Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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Office, 10 Perl
' ' lrls sells drum. "
Rtockert sell earpel.
Ed Rogers' Tony Faust Iwer.
-Oldest -whisky In to-k at Jarvt.'
Plumbing and heating, Blthy Ron.
Dm. Woodbutr, flentlsta, JO pearl street.
Woodrlng-Brhmldt, undertaker. Tel. MS.
Imported Beotrh whisk v. Jarvt. 2'.S
' Pouth- -Main. . .
timorifls, a an" investment. Talk ' to
lrfTTt about If . . I .
, -.. School paints, pens, paper aDd tablets.
- Alexander a. .138 B way.
Atlrrtle eniri. W eonts per dozen. Glen
'Avenue grocery.'' Tel. '
'" ftohert, Son Of . Victor E. Bender, li
nfrerlag from scarlet fever.
Brn.. te R. and Mr. H. W. Starr
i yrst-rdas- fiernoon, daughter.
.' BtrlrTIv freeh es, two dozen for IS renta,
in th ttlen Avenue grocery. Tel. in.,
"larvla sell t'.ure California wine.
For Imported wine, Ilffuor and rhatn
4 I aano, u Roaenfcld company, SIS Main 8t.
'If you want a nice Spring overcoat call
n K. H. Hick. I have the correct rood.
'f As ar"rt ff fruit. -With new, modern
? house. This will not lt long. Clifton
Va'er Co.. -
' The Oltn Avenue grneery la still selling
fiU A and While Hose flour at $1.6 per
'saefc. -Tel.- It).- -
. If . vou want your fire. insurance to in
sure have C'Uf ton-Walker Co. writ It In
. reliable companies.
' A innrrlage license waa Issued yesterday
to Nnt,a . .xorval, aged . and Cora Jb
.Mc-CIWIand. ng.d J3, both pf this city.
When on have your shoe half aoled take
Shem -to -Snr gent's. Have them aewed on
mihI aave Wie. Hargcnt's Model Shoe Bhop.
J S T'fre ft 'Ann!, money to loan; oh on
: finfirl. no d'-lny; city and farm property foi
:ile nn easy terms o-f payment. Office.
We- are c.iritiR the highest cash pHcea
(x old iron and metala. Council ilhlff
Jiiolc .tioueev J. Kaitlcman, pronrleter.
Toi. HU. 8. Main. -
-' At' Bwntpe Mailer's for Qul.k Mul
gaaollne stoves. -Others may be ood, but
tn Vilek . Me.-iJ la the bent. We don't give
the moit; we give the best.
ir A snap for tnmrhndj'.'a 1300 lc wnsron
ifof- ftc huveused it only four months,
- t niaftlrally new. . BridtfnHteln A Smith,
r oil and wood. 14th Are. and 6th 8t.
: The -cst . ta none too good for our cus
tomers and the twst Is what we mean
whn We say we hava poultry fence In two
' t.tylen. from two to seveft feet high. Hafer.
tXnner Party "corn. II a down. Glen
Avenue grocery. Tel. int.
" YAit can buy a good. new. well nmiie
7 jilano, 'veneered Inside and out, with Ivory
kors. fof smn. on easv terms, at A. Hoanc
? ,Ctf, a,- 33 South Main St., -Council WufU.
MIssburT n-k dry COrdwood, $ a conl:
?hellbark hickory. IT: Arkansas anthracite.
p-r ton, less than hard coal. William
,'i:.Wclan, J J.ortli, Main St. Telephone lis.
J! Tlw riistrnt court grand jury Is expected
-' l' complete Its-deliberations toia a hen
r.-'il'wil hi discharged .for the term. It Is
r-Mpvurt to return a big batch of liuilit-
.r Kinney Franklin, colored., charged with
i aung i firnoe Jones, a young mulatto
' nt. wna given thirty ttaya on tread
i-it wMter by Police J'jdge Scott yesterday
' pan fling-.-
" flo to ti aianhattan If you want a good
f siWifc, rntitton ohop. fiork chrtp or a good
4 ft fx i,., i'ifAr,lhl,iv la vital iiIIh1
nr lrsuciasa at the Manhattan restaur-
k iMiit and oar.
1 r:. Peanut- Brittle. Sauer ' txunnn Di-ops.
I Mania Peanut Kudare. Pecan Nut Bar.
I .-(mond ' Nut E
Purity Candy 1
V t)?' C, Brown, . i
i v t" nor -track
I SK the bouse; kee
-Almond ' Nut Bar. English Wxlnut Bar,
Kitchen. W west tJ way.,
manager, c.'--
mud on . tha tench ami iu
keep on good terms with the
liat'kcDer.. Oet one of HtoCkCrt S Wire
,.fii. Wi tnta and up. They are' Just the
. .thing . for muddy weatlier to keep ,. your
,si (Hat . eiean.". M i i.. . '
Rufus Moon and- H. W. Mathews b
V iAml mvrH'.)d-tn i''r7gTit 'ycKtetday mftcl-.
no)ii on Went Broadway over ) cents
which Matthews is said to have owed
,Uion. Tory, wlli have to explain matters
f 3 PT"0 '0,lrl- xMn Otorni'1.
f: If yfiu- want-good meal drop hi at; the
.', Vienna rtaurant. The- flavor of our cof
, fi.e eannot. be equaled because we uaa good
coffae and gwnl. cream. Our. butler is, thu
i; bet we can get. We know our rolls are
r. iad because we mnke them ourselves from
i the -belli flour obtainable.
