Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1906, Image 1

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    Fhe Omaha Daily . Bee.
Ground Flsxor Corntr
Tic Bot tondtng . rttk ms Fsrnam
Ground Floor Corner
The rks Bulldinj l7i sntf Fares
Mr. Cockrell Outlines Hani for Oil and
Coal Invertieation.
President of Transportation and Puel Com
N panios to Be 8nmmoied.
Eolation of Common Carriers to Producers
to Be Ascertained.
Indications that Commission Will
Order a Uwrr Rate m Fuel Oil
from Kunaas And Indian
KAN8AS CITY. Mo.. March H.-The In
terstate Commerce commission today com
pleted Its Investigation! here Into the
method of the Standard CM! company and
the railroads In dealing with the Inde
pendent oil producers of Kanstia. The com
mission adjourned to meet again at a time
and place to be designated by it. It will
probably resume the Investigation In
Washington and may summon before It
the presidents of the different railroads
and coal companies. These men may be
ordered to ehow their companies' records
and to show the stock and bond ownership
of all affiliated coal companies and manu
facturing interests and the methods by
which the transportation departments of
different railroads prevent other coal com
panies from operating In Kansas.
Many who heard the testimony and
watched the Investigation here concluded
that the commission would probably grnnt
a lower freight rate upon fuel oil. In the
hearing Mr. Prouty of the commission
asked a great many questions of railroad
traffic men about what would be the prin
cipal effect of a lower freight rate upon
fuel oil.
Ex-Scriator Cockrell of the commission
aid tonight:
"This la Just a start. We will go to
Washington and Investigate the nil and
oil business. We must get a great deal of
Information from tho railroads. The ques
tion of ownership of tho railroads must be
settled: the trouble will come when we
undertake to learn the ownership of all
these concerns. We must try to give every
one a fair chance.
Pipe Line Along- Railroad.
Half a dozen witnesses were still to be
examined when the commission resumed
its hearing today.
J. R. Koonts, genital freight agent of
the Atchison. Topeka & Santa. Fc railway,
the first witness, was asked by Mr.
Murchand, attorney for the commission:
'Are the pipe lines of the Standard Oil
company upon tho right-of-way of tho
&nta lo rarlway?"
"Yen, sir; they urn" for u distance cast
oT Sugar creek (Kansas City) to a point
some where in Illinois, where lliey brunch
. ore , Vs:or augur "creek the pipe line la
Upon the right-of-way of the southern Kan
sas division of the Santa Fu for u con
siderable distant.'."
"How did the Standard Oil company get
this right-of-way?"
"I do not know. That is u matter with
which I do not come In contact."
Mr. Koonts was questioned about Uic
meeting of Hurtle niunagers of different
railroads In 6t. Louis in June. 1901, at
Which the oil rate east from Kaunas points
was raised from 10 cents to 17 cents a hun
dred pounds, lie said that he was at the
meeting. He did not know who culled It.
j. -o Kreords of Meeting.
"I was notified by Mr. Gorman our
freight : traOlu manager," continued Mr.
Koonts, "to represent the tsttnta Fe at
Uiat meeting."
"Did he glv you any limu-uuiiuiis'''
"Nuns at all."
Mr. Koonts vald thai Ml. Dtigardus,
. traffic manager ol' iliu Standard Oil com
pany, was at the nieetlng.
"Who Invited Mr. Bogardus?" was asked.
"I do not know."
- "Was any record kept of the proceedings
of that meeting?"
"No. sir."
Mr. Koontg, cross-examined by Thomas
' R. Morrow, attorney for the Santa Fe
railway, was asked:
"Are the oil freight rates established by
the Kansas legislature vompensatory T"
"I do not so consider them."
"How do tho railroads look upon them?"
"As arbitrarily establltmed without the
railroads having been given a chance to
be heard. It was an effort on tho port
of the legislature to meet the scale In force
In Texas with this difference, that while
the Kansas rate Is the same as the Texas
rat upon crude and fuel oil. It Is much
lower than the Texas rate upon all pro
ducts of petroleum, such ss kernsen and
PsOIlo Sentiment Effertlv.
"Why has there been no assault by the
lallroads upou the Kansas rate?" Mr.
Koonts was asked.
"Largely In deference to public senti
ment," replied the witness. "The officials
of the Santa Fe and, I think of ether
Kansas roads, think that the Kansas rates
would have been contested long before
this, but In view of the agitation and In
named condition of the public mind the
policy of the railroads has been to submit
tuletJy to the unreasonable rates forced
upon them by the legislature of Kansas."
"There has, has there not," asked Mr
Morrow, "been a great deal of agitation,
both In the press, at political meetings,
and In one way and another?"
"Yes, and because of this the railroads
derided to submit for the present."
Mr. Koonts said that the raising of the
rate at the St. Louts meeting was made
necessary by trade conditions and the ac
tion was not taken to harrass anyons or
at the behest of any one Interest or so
other, to benefit one Interest to the detri
ment of any other.
KSJeet of Bala la Rates.
