Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1906, Page 2, Image 2
THE OMAHA DAfLT BEK: TTIUBSDAT, MARCTI 1.". 100(1 Be March, 14 U06. ..--r,-m vv;u y'lZui" a r m .-, . . Redfern Style Means Figure Style. The moat elegant corsot of the eason. because It conform roost easily to the fashion of the goaaon. Presented in; these models are the most ad vanced ideas of the Parisian corsettere'a art, modified to conform to the The Spring Coat Season. Tim won for Spring- Coats Is now here end the bt and nurert styles are here, fc'ever were such a variety of fashionable 1L , CONFERENCE ON LABOR BILL I House Not Likely to Apree with Senate on the Amendment! Made. ' LEGISLATORS VISIT THE UNIVERSITY Utene I.. Dobsoa Files His fa er ' a Candidal for Congress to i creed Hon. Jaha A. T. Hall. (From a Staff Correspondent.) PES MOINES, March 14. (Special.) Those Interested In getting the child labor . bill through believe thst the house will net accept the' amendments made by the senate and that the measure will have to go to a conference committee. This will be the first measure this session on which It was necessary to appoint con , fcrence committees If this proves true, t'sually there are a number by this time In the session. The changes In the bill niade in the senate deal chiefly with the ',' enforcement provisions. On the sge of tho children to be protected, 'the hours ""V employment and such provisions, the sertete and house will easily get together. '' The house. Is in fnvor of a more drastic in ensure' ms to the provisions of tlte en forcement than the aensie. For Ts-O'Ytir Terns. ..' The action , of tho house In making the terms of the railroad commissioners threo year. Is looked upon by members as a hm for lnformnt,on M to tn, forecast that the terms of county officered,.,,, ikk . . v.-,,-..-,. ... as well as state officers will be left at two years. If this coures Is followed the tat will every svtn numoered year elect tte entire force of officials. Ball Fans Hosefsl. The baseball fans of Ds Moines and tbe cities of the Iowa league are placing all their dependency on the judiciary com mittee of tha house and .the lateness of the session .for getting ttie" provision pro hibiting Sunday base ball killed.. The Ju diciary committee has bend canvassed and Is said to be ngalnst It. The committee furthermore s been muitlng a record at thla session of killing oft every bill that WORES Vould Scratch and Tear the Flesh Unless Hands Were Tled-Wajted to a Skeleton A wfu! Suffering for Over a Year Grew Werce Undw Doctors Skin Now Clear. WOULD HAVE DIED BUT FOR CUT1CURA. "My little son, when about a year and a half old, began to have sores i out on Aia lacs, l kad phr-, eician treathlm, but tha sores grew wora. Then they began to coma om his arms, than eu other part ef his boa y, and than on LI. -I--.. f j y uu uia cnsai. llhkiim 'ojhr.-ThenIraU. . another phyal- alan. Pull he grew worse. At the end of about a year and ft half of suffering be grew so bad 1 had to tie his hands la ctoths at night to keep him from ftaratching theenrr and tearing the flesh. "lis got to fce ft mat skeleton, and . was hardly able to walk. My Aunt a J v lead me to try Cutirura Boap and Ointment. So great waa her faith la it that shs gave ma ft email piece of Boap to try and ft little of the Olnv- - ment I took it home without any . 1 faith, but to please her I tried it, and it seemed to dry up the eorea ft little. - l sent to the drug store and got ft cake of the Soap and box of the Ointment and followed the directions, and at the end of about two months the eorea were all well. lis has never had any sores of any kind since. 'He ia now strong and healthy, and I tan sincerely say that only for your . snoot wonderful remedies my lirecioue child would have died from those terriljle eorea. 1 used only one cake of 8op and about three box a of Ointment (slirned) Mr. JEg bert Sheldon, R. K. D., No. 1, Wood-e-Ule. Conn, April 23, 1W05." CuM Imul nl hml Iwul a BW? I OMaWeiJSk f Com n k. pWU tVw P- r rw& C.. So Hw9 B DM HMD New Dress Goods Shoving Unequalcd in sooix? and tyte character. Soason after season the highest types of distinctive style elegance have found repre sentation in our unrivaled displays of wool and wash dress goods. This year's exclusive ideas are now shown in a most compre hensive variety that command the approval and admiration of the keenest style critics. Join the merry throng of fashion fol lowers Thursday in this store, "where fashion reigns." NOTE Watch for oar bkafmrnt .If of waist riaturdar. American -woman's figure. The very, caretui designing and making are responsible for the nicely, with which the garment curves into the waist. The smooth surface of the