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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1906)
The Omaha Daily Bee NEW LOCATION THE BEE BUSINESS OFFICE Oround Floor Corner Tbt htt Balldlnf ITU and Faraam NEW LOCATION THE BLE BUSINESS OFFICE Ground FIor Corner Tat Pee Billdlrf 17th and Fsrasm ESTABLISHED JUNE 10, 1871. OMAHA, FIUD AY MOKXIXO, MAKCII !. 100G-TKX PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. CONFUSION. IN FRANCE Government Crippled a Besult of Resigna tion of Rouvier Cabinet. NEGOTIATIONS AT ALGECiRAS DEI Statement that Orisii Will Not Jf Trench Moroccan Policy. ? REGARDED AS WARNING TO GE' F , President Pallieres Begins Bories of L' - enoet Eeeardinc Hew Ministrj . . ... RENTES SELL OFF -TWENTY CENTIMES .New Cabinet Mar Be Compelled to Temporise with Those Who Object to Present Charch Um. PARIS. March I. The government finds ItaelC without a ministry at the culminat ing etas of the Moroocsn conference fit Algdrsa. A semi-official statement on subject says: "The ministerial crisis does not affect French policy at the confer ence." Thla Is designed chiefly to warn Ger many not to take advantage of the situa tion. The fact Is that the ministerial hia tua confuses matters and threatens tha agreement which otherwise might have boon reached today, Tha vote in the Chamber of Deputies last Bight, resulting in the defeat of the government and the resignation of the cabinet, also requtrea that the government temporise with the church manlfestsnts who are becoming Increasingly demon strative, particularly the peasants. President llalda Conference. President Fallieros today began a series of consultations relative to the formation of a new ministry. He first conferred lengthily with M. Duborst. president of " the senate, and later received M. Doumer, president of the Chamber of Deputies. No ' announcement of the president's course of action has been made, but the names most mentioned are those of Leon Bourgeois, the former premier; Alexandre Mlllerand. ths farmer minister of commerce; Rav mond Polncalrc, former minister of public works, and Senator -Clemenceau. There Is some talk also of M. Delcasse. the former foreign minister, who Is supported by the Anglo-French enthusiasts, but his appointment Is impossible, owing to Oer man hostility to him. J M. Rouvler wants to retire from the ' premiership, but he may be Induced to retain' the portfolio of foreign affairs or that . of finance, under another premier. Rentes went oft 10 centimes today, but recovered, showing that the operators on tha Bourse were nut seriously disturbed by the resignation Of the cabinet. ' Holy Sea Is in Deskl. ftOMFVMarch 8. The Vatican authorities received throughout the night letters from France regarding the cabinet crisis, in which the ftope and Papal Secretary Merry del Val were most Interested, although It was admitted that It was difficult to estab ' llsh Whether the Issue would be a victory for tha Holy 8ce or the Inauguration of an even stronger anti-Catholic regime in Franc. Feeling" la Berlin. BERLIN, March 8. The fall of the Ro'u vter ministry is now regarded in Berlin aa affecting only the Internal politics of France and as not likely to change the relations between Germany and France or render more difficult an agreement on the subject ot Morocco. M. Kouvler was liked by the German )ubllc men and his defeat In that sense is regretted. , Interest la Russia. ST. PETERSBURG. March 8.-The fall of th French cabinet created much interest 1n government and diplomatic circles her ' because of Its possible Influence on the negotiations st Algeclras and the dual al i llancs. . At. th Foreign office the crisis was attributed to Interior condttlona and It is not believed that It wilt affect. France's foreign policy. The French cabinet's attl tude towarda the new Russian loan negotla tloa is Important to Russia at the present time. Minister of Finance Shlpoff has summoned the prominent Moscow and St. Petersburg bankers and thsy are In con ference with him on the question of a new Interior loan, llerr Mandelssohn, th Berlin banker, Is .also here In consultation with Premier Wllte and M. Shlpoff. M. D&vtduff, chief of the department of crsdit operations of the ministry of Fi nance, said today; "If the political situation improves the government will have no difficulty In bor rowing what la needed. If the situation does not Improve It Is useless to speculate upon What will happen." ARMOUR MADE COMPLAINTS Told Agent Hohertsoa Movement of , Parker Were Being Watched by Government. CHICAGO.' Marco 8-Special Agent Robertson today resumed