Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 14

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Tiie Omaiia Sunday Bee
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Sunday lire, one year M
Halurday Uee. one venr loo
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nliy He (wllluiut Humify), ur
Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week, fco
Evening Uee (with tiunday). per week. ...10c
Sundhy fiee, por copy ... so
Address complaints of Irregularities In de
livery to City Clrculetlon Department.
Omaha The Bee Building,
South Omaha CKy Hall Building.
- Council Bluffs-10 Penrl Street.
Chicago ltHO Unity Building.
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Washington fcol Fourteenth Street.
. mA.
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STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. of Nebraska. Doualas County, ss:
. O. C. Rosewater ecreiary of The B
Publishing company, being- duly lorni
ays that the actual niimoer of full and
complete copies of The Dally. Morning,
Evening and Hund.iy Bee printed during
the month of February, Ufc was as ful-
1 81,00
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Less unsold copies t.iwi
Nt total sales Butt.o-u
Pally average , 81,874
' Becreiary.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before cue this 2sth duy of February, 19u.
(Seal) M. B. HUNUAl'E,
Notary Public.
beorlbers laaTta the oily telu
. porarlly should have Th Be
tualleu to t be 111. Address will be
oUand at often as reuuested.
. Only one new star in the flag at a
tjme Is the senate's ultimatum.
It Is to be hoped that Princess Ena's
"castles in ttyalu" will be all that they
"Harvey Loguu" is reported as oper-
ting upoa banks hi the Argentine re-
publlc. The output of Montunu ex-
The announcement comes that Man-1
churia is resuming IU normal conditions.
The baudita must have resumed the
With a military train constantly un
der orders at Moscow the ltusslan "sit
uation" cannot have reached the tatted
calf stage.
1 Oklahoma will have the honor of be
ing, the richest territory ever admitted
V the uul:i, which way account for
Hme of its troubles.
Fate was kind to President Fallleres
after all. He. was not compelled to use
President Loubet's second-hand cabinet
for many days but can be make a bet
ter one?
Evan Americans will approve the new
Russian rule prohibiting the portrayal
on the stage of royal personages in so
tar Die law la nlmt at tla n-onl1o,l
historical drama.
; Now that the sentence of Mrs. Tolla
has been commuted hysterical Amerl-
cans will have to look for another case
of mistaken (?) Justice if they are to
keep In practice. 1 .
The young king of Uganda has learned
to rlda a bicycle, but the dark denizens
of bis domain will never know the real
glorlea of civilization until they hear the
toot of his automobile.
More recent disclosures in the field of
nlh Insurance finance lend color to the
Inference that no matter how much of a
llnr Tom Lawson Is, a few truths got
sandwiched in among his lies.
' If the railroads are so cocksure that
the supreme court would declare tho
rate regulation law unconstitutional,
what are they . making all this fuss
about? But perhaps they are not so
It might be well for all South Amer
ican countries to send delegates to the
ppn-Anierlcfln congress at Bio de Ja-
lU'lro to learn Just what the I ulted
States proposes to do In the southern
The Interstate Commerce commission
has started to. investigate railroads, oil
and coal companies. If it keeps up the
work as it lias begun, Commissioner
Qarfleld may be able to Incorporate its
report In his forthcoming volume.
Tho Missouri supreme court seems to
be anxious to keep the Standard OH
compttuy'a head In the dark, as it has
Jut decided that witnesses must an
swer questions and has fixed a date
when the questions must be answered.
Aa the ludciH-ndeut is sending two
men from its editorial staff to report on
coudltlous at the Isthmus it wonld seem
that neither Poultney Blgelow nor Fred
erick Palmer has filled the bill, although
both reports tuken together should sat
isfy the most diverse tastes.
Major Scott is accused of letting
Moro outlaws build fortifications too
close to Jolo. It will be In order now
for the major to show that while the
outlaws were buy ou their works they
were oot troubling the peaceable na-
Uves. aud the furt proved to be ouly a
tra" when the pr;x:r time came.
The iirrllmlnnry cnmpslKii to tlie
forthcoming municipal primaries bane
progressed fur enough to disclose the
position of the three prlnclpnl candi
date for republican support for mayor
on the main issue at intake. While
tncre , other pont, 0f difference
that will Weigh With the rank and file
... . .. , .... ,
of the voters, the Important thing is to
declare along what broad lines of policy
the government of a crowing city like
Omaha should be directed.