fabrics, pretty, fine laces and pliant Arctic whalebone give a "tout ensemble" that- is a real - luxury. "Security" rubber button hose supporters are attached to each REDFERN atyle. They are the best supporter we know for the best cor set we know. IvAST YVKF.K Or' 11KDKKRX CORSET DEMONSTRATION. . Miss McCauler. special corsetiere from the Redfern Corset offices, is here' for this week only. Have your corsets scientifically fitted during her stay. The advantages of being cor seted by her are manifold, and tbla service ia without extra charge. This week only. garments shown under one roof Silk Coats, Covert Coats, Coats of Fancy Mixtures, Fitted Coats, Short, Loose Coats and Lone Loose Coats. v ' Swell Tailored Suits, Fine Skirts and does not have on it the stamp of legal necessity. Since the complexion of the Judiciary committee of the house was learned the proprietors of the Western League team of this city havt been breathing essler. Oft te State ValTeralt. Only a handful of legislators remained In the city today, the greue bulk going to Iowa City on invitation to visit the state university as guests of the Iowa City Commercial club. About a dosen remained In the city and only about half a dosen committee clerks and pages. All the rest went to Iowa City. Those whe remained In the city were during the day somewhat worried over the gathering storm, fearing that the special train might have difficulty In getting back. Dobsoa Aaaaaaeeaaeat. George L. Dobson today tiled his affidavit with the county auditor as a candidate for congress against Congressman J. A. T. Hull. Mr. Dobson said today that ha was not aligned with Cummins or Prouty or any other interest, and that lie expected the opposition of the corporations to his can didacy. Incidentally, he attacked Congress man Hull by saying: "Captain Hull will have something to talk about besides the army post and a measly appropriation of IGOO.OOO for a one-story postofTlce building while Denver got an appropriation of Z,W, OHO yesterday for a magnificent building." 1 ' Will Wark an neaojetlaa. -'-'.', Ooverr.or Cummins Is expected home to morrow from the western part of the state, and while It Is not authoritatively known. It' Is expected thst he will begin work at once on the preparation of Ills answer to the resolution of the general assembly call- road lobby. It Is believed that the chief Information In the hands of the governor eonslste of letters written by the members Of the 'ray road lobby to persons over 4 he state pn the subject. of the primary elec tion bill, which the governor accused them of trying to defeat. Secretary Shaw t'otalasT. : Announcement waa made today that Sec retary. Leslie M. Sliaw"lll address the meeting of the Polk County Republican . club ia this city, Friday evening.. March U. lis subject will be "Republicanism." Mlralcaa AlantaL. Members of the Iowa Michigan Alumni association banqueted tonight at the Savery hotel. Toasts were responded to by Prof. Adama of Ann Arbor, Hon. R. M. Wright of Fort Dodge, members of the legislature; Dr. A. B. Storms, president of Ames col leger Dr. D. W. Parsons of Des Moines. Hon. A. M. Cloud of EaHvllle. Ia.; Dr. J. B, Tedrow of Williams and Hon. Thomas A. Cheshire of this city. Prof. Adams, In an interview today to a local paper, said: "I believe the govern ment ought to take the bull by the horns and give the Interstate Commerce commis sion power to fix the actual and relative railroad rates Instead of maximum rates, as the Hepburn-Dolliver bill proposes" AFTER THE RAILWAYS (Continued from Fitst Psge.) Oil, which' sent the oil part of the way! through Ha plus line." Mr. Iw resumed Ilia questioning: "Did any representative of the Standard Oil company ask you to advance the rateT" "No, sir." "What did Bogardut say at that meet ing T' , k "He waa there principally tu secure a record ut the changes we made. He did not talk to roe." In the course 'of -his examination 'Com missioner Prouty asked of Mr. KtAnts: "Why should you charge, more for mov ing ell than ooulT" "Because the oil tanks go .beck empty," replied Mr. Koontx. "Don't tht coal cars go back' empty?" "No. sir." "What do they carry back." ' "Sand." "AH full of sand, Mr. Rooms'" "Well, many." , "How many?" "I will have the figurea produced for you." Mr. Koouls said that the risk Involved In drawing fuel oil was an Important factor. "What does that risk amount tot" asked Commissioner Prouty. "I could not answer that question." Risk la Oil Shlaeat. "And yet you carry great quantities of crude oil in California. A risk Is Im portant enough to Increase a rate must be available ss a calculation somewhere. Can you produce those figures for us, too?" Mr. Koonts said that he could end would