Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1906, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, MARCH 16. 1006. 7 IN AND PRODUCE MARKET ern. i4'c; tern her. 70. OATS -To Mhjt, 2Tc. May, 77'4jc; July, 7K,e; Sip arrive and on truck. 3STv; Strentvth Burn Throneh of Centals. Whole List skw yoiik ok:ru. market CASH DEMAND IN WHEAT DEVELOPS a n4 Sell at May Price la Half-Cent Three Ceat Over 1 hteager Cr Higher Oat Stroag. OMAHA, March 15, 191. Report! of good sales. No. 2 red at Chi cago at 3c over May and talk of pome better flour demand In the northwest, made a strong market today In spite henvy stock. Argentina eallmated shipment were about l.Ono.uoo bushels lea than whs talked, thua firming tha market. HIghi-r cables heliied wheat's position. There was good buying at the opening. At one time the May price was l'-c above yesterday' close, but It eaaed oft a Uttle toward the last. The cotn market was strong all day, and closing prices were about o higher. Receipts are small, and on account of the snow, are expected to continue small. Shorts were good buyers. Cash demand was better and cash prices advanced. Oats were strong. The spread between May and July Increased to lo. Domestic demand Is rood. Liverpool closed HHd higher on wheat ann -i nigner on corn, f'rlrnary wheat receipts were 319.000 bush ela and shipments 2H.U"n bushels. aaalnut receipts last year of 363,000 bushels and shipments of 210.000 bushels. Corn receipts were 174.000 bushels and ahlmnenta mi. 000 bushels, against receipts last year of 612.000 nusnais and shipments of 386.000 bushels Clearances were 48.000 bushels wheat, lii.821 barrels (lour, 187,000 bushels corn and 196,000 iinsnei oats. estimates Argentina wheat ship ments this week at 3.200.000 bushels, against f.KK.ouo bushels last week and 4,322.000 busn els last year: corn shipments St 80.000 bush els. against 203,000 bushels last week and 61.000 bushels iMHt year. Tha Northwestern Miller says: "With apparently a small capacity In operation, the Minneapolis mills last week Increased their output 31.190 barrels, but even then the figures represent scarcely more than a half week's business." from the Inter Ocean: "There Is aald to be, 8.000.000 to S.000.000 bushels oats held In country elevators that have not been, hedged by sales of May or July. It will be shipped and delivered In May, If there la a good advance. The price current says recent conditions were somewhat trying on wheat crop, but not necessarily disturbing the general position. It says official estimate . ot farmers' wheat stocks Is regarded a very largely snort or the real situation. The local rang of options: Quotations of the nay an Varloas Commodities. NEW YORK. March l&.-Fl.OTR-Re- celpts. 18.300 bhls.: exports. 2.801 bbls.; mar ket, quid hut tea.dv; Mlnesota patents, M.'MISii; Minnesota bakers,; win ter patents, f.i.9mM4.26; winter straights tSVvfti.m: winter extras, t2.7o4f4.26; winter low grades. (Wt3..!0. live flour, dull; fair to (rood, t3.B04j4.H0; choice to fancy, t3 96 tj4.. CORN MEAL Stead v: line white and yel low. 11.15: coarse. Il.03fil.06: kiln dried. t2.HMi2.7S. BARLEY Dull: feeding. 40c. c. I. f. Buf falo; malting. Wibfic, c. 1. f. Buffalo. WHK AT Receipts. 14.000 bu ; exports, So! bu.; spot market, firm; No. 2 red, Me elevator and HOVf-c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, biC f. o. o. anoai. After a firm and higher opening on cables wheat yielded to bearish weather condi tions letter it turned strong again and for the balance of the day was higher on broadening speculative trade, ngnter re ceipts, prospects for smaller Argentina shipments and good cash demand. React ing slightly in the last half nour it cioseu HfrA-c net higher. May, 8-lij8474jC. closed at 84c: July. 83 18-lii'iiM 6-1W, closed at MV4c; September. 83i(i83 9-16c. closed, at 83c. CORN Receipts. sz,4i du.: exports. bu. The spot market was steady; No. 2, 61c elevator and 47ic f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 4.Se; No. 2 white, 4K.c. The option market was fairly active ana generam firm On light receipts and a better cash demand, closing He net higher. May, 4(Vtf 4Ke, closed at 4!c; July, 4SVif 4!c, closed at 4:Vc; September closed at 60'c. OATS Receipts. 106,000 bu.; spot mantel. steady: mixed oats, 28 to 82 lbs.. 34y(r3oe natural white, 30 to 33 lbs., SooSc; clipped white, 88 to 40 lbs., 36H38Hc. HAY Steady ; spring, 4iaoic; Kooa 10 choice, SofcXoc. HOPS Dull: state, common to cnoic. 1906, ltjjISc; 1904, 73,.c; olds. rVaic; Fa ct flo coast, 1905, 9fcl4c; 19u4, 9tllc; olds, . . - , ,u. h i ijkb (steady: uatvesion, v w 20e; California, 21 to 26 lbs.. 21c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 lbs., 19c. leather steady : acid, vmnyts. PROVISIONS Heef steady; family, $11.50 &13.00: mess, $9.0010.00; beef hams, $20.00g 21.00; packet. tlOoOfr 1 1.000; city extra India mss, fl8.50(t 19.00. Cut meats, nrm; pickiea bellies, $9.00ij 10.00; pickled shoulders, $7.niYo 7.60; pickled hams, Jio.ti.n in ,i0. Lard firm; western prime, $7.86ViI7.90; refined, firm: continent, $8.26; 8. A.. $8.75; com pound, $b.0lXcnS.37V4. Pork, steady; ramliy, tnorun.W; short clear. tl5.8u17.So; mess, :?- -. .... ... . TALLOW Bteaoy; city, oo; country, rm NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market in Dull and Stagnant, and Close! Weak. . CHICAGO TRACTIONS STILL DECLINING Trader Waiting; on Possible Devel opments from Mine Worker Convention In Indianapolis. decrease. 71.Sno.fVm francs; gold In hand. In erense, 07f. francs; 'silver In hand, de crease, 6.lh0.mi frnncs; bills discounted, de crease, 2,i)75.) francs: advances, decrease, .56t',4eio francs. RICI Articles. I Open. Hlgh.l Dow. Close. Corn May July . Oats-May 87HB 88i J7M? 87B SS'B 7B SViA 83-tB 2P5.B A asked, B bid. Omaha Cash Prlee. WHEAT No. 2 hard, WU73Hc; No. 3 hard, 71) Tie; No. 4 hard, 62ii4c; No. 2 spring. 'iwizws; jNO,.8 spring. eoiUilHic. CORN No. S. 3Cic; No. 4, 3fWMM4o ; No. I yellow. Sti'fcc: No. 1 white. 37Va 3Sc. OATS No. 3 mixed, 27'528c; No. 3 white, tS'i Ji'c No." 4 white, 28V4C. Omaha Cash Sale. OATS No. 4 white, t car, 28V4c. Carlet Hcoelpta. Wheat. Corn. Oat. iuiku .(..a... A Kansas City 28 12 17 juijiueupoil iw iiijviia e ii luuulii t ... bt. lxiUla 33 23 id t CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feature of the Trading; and Closing- Price on Boa-d of Trade. CHICAGO, March 15. Improved demand for flour and cash wheat at outside grain centers, together witn an estimate of de creased shipment of wheat from Argen tina, caused strength today In the local wheat market. At the close the May op tion was ,up .4i&'14c. ., Cora was up 44(8 Vie. Oat showed a gain of 1tV9o. Provision wtre 7Vi&l.Vo higher. Despite the continuance of favorable weather for winter wheat In the United States, th market was strong all day. At the opening the market was strengthened by firm cable and small receipt in the northwest. As the session advanced prices acquired firmness through report from out aide markets. JLote in the day bulls were given additional encouragement by an timate which showed a decrease of more than 1.000,000 bu. In the export from Argon Una, a compared with the total movement of last week. The market closed strong, The May option opened Ha higher at 77Su, sold ud to 78Vk0 and cloned at 77. 