Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Btatt Board Order Taxation of Reserve
. Fund of Fraternals.
Jaaerance (oapiilri raying ly the
Reciprocal Tm Which Has Reea
Covieetesl 8 Lou la
the loarti,
(Krorn a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 14. (Special.) The
Btate BcKird of Assessment this afternoon
adopted rules for the guidance of county
assessors and Incidentally Instructed them
to assess the reserve funds of fraternal
companies. The rules adopted by the board
answer the questions raised by the county
assessors at their recent jneetlng held In
Lincoln. Secretary Bennett was Instructed
to send out to the county assessors the
following letter:
It has been taken for granted by some
assessors tnat Insurance companies are to
tm assessed only upon their gross pre
miums tor Nebraska business aurtng the
preceding year, This is erroneous. The
assessment of the gross premiums. Is an
assessment, not upon the valuation of the
properly of the Insurance companies, but
upon their business. It Is not In Jieu of
tne assessment of the property which they
own. In tne state and county, but in ad
dition thereto Ktate against Fleming Hi N.
W. Neb., l.OH; Achen and Munich Fire Ins.
Co. against City of Omuha, 11 N. W. Neb.,
t. Tne assessment on the business or gross
premiums shall not be made, however,
against fraternal beneticlary associations
and mutual Insurance companies that oper
r'.e on the assessment plan, have no capital
stock and make no dividends, and wnoBe
scheme of Insurance does not Contemplate
the return of any earnings or protjls to
tne policy holders. The last named class
of companies and associations shall be as
sessed only upon the value of all thetr
property. Their property may consist of
trifle furniture mid fixtures or any other
personal property, such hi credits due or
to become uue, notes, bonds, mortgages,
m eys, deposited In banks or elsewhere,
whether held by such associations and com
panies as reserve funds, contingent funds,
emergency funds or In any other manner.
Such property Is subject to assessment and
taxation against them and shall be listed
and assessed by the assessors.
1. Taxution being the general rule, ex
emption the exception, where there Is any
doubt In the mind or the assessor as to
certain classes of property being exempt
from taxation under section 13 of the rev
enue act, he shall assess the same.
Baloon licenses should be listed as a
franchise or privilege. The valuation
placed thereon is purely a matter for the
sound Judgment and discretion of the as
sessor, the same as that exercised In fix
ing the value of other property. Opinion
by attorney general, June 10, 1!6.
The actual value of notes, bonds or mort
gages representing moneys loaned or In
vested shall not be reduced or diminished
by subtracting therefrom the debts owing
by the person assessed who owns such
notes, bonds or mortgnges. Credits evi
denced by book accounts and the like may
be offset by debts of like character only.
iAnraster county against McDonald, lt
N. W., 7.
Bach deputy assessor shall upon actual
view, list, value, assess and return all
property subject to taxation In the town
ships, precincts, districts, cities or wards
and villages assigned to him In the manner
provided In this act. Suction 24, revenue
law 19i3.
In listing live stock and other classes of
property covered by Items 6. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 2f, 21, 22. 23. 24. 25, 34, 35. 36, 37, 47, 48.
4.1, 60, 51, t2, 53 and 54 of the personal
schedule correct numbers must be given.
t'nder Item No. 49 please list automobiles
separately, "giving numbers and value.
Rent due la taxable as a credit but rent
- to grow due Is a part of the fund and In
cident to It, and is therefore not subject
to luxation. Scully against i'eople, 134,
. III:. 349.
Resolved by the State Board of Enuil-
Itation and Assessment. That all property,
.moneys or. credits owned or controlled by
mtituHl or fraternal Insurance companies,
' societies cr associations, clubs or lodges,
.xcept such as are expressly exempt by
' slatutes, shall be listed for taxation.
v Morlfsira Out of Race.
'.State Treasurer Peter Mortenscn Is not a
candidate for the republican nomination
for governor. Mr. Mortensen made this
announcement this afternoon. Mr. Morten
son concluded not to enter the race after
the question of his eligibility was raised
and after he had secured Judge Strode and
Attorney Clements to look) Into the matter
and see If there was any method by which
the case could be passed upon by the su
preme , court before the dite of the repub
lican state convention. The lawyers filed
an opinion with the treasurer saying they
knew of no way the case could be taken
up. Their opinion, together with a state
ment from Mr. Mortensen, follows:
Opinion of Attorneys.
