Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, MARCH- 10, 1906. 13 s 41 V XL GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Bulli Tail to Hold Up Under Exirtiu Conditions. NEWS DISASTROUS TO WHEAT AND CORN Vnth Orrali font Lowrr-lorrmnt Flgaree Satarday to Ibaw Lire Rttrrrti la Firam', Heads Oati Weak. OMAHA, March , 1!KV. Extremely weak foreign rabies caused filing In wheat at th opening. . All new Was bearish. Argentina shipments wer) large and advices from India favorable as to the crop. Larue receipts, no demand, poor flour trad-, poor export thquiry tins minis up the domeetlc situation. '1 he press tire was too much and the market de clined steadily to me below yesterday for May and c below for July. Corn was weak througnout the session, closing more than 1c lower for May. Many holders weteltiluced to lei go by the con tinued decline In wheat, and this, with good weather, which Indicates a larger move ment, caused the break. There was no Im provement In the export demand. The fact that government tlgures tomorrow sre ex pected to show large teserves contributed to the weakness. Oats opened weak and declined further, loelng c for the day. The movement Is si IH light and the domestic demand good. Clearances were FAoi bushels wheat. W, VI bbls. flour, 452.01 bushels corn and 11'. Ofl bushels oats. Primary wheat receipts were 4M.O0O bushels and shipments of 177. .IrO bushels, against receipts last year of ut bushel and shipments of 273.000 bush els. C orn receipts were 372,000 bushels and shipments oOn.rajn bushels, against receipts last year of . ia0 bushels and shipments of M.nc0 boshels. Liverpool closed 8d lower on wheat and H'&Hd higher on com. (.ate In the session New Tork reportsd thirty loads corn for export, July ship ment. Stocks of wheat at Minneapolis Increased 900.000 bushels for the week. Argentina wheat shipments were 4.892.000 bushels, and corn shipments 2Ui.uuo nusneis Kansas City wired: "Corn Is firm and higher today. Receipts are only about one fourth what they were last year. The pro. posed cut In freight r8 probably will clean up the greater part of our corn stocks In a short time." Joe Jackson of Wrenn Co. Is not so bearish as he was before wheat broke be low 8f He says: "The liquidation by the holders of Mav wheat has been vry se vere. The result has been that It has put the Chicago mark"t to alut the cheapest 1n the country, and while the situation itself does not show any more strength than It hss the price Is a great deal more In line with It than It was all through the winter. At that time the situation was weak and the market strong." The local range of options: eases Included, lie; firsts. lJo; prime firsts, 14c; extras, 154c. Cheese, steady; lltfl3c. XRW TORK MEIER At, MARKET Varlows Articles. I Open. High. Low. I Close. Wheat- I I May 78A 73AJ 7TAI 71 4A Corn I May 378.A f!A 36W37 37A July T,A S7"4AI 37V.! 37-.A Oats I May. 28V4jA HA 28,B A asked. B bid. Omaha ,'aah Salea. OATS No. S white, 1H cars, 2V; no grade, 4 car, 25V,c. Omaha. Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 70ff72cj No. t hard, t"D'i'c; No. 4 hard, stnxc; iso. i spring 71U'73r; No. I spring, ttiSWic. CORN No. 3, Me; No. 4, 84He; No. J yellow. 8Cc: No. 3 white. 37ffl37'Ac. OATS No. 3 mixed, 2c: No. 3 white, 28, vunc; no. t wmie, K'tjisvic. ItVK No. i, 53c; No. 3, 62c. Carlot ' Hecelpts. Wheat. Corn. Oat 140 13 Chicago Kansas City.. .Minneapolis .. Omaha Duluth ....... St. Louis 1 . 27 .3ti6 82 27 63 43 Qaotatlaaa af the Par a Commodities. NEW TORK. March 8-FLOUR Receipts, I0.M2 bbls.-. exports. 10 in bbls. Market, dull and lower to sell; Minnesota patents. 84.28 4i4 60: Minnesota bakers'. t3 4"o3 7n; winter patents, t39rfT4.2; winter straights, t3.r'e li; winter extras, t2.7f53 2S; winter low grades, $2 fitf(J $. Rye flour, dull: fair to good, $.1 ni: Hn; choice to fsncy, t8H?4 25 CORN MEAL Bteady; fine white and yel- ow. II. l: coarse. ll.ft3al.0S: kiln-dried. ll.swsi.te. BARLEY Thill: feertlnsr. 40Vc. c. 1. I. EulTalo: malting, 4fXifc c. I. f. Buffalo. w H EAT Receipts, 6O.0W nu. ; exports, 338 bu.r spot market. wAk; No. 2 red, S3tc elevator and 6Mc f. o. b. afloat: No. northern. Lm uth. SRc f. o. b. afloat. Bear news predominated In wheat today causing renewed liquidation and a violent decline to new low levels. Owing to weak cables, good westher, liberal receipts. In creasing northwestern stocks and favorable Modern Miller report. Argentina statis tics were very bearish and export demand light. The market closed Nfc7" net lower. May. S3 3-16'(iH3dO. closed at -jc; J"iy, kl'o soHo, closed st 83'iic; September, 82V1 8J74,c, closed nt 82c. CORN Receipts, Wi.l&O nu.; exports, io.ivo hu.; Spot market, easv; No. 2, b"c elevator snd 47c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow. 47c; No. 2 while. 48NC The option market was fairlv active and much weaker, yielding to heavy unloading and the break in wheat. Last prices showed S'rt'c net loss. Mav. 4X14-. closed at 4l,c; July, closed at 4Mc; September, closed at 4!:NiO. OA To Receipts, R4.6"0 tm.: spot iram-i, easy; mixed oata. to 32 ins.. W'V-.. tiatural white. 30 to 33 lbs.. 8ff36c; clipped white, 3S to 40 lbs., SKivaH"-. HAT Steady; shipping. 45iiSc; "oa to choice, stynSoC. FEED Steady; spring bran, 818. io. inarcn shipment: middling. Il.75. March shipment. HOI S Kaev : state, common m mw". 1116, llMe; 1004, llc; olds, 6ffic; Facinc HIDF.B Steady; uaiveston. ai in to n., 25c; California, 21 and 24 lbs., 21c; Texas dry, 24 and 30 lbs., 19c. PROVISIONS Beef steady: family. 111.50 ffl3.00; mess. tOon-ft 10.00; beef hams, 120.000 21 mi, n.rk.1. xm.MKfi 11. w: cuy rsu. muiie mess, lift Cut meats steady ; pickled bellies, W."tf9.&0; pickled shoulders, iT.UKrs 7.50; pickled hnms, tl0.2fi 10.50. Iard. easy; western prime. I7.SB; continent, IS.20; S. A., iRU- vmnrund. K.n04il.37i. Pork, steady; family, 117. VW 17.50; short clear, ld.0m!17.&0; ... A. . I a if, hi TALLOW Steady; city, 5c; country, 5 El. RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to, extra, 34 c; Japan nominal. ucttwh irrevulnr: western factory, common to firsts, lafllt'-c; western Imita tion creamery, extras, 20c; western firsts. 17c. CHEESE Firm; unchanged. v rcn-O ITif-mer western firsts. 18-. western seconds, 14(B14Vic; southerns. WS POCLTRT Dressed, western chlrkens, 10 13c; turkey's, 14(0 ZOc; 10 wis, itpcoiac. St. Loala Geaeral Market. 8T. LOUIS, March . W2IEAT Lower; Mn -red caah. elevator. WaSSc: track tohiWPik: May, 744'&i,4c; July. 7J-,c; No. 3 hard. 7t.'5S2c. , . u CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 3Hc; track liln, u, lili.' .Tnlv 411.C. OATI.wer: No. 2 cash, SOc; track. 30V831e: May, 2Hc; July, Wc; No, FLOUR Weak : red winter patents. I4.15gi 4.i6: extra fancy and straight, U.71XQ4.0U; clear, rr.7nia.oo. SEED Timothy, steady; I2.60i92.80. cnnvucilAIMilv. 