THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, MARCH 15. 1P0G. SPECIAL NOTICES Aavertlaemeeta for taeee rolaaaaa rrlll ka Uk aatll IS aa. for tae rttli( rdlilaa and aatll It s. as. for the snarnlaa aaa Saaaar aaltlaa. Rates 1 l-li a ward arst laaertlaa. le a "rl thereafter. Hatfciaa takea Inr lese aaa XOe far Ik drat laser laa. These aa vertlaesaeate asast he raa eoaseeatlvely. Advertiser.,, by reaaeatlnaT a here check, caa have aaewers ad dressed ta a aankercd letter la care of The Rce. Answers aa addreaaed villi ka deElTered aa preaeatatlaa ef check. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE SPRING TERM. MONDAY, APKIL 2, Day and night. New classes In bookkeep ing, telegraphy, shorthand, typewriting and English. Oet a catalogue. Addreaa H. B. BOiLES, president, Boyles Hidg., ' Omaha, R-M16S U.MAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cially or fire escapes, shutters, diors and sates. U. Andreeu, Prop.. 102 8. 10th St. R-S9 Unla. Tina R- RUM BEL BON, 1124 -TUt. 11th fit., Omaha. R-800 SIGN FAINTING. 8. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. R 9ul WE BUT and sell typewriters. We will sell your machine on a small commission. Omaha Typewriter Exchange, 828 Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. 4608. R M673 BTEINWAT piano, upright, big bargain. Ferfleld Piano Co., loll Farnam BU R 902 GUNSMITH, keys, trunk locks, repairing. Hetlln, 217 8. 14th. Tel. Douglas 2174. KNIVE8 AND FORKS sliver plated. $2.25 per do. Omaha Plating Co., 15o Harney . R M704 Mch21 WALL PAPER cleaner. Tel. Harney 3294. R 664 HAVE Wilson hang paper, quick, clean. Pa per cleaning a specialty. Tel. Doug.-6"6d. ' . K-MttJl. M19 TRY KELLY'S TOWEL 8UPFLY. TeL Doug. lUtO. R 804 SECOND-HAND Typewriters sold, rented and repaired. Ferer's Typewriter & Sup ply Co., 07 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 7iS5. R 357 Apr 1 INCUBATORS, brooders and chick food. Burr Incubator Co., 28th and Davenport. R M768 Mch23 Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1918 Farnam. r 66i SURVEYING, BUckensderfer, 212 Bee Bldg. R t46 BAD IRONS replated. 1508 Harney St. R MiUb Mch21 MARTIN MEYER. hlrta, underwear to or dar. R M706 Mcb21 OMAHA Electrlo Works, electrical repair ing. Prices right. 108-12 N. 11th St. TeL Doug. 1181. R-M126 M24 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SODA FOUNTAINS, any slse. 181 Farnam. Q 40 BHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIKED PAINT. Sheraian McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 0.-941 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-han. 1818 Farnam. Q-942 FOR BALE Two HI scholarships on Omaha business college. Address Dwlght Williams, Omaha Bee. Omaha. Neb. Q829 MILCH COWS, on easy terms. Center. 43d and Q-299 public Sale At Morton Place, 46th and Center Sts., Saturday, March 17. Will sell tny entire outfit, consisting of household goods, stock, machinery, har nessr Wmfs and other articles too numerous to mention. J. M. Cook, Owner. - Q-M210 1 FOR SALE At a discount, due bill from one of the moat desirable life inuurance companies, which may be applied on a first year's premium; any one considering taking out a policy can save money. Address P 57, car Bee. ' Q HOI PIANO FOR BALK Party wno purchased piano only a few weks ago will sell it at a discount from the cash price paid. Address P ta, care Be. QSHM PIANO Square, 110; SO cents weekly. Per field Piano Co., 1611 Farnam St. . Q Ml CRIBBING, fir Umbers, 80 feet and under; seasoned hardwood lumber. 16th & Ixard. Q-945 100 STOVES to select at low prices. Chicago Furniture Co.. 1410-1412 Dodge Bt, Q-846 SPECIAL PRICES FOR NEBRASKA. The famous Old Trusty Incubators, made by Johnson, the Incubator man. Send for 124-page free catalogue; too poultry illustrations. M. M. Johnson Co.. Clay Center, iseb. Q 847 WATER BACKS, furnace and stove re- .pairs, furnace pipe und fittings. Tel. ' Duuglaa-960. Omaha Stove Repair Works. Q-M8 Mil 100 SINGLE Iron beds, springs and mattrea- ' sts; $2 each, complete; worth 16, 2015 D'vpt, w ;uu ucn:i CAUTION! Beware of fake piano ada. Senulne new Bleinway. pianos are sold NLY by Bchmoller at Mueller and they are tne uin u 1 aumonsea iNeurasga rep lesenratlvea. Tel. Doug.-1625. 1407 liar ney St. Q M6U KINDLING for sale; good wood, sawed and split, ready lor stove. Mai bach c Hago dom Planing Mill. 'Phone Harney Q-M738 A8 FOR SALE At a bargain, window shades of nine-room house, all in good condition; , also ice cneai, gas stove, iron oedu, rugs, , etc. Apply at once, 8027 Chicago St. Q-M1J0 THREE fresh cows for sale. Florence. ' Neb., Chaa. Hubbell, Rural Route 1, Box 1 W M12 15X DRAMATIC Chambers' Krhool of Stars Arts. Lyric Theater, Nineteenth and Farnam. Thorough Course of Instruction In Stage Craft. x Public performances by pupils In their omn theater, under personal directorship of Frederick "Jliri" Fulton, formerly lead- lug character with "Arlsona, ' "Frederick Warde," "Frohnian'a," ntue years Wood uaid Stock. Kansas City, Omaha. Tele- ' pnoue. uougias is.i Wlllard K. Ctiambura. Manager. -W FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS FOR SALE-Grade EnglUh Shtra sUlllon, lUJi lba., years old, dark brown, aound, . warranted a breeder, can show plenty of tolls. Price Lock Box 3m. New- neo. P M73J Mir FOR sale, chean one rtil ii nearly new. For partlculara addreasl a. a. vnanipioa, wueroaee, la. ' P MP10 lBx CUIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMINT Call at No. 113 South 16th St., upstairs. ir.iiiui yivuiciiuu aoaoiuteiy given. 