Hon. Peter Mortensen, Lincoln. Neb.:
Dear Sir The question of your eligibility
to the office of governor should you be
nominated and elected has been, raised by
some of the uewspapers of this state. Some
of your friends are desirous of your nomi
nation at the next republican state conven
tion and have requested the undersigned to
advise them how to test your eligibility to
' the office, immediately following the expira
tion of your term of office as state treas
urer. .Section I of article v of the constitution
of this state reads as follows:
"None of the officers of the executive de
partment shall be eligible to s.iy other
state office during the period for which they
nhall have been elected."
So far as we have been-able to discover
this particular section of our constitution
, has never been construed by our supreme
Hartman Feather Your Nest.
court. We are aim unable to suggest any
method of procedure by which a construc
tion of this piovlsion of the constitution
may be obtained from the supreme court
prior to your election, qualification and at
tempt to assume the duties of such office.
At the last sitting of the supreme court In
February of this year It wss held thst the
eligibility to hold office cannot be tested by
mandamus. If vou should be regularly
nominated It would be the duty of the
secretary of state to print your name on
the ticket, and If you should receive the
hltrhest number of votes your right to the
office - could be determined by contest Of
election, as provided by statute, or by quo
warranto proceedings.
It seems to us from the language used In
this section of the constitution, snd from
what we have learned of the proceedings of
the constitutional convention, that the
members of that convention did not Intend
to render any executive officer ineligible to
election to another state office, the term of
which would not bgln until after the ex
piration of the term of the office he was
then holding. J. B. BTRPE
Since the above named attorneys of rec
ognised ability, after giving the question
Involved their most careful consideration,
have decided that they are unable to sug
gest any certain method by which the
question of my eligibility to be elected to
the office of governor while holding my
present office of state treasurer can bo
tested by our supreme court prior to our
next republican state convention, I deem
It advisable not to become a candidate for
the ofhve of governor.
In taking this course I am not insensible
to the many well meaning Importunities of
mv friends persuading me to remain In the
field In the face of the uncertainties of my
eligibility, but In harmony with my own
disposition and what I conceive to be the
best Interests of my party It would be un
wise for me to concede to their wishes.
Ever grateful to my friends and the press
for their many expressions of confidence
and good will, I sincerely regret that the
situation Is such that their hopes of elect
ing me as the chief executive of our great
state cannot be renliied. but in obedience
to the fundamental law of the state, be the
same Just or unjust, M respectfully submit.
No Endorsement for Senator.
The democratic state convention will not
endorse a candidate for Vnlted States sen
ator. This Is the freely expressed opinion
of many of the leaders of the party, and they
Just as freely give as a reason that unless
Mr. Hitchcock is the nominee the World
Herald cannot be counted on to give genu
ine support to the democratic ticket. There
fore these leaders have decided to endorse
nobody. This sentiment was generously
expressed at the democratic love feast held
here last week, and while there are a few
who have a voice In he democratic party
who are clamoring for a convention en
dorsement of a senatorial candidate, those
who shape the policy of the party In this
state are opposed to It, and for no other
reason than this.
While little democratic politics has been
discussed in the press, there Is a whole lot
doing among the unterrlfled. Right here in
Lincoln there are three candidates for governor-George
W. Berge, the late nominee;
Mayor Frank Brown and Dr. P. L. Hall.
The last two named are personally keeping
rather still, but their . friends are doing
Just the opponlte, and during the last few
days letters have been sent out by sup
porters of Mr. Hall urging his candidacy.
Of course Mayor Brown has made the
statement he is not a candidate.. It will bo
remembered he made the same statement
Just before accepting thenomlnatlon for
congress In this district. Mr. Berge, of
course, is an out-and-out candidate. In
the opinion of Lancaster leaders Dr. Hall
could secure the delegation from this
county, as Mayor Brown probably could
be sidetracked with a second nomination
for mayor. ,
it Is a notable fact that every Nebraska
speaker at the recent love feast Is a candi
date for office, A. C. 8hallenborger and
W. H. Thompson are both running for gov
ernor, ns are Berge and Dr. Hall, who pre
sided as toastmaster. It Is said Mr.
Thompson wants to be elected governor or
nominated for governor, and then, should
the legislature be democratic, secure the
senatorial toga. Mr. Hitchcock, of course,
would like to be senator. Edgar Howard,
who was also at the banquet. Is looking
after the convention nomination and he Is
therefore calling upon the rarty to endorse
a candidate.
Insurance Company Pays I p.
The long drawn out and bitterly fought
litigation over the right of the state to
enforce Its reciprocal insurance tax law
wna ended this morning by the payment of
$2,786 by the Insurance Company of North
America, the amount of the tax It owed, to
gether with the amount of the court costs.
