THR OMAHA' DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 190ft. FOR SALEREAL ESTATE Shimer & Chase Co. Ileal Estate lnvptiiipnta. OMAHA IS HAVING HER INNING. Forward Is the order of the day. Progress la witnessed on every hand. Invent your dollar In n (crowing city. You may REALIZE HANDSOME RE TURNS. Down town and suburban property nrtlve. Large and small Investors re ceive same consideration In this otflre. Out-of-town Inquiries promptly ans wered. ' AN ARRAY OF ACRES 3 acres west of South Omaha, $'W0. 5 acres west of South Omaha, 12i0. 41.72 acres adjoining South Omaha, $100 per acre. 4 acres near by Forest Lawn car, $W 2.6 acres, well Improved farm, .ililrxks from car, 100 fruit trees three to six years old. 1 acre nlfnlfa, hog tltfht fence, cistern, well, cave, ccller, Improvements, 2-story 7-room house, in first clafs re pair, barn nnd chicken house. Close by South Omahn. Owner forced to sell on occount of poor health. $."V00.00. 20 ncres, house, bam. chicken houses, grnnerv, wells, orchard In bearing, for Immediate sale, $3200.00. 25 acres,' 2 sets of bulldlnpfl. will be within half mile of car, apples, cher ries, peaches, grapes, strawberries, all in bearing. Trice, $'J00.0O per acre, or $0000.00 for land and Improvements. Do more than consider. BUY NOW. Shimer & Chase Co. Desirable New Dwellings, Lands and Lots. 1009 Farunm, Urouud Floor. Doug. 3N07 HE DUNDEE 8 rooms, modern, with two lots and barn, can lie bouuht this week for $4,000, $1600 cash, balance $20 per month at 6 per cent . More customers than property. List it with us for quick sale. We nlao have more tenants than houses for rent, so list them with us If you want them well rented. L. L. Johnson Co. rhone Ited 1240. Itoow 3, Barker Blk. -HIS FOR RENT HOUSES XXV IV ouo u Vetera A Co., Bee Bidg. XXVUOXJO i, V l.ul. (',. 'AM li.K H!.l., 1 Uitt HOUSES, insurance. Klngwalt, Barker Blk. FOR RENT. M$ 8. 28th St., 10 rooms, all modern 840 Sunt Dewey Ave., 8 room, all modern 40 lira; raric Ave., s rooms, au mouern i6 8. 8th St., t rooms, modern lid 1618 8. ZHb St., 7 rooma, modern 18 Txl hi B1KUN K.H,tV WJirAMI, Phons Douglas 287. 812a. 14th St. D THE Omaha Van ft Storage Co., pack, move and atora H, 11. goods. Storehouse., 1120-24 N. inn. Utile, luliva arnain Tel. Doug. luos. , D 118 WIS MOVE pianos. Haggard Van & Stor age Co. let. Doug, iufe. uuc, vvod ster BU D-l$ LlinnM modern louie. exceDt furnace. $20. C. M. Bachman.-i. Ui i'axion Blk. Tel. Red 2G3S. vu BEE! us when shipping household gooda to large cities west. We can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVER CO., 21t H. tnxteeuin B)U iei. uuuj. in D M121 J. Schwarte, mov'f van, 1610 Web. Doug. $044 621 Mc-hu FOR RENT Beven-room house, with bath and laundry; N. E. cor. Ath Ave. and Leavenworth; house in perfect order; new plumbing; hot water heating; rent $. W. J. council, loi uee iuo(. vinuunt 7p,ini imwipm cottasre. 1341 8. Slat St m inmi.iii r,rlu resilience. aiKjO Wool- worth Ave f3? Modern tiat, 8. 6th 8t f'-'1 l.rnnm mnitpm hmise. A)5 N. 20th ot...-1 Thomas Brennan, Room 1, N. Y. L. Bid NICE 5-room cottage, city water and large yard, wis u. itn at. oiuy pei """ CHA8 E. WILLIAMSON CO.. mil X arnam 01. D-956 11 r V-'rw nam " in; newly papered and varnished; sixteen d ocks irom uosioiiice. unto, ..u.,- 1 UUi II narney ujov. . - FOi ItENT 8-room modern house, Hans ... . .... ..1. laflrt. itmi vm.ntil: hent fur nace; rent, J. v.. oeiueu, u , ?6t" 10th D-M760 11 FOR RENT Ton-room modern house, 2DJ1 Mason 8t. Inquire of F. P. KlrWendnll ft C., 1106 Harney el u-aw " FOR RENT 4-room flat; city water. ltfi ana inion ois., r pt-r munui. V; Bacnmann, ji riiun in. FOR RENT. iv'lne-room, all inodtrn house, 4907 Webster Bt., Dundee, n;r cur, rurnace, ga. uain perlecl repair. Darn, rnone iiarnej 3 Jh7, viw i BI-X.RCXM house, modern except furnace nice location, 818 per month, lnuue 4JiM Nichoius. uioa ii 4-ROOM modern flat, 2d floor, to family of adults. 2604 Fierce St. D 761 llx WE) sre complete house furnishers. We can save you 25 per rent on anything you wish to buy. We don't ask installment rices. $K worth, $: per week. AHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO. Between 12th and littl on Farnam fcitreet. D 961 11 T-ROOM, modern cotUige, close In. Apply l&a Burt St. D ' "2 LAST chance to rent 702 N. 40th at $16. price of rent will advance $6 April 1. Iteautlful 10-room houne, 1aws Ave., east front, two 1-ath rooms, furnace, eleclrlo lights, strictly modern. cklAS E. WILLIAMSON CO., Ll Farnam St. D 812 11 SEVERAL houses, F. D. Wcad, 1624 Doug Us St. D-SWU Brick houses close In. $15 and $80. 120 North 261h. 8 rooms, $.15. $71$ South lbth St., i rooms. $!S 60. JOHN N. FRENZER. OPP. OLD P. O. D 930 11 NEAT, pretty cottage. rooms, lawn, shade, cellar, city and cistern water, polished floors, full lot, vacant $16. fur nished $J0 per month, direct from owner; nice houie for good tenant. 914 South 4oth between Marc) and Mason Bts. D 819 llx 2S2& N. Hth, I rooms, modern $30 U.js Charles, I rooms, modern :5 17 N. 21l, 7 room 16 413) N. 2tth, rooms, modern 16 2411 Sahler, i rooms, modern 13 I.II7 1 Hrwey Ave., t-room cottage 13 lnJ N. 21. 