.1 i V r i. THL OMAHA DAILY BEE: FKIDAY, MARCH 16, WW. (5 MAD MR M Pay a Little each Pay Day Let us atfoin say that with a Factory to Produce and 58 Stores to Distribute we can and do sell Clothing on Credit at Cash Store Trices. Spring Clothing for Men, Women or Children is here, a showing thtt will appeal , to, the most particular; Women's Saks $10 to $32 Women's Raincoats, 10 to 20 Silk Waists, r L Fine Millinery, Women's Silk Skirts, Walking Skirts Petticoats and Shoes Men's Spring Suits, Men's Topcoats, Men's Raincoats, . .tyoys Sprtntf Suits, Men's Hats, , Men's Shoes; EKfiTUR 1 BUS aw I C taw 4 to 2 to 10 0 S 7 to $22 H b.i 8 to 18 tf $J 10 to 20 ' 1 to 3 Zi A $1.S0 to $4 r1 1508 DODGE STREET. Store Open Wednesday Evenings. GOSSIP OF THE P0L1T1 cihss Y.W.C. A. CAMPAIGN STARTS aWmSSan Canvass for Hundred and Twenty-Five. Thousand Dollars for Building Betcnn. PRECEDES ALL PREPARATION PRAYER First Wni'i Association In Ynlted States .tllfuiiiling to Raise aped Ard Amoul for Bulldlngr Within tifven Time. ViUi -courage and determination, basjd upon, that ialth that women, alone know, Tliuredsyi'mernlng '10 'woman began -the rupviKi for 1125,000, which Khali give to Omaha a Young Women's Christian asso elation building adequate Ho Its demands Women's Christian association and Hi can vass for the building fund In which many of them are to assist: H. H. Baldrlge. Thomas Kllpatriek, Ku clld Martin, Clement Chase, H. E. Palmer, R. C. Peters, C. B. Brown, Ward Burgee, Q. W. Hitchcock. Luther Drake, P. B, Myers. George N. Rlbbel, Dr. H. M, McClannahan. V. B. Caldwell. D. C. Pat terson. F. F. Paffenrath, J: L. Baker, C. F. Wellor, E. Rosewate C. E. Yost H. K. Burket. John Dale. A. P. Karbaeh, Dr. B. H. Davis, Charles A. Ooss. W. L, Tetter, J. O. Phlllppl, George F. Ollmore, deorge F. Bidwell, J. Ev Baum, F. W. Jud son. C. M. Wllhelm, Z. T. Lindsey, J. F. Carpentar, J. H. Dumont, C. B. Hay- word, O..N. Noble, H. J. Penfold, George L. Fisher, B. C. Wade, w. w. umsted, J C Wharton, M, C. Peters, H. D..Neely, F A. Nash. J. R. Webster, T. J. Rogers. E V. Lewis, J. A. Munroe, N. Merrlam. ,J. L, McCague. Charles E. Morgan. T.-J. Ma About fifty women participated In the honey, R. V. Drake. Artnur tnase. v. r, uraver service In the asHOClatlon rooms 111 Itarrora, Miniam nayaen, v. . oaunucr. h. r.,.,..,. ksi,.u .-hi,.h nAM the George W. Plainer. R. B. Busch. Dr. opening of the. campaign, at 8:45 o'clock George Tlhlen, I. W. Carpenter. J. and many other women, unable to remain, dropped In , for o f w moments on their v.y their' plarcx of business, attesting their Interest. it was a text of assurance that Mrs. W, P. Harford. preHldcut of the association, aaVo. to the women. . The campaign that the women will WHge will not be based upon j Kohtlment, but It will be rather, a business j proposition, that will be presented to the business men and other citizens, In the I interest of the KJ.Ooo wage earning women uud the Christian womanhood of the city. The tinanra committee has carefully pre pared lists of the business men and women Bailey, Dr. D. A. Foote. Robert Dempster, C. E. Black, F. P. Loomls. Dr. J. P. Lord O. W. Gurloch, H. F. Kellogg, Dr. J. M. Alkln. T. 8. Vun Zandt, Richard C. Pat terson. Charles F. Mc.Grew NO MONEY IN CITY FUND Delias filven ly Water oiuinr for Not Putting; In Hydrants. The defense concluded Us testimony Thursday morning In the case of the Omaha Water Company against the City who will be visited, based upon their rating of Omaha In the suit for Hydrant rentals in the city and in proportion to this they in tho I'nlted 8tates circuit court. The will be expected to give. 'The Omaha as- only witnesses examined Thursday morn sociatlon Is the first women's association ng were Secretary Koemg. of the water to undertake to raise the entire amount company, who was recalled for a brie desired for a building In a specified time, redirect examination, and Circuit Court No large subscriptions have yet been made Clerk Thummel. to identify certain record and whiie the women realise that many of the circuit court relative to former pro generous amounts will have to be given , ceedlr.gs between the water company an to make the desired $125,000, the friendli- the city. ness with which their proposition has been I The general contention o the water com received encourages them to believe that ; pany was that the order for placing add! uiuount will be forthcoming within the . tioual hydrants was ignored because there month named. 