HIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: 'FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 190f. Tt. Be, March 16, 1106. V tt SW0g V f r v, wn r"l ovV,.. m Corsets. Tour new spring dress? Hadn't ; ou bet ter begin at the beginning and' consider your corset first Tha :new ahapa la a necessity, If you wish to b well dressed, aa tha corset tnuat fit snugly and perfectly, tapering (ha waist and prettily roundlnit tha figure. Tha bust, toff, la a trine higher an laat season's models. -Corteot ahapea are tha well known Warner's Redfern Cor set!. Wa Viave them in an aaaortment aufflclently vailed to fit any type of form. Redfern corset are Stayed, with, the beat quality Greenland Whalebone of the moat pliant nature.; Tha. fabrics; are kldllke In their weave, amootb and soft. Theyhave Ilk elastic "Security" rubber button hose exporters. When these corsets are fitted t Jou aa wa fllf them, you will be per- Clark cussed erijd said, "That was a h- of a ehootlng we were mixed Up in.;' I gave Clark my gun before we got Into the house. I tied m' monev 'up tri n. .hand kerchief, $160 br ?12.7n. and :ut It In my left pocket. I .hiet.Oflleer Joe Bit I lew, and he told me the conductor was shot. I took a car and got off. at Dr.' MoCrann'a office; and saw the conductor thenv Afterward 1 took a car to the.. Vinton, 'stfeet barn and walked to Omaha,', a there were no cars. In Omaha I went te Mrs.. Shepherd's, Uu6 Mouth Fifteenth -street,' where-1 stayed all night. Knows Clarke's Assailant. It is stated that Wain also told the ttouth Omaha police that he knew some, thing about tho shooting of Frank N Clarke, which has been a mystery to the police officers of Omaha since the time o ltt- occurrence. HeJsald none - of hie companions had anything to do with It, but that "rnab by the name of Garfield" and hi companion were the chief actors In the holdup.. Garfield and bis pal took the Rock1 Island' train a few nights ago, bound for Davenport. It is likely that they may go from there to St. Louie. If the state meat of Gathrtght turns out to be the truth there will be another large Item of credit to'the Industry of. the South Omaha police department. Clark and. Wain were -taken to the city Jell Thursday, afternoon to have their Bar tllllon measurements recorded. The pris oners were returned to the county jail. Well Ksevra la Omaha. Oatlirlgjit ,1s well known to the police of Omaha, and they recognise In him a dnper ata and dangerous character. He haa at different times been the source of a great deal of. trouble to the local police. It is only a tew months since one of the mem bers of fte Omaha police force was saved from death at the hands' of Oathrlght In the nick of tbtte by the quick Interference 'of another lOfftcer. This waa laat September, about tha time Officer Al Jackson was shot while la pursuit of Pat Crowe. Oathrlght waa making some treuble la a house at Six teenth gad Nicholas streets and Patrolman Shields and Lsthey ware sent to restore or der. Oatbrfght waa In an ugly mood and did not feel- inclined to become quiet or submit i ll. arrest. Officer Shlelda . then sought to take him by force and while off his guard the burly black man stealthily drew a revolver and was actually pressing It against the lower left portion of the offl uer's abdomen, ready to fire, when the movement' happened to catch the eye of Officer Lahey. Quick as a flash the Utter grabbed the pistol and "broke" It, the cart ridges scattering over the sidewalk. " It waa a cheep gain or the feat would not have been so easily performed. Clark Ala Confesses. Clarence' -Via th right was returned to the ceunty Jail yesterday afternoon after hav ing made the full confession of his connec tion with .the Albright robbery. His com panion in the crime were taken with him flUCATOR" SHOES ' . FOR BoYS -s 'W AT Lilliputian Shoe Store The boy will dance -with Joy hen he gets hi feet la these Dt vfe-shaped hos. They ar wad of plump glased cordovan leather, with genuine) oak sole, oubl from heej to toe, and can not be duplicated elsewhere for tha money. Sites to 1SH, t Bites lo 5H. at 200 2.50 Bprtng styles boyg', siri, an(! la f any' shoes gr ready. Writ for illustrated catalogue. EHi SCn rTTl Q RK1 t- V.