Offle. 10 Peart ftt. Tel. 4.
fan wilt fruit.
Stockert sells carpet.
Kd Roger' Tony Faust beer.
Plumbing: and beating. Blxby A Bon.
Dr. Woodbury, dentist. Pearl street.
Woodrtng-Behmldt, undertakers. Tel. Ct.
Jrvi. T2S Main, wines, brandies, whis
kies. Lnamonds aa an Investment. Talk to
Lerferf about it
School paint, pens, papers and tablets.
Alexander a. 231 B way.
Four cans of fie. IRc; plum. lc per
ran. Battel at Miller. Tel. 3S.
If you druggist does not keep Jsrvls' 1S77
brandy rail un us at 226 Main street.
For Imported wines, liquors snd cham
pagne. U. Koeenfeld comtny, sit Main St.
For exchange, y-room hotel in good ,e
braaka n. i... 8. Kerr, to. tonus, la.
fhone 17.
An acre of fruit, with new. modern
house, 'l nls wlu not last long. Cnlton
w aiaer Co.
If you want your fire insurance to In
aura have Cnltun-vVaiker Co. write It in
renabi conipau.cs.
Vs nen you have your shoes half soled take
them to feargent . Have them sewed on
and aave bargem a Model Snoe Shop.
'1 he Kntgut and indies of (security win
meet tins evening In Alaccaoee nan, when
a large riass or candidates win be Initlateu.
o'luim at Annn, money 10 loan; win on
hand, no delay; city and farm pru-rty for
on eu-' terms oi payment, umce, iol
Cearl street.
Ion'l buy wall paper till you aee Bor
wica. ill fcoutn Main. Tel. k4. Me a got
wan paier mat will jjst salt you and ins
price i right.
Wa are paying the highest cash prlcea
for old iron ana metaie. Council ttiufts
Junk Jii-use. j Kaltiemtn, pioprieier.
lei. m. M 8. Main.
Sal today at Bartel Millers: Peas,
4 cans, iuc; plums, iuc per can. Tel. 36K.
Special la-cent heet music sale, one day
ni, on batuiuay. thousand copies ail go
a i inc. bourlcius Plauu House, where tue
organ stands upon the building.
A anap for aumebouy, a v lea ion
for fiitk VY have ueu it only tour monma,
is piactlcaiiy new. Hi lUenatein Y tomllh,
coal and wood, Hth ava. and th at.
i urn aiaiuikiian resuiuiaul and oar are
giving tne biggest meal m town. Short
wrdera, with pure cream fur excellent
colie. Try anu you will b delighted.
Missouri oak ory curanood, fc, a cord;
heiluar hlcaury, 17; Araansa antnraclie,
K.fcu per ton lesa than iiard coal. William
vVeien, t Norm Main St. Telephone 1J.
Are you drinking muddy water? There
la no excuse wnen you can ouy a atone
niter that glvea you water as ciear as
crystal. fnce, each W. A. Mauler.
8 till It grows. Mors Quick Meal Ranges
soiu In council fcuutTs man any otnor
range. Money cannot make thorn butler.
J-'ui al at hwaine Sc Aiauer s,
Fainum. now is your chance to buy
brushes at iti per cent discount for cash
omy. Council uiufts "aini, oil ana Qians
company aie going to move to Murriam
bioca 011 March ii.
A marriage license was issued yesterday
to Fred (1. Kueni. aged to, and bopuia
Keltiarut, aged , bntn of Orl, feb. liny
were married by Kev. rienry LieLong ui
hla oflice in the county court house, U ii
tne rriue a third marriage and tne seconu
tot tne groom.
If you
Vienna resta
fee cannot be equaled because we use good
coffee and good cream. Our butter is tne
best we can get. We know our rolls are
good because we make them ourselves from
me best flour obtainable.
W. 8. Hawetson has Just purchased a
large stoca of wall paper, mounting and
interior necoratlon goois; also ikc.uitb and
art goods at 5oc on the dollar. Framing
dona artistically and cheap. A large stock
of picture mouldings to select from. Open
ing day, Wednesduy, March 1&.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary E.
Orvls will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock
from the residence of the daughter, Mrs.
Hlle, 332 East Pierce street. Interment will
tie in Falrvl-w cemetury and the services
will be conducted by Kev. James O'Mav,
pastor of the Broadway Methodist church.
