Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Mil lin ery O p on in
Tho Iformn Spring Opening of tho
(Omaha Suit Company. Successors to)
Occurs Thursday, Mnroh Zith
Kaufman's Orchestra from 2 to 5 P. M.
"Henderson" will furnish the Floral Decorations.
On this date we will display hundreds of lovely Hats,
Suits and Jackets Paris and New York creations, as well
as many beautiful hats designed by our Miss Merscheim,
who has lately returned from New York. Miss Little, who
used to be with Mrs. Davies, is still in our millinery sales
room. We have ready for your inspection Monday morning,
March 12th:
Imported Dress Hats Order Trade
X eonipleto line of Imported We vp ml the lan-at unm-riiils
lire Hats, In Hll the exquisite n1 fomiietent force of trimmers
chnde and nfispe. mHo N-nntlfnl to mukf for you to order Hats that
line of Blark Hat. wp "onforni to your own tmrtk-ulur
'. , style.
Bonnets Ready-to-WearHat7
Stylish oiiph, made of 'Julie, al
l,e. jet and flowcra. In pale lilac , 1 h,-h"! ' Mi-lWutl-
HhHd. .ream. Tuh.-aii and black. ful Hat, Mylea
. at moderate prlcnu. Npeoial effort
mlmmmmammmmmmtmmm- being made to plenae the girls.
Mourning Hats B"abonnets
Special room devoted to Mourn- We have lota of nice liemlweur
lug Hats and Bonnets only. for the tmblea too.
Pattern Hats Veiling
We have on sale Tuttem Mats New line of Automobile Veils,
from to $."(.ik. fj..v to $S.tMt each.
Hundreds of Hats from $10.k New Assortment of face Veils
to $.. 10. now dots and lace effect in nil new
Trimmed Hats
lmh, TrimnuMi nats nt $4.-.a New Departments
3.V) Trimmed Hats nt $:l.!).". Our Embroidery, Corset, lluud-
IVH) Trimmed Hats at f2.0T. kerchief and Neckwear.
Our Suit Department is crowded with new Jackets and
Suits stylish garments at moderate prices.
Covert Jackets $4.95 to $2..0n. Suits from $!UK) to
We invite inspection and comparison of our values
with other stores.
1906 MODEL
rummy i djiio
510 to 5100
- ' Come to our store, take a machine
home with you, and pay for it later
at vour own convenience.
30,000 Record
March List Now Ready
On All Retail Orders
For the
Slebraska Cycle Co, ,
15th and Harney Sts., Phone Douglas 1663
Rock Springs
If you want -iiher of Ui-sc Wyoming; couIh frmh from the mine.
)hone us you order.
They ar free burning, cleiin. quick, hoi and freely deserve itn-ir-hluli
reputation a kitchen coals.
06.90 and $7.40
Our automatic at'reena take lh dual aud dirt away and our Veil-)
wagon deliver the coal promptly promptly
We aery our customers they like to be wrved. Are you one?
Sunderland Bros. Co
1608 Harney St.
Exchange Phone Douglas 252
Week of Calm and Almost Uninterrupted
Best is Passed.
Omaha Has Reprear aa 1 1 vea f Her
mart et la Krfr) Qnarter
of the tilnhe Jmt
Betweea Da area.
"Lnlil thin precious evening when I met
you In thu dunce
Mv life has hffn a drsprt," whispered
"Ah, that must Vn the rpson" (here aha
irave her skirts a glance)
"Why you wlizcd no like a camel,"
murmured she.
Nixon Waterman.
The Social Calendar.
MONDAY Meeting of South Bide Whist
club; Mm. Rankin, hostpss.
TIKSDAY Mrs. II. J. Penfold and Mrs.
W. H. Wilbur entertain a kensington;
Mid. Robert YoutiK hostess of the meet
ing of the T. C. club; Mr. Ward Bur-K-ss
entertains the Cooking club at
WH1 iNKRDAY Mm. H. Schwager enter
tains; Mrs. Rrlc Johnson, a card party;
Mrs .1. V. Weeth entertain Omabee clut.
THl'HSDAY-Mrs. Oeorge Day and Mrs.
II. N. Wood, a card party; Mrs. John
Steele, a kensington.
FRIDAY Mr. and Mrs. H. NT. Wood and
Judge and Mrs. Oenrge Day, card
party; Mrs. K. . V. Smith entertains Fri
day club.
