Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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8npect TiU the Description of Man Wanted
for the. Street Oar Job.
londltlon of Edward f'larr. the
lejnrrri C'endncter,
Inrhnnn-ed, with tkaarri
Aaxnlast Recovery.
It was thought yesterday morning that
the third of the gang of holdup men, who
performed such deadly work lat Wednes
day nlRht at the. rnd of the Albright street
car line, had been taken In the person of
Tom Johnson, a tall colored man. a rather
' light mulatto. Ho fitted the description of
the third of the gang In every respect. All
that was larking was some line of tangible
evidence that would connect him with the
crime. He said he had only been in
Omaha five days, having come here from
Springfield, 111. This also fitted the story
of the woman who tipped off the informa-
lion- against Clark and Warren, or Wain,
ns he Is also known.
, On the arrival of Chief Bring from Lin
coln, It whs found that there nothing was
learned from the conversations with his
prisoners to Indicate who the third man
wns. lie had been up moat of the time
for the last two days and nights, bo went
to bid early last night without question
ing Johnson. Ha said he had no positive
. clues on the third man except for the origt-
, mil description.
There Is some hope that Clark or Warren
will reveal the name of their companion In
I he course of a day or two. They are being
; kept close at Lincoln, though there was a
rumor to the effect that Brlggs waa to
have brought Clark back to Omaha with
him. The chief stated last night that he
had not Intended to do auch a thing. To
day or Monday he will have a talk with
Johnson and see what he can get out of
Snspeeted of Other Crimea.
In the meantime Johnson has been taken
to Omaha, where he la suspected of having
' been the man who snatched several purses
from women two weeka ago last night.
' He also is suspected of having held up
Mrs. Addle McClelland and Miss Wleker
sham at 2210 Burt street Just as they had
reached their own gate. He came up be
hind them whistling, so they paid no at
tention to him. It Is thought that Mrs,
McClelland will be able to identify the
robber positively. ' Her description of the
man was very perfect and it haa fitted
the appearance of Johnson In. all respects.
She will have a chance to Identify him
this morning. If he la connected with that
crime and the others It will go far toward
weaving a case around him In the Albright
' shooting.
Captain Shields of the police department
, here is still In Lincoln and It is his busi
ness to try to get Information out of the
- two suspects Incarcerated there. It may be
that he will bring the prisoners back to
South Omnha In the course of a few days.
The police have been anxious to keep the
mime of the women who gave the lnforma
, tlon concerning this affair a secret, but It
' has apparently leaked out that one v.a
a woman by the name of Mattie or NVttV
, James, a woman Incapable of so coti-.r '' ' '
and coherent a story as she is allege', t
have told, unless It had really linu---
, She is a well known chnrncter,
. reason for keeping her name a sici'
' that the police feared that tin-'-' '
element among the colored population wou'd
. tnke a terrible revenge on her if they
thought she would tip oft their secrets to
. I ho officers.
Another tine Discovered.
It was reported from South Omaha Sat
urday afternoon that a strong link of cir
cumstantial cvllence had been secured
UKi'.lnM Clark. It waa stated that some of
ttie money said to have been given by
. CIurk to a colored woman a few evenings
. ugo has been Identified by one of the sa
loonmen whose places were robbed
f Wednesday evening.
The Omaha police have arrested Pink
j Oathrlght, a colored man, on the charge
of breaking Into a boxcar about two weeka
. ago. The police have Information that
. Oilhright's accomplice In the breaking
, of the boxcar waa Cat Warren, who Is be-
Ing held with Clurk by the South Omaha
The condition of Edward Flury, the
. wounded conductor, was reported last night
to be unchanged. He waa resting easily,
hut for all that the doctors give no as
sura nee of his recovery.
A special meeting of Division 288, Amal
gamated Association of Street nnd vi---.
r 111111
For Presenilis Periling
snI BanliftinirtlitSMn,
SoJp, Hair, znl HML
- l ram t)fcwietlnwj (Mag) TtWf Ti IJ . fmi
l-f k t knm. ;.-. -a -4 h(Vf, h KM.