1 was r.J money in the city water fund The canvassing committee was enter- ' to pay for them and that the city, had no talned at luncheon at the association rooms legal right to order additional hydrants at noon Thursday. . 'for that reason.' City Attorney Breen Denounce Secret Meet ing of Political Candidates. ADVOCATES BIG PUBLIC GATHERING Although He 'Undersea' by Fontn- nellea, Wkt Hold tnr- s. 1 her sessions. He Pays ' They Are Had. City Attorney Breen lias relieved his mind on tile subject of secret political meetings and pow-wows arranged for the special Interest of candidates or sets of candidates. Talking out loud Thursday, he said: "This campaign Is the damndest thing I ever saw. Politics seems to have run to cliques and little bunches and to secret meetings In cellars and garrets. We have organisations with every conceivable title and about every object on earth trying to take a hand in the campaign. I have no use for this sort of thing and don't care whJ knows it. "When a man gets ouf and becomes candidate for a party nomination, he ought to be permitted to talk to the members of that party. I like to meet my fellow men irrespective of division within party lines. I have always thought I was welcome to go anywhere to what was called a republican meeting and Insist I am still entitled to view politics In that way. I feel a candidate for office should ssume the great mass of men are striv ing to elect good men to office and men who will discharge the duties of the office for the good of his constituents and not for the benefit of any political club or clique. Neither has any the right to own him or Influence his actions more than nother. , 'There seems to be In this campaign as never before a', sort of closing all oppor tunity for men who want to go before the people and be heard, and to shut them oft by organising on side Issues and cllqulng together. I believe the meeting should be thrown open to everybody, except per haps, club meetings In executive sessions. That may be permissible possibly under certain conditions. What 1 most particu larly dislike is the meetings of voters where tliey invite nly such candidates as the leaders of the affair desire present. f think a large building downtown, the Auditorium or another, should be rented and all candidates for mayor asked to pre sent themselves and address the people on their policies and 'course of action In city affairs and let the people see and size them up man for. man." The fact that Mr. Breen is a member of the Fontanelle club, that organization's endorsee for city attorney gives his re marks a peculiar piiuancy., The keystone of the Fontanelle urch has been secrecy and star chamber sessions. Mr. Breen protests, however, that he has not been requested by the - Fontanelle management to refrain from attending Broatch and Hennings , meetings as well . as Benson meetings. official election ballots, but Assistsnt City Attorney Herdman anf mher lawyers have given optnlont that this Inhibition ts value less. Herdman contends that under the general election law a citizen wbo wants te can get on the ballot as an Independent candidate by presenting a petition signed by a required number of voters. He is equally emphatic In saying that no candi date who submits his name at the Srlmarles can take advantage of this plan If he Is defeated, t'nder the Dodge law a candidate who submits his name at the primaries must pledge himself to abide by the result. and this every candidate has done over his signature. The friends of Dan Butler have failed In the effort to Induce Alvln E. Patten to withdraw from the contest for the demo cratic city clerkship nomination. Mr. Pat ten authorizes the statement that he will continue to be an active candidate for the place, having filed In good faith and hav ing no Intentions of withdrawing. Albert BJoberg, who withdrew his filing for the same place, has written a letter to The Bee, denying absolutely