Tilings have been desperately dull for a
week. Of course. It Is no more than one
ought to expect Just at this time, but
that only goea to Illustrate how much
more gratifying It la to anticipate rest
and quiet during the rush of a busy sea
son than to experience It when the real
dearth of things social seta In. The woman
who three weeks ago sighed for an unin
terrupted season with her modiste and
milliner wonders now how she could have
wished H.
It is at least gratifying to realixe that
there is little material for a really satis
factory function Just now, even If It was
permissible. The fashionables are leaving
town In surprising numbers, and the ab
sent ones are rounted by the doien. At
least a score of Omaha people will spend
Easter in Kurope, a number having
planned to witness the celebration at Rome.
Still others will be scattered over the con
tinent, and at least a dozen more will be
sightseeing on the other side of the globe
by that time. A young woman of exten
sive acquaintance Is responsible for the
statement that there are at present sixty
three people who call Omaha their home
scattered in foreign countries. Consider
ing the size of the California and gulf
coast colonics. It is little wonder that
things seem quiet at home.
A certain matron prominent In the set
that everyone cannot attain to shocked the
members of one of last week's luncheon
parties with the following advice to the
lonely rich: "If one really wants friends
just get an automobile. The things are a
wonderful substitute for a Ngood many
other things without which the average
person Is not particularly attractive. I
am the grandmother of eleven young men
and women and had begun to realise that
people regard me as old, but since I got
my automobile my friends are renewing
not a few of the little attentions that I
have not enjoyed for years."
to Omaha, will remain In Texas. Mrs.
rratt returned to Omaha Wednesday.
Word has been received in Omaha of the
sudden death of Mrs. Thomas T. Kerl,
which occurred at Spokane. Wash., re.
rently. Mrs. Kerl was Miss Olive Swales,
niece of Dr. Anglln. and was well known in
Omaha, having been married several yeara
ago from the home of Dr. and Mrs. Anglln.
Pleasures Past.
Mrs. (i. Siora entertained In honor of her
birthday Thursday afternoon. Those pres
ent were: Mrs. John Buck, Mrs. Charles
Weymuller, Mrs. Charles Storx, Mrs. Max
Flothow, Mrs. Oeorge Kggers, Mrs. William
Stoecker, Mrs. Edgnr Hlcains, Mrs. Teb
blns, Mrs. Hitter, Misses Emma Bihler.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Levitt of Clifton Hill, whs taken pos
session of Friday evening by the B. H.
L. K.'s. The club carried baskets filled.
1th supplies for a 6 o'clock dinner, th
occasion being a birthday surprise on Mrs.
Leavltt. After dinner Mr. and Mrs. LeavlU
were presented with a set of cut glass
Mrs. Taul Patton gave an Informal ken-
sington afternoon Saturday, the guests
being Dundee women. The women present
were: Mrs. S. R. Rush. Mrs. Plndlc, Mr.
W. I,. Selby, Mrs. Colfax, Mrs. E. K.
Thomas, Mrs. Noah Parry, Mrs. Heafnrd,
Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. D. I Johnson, Mrs.
Smith. Mrs. W. R. Lighten, Mrs. J. M.
Alkin, Mrs. J. W. Akin. Mrs. Hume, Mrs.
Marshall, Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Barr and Mrs.
Mrs. George A. Rolirbough gave a charm-
ng tea Saturday afternoon between S and
5 o'clock at her home on South Thirtieth
avenue. The rooms were trimmed with
spring flowers, red and white being used
In the dining room, and pink and green in
the other rooms. The library was con
verted Into a Japanese tea room. Assist.
ng Mrs. Rohrbough were: Mra. David
Cole, Mrs. Jamea Hodge. Mrs. T. L. Comb,
Mrs. Pinto and Mrs. A. H. Workman. About
15Q guests were received during the afternoon.
Saturday night the members of the North
Omaha Pleaaure club, ISi8 North Twen
tieth street, entertained a number of friends
at a stag social. The parlors were tastily
decorated with bunting, flags, etc., and pre
sented a handsome appearance. An excel
lent program was arranged, as many en
tertainers were present. Special mention Is
deserved by Messrs. Jack McKennu, Carl
Bom berg. Mercer. Decker, Baxter and
Clark. The talent displayed by 'these
gentlemen was well received by their audi
tors. After' the entertainment refresh
ments were served.