77 he. July ranged between 77o apd TSc, and cloned with a net gain of Vcio at 77rvn" 7714c. Clearance of wheat and flour were equal to 123,000 bu. Primary receipt were 319,000 bu., compared with 618,000 bu. a year aao. Minneapolis, nuluth and Chicago re ported receipts of 2&tS car, against 316 car laat week and 218 car a year ago. Active covering by short resulted In a firm ton In the corn market. An advance of Waic In the price of cash com and the email movement from the country were the principal causes of the demand. The mar ket closed strong. The May option opened Vie higher at 4S1ic, sold up to 43o and closed at 43$i43ViiC. Local receipt were 119 cars, with 2 of contract grade. Oat were firm on an active demand by commission house and cash buyers. The trensrth of wheat and corn also Influenced prices. May opened a shado to WtfVtC higher at 29ihXil,4cl advanced to Bfaliaoc and closed at 2974jC. Local receipt were small, numbering but 80 cars. r ru V I B I u I ! weiv an iib iua viiv gioamiiwu of the day, but the volume of trading was not large. Early In the day price were Inclined to sag because of an easier market for live hogs. Deter, however, the market became firmer on a fair demand by local packers. At th close May pork was up lZV,e. at S16.f24. Dard was up BOTc at t7.8.V&7.87V. Ribs were TV?10c higher t f8.40. Estimated receipt for tomorrow are as follows: Wheat, 4 cars; corn, 147 car; oats, i car; hogs, 13,000 head. . Tha leading future ranged a follow E Quiet; domestic, fair to extra. jif!tjc; Jan nominal EGGS Firm: state, .-"ennpyivania ana nearby fancy selected white, 21'3c; state, choice, 19(4,210; state mixed. 17c; western firsts, 15c; western seconds, 15415Hc; southerns, l3W515VrC. ... POULTRY Alive, firm; western cnickena. HV4c; fowls, lSVic; turkeys, IRiftSOc. Dressed, firm: western chicken, 10ljl3c; turkeys 14(8 20c; fowls, ll&13Vic. St. Louis General Market. ST. LOUIS. March 15. WHEAT Higher; No. 1 red, cash elevator, 82VVUWIC V,iVc: May, 75ftc; July, ioc; hard, 783zc. CORN-Hlgher; 42V4c; May 41 He; OATS Higher; SI'S 32c; May, 30c; r 1AJI K Hteaay ; rea winter puierus, i ju yi'l.:!5; special oranos niHiier; pum nuiu and stralgnt,; ciear. (y.i.iu. SEED-Timothy, quiet at xz.otxya.iu. CORNMEAL Steady, 82.20. RRAN Firm; sacked, east traek, 8Tic. HAY Strong; timothy, 6.infy,iM: prairie, fti.oo(ii 10.50. IRON lTTU 1 HUB l.B. No. 2 cash, 41Hc; July, 42Vc No. 2 cash, 30c; July. 2334c; No. 2 track, No. 1 track, track, white, NEW YOHK. March 15.-Ac.-i.rdlng to the nltematlng movement of the stock market, which has become noticeable this week, price should have advanced today In re versal of the late decline of yesterday. As a mat tor of fact, a tendency toward re covery became faintly perceptible In the market after some early extension of yes terday's decline. There was not sufficient motive power (n t)ft volume of transac tions, however, to give the movement of prices much headway. The recovery was bIko Impeded by the continued liquidation n some of the public utilities stock, ine illnexs of the market as so extreme that for long periods not a single transac tion was recordnd on the tape. The con tinued collapse In the Chicago Union Trac tion shares caused some anxiety as to pos- ible consequences where these securities might llgure as a basin Tor credits, ine re lapse In People's Gas was regarded as sym pathetic partly on account of liquidation nduced by tne ran in ine traction simi-o nd partly bv the sentimental effect of mo vidence offered of the disastrous conse- uences possible from hostile municipal ac tion. Along the same lines was the report that i-ntlroud officials both of western ana eastern lines are dismissing the advisability of a voluntary rate reduction as a conces sion to public opinion and a possible means of averting some of the proposed measures of restriction or regulation of corporations. The practically stagnant market was at- rtbuted partly to the reassembling ot tne nited Mine workers convention anu um eslre to await tha outcome of it neiiDera- llniifl. The cnll money market neia ns nrm tone today, the rate rising to per cent nunng late flurry. Tne flay s nivineno uieouiFe- Inflllrl nor t he 11M0.(K1 DV tile lamlard Oil company, were estimated at over tl. 000,000. The subtreasury took up- ard of 11.000,000 from tne money mampiin he day's operations. Notwithstanding the Imo in tne money rate toreign emui.isc continued to advance strongly. With the nnnsHBe through the senate at Ainany toduv of a bill fixing reserve requirement for trust comnanles It Is likely some ae- oiimnlaHnn of the reserves of these com iiflni.i nmv have commenced in anticipation of the enactment of this measure Into law. Louisville & Nashville was conspicuous for strength today. Influenced by rumors of Intended Increase In the aiviaona rate, The Influence of the collapse In tne cni' rum n on Traction biockb w euipn- slied bv the late rise In the call money rate to 8 per oe.nt and by the violent drop In M aanurl Paclllc Of 4" poinis oy lllirr- vals of fjl point between sales. The poor showing of the annual report and the re rfHrAmani from the directorate of tm , t.. , .... ---- portant financial Interests were creoitea with the dron In the stock. "Rie market closed weak. Bonds were steady. TOiai sales, par value, 11.845,000. United States bona were oil imrhgnDMl on Cull. Quotations on tne wew lora mu ex change toaay were ns iuuob. riHien. niRti. kAnm V'thMU 251 Amlxmmll t opper m.i i" " American Car and KounUry z m do pfd Alnerlon Tottoa Oil l '' do pM Americin r.xpre Amer. Hlile Lunr pio '" " Amfr. Ire Smur tin i rv Vork Money Market. NEW YORK. March ltV-MONEY-On cell, higher at ftiit per cent; ruling rate, o1 per cent; closing bid. 6 per cent; offered at 64j per cent; time loans, steady; sixty and ninety, days, Maf per cent; six months. 6 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 67it per cent. 8TER1.1NU EXCHANGE Strong, closing easier, with sctual business In bankers' bllU it 14.81114 IW") for demand and at 4 ii.i 4.S275 for sixty-day bills; posted rates, 84 ..".H 4.83V and f4.8fi(&4.87; t4teS4i4.MV. SILVER Bar, who: 49 p. BONDS Government. steady. Clt sing quotatlona on as follows: ...l"VJirn 4n. clfa... ...intVtl 1o 24 win' do U rtf ...I'M L A N. nl. 4(.. ...t'U.Manhat. t sold 4s . , . Hrx. I'entrml 4a ...laiYai d MI Inn ...nnillnn. A St. L. 794 'M., K. T. 4a commercial bill. 'Mexican dollars, strong; railroad, bonds today wer HAGOINO ViC. HEMP TWINE! 8V4c.j PROVISIONS Pork, higher; jooning, tl6.50. Lard, higher; prime steam, f7.o0. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed, extra shorts, 88.50; clear ribs, fn.B-'Vi; short clears, 8S.75. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra shorts, 89.25; clear ribs. 89.37V4: short clears. S.60. POULTRY Quiet; chickens, 10c; springs, 12c: turkeys. 