4-room cottage 11 : Ike, 4 rooms, bath lo hiiJ Er'Kln, 4-mom flat, bath 10 GARVIN BROS, 1004 FARNAM D-960 11 SOMETHING SWELL. At the nnrlhet corner ot (in and Cass Sts. we have seven s-room bouses, strictly modern in every particular, tile vestibule,' tile niantel, tile bath room, oak flniah, Ac. Price. $47 W to $62.6o. Look them up wirnoui ran. aYNK. PoSTWICK CO.. oi-l N. T. Life Bldg. D 9a5 11 SVH KKNT -roim modern cottage. Uri m. Z71U bU "1L 111 uy UO. D-.l tlx FOR RENT HOUSES OR RENT 4-room cottage. M Htencer Pt. D llx 2W Dewey Ave., 8 rooms, modern except furnace $10. $71 N. 27th Ave., $ moms, all modern. TieVIV HITU'U HUM miri PU WltU 111 I1IIC , f II VI I I I.I I I . -A. 8224 I'nppleton Avt., 8 rooms, all mod ern V Ti. 22 Poripleton Ave., 9 roomsj strictly mod ern -r. 2m Maple St., 8 rooms, in first-class con- II 1 l "0 ISM fhfrmnn Ave., good 3-room flat, bath. lllll'-l, R .IT. lilM Sherman Ave. (second floor), 3 rooms, hath, toilet, gae. $12. 42"9 Cuming St., 7 rooms, bath, gns, barn PATNfl INVESTMENT COMPANT, First Floor N. Y. L. Bids.. Tel. DoiiRlas-17M. I 942 11 7-ROOM house and several acres ground, 47th and Harney Pts. F. D. WKAD, 1624 Douglas St. D S09 11 tn2.5A ElnM-ronm strictly modern hrlek .K.J. MIL ' ' ' IP.I II, .... 1 "I! nonse. ltw a. in di. lei. rim iii-yimi, D--M979 12x HOrSES. HOfSFfl. HOfSKS. lfl( N. 17th St., 3-r.. city water, 80. K'3 N., 4-r.. well and cistern, JR. Mas R. inth. B-r.. norcelaln tinth. closet. gnu, etc., In nlro shape, only $16.50. 1&4 8. ?7th. 7-r.. stl modern, near Hans- com park, nice yard, only J25. ji"l 8. r.itn, 8-r., stnriiy noaern, Vij s. 27th, 8-r., strictly modern, close in. 2";15 peratur Bt., s-r., city water, iio. 312S "ass. 9-r.. all modern, good barn. will repair In nice shape, $32.50. 513 s. zatn. ior.. strictly mimern, w. Webster, all modern. $40. 3172 Farnam. Sr., all modern, close In, $40. PAINE, IIOSTWICK. & CO., 601-8 N. Y. Life. D-OSO 11 jrAio rooms, nil modern. 21 Harney. f5 s rooms, all modern. 2772 California St. $1" rooms, all modern, except furnace. 1222 8. 27th St. N. P. DO DUE & CO., 1714 Farnam. Bee Building. D-082 11 FOR RENT. 4!1R Jones St., 5 rooms, new house $12 108 N. 2;h St.. S room 10 Bf.MIS, PAXTON BLOCK. D-101 .1 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building, ah in. 2tn si., Douin uinana, Apply to manager. 1134 BU1TABLK for wholesale or manufactur ing, 44x100; three floors and basement, elevator; will rent 24x100 separately; 1003-6 Farnam Bt. Inquire 814 First National Bunk Bldg. 18.3 GROUND FLOOR space 66x122, light three sides, union I'acuic iracxage, suitable tor manufacturing or light storage. I O. Loup, 13th and Nicholas Sta. 1-M593 FOR RENT, 1313 Howard. 4 stories and basement, good elevator; suitable for wholesale and manufacturing. Long lease can be given. Inquire Of 8tull Bros. I-M705 18 K South 15th Bt, $35. IWie North 24th St., new store, $26. 214 North 15th 81., $15. JOHN N. FRENZER, OFF. OLD P. O. 1-831 11 BTORK room In a brick building. 4203 Hamilton 1st., for rent, only $10 per mintn. k. tj. meters tt Co., ground nnor, Bee Bldg. l 6S CENTRAL, drug store with fixtures; also itiuuury, wnu yuwor, i nuro, uw rNortn 23d. 1 M6ol UP-TO-DATE modern building In whole sale district; possession given about April 1. F. D. WKAD, 1624 Douglas St. I-M804 17 UNITED STAT FS NATIONAL. BANK BUILDING. Small and large offices for rent on the ground floor and upstairs. All nice, light, outside offices. One especially fine large office on 12th street. 1,200 square feel floor space. Can be had at a low rate if rented at once. 8e us Now. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO.. Ground Floor. 1201 Farnam Bt. 1-967 11 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS CARRIAGES We have the largest stock in Aiumiuu ui. ReHnished closed carriages, prices from $300 to $8U). Relinlshed hearses, prices from $300 to $l,0fi0. Reiintahed casket wagons, prices frlm $ . -i-e Write and tell us exactly what you want K11U UUI UDk BIIU pilUIIIUIIS. gtllHCS Cunningham, Son & Co., Ml Wabash Ave., Chicago. P 853 llx THREE stallions and four brood mares, nephews and nieces of champion Croes ceus; Id to ltH hunds, l.xw to 1,400 lbs.; high-class actors; tracing nine times to Juntln Morgan, seven times to llamble tonlan loth, two times to American Star, once to Blue Bull. Add reus I. E. Baldwin, Friend. Neb. P M77 12 FOR SALE Grado English Shire stallion, lixiO lbs., 8 years old, dark brown, sound, warranted a breeder, can show plenty of colts. Price $J0O.0U, Lock Bog 384, New castle, Neb. P M733 ill FOUR young horses for sale, weight 1.050 to 1.150; also three rubber-tired phaetons, almost new, electric horse clippers for sale. Omaha Staolea, 14th and Howard. P 784 1$ FULL brother to Rita 3), 2:164. A trotter, road and show horse. City broke and can trot a 2:30 gait. C. D. Bell, Grand Island, Neb. P 828 1H FOR sale, chersp one retail oil wagon, nearly new. For particulars address, S. B. Champion, Cherokee, la. P-MD10 15x BAM'L BURNS, family horse. P 937 11 DRESSMAKING M DO WELL'S school, 1C2S Far., room 24.. M32 LAD1KS' shirt waist suits our specialty. Burgess. auJ4 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 4113. M60J MIS MKS. ROTS lingerie waists and fancy I Mianier di ,. Douglas 2746; '-'.'4 Dav-! enport. M6S1 A SCANLON, robes, dressmaking. 