Marcus A Low. general solicitor of the
Rock Island railway, asked Mr. Koonts:
"Was It to the advantage of the Stan
dard Oil company that you raised thfl
rates as you did In the St. Louis meeting V
"No, it was to their disadvantage. They
had to pay higher rate upon crude oil
from Keodefha to Et. Louis."
Mr. Prouty of the commission interrupted
and said;
"But that was the very thing of which
Mr. Webster, an Independent refiner of
Kansas, complained. He said the Increase
In freight to St. Louis caused him to lose
large contracts for fuel oil In St. Louis
because he could not send by rail at that
ate In competition wltn the Standard
iCvutluuvd. from Firat 1'age.j
Sw Ministry Present It
her of Deputies a.-d
PARTS. March 14 The new ministry pre
sented Itself to the Chamber of Deputies
today and outlined it policy, as follows:
The government Intends to carry out the
church and mate separation law with In
flexible Annum and establish the responsi
bility for resistance lo the taking of In
ventories. Concerning Morocco, we Intend to follow
the policy of the preceding ministry, hoping
that the f jid dignity of our poelilon
will perm
,rly and satisfactory soiu-
The cab
elan alllai
The mln
Ely see pa
terlor Clet
Ing near :
Vllalne, u
troops cat
property, '
ration la
troves of the French-Rus-
5. Md its first council at the
.:lay. Minister of the ln-
I presented a dispatch an
'f ) peasants had attacked a
t ; tops engaged in maneuver
, r ts. Department of Ille-el-J
misapprehension that the
ake Inventories of church
he church end state oep
xaptuln. a lieutenant and
ten soldiers were injured and the detach
ment retired precipitately. The minister of
Justice was ordered to prosecute the of
fenders. .
The Chamber, by a vote of 3f to 197, ap
proved the ministerial statement.
Marriage Broker Wanted for Many
Crimes is Taken After Ban
ning; Fight.
BBRLIN, March 14. Hennlg. a marriage
broker whose swindling; murders and other
acts of violence and his bold escapes have
given the Germans many thrills during the
last three months, was captured at Stettin
today after he had shot a policeman.
The capture was made by a butcher who
will be made well-to-do owing to the ag
gregate of the rewards offered for Hennlg's
capture. Hennlg Is accused, among other
alleged crimes, of having decoyed a bar
tender named Qlemoth to the forest of
Gruenewald near llerlln and there mur
dered him. Afterward he Is alleged to have
Impersonated Glerooth and hypothecated
his property. Hennlg also Is charged with
having shot a Berlin policeman. When ar
rested today he was fleeing over housetops
while being chased by the police and others
who were trying to capture him for at
tempting to swindle a wealthy landowner.
Baron Zltzwits, In a railroad car. He shot
the baron six times without killing him,
however, ond escaped from the moving
Men at Conference Are t nable to
Settle (iueatlon Presented
to Theiu. I
ALUECIRAS. Spain. March 14--Moroc-
can conference has reached a peculiar
stage. It is completely helpless to solve
the deadlock which has arisen over the
remaining details of the police and bank
questions. The sessions are temporarily
suspended without knowing when they will
resume. The French and German dele
gates am bound by their instructions and
therefore are unable to make sny further
concessions an'd the -inference tiot having'
judicial or legislative powers cannot settle
the difference by a majority.
The neutral delegates who have hereto
fore sought to secure an agreement
between the parties which the conference
could unanimously confirm now recognize
that If the conference Is left to Itself It Is
Incapable of getting out of the present
difficulty and It remains for tho govern
ments themselves to Intervene for the
purpose of reaching nn agreement.
General Memorandum on Plan of
Rattle nt Trafalgar Brings
18,000. "
IjONDON. March 11. The original draft
In Lord Nelson's handwriting of the his
torical "general memorandum" to his cap
tains at the battle of Trafalgar was rold
at auction at Christie's today for 118,1).
The purchaser was a bookseller who was
reported to be acting In behalf of an
American collector, but the bookseller de
nld so doing und said he thought the
, document ought to remain in England,
adding that he was ready to hand It
over to the British museum for 118,000.
Otherwise he Intended to sell It to the
highest bidder. The competition was very
brisk. The first offer was 1.2W, after which
the bidding rose $500. or $1,000 on each bid.
Duel Follows Asaanlt.
MADRID, March 11-Colonel Prlmo-Rl-vera,
nephew of the general of that name
who formerly commanded the Spanish
troops In the Philippines, has arranged to
fight a duel with Deputy flogiano. who
yesterday was savagely, assaulted by the
colonel for criticising acts of the Spanish
generals In Cuba and the Philippines.
Funeral of Formes President.
BUENOS AYRES. March H.-Tli funeral
of Dr. Manuel Quiutana, president of the
Argentine republic, took place today. The
pallbearers were President Alcorta and the
cabinet ministers. Mourning emblems wer
displayed throughout the city and all th
stores were closed.
Chinese Rebel Beheaded.
