Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9
The Omaha Daily Bee. EDITORIAL SECTIOil. Pages 9 to 1B. You Must Duy Th Be IF TOW WAUT TO Read the Bryan Letter. ( ESTABLISIIED JUNE 19, 1371. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORXINO, MARCH 10, lOOfi. VISIT OUR REMODELED FRUIT SECTIOIl-BASEMEtlT-WlDER DIRECT CONTROL OF OUR GROCERY MANAGER OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST TFV T "NKN. T-m "TV TT T C7 I FRIDAY. FAIR, .MO 11 GREEN TRADING STAMPS EVERY TIME 7mS I V Great Art Sales ANOTHER ROOM MAKING SPECIAL Fifty handsome Original Pastels, Marine Scenes, Gold Mats our sale price has been $5.00, must bo closed out Satur- f day; sale price. . 9ijZJ Pyrography Bargains. 15c 18c 48c 69c 29c 1.69 20c New 5x10 Panels 25c Heart Shaped Panels 65c Open Frames 80c Tla Racks 40c Glove and 'Kerchief Boxes Outfit, $5.00. $3.25 and. PonMc Green Trading Stamps n Picture Framing and Artist Materials Saturday. Saturday IN SHOE SECTION NEW, STYLISH OXFORDS FOR. SPRING Men's and Ladies' -All the New Toes Patent Leather Gun Metal Calf Vici Kid Grover's Soft Shoes for Tender Feet. ry Goods Section MISSES A?D CHILDREN'S RED GOLF COATS Green silk velvet col lar, nicely lined, loose back and front, neatly tailored, six to C CI C sixteen years, at OtJO CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' COVERT CLOTH JACKET Box front and back, trimmed with silk braids and cloth, new sleeve, OC six to twelve years, at lit J J CHILD'S BOX COAT In neat checks, trimmed with iloth, 'IOC loose front and back, full sleeve, to 14 years, at JJ CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' THREE-QUARTER COAT The latest rare eneci, niceiy irimmea ana wen tailored, fs r Q.UJ 8 to 16 years, at. HOUR SALES SATURDAY 9 TO 10 A. M. THIRTY LADIES' AND MISSES' WINTER COATS 24 to 27 Inches long, colors tan. brown, navy and red, prices 1 CI C were from $5 to $12.60 Saturday, from Jt to 10, at 10 TO 21 M. LADIES' HOUSE WRAPPERS Good patterns. M A fast colors, sizes' 32, 34 and 36 only, well worth $1.00, for tVC 3 TO 4 V. M LADIES' SKIRTS Good heavy wool material, colors gray and fancy mixtures and navy blue worth $4.50 to i nn 6 6d. I. IO VERY SPECIAL SILK BARGAIN SATURDAY iew onepnara necic Kim. in II sizes, checks and small plaids, ui-n. auu wmir, ana uiue ana wnite, regular price 90c a ljvuiuj, a yam yard. comes In Mr 36-inch Natural Pongee, every thread pure silk, guaranteed to wash and Wear. Sold evrv tilura at nnm itnll... .-j - . " our price Saturday; a yard .T"." . ...... .H.7.T.V. ... .1.00 SALE OF COLORED DRESS GOODS 48-Inch Chiffon Panamas In all shades for street and evening wear, most popular of all spring fabrics, sheer, soft and clingy, regular h P price is $1.25 a yard Saturday, a yard .... 75C Bf RES GOOD9 Extra high finished Mohair ' Ta'miso. light weight, dust proof, a great substitute for silk, always sold i at 85 ca yard Saturday, a yard ' OjC THE ECONOMICAL LADY'S GLOVE The celebrated' iifl Wash-Chamois J" "eW, T..?.C1 VLl 7hl" n'y, every pSr war"- k...7 i .i. opeciai, per pair $2.50: r f 8 button length, special, per pair 7..... ...... 1.25 I JV1IJ ULAJtU ftfKCIAL The celnhrara, Vl-..i. m 1.50 linen lawn plain IcV-.,- l.M ..!! 1 J . 1 .""- I1UO I. J T . I,' V1. KJttceu' now tans point stitching, full range of desirable shades, special, a pair ... " ninniyiii iuh iiALit New lot of fine wh :ut. I' ;?n,cy aerea; fancy and i..T- T , "iocks ana Taney lawn Chem isettes. worth to MZrkTi 25c and l CbBB' 1 5 A NE.Chn,RHhVNVK-V,rTourl8t Ruches'. 