Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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fv-1 sells e"rugs.
Btockert sell carpets.
Ed Roger' Tony Faust beer.
Plumbing and heating. BIx1y at Son.
Dr. Woodbury, dentists, ft Pearl street.
Woodrlng-Sehmldt, undertaker. Tel. t3t.
Jsrvis, 23 Main, wines, brandies, whis
kies. ,
Watch for Saturday' ad
Qlen Avenue
t Diamond aa an Investment.
Talk to
Jffert about it.
Rev. W. H. H Ree of Pittsburg, Pa., la
visiting relative here.
School paints, pen, paper and tablets.
Alexander a, 131 B way.
If you druggist doea not keep Jarvls' H7J
brandy call on ua at 2 Main atreet.
For Imported wines, liquors and cham
pagne, V. Rosnnfeld company. Bil Main St.
The Glen Avenue Grocery la going to have
something good In Saturday's ad. Watch
for It.
For exchange, U-room hotel In good Ne
braska town. P. 8. Kerr, Co. Bluff, la.
Phnn 417.
An acre of fruit, with new, modern
liotise. 1Mb wlli not laat long. Clifton
Walker Co.
If you want your fire insurance to In
aure have Clifton-Walker Co. writ It in
reliable companies.
A irinrrtage license was Issued yesterday
to Gorg Miller, aged 22, and Kffa V. Tln
nell, aged 11.. both of thla city.
Cha-uncey Ijee, the a-yesr-old son f Mr.
and Mrs, John Clarey, liili Avenue H. died
yesterday afternoon from tunc trouble..
Wheh you hav your shoes half soled tak
them to Sargent's. Have them sewed on
and aav too.. Sargent' Model Shoe Shop.
Squire 4k Annls, money to loan; casn on
hand, no delay; city and farm Droperty for
aaia on easv terma nt payment, umc. lot
Pearl -atreat.
Herman, the 13-yeaf-old son of Sam
Friedman, B ttroaowsy, ,s suffering from
broken arm caused by a fall while play
ing at school.
Don't buy wall paper till you see Ber
wick, 2)1 boiith Main, Tel. tea. He s got
wail paper that will Just suit you , and ms
price la right.
W ar paying the highest cssh prices
for old Iron and metals. Council Bluffs I
Junk Htuse. J. Kattleman. nroorieter.
Tel. 60. sol S. Main.
Don't you- think It Is silly to suffer with
corns, bunions and Ingrowing nails when
you can have them removed without pain at
lraves', 1( Pesrl street?
Special l&-eent sheet music sale, one day
only, on Saturday. Thousand copies all go
at 15c Bourlclus Piano House, where In
organ stands upon the building.
Charles Huher, former councilman from
he First ward, was stated last nlgnt to be
a candidate for the democratic nomination
for one of the councllmen-at-large.
A min for anmehnrlv A l.'fcin irm waenrt
for inf.. AY have used It only tour monms. J
tm uia-cucaiiy new. rioeniein at emiin
coal and wood, 14th ave. and th at,
'I ua .jaaaiiautan restaurant and bar ar
giving the biggest meal in town. Short
orders, with pur cream for excellent
coffe. Try and you will be delighted.
Missouri oak "dry 'cordwood, So a cord;
ahellbark hlcaory, $7;' Arkansas anthraclia,
f!.M per ton less than hard coaL William
Welsh,' H North Main Bt. Telephone 1:.
Are jjiou drinking muddy water? There
la no excuse when you can buy atone
Miter .that give you water a clear as
crystal Pnc. M.fro each W. A. Maurar.
Williams, the photographer, wio lost his
hrilldlrig and contents ny fire Saturday, ha
wiiuuig inn conienis-ny nre saiuroay, nas
Smmenced to rebuild and will be ready I
r:. k,,.U. In m twti - .aim. I
K.r business In a few day at same Iocs.'
A 'building, permit was Issued yesterday
to Andersvn roa. for the erection of a
i.Wi - twcXHtury frame residence at the
north aet corner of Vln and Bryant
Still It grows.' Mure Quick Meal Range
old In Council itluffa than any olner !
range. Money cannot make them better.
For sale . at Swame Mauer's, KM-iUti
Broadway; .-" .; : ;
PaJTirartirnt.'sr- l4"-TPr"'hn'e to buy
brushes at 1i car cent dlsoount for cash
only. Council' bluff Fa'nt, oil' and Olas
company a re , going to move to Merrlam
bloca an March U. ...
Buy your, poultry fenoa of ua, as w carry
varloua kind from 'two foot up to seven
foot high. Thette goon have been bougnt
low ' and It -enAblea u to make you close
figure, p. Hafer,
The annual meeting of the Council Bluffs
Rowhig asaiM-iation held Monday
evening, March tsr In the. ballroom of the
Oraud nntel. Following the election of ofh
cera lunch will be served.
Mf. and Mrs. John Nolan are on their
way hoirra from China and a re expected to
arrive In Council Hluffs snout Kaster. Mrs.
Nolan waa" formerly Miss Llssle 1 holl of
this city aad he went to Cmna to he mar
lied to -Mr. Nolan about a year ago.
If you want ar good meal drop in at the;
Vleitna eataurana. The i.avor of our oof''
fee cannot be equaled because we use good
coffee, and-good crearrt, Our butter Is the
best we-aaa) -.'" W know our rolls ar
good because we make t hem ourselves from
the best flour obtainable.
Mr. Mary E. Orvls, "widow of E. O.
Orvls, died yesterdsy at the home of her
daughter,". Mrs.: pile. Rast Pierce street.
