Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Tim Omaha Daily Bee.
lally Fee (without Sunday), one yer...W
I 'ally He. end Bunday, one year....
Illustrated Dm, on year
Sunday Bee, on year I
Saturday Bee. one vmr... 1"
l"al!y Bee (Including Sunday), per week..l7o
rally Re (without Sunday). per week....l2o
Kventng Be (without Sunday), pr week. Jo
Fvanln Hm (with Similar!, oer week. ...10c
Sunday Be, par cop
Address comnlainfa of Irregularities In a-
livery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha Th Pe Building.
South Omaha City Hall Building,
rouncll Sluffs-10 Pearl Straat.
Chicago lfrto Unity Building.
N.w York ISrtt Horn Life In. Building.
Washington 601 Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating 10 news and ed
itorial matter should be addressed: Omaha.
J lee. Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order
payable to Tha Bee publishing lompany.
Only J-cent atampa received aa payment of
mall account. Peraonal ehecka. except on
Omaha or eastern exchangee, not arcepted.
Stat of Nebraska, Douglas County, it:
C. C. Roaewater secretary of The Be
Publishing company, being duly sworn,
ays that tha actual numner of full and
complete, copies of The pally. Morning,
Kvtnlng and Sunday Bee printed during
the month of February. 1906, wa a tol.
SI, 630
l.TIO .
, St, TOO
it 81.80O
n ai&M
U 81.S60
a 81,430
24 82.090
ia 8,MH
1 81.800
27 31.430
a..., 81.SMO
ToUl ,..
Less unsold copies
Net total sale..
Dally average
Subscribed In my presence and sworn te
Before roe this zstn day 01 jreoruary.
(Seal) M. B. HUNGATE,
Nctary Public.
Subscribers leaving 'be elty tem
porarily should' The Bee
mailed to them. Address will be
chaaged as often sis requested.
Attorney Jerome probably mane a
mistake when he sued two New York
yellow Journals for libel, n results show
tliHt their "every knock" was a lioont.
Nebraaka farmer may be delayed In
their spring work by the snow, but when
they are working overtime In the wheat
fields this fall they will le more than
The order of tho csar In the mutter of
political prisoners, would Indicate that
the-government la satisfied that It has
accomplished Ita purpose by keeping the
liberal loader from tha ballot boxes..
KpanlHU generals are angry botauae a
member of the Cortes Intimated that
they "grafted" in the lost possessions
of Spain; bivkthei ace angry over
t!w accusation aa over tho end of the
U is not to be exported that .Colonel
Mann will be able to secure the same
high personal consideration from the
prosecuting attorney as was accorded
tha defendant when he was prosecuting
California fruit growers aeeiu to think
that their business will be irreparably
injured if they cannot route their
ltroducta as they desire, but California
real estate boomers will admit no such
Kusslan newspapers are atill print
ing lists o( the soldiers killed In the
war with Japan. One of these days
Russia will realise that it was whipped,
even though Japan never realizes that it
won a victory.
It transpires that Moro women and
children killed near Jolo were being nsed
t defenses by the men. These mis
guided savages now probably realize
that there cornea a time when Ameri
can gallantry ceases.
Those letters ahowa In the oil hear
ing at Kansas City may causa an In
cretse In the force of traveling agents
of the Standard Oil company, as it la
safer to talk than to write, when it
comes to evading laws.
Though former Premier Balfour has
assumed the leadership for the British
parliamentary opposition, it remains to
be seen if the opposition can keep its
head in the face' of a liberal majority
and a conservative leaning toward tariff
reform. '
Of course, the police board is not in
politics, but if there Is any way Broatch
can use his position as a member of it
to promote bis ambition to be mayor, be
will go the limit If any one has any
doubt about this, let him attend a ineet-
liui of the police board.
It is to be regretted that congress la
affording ao little opportunity far "good
stories" by Washington correspondent
that they are compelled to revise the
president's cabinet for him at this time.
Cabinet revision usually waits until the
vacation of the lawmakers.
The fskes and forgeries of the tuunlcl
pal campaign aeem to be making their
appearance early, this year. Their
premature appearance should serve one
good purpose in putting the voter on
his guard against misrepresentation
and falsehood aa a political weapon.
