Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily Bee.
Psgss 1 to 8.
You Must Buy Tht Dt
if toc wat to
Rend the Bryan Letters
Benito Drop Provision for Joint Admission
of Arizona and New Mexico.
It Now Provides for Creation of Onlt One
n ... n , , . . - . !
tommittee FroTunons for Increased Appro- i
pnation Are Stricken Out.
Railroad Rate mil la .Made
I nftnlahcd Roalnraa and the
Venule Adjourn I ntll
WASHINGTON, March it-Today at J:S5
tv m. the senate paused a bill for the ad
mission of a new stale to be called Ohla
hotna and to be composed of the territory
of Oklahoma and Indian Territory. It was
tho house Joint stutchood bill, with all the
provisions relatiiiK to Arizona and New
Mexico stricken out. The motion to strike
out was made by Mr. Burrows and it was
curried by the close vole of 37 to 3o. after
having been, lost by the st!U closer vote of
3: to 36.
Immediately aCtcr the dinposal of the
statehood bill the house railroad rate bill
was made the unfinished business, but us
the senate adjourned over Snturduy and
' Sunday, the actual formal consideration of
the measure will not bej?in until Monday.
Tho vote on statehood came as the climax
of a day devoted exclusively to that bill.
Most oj the time was given to diHcussion,
but the Voting on the bill and amendments
consumed art hour and n. half. The speech
making excited comparatively little inter-
st, but there was pronounced excitement
throughout tho voting period and it culmi
nated when the success of the motion to
eliminate Arizona and New Mexico was an
nounced after the accord vote on that
Foraker Amendment Adopted.
The test vote, upon which tho opponents
of Joiht statehood showed their greatest
Hlrength, was on the Foraker amendment,
which provided that Arizona and New
Mexico should have an opportunity on the
question of Joint statehood. This was car
ried by 42 to 29. Previous to this action
provision for Increased appropriations in
the bill was stricken out In order to-afford
an opportunity for ft motion to concur in
the senate amendments when the bill Is
I aent to the house.
The speech making began at 11 o'clock
and was under tha ten-minute rule after
the first hour. About a dozen speeches
were made, but the notable ones wero-mode
by Messrs. Dubois and Burrowa in denun
i iatlon of polygamy In Arizona and New
Mexico. Mr. Dubois secured the Incorpora
tion of an anti-polygamy amendment, but
tho elimination of Arixona from the meas
uro detracted somewhat, from the ImiKJrt
anco of tho accomplishment.
Juat before the voting began Mr. Cullom,
who hat been absent from the senate on
account of Illness during the greater part
of the session, entered the chamber. He
was warmly welcomed by his colleagues.
Provisions of the 11111.
As amended by the senate, the bill pro
vide for l he creation of the state of
Oklahoma out of Oklahoma and Indian
territories upon the adoption of a consti
tution. The state Is allowed the usual
quota of executive, Judicial and legislative
officers, two United States senators and
five members of the national house of
representatives. A constitutional conven
tion With 110 members, fifty-five of whom
are to be chosen by each of the terri
tories comprising the state, Is provided for,
and alt male citizens or male Indiana II
years of age are made eligible to mem
bership In it. There, Is an especial pro
vision protecting the Indians in their rights
and continuing the prerogative of the na
tional government to control their affairs
Tha aale of Intoxicating liquors In what
la now Indian territory la prohibited for
twenty-one years and longer, unless tho
constitution la changed. Sections 16 and .W
of each township of land ' tn Oklahoma
ara set aalde for the benefit of the common
achool system, aa la also S per cent of
the proceeds of the aale. of public lands.
There la an appropriation of $5,0fi0,u0o from
the national treasury for the benefit of
the schools. Provision Is made for the
support of higher education and charitable
Institutions. Two districts for United
Slate courts, one in Oklahoma and the
other In Indian territory are provided for.
Guthrie is made the temporary seat of
government, but the house provisions con
tinuing it In that capacity until lyli was
Beverldge Rtnuti tiueeefc.
Owing to the fact that the senate took
a recess instead of adjourning last night
Mr. Beverldge was enabled to proceed with
his speech In support of the Joint slate-
hool bill when today's session began at
it o'clock. There was a much better at- '
tendance of senators than at the beginning
of yesterday's session and the galleries were
tilled early in the day.
Mr. Bevrrldgu took up his argument
where he left off yesterday, contending
that the necevaity for interpreters for the
benefit of the Mexican population was rap
. Idly paaitlng and arguing that very little
attention should be given to the pledge for
statehood given when the territory of Ari
xona was created because It had been given
aa the result of fraudulent representations,
with appropriate exercises.
Mr. Beveridgo wu liberally applauded by
the gallery when he concluded,
Tkuraday'e DeuUa Lad.
The legislative evaalou of Thursday came
to an end at U o'clock, and the session of
today waa immediately convened, neccsoi
tatlng the disposal of the tntuaj routine
business before continuing with the stale
hood bill.
