administer the lite of confirmation.
H. V. Hattey. cierk of the district court.
Is back at his olllce 'n the emit house
after hve weeks spent nt Avoca, lookink
alter the office there during the illness oi
leputy J. N. Tollinger. Mr. Toulnser. who
has lxen surterina trom aienuicitis. Is
sufficiently recovered to resume his duties.
which he did yesterday.
The Inspection ot toe lot1g Light guardH
will he maun this evenina ly rust lii-u-tenani
bw,li ot tne, nu ctvairy. rrlor
to tne Insiiection Lieutenant bwitt. Captain
Uavis kihi Lieutenant Allen of Ocu.'ra.;
M Int s staff win lie gueots of the otncei k i
of tne company at iimner lit tne Uianu ,
hotel. 1 he inspection will be open to the
James Richards and Cora Richards. hU
wile, secured In the dlnu-icl court yester
day I rom jinlae v nee, r a temporary m-
ju,,ctiin rKtia,uing Airs. (.)",. i.e irepiKigcu
IIOIIl OIIMllllll 1 1 if I II til, in H Ini'lll iM'lnlljlill,
to ner in uarnor towiiafiip. lite piuiiinrtn
contend tney are cntluea to hold tne hum
at a rental of ue0 per annum u:iuer a nve-
ear lease, trom ftiarcn 1 ot last yar. re
cently Mrs. Ircpnaacn drought suit in
Justice Gardiner s court to oust Richards
ml wife initn the larm. Justice Gammer
and airs ll-epnaaen s att"t ne.i. Hurl k
i inley. are maue party oelennants to the
suit. Juukc neei'-r not next luesilay tor
hearliiK tne application (or an injunction.
Twenty-one Ihs. Granulated Buxnr, $10;
3-lb. can Good Tomatoes, Kic; a cans Gxhi
Corn, c; 4 c-fnx Extra r'ancy Corn, ;
2-in. can Btrinaiess iteana, he; i-lo. can
Wax Heam. he; ac can California Table
Egg 1 I ii in s. packed in nes.'y evrup, I;-;
fc can California lame ureen wane
Hum, packed in heavy syrup, lc;
?0c can baimon, tor :c; 10 ciim vll e.i.
dints, 25c; l-il. can Dr. Prices HaKing
1'owuer. cJc; K can . Table Pears, us:;
toe can Imported 1'ineappies. extra fancy,
Itx; S-lb. can Good Pumpkin, kc; 3-lb. can
Baked Beans, 9c: 3-lb. can Heln s HNKeq
Beans. 12c: New Potatoes, AHpiuaaiia,
Spinach, Head lettuce, Ieaf Lettuce, Rad
ishes, ureen unions, laiinnower, Meeis,
Cucumbers, Red Cabbage, Bauanaa.
Orangea, etc. No delivery of sugar alone.
J. Zolier Mer. Co., phone 330; l'.l-lri-l
Finds Him In Saloon In Company with
Another Woman.
FORT DODGE, la., March . (Special
Telegram.) John Keller, an Illinois Cen
tral switchman, was fatally Shot by his
wife here this morning. Mrs. Roller, who
heard that her husband was with another
woman, hunted for the pair all night.
finally finding them In a saloon this morn
ing. She drew a revolver from her muff
and commenced shooting. Keller's com
panion darted .from the room, but he
dropped to the floor with a bullet In his
abdomen. The bartender received a flesh
wound. It is not thought Keller can' re
cover. Mrs. Keller has been held to the
grand Jury on the charge of assault with
Intent to commit murder.
Makes statement Tellln of Former
Friendship for Rival.
DES MOINES, la., March 16. Congress
man J. A. T. Hull returned from Washing
ton today and began at once on his eam
palgn for renomlnatlon, which has been
threatened by the announcement of tha
candidacy of ex-Secretary of State O. L.
Dobsou. '
In a statement given out for publication
Congressman Hull says that he secured
the appointment of Dobson as consul to
Nottingham, England, but that Senator
Allison opposed It. Later he secured hlin
a poet In China, but that did not suit, and
now Dobson Is rewarding him by becom
ing a candidate for his seat In congress.
Hot'Flsrhl Over Conntr "eat, '
GLENWOOD. Ia.. March 1C (Special.)
