Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Daily Bee.
Pally Hee (wlthmit Sunday), one yar...W
Illy Hee and Sunday, on year l
illustrated Bee, one year
tiunday Bee, on year I H
Haturday Bee, one year 1SJ
Dally Bee (Including Sunday), per week,.17o
Dsllv Bee (wlthnut Sunday). Mr week....i:(o
Kvenlng Be (without Bunday), per week. o
Hvenlng Beo (with Sunday), per week....wo
Hunday Baa, per copy
Address complaints of Irregularltlee In de
livery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha Tha Bee Building.
Hc.uth Omaha City Hail Building.
Council Bluff a-10 Pearl Street.
I'hlrago 140 Unity Bulldinc.
New York lb Home Ufa Ins. Building.
Washington fOl Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to news and ed
itorial matter ahould be addressed: Omaha
live. Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, eipress or posts,! order
Dayable to The Bee Publlahlnc Company.
Duly 2-rent stamps received a payment of
mall accounts. Personal checks, except on
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State of Nebraska, Douglas County, as:
C. C. Rose water eecretary of The Bee
Publishing company, being duly sworn,
ays that the actual numnsr o( full and
complete copies of The Dally, Morning,
Evening and Bunday Bee printed during
the month of February, UOi, waa as fol
1 81,30
: 81.SOO
I 113,000
4.. ae daWgfioW
I... 81.TM
IS 81.860
U 8,040
IT 8,80
It S,H
19 Sl.SOO
1 . 81,820
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2J 81,480
U 8H.090
2t 80,2(10
St 81,360
XI 81,430
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51. JUIO
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, 8U,00
. 81.SSO
. 81.SOO
I. ...
II. ...
. ToUl i 8T(i.810
Less unsold coplea 0,103
Net total sales 8W,04
'Jally average 813T4
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before me this fcth day of February, ISO.
M, B. nUNUAlB.
Notary Public,
Sabserlfcers leaving; the) elty tem
porarily ahonld ksrs Th Be
walled to then. Addresa will k
Fifth dlHtrlct editor wbo denounce
"ready ruude" editorials bare the sola
tlou of the problem In their own hand
No editor In compelled to print them.
The new French cabinet baa an-
nounced Itn program and the discordant
opposition now knows where to begin
work to accomplish Its downfall.
' Louisiana baa discovered that failure
to plant cotton for one year on Infected
land, will drive out the. bU weevil This
ttliould increase diversified farming In
the south.
Senator Simmons evidently thinks the
railroads hare nothing to fear from gov
ernment rate regulation so long aa the
roads are permitted to arrange the
The Independent telephone people
have now answered back. It would be
rash, however, to undertake to say
which side of the talking wire will hare
the last word.
The remarks of Becretnry Taft on po
litical Independence is also In line with
what- baa made the pePl forget party
divisions In their approval of the present
Perhaps the Standard Oil company
laid its pipe line along the railroad
right-of-way in order to avoid local tax
at Ion; at least that Is the effect it would
have in Nebraska.
Secretary Wilson' remarks regarding
the advance In Nebraska land values
show Mat bis conversion to the Idea
of Nebraska being In the corn belt waa
complete and lasting.
Pes Moines retail dealers have ad
vauced the price of bituminous coal be
cause of fear of a strike; and still the
people lay the blame for all high prices
on (lie "big combinations."
1 Congressman Bennett's oplnlou of for
elgn Immigration In New York comes
from a man who knows what be Is talk
Inrf at .out and for tkat reason may have
little effect upon tho theorists.
It is now announced that China Is to
have ft constitution based on the British
.model. As It took the British a thou
sand years to develop Its constitution
China will show remarkable ability If
it can duplicate it In one generation.
Public sentiment in faror of direct
primary nomination Is steadily Increas
ing throughout the state. People are
gradually waking to the fact that they
are entitled to hare something to say
aa to who shall be the nominees of their
respective parties for Important offices
and that the right to hare a rolce In
nominations is aa important aa the right
to have a rote at the elections.