Under the head of morning biulne Mr. i into a mortuary chape! within altar, where
Buverldge undertook to have read a num- mass was celebrated for the repose of the
lr of telegrams in support of tlio stale- soul of the marchioness. The king and
hood bill, but Mr. Teller objected on Iti j ' queen and many men. tiers or the ariatoc
g round that they should come lit propi; ly j racy visited the chapel during the day,
as a part of the discussion of the statehood Many noble families related to the Corslnls
Mr. Ueveiidge then elated that be had re.
reived hundreds of niMaage. most of
them from Arlsona, urging 1olnt .:mi
slon. "I, too, have received hundreds f iim
aiigea on the subject of statehood." re.
sounded Mr. Foraker. "One of i from
a gentb-man who gives his nam- who
aaya that a telegram signed by h sena
tor fnuu Indiana 'is rlnttltttrd In
Arlsona urging that V telegram- be sent
to the senate from Arizona u ior of
joint atatehood."
The announcement r..ti : Imgh at
trrleu Will Accept Tank If He tea
Secure Co-operation of Boargeola
and Polncare.
PARIS, March . President Fs tlleres
consulted Jenn Barrlen. former minister
of justice, thin afternoon mid offered him
I the task of forming new cabinet.
If M. S.irrlen secures the co-operation of
MM. Bourgeois nn1 Poinrarre he will ac
cept the task of forming; a ministry, taking
the premiership and the portfolio of Justice
I and M. Bourgeolse will be milliliter of for
eign affairs. M. Ilucarrc minister of
finance or of the interior, M. Thomson
minister of the navy, and M. Hjisan min-
llllPr of a,r)clliture.
M. Sarrlen'a conference with M. Bour
geolse, M. Tolncurre and other statesmen
continued until late this evening- Al
though giving hope of eventual success,
they did not furnish sufficient promise of
concrete co-operation to enable him tc
announce to the president, whom he saw
at 11 o'clock tonight, hlr, ability to con
stitute a cabinet. The prlncliil obstacle
encountered Is the difficulty of obtaining
the consent of M. Polncafrc to accept a
portfolio. In the course of tomorrow, In
the event of success. M. Barrien will signify
to President Fallleres his acceptance of
the premiership. He already Is assured of
M. Bourgeoises support, and with M.
Polnearre's assent obtained, the allotment
of the remainder of the portfolio will he
an easy task.
M. Rouvler, the retiring premier, who
continues to carry on the current business,
received the German ambassador, Prince
von Radolin, during the day, presumably
In connection with tho German desire to
secure sufficient guaranties regarding the
Franco-Spanish control ot the Moroccan
police to permit of a final' adjustment at
Fran of Jewish Maanarre on Raster
Rnaed on Action of Secret
ST. PETERSBURG. Mfireh S. The fears
of a renewal of Jewish massacres on
Easter, to which a deputation recently
called Premie.- Wittc s attention, appear
upon Investigation to have real founda
tion. The "Black Hundred'' organizations
In the "pale" and also elsewhere in Euro
pean Russia are conducting an agitation
to slaughter tha "enemies of Russia."
Circulars have been prepared In St.
Petersburg calling for the extermination
of the Jews.
MINSK. Ruasla, March 9. The sentence
of death Imposed on Anna Izmallovlch, the
daughter of Iamailovich, who attempted to
assassinate Governor Kourloff, haa been
commuted to Imprisonment for life.
RIGA, Livonia, Russia, March 9.-Four
hundred military executions have occurred
In Livonia as a result of the government'
repressive measures. ,
Turkish Concessions to Schools ia
Ryrla Hot What the I.ega
-"" lion Desires.
4 V-
- 'J. -
CONSTANTINOPLE, March 9. The porta
has yielded to the American demands and
haa Informed the American legation that
orders have been aont to Beyroot to admit,
duty free, all consignments for the Amer
ican schools In Syria. The same note de
clares that the porte Is ready to accord
the same official recognition to American as
to other schools if a request to that effect
Is presented to the proper department for
each Institution separately.
This Is not satisfactory to the American
legation, where It is considered to indi
cate a further attempt at procrastination,
as similar requests for the recognition of
certain schools presented to the ministry
a year ago have not yet been granted. The
legation now proposes to apply more ur
gent pressure for the recognition of the
four most important educational establish
Female Suffragists Try to See British
Premier and Two Are
LONDON, March 9. A band of thirty
zealous women suffragists attempted to
storm Premier Campbell-Bannerman's of
ficial residence In Downing street today,
and only succumbed after a determined re
sistance to tee superior strength of a large
force of puee. Three ringleaders were
taken to the police station, struggling and
screaming and followed by twenty-seven
of their companions shouting, "Down with
i C.-B.l" and oilier war cries.
"C.-B.." o'herwlse plunder Campbell-
Jtannerman, waa presiding ut a cabinet
council at the time the women called, and
he refused to see them.
Viceroy Cilve Hii(urt to Admiral
Train and Attend Iteeen
Hon ut Consulate.
HONG KONG. March 9.- The friction ex
isting for some time between the viceroy
of Canton and the American representa
tives there haa given place to more pleasant
relations, which state of affairs tuts been
signalized by an exchange of courtesies.
The viceroy gave a banquet in honor of
Rear Admiral Truln March 0, while the
viceroy and a number of high officials at
tended a reception at the American con
sulate March 7. This waa the first function
for some months at which the viceroy had
exchanged amenities with the Americans.
