THE OMAHA DAILY fiEE: SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 190G. A GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET northern, TH- May, 7Hc; July, TSSic; rVet.tember, 771,0. OATS To arrive and n track. May, I8e. Government Export 3.imit. la Farmers' t hicauo qrais asd pboviiioh Handa. GENERAL SPURT IN PRICES RESULTS Estimate Mark Lees Than TTioe Ml kF Orala Mr-Market Quiet to Time Flsjaree Are Glvea. Featarea of Ike Traala and Cloalaat Prleea oa Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, Msrch 10. A Bharp bulga Wa Csusod tmlay In the IochI wheat maiket by the gavernment crop report, which Bhowed the farm reserves of wheat to be less than had beon estimated. The advance In rrlcea was wrll maintained, hut the market closed tmng with the May delivery Wc higher. Corn showed a gain of He. inns were up Sti'ViC provisions were a shade to 10c higher. ritrength In the wheat market developed Immediately after the publication of the lorrrnment report, which showed the amount of wheat In the handa of farmers on March 1 to be about 1F.'3.'U0 bu., which OMAHA, March 10, 1 Until a ahort time liefore the government estimate of farm reserves was made pub lic the market waa uuiet. A few covered la about St .H ner pent of the entire cmn. and one Chicago Interest waa a buyer in The majority of tradera had figured the sufficient quantity to take the surplus off farm reserve at from lTS.O'O.iiH) to 00,OOQ.WO the market, ao that a BhP.rp spun louowca hu. Trior to the publication of the report the eetlmate of lf,0"0,ii'. Thla la con- trading- waa very quiet. May opened a NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Price Lone Ground and Market Closes Dull and Unsettled. WEAK BANK STATEMENT THE FEATURE Reeaperatlon of the Sorploa la Kut aa Large aa Kxperted Owlii to Heavy Losses la lash. t a i v'Hl strength In rxorroiK wearem was (l 7kc ana c'oaea Mtrit,uted to the advantage of position said 7 p. to he enjoyed by the coal mining Interests VJH k along Its line In the event of the threat- NF7W YORK. March 10 Prleea on the Ptock exchange lost ground, although there waa a disposition to contest the reaction In the early part of the session. The pre vailing tone of the market waa one rather of uncertainty and hesitation than of any decided tendency. The opening strength aiderably less than all private figures sa"e shade to j'f'e.c lower at 7641r7fcc, ad- "f" '"'R "."-I'?'' t'hy mark, t Some spe h.?"" ?' h tntyBtar On tM vanced to ?7Sc and closed at TUgo. July . Tret'gTh in Norfolk 4 WesTern via. vuinn Lite ranj uujdi ir.r fpn'iii I raiiKeil UPVWITII lo-eiillli: Bill! li; n iu lhjucw market falling nacK aomewnat. in piose i with a net gain of He at 77r. waa nearly lc higher. Cables were firm-!' of wheat and flour were eaual inun was 10 ue expecieu n.i irr me nui v i-rimnry- receipts were ez.wu uu., iii . j strike of bituminous miners. oeci ne nere yesiercay. wverpooi cioeing mm Tor the corresponding day or. last The reneWPll wakne, in Consolidated He lower. . . V'r. Mlnnenpolln, Iultith and Chicago re- r,-, ,ho nr, ,,. ,nn influence on the Corn waa dull and somewhat easier our- ported receipts of 84 cara, aa agalnat .36 mark,t lt wnil Bflf.r , appearance of Ing the forenoon, with local bean exert- last week and 175 one year ago. .n. hank turement timt the nVnural down ing some pressure at tlmea. Prices rallied The atrength of wheat had a bullish ef- Lh" .Vnrtencv T,r The rePrle?atTon aharply on the government report of feet on the porn market., the close being . th .urrii.; nnt aa lame aa had atrong witn prices at the hlgheat point oi h Th due .to the heavy the day. Puhllpetlon of the arovernment 1 .' . " , " it ' . . t I a " i . , . - , i'i;rllFe in casil reserves, wniun rrouiiru iTuufirsia inun inn uwn com acirr ui lev i iihutcb rp hiiva la me imouni oi corn biiii i i .. e t . 1 1 t . . . , - . , . . . . . i , ' - , . , , ..... a ileal iv o V "v. hb n Killlini 1,1 vrii iiiium v rou winter ana me eaving in nav iru nria oy larmera naa dui little innuence. ma,pg of oniy about n million. This may it tne ,wj.l"J th the bank! U l- 4 . ... . , V. .. " ' ' " 11 " IIUTVir ' 111 V"TT " ' ' " jnwifil i wne rni I rill leu Hi l.lwo.t'--v--v vu., I arAn- k . 4iiu nnlv Ing aharply when toe government repo't or rbout 41 per cent of the entire crop. the w,k But thrn w;r a)so dl,Lfr Vina IBBUeu, trai.-liiB . no 1 inii-nii.T I'CUIHI n llu anmil IOCHI rcteitllB "i aotiitional bullish factor. May opened a Bhade lower to a shade higher at 4JH winter and the saving in reeuing nave leu neia by farther had but little Influence. nt ,' hnilr nliiir,rl many to believe, lt is the opinion that The announcement apparently had been mJ " ' " , tnV fact that ' the balance of this crop can ba marketed largely discounted. According to official '0' ,,n ' ' T deposit with an und present prices or better. llgureg tlie amount of 'arm "serve on which were made late In the 4T00o; decrease. MS,S0. Surplus, tMt. 7; Incrcnse. II.4M.9M). Kx-t'nlted State deposits, S.87S.; Increase, tl.73tt.93. Sew York Moaey Market. NEW TOHK, M.irch 10. MONKT On call, nomlnnl; no loans; time loanj. steady; sixty und ninety rtsys. pvr cent; six months, SV'Tf.1 per cent. I' KIM IS MEKCANTILIi PAPER-S5H per "sTEnUNa KXCIIANOEJ-Pteady with acttial business In bankers' bills at M RMo.f 4 .Sill fur demnnd and at t. S2iM-4 for Bixtv dHy bills; posted rates, 4.iat4 and fl.atiVili4.fli I; commercial bills, ft.fclVtU f4 P IL.VER Bur, 62c Mexican dollar. to v- c. UtiNDS Government, strong; railroad, Iregulnr. tit sing quotation on bond today war is follow: U. 8. ret. U, rf ....! VJpn M aerie. ..loevi OMAnA LIVE STOCK MARKET Tat Cattle Bbow ImproTement for the Week with Feeder Lower. HOGS A SHADE LOWER THAN YESTERDAY Beat tirades at Skee) show Very l.lttle t'kaaae with Mediant Grade of Both Sheep aad Laraba Ltwtr for Week. SOUTH OMAHA, March 10, 19n. . n . it .101 dn rnunoa 1tH4i no 4 rtft V. 8. 3n. re 1"S'4 do 'f rtt,.... do coupon Iu34 1 do td aeries.... V. 8. oM 4t, re L. A N. unl. 4a. do mupnn Man. . 4i.... V I. new 4a. ri....n" M'l. rntrsl 4a.. do coupon isiitii do 1st Inc 2i Am. ohairo 4a 7v, 'Minn. St. L 4a... ' do n 114-4 M., K. T. 4a Atrhlann gin. 4a li'l do 2a M do nl. 4a t.. StVN. R. R. ot M. c. 4a. . OTli'N, va .1"4 N. J. O. . (a lt . I1H No Pacific 4a 104V4 . K1 do Sa T7 .114 IN. ac W. c 4a 101 . KH O. 8. L. rfd. 4a Ml . t'enn. eonv. ana lot . 13 Rcadln acn. 4a It t-nca. a Ohio 4tta....lVBt. U I. M. c. Sa..llS Chicago a A. U F. f. 4a MS C. P. a 4 n. 4a....luo St. L. 8. W. e. 4a... ao4 C. R. I. A P. 4a.... lt Seaboard A. L. 4a.... X do cnl. &K. . a,iw So. Pacific 4a in i e. st. i. a..lM ' flo lat a ctra. RecelDta were: Otticlal Monday umciai Tuesday.... Offli.lal Wednesday.. Otticlal Thursday.... Oftlclal Friday " umciai eaturdev ... Cattle, iiogs.bnecp. ... .ii 31 J ... b,s: .Xt 7.uo ... 