Almost four years 'ago this company
eturted suit to prevent the collection of
this tax and a temporary Injunction was
secured. The case was heard by the su
preme court on five different occasions,
one side or the other always being ablo
to secure a re-hearlng. Aa a result of the
temporary Injunction Issued against the
auditor other companies refused to pay up
until the matter was finally settled, and
something over $30,000 wag tied up. Since
the recent decision, however, nearly all
the companies have paid the tax.
Normal Board Meeting.
The state normal board will hold Its
next meeting at Peru, April 20. At this
time It is presumed the contractor w'U
have acted upon the suggestions of Archi
tect Berllnghof, and changed the building
ac Kearney to square with the plana and
Few People Know How Caefnl It la la
Preserving Health ana Beaatr.
Nearly everybody kaowi that charcoal Is
the safest and most efficient disinfectant
and purifier in nature, but few realise Ha
value taken Into the human system for the
same cleansing purpose.
Charcoal la a remedy that the mora you
take of it the better; It la not a drug at all,
but elmply absorbs the gases and Im
purities always present In the stomach and
Intestines and carries them out of the
Charcoal sweetens the breath after amok
Ing, drinking or after eating onlona and
other odorous vegetables. -
Charcoal effectually clears and Improves
the complexion. It whltena the teeth and
further acta aa a natural and eminently
safe cathartic
It absorba Injurious gasea which collect
In the stomach and bowels; It disinfect the
mouth and throat from the poison of
All druggists aell charcoal In on form of
another, but probably the best charcoal
and the most for the money I In Stuart'
Charcoal Lozenges; they are composed of
the finest powdered Willow charcoal, and
other harmless antiseptic In tablet form
or rather In the form of large, pleasant
tasting lotenges, the charcoal being mixed
with honey.
The daily use of these lozenge will soon
tell In a much Improved condition of the
general health, better complexion, sweeter
breath and purer blood, and the beauty of
It Is, that no possible harm can result from
their continued use, but on the contrary,
great benefit
A Buffalo physician In speaking of the
benefit of charcoal &: "I advise Stuart's
Charcoal Lozenges to all patient suffering
from gas In stomach and bowel, and to
clear the complexion and purify the breath,
mouth and thnat I also believe the liver
la greatly bene-lted by the dally use of
them; they cr t but 2S cent a bos at drug
stores, and although In some sense a patent
preparation, yet I believe I get more and
better charcoal In Stuart' Charcoal
Lozenge than In any of the ordinary char
coal tablet." , '
specifications. Should this be the case this
building will be accepted by the board an.1
also the new chapel building at Peru. This
building, It la said, Is now about com
Inspecting; Omaha Gnard Companies.
Companies L and O of the National
Gi'ard, located at Omaha, will be Inspected
by Captain Wilcox Monday evening, March
26. The property of the two companies
will be Inspected on Monday and Tuesday,
March 26 and 27.
Hare Lost Cash In Operating; Co
operative Elevator.
YORK. Neb., March 14. (Special.) The
Farmers Elevator company are a most
surprised lot of farmers in York county.
For over a year they have been operating
an elevator at Lushton, In this county,
and every three months the board of mnn-
agers, composed of leading farmers who
owned stock In the company, met and went
over the books and business and each time
reported a nice business and a good profit
on the Investment. The agent who was
employed by the farmers had some expe
rlence, but it seems that the business
must have Dcen at odds and ends from
the time they started.
Several of the farmers becoming dls
satisfied thought that something might not
be right, and that the business was run
ning at a loss, requested that the books
be audited by an experienced auditor. A
York expert was employed and, owing to
poor bookkeeping employed, qould not
make out anything and reported that there
was a loss. Then a grain expert was em
ployed and he is reported to havo found
a Iobs of $3,500. The . farmers cp.uld. havo
operated a elevator at Lushton and made
money If they had managed It the same
aa other elevator at Lushton. The ele
vator will be for sale and the farmer
will quit business. The munager of the
farmers elevator is said to be honorable
and strictly honest in his dealings with the
Man Giving tine of Frank MeXnlty
Picked lp near Humboldt.
HUMBOLDT. Neb., March 14. (Special.)
A stranger was found near the home of A,
L. Drake, east of the city, almost frozen
trying to make his way along the road. The
Dtyike family took him in and kept him
until morning, when the authorltlea of the
city were notified and they brought the
man to town.