12.20. ttn an Rteadv: sacked, east track, 84 HAT-Steady; timothy, 8.0(ifl3.5O; prairie lis.mwjy.60. IRON COTTON TIES--$1.02, RAOtllNH v4o. trip TWINE 8Kb. cn'nviainKD Pork, lower: lobbing 115.25. Lard, lower; prime steamed, 17.40. nrv ualt meats, steooy; noxen extra wuiib, tiini- rioir rlh. l&.til'A: short clears, S.i5 ' . . . . V.AM.a til OSi Kitcon. steaav noxea nu .i... wtvm tu tihnrf clears. 19.50. POULTRY Dull; cnicsens, i'"iiv7i .nrinir. i2Up: turkeys, lfcc OUCKS, IX NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Speculation Takes on Considerable Decree of Animation. CHICAGO GRA1X AND FftOVISIO.NS Keatarea ( the Trad I a a; mad Closlaa; Prices oa Board of Trad. CHICAGO, March . Wheat prices here today scored a new low record market for the crop, the May delivery at one time sell ing at 7te per bu. Favorable weather in the southwest and bearish foreign advices ' were responsible for the weakness. At the close the May option showed a net loss of lc. Corn was down Walc Oata were off HS-p. Provisions were 2fff-ii lower. The opening In tbe wheat market was ex tremely weak and Initial quotations showed sharp losses, the May option being down S'J-c to lmlHc at 7bV8iiT,c For a tune there waa general selling and about the only buying was In the nature of covering by shorts. News of the day was favorable lo the bears. Weather in the American southwest waa again highly favorable for the fall-sown crop and Liverpool cables were lower. These were the principal In fluences that weakened the market. There were several slight rallies during the day. rut each upturn Increased selling by local bears and prices quickly eased oft again. The market, however, became much stead ier In the last hour of trading. For May the lowest point of the day was reached at 7tic. The close was steady with May at 7HVa7me. The July option ranged between 76o and TTc, and closed with a net loss of VSlo at 77o. Clearances of wheat and flour were equa! to bu. Exports for the week, as shown by Bradstreet's, were equal to 1564.000 bu. Primary recelptg were 4M,0 bu., against 408.000 bu. a year ago. uinnunnlli. Duluth and Chicago reported , receipts of 43i cars, against 3u3 cars laat week and 236 cart a year ago. . Despite small local receipts and firm ca hlea the corn market was weak. The slump In wheat and a decline of to lc In the price of cash corn affected the mar ket In about equal degrees. The greatest ukn.M of the dav waa shown during the latter part of the session, when prominent ' local bears aold freely. Offerings were .taken chleflv by shorts and cash houses. The market closed weak, with prices at the tnwe.t noint of the day. May opened tttt 'He lower at 43U4SSC. sold at 4.VS4H and then gradually declined to 4iHo. Final uotatlons were at iZZ2c. Local r oelnts were 140 cara. with J of contraot 'gTade. Tradina in oats was iiuiet and the mar ket weakened In sympathy with other grains. A feature of trading was the chang ing of the May option for the July dellv .rv Tiwar nricea for cash oats had a d pressing effect. May opened vc to Hfe'vC lower at 3oaV. declined to 29 He and closed at the lowest point. Local receipts ; Provisions were quiet and the market wag steady during the first hour, but broke later an profit-taking In pork. A closing decline Of 5fH0o' In the price of live hogs and decreased shipments of meat and lard weakened prices. At the close May pork waa off i2Kf 'at 315. 67H. ' Lard was down ."Viiftc at l7.751i7.77Vj. Bibs were off 647Vc at 3S.20. The leading futures ranged as follow! utsM UVf I f 1T - - ' l.V A. ...a. O.Wi V. fiolrV "'a?!i . The receipts and rhlpments of flour and errain were: Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu... Oats, tu... Kansas City Grain and Provisions KANSAS CITT. March .-WHEAT-Un .i -a intr.r' Mav. 71c: Julv. 8rc Sentember. fc. Cash: No, 2 hard, 74-W r -. . ... A o; ino. s, iiiuiov, 'CORN Unchanged to lower; May. 3V Julv. XKc. Cash: No. 3 mlxeo. wajsc v ..hit. Sy'rrSSUc: No. 3. 3itii:iOC. oath Hteaflv: no. I wniie, ihimi nl1 &IC - ' - - V. . . i . i . i. en tu liA i oteaay ; cnoice umw) m, u," choice prairie, sx was. is, pvk Hreanv. bcanvc. EGGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas new No. 2, whltewood cases included, lac; case count. 11c: cases returned, m per aos BUTTER Bteaay; creamery, iik, iai lng, 12HC. Artlclei.l Open.) IXIgh.l Low. Close. Tes'y Wheat I I May !7H4iSI July Sept. 7 May 1 July . Sent. Julv Sept. Cfrn May Sept. po-k- Mav Julv Lard Mav July Sept. 1" May July 7'i-7v,l 77(8.71 7T. 77, TlH'SH ;41'4S 434iH! 4S,fS' 4.1V.I U 44 I 44 ! I80fi30' 'SojJiiV t ios: a".1 2S'i! .'.,! 1 15 7o I 13 71 16 72H' 1 '5 I T8i I 10 a I I 27"' 7Mi 77Vij 42i'44HeH! 4aS 2 4'J'S7 43V 41H.44W I I 2m 3tHfi H 28' fcV 2! ... iTSI 15 57H 15 80 13 S7W 16 57V,; 15 7iH T SO I T !!'! 3 On TV I 3 30 I T 71 J 87U e. T,, t 30 I 3 TTTV, T I7VJ T 7Vi I 30 I 35 T 80 7 82H. 3 rrvt s m No. S. fh nuetations were as follows: F1.0UR Dull, negleclevl; winter patents 33 v04 winter straights. 33.4083 TO; spring patents. 33 spring straighta ti4 1th- bakers. U.lonx.UO. . WHEAT No. 3 sprlna- 74Vr67c; No. 3, 7T7c- Kn 1 red. tj i7o. foRN-Nn, i. ivfl41c: No. I yellow. 41c OATS-No. 2. JB.,c; No. I white, 31ST33C No. 3 ahite. LVn31o. RVK-No. 3 iiWc. BAHLKY Good feeding. 7tilTV4c; fair to clio'ce malt nil. 414i4oc. SEEDS No. 1 flax. 11.07; No. 1 northwest em r i Clover contract arade. 111.75 PROVISION'S Mea purk, per bbl.. Ill 45 ' 15 50. Lard, per V Ihs., 87 ft. Short ribs aides (loo'.f i 3 iai.15. short nba sides ilixed, tf 4r,8.K'. , The receipts and shipments Of flour and r-n -: rmoinents riour. bhhi 1.7 37 s.'lirat. 1U inn M t 'oin. bu. i:.4n i7a (. hu u: wa 130 t. bu s ( H tn iUrlej. bu 38.7S 11.300 tta the Produce exchange today the but lr niavket was stvi4v: cretaneriee, 1 is. usines, layac. tr, easy; at mark Receipts. ShlDments, .... 8.O0O 8.000 ... 27,0110 43,000 48.000 67.000 ....93.000 7,UO0 Wheat, bushels. Corn, bushels... Oats, bushel Recelnts. Shipments, .. 22.000 23,000 .. 29.000 .. 11.000 8,000 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 8 FLOUR lower for oa tents: first patents 14 00414.10: second patents, 13.803.90; fllrst clears. 33.609 1: second clears, 12.402.55. BKAN tn duik, IU.WUU H. fBniuHnr onotatlons for Minneapolis de The ranee of prices, as rurnisned by F. D. Day & Co., 110-111 Board of Trade building, was: Artlolea.l Opn.! Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes'y, Wheat I May... July... Sept... July... T6Sflt 1 13 1 15H' 75H 75 75S 7H 77, 77V, 77V4 7V 77 76V, 76 77V, 1 14, 1 12 1 14, 1 12S 1 l1, 1 lftV, 1 11', 1 14 reserve, shows: Available cash balance, flut.K7.K; gold coin and bullion, 76.117,f24; gold certificates. .M.7.310. . UPWARD MOVEMENT AVERAGES ONE POINT Re-entraace of Professional Onerators Attracts Largta Oatslde Follow leg lose Is Active and Firm. NEW YORK. March B Bi,ecnlulln In the stock mstket took on a considerable egree l animation today, the volume of filings exnaildlns hitbIm in over a million hares. There were manv strlklne mm.. mepts, but the majority of these were In no class or specialties and In stocks which ave neitred In the operations of pools and nder the Influence of rumors and tnvHter. I in the past deallnrs. An unward mov- n-ent of moderate proportions, however, was fairly comprehensive, and exceptions to advances of as much as a point might he more conveniently enumerated than the total list of gains. iierdays vurorous advances and the comparative freed from selling pressure s inose aavances occurred evidently had a convincing; effect on speculative sentiment. no. large professional operations made heir appearance In todav's market. The Identity of operators In some of the most active stocks demonstrated the re.eiitrv Into the market of many SDeculatlve cools. which carried previous movements to a consummation, and were supposed to have disposed of the heavy lines then accumu lated. The concentrated source of much of the buying In highly speculative quar ters would be accepted commonly as evi dence of a rather unsubstantial character in tne operation. But tn the changed mood of the speculative sentiment today It was suspected that the execution of orders through other hands might be designed to conceal more Important operations. This suspicion, although It was purely within ine reaim or surmise, was an Innoortant In fluence, including an outside following for the movement. There was a marked re vival of rumors which have lain dormant as active factors In the market during the reactionary period. The so-called lead merger protect was hroiight forward again Into attention. There were renewed slluslons to the sun- posed Important developments In prospect In the affairs of the Amalgamated Copper company and In the copper lndustrv. A st-nlv of the distribution of the "dav's larsrest denllnrs and of Its widest sd VAPceH will reveal how lnra-e a nnrt Influences of this character nlaved In the day's op erations. The upward rush of five points In Atchison late vesterdav Was a In lire feature In the revival of speculative confi dence, but the backwardnesa of that stock today, under renllzing. had no restraining effect on the advance elsewhere. Yester day's rumors of a decision to Increase the dividend rate were without confirmation, but the fact that nn Issue of over 317.000 000 of convertible bonds Is being offered In the maricet was commented upon ss a srround for advantage from the activity In the stock. Pennsylvania and United States Steel stocks were inclined to be heavy, as those companies are reported to be con templating aririltlonnl band Issues. The Continued decline of foreign exchange kept tip the talk of possible engagements of gold tor import, out no announcements were made. The placing of MOirtOoo of govern ment deposits with the hanks has reduced their week's loss to the sub-treasury to IcW.ono, but the exprexs movement to the Interior apparently has been agilnst New York for the week, so that a cash Increase of only tl.tmo.oou Is Indicated. The week's early liquidation In the stock market Is expected to show a large loan contraction in tomorrow's bank statement. Profit taking made some Impression on the dav's extreme gains, but the market rallied araln and closed active and firm. Bonds were firm. Total sales, nar value. 32 7:16.000. United States 2s and the old 4s advanced V4 per cent on call. Quotations on the New York Stock it. chance wore as follows - Balm. Hlih. Loir. Clnte. Sew York Money Market. NEW YORK. March . MONEY On call, stesdy at IStiS per cent; ruling rate. 44 per cent; closing bid. 3H per rent: offered at 44j per cent. Time loans, easier; slx'y and nirety dsvs, 5V, per cent; six months, 5V64 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE rAPER-W54 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak. with actual business In bankers' bills st 4tCI.V 4.85J0 for demand and st I1.8-"n4 .it for sixty-day bills: posted rates. l .KM I.K4 and 34 ;ij4 1; commercial bills, 4.M,. SILVER Bar, 63 V; Mexican dollars, tsv. 1JNDB Government, strong; railroad, firm. Ci sing quotations on bona, today were ss follows: 1M'iJ,pn . M perle,..!""1 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Not Enough Cattle on Sale to Create Much Interest, HOGS OPEN HIGHER, BUT CLOSE LOWER l S. ref m. I 4a coupon D. 8 a, rt. 4 o reu poa . . . do ol4 4, rei do coupon . . . f . 8. new 4, do roupon Am. Tobacco 4, do W Atrhlion sen. 4,... do ,11 4, Atlantic C. h. 4... Btl. Ohio 4,.... do m, Brk. R. T. r. 4,... Central of Os. it.. do lt Inc do 2d Inc do 8d In'- Then. Y Ohio 4S. Very Man Ran of heep and Iambs, with Sothloa; Choice In lght All Kinds Command teady Prleea. SOUTH OMAHA. March 8, 19". Receipts were: Catiie.lioas 8ueep. . Iin-V do 4, rtta ,13 do 4t n" " O .ni do Id werles K"- .ins It. A N. unl. 4, 1OT .104 Mm. c. I 4 n .130 Mn. Central 4, U .HO ito 1M Inc J44 . 7t Mlnn. St. L. 4,.. M1 .114!M.. K. T. 4a im" .iuV do U . 4 N. R, R. of M. c. 4a. KS'a . t-i N. T. C. I. 'i'4) .IIUVN. J C. s. Sa 12H . IIS So rarinc 4a H1 . S do U n't .114 N. A W. c. 4, Wt't . HVO. S. L. rfilg 4a .', , Ml IPenn. conr. ,1Ss 1"! . Mi Reading sen. 4, I'O' lnHjlHt. b. A I. M. r. ia..UH Cittlcial Mondav.. titlicial luesitay... Official Wednesday. Otllcial Thursdav... Official Friday Kive days this week. X.ftllt 6S. 4iw3 1.476 i.tii 11.0411 10. ,) 9iU ,0b8 a.,vi 3.7W) .18.278 41.2-! .0S7 Chirr.,, A. ,1'4a... aO',Sit. U S. V. If. 4a. M C, B. ft Q. n. 4i....l'W11!st. L. . W. c. 4a... I4 C, R. 1. ft P. 4a.... -yseabnard A. L. 4a.... do rol. aa ) So. Parln.- 4 1 tVC. ft St. L. II 4a. .104 I do lt 4a rtfa t Colo. Ind. (a. rr. A. 7V So. Rallsar r.a 1IH 7lj Ti,a ft P. la 12i T.. St. h. W. 4a.. ii. I'ninn Parinc 4, V i 14, do tonv. 4a.... f.iV V. B. S. 2d aa... WahMh 1, Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No, hard. 7bc: No. 1 northern. 744c; to ar rive, 74V; No. f northern, 72V; to arrive, 7ZV No. 3 northern. 7iv&72c; No. 1 durum, 70c; No. 3 durum, tec. Corn: No I vellow. 3V: No. 3. 8o;. Oats: No. white, 27V; No. j, rt.ivt?v. nariey: 3Wf 4tc. Rye: 64644,c. Flax: Cash, 11.114, May, ll.UVs. Liverpool Grain and afro-visions, LIVERPOOL. March 8 WHEAT Spo nominal; futures, dull; March, bs 6d; May Os 4d; July. d. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, new, 4s Vd; American mixed, old, 4m 7Sd; futures, steady; March. 