Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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Omaha Clothing Co.
1316 Farnam Street
We Make
Terms to
Suit You
Formal Grand Opening Pilonday
E 3 JW .- i , A
,1 II II 1
l.ii -.ji i ii -t mi mi linim i -'
Of our newly enlarged Ladles'
Suit Department, where we are
showing i most complete line of
Suits, Jackets, Skirts, Waists,
Cravenettes, Etc., Etc.
If you want 'Somethlnir lif
ferent". you will find it lure.
OKKIJ SI1T8 AT -'7.oii and ta.
Kvery new lit vie represented, most
exclusive fabric, one model morn
beautiful than the other. GKAtH,
mixtures. Alice blues, resedas,
olive green, etc.. In chiffons, Pa
namas, voiles, etc., ETON or
ponv coat style. Mon
day, t-7.50 nnd ipOLr
ATMfa' vrw r'ftVP'RT COATS
ul I'll.'' ' IJ " ......... - - - -
at IN. 75 and 113.50, marie if the
verv finest Publln twist covert
tiht flttlim nnd new mannish box
effects, immense tt
assortment. 113.50 and.....-" "
FLEATBD SKIRTS, in voiles.
Panamas, prunella, etc., at I'-T .nO
117.60, 115.00 down 75
to ;
Remember we Invite you to avail
yourself of our confidential and
Credit Flan
Cause and Cure of Catarrh
Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption and Deafness Positively Prevented
catarrh. I MANY WILL BE CURED FOR $3.09.
Catarrh la a diseased condition of the
mucous membranes. Any organ that
Is lined with mucoua membranes ni:iy
become affected by It. The nose,
throat, ears, bronchial tubes, lung-,
stomarh, liver, kidneys and bladder
are all lined with mucous membrane
and may become diseased by catarrh.
Tito disease usually originates In tha
nose and throat. Tho dropping Into
the throat extends to the bronchial
tubes and lungs; also to the stomach,
liver and kidneys. In fact, afTeotinn
the entire system. The poisonous se
cretions are absorbed, affecting the
blood and nrrvea.
There are two kinds of catarrh -
moist or hypertrophic, and dry, or
atrophic. Moist catarrh produces n se
rretion which extends from one organ
to the other, causing them to become
diseased until the entire system Is
affected. Catarrh of tl throat ex
tends to the bronchial tubes, producing
asthma; then Into the lungs, causing
acute lung disease. Finally Into the
lung cells, causing consumption. All
cases of asthma and consumption or
iginate from catarrh of the throat and
bronchial tubes, and are curable If
taken In time. In dry catarrh there
are no secretions. The nose and throat
become dry and scaly. The eyes be
come wck and Inflamed. The ears
become stopped up. causing head
noises of all kinds and finally deafness.
There are some physicians who main
tain that catarrh ennnot be cured.
These are men who have not the re
quired knowledge or skill, neither have
they the patience, the experience nor
the equipped facilities for making a
cure possible, hence they say It Is In
curable. There is a positive cure for catarrh.
That Is the vapor treatment and the
electro-massage used by Dr. Brana
mun. which penetrates every cavity
of the head, throat, ears, bronchial
tubes and lungs, soothing and restor
ing the membranes to a healthy con
Po you snore?
Do you spit up slime?
Do you ache all over?
Do you blow out scales?
lHes your nose stop up?
Does your voice seem husky?
Do you hawk to clear the throat? j
Do you have pains across the eyesT
Po you have tickling In t!ie throat?
Io you have pains In the forehead?
Do you sleep with your mouth open?
Doca your noae stop up toward night?
Does your sense of taste seem af
fected? Does yeur sense 'of smell seem less
Does your-throat seem dry In the
Does your nose bleed easily, particu
larly at, night? ,
Do you have frequent discharges
from the nose?
The most stubborn and complicated
cases will not exceed 5 for one whole
month. This offer Is not made, us an
experiment. This new method of treat
ment has cured hundreds of cases of
deafness, catarrh and head noises that
have been pronounced Incurable by
other specialists.
D. W. Smith.
I have been afflicted with catarrh of
the nose and throat for ten years. The
disease seemed to gradually extend to
my bronchial tubes and lungs, and I
would get hoarse and cough. My
lungs pained me and I grew weak, lost
flesh; In fact, was miserable. 1 trie-l
many things recommended for these
symptoms, but got no relief until
finally a friend recommended Dr.
