Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Connty Attorney Concludes Evidence and
Defense Will Open ThU Moraine.
rartlon of Statements to rHc T
Anas a ail Warrva Corrohwrate ,
Tnllmnir ( Selson
Against O'Hearn.
Portion ft the statements mule to the
police by Leo Angus and Joe Warren were
admitted a evInVnen In the O'Hearn mur
der trial yesterday an1 read to the Jury.
This practically concluded the state's cane
and at 4 o'clock County Attorney Slabaugh
rested. The defense asked to be given un
til this morning to iret ready for the de
f prise and an adjournment was taken until
'Jay O'Hearn.-the defendant, mny go on
the witness stand today to tell his story
of what occurred In the Lausten saloon.
His attorneys had not fully made up their
minds wlicthet' lie would trstlfy or not. but
Mr. KU'liarty, one of his attorney, said he
probably would no on the stand. Mr. Eng
lish told' the 'court yesterday the defense
would prqbably finish Its case by noon, if
this Is done the arguments will be taken
tip Immediately after the noon recess and
the case will probably go to the Jury some
time Saturday.
The statement of Angus and Warren
were listened to with deep Interest by the
crowd. Both confessions corroborated NelJ
son's story on the witness tand. Angus,
In his statement, said he was IS years old
and had known O'Hearn Ave years. At the
Lauaten saloon ly said lie was placed on
guard a,l tlin front door. He was looking
In at the window just as the thot was flrod.
"As near as I "could tell Jay O'Hearn fired
ttuk hnf ' ' ha nntimiAjl "IKn T ran ' '
Could ,ot See Nelson.
He said he could not see Nelson, but lie
saw the barkeeper fall. After he bad run
some distance he says Warren caught up
with him and they went to Washington hall.
The statement confirms Nelson's story of
the purchase of the 32-caltber revolver with
which the' shooting was done, by Nelson
and Angus, and adds the. gun was turned
over to O'Hearn the night of the murder.
The Incident at Washington hall is added
In a postscript.
"I asked O'Hearn If he shot the man be
hind the bar and he answered: 'Yes, I
smoked him.' "
In his statement Joe Warren suid he was
23 years old -When they arrived at the sa
loon the first time he said he, O'Hearn and
Angus went Into the saloon, bought a glass
of beer and went out, afterward meeting
Nelson. 8omeone, he did not know who,
aid: "We will stick up that place,"
They went back to the saloon and War
ren said he thought O'Hearn. Angus and
Nelson went ,ln the place, though he was
not sure all. of them entered. . He was told
to watch the back door to "stall" those
who started to go Jn. He was told to ask
them for a match In order to stop them.
f . not cold ret.,
"Ijwent tq' I he,' back door," he says, ."but
did not stop.', 1., got oold feet and went
light on. ' t kept going faster and when I
heard th'j shot' I ran away. " . '
He , says Angus' caught, up with him and
they proceeded to Washington hall, where
they met O'tloarn and Nelson.. He said he
had no gun. The gun.,; keys and money
found on him when he was arrested were
given him by Nelsbri whew they were In the
room; osether aVyiQ .Pewey hotel.'; Tlw
statement ends, with an expression' of thank
fulness that he is able to relieve bis mind,
by' confessing the whole thing. -r- i.
Before, the confessions were Introduced
several Witness we're exAtlned as to who
took, place when the statements were made
In Captain Dunn's office.-' Judge Sutton tem
porarily juled out. of the records. the state
ment made, by witnesses at the forenoon
session that O'Hearn,-Angus and Warren
rolled cigarettes' while Nelson Was telling
his story In tlifc Lduston saloon the Monday
after tliev robbery. He will finally pass on
the matter today.
Crowd Parks Room.
The 'crowd during the morning "session
was smaller, theft It' Was- Wednesday,
though a large number of people had to
stand-:'.. f. ,
Otto Born, who testified yesterday 1 he
saw Nelson with a' light overcoat on and
O'Hearn with long black overcoat on In
Lr3 T ' (B I
To all who apply at office before
April 1st.
Home treatment as effective as
office treatment, Write for time
treatment Symptom blanks and book
ct testimonials.