Social t hit-Chat.
A cablegram from Naples has announced
the safe arrival there of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry W. Yates and Miss Yatea.
Mr. Moaier Colpetxer Is contemplating
Joining Mr. and Mra. Harry Wllklna and
Mr. Cudahy on their European trip this
Miss Janet Wallace and the Misses Scott
will leave Monday for New York to sail
Saturday for England, Miss Wallace go
ing to Carlsbad.
Mr. F. P. Kirkendall lias returned to
Omaha from a trip with the Omaha party
through Mexico. Mrs. Kirkendall and Miss
Kirkendall are with Mra. G. W. Wattlea
and Miss Badley In California and are not
expected home for a time.
Mrs. HJalmer Olssen has given up her
proposed visit to Omaha and has arranged
to sail for her home In Sweden March 15.
Colonel J. H. Pratt, who waa to hava
Joined his daughter and accompanied her
What Sulphur Docs
For the Human Body In Health and
The mention of aulpbur will recall ta
many of as the early day when our moth'
era and grandmothers gave us our dally
dose of sulphur and molutaea every spring
and lall.
It was the universal spring and fall
"blood purifier," tonic and cure-all. and
mind you, thla old-fashioned remedy was
not without merit.
The Idea waa good, but the remedy waa
cruda and unpalatable, and a large quantity
had to be taaen to get any ettuct.
Nowadays we get ail th beneficial effects
of aulpbur In a palatable, concentrated
form, so that a amnio grain is far more
effective than a tableapuontui of the cruda
In recent year, research and experiment
have proven that the beat aulpuur for
medicinal use Is that obtained from Calcium
(Calcium Sulphide) and sold In drug stores
under the najne of btuart a Calcium Wafeia.
They are small chocolate-coated pellets and
contain tha active medicinal principle of
sulphur In a highly concentrated, effective
Few people are aware of the value of this
form of sulphur In restoring and maintain
Ing bodily vigor and heaitn; sulphur acta
directly on the liver and excretory organs
and purities and enriches the blood by tha
prompt elimination ot waste material.
Our grandmothers knew this when they
dosed ua with aulphur and molaaaea every
spring and fail, but the crudity and im
purity of ordinary flowers of suiphur were
otten worse than the disease, and cannot
compare with the modern concentrated
preparations of aulphur, of which Stuart s
Calcium Wafera la undoubtedly the best
and most widely used.
They are the natural antidotes for liver
aud kidney troubles and cure constipation
and purify the blood iu a way that oiua
surprises patient and physician alike.
Dr. It. M. Wilklns, wnile exaerlmenting
wltb sulphur remedies, soon found that the
aulphur lrord Calcium was superior to any
other form. He says: "For liver, kidney
and blood troubles, especially when result
ing from constipation or malaria, I hava
been surprised at the results obtained from
Stuart's Cakium Wafers. In patients
suffering from bolls and pimples and even
deep-seated carbuncles. I hava repeatedly
seen them dry up and disappear In four or
live days, leaving the akin clear and smooth.
Although Stuart's Calcium Wafera la a pro
prietary article, and sold by druggists, and
for that reason tabooed by many pbyal
clans, yet I know of nothing so safe and
reliable for constipation, liver and kidney
troubles, and especially In all forms of skin
disease, as this lemedy."
At any rale people who are tired of pills,
cathartics and so-called blood "purifiers"
will find In Stuart'a Calcium Wafers a far
safer, mora pJa table and effectlva preparation.
I'leaanres In Prospect.
Mrs. E. V. Smith will entertain
week's meeting of the Friday club.
Mrs. J. C. Weeth will entertain the
Omabee club Wednesday at her home.
Mrs. Eric Johnson will entertain at cards
Wednesday afternoon at her home on
South Thirtieth avenue.
Mrs. Rankin wilt be hostess of this
week's meeting of the South Side Whist
club Tuesday afternoon.
Thursday afternoon Mrs. H. N. Wood
and Mrs. George - Dsy will entertain ut
cards at the home of the former.
Mra. John Steele had cards out Xor a
kensington afternoon Thursday of this
week at her home on South Thirtieth ave
Mrs. Robert Young will entertain the
members of the T. C. Euchre club at
luncheon, followed by the regular game,
Judge and Mrs. Day and Mr. and Mrs.