119 N. 16th. M748 A8 WE tench dressmaking, ci ttlng and fitting. Morgan uressmaKlng sctuM.I, 430 r'axton Blk. 9J6 11 BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES 'NO trust prices;" brand new solid oak billiard and pool tables, $100; also bar fix tures cheap. No agency expenses. Cata logues freu. Chus. Pasaow 4k Sons, Chi cago. 174 WE TRUST EVERYBODY, easy payments. ana ieaa ine worm in cneap prices on billiard and pool tables and bar fixtures; catalogue free The Brunswlcke-Balke-Colleudur Co., 407 S. 10th St., Omaha. Neb. 44 PRINTING I VNf.'vTAr: High grade 19u Calendarc . .." F. Cor. liith St. and 6L JUKVfc Capitol Ave. IvYlTlVl? A Co- flna iot printing. IVU1L1UX Howard. Tel. Doug. Mil. 960 SNELL Printing Co., $10 South 12th Street. 21 Men II MUSIC AND LANGUAGES VIOLIN Teacher Wm. Miller Lessons at pupils' homes. 2232 Far. St. Tel. Red 0136. 274 M13 M1S9 BARNICK. piano. German method. 93') N. X7th Pt. tU Mchl9 TICKET BROKERS CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. I hilbtn. 1Mb Farnam. Phone Doug. 784. 90 LA RSON A JOHNSON. 14o8 Farnam. Do'ig. LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS everywhere The New Snow- Church Co.. main floor N. Y. L. TL Doug. 12. Ml J. M. MACFARLAND, M N, I. U Bldg! 11 Doug. I, i4 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS The following machines havo been put in good condition and are bargains for the money. Callgraph .- $12.00 Chicago 20 00 Densruore No. 4 45.00 BUrkeusderfer No. 7 25.00 Remington No. 2 17.50 Blickensderfer No. B 16.00 Remington No. 6 35.00 Remington No. 6 50.00 Remington No. 6 55.00 Remington No. 7 70.00 Oliver No. 3 55.00 NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. Corner bth and Harney. SODA FOUNTAINS, any else, Ula Farnam. y 4o SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. SUerumu at McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. W 41 1IALLB safes, new, 2d-haud. 1U8 Farnam, FOR SALS Two life scholarships on Omaha business college. Address uwlgiit Williams, Oiuuiia Bee, Omaha, Neb. FURNITURE, Carpels, Rugs, Stoves, etc., on easy payments. Uet our prices before buying. worth, 1 per week. OMAHA FLRMl'LKE AND CARPET CO. Between L!ih and Uto on Farnam btreeU W OM) 11 MILCH COWS, on easy terms. 43d and Center. Q W FOR SALE At a discount, due bill front one of the most desirable lile Insurance companies, wnich may be applied on a lirs. year preiuiuni; any one considering taking out a policy can save money. Address P 57, care Bee. y Uui PIANO FOR SALE Party who purchased piano only a few weks ago will sell It at a discount from tne vasu price paid. Address P U, care Bee. y tM PIANO Square, $10; 60 cent weekly. Per held Piano Co., lill Farnam Be y U CRIBBING, fir timbers, 80 feet and under; seasoned hardwood lumber. 16tu & lsard, y Wo 600 STOVES to select from at low prices. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410-1412 Douse St. y-UM SPECIAL PRICES FOR NEBRASKA. The famous Old Trusty Incubators, made by Johnson, the incubator man. Send fur U4-page free catalogue; Imj poultry Illustrations. M. M. Jounaon Co., city Center, Neb. y 617 WATER BACKS, furnace and stove re pairs, furnace pipe and tltUngs. Tel. y-is Mi4 100 SINGLE iron beds, springs and mattres ses; $2 each, complete; worta n. 2018 D vpt. y 200 Mcht CAUTION! Beware of fake piano ads.i genuine new Stelnway pianos are sold ONLY by Schmolier 6c Mueller and they are the ONLY authorised Nebraska rep resentatives. Tel. Doug.-l&a. 1407 Har ney St. y M581 KINDLING for sale; good wood, sawed and split, ready for stove. Hal bach sic llage- aorn flailing Mill, fnone Harney 1683. y-M738 AS EGGS for setting from fine White and Barred Plymouth Rocks. 4340 Ersklne St. 'Phone Harney 2364. y-802 llx FOR SALE at a bargain, a complete outfit of butcher tools, consisting of 8x8 Erllch cooler,' marble top counter, 3 first-class meat blocks, fish box, kettles, scales, all latest tools; nearly new. Uood location lor shop in central Nebraska town. Ad dress S. E. Solomon, Culbertson, Neb. y-7S 11 FOR SALE 1 Knabe square piano and one folding bed. 313) Burt St. y S! llx HOLLOW concrete building block machine $fj&; produces 2U0 blocks dally, handling wet concrete. A Dei Machine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Q 866 llx WANTED To sell, lease on royalty or trade best fuel saver and most powerful neater invented; also the lowa compost tion fence post. Address J. A. McUanicl, Xjeiis, lowa. v Kit llx THOROUGH BRED Barred Plymouth Rocks; eggs, $2.60 tor fifteen. Some hand some pullets and hens for sale. Davis, 4210 Ames Ave. y 954 llx POINTER puns, liver and white, 4 months old, sire and dam registered. Fine Buff Orpingtons, egg circular. John Ling, Harvard, Neb. y 909 llx BAM'L BURNS, gas fixtures at cost. 1 Q 939 11 FOR SALB-Century Dictionary and En cyclopedia and Atlas. Every volume In first-clans condition; bookstand goes vlth set. Price $40 if taken quick. Q 0& 11 HOUSE TO BE MOVED. 1514 Cass St., 7-room story-and-half frame house, to make room for new brick build ing; price. $460. Hast.ngs St Heyden, ltk4 Farnam Bt. Q 9R8 11 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS ' IF YOU WANT TO BOEKOW MONEY Much or little, on furniture, pianos, live stock or on your salary, don't Hesitate to come to us. Vou can pay us back to suit your convenience. Charges au low as any and much less than many. No red tape. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Douglas 2Z96. 30ti S. 16th St. (Established lt&.j X9b8 OUR METHOD Of loaning money is uusurpassed. Our Kates Are the very lowest, btnctly confidential. uur umce Is convenient while down town shopping. xou will nnd It will be to your interest to call and secure a loan on your salary, piano, furniture, etc. Open every evening. Reliable Credit Co.. $07-3ot Paxtua Blk. lttb and Farnam. X M.16 DR. PR1BENOW 8 PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, salary, tunKea, etc., la any amount, at less man half the rate; no led tape; perfect pn vajy; immediate attention; on any teiun wanted; payments suspended In case of sickness or out of employment. Room 214, Km bach blk., 209 8. lutb bU X K.O When In need of MONEY Call on us. PHOENIX CKED1T CO. 632-1 Paxton Blk. X-971 $ $ INDEPENDENCE $ $.. Why be obliged to others? It's easy la gel munejr of me. Nt red tape. Fay when you can. HOWtN, 7uJ M. ?. Life. Opcu evening until 7. X V.i MUN'KV LOANED BALA HI ED PEOFLB Sua uoivii wuuuui ti:uriLy, ty n.eilU. Offices lit U pilnclpul cilies. Tul m&u. room 714. New Yor Life Bldg. x-ri BE the Western Loan Company for f urnl tuie. diamond and salmy loans, ill Ne ville blk., loin and llarney. Tel. Douglas fiois. jl , Ft HNITI'KE. Live Btocg, Salary Loans. Duff Orten Loan Co., Boom t. Iwrkur Block. CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Pole? T . .u ( A ITarnirn fit Y u-a alONEY loaned on Dlanos. furniture, lew elrv. horses, cows, etc C. F. He-d. 31 e). 13tn. JL Wn l'.ll V 1.1 , . 1 1. ill., Ml 1 Ulllllll'U.l Uisi; ali business cuuCdeullai iJul Douglas. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Great Removal Sale OP HIGH GRADE PIANOS A SAVING TO TIIE rUKCIIASEIt OF FROM $100 TO $200. "NVe are forced to vacate our present location on April 1st, and will sell re gardless of cost, our entire stock of 300 Pianos and Organs. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. Upright Pianos at the Unheard of Here are a few of the bargains. We have many others: Vf8 & Sons Upright $ 7 B Koahe, good condition $85 Chlckerlng, the genuine $105 Whellork, walnut case $125 Beautiful Emerson, ebony case $150 Large Chlckerlng, the Boston make $175 Mahogany sample upright $195 Golden Oak Steger, discontinued style $225 Stelnway, ebony case $250 Good square Pianos, $28, $38, $48 and up. Good Organs. $10, $15, $20 and up. In new Pianos we offer the strongest line In America, Including the MATCHLESS STEINWAY & SONS, the standard Piano of the World, also the celebrated Steger & Sons, Hardman, A. B. Chase, Emerson, McPhall. Kurt man, Reed & Sons, and our famous Mueller Piano,, sold from the maker to the user without the middleman's profit and fully guaranteed for twenty years. On these Instruments ;e give special discount from twenty to thirty per cent. WE SHIP PIANOS EVERYWHERE AND PAY FREIGHT CHARGES BOTH WAYS IF THE INSTRUMENT AFTER CAREFUL EXAM INATION IS NOT ENTIRELY SATISFACTORY. Write Immediately for FREE catalogues with complete list of prices and terms. WIRE OR TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 1625, AT OUR EXPENSE. (No Pianos sold to local or small country dealers nor salesmen con nected with other piano concerns.) Schmolier & Mueller Piano Co. Closing out the entire stock of 300 instruments at 1407 Harney. After April 1st 1311 and 1313 Farnam St. If Money Grew on Trees (And You Owned an Orchard) You would not care what price you paid for a Piano, but since you musb spend your money to the best advantage why not con sider such opportunities as these: Special Discount Sale MARSHALL & "WENDELL Estab 1853. STORY & CLARK Estab. 18G5. HAINES BROS. Estab. 1851. GUARANTEES made unquestioned with money powers of these agencies. FREE Gold Stick Pin will be mailed to" any one sending us the names of persons owning square Pianos and Organs, or pros pective Piano buyers. MME. EMMA CALVE Photograph supplied on request. They are framed and very beautiful. PERF1ELD PIANO CO. Established 1889 Telephone Douglas70l 1611 Farnam St. BUSINESS CHANCES DO you want to sell your property T Do you want to buy a homeT. Do you want to rent a house? Do you want to get In or out of business? Do you want to borrow money? If so, list your wants with us; we get re sults. TEMPLETON & MANKER, 206 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas-2D04. Y-M571 WILL SELL whole or half interest to ac ceptable parties In our department store laistness In best business town of 600 in southeastern Nebraska; trade steady; annually; profits good; stock clean and staple; (5.000 to SlO.Ouo will handle II; owner has larger business and wants to step out at once. Address W 4, Bee. Y-M781 11 I WISH to sell a Chicago retail millinery and dressmaking business; established 20 years; does $30,000 annually, making owner Independent, and now desires to re tire; liberal proposition to the right party. Address Cook, 1037-184, Dearborn BL, Chicago. Y M774 12x $300 BUYS complete newspaper and job omce; all the work one man can handle; terms if wanted; other business. Outlook, Verde!, Neb. Y M7C8 12 FOR BALE OR EXCHANQE-fl.OOO stock of general merchandise; good town; good business; good reasons for selling. J. L. Mauier, Arion, la. Y AI508 13 FOR BALE Good hotel, all rooms fur- Llshed; good business; win seu