Mrs. Or.v hd betn, a resident of Council
Bluffs since N7 and was years of age.
One eon besides the daughter at whose
home she died eurvvsa her. . ,
W. ' 8. . Uewetsnn has lust purchased a
large stock of wall paper, moulding and
Interior rttjooratloa goHls; also pictures and
art goods at 0o on the dollar. Framing
dan artistically and cheap. A large stock
of picture mouldings to select from. Open
ing day, Wednesday, March U.
K. K Rvsna of Ies Moines, grand master
workman, and B. M. Jensen t Fort Iodge,
deputy master workman, will be guests of
Ihe local lodge of Ancient Order of I'nited
Workmen thla evening. An open meeting
will be held and an Interesting program
has been prepared for the occasion.
The police were called last evening to
Broadway and Uleventh street by a report
that CharTea Davis, the negro proprietor of
a m loo n in that locality, hud shot Harvey
Neeley, negro. It developed that
Noeley had at ruck at .Davla. who la said to
be atrelattve,, and tnat Davis fired one shot
from- hi" revolver at Neeley, but merely
succeeded -li puncturing the atmosjihere.
Davla waa aotifled to. appear In police court
this morning, but. wss not plsced under ar
1 sat. :.;' '..
George P. Mariiii. the palmist and me
dium, charged with atlempting to defraud
John (let, an aged and unsophisticated
tierman, out of his wealth, had a partial
hearing '1n nolle court yeeterday morrlng
and ws held tinder )fti pull until this morn
ing Martin Whs unable to secure ball even
In this email amount and had to be content
with remaining helilil the hara and com
muning with the spirits of former ininstes
of tit a ritv bastllK. . lieta' story In polhe
court of His transuctlon with Martin was
subMtaniialiv .Wj reaetltlon of what he had
told Chief Hk hniond the dsy lief ore.
Far sat.
' .
r Private barn to, be moved, located at
9. B'xth gtreet.
Elegant. lot on Glen Ave., up to grade.
Beautiful lot on Fifth Ave., near high
school, i ' .' v
Lota In Bubbitt Place, up to grade.
Lota lit Highland Place, up to grade. .
Soma new d
elllngs modern, beautifully
located. " v
Insure your house aad furniture with me
Tel: 61. Cha. T. Officer. 416 Broadway.
' " 1
. ' Remaval lata. I
We are. glng to ov. March U. to .. !
Merrlam Block, and In .order to reduce
ur stock we ar going to give a S per!
cent dlacofcnt on framing., framed pictures,
wall paper, brushes, etc., for cash onlv.
Council RUifts Faint.. OU and Glass com
pany. . , . ,.
W never fail to give absolute saiiafac
tion. Carpets cleaned by our sanitary
proccea ar thoroughly cleanel. We take
them fsotn your floor and relay them. You
have no trouble or annoyance
Call up ill
and sea how cheap we do K. ' The Council
Bluffs Carpet Cleaning and Rug Manufac
turing Co.; U North Main street.
Tb finest selection ot marble gravesluue
In aouthweatern Iowa twa be found at
gheeley a ' Lanj marble -and granite
work. 417 fcaaj Brw4y, Council Bluff.
Many difTrraut deelgaa--and colors The
-4o by. experts she hart had
veara f trainlog, . . , '
Tonne Woman from Iowa Placed in Evil
Resort by Her Cousin.
Man Is Peat tt Jail aa a taarrant. bat
Likely Will Hav a More Serlnas
Charge t Aaawer Voang
Waaaaa Waats Work.
"Uive l-ennie the tlmit of the law.' That
Is not his wife. Mold the girl with I-ennle,
alias Harris, till her father comes. Lennle
Is a former convict and a crook. He Is a
married man with a wife and child here."
Such was the Information conveyed to
the police in tw telegrams yesterday
afternoon after C. L. Wilcox, a youth of
2i. and Anna Wilcox, a young woman of 21
years, claiming to be mun and wife, had
had a hearing before Judge Scott In police
court earlier In the day on a charge of va
grancy. The elory developed by the arrest of th
couple revealed the luring of a young, un
sophisticated country- girl from her home
In a small Iowa town and the placing of
her by her companion, who is said to be
her first cousin. In a house' of Ill-fame hi
Omaha. t ' ' "
The couple were arrested late Wednes
day night on Information glveh the police
by two men, who, it Is said, were emis
saries of (he house of prostitution In
Omaha where the young woman , was
placed by her supposed husband. In police
court yesterday morning they both told
the same 'story of how, being stranded In
Omaha without funds, the young woman
" " " ' " a -
na5- despite the protest of her alleged h
band, entered the house of Ill-fame. The
young woman's experience In the place was
not what she had anticipated and she tried
to leave, 'but was, a she asserted, pre
vented. She succeeded, however, Wedhes
dsy night In making her escape, and with
her husband, as she called the young man
by her aide In police court, walked to Coun
cil Bluffs, a they were without funds to
pay carfare. Two men, said to "be con
nected with the house of Ill-fame, from
which the young woman made her escspe
followed them and told the police tht Wil
cox ought to be arrested for placing his
wife In a house of Ill-fame. These men
only desired the arrest of Wilcox and asked
that the young woman be placed In their
care. ' The police,' however, decided to ar
rest both Wilcox and the young woman.
Wamaa Tells Her 4ory.'
Wilcox and the young woman said they
were from Minneapolis, but it later de
veloped that the vmiur man nnlv rams
from there. The young woman admitted to !
Di.i,,ni ,- .h. . l .
Richmond that she was not the wife
of WIlCOX. hut In fSCt WSS hill flrMt COllMtn.