that he pulled out In favor of. Dan Butler and declaring mat nis sole reasons were because of a physical condition dlsaUing him from tak ing an active part In the campaign and in view of a ruling ynade by the city clerk. v nat ruling he refers to. he does not explain. He says, however, that he does not propose to be made a stepping stone for person entirely unknown to hlni. olorado lirnae and - Fail to lure E)OOtiOi'G Evidently concluding that If he expected to be nominated he would have to do more for his candidacy than through the efforts of "Billy" Saunders, manager of the Fon tanelle club campaign. Representative C. J. Andersen, an endorsee on the slate, held an organization meeting for his special benefit in the Eighth ward Wednesday. In Wolff's hall at Twenty-second and Cuming streets. and cards announcing the object were is sued as Invitations to" a select number. Cigars were part of the attractions. Mr. Andersen lias Included something of a curi osity on his campaign cards. He says in red Ink: "This Is one plank of my platform gas at 11 per 1,000 cubic feet or less." How much less gas than 1,000 cubic feet Mr. Andersen proposes to have sold for. $1 he does not specify. Observers have pointed out that If the recession Is enough gas migm oe innatea . to as high as 12 per thousand In Mr. Andersen's favor. And now Jim Dahlman conies out as a "ladles' " Man. In the announcement of a Joint meeting of Polish societies In his Interest In Pollbh hall ion the night of Bt. Patrick's day, Manager George Rogers says: "You are requested to bring your friends. especially ladles, as James C. Dahlman will be present." Authentic advices have It that Mr. Dahl man has on his hands an Insurrection of the Irish,' who accuse him of having confused them, the Polish and the signifi cance of St. Patrick's day. They are said to be planning a raid on the Poles If proper amends are not made, ladles or no ladles. ( 7t I i VW'Vv." 1 ' ( 13 W:H 4 MR. AND MRS. S. L. DAVIDSON AND FAMILY An eloquent and convincing testimonial front Mr. S. .L. Davidson of Denver, Colo., father of the little group of handaome, aturdy' children whose pictures we publish.. ' Mr. PTl1on end hl famllr were under trw cure of. the hrt doctor in th Kast and spnt mnch time and moncjr in fulile ettcmpta to W (rain their health. Thojf flnally camr to Colorado, thinking the , climate would be beneficial, but wcrr again disappointed. Finally DnfTy's Malt Whiskey waa tried, ajd proved sniceemful after everything else hnd failed. It i" neeeaaary to read Mr. IMrld wn'i letter and study the picture tu Mppreriate hh gratitude for "what I m fTy's has done for himself and hln family. He aay: ' . . "I want you tw knew that Daffy's Pura Malt Whiskey hss done our family mora good than ten years' of medical attend ance. We were under the ear of th test doctors In the Ksst and spent time and money endeavoring to secure soma res pectable degree of health. Ftnallv we came to Colorado, as we thought th cllmw would do us some good. In this W were disappointed, and I was on the verge of returning East when my attention was attracted to Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. ersnna!ly I had not used liquor In any form, but so much Is said in, behalf of your whlskev, when used a! 4 medicine, I determined tn give up doctors and take Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. "Irnm our experience 1 may state that your Malt Whiskey will bring health td any Invalid except when a surgical oper ation Is necessary.-. As our picture will prove, we are all lisppv snd In the be of health." R L. DAVIDSON, Denver, Col., Feb. i7, 1905. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is an ubRolutely pure, gentle and Invigorating stimulant and tone, builds tip the nerve tissues, tones up the heart, gives rwer to the brain, strength and elasticity to the muscles and richness to the blood. It brings Into action all the vital forces, makes digestion perfect, and enables you to get from the food you eat all the nourishment It contains.. It Is Invaluable for overworked men, delicate women and sickly children. It strengthens snd sustains the system, Is a . promoter of good health snd longevity, makes the old young and keeps the young strong. Beven thousand doctors prescribe and 2,UU hospital use Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey exclusively. Beware f danaerons Imitations and snbatltntea. They are positively haraafal and are sold tor sreit oarr by anoernpalooa dealers. lAtoit for the trade-mark, the "Old Chemist." on the label, aad be certain the seal ever the cork Is anbroken. All draga-lata aad grocers, or direct. Sl.OO m bottle. Dootor'a advice aad snedlvat booklet fnee. lnfty Malt Whiskey Co. Rochester, N. Y. , W. H. Hoffman the only plcturesou candidate developed on the presen: campaign, reappeared In the Twelfth ward again Wednesday night and addressed a meeting of the Sixth and Twelfth ward Colored Republican club at Thirtieth and Bpauldlng streets. Mr. Hoffman reiterated his partiality for Broatch, but uttered a new dictum In declaring that If Broatch were not, nominated, he would prefer Jim Dahlman for mayor. , References made to Tom Dennison met with resistance an! a member of the club called Hoffman sharply to account and requested him to confine himself to the issues of the present cam paign. City Clerk Elbourrt and W. E. Stock- ham, both candidates for the clerkship nomination, entertained the assembly by a debate on the question whether a candidate for city clerk should have a plutform or not. Elbourn had the affirmative end and Stockham the negative. The club, having already endorsed Sam Greenleaf for the Job, did not attempt to decided who was right. Peto Loch and -other candidates had a talk at the club, also. Persistent rumors continue to float about In political circles that the Civic Federation and Fontanelle club elements have prac tically decided to run an Independent candi date for mayor if Broatch should by acci dent be nominated: The Dodge primary law says In so many words that the names of no candidate not nominated by prima ries In the manner prescribed can go On the INTERESTING LETTER WRITTEN BYANOTABLEWOMAN Fifty Raeiaeae Mei I The court held that this was immaterial l-he-e business men have given their en- ' 11 " cit w" c dorvement to the work of the Young of iCR i:r Ft Tome u-:.s -i" That Curva, f Toric Lenses Our Torlc Lenses, manufac tured by our patented machinery, are conceded by oculists and wearers to he the most perfect Lenses ever prod need. The greater field of vision which Is obtained by these lenaes render .them very desirable for constant wear. For shooting, autoruobil ag, yachting,' golf, tennis, or, in fact, wherever quirk and accurate yition is essential, our Torlc lenses are much superior to those of the' ordinary type. IIUTESON OPTICAL CO. 213 South loth Street. .. Factory on the Premises. rights and that it should oe shown that the city had no legal right. Former City Attorney Wright stated that July 1. 104, the city had a balance ' of about tT.OOU in that fun and that on No vember 1 there was tlo.ooo on hand, and that no levy was made for that reason that year. The remulnder of the day was devoted the Introduction of rebuttal evidence, and it now begins to look as If the case may reach the Jury by Saturday. VERDICT AFTER MANY . YEARS Jadgment Awarded to Youth of. Mae teen for Accident When Five Years Old. Rudolph UrubiT, a young man of la. as given a Judgment by consent of parties la county court Thursday against the Chi cago A Northwestern railway for $500 for the loea of both legs fourteen years ag when he was but 5 years old. He wus In the railroad yards at In man. Holt county, April t. ISC. when 4ie started to crawl und-r a car. The train began to lutw and both of his legs were cut oft I near the knees. His parents afterward de serted htm and he was left In the care of friends. His mother has - since died and he' din's not know where his father Js. The suit was brough through Charles K. Black as next friend. Mrs. Barah Kellogg of Denver, Ooloi Bearer of the Woman' Relief Corps, Sends Thanks to Mrs. Pink ham. A. SPIGLE IS FOUND DEAD Omaha Man Dies from Asphyxiation nt Home Knppoaed to Be Accidental. A. Spigle of 614 South Eighteenth street was found dead from asphyxiation in the toilet room of his home. Thursday morning. Evidently the man had been dead several hours before M. Levy, a roomer at