Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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Office, 16 PmiI
rvlg drugs.
rUorkert eelle carpet. ,
I'JI Roger' Tony Faust beer.
Woodrlng-Srhmtdt. undertaker. Tel. S.
numbing and heating, Blxby aV Son.
Drs. Woodbury, dentin. SO Pearl street.
hlnmoDflM as an Investment. . Talk to
Iffert about it.
Wrhnol paints, pen, papers and tablet.
Alexander. M3 H'way.
"Atlantic' corn, IB rent per dosen. Glen
Avenue grocery. Tel. 1.- .
.Inrvls lays not how clie.lp, liut liow good.
!irletly fresh eggs, two dozen for 2S rent,
lit the tlleu Av-nue grocery. Tel. 1.
tAbe Lincoln Wonum Relief cor)1" 'IH
tneet tins afternoon In Orsnd Army hall.
;Por Imported wines, liquors and chsni
Ian, IA Roaenfeld company. 819 Main St.
Tr you want a nice spring overcoat mil
ni K. 8. Hick. 1 havo the correct goods.
I'nwIorM Japan ta. Viv a pound, at the
Ult.n Avnue rvery.
redmg of Indian creek has been
stttppful cm i account of the unfuvornbte
thr,' '
lAr i"f "of - fruit, "with new, ' model n
House. This will not last long. Cllfton
Wu'Ver'jCo. ,
If" toil want your fir Insurance to ' In
sure have jl'llfton-Walker Co. write It in
reliable companies. .
.farris '!.. 225 Main Ft.. Ladles welcome.
Vo RHlnon at Jnrvls. lady will wait on
'you. for best .lluuors, all kind.
When yon tisve your shoes half soled take
tdnt to Snrgent's. Have them sewed on
jtnd save 5e, ' Sargent'e Model Shoe "hop.
Hnfer'. tbi? ' progressive, lumber deoler
tit Jowa and Nebraska, Ft III ivp you 10
l r cent Oct h ladder and watch Ms busi
ness grow.
Squire Ik Annis. money to loan; eanii on
haml, lo,lrlay; city and farm property foi
wh on easy terms of payment. OffW, l"l
Pearl . street.
91 III 1. grows. More Quick Meal Ranges
mM In fonncll HlufTn than any other
Range. -Money cannot make them better.
3i aod'SJ B'way.
Tt e are paying the highest cairn price
for old- lion and' metiil. Council Bluffs
Junk House, j, K.wtieiiiun. propiloter,
Tl. (. 8-3 S. Main.
Call Johnson and Lottie Taylor, both of
Omuhii. were mnnlx ., rMerilay iifternonn
ty Hev. Henry ! i. in tit his .office In
ifcp count y court house.
Judge Thorncll baa overruled the motion
of Ihu defendant for n new trlul In the
iMj-wiiml lnmiv rtiiiimg suit of Meneray
against Wickhutn .Bros.
M. H Slothowex and Frances E. UobiT.
lth of tjchuyler, Neb., were married In
this city yeaterday. Juetlce . Onrdtner
offluiatlnrf at the ceremony.
The women of the Fifth Avenue Me'ho
illBt church will entertain at a eoclal thle
evening at the leeidenee of Mra. Clara
iruliner. K.W Kighth avenue.
',F4vc triple eery buy anything that doe
ik ntli'f:ictlon. otnettnica an ex-
it . j eira. when we always return
'..!', '..'' '-lurk Lriig Co'a.
Jft '.-,'," ,-v ontehtMl.v, a WH) ice wttgtn
or, . . ', . .. . eeu tl only tour inontha.
i, .ia, T ... i.ew. Bride nsteiti A Smith,
iiijU., ;!. Mih Ave. and 6t St.
4'lHiTi-i-'l'.s ;y firn, 11 a down. Clleh
Arejiu- ((,i).i'iv. i'eii H.
"'JlfleitiiiirJ ' f.ui. l.i'j ; t'odlwood, $S'a cord;
Hhetih.ii k hi k- i .'. ;'rkanans anlhrnelte.
U'Xtt !' ton ie-.V .'.,i i;.rd coal. WiiliH.u
cl!f. 'hi N'orl'4i , Hi. Tcletjhnn VJ.
1. 1 i... i ....... .... , ii .. ou want a gix.n
.ck. niutUiM v., .m'k ulfop or a Kood
a!i if fuiie,,, ( k ei filing ia guuranrei
iy " hi . Mr a l ,..r .AiuwliatU4i restaur
i i iv id Imi-.- ''"
l'ennut bi It It . Kauer Ieinon Uifp,
Jiople.- Ti'.u Fudge. Pecan Nut Par.
.irvond Nut Bar, Kngllah Walnut Iar,
I'artty ...Ctomly Kitchen. BW,Vest B'way.,
U;.--i. HtOan, manngur.
Tlip '.Jolly. Klghteen of Conrud ItU'e. Im'
ilh tit .Hii' iv(ccbeea, will entertain-Bat-urili.
.i-'tcrnoon n,t the - home nf ' Mra.
'" IJrnlgiiille," Eighth MV'entie. foi
thc"lflit ..twivi 6f the hive and their frlendb.
rt-Hr jrni himiv what makes a buSgy worth
owning.' I will tcli you. first Its curability
and wem'. tij iiiolkicn; secund, its nppenr
ano tti.U cunuurt. ltits poinla you, will
.iwy iinj in, "Van Hrunt Vehicles.' No
use tnlklng Kiev Imve no equals. Call und
l ne Peterson Schoening Co. have Just
reoeiVed their new siiring slock of rugs.
acMdnKS and luce rurtaius. Tue tiattenia
ore of entirely new designs strictly up to
dntr and very beautiful, it will p.ay yoj ta
Im.isjgale if you are thinking of buying
way. 'iu curtains.