Funeral of llarckivaeaa.
ROME, March . The t ' of the Mr
cnlunesa Corsini, formerly iTincess Bar
bcrliu, who was killed by the overturning
of her automobile Ium night, waa trans
ferred today from the Quirinal to the San
Felice palace, adjoining the Quirinal. The
i large hall of the palace was transformed
and Barberlnls are thus thrown into mourn
Karthejuake la ova Kcotla.
HALIFAX. S. b. Manh . Reports of
an eatthquake on the eastern shore of
Halifax county ' reached hi re today. The
ground trembled violently for several sec
onds, flouttes shook and doots and wiu
dows rattled.
Actor Jolaa Army. '
COLUMBUS. O. March . liavm Hurrta.
an actor at liie Knipire theuitr. son of tue
late t ongreHoman Hani, an. I worth aj,0n).
Joined the Third company of thr toi ar
tillery today at th barrack. He a,d he
Joined the army lo get away from gay
comfanloaa and tu lead a quieter bfe.
Goal Mine Owners Agree to Aot as Unit in
Indianapolis Conference.
Mr. Bobbins, In Response to Question,
Says President Wrote Letter at
Itrqneat of Mr. Mitchell
and Himself. .
PITTSBURG. March 9. When the coal
operators of the Pittsburg district go to
the conference at Indianapolis March 19,
with the operators of Ohio, Indiana and
Illinois, they will take a stand as a body.
This action was determined at the meeting
called by Francis L. Robblna and which
waa held In this city today. There were
about fifty operators present.
Tonight it waa learned that there was
somewhat of a sensation sprung during
the meeting. From a source that is re
garded aa trustworthy it la learned that a
demand waa made of Mr. Robbins, who was
presiding, that an explanation be made of
how President Roosevelt came to enlist iu
the pending controversy between the miners
and the operators. The demand. It Is said,
was made by George B. Magoon. vice prest
dent and general manager of the Pittsburg
and Westmoreland Coal company, one oi
the largest of the Independent coal com
panies. Mr. Robbins Explains.
Mr. Robhins said the whole matter was
accomplished aa a result of a conference
with John Mitchell while they were In New
York. The situation was serious and both
agreed that it was necessary to get an
other meeting of the Interstate conference.
Mr. Robbins, explaining further, said Mr.
Mitchell went to the long distance tele
phone and called up the president at the
White House. After explaining to him he
suggested that he write a letter to Mr.
Robbins. urging that a new conference be
called. He also asked the president to
talk the matter over with Mr. Robbins
and Mr. Robbins went to the line and ar
ranged that the letter be written. This was
on Monday, February 24, and the following
day, February 25, Mr. Robhins received the
letter from President Roosevelt and tho
call of another convention followed. This,
Mr. Robbins said, was the story of the
.president's intervention.
Against Long? Contract.
One of tho strongest speeches made at
today's meeting. It was said tonight, waa
against any contract for more than a single
year. The longer term was held to be
against the Interests of the producers who
have to bear the variations of the coal
market. The miners who have been heard
of late have been taking it for granted that
the two-year scale waa of the opetators'
seeking, but are now becoming acquainted
with the real facta la tho case. It was
stated by the coal men today that the
partial settlement of the dispute at Indian
apolis, or the settlement of the wage
agreement by the Pittsburg district, with
the rest of the operators holding back,
could mean but one thing and that waa the
dissolution of the interstate agreement and
a (general decline of. the power of the
ltatuafLne Workers, whlcM "would then
have many districts and states to settle
with separately and would be kept in a
continual state of trouble because of the
dragging along of the conferences. It was
reenrded as certain by some of those
most Interested that any and all operators
who sign the new agreement will be al
lowed to work their mines whether the
others sign or not, and it is believed will
finally determine the struggle within the
next few months.
Attitude of Ohio Operator.
COLUMBUS, O., March 9. According to
a statement made tonight by E. H. Winder
of Columbus, who was chairman of the
Ohio coal operators conference neid at
Cleveland yesterduy, the Ohio operators
will ask tho Indianapolis cdnference to
settle the miners' dispute on broad grounds
applicable to the entire competitive field
and that all questions of a local nature
be left solely for local settlement. One
of these Is the dUjjute over Bhot fircrs In
Illinois. The Ohio operators, It is said,
will Insist that the conference simply set
tle the basis of the wage scale alone.
This may result In local strikes, but would
not tie up the entire field. ,
Whether or not there Is a settlement
at Indianapolis there will be a practical
suspension of mining during April and May.
According to the statement of Ohio ope
rators the talk of strike haa reaulted In
immense quantities of coal being accumu
lated and already over ffiO.000 ' tons are
loaded tn lake, vessels waiting tor naviga
tion to start.
Charles Uaultcr of St. Louis Rubs
Locomotive Through Brick Wall
aad Defies Arrest.
