Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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    'HIE OMAHA DAUA HKE: IHiDAV, MAHCli 10." im'
1 !
11 11
Not Oood.
Beer Is
i i
Befen Thousand Dollar Added to. Last
Tear' i Premium List.
Members of Slat Board of Assessment
ir Preparing ta CIt Testimony
' la th Railroad Tax Caae
Coming Vm Sooa
(from a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 16. (Special. -6ecre-
tarr Mel lor of the Slate Board of Agrl
culture this morning Issued his advance an
nouncement of the state fair, to be held In
Lincoln September 3, 4. i, and 7. August
tl and September 1 and I are set apart for
preparation days. Jn th announcement it
Is stated that the Increase In premiums
over laat rear Is SJ.OOO. During the last
year $5,000 was spent in permanent Im
provementa. Th indications are the fair
this year will be better than ever in the
history of th state, as the work of prep
aratlon I far In excess of any previous
year and the number of those who expeot
to make exhibits being larger than ever be-
Th announcement issued by Mr. Mellor
has this to say regarding the county col
lectlv axhlbitai
Lot 1 To th county agricultural society
exhlbfUng In the name of the society the
be', display of agricultural products of any
any and all klnas.
yor this claea the sum of 12,000 Is appro
priated. Tbis will be pro-rated among all
competitors scoring over 800 points In a pos
sible 1.600. The value of scoring points will
be determined upon the number above 800.
By this mode of attribution or pro-r sung
all competitors scoring above 8oo points wl
obtain somrtning.
Provided.! That all premiums awarded in
this class shall be paid In full without any
discount. -
T any county collective exhibit embrac
ing not leas than one carload, and not less
varieties aa named and enumerated In the
schedule provided In the state fair premium
list for Class O, and covering not less than
fifty feet table of shelf apace and ten by
fifty feet wall space, to the satiafactlon of
the board of managers, will be guaranteed
ta In cash premiums, provided the exhibit
scores tu points. Explanatory: If they win
only 160 In the competition, or any other
sum leas than SUM, the board will make up
the-eeftclency to Sluk This will Insure all
exhibitors the sum of $100 In any event. If
they win none of the competitive premiums
the 1100 will be paid, provided the foregoing
stipulations are compiled with.
Remember, no premium Is awarded to an
exhibit scoring less than 800 potnta
pl Ball Proprietor Arrested.
The recent agitation against pool halls
in lincoln. against which a number of
minister and others have resolved has re
sulted in the arrest of Joe Oppenhelmer.
owner of a pool hall, on a charge of allow
ing minors to play In his place of business.
Th trial probably will come oft Monday
Bine th arrest of the pool hall man It
is learned one of the boys had a written
permit from his father to play, while the
other was brought up to the pool hall by
his father, who later came for him in a
buggy, Soma time ago a number of bovs
arrested for breaking Into stores and other
buildings told the police they had planned
their rob bar lea In pool halls. Mayor Brown
at once Instructed the polio to keep a
trtct watch on three places and should
any boys be caught playing, the place was
to be closed. Later the ministers an.)
others have taken up the fight against
the pool halls and the council has been
asked to pass an ordinance prohibiting
Tax Case Appealed.
Ken's. Baker, attorney for Rohrhougli
Brc.. owners of a business college at
Omaha, has filed a brief in the supreme
court contending that part of their build
ing at Omaha, used exclusively for a butt
asa college. stWU be exempt from taxa
Some Large Brewers Claim Purity and Sterilization and little else.
We Guarantee Purity, Sterilization and Excellence of Materials.
Superiority of Quality is the Test.
MOST beer, no matter by, whom brewed, is clean, pure and
These primary conditions prevail in nearly all breweries.
Many pure, clean beers, however, are not good beers.
' o o o o o
Clean, pure beer may be made from almost any cereal and may
be aged and sterilized, but it will not necessarily be good beer.
The maximum of Quality is not there.
The brewers of Corn-made beer can and do justly claim purity,
cleanliness and freedom from germs.
o o o o o
tion. This (s th decision ' of "The lower
court, the county having, appealed. A por
tion of the new building Is rented to a
typewriter firm, and another portion for
other purposes. The attorney contends
only the portions rented and not used by
the business college is taxable.
Makes School Teachers Scarce.
The new. school law which goes into ef
fect September 1, 1907, Is, according to
school authorities, liable to create a dearth
of school teachers In Nebraska who are
able to comply with its provisions. The
law provides all high school teachers shall
have had at least a three years' college
course besides a first grade certificate.