cneap. k C Crjwell, Hlverton, lowa. Y M568 10 FOR BALE Barber shop in good northern eoiasKu town; utiiy situ;; m town, vta dress W S, Bee. Y M7t7 15x BTORE building for rent and grocery stock ior sute. mo x. uiu, oouiu uintuiu. Y M7C9 15 YOUNG men wanted to take up the study of tne law at home; an unusual opportu nity to secure a legal education and ad mission to the bar without loas of tlms or other sacrifice. For particulars address The Sprague Correspondence School of Law, tM Majestic Bldg., Detroit, ilicli. Y FIRST mortgage on Improved farms, in ine ceieuialeo House mver valley in North Dakota, for sale. High rates of interest, guaranteed. No safer Investment for money. Values rapidly advancing. Highest bank references. Address B. F. Felton. Antlei-, Bottineau County, North Dakota. Y YOU can never profit by business chances unless you nave some money; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings account with J. L. Bran deis ft Sons, Bunkers, ltlth and Douglas Bis. Assets ove? t-WO.OuO. Y PATENTS GUARANTEED Patent ttcui1 or Fee Returned. Send model or sketch for free opinion as to patentability. Uui.d for illustrated Guide book. Contains 1 J rne.haniial move ments and l.ll dr" INVENTIONS WANTED. I'uiiiciilais NEW TRADE MARK LAW COl'lRHJHTS, etc. pat ents advertised frv1 In World's Progress EVANS, W II. K ENM Si CO.. Reg. Attorneys, 6S8 F Street, v asnngton. D. C. Y WANT to buy for tain .1 p. 'ing furni ture business, flftetn n . . lo four thousand stock- U n v . od high school. Address W . i.e. i -A llx THE Empire Electric Power and Irriga tion company, Terie Usui.-, In l;ui,a, of fers limited amount of aio.ik at e. Un usual ooiMirtunliy ; conr.ilfciiily pex-ted to pay to per cent to bo pvt cer t net. ct promptly. ' oal llx NEW YORK CITY suburban lots to flial. Dig profits. Pennsy Iv.tola rutlroad spending tlu.uuu.unO Improving pr riy on Ixng Island, i. U. 1'owelL lJV Eult n tit., lSew Yuta. Jt-vM Ua MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Terms of 6 Cash and $3 Per Month smith & NIXON Grand in Upright case Estab. 1843. EBERSOLE 1843 ARMSTRONG BUSINESS CHANCES BOMB OOOD BARGAINS. ISO ACRES Cofftr Co., Kin.; all prairie; t mill ta tnwn : snod . i r I r. . . ' 120 nr ten. 164 ACRK9 Co., Kan.; IS seres cul tivated; good orchard; new house; $1,600. 40 AORBS John.on Co., Kan.; 18 acm cultlra- leo; no buiidinia; good ranees; IW an acre. 120 ACHES Crawford Co., Kan.; 140 acne eul tlvatad: (-room souae: price $ par aera. 110 ACRES Dada Co., Mo.; acres tame grass; small orchard: t-room souse: price Is.OuO. IK ACRES Newton Co.. Mo.; 100 acres cultiva te : good buildings; orchard; 11,104. 114 ACRES St. Clair Co., Mo.; 10 acres cul tivated ; 4-room bouse; orchard: price It, 100. lto ACREI3 Johnston Co., Mo.; 100 acres cul tivated; new house; near'nwn; price 14.000. 0 AI R 114 Caldwell Co., Mo.; II acres cultivated; good house and barn ; price 171 sn acrs. 220 ACRES Lafayette Co., Ark.; 12 seres cul tivated, lU-scre orchard: Drtce I J. 200. 140 ACRES Comanche Co.. Okl. ; M acres cul- uvatea; small orchard; good Bouse; 11,100. 140 ACRES Dewey Co., Okl.; acres cultivsted new house: good water: Dries 11.000. HOUSE ft LOT Ravenna, Keb. ; frame house ot I rooms; few fruit treee; rent 14; price IMO. HOL'SB AND LOT Carroll Co., Ark. ; 1-story, - room irame nouse; rent l; prlee H.Itw. 101 ACRES Houston Co.. Tex.; price 111 an acre; also 111 acres, aame county : 112 40 an acre. 0 ACRES Upshur Co.. Tex.; 20 scree timber; 4- room nouse, etc.; 400 peach trees; 11,150. 100 ACRES Anderson Co.. Tex.; IS seres cut Uvated; Urn, etc.; well watered; 1471. 104 ACRES Wood Co., Tex.; 10 acres cultivated li-acre orchard: 4-room house; 11.000. 100 ACRES Cass Co., Tex. ; price 12,000; also 10 seres, Morris Co.; price 17.000; good land. 40 ACRES Bowie Co., rx. i 0o0; also 101 acres Cans Co.; price 11,500' also house and lot; 11.400. 17 ACRES aV NURSERY Marion Co., Tex.; acres orcnara; good business; price 15.000; alto llVa sores iimner: WW); house and lot; 3uo. SO ACRES Butler Co., Neb. 44 acres cultivated good buildings; small orrhsrd: 17. SMI. 4.160 ACRtS Hoi Butta Co., Nab.; tM seres cul- (ivsiea: good buildings; price 110 an acre. 40 ACRES bialne Co., Neb.; II acres cultivated 422 acres prairie: price ISO0 1 ACRES Vllaa Co., Wis.; all timber; BO improvements: price 14.00 per acre. so ACRES Mubkogon Co., Mkh. ; 40 acres cul uvatea; nouee, bsrn, etc.; price 14,000. 141 ACRES Wayne Co., Miss.; 41 acres eulti vatea; large Bouae. barn, etc.: price 1800. 200 ACRES Alachua Co., Fla. ; 120 acres culll rated; all kinds of fruit: price ll.eoo. SO ACRES Nea Peruea Co., Idaho. 40 acres cul uvaiea, ail lnl of rult: price (3.000. 140 At RES Lane Co , Ore.; 110 acres cultivated i orchards; good house; prtce 14,400. 140 ACRES Converse Co.. Wyo. ; 40 acres tim ber; one mile to school: nrlce Ixuo. RESTAURANT Berkshire Co, Mess.; dally an lea 1140; good business; price I! JuO; a bargain. MEAT MARKET aV GROCERY Income per month fow, oxiures, f.,iu ; value slo.'a SWliO. MEAT MARKET GROCERY Ogle Co, III. dulng good busluese; elauahter house; Invoice. NLW HOTEL Greene lo.. Ark.; 14 rooms, all coni'Mete; so young trees: good business; 11,000. U .VTISTRT Bt SkNKI-S black Hawk l a. l deiug good business; everything complete; I rooms, nicely furnished: Invoice 4M0. PLA8TLH aill.L oood tuwa la S. n. ; Including ta a'-res gypsum; a nns Dusiness; S2U,voo. N. B. JOHNSON CO.. Bank ot Commerce bldg., Kansas City, Mo. T WILL your neighbor trust youT If so, I have a proposition to submit of benefit to both. No risk. Address, Hurley, 47 Broadway, New York. Y 82 11: REAL GROUND FLOOR CHANCE, DU.N T M1K3 THIS OPPORTUNITY, PERFECTLY SQI ARE DEAL, YOU WILL LIKE IT. Five claims In the heart of the Goldlield Bullfrog Tonopah district. Free of debt. Weil timbered and watered. 