Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1906, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily Bee.
(iround rioor Corntr
Tht It Building - ill and Fsrnam
tiround Flor Corntr
Tk Bet IniUlnj I7tk and Ftrnim
South Carolina Senator Makes Formal
Report on House Measure.
8oction Defining Method of Determining
Raws is Too Indefinite. y
Wo Will Be Harrest of Members W!
Dulaj Belief Demanded by People. ' jpf
Kpriiki Only for Himself In
Sngaestlng Amendment
to (he Act. '
WASHINGTON. March 15-Th senate
today continued consideration of th rail
road rata question by listening to a report
on the house bill by Mr. Tillman and to a
speech on that measure by Mr. Nelson.
Mr. Tillman's report was read at the re
uuest of Mr. Aldrlch, who said that he
was curious to hoar the opinion of tr
Mouth Carolina senator.
Brief attention was riven to the mes
sage of the president transmitting tht re
port of the secretary of war relative to
tht recent Moro battle. Mr. Haeon spoke o'
the killing of the Mores as "slaughter
and Mr. Lodge deprecated criticism on
the facts should be made.
, The house resolution giving the Inter
state Commerce commission authority to
administer oaths In connection with Its In
vestigation of charges of discrimination
.made against railroad was read and
adopted without resorting to the formal't
or requiring its reference to commute, t
Jtm CI. n t. mntlstM -I t r-.w.. it a nnli .
Into the' Postofnce department rulings on
the admission of college publications to
the malls as second-clans matter was also
adopted. ,
A targe number of private pension blllt
and some other semi-private bills were
"rnator Tillman's Report.
Senator Tillman today presented to the
senate his report from the committee on
Interstate commerce on tht house railroad
rate bill, which expressed his views, hut
did not pretend to speak for aay other
member of the committee. 1
it embodied thi first Clear and) oonctst
statement of the difference concerning
court review fe-.uure ami other proposed
amendments that l:itl n.arlc a unanimous
report from the ' committee Impossible.
Without hesitancy the senator declared It
to be his belief that the bill should be
amended, but that amendments should
not be of a character to impair or prevent
th accomplishedment of the objections
of the legislation, which are set forth
best he says, in the president's message to
congress. He emphasised thp need of re
girding the. measure "as nonpartisan, ' but
predicted that the Issue created will be
J iramminl In the next presidential Vlso
Ho'. A to the effect he said:
"Th who nre responslhU for delay or
liiodco -H'" legislation will fmd that when
t la' floodgates of popular wrath
and Iml r'ot'nn sre hoisted there will have
been en:'i t'.re grinding done."
Mr. TIHnn prefaced his report by
speaking of the peculiar circumstances
ruling the committee's acrmn on the house
bill, which irii'le it an embarrassing task
to submit views that would be concurred
In by the committee as a whole.
Absence of Harmony.
Comentlng upon the absence of harmony
In the committee's, deliberations the report
Instsad of being amended in committee.
as to usual, so as to command as a wnole
too endorsement ami support of a majority
of its members, the bin was brought into
the senate In a form not entirely aaiisiae
tory to more than two members, l'ariy
lines in the oommlttev were broken down,
and th bill is in. the senate by reason of
the union of five memoeri of tne minority
party and three members of the majority
party in congress wno concurred in report
ing It favorably, and while these eight
senators are agreed as to the general pur
P"83 and scope of the bill, there are radical
dlfrereuoea aiming them as to the amend
ments that ought to be incorporated In it.
Thin luck of harmony among tho sup
porters of the bill It would be speaking
with more accuracy to say the supporter
of th policy Involved in the bill brings
about the anonomalous situation in whicn
a member of the minority party In congress
It put In charge in the senate of a proposed
legislation wnluh is generally regarded
throughout the couutry as the cherished
schema of the president, with whose gen
eral policy and piuiciples that
Is not in accord. At the swine time, the
bill is designed to carry into effect his
own long cherished convictions and th
thrice reiterated demands f the party
to which fas belongs.
Legislation Monpnrllsan.
, Hinphaalslng th claim that this condi
tion I without precedent In legislative his
tory. Mr. Tillman says it brings into
prominence the fact that the proposed legis
lation Is nonpartisan, and for this reason
he urged that democrat and republicans
alike should bend all their energies and
lnd all that is best In them to perfecting
and passing so Important a piece of legis
lation.' H declared that "Woe would be the har
vest of any member of the senate or
house whose work In formulating a bill
to regulate railroad lack earnestness or
honesty of purpose and who shall seek to
belitU th question or kill the bill by
subterfuge and deception.
Th bill a It cam from the house, Mr.
Tillman characterised as loosely worded
..and capable of different interpretations,
la thus commenting upun the bill. . Mr.
TUlnian said he can claim to give ex-
" presslon to no opinion except hi own. Th
object sought, be added, best can be out
lined In the language of the president,
lit his last annual message to congress and
f-t'tn this lb senator quoted extensively.
Essential Change In Bill.