" 9. -M. W-llHnTntawt ' has received his Ilrst
shipment- of Vjos Tribune and Croacent
hlc rles and has already ' nold several o'
' " neiti. ' If Will pay anyone who thinks of
' b.iyilg u 'fnoynt Ihw season to see-Mr. Wll
' 'llsniKon's sticj- before making hla pur
' t linae. tT Sou ih' Main St.
' J .Everybody.'
;. hemes. See
;! iiMiuldlngit.' t
V V', 8. Hew.
V : JCvetybmly.'B chance to ' decomte their
the ,dh atock or wan paper.
etc., marked clown on sale at
reston. Masonic Tamnle. corner
W'w.v aivl Fourlli at. On anle March 16.
plcturea and picture tramlmis-l-al ar
I . lists .Invited to display , their work open-
I f ln week. - ' -
t The recvlnlK In the aeneral fund of the
Christian home laat week were only ttil.fio,
lieing below the nwdii of the ww k
trJid incroasing the amount neded in the
Improvement aad contingent fund for 190S
to -ITS.Sjn.i'ifi. Iii the maiiHger a fund the
recelpta were U1. being III lielow the needa
,,wf -the week acid increasing the deficiency
liv this fund to date to
, trite : Council Bluffa Cmbrella company,
. . H4il.;h leas than a month ago removed to
this city from 6long' City, where It waa
r-known a the Ploux City 1'mhrella com
puny, owing to Ita increased business haa
bei forced to secure larger quarters for
" ili fattorj'. Since ta veinnval here the
lompany tiaa been' located on - the top
Iwr of the Sapp block, but yesterday the
work of removing to the third floor of
the Merrlam h!oc was begun.' With its
lncre.ied room Manager Walker stated
- yeHterclay - that the .company would now
be able to give employment to ) women.
, ..8Uur.Uuiiid.and U)ukkeeulngMltiona are
cattily si-cured if yon. are well ouiiii fled. W
i!J IfcejU'.New classes this week.' Western
H'Ove.- college. .
At 3 o'clock p. m., at, tha east entrance
of tho court hou8' in .
Council Oluffs
1 will sell to tho highest and best
bidder -for cash tho following threo 1
In KniiH township, lot 3 and 4.
iteietion 4,. township 74, range 44, and
ai'ireilons; about 120 acres (within
iliy limit and one mile south U. P.
lallwgy bride, r " ' . '
in Lewis township, lot S, section 21,
tonahip 74, range 44, and accretions;
about 100 acres (7 mllos south of
.Council Bluffs,)
Uwia township, west Vs. southweat
section 10, township 74, range 44.
v tone mile south ot city limits.)
N. B. THAYER, Trusles..
Five, Six or Seven Boom House
Ta flove on Aoothar Lot
Address P. Bm Olflca
' . , . fl
Pert St. Cooncll E!a!Tj. lowi. H
. ' 1
!sm' " """a yw aieanf !-..:j-i y-"if
Bt, TeL 4A.
Head of IUpablicn Oitj Ticket is Still a
Matter of Dotibt.
Attenriaare at the Prtaaartea Sot
Urce and npUleaa Vetera- Aa
aear ta Hove Attark et that.
Tired Frrllat.
The republican precinct primaries lield
laat night and at which delegate to the
city convention to be, held Thursday night
were selected, give but scant Indication as
to who will be the party candidate to enter
the Hat acainat Mayor Macrae. The re
publican n the surface appear to tw kuf-
fcrln thla eprinc from a malignant attack
of general apathy and the attendance at j
or the Interest shown" In the prlmariea last
night waa anything but Mattering. , .
W. F. Sapp waa permitted, In hie home
precinct, the First of the Second warS. to
select his own delegation, and It,- In
struetid for him for mayor.- Friends-of
Mr. Sapp declared last hjght that he would
go into the convention with four or five del
egatlona at Tils back. In the First precinct
f the Fourth ward.1l. A. Bailenger, who is
t candidate for the nomination for mayor,
."aa permitted to name the delegation, but
;t whs not Instructed.. Th the First pre-
I clnct of the Sixth ward the delegation waa
Instructed for M. "O. Reed for mayor.
The delegation In the Second precinct of
the First ward, while not Instructed, Is for
S. B. Snyder 'for city solicitor for flrrt
choice and for Clem Kimball for second
choice. The delegation Is also for Frank
Peterson for park commissioner. The del
egation in tha second precinct of the
Fourth ward Is for Kimball for city solic
itor. The delegation in the second precinct
of the Fourth ward, while not Instructed.
Is said to be for. A. W.. Askwith for city
In the first precinct of the First-Ward E.
P. Fuller wa selected na committeeman to
fill a vacancy. i--
Theae arc the delegates elected;-".. -
First Ward First precinct, E. TX Fuller,
Fred Peterson, C. W. Atwpod. 1... U Poston,
C. A. Morgan. Second precinct, W. S. Balrd.
Frank Peterson. II rWxma;, D.' Maltbv, O.
J. Harding, C. H. Leuch, W. H. Copson, T.
Q Harrison.
Second Ward First precinct. C. A. Tlb
blts. Frank Eigan, William Roper. O.. W.