While probing Into "petty politics" In
the county court house, it might not be
a bad Idea to look Into the county audi
tor's "office, where the bead officer is
said to find It difficult to distinguish be
tween his work as county accountant
and as secretary of the Font nolle ma
t hipe. . If any petty politics la at lurge
In the county bunding the moving cen
ter will be found pretty close to the
Omaha republican are to choose be-
twtvu three candidate for mayor. Ben
son represents the extreme of puritan!
ciil law euforvetnent and Broatch the
extreme of wide open vice and IUn
llousn.'H, while Ilennlngs stands for
I be application of common seuse In
rational enforcement of the laws, with
a vlew to maintaining decency and good
order and promoting the growth and
prowrH-rity of a cosmopolitan city. Keep
la the Uilddl of the road.
Vbile there has been no doubt that
the weetern railroads hare been guilty
of unlawful discriminations In favor of
the Standard OJI company, the definite
proofs hare Just been put on public
record before committee of the Inter
state Commerce commission slttlfig at
Kansas City. The testimony, before It
establishes beyond a peradrenture that
the roads operating In the new south
western oil fields hare maintained 8
lawless and outrageous league with the
Rockefeller octopus In Its purpose to
monopolize the product of that region,
In pursuance of which a most Intolerable
system of rate and other gross dis
criminations has been mercilessly en
forced against Independent producers
nd shippers. In nowise sare so far aa
the forma under which It was carried
on had to be rarled does the system
exposed afresh differ from that by
which the giant monopoly earlier
crushed competition In the Pennsylvania
anjd Ohio oil regions and has aince main
tained Itself. If anything were needed
to deepen the Impression of its criminal
character aa shown by the documentary
evidence and the testimony of witnesses
who bare come forward to tell the
facts, that would be aupplled by the
preposterous eraslons and disclaimers
by Standard CHI officers and agents
summoned before the commission aa to
trutb obrlously and necessarily within
their knowledge.
The disclosures at the Kansas City
hearing emphasize here In the heart of
the west the vital connection between
unrestrained railroad rate discrimina
tions and monopoly tyranny. But the
most startling feature la tho extent to
which such practices hare been carried.
In the rery teeth of the existing federal
laws prohibiting them, for the purpose
of dominating the newly dlscorered rich
oil district in the southwest on the one
hand and the general consuming public
on the other.
In the light of such revelations It la
no wonder the people of Kansas revolted
and put forth great effort for relief
through their legislature last winter.
But that legislation, although it has ac
complished not a little, within the Juris
diction of the state Is demonstrated to
bare fallen far short of a full measure
of relief, because the Interstate charges
on which the oil producers depend for
an outside market are still subject to
manipulation, thus reinforcing the de
mand for congressional action In con
formity with the Rooserelt program.
The Insurance officials, even the top
most ones of the big life companies,
who hare been flocking to the hearing
on the ten bills recommended by the
Armstrong committee, embodying the
reforms in the New York law indicated
a necessary by It elaborate Investiga
tion, present the curious spectacle first
of eulogizing the committee's work and
then imploring not to have the result
carried out In legislation.
Precisely this is the substance of the
labored arguments made by President
Morton of the Equitable and 8 score of
other high officials of the various com
panies. Their arguments were especially
directed against the. bills requiring the
companies 'within five years to dispose
of their Investments In railroad stocks
and collateral bonds and the stocks of
subsidiary banks and trust companies,
against legally prescribed forms of
policies, and against abolition Of de
ferred dividends. If the officers ar
strenuous In opposition to reform touch
Ing these capital points, the Insurance
agents from all orer the country now
warming about the New York leglsla
ture are frantic In outcry against a
maximum' percentage of - premium
which la to be paid them as compensa
tion for their services and which Is one
of the chief item of expense loaded
upon policies.
The sum and substance of this be
lated scheme In the Insurance company
Interest Is simply an effort to rob the
Investigation of Its fruit, and it could
proceed only from the egregious blunder
of Its promoters In supposing that the
public outbreak against Insurance
abuses was merely a riot and not
In the light of the report of the sub
committee of the house committee on
naval affairs on the Inquiry into hazing
at 'Annapolis the pleasant notion so gen
erally entertained that that abuse bad
auhatantially disappeared at the naval
academy must be given up. Durliig the
very years when the public was content
in the belief that hazing w-as a thing
of the past the brutal custom, as the
evidence indisputably establishes, was
most prevalent among the mUlshtpmeu.