the Spigle house, opened tie .door and saw the lifeless form of Spigle on the floor, 8pigle'a coat was found hangingover a gas Jet, BEFORE THE PEOPLE'S BAR Staice Manager Crawford Draws Curtain on Good Open Scene, TOM LEE MISTAKEN FOR BIG BEAR several Bad Actors Are Before the Footlights for First Time In This Part of Keasoa. After the recent turmoil . in criminal circles and the distribution of political calling a nln bearing the photographs and Berttllon measurements of those who want to serve their fellow, creatures In the city hall, the people's bar resumed Its morning medley of musings and mournings Thurs- .which was open. - Comnsr Brailey, was day mormpg. . Stage Manager Crawford called, and he made an 'examination of the' was at his post bright and early wit a ease. While the members 'of tile Spigle smile, as broad as "Judge"' Cooley's may family were satisfied tha tnan .came to his oralty platform, while Prompter Franklin death in an accidental maner, an agent of one of the Insurance companies In which Spigle carried Insurance told the. coroner he believed he would -demand an Inquest before passing on the' payment of the In surance, as he did not feel altogether as- Murphy was In his box with a new green tie In his pocket., He will wear the tie next Saturday all day. While working his way from the Arcade hotel to the people's bar through the snow banks Prosecutor Lee was nearly mistaken sured the case was an accidental one.' The for a bear, as he was bundled up In coroner stated he "believed an Inquest would large fur coat. Patrolman, Wilson ran two be held Friday. blocks before he discovered he was pur It was the wish of the BolirlS family thnt suing the pfoHecutor Instead .of a bear no Inquest be held. ' " I 8au;l to have escaped from tRIverview park. Dr. H. Hirschinann was suitioned as soon mind he gave his name and said he had been out for a time and did not think he had been assaulted. As the man was known as a vagrant he was sentenced ten days when arraigned in police court Thurs day morning. His Injuries were superficial. A vicious dog case was the next num ber on the varied bill. Harry Ackerman, owner of the alleged untamed canine, was arraigned en complaint of Mrs. .Ruth Wright, who testined that the Ackerman dog made an Incision In her right wrist with his teeth. The dog was waiting his fate In the animal room of the police court. At first- Ackerman pleaded not guilty, but when the evidence had been Introduced against the dog he changed his plea to one of guilty. He was fined fl and costs and the dog was ordered shot in the head until dead. Dog Shooter Murphy was agRljned 'to carry out tba order of the court. Clerk Grlcr credited up IS.80 to the school fund. A few minutes later a pistol shot, followed by a loud yelp, waa beard In the patrol barn. Fldo paid the death penalty for- having bitten Mrs. Rutn Wright on the right wrist. , - . as Spigle was found. The doctor expressed the opinion the death of Spigle was an accident. Spigle was 45 years of age and had re sided In Omaha twenty years. He Is sur vlved by a deaf and dumb wife and two sons and three daughters. 'One son, Frank, lives at Chicago, while one daughter is Mrs. D. S. Finkensteln of this city. Julius, Eva and Nannie live at home. Spigle was The morning service was opened with a short prayer from Court Sergeant Whelan, who prayed for a 99-cent gas. fifty street car rides for a dollar, a municipal work house, a new uniform for himself and for 250,000 people In Omaha In 1910. He also prayed for a pair of stilts for a little orphan boy who Mves In North Omaha. While all that waa going on Attorney Ritchie, who defended P. Crowe and who member of Omaha Hebrew camp of the had a client in the police court Thursday Card of Thanks. We Uli to express our heartfelt thabka to our kind friends for tba thoughtful kindness and sympathy shows us in our late bereavement in the death of our wife aud daughter. J. A. QCINLAX. MRS. D. F. LANE AND FAMILY.. DIAMONDS Frenzer. tttb and Dodge. Hee Want Ads Are Business Boosters. LOCAL BREVITIES. The change In the deputies in the jmce of County Auditor 8mlth ai made Wed !irsi)'. G. D. olom'in ternte tue deputy In ttie pltce of A. it. Fnrrur. who