Ernstus A. Benson, the candidate of
the Fontanelle club, who three years
ago ran Independent as a populist after
bolting the republican convention, has
denned his attitude as one of strict law
enforcement He would hew to the line
In applying penalties for the violation
ft every law or ordinance that happens
to have found a place on the- statute
book, without regard to consequences,
TjnrlPr the plea that the letter of the law
r , .. .
must be exacted In every and nil in-
stnnces, he would attempt to give us a
fctnilght-Jacket municipal administration.
bending neither to the right nor to the
left to admit of the expansion our
spreading business enterprises and
growing population requires.
William J. Broatch has not laid down
a deflnfte platform, but the champion
ship of his candidacy by the combine of
gamblers and dive keepers, leaves no
room for mistake. Brorttch would go
thc wn0, lnEth to nn l,on door to
lawlessness and licentiousness. He Is
i)Bnd In glove with the vicious classes,
h would of one accord hall his sue-
cess as their victory and proceed to en-
joy the fruits thereof.
A.nniBt tt Hennlnes. on the other
hand, presents himself not only upon
thp creiitnble record he has made as
treasurer for two terms, but he
occupies the middle ground between the
two extremes. To use the words of his
own announcement, he "will stand for
a ri.tlorml, equitable and conservative
enforcement of the law," but "does not
believe It to be to the interest of our
city to return either to the wide open
town or to the old Puritanical idea and
Uvo lsws of years ago." Ho adds,
further, "Being a firm believer in law,
decency and order, I am opposed to
anything in the nature of a reign of
lawlessness and crime, and ns chief ex-
ecutlve would do everything In my
power to keep professional criminals as
fur ns possible from tne corporate lim
it," Ii a word, Mr. Hennlngs would
apply common sense to the enforcement
of the law, In the light of all the clr-
cuit.etances and conditions, with a view
to getting the desired results.
We believe the great body of our clti-
epns prefer to have a city government
keens in the middle of the road
Bn,j nflve no sympathy either with wide
open lawlessness or penalizing the
slightest deviation from blind obedi
ence to the strict letter of the law.
Tho passago by unanimous vote In the
Iowa senate of an anti-pass meusuro
prohibiting railroads, telegraph and tele
phone companies from Issuing passes
and franks to state and national oin
clals is the latest among many notable
signs of the strength of public senti-
raeut demanding divorce of our poll
tics from undue railroad influence. The
Iowa senate bill, whose scope will cer
tainly not be narrowed before final en
actment is a distinct step In advance,
I .....
although Its provisions do not coter jui
the pass abuses requiring correction,
and the logic and popular Impulse back
nf It will CSUSO further Steps in the
same direction in the immediate ruiure,
Reasons of public policy equally re-
quire legal prohibition of tho issuance
0r the acceptance of free passes for any
political purpose whatever, especlully to
delegates to conventions, their nominees
or aspirants before them for nomlna
tion. and to agents working in their in
tertBts. indeed, the aim of pass re-
f a9 a patter of strict Justice,
fnr beyond even such a limlta-
tlon ftm1 iooks to complete abolition of
all free transportation favors.
This is the objective toward which
publio atteutton everywhere Is now de
cisively directed, and state legislatures
in their action are rapidly making
pmgress toward it. It is significant
that while the degree of legislative
progress, dependent, or course, upon
'ocal conditions, varies among the
states which have had recent oppor
tunlty to act, in no state has there
been either Indifference or retrogression
as to the pass nuisance, and severs
have adopted sweeping and stringent
THE fi.tiL OfTlOOS.
The prophets of evil coucornlng the
ranamo canal, whether prompted by In
I terest or mere pessimism, are prema-
Investlgatlons, conflicting reports
of flitting newspaper correspondents,
t,harge8 and counter-charges, have not
weakened the national determination
that the great work shall be completed
or public confidence that the present ad
ministration is doing, aud will do, all
that under th conditions could be done.