8-S07 JtKV. EDWARDS, spiritual medium, givea nmiiKTiui 111a reauings. itoom 1, falter tun xiia., iitn ana rarnam. a uilj 17 LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Bnn. Church Co.. main floor N. Y. L, TeL J. M. MACFARLAND. Si N. Y. L. Bldg. 1 iAU. VOW PRINTING I YMCSTAr, 'sh grade 1H06 Calendara V W.,A B K fr- I"h St. nd Oi JV;KC Capitol Ave. 84s WANTED MALE HELP DRUG stores bought and sold. Drug cleiks wanted. K. V. Knlest, 6-4 N. Y. L. B i7 WANTED For V. 8. army, able-bodied mn between ages of 21 and 35; citlxene of United States, of good character and tem perate hahlta, who can speak, read and rle English. For Information apply to Recruiting Office, 13th and Douglas Bis,. Omaha; Lincoln and Grand Island, N-;h or Bioux City, la. B GriH-ery clerk and solicitor, good salary. Shipping clerk, young man, MO. Young man, wholesale, houne, small salary. Orocery clerk, young man, experience not net'ewry, Hii. Write for booklet. . WE8TERN RKK. A BOND ASS N. (IN.J Dept. B, S40-1-3 N. Y. L. Bl.lg . Omaha, Neb. B 185 It MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing, bricklaying, plastering trades; pays (6 a day. Coyne Bros. Co., New 1 ork, Chi 111K0, Cincinnati, St. Louis. Free cata logue. B 0B AMERICAN Barber Colcge. 12th Doug. B M3i"2 M16 CIVIL SERVICE work. See Underbill. 3320 N. 24th. d s Ju'" (JTflpit the Neb. House, 1307 Douglas; 0 x v-yJ- rooms 2bc and up; beds (Iron) lie; ust opened; everything new ann ciean. WANTED Four trustworthy boys, with bicycles; permanent poaltlons. A. u. 1. Co., 212 8. 13th St. B MB70 A3 WANTED Window trimmer and sign writer. Apply People's Store. B M6i7 BKX'OME a chauffeur at home; poaltlons guaranteed at J8 weekly. Write for pur ticulars. Automobile, Dept. 787. "42 Sev enth Ave., New York. B M883 ltfx WANTED First class meat gutter; good hours; must be strictly sober; good pay. A. G. Bracke, Falrbury, Neb. B M164 20 WANTED By traveling salesman and wife. two or three unfurnished rooms, in mo dern houne. Address, Mrs. C. C. Allen, 1208 Farnam. Omaha. B 181 14 FIRST CLASS gentleman stenographer and clerk; 176 per month. Address w jo, care Bee. B 208 15x GOOD BLACKSMITH wanted; shop and tools, furnished; steadv work, good terri tory. H. 8. Westbrook, Dunbar, Neb. B196 15X HARNE8S MAKERS, with factory experi ence at light, work, wanted Dy urnuiie Bros. Co., Duluth, Minn. . B Midi 21 PERSONS EVERYWHERE to distribute samples; 120 weekly. Address -Manager, 4 Wells St., Chicago, III. B M218 15x WANTED Three men. Omaha Rnx Co., East Omaha. H-flirjs u WANTED FEMALE HELP APPRENTICE girls. Burgess Shirt Co. WANTED Good girl for general house work: small family. Mrs. spaiaing, im 8. 36th St. C-127 15 WANTED Girls experienced on power ma chines; weekly pay while learning; steauy employment. Albert Cahn, sliirtmaker, 1322 Farnam St. C M146 17 WANTED At once, mlddle-nged woman; reasonable wages. Mrs. iiarvey. 3i bo. 26th St. C-M143 lo YOUNG LADY as assistant bookkeeper" In wholesale house; must be gooa penman, quick and accurate with figures; state experience and salary expected. W 24, Bee office. C 157 15 Stenographer, IfiO. Stenographer, $45. Stenographer, $30. Call or write for complete list of vacan cies and booklet. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'N. (INC.) Dept. B, 810-1-3. N. Y. L. Bldg., Omaha. Neb. WANTED Experienced coat hands for ladles' alteration department; gooa sal aries. . 8. Frederick Berger & Co.. 1311 Farnam Bt. C-M158 lfi WANTED Fairly competent bookkeeper. Apply Sommer Bros., zstn ana mrsm, C M160 1 WANTED aood girl for. general house work; lamity or two; no wanning, wja Capitol Ave, Tel. rtarney ios. C 178 lBx WANTED A cook and a housemoid. 528 8. 37th st. c-Mia 11 WANTED Experienced cook, with refer ences. Apply 2016 cass. j miii u WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. C 8. Ely, aa) Ulnney. c fli-i WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Experienced salesmen to sell medicines and household articles from a wagon to farmera on commission, 'travel ing expenses allowed and a reasonable earning guaranteed. Both old and new territory available. The Haller Proprie tary Co., Blair, Web. ii-mui a. W AiH 1 1-Uliiu mtirBiimii, iiuoimi 1 1111.01 DC experiences; K 1 v n re ici rui... i 1 mo . , . 1 M'ull '11 HOX 44, juiesourg, t qui. - u wwi WANTED AGENTS AGENTS WANTED everywhere to sell Our popular puiicira, cuvnuiB at. Bv-ti- dents, diseases and occupations; some thing entirely new and Issued by this society only; easily understood and easily sold; cost but $6 per annum each, pay able monthly If desired;, large commis- .... 4 lmm.H(ulnlv U rw4 vrlllMiVit territory allowed. Address National Ac cident society sm uroauway, jcw una Established 20 years. . J PICTURE AGENTS Large 24x28 Inch rramea wan pictures, coav mj cuuujicio, ..11 Oit a.tmmi 1 B". nHl(.ta crfiifr given; enclose stamp tor catalogue. Por- trait company, vayne, 111. y-iwm WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION as housekeeper or attendant, by V . I . . a-n 1.1,1 la trA A murl n Brr(i 1 fl It Address W 63. care Bee. A M2i4 lsx FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE California for Clear Omaha City . Property. Splendid large two-story residence on the finest residence street In Los Angeles, No. 449 E. Adams St.: nearly new und thor oughly modern; lot 6txlba to 20 ft. alley; large barn, chicken pens, laundry house: with gas and water connections and ser vants' toilet ln rear; beautiful grounds in beat of condition, lawn flowers and young Irtes. House is fluely finished in selected yellow pine wood and beautifully tinted; very -expensive electric fixtures dining room fixtures alone coat over 1100. very large living room wun very elaborate man tel book cases, etc.; spacious window seat very complete butler's pantry. Just the home for one wno can lay oacg ana rest, being ln a quiet and dignified atmosphere. Price, only $10,0uo. Straight $3.