Recently the state superintendent has re
ceived a number of letters from school
boards asking him to recommend teachers
who are qualified to come up to the re
quirements of the law and who are able
to earn a salary such a teacher should be
paid. Today Superintendent McBrlen re
celved a letter from the secretary of tho
School board at Auburn, asking him to
recommend a $100 man. The board at Its
last meeting increased the salary of . the
superintendent to $1,300 a year and it then
deferred electing the superintendent until
it can receive more applications. Those
who file applications between now and the
first Monday In April will be considered.
and from among them th superintendent
will be selected.
Stat Haas Employee Se Sights.
All th young women employed at the
state house, except those who are em
ployed in the office of the state superln
tendent and the land commissioner, spent
an hour this afternoon seeing Lincoln In a
touring sled drawn by four horses. The
young women were later entertained by
Mrs. Stewart, formerly employed at the
state house.
Studying; Vp aa Assesssaeat.
Governor Mickey and other members of
the State Board of Assessment are busy
these days studying up on the railroad as
sessment of 1906 so as to be prepared When
they are called as witnesses In the case
next week. Attorney General Brown has
arranged to have Bpecial Examiner Pear
sail come to Lincoln as soon as the su
preme court adjourns and the state will
call the members of the board as wit
nesses. Compromise Hot Yet Signed.
Mayor Frank Brown has not yet signed
the compromise whereby the Lincoln Trac
tion company pays the city ,: In lieu of
$48,000, which the city claimed It owed for
taxes. The mayor Intends to sign unless
some cltlsen shows some good reason for
him not doing so. He will do nothing until
Monday and in the meantime he Invites
any one with objections to the compromise
to make the same knonn.
Switchman Dies f lajartea.
Frank Rltoheaon, who was Injured In the
Burlington yards this morning, died at I
o'clock this afternoon. Ritcheson was
making a coupling and got his head be
tween the bumpers. He leaves a widow
and one child. He was employed as a
switchman by the Burlington.
Farmers Wit at lermlaal F.levators.
The board of directors of the Farmers
Co-operative Grain company met 'at the
Lirdell tonight and discussed terminal ele
vators. While no action was taken, it was
the sentiment of the members that the
farmers should own their own terminal fa
cilities and handle their grain clear through
to the consumer.
Rous Looking I P Fences.
George L Rouse, candidate for governor.
is here tonight in the Interest of his can
Kmma Berkwlth at Old Trick.
NORFOLK. Neb.. March U. (Special.)
Miss Emma Beck with, alias "Mrs. Lucas,
ths young domestic who recently created
a sensation by her stealings from Norfolk
homes and wlio, when arrested at Kelif a.
For these reasons
The King: of All Beers
must and docs command a higher price than any other beer, and has
greater sale than all other bottled beers.
"ssi9 Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n
St. Louis U.SL
confessed her past thefts, but declared she
was driven to the life by her father, and
who was released on her promise to reform.
has Just . finished looting the Commercial
hotel at Atkinson, where she worked a
week unknown to the landlord and from
which place she has Just disappeared with
Jewelry, silks, skirts, a suit case and other
valuables approximating from $50 to $100.
She bought a ticket for Omaha, and the
authorities in Omaha were notified by wire
to be on the lookout for her.
Cleric Issues Call for First Election
I'nder Kew Rale.
PIERCE, Neb., March 15. (Special.) The
cltlxens of Pierce are feeling pretty good
over the fact that they no longer live In
a village, but a city of the second class.
Th village board met this afternoon and
A. L. Brande presented an affidavit show
ing that there was 1,000 inhabitants, which
made the village a city. The clerk was
directed to Issue a call for the election of
regular city officials at the next spring
election. The city was divided into two
wards, the dividing line being Brown ave
nue, running north and south. A lively
election Is anticipated.
This plan was agitated a little while
before the village election last year, but
as no one seemed to care to take the
Initiative in the matter the subject was
dropped. However, last week Editor A. L.
Brande of the Pierce County Call made a
thorough canvass of the town and found
that there were over 1,1S Inhabitants In
the town, and he Informed several mem
bers of the town board of this fact. Mr.
Brande consulted Judge J. A. Williams
and upon looking up the law he fouid
that when It could be shown that the.e
was 1,000 Inhabitants In a town then It be
came the duty of the village board to de
clare It as such. A special meeting of the
town board was held and a motion that
the village be declared a city of the sec
ond class was made, but as one or two of
the members wished to look up the law
a little further on tne subject It was de
ckled to adjourn until Monday night.