It is becoming clear that the diffi
culties which have been eucouutered
were inevitable. They were greater
than were anticipated, and it is easy
now to see how misunderstanding, and
to some extent conflict, which have con
tributed to temporary confusion In the
public mind, have arisen between two
groups of officii! Is having the work In
hand those concerned with its engineering-
aud those concerned with Its
sanitary phase. The former did not
give due consideration to the latter, and
failed to see how essential It was, espe-
daily in the first stages or tue euter-
It was natural that the general pub-
Me, as well as professional engineers,
Impressed by the remarkable advauce of
engineering science aud the improve
mrnt of the mechanical mean at lis d In
Ipoal since the failure of the De Lts
sops attempt on the isthmus, should le
over-sanguine for American accomplish
ment But they failed to take into ac
count the concurrent progress of sani
tation as applied to tropical conditions.
American experience in Cuba hag
proved revolutionary in that direction.
It demonstrated the efficacy of drainage,
the possibility of destroying the insects
that communicate the germs of malaria
and yellow fever, and thus of prevent
ing diseases, which more than any other
one thing save graft broke down the
French effort The engineers who first
went to the Isthmus eager to dig the
canal were Impatient during the elabor
ate and painstaking movements of
the corps of medical scientists, not re
alizing how vitally necessary thorough
sanitation was to the efficiency and
economy of the work. The testimony
before the senate committee suggests
how far the irritation which has arisen
extends, the same probably being the
real cause to which Chief Engineer Wal
lace's dissatisfaction was due.
But the magnitude and value of this
and similar branches cf the work n
ready accomplished by the government
on the Isthmus are now fairly beginning
to be appreciated. The effect will appear
more conclusively when actual construc
tion work Is in full swing. The country
will soon understand, if it does not now,
that these very preparations, which,
while they were under way were the
occasion of so much impatience and
doubt are the ground for increasing
confidence and renewed determination
that the canal shall be built.
One of the delegates from Nebraska
to the divorce conference, which re
cently met in Washington, discussing
its proceedings upon his return, is
quoted as follows:
I was much surprised at the ground taken
by the women delegates o the conference.
Almost without, exception they were ex-
remely radical In their views. They
favored throwing down the bars and grant
ing divorce right and left without any re
strictions. There were eight women dele
That women should hold an attitude
more favorable to divorce than men is
not so surprising when past history and
existing conditions are taken into con
sideration, although there is no more
reason why women should favor unre
stricted divorce than men. If accurate
divorce statistics were nt hand they
would doubtless show that practically
nine-tenths of the divorces in this coun
try at least are procured by women and
that even when separations are sought
by the men the decree Is usually al
lowed to be given to the women with a
chivalrous view of leaving her in posi
tion to show that she is not the party
at fault
The Institution of divorce on the ap
plication of the injured wife as distinct
from the biblical divorce allowed to the
husband, who alone was entitled to put
aside the wife, is unquestionably one of
the greatest single steps in the eman
cipation of woman. Women naturally
regard divorce as the safety valve of
their sex against abuse and the mere
possibility of divorce cannot fall to ex
ercise a potential Influence for the pro
tection of the wife against mistreat
ment by the husband. Women as a
rule are thoroughly convinced that there
are conditions of family life that con
stitute much worse evils than divorce
no matter how greatly it is to be depre
cated. At the same time women ought to be
impressed, if anything, more than the
men, of the desirability of limitations
011 divorce for the benefit of the chil
dren of mlsmnted pairs. Where the
Jarring husband and wife alone are di
rectly concerned their divorce cuts com
paratively small figure, except for the
bud example it sets, but where the fu
ture of innocent children is clouded by
a separation cf father and mother their
rights have a first claim upon the inter
vention of the law. Surely the mothers,
more than any other members of the
community, must deprecate the un
necessary disruption of families by di
vorce, and nlso the operation of divorce
mills as commercial undertakings under
encouragement of wide-open divorce
laws. It is no wonder, however, that
the women find no f.ivor for any effort
to close the doors to divorce to them
completely or to make it more difficult
for them to open when there is real
reason for divorce..