G. M. Branaman, M D.
510 N. Y, Ufi Bid;., Omaha, left.
Office Hours a. m. to ( p. tn.. eve
tuns: Munduys. - VediieUs and Batur
tia to p. m ; bundujs lw a. u. o
ths LAusten saloon shortly before the
holdup, went on the stand sgatn and cor
rected his statements. He said he nnd slnre
seen the men In their overcoats and stand
ing In the same positions they were In In
the saloon nnd wss now convinced Nelson
was not In the crowd at all and that It
was O'Hearn who had the light overcoat
on. He also Identified Angus as the man
who had four fingers off one hand. The
defense tried to discredit his story, bu
he justified the change In hi testimony
by the fact he had since testifying seen
the men ss they were dressed when he saw
them In the saloon.
Michael Reagan, who works In the gro
cery department at Hayderi's, was with
Born In the salotnn and he testified ss to
the relative positions of the men as they
stood kt the bar and their appesrance.
Kelson's Statements Alike.
As preliminary to the introduction of the
statements made In writing at the police
station by Warren, Angus and Nelson,
Arthur Shields, clerk for Chief Donahue, j
who took the statements In shorthand,
was placed on the stand and Identified
them. Nelson's statement Is practically
the same as his story on the witness stand.
In his confession Angus admitted O'Hearn
had said that he, O'Hearn, had "smoked"
Lausten. . t
The only words used by O'Hearn which
have been placed In evldnce were ' testi
fied to by Captain Mostyn, who took him
and Angus to South Omaha and brought
them " back to Omaha. While they were
in charge of Mostyn and Officer Cook they
were handcuffed together In a hack and
witness heard O'Hearn say to Angus,
"Stand pat." On the way back he heard
O'Hearn repeat the words. Officer Cook
was placed on the stand later and said he
had heard O'Hearn say, '"Stand pat, keep
your mouth shut," and at another time
had heard O'Hearn say to' Angus, "Stand
Officer Cook also described the. scene at
Iausten's saloon Monday morning when
the prisoners were taken there and Nelson
recounted the story of the shooting, show
ing where each of the parties In the saloon
"What were the . other ' prisoners doing
when he was telling the story T" Mr. Sla
baugh asked.
They took tobacco out of their pockets
and rolled cigarettes."
When O'Hearn was asked if he had any
statement to make he replied: "I have
nothing to say." '
Boy Arrested at .Trial.
Probation Officer Mogy Bernstein ar
rested a lS-year-old boy yesterday after
noon during the O'Hearn trial for return
ing to the court room after repeatedly be
ing warned to stay away during the trial.
The boy was locked up and was taken be
fore Judge Sutton ct the close of the ses
sion. It was decided to hear his case Sat-
Owing to the crowd, it has been difficult
for the officers to keep, boys out. of the
room, in accordance with the Judge's or
ders. Someone from the probation officer's
office has been ' kept In the court room
continuously during the hearing and as a
result large numbers of boys have been
turned, away. Bernstein expressed regret
yesterday that the 200 or more morbid
minded women who flock to the court room
every day did not come under ht Jurisdic
. One of these women went to the court
room yesterday afternoon ' with her . two
daughters, one IS and the other 14 years
old. Bernstein requested ber to .take the
girls out of the room, but she did not want
to leave Just then, so she sent tHem out
of the room wfUi the probation officer, and
turned her attention agalri to the salacious
stories of, crime being told on the witness:
stand. .' "'-'
The women who attend 'the' trials-aj)peai
to take thn due pest Jntertst .In ', t,he young
defendant, and many of ,them -hardly take
their eyes off his 'ace except when the tes
timony becomes especially Interesting. They
note every movement he makes and make
comments among themselves when, he and
his wife converse with each, other. The
curiosity of the men Is no les marked arid
a crowd of them follows the deputy sheriffs
when they lead the prisoner back -to the
Jail. M.
On the way to and from the jail O'Hearn
Is handcuffed to Deputy Sheriff Haxe. The
two are preceded by two or three, officers
and the same - number bring up the rear
to keep the crowd back. .