4s Id; May, 4s 2d. HOPS In London (Pacific coast), quiet, 2 10v3 10a. Mllwaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. March . WHEAT Lower; No. 1 northern, 78iff7c; No. 3 north ern. 74SjT7c; May, 76Vy?76So asked. RTr-Dull; No. 1, lJ6Cc. BARLEY Steady; No. 1, 84 a 55c; sample. rvtiMo. CORN-Lower; No. 3. SWitHOc; May, 434c asked. Dnlnth Grain Market. DULUTH, March l.-WHEAT-To arrive: No. 1 northern. 74V: No. 3 northern. 72 e. On track: No. 1 northern. 74V; No. 3 northern. T-'-e; May. 75Tc; July. 77V,c; September, 77V. OATS To arrive, on track and May, 28V- Philadelphia Prod ace Market. PHILADELPHIA. March . BUTTER Weak: extra western creamery, 2c. EGGS Firm and In good demand; nearby frerh and western fresh, l&c at mark. CHEESE Unchanged.; New York full creams, UV0UV,o. Peoria Grain Market. FEORIA. March . CORN Firm ; No. t yellow. 3!,c; No. 8, lirV; No. 4. 3SV,o; no grade. 3t(iSic. OATS Unchanged; No. 3 white. V; No. I white. "c; No 4 white, 2u. WHISKY-On the basis of 11.38. Adam, Exnreaa , Amalgamated Copper .... American C. ft r Aoiar. t. ft V.. ei-dlT... AmaHcAn Cotton Oil Amarlran Cotton Oil pfd Am,rtcan Ksprea, Ain,rlrn H. ft L. prd... American Ire. aeourltle,. American Llnamd Oil.... American Cotton OH pfd. American Locomotive .... Amer. Locomotlv, ptd... Amrlcan 8. A R Amorlcau 8. A R. pfd.., American 8us,r Ratlnlng A mar. Tobacco ptd ctta. . Anaconda Mining Co Aii-hleon Atchlaon pfd Aiiantlc coaat Lln, Baltlraor, ft Ohio llaltlmor, ft Ohio pfd Ulookly, Rapid Tranalt Canadian Pacific Cnlral of New Jeraey Cheaapeak, ft Ohio Chicago ft Alton Chicago ft Alton pfd Chicago Great Waatern Chicago ft N'orthkeatern.... I , M. ft St. P., u-dtr.... Chicago T. ft T Chicago T. ft T. pfd ('.. C, C. ft St. Lou la Colorado Fuel ft Iron Colorado ft ttoulharn Colorado ft Bo. lat pfd Colorado ft So. Id pfd Conaoltdated Oaa t. Corn Product, '. Corn Product, pfd Palawan ft Hudron DaUwar-a. 1,. ft W lanvar A Hlo Grande Itonrer ft Rio Grand, pfd.. P-latlllar,' necuntna ....... Krl, Krl, lat pfd En, 2d pfd Ij,n,ral Electric Hocking Vailer Illlnala Cantral IntHrnsllonal Paper International Paper aid..... lntrn,tionl Pump Int,rn,tion,l Pump pfd low, C,nlrl low. Central prd Kanaa, C'ltr Southern Hnea, Cltx So. pfd Loulavlll, ft Naahvlllc Manhattan L Mrtropolitan Securltle, .... Metropolitan Street Ry Meait-an Cntral Minneapoll, ft St. Lmil,... M , St. P. A a. s. M M . St. P. ft t. 8. M. pfd.. MUuourt PtclBc Mleuiurt, Kanaa, ft Tev,,., Mlaaourl., K. ft T. pfd Nation, I Lead National R. R. of M. pfd.. New Tork Cantral Sew York. O. ft W Korfolk ft Weatern Norfolk A Weetaia pfd North Amarlcao ra. inc Mill I ,nnaylv,nt, Peopl,', Uaa P., C, C. A HI. Loula PraaMd Steal Car Preued Steal Car pfd Pullman Palace Car Reeding Reading lat pfd Reading Sd pfd Republic Steal heeubllo steel pfd Rock laland Co Rock laland Co. pfd St. L. ft t. r. 2d pfd et. Leui, Southwestern ot. Loula Southwttetern pfd bouthera Paclfto , Saul hern Pec Be pfd Aoutiiera Railway Southern Railway pfd Tenn,xae Coal A Iron TriM ft Pac'lDc , Tolrda. t. L. ft W Toledo, tit. L. ft W. pfd.. I'niwn Paclh Luton Pactnc pfd I'niled Stauui Exprea, , I nilad Hlalea Realty , lulttd tiiatea Huhber V. a. Rubber pfd I niwd 6tetea Steel tulted SlalM Steel pfd.... V-- arelm, Chemical . ... Va -r.rolio. Cheat, pfd... Wabeah Wabaah pfd Wall, Far,, Eapreaa Wanguoua, tlectne .... wai,ra Inlon Wheeling ft Lai,, Erie.... V la. Main Cutrml Miaieiiala Cenrial pfd Northern Pacift, Central Laathar Central Leather pfd Sloe-Shemeld Steel Total ea lea fur the day, ,175.nO . T.700 . 1.M0 (00 l.POO 10d 4!"4 1014 84 47 IKI'4 41"- lie '4 3SV, 4a 14,100 711. n M.nno un r,oo lm U.tno 141 1S6H lis 140 1M A . 1744, 1,5 4t.HO T, SOS 1034, too 1S too tins et.7oi 1.400 (.nm 100 1.1 H 171H SJ4 t.fflft JH WO Jill 18,000 177 8.14, 103 V, 151 110 to4 Iti M'i 1H, '80 12.-, I, 841 107 V, 42 4, UKJS4 n M 125 Wt, 4H US 45 m 70i 11, lfi7Vt 121 Vt 141 104H 174 10J 1(1 V, 1UH 171 812V, 57 TO 7S 1 t!4 4a. do eerie, B. Coloraito Mid. Colo, ft So. 4, Cuba Sa D. ft R. O. 4a nietlllera' Sec. 5a.. Erie p. I. 4a do gen. 4, Hocking Val. 44e., Japan , unered. ..lni! do deb. R. . . ." We,tern Md. ..luvw. E ..l'ioiWla Central lo4i. Ill 1 Va a , . Mi Unilon (.losing Stocks. LONDON. March 9. Closing quotations on he Stock exchange were: Conaol,, money .. to 8-1 N. T. Central. do account P 13-16 Norfolk ft v. lV do pfd . V7 Ontario ft W .1m4 Pt nnnvlvanla .lit Rand Mine, 1T4L, Reading .... 6V lo let pfd 21'l do Id pfd ....1H Southern Railway .... l1,! do pfd .... 46- Southern Pacific .. .... "H I'nlon PacHc .... 4ll do pfd .... 7!l". 8. Steel 70 do pfd ,...17et, Wabaeh ..lhl do prd .. 3S',fc-anirh 4a Angcond, Atcbleon do pfd Baltimore ft Ohio. Canadian Pacific . Chee. ft Ohio Chicago Ot. W r.. m. St. P. neBeera Denver ft R. G do pfd Erie do lat pfd do Jd pfd Illinnla Central ... Louiarlll, ft N,ah: M., K. ft T Kx-divldr-nd. BIIA'EK Har, weak, 29 5-16d per ounce. MONEY 3Va4 per cent. The rate oi ultttoimt in the open market for short bills is 3V,':iH per cent; for thrcxi months bills, 3 i-ltyaVk per cent. .11 . 9f", . 4 . 5!T . 71 . a-w . MLi . -I?', . 51 . 4IS .103', . SK-H .7t . . 4iH . 24 . SIVi omaha wholesale: market. 240- 11c; 31.7S of 1,700 40.00 131) 40U 400 8,400 00 7J 100 6S 84 IS', II f.4 fagar aasl Molassea. NEW ORLEANS, March .-BlTJAR Firm: open kettle centrifugal, ' 8-lnc; Centrifugal wiatea 3tl4c; yellows, Uv 81 lc; seconds. &tl3 1-ltk:. MOLABHKd Open kettle, 17tjauc; n trlfugal, lii'too. BYhUP-Nomlnal. 6J0c. Forelga Flaaaclal. BERLIN. March .Prleea oa the Bourse were firm today on the favorable outluaefe for a aettlarneat ef Uta Merex-osm contre- 11 a aa4t Blosla. balance, 313; run, bt hj ; average, 81, (i bbla; runs. Lama, l.li0 bbls ; average. St; bbU. 87 m u 72 Gl list, in M J06 'eiii U 51 42 S 77', 4l 1MI, 11 1 214. SS 11 2 144 V, 'titi Hi 14t i 7 Ml, Ut, 71 "4 T7 an 1.20A 147V Ut . ,p . ni, mi II 10UL, m 135 871, 10 541( 1.400 200 18. 0041 le.7ll0 1.20V 1,100 4 400 IKK) 100 joo lie) i.ono ,00 201) 45 T, It, 444 7H 70 l,ai 1141, 170 114i $ 11 'isii 3 4.400 144 'iiioo "7ii 1.700 IK 4,f n too IM 8.200 00 2S.' 1 8, &'0 li 100 31. oo l.too 4i 3.4'a 30Q 171 iwti it 71H 82 -4 1744 177 11 10 74 r. M 72 4,4 17 4 M14 44K 4.-,i S74 4 4JH 7114 (14 14 li4 1614 14 i4 11 ' 11 114 314 894 !, 147 4 ln4 72 lis 1414 1S1 1J W4i Jti, 71 t: 1944 1474 17 H4 Hi 4 41 IBIS MS m bi a 4 ltt.sot i2t m 100 l.tut) 'AW 10. mo KK) o l.tlW Pit n,7oo 4lNl lt.luu 4M 1110 1.5U0 ion HW 111 HO t1 "ioi 3.IW1 1. ltal 71 4w :t. 400 1.10 . L400 itaj tm mo lira , l.iue . 30.000 , 4. ra ti it 1U414 374 44 14 4 i7 744 114 40H lot HU 14 8,4 i4 1M4 8414 '" 44 114 414 1C4, 414 'tlti 81 iieii 4 2u4 M4, 8tl 4S w ltw 3 70S II u, 1.M.100 dura,. M 3014 1"4 17 M14 44 14 iS 4S 117 04 luul, 141 14 4 -4V If 24 S54 " sis 1124 4114 lie) 4 MS fl4' 80C 14 H4 M E 8114 41 10 100 424 lsal, M4 80 t:il jn 87 !U4 hi I'S 4,4 24 i7 7 UTS 404 1S 141 144 !4 44 l.r."S 84 II, 4 US )1 41S l-H'4 an'. 