4,000 feet of main ledge )iJ feet wide. Ore previously shipped over $300 to the ton. Stock now be ing sold for new shaft and 60-ton mill. Reg ular price sue per share. Those who cut out and send us this adv. and mention the name of this paper can buy at half price within 15 days, payable In cosh or three In stallments, bend for prospectus. Splendid opportunity. Nothing like It In the mining market. Address J. C. Hurley, Secretary, 1136 Broadway, New York. Y Ml Ux $126,000, or part for Investment in some food enterprise, without service. T. E. amcron. Sentinel bldg. Milwaukee, Wis. Y-stS, llx FORTUNES be'ng made In the Long Island real estate. Nothing saler. . u-m now buys 10 acres good land pear Port Jefferson. Tltln guaranteed. ' Owner." M New St., New York. Y-eV7 llx $10.i CREDIT $10.00 Every person an swering this will he given $10 00 credit on our latest contract. Limited number. Write today. Blue Rlhuon Water Com pany, suits tL 1U Arapatwe St.. Denver, U.Q. X-fel Us BUSINESS CHANCES VEH CENT guaranteed stock, far value $1.00. Kafe and conservative. Write for JHirtlculars and credentials. Edward tock, 11 Fifth Avs., New York. Y-W8 II 110 WII.I, rrt'irn M ImmedlRtely and $20 a year thereafter for life; JS0 returns lit) immediately and flOO a Sear for life; no gambling in any form; howst and straightforward; full particulars sent on request. II. V. Ruwlf, Suite 1712, 27 Wil liam St., New Vork T Ka 11 F YOU have $100 to $rmo to Invest In a enfe and profitable mining enterprise, write me. Dr. J. U. Sloane, "3-06 L'nlon TruBt Kldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Y-S5" 11 CALIFORNIA Sunshine nnd Dowers the whole year; cool summers; we are open ing several Oiounnnd acres of fruit Inmls; hundreds of families coming, hualness opvniiins In growing town; our plan offers an orange, lemon, fig grove for few hun dred dollars: -'H) tn Jlo.oo yearly prnllts; values will tr lle lirst year; free t4-pRgo illUHtrnted book; write todav. I'aclllo Kui plre lievelopment Co., Uept. If", lis Angeles, Cal. T 81 llx WELL KNOWN Chlcngo manufacturing company with stronir cnmmerclnl rating and referenefs, estalillshed twelve years, Is about to opon a permanent branch office and salesroom In Omaha and de sires a capable, trustworthy nmn to rep resent It and carry nn the business under our directions, look after salesmen, ad vertising, etc. Will nay a salnry of $1,800 per year nnd a liberal commission, also allowance tf $loo per month for expenss. An Investment of $2,D"0 In the capital stock of the company is required, 'this Is a clean, high clans business op portunity and Is good for $S.M0 per year or more. Address: Mr. Enstland, 305 Wabash Ave., Chlcngo 111. Y S22 llg HOTEL for sale, or will sell furnishings and lease building; two-story building, is rooms, doing a good business; the owner la dead and the widow does not wish to continue the business. Address or apply to :. W. Bmith, North Kind, Dodge Co., Neb. Y W2 llx WATKINS MEDICAL CO., territory for sale; two very good counties nook ac count, wagon, team, etc. A money getter for you If you have the cash to put up. Vnlrss you can lay your hands on about $'.'.ooo you need not annwer this ad. Ad dress, W 8, care of Hee. Y H0f llx FOR SALE New hotel; easy terms; cheap If taken at once. Immediate possession given. Box 437, Pawnee City, Neb. Y-907 11X $12.50 BUYS 6 bids and E offers on wheat; good for one week t cents aovance oi tie Mlne from nrlce: elves $100 profit. Write for particulars. Commerce Grnln Co., 555 Commerce tJiug., cnicago. i iix $3,000 STOCK of hardware for sale at a big discount, call or write m at Ltirei, Neb. A. Q. RAtnharter. Y 973 11 FOR SALE 5,000 shares Sylvanlte TunnM for 18c a share. uy or-rore tne nig ad vance takes place In this stock. Address W 17. care Hee. Y 110 11 START the poultry business right. The Automatic Hen Incubntor ana E. A Brooder are the stepping stones to suc cess. Incubators. $3; Brooders, $2.36. Send for free catalogue. The Automntle Hen Incubator Co., Dox a, umana, iseo. Y-041 llx SOM"EBODY with $fi,000 to Invest will be given the biggest bargain ever onerea in Omnha. Proposition open for fullest in vestigation before Investing. Any party having this amount to Invest should look Into this quick. Aaaress w 11, leg j PATENTS H. A. STL'RQES, registered attorney; pat ents, traae mama, ivy? iffuwi -less successful. 