16c: ducks. 13c: geese. 7V4c. BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 305128c; dairy, 18&2C. Euus i-iigner,, case count. Receipts. Flour, bbl 6,000 Wheat, bu 32,000 Corn, bu 23,000 Oat, bu ..' 76.000 L Shipments. 8,000 54.000 30,000 - ' 111,001) Minneapolis Grain Market. (Superior Board of Trade quotations for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The range of prices, a furnished by F. D. Day 4k Co., uu-111 ooara ot T rade Duuamg, was Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y, W heat 1 I . May... 7tVff78V4 7H T5 I 764 July... 78f 78V4 78?. 78 78H T7'4 Sept... 77V4 TT 77Vi 1 V n May... 1 18V4 , 1 1 1 1 1 16V) 116ft July... 1 18 1 18Vi( 1 18 1 18S4 1 UV Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. hard, Tti'tc; No. 1 northern and to arrive, 7Hc: No. 2 northern, 74e; No. t northern, 72V44i73Vc: No. 1 durum. 70c: No. t durum, 8c. Corn: No. t yellow, 87c; No. 8, , Oats: No. I white, Z8Vc; No. 8, aio. tinr ley: StiVfafic. Rye: 62Vi(gai.c. Flax Cash, 81.133; May 81.15. Kansas City Grain nnd Provision. KANSAS CITY. March 15. WHEAT Higher: May. 72V4c; July. 70c; September, Wc: cash. No. z hard. 76iia79o: No, T3(i'77c; No. 2 red, SftUlc; No. , 8iKii90c. Re ceipts. 24 cars. CORN Hlaher: May. S9o: July. SSNc cash. No. 2 mixed. 4flitj41V4c; No. 2 while, 41Vc: No. . 41c. OATS Steartv! No. Z white. SlUi.T'e HAY 8trong; choice timothy. tli.25i311.S0 choice prairie, xg.b0ntl.76. K Y K steady. Ib.76. EGGS Higher: Missouri and Kansas new No. 2, whltewood case Included, 13c; case count, 12c; case returned, Vic lower, BUTTER Weak: creamery, -'w:; packing. Receipt, 24,0110 .12,000 11.000 Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. . Oats, bu. . , Shipments, 44,000 26.6I0 23,000 Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Ye'jr. Wheat I I May 77V 1 T7 774fr 77 July 77V441H 78 VT!:t 7T4 Sept. TlWTnWZ 71H Tl TTvJ Corn May 43H 43S 43H43HV 43 July 43S'h 7 434g43V5 43V1 Sept. 44 44 44 44 Vt 4314 Oats May 29.tTVi13(f?30 H 2i)V4?H July 29 28V& 217 2 Sept. 28V iS 28i 284 271 Pork May IS STVt 15 85 16 60 15 tV-i 16 70 July 15 60 15 77V4 U 62V 15 77V 15 66 Lard May 7 80 T87V4 780 Ts7V7tO July T 0:V 7 7V 7 90 7 9TV 7 9H Sept 8 10 S 02V Ribs May 80 8 42V, 8 30 8 40 f 82V July t lo 145 8 36 8 42Vta7V Mllwankee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. March 15. WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern, 78jT9c: No. 2 northern. 749T(c: May, 77tfi TTTtc, asked. RYE Steady; No. 1, &!4j6l'Vc. BARLEY Dull; No. 2. 64ijo5c: aamDle, WtllC. CORN-Hlgher: No. S cash. 41QH1V.C May, 43Vc, asked. Philadelphia Prod nee Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 15. BUTTER- Steady: extra western creamery, iSc western creamery. 4e hlaher. CH EESE-Steady; New York full creams 12"i(hl40. I . U VI . n.aPku 1 i. I U . I III , licmujr, 7 lllaliri , iival UJF iresn ana western rrean, ioc at mara. No. 1 Cash quotatlona were follow: FliOl'R Dull and easy; winter patents. 83 90; winter straight, 83 Sh-hJ.70; spring patents. 8.1 Wi S 0; spring straights, 83.5 !.t: Daaers, .y jui, WHEAT No. 8 eprlnsr, 76Vi679c; No. t 72 !7Se; Mo. rea, i-''i'ic. CORN No. 8, 4IVna4i;c; No. t yellow. 42c. OATS No. 3. Wuci .M.o. 8 white, 8a83Jc jso. I wrnte, a-"(iio. RYE-No. 2. 40c. BARLEY Good feeding, 37C37V; fair to choice malting, a- SEED No. 1 flax. tl OTV; No. 1 northwest- ern. 81 13'; prime timothy, 83.17V; clover, contract grade. 813 06. PROVISJONS-Mess pork, per bbl., 815.70 tjut.7a. iro, per iu ins.. ii.7vv. snort rlt sides (looael. X'8.35. Short clear side (boxed), wnii.i, Receipt and shipments of grain and flour were a follow; Keceipts. ttmpments. Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA, March 16.-CORN-Hlgher: No. t yellow, 41 Vie; No. 3. 41Vo; No. 4, 4Hc; no grade, t'fic. OATS rirm ana nigner; iso. I whit. Zc; ino. t wnite, i"c. WHISKY On th basis ot 81.28 for nn Ished goods. Baarar nnd Molaue. NEW YORK. March 15. -SUGAR Raw, strong; fair refining. c; centrifugal, 96 tost 8VraS 17-32c; molaase augax, Zc. Refined firm: crushed, 5.3uc; powdered, 4.70c; granu lated. 4.o. NEW ORLEANS, March 15. SUGAR Firm; open kettle centrifugal, iK'Ui -lte centrifugal white. 8ijj4c; yellows, 3H 113-lGc: seconds. W'T-4,0 MOLAS8KS Nominal; open kettle, 17 80c: centrifugal. 7iu2oc. SYRUP Nominal. 2u4j30c. bbls bbls Lima run Flour, bbl H.TnO Wheat, bu 18.0i Corn', bu 130 i fiats, bu 14.'.) Rye, bu 1.s I-iarley. bu 4S.wj0 On the Produce exchange tuday the but ter market was steady; creameries. 16i26Vc 'dairies, lii'.-3 Eggs, steady at mark; case included, 13Vc; firsts. 13VaC; prime first, iic; extras, 10c. 1 neese, sieaoy, 11m lie. 30,700 36.800 3K4 MO 149.0 l.G tl.luO Oils and Rails. OIL CITY, Pa., March 15,-On-Credit balances, till; shipments, 6S.288 average, 63.9i6 bbls.; runs. 84.434 average, 60.217 bbls; shipments. 85 bbl.; average, H.ti74 bbl. ; 44.514 bbls ; average. 36,760 bbls. SAVANNAH. G.., March IJ.-OIL-Tur pentine firm, Wc. rti ioi.i r irni ; bmh", 0.1s dois. wuote: B. O. D, E and F, 84. 00; O, 84 10; H. 84 20; 1. 84.66; K. 85 30; M. 8i.45; N. Wl 86.10; WW, t6 20. V. . ret. U, rg do coupon V. B. la. re do cntlDoo t. 8. old 4. rt. do coudoii .... V. S. nw 4a, reg do coupon Am. Tob. 4a...... do (a lit do ! Atihlaon xan. 4a 14 N. H ot do adj. 4a Atlantic C. L 4a... B. 4k O. 4a do mi Bra. R. T. ct. 4a.. t'tntral of Qa. (a., do 1st inc do Id tne do td Inc........ Chiia. A Ohio 4Hi Chicaao A A. IWa C. D. 4k Q. n. 4a. C, R. I. A a. col. . i'i . .l'S'a it.. Mm. m N. Y. r. gun. 104i 'No. PaclBc 4i .. M ..114 .. T t:cc. A St. u . Colo, Ind. fia, sr, do aer. B Colo. Mid. 4a Colo. A Bo. 4s.. Cuba 5a D. A R. O 4a.. niatlllara' Sec, do 3a N. A Wnt. r. 4a... Ora. 8. U rf. 4a... Penn. ct. sUa tH''Rradlns gan. 4a .. K5 jfl. L. A 1 M. r. aa ..IMmst. U A " F. tg. 4 .. WHSt. L. R. W. Con 4a. ..IM Raahnard A. L. 4a... Si Xll So PacISc 4.10fi. do In 4 rtfa A. 7 IRouthern Br la .... 7H'raa A raclflr la.. .... 7i'T.. Rt. L. A W. 4a 4 lUnlon Pacldo 4a.... .,..104 I do ct. 4a W4:C. 8. Rtrwl Id 5a la.. fHhah 1 Erie prior lien 4a....lMV. do deb. R. do sen. ta 2 ratera Ma. 4s... Hock. Val. 4Vs 109 lW. A L. K. 4f. Japan 4a iraii Wli Cautrll 4a.. do id scries 1001.1 Oltared. 24 94 1,1 c. ta M 8Ha.. US M....l I'M 7V I.i3 inn ikih U'4 lV hi' 90 9.1 JSH 11V4 12J 3'4 . .1IH14 ..1MH4 .. ..111 .. "I4i .. K?H .. tov, New York Mining: Stock. NEW YORK. March 15 Closing quota- stocks were: tlons on mining Adam Con A lie breara Btunnwlrk Con Comatock Tunnal , (nn. ( si. A Va... Horn Rllvar Iron Stiver IjMdrtlla Con...... .. X ..370 .. '. .. it .. Hi ,.14l . M .. Little Chief ... Ontario Onhlr tnornlx Pntoal savago ciarra Nevada Small Hopea .. Standard .. . .115 . ;s . u . an . 4 .3ZZ OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Steers, Cowi and Heifers Reasonable Actlre and Steady. HOGS ARE FIVE TO TEN CENTS LOWER Receipts nf Sheep Continue Liberal, with Trade Dnll nnd Insntla. factory and Tendency of , Vnlae Lower. SOrTH OMAHA. March 15. 1W6. Cat i le. Hogs Bheei,. ,. 8.t63 J, 711 18,070 , . ft.. IHI b IWt IA. II .. 6.0014 8.070 Ml 4 .. 3.S0 .! f.000 ..1S.SS' lli.JM 42.3.'