To the proposition of the house, which
Is in substance to admit Oklahoma and
Indian Territory as one state and Art
zona und New Mexico as one state, sub
ject to thc approval by the people of
the latter two territories on a vote on
their merger, the senate, by its action
Friday, responded with the counter
proposition to admit only one new state,
composed of Oklahoma and Indian Ter
ritory, leaving Arizona and New Mex
ico in their territorial stutus. The adop
tion by the senate of the amendment
striking all reference to Arizona aud
New Mexico out of the bill is not con
clusive that Oklahoma will be admitted
to statehood at this session, ulthougb by
universal acknowledgment that terri
tory Is abundantly, and even pre-eminently,
qualified therefor. In the Flfty
sevcuth and Fifty-eighth congresses bills
passed one branch of congress only to
fail in the other through disagreement
between them as to the terms of ad
mission, and there may be chance of
final disagreement in the ureseut In
stance. Tho influences which, have thus so far
rendered abortive effort to admit the re
maining territories to statehood are vari
ous. It is no novelty that partisanship
should play a part In the deposition of
such questions, although as to Okla
homa particularly there seem to be,
either In the exlstiug general state of
politics or In the particular conditions
of that commuulty. little reason why it
should, uow be so. Successive repub-
llcan netional conventions have declared
for the admission of the territories aa
soon as they are competent for state
hood. Thcre may be grounds for doubt
of the present comiietency of Arlsona
and New Mexico separately, or, per
haps, In combination, but there is none
aa to Oklahoma. The vote In the house,
where an Insurrection was organized, as
well as in the vote In the senate, re
vealed irreconcilable differences even
among the republicans touching the bill
disposing of all the territories, although
the bill was put forth under the regular
party authority and was understood to
be acceptable to the president.
Back of partisan and like considera
tions a very potent, although not con
spicuously acknowledged, force operat
ing on this question in all Its complica
tions is sectional interest, the east being
distinctly and arbitrarily hostile to In
crease of western political influence
through the multiplication of western
states. As frequently before in the
cases of other western territories, so
now this force has had Its effect In the
delays and complications regarding the
remaining territories, and even In the
form of the pending bill and the pro
ceedings reitardlng it.
Harper's Weekly follows up the pro
jection by Its editor of Woodrow Wil
son ns the next democratic candidate
for the White House, setting out his
good points and eminent qualifications
in all earnestness and seriousness. The
distinguished president, of Princeton is
worthy of all the encomiums passed ou
him, but he would have little more
chance of getting the hearty support of
the Bryan wing of the democracy than
the sage of Princeton himself. While
it may be harmless pastime to pick
democratic presidential possibilities at
this stage of the game, the return of a
globe-girdling traveler will have to be
awaited before any serious move can be
A new premier has been chosen for
France and cabinet making has begun
It will be interesting to note what
changes in the religious program will
be proposed by M. Barrien, who owes
his elevation at this time to the dissat
isfaction of the members of the French
Parliament with the way the Rouvler
ministry enforced the law which they
Herr von Puttkamer, German gov
ernor of the Cameroons, has been re
called to face trial for cruelty to the na
tlves, but when those natives know of
the treatment accorded their fellows In
the Congo Free Stote, they will probably
decide to give the German governor a
vote of thanka.
That yew York engineer who la try
ing to convince the canal committee of
the senate of the feasibility of his plans
was unsuccessful In a similar attempt
before a board of engineers, but It may
take senatorial action to prove to him
that he was not a victim of professional
The New York legislature has passed
a law providing for a state commission
empowered to fix the maximum price for
gas and electric light which any lighting
company in the state may charge. Rest
assured that places on that commission
will command a high premium.
A Popular Impression,
Chicago News.
We hate to say it, but In the pictures of
the king of Spain and his fiancee the latter
appears to be th better man of the two,
Not Ball to Please.
Baltimore American.
The insurance companies ar objecting
to the recommendations of the investiga
tion committee. However, there was no
thought of ploaslng them when it started,
Sorghum Succeeds Vinegar.
Philadelphia Press.
In his management of affairs In th sen
ate it would npne&r that Mr. Tillman had
temporarily laid aside his pitchfork and
was now deftly manipulating a sorghum
Admiration Fails In Teat.
Brooklyn Eagle.
We are profuse In expressions of admi
ration for the courage of the Japanese In
the late war, but w do not discover
continued Interest In the giving of money
for those of them who are dying of fani
Obataclea to (ioost,
Indianapolis News.
Pon't begin to worry yet about the In
crease In the eost of ice. It is on thing
to put price up and another to keep them
there. Business I business, and when It
comes to producing th commercial article
nature runs a mighty poor second to the
rshabrB Popular CoaOdeBee la His
Leslie's Weekly.