Westerdahl. O. W. Orahanj, M. Marcus, T.
C. Weste-rtnhl. Second precinct. I O.
Cnrslany, Ovido Vlen. Grora;e A. Colten, '
Peter Petersen. Emmet Dnhson. Oeorge V.
Hardwell. A. W. Hawkins. W. S. Goodrich.
Third Ward First precinct. H. B. Jen
nings. W. U. Seattle, Wallace Shepard.
Iteoige F. Smith. J. P. Hess. F. W. IVan.
Second precinct. R. N. WyckofT, C. W. Pen-nell.-O.
G. Balrd, H. F. Keller, Fred AVII
derker. Fourth Ward First precinct, A. T. Fllek
Inger. Oeorge 8. Wright. W. J. Rice, rr. H.
B. Snyder, F. H. Hill. W. H. Kimball. Sec
One precinct, Julius Johnson. F. Ford. An
drew H, McFarland, H. A. Lennox, P. B.
Fifth Ward First precinct. K. O. Saylea.
E. D. CAit. W. T. Pates. R. A.,Bachman,
T H. James; C. C- Cochran, H. A. Wash
ington, C C. Clifton. R. T. Wlfflom: Sec
ond precinct, Thooilore McMullen,, T. A.
Brewick. Charles Johnson, Huns, Hansen,
Sixth Wanf-FTrst preclmit. T. W. ft Irk,
M. D Reed, George Rockwell, A. t. Ritchie.
Israel i.ovei.i, ueorae aomiiih. jk. i , iveiifsr,
Z. T.,Jonea, J. 11. Swarts, H, 8. Gtlmpre.
laKorai Teat Btdkt Defeated.
Incomplete offlclal figures only on the vote
on the proposition to adopt uniform text
books were received yesterday at the office
of-County Auditor Che)ne, but unofficial
return, from tha townships showed that
th proposition had been defeated about I
to' 1. ..'The unofficial reports, showed that
the proposition only' carried four town
ships, namely Hardin, .' Hasel Dell. . Garner
and' James. ' , .
Five years ago when the same proposi
tion was submitted throughout Pottawat
tamie county it waa dofeated by, a vote of
3 to 1. County Superintendent of schools.
O, 1. ,-McManuB, expressed himself yester
day' ga much disappointed Over the defeat
of. the proposition and announced hla In
tention of having the proposition submlttc"
again next year If he could.. He said, "I.
f am re-elected to office this fall T am de
termined to again have ' this, proposition,
which Is in my Judgment for the best In
terests of the school patrons of Pottawat
tamie county, submitted at the next school
For a Qlirk Sale. -
I will offer the five-roomed ljouae and lot
at ;. Avenue A for one week it ISS0. New
house; city water. Easy terms. No better
Investment In Council Bluffs, Make a fine
home. Wallaoe Benjamin, room 1, First, Na
tional bank. I write fire lnaurance. Office
'phone, 5.3; resldenoe, 'phone. Black 14M.
We are asking you to try our coffee, be
cause we know you will lie satisfied It's
ths gas rousted coffee by Paxton A Gal
lagher, and you can't find any better fla
vored, fresher coffee any place. We sell
It at from 15 to 40c a lb. We know if you
try It you will coin back. J. Olaon, 7M-741
Wet Broadway.
The Title Guaranty and Trust company,
abstracters of titles. Books date back to
ISiS. Book 'are all up to date. Work ac
curately . and - promptly -clone at loweat
prlcea. Office opposite court house1, ISo Pearl
street. Council Bluffa, la. .
' We rent organs for 5 cents a motuli. if
you buy the organ we allow the rent sn
Ita purchase price.'. BouYMus Piano House,
where the organ alanda upon the building.
. .. .- 1 x 1 .
For s-le. TV
New daelling near new High school. U.J.O.
Nunilwr of new dwellings for sale.
Beautiful .lot, on Glen avenue, 1.9H).
Insure your house and furniture with inc.
Tel. . Cha. T. Officer,, 410 Broadway.
Bed roik prloea on all our new Stock of
carpets, rugs, linoleum, oil cloth, matting,
wlndoa- ahadea. lace curtains, tapestry cur
talna. go cart, and our entire new stock
of furniture. Do not fall to call and In
spect for yourself. D. W. Keller, ICS
South Mam.
Ewanaon Music Co., New Location 407
Broadway W sell pianos in our regular
buairesslik way. No new schemes; no
certificate. Pianos right, gooda reliable.
Terms from to to 110 per month.
Matters la District Coart.
In the d'. rtct court yestsrduy Judge
Thomell heard argument on the motion
j for a fifth trial ot th now famous libel
1 suit of Porn ft McGlnty against Cooper,
'from fifeola. , At the fourth trial the plain
tiffs received a nominal verdict of 11, but
aa th defense has' -previously offered u
aeyle for H th coat, which now amount
to nearly tUtf), - were thrown upou the
plaintiffs. Judge Ttiomert took the matter
tinder Sdrlkement. ' . "
Judge Tliimll also took under advise
' mnt to' motion oi tn actease for new
,r,Hl ln lht djm" -'"."' of Mmer-y
ee'-net Veknoin Bros
j The hearing ou the uppiKation uf the
ment the motion of tha for new
plaintiff In tha ault of E. P. Woodrlng
agalnat Harry Bchmldt for thh dlaaolutlAa
of the partnership In the undertaking bual
neaa and the appointment of a receiver,
which was set for reaterday, was continued
until the wit term owing to the Illness
f 'Bchmldt.