Hranaman's new cure. 1 decided 10
try It and was surprised to get relief
nnd a cure of all my troubles In n
short course of treatment. 1 feel bet
ter than I had for years; no cough,
no catarrh; In fact. 1 feel splendid.
My wife Is now under this treatment,
with the same good results. We can
recommend the treatment to all suf
ferers from catarrh, axthma, etc
Renson, Neb., Route No. 1
Feb. 15, 19(16.
Home Treatment aa Effective as
Office Treatment. Write for Home
Treatment Symptom Blanks and
Book of testimonials.
810 N. Y. Life Bids;., Omaha, Neb.
Office Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. to. even
ings; Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat
urdays. to 8 p. m.; Sundays, 10 a. m.
to 12 m.
Everybody is singing-
''Mex-i-co! .My dark-eyed Mex-i-co!
Those who have made the trin arc sincirnr alert tVi nrol...
of the new semi-weekly-through vestibuled modern train, the
V "Mexico? St.1 Louis Special"
Iron Mountain Route,.
Texas v Pacific Railway, International 4 Great
Northern Railroad (Laredo Gateway), and
the National Lines or Mexico.
The train leaves St Louis at 9.00 a. m. Tuesdays and
Fridays, arriving City of Mexico at 8.30 p. m. Thursdays and
Sundays a 60-hour run.
Compartment, Observation and Standard
Drawing; Room Sleeping Cars and Dining Car.
Call oh LOCAL A CENT, or midrsss H. C. TOWNSEND,
Cratnl aa Tukst Ipsit,
We Cure Our Patients
Required to Commenci Trtttmnt
Otbers Uaj Treat
But We Cure
Men toK $10.50
Until April 1st
tiftXlAL. Ur'KETL Owing to Hie tad
Hiai so many have b-en unable to avail
themselves of our treatment and In view of
theie being many aillicie.i WITH Sl'K
CIA1. and CHRONIC DISKA8KS who are
lien ling with inexperienced doctors .
receiving? any benefit, we have decided 'a
make a special offer to treat an. kIiikIi, m-
complies!. raw for the fee of ta. uniU April 1st, those who ate now under
going treatment eUrm tier and are J isvitt tailed, except blood poison. No uidtl-r
bow skeptical you have becuma over failures of others, do not hesitate lon
ger, we mi gtv you quick relief and perfect health, and you will never
again have to be treated for the stme trouble lw not take treatment else,
wnere until you have conxuHeJ tha old tellable Dr. Searles & Searles. KSTAH
I ISHKD In OMAHA for U VKAKS. whoa name and reputation are s favor
e.blv known as the most eprrience-l and successful Sf"K MALISTS IN TUB
Weak, nervous men. rervous derility, vsrUfK-eV. troubles, bl.xvl
contracted il proaikilc U-uuble. wanting weakness, hydrocele, chrome
dlM.'a,umu'h and skin diseases,
I'll FF examinations and consultation. Write for Symptom Blank. IS year
vs-.a Omaha.
D1L SWKU.s a, SlUIU.tS, 14th and IKiaK1aa Strrrts, Ouiaha, h-
WT-.:. y . ...m ... ,. Mill, MMLgl JI J. .
- ..ft . I
- -- --
' Outlines How He Would Build that Oom
j poeite Court House.
I s Eveataallr It Wosld Be the
MeanM of oUlac Uowa
i Taxes ta City and
County Commissioner Solomon says ha
hus heard so far only words of commenda
tion for the plan advanced by hlm to have
a syndicate build on the court house site
a structure to cost from $1.5O,O00 to $2,0nn,
000. His Idea Is to give the buHding com
pany a long lease on the ground floor of
such a building In payment and have sev
eral upper floors devoted to the county
and possibly to the city offices.
