A ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MARCH 11. 1!K. EDWARD nOSEWATER ON THE ISSUES OF THE MUNICIPAL CAMPAIGN Stenographic Report of Address Delivered Last Thursday at the Meeting of the Fifth Ward Republican Club Reviewing Questions Now Before the Voters of Omaha. i For What Greater Assurance Can You Ask? Mr. Chairman, Fellow Republicans and Fellow Cltlxens: I have come tonight to bid you good by for a while and als to nay a few words concerning a very im liortant event that la now lieforc us. I refer to the trlennlul election of u new mtinlripal government. The city of Omaha, urn has heen said lu re tonight, as the yean Ico by. : will become more anil more cos mopolitan. Thousand of our citlxcns were born in different sections of the world. They have come to. (his country to better their condi tion become Americanized. All these people aspire to become American cltliens and are anxious to secure not only a bet terment of their own condition, but also to help their fellow citizen In making good government. All these people necessarily must submit to our system of government as It may be administered, but as Ameri can sovereigns they have a right to choose for themselves who shall administer the government. It has become the custom In Omaha prior to every local election to indulge In a great deal of grandstand play, and a large quantity of dust Is thrown to confuse and mlslend the voters. Men who have mado records that do not square up with their professions come before the people as cham pions of particular reforms, and they Join In the popular clamor, In the hope to have themselves carried into office on the wave of public sentiment. Now, t have been in favor of every meas ure I believed to be for the upbuilding of Omaha from the day I set foot In this city, and so far as haa been within my power I have endeavored to assist In Improving out municipal government and making it as economical and honest aa It can be made by turning the searchlight of publicity upon all reckless expenditures of public funds and' all lawless and corrupt or Im proper transactions In public office, but I take no stock In sham reform. I take no lock In those who go upon the platform professing to have been suddenly converted to some popular movement or Issue, when their records In the past do not square up with their professions. Matter of Municipal Ownership. For more than thirty years I have been an advocate of municipal ownership, and have not changed my views a particle, but. on the contrary, am today more than ever convinced that sooner or later the city of Omaha must own and operate its own pub lic utilities if we want to hiie a govern ment by the people for the people. It Is utterly Impossible under existing conditions to expect honest, faithful and efficient municipal government so long as our muni cipal public utilities are owned and operated by private corporations for private gain. Three years ago we elected a municipal government on the platform of municipal ownership, but looking backward we find that the men who talked municipal owner ship before election did not mean a bit of It. They simply talked It. When It came to action they tried to mislead and bunco the people. You remember that only a little more than a year ago a proposition was submitted to the voters of Omaha for the acquisition of a municipal electric light plant.. The ordinance was Introduced by Mr. Zlmman, the president of the coun cil, but when election day came Mr. Zlm- re Kew ftrlenttflc Appllaace, Aawrs a Perfect Fit Adjustable to Aay (Use Person Kasy, Comfortable, Never Mips. Xo Obaciloii Springe or Pads Coats More Than Many Common Trasses Made for Mea, Women and Children. Sent on Trail I have Invented a rupture appliance that I can safely say. by 30 years' experience in the rupture business. Is the only one that will absolutely hold the rupture and never slip and yet Is light, cool, comfortable, con forms to every movement of the body with out chafing or burUng and costs less than many ordinary trusties. There are no -hi . . ar T i - Jas. Ml Brlttoa, Cared of Hnptare br C. E. Brook a. springs or bard, lumpy pads and vet it holds the rupture safely and firmly without pain or Inconvenience. I have put the price uiw . " muy person, ncn or puuc, call buy. and I absolutely guarantee It. I asaka It to your order send It to -) wear It. aad If It doesn't satisfy yon, send It bnek to me aad I will reload onr money without u. ora tion. That is the fairest proposition ever made by a rupture peciullst. The banks or the postmaster here in Marshall will tell you that is the way 1 do business always ab solutely on the square. Here Is what Mr. Jas. Brltton, a prom inent manufacturer of Bethlehem, Pa., writes: V. E. Brooks. F.aq , Dear Sir: I have been ruptured (or wx years and