the stand In the packvrs' case and waa again cross-examined. Asked If J. Ogdert Armour had complainvd to the. witness In l!M that the packers wore bring watched and their movements dogged by th government secret men. th witness said Mr. Armour made such a statement to him. . Mr. Robertson continued on th stand un til the adjournment ot court and hi cross examination was still unconcluded. Lat In th day, when Mr. Hynea was conduct ing th examination for Swift and Com pany, b asked th witness wher b pro euro lift of twenty names which was given to th Department of Justice. Mr. Robertson said he obtained many of the I name from the men themselves, but th greater part of them he received from T. G. ljunont of this city and M,. Flayto of KansM City. The defending lawyers announced that thy will seek for these nten and If they do not substantiate th testimony of Mr. Robertson they will b placed on the stand to rebut It. PRIMARY AT KANSAS CITY Democrats nominate Robert l Urea Platform. KAMA CITY. March s-Robert Gregory, a wholraxl gio.ery u.nn of this city, tu nominated for mayor over Wil bans T. kmpee. a grain dealer, In the democratic primaries today. Mr. Gregory has waged his campaign on a platform favoring cheaper sis snd M xtnlon of aey frtnehuras wlUtout ouieiatlon, i AMERICANS JJNDER ARREST Two Stork Brokers Accused of Con spiracy to Defraod People of London. ION DON.! March 8. Harry Sampel Sim mons and Franklin Everhart, Americans, were arrested here today and were each remanded In llO.ono bail on charges of con spiracy and obtaining large sums of money by fraud. The prisoners are described as stock and share brokers and are alleged to have issued forged shares and certificates In connection with Alaska, Oklahoma, Cripple Creek and Manitoba mining com panies. According to the 'police cvldenre. Ever hart Is vice president of the Mining Se curities and Investment corporations, al leged to be registered at Oklahoma City. Th pair have been In Iondon a few months. OKLAHOMA CITY. Okl.. March 8.-The Mining Securities and Investment company hod an office here about a year ago for a short time, but little is known here of either Simmons or Everhart. They left Oklahoma City several months ago. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., March . Franklin Everhart, one of the 'men ar rested In London today on a charge of ob taining money by fraud. Is said to formerly have been connected with the United Slates Cereal company of New York, which was closed out by the Unl'ed States postal uthorltles in 1WM on similar grounds. The company Is said to have gained 150 per cent on funds Invested. GROWTH OF BRITISH EMPIRE Population Increases Hundred nnd Fifty Millions In Forty-Fire Years. LONDON, March 8. As the outcome of a sugars) Ion by Joseph Chamberlain when lie neia me post of colonial secretary, a unique blue book was published today re cording and tabulating In 300 pages forty years' growth of the Brltlsi; empire, as re vealed by the census of 1901. The blue book shows that since 1861 the area of the em pire has Incrcssed from 8,500,000 to nearly 12,000,0011 square miles snd the population from 25O,0OO,(i to 400.000,000, of which only M.000,000 are whites and 5ft.000.000 Christians. The tables "convey Interesting information as t birth rate, proportion of sexes, re ligious and social conditions In various parts of the empire. BRIEF FOR ELLIOTT F. SHEPARD American Will Not Go to Jail I'atll Flnnl Hearing; la Ended. PARIS, March 8. Edniond Kelly has com pleted his brief for presentation to the minister of justice, M. Chuumie, concern ing th case of Elliott F. Shepard, who was fined and sentenced to three months imprisonment on October 26 last for kill ing Madeline Marduel, who wns run over by Mr. Bhepard'a automobile at St. Ouen April 24, 1908 Malt re Cruppl, who is as sociated with Mr. Kelly, had previously secured th assurance that the minister would carefully consider the brief. Until the minister derides the case It will remain itatlonary, the sentence of Imprisonment not beginning until M. Chuumie's decision is rendered. Ulne Tboaaand Hen Is Taken. ETTANO Di: NORD. Magdalene Islands, March 8. Reports received here today In dicate that 9,000 seals were taken at dif ferent points on the Magdalen Islands yes terday. This Is considered a most suspic ious penlng of seal Ashing and huntera predict the season will show a large catch. OIL CASE IN SUPREME COURT Company and State Both File Motions In Missouri Asking for Orders. JEFFERSON CITY, March 8. Attorney Hagermann and Eddy for the Republic Oil company, today filed a motion In the aupreme