Afttr enumerating th easentlal change
from th existing laws regulating Inter
mat commerce, he stated (hit the most
important 1 found In settlor. 13. in which
power Is sought to be vested In the inter
slat commerce conimisviua. i.fier a hear
ing on the complaint nmide. I determine
and prescribe what will in Its judgment
. be the Just and reasonable and fairly
remunerative rate "to be thereafter ob
served In such ajaees a th maximum to
be charged" and to make an order that
th earn shall gu into effect and remain
In force for three yeas, which order
"shall go Into effect tnirty days after
notice to the carrier and shall remain in
force aiid be observed by the carrier unit-h
th sarm. shall .1 or mo.ll
fiti or set aside by t' ' 1. or be
suspended or set aei r com
petent jurisdiction."
iVnoesntng this section, Mr. TUlnian
Around the flret .revision the moat
(Cvotlnued oa Second PagsJ
Konurr leulslatlve .txrit , l
York Life MakM aenaatlnnal
ALBANY, N. Y.. March li.-Anilrtw Ham
ilton appeared before the' Insurance in
vestigating committer this oftemoon and
broke the silence' which he has maintained
except for his statement, brought from
nri by John C. McCall, ever since his
l was first mentioned In the lnvestlga
ln conncrilon with the great sums of
r shown to have been paid to him
ig the oa 'en years on account of
egaj am U rfislatlve work for the New
1 Life and other inur Alice companies,
would be difficult to exaggerate the
atlon produced by his unexpected ap-
nnce and by the speech which he made
he Intensely dramatic character of
whole episode. His face flushed and
voice trembling with passion, his arms
;ised and his lists clenched. Judge 11am-
4 pou'ed forth a flood of denunciation
and tnTectrve upon the members of the
boaro "trustees of the New York Life
Insurn mpany, several of whom were
i present, -.Vslgnating them "curs and
traitors" and paying especial attention to
one unnamed, whom lie described as "the
Pecksniff of three administration, the con
fidant of the Beers scandal and author of
the Beers pension who rotates through
one administration and another and thinks
that he to gitig to be an indispensable
member of another." ,
"And do you think." he demanded, "that
the man wbo held the same relation to
Mr. Beers that I did to Mr. McCall could
tit for the thirteen yeors since and not
know how the expenditures that were made.
were to b and were disbursed? Yet he
and such like him sit, not Judging me as
peers, but judging me as conquerors, talk
ing about 'yellow dogs.' "
Defends John A. MeCall.
The only name he mentioned was thnt
of the late President MeCall, In reference
to whom and to whose death he displayed
Tarked emotion. He spoke of Mr. Mo-
an a8
vlctlm, as having been shoul
dered with the blame "the only one. the
dead man, killed, the man that they drove
to his grave and deserted," and declared
wiai me memory or tnis man had appealed
to him "to come down here and say some
thing for him and just a word for myself.
He declared unequivocally that every pay
ment to himself by the New York Life
was made with the knowledge and ap
proval of the trustees and of the auditing
and finance committees. He pointed out
that If there had been anything the mat
ter with his vouchers it was their duty
to bring him te book for It, yet lie said
inai -ror ten years they passed them, and
then when the cry at last comes out. they
say: 'Well, we did not know anything about
It; this is the fellow, this is the man that
has done it all.' ,
"When they say they did not know what
was going on it excite my laughter and
Payments Were Proper.
1 He declared again and again that the
paymet'ts were proper and legitimate and
that he had no apology to make for him
self or fort president McCall.., One' of hi
mont intcrestjln ; statements' waa-'that In
aplte . of reports to the contrary the so
called "Paris account" was actually re
ported and approved by the auditing com
mittee. The first applause of the big crowd
that quickly filled the great assembly
chamber as non as the fact of , Judge
Hamilton's presence became known about
tne building broke out with a roar of
laughter, after his referenre to the en
thusiasm with which he said his victories
for the New York Life were received by
the officials of the company. "They would
come and pat nie on the back," he said.
with a bitter sruer. "These men who would
not know me now, they would come In and
pat me on the back and say, 'You did it.'
Pnrpoae.of Jadge 'Hnmlltom.
A storm of applause followed his scathing
reference to the "yellow dog" as a dog of
courage and loyalty. "But the curs who
eioou arouna mis tunerai tnat has oc
curredthe curs who knew of these trans
actions and shrunk into their shoe they.
are the curs and that Is the reason that I
come before yoii and say that the great In
terest of 2,0no,O00,0O0 of life Insurance and
S400,AOO.Ott of assets can never be safely en
trusted to the hands and administration of
a lot of curs."
This was the ostensible purpose of Judge
Hamilton's appearance before the commit
tee to advocate the pending bill of the
committee which would legislate the pres
ent boards of director out of office and
provide for a complete reorganization in
November next.