"Of course, the plan is as yet only ten
tative," said Mr. Bolomnn. "I am but one
tntmber of the board and later other prop
ositions may be advanced. All that have
any merit must naturally receive consid
eration. But, feeling that a new court
house Is a necessity and that the people
reallie this. I have been giving the matter
a good deal of consideration as a mem
ber of the committee on court house and
"Among the questions asked me by peo
ple who have expressed themselves on the
subject Is one as to what we should do
while the new building Is being 'con
structed. My plan wduld be to put up at
first the Harney, street side of the building,
which then could be UBed for the county
offices while the old structure is being de
molished. This would Involve the destruc
tion of the present Jail, which in most
states would have been condemned long
ago; and. naturally, too. this will bring
us In reach of the much needed work
house. Good for City and County.
"A Jail and workhouse combined will,
In my Judgment, nppeal to the ordinary
citizen and taxpayer as a sensible and a
proper thing. As it Is now both the county
and the city arc supporcing a large num
ber of chronic loafers and derelicts who
want nothing better than the prevailing
condition. They are comfortably housed
and fed, kept warm, dressed and cared for.
while decent people work to support them
In a state of useless and- dangerous Idle
ness. An Institution such as I have In
mind would be built and operated on lines
approved by the best prison men In the
country. A cheap block of ground can be
secured, walled In. buildings put up and
work shops erected for less than the value
of the corner whereon the present Jail
stands. Within this enclosure tasks can
be provided for prisoners, the carrying
out of which will not In any way Inter
fere with free labor. The fact that such
a real workhouse and Jail awaits them
here would have a positive deterrent effect
on the class of loafers who eat up the sub
stance of the people of Douglas county at
Court Hons Proper.
Of the proposed court house proper, Mr.
Solomon says in his opinion It should be on
grade, 264x4 feet In slse, outside measure
ment. fJ
"I would have this built around a light
well ns a court C4x84. The stores on the
ground floor would be thirty feet In width
and 100, feet deep, running back to the In
terior court. Tlw latter would be reached
from the four sides by arcades, about
which there would also be store rooms.
This is a utilitarian age.and. this property
is too valuable to the county to allow any
part of It to lie Idle.
Such a building would be five stories In
height on Seventeenth street and four on
Eighteenth. It would be equipped with
four elevators, be of absolutely fireproof
construction, have a large assembly room
on the top floor for the accommodation of
public meetings, also adequate and sanltany
court and jury rooms, and. In short, be a
modern building for Its purpose In all rc
spects. Even now a competent person Is
preparing an outline plan, which will show
the elevation and arrangement of floors,
not the plan to be ultimately adopted, per
haps, but as a beginning must bo made be
fore we can do anything, I have considered
It no less than my duty as an officer of the
county to give attention to starting the
mutter in a practical way, so far as pos.
Orrn I.luhtlas; Plant.
"We can, too, provide for our own light
ing plant In connection with the heating
plant, and undoubtedly the city would be
glad to Join in this feature, even If It does
not Join In the building of a structure with
us. In a building occupying the whole area
of this valuable block the departments of
both city and county could very well be
housed, compactly and conveniently."
"There is some foundation, maybe, for
objection along the line of civic pride. But
I apprehend that If we can show the tax
payers of the county and of the city a prac
tical and certain method of reducing their
taxes and abolishing a large proportion of
the very heavy fixed charges that they are
now called upon to pay every year, as
well as providing a costly and a beautiful
building ln the center of the city, which
they will e'ventually own, they are likely
to be an keen for the plan as even I am.
Our expenses are great, nnd they are
bound to become heavier with every pass
ing year. It doesn't require much optimism
to believe that If we can materially reduce
them, instead of Increasing, the voters will
favor such a step. Anyway, as a paid
servant of Douglas county, I am willing
and anxious to t.ike up and consider any
plan that will In a legitimate way reach :
this object.
Make It Income Producer. I
My proposal does not contemplate that
Douglas county shall surrender Its owner- j
ship of this property in any sense; rather.
It looks to so Improve this block that we
may make It an Income producer Instead j
(Ji an income i oiinuiiiei .
Even the disposal of the present court
house has had the serious consideration of
the commissioner.
'It Is constructed of- the very best ma
terial as to walls," he said, "and I have
no doubt we can dispose of It advantage
ously to some Interior county or private
corporation, which would take It down and
utilize the stone. Iron and other material
In erecting a building sufficient for their
As to getting a syndicate which would be
willing to operate under the plan proposed,
Mr. Solomon says he has no doubt on the
'It Is a common method of making In
vestment In this day," said he, "and we
may be able to secure men right here, or
at least In the west, who would be anxious
to go Into such a deal. Even giving the
county the best of the bargain, the reward
Is -certain for money so invested. On a
long leasehold the county would lose noth
ing, would profit more and more every
year, and would eventually have a val
uable building practically without cost."