W. Ernest Johnson, who is seeking the
republican nomination for city comp
troller, will be conceded one big credit
mark by every good cltiaeu. Mr. John
son Is a busy business man, but having
tievn drawn on the Jury he is serving.
Ills devouou 10 public duty as a Juror
should bespeak well for hts devotion
to duty aa a uuuK-ipal offlevr.
An AYilliaro K. (Jladntone won fr him
self the ondaaring appellation of Eng
land's "Orami Old Man," so Susan H.
Anthony deserve the title of America's
"Grand Old Woinau." Mis Anthony's
passing at a ripe old age take away
the last survivor of a notable and bril
liant group of reformers, whose achieve
ment in behalf of human liberty and
enlightened civilization far transcend the
movement to establish electoral suffrage
for women, with which her name la
moat generally sssoclated.
Hunan B. Anthony was connected
more thau fifty years ago with a group
of famous . patriots. Including Horace
Greeley, George William Curtis, Wen
dell Phillips. William Ellery Chauning.
Henry Ward Hoecher, John G. Holland
and Samuel Bowles and a circle em
bracing moat of the literary celebrities
of the period men and women as well
as a large number of secondary lights
In public life and the professions. Miss
Anthony's contribution to the anti-slav
ery propaganda and to women's organi
sations that supported the government
and succored the sick and . wounded
during the war of the rebellion was by
no means small, and to her efforts must
be credited also much that was ac
complished in the early days In ex
tending the temperance gospel. '
To her successful leadership is like
wise due much that has been gained
In removing from women the civil dis
abilities with which they were formerly
burdened and giving them equal rights
with men before the law and in the
courts. Scarcely nny advance step In
the progress of Tonion of this country
toward civil and Industrial Independ
ence has been made during the last half
century In which slip has not been a
leading figure and a potent factor.
In the matter of achieving political
suffrage for women Miss Anthony's ef
forts have not been so satisfactory.
Those states, however, which have taken
up with woman suffrage were led to do
so In almost every Instance as the re
sult of a campaign In which she parti
cipated, either In person on the plat
form or with her direction and advice.
While The Bee has been consistently
and persistently opposed to giving
women the ballot. In the belief that It
would accomplish no good and do much
harm, it has always recognized In Miss
Anthony the ablest champion of her
doctrine, and In the great campaign for
woman suffrage in Nebraska Jn the
early 80s. In which the editor of The
Bee and Miss Anthony crossed In de
bate, the high ability with which she
voiced her convictions was conceded,
and out of that contest grew a close
personal friendship, unshaken to the
end by divergent views on the suffrage
Much of Miss Anthony's pre-eminent
distinction as a woman among women
was due to her unselfish devotion to her
cause, and no matter how much her op-
IKinenta may have disagreed with her,
no one ever doubted her patriotism or
her sincerity.
The response of General Wood to Sec
rotary Taft's prompt demand for a full
explanation of tha deaths of women and
children in the recent battle with the
Moros will go far to allay public feeling
on a point in which Americana are ex
treinely sensitive. They would not tol
erate for one moment the wanton kill
ing of women and children the posslbll.
ity of which the first vague dispatches
regarding the battle seemed to some to
suggest, but which is explicitly denied
by the commanding general on the spot
The humane sentiments which In
spired Americans and won so much
honor for them in all civilized coun
tries as far back aa their war for Inde
pendence have in nowise been lost in
the meantime, but are stronger now
than ever before. Humane impulse is
shocked even by the circumstances of
military necessity, aa General Wood de
scribes them, which surrounded the fight
with the fanatic and savage Moros. But
our people are too familiar with the
horrors of warfare in our own country
with savages not more bloodthirsty,
desperate and insensible to humqnity
than those of the Jolo Islands, to fall
to appreciate the deplorable position in
which our soldiers were placed. In fightr
ing against men who force defenseless
non-combatants to serve them as living
shields. -
The decision of the supreme court of
the United States, aweeplng away all
the Important contentions of the Chi
cago street railway companies regarding
their franchises and righta under the
acta of the legislature and the ordl
nances of the city, clears the way le
gally for putting into effect the policy
of municipal rapid transit ownership to
which the people and the city govern
ment of Chicago stand committed.