Testerday afternoon eight high school
girls went to the court house to attend
the trial, but owing to the early adjourn
ment the .court room was empty. They
expressed great ' disappointment at being
deprived of the opportunity of witnessing
the trial. None of them - appeared to be
over 1C years old and all were carrying
bonks and tabcts as If on their way home
from school. ... ' ..
Foaad OolHy of Robbery la Soatk
Omaha 8a loo a Hokdap.
Michael Ford was found guilty yesterday
afternoon at 5:80 of assault with Intent to
commit robbery by a Jury In Judge Troup's
court. -The . Jury was out less than an
Ford was charged with trying to hold up
the .saloon of Leo Roe me r at Twenty
fourth and Q streets. South Omaha, De
cember 17, In company with James Ma her,
who is In the county Jail awaiting a trial.
Roemer. who was In the saloon at the
time, refused to hand over the, money
and the holdups went out without getting
anything. -After they hsd gone James
Stahmer went to the dour and opened, it
and one of the men shot him In the heel.
Both he and Roemer Identified ' Ford as
one of the holdups. Ford was v defended
by W. W. Dodge, who put only one witness
on the stand. He testified to seeing the
men come out of the saloon and fire the
shots, but he was not. allowed '-0 state
whether either of them looked "like Ford
or not.
Ford la one of the men who escaped from
the county Jail, but he "was recaptured,
having sprained his ankle as he dropped
to the ground.
Member of O'Heara Jsrr Pa a el Late
la Reporlfaar.
3. H. Conrad, a member of the district
court panel, was fined 110 yesterday by
Judge Sutton for falling to report to the
court one day while the O'Hearn Jury was
being secured. Conrad did not show up
until after the jury had been empaneled
and It waa suspected that he remained
away for the purpose of avoiding service
on the Jury. His name was called by the
clerk, but he was not present to respond,
and when he did appear he waa called up
before the court and fined. He paid the
fine at once. He Is a grain man with an
office in the Chamber of Commerce build
ing. Glaantle Conspiracy.
Tie a glgantlo conspiracy of Coughs.
Colds, etc., against you. Foil it with Dr.
King s New Discovery. U)o and tl-Mk For
sale by Sherman A McConnell Drug; Co.
Contract , for Aew Elevator.
rJn Fo,wle,r hrt, R Nye of the Nye-Bchnelder-Fowier
Elevator company were
In the city Thursday and left Thursdav
night for C hicago to contract for material
for the new l.ortu.OiiO-bushel elevator which
will be constructed bv th Km, n it.
gram terminal company's tracks near the
Inoependtnl elevator now built. Mr. Fow
ler said no time would be lost In the con
struction and ground would bo broken soon
aim m in as soon as possible.
w'ATCI I ES Fre.txer, lith and Dodge.
Amateur Billiard Championship Prob
ably Lies Between These Men.
CHICAOO, March 15. Edward Oardnerof
Pnsoslc N. J., snd J. F. IVrrt nburg of
New York at the end of tonight's play In
the smnteur billiard tournament were tied
for first place, both player having won
three games since the tournament started.
Neither of these men has lost a game and
the Indications are that the" championship
will r derlrled when they cross rues. C. r .
Conklln, the present champion. Is playing
Ms usual giime of billiard, but the leaders
this year cm to nuti'laf him, as he hns
lost nil thre games In which he has played.
Calvin Demarest, an 1H-year-old boy of
Chicago, seems to be the only man that
has a chance to push the two easterners
for first honors.
Three games were played today, the win
ners being Foggenhurg, Gardner and Dem
srest. Their opponents were Wright of
Pan Francisco, Conklln of Chicago and
Norrla of New York." Poggenburg by his
excellent work today hold the high run for
the tournament for having made a run of
111 In his game with Wrlg'it. He also made
the high average for the tournament In
this game. 18 12-1.
The standing oi the players In games
won ami lost follows:
v Won. Ixist.
Poggenburg 0
Oardner :t
Demarest 2 1
Wright 1 2
Conklln 0 8
Norrls 0 J
National Rase Ball Commission Re
leets Claim of Barllngtnn Club.