In the county seat controversy going on in
this county between Glenwood and Mal
vern, the Glenwood managers assert that
the Malvernltes are overwhelmingly de
feated. Petitions for removal and remon
strances against the same have been cir
culated since Tuesday morning. The Mal
vern leaders, from information received
here regarded as accurate, are greatly sur
prised and bitterly disappointed at the
small showing they have made on their
petition, and hundreds of the petitioners
have since signed the remonstrance. Under
the law names on both papers count on
the remonstrance only.
Alleged Gold Discovery In Iowa.
SIDNEY. Ia., Marcti 1. (Special.) It Is
reported that gold has been discovered at
lii.ogene in the northeast corner of Fre
mont county. While engaged In digging a
cistern Alex Laber struck a quantity of
odd looking particles, which were pro
nounced gold by Henry Cain, who has had
some experience In gold mining. The vein
la about three inches wide, but the extent
is not known. Some tests with acid have
been made which tend to confirm the
theory that the substance ia gold, and a
more thorough test -will be made soon.
Cnraeat Alda Ellsworth Collesje.
IOWA FALLS, la., March 16.-r(8peclal
Telegram.) President Meyer of Ellsworth
college received word today from Andrew
Carnegl that $10,000 would be given this
college for a library building, providing
$28,000 Is expended on other Improvements,
Including a dormitory building. President
Meyer expresses himself confident ths
terms of the offer can be met and that the
Improvement will be made this year.
Heavy Snow In Iowa.
SIDNEY, Ia., March 18. (Special.) The
heaviest snow of the winter more than a
foot In depth now covers this ectlofT'of
country. The rural mail carriers are using
sleighs for the first time this year. It has
snowed every day for the last week and
business In general Is almost at a stand
still. Sleighing is fine, with the weather
only moderately cold.
Ca merle Uelps Co Colleae.
CEDAR RAPIDS, la., March W. Andrew
Carnegie ha given .HS.OOO to Coe college.
The college will erect a SIOO.OOO science hall.
At 3 o'clock p. m., at tbs east entrance
of ths court house In
Council DIuffs
I will sell to the highest and beat
bidder for cash the following three
In Knue township, lots 3 and 4,
section 4, township 74, range 44, and
accretions; about 120 acres (within
city limits and one mile south U. P.
railway bridge.)
In Lewta township, lot 3, section 21,
township 74, range 44, and accretions;
about 100 acres (7 miles south of
Council bluffs.)
Lewis towntihip. west 4, southwest
ht. section 10, township 74, range 44.
(One mile south of city limits.)
N. B. THAYER, TrustES.
The reasoa war a McKlbtrirt
an. is bacauM it n Mended wkS the lamout
Right qualities throughout and ap - a
The McKibbin ant right through sncl
Loading stores tKo
Debate on the Measure Continues to Develop
. Much IH-Feellne:.
Had Keen Jadae of snpreme f onrt and
Member of Board of Control Kinre
the Organisation vf
that RoHi.
(From a Staff Correnpondent.)
DES MOINES. March 1.-(8peclal.)-The
Senate today debated the board of Regents
bill till nearly noon snd then mad" ll a
special order for Tuesday morning next,
so that this afternoon and tomorrow could
be devoted to passing bills, the calendar
being crowded. Senator Gillllland continued
his argument of yesterday against the' bill.
He spoke of the school of - journalism at
Ames which yesterday Whlpr.le said should
be at the State university. Senator C.llill
land called attention to the fact that it
was a school of agricultural Journalism,
and further that It was a donation to the
state. He could Suit name the donor of
the chair In question, snd asked nnsnlmous
consent to ask the question of lvof. Cur
tla of the Agricultural college, who was
on the floor. Prof. Curtis snld the chair
was maintained on a donation from John
Clay of Clay, Robinson Co.. live nlock
commission merchants of Chicago. Lambert
asked if the occupant of the chair was not
wilting articles to the Breeders' Gazette,
which has attacked the board of regents
bill, bu( Curtis could not answer. .
. Hennas Lost Rill.
The senate today unanimously repassed
the bill by Smith of Mitchell requiring that
mulct petitions hereafter be circulated In
all cities every five years. The hill was
passed, but was lost or stolen It
reached the house and It was necessary to
repass It. Dr. . McCakh, secretary of the
Antt-Saloon league, declares there are
enough votes pledged In the house for fie
measure to pass It there.
Bills Introduced.
Senator Young of Calhoun today Intro
duced a bill permitting cities on petition of
a per cent of the people to vote a tax of
not to exceed IV mills on the valuation of
the property for the erection and support of
free public hospitals. Senator Whipple In
troduced a bill permitting Insurance com
panies to Issue employers' liability insur
ance. Child Labor Rill to Conference.