CANTON. March It The leader of the
rebels of Kuang PI province and three
others who were in. plicated in the attack
on the house of the Rev. Dr. Andrew
Uealtle, the American missionary at Fatl,
In February, were beheaded March II.
t hine Bonds in Demand.
CANTON, March M. The rush of appli
cants for shares of the Canton-Hankow
railway Issued today was so great thai the
Streets were blocked with Chinese and sol
diers were called out to maintain order, i
President of Defonrt Shoo Company Is
Charaed with (ietllng Money
ST. LOUIS. March H.-John H. Tennent,
sr., president of the defunct Tennent Shoe
company, was arrested today on a bench
warrant charging him with obtaining
money under false pretenses. The war
rant did not atate any sum of money.
The warrant was tesued at the request
of the grand Jury. Mr. Tennent was ar
rested at his home.
The charge which caused the issuance of
the bench warrant Is that a year ago Ten
nent borrowed I7&.(0 from the Franklin
bank, giving the officials nf the bank what
purported to be a statement of the financial
condition of the Terneut firm. This state
ment. It is charged, was incorrect in es-
sential detail. Tennent was released on
i K,uft bonds.
Senator from Maryland Vigorously SupporU
the Hepburn-Dolliver Measure.
Senator Take Exceptions to Refer
enoe to Their Attitude Toward
Menanre Hot Shot for the
Railway Magnates.
WASHINGTON, March 14. The railroad
rate bill today reached the controversial
stage in the senate. The question came
up In the regular order of business shortly
before i o'clock and htld the floor until the
doors were closed for a brief executive
session a few minutes after S o'clock. Mr.
Rayner was the chief speaker of the day
and the debate that took place was pro
voked by some of his utterances. Among
the senators who were aroused by him were
Messrs. Foraker, Lodge and Dollivor.
Both the Ohio senator and the Massa
chusetts senator took exceptions to Mr.
Rayner s contention that the railroads have
interfered in tho framing of the bill and
Mr. Foraker also expressed himself as dis
satisfied with the Intimation that the rail
roads are represented on the floor of tin
senate. Mr. Dolliver expressed displeasure
with the plea for amendment and went so
far as to say that the help of such friends
as Mr. Rayner could very well be dispensed
with. Other senators who participated in
the debate were Messrs. Aldrlch, Tillman
and Knox.
Mr. Knox freely expressed his opinion
that the bill would be unconstitutional
without a provision for the review of tlio
commission's finding by the "court.
Mr. Tillman reiterated his objection to
the bill and indulged In some character
istic phrases in stating his position, con
cluding with the remark that he believed
that the bill could be so amended as to
make it acceptable.
The argument of Mr. Rayner was directed
In favor of the general proposition that
congress has the right to fix rates, but the
bill should be so amended as to dlsocnao
with the suspension provision. He also ad
vocated other amendments.
Warren on Live Stock Law.
Mr. Warren addressed the senate on
the bill extending from twenty-eight to
thirty-six hours the time during which
live stock in transit on railroad trains
may be coniincd without change, saying
that the measure was in the interests of
humanitarlanlsm and should be passed. He
said that the extension of time was to
be made only upon the request of shippers
and that It would not work a hardship on
either owners or their stock.
The bill was reported by the committee
nn agriculture and a number of senators
made objection that it should have been
considered by the committee on Interstate
commerce. Mr. Elk'ns' expressed the opin
ion that the bill would have been reported
favorably If the Interstate Commute com
mittee had the consideration of It. Mr.
Tillman contended that to keep cattle con
fined for. more than twenty-eight hours
would cuuse a feverish condition rendering
the stock unlit for butchering.
Mr. Warren contended that the result
would be the opposite of that Indicated by
the Boufh 'Carolina senator.
After further discussion of the measure
by Messrs. Carter, Lodge. Hey burn, Gal-
lluger and' Spooner the bill was laid aside
and a resolution authorizing teachers in
Alaska to assign their salaries to. others
was passed.
Senator Rayner Tnlks.
Mr. Rayner then addressed the senate In
support of the railroad rate bill.
Mr. Raj nor announced his adherance to
the rate bill as it passed the house. After
slating that the power to regulate com
merce among the states is the greatest
power conferred upon congress by the
constitution. Mr. Rayuor entered immedi
ately upon the consideration of the various
branches of his subject. He expressed the
opinion that discrimination Is the real
Issue, saying:
If, an accura'e railroad discrimination
map of the United fates were published
today there is hardly anyone who could be
made to believe that it truly represents
the actual situation. We know, for in
stance, that the rate on certain lines of
merchandise from Chicago to Denver is
nearly three times as mucn aa the rale on
precisely the same line of merchandise
from New York to San Francisco. We
know that It costs less to ship goods the
entire distance across the continent tlian
It does to siiip thu same goods one-third
the ana that when goods are
destined from Boston to Suit Lake City
they ore carried to California and back
again to Salt Lake City in order to ob
tain the cheap rate, and knowing these
things we must realise that such a condi
tion of affairs at lean requires supervision
on the part of some tribunal outside of
and beyond the railroad that are simply
building up their own teritory to Increase
their own revenue and pronts.