Derides H Will Aala Be a ( aaaldate
Frllo1ng tha example set by Ma-tr
Macrae, City Auditor P. J. Bnilth has alao
changed his mind and Is now an avowed
candidate for a renomlnatlon for hla prea
ent poaltion. A month or so ago Mr. Smith
announced that owing to the fact that he
had accepted a position with a targe mer
cantile firm In St. Paul, Minn., he would
not be a candidate for renomlnatlon and
immediately several aspirants for the dem
ocratic nomination made themselvea known.
Now -theaa aspirants to fill Mr. flmlth'a
ahoea will hare to be disappointed, as It la
understood that Mr. Smith haa been prom
laed a renomlnatlon.
Councilman Andy Gilbert haa also, It Is
aal4. experienced a change of mind and
now, In deference to the wlshea of Mayor
Macrae, announced himself ns willing to
I meert a Mnnminttlnn fir iw. r. 1 1 n . n I
. . D..
a i ua.iu . S3 ivev n -f v vti. liir g? l vft fk-i .
Carpet company. It ta said, is slated for the
aecotid nomination for councllman-at-large.
F. W. Miller la conceded the nomination
by iha democrats for city attorney.
Vladaet Hearlasr Owea Mer.
Although General Attorney Bilggs Of the
Chicago Great Western railroad, haa,
through Senator Saunders, sent word that
ha .mill be unable to be present as pre
viously arranged, the city council will meet
this afternoon, as other business besides
that, of the Woodbury avenue viaduct de
mands Its sttention. It Is likely that the
city council will hold another session Sat
urday, at which time botn Mr. Brlgg and
Senator Saunders will he able to be pres
ent. The members bf the Iowa Stale Rail
way conimlaslon are expected to be here
today to look Into the matter of the Wood
bury avenue crossing and they will be
guests of the Commercial club at the ban
quet tonight.
- At the meeting this nfternoon the city
council will.' It Is expected, pass the ap
propriation Ordinance for the fiscal year
beginning April 1. It was stated yesterday
that the amounts which will be appropri
ated for the sever! departments will be
about the same as last year.
The city council also Is expected to ap
point the democratic Judgea ar.d clerks of
election this afternoon. The republican
judges and clerks were appointed at the
last regular meeting, but the democratic
city chairman had not his list completed at
the time.
Snap Piano Rnrssln.
Parties leaving the city: Tvct't on sal".
Original price fasci. Will sell on easy pay
ment. HW. See at the big piano house.
8chinnller ft Mueller Piano company, ton
Broadway, Council Bluffs, In.
Broken dishes are not pleasant to look
at. Fill up your old sets, or call and see
our extensive line of English dinnerwar
patterns. The latest thing n English
breakfast seta now on display In, our win
dow. W. A. Maurer.
Lent la here. Now you will have ,tlie
time to take those much needed electrical
scalp, treatments. They are only 50 conts.
Including 'the Violet light, Graves, ' 105
Pearl St. ' . T '-' '"v" "
CUftonWalker Co. have reewitly closed
the sale' of a number of properties, which
reduces their list. They have' a large
number of other clients who wish to In
vest. Perhaps your property Is Just what
they want. Better plac it with them for
quick action,
.Van Brunt vehicles furnish an array of
talking points not found on. any other
vehlelea. Others will tell you that theirs
IS Just as good aa "Van Brunts." You
have been up against these "Just as good"
things before. Call ground and ee me.
My statements are not mere assertions,
but facts."
' Real Estate Transfers.
Tlieae transfers were reported to The Bee
March IS by the Title Guaranty and Truat
company of Council Bluffs:
.latilda 8ulhoff and husband to Hans
N. Terp, Auditor's sublol In nw1, .
-hw4; lot S In net sw4; lot 1 In ntrl, . '
swm lot S In ne4 n1,, and lot 2 In
se rtwt 27-i.S-, w. d S.000
c. u. utlllu and wire to John Kraack,
SOU acres In wV4 se4 H-77-41, w. d...
Nela P. Peterson and wife to W. A.
Wells, lot , block 12. Crimea sdd.,
w. d
Ella 8. Hendricks and husband to E.
H. lougee. lot 1, block 7. Hall s add.,
and lot II. block 8, . Beers' subdtv..
w. d.,
Edward P. Murphy et al. to Samuel
M. Wclck and wife, four-aeventh
Intereat in lot B and wi feet of lot T,
block 12, Bayllsa Second add, w. d..
Herbert K. Llvlngton to H. C. Coll,
' rnrli seVi 33-75-43. q. c. d
J C. DeHsven to A. W. Tyler, part
of tots 11 and IX block 17. Mill add.,
w. d
Anna G. Murphy et al, to Buinuel M.
Welck and wire, three-seventh Inter-
est in lot 6 and wti feet of lot 7. block
12, Bavllaa' Second add., w. d
A. I. Hartweli ai-.d wife to little K.
Jones, lot t. Peterson's subdlv., Mc
Clelland, la., w. d
Mary Lee and husband to Lark O.