&yo leaj at 7 per cent. Also 80 acres unimproved farming land In Los Angeles county that is especially adapted for wheat or barley, etc., being a rich sandy loam, and from recent re ports discovered to be In the artealan belt, wells having been developed very close to thla fine land; situated close to main Southern Pacific line and 3V miles aouih and west of the thriving town of I,ani outer, about 90 miles north of L n Angelea city; value, $40 per acre, clear of Incumbrance. 1 wish to exchange one or both for a clear Income property In Omaha. King up Russell Aldei son, caie Emerson Ml Hall, commission merchants, your city, or write Edwin Alderson, owner, 126 S. Broad way, Los Angeles, t al. Z M17J 17x ONLY, HOTEL In town; trade for land or sell; bua line and mail from train; livtiy barn. Paa from $i,6u(t to $'-'.i a year. Sell on account of wife's health. Address W-21. Z M 144 A12 FOR TRADE li) acrea beat hay land In Holt county; will trade for residence prop erty In Omaha or Uncoln; price $2.5uo. Anderson Bros.. Hristow. Neb. " Z-M194 x IF YOU do not find what you want In itiLi column, put an ad. ln and you. will soon get It. . Z aJ ABOUT $2,000 worth of recorded- Short horns fur land. Converse, Avuca. Ia. Z- Ltt lit Get. next to money with a Bee Business Chance Ad. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS LEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. iv-nii Doug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunk. E-911 WELL furnished, modern, steam heated ixuiiB, j-arnam, jjiat 6. lei. uoug. 22U3. - Er-ll . NEWLY furnished rooms, 2534 Davenpott; warning Otstunce. IS 4J2 FURNISHED rOoir.! fo rent at 2534 Dav enport bi. K 194 ONE large front room with alcove; all moaern. Tel. Douglas 5309. E M174 16x NICELY furniBhed large southeast room; uiouern, suitaDie for one or two gentle men. 217 South 25th Bt. E-IT'J DESIRABLE ROOM In new modern home; gentlemen only, zjiis Douglas Bt. E-M217 18x A LARGE FRONT ROOM with alcove. nicely furnished, modern; private family, close In. Ill N. 2oth Bt. E M2U8 FOUR nicely furnished front rooms, with iimno; complete for housekeeping. 2018 Davenport St. E M188 17x FIVE furnlahed rooms for rent or sell, j-j noum inn ar.. li 17 lnx FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. r mil Doug. 611 O.M.E. Uaul Trunks F 810 ROOMS and good board, $5 per week and up. Call 1517 Chicago t, K 912 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO large parlors and kitchen, all modern. wnn neat, a; 1 large iront room with v alcove, lo; rooms tor housekeeping, li. 12. S. 26th St. Tel. Douglas b309. G-M175 16x 4 modern rooms, parlor floor. 1508 S. 28th BU TWO large rooms with alcove. 2412 Cass. U M707 CENTRAL, all-modern 8-room, parlor noor. ti iNortn ua. G M6a) FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES iu ali iart8 r u' clt it HUUOIiO c xeturu 6t Co., ue Bidg. D M FOR RENT. Three and 4-room nuts; mouern except heat warning distance. luk-i is. latti Bt. ; fa and $13 per month. Inquire R. C. jfeters & Co., ground floor, Bee. Bldg. D M1M HOUSES ln a11 iiart" of tho Tn (J- j. jjavia Co., M6 Bee Bidtf. HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Blkt D bl 1 THE Omaha Van & Storage Co., pack, move and stole tL 11. goodu. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. lUtn. Othce, liiUft FarnaiiT. TeL Doug. UW. T D 18 WKMOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. TeL Doug. 14U6. Otflce, i713 Web ster Bt. . 8-ROOM modern house, except furnace, 820. C. M. Bachraann, 44$ Pajuon Blk. TeL Red 263. D 224 6EE us when shipping household goods to large cities west. We can save you money. EXPRKSSMEN'8 DELIVER CO., 214 N. Ulxtoentli bU Tel. Doug. llto. D M121 J. Schwarta, mov'g van, 1510 Web. Doug. 1044 FOR RENT Seven-room house, with bath ana launary; in. c. cor. im Leavenworth; house ln perfect oruer; new plumbing; hot water healing; rent $4t. w. J. CounelL 101 Bee Bidg. V-U2Si FOR RENT 4-room flat; city water. 16th and Vinton BU.; $8 per month. C. M. Bachmann. 436 Paxlon Blk. D M6iS 7-ROOM, modern cottage, close In. Apply 2222 Burt St, gIl FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building. 417 N. 26th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. 1184 SUITABLE for wholesale or manufacturing-, MxloO; three floors and basement, elevator; will rent 2ixloo separately; loua-s Farnam Bt. Inquire 314 First National Bank Bldg. I- GROUND FLOOR space 66x122. light three sides, Union Pacific trackage suitable lor manufacturing or light storage. L. G. Do up, 13tb and Nicholas fits. I Ma93 FOR RENT, 1313 Howard, 4 stories and basement, good elevator; suitable for wholesale and manufacturing. Long lease can be given. Inquire of Stull Bros. I M704 It STORK room ln a brick building. 