It 1 an astonishing and deplorable state
of affairs when the aubcomnitttee, after
painstaking Investigation, declares that
281 members of the three tipper classes,
Including the class which was recently
graduated, hare been guilty of hazing
and on trial could, be legally expelled
from the academy and the naval ser
It will strike the public as an inex
cuxable anomaly that a custom so ob
noxious and defiant of the law could per
sist without being promptly exposed and
punished by the naval authorities on
their own motion. For nothing but the
circumstance that a midHhipman hap
pened to die as the result of injuries
tu oue of tlie numerous fight brought
the truth to public notice. These of
fenses, except iu rare caws, have not
been reported or even taken cognizance
of by the academy officers, and they
acted at last only when comielltl by
outxIUe iircuniiiancrs.
The sulcommittce's roncliiKions. while
they deal gingerly with this phase,
nevertheless Implicate the officers In
charge of the naval school In gros In-
difference and some of them In the act-
i "al oouuivauce with the offending bar
era. It Is Impossible that the violation
oouKI go on without the knowledge of
the officers In Immediate charge and
especially the surgeons who have failed
In their duty to report the obrloua truth.
' The showing puts In roost unfavor
able light, not merely the conduct of
the young midshipmen In whom a cer
tain tendency to excesses Is to be ex
pected, but also the whole array of na
val officers In charge of the Annapolis
The collision of street railway cars
at South Omnba, inflicting death and
serious Injury upon the passengers, Is
a most deplorable catastrophe and the
sympathy of the public goes out to the
unfortunate victims. Whether the ac
cident was avoidable or not may never
be determined, but, irrespective of this,
It emphasizes the need of greater cau
tion In the operation of the street rail
way service and Impresses the public
with the great responsibilities resting
upon the motormen and conductors.
That the car crews on the street railway
must be constantly alive to the protec
tion of passengers against passing dan
gers is too often taken as a matter of
course. The comparative freedom of
Omaha from bad street railway acci
dents in contrast with many other cities
of Its size attest the carefulness In gen
eral of Omaha motormen and supports
the assertion that on the whole they will
measure up well above the average. In
this particular case, however, there
should be a thorough Investigation thr.t
will disclose all the facts. Such an
Investigation is due to the street rail
way company, as well as to the poor
people who were Innocently caught In
the accident
The letter written by Secretary of
War Taft in acknowledgement of the
complimentary election of President
Roosevelt and himself to honorary mem
bership In a republican club organized
to promote reform within the party in'
Cincinnati, contains pert advice, which
applies also in some other cities. In
the first place, Secretary Taft says that
theoretical reform, while all right lu
its way, will not accomplish results ex
cept through practical politics, and that
practical politics Involve co-operation
with all those who have the same ends
In view.
"The members of such a club as the
Roosevelt club," he continues, "al
though an orthodox republican organiza
tion, may very well decline to support the
candidates of It own party if such can
didates are plainly lacking in the qual
ifications, according to the standard they
may properly set for the selection of
public officers. Still, It Is well to use a
wise discretion In bolting. The Impor
tant question will always be, what you
can secure and exercise the greatest In
fluence for good and you cannot af
ford in practical politics (and there
are no other politics), to ignore the
strength which adheres to regularity
given you a a club in working reforms
within the party. The conduct of muni
cipal affairs has no natural relation to
the conduct of national affairs, and
while it doe not seem possible to elintl
nate from municipal elections the ays
tern of nominating party tickets, there
ought certainly to be cultivated a much
wider spirit of independence at munlci
pal elections In the scratching of im
proper candidates selected by either
party than is likely ever to be exer
cised with reference to state or national
We may safely say that Secretary
Taft voices the sentiment of a growing
number of republicans everywhere. The
mission of the republican party Is to
secure good government, and if bad men
are to be put into office, it Is better to
let the other party have the odium.