court for a re-hearing ot the decision rendered by the supreme court last week that the officers of the Republic company should testify and answer nil question asked them before Commissioner Anthony in the Missouri oil inquiry. Attorney General Hodley filed a motion in the supreme court also today asking that officers of the Republic company be directed to testify before Commissioner Anthony on March It. The motion for a rehearing tiled by coun sel for the Republic OH company ulleges many errors In the opinion handed down In which the position of the attorney gen eral was upheld by the supreme court. The court held thnt a foreign corpora tion cannot plead the unconstitutionality of the anti-trust statute in Mis.iourl. The attorneys for the oil companies al-k-g this an error. They oonu-nd the court was wrong in holding that when a foreign corporation comes Into the state it Im pliedly agrees to obey a law the dim act r of the anti-trust Inw. They allege the law la In. violation of the constitution of the United States. ! SUSPENSION AT ST. LOUIS Two Sergeants and Eight Policemen Ont of ORIee, Chursed with Grafting. ST. LOUIS, ' March . Two sergeant and eight patrolmen were today suspended from the polio department by Acting j Chier of Police Ulllanpy. pending charges, It is said, that will be formally preferred against them before the police board. The suspended men sre: Sergeant Henry Mey ers, Sergeant Patrick Monahan, Patrolmen Dennis O'Leary, Henry Traffert, Patrick Nolan, John P. Sullivan, Thomas Dome, Ed. Fagaji, James T. Massry and Richard Stender. I All the men were, until recently, on duty In the central district, which la the center of the grand Jury Investigation Into cha.a'S of grafting. RACE RIOT AT ZEIGLER, ILL with Onus, Knivr, Rasor and Inks. Dl. QUOIN. III., March S. A lively race riot occurred lant night between negroes and Hungarian employed In the coal mine at Zelgler aad several rointatnts on both eldeu received severe Injuries, but no deaths "" ii i m me not re- L. - suited from 111 feeling that has been brew- I Ing for some time between the two classes over lauor (iitreremes. Uonn, knives ras- ore and clubs weie brought into play, but ure under Ihe flv-minute rule, makli.g finally order was irstored and the outbreak ; nwiiy points of ord-r to various para was not resumed today It is feared, boa- ' graphs. In each esse, however, lie with ever. that 4uiet ha hots restored pnjy Win- ; drew hi objection after au explanation bad poiwrny. DEBATE ON STATEHOOD BILL Senator! McCumber and Patterson Speak Against Joint Features of Measure MR. BEVERIDGE REPLIES TO CRITICISM Voting on Amendments Will Benin nt 4 O'clock Today and Flnnl Vote Will Be Token Before Adjournment. WASHINGTON, March 8. Today afforded th last opportunity for general debate In the senate on the statehood bill and the entire session was devoted to that order of business. Startlng.wlth a speech by Mr. McCumber, which began a few minutes after 11 o'clock, there was no cessation In the speaking until the adjournment late In the evening. The whole time was occupied by three senstors, Mr. Beveridge support ing the bill and Messrs. McCumber snd Patterson opposing It. The Indiana sen ator contended that while, Artsone and New Mexico were unprepared for seperate state hood It was unjust to keep them out of the union as one state. He took positive ground against the Foraker amendment, which al lows each territory to vote aeparately on the question of Jointure. Mr. McCumber opposed the Joining of even Oklahoma and Indian Territory, and Mr. Patterson held that Arlxona and New Mexico should be admitted as separate states. Under agreement arrived at a week ago, the senate will begin voting on the amend ments offered to the bill at 4 p. m. tomor row and the final vote will be taken before adjournment for the day. The time pre vious to 4 o'clock will be devoted to ten minute speeches on the hill and amend ments. McCumber Opens Debate. When the hour for meeting arrived not a single sent In the chamber waa occupied, but as the vice president nd the chaplain entered through, the north door, Mr. Mc Cumber and Mr. Genrln appeared at the opposite entrance and Mr. Teller and Mr. Patterson came In a few moments later. Other senators were slow In arriving and at 11:15, when Mr. McCumber began to speak on the statehood bill, less than a dozen senatcfrs were In their seats. Mr. McCumber Introduced his speech by presenting a substitute for the statehood hill, creating one state of Oklahoma and another of Indian Territory, the latter un der the name of Scqufela, In honor of the