These legal contentions thus at length
settled, as is well known, have not only
long paralysed effort by private enter
prise to supply rapid transit adequate
to the needs of the western metropolis,
but also seriously embarrassed progress
in taking over the service to municipal
ownership. If on the one baud the right
of the street car companies to the use
of the streets expired In 11105 with the
trnl ' ne cltX ordinances under wblc
contracts ran, notwithstanding the state
law of extending the life of the
charters to ninety-nine years, obviously
the corporation proprietors would re
strict outlay for equipment and improve
ment to the minimum without regard to
public need. On the other baud, if ex
elusive rights to the streets remained
in the corporations and the force of or
dinances and contracts were extended
by the atate law through the ninety
nine-year period, no thorough solution
of the vexed problem through municipal
ownership could be possible for a long
ttuie, nor could there be even satUfac
tory experiment looking In that direc
tion. t'h!-ugo has leen for years Impaled
between the horns of this dilemma.
Aside from the finance and Jobbing
scandals which arose in the corpora
tions, involviug both the municipal and
the state government, street transit in
Chicago became a physical abomination
and a aorlons menace. It Is not sur
prising that notwithstanding doubts
caused by the mage of litigation In the
slow pnx-esses of the courts, the effect
of the universal tendency of public
thought towards municipal ownership of
public utilities should In Chicago be
notably enhaiu-ed by such conditions.
The court of last resort having re
moved these difficulties, it may now be
expected that the movement for carry
tug out municipal ownership will go
rapidly forward. Grave practical prob
lems In finance, in administration, in
surmounting prejudice and in accommo
dation to old and alow-yielding customs
yet remain to le solved, but that the
typical American city will attack them
1th characteristic energy and deter
mination is beyond doubt. Such an ap
plication of municipal ownership to
rapid transit in the second greatest city
of tho country is a matter of universal
interest, an attempt as Mr. Palrymple,
the Glasgow expert, characterise it to
own and operate municipally "the larg
est street railway undertaking in the
The request of the officers of the two
party committees, asking the city clerk
to Insert upon the official ballot for the
coming primary election the names of
andldates for the offices of treasurer
nd tax commissioner, for filling which
there is no provision in the city charter,
raises a ticklish question. The law cer
tainly does not contemplate leaving it
discretionary with the city clerk, much
less with the party committees, what
candidates shall be voted for at the pri
mary election. On the contrary, it states
specifically that proclamation shall be
made in advance, enumerating the of
fices for which nominations are to be
made, and prescribes the procedure
which must be followed by the candi
date to get his name on the ballot. If,
for example, some one should file aa a
candidate for police Judge, there being
no police Judge to be chosen at the com
ing election, it wodld snrely be the duty
of the clerk to Ignore such a filing.
In the present case the excuse for
ecognizing the possibility of the elec
tion of a treasurer and a tax commls
sioner is that a case is pending in the
supreme court in which the validity of
the charter is attacked, but should this
attack prove successful It would nullify
another section of the ballot, namely,
that which relates to the council men
from the three additional wards created
when tho city was redistricted. The
'ourt could hardly order th names of
candidates for. tax commissioner and
treasurer on the ticket without ordering
the names of candidates for the council
from the Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth
wards off the ticket.
With such complications In 'prospect
it seems to us, the only safe plan to
pursue la to recognize the present char
ter as valid until there is a court de
eree otherwise. Inasmuch aa the whole
city government has been conducted on
this theory ever since the charter law
went into effect the fact that the city
officea directly concerned have been ac
cepting benefits under it in the way of
Increased salaries, would bind them In
all consistency to defend the new char
ter as agalnat those who would over
turn :t to reinstate the old one. A
situation something similar waa pre
aented last year when a question arose
over filings for county commissioners
and reglater of deeds, which was set
tled only by appeal to the courts. To
avoid any mis-step that would Invalidate
the entire primary, It would be better
to let those endeavoring to inject their
candidacies on the ballot go Into court
first and find out where they stand.
That the newspaper cabinet makers
at Washington would be stimulated to
elaborate speculation waa inevitable
when the prospective retirement of Jus
tice Brown from the supreme court waa
reported a few daya ago. It waa natu
ral that Secretary Taft should be eon
nected In theory and rumor with the
vacancy on the bench to be thereby cre
ated, although he took palna promptly
to deuy authoritatively that any definite
agreement had been reached involving
his translation to the War department.