U you want a good meal drop in at the
VJeritm reatsurnnt. The flavor of our enf
ley cannot he rqualed because wa use good
iiirfee und good cream. Our butter ia the
Itesi we can get. We know our rolls are
(.'Mid becus we make them ourselves from
ihc best llnur obtainable.
.There, la no nrguiucnt alxitit having your
I ,1 p'iis nu runs rirwiiro i,y mat iiinvi 7.
U N not jin experiment. Charges are very
inwderato. Trompt service. The Council
limit Carpet Cleaning and Rug Mfg. Co.
il. r.16. S4 N. Main H(. Wt make beautiful
mags .out of old wornout carpels.
KArarybody's chance to decorate their
isutnes iseo. Hie big stock of mall paper,
mouluinKs. etc., marked down on sale at
. M. newexton. Masonic Temple, comer
H'w. nd Kounh at. tin salu March 16,
pfetures and pi).tiire framings. Ijic1 ar
tists Invited to display their work open
ing week.. ,
Ik not Use utd newspa tiers to put under
your carpets. They are too hard and do
nat keep nut the cold and dust haif as good
as our flt and corrugated paper does4 Tl;a
laiper is mada to give a hen yon step on 4.
ami your carpet does not wear out as quick
Coin In and let us show tl to you. fltockert
carpet rennpany.
'On account of the stag social this even
Irfg there will be no. business session of the
nincil ' Bltirfs loose or r.iss. i ne x,m
urlite) (n. charge, it is announced, has ar
mriiiod ah excellent prosram and the fun
will cojnmeiiee , promptly nt o'clock.
i',uiich .will, he Servaal at the rloac of the
U It. Hiiilej. foiineily of thia cliy and
now a resident of Ware. Msss., has donated-
two lots, one on Broadway between
Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth streets,
d the" other on Thirteenth street hctw-en
Mtghteenih and .Nineteenth avenuoa. to the
ttrristlan Home. Th deeds to the two
lots were forwarded by Mr. 81 1 -ley to At
turnsy J. J. ttewart of thia city, one of
laa, tltuataea Pt the instltutioti.
,N. V. Piuiubiiig Co. 'Id. -TV. Nighl ttO.
o -
At .1 o'clock p. m., at tha east eutranea
of. the court bouM In
Council Bluffs
ml o 111 sell to tha hlfhoat and best
bidder for ch the following tnr
' In , Kau towusiiip. lut 3 au4 4,
auction 4, township 74, range 4 4, and
xccretlooa;' about 120 acrea (within
tity llniiu and one mile south U. P.
railway bildgu. ) y
In LewU township, lot 3, section 21,
township 74, range 4 4, and accretions;
about luo acres (7 rnlles south of
Council Bluffs.)
m Lwls township, west V, southwest
H) section 10, township 74. range 44.
(.One mile south of city limits.)
V ; N B. THAYER, Tmst3.
r'"r - - f- , w1t plaua a44l '
I J Jf ' tm p-anoa tf ,
I I 7l T.aty-B. x
1 I'lft laaaaa af aisnoa ta
ti t VI. choose froas. Twrma
f i'r ash acg s.Si
per month.
itiollsr A UmIIw.
CauneH Biuws, la.
f Hons at
at ra4af
Bt. Tel. 48.
Republicans Accord Him nomination on
lint rorrnul Ballot.
V. T. Klasball .ljinaa the Wlaaer la
he Only Real t teat Before
the f eatratUa-Flatforaa
Kor Mayor... j
Kor Treaaurer
.W. K. 8pp
T. True
....J. F. McAneney
Kor Auditor.
or Solicitor C. F. Klmna u
For Kns-lneer Joseph Built n
For Park Commissioner Frank Peterson
For Councilmen-at-Large. ..John Olson
:...J. C. Fleming
For Assessor J. H. Chixum
For Weighmaster C. M. llobb
The above ticket was named by Hit re
publican cily convention last night.
Tha 'defeat at the recent school' election
had evidently aroused the republicans, as
the city convention last night waaona of
the most enthusiastic and largely ut
tended In years. Not only was each pre
cinct represented by Its full quota of dele
gates, hut when Chairman Hess of the clt.v
central committee called the convention to
order every seat and Inch of available
standing room in the big court room i
In calling the convention to order Chair
man Hess made a short talk Impressing
upon, the party the need of organisation
and work. Referring to the school elec
tion, he said there waa not the slightest
reason that the democrats should carry the
city election. The city, he explained, was
normally republican by from So" to y
votes. "Get together and work for the
election of the ticket and there will lie no
doubt of the result," he said.
Attorney W. H- Balrd was selected by
the convention as its chairman and George
8. Wright aa Its secretary. On assuming
the gavel Mr. Italrd maUe u short talk
prophesying the success of the ticket on
March 2G.
J. P. Hess, C. C. Clifton and C. A. Tlb
bitts were named aa u committee on reso
lutions, after an effort had been made
by T. Q. Harrison to hftve it lncretifed
from three to six members.
' Iteaolatlona Adopted.