Clarr. lot 7. block t -Falrmount add.,
w. d
Elmer Li. Fehr to Frank W. Stone,
part of lots -6i and fci, Johnson's add.,
' w. d
Elmer L. Fehr to Edward D. Dodson.
part of lot bo. Johnson's add., w. d..
Verne Benjamin to Frank W. Stone,
part of lota uo and M. Johnson's add.,
u. c. d
Verne Benjamin to Edward D. Dod
son. part of lota S3 and Sti, Johnson's
add., q. o. d ,
. 130
Fifteen transfers, total
Centrally located bakery, flrst-clas oven
and fixtures; rash trade, 90i).
Two chair barber shop, good fixtures,
good location, cheap rent; a bargain; see
me. Alva Smith, real estate, insurance, ex
changes, room T, Everett block. -
Reliable Gasoline Stoves, Coldwell lawn
mowers, Horrlek refrigerators. Investi
gate these matters in time. We have the
best. ' Paddock-Handsrhy Hardware Co.
Ther la no argument about having your
carpet and ruga cleaned by machinery.
It la not an experiment. Chargea ar very
moderate, prompt service. Th Council
Bluffs Carpet Cleaning and Rug Mfg. Co.
Tel. US, M No. Main St. W mak beauti
ful rugs out of old worn-out carpet.
W ran glv you the beat figures on
furnace to put In , your new house. W
handle th famous Norfolk ft Green's fur
naee. Ask ths poopl that u them, they
will tell yo4 what they are. Spencer, 114
Wet Broadway.
Hooaulaar Y. M. C. A. Meetlaa.
Banner announcing the Young Men'
Christian association mass meeting to be
held Sunday afternoon will aupetr on th
uret car today and a Isrg oanv aign
will also be atretrhed acroa Broadway at
Teart street. Other mean will also b
adopted by h general Committer to ad
vertise what promt to be one of th
most fntrest1ng meeting ot th kind ever
held in. Council Bluffs. . . - , tli j,rom:nnt ikcis al th
mass meeting will
f. W. Carpenter of
Omaha, J.'. P. Ialley7 state secretary for
Nebraska and W. fi. Magee, state ecre.
tary for Iowa. At the banquet of the Com
mercial club this evening Emmet Tlnley
will present the Young Men's Christian
association project trr bis address.
Caaamerrtal Cluh Foreed ta Prwtlde
Iota for !re.
Secretary Reed waa kept buay yesterday
making arrangementa for the annual ban
quet of the. Commercial chrb to be held thla
evening at the Grand hotel. It had at
first Wen estimated that accommodation
would have to be provided for JcO at the
moat, but up to last evening Secretary
Reed bad received M7 acceptance. The
big ball room. It waa found, would not
accommodate over 9' "t the table, so it
was decided to place some extra tables In
the hallway connected with the large hall
by large double doors. When the speaking-
commences the guests seated In the
hallway can find roont In the big hall.
President C. W. McDonald of the cluh
will preside aa toaStnwster. Governor
Cummins will be the principal siieaker of
the evening.
laborers Kacape. hat la All Their
Three boarding cara on the tracka of th
fnion racinc In tho tranafer yards burned
last night. The fire made. a big show and
there waa considerable excitement for o
time owing to the report that It was one of
the big elevators at the transfer "which
waa burning. The cars were Occupied by a
gang of Austrian laborers engaged In grad
ing the tracks to-the new Tran-Mioei?slppl
elevator. The men all escaped b'it loat all
of I heir effects.
Mothers, do not use all your strength In
currying your baby around, when com
fortable folding and rlinlng go-carts can
be had at our soeclnl sale Tor I3.T5 and up.
Keller-Farnsworth Fur. Co.
Jensen ft Michaelson. 23X West Broadway,
contract for painting. They use pure white
lead and linseed oil. Now Is tho time to
let then SJo the work, before the rush
commence. You can get your Work done
right If you let them do it.
Uet Borwlck decorate your bouse. He
has the best wall paper and paint to do
it with. Bed-rock prices and work guaran
teed. 211 So. Main. Tel. S3. ,Call him up
and ask him about It.
Goo. A. Hoagland has Just received a our
load of the famoia Amnion Rubber roofing
and will make yon very attractive prices
on large or small quantities. Now Is the
time to get your roofs In ahnpe before the
heavy spring rains. . ',.' . . .
"McAtee for good things to eat." Bent
goods, best prlcea, fairest prices; prompt
and careful delivery; a pel if you want the
beat bakery gooda served, on your, tame
we bake them. u ' '
j Federal C'oart CoHveaes. ,
Judge Smith McPherson convened ths
March term of the Thlted States court yea
terday morning and lmnn.neied the grand
Jury, whfoh before ' adihtirameht for the
day returned Indictments against four al
leared bootleggers. The men indicted are
E. W. White. Haro lifltflty.' Frank Fer
ris and .Frank . 8hcpMr.4- . Ths .latter
promptly entered a plea-'tef flot guilty upd
his case was rimtiltqetV -for Judgtncnt
White and Hunter are in Jail at Nevada,
la., and will be brought-here-for trial.
The session promise' io ho a'short ono',
as thtTS are no cases of Importance doc
keted for this term. The grand Jury ex
pect to finish it .deliberations by noon
today. The petit Jury-. .will oonvene to
tnorrow. ' ' ' ' '' 1 '
t. Patrick's Dnr.