Hla relations to the administration and
eminent fitness for the Judicial promo
tion are ao apparent that such an out
come is even yet quite generally be
lieved to be probable in the not far fu
. But there la little profit in the current
speculation with which the newspapers
are rife on the succession to Taft at the
head of the War department or on
changea and transfers of the heads of
the departments of war, treasury, navy
and Justice, because such specufntion
haa no substantial or newly discovered
basis to rest on. It haa long been gen
erally understood that Secretaries Shaw
and Moody have contemplated retire
ment from the cabinet and that they
have even formed plana therefor, but
the time of their retirement so far a
there Is authentic information, la wholly
indefinite. Beyond that all Is mere
When a man seeks to break into of
flee he frequently loses all sense of die
crimination and perspective. - That
me oniy meory on wnicn can De ex
plained Candidate Benson's public
declaration that "the value of every
piece of property in Omaha would be
doubled by tomorrow noon if tt were to
go out to the world that Omaha were
populated by no one of lesser character
than ttuta" 1'kstot oa Pith Urn on
the Fontanelle reservation. What a
illlenniuin Omaha would enjoy if all Its
inhabitants were turn! into Westbergs,
or John Butlers, or Billy Baundorsea, or
Charley I'nltta, or the other grafters or
frauds masquerading under the Fonta
nelle banner of reform. . If we had a
city populated with people like these we
would not only need no police force, as
proclaimed by the overenthuslastlc Mr.
Benson, but we would need no mayor
nor city government of any kind, be
cause there would lc nothing left to
There seems to be a decided dif
ference of opinion among councllmanlc
candidates as to the necessity for those
who msy 1h elected to devote auy con
siderable part of their time to the man-
gemeut of the" city. Inisiness. Home of
them have evidently heard that the city
ouucll Vorresponds to a lmanl of di
rectors for the municipal corporation
id they have an Idea that we are to
elect dummy directors' on the phni of
the big Insurance companies, with a
1,500 salary as an honorarium for the
se of their names on the official roe-
tor. If we arc not mistaken, however.
the era of dummy directors is past
whether for insurance companies or
municipal corporations, "and whoever
may be chosen to places In our city
council will be expected to render serv
ices in full value in return.
It is in accord with the eternal fit-
ness of things for the Fontanelle mem
bers of the county board, who cham-
loned the sheriff's Jail feeding graft, to
come to the front again to vote the
sheriff authority to reach Into the county
treasury for money to pay hla deputies
increased salaries when the law plainly
contemplates that they shall be paid out
of the fees of his office. Why should
the sheriff's deputies get larger pay now
than heretofore, when their work has
not increased, except possibly, to chase
fter escaped prisoners breaking Jail
through the connivance or negligence of
the sheriff's Jailers?
Big corporations are everywhere of
the same clay if there Is any way for
them to evade their taxea they will take
advantage of It. The traction company
down at Lincoln has just hypnotized
the city council there Into compromising
a city tax bill of $48,000 in consideration
of a payment of $14,280. We know a lot
of private citizens who would like to
get out of their taxes for less than 30
cents on the dollar.
City Attorney Brcen Is quite correct
In his declaration that political plat
forms are meaningless except in far
aa they square with the records of the
men seeking public favor upon them.
All political promises and platitudes
about reform count for nothing for a
andidate who haa never practiced what
be preaches, or haa studiously kept in
the rear when thers? waa fighting In the
front ' ' Ifc
The Morals; After.
Philadelphia Press.
its all well and good for "Chawlie"
Schwab to laugh at tha story that he was
at death's door, but there's a lot of other
fellows Just the same who have felt that
way the morning after.
Emloeat Exceptions.
Washington Post.
There tnlaht be some rhanre or the trnv
ernm'ent clerks becoming reconciled to a
seventy-year age llmjt if the provision
was made sweeping enough to compel
congressmen also to back away from the
puDllc trough at that age.
Krlls of Water-Logged Stork.
Minneapolis Journal.
President Eliot of Harvard opposes divi
dends of stock because it is a secret device
to increase the profits of tha stockholders.
A substantial objection to the payment of
dividends In stock is that in the case of
public service corporations it Increases the
capital upon which returns may be claimed
without at the same time increasing the
efficiency of the service. It ought to be im
possible for public service corporations to
increase capital stock without selling It
outright and putting the proceed Into the
equipment of the plant.