have al ways had trouble with It till 1 got your appliance. It Is very easy -to wear, tits neat and snug, and Is not In the wav at any time, day or night. In fact many limes I did not know 1 had It cn. It just adapted Itself to the ahaiie of the body and clung to the spot, no matter what position 1 was In. It would be a veritable Hod-send to the unfortunate, who suffer from rupture. If ail could procure the H rooks' Hupttire Appliance and wear It. They eertunly would never regret it. My rupture Is all healed up and nothing ever did It but your appliance. Jas. Brltton." If you have tiled most everything ele, come to me. Where oitieis full is where I have my greatest sucevrsa. Write me to day and I will send you my book on Rup ture and Its I'uie. showing my spplianie and giving you pries and names of people who hav in. d and been t-ured. It is in stant relief alien all others Isii. Krinem ber I use no salve, no harness, no lies. Just a straiKht business d.-al at a reason .1.1 prlre. E. Hiovka, liH Brouk Bldg . Marshall. MRU. man was in t lie front rank with other memliers of the council ' to defeat the adoption and ratification of the proposition I'p to this day I have not yet found any one of these gentlemen able to explain to me why they submitted the proposition to the people and then Joined the electric light company and did nil they could to defeat It. One of the republlcun candidates for mayor Is a professed If not a professional municipal Ownership man. I have heard him, and I presume many of you also have heard him, ilenounce public utility cor porations and assert that we shall never have honest and efficient municipal govern ment until the city owns all these utilities, but when that Issue was presented squarely to him fifteen months ago he also turned back on his own professions and joined the cappers and strikers of the electric light company to defeat the proposition under the pretext that an Issue of bonds for the municipal lighting plant, which would have cost at the furthest $25,000, would prevent or retard the acquisition of the waterworks. That was the flimsiest excuso I have ever heard. The. waterworks proposition will Involve an outlay of not less than M.Ono.000 and possibly It mav run up to $6,0110.000 or $7,0u0,noo and the expendi ture of 50,000 for a lighting plant pould not possibly have Interfered with the pur chase of the waterworks In the least. Dollar tins BlnflT. - The same gentlemen who defeated a mu nicipal lighting plant fifteen months ago now want to give us dollar gas. They voted a five-year contract with the electric light company to prevent the acquisition of an electric light plant any sooner, while at the same time the general manager of Mr. Henson's campaign, Mr. Howell, who Is also a sham reformer, assured us that the city would have the water works within twelve months. If the municipal light proposition waa voted down. The true Inwardness of that fight fifteen months ago was that the electric light company spent over $20,000 to corrupt the voters of Omaha and furnished the campaign fund to elect Howell as member of the Water board. How much it will contribute to Mr. Benson's .campaign now 1 cannot even guess, but Mr. Howell and his adjutant, Tom Biackburn. know how to reach the general manager. I take It that this hum bug and bunco game about the water works will be re-enacted for you before this cam paign Is over. It Is now three years since the Howell water purchase bill passed the legislature. When It was enacted the pretense was that the mayor and city council were not willing to act promptly In having the water works appraised and purchased. The How ell bill waa to be a step for the Immediate acquisition of the works. The bill waa in troduced the first day of the session and railroaded through ' without friction Into the governor's hands, and waa by him signed almost before the Ink was dry. It had sixty-seven typewritten pages and, as I understand, reached our good governor Saturday night. The following Monday morning at ft o'clock-1 .wired that I would be. down to Lincoln and endeavor to ex plain the unconstitutional and objection able features of this bill, which violated' the principle of home rule in Its most vital form by taking away from the cltliens of Omaha the right to say whether or not they wanted the works purchased and who should conduct the purchase and operation of the plant. The governor had already signed the bill. Now, we all know Gover nor Mickey Is a very good man. He never doea official business on Sunday and would not thl..k of reading such a long bill as that on Sunday. (Laughter.) Bo when he Signed It on Monday morning he must have signed It without, reading It. When I reached the capital a few house later I asked him whether he had submitted the; bill to the attorney