The house went up against the senate
hard In the matter of the child labor bill
and refused to concur in numerous amend
ments made in the senate, which it Is as
serted has made the bill worse than tusc
lesi. The house passed the resolution offered
by Mr. Kendall that all committees must
report all bills out by next Monday after
The house panned the following: A bill
to create a school building bond fund; an
act to legalize acknowledgments by no
taries where the seal has not been at
tached; an set to Increase the allowance
'Phone 24 600-602 Broadway
Special for Saturday Good Boiling Beef, 8 lbs. for. 25o
V2 Oal. Can
Sorghum , . .
1 Gal. Can
Sorghum . . .
Oil Sardines,
13 Cans
15c Can lied
Salmon, 3
10c Bottle
Good Prunes,
per pound. .
Geniton Ap
ples, per pk
Try Our Central Flour
Every sack warranted, per sack .
J, ''WyiVlf;
n SP5-00 u
i surs yotir ticket t read over thit Ut. j
Inquire at . J
N. City Ticket Office, IJ24 Farnam St. y
net sIwsts "hdt rfchl" at the hrl Inr
McKlbbin "Caahios Sweat"
- the - minute styles aocentusts, the oral "rirht
through. Your Dealer tfUS.rantOS them.
country error soli thsm.
for the state law library to 114.000 a year:
an art to enlarge the duties of the stats
geologlxt. and an act o reimburse Frank
Bristow for injuries received while In the
employ of the stste.
The house, on motion of Mr, Lundt,
adopted resolutions providing for a com
mittee to draft a memorial to ths lata Judge
L. Q. Klnne, member of the Board Of Con
trol, whose death was announced this morn
ing. Messrs. Ldndt. Kusuta and Temple
were named.
The house adopted memorial resolutions
regarding the late Judge P. Henry Smyths
of Burlington.
Jndae I. Klnne Dead.
Judg I O. Klnne. who has been a rnm
Iht of the Stale Board of Control sines
the organization of the board, and was at
one time a Judge on the supreme bench
of the stale, died athls home in this city
at 12:40 this morning of heart failure, fol
lowing an Illness that haa extended over
four months. He was taken ill with pneu
monia last fall, but recovered and later
suffered a relapse, being affected with heart
failure. He was born In New York In
lsfi, and began the practice of law at
Ottawa, 111., In 1RR8. Ik camo to Iowa the
next year, locating at Toledo, where he
entered the law practice and wa later
elected mayor. He wna elected district
Jndge In IWT and to the supreme court
bench In 1831. He was nominated for gov
ernor In 1WU and 18h3 snd later for United
States senstor by the democrat. In 18H
he was elected president of the State Bar
association and the same year was ap
pointed national commissioner on uniform
The funersl will probably be held Bun
day, afternoon If the relatives arrive In
time. He has a brother. David, at Kear
ney, Nob., and another, Isaac, at Minne
apolis, and also a sister In Minneapolis.
The funeral will be held at Plymouth Con
gregational church, where the family at
tended. The audden death of Judge L. G. Klnne
I at once started some discussion as to Ms
probable successor. Senator Th.fnas Lam
bert. Representative Will Whlttlng. Cato
Sells and fx-Mayor Carpenter of Dos
Moines have all been discussed. It la be
lieved that Cato Sells would hardly con
sent to accept, as he has large property
interests to look after. His successor must
be a democrat.
Polities In Woman's Club. ...
The Woman's Press club of this tity
Invited -Governor Cummins, 8enator Gsrst
and Representative Kendall to address the
club at a banquet. Mrs. James G. B rry
hill was Invited to act aa toastmlntreafc.
but refused because the governor and two
close friends were to be the speakers. Kw
Mr. Kendall, hearing of the dissension, has
refused to be one of the speakers. The
governor and Senator Oarst have thus fir
taken no action.
Whltmer Aaaln Absent.,'
The house today showed Its emphatic dis
approval of the' conduct of 'Representative
Whltmer by refuxlng to pass the bill to re
imburse him and Charles Youde for costs
of the contest over the Whltmer seat from
O'Brien county. When the bill to pay the
costs came up Whltnler was, aa usual, ab
sent, and this fact ted to defeat of the
mearure. If he should return soma tima
the vote may be reconsidered.
Sirloin Steak,
per pound . .
per pound.
Bacon, pound
per pound
Beef Roast,
per pound. ....
Oysters, OK
per quart