The man at first refused to talk beyond a
mumble, and It appeared that he was either
weak mentally or unbalanced. He was
finally induced to give his name, which he
said was Frank McNulty. but could not tell
his home, stating aleo that his parents
lived somewhere In the east and that hia
occupation was a coal miner. It seemed no
more Information could be elicited from
him, and as he had suffered no injuries
aside from frozen feet he was permitted to
depart after spending the night beside a
good fire In the city hall.
He Is thought to be the same Individual
that fell from passenger train No. 44 as it
was passing through the yards at a slightly
reduced speed. The fellow was riding the
rods and had evidently become numbed
with the cold to such an extent that he
could hold on no longer. HI fall wa wit
nessed by a number of laboring men, who
consider it a miracle that he escaped death
from the wheels. .They are certain thl is
the same party, who has evidently been
tramping about the country since.
Nebraska Town Preparing; for
Municipal Struggle.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb.. March 14.
(Special Telegram.) This republican city
convention wa held this afternoon and
the. following nomination were made
Mayor, John W. Steinhart; clerk. E. F
Thorp; treasurer, Charles E. Schmlnke
police Judge. D. J. Goff. Councilmen: First
ward, William Carman; Second ward, O. N
Nelson; Third ward, F. L. Koeppel; Fourth
ward, George F. Kregel. Members of the
Board of Education: D. W. Schmlnke, Will
Mens, O. A. Klmmell. The nominees are
all prominent citizens and the ticket is con
sidered the strongest one ever nominated
by any party In this city. '
Beatrice Mnairlpal Affairs.
BEATRICE. Neb., March U (Special.)
The city council held a meeting last night
and took up the matter of purchasing
ground for a park. Hon. R. 8. Bibb, Hugh
J. Dobbs and othera were present and ad
dressed the meeting on the subject. Each
of the speakers 'opposed the purchase of
park on the grounds that the city la too
deeply in debt and that It should endeavor
to wipe out all it Indebtedness and make
an effort to reduce taxation before Indulg
ing In the luxuries at the present time.
No action was taken In the matter and It
quite probable that the park question will
be dropped for the present. The finance
committee, reported that there was audi
clent money on hand to pay the Judgment
of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance
company In full, and which will be due
April 1, and a warrant waa ordered drawn
for the total amount of the Judgment,
wnlch U f23.duS.fB. An ordinance was passed
granting the Burlington railroad rlght-of
way through the alley in block 71. Mayor
Shult was authorise to ask the state
abor commissioner to visit Beatrice and
Inspect all building with reference to flr
escapes. The report of the treasurer howed.
balance In all funds of 11421.21.
eat to Prison.
DAKOTA CITT. Neb., March K-fEpe-
clal.) Ernest Sheppard and William Rob
erts, two 17-year-old lads, the former of
whom live In South Sioux City and the
latter Sioux -City, were lodged In the
county Jail by Constable Dan Purdy of
Homer thl evening and tomorrow will be
taken to Pender by Sheriff S. M. Toung
of Thurston county to answer to the charge
of horse stealing. These two boys, with
another young Sheppard boy, on last
Thursday stole a hand car from the Great
Northern railway and boarding It pumped
themselves to the Winnebago aaencv.
where, after wandering around for a couple
of days, the elder Sheppard boy and young
Roberts put up Sunday nlgnt at the home of
George Wilcox. On Monday night they
returned to the Wlloox place and stole a
team of horses out of the barn, starting
horseback towards Homer. One of the
horse threw Its rider off and got away,
but after hiding In a, hay stack all night
with the horse tied out the animal was
taken to the homo of C. C. Frum and sold
to him for $37.50. Mr. Frum, who Is a
former supervisor of Woodbury county.
Iowa, reported his purchase to Sheriff
Toung of Thurston county. Sheppard's
elder brother Is now confined In the county
Jail at Sioux City charged with swindling
farmer by selling him a horse not be
longing to him. Sheppard' father 1 em
ployed aa engineer at Akron, la.
PENDER, Neb., March 14.-(Speclal Tel
egramsEarnest Sheppard and William
Roberts, two young men aged 16 and 19,
were brought before County Judge King to
day, charged with horse stealing. On the
night of the 13th these young men went
to the home of George Wilcox, two miles
soutlfwest of the Winnebago agency, bri
dled two of his best horses and started
north. One of these animals, not being
broke to ride, threw oft his captor and re
turned to the barn. The twain rode the
other horse as far as Homer. wher they
sold It to C. C. Frum for $37.50.
They waived examination. Immediately
after they were ushered Into District Judge
Graves' court, where they pleaded guilty
to horse stealing, whereupon Sheppard got
a sentence of five years and Roberts two
years at hard labor In the state peniten
District Co net Holds Against Fra
ternal Company.