-4 . .16.IM ..17...J6 82.407 3K.O.I4 3S.7K1 S4.97S i'7.431 84.870 27,4iSt 29,153 107 101 l0H 124H 27014 mt 14'2 7 SS l!l 159 114 138 '4 Ml" 93i4 102 4 10 nn 17 MS 1V4 M' iOTi 224 i 174j 14 100 MS U 70S 4 1M) 17S M 204 444. 97 MS 42i 17S 149S llfiS 171 S M sis IMS 15S U4S 24S 711 IMS 823S ' 17SS 14 , 100 4344. 82S 70S 49 145 17S M M6S 44 97 i- 42 S 77 S 149 " lt5S 170S ii'si it" 1S 4i 149" 159 lis" 74t 160S Amur. Llnaeed Oil do pfd Amcr. Locomotive l. do pfd Amer. Smelting Kef 19.0TO do ptd Amer. Sugar Rennlng....:. 7W Amcr. Tobacco pra ctra Anaionda Mining Co 19,500 Althlaon 6. 90 do pfd Atlantic Coart bine l.0 1)1 HI more A Ohio 1I0 do old i'i trooklyn Rapid Tranilt.... S5,ooo Caiiaillali Pacltlc 900 rniral of Nw Jcraey .... Chcaapeake A Ohio 400 57 hlcago tt Alton do td f lilcago (Jreat Weatern....,; . too Chicago & Northwestern... 7 C, M. Bt. raui Chicago Terminal A Trai.a. 100 do ptd C, C. C. A St. Louie.... 1 Colorado Fuel and iron.... a.tov Colorado A Southern I"0 do let ptd I"-' do d ptd ; in onaolldatcd Uaa 41.400 Corn Products 1i do ptd i" Delaware A Hudnon too Ial., Lack. A Western Denver A Rio (Irande ' 1W) do pld i' niBtlllera' Securities 1.700 Erie . do let pfd wo do 2d pfd Oeneral Electrlo WO Hoiking Valley 1 Illluole Central 200 Inter. Paper do ptd u Inter. Pumn do Pfd 1' Iowa Central . 100 do pfd Kanaaa City Southern 200 29 do pfd Loulavlll A Nnhville 1T.300 Manhattan L !H Met. Herurttlea Met. Street Hallway l.WK) Mexican Central 2,900 Minn. A Bt. Louie 2KI M.. St. P. A Saull Sta. M. 100 do pfd Miarourl Peclftc 7.900 964, 94 Miaeourl Kansaa A eaa do pfd 70 National Lead 9.300 National R. H of Mel., pfd .... New York Central New York, (int.' A ' Weetern "0 Norfolk A Weatern ino do pfd awi North American 100 Pacific Mall , .... Tcnneylvanla a.. B.bOO people' e Gaa 14.9U0 Pitta., c. I . tr Bt. jxuia Prebeed Steel Car 1,000 do pfd v 1W Pullman Filaie Car. Heading do 1M pfd ,. do 2d pfd Keimlillc Steal too do pfd SO0 Ho. k Ieland Co 4.200 do pfd 41 St. L. A S. F. 2d ptd 100 St. L. South weatern do pfd !) Southern Pad do 1.400 do pfd Southern Hallway 19,400 do pfd to Teuneeee Coal and Irnu.... 600 Teiaa A Pacldc 700 Toledo. 8t. L. A West Ino do pfd loo I'nlun Paclllc aVtOO do pfd U. 8. Rxpreaa I'. 8. Really 4 U. 8. RuDber 1.900 do pfd im 0. B. Sloel 14 Mo do pfd 7.(xi Va.-Caro. Chemical 1,900 do pfd Wauaeh VH do pfd 1.100 tVelle-Fargo Kiorrw U eattnghouae Electric Weatern I'nlou 109 3S MS Wheeling A Lake Erlt. U laconetu Central do pfd Nurthera Panflc 9,5flO Central Leather two do pfd 400 SloM-Shefflelil 500 Kt-dlTldend. , Total ealea for the day, 525.400 there. 71 S 82S 147" 50S 97S 91 99S 18" S m" 9 s 91 144 " MS 7S 91 . 99S 1:17S 94 S 62 S 98 47,300 128S 1-S 2S 101 S 2 S 84 S 4oS 5544 MS 41 S lulS is S4S 3d 54S 153 W . M MS 111 "S 10fS 5S MS US tits 44S 104 S 93 29S lla'S !S 45 S 5Si 44 4iis 101s 160 J4 98 84S 152S 4 S 53 lis 40S lor.s 114. 50S tlTS 44S 104 it 26 33 S 4S ilS 46 S 69 1IS 159 S 124 138S 103 28S 93 S lui 161) Kj 109 94 till 166S 56S 30 75 CI 175S 11 W 98 44 at' 70 4S 140 17S t06S 448 44 S3 77 S 87 18 1US 171 S 32S 81 II 57 29 150S Ibli 71 S 113S 34S iws 170 94 S4 71 81 13 146S OO 87 91 99 41 ins 94 62', 98 27 S lt-S 89 9T 29S 101 4S 23 S 1I7S 40S 101 S leo S34 36 64 S 152S 9SS 114 84 CS 111 411 10.iS 62S 115 22S US 21 161 9 19S 56S ins 44 104 u Bank of England Statement. LONDON, MHrch 15. The weekly state ment of the Hank of Knglanrl shows the following changes: Totul reserve. Increase, 81iM00; circulation, decrease, 3t,J0; liul lion. Increase, 444,748; other securities, In crease, 4ts.O0O; otlier aeposlts, decrease, 72b,0uO; public demislts. Increase, l.,li,- 000; notes reserve. Increase, 777,000; gov ernment securities, decrease, 2ii6,O0O. The proportion of the bank s reserve to lia bility this week Is 47.66 per cent, as com pared with 46.914 last week. Bank Clearings. OMAHA, March 1G. Bank clearings for today were $1,633,140.68 ana for the corre sponding date last year fl.481,255.o3. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trad und Quotation on Staple and Fancy Produce. EGGS Receipts liberal; Ireyh slock, caa9 count, 13c. live kjulthi-liens, sftc; oia roost ers, be; turkeys, 1st:; ducks, lie; young roosters, iei)c; geese, sc. DKKSSED I'OL'jjTHY Turkeys, lSSlKo; old toins, 15'ij. ltio ; chicken, luyllu, old roosters, 7c; ducks, 113c: geese, 10c. jBUTTEK fackltig stock, 13c; ciiolci to fancy dairy, 18(al9c; creamery, UiaiiiVio. iiAX Prices quoted by umana reiii com pany: No. 1 upland, fti.Oo; medium., K.50; coarse, M.Wxjj 00. Rye straw, 6.W. BUAW fer ton. Ilti.60. TROPICAL. FRUITS. DATES Per box of 80 1-lb. Dkas.. t:.00: Hallowe'en, in 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c; Bay ers, per lb., 4c; walnut stuffed, 1-lb. pkg V2.II0 per doz.; 8-lb. boxes, fl.OO. ORANGES California, extra fancy Red- land navels, all si sea. fancy navels. 13.36: choice, all laes, 13.6. LtjiiMONa Lilmoniers. extr. fancy. Z40- ixe. $;t.50; 300 to 300 sites, 14.00. FIGS California. ter,,lo-lb. carton. TMi 8fic: Imported dmyrnu tbree-crown, lie; lx-ciown, 13c. BANANAS-Fer medium lzed bunch, tl 76 Ui.'ib; Jumboe, e.UHii3.yu. TANGERINES California, per box of about 12i, $3.00. liKAlrrj J? R u IT Florida, ner box. IT.0043 7.50; California, per box, (4.0O((i4.5O. FRUlTel. PEARS Winter Nellls and Mount Vernon. 12.50. sl-PLES-Calirornka Newton. PIdd n and Baldwin, $2.00 per bu. box; Ben Da via, $1.75 per bu. box: Winesaps. $2.50 per bu. box: other varieties, $2.00a!.6v per bu.; New York apples, Baldwin and Russets, $6 00 per bbl. GRAPE! imported Malagas, t5.tXX04i.GO. OLD VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home grown, per bu.. 6CK3 60c; South Dakota-, per bu... 75c NAVY BEANS Fer du.. $1.00. LIMA BEANS Per lb., 640. CABBAGE California, itu per lb.; 'Wis consin, in crate, per lb., Ic. CARROTS. PARSNIPS AND TURNIPS Per bu., btc. CELERi California, $1 per do. 8WEET POTATOES Kansas, per 2-bu, bbls., $2.00. NEW VEUETABLEH. TOMATOES Florida, per ctai of SO lba. net. $6. WAX beans per Hamper of about $0 lb, ns:, I. ONIONS iriome grown, yellow and red. per bu.. boo; Spanish, per crate, $2.00; Colo rado, red end yellow, per bu., $1.00. STRING beans-.rer namper of about n I ha net. S3.00dm.00. GREEN peppers norma, per namper of auuut 10 do., 44. oO. TURNIPB. BEEltS AINU CARROTS Louisiana, per do, bunches, 75c. SliALLOTTS Louisiana, per dog. buncnes, 7ac. HEAD LETTUCE Iouislana, per bbl., $1Xuuiu1d.00: per doz. bead. 41.752.U0. LEAF LETT'JCE Hothouse, per dos. beads, 50c. ClJCUamnKB nuuiuueo, per ooi., ii.ts. RAD1SUEO ucuioumi, pur uox. Dunehes. ltecelut Official Monday Oluriul 'IU'-.Miav Otllcal Weilne.iilav.... Ottlilal Thursday , Four days this week Same d;iys lact week Same two weeks ago haine three weeks'J.'l Same four weeks ago. .lti.tMl Same days last year 14.S45 The following shown the rereitjta uf rut. tie, hogs and sheep at Botith Omaha for tho year to data compared with last year: lf. 11R. Inc. Cattle 2111, .!9 KI.7W 42.131 H"g &:i.U2 fVm,905 4t. 117 Sheep 843. Urtl S3S.41H 6,442 WEDNESDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following snows tne number of cars of stockers and leeders snipped to tne country yesterday and their point of desti nation : Cattle Cars. L. CiiHsIck, Creston, la. Q 2 O. Kruse, West Side, la.