EAST ST. LOUIS. 111., March' a. Seized
with u sudden frenzy, Charles Gunlher,
until recently employed aa a fireman at
the plant of the American steel foundry,
suddenly sprang aboard a locomotive
standing on a sidetrack near the establish
ment today. Jerked open the throttle and
aent the engine plunging ahead. It
Jumped the track and tore thtough a 14
Inch brick wall and came to a stop by
crashing into heavy machinery Inside the
Unharmed. llunther Jumped to the
ground, and. drawing a revolver, threat
ened, to shoot the first man to approach
htm from the crowd that assembled. Po
lice wero hurriedly sent for. Before they
arrived, however, Timekeeper W. A. Moore
stealthily crawled up behind the trtnzled
man and. with a leap, prostrated Uuuther
and struck the revolver from his hand. A
struggle ensued. In which other men as
sisted Moore, and Gunther was subdued
and finally taken to the police station.
t. Loala Police laapectora Preparing
Charges Aaainst Other
ST. LOUIS. March 9. Investigation by
high police authorities Into alleged graft
ing among police officers from keepera of
resorts la being pursued, and It waa stated
by Inspector Lally today that the work of
preparing the charges against suspended
and Indicted policemen had been about half
Sergeant Louis Nolle, whoe testimony,
it Is atated. will he largely depended upon
in prosecuting the charges, made a detail-it
and lengthy ' statement today In
thlch lie opnly accused certain office is of
having sheltered and protected women who
had been ordered to stay out of St. Louta.
He aisn charged that during a raid In quest
of a certain woman an officer, whom no
named, aided tha woman to escape and re
ceived $o from her lot tUa aeivWe,
South Omaha Poller Have Two Mea
Whom They Believe Are
lm plicated.
The police of South Omaha yesterday aft
ernoon arrested two men whom they feel
contidenl are members of the trio which I
shot Conductor Flury of the street railway
company and held up two sulooiu In that
city Wednesday night. They give the
names of Harry Clark and Cal Warren.
Both ore colored. In the case of both men
the police received the tip which led to the
arrest from colored women. In the case of
Clark a colored woman told Officer Ballew,
who is a colored man, that late Wednesday
night Clark came running Into her
all out of breath and threw a quantity of
nickels, dimes and other smnJl change in
her lap and at the same time cautioned
her not to say anything about the affair.
She kept quiet shout It until yesterday aft
ernoon, when she concluded to tell, and ns
a result officers went to the packing house
where Clark was working and arrested
him. The tip concerning Warren waa given
in the same manner. This, together with
the fact that the two men are unable to
give a satisfactory account of their where
abouts on Wednesday evening Inclines the
police to hsve great confidence that in tills
pair they have two of the robbers.
Tho South Omaha police never worked so
hard on a ue nr. they have on the rob
bery and shooting esse of last Wednesday
night. There Is not one in the department
who has not put In hour after hour of
extra time. Every him and clue has been
run down. In order that they may lose no
chance of catching the criminals the police
have rounded up a number of men, both
white and colored, who in any way an
swered the description of the robbers. Pub
lic Interest In the case has not diminished
in the leaxt. In fact, the police telephone
Is constantly ringing. And many of these
calls are not merely idle curiosity. They
come from brnkemeu, yardmen and all
other classes. These men are faithfully re
porting to the police the arrival or the at
tempted departure of any suspicious char
acters in the city.
Flury was a good man and one faithful
to the interests of his employers, loyal to
his fellow workmen. The presence of sev
eral gangs of young toughs has come to
light, nnd although there may be no con
nection between most of these little cliques,
the police will know better than ever be
fore how to make a quick roundup of all
of the men likely to Is? engaged in the
Strike a likely Clue.
.During toe day the police struck a clue
which struck very close home as appeared
by the developments of the later evening.
They arrested three negroes by the nameji
of Harry Clark, V. Ulymph nnd Cal War
ren. After putting them through a severe
line of questioning the police became so
satisfied that they were willing to have It
understood that Clark and Warren com
posed two of the gang who shot Flury.
Clark is light colored, while Warren is
much darker. The police are not certain
who the third man was, but think they
will be able to get a line on hlni before
long. It may be that he ia lying somewhere,
wounded, and he might 'possibly have been
a white man. Clark If light enough to
have been taken for a wjhitt yuan by moonr
light or a colored man by a stronger light.
If the third man should prove to be so. It
Is easy to see why a confusion could have
been made In the case.
It was noised about Omaha last evening
that the police of South Omaha had these
men, and early In the evening it was tele
phoned down that a crowd of vigilantes
were gathering to pay a visit to the Jail.
The source of this Information was con
sidered so reliable that the chief and night
captain took their prfsoners In a cab and
left South Omaha at about 9:45 . m,
Where tiiey went was not given out.
The police are beginning to feel that they
have won another triumph against crime
In South Omaha.
Late last night there were a number of
men walking restlessly about the streets
and some had the uniforms of the street
car men under their overcoats. If they had
been sure that the right men were :. tho
Jull there might have been Borne trouble
last night. There were not seen until after
Chief Biiggs left with the prisoners.
Agent of the Society Cornea to
America to Solicit Funds tor
Its Support.