Her home, she said, waa In Baird, la.,
where she taught music. Her home life,
she said, was unpleasant and after cor
resDnndence with vouna Wllcor.he aareed
to secure her employment elsewhere. Last I 8'a. neavea a neep ana long sign or re
Saturday Wilcox appeared In Balrd and j ,lef yesterday when Mayor Macrae made
that evening the two left, gblng to Ded- I Public his willingness to accept a re-nomi-ham,
where they put up at a hotel. At ! nation ami head his psrty ticket on Mrch
Ddhtnv According to the young woman's
story." Wilcox telegraphed to , hi j wife In
Minneapolis, who Sent him sufflcietlt' money
to enable them to reach Omaha, where they
put up at a cheap lodging house and the
next day the yonng woman entered the
house of Ill-fame. '
The telegrams received by Chief Rich
mond from Minneapolis were from, the
young man's mother, who In one of .them
signed herself, "His Broken-Hearted
Mother." The young woman, realizing evi
dently the disgraca she has brought on her
self and her family. Is not anxious to be
sent home and requested Chief Richmond
to find her employment somewhere.
Young Wilcox, after receiving a scathing
lecture from Judge. Scott, was sentenced to
forty days in the Aty Jail, but the county
attorney' office now has the case under In
vestigation and it Is possible' that fie will
be held on a more serious charge. After
hi arrest Wednesday night Wilcox Sent a
telegram to his folks in Minneapolis asking
for Mt to enable him to return home. Yes
terday he received a -telegram from Minne
apolis,.' addressed to O. W. Harris, rsr of
police station, and signed Thornton. "Tour
wife here" waa atl thaVthe telegram con
tained. ' ;
Clifton-Walker Co. have recently closed
the sale of a number of properties, which
reduces their lit g.' They hsve a large
number of other client who wish to invest.
Perhaps your property Is Just what they
want. Better place It with tham for quick
action. ' ...
- - raffed Rlea. .
Something new, candled puffed vice, fin
eating, manufactured by Q. C. Brown at
the Purity Candy, Kitchen, 64 W. .Broad
way. .
Heal Fatal Traailm.
These transfers -were reported to
Bee March K. by' the Title ciuaranty
Trust company of Council Bluffs: . .
Lilla M. Hurt and huxhand to Warren
Hewitt. nt1 sU 5-, 4-43. w 1 tj.yu
frinimi nrieiiB iinrii nnu wire Hi' .
Rolieit Olsen. se'i nw' and Dart ne'
nm VT7-43, w d... l.Kii
I Fletcher Whltcomb and wile to Helen
I Merltt. WU BeU I-T4-S1. w ri
Mary Schmidt and ' husbiind to Ray
Sceliold, part nw4 nw' 7-74-41. w d
Lewi Hatewell and wife to Nathan I..
Hobson, part ne lie" 27-74-'. w d..
C. R. Aggnou and wife to Mite E Agg
son, part, n' ewV 13-74-40, w- d
Ifelwlg Fran to Matilda Henley, lots
11 and 12 In blix k 6, 1(1 Myustar's
udd. to t'oum ll Bluffs, la , a w U
J. A. Uallaher and --wl'o - to - Robert
Stevenson, lot S. In block 18. In Ever
ett's add to Council Hluffs. la., w ii..
Charlea M. llarl and wife n Armlnda
HuHtlnglon. lot K in Heklenv'a suIhII
viaion. in Council Hluffs. la , w d .
FVrdlnand Wies and wife to Elisabeth
P. Harding, lot (. lu block 1. In
Curtla V Kamaey's add to Council
I George H. Edwards to llaVui'sa 111' k' '
Hiuns, la . w
n n'i aw - und part el4 ne
aw i, g-7i-43. q c d Jii
I Eineat U. Haker and wife to Owen J.
I MoManu. 4 nrV 4-76-41. w d 11.141
Annie J. Haker to Owen J. McManus
net, ur 4-7i-4. w d son
1 McMnui."n 'nw ' 475-41 W'3 ,
Heir of Henry T. Ivan to Jennie H.
Dean. n nwi 5-77-ei, q c d 1
Fifteen transfer, total
- . - - - . ,
If you prefer quality to quantity and al
aolute satisfaction to yourself, g I
Schmidt photo. . Aim ays guaranteed to
pKNtae-1 Phone &57. 4U6 Broadway.
You are not obliged to guess at what a
piano la worth-buy It at A. Horpe Co. a, SS
South Main street. Council Bluff. They
have but Pne price, and that the, low eel.
). 46. '. A. staaa wecllaugr .
genrrul coinmlttm In charge of Mi
ttu istian . iissot Utlou proj'
ect ia making fxtehstve prearatrons for tbe
nun meeting to be heh 'Sunday afternoon
In th Dodg. IJght. urd' armory. A
number of good sneaketa have" been se.
cared' dud (n addition Jo the Urge ttuirua
'Jl Wet inui, tm thei wiU be art is-
1 1
te'restltig program of vncut and Instrumental
inuslA , :
The committee ha Incurred aKlVe ar lee
expense in arranging for this meeting,
which all! have to be borne by the In
dividual members unless some of those In
terested in the protect are willing to con
tribute towards these preliminary expenses.
Frank T. True is treasurer of -the gen.
ersl committee snd he will be glad; to
receive and acknowledge any and all con
tributions. I
Far a Qalek Bale.
I will offer the five-roomed house and lot
t Wltf Avenue A for one week at 150. New
house: city Water. Easy terms. No bet
ter Investment In Council Bluffs. Make a
line home. Wallace Benjamin, Room 1,
First N'ationet bank. I write fire Insur
ance. Office 'phone, 308; residence 'phone,
Black 144.