Ravenna and Grand Island Men
Worked by Them.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. March 15.-(Spe-
clal Telegram.) The young men, giving
the names of Pickering and Graham, were
arrested here this afternoon and taken to
Ravenna on the charge of forgery. The
accused seem to have conducted their
operations by wholesale. At least half a
doaen merchants and otners of this city
were successfully worked Saturday night.
A saloon man of Ravenna cashed a forged
check for the accused amounting to $15;
another clt!sen f Ravenna was worked
for $25 and a third for $40. They have
been Identified by three Ravenna and sev
eral Grand Inland citizens as the men pre
senting the checks. Pickering's parents
are said to live in Lincoln.
Realans Palpi In Order t Advocate
th Doctrine.
SIOVX C1TT. March 15.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Rev. O. C. Porter, pastor of the
First Presbyterian church at Laurel. Neb.,
has resigned his pulpit In order to be free
to become a socialist, and at the end of
this month will enter the field of social
oratory as a free lance. Rev. Mr. Porter
came to Bloux City this evening end an
nounced his decision at a meeting of local
socialists, who received his decision with
Democrats Mm Ticket.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. March 15 (Spe
cial Telegram.) The democratic city con
vention was held this afternoon and the
following nominations were made: Mayor,
C. N. Kreaten; clerk, M. C. Berry; trs-
Science and experience have proved that good beer MUST contain
two essential ingredients HOPS and BARLEY, and for pale beer
a small percentage of rice.
But it is much cheaper to use Com -Grits as a substitute for
This is why some of the large brewers use Corn it costs less.
o o o o o
We use those materials which are recognized in the science of
brewing as the essential elements for a really healthful, palatable, honest
and superior beer; and of these only the very best, regardless of cost
Not a grain of corn ever enters our brewery in any manner or for
any purpose.
Our precautions for pure, clean and perfectly sterilized beer are
' o o o o o
Our storing capacity of 600,000 barrels, exceeding that of any two
other breweries in the world, enables us to lager (age) our beer from four
to five months.
urer. W. B. Payne: police Judge, O. N. Wat
son. Councllmen: First ward, A. C. Chrls
tensen; Second ward, M. Gardner; Third
ward, John Stemhart: Fourth ward, George
Tompkins. Board of Education: Dr. Claude
Watson, M. H. Collins, O. C. Holts.
Declines to Commit Himself on Can
didacy for Governor.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., March 15.-Spe-clal.)
When Judge Jcssen was asked today
If he was ready to announce to his many
friends that he would allow them to pre
sent his name as a candidate for the office
of governor, he replied:
"No, sir. Sheriff, convene court."
Republican Ticket at Schuyler.
SCHUYLER. Neb.. March 15.-(8peclal
Telegram.) The following ticket was nom
inated by the republican party for city
officer8: Mayor, W. A. Rathsack; clerk, W.
J. Hlggina; treasurer, J. L. Woods; engi
neer, E. E. Greenman: police Judge, V. W.
Sutherland. Councllmen: First ward,
Thomas Wacha; Second ward, H. W. Kolm;
Third ward, Ed Vrxak. ' Board of Educa
tion: Bernard Mick, Cirll Schmid. The dem
ocratic caucus will be held Saturday' even
ing. Tfews of Nebraska.
SEWARD The Law and Order league
held a caucus last Friday night and
named a full municipal ticket to be voted
on at the spring election.
SEWARD The eighth declamatory eon
test of the Seward High school will be held
at the opera house Friday evening. March
23. There will be eleven contestants.
SEWARD The Board tit County Com
missioners Is In session and will select
sixty names from which the county clerk
and district clerk will draw the grand and
petit Juries.
SEWARD Albert Moore, the 17-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore, died
suddenly st the family home Wednesday
from heart failure. The funeral will be
held Friday morning.
BEATRICE Yesterday James A. MeCal-
lum. who has been In the grocery business
In Beatrice for the last nineteen years, dls
posed of his Interests In the business to his
partner. H. B. Hoaartn.
FREMONT There has been a light fall
of snow here today, accompanied by con
tlnued cold weather, ice men say that ir
It continues a few days longer they will
commence cutting again.
COLL'MBl'S-Mr. Dineen. a local stock
buyer, cauaht his foot under a car of
freight train while he was trying to cross
the tracks and was so badly injured that
three of his toes had to be amputated.