AURORA, Neb.. March 14.-(Speclal Tel
egram.) Judge Evans held a short session
of court this afternoon and decided the
case of the Royal Highlanders again t Ham
ilton county. The opinion sustained the
contention of the county commissioners In
the right to tax fraternal societies. An
appeal was taken by the Highlanders.
Farmer Fined for Assanlt.
CLAY CENTER. Neb.. March H.-(Spe-
cial Telegram.) John Nolde, a wealthy
farmer living near Sutton, was found guilty
of assault and battery tonight by a Jury
In the district court after a three day'
hard fought trial. The assault was com
mitted on C. J. Urbach, a tenant of Nolde',
October 28 last. Tho defense was con
ducted 'by Sloan & Sloan, attorneys from
Geneva, and the county attorney wa as
sisted by P. Boslaugh from Harvard.
talon Paclfle Straightening? Line.
BEATRICE, Neb.. March 14 (Special
Telegram.) The .Union Pacific is making
plans to straighten its line In several place
between here and Manhattan, Kan., this
spring. The necessary machinery and equip
ment for carrying on (be work is being re
ceived at this point and' when the work I
finished he mileage, between Manhattan
and Beatrice will be reduced about 'tan
Fatally Barned hf Lamp Explosion
AURORA, Neb., March 14. (Special Tel
egrom.)-Last evening, at the home of Al
bert Carlson, a lamp exploded and the
flame burned Mrs. Carlson so severely that
she died today. Mr. Carlson was also
badly burned, but will recover. Mr, Carl
son la a farmer living about three miles
southwest of Marquette.
Wholesale Liquor Store Sold.
BEATRICE, Neb., March 14. (Special
Telegram.) Emanuel Schembrek today sold
his wholesale and retail liquor business to
Carl Leopold of Ida Grove, la., who will
assume charge May 1. Mr. Schembrek has
been In business here for twenty yeafs.
Burns Cause Death.
CLAY CENTER, Neb , March 14. (Special
Telegram.) A. M. Jeffreys, the young man
burned last Saturday by the explosion of a
gasoline lamp, died today at 1 o'clock. The
deceased leaves a widow and no Insurance
News of Nebraska.
BEATRICE Mrs. Paul Witzl.l waa badly
burned today in a gasoline explosion. She
win r--er.
GENEVA The snow la ten inches on
level and is still falling, but the weather
Is moderating, the coldest for the winter
being 6 below, Monday morning..
YORK Mr. Jennie Wyatt. llvlna near
McCpol, has sold her farm and will leave
for Canada. Mrs. Wyatt Is one of the
early settlers of south York county.
HUMBOLDT Another light fall of snow
visited this section last night, accompanied
by zero weather, but the wind was not
strong enough to cause much drifting.
YORK The York Republican, in an
editorial this week asks the county con
ventions to Instruct their delegates for
Nnrrls Brown for United States senator.
PAPILLION At the scavenger sale of
tax lots in Bellevue held by the sheriff at
the courthouse 400 lots were sold, which re
plenishes the treasury of the county $6,126.
YORK York college Is rapidly forging to
the frotit. It is not claimed that they have
the largest attendance of any standard col
lege In the state, but each year there la an
WOOD RIVER Many of the local sheep
men are shipping their sheep as fast as
cars can be secured, owing to the fluctu-
Let the mother take
Scott's Emulsion for the
two; it never fails to
benefit them both. One
can eat for two, but nour
ishing two is a different
thing.- It calls for a de
gree of internal strength
that the average woman
lacks. People of luxury
are not 'very strong by
habit; overworked people
are weak in some func
tions from exhaustion or
theirsurroundings. Scott's
Emulsion can be depend
ed upon to overcome such
conditions. It is a won
derful food for a mother
and child.
CJT OWJfJL 4 rstri Vtnft, v Ta
CATARRH of the respiratory organs
is a common ailment In Canada for
at least two-thirds of the year.
This condition Is no doubt caused by the
long, severe winters experienced In this
part of the continent.
Therefore, when Peruna was discovered
by Canadian people to be a reliable remedy
for these catarrhal, diseases. It at once
became a popular medicine, not only among
individuals and in families, but In the great
hospitals, where it was used as a pre
ventive and relief in hundreds of cases.
These Institutions do not hesitate to
give their endorsement of the remedy
which has been so helpful In the treat
ment of their poor and sIcK.