Iaereava Im Railroad Earnioaa.
One hundred and fifty millions of dollars
is a large sum for any Indue! ry to earn In
one year, and yet this sum, great as It la,
represents not the gross earnings, but the
Increased earnings of the railroads in this
country last year. What the business of
the people of America amounts to may be
Imagined from the fact that they paid $150,
000,000 more money for freight charges in
1906 than they did In IK. It takes a great
many tons of freight at an average charge
of I cent per ton per mile to pile up IliO,
000,000, and that, aa abate noted, is not the
amount of business done, but merely the
increase of that business In 1MB as com
pared with 1904. And the railroads are not
doing all the carrying for the American peo
ple by a long chalk.
The Dominion of Canada will invite the
king and queen of England to visit Canada
when the new Quebec bridge will be opened.
The prospective retirement x of Justice
Brown from the supreme bench give many
eminent gentlemen a chance for honorable
Andrew Carnegie wrote to a newspaper In
London: "Wealth lessens rather than In
creases human happiness and millionaires
who laugh are rare." j
Theodore A. Cook, a brother of Dr. Fred
erlck A. Cook of Brooklyn, is building three
motor cars at his home, Caliroon, for the
use of the South Pole expedition, which
will start in 1U7.
The statement that a newly made million
aire in Gotham haa employed someone to
cut the pages of all the books in his newly
bought library seems to open up a new oc
cupatlon for the young and Industrious.
Mr. Haines, who has just been forced to
resign the presidency of the New York So
ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Anl
mals, explains that his opponents are "jack
sis." Then lie ought to be kind to them, of
General Moby, the famous confederate
raider, haa in hand and are long will com
plete an autobiography. During tha last
few years h baa held a responsible post
tlon In the Department of Justice, Wash
Ington. (
Mock Duck, New York's leading China
man, ha the mischance to be in Jail, and
countryman has eloped with Mrs. Duck.
Mock Intimate that when he get out be
will demonstrate to tho luterlooer that be la
the real thing.
rtloples on the Correal of I. Ite 1st the
Local papers are throwing hot air o
uets at John Bcsxufn. the Italian banker.
whose son was kidnaped, held for ransom
nd released after two days' captivity.
They applaud tho courage of the banker j
who refused to pay a dollar to the kidnap
ers. "Thousands for prosecution, not a
cent for ransom" Is the sentiment which
trikea New Yorkers heroic. "I won't
give a penny." said Boaauffl, "and If the
kidnapers think 1 will I serve notice on
them now that t have seven more children
they can steal before Ml pny one cent of
The stern Bossufll does not intend to let
matters rest where they are, but from In
formal t Ion given him by bis son the banket
Is going to try and have the kidnaper
arrested and punished. Just how great th
chance were which this father took it
would be hard to say and If the kidnapers
really had carried out their menace his
reflections would not now be pleasant. Ills
course, however, was not only successful,
but more quickly than its opposite has ever
been and it will undoubtedly have a de
cidedly depressing affect on the kidnaping
business In New York and elsewhere.
According to a decision handed down by
Justice ninchoft in the supreme court, union
wages must prevail when the city Is an em
ployer. There 1 a statutory provision re
quiring the city to pay "the prevailing
rate of wages."
James J. Carey, a painter wbo was em
ployed in the city's repair shops, sued to
recover an amount alleged to be due him
as the difference between his daily wag as
a painter in the city repair shops and tha
prevailing rate of waves. After being em
ployed from May 17, 1897, Carey, on Novem
ber 29, 1898, served notice on the comptroller
setting forth that he received but IS a day,
while tho prevailing rate of wages was
PbO. A month later he began an action
and within twenty days Judgment was
subsequently handed down by the higher
courts In another case, which, apparently,
reversed the decision in Carey's case and
the Judgment was vacated. Carey's law
yers decided later that his case was not
affected and Justice Blschoff's decision was
the result of the second suit.