CINCINNATI. ' March 15.-The National
Base Ball commission today refused the ap
plication of the Burlington Ia.) club, which
appealed fromi the decision of the National
Association board awarding Player Wilkes
to Sioux City.
resident t-nan of the Hurlintrton ciud
requested the commission to sward Wilkes
to his club, contending that Wilkes signed
non-reserve contract with Manager rrls-
bee of the Burlington club without his
(r.iran s knowledge or authority. tgan
further contended that a non-reserve con
tract must be signed by the president of the
club and promulgated in the official bulletin.
1 he commission. In pasnlng on. the case,
says the rule with respect to non-reserve
contracts is plain and that a player cannot
be held by a club with which he has a con
tract with the reserve clause stricken out.
Fred Gilbert I Elected President of
Iowa Shooters' Association.
DES MOINES. March IB John Burmlster
of Spirit IjiH" won the Ottumwa diamond
taase handicap event at me lowa Dime
shoot todav. I
I R. Barkley of the Watson Gun club of
Chicago was high man In the amateur class
In the second day s shoot, scoring nw oui
of .31. He was beaten for high gun by
W. R. Crosby of O'Fallon, III., an expert,
who scored 190.
Fred Gilbert of Spirit Lake, champion trap
shot of the world, was elected president of
the Iowa association.
Gilbert Is sick at his home with rheuma
tism and may never shoot again.
The Storx Blue Ribbons won two huiiiuh
from the Benos last night, but were over
confident in the third and lost It by 7 pins.
No one seemed to think the Bluff boys
were so close until the final count. Picker
ing was high man with a total only 2 pins
short of the 600 mark. Frltsclier's 35 was
the best single game. Scores:
. 1st. Id. . :U1. Total.
Fritscher 1 21S 1K7 571
Forscutt 171 16X 1K2 611
Hunter 1W ISO 1H6 in
Beselln 1 1"! 177 1
Weber ' 2u0 1K 151 531
.884 884 ' 2,040
147 .
.... ;....'!
3d. Total.
Fruali ....
Rempke .,
Johnson .
Ntcoll ....
l Tdtala
...,W8 B2fc ,t3 2,530
Records of Hill Climbing;.
OMAHA. March 15,-To the Editor of The
Bee: We notice In the Bunduy edition of
your paper a hill climbing contest was
mentioned which icok plaoe in Pasudena
AHadena, Cal., and states that the Reo
won two races and made five miles in
:04i. We wish to state tluit this run was
made In 6:47H- We beg to advise that the
following is a summury of the records
madu by the different cars, as reported by
the Automobile:
Runabouts costing $1,000 or less: Won by
Dr. Brown. J horsepower, Bulck: time,
tu7H. F. A. Bennett. 11 horsepower Ford,
second; time. 7:07. K. A. Bennett, Jr., 16
horsepower Wayne, third; time. 7:25 1-10.
Runabouts costing ll.oou or less: Won by
Dr. Brown, 21 horstpower Bulck; time, 6:oj.
L. T. Sheftlei, 16 horsepower Rco, second;
time, :41'- F. A. Bennett, 14 horsepower
Ford, third; time, 6:48.
Touring cars costlnn 1.B00 or less: Won
by L. T. Shettler, 16 horsepower Reo: time,
Mr. Hamilton, 22 horsepower Buick,
second; time. 7:36Mi. D. L. Wolf, 18 horse
power Reliance, third; time, 8:09.
Touring cars, unlimited: Won by Thomas
Hughes. B0 horsepower Thomas; time,
4:&h. Western Motor company, 35 horse
power Pope-Toledo, record; time, 5:04H. E.
C. Anthony, 35 horsepower Pope-Toledo,
third; lime, 5:06H-
'Holmes Mans Another Pitcher.
LINCOUK. March 15. (Special.) Ducky
Holmes, Lincoln's base ball manager, who
Is delayed In his work at the ball park by
the heavy snow, is spending his time get
ting a few good players, and today an
nounced that he had signed Ira Harmon, a
pitcher of the Sioux City aggregation.
Harmon comes with a good record and is
known to a number of Lincoln fans. Holmes
expecta to get his aggregation here by the
Ami of the month and then he is going to
shoot them through in strenuous stunts to
gel the kinks out.
Mornlngslde Track 8chednl.
IOWA CITY, la.. March 15. (Special.)