The committee reported these resolutions,
which were adopted, after T. Q. Harrison
had offered a lengthy amendment to the
one on municipal ownership of the water
works and which whs unceremoniously
vnted laid on or under the table:
That we. the republicans of Council
Bluff. In convention, assembled hereby re
solve: That while national and state policies arc
involved in our municipal anairs we
approve the. administration of our national
ami state governmenia ana neueve tnai a
party that has produced and selected a
long list of competent servpts of the peo
ple and great men, of wb6m-our president,
Theodore Roosevelt. Is a present example,
hss within Its ranks otlmr men of such af
fixed principles and Integrity as are best
fined to serve our citltens In publlo office-
That we favor a clean, aenslbin and
vlgnrous administration , of the nubile af
fairs of mir cUy.) belter- control-of munic
ipal evus snn a careiut ana economical ex
penditure of public funds. : "
rliat we favor munU'lpnl ownership Of a
system of waterworks at such price and
expenditure that the burden of taxation
upon our clttxena and consumers of water
will In no- way be Increased, and that the
people in the future will receive substan
tial benefit therefrom, .ind that the system
be extended where needed. That In the
levying of water rates and taxes, whether
for purchase, lease or maintenance of a
waterworks, we believe each inhabitant
should pa' for what he receives and In pro
portion to h netiis derived, and that we
condemn any attempt to place upon the
small consumer of water or the citltens
remote from water lieneflts and protection
a greater burden than is upon the large
consumer and cltixen receiving the fullest
beneiii or tne system.
That we favor obtaining an accurate
knowledge by examination and report of
expert engineers of all matt era necessary
to a determination of the water and light
supply, with a view to best service for the
people at least expense, and are opposed to
the policy of delay and Inaction which has
attended the problem of our utilities, and
condemn the paying of exo'bltant feea to
legal counsel to confirm the able opinion of
1 11 VFII.IV, .
That we believe In the selection of off!
cers who will study the problems of our
city and solve them with vigor, and we are
proud of the honeat and energetic record
made by our republican city officials and
oominend tha record and wisdom of the
citv solicitor and his efforts to protect and
defend the Interests of the city, and that
we deplore any reckless expenditures o'
the city s funda for Impractical and use
It s nurposes of no benefit to the cltlxens.
That we favor tha Improvement under
"ovnoetent engineering skill of Indian creek
-o iti nt the property of our cltlxens in Its
lelnlty shall lie Drotected from damage
nd we denlore the delay and Inaction rela
tive thereto for tha last year and charac
erlxe the present sudden- activity In tin
's vorahle weather and just prior to elec
Ion as a bid for votes. nd believe such
'mnrovements -should lie substantial and
erranent In Its nature and- with a view
la the benefit of Ihewonle and noi for the
vrrnoss jut influencing the elecUon.
That we favor the selection of a rellnble.
competent and Intelligent notice force bused
upon experience and ability, and with due
reeaxd to Integrity.
That we favor the organisation of ward
er district Improvement cluha. and we ap
nlaud the efforts of the present organisa
tions ami confederations, for Improvement
of. our cltv. its government, the
menl of lln business and enterprises and
tde lieautllUation of its homes, streets ami
'r-ublic placea, and commend the action of
the Council Bluffs Imwovement federa
tion In lis efforts in sunnress the Influence
of Voters by unuts f ul ui-.-nns, .
'Balloting for Caadldatea.
At the outset of naming candidates It was
decided to dispense ' with ' nomlnstlng
speeches and bring out the candidates by
Informal ballots on roll call of the precincts.
On the InformuJ ballot for nominee for
mayor W. F. Biipp received 47 votes, II. A.
Ballenger, 14; A. J. ' Maiulersou. 4. and M.
D. Reed 10, his delegation from the Sixth
ward casting Its entire vote for lilm. The
first formal ballot gave the nomination to
Sapp by 7) voles as against i for Ballenger.'
Bapp was called for and he responded by
thanking the convention and promising that
when elected ha would adt lnlter the afalrs
of tt.o citv to the beat of his ability. Mr.
Sapp waa aocorded a most enthusiastic und
flattering ieceplloii.'
Frank T. True waa renominated for treas
urer by acclamation.
Three candidates appeared for the nomi
nation for' auditor on tha Inforliial ballot.
John F. McAneney receiving 44 votes. T. I
Hall. 14. and D. J. Whitaker 17. On the
first formal ballot McAneney captured the
nomination by U vote, against lu foi Hall
and T for Whitaker. -
The nomination for solicitor proeU. as
hud been expected, (be most interesjlng
contest of the convention, there being three
candidates, 8. B. Snyder, C. F. Kimball and
A. W. Askwitn. la the Aeld. Tha informal
ballot stowed that tha convention desired
to be as Impartial as possible, as the aev-rnty-ave
voles mere distributed aa follows:
Kimball. 3b: Askwith, K; nder, M. The
first formal ballot gave Kimball 12. Snyder
23 and Askwith SS. Tha asoond, ballot gave
Kimbejl SS, Ask with 3 and Snyder Ilk The
third and decisive baltJa gv klniboll 4X
Ask wilt) If and Sny Is. Mr. Kkubail
made ouile a longthy talk In thanking the
eon fur ta Boaataation, in waluh
: referred to past differences which, h
aid, were now all healed.
An attempt waa made to nominate Joseph
?mlth hy acclamation for engineer, but It
ailed. On the first formal ballot Smith was
aomlnated by Tl fotes, as against 4 for Hnr
:ey Mayne, at present county surveyor.