Saturday. March 17.. Is St. Patrick' day
We have the genuine ' shamrock, grown
from Imported seed. We are a real ahnan
rock bbutonnlere 'arid Uike a plant home.
and watch It grow. WUcox, Florlat,
Good bread can't .ba made, except from
good flour. re "Big A" flour and your
bread will always be good. Your grocer
sells it or should.
If you prefer quality to quantity and
absolute satisfaction to yourself, get
Sehmldt'a photo. Always guaranteed to
pleaae. 'Phone 157. 4o8 Broadway.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. ISO. Night 6'..
Fine Colorado farm land. IS an acre.
Improved ranches. 110 to .120 per acre. One
improved ranch, four miles from lowu, W
per acre, A big snap;':: Excursion March
20. Fare, 110.20. F. CV''Lou;se, 124 South
Main street. " ; '.
Don't forget Easter Is coming and you
want new suit. Leava.your order early
at Hick', It you want si nice, up-to-date
Th finest selection ol. marble gravestone
ln southwestern Iowa' can be found at
Bheeley ft Lane's marbl. and granite
works, 217 East Broadway, Council Bluffs,
Many different designs- and color. Th
work is done by expert who hav had
years of training.
Officer Comes o Pair While at Work
obi a gate.
RED OAK,. la... March 13. (Special)
Sheriff Thomas at an early hour this morn
ing shot and killed Harry Barker while the
latter was attempting to rob a safe.
This morning about 1:30 a noise was heard
In George Brown blacksmith shop by the
night man st William Thorn' livery barn
who Called Sheriff Thomas. ' When Sheriff
Thomas approached the west window he
heard the noise- In th direction of the
saf and fired. On .gainjng an entrance he
found Harry Ba rkr shot in th,:'neck r.n.l
unconscious from h fcf blood and he died
shortly after. Barker had succeeded In get
ting the Inner door ooen .wltji th use of
the tool found In $ho shop. Ther Wa a
chisel and hammer ' hooked In .the inner
door to force U open., His aal evidently
took Might when the shot wss fired.
From the description the . same two en
tered Carl Oliver's tailor shop last night
while Mr. Oliver wa posting his books
and requested him to hold up hla hands
and In the mlxup Carl waa badly handled
and pounded up. They wore' handkerchiefs
tor mask.
anday School Meetlaa; Fads.
LOGAN. Ia., March . (Speclal)-The an
nual convention of tha , Harrlaon County
Suadsy Bl-IiooI association, closed success
ful meeting with last night's session. Th
progrm wa rendered by Prof. W. R. Man
ning. Rev. H. Kremer of Logan. M. P.
Brace of Dunlap. D. ?. Bralnard, Harrison
county's superintendent of schools and
Miss Mulleneaux of Igyn. The meeting
were held In tho First Presbyterian church.
raiallttea freveated.
After , an accident. u Bucklen' Arnloa
Bal. It prevent fatal results. Heals
cuts, burns, sores. He. For sale by Sher-
man Mcforynetl Drug t'e.
I WATCHES-Frer.ser, liili and Dodg.
Consider. bl Oppoeition ' to tht) Meaiura
DfTelopi in the Senate.
llnase Paaaea tillllllaad Hesolatlna
altlaa- Gateraar for Proof of
f oa rates Railroad Lobby
Haa Beea ln.'
From a Staff Correspondent.)
DKS MOINE8. March LI (Special. The
Judiciary committee's substitute for the
child labor bill waa passed by the senate
today after several Ineffectual efforts to
radically amend It. The bill la practically
aa It passed the house, except that the pro
visions for the employers of child labor re
porting to the state labor commissioner are
eliminated. Thevonly amendment that was
adopted to The measure reported was
one relating to children working where
eight or more persona are employed. The
amendment t-alaea ths number to ten or
more persons. The bill as passed by the
aenate provide that no child of under 14
years shall be employed In any mine, man
ufacturing establishment, factory, mill
workshop; laundry, bowling alley or mer-
cantile establishment where ten or morn I
persons are employed; and no child of j
such age can be employed at nny employ-
ment during the tlm school la In session j
unless the child has attended chool the re- '
quired length of time as provided by law.
No. child-under t ran be employed In a.
dangeroua place or a saloon or where his
morals may be depraved. Children under I
Hi cannot be employed at any labor more j
than ten hours a day or earlier than 7 in
the morning or after I at night. The other
provisions of the law relate to Its enforce
ment. Senator Bruce of Cass county made
the hardest fight Against the bill. He at
tempted to amend it so that It would not In
ny provision affect the canning Industry.
Ho asaerted that many of the senators had,
while boys, wnrked seventeen hours a Uuy
and been the, better for It. He asaerted
that the bill was pushed In the Interests of
the labor unions of Des Moines. Senator
Dowell of IVIk fathered the bill and urged!!" bixpayer in dtuimiae district No. 1
Ita adoption. He opptiscd all amendments
and In answer to Bruce reud the names of
the members of the child labor committee
of the state, which Includes the names of
Senstor Allison, President Storms of the
Btate college and olher such men, who
were asking the passage of the bill.
Lewi Score Rock Island.