NEW VORK, March 9. (Special.) Owing
to recent events in Russia which have left
many thousand unfortuuute victims of war
and riot, the Russian Blue Cross, a great
philanthropic organization under the high
patronage of her imerlal highness, the
Grand DulIii-vs Elizabeth Mavrikievnu,
which looks ufter the Interests of sick and ! menu are expected to commence on Mnn
destltute children of all creeds and nation- I day.
alities throughout the empire, has been M. Robertson, special agent for the gov
overwhelmed with the calls upon it. To ! ernment, declared In a letter produced In
meet the emergency the society has ex- ! court today, that ha had declined to exam
tended the scope of its work and is sending
special representatives abroad. Realizing
the deep Interest felt among Americans for
Russian unfortunates, the society has dele-
gated M. Boris Klebanoff as Its special
representative to America. M. Klebanoff
has already arrived In this city and has
opened offices for the Russian Blue Cross
In the Hudson building at 3J Broadway.
The Blue Cross is in no sense a rival of
the Red Cross. The lutter looks after the
war's physically afflicted. The Blue Cross
assists the helpless young victims of war,
revolution, famine or unfortunate social
circumstances. It maintains refuges, asy
lums, training schools, work farms, hos
pitals and kindergartens. Founded in 18s2,
it has grown to an enormous scope, enjoys
the patronage of the royal family and had-
Ing personages tn official and business Hie
throughout Russia. It has an endowment
fund of l.fltm.isift roubles and receives such
support from all sources In commercial life
that It Is practically the national charity.
Some of Its unique methods for raising
funds may be Introduced to the American
public by M. Klebanoff.
Stronger aad Her Frlruda ow Feel
Hopeful of Her Re.
m ery.
ROCHESTER, N. Y.. Manh . Miss
Susan B. Anthony's condition Is improved
tonight. She ia stronger than she waa
yesterday and has taken considerable nour
ishment. Her friends feel hopeful of hi T
I.rurrnl (reeley Believes Fuaslou.
HIV I ill'l'll. Marell it.Msior fin-
eral A. W. Greeley, until recently chief
signal officer o. tn vtai department at I
Washington, arrived hero yesterday to as
sume command of the Pacific incision of
the army, lining the vacancy cauaed by
the retirement of General Sumner soma
weeks ago. He will l.iday formally relieve
Ge'ieral Funston who has been tn com
maud sine Ui:acral euuiuer departure.
. ,, , , ,i
Bill to raj Sidney Sanker Money Advanced
on Voucher of Contractor.
. iisimu nded
h:';i ""ii i"i"'T
mtfiiiiiA prtie in i.iiiftwr"
to the Red Mea.
(From a Staff Correspondent. 1
WASHINGTON. March 9.-(8pefia! Tele
gramsSenator Millard today Introduced
a hill authorizing ttie secretary of the
treasury to pay Albert H. Reynolds of Sid
ney. Neb., '-29n. In 1SS7 Reynolds was en
gaged In the banking business at Sldnev
and he paid two Indian vouchers drawn In
favor of Dwight J. McCann aggregating
$2,290. McCann waa a government con
tractor and these vouchers were in pay
ment of work performed by him in trans
porting government supplies from Omaha,
Sidney and Schuyler to Red Cloud Indian
agency. Eventually final payment on these
VBti-hers was refused on he ground that
In the Interim McCann had become a de
faulter to the United States on account of
other contracts and the vouchers cashed by
Reynolds were applied to the account of
the alleged defaulter. Reyordds now seeks
satisfaction through a special act of con
gress. Elk City Wants Poatofflee.
Representative Kennedy Is in receipt of
a letter from the patrons of the Elk City
postofflce warmly protesting against its
discontinuance and he is at work with the
postofflce authorities to bring about the
wishes ot the community of Elk City.
rhanarlna; Indian 1'ltlaenshlp Law.
The house today passed a bill, having
been called up by Mr. Binke of South Da
kota, amending the Indian allotment law so
as to obviate the effect of the recent de
cision of the supreme court In the Huff
case, whpre it wan held that as soon as an
Indian entered on land he became a citizen
and persons selling him l!iuor could not bo
prosecuted. The hill provides that such In
dian shall not become a citizen of the
1'nlted States until the expiration of the
twenty-five-year period necessary for him
to obtain a fee simple title to the land
taken under the allotment law. The secre
tary of the interior, however, Is given au
thority to curtail this period In his discre
tion nnd grant a fee simple title and citi
zenship to particular Indians when he shall
deem them capable of the duties of citizens.
Pensions Are Increased.
The house today passed many private
pension bills, among them Melng a bill
granting an Increase In the pension of
Lewis Lowry of Omaha from $12 to $30 per
month. When mustered out Lowry waa
captain of the First Nebraska, havinar en
tered as a private and served from IfSl to
186. and is now said to he totally disabled.
A bill Increasing the pension of John
Clark of Omaha from $17 to $24 waa also
Representative Kennedy secured the pas
sage through the house today of a bill
granting nn Increase of pension to $30 to
Henry Russell of Omaha.
Postal Matters.
" Postmasters appointed: ' NeTn-aska hun
ter, Sioux county, Cora A. Clark, vice Kate
Rice, resigned. Iowa Cleves, Hardin
county, 8lmon Janssen, vice John Koolman,
resigned. South Dakota Cactua, Codington
county, Joseph G. Bauer, vice Nicholas
Ries, resigned.
Care of Health In Xavy.