1144 :.tS 211 IKU M4 JO H 8214 4J4 l'. 04 New York Mlalaar Btoeka, Nfc.1A YORK. March 8 -Closing quotations vii nulling nucai were A44SU Ceo 31 AIU, le nreec, kmnawlrk Coa .. crsyto.-k Tunl Coa. Cel. ft V,.. Hera Silver Iroa 8U?er Uad'iile Cm ... ILtttl, Cblet .. OnUrle H.hir lhoenix Petoei iHaeag, Iblerra Nerae, Smell Haves .. 'Ilu4ar4 t'4 tut . 8 . U . t . 11 . M Bask Clearteaa. OMAHA. March 3 -Bant cUaHn(s for tooay r rim oiM and rr the cor, reovara aWto laat asr, llMtU.ta. Condition of Trade and Quotations on Staple and laser Produce. EGGS Receipts liberal; fresh stock, case count, 13c. LIVE POULTRY -Hens. 9c; old roost ers, 6c; turkeys, 15c; ducks, 11c; young roosters, 7nSc; aeese, 8c. DRKH3KL) PoirL'l HV-Turkevs. lStill'c: old to nm. 164ilc: chickens, lirullc; old roosters. 7c: ducks. liiiUc; sees. 10c. BLTTEK-I'uckIiik stock. 13c; choice to fancy dairy, lsulilc: creamery. 211i-mc. HAY Prices quoted by Oniuha reed corn' pany: mo. 1 upland, xii.oo; meaium, coarse. 34.5OI&6 00. Rye straw, 36.50. BRAN Per ton, 316.60. TROPICAL FRUITS. DATES Per box of 30 1-lb. nkes.. 32.00: Hallowe'en, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c; Bay ers, per lb., 4c; walnut sturrea, 1-1 d. puns.. .J( per doz. ; 8-lb. boxes, 81.0U. ORANGES California, extra fancy Red land navels, all sizes, 33.60; fancy navels,; cnoice, all sixes, LEMONS Limoniers, extra fancy, size, 33.50; 300 to 360 sizes, 34.00. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton, 86c: Imported Smyrna, three-crown, six-crown, 13c. BANANAS-Per medium sized bunch, 61 a; Jumbos, 82.60ru3.00. TANGERINES California, per box about 126. 83.00. GRAPE FRUIT Florida, per box, I7.OO0 1.50; Cullfornla, per box, M.WKt.bO. FRUITS. PEARS Winter Nellls and Mount Vernon, 82.60. APPLES California Newton. Piooins and Baldwins, 32.00 per bu. box; Ben Davis, 31.75 per bu. box; Wlnesaps, 3.6o per bu. box; other varieties, 32.CO(a2.60 per bu.; New York apples. Baldwins and RushoIs. 36.00 tier bbl GRAPES Imported Malaea". 5.50a4i.OO. OLD VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home b row n, per bu., totf boc; Bouth Dakota, per bu., i5c. ONIONS Home grown, yellow and red, per bu.. 86c; bpanluli, per ciate, 12. ou; Colo rado, red and yeliow, per bj., 31u0. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. 32.00. LIMA BEANS Per lb., afce. CABBAGE Calitornla, ic per lb.; 'Wis consul. In crates, ner lb . 2c. CARROTS, PARtiNlPS AND TURNIP8- Ptr bu.. 06c. t'ELERi California, 11 per dox. SWEET. POTATOES Kansas, tier 2-bU. Dt'lS., J2.UU. Na7W VEUKTAllLKa. TOMATOEb Florida, pur crate of 30 lbs. net. 30. WAX BEANSt Per hamper of about 30 lbs. nt, ie. STRING BEANS Per hamper of about to ins. lit) I, el.wUI.W. EGU PLAN 1 r lorlda, per dox., 31.Z601.6O. GREEN PEPPERS of auout lu doz.. 14.0O. TL KNll'S. ii EE i D A.M) CARROTS Louisiana, uer doz. bunches, 16c. SHALLOT! 8 Louisiana, per doi buncucs. lac. HEAD LETTUCE Iuisiana. per bbl.. JU.imio.OO, per doz. heaus, l.i2.w. LEAF LETT CCE Hothouse, per doz. heaus. 60c. CtftlMBEKS-Hotnouse, per aoz., 31.1S. RADlbHES UutnouM, per doz. bunolius. Hxab. JalUOHKUUMB nninoilHe. per ID, WHB1C1C. BEEF CUTS. No. 1 ribs, iou; Nu. 1 round, 7M-c; No. 2 ribs. -lHo; No. 3 round, ic; No. ribs, 8c; no. a rouna. nc; .-no. j luin. Use; No. 1 loin, Uc; No. loin, loci No. 1 plate, 4c; No. 3 plate, 4c; No. 3 piate, 3c; No. 1 cnuck, ec; Ny. 3 chuck, 4c; No. 8 chuck, 4c. MlBI.I.l.Uint.UI.1!. CIDER Pr ke, eo.76; per bbl., $4. 75. HoNu.i' New, pr 'H lbs., 33.60 . ruk.kHK hwwi. new. itnj: Wisconsin brick, luc; Wisconsin Uniberger, 15c; twins, lie; Young- Americas, 154jC. N L. 1 ainute, -o. 1 auii aneiis, new crop, per 10., idvjc, iiuiu incus, per 10., 1,V40. recana, iai,c, rcr iu., ik; small, per lb., 12c. peanuts, per lb., rtc; roasted, per lb., sc. Chill walnuts, per to.. I2uv,c. Almonds, soft siieils, per to., 17c; hard shells, per lb., luc. Cuuoanula, 84.25 per sack of 100. FRESH FISH Trout, 11c: halibut, 10c; pickerel, dressed, 7c; while bass, He; sun IibIi, buc; perch, skinneu and dresssd, be; pike, loc; retlsnapper, 11c; salmon, 11c; crappies, ecm, lbc; black bass, 32c; wliiirliah, lie; frog Ugs, per dos., 66c; lobsters, green, eVie; boiled lobsters, 8ic; bluehsh, Vjc: herring, 4c; buavnlsn mackerel, Iwc; hadduek, lvc, shrimp, per gallon; smelts, 12c; cod, Uc, oYSTERS-Fresh standard, 3140 per gaL; shell oysters, 31.t'V2.w per It; Little Neck ciama, 31 60 pel 1IM. SCGAR-Gianulated cane. Jn bbls., 3o.0i: tranulaiod cane. In sacs,, eo-Uj; grauuiaiod eel. in eacka, 34.8L HlKcP In buirels, 24c per gal.; cases, ( 10-lb. cans, 41.00; cases, 11 6-lb. cans, 12.80; easi-s, 24 2V'o. cans, tl 90. COFFEE Roasted: Nu. 36, 2DVo per lb.; No. ), 2iui2 per lb.; No. 25, lso per lb.; No. 20, 15V: Pr lb. ; No. 21, 12Vc per lb. v-uil H (wholesale) Best In nil grade Ne braska, per cwt., 32; best high grade patent Mlnnettoia, per rut, straigiu patent Nebraska, per cwt., 32; second patent Ne- hreakil. 31. SO. CURED FISH Family whltefUh. per H bbl., I'M lbs., 84-50; Norway mackerel, per bbl., 2uu lbs., bloaters, 34u; No. 1, 3; No. 2. IX; No. 3, 320; Irish No. 3. 317. Herring, In .bis., 2u lbs. eacn, Norway, 4k, 313; Nor way, 8k, 313; llouanj, mixed, fit au. Hol land herring, in kegs, milkers, 6uc; kegs, mixed. 7oc. BROOMS No. 1 carpet, 13.26; No. 3 car. net. 32.4u: No. 3 plain. 33. 36. CANNED OOODS Corn, standard west ern, bmiuoc; Maine, 312a. Tomatoes, 8-lb. cans, 31.2i(1.5u; 2-lb., WfCfiU. Pineapples, gruied, x.Uji.w, ancea. ljlu; gallon apples, fancy, 32.50. (California apri cot,. 814ui)2.o0: lx-aia, HTh'uiM, practies, fancy, 1.i63.8u; H. C. Reaches, 32yio2.5u. Alaska salmon, red, 31 1; pink, Sc; Chinook. F.. 32.10; fancy aockeye, F 81-tK.. sardines. W-oll. 82.50; 4u-mu, tarda. 32.51M I lu. Sweet sotatues, i.iaai ffl. sauerkraut, t; pumpHliis, xil; wax brans, 2-lb., 'tan Sue ; l.!m-(Maas, l-io., ie-evoi.: spinam, l.a42u; caway peas, 2-10., Suc exua, 7j0 suu; fancy. 81 a-) 1.75. HlDEei. PtO-TS AND TALLOW No. 1 green hides, IW; No. 3. 84c, No. 1 salted, U4e. No. i. It'tfi buil hades fcttVc; dry bldea, 1 MC- Horse niaea, large, 12 60 small. 32 W. Sheep rtelts, each, bocett 24, Tallow, No. 1. 4c; No. 2, 3o; rough. l',,c Same days last week 23.K77 64.6 3J.4M Same days 2 weeks ngo.2iJ.4H7 62,126 3t.67 Same days 3 weeks ago. 19.3,9 2J.2..4 2.ln2 Same days 4 weeks ago.l!.llo 44. 159 Same days last year 18.437 46.662 36.821 The following shows the receipts of cat tle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 19u. 1306. Inc. lH-c. Cattle IH7.6N4 1wl.3S0 37, 'JM Hogs 620.7W 4fc9.iW4 61.4.T. .... Sheep 2JAT Smi.AIS 8,978 THURSDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following shows the number of csrs of .Mockers and feeders shinned to the country yesterday and their points of des tination: BlilPDers. A. May bom, Ellis, Neb.