-. . k Fashion Has Twisted the Calendar. And now while winter snows arc falling, new and beautiful spring and summer costumes, millinery, dresa goods, wash goods and acerf-sories are celling more and more each day fashionable folk realizing the Advantages' of buying now while stocks are at their best. We have arranged with the makers and weavers so that the, prettiest styles will' not be duplicated, and styles are now here which cannot be secured at any price later on. Buying here Friday holds clusiveness and superior qualities. lectly and permanently corseted In the 'new faahlon." ' ONLY TWO MORE DATS TO BE SCIENTIFICALLY FITTED BY MISS Mo CAL'LEY, expert corsetlere from the Red fern offices. Ladies have been quick to recognize the advantage of being fitted by an expert, and Friday and Saturday will iba busy daya In this aectlon, despite tha difficulty of travel. Come as early at you can. . . Friday Sale qL Fancy Linens, Economy Basement. ' Wa have Inaugurated a series of special Sale In our Economy Basement Linen De partment that will surpass any low pricing you may expect. This department In the 'baseman! is a new feature, and these low prices and high qualities offered Friday herald a brilliant success. Linens, of ail aorta are necessities on snowy daya, as well aa on balmy springlike days. . and these offerings should bring you her Fri day despite the wintry blasts. - H. 8. SCARFS. .'-.' ' 26c Hemstitched Scarfs, Friday sale price, lac each. ' JOc Hemstitched Scarfs, Friday sale price, 26o. each. " . 66c Hemstitched Scarfs, Fridsy sale price, 33c each. t5o Hemstitched Scarfs, Friday sale price, 48c each. ' ' LUNCH CIOTHS. T5c Hemstitched Lunch Cloths, Friday sale price, 8c each. ' 60o Hemstitched Lunch Cloths, Friday sale price, 26c each. 1 2&c Hemstitched Center Pieces, Friday sale price, 12c each. TENERIFFE DOILIES. : 10c Teneriffe Dollies, Friday sale price, Re each. "" ' Howard Cor. Sixteenth Street down to the city jail, where they wort viiotograpfied and the Bertlllon measuiu merits taken. .While there Clark and'Waln were confronted with the damaging evl denoe of -Oathrlght' and"E1osie Wain. When asked what he had to- say for himself In the face o the evidence , Clark bbwed, his head aa: he muttered, "It is a; lie." No further" statement could be gotfcofri' him In "the presence of the officers, but when the chief had placed him In the patrol wagon and they were bii the way to the county Jail he made a tacit confession of the crime. He said: "I have served time in Illinois and Mis souri and In other placets chief, but you fellows certainly have broke down and tangled up my : alibis wM- trwlr'Jiybt)dy ever did. Tou can Just make out my com plaint before 'Judge lnjf pW itiWiill wflitfe preliminary hearing4 and hr before Judge' Sutton and plead gulity, and youse kin send me down where I kin make brooms; thU't what 1 11 do. ' When asked concerning the. first robbery in Albright Clark said; "I tell you what, but you mind ; now, chief, I don't aay I did It; but I want to tell you that Bam Piper Is Innocent of that Job, and when I says that you know what it meant." , A Chief Brigga thinks, therefore, that a conviction la absolutely certain. Chief Brlggs further confirmed the state ments of Detective Elsteider that Oath- right had given a valuable tip as to the Identity of the. men who shot Frank N. Clarke In Omaha.- Accord I Dg to' the state ment of 'Oathrlght; the chief said It was a man by the name ef -James Garfield, who slipped out of town with his-companion and whose trunk was trlwed to- the Rock Island train last Monday evening. The two went out on that train and their des tination was ascertained. , They left-Omaha at 6:40 in the evening, oarrewly missing the Omaha police officers- : j - c : : : Who Will Get Rewards f A total of $2,900 reward has Wen offered for the capture and conviction of the three criminals. The question arises nbw, ''"Who will get this reward, assuming - the' three men In custody are the guilty ones?' Chief Brlggs, Detective Elsfelder, Officer Ballew and any. other South Omaha police-mer -who participated In the capture,, palurally are considered eligible to eh are in the re ward, and then .there '.'is some sentlmeut that' Mrs. Mula, or Warren who gave the first tip to the police' which Jed to the. ar rest of the trip, will become entitled to. a part of the money. , TJe. ff.ct. that the womah confesses tg having made 'the jnjUs worn by the. "murderers end to have, had knowledge of the premeditate c'rlmel leads some people to the view ehe Is partlcepe crlminis, and as suctf not entitled to any reward, but prosecution. - The -fact she vol untarily "gave up"; to the police., however, la counted by those believing ber entitled to reward as absolving ber so far as the law Is concerned. This .point U generally dis puted. - ( . .-. General Bagaage .Agents JMeet- L08 ANGELK8. Cal March 15-The busl neits meeting of the American Association of General Baggage Agents today dlarussod the question of eiccees baggage- The ses-i slon closed with the reading of a paper on some subjects of Interest to baggage agents of all railway line by F.' D. Taylor of Chi cago, general bugttaire apent of the Ch1cag( ft Northweatern road. Tomorrow morning the baggagemen and their wives will start on their southern - California sightseeing trip. . Great Northern to Improve. ST. PAUL. Mitrch IK The Greet North ern will spend more then $,rW0ou for freight and passenger equipment this year. New refrigerator cars fwr meat and fruits will slau bo purchusii) Wreek anrvlrors Arrive. NF.W YORK. March tt.