4 oil ll.Wo . ... S.f lO .'S M.Ml ... 1,604 .4t 1VS ... 474 M5 i,M Atlantic i L. 4a... Hal. A Ohio 4s..., do 34 Drk. R. T. e. 4a.. Central of Oa. ta. do lat Inc , do 21 Ino do Id Inc. ....11788 4.S40 tl.54 ....i4.1 r'l M.iH ...M.TU ei.ilS 14.U ....l,bSi Cats acted very mucn aa aid corn, rally rrport shows oats in farmeia' hands, 9ii,- hu.iiuo bu Clearance were ll.OO barrel flour, 14,- 4Zc. old off to 42H,c and rallied to 42Vi 4c, where it close,!. Local receipt wer part of repancles to be made up from prevlou bank state ment which had reflected only part of the cash losaea Indicated by the known movement of money. The tZl.259.S00 loan contraction wa in accordance with expee al..n 1M . I. n 1 1 .. . . I .1 The government renort had little effect on Ir. r 7 m'.."J?.'. '11" the oata market. Inasmuch a th estimate lends. 11ut the hgavy ln cash nf. rlr fQ tm easnptfos " w aa man aaaj as I . . . . . . rLf1rmfc rr"fr 5k whl,'h U. SonV?JLnedwW. 'x fcted the ahowing of the aurplua. Ex !,,VlHWh',Vh"di'''T,0Tt-PL The 0ffflclfi pectation that the coal mining d spute wll statistic ihowc that a-9.80n.iin0 bu. of j .ome , a heR(, nFxt k nad ome Jn 1L n. "iV i . " ' fluence on entlment. about tO.g per cent of the total crop. Cover- t,,, tono of forelRn exchange wa steady Ing by Short! who bouaht because of a .i.t...i. e....v.i-.. i.. .i "... i . , .V - - . niiiiuuBH vim on i.ui liny liuir H.HI IB nuuiliuLi. decreased movement In the crop movement Hppo,.,, of negotiation for a large Kussian onchtaM;".fyBu.?P!j lo" Indicated a forthcoming demand upon Kr.iSnK"oU- 4j h.i?her "i iH".0,o the relaxing foreign money market re- (Xi bushels corn. 2D.U00 buanela oats. lTimary wfieat receipts were 4i,0u0 bushels I 133 cara, with one car of contract grade and shipment iM,m) nusneis, against re ceipts lust yeiir of IM.iV'O bu."hls and hlp ments of 3-4,OiX bushels. Corn receipt were fTTit.nui bushels and sllpments 414. OoO bushels, against receipts InRt year of Vi'S.- wv nusnei anu atupmenis oi oin.uuw uuaurin. nre stiu in me nano or tarmer. i nis is i fluence on entlment iviverpooi ciosea uncnangea to wntr aoout au.B per cent or tne total crop, cover- n,. .., r.,i ... . - . . ,. 1 . , . . .. , . . . I iu ."111 ''I I'.lllll . n u o pivmi onn. ?eA1' ,?na.TT. I,,,.,.. S"0"" wno. .DO,;fn,!Tc"u,''or . HthougU the Saturday market Is nominal: for Monday at about 10,000 bushels. Australian ahinment for the week were !wo,ij Duaneis, again! i.nay.ww ouenei. peiween iwc ana zo ana riosea at guitnt unon the nromlsed aettlement of weeKanq l,nJ,iioo busneis last year. zc. Local receipts were 138 cars. the Moroccan pontroverav. Th. market v. . . t (fc l' .11 iniu tin iiir jii,,iiiinriii 1I.IUIIIM in ui utihhiiii WKI vrr) UUICI, UUl I - n-AH tinmmttlmA a n ,,11 pom tne government report on mriiieio i me maricet naa a nrm unaertone. Ther Total saiea of bonds nar value tf SSK fmo reserves atinwa rniiK iiurnri v leas Tnan ex- I im mitmm m nv is,, nn , .1 I ..... ma, I. . . , i . r ' - ' ' " " " - j - , ...... ... . 1 1 . . .10, .uv I U O at li)1 fin ItiM w Vnrli Klnili1 a r ' "'.e "i T.a"" r wvai j.iauii- Chang WOt SB follow ale. High. Low. Clnae. 2t 12.200 10SH lOCTi 4.700 it 41 til to loiVi 10114 lot 7u0 iiii '!.i4 4 25 too lH l sH 400 4t 46 46 S 100 t24 224 22 116 14 12,100 1S7'4 1S74 too 12SH 123 12r.Vi 1.700 141 Vk 13 139' 11)4 olo. Ind. B. aer. A. 79 So. Railway aa do acrica B 77Vi Taa A P. la Colors lo Mid. 4a. tH T "l l W. 4a. . bi t'nion I'acinc ia.... .104i do conv. 4a .1K ;t'. . steal 24 la.. . MV. Witiash la .WPa,' do dab. n . Wratarn Hd. 4a ocklii Vai. W, A U B. 4a... Japu (a louvt Wta. Caatral 4a.... unered. Colo. A So. ta. uha (a , A R. O. 4 ntetlllors' Sec. 5a Ert p. I. 4a do acn. 4a n on 'lie mock exchange Conaola, money lo N. T. Cantral 183 ao account "n. Norfolk m W ICM nacondA do Did ! tchlaon it'H Onurlo A W 12 do prd loiiw Pannayltanla. Baltimore A Ohio.,, .114 Hand Mi naa , anadlan PaclOc l' VlleadluK . it do lat ptd . 2., do id pfd .US lEoutharn Kallwajr . 11141 do pld . 47 Southern Paolfto .. pected on wheat. It ha advanced the mar aet tuny 1 cent a tiusnci. e sun nave a ers. Prices for live hogs were 60 lower. .At surplus or wneat to acn ror export ana we trie close May pork was 10c higher at Adams Eipra are sun too high to sell it. witn tne prea- I5.7U; ard was a shade up at f7.774 and Amalgamated Coppar nt condition of winter whul almost per- rlb were 24j??Sc higher at fft.J2m8.2tic. Amarlcan c. A F i w in iiu rruuu w uujr ,,0 .stimateq receipts lor Monilay: Wheat, "iai t- r. pia still believe It is a sale on any bulge. Re- I 1 mm u serve of corn are more than Snow' e- 411 rmo hed 1 ' ' ' 1 American ration oil ptd t.'Ti:,?"di'et.K1a.r" :ma,L'-,r.?:J!'mor: T"e lMld,n futur follow.: hITL".;:: tluan.luat v.ur hut nrlm In at ummer I 1 1 . . . , araaricaa lea, securities.... L 'Z 'l iL- ""L.. vli 1 riii!iM. upcn.j mgn. 1 uow. 1 tiose. 1 ea j. American Llneeed oil '" "HU we IISU III! . Am.plr. lln. Oil M American iicoiirotive hca. A Ohio. Chlctto Gt. W.. M. A Bl. P. Delleera Uenvor A R. G. uo Ptd Erie do lat pfd.... do id pld.... Ulnoia Central Louiavllle Ac NaAh...l6ZVi ., iv. m 1 au SILVER-Uor, very dull, 29d per ounce. fiiUiMl'-i 3V.USV per cent. The rate of discount in the oDn maiket for short bills Is SHtnH per cent: for three moninn bins, 1 7-iba.iVi per cent. demand worth speaking of. I believe this reserve of corn Is low enough and should be bought.. Oats reserve Is only 30,l00,mfl more than last year, but we are due to export fully this much or more before we get Into the new crop, and w think pres ent prices are low enough." The local range ot options: Articles. I Open, i High. I Low. Close. Wheat ' ! I May 7A 37V, 36ff 17 A July 87HA 37! 3714 S7 Oata I May 1 ayn Wheat May Julv Bt-pt. Corn 1 May liry) July Bept. I 43Vk -1 JtllS 1 77S 78 71 42t4jT 4 43HI A asked. B bid. Omaha v'nah Sales. WHKAT No. 1 bard, 1 car, "OHc COKN-No. f yellow, 1 car, 3Gc Omaha Cash I rlcca. WIIEAT-No. 2. 70V73Vc; No. 3, 6770Hc; No. 4, tU'iJtSc; No. it vpilng, il-jjiic; No. 'i spring, 6Vu71c. 1 uuit-ro. o, c; no. , . y Mav July Sept. fork May July Lard May July Sept. ftlhn Mnv July 79H4 29Ti' 15 70 IS 0 1 76 7 86 T 86 I 30 8 26 lb 70 16 M'V 7 87Vi: 7 7 K 7H 781, Ql If 42U 4sm IB 7VI 1 w 7 96 8 tO 8 26 T7V 77- 779.I& 42T4H3 48 tl4j UK7 2T& 281274 1.400 71H 70 15 74 16 624 T 87i4 7 7tt t 26 I tfttl '76H7TH Anier. Locomotive pfd..., n4u I American S. A R. pfd... American Sugar Refining. I Ah. r . 1.- . . . ? Anaconda llluloa Co i.400 i7l4 271 i78H 4H Atchlenn. 