-R. I John E. Beck, Klrkman, la. G. W F. Hutzman. Nehawka, Neb. M. F W. A. Johnson. 8earboro. Ia. N. W J. W. Donahue, Stanton, la Q John Baker, Red Oak, la. Q J. M. Brltton, Corning, la. V B. B. Ingwersen, Danbury, la. N. v... D. C. Blckett, Grlswold. Ia. R. I A. J. Stephen, New Market, Ia. Q H. Bostwlck, Woodbine, la N. W William Gurttsch, West Bide. Ia. N. W. A. H. Rosebaum, Ponco, Neb. M. & O. R. A. Price. McClellsnd, In O. W E. Herold. West 8 !e. Ia. F. E SHEEP. D. J .Mocbener, Fremont, Neb. F. K Olbhs A C. Bloomfleld. Neb. M. & O... P. V Peterson, Newell, la. 1. C A. D. Brltton; Botna. Ia. O. W G. K. Young, Nehawka, Neb. M. P H. 8. Davis, Boone, Ia. M. O P. A. Cade McGill. Ia. O. W R. L. Bralnard. Dunlap, Ia. I. C 8. C. Fletcher, Rockville. Neb U. P.... R. J. Appleby, Stanton, Neb.-F. E RANGE OF TRICES. Cattle. Hops. Omaha ..l2.Hfii.2S W.flo'at'.2.- Chicago l.t;.3S 8.7Ot;o.40 Kansas City z.afrin.i" fl.w"rr.z. St. Louis 3 6..W16.W1 Sioux City a.WKW.flii 6.0tVa.2O CATTLE QUOTATIONS. The following will show the price paid for the different kinds of cattlo on the South Omaha marke'.; Good to choice corn-fed steers. ...$.V0tgu. 60 Fair to choice corn-fed steers .mi'uo.ihj Common to fair corn-fed steers.... 4.ofi(i4.G0 Good to choice cows and heifers.... i.tofqi.'M Fair to good cows and heifers l.tiiV-i.tM Canners and cutters 2.1"M.0 Good to choice stockers and feeders 4.0tl)4.60 Fair to good stockers and feeders. . e.4"34.i Common to fair Blockers 2.7S'g3.40 Buiis. stags, etc i.sya.w Good veal calves .U0tf6.5t The following table shows the average price ot hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with compailsons: Cars. 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 t 2 1 1 1 1 D. 3 1 1 1 GAe Bucna Vista Ore Buying, Smelling (Si Power Co. OFFERS 200,000 SHARES AT 15 CENTS EACH FOR SALE. FULLY PAID, NON-ASSESSABLE. This romrtny ojvtii njttat patents outright to product an unlimited heat capable to treat any lew grade ore. With gas made from S5 per cent of air heated up to tOO degrees farenhelt and 1 per cent of dis tilled oil, called the wast from oil refineries. Not the raw. crude oil should be considered. This Is not an experi ment, but a cold, proven, practical fact of many years practical experi ment by the Inventor and practical engineer, Charles A. Kuentel. We have started to build our plant at Huena Vista. Colo., upon a complex of land of 120 acres. We will positively smelt ore aa low as $2.00 with large profit, the torn ot one ton will not be over 45 centa to smelt. ' The metal will be refined at our own plant. We will start with one 35 ton smelter, which will be a sapaclty of 210 tons per day. We do not Intend to flood a large amount ot stock for the simple reason, a soon as our first plant Is In operation we will have all mine owners with us and get many times the price for our shares as we offer them now. There Is no doubt that our shares will get up to the price of the Bell telephone sharwn, which were sold nineteen years ago at the same price as we offer ours now. Do not consider this a stock Jobbing schema-: It Is a perfectly legiti mate and practical business proposition. This offer Is only good op t March 20. 1906. Mine owners, or those Interested In mining, can obtain controling Interest with the Inventor by means of a small Investment, and become directors tn the affairs ot the company April 30th, 1906, the next elec tloa. Address, GAff BUENA VISTA ORE BUYING, SMELTING POWER CO. BUENA VISTA. COLORADO. CIURLES t. KltNZll, Pres. CIMRIES A B. SCHMRIt, StC 58WSSHEH! half of the receipts changed hands It sud denly dropped, liuyers all of a sudden came to the conclusion that they did not want the boas as. badly as they thought, so that all of the advance of the morning was lost. The bulk cf the hogs sold at fii.lotifrt.lfi. as against fi'i.OTH'ife.lo yesterday. The top today 36.20 was 6c higher than an thing brought yesterday. The market, aa might be Inferred from the above, was something of a disappoint ment. At the opening everything seemed to favor higher prices, but later on when It became known that Chicago, In addition to the 21,000 fresh receipts, had 14.000 car ried over from yesterday, the whole situa tion chanaed. the drop In prices noted above following Immediately. Local re ceipts were so small that this market ordi narily not have been affected, but Chicago, opening higher and then closing off on ac count of the number of hogs on sale, made buyers here very cautious, and hence the tiulckncss with which they lowered their bids when the truth was once known. Representative sales: Pate. I IMi. 1UU6.I1VU4.1U3.103. 11801. 118-J0. Feb. 16. Feb. 28. Fto. 21. Feb. 2. Men. 1 Mch. Mch. Mch. Mch. Mch. Mch. M'-h. Mch. 4 74 6 W tt U4V4 I 7 WV 8 06 4 fcO 6 H 4 I2i 11 4 76 4 81 6 21V, 8 321 6 S2 5 tC-1 6 38 I 4t) e3 8 k 6 34 4 86 4 i 4 io 4 DM & 32i 6 btii 6 Ml a 27 8 2i 8 tl 6 86 It to: o 13 :-l 4 86 n liy li 681 8 21 4 8l 4 Wi t 12 7 03 t 4 he 4 70 e ot. I u. 6 071 7 U 7 041 6 24: 6 VMi 4 M)' S 13: lu; - 8... ' 4 SSI 5 20 6 I, 5 M 4 72 ... I 4 8s 6 li) 7 lu 8 lu, 6 14 4 71 -81 t 0. b 15' 4 74 4 'HI 4 71 2 1 4 6 17 5.1 3 10 24 .. 1 11 . 8 7 27 11 5 2 11.. 1 3 2 1 61 88 12 2 WAimVOTON, March .-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the sen era! fund, exclusive ef the tl&O.tAiO.vuu auld Sunday. The o(T:clal number of cats of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hoifs. Hhe'p. H'r's. C, M. A St. P Missouri 1'aclilc V'nlon Pacific system C. & N. V., east C. & N. W., west C, 6t. P., M. ci O.... C, B. & Q . east C B. & Q., west C, K. 1. oi P., east... Illinois Central Chicago O. W Total receipts The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, eax-h buyer puicliasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Cudajiy, from 8t. Paul. Carey Liobman & Co McCreitry Hill & 8on Mike Haggerty J. B. Root & Co Other buyers Tnlala 1.600 5.!) CAT ! I.K It looked a good deal like lott nx) 1.14K 602 l.nti'J Hi 4il l,o!'3 ib-i l.VvH H.O 210 1 3rt tf 8 8 8 1U .... Iti 6 No. sr. SB Pr. Nc At. Sb. Vr. 57 40 10 7: Ml ... 8 18 7r 12 ... 4 10 M 214 ... 4 li 82 4 80 4 in 70 12, 120 4 15 47 214 ... 4 10 74 IS! ... 4 18 ... f 10 271 SS 16 79 240 0 f 10 71 J04 ... 4 IS :t: ... 4 to ;i2 ... :i 3 2f ... 4 10 44 211 ... 4 1ft 6t 1M ... (10 M 24 ... 4 US 22 80 4 Id ,!) JU ... 4 ITS 7 m ... 4 10 ,1 If.S ... IT Vk 4 3" 40 4 10 i3 ... 4 17 'i 70 2" 40 4 10 41 214 ... 4 17, M ... 10 4. ...... 253 ... 17i, 74 201 ... f 10 J4 J6 ... t 1TV, 7 220 120 4 10 f.9. .228 ... 4 17V, 7S 221 ... 4 10 (7 Wfi ... 17V8 72 10 40 8 10 S 2M ... 4 30 1 11 ... 4 10 li 22 90 4 20 11 2flS ... 4 124 71' 224 40 4 20 ' 1 fl ... 