It is said that enough city employes are
In the same category a Carey to force
the city to refund $1,000,000 if they Institute
Assertions are being made that Western
tips are demoralising- servants In hotels,
waiters in the restaurants, cabmen and
other dependent about town. New Yorkers
are declaring that the westerner (and
everybody from beyond Buffalo or Pitts
burg is called a westerner In the metrop
olis) comes to New York with his pockets
full of coin of the realm and the idea that
he must load with small fee every super
numerary who doe him the slightest serv
ice. A11 overcharges the westerner is said
to accept and pay with a scornful disre
gard of prudence. The result is, according
to sage metropolitans, that the professional
servants are being turned into rapacious
cormorants and petty swindlers., Walters
short-change, cabmen overcharge, bellboys
sulk for silver and messengers refuse to
fetch and carry until they have received a
liberal fee. Tha latest story of westerners
as spender Is told by a popular dress
maker, who admit that She put her price
up 3 per cent whenever she learn that her
customer Is from the west. "They have
plenty of money and never haggle over
prices," she explains.
That the youth of New York City show
physical deterioration was abundantly
proved the other day when the ' school
board's committee on athletics reported
that ouf of TOO lads examined 'on! three
could ''chin" themselves that is, ': draw
themselves up by their arms on a hori
sontal bar until the chin rested upon it.
This Is . discouraging. A generation ago
nine boys out of ten in good 1 1 iltli could
"chin" all the way from three ij a dosen
time without letting go. The city boy who
used a gymnasium trapese was probably
not so strong as his country brother, who
swung to the limb of. an apple tree or a
cross-beam In the barn, but he waa an ex
ceedingly weak boy If he coull not stand
this test. True, the simple feat involves
knack and practice as well as general
strength, but the miserable showing of
these 700 Manhattan boys put them far
below the average. ' Their bringing up ha
been neglected.
Automobillsts are one of Magistrate
Crane's chief abominations, and when 'he
had Charles Q. Gates before him for vio
lation of the speed law the spectators
expected an interesting dissertation.
Mr. Gates," said the magistrate, "I
have heard of you before. You are a man
of Wall street with millions, and you
think you can do what you please. When
you men have money you think you can do
anything. Instead, men of your class
should be an example to the community.
'I read iu the newspapers of young Mr,
Gates here and there . and everywhere.
Now you are here before me and I am
glad of It, The more money you have
when you come her the harder I shall
punish you. A wealthy man should be
an example to the community."
Mr. Gates waa held in $300 ball for trial.
The "closed shop" ha won another de
cision from the New York courts. A
printing establishment Hn Brooklyn made
an agreement with the unions in accord
a nee , with which the nonunion employes
were discharged. Three employe sued
for their old places. Justice Marcan said
that the men would have had a cane
against the unions if the Utter had brought
pressure to bear upon the company to pro
cure the discharges, but if the company
discharged the men in the exercise of its
liest Judgment for its own interests the
men were not wronged snd had no cane,
Civil service has been put In a new
and highly interesting light by an occur
rence lately in a federal court In New
York. In a case Involving misuse of the
malls the complainant catted the defend
ing lawyer a liar, whereat the lawyer
promptly struck him twice In the face.
The complainant vainly sought the arrest
of his assailant, the court authority hold
ing thai the language used by the com
plainant had removed him beyond tha
proper protection of the court. In future
that court will be ChesterAeldlan in Ita
atmosphere especially when sensitive and
strong muscled lawyers are engaged.
The rubbernerk wagon will have to
change its route and visitors will have to
eat their chop suey and bird's nsst some
where else If the proposition to wipe out
Chinatown is carried out. Borough Presi
dent Ahern has set March 30 for a pub
lic hearing before the local Improvement
board to establish a small park within the
boundaries of Bayard Street, the Bowery,
Chatham Square and Park Bow. Worth
street and Mulberry street, known as
Chinatown. Mayor McClellan Is on record
as in favor of the plan, and many of the
property owners Interested have signed
the petition for the park.
eaalorlal laeoaslaloaey.
New York Tribune.
The senate glvea nolle that it will not
stand by and aee the sentiments of the
Alisona single stater outraged. But when
it come to giving the Filipinos a fair deal
nd a ehanc to earn a living the senate's
euso of Justice is conveniently atrophied.
Have your cake, muffins, and tea Lis-"
cuit home-made. They will be fresher, '
cleaner, more tasty and wholesome. "
Royal Baking Powder helps the house
wife to produce at home, quickly and eco
nomically, fine and tasty cake, the raised
hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer
cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and
muffins, with which the ready-made food,
found at the bake-shop or grocery does
not compare.
Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps.