Common Sense Needed.
Admitting the difficulty of dealing with
this subject, because of the effect of water
competition, Mr. Rayner said:
What we require Is a little common sense
upon this subject.. We cannot pass a law
that will convert the towns and hamlets
of Iowa Immediately Into great manufac
turing centers, but what we can do is to
take a broad view or me wnoie n"ia ami
ascertain It we cannot endow a tribunal
with adequate power whenever cases occur
where unnecessary discrimination is prac
ticed to apply a remedy without Inflicting
any Injury upon the raltruad.
Discussing what he declared to be the
Impotency of the Interstate Commerce com
mission under the present law to enforce
rate-making decrees, Mr. Rayner aaid:
We may scheme and forge and fashion,
but It la not within the raalm of human
Ingenuity lo formulate any plan excel t
the rule-making power that will remedy
the defect and supply the omission.
Mr. 'Rayner replied seriatim to Mr. For
aker's points. Complimenting his antago
nist In high terms, be said:
"I have never known a hopeless cause to
be managed with such consummate and
matchless skill."
I'ower of Commission. '
In reply to the contention that congress
has not the power to blend the Judicial
and legislative powers iu a body like the
Interstate Commerce commission, Mr. Ray
ner argued that there is no such blending.
He continued:
I will not for a moment admit, as the
senator from Ohio claims, thai the com
miralon In fixing rates Is either exercising
a Judicial or a legislative power. I will
admit that when, upou complaint and
answer and testimony taken, it declares a
rate to be unreasonable It is in the exer
cise of a Judicial function; but this is by
no means Investing it with the powers of
a court, because It can pass no order and
execute no process that Is effective to carry
Its ruling into execution. So far as the
exercise of a legislative function is con
cerned, when it Axes a new rate In place
of the rale that has been challenged, in
every case that I have examined upon the
subject, including each one of the cases
cited by the senator from Ohio, this func
tion Is spoken of as an administrative and
not a legislative function.
The speaker ridiculed the objection that
under the rats bill the interstate rommerce
commission would have the right to change
all the railroad rates throughout the coun
try, saying that the fact that the bill
provides that no change can be made- ex-
iConliAUtid on Svcvnd Page J
Says President Muil Have Approved
Gilbert Measnrs) Wlthnnt In
deretaadln Its Term.
WAPHINOTON.' March 14. Preside nt
Gontpers of the American Federation of
Labor and A. Furuseth. president nf the
Sea mens' union, canoed a ftirore today be
fore the house committee on judiciary dur
ing the hearing on antl-lnjiinctlon bills by
denouncing the Gilbert antl-lnjunation bill.
which ts said to have been drawn by Mr.
Garfield, chief of the buresu of corpora
tions, and to have the endorsement of
President Roosevelt.
On the president's reported endorsement
of the Gilbert bill Mr.- Furuseth said: "If
he understands this bill and then gives It
his endorsement, he Is an enemy to honest
labor, struggling under adverse conditions
for a better life. Nay, he would be an
enemy to human liberty. Wo do not be
lieve, we will not believe It."
The Gilbert bill grants courts sitting in
equity absolute jurisdiction In all rases
glowing out of labor troubles. The equity
pr.-ess In labor suits . Is violently opposed
by the labor leaders. '
Mr. Gompers, when asked If he shared
Mr. Furuseth s views .tin the Gilbert bill,
said he does to a larsy? degree. He urged
that any bill to prevcSt injunctions Injuri
ous to the labor In rests, must forbid
orders preventing rofiblnatlons of men
from doing what Individuals may do le
gally, and he declare injunctions against
crimes were unnccessAy, aa existing law
reaches the case. I
The OUbert bill provftlen that restraining
orders or Injunctions fn labor cases can
not be granted without first giving due
notice to the opposite party.
11. R. Fuller," who vpoke for the various
brotherhoods of railway employes, said this
Is a concession he Is willing to accept as
a first step In the direction of antl-injunc-tlon
legislation wholly acceptable to the
labor organizations.
Mr. Gompers, however, did not so regard
the bill.
James A. Emery of New York, repre
senting the Citizens Industrial association,
and T. J. Mahoncy of Omaha, representing
the National Association of Manufacturers,
spoke in opposition to all anti-injunction
measures and snld the Issuance of Injunc
tions against labor organizations are neces
sary to protect property.
The hearing will continue tomorrow.
Phoenix Line Steamer Goes Down
Sunday with Twenty-Seven
of Its Men.