4 12 24 246 ... 8 20 7 217 ... 4 12 4 3M ... 4 20 70 13 40 4 12 SHEW There is not verv much to be said regarding the sheep trade today. The whole story might be summed upJn a very few words there were only a few here, and as buyers all seemed to need a few loads the offerings changed hands early In the morning at steady prices. There was not a single load of choice sheep or lambs In the yards, so that sales do not show up especlully well on paper, some pretty de cent western lambs sold up to 6.60, with ewes ns high as $.i.2!. There were no wethers or yearlings In the yards, at least, none, of any consequence. Quotations: Good to choice native lambs, 8rt.4o'(i.tiO; good to choice western lambs, r..3"'; fair to good lambs, ii.0HiH.3O; cull lambs, Dt.EkHU5.E0; Rood to choice light year lings, $.VBr'?!o.90: good to choice heuvy year lings, t-iSuo .90: fair to good heavy year lings. e5.4tKiifi.iiO; good to choice wethers, to jCoo SO; loir to good wethers, e5-26t).i; good to choice ewes. 4.7.Vfj5.40: fair to good ewes, I4.25u4.75; cull sheep and bucks, 83.00 M.oo. Representative sales: Nrt. 61 Mexican ewes 447 Mexican ewes 2J Mexican yearlings 10 Western cull ewes lambs THE UPDIKE GRAIN CO. BEE BLD3., OMAHA. TELKPHONC DOUGLAS 1473. MEMBERS OP CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE MINNEAPOLIS CHAMBER of COMMERCE ST. LOUIS MERCHANTS EXCHANGE KANSAS CITY BOARD of TRADE MILWAUKEE BOARD of TRADE OMAHA GRAIN EXCHANGE. CAREFUL ATTENTION given orders In train ar provision for future delivery Inabeve markets F. D. Day & Co. Oeaiera la Stocks. Grain. Provision Mhi Your terala ta Is. Braaek OCMee, 110-111 Board of Trad HI da-.. Omaha. Neb. Telepaoae a4, 113-814 Exchange Bldg , Bouth Omaha. BeU 'Phone Sit Independent 'Phone 1 25 Western i Western SCj Western 2 Western 2i Western 67 Western lambs. 1S8 Western lambs 448 Western 124 Western I Western ewes e es lambs... wethers. lambs lumbs lambs Av. ... W ... 83 ... 81 80 . 70 RS 13 85 M 70 71 80 80 80 Pr 3.75 4.65 1.75 4 01) 5 00 5 25 5 25 E 60 5 76 25 6 40 6 50 6 60 60 2,879 hoi- lorlda, per hamper lday In the cattle market this morning, the sixty -one cara reported in being almost lost In the varas. buu, um ijt,-ij,. ... little smaller than one week ago. The auality of the offerings was only fair mere neuig i.-uinii.iuij - reallv desirable killers. With so few cattle In sight It was not surprising that, the market was lacking in interesting features. Such cattle as puck ers wanted sold In about the same notches as yesterday, although sellers who hap pened to have something that did not seem to tit buyers' orders thought that they were bid, if anything, lower tnan yester day. , , , , Only about niiern maus wi w heifers were on sale, which wus not enough to create much enthusiasm among buyers. Such cattle as there wore sold at about yesterday's prices. Sellers as a rule thought the market steady. There were no freah stockers or feeders, at least none of any consequence, snd the market was wnnoui noicwin-my i-imnge. There was a very fair trade yesterday in stockers and feeders and nuite a start was made toward cleaning up the surplus of light stock cattle, which had been accu mulating In the yards this week. As noted yesterday, the prices on stork cattle are all of 50c lower than last week. Representative aaieB: BEEF BTEERB. IHICAbO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle, Sheep and Lambs Steady Hose Kive Oata lllaher. CHICAGO. March s.CATT Market steady; receipts R.oiiil head; prime steers. U HT. .tti.41: cows. 83.fcitr4.uo'; bulls. $2.4tKtH..Vi; calves. $:i.tti7.75. HCXSS-Kecelpts, 21 .000 head; market V higher; choice to prime heavy. eH.Jc'fio.K; medium to good heavy, jVi.-SWi.!; butcher weight. fi.25iS7tt.35: good to choice, 86.25d.T; packing. 8o..t 'i36. P1IEKP AND I.AMBSi-Recelpts. 7,.a) head: market steady; yearlings, 8o 5it5. k) ; hmbs, ,6.257.00. of Sgn0 points under European selling, local liquidations and weak European cables. There were rumors that a prominent Brs sillan firm hmi prepared an estimate of the coming crop at 13,000,000 bags. This was not confirmed, but evidently Influ enced the market, the close was steady at a net loss of leV&ao points. Bales werq reported of 69.OU0 bags, including March. o.SOc; April, .8)c; May, .8oc; July, 7.10c; (September, 7.2Uq1.Xc; December, 7.55c ami February, 7 66u7.7tc. Spot Klo, eifady; No. 7 Invoice, 80. Wool Market. BOSTON; March D.-WOOU-The Boston Commercial Hullctin will say tomorrow of the wool market: There Is not the activity of a week ago, principally on account of the limited stocks and the fact that th large consumers are well stocked for the time being, fine staple territory Is worth around 7.1 cents antt is scarce. Half blood Is In n like position. For fine clothing th prices range from 60c to 7oc and up to 2c in some instances. Half bloods bring U-QM c; three-eighths blood, :"64c and quar ter bloods laVitWo. Scoured territories r4 being taken In a smaller way than pre viously at fttitllc for fine and 2ti3c for medium. The fleece activity la principally In three-eighths, half blood and fine un washed. The first of Ohio stock sells at 24c, while tho same grade of Michigan only brings 33V4c Texas and California, wools are in limited supply and are mov ing slowly at prices of a week ago. The shipments of wool from Boston to dst from Decemlier 27, I!", according to tho same authority, are 4H,109,3S5 lbs., against 4S.949.074 lbs. at the same period last year. The receipts are 46,876.60 lbs., against 4fi. 277 547 lbs. for the same period last your. 8T. I-OriS. March . WOOI- Market, steady; medium grade, combing anil clothing. St'Jlk-; light tine, 21jj26c; heavy line, 1Kj20c; tub Washed, 82840c. Boston Mocks aad Boada. BOSTON, March -Call loans, 437 per cent; time loans. tVfttl per cent. Official quotations on stocks snd bonds were: Kb. 24... 1... 20... 17... 10... 1... 10... Id... 8... 2... ii... ... 81... .-.. A. 141 to1 , Ehhi ft 4 tO 4 ii 4 If, .... 4 4 .. . .lwST 4 20 ....lOoO 4 SO .... 4 4v .... lit 4 40 .... 141 4 ....107, 4 ho .... mi 10,1 lull M4 4 (0 4 l 4 tt) 4 til M, At. Pr. 4 mi 4 ;r H, 1474 4 80 : 1201 4 10 l" 1144 4 U 3 100 4 fl 17 1241 4 0 4 167T 4 0 11 1IM 4 M It 1200 4 t 4 1215 i OS 14 1244 t . 1221 I 00 17 124 8 10 ..1110 8 14 . .110 I 10 .1210 . 420 . t46 . til .1120 i 14 8 20 8 25 I l'i 4 8 11 1 1 8 cow a u 2 tf'.'.'.'.'.'.'. ST '.'.'.'.'.'.'. 11."!'." HEIfTtHS. tT 3 la t eU IK 14 Ik it' 4 2,0 8 IS 8 ;to 8 2i 1 M 114 4 BULJ-JJ. ISO 3 25 ..into I n .. tit I SO I 15 . .125.0 I U . . in a 1 v. . . K-iO 1 li . ,l- 8 to . UM I te ..10M 8 to 1.... ... r, 8 n ...1410 1 li ...lilt 8 S" ...11,0 8 Se ...Hju I at ...111,0 I i I 4u . ..1.SI0 I 40 ...141 8 40 CALVES. ... 114 8 8 8 .... IW IS 4 ... S IS I .... lit 8 tv 8 ... 