Tito Suspects Arrested by Police Re
leased When Wounded Banker
Sees Them.
, Saturday morning Captain Dunn and De
tective Heltfeld took William Hlldebrand
and Sam Orman to Clarkson hospital,
where Frank N. Clarke viewed the sus
pects and declared he did not believe either
of the prisoners was Implicated In the as
sault made on him eight days ago. Hilde
brand and Orman were forthwith dis
charged by the police.
The men were arrested the day after tho
shooting of Mr. Clarke, as they answered
In some particulars the descriptions given
of the Clarke assailants. The police in
vestigated the men's records and the offi
cials were frank to admit right along they
did not think the men were the guilty ones.
To remove all doubt they were held until
Mr. Clarke waa strong enough to see them.
The dischatge of Hlldebrand and Ormon
cleans up the police docket so far as 'the
Clarke caso goes, , as no other prisoners
have been arrested on suspicion of the
Mr. Clarke continues to Improve. Each
day brings a better report from his bedside.
Executive Council Reaches No (on
s elusion on the Matter of Mov
ing Headquarters.
Saturday morning was spent by the ex
ecutive council of the Woodmen of the
World in executive session and no decision
was reached in the matter of moving the
headquarters from Omaha. An adjourn
ment was taken until Monday morning,
no session being held Saturday afternoon.
W. A. Fraser of Dallas. Tex., sovereign
adviser of the order, said he believed If
tho people of Nebraska understood the sit
uation In regard to the reserve fund pub
lic opinion would be entirely with the posi
tion of the order.
"This fund is created In a peculiar way
and is used in no manner for profit. It be
ing simply a trust fund," said he.
"The laws of Nebraska have given us a
hard week's work and we will resume
the consideration Monday. We had a
splendid time at the Omaha club last night
as the guests of the Omaha bankers and
were royally entertained."
Hearing; of Company's Suit Against
the City Goes Over I'ntll
The hearing of the case of theOmaha
Water company against the City of Omaha
for $100,000 hydrant rentals has been con
tinued until Monday morning. The case
has been on trial for a week and is liable
to continue over all of next week. Many
witnesses are yet to testify for the defense,
the plaintiffs having rested.
The essential contention of the defense Is
that the static pressure Is not up to con
tract; that the water furnished the city Is
not properly filtered and cleansed and that
the city has not been furnished the fire
protection agreed upon In the contract with
the water company; and that the water
company further refuses and neglects to
furnish hydrants as needed by the growing
wants of the city.
Few People Kuw How Useful It Is la
Preserving Health and Beauty.
Nearly everybody knows that charcoal la
the safest and most efficient disinfectant
and purifier In nature, but few realise its
value taken Into tha human system for the
same cleansing purpose.
Charcoal la a remedy that the more you
ta'xe of it the better; It is not a drug at all.
I simply absorbs the gases and lm
i i-uiities always present In Uie stomach and
intestines and carries them out of the
Charcoal sweetens the breath after smok
ing, drinking or after eating onions and
other odorous vegetables.
Charcoal effectually clears and Improves
the complexion, it whitens the teeth and
further acts as a natural and eminently
safe cathartic.
It absorbs Injurious gases which collect
In the stomach and bowels; It disinfects the
mouth and throat from the poison of
druggists sell charcoal In one form or
another, but probably the best charcoal
and the moat for the money Is In Stuart's
Charcoal Lozenges; they are composed of
the finest powdered Willow charcoal, and
other harmless antiseptics in tablet form
or rather In the form of laige. pleasant
tasting losenges, the charcoal being mixed
with honey.
The dally use of these losenges will soon
tell in a much Improved condition of the
general health, better complexion, sn-eeter
breath and purer blood, and the beauty of
It is. that no possible harm can result from
their continued use. but on tha contrary,
great benefit.