2S.S00 H i 4o'4j Atrlllsnn prd 102 Atlantic Coirt Una 800 10 ir, 11,8 JJU4 Baltimora A Ohio 1,400 110 110 110 2JV Ualtlmora A Ohio pfi , M Canadian PaclBo 1,200 171 170 170 Central of New Jersey , 216 Cheeapeaka A Ohio 1,600 6744 if t'4 Chicago A Alton 30 Clikaao A Alton nfd 7C 7 TJ Chicago Groat Weatern 700 21 2044 2"H 7 H7W 1 nirago nortnseatcrn.... aoo 220 z?4 7 071X I Chicago, Mil. A St. Paul.. 7.400 177 17 17 - 1 t nicago I s r mi l 14 12 8iA I vnioago 1. at 1 Ir r. n ja. a, t...i. Colorado Fuel A Iron.... t'olorado A Southern.... Colorado A 80. lat pld.. Colorado A So. 2d pfd... 15 STVj 15 6TH 8 26 400 14.400 9 4 M ,'ow. 3c. ' f3.60(iS.M; winter BtraJghts, f3.8tiifl.70; spring I OAT8-N0. f, 27HfiC7p; No. t white, TQ patent. f3.6Mi3.o; spring stralglita, f3.4un 88iic; No. 4 white. 2744j:Sc. J.eoj baker, 12.2064.00. Carlo! Iteeelpls. WHEAT No. 2 spring. TSHtrTRHc; No. I Chicago Minneapolis . KaiiLus City. Omaha, lmlutti bl. jOUb Wheat. Corn. Oats, 12 .2K4 . Its . 7 . 90 . 3 'a u 'it No. t. Cash ouotatlon were as follows rlX)T'R Hull and weak; winter patent, conaoi'dated Uaa itihi um ,. Corn Product! Pfd Delaware a Hudfnn.... lull.... t. w u I nix. io9'irinc. na. a I , . . j ... nam.. VI- 4 ..a il, .v?oa7 ....r n.our.uii.... my ikip iwu 'wi itifTn,, Ltenver A R. a. piil.... tunn nu. T"Tui iio. jeims, o. I uiatillarr securities ua in iso. z. ztoc: no. I wnue. uc: iso. i Erie 11 t white, 29Q31ttP. Erie lat pfd 11 RTB-N'o. . Ec. Fria id pfd BARLKY Good feedlnr, f7C07c; fair to S0"?'1' lef,,ne choice maltlna-. 46V&S0P. Ilockltif Valky . ; j ' : " . I I nn I Jin f r-a I . . BEKUB-NO. 1 flax, 81.07: NO. 1 north- ,. irnltlonal Panic 29 (b J3' 71 40 13.100 156 1CJ 162 1714 100 664 6"- M . t . . ' '-. - - . i international raner NEW YORK tiKNlfiHAL. MAIlKBT I western, Clover, contract grade, International Paper pfd... ei0.i. i international rump n -.i..n. oi ,., mi ob Various l '.1 ' rJ!" ..,"" u'"1' "u-- . . - . I1DW ietra, per i(w ins., i.oit. pnort I iww central Commodities. I ribs, sides (loose), iH.Q6US.lS. Short 'clear l"" Central pfd Nh'w tiihk Mnrpn w. i" iv-nr ui I iuxrui. o.avii.w. I . ' celpts, 18,531 bbls.; exports, o,:wu uoia. jn receipts ana hiurket dull and unchanged. Minnesota grain were: patents. 4.1&y4-oO; Minnesota baiter. 83 40 flour, bbl ta.7ni wtntir patent. W.'s'cil.Uo; winter Wheat, bu... straight, ii7C-yS.SU; winter extra, I-7iki" Corn, bu t.26; winter low gradea. Jluuyd.JO. Kye Oats, bu hour dull; fair to good, ,a.wuJ W, choice bu lo fancy, 3.9ou4.ii. . I Larley, hu. COUS .Vlh.Al liareiy steaay; nne wnu ej 45, I n-voMe i.iif ooutnrrn. . , 'K'KcnmVfB& Lo"",..r.Hi sa.v.V.ii;:::::: II ii" lpm!i 1 Manhattan L 13. 0 . 8,000 .173,000 .1S3.UU0 . 6.000 . 46.0U0 m.HIU I li i,... a - I .i "un,.i, owviiiir. 22. i00 I Metronolltan Rtral m . . . , . Slo.iw l Mexican t entral 11,7ti0 Vlinncapolla A St. Louie... 1.0U0 r. B. B. M 19.600 V 100 log tot to 44S 1,000 41 45 45 10 2.100 6 611 68 S.KO0 4.1 42 42 600 78 78 7 200 70 ! (00 170 166S 149 100 11V4 nmi 11 400 170 1U 16'' it ..... 54 , 11 1 100 22 22 81 H 66 28 100 0 40 (94 7,600 147 146 14 100 167 157 164 72 rn"'-v, ,7,. irUin.i.u6: kiln- ;r'T' " "XX ioun, Ki.m t t.. itu i"",'' w --m a (.f-g; iiminn r n" lUUtl? , fj 1 Jf IIOl ICO, I HlMOUrl, K. K T. Dfd UAhL"kv-iull; feeding. 4Mc. c. 1. f. LurTalo; malting. 4Hu6tc, c. 1. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, tu.OiO buBhel; apot market steady; No. 2 red, S3V;. elavator; No. 3 rod. tw',o. f. o. b. u float; No. 1 north ern, Duluth, tHc, t. o. b. afloat. In face of expectation of a bearish government Wc: dalriea. UKt23c. Kggs, easier; at mark. National Lead rases Included. u'Hc; firsts, lHc; prime I National R. R. of li. pld.. nrata, uw, extras, ibc. utieese, easier, " r. central.... ' yk. 0-. w... iuiiuiB. K neiirru... I 11....1 Maaekexft 1 " . . " van,i i VU . . ex. s--w. I iNonn Amencia ST. LOUIS March 10. WHEAT HiKr; Fmi mii i" - 1 ....-!.. .... n.l,.llnna r.C I tl.,Ql.. Urn, lulu 7HLLo. M horH People's Oaa ... crown luveiru 11 ' vij v., ........ v. . , - - - y , .. - - I p p A. at fil i . .I...J or til. unit I Th.. I ' v -. V- t. LOUII. or . '"" ." L .. ,r."-r.:. Toxt c. . . .v ,...v fruw ttl dr. IlKtll speculative uueinign, mm i. ic. i-vn.i ruin, ii. uun,. iw'l, vi Preeeed Steel Car pf d ... were net iunoi. i awv. ., i,i, .v, ui, i7t, i ruumao raiaca Car... ures proved very duiiisii, iiowevrr, sou uais tirra,' ino. i caan, sue; traca, aiymt I iiee,',ing Iininediately after the close prices shot up 31c; May, lio,; July, 2c; No. 3 white, I Keading lit pfd too a Duartei. iviay, oovuy oothu. tiuwu b 1 esc. i numi xa pia ea; July, s3ib4Uo, clobed at S34,c; Hep- i'LOUR Dull and weak; red winter pat- "DUD1 B, tember, 100 114 116 115 60 2t 244 24 JtW 7 76 76 150 168 luo 10ti w 8.T Bti 86 700 71 71 71 4.000 82 11 81 600 40 40 2844 1,4'ie 148 147 146 00 61 61 604 H7Ta SB 100 81 80 80 00 1004 100 1UA 400 42 4 42 11.100 189 1SK 1SIi l,O0 87 7 7 1,000 64 700 18 61 88 64,i00 1M44 l;s4 100 81 ' 81 SO 63 M 1-9 80 400 81 11 1:1U Htieau, ciosea at eoc. I entB, M.axuso; extra rancy ana Btruignt, 1 . it. JU0 CORN Ructlpts, 14.700 ousneis; export, 13 9,14.15; clear, 2.0iV8.10, I r.E r- ''f S ii.T !"" " 67B buahela; spot market steady; ino. i, Bk-tD-Tlmothv, steady; f.602.80. 11 L i i r id nfii i i2 !.2 I;., 60C. elevator, and 47Vu f. 0. b. afloat; No. t'ORNMEAL-fiteady. 12.20. It to. gouthwa-uJu im ul S yellow, 4o4c; No. i white, 4814c Option BRAN-flteady; sacked, east track. (4 S?.. ' w. , u ":::" . "S market was easier for a time on. cable f,vf,c. Rout hern Pacific 11 oo 'iiil news, but rallied on commission uuui HAY Firm but dull: Urnotby. I6.00(B14.I: aouihern Paciflc pfd anrt. with wheat, the close being only Vt0 I ni-uiri 47 nr,f 111 fj I bouthrra Rallwar uidar the rjrevious nluhL May closed 4Mc; I iuam in i ,1 ,m TtraLl m I auuthern Hellwar Bfd.... Julv. 40K414VWC.' oloaed at Uc: Septum-I Uiaiiijin,iou I Teoneeaee Coal A Iron... T " ' . , . . a I . " " T I Tltlg A a r-1 fin HEMP TWINE-IM. i:;ri. - ."V-;' I'RuVi810NS-Pork steady; tobblni, Tw' J J":;;- J1V.4M. iiiu dicbv; , iiitii- eaii.vBBiiirvt V r. 1 Lin I OB rftClUO her closed at 4iU,C. OATS Receipt. 70.6o0 bushel; export, 800 bushels; spot market steady: mixed oats. W to 32 lbs.. 84V-4c; natural white. 30 to 33 lba., MiZiu; clipped white, X8 and 40 Its., BH'uiUiHo. , HA V Steady ; spring1, 403&&c; good to choice, buU0c, , HOl'B easy; state, common to rholee, VrXi. Utilise: 191. 71i9c; old. 60ii7R; J'a ry salt meat, (teudy; turned extra shorts, I I ulun pacific pfd. fA.fjO; clear ribs, f.ti:V; sliort clear, J.175. I United states Etproaa.. ti icon, steady; uuxed extra snort. y jb; i " ' nmnr.. olear rib. 8H.37VC: hort cleara. t50. Ui.lud 6i.tu Rubber. POULTRY-Dull; chicken, luc; pringit, J,- P" l?w: tiirkwva. the niir-ka areiaH. Kc! I - . - "ri. 100 118 118 U7V, 17. 