Private advices tThe Bee two weeks
ago announced that the reactionary
officeholders at St. Petersburg were
using the "Black Hundred" to incite
riot throughout the empire with the
object of proving that the Russian peo
pie are unfit for self-government To
day' press dispatches state that Count
Wltte has discovered the plot and de
mands the abolition of the "Black Hun
dred." This will probably be the real
test of strength before the meeting of
the "Douma" as despite Imperial decrees
the representatives of the reactionaries
In the provinces, relying upon the power
of the local representatives of the
"Black Hundred," have felt able to con
tinue repressive measures, and the loss
of their secret assistants might comixd
them to fall into line with the pro
The United States court has acceded to
the motion to advance the Nebraska rail
road tax cases to the extent of setting
them for bearing at the first of the
October term. That is a considerable
concession, particularly as it Is a recog
nltion of the great public Importance of
the issues Involved. A Speedy and final
decision on the question whether the
railroads are subject to taxatiou on
their property the same as other prop
erty owners, or whether they have a
right to pay or refuse to pay their taxes
as they please, will clear up the sltua
tion materially and give the next leglsla
ture a chance to fortify the law In case
the railroad should succeed In picking
flaws In It.
What tranchlat may be worth on
the market la Indicated anew by the
consequences of the supreme court de
cision against the contentions 'of the
Chicago street railways with reference
to the expiration of their franchise
right in the streets of that city, the
decision having been followed by
slump In the stock quotations of unit
Ing proportions. According to Chicago
dispatches, local financiers estimate the
franchise value wiped off the slate by
the supreme court at lietween $W.000.
000 and f SjAMVW. If the street rail
way franchises In 8 single city like Chi
cago could be worth that much, how
much are the steam railway franchises
worth for the whole state of Nebraska?
But when the State Board of Assess
ment meets shortly to fix the valuation
of railroad property for taxation, we
will have representatives of the rail
roads reappearing with an attempt to
make the board believe that franchise
rights, worth millions upon millions for
capitalization purposes, are worth little
or nothing as property subject to taxation.
Evidence Is accumulating that the po
lice club Is being swung with a ven
geance In the Interest of Tolice Com
missioner Broatch upon denizens of the
Third wardAwho are being arrested or
released from arrest according as their
political activity are exerted against
or for the Dennison-Molse candidate.
From what Is being done now In this
direction, they can Judge what they may
expect in case Broatch should by ac
cident reach the mayor's chair and
naugurate a reign of terror as of old In
the whole police court Jurisdiction.
Senator Rayner Of Maryland sounds
a new note In the debate on the Hep
burn bill, but his mild sarcasm will ap
pear as commendation If Senator Till
man really "turns himself loose" when
he makes his formal speech.
Pall Dowa Your Fate.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
To laugh at the United States senate
would seem to be almost as Irreverent as
to poke fun at the pyramids.
Sleeping; on Doty.
New York Tribune.
The continued agitation of schemes for
putting to death the hopelessly 111, the de
formed and the Idiotic suggests that there
s work for the fool killer which he Is not
Jaat the Thlna; for Spring.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
The arrival of Admiral Slgsbee's fleet in
Turkish waters is an Indication that the
United States will soon be In receipt of an
other Invoice of fresh and charming prom'
laea from the sultan.
The Tap Root of Evil.
Philadelphia Record.
President Eliot of Harvard university,
makes a safe and aage observation when he
declares that if corporations were not ob
liged to pay dividends on watered stock
they could afford at one to give cheaper
service to the public and higher wages
to their employes. The problem for
statesmen and financiers Is to find a
method of squeezing out tha water.
Senatorial "Innocence" on Kzhlhltlon.
Springfield Republican.
Senator ScOtt of West Virginia seems to
have been Indulging In a Rip Van Winkle
sleep. Ho takes the railroad aide In tha
rate control controversy, but Bald In his
speech In the senate: "Should railroads
by merger attempt to limit competition
and thereby lesson the opportunities for
commerce, I, for one, would insist on radi
cal action." He affects to be blissfully
Ignorant of any developments among rail
roads during tha last twenty years or so,
through mergers, common ownership, com
munity of Interest and other consolidating
devices, to limit tha play of competitive
forces In transportation. When be does
wake up to tha situation, he says ha will
insist on radical action," But we doubt It
Sad Injustice of Snaplclon.
Chicago Chronicle.
In the death of former Speaker D. B.
Henderaon we are reminded of the sad in
justice there may be in a suspicion. When
Mr. Henderson, at the height of his popu
larity, refused re-election to congress and.
of course, sacrificed the speakership and de
clined to give any reason for it, hia decision
was generally suspected to be due to some
sort of scandal. "His enemies," It was said,
'have required him to resign as the price
of concealment." It looked quite natural,
but the real explanation was that Mr. Hen
derson's mind and memory were failing.