A Buffalo pbysidan In speaking of the
benefl s of charcoal aaya: "I adrlae BtuaxTa
Charcoal Imangea to all patients suffering
from gas In stomach and bowels, and ta
clear the complexion and purify the breath,
meuth and throat: I also believe the liver
Is greatly benefited by tha dafly use ef
them; they cr t but S cents a box at drag
stores, and although In some sense a patent
preparation, 'yet I believe I get more and
better charooal la Stuart's Charcoal
Losenges han la any of the ordinary char
coal table's."
Sale of Gerke's Gardener Tribe
Arouaee li Interest and Brlaas
I.lttle Money.
Lukewarm- Interest In the sale of stalls
at the Eleventh and Howard street market
place was manifested by the market
gardners Saturday morning. Only nine
chipped In 110 each to enable them to draw
lots for choice locations. These nine were
supplied by the offices of Marketmaster
Gerke. Deputy Comptroller Cosgrove and
Thomas Lamb of the treasurer's rifflce.
This year the custom of auctioneering
the preferred spaces to the highest bidders
was discontinued. The premiums are uni
formly J10 and 15 according to the location
of stalls.
Practice to' Be Htoptted If Contem
plated Resolution by Ire
Goes Through.
A resolution will be introduced by Mr.
I're at the next meeting of the county
commlssioners to stop the practice of pay
ing men out of the county store for labor
performed. It ia said the custom has grown
up through a number of years of the county
agent securing men to do small Jobs about
the storehouse and reimbursing them with
merchandise. Mr. I're contends all bills
for labor should come before the commis
sioners and be passed upon by that body.
The Bennett Company.
New fruit market, renovated from the
ground up. connected with grocery. Spe
ciul sales every day. Watch Bennett's ads..
Mortality Statistics.
The following births and deaths have
been reported to the Board of Health dur
ing the tweuty-four hours ending at noon
Births Frank Vance. S1Z North Twentv.
eighth avenue, boy; R. II Whyte, llM
south Eighteenth, girl; Frank Hi rat ford.
Fourth aod Francis, boy. William A.
Kutoely, 1U South Twenty-eighth avenue,
girl; K H- Glluro. bl North Twenty-tirst.
girl; Martin Junes. ILK Charles, bov.
Eaths Cheeur I- Carpenter. :T1 Jar
kr V: Infant Walter, lk"2 Ohio. days;
Charles F. Rabbins. Taourua. Wash., aj;
John Btrumpa, county hospital. Ik; Mar
garet May. county hospital. ; Chriaiiua
Anderson. Eaai Omaha, 11
Tho Investment Opportunity of a
Life Time.
A Sure Money Maker
A Sure Dividend Payer
Our January Profits w.r,. nrtiiHllr $X,070.8a n-l.
which equals $ I (t7.fl !.(! rn-r annum on total Mock at
that Hint of $.0(),(KI0 oyer 20 jior cent.
The Money-Maklnflt
Product of the
Great Factory
at Toledo.
CaiKifltjr of IMiint 7,-,0 mnchlnc. per tiny
Avr-rago profit per machine .T oil
Profit per Any '.'.'.i,7MUt
Iroflt pr year (.112 .lays) $1,170,000.00
Total capital $1,000,000.00
, 1 prollt 117 per cent
ftZhnbeVP.n';!"'l( "llrP" should show to you clearlv whv.
win he a 1 i ' "'""rihed. the price of the stork
Vice to ift U'i fKm rer H,ar-' ,h Present sellinK
mark thii , Pur Bhnr''' .J'r 'ai,,,!,ry "rt"al earnings really
rnln 'k. ns worth $40.( per share, and remember these
f P.K"ot. ,,!"ln,"t('l- '' have been actually made, and
nenui oi mis company.
Ohr.vtVhVid"J-.vnB,C- iTo'rtlC' ""'"i The National Bank of Commerce. Toledo.
Chicago III 'St, nWV'CKH, Tnp,' h,: Thp Hamilton National Bank
, i d Th of c"flB. San Francisco. Cal.
.- . --vx-.-. .
voi is- .... . wnf ''--::.Vv '
FUR AV & McARDLO, 1518-20 Harney St.
SI5 South 16th St.
It Is not often that the public Is offered a
ft chance to Invest In a strictly legitimate
enterprise that Is already a money-maker,
a chance to make a conservative Invest
ment that can and will pay the enormous
profits of successful speculative ventures
without any of the tremendous risk in
volved In the latter.