Among these institutions Is that of the
Sisters of Good Shepherd, who gave the
following endorsement:
The Peruna Company.
Columbus, Ohio.
Having used Peruna for the past few
months for our sick and poor, we are
linppy to say that it has given us great
The Sisters of the Good Shepard,
August 20, 100:1. Montreal.
After a continued use of the remedy, this
Instltutlon has found no reason to change .
Its good opinion of the remedy and cx- "As to myself, two bottles have con
presses its satisfaction In the following vlnced me that Peruna is magnificent as
term: a tonic.
ating of the market. The sheep are all
In good shape, as the winter previous to
the recent cold spell has been Ideal for
BEATRICE! The board of supervisors
today held ex-Countv Treasurer W. W.
Wright for SUSS for clerk hire and In
structed the county attorney to take steps
to collect same.
NEBRASKA CITY-H. H.' Hanks has
been elected cashier of the Farmers' bank
of this city, to succeed M. K. Catron, who
has resigned. Mr. Catron's resignation will
take effect June 1.
OXFORD Manny Christ has been ap
pointed mail weigher on trains 13 .and 14
to succeed Xhe lute George H. Sherwood,
whose life was ended In the recent wreck
near Akron, Colo.
BEATRICE Mr. James C. Perkey and
Miss Loulso Burbank, both of the Fllley
neighborhood, were united In marriage
yesterday afternoon in the county court.
Judge Spaflord officiating.
YORK The Western Union Telegraph
company in response to a request of the
Commercial club, haa established a down
town office, which Is of great convenience
to the business men of York.
BEATRICE Mrs. Alice Scott, wife of J.
W. Scott, died yesterday at her home, 311
Court street, after a long illness. She was
49 years of age and is survived by hor
husband and five children, one son and four
YORK York Is making a healthy growth
and more houses hVe been built this win
ter than in many winters past. The
weather has been such that carpenter and
plasterers have been able to work at their
trades all winter.
YORK John Doran of Bradshaw, J.. E.
Hart of Gresham and William Taylor of
West Blue are candidates who have asked
for republican nominations for the legisla
ture. Mr. C. E. Sandall ha announced his
candidacy for county attorney.
GENEVA Last night the fourth of the
high school lecture course was given by
Rev. Wlckersham: subject, "Day Dreams.'
The house was crowded and all were de
lighted. A months rom last night Father
Vaughn gives the last lecture.
BEATRICE The high school students
were addressed vesterduy morning by Rev.
Jones of the La Selle street Methodist
church, who spoke entertainingly of the
coal mines of the east, lie aescrioea in
detail the various processes in coal mining.
WOOD RIVER Thomas McEvoy. an
employe in a saloon here, died yesterday
as the result oi Dreaaiiig ns leg oaiuraay
night and an attack of pneumonia. He
was an unmarried man anout 40 years of
age and made his home with hi brother
at this place.
WOOD RIVER At the meeting of the
law and order party ot the village last
ntghl James T. Breet, John R. Jewett and
John Mullln were nominated as candi
date for the village board. The candi
date are pledged to strictly enforce all
laws ot the village.
HARTINGTON There has been consid
erable activity in Cedar county real estate
deals this spring, some large tracts of
land changing hands. As an Index of
the business In the last two weeks, the
aggregate of 'the real estate transfer
amounted to 4(il,ft,0.36.
PENDER Jack Lewis and John Short
appeared before Judge Downs today to
answer a charge lodged against them.
Their place was raided a few- nights ago,
aided by an out of town detective who
was cmr'oyed by a few citizens of this
place. The case has been continued.
WOOD RIVER The funeral of ,K. 3.
Henderson was held yesterday and the
remains were laid to rest In the Wood
River cemetery. Mr. Henderson was one
of the Dioneer settlers of this community.
He waa 71 years of age at the time uf
his death, lie has nine children living.
WOOD RIVER The ground is covered
with from two to six inches of snow, and.
although the roads are almost impartia
ble, yet the farmers ai glad to see It,
tor It is very beneficial to the fall and
winter wheat and will put the ground In
excellent condition for spring plowing.
NEBRASKA CITY James T. Shewell. as
sistant cashier of the Merchants National
bank, and Mies Elisabeth MacCuaig were
united In marriage yesterday at the home
of tho brlde'a mother. Rev. L. G. Leggetl
officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Shewell left for a
honeymoon trip to New Orleans and Cuba.'
NORFOLK Burglars entered the hard
ware store of 8. W. Llghtner at Lynch.