general. "Well,' he aald, "I did not think about that, but I will do It next time." (Laughter.) Bo the bill became a law. - Corporations Always Win. - You who have lived In Omaha these last twenty or thirty years, and you who have lived here less, have never yet heard of proposition affecting the moneyed Interests of one of the public utility corporations in any proposition that would reduce their Income, ) mean any proposition that would reduce their Income or be injurious to their Interests, you never yet have known of their keeping still and letting such a bill or ordinance pass through. They always have their representatives . at the council chamber, they have them on the floors and In the corridors, and even down town at the Merchanta hotel bar room. ' They have them everywhere any councilman or mem ber of the legislature la likely to go. In this Instance : the water works bill , was sent to Lincoln and Mr. Hunt, the manager, waa sent to California. The. water works bill was logrolled through as easily and quietly as the crime of 1873, like the tread of a cat In the night-time not a ripple. It went through without the alrghest opposi tion on the part of the water company, and yet Howell pretended all the time that It was. done to force the water company to turn over Its profitable plant to the city. As soon as that bill had been put through the legislature the city council, by In spiration, suddenly became convinced that It had to obey the law to the letter. Most of the laws they do not care to obey at all (laughter), but, this particular law they had to obey Instanter. t'nder the law they had thirty days to consider, but, no, they had to do it Instanter. They met and resolved that it was necessary for the city to ac quire the works on the three-appraiser plan. They at once notified the water board to name one appraiser, the water company the second or, so that the two might choose the third, and It was done almost in a Jiffy. By this act the city was hand cuffed, in fact, bound hand and foot and delivered over to the water company. Khan Hetoriaer'a Promise. The great champion of sham reform, who Is now managing the Benson campaign for municipal ownership told the people that his bill would result In the ownership of the works in a few months. Thirty-six months have now passed since the law passed and we are no nearer to the owner ship than we were three years ago. and the bunco game has continued. We have had a junior water bill, as well aa a senior water bill, to make sure that It would stick. Oh, yes; they have accomplished two or three creditable things. In their own estimation. They have ordered a alight re duction in the water rates and have bung UD the claim of the water company for hydrant rent. I am not a prophet or the sou of a prophet, but I venture the prediction that the water company in the long run will be able to collect their rental from lhou who ha. received a rebate. Of course, those wn are out of town and those who are ine aponalble will save their money, but every man aud woman who u able It pay will have to make up the rebate or make some kind of settlement. If anybody wants to make you lielleve that the city will profit by the hanging up of the water bills they would try to make you believe that ilie ! moon Is made of green cheese. 1 The water rent paid by the city "or hydrants amounts to about IHO.Oflo a year. The tax for this renlal has been levied and collected from most taxpayers and Is presumed to lie in the city treasury, but in 'reality It Is In banks, deposited at 2 per cent. When Judgment is rendered by the courts against the cHy, we will have to pay 7 per cent for the time while the water rent has been in the banks at 2 I per cent. That fs all. We have had about I four or five decisions of the federal cou-t already that the contract made with tho water company in 1881 is valid and bind ing, and that we are obliged to pay the rent, but we repeat and repeat these costly law suits just In order to enable the special attorneys of the Water board to earn thousands of dollars In fees. City Bound by Contract. I am one of those old-fashioned ieople who believe that a city is In honor bound to observe and live up to all Its contract obligations just the same as any private Individual Just the same s any private corporation. When the city of Omaha made the contract with the water compauy In 1881 it bound Itself to pay the hydrant rental for the period for which that con tract runs, and until that contract expires two years from next September until we acquire the works by purchu.ie, the city is bound by the conditions of that contract as much as the water company. Had we done what we had a right to do without the Intervention of Howell and his compulsory purchase bill we would have appointed appraisers for these works