Cherokee scholar of that name, and en tirely eliminating New Mexico and Arlsona. He made an argument against the con solidation of the territories info fewer states, contending that more western states wer necessary to give agriculture and other transmlsstsslppl Interests strong rep resentation in congress. He predicted In the near future the west would have a much larger population than the eas nd said that, even If the present bok.idary lines were preserved, it would still be im possible to secure aa many states as there were east of the Mississippi, and that therefore the balance of power in the sen ate must necessarily be against the western section. Mr. McCumber declared that the time would come when the east woulu" find Its protection In the west. He referred to tha Influence ot foreign Immigration In eastern communities and In thla connection said that at its last election Chicago had elected a socialist aa mayor, i Patterson Favora Arlsona, When Mr. McCumber closed Mr. Tillman gave notice that as soon as opportunity offers lie will address the senate on the message of the president sent to the sen ate on the coal Inquiry resolution recently passed by congress on Mr. Tillman's mo tion. He referred to, the presidential mes sage as "a very remarkable document," and said that but for the pressure to pro ceed with the statehood bill h would ask to be heard at this time. Mr. Patterson th addressed th senate1 on the statehood V , speaking in opposi tion to the pasaagc'hY the-house bill. He devoted his attentlual almost exclusively to the portion of the $111 providing for the joining of Arizona aAd New Mexico, and and contended that Arlsona aa now founded had an unquestionable right to ultimate statehood. Mr. Patterson, In his speech, alleged that th Idea of Joint statehood had not origi nated in either Arizona or New Mexico, and asked whether the Idea was the child of the Indiana senator or some member of the house of representatives. He declared that such a union. In view of the pledge to Arizona, would be a grave crime, and urged the adoption of the Folaker amend ment for a separate vote as the rational solution of the problem. ' Uevrrldue Replies to Patterson. Mr. Beveridge, who followed, began his speech with a reply to Mr Patterson's ob servation concerning the o-lgln of the Joint statehood Idea, saying thut It was not a matter upon which the people of the terri tories should be consulted. The people of the entire, country were concerned over the creation of stales, a yd the senator con tended that congress s(fould proceed upon that theory. He opposed the Foraker amendment, urging that If adopted It would give to 80.000 people In Arizona the power to thwurt the will of 250.iOO in the two territories combined. He declared that the Copper Queen Min ing company alone employed 10,000 men in Arizona. Mr. Patterson and Mr. Clark (Montana) nnlted tu the declaration that the numbur did not exceed J.jno. but Mr. Beveridge Justified his statement by quoting from the testimony taken by the committee on territories. Mr. Hevaridge urged that while New Mexico and Arisoua were not prepared for separate statehood, It was unjust to keep tiie two out of th union as on state. Mr. Beveridge had not concluded when, at 6:30 p. in., th senate took a recess until 11 o'clock tomorrow. HOlftK PASSES lDIA Hlt.I. EiaT'lit Measure Appropriate Searly Million lsollnr. WASHINGTON. March S The house to day passed the Indian appropriation bill carrying I7.TR5.5J8. It then proceeded to tangle itself up over tha bill to abolish the grade nf lieutenant general in the ari.iy. The result was an adjournment for lark ot a quorum, after ntembera had been locked In the hall for a half hour and the as Maiant sergeaut-at-arma had been scurry ing to the vailous hotel In search of mem bers. The vote to consider the bill showed an overa helming sentiment in its favor. and aa It Is the pending business under i ejll of commit! it will probably be reached and passed in due course. There were onlv f vrt-i j amendments made to ths Indian bill. Mr. Crumpacker acted as a census on the n,e. been ina4. REBATES TO SUGAR DEALERS Attorney t.enernl Has Kildrnrr Sub Milted to Him by Xrw York Sewspuper. WASHINGTON. March .