region! to tx-c nt upci iute-ntlmi ut tht- txtunty The following letter was written by Mm. Kellogg, of 1028 Lincoln Ave., Denver, CoL.toMrs. rink hamtLynn.Mass.: Dear itrs Pinkham : " Fov five years I was troubled with a htmnr. which ksnt AflJrchAltfg powing, causing ma great mental depression. I was unable to at tend tomy house work, and life became a bur den to me. I waa confined for days to my bed, lost my appetite, my courage and all hope. " I could not bear to think of an operation, and in my distress 1 tried every remedy which I thought would be of any use to me, and reading of the value of Lydia E. Pinkham 's v egetable Compound to sick women decided to give it a trial I felt so discouraged that I bad little hope of recovery, and wheu I began to feel better, after the second week, thought it only meant temporary relief; but to my great 'surprise I found that I kept gaining, while tbe tumor lessened in size. " The Compound continued to build np my general health and the tumor seemed to be absorbed, until, in seven months, the tumor was entirely gone and I a well woman. I am so thankful for my recovery that 1 ask you to publuh my letter in newspapers, so other women may know of the wonderful curative powers of Lydia B. link ham's Vegetable Compound.1' When women are troubled with Irreg ular or painful periods, weaknesa, dis placement or ulceration of the female organs, that bearing-down feeling, in flammation, backache, flatulence, gen eral debility, indigestion or nervous prostration, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound at once removes such troubles. JHo other medicine in the world has received auch widespread and unquali fied endorsement. No other medicine has auch a record of cures of female ills. Mrs. Pinkham invites nil sick women to write her for advice. She is daughter-in-law of Lydia . Pinkham and for twenty-five years under her direction and since ' brr decease baa been ad vising sick women free ef charge. She has guided thoussnda to health. Addreas, Lvnn, Mass. Remember thst it is Lydia E. Pink ham s Vegetable Compound thst iaenr ingwomen, anddontallowanydruggiat to sell you anything else In its place. Modern Woodmen of America, in which he carried insurance. He also had fl.OuO Ufa Insurance in the Pacific Mutual Life Insur ance company and 11,000 accident insurance in the same company. - -- The funeral arrangements have not been made. Spigle returned home at 11:S0 Wednesday night, after the members of hts family had all retired. It was noticed until morning that he had not occupied his bed during the night WIFE HIT HIM WITH BIBLE 3ae of Charges Made by Hoehanit la His Petition tor Divorce. Judge Kennedy Thursday morning granted a divorce to Henry Wyman from Alice ntaua Mary wyman. oeversi oin tlnct charges of cruelty were made In the petition and supported by depositions from New York, winere the defendant still lives. Mr. Wyman alleged that his wife frequently assaulted him and once came near chocking him to ' death. On another occasion he says she drew a re volver' and threatened to shoot him and also hit him over the head with the family Bible. These acts were testined to in. depositions from Mr. Wyman's' relatives. One of the deponents explained Mrs. Wy man weighed 270 pounds, while the plain tiff never weighed more than 1S3. Alice Butterneld has applied for a divorce from Charles D. Butterneld, to whom she was married September IS, lfort, In Osceola, la. She says the defendant told morning, looked out upon the earth which was covered with a deep blanket of snow. Across the street he saw a girl with a little shawl drawn tightly over her head and a basket swinging from her left arm. The basket was covered with a. newspaper to protect Its contents from the elements. Ritchie was conjuring up in his mind the details of the little drama being enacted before his eyes. The girl . was taking a basket of provisions to an old woman who was hungry. The girl was lost to phys ical sight when she started the long climb of the stairway which led up to the humble apartments of the old woman. But pulling aside, the veil of mortal vision Ritchie followed the girl with the basket up the eighteen steps of the stairway, he saw her open the door and greet the old woman: "I have something real nice for you, granny, said the girl, us she threw back her shawl, shook the snow off bud then opened her basket, which revealed a lot of nice things to eat.