-N. W 2 O. C. Pennurk, West Blanch, la. R. I.. 1 John Hath, Auburn, Neb. M. P 2 A. Beeman, Tekamah, Neb. M. & O.... 1 A. K. Maix. In wood, la. Mil 1 J. W. Boats. Hansell. Neb. G. W 1 Uibb A c, Bloomtield. Neb. M. & O.... J S. Rollter, Stanton, Neb. F. E 1 M. F. Rathburn. Kingsley, Ia.-N. W.... 2 Wray Bros., Creston, la. Q S Charle Clausen. Mcl'hersnn. In.. Q 2 CATTLE 'JUOTATiONS. The following will show th price paid for the d.fterent klnas ot osttie cu in South Omaha mark .. Good to choice corn-fed steers.... $5. 00gi 90 Fair to choice corn-fed steer 4.7bfu6.0o Common to fair corn-led steer. ... 4.0twj4.7fi Good to choice cows and heifers... 3.604(4.50 Fair to good cows and heifers...... f.iA'tjJ.w) Canners and cutters i.tJ.J Gooil to choice stockers and feeders 4.0ixij4.i0 Fair to good stockers and feeder.. I 4txff4.00 loramon to lair stockers Buns, stags, etc, ..W8 ..140 .. 4t .. tie ., 1W .. 180 .. 271 .. I M I 1 90 I a o i . . . CAIAES. 4 00 4 8n 4 5 4 J Ml 4 25 4 (0 1. .1IX . 0 . 190 . If . It" . 11 . 110 .. Ill t0 4 40 4 to 4 in 5 90 4 t 4 90 4 W 4 oo 4 a 4 411 IT. ' 1 17. I. 1 810 I it.' 1 to 1 455 HOG8 The this morning. STEERS ANU HEIFEIIS 94! 4 25 tl 978 4 5 STAGS. 8o 1 no I 4 X . . . 1T e8 STOCKERS AND FF.EDEHS. 690 1 18 1 4IU 4 r? t 50 i 944 4 81 1 75 90 livn 4 80 4 f! 1 74S 4 SJ 4 2! receipts of hog were llht only eighty nine cars being repotted In as against 141 on the same dity last week and 16ii two weeks ago. It lotik very much ns If the break In the msrket was hnving Its effect In the way of load ing shipper to hold back supplle The continuous fall of snow mav also have had something to do with the lltrht run. The market opened rather slow this morn ing, hut finally settled down to a bisls upon .which the nnst of the rmsr ehtnoed hands In reasonable seisnn. This hosla was shout 10c lower than yesterJay nnni. Ing, BtJlOe lower than J-e,terdy's generii) market, or about on a par with tne e. treme close of yesterday. As will be noted from the sales below the hns "'Id very largely at t, OivfTs.Oti, n ngnlnst W.lMi 1-' yesterday. .After all the pounrllna' that the market has undergone this week It Is only annul He lower than it was at tho close of last week and a strong So lower than on Inst Thuvsday. However, It is a. strong ITHe lower than the high time Monday of Inst week. Representative sales rt 50; rows, hulls atid mixed, $2 77-1! 4 SO: stockers and (centers, U.((14.; calves ami yearlings. IMmiflii. Hutls-'Receipis, 2,en0 head; market Ino Inwr. filing at $5 ftiig.10; bulk of sales, $0i 9j. Hoiles glnrk nnd Honda. B08TON, March 15. -Call loans. 5V'1 t'f cent;, time loans. 44tfci er cent, tifflcial quotations on stocks and bonds were: Good veal calve.. RANGE Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Louis .... Bioux City ., 1 ho following OF PRICES. Cattle. , ttrXuAiS , 1.6nu4i.40 2.i:,vwi.ui i.xxut.t) 2.754ii,5t table show f.75'(i3.40 150)4.00 .iKXd8.ati Hogs. $6.0iK(j!i.0 $.7hti4l.27H 5.4lnt.i.l7Va 5.K(i4i.30 S.HU'S.IO the average price of hogs at South Omana fur the last several days, with comparisons: No. A. ti. Pr. Na At. Sh. Tf. 82 ..141 J80 4(1 48 218 40 45 184 120 4 90 71 314 ... ( I'J'i 84 IM ... I 97 S 90 118 90 8 02S 40 207 ... 4 04 79 110 81 I Ot'l Ml IJ ... 4 09 49 HO 40 4 02S 43 196 ... 4 00 44 219 ... 4 OfS 88 194 ... 4 SO 24 118 ... 4 0?S II Jut ... 4 00 It 248 ... tutS 88 lit 40 4 00 74 1:14 40 1 0S 75 Sflt 80 4 W 41 r4 80 4 : 75 199 80 4 00 90 117 49 4 0b 75 117 ... 4 CK tl 27 ... 4 OS 41 206 ... 4 00 47 iT ... 4 Or. 94 198 90 4 All 75 287 40 4 OS 41 too SO 4 00 'it 184 90 4 00 48 219 ... 4 011 19 ir.4 40 4 OS M 218 ... 4 ( 84 ISO 40 4 . IS 204 ... 4 04 84 :5r, ... 114 80 170 ... 4 00 19 M8 ... 8 08 tl 120 90 00 1 871 80 4 05 47 214 40 4 00 4........t44 ... 4 08 57 210 ltfl 4 04 70 273 40 4 04 75 146 110 4 00 90 2 ... 4 0 91 9110 90 4 M 79 218 84 4 95 42 Ill ... 4 00 72 1 10 4 08 144 IN 1 00 97 144 M Iff 41 210 ... 4 0JS II 2tl 90 4 05 48 100 44 4 01 S 51 24 44 I 04 44 til ... 4 OSS i 1" 4 114 71. ...... .tit 80 4 02S 14 22 ... I Tl tt 180 4 01S 70 1.11 ... 4 05 78 Ill 40 4 02 S 4'. M 40 4 08 78 211 ... I VIS 90 287 ... 4 7S 88 127 ... 4 (I2S 84 270 44 4 07S 81 275 120 4 OSS 40 t',4 ... 4 47S 72 211 ... 4 MS 19 !84 ... 8 071, 78 214 , ... 4 021, 44 Hi ... 4 19 oo tn tot 4 (is 8i ri no 419 78 Kit . . 4 02S 54 887 40 4 10 88 Ill ... 02S 44 'ii.l ... 4 10 S4 211 ... I Oi'S 80 244 ... 4 10 47 ,.180 ... 4 MS 49 .133 40 4 10 85 206 ... 4 42S Data. 1906. 106. 1804. 1903.1902. 1901. 1900. Mch. Men. Mch. Mch. Men. lUoh. Men. Mch. Mcll. Mch Mch Mch. Mch. Mch. Mch. 1...I U'OS i. ... 4 .. 5... 6... 7... 8... ... 10.. 11.. 12.. 13.. 14 6 !i4sj 11 4 e0 ft 131 22 4 Ml 4 69 4 W, A Ml 6 i b 221 4 ti 4 lie 4 761 I 1Z 1 031 1 4 'jf 4 70 4 ell 4 04 I 02 If 6 0.1 5 SIVil I 6 07 1 ll 041 4 71 6 20 4 & I 7 041 S 24) 71 ti 12V9I 4 bi & 13 0 Idi ti 1U 5 15, 4 71 t 09Vfcl i Sol t 20 641 6 11 4 72 I V 12'AI f 0 J I 10 b 10 1 t 14 ,1 15.. ... b 11 6 6 U S ll'i 4 Sol 5 11; 7 26i tf 14, 6 26 1 SO! tl 111 I 2 B 041 tl H41 5 15 7 31 5 181 4 80 7 24 1 6 00 4 till 5 143 U 5 16 4 i3 . 4 1 5 2u 4 78 4 7K 4 7o I 6 22 fc 26i 4 79 Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. 8 lie p. H'r's. u., M. & St. p is Wabash Missouri Pacific 1 Union Paclllc uystem. 32 C. & N. W., east 3 C. & N. W., west.... 43 C, St. P., M. & O.... 'St C, B. & Q., east C, B. & Q., west 47 C, R. I. & P., east.... i C, R. I. & P., west.... 1 Illinois Central 3 Chicago G. W 1 Total receipts ,.100 The disposition of the day's receipt was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated; - i Cattle i .. i 1 3 .. 15 ia a a .. i 4SI 6 11 2 3 2.. 7 5 2 3 1 o i " V " 80 "35 7 Omaha Packing Co 315 Swift and Company 1.145 Cudahy Packing Co 1,202 Armour & Co , us Swift. St. Joseph.- Vansant & Co.. 7 Lobman tt Co 121 Hill & Son 142 Hamilton A Rothschild. 13 L. F. Huss 14 Mike H agger ty 30 Sol Degan 4 J. B Hoot & Co 11 Union Dressed Beef Co. 18 Other buyer 186 Hogs. Sheep. 1,M2 1,646 1.7M 1.742 530 HOB 1.640 l,ti6 2,804 7,215 1,168 8,374 London Biork Market. LONDON, March 15. Closing quotation on "e (iiook nrnni were: f Jvcrnool . tirala Market. LIVERPOOL. Msrch 15.-WHEAT-Spot, nominal; iuiures, nrm; juarcn, Hsa; May, larnn: juiy. a osa. CORN Sptit, American mixed, new, firm. 4 Id; American mixed old. Quiet, a 7d. r u- turea, quiet; March. 4 Hd; May, 4 ld. Dolatlt Grnln Market. D17LUTH. March 16 WHEAT - No. 1 northern. 7sc; No. S northern. T4se: nn track. No, 1 northern, 7'.t, No. i uorth- toffee Market. NEW YORK, March 16.-4OFFEE Mar ket fur future opened steady at a decline of fcljlO points in reaiHinse to lower cable, liquidation and a little selling for European account. The market was finally steady net unchanged to 5 points lower. Sale were reported of 41.70 bags. Including: Muy, .7iu.75c; July. ti:K'; 8-pteinhcr, 7 (6 4i7 ltic; Ieceniter, 7.304j7.4nr; February, 7.4o U7.