500 4" 98 3KV 100 101 101 nxi 4, ww i.-s lbo 151 100 4 (4 84 1 64 M.700 168 155 152 100 84 85 in 84 600 64 63 63 t 119 111 119 eTSe ctStit?5!5 5r- oJaV cr8Hmery' mM " cpcaV:::: ; ibES-Qulet; a.lv4H,ton, f t , , Ibj. rtZ four and SJhE. j 7. "--1 - ,AT ' I gram were: Ueceint. Bliipinetits ."cini' opreea dry, M to 80 lb., lc. Flour, bbl 6,0j0 S.JiiO Wcatinghnu Electric A'.reS1., V li. ";. ctY.fnJ til m Wheat, bu SS.OuO IW.OOO ''"'o," IS. 200 4144 lulled Siatea Steel rtd.... .U0 107 41 10 rUUV IBJUiMS wri stenuy, laiiuij, in.'y r . bu S7 utiO ,13Ui.; mea, 0ui 10.00; beef ham. M.UrtJ ' k"rn 21. 00; mesa, ,ni-bi,r Klu .j 1 1 id: citv extra Inula I60til.00. Cut meat, steady; picaieq I 111 1,111..- fU IHIOlU Fat.' I. Uia 4l1 Kt.ll IIIItTB. mi lMMV I .. niui ' lan... l0 2hlui0. Laid KAN8A8 CITT. March 10. WHEAT .... .! a..r K,,nA ? w..-J . rerin. I Higher: Mav. 71Uc: Julv. 70Uc: B-ttitember. teady; continent, i8.Ll;' 8. ' A.. fS.SO: com- 7uc; cash, No. 2 hard. 74a!7Ho; No. 3,1 ,u,nJ tLLMlllii Pork niilet: fimllv. I 71 V. 'i'76o: No. 1 red. kXanAc : No. 8. SodiS o. I ,J18 I ungnnu t.icctrie il'X'f) ,lt,11"I Lake Erie hi,0Ci Wiaronmn Central pfd. Kaaaas City Grata aad Frovlaloa. Central Leather ." .. Central leather pfd.. kiow-Bnenield Btccl Ion 200 21 u 21 6u 41 1 50 lit 111 l. U 104 This week LfiBt week Two weeks ago Three week ago. four Week mo Same week last yoar....lS,Ltr 63,wtl 86. Wl Tlie followlua shows the receipts oi chi- rK', hogs and sheep at Bouth Omaha for th year to date, compared with laal year; 1?0. 19U6. Inc. Dec. Cattl 1S8.0S7 15:,744 35.343 .... Hog 6W,i'H 47,3o 4.i;u .... Bheep Jul.oiS iU.iii 10,slj FRIDAY'S 8H1PMLNT8. Th following shows the number of cars of Blockers and feeders shipped to tne country yesterday and their points of des tination: CATTLE. Cars. IRES 'mu R8"ers Bros., Ravenna, Neb. Q... 8 ..118 .. 11 .. 17 .. " .. 12 A.. Birkhoper, Ixiw City, la. I. C William Dunn, Weeping Water M. P.. J..8. Bailey, Newbuig, la. N. W O. T. Rew, Council Rluffs R. I C. P. Bills. Elkhorn. Neb.-U. P......... C. F. Honer. Joslyn, Neb. U. P J C. V. Karns, Anita, la. R. 1 1 J. Clark, Anita, la. R. 1 London rlnala Itoelca. LONDON. March lO.-Oloalng quotations aon" K,',,Mn' J"-8- i n the Block exchange were: I SmUIiUros.. Norfolk. Va.-R. I o 44', 80 10 .115 Union Pacini do pfd ... V. . Steal., do pfd ... Weuub ..... do pfd ... .. 71-s, .. e .. 7 .. 49 .. 60 .. 4', ..103 .. 4v ..lik .. 86 ..110 .. 24 .. li t. 3. Rink, McOlll, la. G. W H. 8. Allen, Logan, la. 1. (J Olbbs & C niomfleld, Neb. M. 4: O.. V. Sindgreri, Arthur, la. N. W Hesley & T., Mlnden, la. Q. W Q. M. Erltton. Corning. Ia. Q The official number of cara of stock brought ln today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. She' p. H ri c, M. at tst. v 1 1 ixaasssssxsae LI Ghe Bucna Vista Ore Buying, Smelting Power Co. OFFERS 200,000 SHARES AT 15 CENTS EACH FOR SALE. FULLY PAID, NON-ASSESSABLE. This company owng eight pgtents outright to produce an unlimited heat capable to treat any low grade ore. With rtas made from 85 per cent of air heated up to 600 depreea farenhelt and 16 per cent of dis tilled oil, called the waste from oil refineries. Not the raw, crude oil should be considered. This Is not an experi ment, but a cold, proven, practical fact of many years practical experi ment by the Inventor and practical engineer, Charles A. Kueniel. We have started to build our plant at Ruena VlRta. Colo., upon a complex of land of 120 acres. We will positively smelt ore as low as li.OO with large profit, the oat of one ton will not be over 4 5 cents to molt. The metal will be refined at our own plant. We will start with one 8B ton smelter, which will be a capacity of 210 tons per day. We do not Intend to flood a large amount of stock for the simple reason, as soon as our first plant Is ln operation we will have all mine owners with us and get many times the price for our shares as wo offer them now. There Is no doubt that our shares will got up to the price of the Dell telephone shares, which were sold nineteen years ago at the same price as we offer ours now. Do not consider this a stock Jobbing scheme; it is a perfectly legiti mate and practical business proposition. This offer Is only good up to March 20. 1906. Mine owners, or those Interested tn mining, can obtain controllng Interest with the Inventor by means of a small Investment, and become directors in the affairs of the company .April 30th, 1906, the next elec tion. Address, ISAe BUENA VISTA ORE BUYING, SMELTING a POWER CO. BUENA VISTA, COLORADO. ClURlES E. KUtNZCL Pres. CIIARltS A. B. SCHNIIRR, Sec (aS Missouri Paclflo U. P. System C. N. W., eaat.... C. N. W west... C, PL P-.M. AO... C., fa. A Q., east C, b. tc west C. R. J, tk P., east... C, R. 1. A P., west. Illinois Central Chicago Ot. Wast... 2 16 4 26 i to ft li. 71 if i .194 .!U .2!! .147 .1117 .218 Treasury statement. WASHINGTON. March 10. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In vhe gen es.. 4... 77 74 fl 71 DO. 4, 7 The disDosltlon of the day's receipts was t. as follows, each buver mirchaslng the num- 44 hur nf head Indicated: I Cattle.Hogs.Btl'p. Total receipts 20 25 12 I i a 78 43.. 6.. 76.. 44 127 1)5 101 ...243 ...lo ...M7 ...sat ...SM ...1J7 ...tZI ...10 ...121 ....2S8 ....134 eial fund exclusive of the 1150,000,000 gold Omaha Packing Co reserve shows: Available cash balance, sift nrt r'nmnanv 8 1M,4S1,2S1; gold coin and bullion, t;B,M(i4AM; ?udhv Packtna : Co '.' W gold certificates, $4,8S,tiiO. OMA11A WHOLESALEl MARKET. Condition ot Trade and dnotaiions on Staple and Kancjr Produce. KGQ8 Receipts liberal; freah stock, case count, uc. Armour A Co. Other buyers 12 l.W7 t.l J3 1,818 m. 74. 7i. ..214 .III .1 114 OT Vi 44 110 ... I 10 ... 4 07 Hi II 340 10 I 10 40 4 OTVi 411 21 ... 10 120 OH, 67 to ... ItH 0 I 10 l 241 ... ltt ... 10 1. ...... .110 ... 4 1214 40 4 10 71 t?l 10 12 ... 10 70 2M 140 114 ... 1 70 IC4 40 ( lt 140 10 44 40 ... t II 140 10 75 114 10 t 12 ... 4 10 Ct tit ... t 12S, 40 10 64 141 ... i lt'4j ... 111 il IHt ... II ... 10 14 tit ... 4 1H, ... I 10 74 240 40 IS ... 4 10 12 211 ... t 11 ... 4 10 77 tit 40 4 11 ... 4 10 67 tit ... 12 V4j M 111 74 2.14 14 4 II 80 I 10 74 Ill 110 4 !2Uj ... 10 73 Ill 60 li 120 10 44 216 10 4 II ... 10 67 227 ... t 11 40 10 47 231 40 I 12 110 10 41 24 40 4 II 0 4 10 IT 214 ... 4 II ... I 10 14 2 ... I IS ... I 1 M 106 110 I II ,b2 EllEEP Contrary to the usual rule thert was quite a fair run hers today, eight cars "' being reported In, all of them Colorado r. westerns, shipped from Greeley. Thev -1 " I oa-a , n,.n,UJ nM ,1.1. Hturbh, anA u.n.