Kaljway Employes of America, of Omaha,
South Omaha and Council Bluffs, was held
St Iilmr tempi? yestetdsy afternoon and
evening for the purpose of taking up the
matter of a reward for the apprehension
of Flury's assailants and other things In
connection with the case. It was decided
that a reward of $50 be offered by the or
ganisation for the capture and conviction
of each of the three parties who shot and
seriously wounded one of Its members. Ed
ward Flury, on the nialit of March 7. snd
a resolution to that effect was drawn up.
This makes a total of 1150 offered by the
union. The following resolution was also
Whereas, There have been numerous rob
beries and hold-ups in Omaha. South
Omaha and Council Bluffs of late; and
Whereas. One of the members of our di
vision. Brother E. Flury, was seriously
wounded while defending the property fo
his employers; and
Whereas, We do not consider the before
mentioned cities being properly policed,
the police departments being short of men
and funds; therefore, be It
Resolved. That we, the members of the
local division of tho Amalgamated Asso
ciation of Street and Electric Railway Em
ployes of America, in special meeting as
sembled, hereby ask the press of the above
cities to use their influence for better police
protection Immediately.
Desire to Stay In Lincoln.
LINCOLN, Neb., March 10. tSjieclal
Telegram.) Chief Brlggs and Captain
Shields returned to South Omaha this af
ternoon and left Warren and Clark In Jail
here. Petoctlve Donahoe of Omaha Is
still here, and tonight he expressed the
belief that the men were guilty of the
street ear hold-up. Both prisoners are
getting extremely nervous and Insist on
bring kept out of South Omaha.
(Continued from First Page.)
are not tolerated, by the Intimate relations
naturally resulting from similarity of
thought, language and customs. But closer
scrutiny of those relations In both coun
tries justifies one in doubting the exist
ence of racial sympathy sufficient for their
permanence. The present mood of the
Chinese Is chiefly due to the recognition of
the success of Japan In war and a desire
to acquire the secrets of that success for
their own purposes. It la this desire which
has sent 10,000 students to Japan in the
last two years, which accounts tor the
large number ot Japanese advisers, school
teachers and military- Instructors In every
province of China. But there exists at the
same time so fundamental a difference in
temperament that a Japanese Instructor
can no more permanently influence the
morale of a viceroy'a yamen than a Chi
nese student in Japan can assimilate the
principles of bushldo.
The Immediate outlook is, therefore, un
promising, but the very rapidity with
which the present mood has been devel
oped and expressed may Justify the hope
that It will not endure. Should It persist,
such incidents as the boycott and the riot
ing must Inevitably occur, and sooner or
later the maintenance of China's integrity
under such conditions. It will need a guid
ing hand or another big policeman or a
dozen policemen in the capacity of the
powers of the world to maintain order if
things continue aa they are going.
! rmnny and France Make Conces
sions and Amicable Agreement
Seems Probable.
i . Al.GECIRAS, March 10. The spirit of
conciliation was most marked at today's
session of the conference on Moroccan re
form and produced a general Impression
that .a settlement of the issues is only a
matter of time and the adjustment of
Germany haa materially modified the con
ditions on which it conceded a Franco
Spanish police force, but France still hes
itates to accept these conditions. The
conditions are such, however, that an ac
ceptable middle ground will be found. The
day's debate covered both the questions of
police and the bank. Concerning the bunk,
Germany declared Ha willingness to con
cede three shares to France, whereas
France claimed four, hut this difference
promises to be readily adjusted Con
cerning the police, the German, French and
Austrian delegates made speeches. Herr
von Radowlts, head of the German dele
gation, said that he accepted the Austrian
proposition. Count Welsherehelmb, the
Austrian delegate, explained his project as
Offering a fair middle ground. The state
ments of Herr von Radowlts and Count
Welshershelmb produced a most favorable
Impression, the delegates saying that a
qreat step had been made toward accord.
M. RevoiL the French delegate, main
tained that the porta ought to have the
same administration and that therefore
It waa Inadvisable to divide them according
to the Austrian plan. M. Revoil'a remarks
Indicated that he expected a speedy ad
justment of the police question, which was
then submitted to a committee with a .view
of reconciling the few remaining differ
ences. The conference adjourned until Tuesday,
when it la hoped the work of the committee
will be concluded.