Sometimes when he was in the speaker's
cnair ne would rorget -wno or wnere ne waa,
Hia reasons for concealing it were that it
would hurt him In his profession and that
he had hopes of reoovery.
Bryan Men Most Hnatle If They Wonld
Head OS? Hearst.
Washington Star.
This Is the latest from Lincoln:
"Four hundred and fifty of the flower of
Nebraska democracy, including practically
all of the state leaders save Mr. Bryan,
participated In a - dollar - dinner -here to
night. The object of the gathering was
to organise for what the leaders insist is
certain to be a victorious campaign, and
incidentally, the speakers boosted William
Jennings Bryan as the proper man for the
democrats to nominate for president two
years hence."
Here Is the right spirit. Mr. Bryan's
neighbors are watchful of his interests. He
Is far, far from home, and giving his at
tention to Oriental peoples and their cus
toms. He Is not, it is true, entirely out of
touch with his country, and probably fol
lows by letter and newspaper, what is
going on here In his absence. But such
Intelligence is meager, and necessarily old
when he receives it, and hence, In a sense
he Is at a disadvantage when we consider
what la going on In the field of politics
and president making for 1908. It la
pleasant, therefore, to observe that his
faithful supporters' In his own neck of
woods are thoroughly alive and resolved
to keep his flag flying. That la right. .
Is the contest within the democratic
party narrowing down between Mr. Bryan
and Hn Hearst? It looks that way. They
have never1 fought each other. Mr. Hearst
did not Inaugurate his campaign for the
nomlnutlon In 1904 until it waa well un
derstood everywhere that Mr. Bryan would
not aeek it. The field waa clear so far as
Mr. Bryan waa concerned, and Mr. Hearst
In his canvass for delegates antagonised
the influences In the east which In the
two prevtoua campaigns had opposed Mr.
Bryan. While he did not support him, Mr.
Bryan did not oppose Mr. Hearst; and
what he did In pleading for a platform
which should bold the party measurably
close to the Chicago and Kansas City
platforms was In line with ' what Mr.
Hearst aa a candidate was standing for.
Things, however, have changed some
what. Mr. Hearst baa been making no lit
tle headway In the last few months, and
la no longer a Jest' In public affairs. His
wallet may attll be In evidence, but It Is
not the cry of his enemies aa It once waa.
He has gathered around him a coterie of
experienced workers and organiiera, and
they are all very active. The have not
waited to hear what might be Mr. Bryan's
purposes for 1. They are for their chief
and employer, and In every section of the
country are busy In his behalf.
This Mr. Bryan's pelghbora seem to have
noticed, and hence the dollar dinner at
Lincoln and the oratorical trimmings.
It them. then, he up and doing.
With a hrart for any doom;
ftlll achlevlriK. still pursuing,
iveep inflating Willie's boom.
Minor See nee and Incidents Sketched
on the loot.
Elderly clerk In the government service
in Washington are threatened by a com
mittee of the house of representatives
with a reduction of salaries aa a penalty
for the offense, of being burdened with
years. They are not charged with incom
petency or Inability to do their day's stunt,
but they are guilty of hanging on to their
Jobs and thus obstruct the' admission of
new material In the departments. The
committee Insists there Is a superabund
ance of old men in the departments and
something must be dona to secure new
blood. Hence tha committee has formu
lated a plan for enforced retirement at
the age of 65 years. It Is calculated that it
now costs the govenjnent about
annually to keep on the pay rolls clerks
who have attained to the ages of more
than 70. It Is to make this saving in pub
lic expenditure, and also to Increase the
efficiency of the departmental service that
the new plan Is being worked out. There
will be no pensions, for the aged depart
ment clerks unless the clerks themselves
provide such pension by voluntary annual
contributions to a fund for that purpoee.
The new polity is not to be put In force
against the aged clerks now m the service,
but a date Is set a few years hence for
the new law to be put In operation and all
clerks who enter the public service after
this year will do so with the full knowl
edge that they must retire without pay
on reaching the age of tS. It Is expected
there will be a lively contest over the ques
tion when It is brought Into the house as
an amendment to the legislative appro
priation bill.