BOSTON, March 14. Suffering, mental and
physical, and numerous acts of heroism in
saving life rarely equalled In the record of
tragedies of the sea, attended the loss of
the Phoenix line steamer British King,
which on Sunday last. In a raging Atlantic
storm, foundered about luQ miles south of
Sable island and carrll to death twenty-
seven members of the Srew. Thirteen men
were rescued from th sinking vessel by
the Leyland line steamer Boatonian, bound
from Manchester to Boston, and eleven- by
the German tank steamer Mannheim, from
Rotterdam for New York. Five others who
hud been drawn down in the vortex Into I
wnicn me iwiusn .mg- engulfed, wersi
picaea up iy tne Boston tan from a frail bit
of wreckage which they had grasped after
a desperate struggle for life tn the whirl
pool. The Bostonlun arrived here this aft
ernoon and the details of the disaster be
came known.
Captain James O'Hagan of thv Britixh
King died on. board the Bostonlan from
the effects of terrible injuries sustained In
trying to save his ship.
The rescued who were brought here to
day Include James Flanlgan, second officer;
J. D. Crawford, chief engineer; Adolphus
Beck, fourth engineer, and . William J.
Curry, steward. The others were coal
passers and sailors, mostly Belgians, and
one stowaway, Henry Purkotch of New
vretary nf the American Asiatic
Association and Others See
the President.
WASHINGTON, March 14.-John Foprd.
secretary of the American Aslatlo associa
tion, and representatives of commercial in
terests in prominent cities appeared before
the house committee on foreign affairs In
support of the Foster bill to amend tho
Chinese exclusion act In such a manner
that high class Chinese may be admitted
with, less Inconvenience. Mr. Foord dis
cussed the section of the president's mes
sage .recommending modification .of the
Chinese exclusion act.
"There Is nothing radical . about the
Changes the president proposes," said Mr.
Foord. "The president's remedy simply is
to define the excluded class of China nun
and let all others enter after due considera
tion by the consular officers of the United
States at the port of departure in China
and bearing certificates duly vlzed by these
D. A. Thompkins of Charlotte, N. C,
reprenentlng the National Association of
Manufacturers, said his association had no
desire to admit Chinese coolies. He said
class distinctions were made in. China and
must be recognized by the t'nlted States.
The coolie was so easily recognized that
It was desirable for this country to say
that all Chinese but the coolies may enter
our ports. He urged that there was no
desire among manufacturers to bring
Chinese laDorers nere to compete with
American labor, for, he said, Intelligent
labor, using Improved machinery, excels
cheap labor.
Virginian Accused of Killing Woman
F.ud Life Rather Than
Face Trial.
NOHiXiLK, Va., March 14. Louis Brown,
29 years old, awaiting trial Friday for the
murder of Flossie Reese, at whom he threw
a lighted lamp, which exploded, fatally
burning the woman, committed suicide In
his cell in the Norfolk Jail early today by
cutting his throat with a sharp penknife
which he had in some unknown manner
smuggled Into the jail. Borwn's act was
not discovered until a prisoner occupying
a cell below heard a gurgling noise and,
jumping from his cot, found himself be
spattered with blood, which had nn
through the floor of the cell above. When
Browu's cell was opened the man was
dead with ths knife clinched tightly In his
was formerly prominent In Ports
mouth, Va. He ass without friends or
money, his family having abandoned him,
and he grew despondent as the day of his
trial approsched.
I Hiring the recent jail fir here he es
cpcJ, but surrendered, a lew Uuuxs later-
Concrewman Horns Eliminates Presidential
Question from Measure.
Klnkald Announces ns Ills Constit
uent Oppose It He Will ot Sap
port a BUI of that Character
In the Ilonse.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. March 14.-(Speclal.)
Congressman Norrls today reintroduced his
bill providing for the election of senators
by direct vote of the people and extending
the terms of members of the Irouse to four
years. A hearing was had on Judge Nor
rls' original bill, which attracted a great
deal of Interest, representatives from all
parts of the country being heard In advo
cacy of certain features of the bill. It was
finally agreed the clause In relation to the
election of president be ellmlnsted, end the
bill simplified so as to Include only the
election of senators by direct vote of the
people, leaving their term the same as now,
six years, but Increasing the length of the
term of members of the lower house to
four years. Judge Norrls will write a re
port on the amended bill, which will have
the unanimous vote of the committee In Its
favor when reported out.
Lease Bill Killed.
A leasehold bill for Nebraska was quietly
laid to rest last night, the obsequies being
attended by members of the lower house
from Nebraska who were the guests of
Judge McCarthy, together with former
Senator Reynolds. It developed during the
course of the talk had on matters In which
the state Is Interested, and which come up
at the weekly meetings of the delegation,
that the sentiment of the Sixth district was
opposed to a land leasing measure. Judge
Klnkaid, who has received a vast number
of letters on the subject, said that as the
sentiment of the district was against the
leasehold proposition he would be com
pelled to antagonize the measure, even
though Borne of the members of the delega
tion were In favor of some specific meas
ure like the Cornell bill, Introduced early In
the session. The members of the delega
tion, realizing Judge Kinkald was the best
qualified to Judge as to the merits of such
a bill, decided not to antagonize their col
league by saddling onto his district a meas
ure that was not wanted by the people.
Third Term for Hacker.