-Upon being shown the publication in the Nw York American today regarding the alleged granting of rebates on the. transportation of sugar, Attorney General Moody said:' Some weeks ago a representative of thut paper called on me and snld thnt. the In formation was In possession of that paper tending to show that large rebates on the transportation of sugar had been given to the American Suirar H.IIiiIiik company bv the trunk lines r.f railroads running out of New York City and nf ked If the Detri ment of Justice desired to ue the Informa tion In legal proceeding!". An examination of the matter showed clearly that It was highly Important and tended to show the givinn and receiving of large money re bates. The subject was then brought to the attention of Mr. Stimsnn, who hud ecn selected by the president as district attorney lor the southern" district of New York. Following this, on the date of Mr. Htlmson's taking oftlre. a conference was had In New York between the attorney gen eral, the assistant to the sttorney genersl, Mr. Purdy. and "Mr. Stlmsnn, when the evidence was gone over wllh very great care. t Is the purpose of the department to proceed carefully, but with oil possible ex pediency. It ought to be said that until this In formation was furnished thi department bv the renresentailve of the American the department had no knowledge or suspi cion of the facts and that the representa tives of that paper have aided the offi cials of the department In all ways within their power. NEW YORK. March 8. Evidence of a definite agreement by the railroads run ning ont of New York City upon a di vision of the sugar Jrelght business and also the payment of rebates was given before the United States grand Jury today. Reporters of W. R, Hearst, the com plainant In the case, declared that the government was In possession of documen tary proof on every point charged and tft the United Btntes district attorney's offlre was In possession of evidence ex posing the most startling relations exist ing between carrying and producing trusts. The Delaware, Larkawannti & Western Railroad company, Lowell M. Palmer of the firm of Havemeyer Elder (a dock com pany) and others sr defendants in the principal rebate action nnd other railroads figure In other proceedings. Nearly every railroad with terminals In New York or in Jersey City Is concerned In the pro ceedings. MOVE AGAINST GRAIN TRUST I'nlted State Starts Snit In C alifornia Against Allred Combina tion. BAN FRANCISCO, March 8. The news of the filing of a suit by the United States government against a number of elevator companies has caused a sensation In Cali fornia and the west, this being, the first legal proceedings of the kind ever insti tuted out here. United States District Attorney Robert son, who brought the Suit, was located last mgni'.ai ins reaiuence tin xjerifcciey. In discussing his action he said: The complaint filed lis surulnst the Otis Klevator company and thirty other ne fendants, who are alleged to be in one concern and operaUr. t.mrsry to the pro visions o( the bhenmui law. ... he com plaint was drawn up by me, but Is signed iiy i nitea stales Attorney uenerui ninouy all such actions originating at Washington. The action Is baaed upon affidavits of men who were formerly In the, combine and who state that while the defendants to the action are apparently separate con cerns. they in reality are all under control of the Otis Elevator company. The effect of this pooling of Interests la to enhance prices and restrict traue witn me view 10 controlling all the elevator business on the 1'arltlc coast, with the probability that this Is but a branch of a gigantic trust that controls the elevator output all over the United 8tates. Such a combination is against the pro visions Vf tho Sherman law and we believe that we have ample evidence against the trust to make out a clear case when It comes to trial. The affidavits of the men set forth in .the complaint, whose names 1 do not now re member, are complete and are baaed upon personal knowledge. A great quautlty of material of firms not In the conilfne has gone to waste, there being no sale for It. This case has been carefully prepared and will lie pushed vigorously. In every phaso of It the attorney general lias been con sulted and I regard the case as clear and strong Hgullist all the long list of defendants- MUTINY IN NEW YORK HARBOR Fireman on Bonrd Hteniuer Massa chusetts Killed aa Result of Revolver Battle. NEW YORK, March 8. A mutiny in Which one life was lost occurred today on board the steamer Massachusetts, which was lying at its dock at Brooklyn. ' James Slocum, a fireman, was killed during a revolver battle on the steamer's decks. In which the steamer's firemen were ranged on one side, and opposing the'n were the ship's officers and members of the crew. Sounds of the fighting caused a reserve of police so be hurried to the steamer, but the firemen who had started the trouble had been driven into submis sion