-The - steamer Manlielm which reecuetf part pt the crew of the steamer Biitlah K:ng. which Bank near Sanle Island last Sunday, arrired here today. ' AlWyg RgjBrri)Mr tha fwrj Nshj I jtxative , trorao rtU2 rs 9 OaBVnTJf boa. 33 many surprises in low prices, ex- - t UMc Teneriffe Doilies, Friday sale price, ISc each. 36c Teneriffe Doilies, Friday sale price, 19c each. 60c Teneriffe Dollies, Friday Bale price, 83c each. , Special Bale Remnunts of Bleached and Unbleached Table Damnsk In our Economy Basement Friday morning. ' Draperies on the Third Floor. Our iiuwsm street window prettily sug gests .the fashionable decorative materials for retouching that cosy corner or den, artistically draping your windows, glass doors and openings throughout your home. Those ' draperies that have lived with you throughout many seasons can be replaced at small cost, and the varied selection and small prices here make choosing easy and aatlsfactory. New cretonnes at 15c a yard. Fancy printed burlap at 20c a yard. Sllkolines at 6c, 10c and 12fcc a yard. Printed curtain muslins at 16c a yard. , Snow flake draperies at 16c a yard. Downproof sateen at Dflc k yard. Curtain Swisses at 6c a yard. Lace Curtains. Among the new lace curtains for this season are many novelties in two-toned effects that are very beautiful. , The back ground being of ecru and the principal de signs of white, make this style. of lace cur tain strikingly effective. Let us show you the new line at $2.60, S2.7S, $3.00, $3.60 pair. Our prices on ruffled Swiss curtains are Interestingly low to those who are in need of thorn, 29c, 48c, 60c,. 75c, 79c, 98c, $1.00, $1.26 a pair; perfect goods. SASH EXTENSION CURTAIN RODS 6C EACH. , Curtain extension rods, with white or yellow metal ends, at 10c each. FIGHTING FOR A WITNESS Ohio Court and Senate' in Struggle for Banker of Oinoinnati. REFUSES TO APPEAR BEFORE COMMITTEE .Lively' Contest Between Offleurs aad "DanlOClerka; When Attempt Is Ms4e". to: Arrest c. De - i- sired Wltneee.l COLVMBI'B. O.. March 16. A wilt of 'TiaXeffam'puH'-waa'fo Dillon,lr(yie Franklin county Lcoinmorj,iteas eourtuimlii:"a'i.roaci, ' jCpr,. il'h'omaa ' Davis, Jhe Cincinnati banker, who was se. cured' yesterdayby otllcers In the interest of the Lexow probing committee of,. the Ohio senate., ' A deputy snerlfT was given the writ and started out to find Davie, but returned later , when h-v found that Davis was in Cincinnati. The writ commanded Davla ts) appear befcic the couimoa pleas oeurt at Cincinnati. . . Senator Schmidt said today: "They may prevent ua getting Davis before the senate today, but we are deetrmlned on the mat ter. We do not propose to be balked in our purpose without a tight." . . Refuses te. Appear. CINCINNATI, inarch lb. Mr. Davis acted on the advice of the attorneys in refusing to appear before .the committee, holding that the information which was sougut from him was a business confidence which he had no right to make public. He was at his desk aa usual, even notifying the committee where he could bo found If they wished to secure his arrest. Attorneys for the committee, however, said that they feared any attempt to secure his arrest In the ordinary way would be a cause for a delay through .habeas corpus proceedings and the. legal Aontest which would follow. For this res son they took the somewhat unusual method of arresting ' him on a warrant front the state senate and then hurrying him 'from the city in an auto mobile before the local courts could Issue a writ of habeas corpus and secure posses sion of the witness. " - . Straggle oa Bank. The arrest was made at the close of 'the day and the officers had difficulty In get ting eaway with their prisoner, - some' of Ute bank .clerks who had crowded at one lime, seeming about, to use force to rescue their superior. Attorney Lawrence Max well, Jr., on behalf of the bank president, protested against the arrest aa contrary to the power of the committee and Im mediately secured a writ of habeas corpus from Commoa r'leae Judge . f Meger, but before it could ' be served the party . In the automobile' had been hurried, to Sharon, ten miles from the city, where a traction ear was taken to Dayton. At that city a train was taken to Springfield, and In that city, the party stopped at a hotel for the night Officers from' Cincinnati, with copies of the writ, had been In various directions and some of them reached Springfield dur ing the early morning. The tergeant-at-arma did not resiat the order of the court. dui . gave up inwa- prisoner, who was brought back to Cincinnati, where he was to appear before Judge Sajnuel W. Smith louay. i ne intae coiuiiniiee nad sum moned Cashier Davis to testify whether his bank had paid either gratuities or In-, terest