Everything of enduring quality must
have a deep, solid foundation. A large part
of the time of every successful business
msn must be spent in preparation. The
success of "Van Brunt vehicles" I not the
result of luck or accident, but the product
of hard" and conscientious' effort extending
over twenty-fix-e years. Csll at my reposi
tory, 1! to 3i Fourth street.
For a-le.
Centrally located bakery, first class order
and fixtures; cash trade; 1900.
Two-chair barber shop, good fixtures,
good- location, cheap rent; a bargain; sen
me. Alva Smith, real estate. Insurance, rx
changes Room 7 Everett block.
This Is the season of the year that you
drink coffee, and if you desire to have th
best ceffee on earth served on your table
order It from McAfee. The three leading
brands: McAfee's Java and Mocha at 40c,
Special Blend 10c and Premium Blend at Eo,
Drmornti (areatly Relieved by the
Mayor Macrae has availed himself of
the p.Hvllege which by tradition Is accorded
to every woman, namely, that of changing
his mind as often as he deems fit. After
repeated assertions to the effect that tind-T
no consideration would he be a candidate
for mayor again or accept a re-nomlnatlon
at the hands of his party even If the re
uoinlnatlnn waa presented to him on a
sterling silver platter," he has yielded to
the importunities of his democratic friends
and yesterday snnounced that he had
definitely decided to accept the re-nomlna-llon,
which will be tendered him next
Thursdsy evening without question.
There Is not the slightest doubt tltit
great pressure has b-en brought to beat
on Dr. Macrae, as he aiis doubtless sin
cere In his statement mode several weeks
ago that he would not make the rsVe
again. The democrats fully realised that
the sole hope of success this spring was
the re-nomlnatinn of Dr. Macrse. aa a
thorough search of the woods failed rto
reveal an y other suitable candidate to
h'1 ,h PTi xivkrt- In -mlng to the
rescue or nis pHny si mis critical moment
Mayor Macrae' decision to accept a re
nomlnatlon, will in the event of his re
election, mean a considerable sacrifice of
his professional and private Interests.
Member of the democratic party. It I
S. W.- -Williamson represents the four
leading sewing machine companies, vis.:
Standard, New Home, Domestic and White.
These are all strictly high-grsde machines.
He alao carrlea a line of cheap machines.
He rents und repairs all kinds of machines
and bicycles at 17 8outh Main street. '
Fine Colorado farm land, to per acre.
Improved ranches, $10 to fM per acre. One
Improved ranch,- four miles from town, 16
per acre. A big snap. Excursion March
:D. Fare, $1020. F. C. lougee, i: South
Main street.
treo. A. Hoagland haa just received a tar
load of the famous A ma son Rubber rooting,
and will make you very attractive prices on
large or small quantities. Now is the time
to get your roofs In shape before th heavy
spring rslns. .
A new plumbing shop In town. F. A.
Spe:icer, lag West Broadway, Is an expert
In hia line and is always glad to figure
with you on any plumbing or contract
that ou may have. His work Is up-to-dato
a 01 guaranteed.
You have noticed special sales on Mrs.
Potts- Irons Advertised We and Mc per set.
Our regular price . for the past twelve
months has been fRc per set.- Remember
O'lr price, 75o per set. I'sddock-Handschy
Hardware company.
We will handle during Lenten season a
full lln of fresh, skit, smoked and cured
fish of all kinds at the usual low price
Central Grocery and Meat mnrltrt. 'Phone
U. flmi-fiou w. Broadway.
Mattera la District t'oart.
The illHtrtcl court petit Jury, which was
discharge for the term yesterday morning
by Judge Thornell. after seven weeks'
service, 'presented J. H. Matlack, th court
bailiff, with a hundsonie gold watch in
le.ogniilon of his courteey and watchful-
liessfor their comfort. Attorney 8. B.
' WmiMworth iiin.l t
presentation siieech
and Judge 'Thorm 11 seized the opportunity
to add a few encomiums on the faithful
ness of the court officer. Mr. Matlack was
recently Initiated Into the Council Bluffs
lodge of Elks and the watch bears on its
case an engraving of au elk.
8. P. Mathlaaou, ihe young man under
Indictment for iwsaing a number of wort h
leas checks, bus more grief on his hands.
Ills young w.fe, Maud C. Mathiason, to
whom he was aimriied July i last, only a
few weeks b'effd. ) was arrested, yester
terday begun suit for divorce In th district
court. She vhurges him w ith illtreating her
and then absconding and deserting her
sft-r the worthiest check episode.
Mrs. Matilda Hununell asks a divorce
from Charles Hununell, to whom she was
married December 27, Oai In Neola, la.
ihe charges her husband with deaerting
her on February 19 of Hits' year. She asks
for the custody of their minor children and
that the title to the homestead in Neola be
decreed to I In her.
William Nelaon. who was married to Ella
Nelson iu Monu suiim. la., December 6,
1KV. charges his wife with deserting him
than two years after their marriage
i llled a petition for dirorre.
Menslnger flieo; jesterday her petl
i her suit sgalnst Joe Carroll, In
winch she asks for ll.Hs damages for al
leged assault and battery.
Th personal Injury damage cull of Haef
ner agaiiiat Hubei Bros., asaigned for trial
yesterday, was continued Is the 'uext term
and tha petit Jary discharged.