and could have taken possession of them under our charter, three years, two years or even one year ago. All that was necessary was for the mayor and council to appoint seven appraisers to appraise the works and if that appraisement was not deemed satis factory for the city, it could have- been re jected and a new set of appraisers ap pointed, and whenever It waa satisfactory the city would have had the right to vote the bonds and to tender the purchase price to the water company, and If the tender waa rejected by the water company the city had the right to take the works and operate them and the company would have been compelled to seek redress In the courM. but under the present arrangement we are tied hand and foot. The appraiser can take their own time, arid they aret taking time beautifully, and when they get through -we are bound by their appraisement unless we can show fraud or corruption. The result will be that we may be compelled to pay from $1,000,000 to $3,000,000 or even $4,000,000 more than the works are worth. (A voice:' "That's It.") And if we refuse to vote the bonds they will simply ask the court to render Judgment against the city and Omaha will be in the same Ax that Elisa beth, N. J., and Memphis were at one time. I There will be a Judgment hanging over umana so large that It practically would I iw line a oanarupi aentOB its credir would be nothing and eventually It would have to come to terms with the company. That Is precisely the condition In which Benson's campaign manager, Howell, has put us. Tale of Gaa Franchise. Now, let us go back to the gas business because there Is an awful amount of gas to be let loose In town and we mav as i well deal with that question fairly and without equivocation. Fourteen years ago I the gaa franchise of the old Omaha Oaa ! company and United Qaa company, each j swallowed the other like Aaron's snakes , swallowed those other snakes. (Laugh- ter). Their franchise was about to run out and the city council deliberately and recklessly voted a new franchise to the company for fifty years, at $1.65 per 1,000 feet without any royalty or rebate. Just think of It fifty years! In order to thwart this high-handed scheme I engaged John 1 Kennedy and William S. Pcpple- j ton to Institute proceedings and enjoin this j action before It was consummated. A desperate effort waa made by the gaa company to carry Its fifty-year contract through, but we firmly planted ourselves In the position that the franchise should be reduced fro: i fifty to twenty-five years; second, that the company should reduce its rate of gaa from $1 85 to $1.35; third, that it should pay a royalty of 6 cents for every 1.000 cubic feet of gaa sold to private con sumers with a graduated reduction In the price of gaa, according to the amount consumed. That ordinance after a long fight was finally passed. It Is amazing, however, that some gentle- l men, who are now clamoring for dollar gas and the abrogation of the contract, were In that council and voted for a fifty year franchise at $1.66 per 1,000 and no royalty. (A Voice: "Billy Saunders of the Fifth ward"). Billy Saunders, the assistant gen eral .manager and the guide, philosopher and friend for Mr. Benson. Billy Is an Ideal .manager. He Is opposed to all graft and grafters. I can't think of the name of a man In Omaha, and I remember pretty nearly everybody that has served in the city council, that was a worse grafter. (Applause and laughter.) If the people of Omaha would Just look back and see what happened when he was playing watchdog ! of the city treasury they would realise what we may expect In the way of reform with Billy aa chief ateerer. Westbera; as a Watch Doc That brings us squarely In front of an other candidate on the Bensonlan ticket, who also is planted on the anti-graft plat form and for a strictly honest and econom ical government. That gentleman was act ing comptroller of the city of Omaha at the time when the biggest defalcation that we ever had In the city treasury occurred, and he Insisted before the Investigating com mittee that the defalcation would not ex ceed $S.0u0. When Uie Investigation was con cluded It was discovered that It amounted to $115,000. The name of the gentleman was John Westberg. (A voice: "Don't tell about It. He Is a safe man.") Now, I al ways admit that man is liable to error, but JUO.OuO of an error in the comptroller's office is a pretty big error to make. In the Anal settlement made some years later that error cost the city $85,000 clean.' All we got back of the $116,000 was $35.u0u. Now, going back to this dollar gaa, let me say that I want 50-cent gaa and I would like to have SO-cent gas If we can only get It. Kamaa City is going to have S-cent gas. but do you know the reason why? It Is because they have a pipe line running into