'put Vp" five In a box. double and single lace tops, Special, a box. P Vm doc and the popular shades, special Saturday, a yard. 36c and 25c RKAJ ,nARArxs Ol'B DOMESTIC AISLE 100 pieces bleach- r? ed Roller Crash Toweling, worth 7 He yard. toturdSrTrd 60 doien heavy Bleached Huck Towels, large size n i Saturday, each ' U C 25 pieces of white Mercerlznrf nmici. cn i v ... '..'""'" a yard Sneclal for Rat,.rH.v . "luc- worvo 'va .... r. . SiT 60c 1,000 Easts B.WKrA "weM ' nie SPECIALS IN HARDWARE ,vi"''r'?"JM on"r thln o ! And Tn nr..n f a. And Ton Own Tra.lin Ki.nm. -.iTk Crown rCn t il Kin e.nria, per don nhrrla iuut urwa wun tneae Asnratna Toaster Aabestoa Blove Mata, xl4 . .. And Tn i t . i Ifl aula of Fanillv !-!. Ti Tuba. Sink a. Clamta rh box Saturday. aheta. etc. fitnmna m-( r K .urh 'n T.n.Jirn.iirc ,eTl r"ly fnr 11.28. Jiair linllon Fnauiclrd Cup Ona doien JVIre Coat Hangara, Forty Grn TradTnS r'lliJ-Sfl Bru.l, wav rOBUET THAT WtTKB Saturday Bread Box. 73o, 83c and..! pwial. Batur.lay I0c ....Mo 14o 15o ....We ....63c ....1''0 ....Wo ..46c Floor BiMom Uruih.' up froin.'.".'.' JL "iNiKllKS TOR PAINTS AJVD Thousands of Books at Cut Prices rvawivMBsaL.. Recent Popular Copyright Fic s;SJLMO; tion, published at $1.50, haud iVf "''-l Bomely bound in cloth, printed by large, clear type on best book paper, illustrated. Some Theatre editions. Thousands of thesa Books a few shown in window. Saturday the Sale starts. A Few of the Titles ai 49c the Guard," by H ON Till l(K "St. Elmo." by Aupusta Evans. "The Man on the Box." lv Harold Mctiratb. "Zelria Iiameron," ly MerrdHh Nicholson. "The Motor Pirate," by Sidney Paternoster. "Brewster's Millions." by (!eo. Barr MeCutcheon. "l"he Little Shepherd of King dom Come," by John Fox, Jr. "The Law of ..the Land." by Emprson Hough. "The Pillar of Light," by Louis Tracy. "The Knitting of the Souls." by Maud Clark Gay. "The Loves of Edwy," by Rose Cecil O'Neill. "Black Friday." by Frederic S. Isham. 8 49c "Barlasch of Merriman. "The Vii-Klnlnn." by Owen Winter. "My Lady Peggy Goes to Town," by Mathews. "The Castaway." by Hullie Ermlue Rives. "The Bondwoman," by Mnrub. Ellis Kyan. "RAFFLES," by E. W. Hornung. "The Kindred of the Wild." by Chns. G. D. Roberts. 'GrauKtark," by George Barr Mc- the Jimmies," by Cutcheon. "Abroad With Lilian Bell. "SHERLOCK HOLMES." by A. Connn DovIp. "GORDON KEITH," by Thomas Nclnon Page. OTHERS MY THE FOLLOWING POPULAR AUTHORS: Anthony Hope, Chas. Clark Munn, Chas. Felton Pidgin, Gilbert Parker, Marchmont, Chas. Major, Booth Tarklngton, Florence Kingsley Count Tolstoi, etc., etc. $1.50, $1.25. 75c Boks. all Copyrighted, at 25c Millions," by Danger," by Captives," " Inlts of Elliaheth," by Kllnor Glvn. Donovan Fnsha," by Gilbert Parker. "A Sailor's Sweetheart." by W. Clark rtussell. "Captain Jarkman." bv W. Clark Russell. "Linnet." by Grunt Allen. "Mandera." by Elwyn Barron. 'Milly." by Mnurlrn Thompson. "Samuel Boyd of Catchpole 014UBIP, oy rarjeon. "Borderland," by Jessie Fothergtll. "A Maiden'a Choice." by W. Helm burg. "The Irony of Life," by Slenklewici. "The Mahoney To usend. Tellow I "Th I Shield. Chas. M. P. 25c by H. Commandment," Hero," by Mrs. Prisoners and S. Merriman. "The Eleventh by Sutcliffe. "Th Mlsslngr Alexander. "Franks Duellist," by Ambrose Pratt. "Beyond the Pale." by B. M. Crocker. IfMlOO (a Detective Tale)" by Burford Delannoy. And hundreds of others. "T,h. W.?.y. of the -West." by Qen. Chaa. King, handsomely Illustrated O S i.w cui mm "Helen s Babies," original $1.26, illustrated edition "Bill Nye's Comic History of the U. 8." (Illust'd. by F. Opper. $2 edition 25c 45c 69c Henty and Aler Books printed in large. Handsome Cloth Bindings, stamped in colors, clear type, regular 25c value, at 9c MEATS! MEATS! Bennett's