(Vuc. Spot Rio. quiet; No. 7 Invoiua, 8sc . Krauorateel Apple. NEW YORK. March 15. EVAPORATED APPLES Mai get khoa rather an easier tone, owing to offerings of Indifferent fruit, but attractive grade are still firmly ht-M. Common to fair are Quoted at ?'nsc; fair to good tin I at tw'c. nearly to . atrict rrlme at tej9Vic. cIioIl at lvc; fane at iUt. Connie, money., do ai-eount ... Anacoaila Atchleon do lid B A Ohio Cf radian Pacific . rhs. A Orio ( hictsri Ot. Weet. C. M. tt St. P.. rBeere ..." D. A R. Q aa pfd Kile do let pfd do 2d pfd Illlnola Central . . L. A N U . K. A T .90 t-18 K. Y f'antral 152 .. 9iS Norfolk A W 90 .. ISSI do Ifd 94 9S f'Ht. A Waaler 6Hi . . . 1 iei irenneylTanla ...1' Hand Mlnee ... ...175StKadln , ... M do lat pfd .. . ... 21S do 2d pfd .1H So Railway ..'. ..US do ptd . 44'i Pe.lflc . WIS t'nlon Paclfre .. . 4.1 do pfd . .. . 90 1'. . Sleel ... . 70 I do pfd .175. Wabaah , li4 do rfd .. Ul BDanleh 4e SILVER Bar, steady. 29d per ounce. mi i. r. x 3't'n per cent. The rate or discount in the open market for short bills is S per cent; for three months bins, iVi per rent. Treaemrr Statement. WASHINGTON, March ll-Today s state ment tne ireaxury naiances in the gen eral luno exclusive or tne ian,i8) ii gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance. I!ii3 gold coin and bullion, $77,74,816; gold certincates. 446.137.400. .. 4i .. 4IS ..mis .. (is ..167'. .. 9S .. 41 ..HP" .. 14 53 S Bank of France Statement. PARIS. Marrh 18. The weekly state ment of the Bank of Franco shows the following change: Notes in circulation rlecrekw, T T.'4 franc: treasury deDnslt. treaue, 9 175,000 fram.; ati.e raj depoaiui, j Vail pjMliOC. r, i ; -.ijtjrw'ixf j-f4othniiMft. ner lh iirjf,TK BKKF CUTS. No. 1 rlbi"l3c; No, i rios, 11c; No. 8 rib. 8c, No. 1 loin, lbu; No. 2 loin, Lie. No. 3 loin, ioc, no. i cnuca.. wc, o. t chuck, c; Nu I chuck. t;c; No. ,1 round. 7it; No. i round, 7c; No. 2 round, 6'u; No. 1 plate, 4c; No. X plate No. 3 plate. 3c . . , MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per keg. $3.75; per bbl., $6.76. HuNtiY Nw, per 24 lbs., $ . CHfcJiSiC tswuia. - new, jbcj Wisconsin brick, loc; Wucousin llmberger, lie; twin. lac; young American, liVC. INITIO waiuu., e mvi aneua, new crop, per lb., ls'sc; bard uells, pur lb., Uc. Pecans, laige, per lb. 4c; small, per lb., Uc. Peanut, per lb., tic; roaaied. per lb., c Chill walnut, per lu.. 12uc. Aimoud. oft neils, per id., 17c; paid , auell, per lb., luu- Cocoaauu. 4.2a per acH of 100. i FRESH FISH-Trout. 11c: halibut, 10c; I pickerel, dresaed, 7c; white bajia, lie; sun- j lien, b5c, pert n. sainued and dreesed, kc; pike, luc, redjuiapper, 11c; aajinoa, lie; ciapple. SilKCi lsc; black bass, Zje; wbileuah. lru ,,.?' Uu- "; lobster, green, boned lobateia, i,c: bluensn. L; beVting, 4c; ouanisa macksiel, Ibc; haddock, ioc; atiriinp. l.CK,l.w pr allon; amelts, Uc; co-1, 12c. OYSThlKS Fiean staudajd, $1.40 per gaL: bell oyster. $Luor2.uu per luO, Utile Neck ciains, 41. BO P' l- bUGAK-Granulated can. 4n bbla, $5.06: gravnulated caue. Id sac, $a.Ul; granuiatea Peel, lu aack. 44-sL bklal'-"1 bairels, 4o per gal.; cases. ( 10-16. cans, $; chas, 11 a-lb. can. $2.0; tases. 24 iVi-ib. can. l.f4. COFl'LL Roasted: No. 36, ICo per lb. j No. a. 2uW) per 10.; No. 2a. U,o per lb.; No. 2u, luVic per lb.; No. 21, l2Hc per lb. FlA)L'R (wholcsalej Besi higti grade Ne braska, pur cwl., -, betit high giade patent MiniiBxoLa. per cwl., 42 3u; utiaigiu patent Nebraska, per cwl., $2; second patent j. "cu'bLo FISH-Fandly whlteflsh, per "A bbl., luO lbs.. $4.U); Norway niai.kerei, per bbl, iu lba., bloaters. $4u; No. 1, $; No. 1 j0; No. 3. lr",'i N'- . H7. lleirliig, In bbls.. -uo lba- eacu, Norway, 4k, $13; Nor way, Ik, $13; Holland, mixed, $11.). Hol land herring, in aega, luilaeia, auc; keg. "bROOMS-No. 1 carpet, $3.35; No. t car pel 2.4c; No. 3 plain, 43.35. CANNED GOODS Cum, standard west ern, Uiewc! liable, $1 2o. Tomatoes, 8-1 b. cans, 2-lb.. tiVc&$l- Pineapples, grated, 2-lb-. t.tMlf2.3u, bliced, $l.te,W2.2u; kaikon apple, fancy, $3-50. California aprl cuta, $1.4uu2.Xl; pears, $1.7D'u.u; peacnes, laiuy, $l.,b24u; H. C. peaches, $..uo.u. Aia.aa meiiiion, lti, $1.U; pin, kvu; laiiuy cliuiook, F., $2.1t; fancy aockeye, F; aaruinee, W-oll. $-.50; -mustarda, l-.vJ lu. baeel poiatoes, $l.lowl.2s; sauerkraut, 41; pumpkins, eocit, 1; wax beau, i-lt,., 7JU $vc; Lima bean. J-Id., 1tuXUi; tp.iui:ii, ll.Uji.uC, cheap pea, l-llt kuc; tiuo, xn', taucy, ll.Jt.til.7ti. HILKb, Pt-LTb AND TALI3W No. 1 greeu l.idta, l-c; No 2. SHic; No 1 balled, UWc No. ';. luSc; bull hide. e-'cnc; dry hides, HxaOc. Hone bides, large, $3.o0. tiaalL 12 aa. bbeeo pell, each. au"iill ia. Nu, L ifi, o. 3. 3V, CuUgii, liac Totals 3,915 CATTLhl There was a lair run of came this morning, loo cars being reported in, a against S& yesterday, 106 ono week ago and 162 two week ago. ' The steer market opened a little bit slow this morning, sellers us a rule feeling that they were entitled to a little stronger prices, while packer were not especially anxious to put on. Wheji the trade was nnn under wav it wu fairly active and might lie summed up as a good, steady market. In spots, where something Just happened to please the buyers, It looked a Utile strong. Cows and heifers seemed to be In very good demand and the trade wa reasonably active from start to finish, prices being generally steady to strong as compared with yesterday. The desirable kinds of both cow and heifer are now selling at very satisfactory price. Stockers and feeder did not show much change from yesterday. T.h best kind of cattle, having weight and quality, are as high as at any time. There Is also con siderably Inquiry for the lighter weights having quality. The common to medium kinds of light cattle are still slow and dull. Representative sales: BEEF STJSr.Ro. No. A. Pr. No. At. Pr. g 8h4 S 40 ' 4 1190 4 74 j' 1220 8 90 12 1101 4 90 l' 904 4 00 It 1280 4 90 (' i 798 4 CO 7 1090 4 40 760 4 00 ' 18 U 4 94 t" 785 4 10 18 1121 4 88 ,' 840 4 15 29 1141 4 85 8 two 4 16 1 14110 4 85 7 loii" 4 4i 42 1110 4 90 Ij' .. 10 II IW7 4 90 I .98 4 15 4 1177 4 94 1 1010 4 K It 1211 4 94 J! 748 4 40 90 1S04 4 98 18 9S1 4 44 1 114 00 t I IKS 4 40 17 1131 4 00 19 1081 4 44 40 1246 I 00 t 1180 4 40 19 1194 4 OO tl 1011 4 44 14 110 4 08 , ...11 4 40 10 1192 i 04 8 999 4 80 17 1231) 5 10 19 104 4 75 4 1181 I 10 18 1114 4 74 18 1171 4 10 9 lilt 4 74 14 1870 4 14 28 1010 4 90 48 1177 4 40 II 1234 4 90 17 1141 4 15 4 1204 4 74 18 1801 4 90 COW 8. 1 880 t 00 1 1044 8 44 1 , 1090 1 25 t 4S4 4 44 904 I 45 17 1035 I 44 1 8M I ti 1 900 4 75 1 fcl lU 4 1080 I 74 I 1090 I 40 t 1114 4 74 1 810 I 90 1 12U0 1 40 4,'5 I 75 Ht IM UliiO 1 00 1 1049 I 45 1 8i0 I 00 1 Vi'M I 74 1 819 I M II lull 70 J 780 S OO 4 1018 4 74 4 1015 1 00 t 1US4 I 70 812 t 40 4 844 4 90 8 90 t 00 14 Iuk2 I 90 1 80 t 00 4 toil I 80 1 1220 I 00 4 1080 I 40 J 90 00 1 1140 1 84 1 1190 I 10 10 1087 1 84 ; 1060 1 24 la 1235 I 90 720 t 23 7 PHI 1 90 t 770 1 15 1 12 3 90 I S080 I 25 1 1W 4 00 1 440 I U 1 1220 4 00 1 1180 4 24 9 1 4 0 1 e l"j 4 So 12 1" 4 05 1 121.2, 1 15 24 14 4 ot 1 11 HI 4 44 4 1104 4 14 4 1081 1 58 21 1194 4 1 1 9J I 40 1 1311 4 22 14 9i7 1 90 1 14WI 4 It 18 lli4 t 80 4 1190 4 14 14 954 1 ' t 1580 4 It HEIFEKS. 