The house committee on naval affairs
today decided to report favorably the Cous
ins bill authorizing the appointment of not
more than thirty dental surgeons In the
navy, and the Roberts resolution to reor
ganize the naval hospital corps. The Rob
erts bill provides for chief pharmacists,
pharmacists, pharmacists' mates of the
first and second class and hospital appren
tices. Favorable Report on Norrls Bill.
The house committee on election of presi
dent, vice president and representatives In
congress has agreed to make a favorable
report on a bill by Representative N orris
of Nebraska providing for extending the
term of members of congress to four years
and for the election of members of the Ben
ate by popular vote.
Arguments on Packers' Plea la
Bar Will Begin Mon
day. CHICAGO. March 9. The government
today rested its case against the packers.
No announcement was made by the at
torneys for the packers as to whether they
will' offer any evidence In rebuttal, but
It is believed they will not. The argu-
ine any of the books of Armour & Co., If
the packers desired him to pledge that the
Information would not be published by
j President Roosevelt.
He was asked by Attorney Miller In be
half of Armour Co. if he would aay
that he had an opportunity to decline to
tuke the Information, If he waa compelled
to make a pledge that the president would
not publish It. Mr. Robertson replied that
he would not say that he had such an
opportunity and the attorney then brought
out the letter. Mr. Robertson declared
that the letter referred entirely to another
Martin M. Flannery, xpecial agent 'or
J the government In the beef Investigation,
! testified to the manner of conducting the
j Investigation in behalf of the government.
j Nothing new was brought out. W. B.
' Hunter, another special agent, followed
Mr. Flannery on the stand and when kts
testimony, which was brief, had been con
cluded the government announced that it
had finished its case.
Chairmen Says He Will Let Nothing;
laterf.'re with Work oa
CHICAGO. March 9. Thedore P. Shouts,
chairman of the Isthmian Canal commis
sion, who arrived in Chicago today, atated
positively that be has no intention of re
signing his position aa the president of the
Clover Leaf r.or his chairmanship of the
He said: "I shall not resign either po
sition. I have large holdings in the Clover
Leaf and will act as the nominal presi
dent. Nothing, however, will be allowed
i to Interfere with my work on the canal
Dr. Itaugh Coavleted of Murder.
DAYTON. O.. March fc Dr. Oliver C.
ITiiiiifh waa found aullty of murder In the
first degree by the Jury at :30 o'clock after I detective will atart immediately for Den
nearly turee hours' deuberatttra. ver with requisition yajmie.
Forecast for trtirnakii-Fair la F.oat.
Snow la West Portion Sntnrday and
1 senate Farora Only One New Kate.
Coal Operatora Are Assembling.
Relief Rill for a Kebraekaa.
Band of Moro Rohbera Wiped Oat.
2 Tlllmaa Resolution to Be Cltaaaed.
X News from All Parte of Xebrnaka.
Inanrance Mea Gather at Albany.
4 People Arnaard Over Many Crimes.
Omaha After 5onh Dnknts Grain,
fi ftiiinotheat Crook la the Southwest.
f lever Trick of Crooked Hanker.
6 Maklna of Photographs la Colors.
T Affairs at south Omaha.
X) e-Srhnrlder Flevator Located.
F.asy Money t arries a Curse.
Gives American Pride a Jolt,
in F.dtt trial.
11 Omaha Mea at Railway Conference
Woodman Circle stays in Omaha.
lit BIk Vine Cnllcaea Play Foot Ball.
C ommercial Review of tho Week.
IS Flaanclnl and Commercial.
L5 Council Itlnffa and Iowa Kewa.
1 Berka Favors Workhouse.
Temperature at Omaha lesterdayi
a a. m .
a. m.
s I. m.
tt a. m.
in a. m.
11 a. m.
IK m.. . .
. . UT
. . 3T
. . 3T
. . .10
. . as
. . art
. . R4
. . aa
1 p. m.
2 p. m .
ft p. in .
4 p. in .
A p. m.
H p. m .
T p. m .
M p. m .
n p. m.
Attorneys t.lven a Week to Prepnre
C'aae on llehalf of
BOISE, Idnho, March 9. Charles H.
Mover, William D. Haywood and George
A. Pettlbone were arraigned this afternoon
before Judge Frank Smith at Caldwell un
der Indictment charging them with the
murder of former Governor Frank Steun
enberg. On the motion of counsel for the prison
ers, who wished for time to prepare a mo
tion to quash the Indictment, further pro
ceedings under the Indictments were post
poned until next Friday, wherr the defend
ants again will bo brought into court to
enter their pleas.
Moyer, Haywood, Pettlbone and Jack
Simpkine are Indicted Jointly, being
charged with having murdered Frank Steu
nenberg. There ia in the Indictment no
mention of the Western Federation of
Miners nor any charge of conspiracy. So
far as the Indictment shows each Is ac
cused of hnvlng personally participated In
the crime charged.
The indictment contains three counts, all
of a similar nature. The gist of the
charges is that the accused men placed
a deadly box or bomb filled with glint
powder, caps, sulphuric acid and other ex
plosives at tbe gate In front of Frank
Steunenberg's residence with the Inten
tion of killing him. One count charges the
actual murdering of Steunenberg by caus
ing the bomb to explode as Steunenberg
was entering bis yard.