Greai Me.t Section for Best Quality Pork Shoulder Roast, lb 8 He Spare Ribs lb .7$c Pot Roast, from choice native steer, lb 7C Rn)j 5C Rib Boiling. Beet k i0s. fur g.v. Choice Sirloin Roast of Steak, best quality of native steers, lb. 12 Uc & 10c RibRoaRt, rolled (all bones out), lb .10c Veal Shoulder Roast 4 llw. "for25c Veal Stew fl lDH fop LARD. Bennett's Special Lard Guaranteed to Me Strictly Fresh Kettle Rendered. On Sale In 5-lb. paila, for 53c And Thirty Green Trading Stamps with Each Pail. HAMS. 4,000 lbs. of Swift's Premium Hams and Cudahy's Diamond C Hams, average weight of each ham 10 lbs., every ham guaranteed; your choice, a pound, at 12 He HACOX. Rex Bacon, by the strip, at 11 He Thirty Green Trading Stamps With Each Strip of the Following Bacon: Morrell's Peacock Brand Bacon, at 15c Cudahy's Diamond1 C Bacon, at iiyc 8. & S. Beef Co.'b Majestic Bacon, at...; 17c Omaha Packing Co.'a Sunflower Bacon, at 17Jc CROCKERY DEPARTMENT Haviland China A variety of shapes and decorations noc equaled anywhere eleven patterns to select Cfk from, prices, a set, up from ZJiJU A Special Discount of 10 Per Cent Saturday. Dark blue Plaques, old Dutch scenes, very pretty for the walls, 75c values, on sale Saturday, each Extra Special in a Water Set Six tumblers and a jug, a $1.25 value, Saturday, a set PLENTY OF ODDS AND ENDS IN DLNNERWAEE TO CLOSE OUT About twelve patterns, yours at IIALF FORMER PRICE: Plates, each, 10c, 9c and 7c Cups and Saucers ifo Meat Platters, Cover Dishes, Open Vegetable Dishes, . Etc, Etc, ALL AT HALF FORMER PRICES. 25c 89c Japanese China Salts and Peppers, pretty little shape and nicely decorated, Saturday, a pairat 10c New Lot of Jardineres put into stock Friday On Sale Saturday Prices 'way Down, starting at 25c, 35c, 45c, 50c, 75c snd up. Extra good values at $1.50 to $2.50. SHEET MUSIC All Popular Sheet Msic Saturday 121 1 71. At 9:00 A. M. SWEET VIOLETS Ten thousand beautiful, sweet scented Violets ou specaal sale, long as the supply lasts, twenty-five in bunch, at GROCERY. long as the OQDc Fruits and Vegetables A brand new outfit under personal control of our Gro cery Manager. Fresh Emits and Vegetables Lettuce, Radishes, Onions. Sweet, Juicy Naval Oranges, hundreds of thousands of of dozens, Saturday, per dozen, 25c and. . .UC And Ten Green Trading each dozen. Stamps with Bananas large and ripe, dozen, 15c and. 10 In The Sporting Goods Section Roller Skates for Sidewalk Skating We have the largest and most complete line of Roller Skates In tne city. Roller Skatr, adjustable to all sues, $1.23, Coc and Saturday Ouly We will soil a limited number of gC Skates with steel rollers at rJ Twenty green trading stamps with each pair of Skates sold Saturday. - MAIN' FLOOR. 45 c Millinery! M illinery! AN INVITATION To Visit Omaha's Pterless Millinery. Imported citation and our men original litnnttt Style, band vpon adrixet from the world's fathion centers, hare placed' our Milli nery Section . . FIRST IN THE CITY. It will remain firt. In addition to the very ultra-tyh now on exhib ition, we are shotting a superb line of our oicn work-room designs in Chip, ALL NEW Styles Neopolita7i He7np, Tuscan, Leghorn, IN ALL COLORS and Yeddo Trimmed Hats s wrt- Liu 4 i r -v Every Hat aAown is a Kew Spring Style, and our showing is positively the most advanced on the market. ENTRANCING VARIETY OF STREET HATS and SAILORS EVXRYTUISG IX MILLINERY AT A SA VI XG TO EVERYBODY. Se the Windows and Table Displays Saturday. Bennett's Candy Chocolate Creams fifteen hundred pounds fresh made, vanilla flavored Chocolate Creams pound 12c Bennett's Big Grocery. Saturday's Money Saving List No Better VaJues Offered. 