Coach John I Griffith has announred the
track schedule for Mornlngside college as
follows: April 21. class meet; April 2. duul
meet with Yankton college at Sioux City;
May T. dual meet with South Dakota Agrl-
i : I L . ti,.t,,tir. ft 11 I.V 23
Interscholastlc meet of state colleges at
Ies Monies; May irmuisuiwi mrpi
tween Mornlngside, Bellevue and University
of South Dakota
. Athletic Manager Resigns.
MADISON. Wis., March 15.-Gcorge F.
Downer, graduate manager of athletics at
the University of Wisconsin, resigned
today, ascribing as, a caue the general
condition of the athletic situation.
porting Brevities.
Bert Bradford has received his Locomo.
kn. n..r.H nhnnt a vear no. It is lux
uriously appointed, finished In royal blue
and cost complete 7,6rt. .
M.r-irmkv has been making a good show
ing so far this ceason, and in an exhibition
game last week pitched five innings, lil
ting the regulars down with only one littlu
President V rxeiu oi mo n niern tengua
will leave his home in Oakland, Cal.. today
and will come east via Pueblo, slopping en
route to arrange a f uiUei wiiit Kmi.k
Belee, who has taken me management oi
the Pueblo team.
William Tonnscnd and George W. Loomls
have gone from Omaha to Lea Moines to
attend the lowa state shoot. They will do
missionary work for the shoot across the
river next week, and a large number prob
ably will return with them Sunday night.
Iso date has been set for the annual meet
ing, but the moguls will probably be called
together at Lincoln as soon as president
O'-.'eill arrives from the coast. Lincoln
was decided upon as the meeung place to
arrange the schedule, and 110 change has
been made.
Considerable local interest was worked up
Wednesday night over the Nelson-McGov-ern
tight In Philadelphia No decision Is
flven if the contestants are still ou their
eel at the end of the uix rounds; still it
waa evident Nelson had far and away the
better of the argument.
With about twenty Millers of Manager
Kelley's team and an equal number of re
cruits and veterans of Pa s team warming
up at the Vinton street lot a:ier March 1,,
the scene will be as lively as a college
campus witn Us hosts of candidates for lue
base ball and Hack teams.
Many who were planning to visit the
Plane Saturday are again changing their
Slans, as the heavy snow and sturm wnl
nve the birds south again. Many flocks
were seen scooting aoutn Wednesday. Sev
eral good bags were made last Sunday, in
suite of the severe weather, both on the
plane and ou the sloughs U the north.
Butch Freese Is taking dally runs for his
wind, which has twn sadly neglected since
the cluM ut the base ball smmuo. lie also
(From an Eastern Journal.)
The development of the West cms to
have been rapid that eastern men. who
have always kept Inside their own little
shop, have not until lately realised that
the country West of t hicago ' reslly civil
ised, with progressive people and enter
prising cities.
The country between Chicago and San
Francisco to most easterners has been hut
a spare on the mnp. but Omaha, a dot in
that space, gives evidence of being a re
markably live city. It Is sufficiently alive,
anyway, to have awakened easterners to
the posKlhllltie of the wet In other lines
thnn csttle raising and mining.
The eastern clothing trade ha been edu
cated by one man, Mr. A. V. Drosher of the
Dresher Tailoring company. Omaha. For a
numlier of yeara Mr. Dresrier ha been com
ing east twice a year, purchasing materials,
making a minute study of style, etcetera.
These persistent visits of Mr. Lreiier, his
large purrhagrs, to secure the lowest prices,
have finally brought the biggest men In
the trade to a reallxation of Omaha's up-to-dateness.
And. Mr. Dresher assures them that
slthough Omaha may sometimes be a little
behind In the matter of popular songs, the
men of the city need not be even a necktie
behind the east In nobby fabrics and stylish
shapes. "In fact," he says, "the most
fxntidlou man In the city need not leave
town to secure satisfactory apparel at the
right prices."
has a deal on with Frunk Liurilop for the
purchase of the famous monkey, "Braxii,"
which waa given to Mr. Dunlop by L. ti.
Thompson and pardoned from the peni
tentiary by Governor Mickey.
Another postponement was made In the
finals of the February squash tournament,
because of the injury to Kennedy's ankle.