to County Treasurer Hynicka as a means of securing the deposit of county funds. Tlie hearing on the habeaa corpus was postponed until next Wednesday. Davis was released on his own recogniz ance. RAILROADS KILL FOUR PEOPLE Fatal Aerldente Are Ururtt4 Iron Hnllrnaa lards at gather, lass and Lincoln. SUTHERLAND. Neb., March U iSlwcial Telegram.) Three young men met death in the local railroad yards todsy while at tempting to crosa the track in front of eaatbound train No. ID- They were Joe Leach, Will Robb and Xlonxo Matthewson. All. Were, mangn-d and death was in stantaneous. LINCOLN, March 15. -(Special Telegram.) Frank ftitchaaon, aWilchrnan employed by - the - Burlington! was perhaps fatally hurt this - uiorutug. He waa making a coupling . and In some way got his brad caught bet m wen the bumpers and his tku.l was crushed Hs is barcli; alive. ;'Ji lm a wtfs aud out vhild. STANDS BY STATEHOOD BILL Caucus of House Republicans Decide to Fight . Senate- Amendments. ' EXTENDED -ADDRESS BY SPEAKER CANNON Saya Senate Is 'Already Too Large , . and Appeals fe , Representa tives to Assert Tnelr Rights. - WASHINGTON,' March 15-As the result of a caucus which lasted for two snd a half hours today, hft republicans of the house voted i: to SB to1 stand by the stale hood bill as It passed the house and ask the senate for a conference ( on the measure. (This vole followed Immediately after a resolution offered by Mr. Mondell of Wyom ing, representing the ; Insurgents, had been defeated 131 to. 13, the Mondell resolution be ing to agree to the senate amendment elim inating Arisona and New Mexico from the bill and asking a conference on the minor amendments in the measure. Several speeches, were made. They were limited to five minutes each, but In the case of Speaker Cannon and Mr. Hamilton of Mich igan, chairman of the committee on terri tories, the time was extended. Mr. Hamil ton opened the discussion with a plea for the original house bill Cannon's Appeal for Honae Bill. Mr. Mondell, In offering his proposition lor concurrence, paid ' a high tribute to the speaker, but declared that those who op posed his position Were only acting In ac cordance with their duty. The speaker fol lowed, touching first on the binding effect of both oaucusses and conferences. Ho took the position that where the party took action on any matter ofthla nature all members participating; were bound by that action. He made the point that there were twenty residents of Oklahoma and Indian Terri tory who objected "Sri' being tied together where there was one In Arisona and New Mexico. He admitted "he was being deluged with telegrams on behalf of Oklahoma. He contended that the effect of admitting Ok lahoma and Indian Territory at this tirrle and not disposing of Arisona and N Mex ico only meant that, there would tie four new senators from Arisona and New Mex ico instead of but two senstors In case the house stood firm. To add four senators where but two should be added, he declared, A-ould give the senate too mho Influence as compared with tie'" house,' based upon population. , ' ,,' Reviewing legislation before congress, he said the rate bill wrjuld pass If the house Would stand firm. Its statehood bill would also become law and we can stay here for three months, he declared. Addressing the Insurgents, he added: "Why Join the democracy? In order to have your own way?" , ( The speaker then turned Ills face toward the senate and remarked: "On what meat doth this our -Caesar feed that it. hath grown so great? "My Judgment Is that statehood will become a law,, aa tn.houe bill contem plates."' ' . Bannock.- RrrVHesv te Cannon. Mr. Babcock of ' Wisconsin followed the speaker. He at once accused the leaders with being eager enough to join with the democrats on the Philippine bill snd are now criticising those who intended. Joining jthem on jwajehodtfTf ?ou have) fooled the rnenjpera . by-6e,lHe ,U a conference, "-. he said, "when yottnW'tf you called It a fauous yau,couia.so gc.a quorum. If the bill goes to conference, as suggested. Jt will die." v. ." 1 Messrs. Steenerson Mlnn.), Davis (Wis.), Beds (Mmn.) - and Reeaer (Kan.) com plained against being bwvnd Vy the con ference. Mr. Campbell of Kansas put himself oli record In favor of the' Mondell proposition when Delegate McQulre of Ok lahoma made a plea for action which Would admit tka state of Oklahoma. TluM tha defeat of the admission of Ok lahoma meant defeat ot the' republican party In that section was sdvanced. as sn argument for the senate bill by Mr. Mur dock of Kansas. After the vote had been taken on the two propositions Mr. Bonynge of . Colorado asked unanimous consent to offer a resolu tion declaring the conference not binding. Mr. Wgtson objected, to this and the ses sion was declared e-nded. TILLMAN ON RATES (Continued from First Page.) earnest and exciting