produce the figure. Mr. Mitnett, attorney for the Oil Pro ducers' association of Kansas, stated that the rale on coal In Kansas was ta) per cant less than the crude oil late, and this was so high that the dwellers upon tbe great western plalus ran not use crude oil because the rale la too huh. C. A. Stannard. an oil prilii er of Em aviia. Ksn , testified that no liauzsa tin hundreds of New Waists. New Washable Petticoats at $1.W. 1150 and 11.73. Cravenettes Economy Base ment. I New Crarenettes. Just the outer Garment for this 'sort of weather a eterm coat when' It storms, a dress coat when It's sun shinepretty shades of array, tan and check designs. Extra special values at $68 and ft . ;' Miss Alice Fenner, in Charge of . "Our; Millinery Salon and our large work room, (Ives suggestions regarding the prevailing style and the most becoming shapes and colorings for each "In dividual face and figure. Our x Millinery display represents, the favored shapes and unlimited . varletlea which fashion decrees as correct. . Our Customers' Deposit Ac count Department Is for your convenience. Four per cent In terest computed every three months Is paid on deposits. Tou csn withdraw all or tart of your money any time, without notice. Have your purchases In the Store charged to It. It Is not a bank.- could be sold out of that state by Inde pendent producers because the rate beyond Kansas prohibited It, but If the Kansas maximum freight rate was extended Into other states, there would be a good market for all the oil Kansas could produce. Mr. Stannard gave his experiences with the railroads in shipping oil In his own tank cars. He said his cars were side tracked and lost snd burst by heavy switch ing. He said, however, that he did not be lieve the tallroad official sanctioned this sort of work. Q. W. Moffatt, superintendent of the Standard OH refinery at Sugar Creek, told of the production at that point and of the prices secured for the products of oil. O. W. Mayer, manager of the Standard l Oil company at Kansas City, was recalled snd denied positively that, he-had sent E. M. Wlllhoyt, formerly agent for the Stand ard at Topeka, and now an - Independent oil refiner at Joplln and Bprlngrteld, Mo., a check with which to bribe railroad employes In order to secure Information regarding the Shipments of oil by Independent com panies. II. B. Scott, until recently a director of the Prairie Oil and Oas company, a brancH of the Standard Company, but who la now In business for himself, hesitated' In an swerlng several questions. This brought forth a rebuke from Commissioner Cokrell, whO' said sharply: "If Js' useless for-'tna Standard Oil company to attempt" to" con ceal thinks, because we are going to' get at the bottom of its. doings anyway." A. H. Coffin of Longton. Kan., a jumper knd refiner of oil, testified that the freight rate outside of Kansas prevented him from shipping out of the state. This ended the testimony for the .inde pendent oil producers. The railway - at torney introduced several witnesses. Katalltles Prevented. After -an acjldenr. . us Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. It prevents fatal - results, Heals Outs, burns, sores. 2Ec. For sale by Sher man A McConnell Drug Co, - . Treaaarjr Stateaaeat. ' , ; WASHINGTON. Msrch .14. -Today's stkte ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 116-1,000. tOO gold reservei shows: Available caah balances, tlM.105.40tt: gold enln.mrl bullion, t77.tU.U4i gold certificates, t43.S4l.Wu. Coaarressraaa Miller Nomliialtd. EMPORIA, Kan., March 14.-Jamea Mon roe Miller of Council Orove, was renom inated for congress without opposition by the republicans of the Fourth Kansas dis trict. HlUAIt AND STAKC'H Please the Palate, Hut 8ometliues Play Jlob With Digt-Htion. Sugar and starch, as found in ordinary food are Intended 4o supply energy and strength, keep up steam to drive the human machine, and this they do If prop erly digested. . , But when the dlgestK-e apparatus has had too much work crowded upon It, or when It becomes weakened from jmy cause, . the food decays (there Is no other word so expressive) In ths stomach and Inleitlnee. and not only produces gas to distend the stomach and crowd snd weaken the heart, but promotes other disease condition ' which develop serious liver, slouisch, and sometimes heart trouble. It Is Important that the food present tha sugar and starch to the stomach In such form that they may be readlly digeateVl and pass to the nerves and blood to energise the machine without overtaxing the organs. Grape-Nuts food does this perfectly. it is prepared by mechanical (not chemi cal! procenaes, similar to those through which food passes In the healthy human digestive