Certain groups of politicians and certain
newspapers have been wondering, to
a suspicious extent, recently, whether
Prtsldent Roosevelt's popularity was not
on th wane, and Incidentally hav been
helping the waning business along by "b
serva lions as to Mr. Roosevelt's alleged
bumptiousness and disposition "to do
things" without th valuable advlc an
consent of ecnrei-s a tendency, they say,
which la on th ln-reas and Is alienating
from the prtdent lame of his tormer
and strongest friends. Th sage remark
Is made, also, that after th president's
part In the Portsmouth treaty and the
outburst of prats and admiration from all
the world which foV.owed that great
achievement, it wi natural and Inevitable
that a reaction should com. It Is only
another case of A" tJ" th Just, te.
We have been looking fvr comments of
this sort, and they hav arrived about
on tlm. It Is not Itt the lenst difficult to
recognise the pais'' o such "thoughts"
nor th motives whlc i prompted them. It
Is not true that f-'redent i'.ooaavelt Is
losing his hold upo; m!" cUss of people
whose esteem la worth Imvlng, nor Is h
In any danger of loslrg t with these. The
spoilsmen, th bosses, tht greedy crew
whose arroganc and rapacr y he tas
closed and Is seeking to rest.alu by la-..-
all these ar no mor In lev wlta i.lm
than they r eight mcpth ago. what
ever their professions ma. bsN been at
that time. Th American l0 l. a a
whol. hav lost no Jot of their fHh In
him as a leader nor coafldt ni- In hit abll.
Ity. Integrity and unselsh dvule t ll"'r
Happy is that happy makes.
He has no friends who makes no foes.
No man shortens Ms yardstick without
hrlnking his soul.
At times of revival it is oasy to mistake
racket for results.
It Is better to go forward slowly than to
o round and round ever so fnst.
It Is easy to Imagine that it you have the
wind the Lord will find the wings.
The man with time to waste Is a bigger
fool than one with money to burn.
Tapering oft a bad habit Is often only the
whittling of the kindling for a new start.
When friendship is but a social ladder
the soul goes down faster than the feet can
climb up.
Whatever heirs us to think more kindly
of another helps to bring In the kingdom
of heaven.
It's hard for th man who has ground off
his nose on the money mill to smell a taint
on anything.
Better pass up the offering than waste
your genius trying to make a nickel look
like a dollar.
When you see a man who puts all his
religion In a safety deposit you may know
he hasn't any.
The best banks sre In heaven: but the re
ceiving tellers are likely to be In some
back alleys here.
A funeral sermon n ay be a good oration.
but It does not count for much as a proph
ecy unless history endorses It.
The only men who ever complained of
God's service were those who sought his
payroll for their own promotion.
There are preachers who think the wear-
ng of a red necktie will solve the whole
problem of popularising th pulpit.
Some men believe they are doing a lot
for Qort because they go to prayer meeting
every time they have a grouch to unload.
Chicago Tribune.
New Tork Mall: Bishop Scannell says
that the mothers of the country are dodg
ing the discipline of the children. He Im
plores the fathers to take up the task.
Everybody shirks but father.
Baltimore News: The Postofflce depart
ment has shut down on the use by a min
ister of the franking privilege to circulate
reform literature. Even pious graft can
not claim immunity in the present state of
publlo opinion.
Washington Post: Rev. Dr. Madison C.
Peters protests against young women drink
ing champagne In New York cafes "with
men old enough to be -their fathers." Prob
ably the young men did not have the price.
Boston Transcript: Among the. other ser
mons of lust Sunday we note that a New
Jersey minister spiritually uplifted his con
gregation by discussing "Business Women
Do They Reduce the Number of Mar
riages and Do They Make Good Wives?"
These are interesting conundrums, although
we had hardly Imagined that they were
part of the curriculum of our schools of
Buffalo Express: A pastor In Jersey City
is being sued to recover the statutory pen
alty of 1300 for performing the marriage
ceremony In the case of a minor. The min
ister, of course, pleads that the girl told
him she was of legal age, but there is sel
dom a good reason why a clergyman should
marry persons who are strangers to him.
Bom ministers will not perform the mar
riage ceremony unless at least one of the
parties Is a member of the parish.
Bait Francisco Chronicle: Many Catholic
clergymen have taken strong ground
against the practice of poor people wasting
money on ostentatious funerals, but have
not succeeded In abating it to any marked
extent. A priest In Chicago, however, has
furnished an object lesson which may prove
effective. Almost with his dying breath he
asked for a simple funeral without any
mark of mourning whatever. His request
was complied with and his parishioners fol
lowed him to the grave In trolley cars, at
their own expense. If they follow the good
priest's example and arrange their own
funerals aa simply, much money now
wasted on senseless ostentation will be
saved for needy survivors.
The latest Chicago Innovation takes the
form of a proposition to build second story
Icemen did not cut much of the article
last winter, but they promise to cut the
cake next summer.
New Tork la so thoroughly content with
the present condition of affairs that the
natives are seriously discussing the proper
cut for whiskers.
A woman Instructor In a Chicago high
school ventures the opinion that a cat Is
preferrable to a husband. It takes all
kinds of tastes to make a world.
The projected lengthening of the Ja
panese stature la still In the discussion
stage, but the proposed substitution of
beer for sake Insures a lengthening of the
The statment Is boldly made that there
Is only one man In New York who actually
works for nothing. It Is hardly necessary
to add that he Is not a native. He Is a
Hindu monk.
One of the splendid new charities of this
country, the Wldener Memorial Schoul for
Crippled Children, was Inaugurated In
Philadelphia recently. The institution
cost fl.0UO.0QO and has an endowment fund
Of I3.0UO.00O.
A Wisconsin bridegroom, overshadowed
during the ceremonies, recovered his nerve
a few hours after the ceremony and calmly
Informed the bride that henceforth, when
he snapped his Angers she must jump. But
she didn't she skipped.
The fashionable genius who presides over
the deliberations of the Dressmakers'
Protective association In Chicago avers
that it Is possible with modern fixings
to make the figure of a corpulent woman
look as lithe and willowy as a Glbsonlan
gaselle. Such wonders make robust men
realize the hopelessness of their condition.
Terrenes V. Powrterly of KYiights of
Labor fame shod gobs of tears at a meeting
In New York the other day. Shareholders
In the Powderly Coal Mine company
wanted to know why there was only Su6
In the company's treasury, although
teOO.OOO worth of stock had been sold. . Ter
rene was so overcome that he could, not
fashion an explanation.
Smarting under lashings administered to
Poultney Rlgelow for his attack on th
Panama canal administration . th New
York Independent has sent to th isthmus
Edwin E. Slosson and Gardner Richard
son, two of Its editors, to Investigate and
report on conditions there. Prof, "los
son la a western man, serving a stat
chemist of Wyoming for ten years up to
llKA, when h Joined the Independent staff.
Mr. Richardson la a recent gradual of
Mprlngfield Republican.
The government has recently sold to eon
traders a million and a half railroad ties
to be cut on th Yellowstone forest reserve
In Montana. After th fir, spruce and pine
ties are cut and removed there will be
left a plentiful stand of young timber,
which, la a few years, will txt of mer
chantable dimensions and find a ready
market. By the pursuance of a pulley of
protection for th grsat forest reserves,
thus preventing the raids of thieves and
th destruction by fire, they may be ruad
a source uX rcvenu for all Urn.
Berber 'si
A careful selection of
ment reduced in price and thereby made a "SPECIAL
VALUE" bargain for Monday only.
Ladies' Tailored Suits, T) C (flHffi
n worth $35,00, sold for -&JW
Ladies' Tailored
w 4tt Nir mm a r f sksrs- bwb
Ladies' Covert Jackets, worth CI) CI) Q
$12,50 and $15,00. sold for -O
Cravenette Rain Coats, worth Q
Walking Skirts, worth $10,00
and $12,50, sold for
Wash Waists, worth $3,75,
We carry the largest assortment of Ladies' Suits,
Skirts and Jackets in Omaha.
There Is lasting satisfaction In buying a Piano of tho Hospe company.
Our untiring efforts to secure the very choicest Pianos from the most
reliable manufacturers, buying them in largest possible quantities for
spot cash, making shipments in full car loads, thereby saving in
freights, and added to this the most economical system of conducting
business, together with the One Price non-commlBsion plan of selling,
makes our prices much lower than the same quality of goods can be
bought for elsewhere. ;
Dealers and manufacturers gen
erally complain of the very low
prices we quote, but we are mak
ing this the largest Piano dis
tributing house in the west and
doing it by this Hospe plan of
lowest prices for best Pianos In
each grade.