Frank Teterson was renominated for park
commissioner by acclamation. '
The balloting on two nominees for coun-rllmsn-at-large
developed (julte a content,
C. C. Clifton. John Fleming, John Olson,
M. l. Reed and C. Hardell being brought
out. Two ballots were required to nomi
nate John Olson and John Fleming.
J. H. Chlsum waa nominated for asxessor
on the first ballot and C. M. Hobbs likewise
for weighmaster.
Ip Reiualader of Ticket In fthort
For Mayor Dr. 1. Macrae. 1r.
For Treasurer Richard Trumbull
For Auditor.
....P. J. Smith
For Policltor
For Knglneer
For Park Commissioner...
Ftor Counclltnen-at-Large.
F. W. Miller
B. K Ktnyre
W. TV. t'ones
A. O. Cllbert
H ltlllMT
For Assesaor W. V. Hardlr
For Weighmaster William Higaenon
This was the ticket placed in nomination
lost night by the democratic city conven
tion. The convention, which. was held in the
touncll chamber of the city hall, was pre
sided over by Emmet Tinley with Jee
Bvans as secretary. With the exception of
those for treasurer and one coumilmnn-at-lurge,
the nominations were by acclamn
tion. j
For the nomination for treasurer Rich
ard Trumbull and Wallace Benjamin Wie
the aspirants. The first ballot sufficed to
give the nomination to Trumbull.
Ed Stockert and Charles Huber were the
contestants for the econd nomination for
councilman-at-large. On the first ballot the
vote was evenly' divided, but th second
ballot brought the nomination to Hubcr.
With the exception of Trumbull, Miller,
Cones and Huber, all of the nominees are
the present Incumbents of the offices fnr
which they were renominated.
The convention adopted a preamble, set
ting forth what had been done to improve
Indian creek and wbat was contemplated
In the future. This was followed by the
following resolutions:
Resolved. That we annrnvs iho ,.tl,o. n
the present administration In tl, ..i,miinn
of the ordinance fixing the water rates and
call particular attention to the aavinr t
the city if more than $13,VK) per annum on
hydrant rentals alone, and that hv ini.
ordinance a ralr rate is established so that
Council Bluffs Is plnced upon an equal
louung wun oiner cities and can point to
the fact that it is in a position lo furnish
water at reasonable rates.
Resolved, That we especially commend
the uctlon Of the democratic nuimr ,nj
city council lit their efforts to procure for
this city the ownership of a water plant,
and we pledge the nominees of this conven
tion to carry out the efforts now so well
begun to a successful termination at the
earliest possible moment.
Resolved. That we believe in the munlc-
uwiicmmp oi an puDllc utilities of a
local character, such as waterworks and
lighting plants, and we declare it to be
the purpose of our party, and liereb)
pledge the nominees of this convention to
iring about the ownership by the city of
.ts local public utility plants.
Wo believe that the business of furnish
ing light and water to our people is a pub
lic business that should be directlv In the
hands and under the control of the city,
and not . delegated to any private person
or corporation; that, by the . operation- of
these institutions the profit derived by pri
vate corporations, which la found In the
past to be sufficient to pay a large sum of
money claimed as Interest upon exorbitant
valuations nd extreme bond Issues, would
enable the city- to reduce to some extent Its
tax levy and provide It with the necessary
means to meet the running expenses of the
We are glad to note that the republicans
of the First precinct of the First ward
have become converted to the democratic
principal of municipal ownership
We Invite particular attention to the per
sistent efforts of our nfayor and city coun
cil to drain the city of Its surface water
and prevent the recurrence of the prevail
ing condition allowed by the preceding re
publican mayor and council to have Targe
portions of our city covered with standing
water, seriously menacing public health.
We believe that the democratic adminis
tration was successful In the efforts t5
provfde s surface drainage, and consider
ing the small amount of money at their
disposal they are entitled to the commen
dation of all our people, regardless of
Resolved. That we heartily endorse the
efforts of the Federation of Improvement
Clubs to remove from citv elections cor
ruption of all kinds to the end that the re
sult shall be the determination of ths elec
tors uninfluenced by other means than the
conscience and Judgment of the voter. We
commend the efforts of our Commercial
club and (lie several Improvement clubs
throughout the city for their persistent ef
forts to promote the commercial and Indus
trial welfare of our city.
For a Qnlrk Sale.
I will offer the five-roomed bouse and lot
at "143 Avenue A for one week tit JS60. New
house; city water. Easy terms. No better
Investment In Council Bluffs, Make a tin'
home. Wallace Benjamin, room 1, First Na
tlonal bank. I write fire Insurance. Offic.
phone, 303; residence, 'phone. Black 1444.
Oat' a False Heeat.
The authorities at Orand Island,' Neb.,
notified Sheriff Canning Tuesday that they
had a young fellow under arrest there
answering the description of Robert Vroo
man; who, with Hsrry Baker, escaped from
the county Jail last Friday night. Deputy
Ve are asking you to try our coffee, be
cause we know you will be satisfied It s
the gsi roasted coffee by Paxton A Qal.
lagher, and you can't And any better fla
vored, fresher coffee any place. We sell
It at from U to 40c a lb. We know If you
try It you will come back. J. Olson, 73J-741
West Broadway.
. Haa Faith In Isterarkas Plan.