--The old woman man aged to raise herself up, on her pallet of sorrow and suffering before the girl could get to her. The girl propped the woman up with a pillow, spread out on a table the good things she had brought, and then pre pared a cup of tea for the old woman. As the girl looked liked the old woman's daughter, who had been killed by wolvea years ago In Sarpy county, the old woman cried, the tears falling into her cup as she drank the tea. George Morris, Percy Truelove and Ed Logan comprised the first sketch team to entertain the people's bar habitues. Sergeant Blcwart and Detective J. T. Dunn. her within thirty days after the wedding who rrked up tna ,r0 'Wednesday night, met ne naa maae a misiaae in marrying ,.1,,, ,hr Piht urm. and swore to tell SALE OF CIGARS INCREASES Dae to Prosperity aad Passage of ' Law Against- Ise of Cigarettes. " The number of cigars manufactured in Omaha shows a large Increase for last year over the previous year, and this Is ac counted for In two ways, first by the pros perity of y people, who an better afford to smoke cigars, and by the law which has shut, off the sale of cigarettes. Ac cording to the manufacturers and deal ers, the sale of all cigars has increased Just as fast as the sale of' home made cigars, and Is taken as a good reflex of the prosperous condition of the state. The following is a comparative state ment of the tobacco used and the cigars manufactured In the collection district of Nebraska during the calendar years 1904 aud 19o. . It shows an Increase of, 1.70",- 000 clears for the year 1S06. The tobacco used in 1904 wag 4H.022 pounds and the cigars made 28.6av.IOi and In 1908 52M97 pounds were used and 2T.S1S, 8TC cigars made. , x LOW HATES Yin the t. Chicago. Mllwankee Panl Railway. ta.M Omaha to Louisville, Ky., and re turn. March 15. 14. 17 and U; return limit. March (1st. Also extramsly low round trip rates to many points In Alabama, Florida. Georgia, Louisiana. Mississippi and Tennessee en March Sth and 30th. For full Informat'on write er call en F. A NASH. General Western Agent. 1524 Farnam St., Omaha, Nek. Y. M. C. A. Cornerstone. On account of bad weather the laying of the cornerstone of the Young Men's Chris tian association has been postponed until some time next week. Howard Halflrls-e chairman of the cUiseiis committee which helped raise funds for the building, hae been chosen to make the address. I. W. Carpenter, president of the association, will lay tne stone. SITE NOT YET DECIDED ON Vnlon Paelfle Hcadnnrtera Location Still Matter of Donbt, Says Mr. Mohler. A rumor was current Thursday that the headquarters site had been determined upon for the Union Pacific. When asked In ref erence to the matter General Manager V Mohler said: . ... 'There la not one word of truth In the statement, and I think I am In a position to know as well as almost anyone." All sorts of rumors have been flying around concerning the location and man of these have been published, but the fact, still remains that the Union Paclfld officials have about given' Up an attempt to secure property for this large new addition to (he naw structures ,of Omaha, and havu about onucjuded 10 rebuild the; present edi fice and enlarge on ground which has been, bought to the east. Appendix Kept tVnay. ' Tour append! Is kept-busy - warding elf the dangers ef constipation. Help It with Dr. King's New Life Pills. Sc. Fot sale by Sherman dt McConrrell Drug Co. ' 1 ' .. I Jim Key is coming. . . . , . sirufo rno tuc hoiiV' I f W I VII III hm mini I I A aeneral court-martial has been Ordered o convene at Fort Riley March 19. The detail of tne court is: colonel Sidney w. Taylor, artillery ,oorps;i Majors Henry Klrby, Eighteenth Infantry; Thomas J. Lewis. Thirteenth cavalry; Csptalns J. E. McMahon, T. Bentley Mott, William Las siter, William S. McNalr, artillery corpsf William . Falwell. Eighteenth infantry Wlllard H. McCormlck, Ninth cavalry! Thomas H. Jackson, engineer corps; Firs' Lieutenants Kphralm G.. Peyton, Eight eenth