We are western distributer for:
Knabe, Kranlch & Bach, Cablo Nelson, Kimball, Bush St Lane, Wrser
Bros., Hospe, Whitupy, Hlnze, Burton and others.
WE SAVE YOU $50.00 TO $150.00 ON A PIANO.
1013 Douglas Street. .
Pianos Tuned.
"Of course, I do not fear to face your
father. Have I not braved the battery or
your eyes?" , . .
"You have braved the battery all right,
but you mustn't forget that papa is a foot
soldier." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"The Impudence of that young brother
nf miiu!" er1almf,1 Mrs. Nanruri-t. "Ha
Just told me I was no chicken- when I mar
ried you." ....
Well. repnea ner unsympaineuc nu-
band, "that's true enough. You weren t a
chicken, were you?"
No. I was a goose." rmiaaeipnia vain-
olio Standard.
Mr. Oayboy What did my wife say wheu
you told her i woman i oe bdio io uomo
home tonight until a late hour?
Messenger She dldn t say anyining.
Mr. riHvhov Then vou must have gone
to the wrong house! Chicago Tribune.
Sometimes a girl makes matrimony the
end and object of her life, only to find
when she gets married that It la really
the beginning. Somerville Journal.
"Has that young man any financial pros
pects? asked Mr. Uumrox.
"Yes," answered Mrs. Cumroi. "He's
engaged to marry our daughter." Wash
ington Star.
"Ten I love vou. George." said the beau
tiful young heiress, "but I'll have to speak
to mamma.
"You mean I'll nave to speaa 10 nerT
"No. I will. You see. she's homeward
bound from Europe, where she's been for
the last three months, and she may hav
engaged me tn some nobleman while site
was thtre." Philadelphia Ledger.
The Bachelor's Soltloejay.
To wed. or not to wedj
That is the question.
Whether 'tis better
To remain single
And disappoint a few women
For a time;
Or marry
And disappoint on woman
For life.
' Judge.
When You Are Hunting
For a Good Collar
The task of trying to find exactly what you want will end
right here. AVe are fitting so many necks and have so much
collar experience that
We've Learned the Trick
of having just the sort of collar you want. And you will get
your money's worth of satisfaction if you buy the Arrow
Brand size collars of ua.
15c, Two for 25c
ft & WILCOX, Manaaer.
SpeoiaBo n
one article from each depart
Suits, tj C
Tie Hospe Store is the only
One. Priced Piano Store and
the only one that dots not pay
commissions either secretly
or openly.
OMAHA, NEB. Established 1874 B. O.
Join the Sheet Music Club.
New York Press.
What Is truth that through the ages man
should rifle earth and star
Seeking ever In the unknown where Its
mystic fountains are,
For the law of righteous living, for th
love that shall not die.
While the soul has aspirations to be glori
fied on high?
What Is truth that in the distance it should
bias with holy light,
Beating back the hosts of darkness In the
world's enfolding night,
Making man a nobler creature, giving'
states a wiser aim.
Giving virtue, knowledge, valor, each a
bright, Immortal name?
Lo, the world la ever changing, and the
new Is ever old,
And who fight with human progress is a
warrior overbold;
And the truth la what we make it by the
light of that great love
Which forever lifts the planet toward the
singing stars above.
Truth Is simple as the sermons nature tells
us on our way,
Gnt aa the thought of brothers who were
parted yesterday;
It Is plain as honest faces that betoken
hearts so kind, ,
They are hands unto th weary, seeing
eyes unto the blind;
It Is beautiful as morning when the world
awakes to Joy,
And life's golden expectations thrill the
eager heart ct boy;
It Is lastlms aa the cliff rock that forever
fronts the sea,
Lasting as the ocean waters that shall
wash the cliff rock free;
And although It wrings emotion from the
life that suffers long,
Though It girds the loins of labor for the
battle fierce and strong;
Truth Is ever what we make It In th light
of love and peaoe, ,
Help and hope unto the tolling who would
give the soul Increase1.
Ming ii Co