617 N. Y. Life, Omaha, 4)79 F. J. LARSON A CO., patent lawyers. Patent book rree. Bee uiag., uinana, not 110 BHARPE MACHINE WORKS-Patents procured, inventions aeveiopeu, uiiu. patterns, castings, machine work. 6o4-t;i2 B. lotn Bt. wn PATENTS prooured, bought and sold. Na tional investment co., oi ivougiaa mra, DRAMATIC r ham hers' School of 8tage Arts. t.wic Theater. Nineteenth and Farnam. Thorough Course of Instruction In Stags Cpubllo performances by pupils In their own theater, under personal directorship of Frederick "Jim" Fulton, formerly lead ing character with "Arlsona," "Frederick Warde," "f rohman I, nine years woou- waid Btock, Kansas city, umana. reie phone, Douglas 1871 14N8. Wlllard E. Chambers, Manager. CEMENT BLOCK MACHINERY iitt nOIFr Down cement block ma MLLUliO chinery, call or write and let us show you our llns. Tnonp won:, oiso. Tapp Construcuon Co., zs evme i;i. M 671 M20 FLORISTS L. HENDERSON, 161$ Farnam. Tel. Doug 125$. - HESS & SWOBODA. H1S Fai nam -mi PLUMBING CHAPMAN MAHAN. Repairs promptly done Prices reasonable. iiu itn Tel. Red-SP64, . -763 Mch23 UNDERTAKERS HOFFMANN & Gentleman, 702 N. 16th Douglas 659. M683 A SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES .. OMAHA Seymour Camp -yf V No. 16 will meet at TTTTffT, Myrtle hall, commencing J,;,..,vlj j Wednesday evening, Oc- tober 4th, lvoo. M. H. REDFIELli. Consul Commander. JNO. N. CRAWFORD, Clerk. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICsi. Notice Is hereby given that the Keith nnd Lincoln Counties Irrigation District will receive sealed proposals for the purchase of the Ibi.uuO.oO bond Issue of said Uistrlpt up to the hour ot o'clock p. in., standard time, of the 2d day of April, 116, al the otlice ot the secretary of said Irrigation District, in the town of Sutherland, In Lincoln county, in the Slate of Nebraska. Said bunds are in tiie denomination of VluO.OO each and beur Interest at the rate of six per cent, imyablo semi-annually, on the Hist days of March and September of each and every year, beginning with the lust day of September, Ijoo. These bonds are In ten series. &i of which ate due on the first day of March, l&l ; M due Mai on 1, laid; ia due March 1. lfl; 6 due March 1, 1J0; M due March 1, 1-1; t6 due March 1. 1112;; 7i due March 1. la'-'H; l6 due March 1. 1HJ4; $ due March 1, 1SA nd lul due March 1 The sealed proposals may be for the Whole of said bonds or for any portion thereof and such bids will be opened Im mediately after the hour of I o'clock p. in. of said 2d day of April. 1!. the board re serving the right to reject any and all bids Dated this 12th dav of February. 1IWS, JAMES SHOL'P. secretary il-d.ll CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. PROPOSAL FOR GRADING. Under authority and direction of the Mayor and City Council, sealed proposals are Invited and will be received at the omce of the City Engineer, rooms 4u3 und 4i4, City Hall, Ornalia, Nebraska, until $ o'clock p. m. Monday. March 19, 1!, for the grading of 25th street from tiprlng street to Central boulevard and Spring street from 21th street to 26th street, in the City of Omaha, under the provisions of section 114 of the City Charter and Ordi nance No. W72. All work to b done In accordance with plans and speclrtcatlons on tile In the oltice of he City Engineer. Proposals to lie rrmde upon printed Monks, which will be furnUhed upon application by the City Engineer, and as an evidence of gootl fai'.h nil guarnn; tint contract will be entered Into and good and eultlei-nt bond furnished, should award be made thereon, must be accompanied by a cer tified check. iyable to the City of Omaha, in the sum of fifty ($V) dollars. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bOmah. Nebraska. March T, lol ANDREW KodK WATER. Mi-dllt City Engineer. LEGAL NOTICES PEWEn PiPrt. Peeled proposals Will ll rrrnrru i'y Cltv Clerk the city of Mr-Cook. Ne brs'sk.t. unlll o'clock p. m. April 8, l-1. Anil op-nti imiiiruiMirif 4. ur . r-n s ,s '-- i construction of .Ti of 12-Inch, $.600 of .. . . . . , --i . . i.infh tun In newer. Inrliidlnr 1 inHhholef, In the city of Mc. Cook. Vlans. profiles and Spec neat one msv be seen M thi olllwnl the City ark or nt C. II. Meeker office at ths court or nt , k marfa nut ort ninnss mm hi t'c iu, - - - - - - hv the Cltv Clerk on application. A cer tified check for $300.00 rrjist Prjny ench proposai. The City Cnunf I reserves tne rigni to reject RAILW ( TIME CARD tNIOif ITATIOh -TENTH ARD MARCT. tnloa faelOe. Loava. Arrlvs. 1 11 sn) Overland Limited .a $:40 am lim V IM II. BI1U wmfiv,. Fast Mai a 418 pm g $:10 pr.n a $:30 am .,1.. jl ,'aiir F.x a 4 16 nni California A Ore. Ex.. a !" a 6:10 pm I.os Ane es Limited. . si Sl0:4t pits a $: pnt a 7:44 am h ast Mall a 1:66 pm -ni.inri,-, RrMclsl a 7:46 cm North Platte Local a 8:10 am 4k 4:60 pm Looai o a. 10 pm O I.0V pro Chicago, Hook Islanal Paciae. Chlougo Limited a $:25 stn 7:10 am 1 i.K'uno Express a 7:00 am 6 pm a 4 90 pm bll:$v am a l.U pm $15 am a 4:6$ pin rhi,...n i..i. rean. liuaLbll :16 am Des Aioines Express. .. .a 4:30 pm Chicago Fast tLxprcM. .a :40 pm vv a. r. Unimllln 1.H1..S 7:20 S In t. tiiorauo a!'"". Vr. 1 ,o T r Oklahoma as icxas u,i e.ev su.vw iui Cbicatg Great W esters.. Lavs. ArrlwS. St Paul A Minn M pm a 7:1$ am St. Paul A Minn. ........a i.waoi Chiraso Limited (:00 pm ti;u pm suo to km t M pta Chicago Express 5:0$ ara tiilcugo et Morthwestersi. eu Paul Daylight a7.Wm Chltagu Daylight a $:O0 am Chicago Limited pm 10:W pm 11:60 pm e.l 1 i a m Carroll Local s, 4:31 pin $ 60 am I t am tit. 1'aul Fast Mall a pin 1. 1 an i:a an :80 pr 7:K an Sioux C. & St. P. Local.b :60 (in bail Mull am i pm i am -i.i.,UM.. i.'