58c Finest Java and Mocha Coffee. 4 ir THHBB POINDS I.UU And Fifty firwn Truilnv Slomni wanei rjrrq japan lea, pound , And Thirty Orrn Trading Btampi. Pure Ground Rlack Pppper, tOc -pound ran And Ten Orwn Trading Stamps. Prld of Bennett's Flour, OK aack ISJ And Forty Green Trading Btampi. Diamond C Fruits, 25C And Thirty Green Trading' Stamps. CANNED 8PECIAL. 2 cans Maine Corn 25a 2 rang Geneaee Tomatoea 2Bc 2 cans Iittle Doxter Peaa 26c ! cans Diamond S Salmon 25c LOTHifW,. Attention Four Days Sale of Perfection Clothing for Boys. SPECIAL VALlE IX EVERY 20 YEARS. SIZE FROM 8 TO Particular Inducement In our "Collegian" num bers for young men of 20 or thereabouts. Every garment guaranteed by the "Perfection Label perfection in style, material and fit. Our Guarantee Your Protection. HERE'S THE FIRST BARGAIN OF THE SEASON. llrokaw Bros., and Hindi, Wickwire '& Co.'s Three- piece Suits, sold up to $7.50, at 3.95 AND EIGHTY GRF.BN STAMPS. tl.00 TRADING Ten-pound sack Yellow 1Ar Cornmeal IOC And Ten Gren Trading Stamps. Five pounds Pearl oc- Tapioca OOW And Forty Oreen Trading 8t&mps. GINGER SNAPS, e iW 25c ..15c 20c pound. Bennett's Bargain Soap, TEN BARS California Sultana Raisins, pound And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Two cana Maine is. Corn OC And Twenty Oreen Trading Stamps. Three packages Jell-O, Otir assorted aOW And Ten Green Trading Stamps. CHEESE. Red Cloud Full Cream Cheese, pound Ana Jen ureen Trading stamps. Finest Virginia Cheese. OOr pound And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Royal Luncheon Cheese, J And Five Green Trading Stamps. Royal Luncheon Cheese, 24C And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Hand Cheese, each "I Nuf'htel Cheese. An each w BULK PICKLES. Sour Pickles. Quart And Ten Green Trading Stamps, i:now enow nctiri, auart And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Small Sweet Pickles, 20C And Ten Green Trading Stamps. New Garden Seeds, package , THESE SIZES ONLY: 5-10-year-old Suits. 9-11-year-old Suits. 14-12-year-old Suits. 22-13-year-old Suits. 18-14-year-old Suits. 17-15-year-old Suits. 35-16-year-old Suits. Men's and Young Men's Suit Sold up to $18.00, and a dollar Watch with every Buit want to -move them ont early at. . . Ha in Coat. $15.00, $12.00, $10.00 and Spring Overcoats, $15.00, $10.00, $7.50, $6.60 and Spring Line of Kobn Bros. I'nlon Label Clothing. See Them! 10.00 .7.50 5.00 9 A. M. Saturday Four-ln-Hand Ties, worth 50c, at We purchased an entire end of this sea son's stock from our manufacturer at a very low price. Trading Stamp Aisle. 15c Each Suspenders, at And Fifty Oreen Trading Stampg. Spring Shirts, at And Fifty Green Trading Stamps. Odd Garments of Men's $1.00 Wool Underwear, at ( Boys' SOc Hose, for i .... 1 10c 15c 2c Ildqrs. for Butter 16c 15c Fresh Country Butter, pound Three, packages I'needa Biscuits And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Colorado Frame Honey, 1 each And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Full line Flower and Vegetable O.-, And Five Green Trading Stamps. DUTCHESS TROUSERS. 50c 1.00 59c 12c DUTCHESS iTTROUSEi iu uurroN. s .90 a riot THE BEST LINE OF HATS IX TnE WEST. Men's Novel tie, Telescopes and Fedoras All shapes In black, pearl, nutria and the new shade of green, $8.00, $2.50, $2.00 and H , Boys' Novelties, Teleacopes All styles and colors, $2.00. $1.60. $1.00, 75c and Men s Conservative Styles All shapes, good styles, nutria and slate, $3.00, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 and brown, 1.50 50c n black, pearl, brown, 1.00 LM ' I I ii 1 1 nut? f n i v. i . riciuic . rA, y M...IL.M1I jiiliiiii mi I,,, I 1 ' : I Seeds, package I . . " ' T ' ' ' " ""')! l m m n , . f , . A Men's and Boys' Black and Brown Stiff Hat three shades of brown eood blacks brown is the color $3.00, $2.60, $2.00, $1.50 f'ii u1 I.UU Men's and Boys' Spring Caps All styles and colors, $1.00. 