The discord which has leen brewing be
Iweeji K P. WuodrU.g and 11. V. Schmidt,
comprising Ihw Wootirlng-Schnildt I'nder
taking company, culminated yesterday in
Woodriitg bringing auit in the district court
to dissolve the partnership and for the ap
pointment of a, receiver to wind np the af
fairs of the company. Th property of the
Orm la sid to le wcth about 14.600 gug i,w
laigest Indebtedness Is 2,?jo, due the rirst
National bank. The espial stock of tha
firm waa In.Tnn, of whtrh Schmidt oonlrlb-i
uted ti.Srn and Wootlrtng. Vin. In adU!tkn
to his experience as an undertaker.
Tlaley and r hoedaar I Usstr for
Directors. Davla for Tresiartr.
At the democratic school convention last
evenlne Kmmef TlnlSy and Oeorge A.
Bchoedsack were nominated for memhera i
of tha Roard of Kducatlon by acclamation I
and the nomination for school treasurer
wss given to George 8. Davis In thesame
way. J
The convention, which was well attended,
waa held In th city eoaneil chamber. At
torney F. W. Miller was selected to pre
side by Chairman Huahes tf the city cen
tral committee and- I-ee U Evans per
formed his usual stunt of acting secre
tary. Mr. Miller was called upon to make
a speech, but refrsined' from doing so
except to tlmnk the convention for the
Ktnmot Tlnley is the retiring democratic
member of the school board and hts run
ning mate. Cleorge A. SchoeUsack, Is a
resident of the Sixth ward. Oeorge S.
Davis, the nominee for srhool treasurer,
formerly held-the office .for two terms,
but two years ago was defeated by the
republican candidate, f. G. McOee.1' There
had been considerable talk during the day
of naming M. F. Rohrer for treasurer, bit
he declined the lionoc at the- last minute
when lie learned that Davis wss willing to
accept the nomination.
The price of olives has gone away up. but
w were fortunate enough to purchase
large stock Just before th price raised,
which we will sell at 10c and up. They are
all the famous Dou Carlos brand. ' J. Olson,
739-741 West Broadway.
The Title Guaranty an& TriAt company,
abstracter of titles. Books date back to
1B1. Bonks aa all up to date. Work ac
curately and promptly dona at lowest
prices. Office opposite court house, MS Pearl
treet. Council Bluffs, la.
tstp Piano rargala.
' Parties leaving the city. Left on sale.
Original price 1350. Will sell on easy pay
ments, tlS6. See at the big piano house,
Bchmoller Mueller Piano company, 501
Brosdwsy, Council Bluffs,' la.
For durability, neatness and style get the
Monarch range, th only satisfactory
range on the market. It gives you real
pleasure and happiness to use it. Handled
by Keller. Farnsworth. .
Jensen A Nicholson, the great wallpaper
establishment, have just received a large
shipment of domestic and Imported wall
paper. Designs the latest and most beau
tiful In the city.
Repablleaa Ward Primaries.
The republicans will hold ward primaries
this evening for the nomination of ward
councllmen. As there are In some of the
wards more thsn one aspirant for council
manic honors some Interesting contest
are looked for. The primaries will begin
at H o'clock and th primary system adopted
by the county and city central committees
will prevail. ...
The primaries in the several wards will
be held at the following places
First ward. Sheeley and Lane's building,
217 East BToadway. j..
Second ward, city hall.
Third ward, H7 South Main street. '
Fourth wsrd, county court house. ,
Fifth wsrd, county building, Fifth avenue
and Twelfth rtrvet.
Sixth ward, county bunding; corner of
Avenue B and Twenty-fourth" .street. -JOHN
J. HeWS. Chairman.
if you want ugoodV etytlKh, strictly up-to-dat
spring suit, let Hicks fit you out.
He can give you the best 'fit In town and
make you a price that will tit your pock
etbook 13 Pearl street.' ...
We now hav an entire new spring stock
carpets, rugs, oik loth, linoleum, window
shades and lsre curtains. o)nt In and In
spect it. D. W. Keller., ins South Main St.
Telephone Red 624. , , i
Trenaendoaa Aal .
On Ignito burners and self-lighting mantles.
Hsve you tried one? We have exclusive
sale. .W. A. M Hirer.
New pianos at Bwanson Music company
from 11)6 and up on payments of $6 down
and 15 per month. Reliable '.standard makes.
New locution, 4(T Broadway.
Shorthand and bookkeeping position ar
easily secured if you are well qualified.. W
do that. New classes this week. Western
Iowa college. ..
Good bread can't lie made exce;t from
good flour. Cse "Big A" flour and your
bread will always be good. Your grocer
sells It or should. .
N. T. Plumbing Co. T. tW. 'Night L 66.
Tsro Nactlona of a FrelalN Trala t ul
llde, lajurlac Five.
.BURLINGTON. Ia., March 8.-A rear end
collision here today between two sections
of a freight train on the Chicago, Burling
ton ft (Juincy railway, resulted In the in-
Jury of four men.
8. Heaton of New YlrginlH, la., a stock
niaii, was islally injured, .
The others hurt were; .
Hrakeman Siuckniau, lutdly cut in the
heic and liody.
William Kachmnn of Burlington, ' arm
Hrakeman Frank Mathews of Keitbsliui s.
Internally injured.
1 The lnsin line was blinkaded for several
hours. .
A large amount of live stock was-VUl,.,!
and fifteen cats and one engine demol
ished. The accident was cause. I by the
first section of the trsiu breaking In tv.-o.
4 HI lER
C'llr of Des Molars Makes Duaatloa to
It amraakr.
BOSTON. March .-l8ptclal Telegram.)