On the desk Of each member of the legis
lature today waa placed a card which Sen
ator Lewis of Page designated as "a gra
tuitous Insult to the members of tho leg
islature." The card reads:
Senator : The Commercial club of
Iowa City, ia., respectfully Invites you to
attend an excursion to Iowa City on
Wednesday, March 14. on a special
train, furnished by the Rock Island Rail
way company. This invitation is not trans
ferable. Goodiouly in the hands of the per
son to whom ias'ied and will be taken up
on the train. Train leaves lies Moines 7:40
a. m. sharp. Train leaves Iowa City 7:45
D. m.
Senator Lewis moved that when the sen
ate adjourn It be till tomorrow, morning.
t'nsuspecting the trap, someone arose and
called hla attention to th fact that to- ,
morrow morning was the day to go to
Iowa City. "I know It." anid Senator
Lewis, and then h read the card aloud
and said It was a gratuitous Insult to each
senator. He said thut after passing th
anti-pass bill the Rock Island wti merely
endeavoring to get on record all senator
who. rode on the pass and would have all
the curds filed away. Saunders and Garst
objected to Lewis' motion to meet tomor
row and said it. would 1ms wrong after ac
ceptlng the Invitation to visit Iowa City
to remain away aner me leasi was eprenu.
Senator Lewis said arterward that he dldn l
expect the senate to remain away from
Iowa City, but ho did want to call to the
attention of the senator the trap the
Rock Island had laid for them.
. Resents Bill Tharsday.
The regents' bill for stute educational
Itistftutldiis Is on for special order Thurs
day at 1:80 a. m. Arrangements were mad
to rush the printing of the bill so that
every member could have a copy to read
over before that time, which answered
the argument against an early considera
tion. It Is being asaerted about the cap
ital today that a Well organized lobby la
being conducted by the State college at
Ames to defeat the . measure and that
letters have been written by the State col
lege officials to many persons over the
slate asking them to write to the member
of th house and senate and oppnae the bill.
It is stated memliers of the faculty have
engaged rooms, dividing up tha hotels of
th city, to work on tho members stopping
at each hotel.
Power for Park Me.
The. aenate -today passed a bill which
permits park commissioner In buying land
for park purposes to mortgage not only
the piece of land liought but also any other
land In their posaesslon belonging to the
park system to guarantee payment on the
piece bought.
Fixing Terms of Office.
Th house this morning guv considera
tion to the matter of rearranging term ot
office. It wa decided that tha term ef
county officers should be two years and of
railroad - commissioners three year. Mr.
Tempi and others tried to have th term
of county officer or some of them, made
four year, so as 'to preserve the alternat
ing feature, but this waa rejected by the
house, as also was a proposal to hav th
term of county auditors commence In
July Instead of January. In the matter of
fixing the term of railroad commissioner
the house had previously refused to make
th terms sit years .In each case. Th
Doran bill was taken up. Thla made the
terms two years. It wss pointed out thaf
If this bill was adopted it would come In
conflict with the term of one member at
present. Mr. Chaaaell offered th aubatltute,
which wa finally adopted and thla provide
for three-year terms, , two to be elected
every two years, th term of one to com
mence on the lirst of January following
and the other one year later; then the
terms to follow In rotation. In thla way the
railroad commissioners will go into office
one each year
The house passed th senate file by Smith
to provide that no more persons shall b
sent to the Inebriate asylum at Knoxvill
until the superintendent gives consent; a
bill which raise the salary of the secretary
of the atate agricultural department to
11,600 a year and a bill to provide that In
certain cases a drainage district bears the
expense of preliminary work; also a bill to
permit wires of soldiers being sent to tha
soldiers' horns under certain circumstances.
Th military commute Introduced a me
morial to congreea aaklng for legislation to
permit granting pensions to certain low
soldiers engaged In border defenae during
the war.
Speaker Clarke from the chair urged th
oommltt to be mor prompt and to tak
up all the hills in the hands of the chair
men and consider thcni promptly.
otlre to Directors.
Th first law to affect the machinery of
it-e stale In any way passed at this session
is th law changing Ute school year, which
passed both bouse and has been signed
by th governor,. Superintendent Rlgg haa
sent out notices to all school officials call-
,ri' thir attention to the fart that they
will not meet and organise next Monday,
March 1. as they wauld huve dor. under
the- old school law. fcfi-.'-jl tle-.-1-n were
lu'id everywhere In Towa yesieiday. 1'nrter
the old school U a- these ncwlv elected
officials would mevt next Mondny and elect
teachers for the spring term. Vmlcr th
new law the newly elected directors wlil
not meet snd orr-iulse till July 1 The
term of the old flireetoia are extended till
that time. It will be necessary for the
treasurers whore 1vm are extuded to
glva bond for the additional period.
Coll tiairrnor for Proof.
The house by a voir of 73 to 1 late today
lassed the Gillllland lesoltition calling upon
Governor Cummins to mak good hia
charges that railroad Influence waa used
to defeat the primary hill. The amendment
providing for a committee of Investigation
wss voted down and the governor will now
be ssked to send ln the proof of the charges
he made In his letter announcing his third
term candidacy. The governor charged
that the railroads were using every power
that money could Influence direct and In
timated that some or the member of the
legislature had been so Influenced.
The governor promises now tn make sen
sational disclosures which he saja he has
regarding the work of the lobbyists In the
state and his friends In the leglslatuie se
cured the passage of the resolution.