MINDEN At the home of the bride, Mr.
Thomas Burns and Miss Millie Hansen were
married March 14 at 7 o clock. A larae num
ber of friends and relatives of lioth were
present. Rev. Mr. Sweeney officiated.
BUR WELL- Municipal politics has begun
to warm up along the saloon and no saloon
Issues. The antl-sa!-Kn men met last night
and nominated F. A. Johnson, 8. M. Corn
well and H. J. Mitchell as candidates.
BEATRICE Last evening at 7 o'clock, at
the home of Mrs. J. B. Mumford, ten milts
northeast of Beatrice, was solemnised the
marriage of Miss Ida May Willis and Mr.
George Cole of Council Grove, Kan., Rev.
A. D. Sollenberger officiating.
SEWARD John Marts, city electrician,
has been granted a four months' leuve of
absence to go t3 Red Cloud. Neb., to in
stall an electric light plant there. On his
return to Seward he will increase the
equipment of the plant here.
ALBION Judge Paul is here now finish
ing the work of the February term of the
district court. Most of the Important
cases will go over to the next term, al
though several cases of considerable im
portance have been disposed of.
ALBION Another light snow fell Inst
night and sleighing is better here now
than at any previous time this winter.
The mercury dropped to near the sero
point during the night and at no time for
several days has It gone above freeslng.
A1N8WOKTH-At high noon today, at the
residence of the bride's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Iewis Osborn, about two miles north
east of town. Miss Luella Osborn and Mr.
Kills pebolt were quarried. Kev. Johnson
nt the Methrdlst Eplscupal church officiated.
BEATHICK B. M Heffleflnger yesterday
sold to W. 11. Ruyie. a slock raiser living
east of the city, seventy-four head of choice
fat cattle, for which he received cents
per pound, or a trifle over H0O0. The stock
was shipped to the Kansas City markets
laat evening.
TECUMSEH F. E. Cobb, manager of th
local station c? the Independent Telephone
company, has been compelled to resign the
position, or.n: to poor heal in. ine com
pany has clioaen C. W. Pool, who was In
the newspaper business in this city for
years, as his successor.
BEATRICE Heavy f.nowstorms hsve vis
ited this section dally for the last four
dnys and the ground is now covered to the
depth of from six to eight Inches. The
earliest settler Is unf.ble to recall the time
when such storms visited this section
of Nebraska so late In the season.
BEATRICE It is said that several rep
resentatives of the Missouri Pacific railroad
paid Beatrice a vhilt the other day to in
vestigate the frelrht traffic of the city.
Their visit is taken by some to mean that
the company Is making plans to build the
proposed line from Virginia to this point.
MINDEN District Judge Adams of Mln-
den will hold court at Alma, Harlan county,
next week. The most Important case is
the Lucas murder case from Philips county,
which has been transferred to Harlan
county for trial. J. L. McPheely of this
city Is one of the attorneys for Lucas.
AUBURN Mrs. George Fabllnger died
suddenly at her home in this city this morn-
init. between 7 and 8 o clock, as the result
of a stroke of paralysis last evening about
8 o'clock. Mrs. Fabllnger was a teacher In
the city school and taught her school yes
terday as usual. She was about 48 years
of age.
NORFOLK The municipal campaign was
started last night when the democrats re
nominated the present Incumbents of their
party, John Friday, mayor; Julius Hulff,
city cierk; Julius Haase, city treasurer;
II. Salmon, city engineer; H. C. Matrau
and Thomas Shtvely, members of the Board
of Education.
BURWELL A .lumber of important real
estate transfers have been made In the
last week. One eighty acres three miles
from Burwell sold for $5li per acre and a
quarter section for $40 per acre. The car
penters are now figuring for local parties
on a $10,000 brick block to be erected In
Burwell this summer.
SCHUYLER About five Inches of snow
covers the ground here. The snow fell dur
ing the last three days. The snow, coming
at this time of the year, will be a great
benefit to the soil for the spring work.
There Is not much danger of high water as
there Is hardly enough snow and the ground
is not frosen so very deep.
BEATRICE A case of diphtheria was
reported yesterday In the family of George
Moore, who resides near Plckrell. The par
tlent Is the 7-year-old son of Mr. Moore,
snd although the disease Is In a malignant
form the attending physician is of the opin
ion that the boy will recover. The two
children in the family of William Ehmen
who have been afflicted with the disease
are reported out of dsnger.