the Kaunas gaa Held and are supplied with natural gas. If you really want dollar gas you cannot get It under the contract we have made with the gas company, but ! you may get it by granting a franchise to I will pay $1,000.00 to any one that can prove Is not all that that the Hoosac I claim for it. Tunnel and Mining Company I am offering an opportunity whereby you may assure yourself of an Income, for life. An investment in thi stock should pay enormous dividends all the days of your natural life and your children and your children's children should continue to enjoy the same benefit. Take advantage of your real opportunity and be a partner in this enterprise on terms that cannot prove a cause of inconvenience. Buy this stock today for 70 cenU a share cash, or 76 cents a share on installments, and pay for It 10 per cent down and 10 per cent a month for nine months. But act today, for the issue is limited and the price will continue to Increase. It has Increased In price more than 50 per cent since January 1st, and 1 believe that it will be selling for from 12.00 to $4.00 within year. I prefer to deal directly with the people, and therefore offer to you the cream of the profits usually given to a syndicate of underwriters. You will never become wealthy on a salary alone, and your idle money will never make you rich. Invest your money where It pays you dividends, and be Independent of the time clocks. Sek where you may, you will seldom find another proposition of equal merit nor a better Investment for your money. Mining. Manufacturing, and Transportation three of the greatest dividend paying enterprises of the world are combined under . one management, and this management is absolutely honest AS PKOOF OF THIS, THE BOOKS OF THIS COMPANY WILL BK EXAMINED SEMI-ANNUALLY BY A FIKM OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, AND THE RESULTS PUBLISHED, so that our stockholders may each and every one know where every dollar Is expended. Can you ask for further proof? Here It is The Hoosac Tunnel & Mining Co. refers, by special permission, to Mr. Geo. Armstrong, Cashier Capital City National Bank, Denver, Colo.; First National Bank of Idaho Springs, Colo.; C. 8. Blrkins, President Merchants' and Miners' National Bank, Idaho Springs, Colo.; John T. Mallallou, Secretary Chamber of Commerce, Idaho Springs, Colo.; Geo. W. Dutton, Mining Editor Siftlng-News, Idaho Springs, Colo., and many others, who will vouch tor the genuine worth and integrity of character of the officers of this company. I have employed the most reliable experts to assist me in determining the safety and profit values of this enterprise, before I recommenced It to the public. I niuke a business of finding safe and profitable investments for money savers, and I can't afford to indorse anything which Isn't sound. I could not remain In business If I did. I can't deal In "prospects," nor can I permit my clients to do so through me. I won't speculate with my own money, nor will I with yours. I am not selling "Blue Sky" nor "Oold Bricks." -What I am offering la a splendid opportunity for Investment In an honorably managed and exceedingly meritorious enterprise, where tho price of your stock should double within a few months. Two months ago you could have bought this stock for 35 cent a share; today It sells for 70 cents a share, and within a few more months It should be selling for par or better Why Not Make This Profit Yourself? ' Go to the nearest news stand and get the February 22nd Issue of Leslie's Weekly, tho White House Wedding Number, and read that masterly article, "Tunneling Under Gold-Ribbed Mountains," written by Henry Shedd Beardsley, associate editor and regular staff correspondent of that paper, w ho has personally visited the great Clear Creek County .mines, and who tells you the truth about the Hoosac Tunnel &, Mining Co. If you can't get it, write to me today and I will send you a copy free of charge, and I will also give you further details. Including government map of the property and the Idaho Springs District, Mining Engineers' reports and abundant references, both in behalf of the company and every one of its officers. Every possible aid will be given that you may learn for yourself why this Is your opportunity of a lifetime. But I cannot guarantee you against another rise In the price of this stock within a short tlitfe, so ACT TODAY. PIERCE UNDERWOOD, Specialist in Profitable Investments. This company is wholly responsible, and Is engaged In a legitimate and definite enterprise, and must not be confused with the many wildcat mining speculations in which investors are offered stock. The officers of this company are men of exceptional ability, strength of character and genuine worth. They are not Wall street specu lators engaged in a Jobbing scheme. They arc pledged to carry this great enterprise to the greatest possible success, and In the quickest mauuer, with all regard to safety, economy and business prudence. THREE DISTINCT PROFIT EARNING FEATURES THE GREAT HOOSAC MINKS. This company owns t2 acres of placer ground and five patented mining claims. Including 4.WH) feet of the great Hoosac Vein, from which the company taken its name. This immense vein, ha produced millions on each side of this property, and the ore bodies within Ita boiindrii are of such imignlrude as to Justify an esti mate of $H,oro.