1 410 t no 7 141 4 44 II 757 I 14 84 4 du I 620 80 '.'4 luul 4 25 1 teo 4 Ou BULLS. 1 544 I 40 1 18UI I 8C J 4eo t 4u 1 14J0 8 48 1 84u 1 75 1C 44) I 88 1 Ml III 1 1710 I 84 1 710 1 81 1 11" I I 5i 1 1K6 I 90 1 IK I 70 1 1330 t 96 1 1870 1 74 1 1546 I Oo 1 1480 I 75 4 180 1 14 t 174 I 70 1 1171 I It I Uev I 48 1 loot I 14 1 1810 I 84 1 1470 t 16 1 1840 4 4T 1 1G80 1 ti 1 '60 4 90 14 474 I :i4 1 521 I 73 1 Mil 8 41 1 loUt I 84 1 Uu fail 884 4 14 1 7V 1 i ;t . H7 4 14 2 4 M I 84 8 aw 4 45 i 454 I M 1 44 4 44 Atikleoa edj. 48. do 4 M.. tehiral 4e M,rKon ae ft ,t BoKtoii A Allien?... boeton 48 ltall.e I.okioo evetid ... t it. nburi p.d .14. Bican leuiral ... .V .. N H H... P. re jdentuette t'nlon J'a-iflr am. Argv ftrm.cai. eu ftu Am. rntu. fan Am. Sugar .... o pld Am Tel A Tel.... Amer Woolen do f fd Pom. iroa "tel 9.1. eon'. a III Meea. Rierltic on Dfd Mane Mae I lilted Krult t uned Shoe Meitl.. do pld f. 8. sieel do pfd Weetllif. common.. r4Si Adventure ..... i". Alkiaee 8! t':maifemated 9. VAtner. Klilv- .... 1 ...'. Mle !!! 'r.lnshetn 1.9 liel. A llerla .. ill i vliteunial . . . 14 ('a 't'opper Henge . Il'e IHi tVeel JV .franklin Iihi (iranbv 15.1 Isle ri al Is iMaee. Mlaln ., ... i ; mii nieei ... tfltlUnhaVk ...Uj Old Immlnloa , ...Lie itM-eoia .. .l.';-e-l'arrot . . 48 -jVHlm'T ......... ...loa 'Shannon V'VTainarai'k ill iTrlaitr ......, tile tnned topper 89 V. 8. Mlnln ., t I'. iiii,.... I.'!, tea M Irlorla eiV Winona ' I"V Wolverine IMVNoMh butt .., 40 i .. It . .18 .10. 'j . 10 ,'. ,. .. lSe . )ie ,. 14, .. ls .. . ti i . .. P'i .. 7Vk .. 44', ..iOI . . a; . 91 .. 7V, ..104 .. 10t .. 481, .. 444, .i .. 4I . 4 .. 't ,.141 .. lift SHEEP The market this morning wns in about the same condition that It has been In all this week and there 1 very little to be added to what has already been aald In these columns regarding the trnde. Fuckers every day select out a few loads of sheep and lambs, such a they need to fill their orders and leave the rest. It goes without saying that they select the very beat and for these they pay prices that show little change from day to day. Thu $ 60 was paid this morn ing for the same lamb that brought $i.5 on Monday and Tuesday. Some of the best ewes sold up to $6 26, which was very little different from thu first of the week. At the same time It would hardly be correct to say that good to choice sheep and lambs are about steady because orders are limited to such an extent that stuff Just a giKid as that which old had hard work lo find a buyer. Medium to pretty decent kinds tn noin etieep ana iambs are very much neglected and with them it Is not no much a matter of price a of finding a buyer. While the tendency on the best kinds Is downward, the actual decline for the week Is not very heavy, but the medium or plain kinds are In many rases as much a 2StjT 40o lower than Monday. Quotations: Good to choice native Iambs, $R.86.S6; good to choice western lambs. 6.30t.60; fair to good lambs, $0.00$ $.30; cull lamb, $4 BojS.W; good to choice light year ling, $6.ti6tb.00; good to choice heavy year lings. $n.6h.(i0; fair to good heavy year lings, $5.4C6(. M good to cholo wethers, $6.SO6.8w; fair to good wethers. $ft Snfce.tSoi good to choice ewes, $4.75i8.30: fair to good ewe, $4.2694.75; cull sheep and buck. $3.00 64.00. , No. 8 ewe culls...,,,,' 86 cull ewe.... v 394 western ewes.s 11 weatern ewe , 818 western ewes 337 western ewe. 1147 western ewes. 60 western lambs. 10S western wether and year lings 878 western wether and year lings 122 western wether and year lings $74 weatern wether and year ling 1,146 western lamb 6 Mexican ewes $04 western wethers 1 western yearling 295 western yearling and weth er 143 western yearlings and weth ers 521 western lambs 103 western lamb 878 western lambs u. 251 Mexican lamb 143 .Mexican lambs 368 Mexican lamb Av. 76 80 100 92 108 108 108 71 Pr. 8 25 $ 83 4 60 4 80 i 36 6 5 i 3 5 M 92 t 74 93 I 75 5 76 6 75 0 40 5 00 6 6 6 76 Metal Market. NEW VOHK. March 15.-M KTAf J-Tha Iintlun tin market was somewhat reac tionary at spot, closing at litt 16s and fu tures at 16. The local market wa easy, with spot quoted at J3i4.4ii4j3rl.45. Copper was Irregular In Indnn. spot Iwlng is R l higher at AW 2s Kd, while future declined laid to 7zd. Locally no change waa reported, although there are continued rumors of large sale at full tirlees. Lake Is quoted at $IH.50U 18.76. Fleet rnlytKi at $18.25 fil8 60 nnd casting at $18.0n18.iS. lad was unchanged at $5.3M6.46 for spot In the local market, but advanced Is 3d to !. M In the London market. Bpelter was 2 ftd higher at 425 in London. Locally the mar- ' ket continued dull, with spot quoted at $il.2Ofit,30. Iron was lower in the Kngllsh markets, with standard English foundry quoted at 4d and Cleveland warrants at 4Hs 4d. Locally no change wa 8 .reported. No. I foundry northern Is quoted at $18.ft 19 35; No. 2 found! y northern, $17.73!il8.Ha; ' No. 1 foundry southern, fid 26&1.76; No. 2 foundry southern, $17.76iai8.2R. ST. 1iriS, Mrch lo.-METALS-Lad, easy, $6.27,,42. Spelter, lower, JS.1Q. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, March 15.-COTTON-8pot closed steady, 10 point higher; middling uplands. ll UGo; middling gulf, U tOo. Sale, t,048 hales. NEW ORLEANS, March 15.-COTTON-flpot rinsed steady. Bales, 4,400 bale. Ordi nary, 7Hc; good ordinary, 815-lAr; low mid dling, 9 13-lGc: middling, loHc; good mid dling, lie; middling fair, 11 He. Receipts, 4.Mu hales; stock, 22,402 hales. LIVKRPOOL, March 15.-COTTON-8pot In fair demand, prices 24 points lower; American middling fair, .2d; good mid dling, 56d; middling. G.78d; low middling, 5K2d; good ordinary, 5.44d: ordinary, t.2od. The sale of the day were 10.000 bales, of which l.ono were lor speculation and ex port, and Included 9.440 American. Re ceipts, 1,000 hales. Including am American. 8T. IX)UI8, March 15.-COTTON Market dull, 1-lKc lower; middling, 10 lS-lc. Sales none; receipt. 833 bales;' shipments, 300 bulns; stock, 44.518 bale. Wool Market. I ST. LOCI8, March 15.-VOOL-Markut steady; medium grades, combing and cloth ing. 24o '.(; light fine. 21ft26c; heavy fine, !8 fy2oc; iuh wa.thed, SitHOc. LONDON, March 15. wooiy I tie offer ing at the wool sales today amounted to 12.779 bales. Merinos were In good demand nnd were occasionally higher. Americans bought a few lots of fine-haired. Seconds were In good demand for the continent. Coarse grade were In good request for all sections. Following are the sales In detail: South Australia, l.lno bales; greasy, 8il'nl. West Australia. 1,100 bales: greasy, 8ltils Hd, Victoria. 