Mayor Goorga Muttein of Des Muiites. with
Councilman F. S. Whitney and Messis. Milo
Ward and S. U. Allen of the Dea Moires
Commercial exchange, arrived here today
as representatives of the city of Des Moine
to attend the preaentation. of the big bell
which the people of. the city have provided
for the crulaer, Des Molnee. now lying at
the Charleston navy yard.
The ceremonies took place this afternoon.
Mayor Mattern formally presenting the
bell In a brief sneecH.
Ion a Lealalatar Meets la Jolat Sea.
slua ta Pag Trlaate His Maaawrr.
DES MOINES. March S.-T1, Iowa legia
lature today convened In Joint assembly
Henderson of the hous. of representative.
Siu.av?aii I I a rk aa nf t Hat T.iaa-aa . a
' " "' ' "uv ana
Senator uorge w . Punliain, peraonal
friends of the late speaker, delivered
eulogies. , An address bv" P.epresentat:ve
Nate Kf ndall completed the memorial pro- ,
gram, I
ana tillun la i'aaveail.a.
t)8CEXI.A, la.. Marcfc . (Special.! The
annual meeting of the Southern Iowa Edit
orifel . asm ia Con was opened here today.
A flue two days' jirograru has beeu ar
ranged '
Senate Puts in All of Session on it Without
Keanhina: a Oonolnsion.' '
Meaaare aa It Sow tanda l eases Only
Karty Uollnra Ter Maath nt
Waea af Family Raesnpt
from Rxecatloa.
tFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINKS, March .-tSpeclat )-f he
seriate today spent the entire forenoon on
the committee substitute for the Hughes
anti-pass bill and adjourned at noon with
the bill still-under consider tlon. Senator
Olllllland of Mills and Dowel! . f Polk took
strong stands on thw bill, the ..enator from
Mills i.fferlng a resolution to strike out sec
tion 4, which permits employes, even
though state officials, legislators or other
officials, to ride on free transportation on
the road for which they are employed.
Senator Hughes opened the discussion of
the bill, making a brief speech and offering
n amendment providing that no employe
or agent of a road shiill he exempt from
testifying under the law, but exempting
them from prosecution If they do testify.
The amendment was adopted. Senator Gll
111 la ml then moved to strike out section 4.
and the entire morning Was spent In dis
cussion of the amendment. Turner of Ad
ams offered a substitute providing that
county, district and state officers and dele
gates to political conventions should not
be exempt from the sntl-pass law. and Oll-
llland accepted It. though later on the Moor
stated that he wss not .sure but thst he
should not have accepted the substitute.
The argument on tho amendment was
waged by Gtllltltwid, Dowell, Garst and
Turner on one side and Bounders and Jam
ison on the other. The contention of one
side was that a citlxen should choose be
tween holding a public office and being the
employe of a railroad, and on .he other'
side It wss contended that an attorney for
a railroad had a right to accept transpor
tation In payment of salary If he chose,
and that a railroad employe ought to have
the same rights ss a hanker or any other
profession or employment to hold a city or
public office.
11ease Passe Greene BUI.
The house todsy spent all forenOon con
sidering and passing the Greene wsge ex
emption bill. This is a bill lo make a rad
ical change In the laws of Iowa as related
to the exemption of wages of laboring men
from attachment for debt. It makes an ex
emption of only S4n a month and all above
that sum, whether earned by the head of
the family or by those of other members of
the family, is subject to attachment. The
bill la one which has long been urged by
the merchsnts of the state and the State
Retnil Grocer' association hss been carry
ing on a systematic csmpaign for the bill
a number .of years. Mr. Greene has been
state organiser for the association. There
was objection found to the present bill be
cause It makes also a radical change In
the exemption as to homesteads, limiting
them to S.u00 In value. Efforts were made
to have the bill amended, especially in the
matter of what should be considered earn
ings a against income In fact, but all ef
fort failed and the bill was passed as In
troduced, 52 to 17.
Kdaratloaal Bill Deferred.
The houso had a special order for the
morning, that of the state certificate bill,
which was pnssed by the senste, but from
Ihe fact that membrs had not until todsy
had opportunity to examine the bill In Its
present tortn .thjs was put off until next
The house In Jie afternoon took up the
senate bill changing the time for beginning
the school year to July 1 and made It a
special order for tomorrow morning.
The senate amendments to the bill v re
pairing the Polk county primary law wer
accepted. These make It possible for a
woman to be a csndldafe on the ticket, also
for one not a resident of the county, if a
candidate for slnte office, to be on the
ticket. ;
The Chassell bill to require life preservers
on steamboats in Iowa was passed.
Former Speak; r D. H. Bowen of Alla
makee county was present at the session
and on Invitation addressed the house
JefTeraonlaa Hanaart.
Details of the Jeffersonlsn banquet to be
given in this city April 3 have been per
fected. The banquet will be a II a plate
affair at the 8a very and the speakers will
be Governor Folk of Missouri, T. C. Clary,
representative from Chickasaw county: M.
F. HeZly of Fort Dodge, Henry Vollmer of
Da venport. General J. B. Weaver of Col
fax, J. E. Craig of Keokuk. Judge J. M.
Parsons of Rock Rapids and John Read of
Des Moines. The arrangements for re
serving plates at the banquet, is In th
hands of Harry Evan of this city. The
banquet Is an annual affair given by the
democrat of the entire tate of Iowa and
there la no limitation to the attendance,
except that Mr. Evans -must lie communi
cated with for seats.
Stole for Wife's Dresses.
In police court today Mrs. Ed Epler,
whose husband is a window trimmer at a
department store and was arrested for
stealing silks, took all the blame upon her
self. She asserts that she complained about
not htiving pretty clothes till her husband
was forced to steal. He was caught with
a bolt of silk in his pants' leg.