This match is now scheduled for Satur
day, and will be between Spike Kennedy
and Sam Burns. The February tournament
has been hotly contested throughout, be
cause of the heavy weight which the handl-
cacr compels Kennedy to carry. 1 he
March tournament has been started, the
first round being well advanced.
Spauldlng's official guide for 1906 Is out
for the thirtieth season of Its existence.
The contents include a chapter on the
rise and progress at professional base
hall, current comment by the editor on
the following topics: On changes In the
rules, play against work, an optimistic
view against a pessimistic view of base
ball, the professional season of 1905 and Its
government, contract obligations, the ill
treatment of umpires, semi-professional
bane ball, aggressive base hall, two great
essentials in professional base ball, the
Influence of tlie press on sports, a square
deal agninst a love of fair play, the laws
of professional base ball. A history of
professional base ball since its Inception
is given, the editors of last year's cham
pionship games, and the championship
record of last season. The minor leagues
are also well cared' for by the guide and
the present playing rules are given In full.
Rules for finding percentages and the
scores of college games are given. The
Illustrations are prominent features.
Omaha Men Retnrn from Chicago
Meetlnsr Encouraged for '
Retter Rates.
Omaha's delegation to the meeting of
Missouri river Jobbers In Chicago and to
the conference of traffic managers of west
ern railroads in that city Tuesday has
returned. The members of the party wore
Charles II. Pickens, W. 8. Wright, J.
Clarke Colt. John S. Brady, A. C. Smith,
T. C. Byrne and E. J. McVann, commis
sioner of the Commercial club. Thirty
five Jobbers of "Omaha, Council Bluffs,
Kansas City, St. Joseph and 8loux City
were present at t,he conference, their pur
pose being to convince the traffic managers
of the Justice of a reduction in class rates
from the seaboard to Missouri river points.
"I am confident that our arguments will
do some good," said Charles II. Pickens.
"Several of the traffic managers admitted,
after we bad stated our case, that Missouri
river Jobbers ought , tp be afforded some
relief. Whether .."our" suggestions were
practicable or not,,- they said they were
not able to1 dotersilne on short notloe, but
they , promisod '16 take the matter under
erloua consideration , and try to formulate
some good plan for-affording relief.
"Class rates from the seaboard to this
section of . the country are without doubt
too high. The present basis was estab
lished years ago. when the Jobbing points
along the Mississippi were of great lm.
portance as compared with the newer busi
ness along the Missouri, and of course the
western towns were not entitled to so
much Consideration then. Things have
changed, and the, Titles along the Missouri
are larger Jobbing points than the Missis
sippi towns, except St. Louis. We think
the roads ought to change the rates.
"Beside allowing us to make lower prices
on merchandise to the retail trade, a
decrease In tariffs would put us on a moro
equal basis with St. Paul and Minneapolis,
and put us in -a position to bid for the
trade of South , Dakota.. Under existing
conditions the Twin cities have all the ad
vantage there. , .
"The dry goods, shoe, millinery and drug
houses are more interested In a reduction
of .class rates than the grocers and hard
ware men, for the . reason that the latter
enjoy commodity rates on carloads, allow
ing them to ship at less, than class rates,
and thus giving them an advantage ovei
their eastern competitors."
3., In case of sickness, noD but the best should be
4. Our treatment is known the world over, and has
proved its merits in ayer 350,000 oases.
5. We give value received, and that is the reason we
are at the head in our specialty.
Correspondence confidential.
Take Harney street car .... ,
from either depot. OMAHA, Ntli. J
Everybody is singing-
Those who have made the trip are singing also the praises
of the new semi-weekly through vestibulcd modern train, the
"Mexico -St
Iron Mountain Route,
Texas & Pacific Railway, International A Great
The train leaves St Louis at 9.00 & m. Tuesdays and
Fridays, arriving City of Mexico at 8.30 p, m. Thursdays end
Sundays a 60-hour run.
Compartment, Observation and Standard
Drawing Room Sleeping Cars and Dining Car.
CM 917 LOCAL AGEHT, or tddrtst H. C. TOWNSEND,
wnl hsii-i u ticktt lEl,
Precipitation Continues More General Than
Ever Before on Beoord by Bureau.