It requires a great deal of perseverance
on the part of the experts employed In the
redemption division of the treasury depart
ment to' ascertain the original value and
genuineness of the badly disfigured bills
sent In for redemption. But they are well
posted In the business and are seldom If
ever Imposed upon. The regulations of
the department require that before a
mutilated bll can lie redeemed at leaat
three-fifths of the bill shall be delivered
to the treasury. The ex-pert hns a piece
of glass the Blie of the bill. This la divided
Into forty squares, and Is laid over the
bill to be redeemed if the remnants fill
twenty-five squares.
Burned money, and bills that have been
gnawed by mice are the hardest to work
on. The mice-chewed bills require great
patience and care. Each of .the pieces is
carefully laid out on a flat, hard surface,
and then with the assistance of strong
glasses magnified so that If, can be placed
In a proper position with regard to the
others. The experts have a copy of every
bill that has ever been Issued by the gov
ernment. These are used as models as soon
as enough of the bill has been laid out tq
establish the Issue. No bill has ever been
received at the treasury department In a
condition which has made It Impossible to
straighten It' out and establish Its charac
ter beyond doubt. Nor have the experts
ever been obliged to work on a bill longer
than the eight hours of the working day.
Some years ago General Grosvenor was a
member of the committee on rivers and har
bors of the house, and this story Is told of
how he accommodated a newspaper friend.
In those days there was a stronger pressure
than at present among the correspondents
to get the advance Items. In the river and
harbor bill, so that every man who had a
friend on the committee waa expected to
"lay down" on him and get the different
items. The year of which this story is told
the committee as usual tied Itself up and
agreed that it would not make any features
public until the bill was reported to the
house. But as usual some members
.'leaked." A man from the far west pro
cured the Pacific coast Itema and one or
two other large Items enough to make It
appear that the bill was getting out. These
items were turned over to a man who knew
General Grosvenor well and the battle be
gan. The general did not want to "give
up," but the newspaper man was persistent.
pointing out how nearly every other man on
the committee had "taken care or his
friends," and that It was not right for the
general to allow his friends to get left. The
outcome was that the young man got his
Items In the bill and enough to help out all
his friends who were in the plot;
The next morning there was' a stormy
meeting in the committee on rivers and
harbors. General Grosvenor opened the ball
with a denunciation of those who mado
much of a pretense of secrecy and yet gave
out everything pertaining to their sections.
He said that the main features of the bill,
as well as whole sections had been made
public, and he knew they were accurate
because the newspaper men had shown him
the figures. The committee had seldom re
ceived such a lecture as General Grosvenor
gave them, and a few who had been guilty
of "tipping off' a few Items to friends re
gretted that they were not as faithful and
virtuous aa the Ohio representative. They
resolved to follow in his footsteps In the
future, and many of them did so. When
ever there Is trouble over a "leak" in the
committee every member now tries to get
his Indignant protest in first. General Gros
venor will be missed by the newspaper men
nf Washington, as well as by his colleagues,
for he was a good "news" man.
The library, of congress now contains
1.3,fls books, 410,332 pieces of music, 183,724
prints and fff.744 maps and charts, accord
ing to' the annual report of the librarian
Herbert Putnam, just presented to eon
The library gained 68,961 books and about
60.000 pictures and pieces of music during
the last year; There were bouaht 22.698
books, 16.848 were received by gift, 11.783
by copyright and 6,474 gained by exchange
with foreign governments.
Representative Longworth visited the
senate one day this week. Fearing the
ordeal of congratulations likely to -occur
he came In very quietly and was wen
within the chamber before he was aen
Benator Kean waa quick to offer his eon.
gratulatiuhs and after him came a dozen
more senators. Longworth got red under
the volley of remarks that fell upon Mm.
Just as the Incident was at the height of
Its Interest the door opened again and In
came Prince Cupid of Hawaii. "Long
worth Is here," said Kean, "and Cupid
came also." The next moment the young
son-in-lnw of the president waa making
a hasty flight back toward the south end
of the rapitol.
Down In South Carolina they are un
usually solicitous for the personal comfort
of Uncle Jo Cannon. Several articles of
personal use and adornment have recently
come to the speaker from that atate. and
yet South Carolina la not satisfied.