The big male chorus being organised for
Hie Young Men's Christian association
mass meeting to be held Sunday afternoon,
March JH. in the Dodge Ught Guards'
crmory. will hold a rehearsal tomorrow
afternoon at t o'clock In the parlors of the
First Presbyterian church. Every man and
boy who ran sing at all is invited to attend
and join the chorus.
fnund necessary. tereasel was M years of
s-' and leavs a wife and six children. H
hnd been a resident of Krg Cek township
for twenty years.
nMM.K MIT (OtllM.
1 Hit K
W aat
Good Attendance Marks the Bepublicin
Kominatint: Primihe.
siMr4 f Repreeeaitatlve
laesa Mem and I alversall
('ceded to e m
mat Oae.
First Ward Joseph 6 Urigeit
peennd Ward..- peter H Wind
Third 'W ard Robert B. Wallace
Fourth Ward Hans F. Knudson
Fltih Ward Peter Smith
Sixth Ward Walter M. Hendrn
The above are candidates for the ward
councilmen nominated at the republican
ward prlmariea last night.
A large attendance in most of the wards V
marked the primaries last night and much
Interest was evidenced in the nominations.
In the First wsrd Joseph B. Udgett was
nominated by acclamation. In accepting
the nomination Mr. Uldgett announced him
self in favor of municipal ownership and
extension of the water works service to all
parts of the city not now supplied.
In the Second ward the nomination went
to Peter H. Wind by two-thirds of the
ninety votes cast. Twenty-nine votca were
scattered among C. A. Tfbhlts, J. E. Hoi-"
lenbeck and Frank E. Clark.
The nomination of Robert Wallace in the
Third ward was practically unanimous,
only three votes straying to Paul DeVol,
who wss not a candidate.
In the Fourth ward, known a the silk
stocking bailiwick, only forty-six votes
were cast bf. which twenty went to Hans F.
Knudson, riving him the nomination. 8oren
Wilson, who at the last moment declined
to be a candidate, received three votes. A. J.
Manderson eighteen. R. Black two and Ed
Ford three.
The nomination of Peter 8mith in the
Fifth ward was by acclamation.
In the Sixth ward Interest was at fever
heat and the county building at Twenty
fourth street and Avenue B was Inadequate
to contain the crowd at one time. The
fight was between W. M. Hendrix and C. S.
Hubbard. Hendrix got the nomination
with 14M votes to sixty votes for Hubbard.
The ticket is conceded to be a strong one.
all of the candidates being well and favor
ably known. Joseph I.ldgett la a retired
farmer living at B15 East Broadway. Peter
H. Wind, the nominee In the Second ward,
Is a well known contractor and served the
ward In the council during 1S90 and 1891.
when he made a most excellent record.
Robert Wallace, the nominee In the Third
want a good meal drop in at the ward. Is one of the best known young busl-
sataurant. The flavor of our cof- J - . ...ri var
.1 r e,..Mi.H bee..... . t. i.m aw.rt ness men of the city and for seeral years
has been prominently identified with every
movement for the betterment of the city.
Hana F. Knudson, the Fourth ward nom
inee, is a grocer on South Main street and
since Its organlratlon has been one of the
leading members of the Council Bluffs Re-
tall Grocers' and Butchers' association.
Peter Smith, the nominee In the Fifth
ward, served as councilman from that
ward for two terms during the years 18H0
to 1893. Inclusive. Walt M. Hendrix has
been u resident of the 8ixth ward for
number of years and is connected with the
Keys Bros., the manufacturers of buggies.
iowa ir
' Haatos-al sale.
are going to move March 13, to the
Merrlam Block, and in order to reduce
our stock we are going to give a 26 per
cent discount on framing, framed pictures,
wall paper, brushes, etc., for cash only.
Council Bluffs Falut. Oil and Qlaaa com-pany-
Tou are not obliged to guess at what a
piano la worth-buy It at A. Hospe Co.'a,
Mouth Main atreet, Council Bluffs. They
have but one prloe, and that tha lowest.
MudOff 6old Per Sack
$1.05 j
S Bit A I I
Strictly Kresh Ea.
3 dozen
Best Country Butter,
tr lb
Beat Atlantic Corn.