4202 Hamilton Bt., for rent, only $i0 per mmth. R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. t-6 CENTRAL, drug store, with fixtures; also laundry, with power. Tixard, 220 North 23d. I M661 UP-TO-DATE modern building ln whole sale district; possession given about April 1. F. D. W E AD, 1U4 Douglas 1? LOST LOST Boston terrier, female, dark brlndle. white chest and neck, large Drass cuuar n-plirht about 35 pouiids; name. "Trou blea," from 617 So. lxth, Omaha, Sunday afternoon; reward. Harry is. Moores. M-131 15 LOST On 16th St., lady's gold watch; square hinges; Initials H. R. on case. Return to W. H. Banford, 'i'reas. Dept. U. P. headquarters and receive reward. 167-14X LOST Ladles gold watch, Elgin move ment, letter 8. engraved on case. Re ward for return to Bee office. M176 lox 1 risrr fltrlna- of srold beads with heart locket. Return 222 Farnam Bt. Liberal reward. uost Mio lax FOUND $10 bill. See T. W. Beachburn, attorney St Ihw. Lost 13 14x DRESSMAKING M'DOWELL'S school, 1623 Far., room 24.. MIU3 LADIES' shirt waist suits our specialty. Burgess, 2o24 Farnam Bt. Tel. Doug. 4UA, M6U7 M1K MRS. ROYS lingerie waists and fancy summer dresces. Douglas 2746 ; 24 Dav enport. Mini At 8CANLON, robes, dressmaking. 118 N. 16tb. i As BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES "NO trust prices;" brand new solid oak billiard and pool tables, $100; also bar fix tures cheap. No agency expenses. Cata logues free. Chas. Pasaow 4k Sons. CI. I cago. 174 WE TRUST EVERYBODY, easy payments, and lead the world tn cheap prices ou billiard and pool tables ana bar nxtures citaloitua free. The Brunswtcke-Uaike- Cullcmii-r Co., 407 8. loth bt., uuutit, Neb. tnr FLORISTS L. HENDERSON, 1M Farnam. Tel. Doug, lii. -Km HESS fc 6WOBODA. 14IS Faniam. Hreii FOR SALE REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Seven stores, 22 rooms on second floor; large barn; Income $2,040. can be raised $250 on stores alone; taxes $10; Insurance $106; corner lot, 224 feet frontage; all paved; walking distance Park Ave. and Leaven worth; lots alone worth $8,000; we offer It at $14,000 this week. . $3750.03 Walking distance near 21st and Cuming; two 6-room cottagea and two 8-ronm cot tages In rear; street and alley paved; al ways rented to good tenants; Income $192. $4500.00 Eight-room frame and 6-room brick; 60 feet double front on 16th and 17th Sts. ; walk ing distance; room for more houses. HOMES $2,800 "-room, all modorn house; east front, near 31st and Leavenworth. $2,500 8-room, all modern, near 21st and Spruce; good barn, new furnace, ce mented cellar. $1,800 7-room, modern except furnace; all on one floor; east front, large lot, good barn; near 27th and Cuming; only $500 down. $1,600 4-room cottage; cellar under whole house; large closets; east front; 26th and Cuming. $2,800 Two cottages on corner lot near 17th and Burt. Thin Is a snap for some one; ground alone worth the money. N. P. DODGE Si CO. Bee Building. 1714 Farnam St. RE M 205 16 CHOICE LOCATION FOR FLATS NEAR PA-RK AVE. & LEAVEN WORTH ST.-J8.500. 96 feet, east front on Park Ave., by 140 feet tn depth, running through to 30th St., with 8-room house, all modern, that could remain on the property, which would rent for $40 per month, leaving plenty of room for 6 houses, a fronting on Park Ave. and $ on 30th St. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM. RE 105 14 $5,500 1TTH AND CHICAGO STREETS. Lot 66x132, fronting north on Chicago St., between 17th and 18th, fine location, has old house on now renting for $20 per month, A good place for brick rials. S. E. corner. 19th and Cuming St., 80x88 feet, fronting on Cuming nnd 19th St., boulevard, room for. five brick flats. The best close ln corner on the market. Price, $3,500. HASTINGS HEYDEN, 1609H Farnam St. 'Phone Douglas 1606. RE 182 14 JOHN N. HASKELL - OFFERS , two 50-toot lots near 33d and Q" South - Omaha. On car line. Permanent walk and paving all paid for. Only $500 each. 914 N. Y. Life. Tel. .Douglas (133. . RE 180 14 Desirabl Home Close in $4,000, for No.. 3003 Dodge St., near Turner park; 8-room square house, strictly mod ern, oak finish, new, 68 ft, frontage. GEORGE CO., 1601 FARNAM. RFr-124-H LOTS OF LOTS 18 iots, 635x130, west of Dundee, $1,300; 7 lots, 350x125. Farnam Hill, $1,400; 6 lots, 300x120, north, sightly, $350. Stymer & Chase Co., Builders of modern houses; fruit farms adjoining Omaha; 1609 Farnam, ground floor. Tel. Poug. 3867. RE M307 15 FOR SALE DUNDEE RESIDENCE. $-room modern house, wide porch, ln good repair, tius uavenport St. only V-.1M. J. II. PARROTTE, Paxton Block. R1S 963 17 THE Glover Cuban Land Co., R. 3, N. Y. L. Bldg., Omaha, sell lands ln Cuba. Round trip. Omaha to Havana, $67.85. RE 936 FOR SALE A borne worth $30.0u0 for $12, 000; west side. Address L 17. Bea. RE MS68 $700 Each, for 2 choice lots on 8. 24th St., near Vinton. THE BYRON REED CO. Phone Douglas 2S7. 212 8. 14th. RE M189 17 Williamson Co.u- ftBiod-- RE 937 FARMS and city homes. Kemp, Real Es tates Blulr, Neb. RE W8 CHEAP HOME CLOSE IN , $2,650 for 8-room house, all modern except furnace, ln good condition, on 25th St. near Chicago. Would rent for $30 per month. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM. RE 155 15 THE J. FRED KERR COMPANY'S AB STRACTS OF TITLE are the safest. You are protected by a $10,000 bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a lawsuit wHun. you buy a "Kerr" abstract, lota N. ,Y. Life Bldg. 