H. N. Wood will entertain at cards Fri
day evening at the home of Mr. and Mra.
Wood on Georgia avenue.
Mrs. Ward Burgesa will entertain the
members of the Cooking club at bridge
Tuesday of this week and Mrs. Charles
T. Kountxe will be the next hostess for
the luncheon.
Mr. and Mrs. Leopold Heller have Issued
Invitations to ISO guests for a dinner to
be given at the Metropolitan club Sun
day evening, March IS, In celebration of
their fortieth anniversary.
The next kensington afternoon given by
the Women a auxiliary to the Travelers
Protective association will be held Wednes
day, April 4, at the home of Mra. E. O.
Eldrldge, 3222 Cuming atreet.
Mra. H. J. Penfold and Mrs. W. H.
Wilbur will be hostesses of the March
kensington of the social science depart
ment of the Woman's club, which will
be held at the home of Mra. Penfold.
3623 Howard atreet, Tuesday afternoon.
st Talm rarh. Fla., they spent some
time with Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Barton and
Mrs. Chrlstlancy. who are still there, and
will remain until the early part of April.
Miss Riley, Brown block, will display
spring millinery Saturday, March 17.
f i R K T I.IMII.K1M 9AI.K.
Three t'arlnada nf Fine l.lnnlenm and
Oilcloth nnna-ht from the Sheriff.
A Firm.
Watch for further announcements of the
greatest sale ever held In the west. Three
Immense carloads of linoleum nnd oil
cloth In new spring patterns, the entire
stock on hand of an eastern manufacturer
forced out of business.
Oilcloth will he sold In two lots at loc
and 2fk' yard. Linoleum in three lots "t
25c. S9c and 4!V yard. Remember the day,
Monday, March 19. J. L. Brnndels ft Sons.
Com Go Gossip.
Mr. and Mra. E. E. Bruce are at Hot
Springs, Ark.
Mr. and Mra. George Bid well sailed
Thursday for Japan.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Almas left Saturday
evening for tha east.
Mlaa Webster is now the guest of Mrs,
Arthur Gerrema In Chicago.
Mlsa Caroline Traske of Topeka ia the
guest et Miss Mabel Carey.
Mr. and Mra. H. B. Boylea are back
from a vlatt to Bxcelslor Springs.
Mra. C. K. Coutant has returned from a
visit of several weeka In Chicago.
Dr. 8. D. Mercer and Miss Caroline Mer
cer left Wednesday for tha east and south
Mlsa Clara Southard has gone for a visit
of several weeks with friends In Joplln,
Miss Etta Beeman has returned from
visit 6f several weeks with friends In Kan
sas City.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Greene are at home
from Washington, where they have spent
the past two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Poppleton are plan
ning a trip to New York some time during
the next two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kountse, who
have been traveling In the south, are now
at Hot Springs, Ark.
Judge R. H. Koch and daughter, MiH
Marjorle Koch, are guests of Mr. Allen
Koch of 263S Harney street.
Miss Bonnie Carrlnglon of Chicago Is
expected this week to be the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph M. Cudahy.
Mrs. Lambertson returned to her home
In Uncoln the early part of the week.
after spending several days with Mrs. Of
H. S. Maun is in St. Joseph, Mo., to
complete arrangements for the Jim Key
exhibition at the Auditorium the last of
tha month.
Mrs. W. H. MiKeeii is the guest of rela
fives in Indianapolis, expecting to visit
Now Orleana before returning to Omaha
about April 1.
Mr. and Mrs. tUiimel Kati left Wednes
day for California and a lour along the
Pacific coast, expecting to visit Mexico be
fore their return.
Miss Karrotte of Chicago, who has been
the guest of Mrs. Elisabeth Goodrich. 4M1
Davenport street, returned Monday, ac
companied by Mrs. Goodrich.
Mrs. W. D. Patlon and Mrs. F. C. Patto.i
and daughter, Prancis, left the early part
of last week for Joplin. Mo., Mo visit wi'ii
relatives for about ten days.
Saturday evening Miss G'ace Kuhrbough
entertained seventy-five guests at her home
on South Thirtieth avenue. There were
cards and progressive conversation.