-- Totals 48 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. The following will show the price paid for the different kinds of cattl on the I liberal and very nearly equal to the run only halted here for feed and rest. The receipts tills week have been fairly South Omaha mark'. LIVE POULTRY Hens, c; old roost- Good to choice corn-fed steers ers, be; turkeys, 16c; ducks, lie; young roosters, ruse; geese, sc. Pair to choice corn-fed steers... Common to fair corn-fed steers. LRKSSEL) PuULTRl Turkeys, 1819c; Good to choloe cows and heifers old touis, lujiliic; chickens, loHc; old ITnlr tn flrinrl rna-i and hetfera. Canners and cutters X.Orwa.OI of last week. There waa alao little .11' .t9.0036.fl0 ference between the receipts this week and i outuo.uu moss or the corresponding ween a year i.w'vt.w ago. ror me year to (late, nowever, ineae 8 D 4.30 I has been a allaht falllna off ln the total . I 0 'ft 3.00 arrivals at this point. As has peen noted before In these col- rfinatnra .n Hiinb, l'.Y,il3i aMmn llVv li UTTER Packing slock, lie; cuoice to Good to choice Blockers and feeders umns the market this week has-not been fancy dairy, liaise; creamery, 214ilViO. Fair to food Blockers and feeders.. J JJj entirely to ths liking of the selling In- HAY Prices quoted by Omaha reed com- Common to fair stockers 'i,12 terests, largely for ths reason that ths pany: No. 1 uoland. S6.G0: medium. Ih.W; Bulls, stags, eto r.&(000 demand has been somewhat limited. On coarse. 4.504i6.0u. Rve straw. to.W. Good veal calves.. eitAiM i-er ion. io 60. I KAMUU. un' ritn.u.1 TROPICAL FRUITS. Cattle DATES Per box of SO 1-lb. Dksrs.. i:.00: nmihi - Hallowe'en, in 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c; Bay- I Chicago ers, per lb., 4c; walnut sturred, 1-lb. pkgs Kansas City 82.00 per do..; s-lb. boxes, 8100. St. Louis UnAnuta California, extra fancy Red- Sioux City i.U0i4i.W one or two ,jay, of tne w,et it was a dim ' I cult matter for receivers to unload owlnu nogs. 10 ma narnt aemana. it tjeinar noi so mucn t2.26fiii.00 a Question of crice as of finding a buver. l tot(f.9 6.76'ii.a5 Under ths conditions prices, were naturally t.2tHj4i.0O 1 6oca.S0 given a downward tendency. Still, for . t.'&M.i.n) 6.6Xii.40 ths week, the Changs has not been verv . 3.0046.60 6.1KU-10 great. In' tact the very best or choice THE UPDIKE GRAIN CO. BEE BLDG., OMAHA. TKLCPHONB DOUOLA 1473. MKMSERtOP CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE MINNEAPOLIS CHAMBER of COMMERCE ST. LOUIS MERCHANTS EXCHANGE KANSAS CITY I0ARO of TRADE MILWAUKEE BOARD of TRADE OMAHA GRAIN EXCHANGE. CAREFUL ATTENTION given ordsrs In grain or previsions for future delivery In akav msrksts W. Farnam Smith & Go. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities. We offer subject tn sals 20 to luO shares I'MON HTOCK VARDS FIGS California, rjer 10-lb. carton. 75a 83c: Imoorted Smyrna, three-crown, llo: six-crown, lac. ' it, jreh. BANANAS -Per medium slsed bunch, 81.76 f-t. Feb. a.. 62.26; jumbos, 82.6O(u8.O0. C..un IJ7 TANGERINES California, per box of 5-mk" i".' Mch. 1. about 126. 83.00. OKAri t H LIT Florida, per box, T.oo Mch II . 7.60; California, per box, 84.0u4.50. Mch. 't.. r nun a. Mch PEARS Winter Nellia and Mount Vernon, x. '1 I . . juiu, 9 . . . - - Men. a. ArriitB-cauiornia iNewion, tnppins ana jucn. 7. lu.U T inn, e.W I ' I WU. UVA, DQD U V 1., e'l I l , , per bu. box; Winesans. 82.60 cer bu. box: 7T,. V other varieties, t2.u0ii2.60 per bu.; New York I f,,.h'' in' .. I .. . u..i.,.i . i, . - . rw, i.i.i 1 00-v.ii. IV. U I I - . PaiUKIIIfl ailU UBSCk, fU.W IV V U.i U RAPES Imported Malagas. .oOti.00i OLD VEGETABLES. POTATO to Home growu. per bu.. ECK3 boc; Huutn 1. tola, per uu., ibc. 6 821 K 3a 83 6 Ml i 841 841 land navels, all sizes. 13.60: fancy navels. I t,.. iaiiu t.hi. hn. the aiarin sheeD and lambs are selllna- not verv fnr 3-il6.L-S,,1.c,, -a11 les, t3.26. 'I nrtce ut hoss at South Omaha tor the last from where they were a week ago. Lambs 1-n.MUiNd Limoniers, extr lancy, zio- ;eVeral days, with comparisons: possibly might be a littl. lower, but choloe size j.t.50; 300 to 360 sizes, t4.00. Z , wethers, yearlings and ewes have brought Date, I m. 11906. ll04.l0a. 11901. 101. 11800. about the same prices as last week. When ii. L-umea tu (.ne rnwuium Kinaa or DOtn Bheen Anil laimha the itimrinn im Altrwmnx t 66 buyers not carina: ao. much for thaL kinii 4 til I with the result that prices are uulte a a i" ume tower lor tne weeg. lt has been 4 til) noted this week that buyers are making 4 tSi I more (tintlnctlnn between roallu .,i., 4 84)i 4 70 stuff and that which la onlv filr ta irivi.i " . I In order thut shippers may understand 4 741 the situation it migiit be added that the w i cause oi tne bihck nemnnn and evenic 4 Jl tendency noticeable In western markets is 4 72 I due to the fact that rinvjn uilarn mf- 7 16l li 161 6 141 4 71 I keta auch aa Rnrt.ln hu. hn I....I. 7 26 t 111 6 26 1 4 7a supplied with both sheep and lambs and mac nricea tnera tisva heen r al va v lower than farther west. At the same time 4 74 6 32 t M 6 40 04 i 77 t 32 10 t HI 4 80 t 13 6 tr.i 4 72 6 08 11 4 76 I 12 111 IM e 11 5 07 20 4 K)i 12 4 6 1J 08 4 W t 20 Ui 4 to 6 18 I 4 fo 6 U i 27 t 8u t I 2-1 4 86, 6 221 e is 4 801 68 I 03 'I 02 7 U 7 041 6 24i tf lDI D 08) t 15 S 08 s 06; 2 J 04 - K oanlah cer crate 12 00- Colct to report concerning the day's transactions, factory features that may have developed ind yellow per bu tloO ' Thr ha b!eu decided falling off ln here during the week. IVANS Per bu t2'flo ' ' the receipts of cattle during the present Quotations: Good to choice native lambs, . i ,. .. , .i.w i . . .. . u,AAb il,- fit 2ii,: 7a . .... n ... v. . , . , . Sunday. CATTLE There were so few cattle here there has been a small consuming demand v thfct lt cnuM hnriilv he caltud a mar- I for the mutton. Thettf. tin fnrla t,. ic: Bouin i tola. Der uu.. itic. I ' . ' . , : , i . v - ' ONIONS Home grown, vellow and red. ket and tnere is nothing oi any importance gemer are responsible for any unsatlB per bu.. luc rado, red a Kl 1 V II T , T A j v j. t rrt . o . ci uu.. Jv. i- " . ... . - - l. I , . - : ' ' i iui iii'ivlu,. ik 11, I week aa comnarta wun mil wees, tne l " i' vtu. ,o; gooa lo ctiolce western lamlis CABBAGE California.-' iu 'per lb.: Wis. difference amounting to over 1,000 head. 16. j 65; fair to good lnmbs, t6.0tKa6.4O; cull cousin, in crates, per lo., zc. I xiowever, winieiu mui , w i "". wy uu.w. guuu iu cnoiue iism year CARROTS, fARSNIFS AND TURNIPS I mere naa ueen a gain oi over ,. ai ! " e i, guou io cnoice neavy year - k,i ur.n I thM aenenn RdvAncea the nualitv Of the re- I litlUB. 16.66'tl&.80: fair to a-nnd henvv vir. CELKRx California, 1 per doi. ceipts snow Borne improvement, catiie o.iiiid.oo gooa to cnoice wethers UHfL'L'T T), , 'I1 . T.M. l' I." . . w.. I h.11., aII !,. lima t , ,r I Ka r,inn I S.