Esteaslvr Interarbaa Scheme.
An extensive lntcrurban scheme has been
outlined to the business nieii' of Iowa at a
conference at the Savery by T. J. Wllco
of Chicago. It is projiosed to unite the In-'
terurban Intereats of the state and aecuro
large additional capital and to then extend
the lines 111 every directum ubout the larger
cities of the stste. I 'a Moines. Clinton,
Davenport, Burlington and Ccdar Rapids
business men are giving consideration to
(lie project.
Pare Food Rill Mlgaed.
Governor Cummins today signed the pure
food bill, which is the most important leg- (
Isiation thus fsr this sestdon to receive his ;
signature.' It will go Into effect July 4.' I
Director Roberts Here.
Director Of the Mint George E. Roueiu ,
arr1ed In the city this morning and this;
evening addressed the bankers of Dt-s
Moines on the gold supply of th world In
relation to (he money market. He ex
pressed no fear Vat there would Se a large
supply of gold and asserted that the need
of money In many new lines would oon
use up the eemlng urplus.
BlaSTa Case Reversed.
Tiie supreme court today reveraed the
case of Augusta Keeline. sppellant, against
A. A. Clark, from Pottawattamie county,
an action to quiet title to properly In Coun
cil Bluffs.
, ,OWA crry , Marfh (8pecial Tele
urhr!n Uvcrak was sentenced ta
day to two year In the penitentiary for
by a heavy cold or cough, your lung ar
j Kw uiacovrrv. and HO. Tor aaia bv I
BH.rman A McConnall firia r.
Mataal lasaraae Kla-ilua.
Kl-K POINT, a. D.. March . fperiat.
Tbe directors of tl.s I nlou Mutual tit I
ee association, which was recentl)
Iced tiers, met at the courthouse In
ifT dry snd elected the following officers j
fVn he ensuing year: President, M. Hoff- j
msn,. sr., FJk Point; vice president, D. W. j
Noble. Cntrvl!le: secretary. Andrew Mar-
tl. Elk Polnl: iressurer. O. M. Walters.
Hk Point The company expects y begin I
wHtlng Insurance on a large scale ss soon I
st possible,.' ' j
W. A. strath era erased Mf Taklnar j
Fir Taaaaaad Dallara fmm
the Uaserwmeal.
CASPER, Wyo.. March I. (Special Tele
gram.) W. A. Brothers, the governme it
distributing sgent for the Pathfinder pv
Jert, whose headquarters Is In Casper, was
arrested today on th chsrge of misappro
prlsdon of government 'unds. He is said
I to have stolen 16. mm. ;
He is' In the county Jail here and will
hav a preliminary heating tomorrow.
Brothers came here about a year ago j
and hsi always conducted himself honnr.i- i
bly and his defalcation Is a shock to all
It Is said he lost the money gambling.
RIII.R04D mil.nilc; I VtlllMIM.
I. a ramie, llahn'a Peak at Pacific Ready
for TraeUlaylna.
LARAMIE. Wo.. March T. (Special.)
Yesterday hiornlng a gang of men wss
placed at work in (he yards of the Lsra
mle. Hahn's Pesk .- Pacific here, arrang
ing -for the operations of the ' track-laying
outfits that are shortly to begin work on
this road. Enough steel Is on hand and
i enrout to compute the road to Centennial,
thirty miles out. The equipment for this
stretch of rosd hss been secured and as
soon as the steel Is laid traffic will com
mence. It is expected lo have the line In
opera! Ion by July 1.
Savidget Ueta Conple 4 owalea.
At the residence of Rev. C. W. Ssvidge
Wednesdsy afternoon Devereux Y. Eng
lish and Miss Moltie A. Prill were mar
ried. Paul E. Stanton and Miss Flossie 14.
McDowell were married Wednesday even
ing at the home of the bride's parents,
1.1 Chicago street. Rev. Mr. Savldg offi
ciating. Torrey-WJJIet.
WOODBINE, la., March '.-(Special.)
The marriage of H. Lee Torrey and Pansy
Vlllet occurred here test night at 6 o'clock
at the home of Mir Pauline Hlllls, the
brlde aunt. Rev. Clint J. W. Trlein of
the Presbyterian church officiated. Th
young couple will reside In Woodbine.
Mrs. Brown from Obi.
CINCINNATI. March . Mrs. Ethel
Geachy Brown, whose dead body was taken
from the Seine near Paris, Frsnce, vester
day. waa a native of Fayettevllle. O ,
whence she removed with her parents
twenty yesrs ago. The Identification was
msrte through a clue found In this city
A Lonit Train of Fatal Ilia is the Direct
Result of I ndigested Food.
Undigested food, by, fermenting, forms a
poison in the stomach and this Is absorbed
In tb blood. If thla goes on very long,
and your heart huppens to be weak, you'll
b found some morning dead In bed, or you
may fall back down th stairs about an
hour and a halt after dinner, and the doc
tor will call It heart disease. Yes, that
may be the result, but hot the cause. Th
cacse Is Indigestion. Indigestion is a alm
ple, common word, but has a terribl Im
port. And so you may get apoplexy, and dl
suddenly while you're standing.
It you have a weak liver, the pulsuu of
undigested food will attack it and you will
get jaundice. ' If you have weak kidneys,
you will get Bright' s Disease or diabetes,
from which there 1 no rescue for any
It waa a learned physician who raid that
th progress of a race depended upon th
etomschs of It members.