Dohaoa la the Rare.
George I.. Dobsnn, late consul to Hung
Chow. China, today Informed many of his
friends that he would be n candidate for
congress against Congressman J. A. T.
Hull, chairman of the. inllitnry committee
of the house. Mr. Dobson culled au the
city hall and spent the tn-enter part of the
day there calling on the offlciala. all of
whom he informed thut he had definitely
made Up his mind to be a candidate.
Independent Telephone Men.
Three hundred liidnehrtent telephone
men are In the city today attending the
annual convention. The convention wna
opened at 2:30 tlila afternoon at the Cham
berlain hotel and President F. C. Hnldoegel
of Rockwell City delivered an address. The
convention will be given over entirely to
discussion ol ways and means of Improv
ing telephone service.
Ditch Kill at I. nan a.
LOGAN, la.. March tt. (Special L. C.
Brown of Logan has filed papers with the
clerk of the district court bringing suit
I against A. J. Shlnn. sheriff of Harrison
! County, end E. T. Ogd.-n, treasurer. Brown
of Pottawattamie and Harrison counties
and claims that the sheriff's bill for
W.4WI.75 for serving papers In'conectlon with
the Willow creek and Allen creek flitches
Is excessive and Shlnn filed this
claim for 3KS services on December 27. 1901.
and on February 22 of thla year th board
allowed It. J. M. Rn y and O. O. Rock
Were salaried deputies at that lime and the
returns show that they luade the services.
The court Is prayed to permanently enjoin
the sheriff from selling or assigning his
warrant and the. treasurer from paying It.
Condemned Man f.eta ev Trial.
SIOUX CITY, la.. March -IU. The lowu
supreme court today reversed the Lyon
district court In the case of Charbs Rocker,
who was convicted of the murder of
August Schrader, June So, lt00, and granted
Rocker a . new triul. Rocker waa undor
sentence to hang.
Iowa Delegation for Perkins.
8IOVX CITY, la., March 1& (Special
Telegram.) Congressman E. H. Hubbard,
who returned today from Washington, de
cferes thst the entire Iowa delegation, as
i TH E
Of tho Whole Family Depends Upon tho
rand Condenses)
Ooroen's Condensed ilk Co.
fr7 1 e JLJ
ole by Goodyear Hand Sewed Procee. , SuWbxead
1$ to a snoe wkat a sulk lining if to a dreeea distinction.
Silk etitckinf u wortn a dollar more to you, tut w
caarg" nothing extra. All (or $3.00.
Sola by th best dalr rrrry-wKr.
liorlliwestern Medical
Required to Commence Treatment.
Mesg This Mit Emphstlcilly, It Is ff Ya-For(mybfy.
Lost Power Restored, Aecordlnx ti 14 ti S3 DATS.
Private Diseases. Mcentli Contrictt., 4 DAYS.
Varicocele, Without 11 Operation. 10 ti 30 BATS.
Dlood Poison, Hi Uorcurf or Potash 30 ti 90 CAYS.
IlDkEY AKD'BLACDEB TROUBLES, lliher acute ir chronic, 15 to 40 BAYS,
Northwest Car. lata aad Paraas St.. OMAHA. HI.
i --
Some cocoa i are half flour om ar
half lugar naturally theo adulterated
soricwl l?Mtomanafrturrthn RunkePi
Cocoa because tugar and dour and starch
are cheaper than cocoa bean. Th
ftunkel way U the safest, lurett, sanest
way. Just enough of the cocoa fat ii
exlracted(by terrific mechsnica! pressure)
to make it readily digestible, bit sufficient
is left to render it nourishing and nutritious.
Hunkers Cocoa
u just ihe powdered cocoa bean from
which the husk and the core are first re
moved), ground o fine and smooth that
il solubility and digestibility are certain.
One can of Runkel's Cocoa will last
longer than any other because k is'a7
cocoa. Therejis no flavor like it, because
it is made only of selected qualities cf
cocoa beans, so subtly blended that ft
most delightful aroma and a most enticing;
flavor are attained. The price is just
the same as though the quality were
not as high.
Snd 8c for sample r1 Chocolat
and miniature caa of Coco.
Coeea and Chocolate Manufacturer
New Ye
far as he knows. Is for George D. Perkins
for governor of Iowa. He ay th Senator
Dolllver Interview, endorsing Mr. Perkins,
meets with the general sppreval of th
delegation. . i .
Cha rue from Brother's Uiiat Almost
Blows Head OST.
(Speclal Telegram.! Harvey William. g
alout CT. alngle,' th soh of John Q. rVll
Unms, the old soldier who died a few days
since, while out hunting this afternoon
with a younger brother, received In some
unknown manner a full charge, at closw
range, from the latter' gun. which almost
severed hla head from . bis body- Ths
younger, brother' was too . frightened
tell how It happened. It Is feared the
mother cannot survive the shock, as th
boy killed was her main upport.
Brand Evaporated
Sti'tcli Pur S3k. Not :
of cotton in tke upper
i$ securely fastened to tke
& Surgical Instituis
f l
.' 1,1. ?jr
VYi ire Specialists for Diseases and
Weaknesses of MEN and MEN CSLT.
We knov just what we can daana" wi
have such firm confidence in our NEW
METHODS and TREATMENT that we are
willing to euro our patients under to
absolute fjarantee ef