LONDON, March 10. The conciliatory
attitude of the Germans at the Algeclraa
conference today is favorably commented
on here by officials, who now believe that
a settlement of the questions between Oer
many and France is aasured. It is now
thought that Germany will agree to what
will practically be Franco-Spanish control
of the gendarmerie. Thus far the results
attained are considered to be a victory for
the Anglo-French contentions, the conces
sions made not affecting the principles for
which France is lighting.
Rnsala Prohibits Portrayal of Royal
Persoaaces or Ministers on
tho stage.
8T. PRTERSBIRU. March 10. Actors
have been prohibited In future from rep
resenting royal personages or ministers on
the stage and a censorship has been im
posed upon pictures and statuary exposed
la public A number of paintings at the
annual art exposition dealing with political
subjects have been excluded. M. Amphl
trlatroff, formerly of the Rossya, who gained
fame in January, UU2, through the pub
lication of a pamphlet re (lectin upon the
imperial family and who waa exiled to
Siberia and subsequently granted amnesty.
haa undertaken to publish copies of the
prohibited pictures in Paris.
The negotiations of minister of Finance
ehlpofl with the bankers ot Moscow and
St. Petersburg have reached a slate where
it is practically certain that the bankers
will agree to take tCO.OuO.Oua of ( per cent
bonds at M. The Bourse waa greatly at
fee led by the news. Imperial s yielded
t a point going down to Wk. Government
lotteries were unchanged.
POBRl'loK. Russia. March ltH-Thlrteen
soldiers of the local garrison have been
sentenced to death for mutiny.
MOSCOW. March 10 A military train
with machine guns is held in constant
readiness at the railroad station in case of
emergency to suppress troubles In the
country and neighboring cities.
HK-LEIKGrORd. Finland. March 10.-The
socialists of Finland are agitating for a
general strike to show the discontent ot
the people with the existing condition.
Colored Man Convicted of Lee Jarrett'i
Murder Bent to Penitentiary.
Jariae utton Tells Seartt He Has
Meea Fortunate When Tried tor
r'lrst Degree to Get second
Decree Verdict.
I.eflle Allen, the colored man convicted
of the murdtr of Lee Jarrett last December,
as sentenced to twenty years in tne peni
tentiary baiuraay. morning by Junge Sut
ton of the ulslrict court.
J. M, Aiactarlajid, Allen's attorney, made
a plea for a new trial on the grounds that
Mary Jarrett, sister of the murdered man
and the aliened common law wife of Allen,
should no have been allowed to testify
against him. It ass her story alone that
contradicted Allen's plea of self-defense.
It aUo was contended certain other ma
terial evidence had not been Introduced.
Judge Sutton overruled the motion, de
claring he thought Allen had been given a
fair trial and the verdict was Just.
"If I stood In Allen's shoes," said Judge
Sutton, "and was charged with murder In
the first degree and the Jury found me
guilty of second degree murder, I would not
want a new trial. The next Jury might
find me guilty In the first degree."
In announcing the sentence Judge Button
told Allen the first mistake he had made
waa In living with the young woman with
out legally marrying her. He called atten
tion to the fact If they had been legally
married she could not have test 1 lied against
hi in. The fact he was there to be sentenced
could be traced to their illicit relationship.
Allen took the sentence coolly, making a
short plea for leniency, reiterating his story
of self-defense as told on the witness stand.
Walter Anson Gets Two Years.
Walter Anson, the 18-year-old boy who
pleaded guilty to stealing a horse from In
front of Bennett's store and driving It to
South Omaha, where he tried to sell It,
was sentenced to two years In the peni
tentiary. He asserted he was but 17 years
old, but the birth record showed he waa
18. Before announcing the final sentence
Judge Sutton told him what it would be
and gave him an opportunity to with
draw his pica, but Anson said he took the
horse and waa willing to acknowledge it.
"My mother ia sick In a hospital," said
Anson, "and I am sure she will never
live through It when she hears of this."
Judge Sutton told him he should have
thought of that before he committed the
crime. It has Just been learned that Anson
is wanted In Denver on the charge of
grand larceny. He had been in Omaha
only two nays when he stole the horse.
His attorney, W. L. Baughn, sought to
have him sent to the reform school.