75c 1 r 60c and S ON SALE THE CELEBRATED JOHN B.' STETSON HATS : All shapes and colors. s.ou ones n Cll 14 00 for. ones 3.50 auaswwwi "-""aiTf BROUGHT TkrOIfaaT GHOST TO BAY iimtir. ( Idk la lb Taller. a Mil luk. Oa might naver think of ghost being aaaocUt4 with the hustling town t LawUton. Ida. It la situated on the banks of th Bnaka river, whose placid green watra gild slowly along on their way th yt grner Paclfle 'ocean, a few hundred anllaa away. But LswUtoa baa a ghost story, and Ita principal actor la now a mvatwr of the durciflod United State nAUi tiaa who, la the early days of 4 a varied experience with In alana, atage robbars and all such affairs, but not bo Jialr-raUIng as tho Lewlston a host. Tho cattleman of the fur northwest did jot kave ''roundupa," auuh aa are had by S aowboys vt Txm and Montana. They la what they lnnd a ' captain.- whoa Jjuty It wa t be at a oenaln pant at a " aad report from lUa men who had ben ridln, th rang It wits that the owners of cattle vised as to e. Thus Ml arl. their atrwir w.a i.. . Th. . . , . It IIUTHH. "-. m me cattle business with wa me "captalu' one morning he at that his father, of tha rauge. aroae with the aun. to Injury. Then drew tha reins of tha cayusa, Bo tn Ih. ... . ... . 7 . -".aiea place of meeting and lecclv. reports. He threw a saddle on th. back of hi cayuae. .trapped an army over coat purchased at the p.t commissary tor. back of the horn of th. saddle, so that, when the auimal bucked, th. rider tuiectea trom serious BA i. . " jumpea into th. SfcdJle, taut. Holding up the head and ftarted out. Not many mil.,. from Lewi8ton thrr. u , deep depression of the land. It looked like an old lake bed. It la hldoVn from view by tp b.lls. At the baa. of the depression waa a gibbet which was occasionally used to dip.a of character, who would not be nuaaed by the law-abiding commu nity and whoae presence had developed th. maje.ty of th. vigllantt Uw. To on. s4 llttl. mounds of earth and stones marked th. number of executions which had taken place. It waa a dismal, lonely spot. Visits were mad. to It only when occasion de manded. For some reason the "captain" took this road to the place of rendesvous. Th. cayuae had done aome little bucking, but Unavailing!. The aun was glowing beauti fully over the eastern range of th. Rockies. Th. bunch grass, covered with cold gruy frost, snapped under th. pony's feet. H. had not noticed that ha waa approaching th. dismal valley until the cayuae wheeled and snorted In fear. The rider glanced around and distinguished the dark outline of the gibbet not far away. Then, to his amasement. he discovered what seemed to be th. nude toini of a man standing be neath the tool of deuth. He had heard In dians tell stories of ghosts walking there In the dead of night, and always laughed at their ea.-neatness of detail. But this tun he certainly saw an object there, and so did the animal Sensation most pe culiar traveled along hi spinal column and Irritated the root of his hair. He was startled, but concluded to Investigate. He urged the pony forward, and the ghOBt ran. Now, a real sensible ghost would have run up the grassy Incline, but this naked ghost chose the rooky rlde. The future senator put spur to hla steed and finally raught up with the naked ohiect H. Jumped ofT, but the pony pulled back and away, and th. ghost escaped. Another .....w, . mm anotner. finally a blanket thrown over the head of th. pony made him behave, and the ever-present cowboy s lasso soon brought that ghost to bay. Il was a man aii ngnt, but shivering, scarred, blac k and blue. Not a word would the object speak. It snuggled to get -away, but lis captor hung on. and finally got the naked nmn (nvt-lo.