- jver docen cans
2 3-lb. cans best Hart 1ft
2 20c cans of Alaska
50c Tea, per
Tea Duat, per
80c Broom
5 Iba. best
. Raisins
Extra Fancy Large
Pi'unea. per lb
6 Iba. of Hand Picked
NaT;.- Beans
4 lbs. of Lima Bex 11a
Narel Oranfea,
Taney Lemous,
each . .
Best Wisconsin Cream
Cheese, per lb
T lbs. of
I cans of Wax or Strlug
Beans for ,
Extra Fancy Bauauaa,
pr doi
25 c
Glen Ave. Grocery
236 West BrcjJway '
Teljphone 1C8 D
Democratic Ward Primaries.
The democrats win hold ward primaries
this evening to place tti nomination candi
dates for ward councilmen. The primaries
will be held at the following places:
First Ward MrRobe-t' office.
Second Ward City building.
Third Ward No. 1 hose house.
Fourth Ward County courthouse.
Fifth Ward County building. Fifth
avenue and Twelfth street.
Sixth Ward County building, coiner of
Avenue B and Twenty-fourth street.
Councilmen Younkerman in the First
ward, Makmey in the Second, Weaver In
the Fourth and McMlilen in the Fifth, it is
understood, will be renominated. There Is,
however, doubt as to whether Haley In the
Third or Crippen In the Sixth will sue
ceed in securing renomlnatlons. It wai
stated yesterday that the nomination in th
Third ward would likely go to Johu W.
Schott, a druggist on Main street. While it
Is stated that in the Sixth ward there is
much opposition to renominating Crippen,
(he name of the possible nominee in his
place has not been divulged.
F. W. Miller, who presided over the
democratic school convention, has Issued a
circular letter w hich is being mailed broad
cast to the voters of the school district,
urging their attendance at the election
next Monday and requesting their vote for
the nominees of the parHy.
Three Plgereat rartlea Kirk
Tea Tbaaaaad Hollars.
The city of Council Bluffs wss made i,
fendant yesterday in a II i.o-m dsrrspe suit
for the death of William F. S:einhuh,
whose dead body was found in Indian
crvek near the bridee on North Ninth
street at an early hour of the morning
of March last yesr. The suit Is brought
by the widow, Annie L.. Steinbaiigh. fS
administratrix of the estate of hrv de
censed husbsnd.
f-teinbaugh was found lying in iLe cre-it
with his fsce and shoulders Imbedded In
the thin Costing of Ice, while the rest of
his body was on the bank. Marks on
the btvnk showed where he had either
fallen or slipped while attempting to cllmo
down the bank. He lived t Mill and
Eighth streets, and investigation at the
time showed that sfter drawing his pay
Saturday afternoon he had spent a con
siderable part of that evening In a Broad
way saloon and the last seen of him ws
hen he started north on Ninth street to
go home, until his desd body was fouin
early the next morning by some news
paper carriers.
In her suit Mrs. Steinbaugh alleges that
her husband's death was due to the fallur"
on the part of the city to properly safe
guard the approsch to the bridge by
placing barrlcra at the sides. At the In
quest held by Coroner Treynor the Jury
brought in a verdict to the edect that
Steinbaugh's death was due to heart fail
ure induced by exposure. An autopsy
held on the body developed the fact that
rtelnbaugh suffered from an enlargement
of the heart.
In a suit brought yesterday by Estella
M. Dungan as administratrix, the Rock
Island Railroad company is asked to pay
llO.onii for the death of Archie Dungan,
ho is alleged to have died from Injuries
received February 12, I!, while working
at the company's round house In this city.
The accident, it Is asserted In the petition,
was due to the alleged defective fixtures
on the coal chute.
The Omaha Council Bluffs Street Rail
way company is made defendant in a lio.cw
personal Injury damage suit brought .iy
Bessie Umble, a minor. 15 years of age, by
William D. t'mble her next friend. Bessie
I'mble. while returning home the evening
of December 21 last, fell while alight
ing from a motor car at the corner of
Twenty-second street and Avenue A and
was seriously injured. She struck on her
head and was rendered unconscious for a
considerable time. it is alleged the car
was suddenly started while she was in he
act of alighting.
John E. Coffin lias brought suit for di
vorce from May Coffin, to whom he was
married in this city in September. 1!M.
He alleges his wife deserted him live
months later and went to live with a man
named Dave Etherton.