(uiO protlt to thin company, after deducting all cost of mining and milling ore. 76( feet of development work has been completed upon this property, and fmm an entirely distant cross-vein ore has been shipped Which returned profits of llo.tio per ton net .nd the niBin ore body Is even richer than thin and will be reached within the next two hundred feet by the tunnel. HOOSAC COXCEXTRATIXG MILLS. A large concentrating mill, with a daily capacity sufficient to reduce one hundred tons of ore to concen trates, will be erected at once at the mouth of the Hoosac Tunnel. Tills mill will not lone reduce the ores from the Hoosac mines, hut will alio do custom work for the other mines of the district. The earnings from this source alo ne should lie from ,iion.n to $S0.0rt).nu a year in clenr profits. The milling and refining of ores is one of the great industries of which Kastern people know but little but consult Kradstreet and other authorities, and learn of the almost countless millions acquired by the Guggenheim, the American Smeltering & Refining Co., and others who engage eolely In the reduction of ores anl refining of metals. HOOSAC TRANSPORTATION' TUNNEL. This tunnel is equipped with a powerful plant xif machinery, and work is proceeding night and day. It has already been driven 750 feet and is being ex tended to run through eighty active mines which have up to date produced more than Jino.imO.rtflO.on by means of expensive shaft workings. Several nf these . mines will be cut this year. Anv ten of them can send enough nre through this tunnel to earn for the company from this source alone more thsn ll.OOO.OHt'.OO In annual profits, after all operating expenses have lieen deducted. This tun nel will be a producer of profits for more than your natural lifetime, and every year will see It extended further under the mountains, through mine after mine, constantly yielding Increased dividends. WHAT YOUR MONEY SHOULD EARN. 7.fl0 cash or 17.50 payable $1.50 down and $1.50 a month for four months will buy 10 shares of stock, par value $10.00. estimated value within one year $26.00, within two years VpO.OI). $14.00 cash or $U.0u payable 10 per cent down and 1(1 per cent a month for nine months will buy SO shares of stock, par value $2,000; estimated value within one year f.V).on, within two' years $100.00. $28.00 cash or $30.00 payable 10 per cent down and 10 per cent a month for nine months will buy 40 shares of stock, par value $40.00, estimated value within one year $100.00, within two years $300.0. ..- 15G.00 cash or HO.fO payable 10 per cent down and 10 per cent per month for nine months will buy SO shares of stock, par value $S0.0O, estimated value within one year 1-00.00, within two years $400.00. $112.00 cash or $120.00 payable 10 per oent down and 10 per cent per month for nine months will buy 160 shares of stock, par value $1H0.i0, estimated value within one . year $400.00,' within two years $800.00. $221.00 cash or $240.60 payable 10 per cent down and 10 per cent a month for nine montha will uy 320 shares of stock, par value $320.00, estimated value within one year $SO0.00, within two yeara $1,00.00 $448.00 cash or $480.00 payable 10 per cent down and 10 per cent a month for nine months will buy 648 shares of stock, par value $640.00, estimated value within one year $1,600.00, within two years $3,200.00.' ' .' $Sfi6.00 cash or $960.00 payable 10 per cent down and 10 per cent a month for nine months will buy 1,280 shares of stock, par value $1,280.00, estimated value within one year $3,200.00, within two years $6,100. 