Fonr and One-Half 'Inches Deep
After It Hns Been Thoronshly
Packed Down for
Several Days.
Up to 7 o'clock Thursday mcming the
amount of snow on the ground In this vi
cinity was a fraction over four and one-half
Inches. This does not Indicate the total
amount of snow that has fallen during the
prevailing storm, as It has settled materi
ally, and then during Wednesday forenoon
and part of the afternoon there was i
tendency toward thawing weather where
the sun got a good chance at the enow
One foot depth has beeh unofficially etl
mated. The temperature Thursday morning at
Omaha waa 8 degrees above tero, but It fell
a couple of degrees during the forenoon.
The conditions out in the state are not dis
similar to those In Omuha and vicinity ac
cording to reports received at the weather
bureau. Colonel Welsh said:
"The average run of temperatures out In
the state Thursday morning was from 2 to
6 degrees above tero. At Cheyenne It was
2 below tero. The temperature li moder
ating northward, being from 8 to degrees
on the rise along the British line. There
Is a tendency to somewhat cooler In Ne
braska and Iowa, but the probabilities are
no Important change will ensue tonight or
Friday. There is a probability for a slight
rise In temperature by Saturday.
"Snow prevails from the mountains
through the central valleys to the Atlantic
coast. Heavy ralna are reported In the
south from southern Louisiana through
Alabama and Georgia, with precipitation
running from an Inch to two and three
quarter Inches at Atlanta. It Is raining
along the southern Atlantic const and
snowing a)ong the upper Atlantic coast.
The same general wldo extent of the storm
prevails this morning nnd Is unequalcd In
Its area by any records known to- the
weather bureau. The weather shows some
tendency toward clearing up In the north
west. At Helena, Mont., a temperature of
18 below sero Is reported and it is clear
north of there. It Is snowing, however,
from Boise, Idaho, down as far as Wlnne
muca, Nev."
During the prevailing cold snap Ice has
formed along the river and In still waters
to a thickness Of about four and a half
Superintendent of Associated Chari
ties Learns that Organisation
Is Incorporated Body.
Although having worked for years under
the direction of the International Christian
Institute, the committee of Associated
Charities has Just discovered that it is an
Incorporated body, entirely Independent of
the institute, and has reorganized its
forces. .
The discovery was made by Superintend
ent Stephen Morris of tho Associated Char
ities in looking ovtsr the records at the
court house. He found a record of the
filing of articles of Incorporation for the
organization in 1S93 and by these articles
the Associated Charities was empowered
to carry on Its work for thirty years. It
Is supposed that during d period of a
few years ago, when the institution was
hot very active In charity work, the provi
sions of the articles were entirely forgotten
by the members' of the tioard, so that It
was an easy matter for the International
Christian Institute later to take the organi
sation under Its wing. The members of
the old board confess they thought the
articles had mentioned a short term of
years and ib'.t the Associated Charities
had lived Its allotted time.
Recently there has been considerable talk
of getting away from the control of the
Institute, for, as Mr. Morris says, "in
order to make the organization co-operative
with all charities In the development of
the work and to maintain an equal rela
tion to all charities, the need of indepen
dence was felt." Mr. Morris was working
on this Idea he went to look at the
A meeting was called of the members of
the old board, such of them as were living
and tn Omaha, and the .Associated Chari
ties was declared Independent of the In
stitute, members of the committee tinder
the late regime being elected to fill va
cancies on the board. Thomas Kilpatrlck
Is president. Rev. T. J. Mackay chairman
of the executive committee, and the other
members of the board sre: Morltx Meyer.
C. W. Lyman, W. W. 81abaugh. K. H.
Packard, Rev. T. V. Moore and T. F.
1. Drunkenness, Opium,
Morphine, Cocaine and
other drug addictions are
diseased Conditions.
2. Therefore, scientific
medical treatment is nec
essary. Mydarkeyed Mex-j-co!