. A. James asks for a divorce from
Cora James, to whom he was married n
this city July 31. 1MX). He charges his
wife with misconduct and recites the fact
of her arrest by the police in a place of
questionable repute with another woman
and two men, for which she was fined In
police court. He asks for the custody of
their three minor children and that he
be decreed to have uu equitable Interest
In property valued at $1,30, which In April,
1804. he deeded to his wife.
G. H. Ferris has brought suit against
the Illinois Central Railroad company for
1600 damages for the flooding of his land
caused. It Is allegHl, by the embankment
of the railroad.
Mrs. Emma A. Mows has lilcd In the dis
trlet court an application for the appoint
ment of W. J. Burke, a banker of Missouri
Valley, as guardian for her mother, Mrs.
I'noeoe a. Morlan. whom she claims is
incapable of managing her business affairs
Mrs. Irme Knepher of this city has been
sued by Edsnn, Keith & Co. for $4,235 :is
sflrety for Cora E. Berger. a milliner, who
recently went through the bankruptcy
wiihout recutlng the nev esriry license from
the municipal autnorltles. Whiti taken Into
rusiody Mrtln w without sny visible
funds nnd Ms friends, if he hs anr. have
failed to come to his assistance, so it is
likely he will be comix lled to board out 1be i
fine at the city J.iil !
Still Another Big Lot of Choice
Up-to-Date Tailor-Made
Parent. Fail t ome for t.lrl.
Th- young wnnian from Balrd. la . who
escsped from a lionw of il'-fame in Omaha
w lii-re she had been placed by bei cousin.
C. L. Will ox of Minneapolis, with whom
she ran away from her home last Saturday,
was last evening placed in care of the
matron si the Associated Chsrities' creche
hy Chief of Police P.ichniond. According
to the teRgrnms rect ived Thursday by
Chiet of Police Rli hniond the g.rl's father
a as to come and take h r honns bvi he had
not i.ppvared up to last nipht. Ijte last
rilnlit Chief Kichmor.d telrRraphed to Min
neapolis, making further Inquiries as to
the dlsnosltlnn 01 the young woman.
Toung Wilcox, who says he is an actor,
s lK-ing fed on bread and water in the city
Jail pending an investigation of Ills case by
the county attorney.
court here.
Far !.
Private barn to be moved, located at &M
8. 8'xtli street.
Elegant lot on Glen Ave., up to grade.
Beautiful lot on Fifth Ave., near high
Lota In Babbitt Place, up to grade.
Ix, ti in Highland place, up to grade.
Soma new dwellings, modern, beautifully
Insure your house and furniture Willi me.
Tel. 1. Chas. T. Officer, 419 Broadway.
Colorado is considered the garden spot of
the west. Fruits and vegetables attain
nearer perfection than any other country,
owing to irrigation and mild climate. The
large canneries are not slow to grasp the
situation, knowing that vegetables not
only have the slie, but also the flavor.
The Empson Packing company has a large
plant locatrd at Ixuigniont. Colo. They
received the highest award on canned peas
at the St. Ixiuls fair. Thty have a brand
known as the Champion. They are large
peas, juicy and sweet. Bartel & Miller are
the agents for them, and to Introduce them
w will sell them for today only at four
cans for Jc. Tel. 3o
For a Quick Kale.
I will offer the five-roomed house and lot
-it 3Mu Avenue A for one week at $So0. New
oure; city water. Easy terms. No bat
er investment In Council Bluffs. Make 1
nne nome. Wallace Benjamin. Room 1
First National bank. I write fire Insur
ance. Office 'phone, 303; residence 'phone,
Black 1444.
For H-le.
Centrally located bakery, titst class order
and fixtures, cash traoe; X
Two-chair barber shop, good fixtures,
JS.OOO lOCSllOn. 1IU- l-Ul. iniftin.
me. Alva Smith, real estate, insurance,
changes. Rocm T Everett block.
1 x-
A new plum has been originated, known
as the Ixunnaro: pium, growing in micm-
gan. It has a very line flavor, and Is con
sidered extra fine. The Michigan Tacking
company Is packing them in 3-lb. cans in
rich dessert syrup. We have them on
sale todny. l"c. per can. Bartel & Miller.
Tel. R.S9.