Judge Norrls today recommended the' re
appointment or T. K. Hacker as postmaster
St Red Cloud. This will be Mr. Hacker's
third term. -
Statehood BUI as n Clui.
Interest In the republican conference to
morrow called for the purpose of deciding
whether the house will concur or not In
the senate amendments to the statehood
bill is Intense. Throughout today confer
ences were going on between the speaker's
forces and tho Insurgents. Some of the
reperscntatlves have decided to remain
away from the conference, but a great
majority . of the republican side will be
present and under the direction of Speaker
Cannon will vote to nonconcur in the sen
ate amendments. This will send the bill
to conference, where It Is expected to slum
ber untn hV railroad rat regulation bill
Is out of the way. In other words, the
statehood bill ts to be used as a club on
the part of the house to bring the senate
into line for a . rate regnlation bill that
will be acceptable to the president and
the great bulk of the American people.
Tired of the arrogance: of the senate.
Speaker Cannon proposes to use , all the
forces at his commund to hold up all mat
ters In which the senate Is Interested un
til the senate shows a disposition to be
fair in .Its treatment of the house meas
ure. It is safe to aay the sentiment of the
house Is clearly with the senate amend
ment In admitting only one state at this
time, Oklahoma and Indian Territory, per-,
mining Arizona and New Mexico to work
out their destiny at some future time.
But they realize that In a- fight with the;
senate the house must have something to
give, and the politics In the situation
seems to hold every senate measure on
the calendar until the railroad rate legis
lation -is out of the way, for that seems
to be the burning issue of the hour.
Minor Matters at Capital.
Congressman Kennedy, after unceasing
efforts with the committee on invalid pen
sions, today received a favorable report
on his bill increasing the pension of John
P. Wtshart of Blair, Neb., from $12 to 130
per month. Wlshart, according to report.
Is helpless and destitute as a result of
three years' honorable service in the civil
Francis Ia Flesche of Bancroft, Neb",
who has been a clerk in the Indian office
for twenty-five years, secured a marriage
license yesterday afternoon In this city for
himself and Miss Rosa Bouraas of Pin
conning, Mich. The couple ure full-blooded
Indians. The wedding will take place
Thursday evening. Miss Boiirassa, who Is
a member of the Chippewa tribe, recently
came to this city.
Postmasters appointed: Nebraska Eddy
ville, Dawson county; Gertrude Irvln, vice
A.'La Rue, removed. South Dakota Cas
cade Springs, Fall River county; William
P. Hamelstrom, vice L. L. Hawn, re
signed. Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska AI-
bion, route S; Claude Wllber, carrier; Ab-
ner Wllber. substitute. Iowa Homestead,
route I; William P. Branch, carrier; Henry
P. Branch, substitute.
W. C. Crawford of Stamford, F. M.
Crawford of South Omaha and E. E. Treas
ter ji Omaha, Neb., have been appointed
railway mall clerks.
Senate Confirms "dominations.
WASHINGTON. March 14.-The senate.
In executive session toJay, confirmed the
following nominations:
Nevada N. Stranahan, collector of cus
toms; James 8. Clarkson, surveyor of cus
toms; Frederick J H. Kracke, naval officer
of customs district of New York, N. Y.
Postmasters: Iowa D. E. Pond, Monti
cello; W. G. Agntw, Osceola. Kansas C.
O. Smith, Burlington; A. Barron, Kirwin;
W. E. Hogueland. Yates Center. Missouri
A. Goodson. Carrolllon; M. V. 'Robinson.
Fairfax; W. H. Garnnfto, New Madrid.
larsons Kolti Testimony.
WASHINGTON. March 14. Prof. William
Barclay Parsons today concluded his testi
mony before the senate commltee on Inter
ocnanlo canals In support of the majority
report of the board of consulting engineers,
which advocates the construction of a sea
level canal. Alfred Noble, one of the sign
ers of the minority report, will testify to
morrow. Fatal Accident at Wnshlnginn.
WASHINGTON, March 14 By th falling
nf a derrick today at the new addition
being erected lo the Hotel Raleigh one
; man was killed, one man was (stilly in
! Jured and two other wr Injured.
Fair Tharadar and Friday,
Slowly Rlslas; Temperatnre.
Temperatnre at Omaha Yesterday!
Hoar. lies, Honr. Ie.
" n. m..... . 12 1 p. m 1t
n. m t. p. m I.t
Tn. ra 12 It p. m IT
a. m 12 4 p. m HI
a. m 12 ft p. m 1"
lOn.m l.S p. m 11
II n. m 14 T p. m 1H
IX m ill N p. m in
t p. m , i:t
Body Will lie In State from It to 1
O'clock Today In Presby
terlnn C'hnrrh.
ROCHF7STKR, N. T.. March 14. The
funeral of Sussn B. Anthony will be held
from Central Presbyterian church at i
o'clock tomorrow. From 11 to 1 the body
will He In state In the church, which will
be then closed for an hour to all but the
relatives of the dead woman and her co
workers for the cause to which she had
devoted her life. These will surround the
coffin to pay their meed of tribute.