Peter Jewell, the young man who
pleaded guilty to tho cnarge of shooting
with intent to wound and who la charged
with several hotel holdups and attempted
robberies, will not be sentenced until next
Saturday. His attorney asked for the de
lay In order to secure evidence aa to the
age of the boy.
Common Colda Are tho Cause of Many
Serious Discuses.
A physician who has gained a national
reputation as analyst of the cause of va
rious diseases, claims that If catching
cold be avoided a long list of dangerous
ailments would never lie heard of. Every
one knows that pneumonia and consump
tion originate from a cold, and chronic
catarrh, chronlo bronchitis, and all throat
and lung trouble are aggravated and ren
dered more serious by each fresh attack.
Do not risk your life or take chances
when you have a cold. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy will cure it before these
diseases develop. This remedy contalna
no opium, morphine or other harmful
drugs and has thirty years of reputation
back of It, gained by its cures under
every condition.
Clarkson Architect Here.
.... ,71 ...m..,, ...v v aivniieui
who is preparing plans for the new Clark
son Memorial hospital at Twenty-first and
Howard streets, is In Omaha to Inquire
Into local conditions regarding the new
u I I-1U' . 1 1 ra Mr fltniM " 11 I
Inspector Wlthnell and procured Informa-
uwii ftwui 111.7 uuuuina rrsuiKiinnB. j ne
now hmtnltnl im t h a iknMiivhlu Aa
proof building and modern in every re
spect. Railroad to Reduce Rates.
BOSTON, March 10. President Mellen of
the New York, New Haven Hartford
Railroad company today authorised the
statement that reductions in passenger rates
would be put Into effect on all lines during
the spring and summer. The reductions
authorised are 1 to I centa a mile.
Here's a poor man coughing away his
lungs at least so his relatives think.
It's cough, cough; hack, hack, hack, all
day and sometimes all night.
"Must be consumption," think the
alarmed ones.
And of course there is always a possi
bility that they may be right.
But in most casus they're wrong; be
cause Dyspepsia is so much more common
than consumption.
And Dyspepsia causes chronic Cough,
Just like Consumption.
The dyspeptic cough, it Is well to remem
ber, can be quickly cured by Btuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets.
No need to be alarmed about It, unless
you make up your mind to neglect it.
Then, indeed, you must look out for
danger, for the Dyspeptic Cough often
grows into a Consumptive Cough If neg
lected, by the constant lung irritation
which It causes.
So the best way is to waste no time, but
begin at one the use of these famous
little tablets, the timely use of which has
saved many a sick person from ending In
consumptive's grave.
Remember, however, if you please, that
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will positively
NOT cure Consumption, but prevent it.
Of course, they can always be depended
on to cure all the other symptoms of indi
gestion. ' They are a universal cure, for one uni
versal disease.
They cure nothing else; but what they
do, tbey do thoroughly and well.
Btuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are the re
sult of the most thorough Investigation into
the inside causes and the cure ot Indiges
tion that has ever been attempted.
Tbey have solved a problem, the answer
to which a hundred thousand physicians in
America are today groping for In vain.
They cure the most severe, long-continued
chronic, complicated cases of Indigestion
that can be found. They are far ahead of
the most modern medical practice, because
the most successful physicians of the day,
in the cure of diseases of the digestive or
gans, are using Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tsblets
aa a basis for thsir success.
They stoop to Stuart'a to conquer.
And Stuart'a lift them up out of the rut.
If. therefore, you are a victim of this
dread disease, which counts lis victims by
the million, brace up u4 take new heart.
for you cannot fail to cure your trouble if
you will only put your faith In this great
remedy. Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets.
They are positively, frankly, truly, a sura
and permanent relief. j
Try them.
Book on Dyspepsia free. Address F.
Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich.
mm 11 club m charity
After championing one decedent bill In
the state legislature. Senator Epperson haa
advised the women of Nebraska to Insti
tute a thorough campaign of education on
the subject of women's property rights if
they would have a remedy for the Injustice
that the present law Imposes upon widows.
A score of other prominent attorneys of
the stale have seconded this advice, all
being agreed that It is Ignorance of the
Injustice of the present law that haa re
tained it on the statutes this long. Hon.