W." J. Dobbs, president of the Council
Bluffs, Tabor 41c Southern Electric railway,
who was a guest at the banquet of the
Commercial club Wednesday, expects to
remain in tha city several days. President
Dobbs statod yesterday that the project to
build an electric line from Council Bluffs to
Ilockport or Tarklo, Mo., waa far from
dead. "No electric Interurban road has
bueu built under from two to four years
and I am confident that our road will
eventually I built,1' lie said. Ur. Dobbs
said negotiations looking toward the Anan
clng of the project were proceeding satis
iactorl'y. Clifton-Walker Co. have recently closed
the sale of a 'number of properties, which
reduces their list. Thty hove a large
number of other clieuis who wish to In
vest. Perhaps your property Is Just what
they asnt. Better place It with them for
quick action.
For Sale.
Centrally located bakery, tlrel-clats ovcu
and fixtures; cash trade. $Suo.
Two chair barber shop, guod tlxtupsa,
good location, cheap rent; a bargain; t-e
me. Alva Smith, real estate, Insurance, ex
change, room 7, Kverett block.
gbortliaud and bookkeeping positlona are
easily secured If you are wU qualified. We
do that. New classes this week. Western
Iowa college.
T t'alel4 af Arson.
County Attorney Hues returned yesterday
afternoon from Avoca, where be conducted
the trial of Joseph Leslie, churgad with
setting tire to pile of ties in the Kock
Island yards there. The jury festvtday
brought In a verdict of guilty. The fire
which Leslie waa charged with starting
was on ot a numr ot Incendiarr 0r
from which Avoca suffered last summer.
Leslie wss formerly section foreman for
the Rock Island at Avoca and his arrest at
the tlma created qtill a, sensation there.
Seymour Iane. who pleaded guilty to
breaking Into a Rock Island b--g car at
a.:-c and retting it on flm. waa yesterday
sentenced to eighteen months In the Fort
Madison penitentiary.
Gore Home lo Prepare Aaswer lo
Gllllllaa4 Resolatloa.
Governor CummlnS, who during his stay
In Counclk Bluffs was ths guest of Leonard
Kverett, returned to Pes Moines yesterday
morning. He wag anxious to get home to
prepare a statement in answer to the reso
lution Introduced by Senator Glllllliind call
ing upon the governor to prove his charges
that the railroads had worked to kill the
primary election bill.
Governor Cummins staled that he had no
Intention of retracting anything he . had
said, but will In his reply deny that it had
been his Intention to impugn the Inetgrlty
of any member of tne legislature. He will
insist, however, that his assertions rela
tive to railroad activity were based on
facts in Ills possession.
Tha finest selection ot marble gravestones
In ' southwestern Iowa can be found St
Sheeley 4t . line's marble and granite
works, 217 East Broadway, Counoil Bluffs.
Many different designs and colors. The
work ts done by experts who have had
years of training.
Bed rock prices on all our new slock of
arpets, rugs, linoleum, oil cloth, matting,
window shades, lace curtains, tapestry cur
tains, go carts, and our entire new stock
of furniture. Do not fail to call and In
spect for yourself. D. W. Keller, 103
South Main.
The Title Guaranty and Trust company,
abstracters of titles. Books date back to
1855. Books are ah up to date. Work ac
curately and promptly done at lowest
prices. Office opposite court house, 1S5 Pea rl
street, Council Bluffs, la.
Broken dishes are not pleasant to (look
at. .Fill up your old aets, or call and', see
our extensive line of English dlnnerWare
patterns. The latest thing In English
breakfast sets now on display In our win
dow. W. A. Maurer.
We can give you the best figures on a
furnace to put In your new house. We
handle the famous Norfolk A Green's fur
nace. Ask the people that use them, they
will tell you what they are. Spencer, .158
West Broadway.
at. Patrick's Day
Saturday, March 17, Is Bt. Putrick's day.
We have the genuine shamrock, grown
from Imported seed.' Wear a real sham
rock boutonnlere and take a plant, homu
and Wiitch It grow. Wilcox, Florist.
Jensen & Michaelson, 238 West Broadway,
contract for painting. They uae pure white
lead and llniseed oil. Now Is the time to
let them do the work, before the rush
commences. ' fou can gef your work done
right If you let them do It.
Geo. A. Hoagland has ust received a car
toad of the famous Amazon Rubber roofing
and will make you wry Sittracllvo 'prices
on large or small quantities. Now Is the
time to get your roofs ln,.,ahnpc before the
heavy spring ruins. -vr ,(
' - ' Mather! V -: 1
Mothers, do not use all your strength In
carrying your baby around, when com
fortable folding and reclining go-carts can
be had at our special saj 'for tl.Ti and up.
Keller-Fa rnsworth Fur. Co.
for Sale.
New dwelling near new High school, 12,300.
Number of new dwellings for sale.
Beautiful lot on Olen avenue, 11,800.
Insure your house and furniture with me.
Tel., O, Chas. T. Officer, 41V Broadway.
Fine Colorado farm land, $5 an acre.
Improved ranches, $10 to $20 per aere. One
Improved ranch, four miles from town, $
per acre. A big snap. , Excursion March
20. Fare. $10.. F. C. Lougee, 124 South
Main street.
Real Kstate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The
Bee March 15 by the Title Guaranty and
Trust company of Council Bluffs:
Amos Bmlth and wife to P. D. and
A. K. Mlulck. sw'i 13 and n se4 14-76-3S,
w d $15.5no
unanes Koagers to eamuei u. t'orter,
4 swl4 8-77-4J, w d...'