Kearney Hub: The Woodmen of the
World threaten to remove their headquar
ters from Nebraska, being located at Omaha,
to some other state where their reserve
fund la not taxed. They can, of course,
find such states, several of them in fact,
where "equality before the law" does not
pply to equality In matters of taxation.
Monowl News: J. C. Root, sovereign
commander of the Woodmen of the World.
says he will move the headquarters from
Omaha and Nebraska because the state
la talking of taxing the reserve fund of
that order. Well, if we should all shift
our business to evade taxes, where would
the support of state, county and villages
come from? Please tell us.
Weeping Water Herald: There was an
other meeting of the Commercial club of
Omaha held last week, at which the sub
ject of independent 'phones was discussed.
The business men there are awake in the
matter and realise that It means some
thing In a business way. What people ao
after nowadays Is business, and anything
that retards business retards the growth
and development of a city. There is going
to be an Independent franchise granted in
Omaha before many moons if the most
Influential men of Omaha can secure it.
Several of the managers of Independent
lines of the state were present at the
meeting of the Commercial club and they
are now more hopeful than ever.
Fremont Herald: Every Interior town
In Nebraaka, as a matter of self-interest,
ought to take pride In the growth of the
metropolis of the state, and the people of
the interior ought to do all In their power
to contribute to that growth, because If
Omaha shall grow great the greatness must
be of value to the whole state. And the
people of interior Nebraska would be loyal
to Omaha If that great city would meet
them half way. But Omaha does not
meet her country cousin half way on the
road which leads to friendly relations.
When the country cousin Buys a bill of
goods from an Omaha merchant he Is In
formed that personal checks will not be
received In payment. Chicago merchants
do not send such statements to the coun
try yokels in Nebraska. St. Joseph and
Kansas City wholesalers do not send such
notice to Nebraska buyers. We mention
this matter at this time Just to show to
our Omaha friends a fair sample of their
own penny-wlse-and-pound-foollsh policy.
Omaha cannot grow as rast as Omaha has
a license to grow until the business Inter
est of that city shall show a better grade
of liberality In their dealings with the peo
ple Of Interior Nebraska. We do not speak
of this matter In a complaining way, but
rather in the hope that we may be able to
show Omaha to herself a others see her.
Hastings Tribune: A a result of Kd-
ward Bosewater's address on "Libel" be
fore the Nebraska Press association that
organisation adopted resolutions recom
mending that the libel laws of Nebraska be
so amended as to make criminal libel a
misdemeanor only, and not a felony, as at
the present time. The association also en
dorsed Mr. Bosewater's suggestion which
recommends that after a court has tried a
case and passed upon It, the papers ought
to be allowed to dlsouss It without fear,
and that the laws should be amended so
that courts should be prohibited from drag
ging up an editor for constructive con
tempt. As the libel laws of Nebraska stand
now they are unjust to the editor, and are
not in accordance with the constitution,
which gives us free speech and a free press.
Let the libel laws of Nebraska be taken
up at the next session of the legislature
and be so amended that an editor will be
put oa the same ground with the ordinary
eitisen. As the laws stand today any citi
aen can parade the street and call whom
soever he sees fit a horaethlef. and he can
only be charged with misdemeanor; while
on the other hand If an editor were to us
the same language In his newspaper he
would be charged with felonv. This Is too
much of a discrimination and calls for an
amendment of Nebraska's libel laws.
Kearney Hub: A special fake artist for
a league of eastern newspaper ha been
giving Kearney some left-handed publicity
again In the form of a special letter writ
ten from this city and describing In har
rowing word picture how the town has
been blighted by the railroad rate ring.
The last time the correspondent took a
hot at us was during the president!!
campaign of UuO, but at that time the
blight that I now ascribed to the railroads
waa caused by the trusts. Kearney Is a
live, growing town, that Is forging ahead
steadily, having long since recovered from
the effects of financial depression and panic,
of drouth and famine, and the foolish
dreams of creating figs from thistles of
forcing the growth of an industrial center
ahead of the time and the neceesary de
velopment of the country. The charge of
discrimination in railroad rate is true, but
it U also true a to towns In Nebraaka
similarly situated. The Hub Is not a de
fender of railroad rate methods, as all
its readers know, and Is not now nor has It
ever been a corporation defender. Hence
It is not making any plea for the railroads.