There Is a wldo difference between In
vestment and speculation. SPECULATION
ta. a long-shot gamble INVESTMENT
means putting money into something that
Is an assured success, 1 such as a business
enterprise that does not have to rely upon
possible future profits, but one that la now
making large profits. Just such a concern
is the Talk-OPhono Company, with Its
tangible assets of over a half million dol
lars, with its going and growing profitable
business. We do not have to point to
what we are going to do, but what we
have done. We earned over 8 per cent lust
year. Wo are now earning at the rate of
over 20 per cent, and the business growing
by leaps and bounds. The table at the
head of this column shows clearly how we
can make over 100 per cent profit. With
the money pouring In from this sale of
stock we are enabled to begin contracting
for the large quantities required by stiNi
concerns as John M. Smyth Co., Chicago;
Rudolph Wurlltier Co. or Chicago; Conroy
Piano Co., St. Louis, Mo.; Minnesota Pho
nograph Co., St. Paul, Minn.; Theo. F.
Bentel Co., Pittsburg, Ta.; J. C. Groene &
Co., Cincinnati, Ohio; Furey & McArdle.
Omaha, Neb., and many others, and we
are able to sell on the long-time terms that
are required on largo orders. We say to
you In all earnestness: "Now is the time
to buy stock In the Talk-O-Phone com
pany." The . first $100,000 is nearly sub
scribed, and then the stock advances to
$13.60 per share. If you ouy before this
advance, your money will have Increased
26 per cent. Then, too, remember the di
rectors consider it wiso to declare In July
a 5 per cent semi-annual dividend, so In
addition to the Increase of 25 per cent in
the value of your holdings, your money
will pay you a semi-annual Interest of 6
per cent in July. 19u6. In this nterprlse
you do not part with your money; you
simply chunge It Into first-class collateral.
Your money goes Into available assets. You
are simply putting It to work and getting
all tho profits from It yourself Instead of
putting it In a savings bank at 3 or 4 per
cent. Do you suppose the savings banks
permit your money to stay In their vaults?
No, they In turn Invest this money where
It will pay profits, and they take the profits
and give you only 3 or 4 per cent. This
business, with ,ts brilliant future. Its con
servative, capable management, its assured
success, is us safe as any saving bank,
nd your money Invested here will not only
multiply rapidly, but In the meantime will
be paying you good dividends. If you buy
stock In this company, you are sure of a
square deal. You nie sure of receiving
your share of the profits.
Jn last Sunday's issue of this paper, and
also the Sunday before, we gave you valu
able information rgardlng this Talk-O-Phone
stork, which, lemember. Is fully
paid and non-assessable. If you did not
read these ads., or If you have forgotten
what was said, go to the library and look
for them In the newspaper tiles, and read
them carefully. It will pay you to do so.
For the present you can purchase Talk-O-Phone
stock, which, remember. Is fully
paid and non-assessable, for W.50 per share
cash, or '" per share on the installment
plan, II with subscription and II per
month per share for nine months. We
know that llmi Invested now in this stock
means gilt-edged security in your liajids
for a valuation of JUio. and we honestly be
lieve Invested now will, within two
years, in addition to paying" large divi
dends, be worth 11,000.
Could Any Concern Sell to
a more Reliable List or
Just look up the financial ratings of
nny of the following, all of whom are
loyal Talk-O-Phone Jobbers. Call on
any of them and ask all about the
Talk-O-Phone and the Talk-O-Phone
Talk-o-Phone nl the Tlk-0-rhon company.
I). 8 John.ion A t o , Pern 1 1. Wish.
fonroj- Co . g(. Ixiult. Mo.
.1. P. t'rotty A Co., Mlnntopnllf, Minn.
J. C flreen A Co.,, O.
C. W. M.rrln Co., Il.troll. Mich.
Have. Mimic Co.. O.
Butler Bros., St. Louln. Mo.
MrOrral linn., Milwaukee, Wl.
Amerlian Talklns Mitrhlne Co.. Omaha'. Neb.
William DoerQ. niter Co.. La Cromie, WIR.
Alrlander-Elyea Co., Atlanta. Ca.
Knicer. Mfg. Co.. New York Ctty.
Keen Talking Machine Co.. Philadelphia, Ta.
Elritel, Cooper & Co.. Chicago, III.
John M. Binrth Co.. Chicago, 111.
Chicago Co., Chicago, III.
William Tonk & Bro.. Chicago, 111.
Southern California Muali- Co.. Los Angelea.
Kllera Piano Hou.e. Tacoma, Wash.
Po.-era A; Henry, Plttuburg. Pa.
linger & Bllsh. Dubuque, la.
National Piano Co., Lannlog. Mich.
W. Bryant. 218 Woodward Ave.. Detroit, Mich.
Neal Clark & Neal. Buffalo, N. V.
C. H. Rout. New York City.
William Tonk A Bro. Co . Inc., N. Y. city.
MoKkowlta & llerhach. Philadelphia, Pa.
Butler Bro... Chicago, III.
Rudolph Wurlltier Co., Chicago, III.
Jame. 1. Lyon.. Chicago, 111.
Kohler Chaw, Han Franclaco. Cal.
Kliera Piano Hou.e, Spokane, Wa.h.
Rilers Piano Home. Portland. Or..
Theodore F. Bent.l Co., Pitt. burg. Pa.
Mlnneanta Phonograph Co.. St. Paul, Minn.
W. c. Deforest Son. New Castle. Pa.
Nat. Automatic Klra Alarm Co., New Orleans.
Charles N. Klsher, Houston, Tex.
The Petmecky Co., Austin. Tel.
Ecllp. Mu.lcal Co., O.
Talking Machln. Co., Rochester, N. T.
Carlln A Lennox, Indianapolis, lnd.
Bernh. liner Bro... Baltlmor., Md.
Brown. Page Hlllman Co., Peoria. III.
A Few Words About the Product
of the Great Factory.
This mad Ine Is a superior type of
the disc reproducer and up-to-date In
every partl -tilar. It Is made In various
grades and models, ranging In retail
price from llS.oO to JjOnO each. In ad
dition to all such desirable features as
multiple springs to give It long run
ning power and permit winding while
In operation; governor control to In
crease or decrease speed, thereby
raising or lowering key; taper arm
with revolving born; the Talk-O-I'honn
also lias the MECHANICAL,
FEED, a device which moves the re
producer across the record Independ
ent of the scratching of the needle.
This wonderful n,w device renders the
New Taper Arm Talk-O-Phone a mar
velous sound reproducer and a great
record saver.
Appreciating that the grating, grinding
noises of all disc reproducing machines am
ohnoxloua. we have been experimenting for
th. pant year to perfect a Tslk-O-Phone that
would be entirely free from all foreign sounds
and only reproduce the pure musical tones.
We found that the drsgglng of th. needl. In
order to propel the reproducer across th. rec
ord was the caus. of all th. trouble. To oh
obviate this w. Invented th. MECHANICAL
KKKD, a device to propel the reproducer across
the re4rd entirely Independent of th. needl.
The mVrvelous. clear reproduction resulting
from this new device mint b heard to b. ap
preciated. This, too, Is a great record saver,
for there la no chanr. to scratch th. needl.
serosa tiie record.
It will he observed that the urn
Talk-O-Phone operated on this
principle acts entirely away from
the old fundamental principle of
reproducing machines namely,
the needle feed.
Our patents on this new device
are Terr broad, and this arrange,
ment cannot he used on any other
machine. We do not operate
under any shop rights or license
from any one.
For Convenience ef Those Desir
ing Stock on Easy Terms.
Even If you hnve not the ready
money to Invest now. arrangements
have been made whereby a limited
amount of this stock has been set
aside to be sold on the Installment
plan $1.00 per share to be paid with
subscription and 11.00 per share per
month thereafter for nine months.
Tou probably often spend more money In a single day on amusement or un
necessary things than would be reqlred to buy, in this way, a good block of
this dividend-paying, rapidly enhancing stock.
Subscribe at Once So You May Not Fail to Secure This Stock.