Louis Special
To gtv a man his rightful place bjr
birth and Inheritance among Ms fel
low mm la worthy of ths noblest ef
forts of a physician's life, and every
good specialist works earnestly to this
end. we offer you this aid, this help,
this erRlnty of restoration, and If
you will coma to us we will spar you
ths penalties associated with private
diseases and weaknesses of men. We
will help you to escape from the
slavery that la holding you cspt've
and depleting your manhood. Do not
be deluded with the Idea that diseases
or weaknesses . of men will correct
themselves they never do. It Is useless
tb worry about the past cause after
Wa have observed the lernoiy bltrhtlns Influences of abuses and Indln-M.
tlons In the youns- and mlddle-sged; sapping the vital forces; undermining the
foundations of manhood; clouding the brightest minds and destroying all noble
thoughts and aspirations; family circles disrupted and th poisonous fan ire
reaching out and blighting even succeeding generations. We have devoted
many years exclusively to treating this class of troubles, attended withe the
greatest success, and are enabled to give this class of sufferers the benefit of
our extended experience In treating diseases of this nature.
W have Investigated and tested all known methods for the treatment and
cure of private diseases and weaknesses of men. which give us the right to
Judge between the false and the true, between shallow pretension and solid
worth, between substance and shadow. Musty theories cannot stand out
against our mode of treatment, against progressive medical snience, new dis
coveries, and undisputed fscts of diseases cured to stay cured.
We Cure Safely and Thoroughly :
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kid
ney and Urinary Diseases
and all diseases and weaknesses of men, due to Inheritanoa, evil habits, self
abuse, excesses or the result of specific or private diseases.
We make no misleading statements, deceptive or unbusinesslike
propositions to the afflicted, neither do we promise to cure them in
few days, nor offer cheap, worthless treatment In order to secure their
patronage. Honest doctor of recognized ability do not resort to such
methods. We guarantee a perfect, safe and lasting cure In the quickest
possible time, without leaving Injurious after-effects in the tytem( and
at the lowest cost possible for honest, skillful and successful trentment.
prC Consultation If you oannot eaS writ for' symptom blank.
nkb and xsmlaatlon Office Hour I a. aa. to p. m. Sundays, 10 to I only.
. 1808 Fat-tutm 8t Between 18th and 14th Ste OMAHA, XtB.
t n -rrr--TT--1
Besides the great saving i,o you in the $25.00 one
way rate to California, Portland and Puget Sound, you
save also one-half of the sleeping car rate in the Bur
lington's daily through Tourist Sleepers to California
via Denver, Scenic Colorado arid Salt Lake City, or in tha
daily tourist sleepers to the Northwest.
$30.75 will secure you a through railway and berth
ticket in these Tourist Sleepers to the Coast until
April 7th.
Ft Iders and descriptive matter, rates, berths all
information of
"Longer, !HHgher
and hides' Berths"
This is an exclusive feature of The Milwaukee's
trains to Chicago.
The sleeping cars, as well as the dining cars,
chair cars and coaches are owned and operated -by
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Leave Union Station, Omaha, 7:55 a.m.,
5:45 p.m. or 8:35 p.m. Arrive Union Station,
Chicago, 9:30 p.m., 8:35 a.m. or 9:25 a.m.
Buy your ticket East from your local agent,
but INSIST that it is via the Chicago, Milwau
kee & St. Paul Railway.
Ganaral Western Agent
91 BE
March 6 and
half fare.
aii the way Roundtnp Homescekers'
fit. Agl.
40 tqu.Ublt Bldg.,
Vtt afoiaei, la.
38 for ME
the disease or weakness becomes enoe
established. The fact that the trouble
now exists makea it necessary that
thure should be no apathv, no delay,
no deferring matters until later on.
Bexual diseases, or affections result
ing therefrom, cannot be tampered
with, owing to the natural tendency
of every disease to Insidiously ,ro
gress and tenaciously fasten Itself
upon the system If proper treatment
Is not secured to bring about a com
plete and radical cure. It takes but
a small lesk to sink a ship, and In
many cases an apparently small ail
ment may All a whole Ufa with fall-
are, misery ami woe.
20 the Santa Fe will ae!l on -raj
tlcketa to the South weal a; zjoal
On aame dates round-trip Ilomeswe'itrs' ticket
will be sold at about three-quarter ol nnv fava
See for yourself the prosperous Southwest