-d In the old army over coat. The next thing waa, what to do with the prlaonerT Duty demanded the presence of tne "captain" at the appointed incetlim place, and It wi;s an tthlc of the range that appointments miiKt he kept, Duty slao de manded that the ghoat be taken to town. At last the captive waa tied securely In the sauow, sua me luiur. seaalut trudaad back to town, leading the astonished cayuse with his uncanny load. No sooner had the procession reached th. outskirts of town than It became evident that something unusual hail occurred. The sheriff came running to meet the cattle man. The people slunk away. Terror seemed to be in the air. The mild, gentle, unassuming gentleman who Is now seen dally In the I'nlted States senate had captured a runaway smallpox patient, who died of exposure soon after his return to town. His former keeper also died. The rayuhe took It and died. The "captain" lost his overcoat and all ot his clothing. He missed his engagement with tha cowboys, but lived to reach the I'nlted States Senate. L Angeles Times. Uevstloa iMrsaaao'eil a( Uoorri. A Presbyterian oleigyman ct Philadelphia. ship after supper, always concluding th. prayers with a short discourse. Thing, went very well until th. daughters began to receive the attentions of young men, and begged off or stole away to make their evening toilets. Then the minister changed the devotional hour until 10 in the evening. This reform created an upheaval, but the father insisted, and at the stroke of )0 the visiting young men are now leit two alter natives: Either to leave or Join with the family in prayer, and It haa proved a se ver, test of their devotion for th. daugh ters when those not prayerfully Inclined stick It out, sermon and all. Philadelphia Record. over by a delivery wagon or knocked down by an automobile it make, a thundering sight of difference to me whether th. a mua puddle or not. auner! ' Chlcsgo Tribun.. you blamed with two popular daughter, haa discovered a new way to end the visits of their beaux at a seemly hour a plan which might ap peal to lay families aa well. For a number of years It has bn a cus- j torn tit this good man to hold svcaUig wor- P.rsonally tasi'trs.d. Here the man wlrh the fur trimmed over coat spoke up. hat difference does It make to you," he asked, "whether we have good streets or not? You don't pay any taxes to keep them clean, so far as I know, and I'vs never seen you do any riding on them."- "Maybe not," said th. man who had been complaining, "but I have to walk across 'em outs in a while and when fat run Venice as a Flahlnr Resort. Marlon Crawford gave recently a dinner In Rome, and during the dinner the talk turned to Venice. "There la a young woman from Duluth," Mr. Crawford said, "whom I met otio bright October morning n Sorrento. She told me that she was touring Italy with her father. She said her father had liked all the Italian cities, but especially he had ll!:ed Venice. " 'Ah. Venice, to be sure,' said I. 'I can readily understand thut your father would prefer Venice, with its gondolas, and St. Mark's, and Michnel Angelos ' " 'Oh, no," said the young woman; 'it wasn't that. Hut he could sit In th. hot.l. you know, and flan out of th. window.'"-! New York Tribune. Be. Want Ads Ar. Mostness Beeatarav 1