D. L. Johnson, who drafted the club wom
en's bill that was killed In the last legis
lature, advised a week ago that the women
take up this plan and see to It that the
matter Is thoroughly presented In every
county of the state. He assured the women
that thero are lawyers In every county
who will willingly assist them in such an
effort or, If not in every county, lawyers
enough In the state who will make It pos
sible to have It presented in every county.
Here Is a matter that deserves the Interest
and the help of every woman of the atate.
With their extensive organization,, the
women are especially well prepared to ex
tend thla Information. The county Insti
tute and the county convention of the Worn.
en'a Christian Temperance union and the
district conventions of the federation of
clubs afford exceptional opportunities and
more profitable or Interesting subject
could scarcely be suggested for an evening
meeting when men and women both might
be present.
Mias Lily Long, chairman of the press
committee of the local biennial board of
St. Paul, sends out the following encour
aging and (ratifying suggestion to the club
women who expect to attend the convention
of the General Federation of Women's
Clubs next spring. With reference to the
program she says:
In the first place, the arrangement of the
various sessions will go far toward solving
the vexed Question of dress, which haa
perplexed club women at other conventions.
There will be no occasion for dressing for
tne afternoon, as the business dress which
would be the most fitting thine for the
morning session would also be the most
fitting thing for the informal conferences
scheduled for the afternoon. This may seem
like a little matter, but It is a tittle mat
ter which will be very conducive to the
peace of mind and the rest of body which
the necessity of changing the morning dress
has sadly Interfered with at many crowded
conventions. l he evening sessions will
give all the opportunity needed for the
The department of physical culture and
expression will present the program at
Monday afternoon's meeting of the Wo
man's club. A farce, "The Obstinate
Family," will be presented. The cast Is
as follows: "Mr. Howard," Mrs. J. F.
Wagner; "Mrs. Howard," Mrs. H. L.
Dennis; "Henry Harford," Mrs. H. Hlller;
"Jessie Harford," Mrs. J. O. Burger;
"Jane," the Harforda' servant, Mrs. J.
Hammond; "Lucy," a servant, Mrs. W. C.
Chains. There will also be a vlofln solo
by Miss Caroline Conklin. a recitation by
Miss Minnie Hlller and a vocal solo by Mia.
Henry David Thoreau will be the author
at Friday morning's meeting of the litera
ture department,. Mrs. C. R- Glover being
in charge of the program. A biographical
sketch of Thoreau will be given by Mrs.
Harry May, an essay, review by Mrs. Ed
ward Johnson, "The Philosophy of Tho
reau" by Mrs. Millard Langfeld and quota
tions by members of the class.
Mrs. N. E. Adams of the Omaha Wo
man's club addressed the Era club of New
Orleans, a suffrage club of too members,
during a recent visit to that city. She
spoke of Lucy Stone, who waa her kins
woman, and was cordially received.
Mrs. A. C. Chase, 2101 Wirt street, as
sisted by Mrs. Rodgers, Mrs. Elliot, Mrs.
Bacon and Mrs. Walker, , entertained the
woman'a auxiliary of post A, Travelers'
Protective association, at which time a
short business meeting was held and several
new members admitted, making the total
membership fifty. All women eligible for
membership and wishing to Join are re
quested to do so before the Travelers' Pro
tective association's annual convention,
which will be held In this city April 1
and 20.
There Is no busier place In Omaha at
present than the rooms of the Young
Women's Christian association, where ex
tensive preparations are being made , for
the great finarclal campaign which begins
next Thursdal, March IS, and closea a
month later. April 14. Not less than $128,000
is needed for the new building, which Is
to be ' large enough to answer all needs
for years to come, and this Is the amount
to be raised In the four weeks. With the
examples of many successful financial
campaigns In other cities, the help an!
advice ot experienced workers and the as
sistance of many women willing to give
their time and energy to this great work,
this amount will be raised, and April IS,
which la Easter Sunday, will Indeed be a
da of great rejoicing. The amount la to
be raised by subscription, and all the can
vassing will be done in person and pri
vately. For this purpose the building com
mittee has carefully compiled a card cata
logue of all the business and professional
men and women of Omaha and these are
classified according to business and loca
tion and a certain number will be assigned
to each of the 160 canvassers.