Suits aid Jackets
Ladies sod Misses
Arrived at the:
Geo. A. Hoagland has Just received a car
load of the famous A ma ton Rubber roofln,
and will make you very attractive prices on
large or small quantities. Now is the time
to get your roofs in shape before the heavy
spring rains.
A new plumbing shop in toan. F. A.
Spencer, 158 West Broadway, is an expert
in I. is line and is always glad to figure
with you on any plumbing or contract
that ou may have. His work is up-to-date
and guaranteed.
"McAfee for good things to cat." Best
goods, best prices, fairest prices; prompt
and careful delivery; and if you want the
best bakery goods served on your table,
we bake them.
The finest selection 01 marble gravestones
In southwestern Iowa can be found at
Sheeley Lane's marble and granite
works, 217 East Broadway, Council Bluffs.
Many different designs and colors. The
work is done by experts who have had
years of training.
Do not use all your strength in carrying
your baby around, when comfortable fold
ing Go-Carts can be had at our special
sale for H75 and up. Keller & Farns-worth.
You have noticed special sales on Mrs.
Potts' irons advertised S9c and SSc per set.
Our regular price for the past twelve
months has been 75c per set. Remember
our price, 75c per set. Paddock-Handschy
Hardware company.
New Store Thursd'y
Many indetti arv tfie compliments received on the magnificent showing of our Suits,
Jackets. Skirts and our Keady-to-Vear Gnnnents in general. More potent yet these com
pliments are being backed up by the liberal patronage of those who make them.
None but pvrfect garments find lodgement in the New Store no matter how low the
price the garments are perfectly made. We have no room for "just as good" we must
have the acknowledged btst there is. the best finished, the best fitting, the best materials,
the best values, and what is more to the point WE HAVE THEM.
Xeat, Nobby Jackets for the Children, "sizes from 4 to V2, at $l.."i0, $1.S.. $2.'J." and up
a step at a time to $S.OO and $10.(K) each. Just as chic ami stylishly made as the ladies'
You must also sec the elegant line of Jackets for the young ladies of 14, 1( and IS
years of age. Made of the same lines of beauty as the ladies' garments. $.',00, $3.75,
$5.00 and on up a grade at a time to the choicest effects at $10.00 and $15.00 each.
In Ladies' Suits and Jackets It would take a whole newspaper to describe the many
styles we have. Come and see them. We can show them betterMhan we can describe their
beauty. And whether you wish to make a purchase or simply wish to see the garments we
UVe a pleasure in showing this magnificent assortment of Suits and Jackets. You wilt
find the assortment second to none and the values we know will please you.
To offer an extra pleasure to our patrons this coming Saturday we will have Covalt'n
well known orchestra render concerts both afternoon and evening. From "2 until. 5 in the
afternoon and from 7 to 10 o'clock in the evening.
"We extend to you and all your friends cordial invitation to come, listen to the music
and make yourself at home generally.
The price of olives has gone away up. but
we were fortunate enough to purchase g
large htock Just before the price raised,
which we will sell at liV and, up. They are
all the famous Don Carlos brand. J. Olson,
739-741 West Broadway.
Fine Colorado farm land, $i per acre.
Improved ranches, 111) to t0 per acre. One
Improved ranch, four miles from town, i
per acre. A big snap. Excursion Musch
20. Fare, iK:X. V. V. Ixhikcc. 124 South
Main street.
When you have anything to vn-, adver
tise It In the For Exchange Column of The
Bee Want Ad Tage.
Falling hair, dandruff and itching scalp
speedily cured. Call or write L. A. Graves,
105 Pearl street.
New pianos at Swanson Music company
from $1S6 and up on payments of tti down
and $5 per month. Reliable standard makes.
New location, -407 Broadway.
Everything of enduring quality must
have a deep, solid foundation. A large part
of the time of every successful business
man must lie spent in preparation. The
success of "Van Brunt vehicles" Is not the
result of luck or Hccldent, but the product
of hard and conscientious effort extending
over twenty-flvo years. Cull at my reposi
tory, li to 20 Fuuth street.
S. W. Williamson represents the four
leading sewing machine companies, vit. :
Standard, New Home, lxunestlc and White.
These are all strictly high-grade machines.
He also carries a line of cheap machines.
He rents and repairs all kinds of machines
and bicycles at 17 South Main street.
If you want a good stylish, strictly up-to-date
spring suit, let Htcka fit you out.