If you desire further particulars before subscribing, write at once. For, re
member, only the first HOO.txO will be sold at IS. 50 cash ($10.09 Installment) ier
share; after that $12.50 per share. It is surely not stereotyped to say to you
on this proposition act nonf
The privilege is reserved of with drawing the stock from the market si any
time development of the business would Indicate the, advisability of such nctlon
It is offered now at considerably less than Its earning value In the estimation of
the directors, and will positively be advanced 25 after the first $100,000 Is sold.
A. L. IRISH, President,
Dear Sir I hereby subscribe for shares,
full paid and non-assessable, of the capital stock of the Talk-O-Phone
Company of Toledo, Ohio, and agree to pay you dollars per
share (J9.50 pershare If your remittance pays your subscription In full, or
$10.00 If you pay on Installments of $1.00 now and $1.00 per month per share).
1 enclose herewith my remittance for
Yours truly,
Xote If you have $!.00 or can save $10.00 per month for ten months you
can own ten shares In this company and enjoy the large dividends and In
crease In value of the stock. You will never regret subscribing for all you
can pay for, either cash or monthly Installments.
From the Toledo Tribune, October 12, HMI.V
With m Very Large Banlnea. Belonging; to the ValaaMf riant Xo
Other Toledo Factory Made Sueti a honlnar lu the Same Time.
The honi of tha Talk-OPhona la an fie (rant ont. It contalna spaclnua crountla. many
costly Imildinga and an aimonph of lire and thrift mint cnecrinR. It Hiuwa In tha vry
atr ot progress and prosperity the stirring lndl (duality of Its founder and the promoter of tie
great iucee.
This la where the Talk-O-Phone dnea bunineea No spot in all Toledo elicits mors pratae
from vlsltora than doea this manufacturing pUtit. It ta la reality on man'a aucreas and aa
such Is replete with much profit for the young man and young woman and for all whe
achiiv tucceM obtained In the realm of nuc murage and Ii orient ambUion.
In this home of the Talk-O-Phone Toledo citizens tuke their guests and out-of-town friends
and tell thetu nf thla rftjr'a manufacturing growth and development and refer to It as the
exponent of highest business attainment.
It Is a happy reflex of a promise made and a purpose fulfilled; of a lofty conception of
Toledo's resource the resources of the worldand of the pusilbllitlea of genius, of labor, and
of progressive enterprise.
And Lehlnd It and before It are the lov.nclble powers of the heroic force vested In Mr.
Irish. And he, too. belongs to Toledo.
Until April 1st We Will Treat An Single Aliment Except Rupture and Blood Poison for $12.50 for the Fee.
On account of its frightful hideousncss,
specific or contagious poison in the blood
is the worst of all iliense. It may be
either hereditary or contracted. ' Once the
system is tainted with It, the diseaee may
manifest itHelf in the form of scrofula, ec
zema, rheumatic pains, stiff or swollen
joints, eruptions or copper colored spots on
face or body little ulcers in the mouth or
on the tongue, sore throat, swollen ton
sils, falling out of the hair or eyebrows,
and finally a leprous-like decay of the flesh
and hone. Our specific treatment for this
trouble, varied and moulded to suit earl
Individual rase, is an unfailing cure to
which n vust army of restored meu today
owe their sturdy health.
.' .1
You must come to us sooner or later; why
not now? Refuse) to suffer longer on
promises of others.
We co? er the entire field ef pri
vate and chronic, dees seated, com
plicated, difficult diseases.
We want every man who Is suffering
from any ,peeial disease or condition to
come and liave a talk with us. Xo man
whoae weakened system is crying out for
help through contracted disease, or who
has been jrullty of early indiscref -ons or
later is safe in life until such
time at, his errors lutve leen corrected.
You do not pay us until you are satisfied and you are restored to health. Can wo sav more? Tou may
consult us fre of charge and get our opinion without any cost to you Call and let us explain our methods of
treatment. We cure Varicocele, Hydrocele, Itupture, Stricture, l'rostatic .Ailments, and all Diseases of Men,.
I'KIV.-tTK 1USKASKS Newly contracted and chronic cases cured. All burning. Itching and Inflamma
tion stopped In twenty-four hours: cures effected In seven daeg.
KIDNKV, HI.ADDKH AM) I'HOSTATIC D1SKASKS We cure all Irritation, frequent desire or stop
page, pain in back and catarrhal conditions.
Northwest Corner 15th 'and Farnam Streets, Omivha, Neb.
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