Mr. and Mrs. Colladay of Hanlty. Can
ada, and Mr. ami Mrs. Shaffer of lu
Angeles, who have been gxiests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. Yetler. will leave this week.
M William Aycrlgg left Thursday for
California, where she will Join her hus
band, who has spent the winter there.
Mrs. Aycrigg will be absent about a
Mr. aud Mrs. I. H Tort returned the
first of the awk livni Hie south. While
Shelley's npentnt,
The formal spring opening of the new
Hats and Suits at the Omulia Still coin
puny, successors to Shelleys', occur on
Thursday of this week. "Kaufman's" or
chestra will furnish the music and Hen
derson will furnish the decorations.
The Itennett Compsn).
Frenh fruit and vegetables' most every
hour. Omaha's freshest and most depend
able fruit and vegetable market, at Bennett's.
Miss Hlley, jrjs Brown block, will display
spring millinery Saturday, March 17.
A MwtinUti Una flf AT 1-
MIZS7RS and NEBULIZERS of all kinds,
M .lrln. MtMIHAlV IflW BTiOeS OH
aiu Our stock comprises forty kunda,
ranging in price from
J6o tat SJ.IO
Of my credit plan and of the
diamond market will prove that
you can buy n diamond on easy
payments now and get them for
much less than you can for spot
cash a year from now. Dia
monds make ideal gifts for
Art nt onr tlon't drlay. 1 will Hircr
fully credit ynu. 1'ay m In Kinnll
amounts Hip until' its you would .
deposit money In a hank. A dol-
litr or two a werk will do.
A well known stria la tha DBVTTiBIM
Atomiser No. 11 which we aell for
l 25-by mall. SI.3S
We guarantee our Atomizers to WORK
PERFECTLY. Writ for Catalogue of
Rubber Goods.
Car. ltK aad Dodga, Osaavli
Ten minutes racing every night,
beginning Monday.
Admission 100
asked Ball
Given by the Knight and Ladies of
Security, Omaha Council No. 415, at
A. O. U. W. Temple, 110-12 N. 14th
St., Wednesday Evening, March 14,
10U6. Admission 2.V.
Let Us Convince You
That you can purchase your Commercial Sta
tionery and Office Supplies of this house at the
right prices. Give us a trial order.
220-222 SOUTH 16TH STREET.
Tabic D'Hotc Sunday Dinner 35c
The new nmnagement have the pleasure of annniineing that on every Sunday a
npet'im tour loiirup uinner win served irom Vi 10 I p. m. A eordiHl Invitation
Is given to the public to come and test thflr excellence. With tho
ipoub mienuon or inp ptbix oi wauers ana ine morougn emelencv or me ge
-e. With tho prompt and cnur
Kh efflriencv or lh a-enei-Ml man
agement, we are enaDiea to give you ttie best satisfaction for the money.
Sunday 1 1:30 a. m. to 8 p. m.
40c and 50c
IS 10 Howard tSret.
$530 Geo. Steck & Co. Piano Sold to the Highest Bidder
On display in our show window and in our salesroom
can bo seen the beautiful, new and artistic, Style G, Steck
Piano, which we offer at Public Auction to be sold to the
We will continue to receive sealed bids until (i . m.,
March 15, 1906, at which time the bids will be opened by
the representatives of the three leading Omaha daily
papers, and to the highest bidder goes the Piano.
The airount of your offer to be paid either in cash or
$10.00 monthly payments. This offer we make to establish the fact that we have recently
become Nebraska representatives for this renowned make. An opportunity of a life tima
to buy a piano of such high grade at your own price. Remember, its value in New York,
on the floor of the makers, is $530 every day in the year, without one cent of discount.
This price we guarantee, and whatever amount under that sum your sealed bid -buys tho
Piano for is your profit.
1513-1515 HARNEY STREET,
F. H. GUTHRIE, Manager.'
Opposite Burwood Theater.
'm'iiriii"iiain imm tlnsiii ii '
j 'X x l
IhX. k
The Map shows the direct route into the far Northwest
over which the Burlington and Northern Pacific Railways are
jointly operating two daily through trains.
From Omaha at 4:10 P. M.7and 11:10 P. M.
$25.00 one way to Portland and Seattle.
$22.50 one way to Spokane country.
$20.00 one way to Butte and Helena..
CITY TICKET OFFICE 1502 Farnam Qtreet.