Ha can give you the best fit in town and
make you a price that will fit your pock
etbook 13 Pearl street.
9aaa Plaao Rargala.
Parties leaving the city. Lert on sale.
Original price Hu0. Will sell on easy pay
ments, 1S5. 8ee at the big piano house,
Schmoller & Mueller Piano company, U
Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
Jenaen Nicholson, tha great wallpaper
establishment, hava just received a large
shipment of dximeotic and Imported- wall
paper. Designs th'j latest and most beau,
iitul in the city. '
slight lajarr (aasea Deal.
J. D. Vorthmann. a well known farmer uf
Keg Creek townhlp, died at a Ute hour
Thursday night at the General hospital
from blood poiwuing. Several daya ago
Vorthmann recel' ed a flight cut from a
saw. The Injury was apparently of such a
minor chancier that Vorthmann paid no
attention lo It vntll svmptoms of blood
poisoning uppvared and hia condition be
came such that removal to the hospital sfaa
C. 0. D.
128 Wt Broadway
Krh lreaard Chickens ami
Our Itegular Itoaat llerl half.
Ri Pot Rcist over 5c ta Ee per lb.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. te.. J. Night 1.
Shorthand and bookkeeping positions are
easily secured if you are well qualified. We
do that. New classes this week. Western
iowa college.
Good bread cun t lie made except from
good ilour. . I'se "Big A" flour and your
bread will always lie good. Your grocer
sells It or should.
Will lie Mold Today.
Houw furniture of seven well furnished
rooms will be Mold, beginning at H:30 this
morning. Everything murked In plain
sacrifice lignreh. liii Fourth hi reel.
A. E. Hhmter
33-35 Pea,rl Street.
32-34 Main Street.
John Beno, Pres. W. A. Maurer, Sec. A. C. Hunter, Treas
Not a Yot Cast Against Metusure iu Upper
House of Legislature.
llonae Paaaea the ntll Taklast Circle
Off the Official llallut and Cross
Mnat Re Made f r F.acli
Man Yoteit For.
Spring Reminders Curtain stretchers and
slepladders. We've got the durable kind,
the kind that give good sntldfsctlon. and
we know our quilting frames will plrase
you. Ha for.
Paired Blcs.
Something new. candied puffed rice, tine
eating, manufacturi! by O. C. Brown at
the Turity Candy Kitchen, 646 W. Broadway.
Clifton-Walkrr Co. have recently closed
the Kale of u number of properties, which
reduces their li:t. They have u largo
number of other clients who wish to Invest.
Perhaps your property Is just what they
want. Better place It with them for quick
Wc now have an entire new spring stock
cirpets, rugs, oilcloth, linoleum, window
hades and lace curtains. Come In and In-
nect It. D. W. Keller, PC South Main St.
1. phone Red W4.
If you prefer quality to quantity and ab
solute satisfaction to yourself, get
Schmidt's photos. Always gusrantccd to
please. Phone Kn. Broadway.
SI. Patrick's Ua.
Saturday, March 17. ia Bt. Patrick' day.
W have the genuine shamrock, groan
from Imported seed. Wear a real shamrock
boutonnicre and take, a plant home and
watch It grow. Wilcox, Florist.
We never tail to give absolute satisfac
tion. Carpets cleaned by our sanitary
prccesa arc thoroughly cleaned. We take
them from ojr floor and relay them. You
have no trouble or annoyance. Call up Ml
and aea how cheap w do it. The Council
Bluffa Carpet Cleaning and Rug Manufac
turing Co., Si North Main atreet.
Treuiendona Sale
On Igniiu burners and eif-lighilng mantles.
Have you.trbd one? We have exclusive
sale. V. A. M lunr.
The Title Guaranty nA Trust company,
abstracters of titles. Books date bark to
1M6.1. Books a' a ell up to date. Work ac-
irately and promptly done at lowest
prices. Office orposite court house, 13i Pearl
street. Council Bluffs. Ia.
vt win nanuie d.ring l.eut.ri aeuson
full line of fresh, salt, smoked and cu
nsh of all kind at the usual low prlcea
Central Grocery and Meat market 'Phone
;i vu-au W. Broadway.
Palatial la Flasa.