The names of twentr witnesses. Including
Harry Orchard, who iioa confessed to bis
part In the crime, are Indorsed on the in
dictment. After the Indictment hnd been read Judge
Smith asked If the prisoners had counsel.
Attorney Richardson of Denver replied
that himself, Clarence S. Darrow of Chi
cago, Fred Miller of Spokane and John
F. Nugent of Silver City, Idaho, would
represent the prlsonera. Attorney Richard
son then entered his motion for a con
tinuance, which was not opposed by the
Mr. Richardson complained of the treat
ment which the prisoners were receiving
In the penitentiary. He stated that they
were denied newspapers and were not per
mitted to correspond with their friends.
, Judge Smith agreed that theae Inhibitions
should be removed and so ordered, stating
that If his orders were not carried out
the prisoners should be brought J Cald
well and lodged In the Canyon county Jail.
Moyer. Haywood and Pettlbone were
taken from the state penitentiary by
Sheriff Nichols of Canyon county early
thla morning. The public showed little
interest and there were few persona at the
railway stations either at Boise or Cald
well. The small court room at Caldwell
waa not crowded with spectators.
At tho conclusion of the proceedings be.
fore Judge Smith the prlsonera were
brought back to Bolae and taken before
the state supreme court of Idaho, where
arguments were heard this afternoon on
the habeas corpus case began in their be
half several days ago.
Attorneys for Convicted Missouri ton
vlcts Allege Error In Court's
torneys Silver and King, counsel for tho
three convicta who were yesterday found
guilty of having killed Prison Guard Clay
in the prison mutiny last November, today
filed motions for a rehearing and arrest ot
Judgment. The motions will be passed
upon tomorrow when the three convicta
will be brought before Judge Martin in
the circuit court.
lhr,Fii.v filliror litateil thai the motion
j for & rehearng rallM,, lluportant law points
which have not before been brought be
fore the courts In this state. The point
Is that contained In the motion that the
court erred In giving Instructions that If
the Jury believed anyone of the three con
vicU fired the shot which killed Clay, all
are guilty of murder la the first degree
and that the instructions should have beau
given to allow a separate verdict for eacn
K. Meegaa of Camden, Mo., I.ared lata
Wood by Three Mea aad
Believed of 5.0'M.
KANeAS CITY. Mo., March 9.-k M
gan, a railroad contractor of CumOen, Jfo.,
repot tod to the police that three men,
upon the pretext of selling him mules,
lured him to a secluded spot In the woods
near Roaedale, Kas., a suburb of this city,
today and robbed him of $5,(u0. Later Mee
gan captured one of the men. C. C. Miller,
of Oklahoma City. Okla., in wnoee pockets
$:, was found. Miller claimed tha money
belonged to him. Both Miller and Meegan
were held, Meegan as a witness.
Mrs. Bella Fruvtlrlt Indicted.
CAMHKII'OK. Mass.. March 9 - Mrs.
Fl'ila Feiiwiek who 'S under nrresi in
Denver. Col., was Indicted by the Middle
sex county grand luiy today uu the charge
of kidnaping. She is rl. urged with forci
bly removing Kiga ann ilanti Bally, agta
I and 1$ yeeia. of Maiden to the
If A
General Wood Reports Santruinarj StruMl
id Southern Archipelago.
Fifteen American Enlisted Men Were Killed
and About Forty Wounded.
Bobber Band Held Strong Position in Crater
of Extinct Volcano. (
Laat Four Hundred Feet
Mountala "lope la
an Ana-le of Fifty
of the
MANILA, March 9. Ap Important action
between American force and hostile Moroa
haa taken place near Jolo. Fifteen enlisted
men were killed, a commissioned officer was
wounded, four' enlisted men were wounded
and a naval contingent operating with tho
military sustained thirty-two casualties.
The Moros lost lint) men killed.
Major General Leonard Wood, com
mander of the division of the Philippines, ;
reports as follows from Jolo, Capitol of the
Sulu Islands:
A Severe action between 1rnera it nt!
detachment and constabulary and hostile
Moros haa taken nlace at Mount lnio neiie
Jolo. The engagement opened during the
afternoon of March li nnd ended In thn
morning of March S. The action Involved
the capture of Mount Dajo, a lava cone,
I,lX feet high, with a crater nt its summit
and extremely at con. The last 40l feet wer
at an angle of 6) degrees and there were
fifty perpendicular ridges covered with a
growth of timber and strongly fortified and
defended by an Invisible force of Moros.
1 he army casualties were fifteen enlisted
men k'lled, four commissioned officers and
thirty-two enlisted- men wounded. The
naval casualties numbered thirty-two. En
sign H. D. Cooke, Jr., commanding the
Pampanga. waa severely wounded and
Coxswain Oilmore was severely wounded
In the elbow.
The constabulary casualties were Cantaln
John R. White, wounded In he thigh, se
verely; three enlisted men killed and thir
teen wounded: Captain vree Rivers sus
tained a slight flesh wound In the thigh.
Lieutenant flordon was sllehtlv woundd
in the right hand. Lieutenant Wylle T. Con
way or the Sixth Infantry waa slliflitiv
wounded in the left eye. All the wounded
are doing well.