And you hav at some time In your Ufa
eaten a heavy meal, or eaten In a hurry.
and felt that "lump of lead" Immediately
afterward. That lump of lead Is a hard
ball . of undigested food. The stomach
can't digest It, and finds it hard to throw
It out. . And o It ora, and It makes you
our and everybody sour who talk with
you. It give you a bad breath and la
building for you th road ta dyspepaia and
death, unless you stop It.
Stop It with Stuart Dyppag Tablet.
Just think, these little tablet are every
bit a powerful a th gastric Juice In your
stomach. One grain will digest 3,000 grain
of food. In't thl wonderful? And it is
t.-ue, Just, try It and prove It.
If you nav any brash, gas on the stom
ach, fermentation, burning, bloaty feeling.
Indigestion. dyspepsia or heartburn!
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet will make it
disappear before It can do any harm to
your heart or other organs.
They will Invigorate tha stomach, relieve
the stomach of two-thirds or lis work
and give It a chance to rest. They will In
crease the flow of.gaslrlc Juice, and If you
will ever "live'' In your lifetime, It will be
after; you have eate.n a good, hearty meal,
and taken one of these little tabltta m.
mediately afterword. You'll Just fuel fine.
Talte Stuart's Dysp.psla Tsblets after
your next meal to-dav and you will una
them ever afterward. You will ha cheerful,
vigorous and your mind will be clear; you'll
have snap and vim, and add many a day
Our acceptance ot a caa I equivalent
to a cure, for we never accept
lecebt Inrtira.
bl rn.i Conault u. OCR ADVICE
IS KRBK. Jor ysars w hav special
ised an th ailment of men. Our
method ar distinctly original and
up! t dst. Where other physician
ar baffled and fall w cur, and cur
First Wi Cin Yiv The. Yn Pi) Hi
Tour aaa I urgent we ar willing te
wait until you ar cured for the few
dollar w charge for our service.
Could w afford to do thla if eur cur
wer low or doubtful? .
Lit This Atiirtlssmmt It Your Guide
It ha beea eur message te thousands
It has been their first stsp towards
kaalth It I ur message ta you.
The Cnty SlHit.t Tr;t
Wa aeearally treat Weakaeae,
Partial ar t'aaaaleta Laaa, Lack af
rawes aad Btraaath. Dlaaaeae af
ka Kleaera, gUaea IMosaa, Kkaa
saatUaa, Vartacaela, eaatrUtlaa,
rvaaaeaey aad laeaatlaeae af
I'rtaa. Ikla IHaeaae. Ptlea. rta-
lirtUiitir. UiJicil I oircleil Inst.
North watt Cer. IStk 'areas
asaks. Rkrk
iL j Cure
nl(p I Men'M Only
IrregulaHtlea and Fssnala Daranga
ments Hectilt- tjtiradi by Lyoia K.
Pmknam a VgtabJa Compound. .
Owing to our mode gnd manner of
living, and the nervous haste of everv
woman to acconiplbh just so much
each Any, it ia said that there ia not 't
one woman in twenty-fire but that
suffers from some derang-ement of th)
female organism, and this la tha aecret
of so many unhappy homes.
No woman can be amiable, HifhV
hearted and happy, a Joy to her Ha
band and children, and perform th
duties Incumbent npon her, when tfom
is snfferlnff with backache, headache,
nervousness., ttleeplesseesa, bearinir
down pains, displacements, apinal
weakness or diseased organs.
Irritability and snappy retorts take
the place of pleasantness, and all tun- -ahine
is driven out of the home, and
Uvea are wrecked by woman great
enemy female trouble.
Read this letter:
Dear Mrs, Pinkham:
" I waa troubled for eight year with Irregu
larities which broke down my health and .
brought on extreme nervousness and despon
dency. Lydia E. Plnkhsm's Vegetable Com
pound proved to be the only medicine which
helped m Day by day I improved In health -while
taking it until I was entirely cured. I
ran attend to my social and household duties
and thoroughly enjoy life once more, aa Lydia
K. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound haa mad
me a well woman, without an ache or a pain."
Mrs. Chester Curry, ii Saratoga Street,
East Boston, Mass.
At the first indication of ill health,
painfnl or irrcfrular periods, pain in
the side, headache, backache, bearinjr
down pains, nervousness or "the blues,"
seen re at once a bottle of Lydia E.
Plnkhsm's Vegetable Compound and
bea-in its use.
$1 Advertising Book
To those Interested In the subject of adver
tising. w will sehd tree upon receipt of loo
In stampa or coin to cover postage, the 151
page bound book entitled Current Kates of
Live Publications This book contains lists
of all publications in the United States
with their circulation and their rate for
advertising space. It also contains a com
plete list of street cars showing Costs of
street car card advertising. A most vslu
sble book for the old as well as th new
Pilnter-Tobej-Jones Co., Advestlslng Agent.
36a uaarborn St.i Chicago, III.
Five FastTrains
and the East via the
over the only double track
railway between the' Mis
souri River and Chicago. '
This complete, service
includes Pullman drawing
room and private compart
ment sleeping cars, parlor
cars, composite observa
tion cars with library and
buffet-smoking apartment,
free reclining chair cars,
standard day coaches and
dining cars (a la carte ser
vice.) Tickets ni 'til! information oo appll
cation to ticket office
1401 and 1403 FsrnamSu.
Leans Omaha 6:00 P. M.
Arrlvs Chicago 7:30 A. 1,1.
Steamship tickets to all Europ
ean points.
1402 Farnam St., Omihi, Keh.
A1rCArtr Curry J
Try Hi. Want At
Column of Tb