before the police arrived. Six mem Iters of the crew were arrested, as we a'sa Kiist Officer Albert J. Evans and Fourth Officer Elmer 11. Kerwln. All were held as witnesses. Kerwlu's turn.) is In Baltimore. , Md. The mutiny has been brewing, according to the officers of the Massachusetts, ever since the vessel left Cardiff. Wales. February 5. The firemen were the chief disturbers. It was alleged, making continual complaints about their food. The crew, however, sided with the offi cers. During the voyage from Cardiff there were almost daily fist fights on the steamer, all growing out of the surly tem pers of the two opposing factions. The wrangling continued until after the Massa chusetts arrived In Brooklyn several davs ago. Several of the firemen spent last night In the city and tl(e quarrel began Im mediately upon their return to the vessel today. The MasKachuselts was expected to sail today for San Francisco. ARRESTS IN NEW JERSEY Four Men 'Accused vf Trying to Wreck Train Taken Into laatod y. NEW YORK. March Four young men ho Were arrested near Passaic, N. J . to day, charged with attempting to wreck an rastbound Kuffalo express train on the Ixdaware, Iickawanua A Western rail road early this murtung. hav confessed that this was their slxta attempt at train a rec king. All of the at'empts w ere made In the vicinity of Passaic. They said the only re&son for the acts a desire to witness the excitement win. h would re sult. The liuffah. express tixlay . ap.d rilsbs ter by an ex. redinsly narrow margin, li was miming at a high rate of i-e(1 ml.epi the engineer saw the nbsi ru t. ons. II managed to stop tiie Ualn Uss II an a 141 length from where & number o' tie and 4fUii plates asre plied upotf Hi PLATFORM FOR IIENNINCS Candidate, for Major Stands for Honesty and Economy in Administration. SQUARE DEAL FOR ALL IS HIS MOTTO Uosewater Makes Ills Varewell Address to Voter Before Leaving; on Trip to Europe Fnor Municipal Ownership. Edward Rosewater was the speaker of the evening at the regular meeting of the Rlfth Ward Republican club, held at McKrnna's hall. Sixteenth and Locust streets, la.t evening. A large gathering of voters turned out to greet Mr. Hose- water and others who Kpoke on the Issues of the present city campaign. After Wil liam Stock ham and W. H. Elboum had snoken a few words each on behalf of their candidacies for the city clerkship. A. II. Heniiings presenced his platform ilth a few remarks of felicitation to the voters. The platform Is as follows: Omaha is a great and growing city and in the next few years should be placed in th front rank with the leading cities of the country. To do this we must have a clean and progresMve business admin istration rflth every reasonable encourage ment to every legitimate business enter prise. Our city is also a cosmopolitan city, nil classes and ndittnns of people being represented, and under our form of govern ment one person should have the same rights and privileges as any other person. If elected 1 shall work for the Interest of all, and represent the masses rather than the classes. Wo want to build up the cily by increasing our opulatlon not to drive, people away. I shall stand for a rational, equltablo and conservative en forcement of law, but do not believe It to be to the Interest of our city to return, either to the wide open town or to the old puritanical Idea and "blue laws" of years ago. Being a firm believer In law, decency and order. I am opposed to any nessnnd daschlef. thing in the nature of a reign of lawless ness and crime, and ss chief executive of the city would do everything in my power to keep professional criminals aa far as possible from the corporate limits of the city. Honesty to Be Expected. It Is expected city officials should be honest, and so should the city be honest. All special warrants and other obligations of the city .should be paid with the leRHl rate of Interest, so that Improvement bonds mav lie, sold at the lowest interest tale possible. This ran only be done if we preserve the good name and credit of our city in tho eastern markets, and when con tractors and those rendering services to the city knpw they will be paid In an honest dollar the cost of the work done for the city will be materially reduced. Corporations must not Infringe on the rights of the people. The people of Omaha are entitled to the best service and rea sonable rates from every public aervlce corporation. They should have the back ing of the city government In every rea sonable demand and the corporations should have the protection of the cily against every hold up and every unjust demand. 