machinery, and la, when taken Into the system, pre-digested. soluble and easily asatnillsted. It Is made of wheat and barley, and as it conies from the pack age, Is adapted snd grateful to even the weakest stomach of adult or bane. A lady writes from Woonancket, R. I. "Grape-Nuts," siie says. "Is truly a won.lertul food. I hsve been practically living upon It for the last t months, and I am stronger today, both physically and years. For some IS or It years I had lived on sweet snd starchy foods until my digest ive organs ware almost worn out, and I mentally, than I have been before for had been troubled for a long time with nervous dyspepsia or indigestion lu Its worst form. Everything I ate fermented and I belched gas from my stomach most of ths time. "My doctors advised ins to try Grape Nuts and so 1 began using It t times a day, and It has done wonders for me. It has strengthened my muscles, toned up my nerves, and rested my brain. The headaches that used to punish me hsve dlsappea red. "I have gained strength to work and power to think. Oraoe-Nuta la worth more te me than all the medlcelne la the world. J ' "When my baby was cutting his teeth this summer I cured him of his bowel trojible by feeding him Grape-Nuts soaked In milk." Name given by Postuin "Co., Rattle Creek. Mich. Theres s reason. Read the little book, 'Tne Road lo Wellvtlle." lu pkss. LIVELY TIME FOR . MINERS Strong Opposition Developing to Repeal of Krai Resolution. DEBATE WILL LACT- FOR SEVERAL DAYS Ra-PreslUeat Dolaa at the Mttskarft IHotrlrt Will Arrive Today to Reala Caataalaa. far Relaaaeaiea4. . INDIANAPOLIS. Msreh U.-The predic tions of a stormy convention of the I'nlted Mine Workers of America, beginning to morrow morning at the Gcrmftn house, bid fair to be verified. From the talk of the delegates who kept Streaming Into In dianapolis all this, afternoon there will be decided opposition toward the repealing of the "Ryan resolution.'' . .This Is the mast important matter to come before the con vention and there la reason to believe that a decision either for or ngnlnst it will not be reached for several dsys. . Uttle will be done tomorrow beyond the orswntslng of the convention, seating of the delegates and the reading of the address of President Mitchell. atataa of Ryaa Reaolatioa. Secretary W. D. Ryan of Illinois, who arrived thla afternoon:- said tonight while In Company with President Mitchell ; that there is no foundation for the report that a plan has been arranged for disposing of his resolution. This plan "Wss Said to In clude a request by Mr." Rynn' of the per mlsalon te withdraw the resolution. "If there Is any surh arrangement I have not heard of It," said' Mr. R5"nn. "I have not made any such promise to any one. I cannot say now what I will or will not do about the "matter. 1 have not been con sidering It In that light." Neither Mr. Ryan Mr Mr. Mitchell would say whether he thought It wduld bo neces sary to' repeat tho Ryan resolution In or der to permit th holding of a Joint con ference by the miners and bituminous oper ators. v Another resolution Which, If it is re ported, will cause a stir In the contention Is said to be one' that will be Introduced asking the delegates to make an appropria tion to the national treasury to be de voted to the defense of President Moyer of the Western. Federation -of Miners and other officials of thiit organisation who are Charged With the' , murder of Oovernor Steunenberg of Idaho., olan ArrlTaa Today. Pennsylvania delegates who arrived this afternoon said that ea-Presldent Patrick Dolan of Dlstrlot N;o. 5, who will be In In- umimpoiia tomorrow or Friday, will per sist in presenting his claims to the dele gates or the special convention for rein statement. President . Mitchell had hoped to present to the special convention of the anthracite miners his report as to the negotiations with the anthracite operators but as all the members of the committee had not arrived no meeting waa held. It Is possible that the report will be presented tomorrow evening. If the members of the committee succeed In reaching Indlanapo Us. There Is little strike talk among the dele gatea. -)'-, RAYNOR TALKJON RATE BILL (Continued from First Page".). cept on comptshit'le' a sufficient reply. He declared his 'aatlsfactfon with tlie ntll as It passed the 'Hoae nd added: "It may require some sltght"iarigea in' Its phraseo logy, but Its' iuDstaHtlal provisions meet with mx approval.' Speaker Grows Ironical. Reference wiji imde to, the, claim Uiat tne enactmenf ol the, proposed legislation would demoralise the, railroad system and business interests jit the country and In that' conection Mr.