1W 8 2 I ... IUS 8 88 I IS llv 1 ...1K4 c ...123 8 48 ...1244 1 0 ...1100 J to ...12,2 i t) ...1142 I 10 ...12kft 4 00 .. .12) 4 00 ...1117 4 00 ... 841 4 00 ...lio 4 00 ...1234 4 OS ...12"1 4 06 . ,.1'k.J 4 03 ...Vj4 4 II ...1,44 4 15 ,...1470 4 II .... 81 IN .... fiT I ti ...1017 2 to ... Tl 4 W . . . IM I On ...1110 4 ti .... ttO II ,...i4t I r, ....140 I 71 ..1U0 I eu ....Itao I U . ... tto 4 tto 4 00 . . . . tM 4 te 115 4 28 111 4 U 114 8 (4 M tn . 10 IS 4 8 !( I tu Toledo reed Market. TOIJLDO, March . SE CTtV-Clo ver, cash and March. 8 fc; April. 8 12; October, 8.1s. Tlmotky. 81 v. Alsike. H STOCKERS AND KEEDERd. !2 1 tO 8 9411 to , too $ 00 8 Vi 8 : t4t I 1 1 10 8 ti I m K'l I It 44 I e, x 4d 4 88 l 8 a b-Ob1t aUiut half the usual 1 day s ran of begs were reported In tbe yards this morning, tne total arrival, Deing nsnty-seveu cars. 111, msrset ei-nra hlahsr than yssterday. but b tbe tin 4 St. Louis Live StocV Market. ST. IX)I'1S. March . CATTt.E-Receipts 6) head; no Texans; market natives strong: Texans steady; native shipping and export steers. 84.2f.''(i.00; dressed beef and butcher steers, 84.104n5.36; steers under l.onri lbs., tS.OOfM.ZS; stockers and feeders. 1 2. Star 4.50: cows and heifers, t- JO'S 4 90; canners, 1.75B2.oO; bulls, t2.4ix-fl4.25; calves, tl W 7.50; Texas and Indian steers, S3.90((t4.7O; cows and heifers. $. fi4 14 HI H18 Receipts, 5,(10 head: market strong; pigs and lights, t..50tftS.3U; packers, STyeSO; b-.itchers and best heavy, Iti. IM 35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. l.nnO head: native muttons, 84 fr6.60; lambs. t".(i; culls and bucks, t3.OmiiS.75; stock ers, t.;.OU&3.b. Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, Ho., March 9 CATTLK Receipts. 1.100 head; murket strong: choice export and dressed beef steers, 8 35 initio: fair to sood. t4.25rn6 25: western fed steers, t3.5fi6..V); stockers snd feeders, 83.K) 64.80; southern steers, t3.5oa5.u0; southern cows. $25i4.; native cows, t'-' fi4 ; native h-lf-"-,. 83. WUS.0; bulls. tU.tJ44.15; calves 3 indil (. HOfig Receipts. 6214) bend; murket MiHk! hlghcr; ton 8H:i; bulk of sV. s loy 5; heavy, t3t-': oacKers. fiibyvjn; pigs and liirhts, 80 5tYa 10. SHEEP AND LAMBH Receipts, Z . heart: mnrket slow, steady: nitlve lambs. 86 8sii.76; western lambs, to bim 75: eweej and yexrilns-s. 4.Tlnrr so; western tea vei lings, 8r .5K-fii.n; western fed nhet), t4.SI( 6.85; stockers and feeders. tl.25i4.. Ht. Joseph l ive Stork Market. BT. JOSKPH. Mo.. March 9 CATTLE Tteceltita. r!t bead: market steadv; natives, 84 l'fi uo; cows and btifers, tl .S6U4 Oi: hulls nnrt stess, tl "tit ; stockers and feeders, t3 4Vft4 58. HO18 Recelnts. 5.i4 hend: market strong to nc higher: llw-r. t 2o; me dH'ni "rt heavv. 86 llf 8 ?7'. BK15KP PecetfX". 1.0S5 head, market Steady; lambs, 86 70. Slonz lllr live Stork Market. BIOl'X OT. March Hpecll Tel. rsm.CATTI.K Receipts. t) hesrt; mar ket steadv; beeves t4 ifi6 o; cows, bulls end ml-eed. 8ttfi4 60: stockers ad feeders, l;tiin,4 -; reives and verllnss. H ikj4 HOT18 Receipts. it head; mnrket strong and 5u hi)ee aelUlig nt tC.lMi ; bulk of sales. SUOMJieU). Stork la Stabf. Receipts of live stock st the six principal western markets yesterrtev: ('H'tle. Hoes, tih'-en P uth 0"iahs ioux tl'v .. Kapsns Crty , tt Joelih ... . lirts Chicago TVals Afhlaos ,4 do 4a Mrx. Central 4a.. Ati-hiaon 4o ptd Brotoa AV Allianr Boaton eV Main,.. Bnslns Elereted . Mexican Tentiftl . N. V.. N. H. Tnlen Talftr Amer. Arse, t'hem. Amer. Pueu. Tub. Amer 8ugmr rto pfd , Amer. T. I: T Amer. Woolen .... U pfd Ilnmlrlon 1. aV S SMl.on Kler. lllu. Uaaa. KleiHrle do pfd Maaa. Oaa ... frilled Krillt t'nlted Shoe Mah.. Uu pfd 1. 8. Steel do pfd Weal Ins- ronitnun . Ailventur, Alloue, Bid. 44VAinal,nited .l(i, America Zinc , . to Atlantic . 4L Bingham .11-3', CI. A Herts... .2M, l entennlal ....liiViiCopper Hangs . ...AH .Hair .... 24Va!Inmlnlon Coal H..20A Franklin IMS Dranhr .. 21 lal, Koral, .... .. 14 Maee. Mining .. ..140T, Mlrh.g,n . 13)H, Mobllk . .ian, Mout. c. a C . . tsi, Old Dominion . . .1.,' Oeeeela .. 1 Parrot HTt Qulnrr lananaon 47', iTamarnck Trlnltr .101-, t nlled Topper . . tit, I S. Mining... . il 'I' S. Oil . 4i, I 1 ah .11 .iVIcti rl, . 7a IWInona . V, VYolverln, . U I .le .. 10 ,. - .. 40i Su .. 24-a ,. 7 , .. 14lj ,. 7, .. .. US .. : .. t-t .. 11 .. s .. IV, .. 4i .. 44 .. .. to .. W ..107 .. li-, .. el, .. aa', .. 1!', ' i . . 7 .. 7 ..1U .1.4:5 8a 2.710 . fru till l.pai 4i . 7K 4 l.iflS . Vai a I t"0 .5 td 24 e 7. .9.401 HiM 11.4)'. Cuff Market. XFW TORK. March l.-TOrKEP-Mar-kl for futures oorned steady at a dot line Metal Mnrkrt. NEW YORK, March .-MKTAL TI10 London tin market was Irregular, Willi spot 6s higher anil futures 2s 6.1 lower, at a: 164 17s 6-1 and 1GI 5s, resiectively. The local market was quiet, with spot quoted nt t36 uiii,M 20- Copper closed at 79 15s for spot and 78 5s for futures In the Lon don market. Locally no change was re ported. Lake is quoted at 118 87V 18.76; i-lectrrlytic at IlKL'Va 18-&0. and casting at I18.0ixa 18.25. Lead wax unchanged at 1S IDs In London and at t5.3ud5.4i In the Ne w York market. Spelter was absorbed tn 1km h markets, being Quoted at 4.24 8s In London and In the local market. Iron was lower ahro-irt. wlih sraiidanl foundry quotwl at 4Hs and Cleveland war rants alie 48s. Locally the market wus quiet. No. 1 foundry northern Is quotnd at 118 .26M1 85; No. 2 foundry northern. $17 7f 'i IK :6: No. 1 foundry southern, 8)8 ''tv 18 75. and No. 2 foundry southern at H7.TW 18.25. 8T. LOl IS. March METALS Lead steady, at Ih.KH; spelter firm, at to.2Vi bid. t'ottoa Market. NEW YOrtK. March . COTT(S-8iot closed quiet: middling upland,. U.2&C; Biid dlins gulf. H 5o-: sales. I, Tto bales. NEW ORLEANS. March 9.-COTTON 8 P"t rloseil quiet and steadv; salea. !,55; ordinary. 7 15-lSc; good ordlnsrv. ; low middling. MSc; inld.lllng, 10 1S-lft; good mlddlim.'. imt; 111l.MM.1t fair, re-ce'-is, tin: stock, jttsMKW. ST IriS. Mjnh COTTON Bteady: mlildllng. lie; sales, 235 bales; receipts, M bales; sliioionts. none; stock. It 08 bnles. UIVKKPOOI Marc h 9 -COTTON-Huot. g.-K il busincSM done; nt 'et-s t points higher; Amerlcim nilddllne fair, 48rt ; good mid il"r., (Pal; mr1dliiig. 5 9'd. low mlddllnu, 8:d: rod ordlnarv. 6 6d; ordinary 8 4fd. The hiiI.s of the dav Were 12 bules, ( which 1 no were for speculation and ex port, and Included Id.'ai Amricun. R, ceipls. 8,ii4i iMtl -s. including l.J'l Ameilcan. Hank of (.ermatf laleie,t. );:ail4N M'.rch 9 The weklv siate mer.t of tke ln Unk ot Orinan in,,, the folliiainv rlianses: fVsh la kesd. decreased. 2 8" 'Mu marks; t re, sine aoteji, arreaavd lo so marks; IHeT se curities. Increased, 8 iSft.oo marks; note In circulation, deoi eased, 11,M0,(X) marks. 4 A . --i