AUBURN The case of th State against
J. L. Gandy and O. C. and Clyde Reed, for
obstructing Justice, which has occupied the
lust three days of the county court, came
to a close last evening. After three hours'
deliberation of the Jury the verdict aj
brought In finding J. L. Gandy guilty as
charged and jO. C. and Clyde Heed not
guilty. J. L. Gandy was nned $60 and coals.
This Is the second time Uandy has been
convicted of similar charges In the last ten
PLATTSMOUTH Judge Paul Jessen ol
1 Nebraska City held a short session of dis
trict court In this city today ana among
other business transacted rendered a Judg
ment In the sum ot l,.w in lavor oi me
plaintiff in the case of S. H. At wood
against Mrs. Ed A Oliver. The case of
the State against Hans Goos. who is
charged with having violated the provi
sions of the Slocumb law by having screens
In front of his saloon windows and doors,
was continued until next term at tne re
quest of County Attorney Rawls.
TRCI'MBEH It was the opinion of the
voters here that they could not vote bonds
In a sufficient sum to provide an adequate
electric lighting plant for the city, and
plans were formulating for tne disposition
of the present piani, wmcn is in preperiy
of the municipality, to a company or In
dividual and granting a franchise. A let
ter from the office of the state auditor ad
dressed to the city clerk conveys the In
formation that Tecumseh can vote as much
as $15.(JO for the purpose noted. This will
put the matter in a different shape, even
though the city may nut be ready Just at
this lime to vote Donas.
FREMONT The Board of Public Works
this morning awarded the contract for
navina Fifth street from Main to I'ebble.
a distance of seven blocks, to Mike Ford
of Cedar Rapids, la. Ills old fur the en
lira work. Including curbing and corners.
wss the lowest. The price la $1.84 per yard
for brick on a concrete base. Eight bids
were submitted, the highest being 20 cents
per yard above Ford's. An effort is being
made to Dave Broad street from Bixth to
Sixteenth, and the committee which Is cir
culating the petition Is meeting with good
succeaa, though some of the heaviest prop
erty owners are expected to oppose It.
Three Hundred ud Fifty Thousand Acres
Available Near Rapid City.
BUI In Lower Hoase of Congress Pro
viding for Bale of Land on the
Lower Brnle Reservation
la Bonth Dakota.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, March 15.-r(Speclal Tele
gram.) The secretary of the Interior has
vacated the departmental order of June S,
19J3, withdrawing 350,000 acres ot public
land In South Dakota, In the vicinity of
Rapid City, In connection with the Box
Elder irrigation project. It Is said a
considerable number of homeseekers from
Nebraska are desirous of taking up home
steads In that county. The restoration of
this tract was made upon the solicitation
of Representative Martin of South Dakota.
This land, while restored to settlement,
does not become subject to entry filing or
selection under public land laws until ninety
days after notice by such publication as
the commissioner may prescribe.
Bessejr Mentioned for Honors.
The Washington friends of Dr. C. E.
Bessey of the Nebraska State university
are urging his appointment as secretar
of the Bmlthsonlan Institution, to succeed
the late Dr. Langley.
The lowest bidder for the installation of
the heating apparatus In the new public
building at Ogden, Utah, was the Iowa
Manufacturing company of Oskaloosa, la.,
their bid being $3,877.
Postal Matters.
Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska
Cozad, rout S, David N. Atkins carrier,
May Nellie Atkins substitute; Hosklns,
route 2, George O. Golt carrier, William
F. Golt substitute; Miltoid, route S, Ed
ward S. Klein carrier, Roscoe R. Carr sub-
tltute. Iowa Bode, route Z, John C.
Haugen carrier, Carl Haugen substitute;
Glen wood, route 4. Harley E. Bromwell
carrier, Annie M. Bromwell substitute;
Hlnton, route 4, Frank V. Bennett carrier.
Bart Luce substitute; Inwood, route 2,
Gustav A. Anderson carrier, Elon W. Lane
substitute; Iowa City, route 3, William H.
Forsythe carrier, Harry T. Hagenbuck sub
stitute; Iowa City, route 5. Lloyd W.
Porch carrier. Flora B. Porch substitute;
Jamaica, route 2, Clinton F. Morris carrier.
Roscoe Sawyer substitute; Modale, route 2.
William A. Parcell carrlei, Lewis E. Boyd
substitute; Moulton, route 4. Charles A.