Among the many who will give their
time to thla work are: Mrs. George Til
den, chairman of the building commit
tee; Mrs. Elm ma F. Byers, secretary of
the Yountf Women's Christian association;
Mm. W. P. Harford, president "of the as
sociation; Mrs. I. W. Carpenter, Mrs. C.
M. Wllhelm, Mrs. Edward Johnson, Mrs.
A. B. Somera, Mrs. Rlchsrd Carrier, Mrs.
Willis Todd. Mrs. E. O. McGllton. Mrs.
G. G. Wsllace, Mrs. Clement Chase. Mrs.
J. P. Bailey, Mrs. G. W. Oalllch. Mrs. J.
H. Dumont, Mrs. J. M. Aikln and Mrs. F.
P. Loomls. One of the most Interesting
and Important features will be the work
of the 100 young business women, who have
pledged themselves to raise at least 110.000.
These are divided Into bands of ten ur.der
the leadership of Misses Clara Ady, Bes
sie Chambers. Rdlth Baker. Nellie Cran
dall. Hat tie Hood, Mary Larson. Ora
Johnson, Susan Paxaon, Mrs. C. E. Per
kins and Mrs. Mary H. (Ktnley. Assisting
In the campaign will be several prominent
women from other cities, among them Miss
Mary Dunn, the national secretary, and
Miss Abbie McKIroy, the state secretary
of Iowa, who will arrive Tuesday and
spend a month In Omaha.
The famous clock, which ticked off the
thousands for the local Young Men's
Christian association compalgn a year ago,
and has played a prominent part In Che
campalgus In several other cities since
then, haa returned from Its wanderinua
and will be placed in a prominent position
on a down town corner to perform faith
ful servluv fui' the Young Waracn'a Chr'.s
tlau association.
TbU morning the Young Women's Chris
tian association and its work and needs
will bo the topic for the sermons in mott
of the churches, and this afternoon a spe
cial gospel meeting will be held at the
Young Women's Christian association
ryoma, to which all women are cordially
invited. It will be in charge of the build
ing committee and those taking part will
be many who will be among the hardest
workers. Ainone the speakers will be Mr
On Farnam
And Now We
Spring is
are ready
From every worthy manufacturer in this country, we
eemble, and it is cm in which every woman will be interested.
At any time that suits your cinvenience, we bid you a cordial welcome i look through
and male close inspection of the new things that are here for the spring season.
A Few Specials for Monday,
Women' Tailor Made
Hulls at $14.7K
Made of excellent
new mixtures, in
light and medium
dark, new eton or
coat styles, with half
circular skirts, neatly
trimmed suits that
sell elsewhere
Women's New Eton Hults
at $18.75 -In tine Pana
mas and broadcloths, in
all the new, high spring
shades all have the
new short sleeves and
new circular skirts -
suits that
stores for
$25.00. . .
Women's New Covert Coat at
$7.00 Made of the best Dublin
twist covert in tight fitting,
and new mannish box effects .
, coaU worth . 7 Clfl
$10.00 J'U
On Farnam
Fifteenth St.
George Tilden, Mrs. Hanford, Mrs. Byers,
Mrs. J. H. Dumont, Mrs. Carpenter, Mis.
Galloch, Mrs. Akin, Miss Davis, secretary
of the building- campaign, and others, and
Miss Blanche Beverson will sing.
One Hnndresl Members la Tenth Ward
F.ndorse Republicans at Lively
One hundred members of the Tenth
Ward Jewish Republican club last night
Indorsed Kenning for mayor. Johnson
for comptroller, Murphy for building In
spector, Klbourn for city clerk, the pres
ent members of the council seeking re-election
and George O. Hurratr In the Tenth
ward for council. Hennlngs, Klbourn,
Murphy and Johnson, candidates for
mayor, city clerk, building Inspector and
comptroller, respectively, and Councllmen
Dyball, Huntington. Evans. Schrouder and
Joim Redman were among the prominent
republicans present. Tom Holllster was
the principal speaker. The meeting was
an enthusiastic one. Ben Barlght pre
sided. The Dr You Begin Taking Ozoraulaloa.