-Raynor said he would admit that '.'it , would be a great pity to destroy the equilibrium or destroy the proper balance of Messrs. Vanderbllt. Mor gan, Gould and Hairtman, and added: Things are In such tine shape around thla table that It would be a shame for any uninvited guest tc break into the harmony of the scene and turn it Into a Belshazzar a feast. We . must not suppose thst these gentlemen ere indulging in any luxuries as they are sitting around this table. Thev have been hard working Individuals during eu inoir nve ana now auer yeare or in oessant toil and labor, at the moment wnen tney nave acquired a bare com petency and are earning a fair amount of waxes lO'aeep. tnemseivea and their de. pendent families from want and dentltutlon It Is a heartless. end .cruel deed, I know to unsettle their equilibrium or deprive them of their hard earned savings. It was pathetic to observe this solemn procession oi railroad counsel. Mr. Moro wltx of the Atchison, Topeao A Santa Fe, Mr. Bond of the Baltimore snd Ohio; Mr. nines or ine Atlantic I'oaei line, Mr. Mather of the Rock Island snd Mr. Peck of the Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul, all arrayed In their mourning weeds with their long, Itinera! briefs exhorting the com mittee not to take, any step that would bring havoc and ruin upon their clients. who have already made eo many sucrlflces or seinsn devotion to the Interests of the public. . Nebraska Declaloa Cited. On the question of a' review of the find tngs of the commission by the courts Mr. Rayner said hs had .reached the conclusion that "under the Nebraska decision, In the case of Bmytli against Ames, the courts with power reposed in them will give ample protection to the carriers In every ease where the commission does not allow them Just compensation, and will not compel them to prove that a single rate Is abso. lutely confiscatory." " He would, however, have it understood that he was oppoaed to the provision per mitting the courts to suspend the orders of the commission during the pendency of the proceedings, saying: I am in favor of un smendment to the Hepburn bill vesting In the court the right to try the question of unjust compensation with restraining orders abolished, and the further rlglit, if possible, to let the court fix the rate if It reverses the order of tne commlsHlou. With these changes I am In favor of the bill us pucaud by the house, and if we cannot get these channea I prefer to lake the bill as it is rather than to mu tilate and dcBtroy Us efficiency. Announcing that his interests are Iden tified with the railroads, Mr. Rayner said: The Interstate Corn me ice uommissloii sill not dale to take an atep that will depre ciate the property of -the people or cause any extreme changes in railroad manage ment or policy. i 'm Ini.sinehH Interests of tli country would not aulimit to aueu action aoU tbe courts would not saoiiou or lolerule It. I wouUl therefore advise the lallroads, as their friend, to withdraw tlieir ssents and tlieir counsel and their repre sentatives from the scene of oontllcl and let the conflict cease. Juet a truce go up between the people ajid the corporate In terests of the country; let Hie corporate in terests make some conceKione tu the rights t the public. You i Upend ii .i trie people for your ilvlihixxl and your irotlts abso lutely snd entirely. No, lake them Into 1 your conrtrtem-e and do not possess yeur- ) veil l me uriusioii mac your railroads ex ist for the sole hturfit of your stock holders and that the people have no'rlxnta that It Id your duly tu regard. If you fall to take some such advice as this, then I believe you will rue the day. During ths progress of his speech Mr. Rayner engsged in a fonfreversy with Mr. Dolltver over the rights of parties to any case arising under the bill to go Into the United Btutea courts.,. He contended that no such privilege waa granted and none exlstsd unless es much gs t2.o"0 waa In volved, while Mr. Dolllver urged the Juris diction of ths circuit courts. In the course of his remarks Mr. Rayner suggested that some ralUmad lawyer had been instrumental In framing some ports of the bill v ' Mr. Do!Uvr declared thai uu outside al- torney except the attorney general hsd been consulted In the preparstion of the bill. Proposed Deinoera tie Ameadateats. Mr. Rayner outlined the proposed demo cratic amendments, saying thst they would do away aith the suspension provision and give the courts the right to try the ques tion of the Just compensation, if these pro visions could be accepted he said the bill could be passed today. Both Mr. Lrfxlgo and Mr. Foraker took exception to some remsrks of Mr. Rayner, the former to bis advice to the railroad offi cials to amend the hill and Mr. Foraker to reference to him and to Mr, Alrirlch as being pleased over the good fortune of theJ Mr. Rayner declared that he hsd no pur pose of intimating that either Mr. Lodge or Mr. Foraker rotild be Influenced by the rail roads or any one else to swerve one lota from their sense of duty ss senators. But, he said, he did believe th.nt If the railroad Interests would agree to do so they could have the suspension provision taken but of the bill. 