.Kiit-aa ..a 6:50 rim Kn.f.. n. M. , tnABi vwi . .a. j . ej mm 10:16 am 10 lb am Lincoln at Long Pins. .. 7:40 am '....... jcv Wumiili'ir a !:Bu Dm 6:16 pm Deadwood & Lincoln.. a 2:o0 pm :id pm 6:14 pm $:46 pm 11:16 am Hantlngs & Albion D coo pm Chicago Local ll:;am Chicago Limited all:00 pm Wabassuv SU Louis Express s. tM pm s. 8:40 am Bt. iLAiuia buvut , , w ui Council Bluffs a :lt am SJ0.J0 pm 6tanberry Local (from Council 13IU1LBI w o.w riii via.ev stm Cbleaao, Ullvraokesj at. Paul. Chicago It Colo. Speo'L.a 7:66 sm a 7:St am i ulifuriUa & Ore. Ex. ..a 5:46 pm a $:10 Dm Overland Limited ......a 1:116 pm a ;2o am Marlon & Cedar R. Lo..b ;4i am bU.OO pnt iiiinnls Central. Chicago Express a $:0O am Chicago Limited a $:0U pm Minn. 4k BU Paul Ex..,.b l;U0 am Minn, at Bt- Paul Ltd... a tM pm a $ 66 pm a 7:30 ara b 1. 66 pm a 1M am Mtsaonrl PaclttO. Su Louis Express a 9:00 ara K. C at SU L. Express..all;lfi pin a 6:30 pm a 6:uo pm BtRLlJiaTOM STATION lOTU MASON Darlington. Arrive, a $:80 pm a 6.6V pm a 7:lo am a 8.J0 put a 7:40 pm a 7:40 pm a 9:o6 am al2:H0 pm bl0:2 am a i -M am a 7:10 am a $:lo am a $.00 pm a 7:26 am a $:66 pm a 7:26 am al0:63 pm Denver ft California. ...a 4:10 pm Utile ai 4:111 nirt tlanlr Utile .a 4:10 nin Northwest Special ., K..,inwii.l kii,iesa . ,.a 4:10 pill ..all;10 pin .a g.oO am ..a :10 am 7b $ :ii' pm Nebraska Local ..... setia..aa bxpress ,. 1 I ... ..In I lll'Ul Iii. wi" --- i i l a. Mall Ft. Crook at i-iattsin u.u s:du pm iii.viiA A Plnttsm h...a 7:60 nm Denver Limited Behevue & Pao. Juno. .a i: am Uellevue 6t Pao. June. ..a :iv am I'liicaso Sueclul a 7:26 am Chicago Express a 8:45 pm Chicago X" iyer " vm lincul a $:16 am o. T .... i Cy nnu t ill nm 11.SA.. Kansas City-St. Jos h..al0:45 pm a $:4i am . . n niu-HI Iiu'li O-IK n.n cm Kansas Clty-SU Jos h..a i.ii pm WEBSTER DEPOT 15TH eft WEBSTER Mlssoarl Paolfla. Nebraska Local, via Leave. Arrive. -Weeping Water b $:6o pm b 12:30 pm Chicago, St. Paul, Mlaaeapells a Osaaha. Twin City Passenger. ..b :W am b t:10 pm all:20 am Sioux City Passenger.. .a 2:00 pm Oakland Local b 6:45 Dm b 1:10 am e 8:00 pm Emerson Local c 8:45 am a Dally, b Daily sxceDt Sunday, d Dally except, Saturday, o Sunday only. Daily except Monday. GREAT DANISH BROTHERHOOD Omaha-Born Society that Has Grows la Numbers and Strength Throngs, the Country. A military secret society, th Danish Vet erans, was founded by Colonel Mark Han sen of this olty June 17, 1881, with lodges In Omaha, Neennh, Wis.; Davcport, la.; Ra cine, Wis., and Mollne, 111. The first na tional convention of the order was held the following year In Omaha. It was then resolved to change the name of the society to that of the Danish Brotherhood, and make the membership open to all healthy and reputable Danish men In this country, Since then the little benevolent society of a few lodges has grown to be a mighty national Danish fraternity, with nearly $01 lodges In all the different states ot tht union and with a membership of over 150,000. Many millions of dollars have bees paid In sick benefits and Ufa Insurance t Its members and their widows; the needy huvo been helped, the sick comforted, and wherever this society has a lodge Its re fining and beneficial influence has always been felt and appreciated by the local Danish colony, and the Danes all over the) country are Justly proud of the Danish Brotherhood tliut lias duns so much to elevate the Dunes In this country, to cherlsh their memories from the fatherland, to teach them to appreciate the freedom and liberty to be found In this pew land end to make them good and true American citizens. The supreme secretary of the Danish Brotherhood, J. Michaelsen, resides In this city, where tin order has executive offices In the Ramge bulldlne. The other mem bers of the supreme lodge are living Jn other cities, the treasurer's offlci being la Chlcaso. The Danish Brotherhood will hold Its twenty-fourth national convention In Coun cil Bluffs. Ia., In October, this year, and nearly 900 delegates will flock to that city from every state In the union. The order has five lodges In Omaha No. 1 (the original and oldest In the whols brotherhood), Nos. It, 74 (South Omaha), 195 and 300. There are mors than 400 able bodied descendants of the old Vikings In the local lodges In Omaha, and whenever they are called upon to do their duty as cltlxens or brothers thy respond to a man. and no on Is more respected In ths Danish colony In this city than the members of ths brotherhood. With the present rapid Incrsass of mem bership the Danish Brotherhood will before niany years be one of the largest fraternal orders in this country, and, as It has a large sinking fund already, also one of the strongest and most reliable. The society has a women's auxiliary In the Danish Sisterhood that bas a very large membernhlp and works In harmony with the brotherhood, to which It holds about the same position s.s lbs Eastern Star does to Masonry. At the Ak-Sar-Ueii festival last year ths Danish Il.-cthcrUrd lid one of the finest floats In the electrical parade and wherever It went Its herculean Vikings and symbolic emblems were greeted with cheers and hand olapplng by the assembled crowds, showing the great popularity and respect In which the Danish Brotherhood always has b,:n held by ths clUxsu ot Oataasn T-1 f