Henry and Adutph Flelsher to Charles
Hetnze. 14.n acres in sH ne4 18-"6-43.
w d
EIHuh Shuhert et a I. to William Hol
lenbeck. part of lot 3. block 10,
Cochran's" ad. to Council Bluffs, w d
lelrs of Catherlna Carstensen to J.
K. Johannsen, lots (. 7 and 8, block
K, Walnut, la.. w d.
A. 8. Haieltnn and wife to Edwin
Williamson, lot 4. block 6, Pierce's
subdlv. In Council Blufts, (j c d
Total, six transfers.:
Lent Is Hera.
Now you will have the time to take those
much needed electrical scalp treatments.
They are only SU cents. Including the violet
light. Graves, 106 Pearl street.
Bwanson Musio Co., ' New Location 407
Broadway We sell pianos In our regular
businesslike way. No new schemes; ne
certllcate. Pianos light, goods reliable.
Terms from $5 lo $10 per month.
Mouricius has rarely ever a second-hand
piano In stock; their customers are always
well pleased, and never let the pianos "go
back." Investigate thia, 335 Broadway,
where the organ stand upon the building.
The A. Hospe company operates five
piano stores, but have unly one price, and
that the same, and lowest price. Buy your
piano of them, at 33 South Main street,
Council Bluffs
Let Borwiek decorate your house. He
has the best wall papsr and paint to do
it with. Bed-rock prices and work guaran
teed. 211 So. Main. Tel. Ks3. Call him up
and ask him about it.
Marriage I.U-raseS.
Licenses lu wed were issurd yeMeiUay to
the following:
Name and Residence.
8. H. Slothowea, Schuyler, Neb
Frances E. Dobry, ekhuyler, Neb
Carl Jolmrnn, Omaha
Ixittic Taylor. Omaha
Benjamin F. t'olhurn. Palmer, Neb.
Lillia Williams, l'aliner. Neb
... 4
"McAtee for good things to eat." Best
goods, best prices, fairest prices; prompt
and careful delivery; and If you want the
best bakery goods served 011 your table,
wv bake thcni.
Don t forget Easter is coming aud you 1
sunt a new suit. Iaave your order early
at Hicks', If you want a nice, up-to-date
one 'Phone Red 778. 1
I'ases In Federal t'onrl.
All amicable settlement has been reuclied
In the Injunction suit brought by Smift
and Company In the I'nlteU State court to
restrain the Waterloo freamery company
from UMlng a led clover design on Ha but
ler cartons. I a a decision in accordance
wi'h the agreement raacbed the Waterloo
Creamery eompnuy la enjoined from using
the design, but is permitted 16 use up the
Every Button Warranted q$?f 10 and 14 Kt Gold Filled
The Crown Collar Button Sale ,
' .....
Begins Friday iMornina at the Now Store and Ends
Saturday Niftht. March 24th. . . . . .
"Ye have swuml the exclusive agency in Council Bluffs for the famous Crown Collar
Buttons. Solid one-piece Crown Button in a dozen different styles. Long, short and
medium shanks Bullet Heads. Back Buttons, Oval Tops, Flat Heads, in several izes.
Some have lever tops-some fine pearl backs." EVERY BUTTON WARRANTED.
Any Button that proves unsatisfactory bring it back and get another in its place.
During this sale you buy Collar Buttons for half price. It is up to you to supply our
self with collar buttons to last for the next six months.
Covalt's pleasing orchestra concert apain Saturday afternoon and evening at thii
New Store.
BENO, Pres.
supply of cartons on hand. Nominal dam
ages of ( cents are awarded 8wlft and
Company, who boar tl expenses of the
Frank Ferris, chuiged with bootlegging,
was sentenced to thirty days In the eounty
jail at Indianola.
It Is likely that the business of the term
will be completed this week, ,14s there are
now only a few tqulty cases to demand the
attention of Judge McPhereori."
Many people are troubled with Indiges
tion because the bread they cat is not
made from Crystal mills Big A flour. Try
it before taking any more dopes.
When you need a good tool, iocket
knlfe. raxor or pair of scissors or shears
get the Keen Kutter, the only, best. Pad
dock Handschy Hardware Co.
t rent sewing machines, 75 cents a week.
I repair nil makes of machines. Second
hand machines. $5 to 111). S. M. William
son, Tel. Ued-1167, 17 North Main 81.
If you prefer quality to quantity and
absolute satisfaction to yourself, get
Schmidt's photos. Always guaranteed to
please. 'Phone 867. 408 Broadway.
Financial Management f the Instltn
' tlons Crltte4s4 In the
1 From a Stuff Correspondent.)
DK8 MOINES, -. March 15.4Special.j-e
Vnder special order in the senate today on
consideration of the bill creating a bourd
of regents for state educational Institutions,
Senator Whipple declared that the lobby
by the Agricultural college against the bill
had been the strongest he had even known
during his term of office, and attacked the
financial management of each of the state
educational Institutions. He took up each
Institution and showed the enormous In
crease In expenditures out of proportion to
gain of students. Senator Whipple claimed
It waa probably too late to correct the er
ror of having two engineering schools, one
at Iowa City and one at Amest but said
within a few weeks the State university has
established a school of forestry that should
be at Ames, and the Agricultural college
had established a school of Journalism that
should be at the State university. He as
serted the only correction was in a single
board. The aenate adjourned with Senator
Whipple retaining the floor.