00. " , , " $.72.04 cash or $1,920 payable 10 per cent down and 10 per cent a month for nine months will buy 2.560 shares of stock, par value $-.S)0.00, estimated value within one year $6,400.00;' within tw o years, $12,00.0O. You have had plenty of time to verify all my statements and make inquiries of the banks and distinguished individuals whom I refer rou to in order that you might learn for yourself that all that I have told you about the Hoosac Tunnel & Mining Co. is true every word of it. Grasp Your Opportunity Fill Out. Cut Off and Mail the Coupon Today to PIERCE UNDERWOOD. Specialist in Profitable Investments, Financial Agent, UO Dearborn St., Chicago. COUPON O. B. U 1906 PIERCE UNDERWOOD. Hartford Bldg., Chicago. Dear Sir: . I hereby subscribe for . Shares of the capital stock of the Hoosac Tunnel A Mining Co., Idaho Springs, Colorado, and agree to pay you per share (70c per share if your remittance pays your subscription In' full, or 75c if you pay on Installments of 10 per cent now and 10 per cent per month.) I Inclose herewith my remittance for r Please acknowledge receipt. Yours truly. Name '. , Address Note: No subscription for less than ten shares will be accepted. If you have $7.00. or can save $1.50 a month for rive months you can own ten shares In the Company. More If you can pay for them. Don't delny. Sub scribe for all you can pay for, either at once or on monthly Installments. YOU WON'T RKGRET IT. This stock Is fully paid and non-asHesmible. HOOSAC TUNNEL, MINING CO. another gas company. If the contract we made thirteen yeara ago Is not; valid, it Is high time we should find it out. If the con tract of the gaa company is good, they have a right to charge what they are charging and we have no right to. complain unless they give us bad measure and bad gas. Borne months ago the promoters of a new gas company, which had no bottom any where, came to Omaha and offered to give us dollar gas, if we would vote them a forty-three-year franchise, with- certain con cessions. Including, of course, the right to dig ditches through our paved . streets, to lay mains and pipes, and ruin our pave ments generally. The city- council very wisely. In my Judgment, declined to enter tain the proposition. A forty-three-year eas contract at a dollar would' have been an imposition on the people. I doubt very much ten years hence whether Omaha will be paying 76 cents for gas. Under our con tract the price of gas will decrease as the consumption Increases. If we, are going to have a city of 200,000 or 2&O,00UO ten years hence, we will consume vastly more gas and secure a corresponding reduction, but that is not all. The probabilities are that Oamaha, like Kansas City, will have a pipe line to the gaa fields and to the oil fields ol Kansas and Wyoming. Opposes New Franchises. On new broad gauge lines I am opposed from now on to voting any new' franchises to any public utility corporation. I have become convinced that self-preservation will compel u to acquire all the public utilities and for that reason no franchises should be granted to any -public service corporation hereafter. (Applause.) If we are going to buy out the gas company, or the water company, or the telephone com pany, or the street railway company, we must pay for their plants and the value of their franchises In most casea. If we haye to buy out two comiianles Instead of one we will have to pay twice as much or, in any event, hundreds of thousands of dol lars or even millions more that we would pay out if we have onlyMo buy one. Let me be clearly understood. I want the public service corporations to give us the best service for the least money, and If we have any constitutional rights or any charter to regulate them we should do so, but we may as well face the music now as later. Under the peculiar condition of things, every public utility corporation Is bound to own or control the city council whether you like it or not. They are sub ject either to raids that are made upon them by popular clamor or by holdups by public officials and they are bound, there fore, to ward off these raids by getting Into politics. They always have been In every campaign and ao long as they exist they will continue to be because they are subject to regulation. There Is only one way to put an end to this corrupting and demoralising Influence and that la for the city to own Its public utility plunts In every case. That has been the experience of other cklt-s, and It is going to be our experience, and the larger we grow the worse the evil will grow. Periodically there will be a revolt and for a short time there may be relief, but only (or a abort time. The great fight CIGARETTES! 5c BRANDS Sweet Cnporal Duke's Cameo TolBtl TURKISH EGYPTIAN i 20c BRAND SchmnHhl Bros. Royal '25c BRANDS MIlo KKj-ptlan Dletles No. 3 CIGARETTES! Mail Orders Promptly Filled Postage or Express Prepaid CIGARETTES! 10c BRANDS Turkish Trophies Richmond Straight Cut Esryptlan Arabs Cairo Nabob 15c BRANDS Mogul Natural Duke of York Mural Khedive I CIGARETTE DOMESTIC CUDAN . THE CENTRAL CIGAR STORE 35c BRAND Egyptian Deities No. 1 CIGARETTE FAFERS Rla Sax Rice or Straw ' Zigzag Rice or Straw 517 BROADWAY, 2 PERL STREET. TEL 14. COUNNIL BLUFFS. - IOWA. CIGARETTES! VaBHsssasSSSBaSBBSBBBSSBBSBBBl I "Try'iira?" In Philadelphia that tore up that city last year from center to circumference was due to Interference of public utility cor porations with the machinery of municipal guvernment, but I doubt very much whether the revolution that freed Phila delphia from corrupt rule will outlast the present municipal government. Contest of Years. It stands to reason that we cannot ac quire all the public utilities In a year or two yeara, ten years or even twenty years. It will take many years before we can op erate the street rall- ys, for example, but the time will come. ..