George P. Martin, palmist and trance me
dium, whose alleged scheme to separate
John Gets from hia bank roll of (tUnw was
nipped In the V-d by the police, was fined
$-S and costs In police court yesterday
morning Martin was not fined for Ms
transactions with Gets, but on ths charge
of violating th city ordinance telatlve to
CMccpation tax. or, in other words, for
. MialaLra Arid for blaa..
FT. DODGE, la . March . (Special.)
Mistaking carbolic add for whisky, Elmer
ltc.tt. a laborer, drank two ounces of
the iU n hire today. He waa found un
convcloiis. but will probably recover.
Allrgva ll Bigaaslat.
CLEVELAND. March .-A warrant was
intied ioly at Noraalk. O., for the arrr.t
of Harry J. Keynolda of this city on tne
cnarge of blg:nii. RvynuMa u g-neial
auperlnterident for one of the pi,;t eitu
aua Iron ore concern on tae gieat lak.
It ts alleged that KeMioi.jn. i,o I,,,. ,ft
ami grown cMl.iren in IVs cliy. rotrrt,-,!
Mt.r le biii. Hi, cl 4l. .NuiMi'k.
(From a Staff Coi iesxindent.
DES MOINES. March . (Shh u1. Aft. r
but a tew mimitea discussion the senate
today amended the anti-pass law so as to
make section 4 except only the railroad
commissioners and their secretary when
traveling on official business, and then
passed the bill unanimously, with forty-six
votes in favor and none against. The bill,
as it goes to the house, prohibits the giving
of passes by any steam or Interurban rail
way to any city, county, district or state
official, including Judgea and member of
the general assembly, delegates to political
conventions, members of political commit
tees or candidates to city, county, district
or state office. Section 2 of the bill pro
hibits such person soliciting such passes
or transKrl:itlon at lea cost than is of
fered the general public. Section S excepts
liersons holding notorial commission, pub
lic offices that pay no salary or fees, of
ficer nr faculty members of the state edu
cational Institutions, member of the Slate
Hourd of Agriculture, members uf Natlouul
Guard unil city fire departments and per
kons uccompunylng live stock or perishable
freight. Bet t ion 4 except the railroad
commission and their secretary on official
business. Hectlon 8 provides for running
excursions. Section a provides that no one
shall be exempt from testifying and sec
lion 7 provide for punishment not exceed
ing six months In Jail or a fine of not ex
ceeding $.V(X.
Registration for Parses.
The Kcnat this afternoon panned th bill
requiring trained nurse to be registered.
The bill waa Introduced by Toung of Wash
ington at the request of some of the nurses
of the state and created u. board of exam
iners. This provision was eliminated In
the debate on the hill and the Stale Board
of Medical Exiiniim-ra was delegated to ex
uinlne the nurses and keep the registration.
I unfrrrnrr on Hrgrnls Hill.
A conference wa held tonight by the
meinliers of the siltx'oinniiltee of the sen
ate appropriations committee which has In
charge the hoard of regents hill and the
members of the leglalstiva commission
which Invest iguted the subject of a board
of regenta for atate educational Institu
tions with a view to perfecting the bill.
It Is believed there will be no objections
to the main provisions, but some chsnges J
In detail will be reported. The bill will lie ,
reported from committee next week. j
Circle Cora Oft Ballot. !
The house today passed by a vote of " j
to 9 the Keuate hill to take the circle off
the official ballot in Iowa, o that there !
will be no more ' strslght tickets" cast. Th
Is one which was demanded for many
ra as a democratic measure, out nnatiy
taken up by progressive republicans and
put through in the interest of Justice.
The house committee on constitutional
amendments reported out favorably the
Lewis resolution which had passed the aen- I
at looking to railing a national convention
in Iowa lo secure uniform action looking
to fleeting I'nlted States senator, by the
people. No change waa made in tee sc.
olution ard it was favored lo to a.
(.IHIllana Hrsalafloa Walla.
The house wa exctrd to tonsldei t'e
Glllllland resolution on the opening, but did
not do au. Mr. Lundt, d.inoii.t. culled it
up, but wa informed
Urt Wedneadav had
not be considered until the amendments
were In the Journal. Mr. Lundt protested
and wanted to know If th printer had got
stuck in printing the resolution, then de
clared that uch delay had not before oc
curred and It looked to him like con
spiracy to prevent consideration of the ivs
olutlon. "
Wants Directors Cat Off.