'phone Doug. 2244. RE MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans and warrants. W, Farnam BinliU 4. Co., 1420 Farnam St. , W 824 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-825 BUILDING loans on residence property; I per cent. W. M. Melkle, Ramge Blk. - . W 826 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. W izl PRIVATE uiouey. F. D. Wead. 1520 Douglas. W GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam; city loans, t and 5ft per cent Interest; no delay. W 412$ $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property ln Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brenuan, R. 1, N. Y. Life. W-30 6 & 5ft PER CENT loans on city property. W. 11. Thomas, 1st National Bank Bldg. w-sttu WANTED City Loans. R. C. Peters ft Co. W-832 FARM, CITY AND BUILDING LOANS. Reed Bros., 1716 Farnam St. W U23 6 PF.R CENT STOCK. $1.0f0 or $2,000, of U. 8. Yards Co. stock for sale. W. I Selby, 449 Board of Traae Bldg. W M2S4 CEMENT BLOCK MACHINERY MTT VQ' Fxe Down cement block ma--L0 chlnery. Call or write and let us show you our line. '1'hon. Ijuuk. 67. Tapp Construction Co., X2H Nevu.c HIK. M-671 MS0 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON InsUtute. 418 N. Y. L. TeL Doug. 1664. a& DR. WELLS, D. O. an. M. D. Neville Bile M i0 As MUSIC AND LANGUAGES MTSH BAftNICK. piano. German method. 820 N. tftik BU -634 Idvhl 1 FOR SALE FARMS 642-Acre Stock Farm Located In western Iowa, well equipped, fof sale or trade for Omaha property. This farm Is ln fine condition for any- . one desiring a stork farm consisting of both hill and bottom land; all fenced, some good timber, blue grass pasture. The Improvements consist of a nine room house, modern, excellent furniture, and five-room tenant house, with other buildings in proportion. Price $40 per acre, or $26,6W. For detailed Information call on or address Payne Investment Company, first floor N. Y. L. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. H-M215 18 HIGHLY IMPROVED FARM 10 MILES OMAHA I5,600 156 ACRES This farm Is N. W. of city, near Military Road, lays fine, land in highest state of cultivation, 24 acres meadow and pasture, balance under plow, 8-room house, barn, 10 horses and 12 cows, machinery shed, two wind mills. OFFERED FOR SHORT TIME ONLY. GEORGE &. CO., 1601 .FARNAM. H-M6 17 240-ACRE FARM 240 acres, 2ft miles from Palmer. Merrick county. Neb.; all under cultivation; aald to be one of the best farms In the county; price for immediate sale, $8,000. Shimer'& Chase Co., Farms, ranches, poultry and fruit farms; lo Farnam, ground floor. Tel. Doug. 3S67. H M206 15 FOR SALE OR TRADE 246-acre bottom farm In western Iowa; Al soil with some timber and meadow; $55 per acre, or $14,630; owner wants Omaha property. Call on or address the' Payne Investment Company, first floor N. Y. L. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. H-M213 18 80 ACRES DOUGLAS CO. , $65.00 PER ACRE Five miles north of Gretna, all upland, lays well, no Improvements, half under cultivation, balance hay land. Rent. $4.00 per acre. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM. H-MU6S 17 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, ivansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years time. Land Dept., U. P. R. R., Omaha. Neb., Dept. "A." H-839 LOCATE Free - homesteads; Lyman and Stanley counties. Bell deeded land In Hyde, Hughes, Bully counties. Write Joy Land Co., Pierre, 8. D. H M641 lsx NORTH AND SOUTH DAKOTA farms sold on crop payments; cheap rates March 20. Chas. B. Wilson, Mondamln, la. H-M740 15x WRITE to Scandinavian Canadian Land Co., Chicago. They will tell you all about It, II-M8T4 24X , FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 312-acre stock farm in western- Iowa, $35 per acre, or $10,920; all fenced; 75 acres farm land, balance ln good pasture; owner wants Income Omaha property. Call on or address Payne Investment Company, first floor N. Y. L. Bldg.', Omaha, Neb. H-M214 18 TILE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goea to 60,008 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land o sell at a reasonable price you will nnd a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement Is small 8 cents per word In small type or $3,08 per Inch If set In large type. BUSINESS CHANCES FIRST CLASS HOTEL FOR SALE The undersigned offers a great opportunity to any person desiring to purchase a first class brick hotel In central Nebraska; fifty beds; extra large, commodious office, dining room, kitchen, etc.; steam heat; only first class hotel In growing young city soon to reach 10,000 population; archi tecture very fine In this house; guaran teed that it is clearing $7,000 per year: this hotel cannot be duplicated for $40,000 at least; terms reasonable; write; come and see me and go and examine hotel and Its business; write me first, and I will be sure to meet you. Theo. F. Barnes, Oxford, Neb. Y-M196 17x CALIFORNIA Sunshine and flowers, the whole year; cool summers; we are open ing several thousand acres of fruit lands: hundreds of families coming; business openings In growing town; our -plan offers an orange! lemon, tig grove for few hun dred dollars; $2,ouo to $10,000 yearly profits; values will treble first year; free 64-page illustrated book; write toaay. racinc cm pire Development Co.. Dept. 180, Los An geles, Cal. Y-182 15x DO you want to sell your properly? Do you want to buy a home? Do you want to rent a house? Do you want to get in or out of business? Do you want to borrow money? If so, list your wants with us; we get re sults. TEMPLETON & MANKER, . 