-', Mr. Benson say that Omaha should own Its municipal gov ernment. That is a very nice saying. The city mut own Its own government, but Mr. Benson has not yet projected his remedy. He has nut said Just how he la going to do It. ' He is not in favor of municipal owner ship except as It serves his purpose In the campaign. He is not willing- to grapple with the public utility corporations any more than he Is willing to make a real fight against the lowest class of vice, except as it serves the purpose of a campaign aigu ment. . Two years ago when the Real Estate x change waa carrying on Its campaign for the taxation of public utility corporations and railroads Mr. Benson discreetly occu pied a position In the rear guard. Like Art emus Ward, he was willing to sacrifice all tils wife's relation In the war. but he was not willing to expose himself to the risks of retaliation by corporation. The came modesty has characterized his war against Ihe vleiou and criminal t laas s. He is willing to let the Civic federation take the brunt of the tight on itself. Mr. Benson knows just as well as I do that you cannot get rid of the low divea until you prosecute the owners, and when you do you wilt have to prosecute some high-toned gentlemen as well as prosecute some low toned ones. (Applause.) ' You have got to prosecute the owners of the buildings who get big rents and the rental agents who get big commissions, as well as the occupants. When you strike at that tap root you will stop the abuse. You do not need to have a very vigilant police for that purpose. If you could Just go to the gentleman that owns one of those places, or to his rental agent, and whisper Into his ear, you do not need to show him a policeman's club, or show htm a sheriff's warrant; but say to him, "We will 'give you thirty days to va cate that place or a complaint will be filed In court against you," I think he would va cate. Wouldn't he? But that Is Just win-re we lack the moral courage. 1 believe we have a man here tonight that has the moral courage to do It and will do It (Cries of Heunings), If you elect hJm to the position of mayor. Moral t oaraae Waates). What we want at the head of this nunl cipal government is a man who lias the moral courage to say what he thinks and can do what he believes to be right and Just. There is where we ha had our troubles. We have always had thut long felt want We want u man who will hold to the line, who will go forward and execute the laws aa well us they r.m he under existing conditions, and as far public sentiment will sustain him. it Is s-ild he must execute all laws re gardlcts of eonaeueiHen. That is utterly impossible. 8-iniu laws are a dcid letter and others cn lie enforced only with dis cretion and cautluu. Take the no -treat law, for example: nobody has yet attempted to enforce It. There haa never yet been m single complaint In any court against ahjj man for paying for' someone else'a drlnk (Laughter.) Under the laws of Ne braska any person who is without via' Ible means of . support or employment Is a vagrant and Is subject to arrest and Imprisonment In Jail up to a period of six months. How would you enforce this law In hard tlmesT We have seen time In Omaha, when the streets were crowded with hundreds of decent, poor people wha were on the street corners loafing because; they could not find work, and they had nut visible means of support and tmd : no money in hank or In pocket. If you had attempted to enforce the law against va grancy on th'-m you would have had tQ build about ion jails in Omaha, possibly '"' You have laws nn the statute books thaj! prohibit all unnecessary lubor on Sunday Is that law to be strictly enforced, ,an where Is the discretion to be exereieu The law says that all persons who do anv labor thut la not ne.-ensfiry are guilty of Habb.tth breaking and liable ti) punishment. Now, what coimiliutea necessary labor Are 6 11 rids y morning papers necessary? Are Monday morning paper, which are. I fabricated on Hunday, neceKsaryT Is It necessary to sen these papers in the street If nt. ev ry printer. . puhlltther and newsboy Is liable to punishment If may lie neeeary for the drug sluru l 111! preset litims on tiunday. but it w mil necessary 'or a drug ire tv sell swirl' water, ha.i' brushes, i iu! xl m powder and nostrums. Ii.it urn i the i oj of tli drug store la once uiiened boa- 41,. ni going to draw the I ne to prevent utji artli-lee than thu from the pi sect liuuu