At 2 o'clock the church Will be reopened
for the funeral services. These will con
sist of hymns, scripture reading by Dr.
Albertson, 'pastor of Central Presbyterian
church: a brief address and prayer by Dr.
Gonnett, who was Miss Anthony's pastor,
and a eulogy by William Lloyd Garrison
of Lawrence. Mass. In behalf of the ne
gro, whose advocate Miss Anthony always
had" been, Mrs. R, Jerome Jeffrey will de
liver an address. The body bearers will
be Daniel R. Anthony, Jr., of Leavenworth.
Kan., Wendell P. Mosher of Minneapolis
and the four trustees of the Unitarian
In recognition of one nf the last achieve
ments of Miss Anthony, that of securing
co-educational privileges In the I'nlverslty
of Rochester, the honorary bearers have
been chosen from the young women stu
dents of that institution. The burial will
be In the Anthony family plot in Mount
Hope cemetery.
Fifteen Follhlnod f lierokees Arrested
on Charge of Assisting; the
VINITA. I. T.. March 14.-Marshal W. H.
Darrough reached Vlnita tnls afternoon
from Spavtnaw and said that the reports of
the trouble with tho Cherokee Indians had
been exaggerated. Darrough arrested fif
teen fullblood Indians on the charge of har
boring and assisting the Wickliffe boys.
These Indians were brought to Vlnita late
today and will be lodged In the territorial
federal jail. The Wlckllffes had not been
come up with when Darrough left Spavlnaw
early today.
Marshal Darrough said that while the In
dians are favorable to the Wlckllffes there
Is no danger of an uprising. A battle Is
expected with the Wlckllffes before they
are captured, but the greater part of the
Indian population, he said. If not In sym
pathy with. the officers at least will .off or
no open resistance. . The fifteen Indians
arrested were taken without difficulty.
While at Spavlnaw, Darrough and his
men ascertained the general direction taken
by the WIcklllTes and says the officers took
the .troll and will stay with It until the
men are found. The men at the front have
been organised under Byron Klrkpatrlck,
an experienced deputy marshal. Marshal
Darrough will remain In Vlnita and direct
the general movements of the officers from
Share of Chicago Traction Lines
Decline Several Point During;
th Day.
CHICAGO. March 11 Local street car
stocks suffered again In the Chicago Stock
exchange today. There were no sales of
Union Traction, but North Chicago, West
Chicago and Chicago City railway all du.
cllned heavily.
North Chicago opened at 0 and the next
sale was at 40. From that point the stock
declined anywhere from S2 to 13 at each
successive sale until It touched 26, when It
rose In stiles to 36, where it closed, 50
points below its price when the decision
of the supreme court was announced. West
Chicago opened at 30, where It closed last
night, and rose to 33 Just before the close.'
There were not more than half a dozen
deals in the stock. The decline In this
stock has boen 37 points.
The Chicago City Railway company closed
at 170 last night and sold at lis) today, there
being but one sale of the stock registered.
The last figure quoted on the stock prior
to the decision was lWH. but this was some
weeks ago.
Chicago City Connrll Will Mke
Change In Present Rapid
. Transit System.
. CHICAGO. March 14. Immediate step
will be taken by the city of Chicago lo
license the street railway companies upon
lines which the United States supreme
court has declared are existing without
a franchise. It Is declared by the city
officials that the city is now In a position
to license the street car companies by
erdlnance. since the ninety-nine year con
tentions of the companies have been re
moved. At a conference held today between
Mayor Dunne and the attorneys of the
street car rompanies it was decided to
Issue permits as soon as possible, per
mitting th companle to use electricity
on the present cable lines. It was also
decided that the tunnels which extend
under the surface of the Chicago river,
connecting the south with the north and
west sides of the city shall be removed
early next month. The tunnels have long
embarrassed navigation of the river.
Revolver Felling from Trunk I Di
charaed and Kill Man
In Bed.
PHILADELPHIA. March 14. George
Payne Burnap, a cn of the late Captain
George Burr.ap, IT. S. N.. died today as the
result of a most unusual accident. Mr.
Burnap arrived yesterday from his son's
home In Santa Cruz, Cal., to attend the
funtral of Ms father.
About midnight he went, with his brother,
Arthur, to his room. As he lay ujon th
bed smoking a pipe his brother picked up
a newspaper from a trunk which stood In
a comer of the room. In liftligr the paper
Arthur dislodged a revolver which had been
placed on the trunk. The weapon fell to
th floor and was discharged. TUa bullet
penetrated the mattress and entered
George Buruap'g left Uet near Uta heart.
Mrs. Warren, Wife of One of Bunpect, Gives
Officers, First Conclusive Proof,
Tolls Where the Revolvers Used Vjy the
Trio Were Concealed.
Gives Detailed Story of the Shooting of
Edward Plury.
Three Were Concealed So n tn
Completely Surround the Car
When It Turned at
tho "V."