Judge Hamilton's appearance was totally
unexpected by the committee apd he de
clared both in his speech and to friend be
fore and after It that It was almost as
much so to himself that It was only at
luncheon today that the impulse seised him
to come before the committee and have hli
say In favor of the bill referred to, with 1
word Sot President McCall and for hlm-
elf. He arrived unannounced not long
after 4 o'clock, sat back Jn the room and
for a time was recognized only bv on or
two newspaper men. The interest wa In
tense a he passed down to the platform
amid silence.
Among those who sat near as he began
his bitter arraignment of the New York
Life trustees were the following member
of the board: . .
Rufus 8. Weeks, vice president and ac
tuary; T. A. Buckner, vice president: D. p.
Klngskby, vice president; John O. McCall,
secretary, and J. H. Mcintosh.
Boston Man Tell Committee that Life
Insnrnnee Companies Have
Not Reformed.
BOSTON, March 15. Thomas W. Uv
on today forwarded a telegram to Chair
man Armstrong of the insurance investi
gating committee of the New York legis
UUure. In it allegations are made to the
effect that interested parties have received
assurances that the proposed Insurance
legislation can be killed. The telegram
I asrure your committee its work was
never In greater iHrser than at present.
I have in my custody insurance policle
issued Within a fe days signed by new
reform officer and affidavits from the In
sured that they received them for nothing
but a proxy and in some cases, with large
ALBANY. N Y.. March lS.-genater
Armstrong of Rochester, eha.rman of the
special joint legislative investigating com
mittee, said today that he would not make
public the telegrams from Thomas l-umnoi.
of Boston.
"Mr. Lawson utay publlan tlo-iu if he
pleases." said Senator Armstrong. "I cer
tainly shall uoi. Tills committee cimni
be used by Mr. Lawson a a distributing
agency for hi news."
Coiicernli, ' Mr. Lawsou statement
Senator Armstrong said he liad cwliilt, to
Mine Workers' Executive Board Sustains
Action of President Mitchell.
Karh Mde Ileauanded l.srir Conces
sion and Employers Finally
Offered to Man the Old
INDIANAPOLIS, March It. The Inter
national executive board of the United
Mine Workers of America at a meeting
held today, following the adjournment of
the national convention, approved the find
ing of President Mitchell In the matter of
ousting Patrick Dolan from the presidency
of district No. 5, western Pennsylvania,
and the report of the board tomorrow will
confirm the 011811110 of Dolan by the con
vention of district No. 6 and the appoint
ment of three members of the executive
board to take charge of the .district affair
until the office is filled by special election.
After a, heated session lasting three
hours. behind closed doom. In which
Dolan's claims were argued by h'mrelf and
Uriah Belllngliam, vice president of the
district, who was also ousted from his
office, the board voted unanimously to sus
tain the action of the president and the
district convention.
Sixteen Handred Delegates Present.
The national convention opened at 10
o'clook today In the German house, with
over 1,000 delegates present, representing
l.ttil locals. The convention has been called
by President Mitchell to consider action
wh,rh majr r"ult Rn agreement with the
coal operators that will prevent a general
strike on April 1, that would bring 25,000
men from the mines. The conference with
the operators will begin here Monday
next. 1
At the regular convention, which as
sembled January 16, the miners had de
manded an Increase in wages of 1!H per
cent, the admission of the southwestern
stales, a 7 per cent differential between
machine und pick mining, a 12H per cent
.vsnee for vnrrta at..i deadwnrk.
hlbitlon of employment of boys under IS
years old, an eight hour day, a one year
contract and a run-of-mlne basis.
On Troublesome Resolution.
Th miners also adopted a resolution of
fered by Mr. Ryan of Illinois, that no
district should sign a wage agreement
until all the districts signed. This action,
known ss the Ryan resolution will coin
before the convention for action. Unless
resciiKlc.l bituminous miner cannot
sign a w:tge agreement until the anthracite
miners nlgn an agreement with their
The operator on tht other hand, de
manded a reduction of iO to 15 per cent.
Pro,Prtlon Blnst "tampede strikes and a
better system of adjudicating local trou
bles. On February 21 th joint conference
adjourned after the defeat of a motion
that the present wage scale be continued.
This motion was offered by Mr. F. L. Rob
bins of PittslHirg, who was principal
spokesman.. for the -operators.,? All of ths
operators voted for the motion except
the Illinois operators, who did not vote
and all the miners voted against the motion
except Patriok Dolan. who as president
of the district voted the western Pennsyl
vania miners for the motion. He has since
been deposed from office, but has refused
to resigm His esse prouably will come
before the convention.
Hope of Settlement,
It was announced at the time the call
for the present convention was Issued that
Mr. Robbing and other operators had made
an offer to restore the wsge scale of two
year ago, which would be an Increase of
6.66 per cent over the present scale. Since
the publication of that offer, operator
of Indiana, Illinois. Ohio and other states
interested have opposed the granting of
any Increase whatever. It has been the
understanding among miners' officials that
the organization would accept the restor
ation of the wage erale of two years ago.
When the convention met today differ
ences that have appeared co exist between
President Mitchell and Vice President
Lewis were apparently laid aside and it
was the expressed wish of both officials
that personal matters should not Interfere
with the more Important work of the con
ventlon in order that the miner might
present a united front.
The first business of the convention was
the work of organization and the work of
the greater part of the day was taken
up wfth credentials of the delegates.
President Mitchell Talk.
Informally opening the convention Free!
dent Mitchell told of conversations with
Francis L. Bobbins, president of the Pitts
burg Coal company, and other persons, in
which the wage scale was disctuuwd In an
Informal way, having from these conversa
tions derived some hope for settlement of
the trouble. Aside from this hope, he said,
he was justified in calling th present con
ventlon by the rtcelpt
of the following
Feb. 24. l!0i.-lr: 1 not with great eon
cern the failure in your lat convention on
joint interstate agreement to come to
basis of settlement of the bituminous
mining scale of wages. You, In this busl
ness, have enjoyed a great Industrial peace
for many years, thanks to the joint traoe
agreement tnat naa resulted from the ac
tion of your successive conventions,
strike such as is threatened on April 1
a menace to the peace, (he business Inter
ests and the general welfare of the country
1 urge you to make another effort to avert
such a calamity. You and Mr. Bobbins are
loint chairmen of the trade agreement coin
p tttee of the National Civic Federation.
1 seems to me that tills imposes an aiidi
lional duly upon you both and gives an ad
dillonal reason hy each of you should
Join In making this farther effort.
After touching on the responsibility of the
delegates In the matter of making terms, j
or calling a strike, Mr. Mitchell concluded
as follows:
As to the power and scope of the conven
tion you have undoubtedly noted from tne
call wiiirti was issued by your International
secretary-treasurer that, while the principal
purpose of the meeting is to consider our
watce agreements. Its function is not con
fined to ihe one subject. R may. in sdilltien
thereto, transact such other bu.nnei-s as
may Iw lawfully brought before it.
In the consideration and discussion of all
matters coining before the convention It is
my earnest hope that acrimonious debate
would be entirely eliminated and that e
shall stand united in an earnest effort to
serve our people and to secure for them a
larger measure of the fruit of their toils,
thai when we leave Indianapolis our organ
isation, may have reguined any prestige lost
a the result of the International dissension
and that even those on friendly terms to
labor may be satisfied that the United
Mine Worker of America is a sane, jusl,
business association, whose highest purpose
is nix 10 aciiteve victories by means of it
great siientrUi. but rather through th in
hxrent Justice thut lies in the cauie tt rep-
l resets.
t'ulurndn Refuses Reqnlsltlon.
DENVER. March 15. Governor McDon
ald today refused the requisition from the
governor of Massachusetts for Mr. Isabel
Fenwtck. charged with kidnaping her
nelce, Rita sully, from the home of her
uacUj and auat. Mr. and Mr, (ieurg M
4 bishop, in Maiden, AUs
Meyer and Others Present few Peti
tions for Vf fit of Habeas
1 Celpos.
BOISE, Idaho. March 15. Attorneys
for the tmprlsoned Under of the Western
Federation of Miners, - Moyer, Haywood
and Pottlhone, today presented petitions for
writs of habeas corpus to Judge Beatty cf
the United States district court.
The petitions contained practically tho
same statements thai, were made befora
the state supreme ckurt, which on Tues
day, refused grants pt habeas corpus.
Judge Beatty this afternoon granted the
alternative writs of
habeas corpus petl-
tloned for by attorra-y
s for Moyer, Hav-
wood and Pettlbont.
The writs were made
returnable Monday naming when the mat
ter will be argued add
submitted. A slip
ulatlon was entered
py tne attorneys for
the applicants and ttie
state by which the
prisoners will not bo
required to be per-
sonally peent at tho
Seven heavily armeA
guards, five of them
bearing rifles, assist d
Sheriff Jasper C.
Nicholas in taking
arry Orchard from
the penitentiary to Cfc
Idwcll. At Caldwell
Orchard was taken irl
o the sheriffs officii.
where he remained u
il 2 o'clock this aft-
ernoon, the hour of h
arraignment before
District Judge FranW
Smith. The Indlct-
ment against Orchard
was read and proved
to be identical with
the Indictments re-
turned against Moyer
Haywood and Pettl-
bone, charging him
ith the murdef of
former Governor 8te
ploBlon of a bomb In
nenberg by the ex-
led with .deadly ex-
At the request of
rehard an attorney.
Ed U Brent of Pa
tte, was appointed
counsel to defend
Itm and the court
granted time until tomorrow for the filing
of a demurrer to the
ndlrtment. Orchard
will enter his plea tomorrow
This afternoon Orcli
rd was again taken
before the grand JurJ
to. give further In
o the assassination
formation In relation
of Steunenberg.
The case against Vlicent St. John was
called In the justice cii.rt at Caldwell and
continued until tomorrow. If St. ' John
j shtill be discharged at that time Sheriff
J. C. Rutan or Telluftde. Colo., will en
deavor to tak him to! Colorado under the
xtradltlon granted bd Governor Gooding.
Rare Track Man Kill Woman nnd
End Life After Imprison
ing: HI Wife.
N.EW YORK. March 15. Louis Nosser, a
race track man. locked hi wife In a bath
room today and whllo she wan a prisoner
there shot and killed Mlsa Stella Reynolds
of New Orleand. an actress, who waa a
visitor at their home, and -then killed him
self. Mlsa Reynolds, it waa said, was for
merly an Intimate friend of Nosser.
The murder and suicide was the sequence
of a stormy scene last evening when Miss
Reynolds called t the Nosser home. Mr.
Nosser, Ut waa -reported, objected to fhe
call, and during the argument which fol
lowed her husband swallowed a small
quantity of laudanum. Both women forced
him to taker air rmtv :mme11ately, and
the poison did hint nompparenrltdfin: Mis
Reynolds then remained with Mrs.- Nosser
all night. Today,'' while the wife waa In
the bath room, Nosser turned the key, and.
disregarding h protestation to be let out.
he went to Miss Reynolds' room. - Their
voices, the man's threatening and the
woman's pleading, were heard by the wife
In the bath room. She sprang to a tele
phone, which ran from this room to the
office of the apartment house, and told a
maid who answered her ring to hurry to
the apartment and release her. The maid
entered the apartment too late to save Miss
Reynolds' life
Ail she opened the dtKir she
heard Nosser saying to the woman. "There
1 no use for you and I to live any longer.
Tho best thing I can do Is to kill you and
kill myself.".
Nosser then shot Miss Reynolds In the
temple and himself In the forehead, both
dying almost Instantly. Miss Reynolds'
stage name was Estell Young, Nosser was
40 years of age and Miss Reynolds about 25.
Eight Workmen Bnrned, Three Prob
ably Fatally, When Lndle of
Metal Torus.
PITTSBURG. March 15. Eight workmen
were burned, three, it Is thought, fatally,
by an explosion of hot metal in th con
verting mill of the Edgar Thomson Steel
work at Braddock, Pa., today. The ac
cident waa caused by the overturning of
a ladle which had just been filled from one
of the tapped furnace and wa being
wung across the cinder pit. All the In
jured were foreigners.
They were hurried to this city and
placed in the Mercy hospital. The physl
cia.ii say three will probably die.
Contribute to the Y.
The Bee Comes to the Front
v Worthy Cause in
OMAHA, March 15. 1906.
Mrs. W. P. Harford, President,
Young Women's Christian Association,
Omaha, Nebraska:
Dear Madame:
The Omaha Bee wishes to co-operate with your good work In
raising a fund for the erection of the new Toung Women's Christian
Association building.
We will be pleased to donate to your fund, a percentage of our
receipts from subscriptions, between now and 5 o'clock p. m., April
15, 1906, under the following condition:
We will give toward the Young Women's Christian Association
Building Fund 25 per cent of all caah In sums of fl.00 or more,
received for new subscription to The Omaha Bee, Morning, Evening
or Sunday editions, and 10 per cent of all prepaid subscriptions, in
amounts of SI. 00 or more,, from our old subscribers No payment
will he accepted aa "pre-payment" until all arrearages have been paid
to date.
All such payments must be made by the subscriber at the office
of The Bee, or to such representatives of your Subscription Committee,
aa may be arranged for by you. Very respectfully yours,
By C. C. ROSEWATER, General Manager.
The committee in charge of the campalgu for the Building Fund
has indicated its approval and , acceptance of The Bee's offer of
assistance , ,
By Getting
Police and Deputy Sheriffs Easily Masters
of the Situation.
Batters Down Door to Jail, hot Is
Driven Hack by OIHeer Inside of
Bnlldlnsv Prisoners Had
Been Reanored.
Bent on lynching the three negroes who
are held- for tlje murder of Street Cr Con
ductor Edward Flury, a crowd without a
leader or Enough doterminat'on to carry
out it threats, made a desultory attempt
to break Into the county Jail last night and
take the prisoner by force. . The second
of the outer steel doors on the east side of
the Jail was battered off its hinges, as was
a door ten feet inside, by a pole which the
crowd got down on the street, but when
Deputy Sheriff Haze ordered a handful of
policemen Inside the Jail to resist the crowd
the latter melted and within fifteen minutes
not a man except the thirty-five policemen,
was, on the Jail or courthouse grounds.
Along Harney street, from Eighteenth to
Seventeenth, the crowd swayed back and
forth, yelling and threatening still to get
the negroes and hang them.
Crowd Lncka n Lender.
The crowd In all numbered about 1,000
people, many of whom were spectators and
nothing more. Some of these Were women
with their scortB. The most distinguishing
feature of the crowd was that it lacked a
lender and flxed determination. There
seemed to be a real spirit of anxiety to get
at the three negroes and also the four
youths held for the murder of Nels Laus
ten, the Cuming street saloonkeeper. One
man, a big fellow, carried a rope long
enough to hang several men. He stood In
the background until the crowd, number
ing about 200, mounted the Jail elevation
and surrounded the door on the east.
When the sheriff" force saw the crowd
really meant to got in the Jalf Sheriff John
I 3d
McDonald emerged and from the east
teps of the pall called out to the howling
crowd that the' prisoners were not In the
i" iZEZ iT .ttZ-
nd investigate. Jeers and yells greeted
this declaration, but half a dozen men,
headed by Joseph Flury, brother of the
murdered man, went in. They were In
about an hour. When they came out
Flury, acting as spokesman, declared they
had made a thorough examination of
every cell and the prisoner were not
thero. This also was greeted with yells,
but ,lt hod the effect of dispersing the
crowd. This wa abou' 1:30 a. m.
Horth Herman Lloyd Steamer Break
Rodder Shaft and Retorns
. to Hal I fa X.
HALIFAX. N. 8., March li-After being
helpless for hour through the breaking of
Its rudder stock' in the treraendmia -seas In
the same gale which sent the steamer
British King to the bottom last Sunday,
the North German Lloyd steamer Konlaj
Lulse, bound from New - York for Italian
ports with 300 passengers on Board, ar
rived here for repairs. The steamer left
New York seven days ago and on its way
northward was overtaken by a typical
North Atlantic, storm, which rapidly
reached hurricane proportions. On Tues
day the strain of the continued buffeting
broke the stock of the rudder at a point
where it runs up through the deck. For
I I . . , . W. - ...... 1 U.J ...I.-Y...-..II..
' , " , ' ' IIT
qorrmy uunuu 111 me ions 01 water. 1 on
crew rigged a Jury gear, which brought
the vessel under slight control and enabled
them to bring the Lulse safely Into port.
Last Rites. Take Place at th First
Presbyterian Chnrch In
ROCHESTER, N. Y.. March 15.-Funeral
services over the body of Susan B. Anthony
were held In the Oontral Presbyterian
church thla afternoon. Hundreds of men
and women were unable to gain admlst
alon to the church and stood outside dur
ing the service.
Those wbo participated In the last rites
over th body of th dead leader Included
th Rev. Dr. Charles C. Albertson, psstor
of the Central church; the Rev. Dr. Wil
liam C. Gannett, pastor of the First Uni
tarian church; William Lloyd Garrison of
Lawrence. Mass.; Mrs. Carrie Chapman.
Catt of New York, the Rev. Dr. Anna
Howard Shaw of Philadelphia, and Mrs,
R Jerome Jeffrey of this city. m
W. C. A. Building Fund
With a Generous Offer to this
Which All Can Join.
Your Friend to
Fair In orth. Snow In intn Portion
Friday, "ntnrdny Fair and Warmer.
Temprratnre nt Omaha Yesterdayl
Ilnnr. Dec. Honr. Iea.
H a. m 10 1 p. as 11
n su m 10 a p. m 1.1
T a. m Hp. a IS
mm. m H 4 p. n 1"
a. ra M Bp. m "
10 a. m t p. m 1
11 u m IO T p. m 14
11 m I'd ft p. m 14
9 p. m 13
Cold Weather and Snow General
Thronghant Wyoming; and
CHEYENNE, Wyo.. March 15. Cold
weather and snow are again reported gen
eral all over the state. Live stock, partic
ularly sheep, have been Considerably weak
ened by the continued snow and cold and
serloh losses are now looked for.
DENVER. March 16.-Speclal dispatches
from over th state indicate that the storm,
which has continued Intermittently since
Monday, reached Its most violent srage
today and is subsiding tonight. Snow-
slides' have been running In the mountains
and It Is reported that two miners wer
probably killed by a slide near Animas
Forks, In northwestern Colorado. No other
fatalities have occurred so far as la known.
The North Pole mine, near Creston Butte,
has been Isolated since the first of the
month, but the miners employed there are
believed to be safe.
Owing to the heavy fall of snow Durango
has not had a through train, with the ex
ception of one from Farmlngton, since Sun
day. Both the Rio Orande Southern and
the Sllverton branch of the Denver & Rio
Grande are closed by slides. On the South
em above Rico four slides covered the
track for a distance of about half a mile
A number of slides crossed the Sllverton
line and It is reported that about four mile
of the track are under from six to fifty
feet of snow. No repair work Is being done
to clear either of these lines, as all avail
able men have been taken to clear th
tracks of the main line of Cumbrea hill,
which is under about Ave feet of heavy.
wet snow.
On the Colorado Midland railroad a train
from the west, with twenty-five passen
gers, was stalled all day In a huge snow
drift a few miles west of Leadvllle, but In
general more trouble was experienced today
by the "prairie roads" than by those run
ning through th mountains, some trains
from the north and east arriving mora
than a day late.
Banker' Creditor' Hold Extended
Conference , with Agents of
Three Blsr System.
NEW YORK. March 15. Representatives
of the Chicago clearing house committee
which has charge of the affairs of John R.
Walsh, the Insolvent banker of that dtr.
were In conference here today with the
heads of th Lake 8hore at Michigan South
ern railway, tha Pennsylvania railroad' and
(he Rock Inland company. The conference
had to do With the sale of th Walsh rail
road properties, the Southern Indiana and
Chicago Southern .railway. The' confer
ence lasted several hours. No statement
was issued by any of the principals, but
It waa learned that no agreement was
reached because of the terms demanded by
the Chicago creditors.
The Southern Indiana railway has a
funded debt of 15,000.000, with assets In ex
cess of tll.000.000. The Chicago Southern
railway's funded debt Is ,000,i00 and tho
capital stock SI. 500,000.
Just what propositions were made at the
meeting cannot be ascertained, but It was
reported that the creditors favored the sale
of the two companies' assets, the proceeds
to be thrown into the bonds.
In financial circle recently it was de
clared that Walsh's creditors had named
125.000,000 as the minimum price they would
take for the railway properties. The offer
of the Lake 8hore-Rock Island combination
is said to be near $30,000,000. The Chicago
committee! Is expected to submit the offer
of the combination to the creditor without
delay. Meanwhile negotiations may be said
to be at a standstill.
Allegation Made that He la Partly
Responsible for Trouble
Kear Vlaltn-
VINIXA, I. T., March 16. There ha been
no further development In the Wlckeliffo
case since yesterday. Among th prisoner
brought in yesterday by Marshal Dar
rough was Rev. John Beamer, a full
blooded Cherokee Indian preacher. Mar
shal Darrough say that at present the
preacher are a source of worry. Beamer
waa arrested charged with harboring the
Wlckellffe. but it 1 alleged that Beamer,
together with other full-blood preachers,
has been appearing at Indian dance, ad
vising th full blood in impassioned lan
guage to hold out against th enforcement
of th government allotment law and to
resist all th effort of the marshal and his
poaa to - Intermeddle with the old law of
the Cherokee.
WICHITA, Kan.. March 15. At th re
quest of United State Marshal Darrough
of Vtnlta, F. W. Stevens will leave her
tht evening for Indian Territory with a
pack of bloodhound, to help hunt down the
WlckeUff Indian outlaw.
Attorney gay that Bapremo Conrt
Rales that Corporation Are
. Not Immnne.
CHICAGO, March 15. District Attorney
Morrison continued his argument in th
packer' case today. The basis of hjs
contention that the packers' ure not en
titled to Immunity Is that, under the rul
ings of the supreme court of the United
Slates a corporation cannot be granted
The attorneys tor the packers altered
their arrangements somewhat during the
afternoon. Attorney John C. Cowln of
Omaha made an argument In favor of the
Immunity of the Cudahy interests which
he represent.
Jnry Decides that Former Indiana
Andltor Embessled Large
noa of Money.
INDIANAPOLIS. March" 15. David K.
Sherrlrk, former auditor of atate, waa
today found guilty of embezzlement.
Mr. Hherrlck was tried on Indictment
charging him with misuse of 1127.000 be
longing to the state. He resigned on thy
demand of the governor and (he money
has since been paid back to the tt
Gallait Fight of Wounded Conductor for
Life is Over.
End Comes After Eieht Days' Sufferinc
From the Wound.
Harry Clark Joins Pinky Gathright in
Tellin: of Crime,
Tell Police All that Happened a
I Corroborated by One Pal and
the Wife of th
Edward Flury, UTL South Thlrtiett
street, conductor on the Walnut Hlll-Ar
bright street ear line, shot while resisting
three holdup men at Albright the night of
Wednesday. March 7, uccumbed to hi'
wounds at St. Joseph' hospital at 7:30
last night, making It necessary under tha
law for his assassins to stand trial, It at
all, for murder In the first degree, sine
his death ensued within ten day of th
commission of th crime.
Flury' gallant, almot superhuman
struggle for life, astonished his physician.
Dr. A. P. Condon, and all the hospital
attaches who believed It Impossible for
him ever to survive the terrible wound a
long a he did. Not at any stage of hi
suffering did Dr. Condon And warrant for
substantial hope of recovery, as the bullet
had pierced vital organs nnd could not be
extracted, nor even located, for some day.
However, forty-eight hours , before hi
death the wounded man's .condition gar
ground for the slightest hope and universal
cheer was felt throughout Omaha and
South Omaha whert thl news was given
through the newspapers to the thousands
of people who were anxiously awaiting
every bit of new from the victim of tha
dastsrdly criminals.
Flury died unconscious and peaceful. H
had not been rational for some time. Tha
prerlmui night he hnd rented poorly ami
was delirious. He never rallied.
With the unfortunate man at th last
were his sister, Mrs. Lizzie Neff. 3W1 South
Twentieth street, and the mother superior
of the hospital. The body will be taken to
the home at $421 South Thirtieth today
and funeral arrangements made.
Review of th"V Crime.
Flury wa shot about 12:15 a. m., March
K He was standing on the rear of hi
car at Albright as It waa leaving th end
of the line on Us last trip for the night,
when he was .accosted by an outlaw-wbo
Commanded him to throw up hla hands.
Instead of complying Flury pulled hi re
volver. Before he could fir he wa het
me outlet entering tne nver ana Kinney.
Three men instead of one hnd aaaatled him,
two. of whom shot. . Likewise three dim
are now In tha custody of tho htw," us
pected of this wanton crime, and on of
them has confessed, while the wife of an
other ha Incriminated the trio. Those
three men are negroes, Cal Warren or
Wain, Clarence Clathrlght and Harry
Clark. The police believe the1 evidence
against them is conclusive. They also are
held for two saloon holdups committed th
same night. Gutiirlgtil Intimate two of
them may also be the culprit who shot
Frank N. Clarke, the Omaha banker, a
few night before the' South Olnaha raid.
Flury's action in rowlHting tho despera
does created a wave of admiration for hi -heroism,
but is lamented as a sheer sac
rifice of his own life. The dastardly dee-l
aroused strong feeling among other alrnet
carmen and that feeling has, not rntlrelr
died down. Action was , tned 'aat
night. x ;
, Confession of Unls ulH.
Having followed th statement of Cal
Warren's wife. In tfhich she incriminated,
tills trio, Gathrlght yesterday gar to the
police of South Omaha this fonejL' .
which, after it wus written Urr" tieub- '
scribed his oath;
On Wednesday, March 7, I came down to
South Omaha about p. m. 1 got- off th
car at M street and then walked down to
Calvin Wain's house, 1 wenty-tiilrd and K
streets, where Caivlrt Wain alfe and
mother weie alone I staid there until 10:30,
wi.en Harry Claik nnd Calvin Wain came
In. Afierivards Clark stepped out again for
fifteen minutes and then reiurneu; then
we staytd long enough after tnat to take a
couple of drinks, 'ihe three of us tnon
started out up i street and acroxs tne
Viaduct on West Q us tar a the saloon on
Thirty-second and W: tnen wc i.i:ed south
one block, i.isrk tnen said: "We w.ii go
over to Ida Comb's piace a while " .te did
not go there. On tne was up he nad also
been talking about noloing up a cur, which
he had said he had done some time before,
lie said this was town at the end of th
Albright car line. That was on the 2M.t
day of February. He and Wain were to
gether. Wain went into the car and Clark
stood on the outside. The two train men,
motormen and conductor, were lying down
Wain told me tnat he threw a gun on
them and said If they didn't have any
money they would knock their heads off.
The mctorman told them he did not have
any money and had just borrowed tr and
wanted to keep It. They got 55 from th
motorman and the resw from the con
ductor. $17 all told. Wain said he paid a
workman some of the money. (This re
fer to the first holdup case in Albright
when Conductor Ruday and Motorman
Erlck Ulander were held up February 28).
After going a block south on Thirty
second and Q. Clark suggested that we
go Into a saloon and hold them up. Three
or four men and a woman were in the
saloon. That was at King s saloon. Clark
got the money, about 11, and Wain stood
pent to the door. They gave me 10 cents,
dark pulled the telephone wire down.
We went a block south, down througlt
the alley eastward, then south until we
came to the brick saloon at Thirteenth ami
U streets. This was Grynn's saloon. Harry
Clark went and looked in and earn back
and told us everything was all right, bi
or seven men were In the saloon. W
went In at once. Clark and Wain ordered
them to throw up their hands. Clark
searched the man and went behind the
bar, while we held the guns on them. I
couldn't say how much money we got, but
Clark gave me 12 60. Clark hit the mau
In the saloon over the head with hi gun.
II then tore the wire down Slid we got
out. We went east on the hill about three
blocks, then to Twenty-sevenlh and Y
streets, then w went east, passed the
hock Island depot, where a iraln was
standinr across the tracks. We went a
block south ol the end of the street car
We had masks on at the saloon and
hoods lo cover the hair. My mask was pal
blue, with a blue bib hanging down. Clark
had a black mask and Wain also. ilr.
Wain gave us the hooas. Clark took tue
hoods and masks afterward. Wt then
started north to where tiie ear stood.
Wain and dark put on their mask before
the car pulled ill. When it turned In on
the Y to switch, we held them uu. dark
naa behind the sign on tha suutli side of
the track. I wa walking up the road.
When Wain said "lands up," the urn
Ouctor commenced to shoot. Wain then
winds around Ihe back of Ihe cur. eliootlng
at the. conductor, i did not know hu was
hit until I saw til in at I'l. Mct'rann a oft: :e
I ran up the road east, then uorin, iheu
up to town, dirk also oil some, shooting
( lark dropped his hat In front of the car
and went tiack and picked it up. We only
ran about three blocks. We went to Walu
house after the shooting We asked if
Walu aa Louie, au4 u said,
' . J - - .