-l fMK7ifi HO' fAlr tn tr,.iA h.r. f r, 'tr.:.f. t(. . i . 1 1 , aw. n. x w Lie. a-uu. I K.iiiim ... u.. . . ... . - - - . - - " .. . .... . a . hi.mi u.r,. bbls., 12.00. that there are more long fed cattle being good to choice ewes t4.75(.10; fair to good NEW VEGETABLES. marketed than was me case earuur in me TOMATOES Florida, per crate of 10 lbs. seauon net. Srt. I Tha market owing oerhans to the llchter WAX BEANS Per hamper of about tO receiDte as much ab to the good local CHICAGO idb. nt., to. buying demand has naa an upward STRING BEANS Per ham Der of about I i.nH.,,n .u the, wceelr . Prlnp hflVw hAn 80 lbM. net. U.(Afl-4.00. I nalIW .faun t aitAaHv atrnnft. (ira o GREEN I'iCPieKHd-Florida. pr hamper tidily every day ao that at the cIoro of of uout 1U dux., $f &v. PHk desirable ateera are -renerallv ll4il&c T UUIUU LJ 1. L. I W A Nil ... 1J IlITU I . - ewes. H.26I&4.76; cull sheep and bucks, 13.00 UVB STOCK MARKET Luuiaiuna.. per dos. bunches, 76c. 8HALLOTT3 Louisiana, per dos, buiiulif-s. 76o. HEAO LETTUCE loulslana. per bbl.. Cattle, Bheep and Lambs Steady Hogs lew. CHICAGO. March 10. CATTLE Reeelnta. higher than one ween ago. ine common mi neaa; maraet sieaay; Deeves, tmx-JU Ji grades possibly have not shared materially I stockers and feeders, t2.76w4.76; cows and neuers, si .tuxpo.o. HOGS Receipts, 12,000 head; estimated tl2.wg 16.00; per doz. heaus. tl. 762.00. LEAF Lfc. 1 tieudB, 60c. . txl'CE Hothouse, per dos. In the ImDrovemnnC while mere nave Deen a kooo manv more finished steers this week than usual. Monday, 40.000 head; market slow, prices the sunnlv of strictly choice fat cowa and steady; mixed and butchers. 16.004636: heifers has been far from plentiful, al- good heavy, f 26(iii ?6; rough heavy, t O" though the average has been fair. The 20; light. 16.0ixri.26; pigs. 16.766.15; bulk 6t-y A1CSHROOM3- Hothouse, per lb , 657ac. tir.K-e tuia. No. 1 ribs, 13c; No. 1 round, 7c; rso. a riua, -i y-, iuuhu. iu; io, 3 libs, So; No. 3 round. bc; o. I loin, Kaasae City Live Stock Market KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 10.-CATTLE ...e,0u0 Il7.0tti 17.60; short cluar, 115.tKtU7.W; mess, tie 2Wi 1 76. TALLOW Steady; city, 6c; country. fcf 6o. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, SWtt'ic; Julian nominal. MCTTtlit Irreguiar: western factory, rnnimnn to flrsls. 13iilCe; western Imita tion creamery, extras. 2uc; western firsts. l!c. CHFE3F: Firm; unchanged. EGGS Firmer; western firsts, 13", western seconds, 14ul4c; southerns, I3i 14Vc. rOl'LTRY IJve. ttrm; western chickens, Wheat, bushels 11c; fowls, lzc; tin keys. ic. iireaaed, I corn, Dustieia... (Itilet: western chickens, 10 lie; turkeys, I Uats, bushels... l420c; fowls, liuuc. ',UKI t! , .. - I ., , Uriu T . . I .. W. ?. . cash, No. 1 mixed, 34c; No. X white, Wtt 38c; mo. s, w,ioiic. MHi z:i3 lfri bau It tou. mi4 jo atjTi 10t tSl, T.4U0 2;'.'H 1194 119.4 1,7(10 4.1', 4.14 4i' "J 1U4V IMP. 104 ilil 111 ii, ..., TiHal aalea for the day. sharea. Boston Storks and Bonds. BOSTON, March lO.-Call loans. 6i7 ner Oftlclal cent; time loans, 64)4) per cent. OATS Steady: No, white, tlia32c; N.t. quotations on Blocks and bonds were: 1 mixed, auc. HAV-feteudy; choico timothy, ll.S54t 11 oo; cnoice prairie, KYFySteady. tTi'ic. LGGS Steady; aiisacurl and Kansas new No. 2, whltewood casvs Included, , 12c; case count, 11c; case returned, c less. Atchleoa adj. 4a.. do 4e Mti Central 4a... AtetilaoB do pfd tliieton 4k Albany. Roetun e Maine.. lliiekon Elevated . BL'TTER Steady ; creamery, tie; pack- 'Kitciihurf pij Ing, Uc. Receipts. Shipments. ... 28.C'00 43.0H 24. 1" JO 42.IM) Mexican Central . N. T.. N. H. H Pere 'Merrjuette . I nine l-, lfk' t4ikAiventura ...lul'4Allou.a ... 40 i Amai,iamated ., ... l-ISlAmerii-ao Cine ...i'4 Atlantic ...1..'4 rilnjham ...K7V ( al. at HiK-la.. ...lil ii'entennui .. .. .141 ICopptr Uane . ... J4V, lial W, ...!'' jfomfnloa Coal ... IKrankila ...USIHOranby .... 12.000 16.fJUl ""?"'. 1r'- lMB ' " " ! rle . UV p,Q . Mlaaeaiiolls Grata Market. , (Superior quotations for Mlnnetpolis de livery 1. The raueje of prices, as furnished by F. D. Day at Co., 110-111 Loard of Trade building, was: Artlcles.l Opan. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheal I May... July... Sept... July... Sept... 7t.S 1 IB 1 lo 1 13 ! 76 7S 75 7SH 7S' T7H 77', r 774, 7S 77 W 7tH 16 1 14 1 li 1 14 1 1 1 1 4 14 1 X 15 1 U MUwaakee Orala Market. MILWAUKEE. ' March tO. WHEAT- Steady; No. 1 northern, 7b.iJ Tc ; No. 1 north Bin, i4y, e; May. 1T-,C aaked. K T t. PUll ; MO. I, tltUC. Strmlni i i II n BARLEY-Steady; No. , Mg55c; mpU, L'Ele'c. fauV'.wfS CORN-Steady; No. t, ;6'l0c; May, l'o aaxau. Aeier. Pneu. Tube. Amer. Buxar .. ao ptd Amer. T T. Amer. Woolen do pfd Male, aluilne f4VM.rhlaaa 14ij4 Mohawk llSsijMont. O. C USd Dominion 4Ha Oaoeola 107 Parrot Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 ha:d. Tie; No. 1 northern. 76Vc; lo arrive, Tli'-jc: No. t northern, 734c; to arrive, ISe; No. t northern, ;2Sc; No. 1 durum, 70c: No. ! durum, oee. Com. No. 1 yeilow. Stie; No. 1. 36-c. Oata: No. 1 white, y;,e: No. t, 8u'4UuV,o. liarley, ttko45o. Rye. tlW UVu. Flax, caau, Maytl.HV 'Peoria Urala Market. PEORIA. March 10. CORN Higher! No. I. 4uc; No. 4. 3oti3ic; no grade. eoxuJ.c ua i o L.nunnaed: ko, I84lc; No. 4 while. 23c. W HISKT-On the basis ot tl Si. Liverpool Orala and P-vavlsloaa. LiVERPtJOL. March 10. WHEAT SooL nominal; iuturea quiet; aiarcn, as 6ufl, May. as 4d; July, ks Sd. CORN tipot steady; American mixed. hew, 4b vj, American mixed, old. 4a i",i futures uuleti March, ts lltd; Msy, 4 Mats. Electric M ITainarack do pfd 44 T 1 1 n I v Mass. Gas 44 t'altad rnnper tailed Fruit lm. P. 8. Mioiuf... tailed Blio llack.... IIV,;U. g. oil.... do fd Karth Butte V. B. Bleei ao pfd Weei trig, coaimoa , lild. 4'ABked. . Site Itah . tistivinroia . 414a Winona ..... .1" VWulruie .. . Tt 4. Ji 1U7-H 10 214 41 tS'i :::::: 53 7a 21 ... u ... ... a ... c ... m ... 46', ...U0 ... it ... Dl ... t ...lu7 ... '04 ... 4T ... tit, ... 11 ::: i ... i ...uo VrVVV??-",?r"ul"uu"?'.-"r .!. i""-- , - a-,-a.. h;. t.I- .iVU; of aalea. at. tA.Uiati.L.u ticmouse, per oux. puncuea, A! " T'. Jlf - VL V ' bhtpp il'n t a mian...ii. 1 em ,,..,, up with the receipts so that there has been . heeij AM) LAMBS Receipts, l.sno a graauai sirvngining in values wun inn '"' .1 , ' . V, """"i i D"lri', ej-iw.w, result that prlcos at the close of the week lamoe, u.wbii.w. are generally 1'ic higner than one week ago. The market on bulls, stags, etc., has shown no vry great change in any dlrectlun. lti'ic: .No. i iuin, 13c; .no. i loin, lot: No, 1 while voal calves nave neen in good reauest iieceipts, oui iihvi; market unchanged: plate, 4Vtc; No. Z plate, 4c; No. t plate, Sc; and firm throughout the week. choloe export and dressed beef steers. 