Neb., and stole revolvers, razors and cheap
knives to the amount ot about $30. Later
three young men were arrested charged
with the crime. They gave the names of
Walter Johnson, William Taylor and Glen
Pinkerman. They are in jail and will
come up for hearing next Friday morning.
FREMONT The Young Men'a Christian
association building committee Is meet
ing with good success In Its canvass. At
S o'clock this afternoon the amount
had reached the tisou) mark and was still
coming up. A number of the largest pros
pective subscribers have not yet been seen
and the committee feel confident of it
ability to reach the faU.OOO limit by March
HARTINGTON The annual meeting of
the Hartlngton Commercial club waa neld
this week and new officer elected as fol
lows: G. H. Searing, president; W. 8.
Weston, vice president; F. M. Oolden,
secretaiy; John Schwabland. B. Heady,
W. 8. Weston. H. J. Oswald. E. B. Hirech
man, M. R- 6mlth, executive committee.
Tu bvard of director are G. H Searing,
Montreal, Nov. 7, 190S.
Wc found l'eruua a relief In several ,
We ran say it Is a good tonic and we
are very thankful.
Sisters of the Good Shepherd.
When catarrh once fastens Itself upon
,he "Vtem. It becomes an obstinate disease
to eradicate.
A systematic remedy one that reaches
every internal organ of the body is an
absolute necessity.
Peruna Is. Just such a remedy. It
searches out the cause of the disease, (
healing and strengthening the mucous '
membranes, and thus giving Nature an
opportunity to perform her part of . the
restorative process. I
One of the many hospitals which have
found Peruna of value In treating old and
obstinate cases of catarrh is the Hospital
St. John, who writes, as follows:
"We are happy to tell you that your
Peruna has given us satisfaction. Three
patients have tried It, one 68 years old,
Renoul' Dupuis, afflicted with catarrh. Is
much relieved, more than he has been for
a number of years.
"A young girl, in years old, had an
obstinate cough, which half a bottle of
Peruna caused to disappear.
W. S. Weston. Aug. Lubeley, F. M. Gol
den, H. J. Oswald, B. Ready. C. M. Jones,
John Schwahland, E. D. Hirschuian and
F. W. Barnhart.
BEATRICE Chief Burke and Officer
Pethoud last night raldad a room in tho
Davis block and arrested Mollle Wheeler
on the charge of conducting r disorderly
place. Bert Carter was found in the room
with the woman and both of them were
lodged in the city Ju.ll to await their hear
ing. OXFORD The late heavy snows, In ad
dition to the abundant moisture of the
past few months, give promise of ideal
crop conditions this spring. Unless present
signs fall, the horn-of Jjilenty will Bestow
generous gifts, our broad prairies will smile
and Furnas county will again blossom as
the rose.
BEATRICE The annual meeting of the
stockholders of the Independent 'telephone
company of Blue Springs was held at that
plaoe yesterday, and reports submitted
showed that the business of the past year
had been very satisfactory. A. R. Morris
was elected president and A. II. Krauss
secretary ard treasurer.
NEBRASKA CITY The stockholders of
the Mattes Brewing company have reor
ganized and elected the following officers:
President. Theodore Weberlng; vice presi
dent, John Mattes, jr.: secretary and treas
urer, Joseph Brant. The rebuilding of the
burned section of the brewery ' is under
way and the work will be completed as
soon a possible.
BEATRICE The republicans held their
city primaries here yesterday and an ex
ceedingly light vote waa polled. The ticket
selected is as follows: For aldermen.
First ward, Albert Sage; Second ward. E.
VV. Clancy; Third ward, C. J. McCall;
Fourth ward, J. B. Parker. For members
of the Board of Education, B. H. Begole,
w. L.ennari, J. a. juciauum.
OXFORD H. B. Tomllnson. who re-
cently resigned as depot agent to accer a
position with an express company at Sheri
dan, Wyo., is again back with the Burling
ton, this time in tne capacity of route
agent for this division, succeeding Mr.
Clark of Holdrege. Mr. Toinllnson will
continue to make his home In this city,
where he was station agent for fourteen
AUBURN Auburn and vicinity waa vis
ited with a six-Inch snow Saturday night
and Sunday. It again commenced snow
ing Monday night and has been snowing
steadily since, accompanied by a strong
northwesterly wind. There Is some fear
as to the fruit being damaged, but it Is
generally thought that unless it gets sev
eral degrees colder it will stand It all
HARTINGTON The March term of the
Cedar county diatrict court has closed
after a short sesHlnn. Many cases were
continued to the next term. The one case
of local interest, the la.OiiO damage case of
J. B. Greenwood, administratrix, vs. Dr.
J. W. King, was continued until next
term. An adjourned session of the court
will bo held June 14. at which time equity
cases onlv will be tried.