The house went en record unanimously
as In favor of congress pausing legislation
which will enable certain !owa soldiers to
obtain pensions though they were never in
the ITnited States service. The Hart me
morial to congress relating to those Iowa
soldiers who were In the northern Iowa bri
gade and the Southern brigade In 1M2, for
protection ot the atate against Indiana And
guerillas, was called up and adopted without
A motion was filed by Teter and Meredith
to reconsider the vote by which the senate
bill passed the house relating to limiting
the number of Inmates at the Knoxvllle dip
so mania a hospital..
The state certificate bill was made a spe
cinl order for next Tuesday. '
Antes Cbantnnqnn Program.
AMES. Ia., March 15. (Special.) The
Ames Chautauqua association haa com
pleted Its program with -the exception ot
one number for its third annual session, to
be held from August t to 10. The program
will be opened by Robert M. La Foi let le
or Wisconsin, others that follow are J
Splllman Riggs. Oilbert A. Eldredge. Dr.
A. B. Storms. Prof. A. M. Newens. Temple
Quartette. Concert company, the Odeon
Male quartette,! Puna C. Johnson, George
j. McNutt, General Z. T. Sweeney, Rsv.
Samuel Parkes Cadman, V. D.; Albert
Bushnell. D. D.; Williams Original Dixie
Jubilee Singers, Prof. John B. DeMotte,
Charles A. Young, conductor of the Bible ,
study. Domestic economy demonstrations '
under the supervision, of the department at
the Iowa State college will be given each
morning. '
I hleago Firm tiets Coatraet
LOGAN. Ia.. March 15. (Special.) The
Logan school board has let the contract
for the heating plant and plumbing of the
new school building now under construction
poison. No matter how skeptical you have become over failures of otheis. do -lot
bssliat longer, ws can give you quick relief and perfect health, and you will neter
again have to be treated for the same trouble. De aot tak treat rnent elsewhere until
you have consulted the old reliable Dr. Hrl-s Besrlea, tCflTAHIJtfHKD lu OMAHA
for li TEAKS, whose nam and reputation are so avurablv known as ll. iivt i
perisnoed and successful 8PK471ALIHTH IN THK V. 8T. WK I'L'ita. 1 OLf, THKN
YOl' PAT I I OCR rEt;.
Weak, nervous men, nervous debility, arlcooale, troubles, blood poison, contracted
diseases, prostatic troables, wasting weaknesses, hydrocele, chronic iiseassa, stoutscli
snd sklu dlsesses.
pggg saminationa aad consultation. Writ for Symptom blank, it esj in Omaha.
IR. VEJUILE HEAIihtM, Fvwrlewutli aad lwuia Htrewte, Omaha, Me.
5c Buttons for 21c
10c Buttons for 5c
15c Buttons for 8c
Pearl Street. 32-34 Main
W. A. MAURER, Sec.
to Iwis it Kitchen of Chicago for $l,'13.
About fifteen companies filed bids.
lowav Independents Kvrm Csrsora.
seratlsa ta Fight Hell Company.
DE9 MOINES. Ia.. March 15. At a meet
ing ot the representatives of 300 Indepen
dent telephone companies of Iowa today,
the organisation of a I2KMXW corporation
to fight the Bell Telephone company in
the state was started. Signers are being
oMa tlned from all the delegates pre;n
each company to put tl.OCO Into the fund
to fight the so-called trust In and out ot
the courts. The organisation of the lode,
pendent lines of the state into one com
pany) entirely covering Iowa, was al3
started today.
laalrlal Ticket at Woodbine.
WOODBINE. Ia.. March 16. (Special.)
Two tickets are in the field to participate
In Woodbine's city election. The candi
dates on the first are as follows: For
mayor, Charles W. Reed; counellmen. J. T.
Cromle end C. J. Tutlle; clerk, K. R.
Heflln; treasurer. G. W. Coe; assessor.
R. J. Welch. The other ticket Is composed
of the following: For mayor. Kev. Clint
J. W. Trlem of the Presbyterian church;
counellmen, J. T. Cromle and C. J. Tuttlc;
clerk. E.'R. Hefiln; treasurer, O. W. Coe;
assessor, C. W. Mendenhall. Considerable
Interest will be taken In tbe election.
Csar Said t JJIaie Been Aaunseri nt
Xtory Tola by nelega- ..
ST. PETERSBURG, March li.-Out of
the violent antlsemltfo agitation may come
unexpected good to the members of the
oppressed race. The entire Jewish ques
tion has been raised In acute form and
may be settled forthwith. The emperor
Is said to be amased at the revelations
made by the Jewish deputation which the
premier received In audience March T, and
to have Informed Count Witte that It was
urgently necessary to settle the question
Immediately. Count Wltte Is understood
to have talked quite bluntly to his majesty
regarding the Innumerable difficulties
which his opponents were raising on this
and other questions, and he is said to have
Our acceptance of a case is equivalent
to a cure, tor we never accept incura
ble cases. Consult us. OCR ADV1CB
18 F&iutt. For years we hare special
ised , on ths ailments ef rneu. Our
methods are distinctly original and
up to data. Whets other physician
are heffled and fall w cure, and cure
first Wi Curi Yoa Thai Yov Pij I).
Tour ease ie urgent we are willing to
wait until ywu are cured for tne few
dollars we charge for our services.
Could we afford to do thia if our cures
were alow or aoubtful?