, .The South Omaha police cleared irp the
entire robbery and nhootlng mystery of
last Wednesday night by securing the un
qualified confessions of Clarence Gatli
right, one of the trio of -robbers, and of
Mrs. Flossie Wain, or Warren, the wire
of the mysterious tall man. Gathrlght was
the last to be connected with the crime,
but he was the first to confess his con
nection with it. He made his ennfession
In th city jail at 11 o'clock last night and
will reduce the whole to a written and
sworn sttaement today.
The South Omaha police, who have solved
so successfully one of the most mysteri
ous rases while the chief man among those
attacked waa lying at the point of death
In St. Joseph hospital and unable to aid
them, wore the most positively Joyful
countenances at the close of their long
search that have been seen about th city
in many a day. . '
. Detective Elsf elder said: "I can go home
tonlaKt and sleep Just I'.ko I had earned
my salary, a sleep I haven't been able to
get for so long thut I've forgotten what a
bed Is like."
"Yes." said the chief, "I guess we all
Grandoally Clearing (p.
It la expected that Chief Briggs and his
officers wilt bring the three negroes who
shot Conductor Flury a week ago to South
Omaha some time during th day. Since
the capture of "Pinky" Gathrlght the
case has cleared up to an astonishing
degree. Gathrlght Is of a different tem
perament than the two other members
of the gang and he has divulged, while
doing nia best to conceal It. a great deal
of valuable Information. Chief Briggs de
clared last night that there were no longer
any surmises In ' the case, but that hn
knew that they had the right men and
all three of them. He declared that they
had enough evidence to convict th entire
three, even If tho unfortunate conductor
should not recover. When the men are .
brought down tomorrow they will b con
fronted by the saloon men who were their
victims before tho street car was held up.
It . will then be seen wnether their evi
dence will be posltlva ana will co-operate .
with the work of the detectives on the
outside. Another woman was fotyd In
Omaha who knew more about the Inside
history of the crime than any previous
woman. In the case, and she Is said tn
have told this to the officers. Her name
was not revealed, but It will be placed
on the list with the others.
Wife mt Warren Confesses.
The South Omaha police arrested th wife
of Cal Warren, alias Wain, and she la be
ing held as an accomplice at the city Jail.
She Is charged with having made the masks
which the three men used. After th ohlef
! had given her a severe questioning she con
fessed her connection with the affair. She
said she had made masks for their faces
and a kind of hood to put over their hnlr.
something after tho pattern of a baby's
hood. This was' so no one could see the
kinks of their hair and know positively '
they were negroes. Besides confessing to
th making of the hoods and the masks,
she revealed other features of the crime
which closed the evidence against the three
bandits Ilk a vice. As soon as she had
been returned to the Jail aftoer th confes
sion Chief Briggs and Captain Shields, act
ing on the Information they had secured
from her. set out at once on another search.
They were directed by a colored boy whom
the woman designated, and the result was
most gratifying. They found the small
nickel-plated revolver which they have
been looking for so persistently for the lost
week. The Colt had all the chambers
empty, but the small gun had three shells
loaded and two which had been discharged
still In the cylinder. A bos of cartridges
was found for th smaller gun. ' The offi
cers had to crawl back under the floor of
the house where Warren, or Walm. lived,
to get the guns. This Is at Mr. Swing's
house at Twenty-third and R street,
Chief Briggs, Captain Shields una TJetee
tlve Elsfelder were all engaged tn the
search and had to dig about under the floor
of the house for nearly an hour before they
found the weajwins. They had been wrapped
In some old newspapers sud burled under
the dirt and rubbish. v j
Tel All She Knows.
When the ofllccrs returned to the police
station after the discovery, with the find
they took tho woman to the chief's ofTlee.
where she made a full confession of her
part In the matter. She allowed the chief
to take down her words, and afterward. In
the presence of the officers as witnesses,
she signed the paper, lln this statement
she declared that she lived at 1K3 Houtli
Twenty-third street. South Omaha, and
that on the night of March T she had seen
Hurry Clark, Clarence Gathrlght and her
husband Warren (or Wain, which Is the
right name) leave her house at about K
In company. They all had masks, which
she minutely described, with the hoods,
which they wore toirover the bach of their
heads. She declared that she knew their
Intention was to hold up people. They all
had guns and Harry Clark carried the long
blue Colt. It was Clark, she said, who hit
the saloonkeeper at Kind's saloon over th
hfd and strained his gun by the blow.
Clark alfo tore the telephone wires down
before they left.
She sulci Clark and Gathrlght came back
to her houae at about 1.30 a. in. of March
and ssked her If her husband had go4 home
yet. When she told them that he had, not
Gathrlght said:
"That was a hell of a shooting scrape we
got Into doan there."
Her husband, she declared, came home
about twenty minutes afterward and gave
her 14. of which then were seven quarters,
four hulves, four nickels and a dime.
After making the full confession Mrs.
Warren 'was allowed to go, but was
warr.d to be on hand In case sh. was
wanted as a witness.
Early In the evening Captain. Shields h4
Continued, on Boounl ac