OXFORD H. W. Qulggle of this vicinity
Is taking up his residence in Oxford this
week. In this connection It may be of In
terest, as Indicating the rapid advance in
realty values hereabouts to state that this
gentleman lately sold his ltio-acre farm
three miles from town for $8.0u0, or a not
profit of 12,500 within ten months from
best coal for the furnace from now on ia
boest coal for the furnace from now onls
OZARK (Anthracite) GRATE, $8.50.
Lights easy, bttrna clean, responda quickly to draughts,
holds low fire long.
Size Is right Just right for furnace and hearting etove.
Lota of 'em clean, fresh, bright, right $7.40 and 0.O
VKLL-O WAGONS insure careful, prompt deliveries.
Deal with Sunderland and be warm.
North Yard 24th and Belt Line.
South Yard
: 5 ' : '.. u. S
"Before the treatment I could not wal
for a quarter of an hour without, experi
enclng much fatigue. Now I can walk a
mile easily.
"Through these tlir?e cases we desire to
make known to the public the efficiency of
your remedy."
Hospital St. John of St Johns,
Province of Quebec.
A later letter fecelved from- the same
institution reads as follows:
"Three weeks ago I wfote to tell
you how satisfactory we found Perunn.
e recommend it highly for cold,
coughs, catarrh and neuralgia,
"1 have used it myself as a- tonic with
the best results, taken ns directed, half a
teaspoonful every half hour."
Peruna not only promptly relieves
coughs and colds in their first stages, but
Is equally prcmptt and efficient for ca
tarrhal diseases In the chronic stage.
Of course, it Is only-, reasonable to aun-
pose that a great deal . less medicine will
bo necessary to cure a slight attack of
catarrh than would be required to re
lieve the ailment after It had been allowed
to become chronic.
Directions for taking the remedy will
be found on each bottle, also In Pr.
Hartmnn's book called "The Ills of I.lfe. '
whl-h con be obtained from your druggiHt
tor the asking.
For special Instructions write to Dr.
Hartman. President of, the Hartman Sani
tarium, Columbus, Ohio.
dote of purchase. This without the addl-
tlon of any improvements, and after reap
ing a profitable crop.
PLAINV1EW The business men' fair
recently held at Plwinvlew tinder the
auspices of the Epworth league of that
place, prbved a great success. The fair
was held In the opera house snd the pro
gram given In the evening. The business
men are all pleased with the success of
the undertaking, and the Epworth lea ft no
cleared about tluo for the MuthodiKt
church to be built there this year. Pluln
vlew claims to have one of the best Ep
worth leagues In Nebraska.
OAKLAND The 12-year-old son of F. L.
Cook of Lyons, for whom search was mado
Monday night, returned home on the pas
senger train from the nortli Tuesday morn
ing. He had wulked to this city, inspect-'
ing the railroad on the wuy, and boardod
No. 18, the fast freight, thinking it wool. I
stop at Lyons, but the train didn't mak.i
a stop until It reached Emerson, where tlm
boy spent the rent of the night, and re
turned to Lyons on the first traUi the next
MINDEN Quite a little excitement pre
vailed In Mlnden Monday. A hypnotist,
who was billed to show here Monday ami
Tuesday nights, put a subject to sleep ami
buried him on a vacant lot adjo'iulng tho
square, although the mayor had warned
him not to do It. Upon a petition signed
by business men, an extra session of (he
city council was called and the hypnotist
ordered to dig his subject Up. This ho
refused to do until a warrant was sworn
out for his arrest. When he had dug the
man up the warrant was not served. The
subject was taken to the opera house and
awakened at the evening performance.
' FREMONT The new town of Leshara Is
to have a Methodist church. An organiza
tion wa perfected this week and trustees
eleoted. Today tho Great Northern gave
the church a deed of a desirable corner ,
lot near the business street, upon which it
Is confidently expected a suitable church
edifice will be built this summer. Aa sev
eral of the prominent furniera 1n the vi
cinity are members or tnat denomination
and active In church work, m well as
some of the nev. cltizenH of the' town, It
is thought the necessary funds can be
secured. .A clergyman will soon be sent
by the presiding elder of the eonference
district to take charge of tho field.
IS Cents each, t lor S3 Cent
Alakirt f Cluttt and Monarch fMt
22d and Hickory.
252. '
TT'r Quarter