infantry; Edward M. Adams, en gineer corpe; Dexter St urges. Thirteenth cavalry, and Captain Guy Carieton, Thir teenth cavalry. Judge advocate. Th following general court-martial sen tences have been promulgated from bead quarters Department of the Missouri and approved by the commanding general: Privates Charles E. Crawford, Troop L, Tenth cavalry, Fort Leavenworth, for de sertion, dishonorable discharge and eight een months Imprisonment; Milo F. Hutt, Troop B, Sixth cavalry, Fort Mead, for desertion, dishonorable discharge and one year's imprisonment; Allen B. ' Currsn, Company K. Seventh Infantry. Fort Leav enworth, for desertion, dishonorable dis charge and one year's Imprisonment; Guv A. Raymond, Company L. Twenty-flftii infantry. Fort Niobrara, for desertion, dis honorable discharge and two years' Im prisonment; John Ryland, Company U Twenty-fifth Infantry. , Fort Niobrara, for desertion, dishonorable discharge and nine months' Imprisonment; Recruit Willlsm T. Moran. Fort Leavenworth, for desertion, dishonorable discharge and eighteen months' Imprisonment; Recruit Thomas W. Gray. Fort Leavenworth, for fraudu lent enlistment, dishonorable discharge and ten months' Imprisonment; Privates A. iAUterbaugh, Company B. Fifteenth . In fantry, for desertion, dishonorable dis charge and eighteen months' Imprisonment; Ira G. Porter, Company L, Eleventh In fantry, Fort D. A. Russell, tor drunken ness and absence without leave, dishon orable discharge and three, months' im her and after that continually reminded her of IL He also refused to associate with her friends and for days at a time would not speak to her. She wants her maiden name, Alice Blrkhlmer, restored to her. Edda Karcher asks for a divorce from 1 Albert G, on the grounds of desertion. They were married tn Omaha Nevember 16, 19u0. . PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS George W. Ryan of the Ann of Ma, whinnev A Ryan, accompanied by his wife. will leave baturdny (or a threo months trip through Europe. Charles L. Nlchout of Chicago, son of the late Dr. Nichols, was lit Omaha Wed nesday on his way home from Pawnee City, where he had been attending the funeral of his mother. Major A. G. Hull, superintendent of the Pattie Mountain banluii lum at 11 jt Sp.ings, n. D., la in tne city, conferring Willi cup tain H. E. Palmer, relative tu the equip ment or uie sanitarium. The city has Issued a permit to Parlln Orendorff A Martin for their stx-story brick warehouse to cost 1124. uju. and which Is already uader construction on l-aven-worlii sirt, ezUNKjiMg Hum Ten h to fcleveuth. the truth concerning the prisoners. Detective Dunn declared that Morris was known as a aafe cracker and an all-round 'bad actor." It was explained that the de fect In Morris' left eye had been caused by a premature explosion of a safe Morris was tampering with years ago. Morris was sentenced to thirty days by the police Judge. Truelove, who waa the man who ran from Sixteenth and Farnam streets to Eighteenth and Nicholas streets last year and then jumped Into a boudoir where two women were curling their hair, was sen tenced to ten days. Logan was given ten days. Logan was said to have occupied a oluiir in Odin's hall for some time. After taking a course in creme de pilnts and other cooling cups of cosmopolitan creations Frank Donnelly's kite broke away from him In Ramcat alley during the early hours of Thursday morning. When found by a patrolman directions and dates were all alike to Donnelly. Ht could not even tell his name at the city jail. The man's face appeared to have been beaten and his pocket were turned Inside out, sug gesting foul treatment, but when the morn ing hours brought reason to Dounelly's Mu Hair is era 99ly Do you be con like it? Then why tented with it? Have to be? Oh, no! Just put on Ayer's Hair Vigor and have long, thick hair; soft, even hair; beautiful hair, without a single gray line in it. Have a little pride. Keep young just as long as you can. The best kind of a testimonial "Sold for over sixty years." Kens by the I. 0. Aye Oe., Leveu. aw. Alee aniimisi ef ITTVt lttlP4IILtA-P tke Mesa. aTIS'S PILLd Per eeutisstMa. ATIK S CJUtlKI raCTOssI -rstsesrss. Atlg'g aSes CDt-gf BMLiana aad area. V