Colonel Joseph W. Duncan of the Sixth
infantry directed the operations. AH the
defenders of the Moro stronghold were
killed. Six hundred bodies were found on
the field. The anion resulted 1n the ex
tinction of a band of outlaws who, reeog.
nixing no chief, had been raiding friendly
Moros and, owing to their defiance of the
American authorities, had stirred up a dan
gerous condition of affairs.
The artillery was lifted oy mock and
tackle, a distance of Win feet. Into a posi
tion on the lip of the crater.
Bripamer tsenerai miss ana myeeir were
present throughout the action.
The attacking columns were commanded
by Major Omar Bnndy, Captain K. P.
IJiwton. captain Rivera. Captain I M.
Koehler. Captain McGlaehlln and Lieuten
ant Johnson.
The officers and men engaged highly
commend the Moro constabulary, who did
excellent work",' their casualties numbering
seventeen out of the force of forty-four
It Is Impossible to onneelve a stronger
natural position than that attacked.
Cabinet Hears the ITewa.
WASHINGTON, March ..-Not because
of the casualties among the American
forces engaged, although they were more
numerous than in any battle in the Philip
pines for several yeara past, but rather
because of the extraordinarily large num
ber of natives killed, the news of the
battle of Mount Dajo was received at tho
War department (and the Navy department
aa well, for the blue Jackets were In tha
thick of the fighting) with Intense lnter-3
eat. The first authentic account came
through the Associated Press dispatch,
though at the same time the cipher ex
perts of the War department were busily
engaged In trying to unravel a long report
direct from Manila by cable. This mes
sage was from Colonel Andrews, the mili
tary secretary at army headquarters at
Manila, who had received his data by inter
Island cable from Zamhnango, where the
commander In chief of the Philippine di
vision. Major General Wood, happened to
be. Secretary Taft was at the cabinet
meeting when the official cable was de
ciphered and a copy of it waa Bent at once
to the executive officers and the president
and cabinet listened to Its reading by
Secretary Taft. After his return to the
War department Secretary Taft, comment
ing on the engagement, said:
"General Wood appears to have been
there by accident, or rather without an
Idea of what waa going to happen. I had
a cablegram from lilm saying there were
some n in Hers calling, him to the southern
islands and I suppose when lie got there
he found the trouble on. General Bliss.
who, as commander of the department of
Mindanao, exorcised military jurisdiction
over the Jolo group, was probably at
Zambotingo when General Wood arrived
the s. Here Is General Wood's cablegram:
MAM LA I saving for Zamhoango. be
absent elht days; civil and military busi
ness preparatory to turning over duties
as governor of Moro provinces; shall be
constantly In cable communication.
This - data relative to General Woods'
movements was produced by Secretary
Taft to meet the auggestion that General
Wood may have been on a punitive expe
dition against the Moroa, who had held
out for the uist twg years; against the
Taft llcea Situation.
The ' secretary aald he had made two
vlalts to the Moroa. Rvf reshlng hie recol
lection by some of tbe. official figures at
hand, he said:
The island of Jolo is 'iM miles in a tea.
with a population of 44.71K people ami a
uensity of M inhabitants per square mile.
In the whole command of Jolo mere wre
only l.ZTti civilized aa compared with 60,119
a lid Inhabitants. Jolo ta the most impor
tant lslend of the archlpel go of that namu
lying wtal of Zamlxmngo In ti degrees north,
latitude. The surfaco ia covered with hills
which In a lew caes, such aa Baliu V.l
fet, Butlltt 2.&i feet anil Tamaiuiiguia VjW
feet rise to the dignity ol mountains.
I Mount Dajo, leterred to In the ilispairu,
.nui probatilv not mentioned In tho sumo
.'connection with these mountains because ll
waa only 2.WU feet nign. 1 ne wuiu urciu
pelao is Inhabited by two races of sople,
the Jojo and Hie ei:na, the former a Malay
people long inhabiting the Jolo island
who had been proselyted t Mohammedan
ism The, sultan livm tu a native town
near the city of Jolo and Is ttie nominal
head of a" Moroa there and In Mindanao.
The latter reo.ifnix him, however, only at
their convenience when It suits their pur
poses. Two or three dattos have always
resisted the sultan's claim and there lias
alwaya been a stale of war between them.
The sultan's control over tlieui is qultt.
limited and. wnh thre wairtrig factious
i.. it. luiuiiilH the jealousy l i no euiipoi I
; i,i Americans for one :,-, Is quoc enough
! , Jieep It em In u eoniiiriou ol in-;ui oinct .
If one faction il.t.ugiit It l ad got f.etlur
! eafiLii. nier.. o i-im .w -
' u.41 It ! tvoriii noi.n iiiui toe coustabu-
iin. which Is highly iaan-Lj in o
Is highly pian-Ld In Wenem
v.-L.u..t illsitfilcli for us wuix, was in II. m
eecllon. mail up of Moroa theinaelvt-e. i-'
baa never been 'difficult lo enlist them In
our service to tight against tliuir own peo
ple wbu called on. pfvbeUy uwtug to I hi.