contention has arisen and there la great difference of opinion as to tho scope of this clause and the executive powers of the commission under It. Whatever nisy be the results of this discussion In the senate, if the bill becomes a law the final determination ot the ques tion at Issue must be made By the supreme court. There Is even . grester solicitude upon the Question of judicial review. Con cress ran .Centrr renrts. Friends ot the railroads contend, urged Mr. Tillman, that congress cannot limit the Jurisdiction of the. -circuit courts, . while on the other hand, he added, "it is asserted with eual etnphasle thst the power to creat all courts other than the supreme court rests alone in congress snd that such court's being statutory sre necessarily limited In their scope and power by the authority whft-h creetee them." - He oa tinued: I myself Incline most confidently to this view and have not the slightest doubt that it la possible to properly amend this Dill CHAXD TO LIVE Anal tne-Lne lili l Always tke Best. "Six mouths ago I would have laughed at the idea' that there could be anything better for a table beverage than coffee, writes an Ohio woraurj--"ru)W I laugh te know there Is "Since childhood I drank coffee as freely as" any other member of the family. Th result was a puny, sickly girl, and as I grew Into womanhood I did not gain In health, but was afflicted with heart trouble, a weak and disordered stomach, wrecked nerves and a general breaking down, till last winter at the age of 18 1 seemed to be on the verge of consumption. My friends greeted me wi!i 'How had you look!- What a terrible color!" snd this was not very comforting. "The doctors and patent medicines did me absolutely no good. I was thoroughly discouraged. "Then 1 pave op coffee and commenced Postum Food Coffee. At first I didn't like It. but sfte.- a few trials and follow ing the directions exactly. It was grand It was refreshing and satisfying, in couple of weeks 1 noticed a great change. I became stronger, my brain grew clearer. I waa not troubled with forgetfulness aa In coffee times, my power of endurance waa more than doubled. The heart trouble and Indigestion disappeared and my nerves became steady and atrong. "I began to take an aterest In things about- me. Housework and home-making became a pleasure. My friends have marveled at the change and when hey enquire what orought It about, 1 answer 'Postern Food Coffee, and nothing else In ..... 1 1 K- . Ku VA-t,,m I ' WU11U. J , will V. Hart le Creek. Mich. ?' There rear-on. Read the little book, The Koad lo Wellvtlle," lu pkga. so as in prohibit the circuit courts from interfering vlth the orders of the Inter state commerce commission by any Inter locutory order. This question must sIhki be determined by the supreme court should the proposed law be enacted. The senate ninot determine hj- Its vote whst shall be Its attitude upon the ques tions of court review and Interlocutory sus pensions. The whole question at Issue as to giving relief to the producing Interests of the country revolves nrnund this fpstu'e of the bill. If any decision of the -tupreme court shall declare tna rnngr'w is power less to grant erealv relief tn.-ouch a com mission, it needs no nronhet to tell that an outburst of surprise and Indignation wlill sweep over the country. - Gross and Met Farninna. Commenting on the gross earnings and the net earnings of railroad properties Mr. Till man said that once a year every dollar In the t'nlted States passes through the hands of the railroads and every three years becomes a part fcf their -net earnings. He asked If It Is sny wonder thst the railroads have the most brilliant legal minds at their command to conduct legLslatlon'nd asserted the struggle Is between man and money; citizenship and capital. He dis cussed at length the building of great for tunes and the manipulation of great prop erties. Summing up the situation, he said: It Is Impossible to deny that this great accumulation of wealth In the hands of the few Is such a menace to liberty that the honest patriot stands appalled by the outlook." After commenting at length upon what he declared to be the existing system of juggling with railroad properties "for the robbery of the musses." Mr. Tillman stated that this phase of the suoject brings Into grear prominence and Importance "the relation to congress of the Increase In capitalization, whether It Is the purpose of congress to compel the business In dustries to pay dividends not UDon the real value of these properties, but on the fictitious value which has been sought to be placed upon them by the Increased capitalization." One Dangerous Provision. Concerning the spplicatlon of the bill to thhj subject he said: There is a danaerotis nrovlsion In this bill which in my judgment ought to be stricken out and that Is In Section 15, where