That Day Tour Cure Begins.
TU C4 Lk tr Otl Emultio "Par LmcilUnct."
A Scientifically Prepared Emulsion,
Containing the very Essentials that
Dettroy in the Syitem the Cause of
OZOMULSION is a Nourishing,
Strengthening, Blood-making, Tissue
building FOOD, as well as a Medicine.
Ozomulsion Builds up the Feeble,
the Weak, the Emaciated, and puts
New Blood into their arteries.
Ozomulsion Makes Thin People Fat,
and Makes Sickly Children Grow into
Strong, Vigorous Adults.
Ozomulsion Enriches the Blood and
Vitalizes the Nerves.
Ozomulsion Promotes the Functions
of the Digestive Organs and Corrects
Gastric Disturbances.
All Disorders due to Poor BLOOD,
ULA are Quickly Cured by the
Ozomulsion Guro
The Cod Liver Oil Emulsion "Par
Facellence," the Additional Life-giving
Elements being Guaiacol, Glycerin
snd the Hypopnosphites of Lime and
Recommended and Prescribed by
Physicisns for CHRONIC COUGHS.
Beneficial Results are Obtained after
the First Dose.
There tre ree m I e. and lf-t. Bottles
ffcs Formula Is prisua is 7 lanfuaf en each.
ozomulsion Laboratories
flfla at.. New Turk.
Turn Our Back on
knocking at the door and we
to give her a cordial welcome
Garments for Spring
Tuesday and Wednesday in Our
Women's 8well Tailored
Suits nt $24.7S We are
showing the most extensive
line at this price one
model handsomer than the
other all In this season's
most desirable materials
extremely well tailored
they will stand comparison
with any $35.00 suit
retail in most
elsewhere. .
Women's New 60-inch Tourist
Coats at $0.75 All made of
swell light and medium dark
new mixtures: coats that sell
everywhere for Q "Jf"
$15.00 Ji D
State to Ask Supreme Court to Elucidate
Opinion Bendered Some Time Aeo.
Leaves Unestlon Whether Criminal
Statute Applies to Case Vndr
Tided nnd State Wants This
Point Determined.
Attorney General Norris Brown, Judge
Sullivan of Columbus and F. 8. Howell of
Omaha., associated in the prosecution of
the alleged Grain trust in Nebraska, held
a conference Saturday night In Omaha to
determine the next move In the case. At
the end of the conference Mr. Howell gave
out this statement of the present status
of the case:
"Judge Sullivan and I met with Attor
new General Brown at his request at the
Her Grand fo consider the next move In
the eraln case. In order that this might
be determined it became necessary ' to
critically examine the opinion of the court
heretofore handed down on the demurrer.
This was the first opportunity for such
examination when all of us could be pres
ent and discuss that opinion. The advisa
bility of criminal prosecutions was taken
up. On examination of the opinion we find
it to be indefinite and equivocal The vital
question to be settled before criminal prose
cutions can be instituted with propriety Is
to know whether there Is any criminal
statute Imposing a penalty for a violation
of any of the so-called anti-trust acts. So
we have concluded to apply to the court
at once for an explicit answer to that ques
tion. While the question was squarely
presented to the court In the briefs'of all
carties to the suit it was a matter of
serious disappointment to us to find the
opinion deals no further with it than to
decline to answer it We believe the Inter
ests of the state require that the question
be answered and we shall again earnestly
request the court to definitely settle and
determine It. We do not care to be re
sponsible for subjecting any citizen to the
odium of criminal proaeoutton unless there
Is a criminal law covering the offense. A
further move in the civil case will be to
ask the court to appoint a commission to
take additional testimony upon the issues
mined by the answers filed by defendants."
Architect for r'arnam street Bollala
ftot Klnlahed. Contract
Is ot Let.
"The statement publlNhed In an svening
paper that a contract has been let for the
erection of a building on the lot between
the Derlgtit store and tin- lavidge block
Is rather premature." said Mrs. Elizabeth
Dufrene, owner of the lot. No contract ia
let and the plana have not been completed.
As aniiouncod some time ago, a brick
building will be erected on the lot, and an
architect is now at work on the plans. The
building will be three stories and bail
ment, with M feet frontage, and will cost
about 130,'iuo. The Aral story will be U!