Yates carrier, Austin H. Yates substitute;
Sioux Rapids, route 1. Henry J. Arkley car
rier, Silas D. Ackley substitute. South
Dakota Mansfield, routes 1 and 2, Benja
min W. Slebraase carrier, Chris Siebrasse
Rural routes ordered established May 1:
Iowa Jackson county, Andrew, route 1,
population 280, houses 70; Bellevue, routes
4, t and (. population 1,064, houses 2ti
Iron Hill, route 1. population 280; houses 70;
Maqunketa. route 4. population . hous.-s
K: Miles, route 2, population !60. houses S3;
Sabula, route 2, population S84. houses M.
Complete rural delivery service In Bon
Homme county, South Dakota, has been
ordered effective May 1. 190S. The total
number of routes In the county will he
Upon the recommendation of Congress
man Norrls. Dr. J. W. Mitchell has been
appointed pension examining surgeon, at
Superior, Neb., vice William Foster, re
signed. Dr. Leslie Lamb has been appointed pen
sion examining surgeon at Slgourney, It.,
- 'IMIB .,, I,
t J
on th recommendation ef . Congress magi
Brule Lands May Be told.
The house committee on Indian affair
decided to report favorably today on a bill
authorizing the sale of 66,000 acre of the
Lower Brule reservation In South Dakota,
Several Strortnrea for Business Pur
poses Are Being Built la 0t
lylns Districts, 1 '
While building for busl iess purposes in
the downtown districts Is going along at
a lively clip It Is not altogether unknown
In some of the outlying portions of th
city. In a number of sections recently
small store buildings have been erected
and others ore going up. One ot these
will be built on the southwest corner of
Fortieth and Cuming streets. On this sit
A. K. Nuckolls tt Co. will build ' a good
slxed brick structure to he used for stor
purposes. The Nuckolls firm now occupies
quarters at 3921 Cuming street) .a on
story brick building owned by Dr 8. D.
Mercer, the other apartments of which are
occupied by the Walnut Hill Pharmacy
and a substation of the postofflo. Because
of an advance In the rental the Nuckolls
have decided to build and the pharmacy
probably will .vacate Its present quarter
and go Into the new Nuckolls building.
Fatalities Prevent. .
After an accident, use Bucklen's , Arnica
Salve. It prevents fatal result, . Heals
uts, burns, sores. 25c. For sal by Bher
an & McConnell Drug Co.
Fair la Northern Nebraska Today,
Snow In Southern Portion
i Warmer Tomorrow.
WASHINGTON, March 15. Forecast ot
the weather for Friday and Saturday:
For Nebraska Fair In north, snow In
south portion Friday: Saturday,' fair and
For Iowa Snow Friday and Saturday.
For Colorado and Wyomlng-Snow Friday
Saturday, fair and warmer. .
For South Dakota--Fair and warmer Frt
day and Saturday.
For Missouri Snow Friday and Saturday.
Loral Record.
OMAHA, March 15. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared wltn
the corresponding day of the last three
years: JW. 1906. 19M. 1K08.
Maximum temperature.... 14 63 S7 4S
Minimum temperature ... S -; ii .'21 32
Mean temperature 11 48 19 28
Precipitation .08 ' .01 .00 T
Teuierature and precipitation departure
from the normal at .Omaha since March L
and comparison with the laat two years:
Normal temperature .' 11.
Deficiency for the day 2ft'
Pendency since March 1 72
Normal precipitation 04 Inch
Excess for the day 04 Inch
Total precipitation since March 1.. .96 Inch
F.xcess since March 1 SS Inch
Deficiency for cor. period, I .40 inch
Deficient-y for cor. period, 1W It Inch
Reports from Stations at T P. M.
Btatlon and State
df Weather.
Bismarck, cl-ar
Cheyenne, snowing ...
Chicago, cloudy
Davenport, cloudy
Iienver, snowing
Havre, clear
Helena, clear
Huron, partly cloudy.,
Kaunas City, snowing.
Temp. Maxl- Rain.
7 p.m. mum. fall.
0 2 .u0
2 0 .
24 24 T
22 21 .
4 14 .11
2 4 . .0
2 0 .(
20 22 . .01
8 16 " .18
14 14 .07
-3 2 .0f
22 24 T
8 10 .00
' 28 20 T
4 . . 8 ; .02
I North Plane, snowing.
; Omaha, cloudy
1 Rapid City,
Bt. IxjuIs, cloudy
Hi Paul, partly cloudy
Bait Iike City, cloud)
Valentine, cloudy
Wllllston, clear
T indicates trace of precipitation. - ;J
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecast.