THE OMAHA DAILY ' BKE: THUKSDAY, MARCH 15, l'KWi. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA Sheriff Woolman. who went to Orand Island Tuesday nlht, telegraphed yester day that the mat under arrest whs not Vroomaa. r 5i 1 s v: r if COUNCIL Office, 10 PmH Miion -amTlOV - lHi'vlit la drtlgft. fl(ockrt aelln CHip"C. F1 Hoftn' Tony Fauat b--r. Hifoat whtokr In tx-k at Jarvn.' Plumbing una heating. Blxby t Hon. Im. Woodbury, 1rnUt, .10 Parl tret. Wooilrin-HrhmMt, undertaker. Trt.-3.Tl. Imported Bootih whl-kjr. Jarvle. T3 - Hoillh Main. Iifamond '.as 'n liive.HtmenU Talk to l.efTert about It. 7 Hrhnol paint, peim. papers and tablet. Alexander s, Hi H war. Atlantic corni S centa per do-en, Olen grocery. Trt. los. ' J. n. Cblsam of "BprlngrteM, 111.. Ik the giieirt of hi" brother. C. H. Chleam. ' Strlctrv freeh (ran, two dnisen for ?fi ent, - at lh U'n Avenue grocery. Tel. Mt. Jarvl' pen pure California wlnea. For Imported wtnen. liquors and rhnm-.- pagne, I flosenfeld company, Jl Main St. If you wsnt a hlra uprlng overcoat call on E. B. Hicks. 1 have the correct goode. .An acre of fruit, with new, modern houa. This will long, rilfton v. Walker Co. The Qlen Avenus ;roctiry la still selling; His A and White lum flour at l.t5 per sack. Tsl. . - ' If you want your Are Insurance to In ire have t'llftori-'Walker Co. write It In reliable companies. Harmony rrmpter. Order 'of the Eastern Htar, will meet In regular scesion tomorrow evening In Pythian hall. Price Sawyer, republican candldnte for ' mayor of 8iou City, was In Council Bluffs yesterday afternoon visiting friends. .( Ladv Mary hive, Ijidiea ,,of the Modern Jtfncca-ha, will meet In special session ."this afternoon -at 224 North First street. : When you have your shoes half soled take thejn to BaTKenfs. Have them sewed on ' tsnd save So. Snrgent a Mlel Bhoe flhop. flqulre, Anhls. money to loan; cssh on hand, no delay: city and farm property for enlo on easy terms of payment. Office, 1H .Pearl street. Members of Council camp. Woodmen of th World, dgree staff will meet at the v Hurllngton depot at i p. m. to go to iolflo Junction. Jacob Prlsby,-who-was recently paroled by tha 'ommlssloners on Jnsanlty from ,r St. ' jWnard's hospllaf, 1 was sent bark to tha hospital yesterday. W are paying the highest cash prices for old iron and metals. Council Bluffs Junk House, J. Kattleman, proprleter. Tel. 6MX j8 S. Main. , At 6 wain A Mauer'a for Quick Meal fesotlna atoves. Others may bo good, but ha Quick Maa.1 Is tha bast. We don t give the, mom.-.' we-give the best.' WV 1L Mathews 'and Rufus Moon, who . fought over to cents on Broadway Tues day, were given ten days at hard labor ny i'ouca juage avoir, yesterday. A snip - for somebody, a 1300 Ice wagon for 1116. We haveused It only four months, la practically new. Brtdensteln Bmith, ooal and -wood, 14th and 6th 8t. You cannot get better service or more at : tnntive treatment in any store than ours. ' We like to think of our store as our home , and you as our guests.. Clark Drug Co. The best Is none too good for our eus- ' loinsrs and the best Is what we mean when we eay we have poultry fence In two . styles, from two to seven feet nign. liarer. Dinner Party corn,. II a dozen. Glen A ten u grocery,. Tel, 108. Ye -car) buy a good, new, well made p.ano, veneered Inside and out. with Ivory . keys, (or. IU80, on easy terms, at A. Uospe Cot's. 33 South Mala Ht council Biuns. M'ssourl oak dry roedwood, f a cord; stiellhark hickory, $7 r .Arkansas anthrsclte, V-fto per ton less than hard coal. William "Welsh,' It North Main St. Telephone 12S, : Qo to the Manhattan It you want(a good ' steak,- nrutton chop, pork chop or a good i'Dii of oiffee. rJverythtng is guaranteed b) be first-class at the Manhattan restaur- vant a,nd par. .-, Peanut Brittle. Bauer Imon Drops, .ftaplt Peanut Fudge, Pecan Nut Bar, Almond. Nut Bar, English Walnut Bar, i'urlty I'anay lutcnen, mb west n way. i RV '-Chales-W. ftr4dgk' pastor uf-4he People's j cJiurch of Omaha, n will spi'sk -.1 Friday evening of this week at the Peo- evening of this week at the 1' .. Die's Union church. Thirty-fifth street snd . - Avenue B. Subject. ''Past. Present and - Future." All are welconro. If you want a good meal drop In at the Vienna restaurant. The flavor of our cof fee cannot be equaled because we use good coffee and' good orenm. Our butter Is the ' best we an gett We know our rolls are ond because we make them ourselves from ' the-best tlour obtainable.' B.i, JSt.' Williamson, has, received his 'first ' shlmnent - of 19o Tribune snd Crescent ' ' .'bicycles and has alreudy tolil sevcrsl of "them.' li will pay anyone nho thinks of buying a mount this season to see Mr. Wll ' ' Hamsun's stock ' before makliXaT .his pur- cniise., it uouin main bi . Bverybody'a chance , to ' decorate' their .Homes.' Mee tne nig siock oi wan. paper, mouldings, el.,, marked down on sale at W. 8.. iiewestou. Masonic Temple, corner H way and f onrtu st. On sale Marcn la pictures aird picture framings. I.nval ar tlsts Invited, to display their work open tng week. . " IM not tise old newspapers to put under your carpets. : They are too hard and do not keep out the cold and 4ist hair as good as our felt and rorrugafsd oaper does. Th!s paper Is made to give wnen you step on It and your rat-pet does not wear out as quick.' Conn In and Jet us show it to you. Btockert Carpet company. , "v Oil 'complaint of her brother, who filed art Information 'charting her with being mentally 1 deranged, Mis.- Minnie O'Brim of 4) Graham avenue was tHkcn Into cus tody yesterday afternoon. Pending an In rsstlsatlnn of her case by the commls sloners on Insanity, she was placed In 8t. Bernara a hospital. ' Why bother with washing your own hai when you can have It washed with soft water and dried with compressed air in less than thirty mtnutea at .Qraves. 105 Pearl streot. , , . FARM LAUD AUCTIO! SATURDAY, MARCH 17 At 3 o'clock p. at., t tho east entrance of tha court, house In Council Dluffo 1 .will sell to the highest and bebt bidder for rash the following three farni:. , .'C ' In Kane township, lot a aud 4. .section 4, township 74.- range 44," and accretions;" gbout 180 acrea (within city limlta and oue mile south U. iVtlway ' bridge.) ' . ' In Lewi township, lot 3, aeciion SI townahlp Ti, rang 44, and accretions; about led acres (7 -miles sooth of Council Bluffs.) - Ixw!a township, west Vi, southwest .". section 10, township 74, range 44. I- On mile south of city limits.) i n. B. THAYER. Triistea. WANTED TO BUY A Five, Six tr Seven Roam House To nova on Another Lot WILL PAY CAOH Addresa P, Eim Oilk. 10 Pearl St. 'council Elyfj, Ion. BLUFFS t. Tel. 4. COMMERCIAL CLUB ..BANQUET Bit; Ball Boom of Grand Hotel Taxed Beyond Iu Ctpneitj. GOVERNOR CUMMINS PRINCIPAL SPEAKER N. I. t. I'rnjeet Ulven a l Kmnifl Tlnley aad R. Ilaahea, President of Rlpea Colleare. Roost . With nearly 'St) members and Invited guests ere ted around the tables, the third nnusl banquet of Ihe Council Bloffs Com merclal club, held Isst night at the Orand hotel, . proved a nstable event In 4he his tory of the organisation, which during Its hort life has done so much for the cily. The large ball room proved Inadequate to ccommodate the gathering and tsbles had to be placed In the entrywsy adjoining. The tables were prettily and lavishly dec orated with roses, carnations. Jonquils ndi rns, and at eac h plnt-n was a ,boutonnlere. t the hrad tabl- were ses ted . President Mconsld, with Governor Cummins 6d his ght, the speakers of the evening and prominent guests. It was half an hour after (he appointed me before the banquet room was thrown pen and this made It somewhat' late be- ore the speaking began. It being nearly 10 'clock when Charles W. McOonald, presi dent of the club, with a few Introductory remarks, presented Emmet Tinley, who spoke "For the Club." and as well pre sented the Young Men's Christian associa tion project to the assemblage.- President R. C. Hughes of Ripon college,, formerly president of Tabor college, - while, not on the regular program. Was called upon to speak on, the Young Men's Chrlstisn as sociation, and ne made an eloquent and urjfent apieal to the business mert to carry the project to a successful Issue, as the es tablishment of such an Institution meant so much for the community, . 1 Judge McPherson took "Southwest Iowa" s the subject of his talk," and Btlperlntend- nt' Clifford gave an Interesting account of tho progress nf the schools of this city and th prominent position they had taken among the public schools of the country. W. K. Mitchell of Sidney, la., with "Promotion of Commercial Progress" fot his theme, gave a most interesting talk, which was a feature of an all-round good program. Address of fioveraor. fjovernor A. B. Cummins, who made the closing address of the evening, was given a most enthusiastic reception. v Governor Cummins said In substance thai Iowa was one of the grandest states In the union, one of the garden spots of the world. In the midst of, the bounties of nature Its people had not been unmindful of the things which make for the upbuild ing of the race and were spending for schools half of the entire amount raised b taxation- He, predicted that Iowa was some day to become a great manufactur ing state, but left It to his auditors to say why It was. not already such. The remedy, he said. Was not difficult to And removo tha restrictions which now surroupd man ufacturing enterprises here. He then devoted j few 'moments to; the Toting Men's Christian HSSrtciation, faying It .was an enterprise worthy of the most generous treatment nnd that It would 're turn larger dividends on the investment than any other. His oloslng remarks' were devoted to the corporations. He said great corporations under modern conditions were a necessity and that they should receive a fair return On the capital Invested and fair treatment, but the public was entitled also to a square deal. The, corporations ;wer not entitled to any . return on the hundreds nf 'millions of wsAered stocks which had been floated by the morally, If not legally, criminal manipulations of financial thlmblelggcr.s. The guests Included : ... .' Governor A. B. Cumuilax.. Judge .Smith McPherson of the United States court. Rep resentative R. J. Martin of Hancock. Rep resentative H. B. Frnrman of Oakland. Su pervisor Allan Btillis of Orlswold, Super visor O. W. Spencer of Neola. Supervisor H. C. Brandels of Hancock, slsyor J. C. Sullivan of Creston. fl. M. Christian. W. C. McArthur and K. H Mason of les Moines 1- T. Oenung of Olenwood. H. W: Byers, L. F. Potter and W. L. Haughn of- llarlan. Almor Stern and Thomas Arthur of txgan. J. S.. Dewell and. W. J. Burke of Mlaxourl Valley, H. 8. Swanson and V. Q. Relninger of Shenandoah, W. K Mitchell of Sidney, V. l Jones of Ytliiscu, k:d Barrett of Dun Iiiiv Iwls Miles of Corydon, W. B.' Daven port of Sioux Falls, Vance Iane, V W. Judsnn, Charles M. Wllhelm. K. A. Nash, M. W. Cavanatigh. F. fl. Cowglll, K. Vj Peck, J. E. VonLtorn. Frank H. Hamilton and A. J. lxDve of Omaha. Dr. W. J. Mc Crann of South Omaha, President R.- C. HukIics of Ripon college; C. Bolter, presi dent of the Commercial club of logan: W. J. Dobhs and A. T. West of Tabor; H. W. Roth-rt. superintendent of Iowa School for the Deaf: Heorico V. WrlKht. K. U Shuasrt and Rev. Marcus P. MctTure. pastor of the r irst t'reshyierlun church. Council Bluffs. .For nle. New dwelling near new High school, Number of new dwellings for sale. Beautiful lot on Glen avenue, ll.SOtt. Insure your house and furniture with me. Tel. 81, Chss. T. Officer, 419 Broadway. Van Brunt vehicles furnish an array of talking points nut found on any- other vehicles. Others will tell yOu that theirs la Just as good, as "Van Brunts." . You have been up against these "Just as good" things before. Call' around and aee me. My statements; ure not mere, assertions, Vbut facts." . . There Is jio argument sboQt hjiiiff your carpets and rugs, cleaned by machinery. It Is aot an experiment. ' Charges are. -Very modeiato. Prompt service. The Council Bluffs Carpet Cleaning and Rug. Mfg. Co. Tel. m. 34 No. Main St. We piuke beauti ful ruga out of old worn-out carpets- Bad rock prices on all our new stock of carpets, rugs, linoleum, oil cloth, .-nailing, window shades, lace curtains, tapestry cur- Mains, go carts, and our entire new stock of furnyure. Do not fall .o call and In spect for youroclf. D. W. Keller, lot South Main. Swanson Music Co.. New Location 4U7 Broadway We sell pianos In our regular businesslike way. No new schemes;- in certificate. Pianos right, goods rsllsbla. Terms from f& to 110 per month. Pnssled Over School La. . Can the Board of Education, after can vassing the vote cast at the schorl election, reorganise next Monday night by' permit-' ting the newly elected members to take their seats? This Is a question which President Hess of the board would like to have answered. It has been stated that urder thu law changing the school year passed by the present general assembly the board cannot legully reorganise until July I, at which time the nealy elected mem bers and the newly elected school treasurer will assume their offices. . If the new law Is correctly construed her W. K. UcConmll will hold wvrr as a member of the lioard until July aud Treas urer Mi-Oev will do likewise at custodian of the school funds. It will not make any difference to Kmmet Tlnlfy. as he wss re elettod. In the' event of Treasurer Mi-Gee holding over until July he would, it Is said, be required under the new law to give a pew bond for the extended pi-rlod. ;R4M jirv FHISHK LAHURS Israe her ef ladlrtmeata He tarseil to Court. The district court grand Jury, which re convened Tuesday of last week, finished Its deliberations and after t'eturnino- a hlv of indictments whs discharged for the term.' In view of the fact thst the grsnd Jury has cleaned up all of the crim inal business to date Judge Thornell yes terday ordered that the grand Jury for the March terrp, which opens next Tuesdsy, be notified not to appear until May 1, Instesd of on the opening day of the term. Owtng to the defrndsnts not being Incus tody several of the Indictments were not made public yesterday. The following were given out: Norman Taylor, two Indictments on charges of larceny from a building and breaking and entering. Taylor is' charged with entering the residence of Mrs. C. Gregory, M.i Fourth street. On October IK last and stealing IX. His bonds under each Indictment were placed at I'. Frank Jones and Frank Sherwood. Jointly indicted for robbing and assaulting M. Solomon, proprietor of a clothing store at 212 West Broadway, on February 28 of this year. Their bonds were placed at 1500 each. Charles 8. Stewart, two Indictments on charges of forgery and uttering a forged Instrument. Stewart, is charged with pass ing a check on January 31 last, with the forged slgnsture of H. A. Qvilnn of the Qulnn Lumber company. His bonds under each Indictment were fixed at t:W. It. I. McBrldc, two Indictments on charges of breaking and entering and lar ceny from a building. He Is charged with entering the barber shop of Fr;d Dingle In the Revere house on March of this year and stealing rasors and other barber tools of the value of $1. Ills bonds were placed at 250Q under each Indictment. E. E. Harter of Sac City, la., two Indict ments on charges of cheating by fulse pre tenses. Harter Is charged with passing a number of worthless checks In this city on April 2J. I. His bonds under each In dictment were placed at 1500. A. Fred Fleli, Indicted on a charge of big amy, having married Clara May Oliver of this city on February 15 of this year when it Is alleged he had another wife living In Dunlap, In. His bonds were placed at ut). leorge Hill, indicted on the charge of stealing an overcoat valued at 130, the prop ert of E. C. Goodrich, from the Metropol itan hotel. His bonds were placed at two. Arthur Levi, Indicted on the charge of robbing Harry Neeley of 50 cents during the holdup at O. ' K. Harden's saloon or the night of August 9 last. His bonds were placed at $1,000. Levi was at the present term of court acquitted on the charge of holding up the saloon. Charles Stevenson, indicted on the charge of assisting prisoners to escape from prison. This Indictment Is the result of StovehKon'g attempt to saw his way out of the county Jail on March 6. His bonds were placed at 00. - - - i Charles Stevenson, John Fosdlck and Charles Lloyd, Jointly reindicted for the larceny of an overcoat and a woman's cloak from the pawnshop of Sum Friedman on December 11 last. The former indictment was found defective. Their bonds were placed at $800 each. Robert Vrooman and Harry Baker, who scaped from the county Jail last Saturday, two Joint Indictments for breaking; and en tering and stealing IM0 -worth-of brass from the premises of the Westinghouse company on January 10 of this year. Their bonds were placed at Jl.wiO each on each Indict ment. . , .. jlsap Piano Hariiiln. . .. ':Pnrtles leaving the city: Left 6u-sale. Original price 1350. Will sell on easy pay ments, II 85. See at the big piano house, Schinollev. ft Mueller Piano company, So-.' Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. We are asking .you to try our coffee, lie cause we know you will be satisfied It's the gas roasted coffee by Paxton & Gal lagher, and you can't find any better fla vored, fresher coffee any place. . We sell It at from IS to 40c a lb. We know If you try It you will come back. J. Olson, 739-741 West Broadway. The Title Uuaranty and Trust company, Abstracters of titles. Books date back to 1853. Books ure all up to riHte. Work ac curately and promptly--done at lowest prices. Office opposite courthouse, 15 Peari street, Council Bluffs, Iu. We rent organs for 5 cents a month, if you buy the organ we allew the rent jn Its purchase price. Bourlclus Piano House, where the organ stands upon the building. Broken dishes are not pleasant to look at. Fill up your old seta, or call and see our extensive line of English dlnnerware patterns. The latest thing in English breakfast sets now on display In our win dow'. W. A. M-urer. Clifton-Walker Co. have recently closed the sale of a number of properties, which reduces their list. They have a large number of other clients who wish to In vest. Perhaps your property is Just what they want. Better place It with them for quick action. We can give you the best figures on a furnace to put In your new houxe. We handle the famous Norfolk Green's fur nace. Ask the people that use them, they will tell you wlmt they are. Spencer, 158 West Broadway. Shorthand and bookkeeping positions are easily secured If you are well qualltled. We do that. New clusses tlilsjweck. Western Iowa college. . Pailas Cvutrarta Kslendea. The city council at Its meeting yettenlHj afternoon decided to postpone cnc,i. (ela tion of the appropriation ordinance until Saturday night, when an adjourned session will be held. But little business was trans acted yesterday afternoon snd the meet ing C4msequiuly was a short one. All of t. A. Wlckham's paving contracts were extended to August 1. A resolution was adopted providing tint all moneys In the police fund on March tl be turned into the general fund. Mrs. Rogers, whose house is said lo be partly on the publia thoroughfare at Nine teenth avenue and Sixth street. In a com- Use Dr-Graves tooth Powdci and note the delicious after taste. Even if you have good teeth they need regular atten tion twice-a-day. Watch the effect on your friends. I handy auetal eaus bottlaa. Sac Br Graves' Tooth Powder Cc. munlcntion offered to move the building on condition thst the city would, corlrtbi!e towanls the cost. t o citv rt kvtiius tomuht Hepattlleaae Meet la Foort lloase mm Dfnnrnli In t'ooarll Ckaanber. The republicans and "the: democrats wfll both hold their city conventions this even ing, the former In the county court hour and the latter In the council chamber of the city halt. Both are called for I o'clock. Who will act as temiiorary chairman of the republican Convention was not an nounced yesterday, as Chairman Hess of the city central committee was out of the city. The convention- promises to be an Interesting and possibly an exciting one. It was stated yesterdsv thst an effort would be made to nominate Charles W. McDonald, president of the Commercial club, for mayor, but frleads of W. F. Sapp stated the latter had the nomination cinched. There also promises to be an Interesting contest over the nomination for city solicitor, as 8. B. Snyder, who Is out for a renomlnatlon. will be opposed by C. F. Klmball and A. W. Askwlth. For treas urer Frank T. True will lie renominated by ' acclamation, but there will llkAy be a contest over the nomination for aedltor, there being two or thre candidates In the field. John Olson will it Is understood, renominated for councllninn-at-large and It Is likely that John Fleming of the Fifth ward will be named as his running mate. Frank Peterson will. It is conceded, be renominated for park commissioner. Emmet Tinley, It Is stated, will be called upon td preside over the democratic con vention which, according to the cut and dried program, wil' renominate nil the present democratic officeholders from Major Macrae down. F. W. Miller Ih to be nominated for city attorney and Wallace Benjamin for treasurer.. Kd Slockert will be nominated for councllman-iit-liirgo. These will be the only new nominations. ' Mothers! Mothers, do not use all your strength in carrying your baby around, when com fortable folding and reclining go-carts can be had at our special sale for KI.75 and up. Keller-Farnsworth Fur. Co. Jensen & Mlchaelson, 238 West Broadway, contract for painting. They use pure white lead and llnmed oil. Now Is the time to let them do the work, ' before the rush commences. Tou can get, your work done right If you let them do It. Let Borwick decorate your house. He has the best wall paper and paint to do It with. Bed-rock prices alird work guaran teed. 211 So. Main. Tel. 6S3. Call him up and ask him about It. "McAtee for good things to eat." Boat goods, best prices, fairest prices; prompt and careful delivery; and If you want the best bakery goods served on your table, we bake them. Democratic F.lectloo Oflleers. In conformity with the resolution passed by the Federation of Improvement Clubs at a recent meeting President Clifton anj Secretary Ponton have it to the chair man of the republican and democratic city central committees the. following letter, which Is self-explanatory: The Council Bluffs Improvement Federa tion at Its meeting on March t decided to Inform both it ho republleart. and democratic central committees that It has decided, after nfueh discussion, that every effort be put forth to- suppress , the--. buying or Influencing- of j'oles with pwney. drinks or anything that represents Value, at the com ing election. -n.nd fha,ti ws)-wlll have martv men st each voting place whose duty It shall be to detect anyone' giving, offering to give, taking or offering K lake such con sideration for vote. , , . . . We also desire to Inform you that we will do as much as is legitimate against any candidate ho tries -to put up gr.y scheme to Influence votes unlawfully. ' and In case such party Is elected a etronz ef fort will be made to contest his election. Thts is as fair to one party as the oth-r, and we would like to have your henrtv approval and co-operation In this tardy ef fort to uphold law and cneoiiragx our best cltlsens to take a more act! v Interest In politics. ' "' j Fur m Qolek gale. I will offer the five-roomed house unit lot at 45 Avenue A tor-one week at S50. New house; city water. Easy terms. No hotter Investment 'In CoUnctl Bluffs, Make a fine home. Wallace Benjamin, room 1, First Na tional bank. I write fire insurance Office ihnne, 2"3; residence, 'phota,' Black 1444. - ' Geo. A. Hoagland hue just received a car load of the famous Amaion Rubber roofing and will make you very attractive prices on large or small quaatlties. Now Is the time to get your roofs in shape before the heavy spring rains. Don't forget Kaster Is coming and you want a new suit. Leuve your order early at Hicks', if you want a nice, up-to-date one. 'Phone Red 77S. Many peoplu are troubled with indiges tion because the bread they eat Is not made from Crystal mills Big A flour. Try it before taking any more dopes. fur Male. Centrally located bakery, ttrsl-tin-s oven and fixtures; cash trade, yuu. Two chair barber shop, good fixtures, good location, cheap rent; a bargain; see me. Alva Smith, real estate, insurance, ex changes, room 1y' Everett block. Reliable Gasoline Stoves, Coldwell lawn mowers, Herrlck refrigerators. Investi gate these matters In time. We have the best. Paddock-Handachy Hardware Co. i-'lne Colorado farm land, o an acre. Improved ranches, 110 to tM per acre. One Improved ranch, four mlls from town, $6 per acre. A big snap. Excursion March 2. Fare. 110.9). F. C. I-iugee, 1J4 South Main street. ... . ' Heal Kstate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee jturch 14 by the Title Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: Walter K. Remington and" wife to II. Mendel, eS '' and wVi se4 22-77- .42. w. d 111.! J. W. Squirt- and wife to Michael Dunn, nv, e4 11-T7-4.I. w d 5,2u Michael Dunn and wlfu to Mury T. Dillon, iH se' 11-77 - 43, w. d i.;"0Q Robert Kurth and wife to Jacob Jes- , sen. pan ne' neLi -75-43, w. d ..luu H. Mendel to Walter K. Remington. lots 4 and 5. l-'arrell's subdiv in Neola. w. d l.lSo C. D. Dillon and wife to James Hoff. lot 10. block 16. Stutzmau's 2d add to Council Bluffs. Ia., s. w. d ;1) Charles E. Walters and wife to James Hoff. lot 11, nlix-k 15, Stutsman s 2d add to Council Bluffs, Ia., q. c. d. Total seven transfers- ..., Marriage Licenses, Licenses "Iq wed were issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age Inn Drher. Neola, la 27 Mary Christianron, Missouri Valley, la...Il Marlon Toft. Council Bluffs Alma Madison, Neola, Is ti S. V. Muillbil:g Co. Tel. ). Nijft.t Out on m fr'alao Merel. The aulhoiities at Cr.iud Island. Neb., notified Sheriff Canning Tuesday that they had a ; ung fi iiow under ' arrest there J uiiswvrlng the d-'Stiipdou of Hubert Vroo man. who. with H.irry Baker, escaped from the county Jail last Fiidsy night. Deputy URST l)t IOH ntKCMSTH 4THI All et H-al.tered or Who ll-.e t'haeaed Residence Most Healster. Today will be the first day for tegistri llon for the city election, which will l..' held Monday, March X. The registrars will also le In session tomorrow and on Sat urday, March it. The registration booth will be open from a. m. to 9 p. m. on each of three days. Any person who did not vote at the last general election, he I November 4, I'M. or who has since moved from the precinct In which he then resided Into another voting precinct, will be re quired to register on one of the three days named In order to be able to cast his ballot, on - March W. These are the places of registration ar.J the registrars in the different precincts: First wnrd. second precinct, Pheely A Itne, No. 21 East Broadway. W. M. Green and E. J. Abbott, registers. Seoond ward, first precinct,' Cltv hall, op Bryant street. J. N. Casstdy, Jr.. and J. W. Binnchard. registers. Second ward, second precinct. Luchow s rirar store. 741? West Broudwsv. William lliKgcson and H. A. Balrd. registers. Third wsrd. first precinct. Marten s hotel, 217 South Main street. K. S. Zurmeuhl-n am Forest Smith, registers. Third ward, second pi-eclnct, Schott's druit store, Ml South Main street. M. D. Hughes and D. J. Whltsker, registers. Fourth wsrd. tlrst precinct, George V. Haynes' office. fcn2 South Main street. J. .1. Frnlney tniil J. 8. Davis, registers. Fourth ward, second precinct, Kelly house. No. 1212 South Main street. Henry Southard and Julius Johnson, registers. Fifth ward, first precinct. County build in. Mfth avenue and Twelfth street. J. K. Cooper and O. H. Acker, registers. Fifth ward, second precinct, Couniy building, No. 1511 South Thirteenth stree-. W I II In in McOlll and Iars Nielsen, registers. Sixth ward, first precinct. County build ing corner Avenue B and Twenty-fourth street, Clint Mercer and I". J. Clatlerhuck. realsters: Sixth ward, second precinct, Filth audi Ioeust street, East Omaha. James N. Traneksr and John Hansen, registers. Creditors t ooiplals of Rsnkrspfi. In the federal court yesterday Judge McPheison heard and took under advise ment objections on the part of a number of his creditors to the discharge of Joseph S. Wylle of Davenport, recently adjudged a bankrupt. Wylle was a heavy financial oiierator and was in some way connected with Devlin, the Topeka, Kan., banker. When iK'Vlin went to the wall Wylie also suspended operations and went Into the bankruptcy court. His creditors are now opposing his discharge, alleging fraud and concealment of property, besides making other charges against him. In the Alexander Armstrong bankruptcy Judgn McPherson has ordered set aside the mortgages executed by Armstrong Just prior to going Into bankruptcy. O. W. Wattles of the t'nlon National bank of Omaha and WlUlam Arts of the German American bank of Carroll. Ia.. w'th com bined claims aggregating 2125,ll, were the plaintiffs in the suit to set aside the mortgages. Armstrong's liabilities aggre gated over 2oo,ono. The federal grand jury yesterday Ignored the charge against Fred Reasoner of Sten nett, la., charged with sending an Inde cent letter through the malls. This com pleted tho work of the grand Jury and It was . discharged. Henry Hawkins and fc. H. White. In dicted for, bootlegglngl entered pleas of guilty and were' sentenced' to thirty days' Imprisonment, Hawkins in the Iudlanola county Jail and White In the Red Oak jail. There was no' afternoon session, Judge McPherson being a guest of the oflleers of the Commercial club at the Grand hotel. f. Patrick's Day., Saturday, . March 17, Is 'St. Patrick's day. We ' have the genuine shamrock, grown from Imported seed,, , ,Wear. a reaj sham rock bouldnnlere and 'talie a plant home and watch it grow. Wilcox. Florist. Oood bread can't be made except from good flour. I'se "Big A" flour, and your bread will always- be good, ' Your grocer sells it or should. If you prefer nullity to iuunlity uud absolute satisfaction to yourself, get Schmidt's photos. Always guaranteed to please. 'Phone 85". ' 406 BroHdwsy. The finest selection of marble gravestonus In southwestern Iowa can be found at Eheeley & Lane's nimble and granite works, -IT Kast Broadway, Council Bluffs. Many different designs and colors. The work is done by experts who have had years of training. Aavalnst BelllnaT of Votes. The following democratic Judges and clerks of election were appointed yesterday by the city council: First Ward First precinct: Judges. H. Sclioemaker and Ous Bergman; clerk, C. M. Maynard. ' Second precinct: judges, Rob ert Rain and George Smllle; clerk, Louie Snyder. Second Ward Flint precinct: Judges, M. F. Rohrer and Thomas Maloneyj clerk, Gus Covalt. Second precinct: Judges, L. P. (Service and Louis Greli; clerk, Harrv l.ii chew. Third Ward First precinct: Judges, Fre mont Benjamin and M. D. Hughes; clerk. Oscar Hauiueister. Second precinct : Judges. M. H. Tinley and Fred Spetman; clerk, Oeorge HiiKhes. Fourth Wnrd First precinct: Judges. J. J. Brown and Charles Paschel; clerk, Paul Wk-kham. Second precinct: Judges, So enke Boysen and P. L. Smith; clerk, J. T. Mulqueen. Filth Ward First precinct: Judges, t. J. I X.I, I. In and C. L. Hammcl; clerk. J. C. I'lII patrick. Second precinct: Judges. A. 8. Westley and James McMillan; cierk. A. J. Knox. Sixth Ward First precinct: Judges, C. Cilppen and Jack Anderson; clerk, K. J. McKlnlei-. ADVAXt K l PHIt'K OK SOFT OAl, Dealers 4 lalm Shortaase and Consum ers Mast Pay Higher Hates. DKS MOINES. Ia.. March 14. Nearly all dealers advanced the price of soft cnal from U to tSW a ton todav. ' The advance, some dealers say, is due to the Increased demand because of the cold weather. Others admit that because of the iiaix-ndtng st'.ike factories and rail roads have accumulated such a Urge sur- C10FUIA I I While it is true that Scrofula may be cqny-e4 tinder certain conditions, It is usually inherited. Parents who are related by the ties of blood, or who have a consumptive tendency, or family blood taint of any character, are eure to transmit it to their children in the form of Scrofula. Swollen glands, brittle bones, poor digestion, weak eve Catarrh emaciated bodies and I Inherited. orcfala, and abont seyen eyes, catarrn. emaeiaiea Doaies ana .uffered intensely from general weak constitutions are the ft. Tried averr doctor available at nrinrinal wars in which the dis- areat epene, but grew rapidly worse; principal wavs in wc fnuct, had given u all hope ct being ease IS manifested. The blood has cured, and dying man will grasp at bren diseased from birth, and beinjr in tLiilo Hi this condition cannot properly Dour- S.S.ts. After taking six bottles, I felt a Ish th hncW and Scrofula, is the re. 18 n we May ana ocroiuia ia i me re- ult. A hereditary disease like this can only be reached, by a constitu- tional remedy and nothing equal S S. S. as a cure for it. , It cleanses drives out all scrofulous and tubercular deposits, and there is a gradual but anre return to health. S. fi. S snnnlieg tr the f anaemic, lifeless blood the properties necessary to build back to fltronjj, robust health, end does a fc-wi-wlhw. tki"3 gently and so thoroughly that no feigns of w -w" v v-e w the disease PIIRFI V VFRFTARI F purely vegetable S. S. S. is the best remedy for Scrofula; enter into the circulation and replace wax-like, hloodks3 faces with vigorous i strength glowin-; with health. . Book with information alxmt Scrofula and Bicdioil advice frer. Ttl S VJITT ftrolr Htf , - j i . i Car I W ttrs All Fha fi HUM, f UniillS 1 ' falls. b4 ft aTir ftM k ci ftci km-i of rehil ft whit h until I r Cell NM1 Of rt- rrn Utm rr at on iT4pt my limr m Tiit iM4 r ri-ime ( ) S 1S.L. - I ass a m-rt rs i.h i ml t-pnif I ' . ft imI roM I In -.1 -r.i lerfYK'toin I- I ' j I i" B " A' liisnr rem-M'-j bin none ' rii'ii, I' i ?'Pl,,r 1 ' ""n oeitieilio-lenie i l'Jn.T I - - ft 1 nr '1. Stt M IsM I ..;iTtnr I , 1(7. tie! ' 1 "' "" et tr. Vr. RTt J llfV'( ,1 Hull's 1ns.Tsr.U-iey 1 r.shSh'e. I. 'Trvlt A S-.-1 It cured Xrri I i-e. ri- lt ,. s i-i-.tuii, Herman ksferuue ';,. . a . "aet-k , Mm., 114 H. St. fata. J OVCn 4,000,000 BOTTLES of Dr. Bell's Pine -Tar-Honey War tsM fcrlsf 1st year IH4, t sa ABSOtUTE 0U4RANTI:. The stronrest eridenee of the I' UerlUI Of S proprietary meoicine is m opin Uvtr lira FIIMlvs noows is l"nf. o-tt Poor Miillsa MiMlkt la l4. This consumer reiarding the Bsety. beit cough medicine on tne niarkeu Look (or tho Bell 33c, SOa. aae PlSfUeafrr ths C E. SimiEKLAND MEDICINE CO- ftimuk, k. Jap Mo thoroughly and healthful. Odor lames S. Kirk plus that the local supply has been cut short. It is claimed they are unable to meet the actual demand In the city. It understood that a still further advance - 111 be made soon. C1TIZF. (OUMKM) MIKRIIF Know Where They Stand Hrgsrillnl Shooting of Unrglar. RKD OAK, Ia., March 14.-(Speclal Tel egram.) Resolutions endorsing the action of Sheriff William Thomas In shooting Harry Barker on the morning of Mnroh 13 were passed at a mass meeting of titlxens today. The resolutions are as follows: Whereas. This community has been lately Infested with a gang, of thieves, burglars and robbers, who. while cunningly avoiding detection, have been committing crimes In defiance of law and order, and WhereasN Beeuuse of the secet and midnight depredations of said lawbreak ers, the peace and good order of the peo ple have been so disturbed as to cause them great fear and anxiety for the safety of their persons and property, and Whereas, One Harry Barker, with felon ious Intent, whllo armed with a deadly weapon and In the act of robbing a safe, about 1 o'clock on the morning of Murch 13, lmm, was unintentionally killed hy William Thomas, sheriff of Montgomery county, Iowa, while In the performance of his official duty: therefore, be it Resolved, By the peuple of Montgom ery county. Iowa, in mass meetina assem bled that we commend the brave, energetic and efficient conduct of William Thomas in the unfortunate affair and extend to him, lioth individually and as a vigilant and unselfish public servant, our united esteem, confidence and support. The committee was T. J. Hyshaiu. W. N. Maloney, C. C. Platter. D. A. Arts and O. G. Howard. There were over :Xi signers in less than an hour. Corbta Arrives mt Post. ST. LOUIS. Murch 14.-Major General Henry C. Corbln. V. 8. A., arrived In St. Louis today, accompanied by Mrs. Corbln and Captain William Hortori. his side. Gen eral Corbln will take command of the northern division of the army, succeeding General John B. Weston, who goes to the Philippines. Josef Hoffman Arrives. NEW YORK. March 14. Josef Hoffman, the pianist, was a passenger on the steamer, which arrived here today from Hamburg. In steerage on the steamer there were more than 1.000 young men, nearly all of them from Austria and Hun gary. AN AWFUL INHERITANCE wonderful than re for the better, loon. tn)Ud tmk. lt for about si montua, taking- in ail about &rten bottles, t;TV7rH. .TOCXTOK. end strengthens the deteriorated blood, are ever seen in after liie. Jkinc its harmless but healing ingredients Soap Fi t C SPECIFIC CO., A TIAN7A. CA. on in inn rnnsumtr, npn in inn I gi ui u I I im mriiiva nwt'n ia i j. inw eri lenres the opinion of the merits of Dr. Bell Pine-Tar- 3D on Itio Bottla. $1.00 Bottlm. A delicate luxury for toilet or. bath. Cleanses the skin si. J and leaves it smooth, soft of natural' flowers. & Company ft X3he Best of Everything The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago . ' Low Colonist's Rates Every Day Till April 7th . . . to . . . Portland, Seattle, SpokaiM,, Helena, Butt and Pugat Sound points. -City Offlcoa- 14011403 FAR NAM 8T. , OMAHA TCU 24-B1 CTORZ MALT EXTRACT Aoex not dope er -rug, but Uti the body ma toothet the r.rrvet in the mow plcaunt, nat ural wt. It it a boon to the htin-worker, the conraletccnt, ti e nuninf mother, or ny one needing a n-itritioui, piUuble hts erigc to cou back strength ta the body or the flutlt of health le the chrrki. Prominent phyai tvnt recommend k. Order a caM (2 00a. bottle . ' At aim .imj, l, .ynm !Ujr-!aat' at a ea a ana r.litliril "stf I Dm bif mt lor laral Hl.,A diHkacM.ia,Aanitaiiia. ua ml trrustiu.a f uliaikat iiwimm. of uiiii-aa iulrana. aiD. f al r aoiMauua. i i,rw nn1.ii.imi..ij Mmg t rli'NthuisCn emeiaiuii.i f ' J ai4 mr brovatota. , j or aant la alaia wiar, I hr air:a. r we. tuff kl ti M. or t l-nttl -a tt Unula-r aaat