It is merely standing up for Kearney,
which is given a black eye every time any
demagogue or yellow space writer opens
his yawp or take his pea in hand to give
the trust or the rain-oad a rap. Natu
rally we are all quit tired of It. '
Restrict! ! rrssklsi Privilege.
Ban Francisco Chronicle.
Tli amendments to the postal law re
stricting tho franking prlvllega will effect
no genuine reform. That can be accom
plished only by abolishing the system and
requiring each department to account for
Its needs for postage In its estimate It
Is because of tl-e abvence of restraint that
tha cost of carrying franked matter ha
reached the extraordinary sum of nearly
IW.OmO,, wblc exceeds th postal deficit.
Tho army in Klandcr had begun to sweai
"We dnn't like to do It." explained oin
of the ofllci-rs, "but. of course, we've
to back up General Sherman." Chlcam.
"This is the ase of wonderful Inventions
It dm-mi't seem to me there Is much left
for Inventive nKi-ntn to arapple with."
"Oh, I dun t know. I haven't run socomj
any seif-Uckliia postage stamps yet."
Philadelphia Ledger.
"You say you gef n great deal of satis
faction out of your life Insurance policy?"
"Yes. It makes me foel Important when
f read the reports of Investigations."
Washington Star.
City Editor You've got to quit using 'un
necessary words. There's a lot of redun
dancy of expression in this story.
Reporter I thought I '
City Editor Well, think again. You a
"The deceased was a wealthy plumber.'1
"Plumber" would have been Sufficient. -Cleveland
Weary Walker awln' up wood fu
klndlin ! I'm ashamed of yert
Rag-son Tatters Aw, g'on! dlS is locust
wood. Weary Walker Wat's dat got to do
wid It?
Ragson Tatters Why, yer chump! dls 1
de kind o' wood dat policemen's clubs Ix
made out of. Philadelphia Press.
"Here is another question that ought to
be brought before congress," said the ear
nest citizen.
"My dear sir," answered . Senator. Sor
ghum, "cotifrress now tins all the questions
It can take care of. What It needs is somo
answers." Washington Star.
"She Jilted him seven or eight times be
fore she finally consented to marry, him."
, "Maybe she considered lilm a dosa of
"Huh?" ,
"'To be wt-II shaken before . taken.! "
Cleveland Leader.
Constituent I suppose you kn.W, sena
tor, that you have the reputation of belnK
fabulously rich?
Senator Lotsmun Nd, I didn't know that.
But J know that the stories you hear about
my riches are mostly Tables. Chicago
Tribune. h ,
' "We havei two rolling' TnlIlK;",sl6T,the
steel magnate. "This one, and another nt
"At Washington!" repeated the visitor. In
no small astonishment.
"At Washington."
"And do you roll rails in your mill at
Washington, also?"
"No; logs." Puck.
Coventry Patmore
"My little son, who looked from thought
ful eyes,
.And moved and spoke In quiet, grown-up
Havln my law the seventh time dis-
obey'd, ,
T struck, and dlsmlss'd
With hard words and unkiss'd
His mother, who was patient, being dead
Then, fearing lest his grief should hinder
I visited his bed.
Rut found him slumbering deep,'
With darken'd eyelids, and their lashes yet
From his late sobbing wet.
And I, with moan,
Kissing away his tears, left others of my
For on a table, drawn beside head,
He had put within his reach
A box of counters and a red-veln'd stone,
A piece of glass abraded by the beach,
And six or seven shells,
A bottle, of bluebells,
And two French copper coins, ranged there
with careful art.
To comfort hla sad heart.
80 when that night I prayed
To God I wept and said:
"Ah, when at last we lie with tranced
Not vexing thee In death,
And thou reniemberest of what toys
We make our Joys. ...
How weakly understood .
Thy great commanded good. f
Then, fatherly not less
Than I whom thou hak molded from th
Thou'lt leave thy wrath and sav:
I will be sorry for their "childishness. "
Is a combination lens made
in a new way. A perfect
reading lens so skillfully
made thut the dividing line
is scarcely visible. "Kant
aeum" lenses are about half
the price of similar lenses.
!il: Sonlli lfllh htrect.
Factory on the Premises.
Opposite the Peoples Store.
KMntus'iinr HI for! ' Tjf 7&lJx
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