the Interstate commerce commission ts told to "determine and prescribe what will. in its judgment be the Just and rea sonable and fairly remunerative rate," etc. The last words are too elastic and ambiguous snd ran be construed to mean too much that it would be harmful and dangerous for congress to enact into a law. "Fairly remunerative rate," on what; the actual value of the fictitious value of the properties. Mr. Tillman declared there can be no justice in compelling the people as a whole to pay dividends on watered stock primarily to Increase the fortunes of men already too rich. He contended that "the poor dupes," who have been led to Invest their. savings In such stocks can better afford to lose those earnings than . to have the labor of the country saddled with the burden' of saying perpetual-'' tribute In the shape of dividends on dishonest valuations. Mr. Tillman recommended that amend ments to the bill be adopted which would give relief to the "anomalous and out rageous condition of affairs disclosed as existing In West Virginia." Continuing, he said: Robbers and Railroads. Vested with the rights of eminent domain to construct their lines, and granted liberal franchises and charters, the railroads, de signed to be public carriers for the benellt ol the whole people, In the last tew years have become rapidly transformed Into the veriest band of robbers highwaymen who do not thrust their pistols in .the faces of their victims and demand money or their Uvea, but who levy tribute in freight rales which are as hlah as the traffic will bear. deny' Recess ' to1- market, monopolize with braced eftrontry one of the prime neces saries ef lit coal -and in every way show their absolute contempt for the people and me. people a rights. Mr.Ttllman concluded, with a word of caution to the friends of the proposed legislation. ; He sard:"' ''''' " The demand of the people for relief from the oppressions and wrongs they now en dure may be thwarted by the great Inllu- ence of the railroad corporations This In fluence has hitherto been Important, and lta representatives in the two houses may feel that it la safe to redress the grieve ances and to continue the policy of non interference. Such action on their part will, in ray Judgment, be very unwise and will only dam up the water. The Issue will be made the paramount one In the next election, and those who are responsible for delay or Inadequate legislation will find that when at last the floodgates of popular wrath and Indignation are hoisted there win do some grinding tone. If those most Interested In these great properties will not consent to wise legislation vo relieve the distress of the people, there is danger of more radical policies and leaders coming to the front, with -the result that legislation far more drastio and dangerous than anything pro posed in this bill snd the amendments to be offered will b enacted. ? Kesvlands en BUI. Senator Newland s idea of the bill was presented by Mr. Tillman. Mr. Newlanda said that while lie has Joined in the report on the Hepburn bill and Is In sympathy with Us general pur poses, he thought that It is incomplete and fragmentary. He expressed his belief that the legislation would not ,,be as -effective as It should be unless there were added to the pending measures provisions for the incorporation of railways engaged in Interstate commerce guarding against over-capitalization, fixing with . certainty Che rule for toe taxation of such railway property by the states and prescribing a fixed limit for dividends. ' Such legislation be contended should not simply cover the Interests of. the shippers and the common curriers It should em brace the- interests of labor by providing for an insurance fund against accidents and old age and for conciliation of dis putes botween carriers and- their em ployes. - Senator Newlanda dlsoussed corporate activity in politics, saying It haa been in creasing since 1394. Corporations are lu politics, the senator declared, because they feel that their property may at eny- time be the subject of attacks either by legis lators or by administrative officers. He said that when he introduced a reeo lutlon creating a commission , to frame national Incorporation act for railroads be believed it unnecessary to seek either the co-operation or the consent of the state. But today, he said, upon reflection he was convinced It was wiser to secure the co-operation of both the t'nlted States and the states. National incorporation he contended, contemplated a general law for the Incorporation of national railways engaged in interstate commerce. "This, be thought, "should limit stock and bond Issues to the cash paid In or to the value ot the property acquired and no issue per mitted save with the approval ef the In terstate Commerce commission." People Are Restive. Senator Newlanas said