8I bales; scoured, UHd Is 2d; greasy, 74J9d. New South Wales, 1,101) bale; scoured, 1 2Hd: greasy, fidfrls Sd. New Zealand, 4.000 bales; siwired, IHidittlH 6V4d; greasy, 44.dfls -Hd. Cap of Uond Hope and Natal, 6)1 bales; greasy, 84illd. Punta Arenas, 3,800 hales; scoured, 1 1V1 1 6d; greasy. kd$l 3d. , - . Foreign Financial, LONDON, March 15. Money wa scarcer ahd harder In the market today, owing to revenue collection. Dlscounta wer firmer. Price on the Stock exchange wer Irregu lar, owing lo dear money and uncertainty regarding the Moroccan situation. At tha clone stock were somewhat steadier. Con sols were depressed. Americans opened weak, but rallied somewhat on New Tor support. Illlnola Central waa the feature. Business was inactive, out price closed steady. Foreigner receded on pari Bell ing. Kaffir were weak on tne attitude f the government regarding the Chinese labor question and closed above toe worst quotations of the day. Japanese Imperial 6 of 1904 were quoted at 1W4. UKKLlN, March 15. I'riee in all depart ments on the Bourse hesitated, owing to realisations. American were weak. 97 71 91 118 100 108 5 Si 118 73 H 91 82 85 85 i 86 25 40 40 6 uO 6 NO 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKKT Cent Cattle Steady Hogs Fifteen Lower Sheep, SlrouaT. CHICAGO, March 15 CATTLE Receipt. 5.000 head; market steady; common to prime. $3.86041.40; cows, $:i.trfi4.ft0; heifers. 2. 7516.25; bulla. $2.6c"a-4.26; calve. $3.00 7.76; stockers and feeder, $'i.754.7t. HOGS Receipts, 14 CM head; market 16c lower; choice to prime heavy. $8.2(fr.2S; medium to good heavy, $0.15!o 20; butcher weight, $.207i.26; good to eholce heavy mixed. $nl6i20; packing, $5.FCjja20. SHEEP AND LA MB3-Receipts. 13.000 head; market strong; sheep. $4 264.16; yearling. $5.o0.40; lamb. $625& 6. 65. KniM City Live Stock Market. TtANSAet CITY. Mo.. March 15. CAT TLE Receipts. 3.000 head, Including 30 southerns; market steady to 10c higher choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.40 fitj.OO; fair to good. 84.264(5.30; southern steers, $3.7643.26; southern cows, $2.2o4H2!; native cows, $2.2SH 80; native heifers, $3.75 ti6 2V bulls, $3 01X86 26; calves, $3.0TK'a.76. HOGS Receipts, 7.000 head; market tVQlOe lower than yesterday; top, $6.20; bulk of sales, $6 0u3.16; heavy, $4.16.2n; packers, ts.omri4i.15: Diss and litthts. $6.00i.16. SHEEP AND LAM B8 Receipt, 8,000 head; market sheep steady; lambs weak to 10c lower; native lambs, $5.7&1j.S5; western lambs, $o.75a4i 85; ewe and year lings. $4.60j.90; western red t5.frKfr4l.00; western fed sheep, stockers and feeders, $3.&ft4.7t. St. l-oals Lira Stock Market BT. LOl'IB. Mo.. March 16. CATTLE Receipt. 2.0110 head, Including 700 head Texan; market steady to strong: nstlv ahlpping and export steer. $4 60ft 8.00 ; dressed beef and butcher steers. $3 251,6.71; steers under l.ouo pounds. $3.00?v4.10; stock ers and feeder. $2.264 60; cows and heif er. $2.20iii6. 00; canners. $1. 75132.46: bulls. $17Mj4.(i; calve. $3.264,7.26; Texas and In dian steers, $3.104.76; cow and heifers, 82 20ffi4.26. HOGS Receipt. 5 000 head; market 10 15c lower: nlc and ights. 16.4036.': pack ers. $s.90ijj6.20; butcher and host heavy, xti inniK an. SHEEP AND IAMl'8 Kccelnt. z.uou hfad; market stennv; native muttons, $4 00 f50: lmbs, $5.5tj.&5; culls and bucks, $4 2ri56.W. nt. Joseph Live lok Market. ST. JOSEPH. MO.. March 15 CATTLE -Recelnts. IM head: market steady: natives $4.1 'M'ifl 90; cows and her. $l.tfV4.tl5; Stackers and feeders. 43 II "1-4 SO. HOG 3 Receipt. 3,4 head; market 1GS 15c lower: Hht, $J.9V56.1U; medium and heavy. $6 004)15. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rceltt head; mwrket steady; lambs, $8 A3 lings, 00. yearlings, $4,2ijJu: REAL KSTATK TRANSFER!. Stoek In Wight. Peed filed for record March 15, aa fur. nished by the J. Fred Kerr company, bonded abstracter, 1008 New York Lite building: Julia K. Yeaton et al to John Soren- so. lot 7. block 208Vk Omaha t 4.000 J. L. Welse to V. Welse, half Interest In lot It), block I. Rurllngton Center . 1 Portsmouth Trust and Guaranty com- pany to A. K. Becker, part lots 12, ' . 13 and 14. block 10, Hanscom Plitce.. 1 Robert Kerr to Helen Kerr, lot, 18 block 15, Walnut HIU 7.... A. K, Becker and wife to Cornelius Kirk, part lots 13 and 14, block 10, Hanscom Place '..,'.. A Niels J. Nlelson and wife to Nell Larsen, sM. sw4. sali. 26-15-12,.;;..... Patrick B. McUutre KBd wife to NleU J. Nlelson, rame ".'.....".'.... Susan Musselman et al to Charles Hattelle, lot 1 to 10, "Byron".. .v.,. ., James J. Anderson and wife lo IT. P. R. R. Co.. tract in west neft 7-ip-U Lucy P. Wilson and. husband. t Charle Battelle. tract In 48-16-12.... Samuel Forgey and wife to George G. Mangold, nw, 17-18-12 William A. Headley to Cora V. Head- ley, lot 8 and 10, block 17. Water loo .- John W. Hall and wife to Thomas Hartford, part neVi, 18-15-10 Anna R. Conroy to John J. Ryan, lot 7, block 1, 2d add. lo Corrigan Place v. ,t.. . , . , T-.. - Same to Anna Corrigan.- lot 14 and 15, Wagner A Phalen sub) .'..J.. Charles E. f.'omp and wife . to Lloyd lilankenshtp, trsct in nw4, 8-M.-13. . Kate Barrett to Edward Barrett, half Interest In lot 12, block t South i Omaha ,. , Anna B. Conroy to Margaret C. Wear.' lot 17. block 36 lat add. ta Corrigan." Place Katie Flood to Edward Barrett, tract lot 8, Barker's allotment...., The 8. D. Meroantlle company to Lowe Avenue Prebyterlan church, lot 5. block 27. Walnut Hill 1 Oeorge B. Parker and wife to Fred Kase, part lot 1, block 4, Plalnvlew Herbert H. Peckham to Lois K. Peck ham, part lot 12, block 2, Park Plao Ahram Sebfing and wife to Charle Pattella, lot 5, (. 7. I, 9 and 10. Fairvlew Same to same, same Same to same, same Albert J. Schlpporelt to E. K. Schlp poreit, lot 21. block 3, Clarendon.... John A. Peterson and wife to E. R. Needham, Iota 84 and 86. Fslrmont Place EDa C. Wilson to Flora L. Lamb, lot 16. block 8. Kendall add Merchant National bank to Irving Allison, lots 9 and 12. block 10. Florence Omaha Florence !and and Trust enmnsny to same, let 13, block 10H, Florence Wllev King and wife to same, lots 9. 10. 11. 12 and IS. block 1n9 Florence Ens R Krchste'n nnd wife to H. A Hobbs, let 4. blork 14. Kourits Plsce Crr'e H Bowen to .lames B. Graham, lot 15 Hoi-k 4 Mtthews' sub Jumea M tVclwn'lh to Fllen B. SI- bauah. lot 23 and 84, 4?la'4' sdd... T'-'-'eias M. Howen to Orrle B. Hewcn lots 1 o 12. Mock 2, Morse A Pre-wer's add F"nK Ttminrson, ever., to H. J. Pot- e' lets 1 ia id anrl other lots, block f-...-. ?i .n edd. 1,500 ;8,ooo 2,000 1.900 l.tOOj 144 t.00t) 12.260 .. i 3.800 ; 1 v. , i too 1 1 too 1 L7U0 (uo 1 T50 2,060 1.150 150 i ' 24 1 1.750 78 I 00 804) Receipts of live stock st tiie six prin cipal western markets 'tertlav: Cadle. llotn. 8hen. Pouth Omaha 3"0 !' 8.K1O floui lltv K KrH nty IO" 7.ei 8.K Ft. Joeenli ff 6'1 e. Ixiuis "" 6"rt " 'I Ch'rigo , tm 11.0) ' 12 8) Total 15HK) S.''.i4 32.52. glow 4-te- lb, lleek SinrX CTT M-rch 15. ram 1-rATT ,K-rte'ti! erei ria: ni ket steady. atiKker low; beevea, tUbl8,, Log MTkel. i'"l! Tel- F. D. Day Cl Go. Stock. Grain. Provision hti fear Uraln to I'. Chli-aa aad Mlaeeajeell Delivery. One-eighth commission on Grain, one, quarter on Stock. Prompt and careful attention given to outside account. Writ foe cur dally Market Letter, Duelled free. Mil" flfflc. t IO-I1I Boar el ( Trad Bid. OMAHA, IE1. Utstaae Tkesl, DesvglAa 34114. I