Lit This AaTsrtlsenient Bt Yiur 6uldi
It has been our message to thousand
It haa been thtlr first step tewarda
health It is our message to you.
Th Onty Dlsggg.s W Trait
Wo aaoeaasfnllr treat Weakness,
Partial or Complete Iosa. Lack of
Power an treagth, Dlsoa ol
the Kldaeya, Blood piosoa, Rhen
nitlm, Vnrleocelo, C'onstrtrllon,
Frognenor and laeontlaenoe of
t'rlne, Skin Disease, riles, rta
tnln and nil diseases af man.
Iirtfcuitjn Weilcil I Surtlcil tost.
Northwest Cor. 13th 4 Parnsnt
Omsh. Nebreea
) Cure
Required to Commence Treatment
nM)n for f 10.90 I
Until April 1st I
May Treat,
Wo Cur
BPEi'lAL OFFKR. Owing U tl,a fe:t that so many
have been unable to avail themselves of our treatment
si.d In view of there being so many afflu isd Wi lli
BrCi'UI, and CHRONIC DlBKAPbS who are treat
lag with Inexperienced doctors without receiving aoy
benefit, we have daridsd to u.ske a spsclal offer to
treat any single uncomplicated aas for ths f of
I0 60 until April 1st, tiioss who ar now uodsrgtfiag
elsewhere and are ansa tuned., excipt bio VI
A. . HUNTER, Trea.
gone to the extent of requesting permis
sion to resign the premiership. The em
peror. It ia added, would not listen to It.
A bill according the Jew equality except
In eligibility to positions In the official
and military services. Is now said to have
been prepared.
Leading Jews of the empire, like Baron
Gunsburg, hvwever, knowing full well the
hostility of a large class of Russian to
the Jews, and fearing an adverse decision
Which would only further prejudice the
position of their co-rellglonlsts, are opposed
to the submission Ot the question to tbe
assembly. They maintain that the mani
festo of October 30, specifically declared
that, all subjects were equal before tbe
law, that the question la de jure, already
settled wnd that It Is the duty of the gov
ernment to Immediately promulgate a law
providing equality and to prefect the Jews
in fhe exercise of full rights.
The efforts of a. section of tbe aoclal
democratic and radical elements to pro
duce another uprising and general strike,
aa a protest against the repressions, are
not meeting with iducs. succeaa end eeem
to be doomed to failure for the present.
The leaders', however, declare that If the
repression continues . as they expect It
will only require some sudden, sensational
development to again set The country
aflame. . . 4
When you have anything to trade; adver
tise It In the For Exchange Column of The
Bee Want Ad Page.i :' . ..
Republican Candidates
The FOiitenelle Club.
To Bo Voted For rrlsanrle Toeao
' nay, April S, liXMl a.' aa.
to . an,
For Mayor, K. A. PENSON. .
Real Estate.
For City Clerk, 8AM K. GREENLKAF.
Clerk, '..'.,
For City Comptroller,
. Insurance. .
For City Attorney. JOHN Pi BUEEN.
Lawyer. " '
For Building Inspector. .
Contractor. . !
' fi'u be voted for In all ward.)
Firt Ward, E. A. WILLI.
. Fbremag' Omaha .Print
Ing company.
Second. Ward. W.. W. feUNUHAMV
Commission Morehant.
Third Ward, HENRY I, PLUKj)
Mgr. Tha Chatham. '
Fourth Ward, JOHN A. BCOTTi
Real Estate.
' Agent Ames' Estate.
Fifth Ward, L. E. LUCAS.
Coal Dealer.
Sixth Ward, George L. Hurst., . .
j ' Maehlnlst ,' .'''''
' , Paxtoo-Mllcliell .go. '
Seventh Ward, C. 8. HAYWARD.
. Hayward Bros. Shoe C.
Eight Ward, C.'J. ANDERSEN.
Andersea-MIUard Co.
Ninth Ward, J. C. PEDERBEN.
' Carriage and Wagon W'k
Tenth Ward, QEORUE OOTT. -!
Martln-Cott Ht Co.
Eleventh, Ward, FRANK CRAWFORD.
J Lawyer.
Twelfth Ward. V. Jk. S. CHASE.
Chase & Co., Wholesale
Coffee, Tea and Sploe.
To tao Hevobllean Vetera of the C'etg
of Omaha 1
You must decide whether yutl ' waut
to elect or continue in office ufflciais,
many of whom have demonstrated their
entire incompetency and servitude to the
publlo service corporations, or whether you
will have honest and cspable official who
will represent all of the people at all tiroes.
The above named Candidate believe tht
:lis city should own 11 own government,
end tbey eland far
Rqual taxation, economical and honest,
ixpenditure of publlo money.
Impartial enforcement, of lam-.
An ample police force for protection ef
life and property.
Clean streets and a CLKAN TOWN.
Public Improvements and city paving re
pair plant. .
A welcome to cepltal and manufacturltig
No graft or ting rale.
No gambling, law breaking or corpora
tion control of election.
No free lights, no free water and no free
telephone to eity officials.
No forma of compact between city efll
eiala and publlo contractors.
No more free franchises, and ne giving
away of street aud alley without sub
stantial consideration to the city.
Make up your mind what you want, and
vote at the primaries for the men who will
carry out your Ideas. Do not lose the force
of your conviction by voting for friaad who
have iio chare to win. and thereby defeat
randlda te who otand for the eeetre clawe
plee. I