That the outfit of clothing, which began
with a homespun ault and has been steadily
growing, may be complete,' Editor Hemp
hill of the Charleston News and Courier
has decided to send Uncle Joe a pair nf real
old-faahloned fancy calfskin boots. And to
make the preLent the more thoroughly rep
resentative he has asked for titmtrlhutliins
of 1 cent. He has llmltvd the subscription
list to republicans, and his fintlflcatlon to
Uncle Joe of what ha Is doing says that
by that means the hoots will he a gtft from
the entire republican party of the state.
. In fact. Mr. Hemphill la a lit Vie doubtful
of there being enough republicans In South
Carolina at 1 cent apiece to mnke up 1.700
necessary to raise the price of the boots,
but he says that If that lamentable suspi
cion of hi proves to be well founded he
mill theerfully make uy the diftclu
Ask your jeweler for a watch with a
Waltham movement, and insist on it.
"The Perfected American Witch,' n ItlastrtleJ book of interesting
information aboat nuatches, free epon request.
Considering his finish the ground hog Is
not a discredited prophet.
The ' Icemen will cut some more Ice all
right, all right next summer.
Richard Olney has been appointed re
gent of the Smithsonian Institution In
Washington for a term of six years.
The Indianapolis confectioner's clerk who
dislocated his right arm In the course of a
series of paroxyamic sneeses probably holds
the record.
It la by a vote of 80 to I that the lower
branch of the, Ohio legislature passes a
bill creating a stat railroad commission,
and giving this commission power to fix
rates on steam and interurban street rail
ways and power to enforce Its decrees In
mandamus proceedings.
Dr. J. W. Beede of Indiana university,
who has studied (he upper carboniferous
and permlan formations from Nebraska
to Texas, has been engaged to take charge
of the detailed mapping of the permlan
formations of Kansas next summer for
the university geological survey of Kansas.
Because the men who make the Chicago
directory employ nonunion printers, the
Chicago Federation of Labor Is said to have
instructed 200,000 union men In that city
to describe themselves as "John Smith,
promoter," when the agents of the direc
tory company come round for Informa
tion, In Italy the woman voter ha made bar
appearance and, aa there la no law pro
hibiting women from voting, the authori
ties have admitted her claim that she has
a right to enter a polling booth. The
woman Is Beatrice Sacchl, holder of a
doctor's degree and a professorship at
Mantau. She Is the first woman to obtain
political rights in Italy.
Earl Grey, governor general of Canada,
will tie the guest of honor at the pilgrims'
dinner to be given In New York on Satur
day, March SI. This will be the first
public entertainment of a governor general
of the Dominion anywhere In this country.
Secretary Root and other members of the
administration, as well as Sir Mortimer
Durand, tha British ambassador, will also
attend the dinner.
Immediate and Satisfactory Retnrns
from Canals Conatrnoted.
Leslie's Weekly.
According to an official of the geological
survey, In the three years since the federal
government organised Its reclamation ser
vice seventy-seven miles of main Irrigation
canals pf river site have been built, which,
with others of smaller dimensions, con
structed within the last twenty-five years,
make a total of Irrigation canals in the
United States long enough to span the
earth twice and representing an outlay of
I90.OJ0.000. "Every year," wa are told, "tha
area reached by these canals returns a
harvest valued at more than $160,000,000,
with a population of 1,000,000, dwelling In
harmony and content, where only a short
time ago a wilderness or a desert reigned."
It is beyond question that no investment
of government funds has yielded such large,
immodlate and satisfactory returns aa the
money expended for irrigation purposes in
the far weat. No one except those who
have visited such sections of the union as
Colorado, New Mexico, Arlsona and south
ern California can realise what Irrigation
haa already done and what its extension
means tor th future of these regions,
where often for eight months of the year
not a drop of rain falls. Southern California-now
one of the richest, most fertile
and populous sections of the United States
would still be, for the most part, an arid
and uninhabitable country war It not for
Its vast systems of Irrigation. The saying
Food Purity
roaches perfection In Lleblff Company' Extract of Beef. It I
prepared from the finest cattle, under th strictest solentlflo
supervision, by special prooee which ensure the conden
sation of all the rich strengthening Juloe of beet.