5 36 .o. 1 ctiuck. e'Ac; No. 2 chuck. 4c: No. 1 The market on light stockers has been In &o.0O: fair to guod. 14. aft. 5: western fed chuck, 4c. I a somewhat demoralized condltiuu this steers, t i.r'i "1.. j ; Blockers and feeders, 13.00 MiseLUiA.'xiiuuB. week owing to tne (act tnni tne arrivals (4.w; snutnern strers, 3.&ti ju.oo; sonttiern CILEK l er Kei;, eJ.u; pur ODl., to.76. for sotns little tlmo back have been in cows, Ki.2titi4.ui; native otiWs, 12 2MH o HuN h. Y .New. tier 24 lbs.. t3.6o . irna nf th Biitmlv which means thai native hcliera. bulls. t2.Jocti4 1R ( h h h.SE bWIUB. new. 1&CI Wlacnnnln -at, I nf thet rienrlntlnn h,u, Kn phIviii. 13.0iHi17.00: reeelnta for week. ? ftial uncH. luc; Wisconsin unii.eioi, iwius, cumulating in the yards. peati. lot, Toung Americas IoVbc Speculators and yard traders were free HtMJS Receipts. 1,400 head; market Pklladelpkla Px-odaee Market. PHILADELFHIA, March 10. Bl'TTER Steady ; extra waslarn creamery, 28c. t lOSStsady; weatern fresh, 15o gt titrk. CHEE8B flteadyj New Tork fun cream, UlH'-,0. Toledo Seed Market. TOI.EPO, March ia-SEf?I Clover, cash, 13 10: March, tvjti; April. 18 12; October, te to; timothy, tl ft); alts lk a, 12 at. Wool Market. LONDON. March 10. Trading In wool I wiilii '4'y I f oulel Delia. 1. s ins opening of trie secund Series tl auLima mmmm lucw.f, HaiLa la. The arrivals for the third series amount to l.u4 bales The Imports of wool this weak were: New South Wales, 7, 111 bales; Queensland. bales: VlcU'rta, 1 bales; fcViuth Australia, tu6 bales; New Zealand, 1K.334 bales; ttuisapore. 1.U4 balea; Hlver Flata, 4J; bales; Fuut4 Arvnas, l.ttej bales; Sundries, H bales. ST. LOria. Mo. March 19.-WOOI,-Bteady: medium giadea cmhlng and cloth- 1 11 f 2tff-.-; light fine., lieavy Una, New Tork Mining Stocks. NEW TORK, March 10-Closlng quota- 11011a vii 111111111 atueiie were: Ad ma Cos Alloa breefa bruiuwlra Coa .. CcaialiM-k Tunnel Cos. la I. Va... Hora f'Her Iron Silver LeadnlUe Cog .... Unlotk Crala Market. DULITH, March 10-WHEAT-To arrive, Nu. 1 iiiirti'i ru. T'mC: No. 2 ti'.irihri-n. Ten: eu track. Jiv. 1 northern, lic; No. I I lnjut, lult-waaued, t-nn. ... 31 Little Chief .. ...4iJ lOntarla ... a lOohir ... M IthaenU ... U rutoel ...104 Setege ...lee 'sierra Nevada ...j;, anull Houea .. ... t BlandATd .. f'e .i:i ..4T5 !! 41 Cleeirlaal Ueete ieraea, NEW TORK. March li). The statement of the clearing house banks for this week shows that tlie batiks held ta.4o3.7uO over the legal reserve requirements. This Is an Increase of tl,464,8u0 over last week. 7 ha statement follows: Loans, 11,018 STJ.auu; Oacreaae, 121,2bt.3uU. deposits, uo; decrtoiw, t-'7,613.uuu. Circulation, S:, 1 . 4 SvTuo; rncrrutae, tJl.fuo. Legal tenders, 1.3 3T.7'.I; decrease, :.443 6tO. ttpecte, !178.fiie Ono; de titaae. t4.0n4.M). Reserve. t'4,8o.7"0: de- treaaa, t6.44a.3oo. Reserve reuutied, -j0,- riL'13 evaiuuia, nu. 1 aun aneus, new buyers last week, but as the expected steady 10 strong; lop, ti.2i'i; pulK or sules, crup. per In., 16c; bard snells, per lb., country demand did not prove very large; heavy t6.2.rii.27U; packers, to.20 U1U.V 1';c,:1?; Ufi' .fih iullc; "nui1!' they were soon filled up, and aa cattle of pigs and lights. t6.&0U6.15 receipts per lb., 12c. feaiiuis. per lb., k'Ac; roasted, thttt kind continued to arrive very freelv tor week, 2.Cio head. W ifcab,V-5-nttSr 17 th's week, the ma?ket ntter!ed"ut from SHEfclF AND LAMRS Receipts, none; Almonds, soil ""'cPf . ITo. hard ltck. of sufticlent buying support. They market nominally steady; native lambs, bnells, per lb., loo. Cucoanuw. H2& per ara n-aUy 2fya0o lower at the close 76; western lambs. t560i70: ewea uwiii Wisn-Trout He- hallhut lrw.. ' wee thn thy 'wer8 " S""1 yurllngs t4.i4f6.; westorn fed yeer- i?. diiiaed " while lua lic s.?; The lower prl es have had a tendency to rP. to.liO.W); western fed sheep u.2iu PJ 'e iitrc., " aViiuiei aiid dreihe'd a2" bring In country orders, so that the surplus Blockers and feeders. t3.2C4H.7C; re- l.uli, oa.c, jitriii. aairaiou anq areaned, kc, . "., ,, .ij L . rirta fur week. 42.4to head. ri'imliljliei . lie: SKimmi 11,.- I i" w k-'. , I.,. iiiWe. iUC ciapl'iea, ti'jc; ee.. loc; biacg bae, tic; Wll.UUBU, i--i eV- UUB-, OOC, lohbteie, Bieen, '. loba i, 7u; bluertsu. J'i Uciiiiig. 4c; ouaiiitiii luackcral, toe, liaduuL. itc, am imp, el.oVul.ou ptr .'.,!ti U nl'Kl. 1-L. i.oa, IMS. .A.. .. I.'- .. al..w..i .. A ! .A . I . I kf. U I a I r-nfi3 ice. . u, .w ir aai. I shell ovsieis, ei."S- wv per luu, unit XNecg I i-miiis. 41.00 pel m iJAR Uiauuluted cane, 'n bbls.. 16.04: gi anu la tod eaue, in Bate., fa.Ul; grauulaied Ueel, lu na-ckB, 4.L billLl' in baiiels, 24c per gal.; cases, 10-lb. cans, 11. uC;, 11 t-lb. cans, 12.80; cu8, 4 i'.t-io. cans. 11.80. COFFEE Roabted: No. 35, 2G',4o per lb.; No. :su. ij'A: per lb.; No. 25, l&io per lb.; k-.. '.'ii l:.u Der lb.: No. 21. 12c Der Ihf. H,UL il t wholesaler Rest high grade Ne braska, per cwt., 12; bei high grade patent Miiiiienoia, per cwt., (2.30; straight patent NeUafcKa, per cut., 4-. second peiieiu p hruuku. 11.80. CL'ltEU Flbti ramuy wcitefisn, per time. The heavy brenk on light cattle hud some Influence naturally even on the good kinds of feeders a"d they are gen erally HO.flue iiwer for tne week. Representative, sales- UKItr B I KICKS. A tr 4 44 II ..... Uut 4 41 txiwa ....... Bl ID 1 I 'l t 44 I t 4M i HSIFWRS. 4S4 t li BULLS- 1400 4 00 CALVES. 1W I H 1 114 4 00 A. Ft. .1441 4 44 ,...) M ...110 IH IN 1320 Farnam St., Tel. Douglas 1064 Double Your Money The CENTRAL ALASKA GOLD ft COPPER CO. own 28 rich placer min ing claims and a rich copper property. The uli nres are selling nt only 4c now, but will double noon, making you 100 per cent on the Increase lu a few duys. Bend for particulars. Founder's Trustee Co., Inc. INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA F. Ds Day & Co. ueaiere ia StocK.. Grain. Provision Mlalp Your Urala to la. Branch OfUce, 110-111 Beard of Trade; Bide. Omaha. Neb. Telophase 8114. 2-114 Exchange Bldg.. South Omaha. Bell 'fhine 214. Independent 'Phone l St. I. on la I. Ire Stork Market. ST. LOriS. Mo.. March ln-CATTLE- Rereliits. ISO bead: no Texans: market BtPady; native rh.pplng and export steers 1 Q'...l. .l,...Bk,. 1... tln.l hiil.lln. ),... ti&yhitv: steers under 1,W Ibg.. BOHif 4 I'll Blockers and leeders, t?.Xti4 60; cows and hellers, t.u6l4.b0: cunners. tl.T.-tiJW; bulls, ? -li'.'ft 4.2o; calves, li 'uH Jiy. Texas and Indltin sioers, IJ.'Jixa--; cows evnd heifers. t2.Jor4.1o. HO(;8 Receipts. Z.t head: murltel So hlsher: ulas and lights. t3.6tKft41.ju: back ers. fi.Cisu.d.35; butchers and brat heavy, fcf.3Xfiti.4fl. BHEEP AND LAMH8 Iteceipta, 600 head; market steady; native muttons. t4 00 t 5i': iambs i S5 ; culls and bucks, bbl., 1 jo lbs..; Norway mackerel, per t.lil . 