It is plain the people are restive under existing conditions. They reallae, he said, that men prominent In the great Industrial corporations are getting control over the transportation of the country, "and unlese we unify and simplify this condition In a few thoroughly controlled great national corporations whose finances and operations can be easily understood snd whose functions will be entirely taken out of politics, they will drift to national ownership as the easiest solution." He suggested that the argument in sup port of national ownership was a simple and taking one, saying: Government ownership presents no diffi culties, eiilii-r constitutional or practical, except, possibly, the difficulty of honest snd efficient administration, and the couu try will drift to It unless tho existing abuses of uncontrolled monopoly, our capUallaatiou. ot accomplished union be tween the producing and transportation In terests, of political control and of uujut discriminations are done away nltii. I beilevM the policy I am advocating would give to you all the heuwtie of government uwneiehip, nilk uoa ui lis dangers. It would, abolish the evils which have arisen from unrestricted monopoly, close the door ag:Unst the entrance of ovr l.un.ium men nio the political patronage ano retain the management of the able men whnst- genius created our prewent efficient svstem of transportation out of the crude conditions that prevailed a generation ago. tM SI AL. niSTISCTIO FOR Til. I, VI A3 Report en Rate BUI Renal at Length 'In the-Senate. nnBinauius, iar n I say unio you here, love your enemies," said Dr. Ed ward Everett Hale In beginning his prayer on opening the senate today, but Mr. Piatt was the only senator present to -listen to the admonition. The absence of senators did not, however, deter the venerable chup- in from proceeding with his Invocation, Mvhlch was a prayer for general co-opera- lion among inoiviauais, corporations and nations. A bill was passed regaling the provisions of the tonnage law of 1M, authorizing the president to suspend some of the exactions. The senate chamber soon filled and by the time Mr. Tillman took the floor to present his report on the railroad bill there wss an average attendance. The report was awarded the unusual dis tinction of being read at length. In pre senting the, document the South Carolina senator stated that the report contained only his views and was not, therefore, a' re port in the ordinary sense. "Let the Senators' views be read," said Mr. Aldrlch. Mr. Tillman at first demurred, but Mr. Aldrlch replied that he had real curiosity to know what Mr. Tillman's views were and, other senstors Joining In the de mand, he yielded and the clerk proceeded with the reading. When as the reading progressed the clerk was about to omit an extract from a mes sage by the president, Mr. Tillman objected. It Is the most Important part," he said. Mr. Tillman also presented Mr. Kewland's views on the bill. The president's message on the subject of the recent battle between the Cnlted States troops and Moro Insurgents In the Sulu islands was then read and Mr. Cul bertson asked whether this was Intended ss a reply to the resolution recently adopted by the senate al fits instance, and Mr. Bacon replied that It could not be a reply to the resolution ss It failed to cover the ground. Mr. Lodge replied that so far no news had been received except by cable and he had no doubt that as soon as news was received It would be supplied as a matter of course. Right at Yonr Door. When you take a fire or tornado policy on property In the National office ground floor McCague building, this city you are patronizing an Omaha Institution doing a strong business In the west. That Is good for Omaha, Bin- Flew ef Water Xtrark. VERMILION. 8. D . March 15. fSpedal.) Charles Eriokson, living In CJlenwood township. In boring for an artesian well struck flowing water at depth of sixty two feet. ,' The well is a gusher, throwing the water "twenty feet ln--th air. Erlck son's neighbors are expired ever the flow, as It Is .the best ever secured -in the north part of the -county.'- .'... hertST Effects Cemnremtne. KNOXVILLR Tenni. March li A corn- promise waif effected in the federal court rere today in the esse of the government tt-.lat I KV n.