Don't expect th cheap meat extract to be pure. They
could not be at their price they are usually adulterated with
glucose, glue or yeast.
There I more beef and bettor beef In Lloblg Company'
Extract than In any of th Imitation. That I why It I so
effloaolou In the kltohen o strengthening In th sick room.
tl MUST kav THIS If'Utur,
'a blue, or It's sot rea1
Famous lor 40 yeara as th most
The Knabe Piano
You Can Afford to Buy It
Your piano Indicates th standard of your musical taste, re
flects th degree of your musical ability, controls your musical ac
. compllshmenta, molds the musical future of your household. Th
best music requires th best medium for It Interpretation.
You buy a piano as you build home-once fr all. It la
something from which you hav a rlg.nt to expect eiqulslte delight
long as you live, and which should be a precious legacy to your
children. The best musical qualities and the beat construction go
together one is the result of the other.
Com In and listen to the Knabe or try them at your pleasure.
The marvelous Cabinet grand the effect of a grand piano lu an
upright case $450 upward; real grand pianos from $750 on to
where space or fancy of decoration fixes the limit. After a trial
you will realize why the Knabe 1 the piano you can afford to buy.
A. Hospe Co.,
IS I J Douglas SL
We tune planus, $2.5. Join Saeet Music Club, 10c.
In all these regions that "water Is life" has
a significance elsewhere unknown. The
federal government has adopted a generous
and far-sighted policy In regard to re
clamation projects, but It might expend ten
times the amount thus far appropriated
with a sdrety of getting at least II back
within few years In permanent additions
to the nation's wealth.
"Ha talks a great deal about his family
"That may account for the tales I'vs
heard about his shady paet." Philadelphia
At his bold words the maiden flushed.
"You are positively awful," she mur
mured. "It appears to me," he said, "that you
yourself are awfully positive," Cleveland
"What did that new arrival want?" asked
St. Peter.
"He asked me If I knew where hn covld'
get hold of four old haloes," replied the
attendant angel. "He says he wants to
try and build an auto." Philadelphia
Eve There's no use talking, Adam. 1
can't take care of the children and do the
housework, too. You've got to t a girl.
Adam (with resignation) Oh, very well.
I suppose this Is where I lose another rib.
"You sny your first speech made several
converts 7"
"Yes," answered Senator- Sorghum, re
gretfully: "from my side of the question
to the opposition." Washington Star.
Misa Ascum Is Fteudy Fathedd working
for a living?
Miss Trillion Oh, my. yes! The poor boy
has been trying for six months to gain
papa's consent. New York Press.
"How does the rasor feel, sir?" asked the
"I'm sure I don't know," replied the vic
tim, "but If It has any feeling at all It
should be a sense of shame." Philadelphia
Bourke Cockran, apropos of SL Patrick's
day. told an Irish story.
"There waa an Irish schoolmaster," he
said, "who was examining a class .In
geography one day.
" Now, my lad,' he said to a clever little
chap, 'tell ua what latitude Is.'
"Tha clever little chap smiled and winked.
" 'Latlude? he said. 'Oh, air, there
none of that Irt Ireland. Sure, the Engllah
don't allow us any, sir.' "New York
W. D. Nesblt In Chicago Tribune,
If your wife Is growing restless; if she
tentatively tuga
A fhe dingy window curtains; If she
studie all the. rugs;
If she talks about wall paper; If She views
the window panes
With an eye that sees them tarnished by
a lot of streaka and stains.
Then you may as well be patient and as
quiet as a mouse.
For no feeble man can stop her she will
- houne.
You had better plan for boarding some
where else a day or two,
For the chances are she'll atart it with a
rustling, bustling crew
Of scrub women and of dusters, and the
chairs will block the hall
And a lot of dainty china will be put where
It will fall
And an aproned, towsled, draggled aight
will say ahe la your spouse.
For the signs of spring are potent ahe will
. house.
You will eat upon the Ice box, you will
sleep upon the stove.
You will slip upon a box of soap and down
the stairs will rove;
You will find your valued volumes mLa-ed
with kitchen pans and pots:
For the time ynu'U be an alien you and all
your little tots
And there'll be a time of trouble, time of
shake, and dust, and douae,
Till the fever haa subsided she will
aeneantrated form of fceaf goodness.
1 1