Senator Gillllland. nlio made audi a
strenuous fight to cut nut. of the antl-ass
bill the provision exempting employe of
railroads, which would have allowed many
legislators and delegates to conventions to
still ride on passes, said today that the bill
should have cut out the exemption to di
rectors of the department of agriculture.
They are already paid a cent a mile by
the slate for their traveling expenses, in
addition to II a day while employed. Sen
ator Brooks is understood to have had an
amendment to that effect, but the previous
question was moved and voted before he
had time to Introduce It. It may be that
the house sill make the amendment.
Honae Opposes ,ag Term.
The house came today to consideration of
a series of bill intended to make changes
In the code necessary because of the adop
tion of the biennial term Idea. The first
of these waa a bill to change the time
of making out officlul report and this
was passed, and a bill to change the fiscal
term no a to correspond with the time
of meeting of the legislature wa adopted.
Then came a bill fixing the terms of office
of state officers. These, according to the
bill, urc to remain a at present save in
the rase of railroad commissioners. The
proposal was lo extend their term lo
twice the present length und make them
six years each. As oon us the house
reached It this clause waa stricken out.
In the same bill wa a proviso for giving
six-year term to township trustees, and
Ihl was stricken out before the lll was
passed. Both of these questions urn left
to be dealt with In s'.ieclal bills. A bill
to fix terms for county officers wa made
a sp'-clal order for next Tuesday morning.
Railroad Reananalhle.
The supreme coutt today in a rase from
Webster county held that Ih Rock Island
mil road and not the Almighty win respon
sible for twi package of shoe lust In
the Kansas Cliy flood of lfW! The Greene-
Wheeler Shoe company of Fort Dodge
brought the action to recover for th loss
of the shoes. In the lower court the rll
mnd won on the claim that th Almighty
nml not the road was responsible for the
flood and consequent loss of th shoes.
This Is reversed by the supreme court.
Pasa gchool Year Rill.
A bill to make the school year commence
July I wss passed; also a bill to provide
for sale of property In collection of th
mulct tax.
A senate resolution ptovldlng for print
ing the rules of the general assembly Was
read and in view of the fart that the
term Is neerly ended this waa laid on the
A 1)111 was introduced to apportion the
stale Into representative districts, giving
each county a representative.
The military committee presented a re
vised hill, In regard to the atate mllltla
Hnmane secretary What At.
Mrs. Elisabeth D. Jones, secretary of
the Iowa Humane society, as shot at
twice a she was making her way home
last night at T o'clock. She left the office
late and lives In th edge of town; near
Valley Junction. She was crossing
field to her home when ah wa hot at
twice, and on turning saw a man run
towards Valley Junction. She waa too
frightened to leave her home afterward
to call I'sln to search for th man. It Is
believed the act wa with murderou In
tent because of her fight against the baby
farms of the city und some other In-
Carroll for Congreaa.
A delegation from the Sixth congres
sional district desiring the defeat of Con
gressman I-Acey wa in th city yesterday
und today seeking to Induce Btate Auditor
B. F. Carroll to enter the race aa candi
date. Mr. Carroll I a resident of Devi
county. He refused to give any answer
and would not discuss the matter today.
It is believed that Mr. Carroll gland a
strong chance of being governor and ac
cording to custom has another term of twj
yen I a as auditor which he will probably
get without o:oosltkHi.
Be Want Ads Are Business Booster.
o a i
ired b'"
'Phono 24 G00-G02 Droadway
Strictly Fresh Eggs, per dozen
'J cans '20c
Apricot". . .
20c. can
Apple ButhT,
per jar
Santa Clara
Prune, per
Butter, per
Navel Oranges,
13 Urn Leaf I flf
Lard I.UU
Breakfast Bacon, 111,
per lh II2C
Picnic Hani", CM A
ler lb ..U2C
Sirloin Bteak, itn
per lb IUC
Hound Steak, in
per lb IUC
Pork Chops, lll
per lb IUC
Oy titers, per OHf
quart uulr
i Try Our Central Flour
1, U'liioiim. culled it , . . . ,
1 that the urn-i t. 1 Lverv gack warranted, per sack..
not vet Wen i.nntejA . . . . .. ...
f.Mucii., his profeastou if a talhils:, etc.
I 1 uriuuj sciur.
and il l.ad been agteed the ni "!j'i -n , , i. i t