'Do you believe they put It In?" de- msnded Mr. Lodge, snd the Matyland sena tor replied that he entertained no such view. Mr. Forsker made especial complaint concerning the reference In speeches in the senate to "be advocates of special Inter ests" In this body and snld he had heard them more than once. "I want to say once for all." he added, "that I have no Interest In any railroad and that I am not Influenced by anything ex cept a sense of duty." Mr. Dolllver outlined his attitude on the question of suspension, expressing the opin ion that the powers of a court of equity cannot be abiding. A provision like Mr. Bailey's would be agreeable to him if It could be sustained by. the courts. He ex plained his apparent sensitiveness relative to the remsrks of Messrs. Rayner and Till man by saying that "he had had such a hard time defending the bill from the at tacks of Its enemies that he felt that he had a right to expect more charity toward It from Its professed friends. After further discussion Mr. Cullom re marked that "this thing had gone ah. nit far enough," and at 5:10 p. m. moved sn executive session. The motion prevailed and at 5:17 p. n. the senate adjourntfl. LKGISLATIVU HI LI, HOI "E Speeches by Dabreek, Oardaer and Garrott. WASHINGTON, March 14-The second day of general debate on the legislative bill developed limited discussion of the retire ment of aged clerks, Interspersed with u speech on statehood by Mr. Babcock of Wisconsin, one on the restriction of Im migration by Mr. Gardner of Massachusetts and a presentation of reasons why the Jurisdiction of federal courts should be re stricted In certain cases whre Its Jurisdic tion was acquired because of the cltixen shlp of the litigants being In different states, by Mr. Garrott of Tennessee. HOLDUP MEN CONFESS (Continued from First Pttge.) brought Clarence Oathright down from Omaha, and after laying out the guns tnd the statement of the woman they brought Gathrlght Into the office of the chief. Hero the officers confronted him with Such over whelming that he broke down completely. He was even then very re luctant to give up the damaging state ments, but little by little he tol nil the details of the robberlea and, what waa best of all, gave a graphic account of I ho shooting of Conductor Edward Flury at the end of the Albright car line. There Is an advertising sign just south of. lie switch at the 'end of the line and be hind this Harry Clark hid with the big Colt in his hand, while Wain hid on the east side of the car track on which the car backs after taking the T of the switch preparatory to starting on the return. He himself hid behind a pole on the west side Of the trsck opposite Wain. When the con ductor got on the platform again after throwing his switch. Wain stepped out and ordered him to throw up his hands. The conductor drew his gun and the "battle be gan. Wain and Clark doing the shooting, Wain at close range and Clark with the big gun as he circled toward the front of the car. Allhl Broken Dowa. It was found that when the officers went to search the house where Wain was sup posed to be that he was Indeed at that time hidden under the bed on which his wife and his mother pret nded to be asleep. The police have taken up the ingenious alibi which the negroes had put up and which they had been preparing even before the crime had been committed, and one after another of the statements made were provd to be absolutely false. One of these statements was that Wain had passed the night at the house of Walton, a colored man of Omaha. Walton stuck to his story until he was arrested and threatened with the penltentlarjr for perjury, when he de clared that Wain had last been at his house tbe morning before the robbery and that he had passed the night previous to the robbery lh his houso. The contention of Mrs. Walton was also broken down in the same way. so that the case now stands us clear as any case ever stood even with out the evidence of Flury. . Clarence Gathrlght i a short, medium dark negro about the slxe of Harry Clark. He has been in custody In the Omaha Jail ever stneo the crime was committed. This makes Wain the tall, light coinplexlotied mulatto of the trio, who was all along thought to be the missing man. Worth K oM1i i that Allcock are the ongi;:ai anu genuine torous plasters; all others are Imitations. DEATH RECORD. Charles F. Miller. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. March 14. tUpecial.) Charles F. Miller of Cheyenne died at Culpepper, Va., at 4 o'clock yesterday morning of a complication of diseases and old age. Deceased was born In Virginia in ISM. and at the uge of 19 years enguged In business In Virginia with the father of Judge Gibson Clark of Cheyenne. Ho moved to Missouri In 1SS9. and served sev eral terms as sheriff. Ill 1HU7 Judge Miller came west, following the grading campx of tho Union Pacific, and conducted general merchandise stores at several points be tween Pine Bluffs, Wyo., and Corlune, Utah. It was while engaged In this business Men who wear Gordon Hats are of the class that would .wear hetter hats were hetter hats to ho had. S3.oo 1 STRAIGHT LOANS Have the habit of maturing" .ins' when the borrower can least afford to take earn of them. If our "stralKht loan" is coming due soon and yeu wish lo gel rid of the deht. it would ho to your Interest to rail and consult its relative to our plitn of loans. In which we especially provide for 1100.00 payments on principal at anv time. We charge no commission for making loans and persons borrowing of us nre protected by our reserve and undivided profit account of $37,000.00 and also participate in our dividends, now running et the rate of 6 per cent per annum.' Resources, $1,330,000.00. All loans promptly closed. The Conservative Savings & Loan Ass'n. 20.1 So. I Oth St.. Omaha, Neb. Annual European Trip Our Mr. Ryan will leave Saturday on hie buying trip to Kurttpe. and will be glad to make any purchases that may be desired. Orders B left at our store within the nptl tnrn m-eeka will h forwarded tu our Paris ofTice. MAWHINNEY JEWKLKHS AM) IMPOnTKKS. that he began fi) amans a fortune, which is now estimated at from tfioo.o.) to In 1873 he engaged In business here with the late Erasmus Nagle, and together they foundrd the I'nlon Mercantile cominy, In which he retained an Interest until his death. " k John Jacob Anderson, NEW YORK, March H.-Joh'n Jacob And erson, the author of Anderson's school his tories, died of old age at his home in Brooklyn today, He was In his Wit ti year. Borne of his best known works nre "I1c torlal School History of the I'nlted States," "Manual of Ancient History." "History of France" and the 'Trilled States Render." OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Receipts Generally Smeller Than Last Year, hat Sooth Omaha Ilolrfa Its Own. CINCINNATI. March U.-(8pecial Tele gram.) The Price Current says: The last week shows some further reduction In the msrketlng of licige. Total western packing was 433.000 head, compared with 4J,000 the preceding week and 450.OO0 last year. Since Mart-h the total is MS.Onrt head. HBalnst 925. W a year ago. Prumlnent places compare as follows: ilor,. ro.tmo no.orm 1111.000 VJO.IHO loo.nno 70. H.1.1MO Chicago Kansas t'lty . South Omaha St. liOUis St. Joseph .... Indianapolis . Milwaukee ... Cincinnati"', .0iin 8,lXl lR.ono 7.000 33. W0 io.imo 15.000 In.OlMI 4S.,M Sti.ono Ottumwa 18,01 10 Cedar Rapids Kom Sioux City 31 .000 St. Paul 3K00U Cleveland - .( Influx of Settlers. . P1EKRE. S. D.. March 14. (Special.) This city is crowded with homesteaders of Stanley county lands, who have come In with their families, : household goods and teams to begin settlement on their, lands. For the last two weeks the Ice on tho river haa been in such condition that crossing by any but footmen has been dangerous, and there are now u large number of peo ple finding temporary quarters for their families and supplies until they cun be boated across the stream. The snow and cold of the last few days have delayed the going out of the Ice, but has not stiffened It up enough to allow crossing of loads. A few venturesome ones an- pulling their wagons across by hsnd and leading over their horses. To t are Cold la One Uav take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggist refund money If It 'fails to cure. E. W. Grove s signature Is on each box. 2ue. Christian Endeavor Statistics. BOSTON. March 14. The total number of Christian Endeavor societies throughout the world Is 117,612, according to reports of offi cers of the World's Christian Endeavor union, mad public here today. Of these 4.1.250 are In the I'nlted Ststes, lo,772 In Great Britain snd Ireland. 