206 Bee Bldg. TeL Douglas-2904. Y-M5TI ABLE business man with some capital can secure the local general agency for California corporation, which Is worth more than $o,0u0 per year. Bonds and referenee required. Only men of exeou tlve ability need apply. Mr. Robert Graner, Hotel Murray, room li. Y-M166 15x HOMESEEKERS, ATTENTION! Double your money; buy Irrigated sugar beet farms; protected by huge reservoir; never failing water aupply; perpetual water- rights: advancing rapmiy; a rare oppor tunlty; safe as government bonds. Write today or call on nutcn a Bpurr. Jules burg. Colo. Y M202 21 I WISH to sell a Chicago retail mll lnery and dressmaking business, estab lished 20 years: does tto.OuO annually, mak ing owner Independent, and now desires to retire. Liberal proposition to the right party. Cook, 1U37-164 Dearborn street, Chicago. Y.-162 14x HAVE several thousand dollars 8 per cent cumulative preferred stock for sale, in prosperous and long established Iowa cor poration paying large dividends; will bear closest Investigation: for conservative in vestors. Address W 62. care Bee. Y 180 15 FOR SALE Barber shop In good northern Nebraska town; only, shop in town. Ad dress W 3, Bee. Y-M767 15x STORE building for rent and grocery stock for sale. 616 N. 20th, South Omaha. Y-M76S 15 OLD established well pump and windmill business for sale. J. E- Hoover, Ixick Box 45, Benedict, Neb. Y M161 Allx PATENTS II A. ST URGES, registered attorney; pat ents, trade m.'trks. copyrights; no fee un less successful. 517 N. Y. Life, Omaha. I 4i7 F. 1. LARSON ft CO., patent lawyers. Patent book free. Bee Bldg-. Omaha. Nut SHARPS MACHINE WOP.KS-Pstenta procured, inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. WH-uJ fa. loth Bt. -a PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na tional Invtatrnent Co, 51 Douglas Block. til DEATH NOTICES. PALMtJt'IHT Mrs. A. L., died March 1.1, at 1 p. m . age 78 years, at the residence, ffilfc Cass. Is survived by two sons and four daughters, C. J. "d J. A. I'almqulst of this city. Miss Han nah Palmqulst and Mr. Anderson of this city and Vra. Johnson and Mrs. Terrll of Washington. Funeral from residence Thursday at 1 r. m. Interment, Prospect Hill cemetery, rlends Invited. UNDERTAKERS HOFFMANN A Gentleman, 703 N. 16th. I'OUgISS bf'W. MISCJ Al PERSONAL LAUNDRY CITY STEAM TeL Doug. 264. ZH a Utn Bt. U 961 PLEATING j LL KINDS. i.flhlntf tlllttOnB. .. n . r,nr. Hat and fcoxiipies. THE GOLDMAN.PLEAT1NQ CO., 200 Douglas Block. Tel. Doug. 1!46. MAdNF.TTP treatment & Baths. Mme. U 865 DR. JACKSON, R. . Frenser block. iMiiu diseases a specialty. imi.u,, tion free. U 868 ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call 10 tne matron 01 tne Army home lor women at 3624 N. 24th Bt., Omaha. Neb. U-MloO OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. . U fc4 VT k "V T . rtT T Til Pianos delivered at once, $1 weekly. All music- lessons free. JOIN NOW. Ferfleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam St. U-866 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Oat dell, 221$ Charles. Tel. Doug. 5311. U 866 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; in fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4U6 and wagon will call U H WE RENT sewing machines. 75c week. We repair all makes of machines: second hand machines, $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. Doug. 1663. Cor. 15th and Harney. U-U67 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college. 14th nnd Dav- enportSts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college ptofessors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. Li 128 W. W. LEMON, EXPERIENCED CHINA PACKER; price moderate. Tel. Red 7315. U M220 Aich25 'PHONE Doug. 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, $2. Perneld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. U-858 TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. "PHONE Doug.. 3530. U 868 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no Injec tions. Call or write for booklet. Uuick Cure Rupture Co., 511 W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha. U 861 DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. i tt 3, 1506 Farnam, U 862 WE TAKE CARE of clothing by the month. L. SOUKUP & CO., expert clean ers and dyers, 518 8. 13th St. Tel. i)oug. 1728. U Mb. 2w PRIVATE hospital during confinement., Ba bies adopted. Best and cneapest In the city. 231U S. 13th St,. Omaha, Neb. U M506 19 GOLD STICKPIN FREE To any person sending us the name. of any person owning a square piano, organ or prospective piano buyer. PER FIELD PIANO CO., Tel. 701. 1611 Farnam St. U-117 GREEN TRADING famy wT,!e. and liquors; by Jug or bottle. Cackl.y lira: Opposite postoffloe. U 126 All CHAMPION CarPet Cleaning Works. , ,V 1 Beautiful, unique rugs 7r0m.i.0lS. carPets; prices reasonable. 720 8. 14th St Tel. Douglas-655 U-156 Jeli MME. PAREE of N. Y..-8havlng. Facial atamuuiuig. am uougioa Blk. " . U M622 Is Y8UR ifV.1." 40 Per cent- ' Investigate. Pennell Millinery Co.. 1U South 15th Bt U-700 SYRINGES, rubber goods by mall: cut prices. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. U 748 MclUi , HEAFEY & HEAFEY. Carriages for funerals, weddings and par ties; electrlo lighted. Tel. 265. U-M320 81 MAGNETIC OSTEOLOOY-Mrs. M. Rltten bouse, 413 N. 16th, room t, second floor. U-618 MchlS MANICURING, handdresslng and mas sage. Hattle Haul, 206 Neville Blk. Tel Doug. Ulna. u 662 RAMSERfraciicaL""er: H reno vated. 220 B. 14th. Tel. Doug. 4652. u-uii Aa BUTTERMILK at creamery. 1608 Cass U-M647 AS FOR Easter millinery at reasonable prices 1605 Leavenworth St. U M682 A6 RADMAN, ladles' tailor. Riding habits and evening coats; special prices till April 1st. 2Lft Farnam. TeL Douglas 361L U M702 16 FR1VATE confinement ; home; babies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 2018 N. 21st Hi TeL 8568. U-M703.' WANTEf) desk room with attorney or Insurance adjuster. Address, W 61 Bee ' U-187 lox ' FURNITURE packing and repairing- up holstering and mattress making' L. Smith, 1918 Lake. Tel Douglas 66tt U-M170 A13 MASQUE COSTUMES, ijleber.. Tel 4115. U M744 C. E. DAY, painting and paper hanging: high class work at low prices. Doug. 3!4. U M1W A14 TRFF trellises, grapevines trimmed ' 1 now tne Jolm Cane ia iu uuming. Doug. 1641. U M2U8 A14 MEDICAL FOR women onl. . Dr. Raymond's Puis women's monthly regulator, has brought happiness to thousands of anxious women; no pain, no danger, no interfer ence with work; relief in 2 to i days. We have never known of a single failure. Price, $2 by mall. Raymond's Monthly Regulator ln ll'iuld, $4. Dr. R. O. Ray mond Remedy Co... Room 85, 84 Adams St., Chicago, 11L 864 LADIES. $1,000, REWARD1 I positively guarantee my Never-Falling -fc,K'JO-KOLO Remedy. Safely relieves longest, most obstinate esses of delayed Monthly Periods In $ to I days without harm, pain or Interference with work. Mall, $1.50. Double strength. $2 00. "BaECIAL FOLD ER FOR LADIES FREE. DR. B. H. 60UTHINGTON CO.. KANSAS CITlf, MO. 965 LADIES Chlchestei's English Pennyroyal pills are the best; safe, reliable. Tske no other. Ber.d 4c stumps for particulars, Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co . Philadelphia. Pa. BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co . Omaha. 966 WANTED TO BUY WANTED A good newspaper plant; will trade Cheyenne county, Kanaas, land. Address Ruby Moore, Bt. Francis, Kan. N-M211 15x BOOKS Buy, sell, excha'ige. Address A ,C. Baker, 2212 F. Walnut bt. Des Moines, la. K A47IH M-'2 TICKET BROKERS CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Philbln. 1306 Fsraam. 'Phone Doug. 784. 8&6 LARSON sV JOHNSON, If a Farnam. Doug. lies. ' r7 PLUMBING CHAPMAN 4Y MAHAN. Repairs promptly done Priies rtssuuable. 17o N. 24th. TeL Red -54, "761 McLJ MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS OUR LOANS Our employes are well Informed and courteous and we are always pleased to explain our manner of loans. t( tell you to the cent what the cost win be. ana If, . yon conclude that it will not pay you low borrow there Is no haim done, I We loan on furniture, pianos, live ativck and other chattels, and to salarlel people upon their own agreement to pay. We offer you rates aa low aa ynu will find and our facilities for quick and con fidential service are unsurpassed. We are the oldest concern tn our line In the city and we always try te please our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY, 113 Roard of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2295 (Established, 192.) 806 8. 16th St. X-1S6 OUR METHOD '4 Of loaning money is unsurpassed. 4' ' our Kates Are thr very lowest, htiictly confidential. Our Olltce Is convenient while down town shopping. You will and It will be to your Interest to call and secure a loan on your salary, piano, furniture, etc. open every evening. Reliable Credit Co.. 807-308 Paxton Blk. 16th and Farnam. X Ma6 DR. PRIBENOW'8 PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, salary, horses, etc.. In any amount, at less than half the rate; no red tape; perfect pri vacy; Immediate attention; on any term wanieo; paymenta suspenaea 111 case o sickness or out of employment. R001 ir 214. Karbach blk., 208 8. lilh St. X ,0 When In need of MONEY Call on us. PHOENIX CREDIT CO. ' 632-3 Paxton Blk. X-971 $ $ INDEPENDENCE $ $.. Why be obliged to others? It's easy ta gel money of me. No red tape. Pay when you can. BOW UN, 703 N. Y. Life. Open evenings until 7. X 972 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; taay pay ments. Ottlcea in 53 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. X-973 BEE the Western Loan company for furni ture, diamond and salary loans, 331 Ne ville blk., 16th and Harney. Tel. Douglas 619. - n X-874 FURNITURE, Live Stock, Salary Loans. Duff Green Loan Co., Room 8, Barker Block. -75 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Jv&ii u., mvi 4 ni 11 111 01. JW rS MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, elry. horses, cows, etc C. F, Reed, 5U, aiv 8. 13th. X-977 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, aroommodat- lng; all business confidential 1301 Douglas. X-978 GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR1 BULLS AND HRIF ers. Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, - Washington, D. C, March 9, 1906. Sealed proposals, endorsed on the outside of the envelope, "Proposals for Bulls and Heifers," and addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Wash ington, D. C, will be received at the In dian Office until 2 p. m. -of April 4. Wort, for furnishing and delivering at Rosebud Agency, South Dakota, 200 bulls and 4,WU heifers; said bulls to be 2 years old. to weigh not less than 850 lbs. each, and to be at least three-fourths Hereford or Dur ham; the heifers to be 2 years old, of na tive range, or graded Texas stock, prefer ably Durham or Hereford, and tn weigh not less than 100 lba. eaon. HchedulHh which will be made a part of the oroaus als, containing blank forms for . bidding, detailed specifications, and conditions to be observed by bidders, will be furnished upon application to this office, to the offices of "The Bee," Omaha, Neb.; "Journal," Sioux City, la.; "Pioneer Press," BU Paul, Minn.; "Drovera' Telegram," Kansas City, Mo.: "Breeders' Gasette," Chicago, 111., and "Drovera' Journal," Chicago, III. j the U. S. Indian warehouses, 265 South Canal St., Chicago, 111.; 816 Howard St., Omaha, Neb.; Si '2 South Seventh St., St. Louis, Mo., or to the U. 8. Indian Agent. Rosebud Agency, South Dakota. Bids upon these blanks are not essential; they may be made In anv other form, provided the conditions are observed. For further Information apply to Edward B. Kelley. U. 8. Indian Agent, Rosebud, South Dakota. C, F. Larrabee, Acting Commlsdlsoner. Mchl3-15-17-20-22-24-27-29-31 PROPOSALS FOR CAVALRY AND AR tillery Horses. Chief Quartermaster's Of fice, Omaha, Nebraska. March 12, 1906. Sealed proposals, In .triplicate, will be re ceived at this office, until 11 o'clock, a. m.. central standard time, April 10, IS, and then opened, in the presence of attending blddera, for one hundred and thirty tljnt cavalry, artillery and riding horses, for de livery at Omaha, Nebraska, or other promi nent railroad points. The animals to con form to specifications. United States re serves right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Particulars and blanks for proposals will be furnished on application Envelopes containing pro posals to be Indorsed "Proposala for Horses," and addressed ta Major M. Grav Zallnskl, Chief Quartermaater. ' Mchl3-14-15 !-Apr-10 CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S Office Omaha, Nebraska, March 16. 19u6. Sealed proposals, ln triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until 10 o'clock a. m., central standard time April 14, 1906, at which time they will be opened ln public, for furnishing and In. stalling electric fixtures In certain build ings and for extending the lighting syr.lem so as to make proper connections there with st Fort Omaha, Neb. Plans and specifications and blank forms of proposals may be obtained at this office. The right Is reserved to reject any and oil bids or part of bids. Major M. GRAY ZAL1NSKI. Quartermaater, U. 8. Army, In charge of construction. M 14-16-17-19-A12-13 OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. Omaha. Neb.. March 12, lo6. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until 1 a m central atandurd time, April 11, 19n6. for furnishing transportation, drayago, and for handling stores in Department of the Missouri during year commencing July 1, i06 U. 8. reserves right to rejoct or so cept any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Information furnished on appli cation. Envelopea containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Trans- nortatlon on Route No. . addressed - MAJOR M-.ORAY ZAL1NSKI. C. QM. LEGAL NOTICES NOTIC. Notice Is hereby given that the Keith and Lincoln Counties Irrigation District will receive sealed proposals for the purchase of the $6,0u0.00 bond Issue of said district up to the hour of 5 o'clock p. m., standard lime, of the 2d day of AprlL 1906, at the otflce of the secretary of aald Irrigating., District, In the town of Butherlaud. lnXX Lincoln county, ln the state of Nebraska. V Kuiii bonds are In the denomination of lluu.OO each and bear lntexest at the rate of six per cant, payable semi-annually, on the Arat of March and September of each and every yeur, beginning with the first ,J day Ot tepieuiur, xwm, wmus .w m ten series. 33 of which are due on the first day of March, 1917; S9 due Marcn 1, 1US; M due March 1, 1918; 62 due March 1, 19-U; 68 due March 1, 1921; 66 due March 1. 1922; 71 due March 1. ltt; 86 due March 1. 19-4; ' due March 1, 19-6, and 101 due March . 1926. The sealed proposals may be for the whole of said bonds or for any portion thereof and such bids will be opened im mediately after the hour of I o'ock p. in. . of aald 2d day of April, 19u6. the board re serving the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this lith dav of February. 1M4. W JAMES BHOL'P. Secretary. M6-dAt BRIDGE NOTICE. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of tho county clerk at O'Neill, Ne braka, and at the uffire of the county clerk at Butte, Nebraska, until 12 o'clock, noon, on April 7, lis, for the construction of a bridge, tlve hundred and forty feet lung, more or less, with sixteen-foot roadway, acroaa the Niobrara river, between Holt and Boyd counties. Nebraska, at or near a point known aa Parshall's crossing, ln township thirty-three, range thirteen, west of ths Sixth principal meridian. Bidders will be required to furnish their own plans and specifics tlons. All bids to be sealed and marked, ' Proposals for Bridge." The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to reject any or all bids -Dated February 19. 19-st. VV. P. BIMAR, ' County Clerk, Holt County. Nebraska tcfc-tt---J t: 1 P. 1 '.J A