- Utm I- 1 slTerlff of Knox county. The government sousht to recover damages from Fox on account of the escape of Harvey Logan, the convicted Montana train robber, who escaped from Jail here In June, 1904, while awaiting transportation to the Columbus (O.) prison. NEEDLESS ALARM. Here's a poor man coughing away his lungs at least o his relatives think. It's cough, cough; hack, hack, hack. ill day and sometimes all night. "Must be consumption," think the alarmed ones. And of course there is always a possi bility that they may be right. But In most casee they're wrong; be cause Dyspepsia Is so much more common than consumption. And Dyspepsia causes chronic Cough, just like Consumption. The dyspeptic cough. It Is well to remem ber, can be quickly cured by Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets. , No need to be alarmed about it, unless you make up your mind to neglect It. Then, indeed, you must look out for danger, for the Dyspeptic Cough often grows Into a Consumptive Cough If neg lected, by the constant lung irritation which It causes. So the best way is to waste no time, but begin at once the use of these famous little tablets, the timely use of which has saved many a sick person from ending in a consumptive's grave. Remember, however. If you please, that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will positively NOT cure Consumption, but prevent It. Of course, they can always be depended on to cure all the other symptoms of indi gestion. They are a universal cure, for one uni versal disease. They curs nothing else; but what they do, they do thoroughly and well. Btuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets are the . re sult of the most thorough investigation Into the inside causeu arid the cure uf Indiges tion that i has ever, been attempted. They have solved a problem, the answer to which a hundred thousand physicians lu America are today groping for In vain. They cure the most severe, long-continued chronic, complicated eases of Indigestion that can be found. They are far ahead of the njost modern medical practice, because the most successful physicians of tho day. In the cure of dtacasea of the digestive or gans, are using Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets as a basis for their success. They stoop to Stuart's to conquer. And Stuart's lift them up out of the rut. It. therefore, you are a victim of this dread disease, which counts Its victims by the million, brace up and take new heart, for you cannot fail to cure your trouble if you will only put your faith In this great remedy, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. They are positively, frankly, truly, a surs and permanent relief. Try them. Book on Dyspepsia free. Address F. A. Btusrt Co., Marshall, Mich. TABLE dHOTE klWDAV DIXKBR AT THE ROCKAWAY RESTAURANT I31 Denglae St, Annua! European Our Mr. Ryan will leave Saturday on buying trip to Europe, and will bo (lad to make any purchases that may be desired. Orders ? left at our store wlthlu lb next two weeks will be forwarded to our Paris office. MAWHINNEY JKWrXKlM AND IMPOItTKIM. . wmmMfffQiu gsy.asMtsMSl QBgfl??i ""Im Makers of sweetener! cocoas add sugar , for the same reason that AS many makers j udd starch and flour because it costs less than the same bulk, , of powdered cocoa beans. C v '. is just coco ju&t pure' coco. It ts unsweeened it is unadulterated. Forty j cups of a rich, delicious, nutritious, nour tehing beverage can be brewed from a single half-pound can, ' K Only the quality Higher the price is the same as inferior products. Send 9c for sme) of Chnmlste sod mlnUUiie can of Cooaa run k el. Brothers Ceoea aad Checeta'te Manufacturer Ne Torn 4o Alum In FOOD AMISEMENTS. BOYD- Woodward and ' Burgos. Mr- fonight and Saturday Night Saturday Matinee DAVID t'RUCTOR, In the London and American Success A Message "frqnii j Ms. s Performances Com. Sunday Night THE UlNliKKBKEAU MAN The Largest Musical Attraction Tour An All-Star' Cost. ? ' Brood IS Nights Sun. Mat. 10c-2to Tnurs., eac lOo, e. THE WOODWARD STOCK v CO. Tonight-All Week Hoyt's -A CONTENTED WOMA!. t Next Week- . - "THE SECOND IN COMMAND." Special Notice ! Thursday, March 29, 1 908. . .... AT BOYD'S THEATER For Three Nights snd One Matlne,e,. '.' MR. E. S. WILLARD V. THURSDAY EVENING), DAVID GARRICk fly T. W. ROBERTSON.' . and ;' ; " THE MAN WHO WAS By RVDTARD klPLTNCli' "''' MR. WILLARD IN EACH PLAY,.'?'' Prldsy Evening and Saturday Jrfatuiee The Professor's Love Story' By J. M. BARBIE. , i'vi!' ' SATURDAY EVENJNti,4-. '.rf The Middleman Py HENRY ARTITfR .JOtfEC. ' rnone uougioa m. . :.tv Tonight and Saturday Matinee-atirt- Vighl MODERN VAUDEVILLES .; Barowsky Troupe, gnyder at Huslcley Oooimaur Dogs, jimmy. Wall, Artr Halg The felots, Lambert and i l'lerc and tfagt Klncdrome. . -j Prices 10c, 26o snd 50i'. ; ' ' en K R U G Tonight 0:15 Matinee "Saturday BYRNE bUOSi'. In Their t Successful- ''I Pantomimic Buoceas ' " EIGHT BELLS' Bring the Chlldreu to the Mat. . Bunday When London Bleeps. ' THE LYRIC Nights - and tiling Mat.. jrt-JOc, Mat, ' fcveyr lay. loc. ISth Farnam. Tel. Douglas-i48S. van dykf' sVock "coMPANYr;: Tonight-All Week ' "ACHOSS TIIU UfcSEH'tV ir Vaudevllle between acts Nes wweeaV- CARMt-N" , y. & RYAN CO.. .. .'. ' ! , t .1 . 13tU u4 IukU . W. '"-'flf- PM!g ' awyeai GalumeR Powder ? kj- This rmlr lilli crnd i Baking Fowtler old fci W f at ii moo rate prir. fessaV TripH 1 1