2u0 H.B.. bloaters. Mo; No. 1. tj: Ka. i $ju; No. I, ju; man xso. i. hi. iieiring, in bbls., ivi) lbs. ram. Norway, 4k, t'3. Nor- way, 3a, i: lloiiitia. anxea, til ao. Hoi- laud herring, ln kegs. n.ilKaia, Sue; ktgs. U.ixt-d. ,ue. bRCiOMS No. 1 csnt. tlJ6; No. I car- rx t IJ 4". No. 3 ulam. ti.a. CANNED GJi-)LB l.uru, standard west ern, (kiva:; slaitie, Ilia. lumatoes, 1-lb. eaiis. l.uu, i-lu.. u.w till, i'uieapuies. gruted, 3-10., t-.U-4ti.J0; sliced, tl.etZ.JOj gaaion aiples, fancy, to. 60. California aorl i.iia. il.4uu2.uo: UMurs. tlTCu-bo. Deaches. fancy, tl . iW)2.4u; ii. C. eanhes, I.' uo-QioJ. wiiiiion, red, tl Is, Wtfik. : funny CldnouK, , x-mo; lancy encaiye, r., 11 o; saruiaea, H-oil, . -mustards, J .fy.iiJ 3.1U. bweel pui aloes, V.ll jl a; sauerkraut, ti; puniiklna BXx'.jl; wax beans. 1-lh., "bUJ tx I. lines' oeana, 3-10., Tt-'asUcni II. JS; aplnacli, tliuiltW'; flieajj peas, 3-lu., B'a;; exlic, 7J Hue; fancy, l Kj 4J i. .0. H1DKH, 1'KL'Ia AND TALLOW No. 1 ften hid., ku; No. 2, tc, No. 1 salted, l,c. No. i, Iu'hc; bull hides. katJo; dry hides, h 'j'luu. Horse hldea. large, $.! 60; kinull. t Bheep peltj, tacli, aoitl 2a. Tulluw. No. L 4c; No. i. Jc; rough. litu. jioGS The trade opened slow and dull t3 OtrSjS.75; stockers. t3.'i'5t.5i'. ihi. nrniiir tiuvars and sellerB belnar ran. I " Biderably apart in their views, and sums I It. Joseph Live stuck Market. lltlie time was consumed befure they gT. JOSKPH, Wo., tfarch 10. CATTLE finally goi aown u uusiness. vnen me RecelptB, 360 head; market steady: na'tves. trade was onee under way It was reason- j jts oO; cows and heifers. tl.tvgi oo; ablv active at piwes that were a shade .tockrrs and feeders. PoMl-l.tO. lower than yesteidays general market. HOOS Receipts, 1.7C7 head: market Another way lo put it wouia he to can the strong to be higher; light. In nfrijO 'J,; me market a slisde better than the low point nhim an1 beiJy. t0.lawii.30; bulk of sales, of vtaterday, but considerably lower Hian Kiuru the beet time. The huge sold very largely BHLKiP AND LA MRS Receipts, 1.400 at 14 ltij.13. wun a springnng at i 15. head; market sieadv; yearlings and weth It will ue reiiiemnersa mat me uuih ot tne i ert u.0(i; ewes, Jb.JS. nogs yreieiuBr w,,i e.. e"-"-w- inn ci ers, t3.0C4M.25; calves and 'yearlings, tJ-003 4.00. HOGS Receipts, head; market 60 lower, selling at t&.lxtf.10; bulk of sales, t.ofii 06. Biiytr and I .am na neceipis, xuv head; market steady. Forelga Financial. IX)NDON. March 10 Money was In good supply In the market today and It) less demand. Rates were easier. Discounts were quiet. Trailing on the Block ex change waa of , smaller volume, but the tone waa nrm ana prices were inciinea to harden, particularly home rails, owing to the Investment purchases. Consols yielded a fraction on realisations. For eigner. benefited by Parla support, Rus sians again burdening. Hudson Lays were in much request and advanced further. Americans opened steady at well over parity- and a fair amount of business waa transacted, but they rencie-'l near the close and finished steady. Grand Trunk deolined owing to the new issue, but steadied toward the close. Kaffirs were moderately active and a cheerful under tone prevailed In this department. They hardened on early trading, eased later and Closed quietly, steady. A strong feature was announced, but lt did not affect the market. Japanese Imperial 6s of ISM war quoted at lot. . taerar aael Molasses. NEW YORK, Maruh W.-rtfOARRaw strung; fuir refining, t Ifj-ltiiovJc ; cantnfu gal, i lest, 1 li-lvu3',c; molaeses sugar, 11-1UuSo; refined firm; No. ti, 4,10c; No. 7, Hie; No. t, 4c; No. it, t.9tc No. 10, t.tOct No. 11, l.Suc; No. li, l.too; No. 13, l.7ic; No. 14, t.TJc; confectioners' A, 4.46c; mould A, 4.kic, tAtt loaf, 6.3m!; crushed, lijr; now Oeted, 4 it?c; grunuinted, 4wio; cubes, 4.8&C. MoLAfctiia Kirm; New Orleans open kettie. guod to choice, n'iSc. Nk-W DKLriA.Vj, iisicn 10. Bt'OAR Finn: open kettle centrifugal. lv$ 7-ioct centilfugal whiles. ,.c; yellows, S 13-1a;; BecnnilS, iii)2e. MOLASikS Nominal: onen kettln itm SCc; syrup, l?b30o. Oils and Itosla. NEW TORK, March 10.-OIL8-Esy , prime crude, f. o. b. mills, 26.uatlc; prime yellow, SlVa'uaiHo. Petroleum, quiet; re fined New V'oia. t?.; Philadelphia ami Ualtlmorc, $3.76; prime lu bulk, fi.ui. Tur pentlne, steady at '3.j'734c. ItOMK-oDuU; sirslned, common t.i good, isAVANNAH, Oa.. March 10.-OIl-Tur. pentlne. f.rin at "oc. KOblX Klrm. Quote: A, B, C, n. K, F and U. 14 lu; 11 ti.lii; I, Jit,; K, 16 Ju. IL to.U; N, 6.uu; t'U, tO.10; WW, t.50. treme close of the market waa again rather slow and It was harder work to get the Block In tight. 7,i.a The hog market this week h.e I neceipia oi a -i,.-. fiuoluated back ind forth. The high point '"l" ye.ieroay . ..... i , i ii-ii u-l nn U . .n . . , I taiiie. II of the year was touched on Monday, from wll loll aay prtcea icnuea lower until inure- flouth Omaha. . . . I. .. i 1 1 1 u, i I n f nf tia mr&w - m aiiiiua V 1 1 . . reached. The market showed some Im- Kansas City provement oil Friday, dropping back a little gt- Josetm.. loday, so ti at the week ciuseii witn the a'uis.. market practically Just where It was at the limcsgo Close of lust wees. ogs. Sheer t vC t"fl t.u l,4fl I 12.UU0 1.44 l.&AI Representative sales: Totals.. ...t.440 U.61I 1.741 pel.., 44..., tt.... 1k... tl... 14... Af. SB. ....lit ... IN ...11 ... tOT ...AW 4 IT", ... Hi 144 r.'i ... IM ....144 NO. .... 4.... 40. ... U) ... 14..,, Ae. Bn. r. IM Its 4 IB nrf Mil ..115 ... 14 Ml ISO 4 tO . "4 N til ..1U ... t 14 glens t'ltr IJve gtock Market. BIOL'X CITY. March 10. iHpeclal Tele gram ) CATTLE Receipts, 6A) head; mar- set steaay; w-evi-e. t.v.m oo; caws, uuua and mixed, 13.0(34 bu; Blockers and feed- Metal Mr.rket. NEW TORK. March 10.-M KTALS-There waa no change of consequence In the v rluus ineiul markets snd trading r-.tnet In the uhsi-nce nf cables. e';ot tin Is quoted at lei1''' ''30.-1'. Lake cuj"er is I'M Ml 13 37VU18 ft; electrolytic. Bis l'-V-it and casting at IIS noj IS 25. Lead ma unchuiiKed at to.3i'uS 4 and spelter af K u iu- Iron was qulei at recent prices. ST. LOUIS. March 10.-METAI-Iud, steady at tu.sT. opelter firm at to.a bid. Coffee Market. NEW TORK, March 10. COFFEE Mar ket for futures oiwiied steady at unchanged, prions In response to steady uro.iean ta bles. Prices sagged tiff under continued liquidation with the close steady net un changed to 10 points lower. Bales were reported of U,( b.igs, Including March gt 4?b--( April. 4WV-; May. 4ti0uo; Jul-, ju6i.16c; leceniber, f. 7 sue; ebruary, I.u6c bpot Kio quiet, Ni. f UivvlcB, IVe