On Farnam
Fifteenth St.
have gathered our spring en- i
Women's Suit Department
Women's High C 1 a a a
Tailored Suits at $20.75
and $3.VOO Every new
style and fashion kink Is
represented In the, most ,
desirable materials ex
clusive fabrics chiffon H
Panamas, voiles and;
shadow plaids now Is the '
time to make your selec-;
$29.75 and. . . . 35.00
The Best Coats Ever Bold for $10.CO"
Women's new covert coats
made of the very best Dublin Twist'
Covert, with 32' straps hand-'
somely tailored satin lined as
good as any $15.00
coat in the market..
On Farnam
at '
Fifteenth St.
feet long and the other two perhaps 75
feet. Foundation construction will ba with
the idea of six stories ultimately. The
Arat floor will be used f r stores and th
others for apartments."
I'nlon Pnclfle Train Added to Service
to Save Time to tho
The Union Pacific is preparing to save
considerable time on the mall trains to
Portland. It ia planned to put on a new
fast mall similar to that run to San Fran
cisco, and if the contemplated achedule Is
carried out the saving of a day may be
effected. The mall Is now transferred at
Ogden to tha Oregon Short Una, which
necessitates sorting and weighing, and
considerable time Is lost. Pixtrn labor as
well aa time is now required, and the
mall to .the northwest haa become ao
heavy that fast mail train Wo. I Is equipped
dally with two sixty-foot cars. At Ogden
and Pocatello the mall accumulates so
rapidly that a larfe, force is' constantly
required to separate, distribute and weigh
this mall.
; A Trite Saying.
It U a trite saving that no man la
stronger than his stomach. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery strengthens
the stomach puts it In shape to maka
pore, rich blood belpa the liver ana.
kidneys to expel the poisons from the.
body and thua cures both liver and kid
ney trouble. If you lake this nataraJ
blood purl tier and tonic, 70a will aaxIMi
jrour sysu-Bi in m an n factoring; each day I
a pint of rich, red blood, that Is Invigo- i
rating to tha brain and nerves. The
weak, nervosa, run-down, debilitated
condition which so many people sudor
from, is usually the effnet of poisons In
the blood; it is often Indicated by Dimple,
vi uuns unamig on tne sxin, vne iaon
becomes thin ana the feelings blue."
Dr. Pierce's "Ilscoverv cures all blood
humors as well aa being a ton4c thaS'
make one vigorous, strong; and forceful
It Is the only saediolue pot ap fur sas.
through druggists lor like purpoaea taaa
ronta.ns neither alcohol nr harmful,
habit-forming drugs, and tne only one,
every ingredient of which has the profea-i
sional eueorseuient of the leading BuedlcaJ1
writers of this country. Home of these
andorvemeiiu are published In s llUie
book ot extracts from sla-udard inedlcaj
works and will he sent to any address
free, on receipt of request therefor by
letter or postal card, addreaaod to Dr. E.
V. "Wee, Buffalo, N. Y. It tell just
what Dr. Pierce's nvedlclnea are made of.
The "Words of Praise for the eevereJ
lngredleuts of which Dr. Pierce's medi
cines are eom posed, by leaders In all tha
Several schools of medical practice, sod
recommending them for the cure ot the
diseases for which the 'Golden Medical
Discovery is advUed, should Lave far
mure weight with the aiok and afflicted
than any amount of the so-called "lestl
moniaU " so conspicuously flaunted beifurn
tiie public by tlioae who are afraid to let
thr Intirxdieiita of which their Baedlcinee
are coeiimimwJ be known. Bear In mind
that the " Golden Medical Ltcovery " has
run kaook or Hosxsrr on every bottle
wrapper, 1 11 a full list of iu Ingredients.
Dr. Pierce's Pleaant Pellets cure con
stipation. Invigorate tha liver and reg-n-late
ktomitch and bowels.
Dr. Pierce's great thousand-page lllae
tratad Common .'Sense MedieaJ Adviser
will he aunt free, paper-hound, lot U one
emit sumps, or cloUi-soued ler 14 ntaniLe. ,
Address Dr. fierce as a two. i