4.2H6 in Canada, and lesser numbers In other countries. The total receipts of the world's union, for the last year were t.241iand balnnce in the treasury Is tl44. r Eat Right and JFeel Right Tak trf of Your Stomach and You Will Ksr:t' No Knd of Trouble. We can't abuse the stomach without paving a penalty. The penalty Is most trequcnttv indigestion, wltti ail lis accom panying ."distress, tot the right kind of ioeu and you will not suffer. The right kind of food Is a natural malted , whole wheat t,ood. Malto-Mta, the most delirious, the. most satisfying food liftl"3 world, always fresh end crisp, containing everv food element -necessary for the sustenance and upbuilding of tne body and the brain. A perfect breultfiist Is Impossible with out Malta-Vita. Being a pure grain pro duct It is rich In food .elements all the food elements of the best while wheat groan and the finest Imrley malt extract Intensely vitalising and easy for even the weakest stomach to digest. "I had been a sufferer from nerous de bility and Indigestion for several years, without any oeneht or relief from various tonics and othe r niediciil prescrip tions. Imagine my surprise when, a siiort time after beginning the use of MalM Vita. I became aware of Its Isneilclal effects bv the gradual disappears nee of mv iohg-standliig ailment."!'. Oersper, Earnesyllle. Ohio. . . All gioceis sell Malta-Vita. Try some with milk. Cream or fruit. You never tasted anything so good and you will be glad we t.i-yu about It. Heady to eat. Now 10 cents. e t : - : t wiv uMS I I 1 I w .ii . m 1 mm VMsfcewaP s ' '. a RYAN CO.. 1.1th and IHnigln Hts I'KHSOXAIj ilKMMSl'KXhETS Prof. S. A. Wcltmrr, Nevada, 1i. Col. John Sohlrekl. lineal de srendent of King John II. of Polond, and' last of the royal house ot Sohleskl. is one of the most Interesting and admir able men I ever Had the honor of meeting. Though ln''Hnut eblv the rightful King of Poland. lie Is now a good and honest American cltlxen. He is republican .in'the "bronii sense of that term, and has oflen said that he would, under no circumstances, accept a throne, put that he would do all In hi.- power to hulp establish and maintain n free republic In Poland. He Is the Jdol of that nation, snd is immensely popular also In this country, ss a reformer and letSurer, , Col. Bobleskl wie a model patient. ?! came to me with Ills stomach In n wretrhedlv nervous and worn-out condition. He was hit In the stomach by a n(lnle bn'l during the battle of Gettysburg, in IPS:. From that day on until after my treat ment he had been unable to retain any solid food, and you ran imagine his gen eral condition. Nothing but his Iron will kept him up. He touches on, his visit to Nevada In his Interesting book, "The IJfe Storv and Personal Remlnisrenses of Col. Bobleskl." written by himself snd pub lished In IB"", as follows, on pages 2SH anil i!S; "A day or two after my arrival In Nevada I met some ministers, who sere old acquaintances, and who informed me that Prof. Weltmer was a Hun-bug. nn-l that he had never In the least helped any one who had come to him for treatmen'. I remained two weeks, however, and. left wonderfully benefited." , : Prof. AVeltmer will, send you his jounml free upon reuuest. DERMA VIVA -whitens the skin at once. or your money back. Is used In place of powder; haa same ef fect .. but. does nut show. Eruptions, Freckles or Liver Spots cured In 10 days. Derma vfva does not peel the skin 1 Red, Brown ' or Dark face, neck or Hands made whiter at once. Sent prepaid for 60c. . . DERMA VIVA CO., Chicago, III. , Huston Store. Drug Dept., Omaha. CLE.ANLINE.SS " II the watchword for health and vigor, com. fort and beauty. Mankind it learning not only the necessity but the luxury of clean liness. S A POLIO, which has wrought such changes in the home, announce ha ister triumph HAND S APO LIO FOR TOILET AND BATH. k special soap which energizes the whole body, start the circulation and leave an exhilarating glow. A llgmtri nd drugpstt, AMl'SEMEftTB. B0YD-woyu:;:;ndM-; Tonight. Friday, Saturdays-Saturday Matinee DAVID PHOCTOH, In the ,. Liondon and Amerldau Success,. ,. A Message from Mars . i 6 Performances Com. Sunday Nlglttl THE UlNdEKHREAI) MAN ' The largest Musicul Attraction mi' TourAn All-Star Cast. V ' Biirwood Nights-Bun. Mat. lOc-26? urs., bat- Mat, luc, toe. THE WOODWARD STOCK CO. THIS AFTKRNOON Tonight-All Week Hoil'i "A tOM'KNTED WOU.tV Next Week -THE SECOXD IN COMMAND." W A CNCIOHTOM ..' 'Phone Douglas 4M. v ; . MODERN VAUDEVILLE Matinee ,nUa.rt OC Today... house' , V ; Children 1. T OM I G H T 8;15 Pries loc, 25c, 60c. ". K R U G Tonight H:U Matinee Saturday BYRNE BROS.; In Their Successful ' .. Pantomimic Success : EIGHT BELLS Urlng the Children to the Mar, Sunday Whaa London Hleepa. - THE LYRIC Nights end Hun. Mat., in-He, Mat. Every Day. lis.-. Uth & Farnnn,. Tel Dougles-itM., H. WALTER VAN DYKF STOCK COMPANY Tonight-Ail Week "ACROSS THIS DKIEHT." . Vaudeville between acts Nest week. CARMEN " r , German Pol Rost (Saner Rrauten) : . with CITATO PAN CAKKS .at. 3 ,1