8ome people carry the impression that city officials have free telephones, free gas, free water, and that they and mem liers of their family ride on street car passes. As city treasurer I have never been offered nor have I accepted any of these privileges, nor would I accept them If l were mayor. I am in favor of economy In uniting offices and In abolishing sinecures, and as mayor shall attempt to bring the ex penditures of the city to the lowest possible notch, thus hoping to reduce the tux levy. 1 believe ht" an honfst dwy'a work 'and honest day's pay and shall insist that city employes render the same service to the city as would lie expected ot tncin in any business house. Having all m Interests In Omaha and expecting to remain here it is not necessary to any I favor public Improvements and beautifying of the city, as that follows as a natural consequence. The future record of a public official mny be best judged by ids past record, and as to a guarantee of mv sincerity aud ability to do my duty I point to my recora as custodian ut public money and a col lector of taxes. I shall always stand for equal rights to all citizens "A square deal for all, and no graft. Sham and Real Reformer. President Christie of the club then Intro duced Mr. Rosewater, who placed particu lar stress on munlcipul ownership ot public utilities as the solution of most of the ills which beset municipal affairs in thla and other cities. Mr. Rosewater explained that his talk was a farewell. one before his trip abroad. . "I take no stock in sham reforms or re- ioiiiicib, 1 1 u i mm. nun.- .v.- ords will not squaje up with present pro- fesslons," said the speaker. "I havo ad vocated municipal ownerahlp for thirty years and am still of the opinion that If we want a city government 'of the people, for the people and by tho people' we must have munlcipul ownership." He declared that many of those who rode Into public office three years ago with a hue and cry of public ownership on their lips did all they could later to defeat public ownership Issues when brought face to face with them. Mr. Rosewater reviewed the water works, gas and other matters of local Importance and stated it us his belief Mr. llenninga had the moral courage to serve the people well, hew to the line, enforce the Inws with propriety aud common aenae, and added that Mr. Hennings had already been tried In public office and had not been found wanting in the discharge of his duties. ;;i st. louis merger sustained ' Judae Phillips Decides, taaiiist stockholder Who Try to Set Aside the Deal. ST. LOUIS, March 8 Judge Philips, In the United Btahs court of appeals, decided today against Cella, Adler & Tlllea of St. Louis In their effort to overthrow the merger of the United Railways and the Transit company. The suit, brought orig inally in the state courts and then trans ferred to the federal court, was direeird against Brown Bros, of New York, who brought about the merger. It sought to overthrow the tripartite agreement between Hrown Bros, and th United Railways and ths Traiult company, by which five shares of Transit stock were to be exchanged for two of United Railways, the stockholders also putting up the money ot pay tho In debtedness of the Transit company. Cella, Adler & Tllles, stockholders of the Transit company, refused to enter the agreement and alleged misrepresentation against Brown Bros Judge Philips holds tViut , h.r. v.u nn iiiirtrnrefttktii t .Inilffmi I Hook and Trteber concurring. TYRELL LEAVES THE JESUITS Refuse to Hepudlnte Pnrt of Writ Ins Not Approved by Ills Superior. WASHINGTON. Marob 8. Father George Tyrell, prominent meryoer for a number of years of the Society7 of Jesus, hss with drawn from the ordfr. Ihe Immediate cause being hia unwillinKDiess to repudiate cer tain parts of his writings which did not meet aith the Mi.roval of his superiors. .. l..l.. CHICAGO. M'Srrh S.-AsMstHUl Slate's Attorney ols-i iisde his orf-mng sddr.s to 'he Jury tlij) iu the trt..l of Kubaid lens tor the ni'ibr of Mis. lassie Hol lit'r. objection lo a conf. -rioti purporting to hd bvB Uiai If lviis was overruled. f NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fnlr Friday and Saturday. Temperature at Omaha Vesterdayi Hour. lea. Hoar. Den. K a. m KM 1 p. m 12 a. m .tr 3 p. m 4l 7 a. m HT St p. m 4lt a. m .37 4p. m -ft 9 a. ni 441 K p. m in n. m 44 p. m. 41 11 n. m 4 T p. m 41 12 m no a. p. m 40 ft p. m 4) TRUST GETS CARTER PLANTS Lend Monopoly Absorb Omaha, Chi cago nnd Milwaukee Concern for Five Million. "The l-ad trust has consummated the purchase of the thre plants of the Carter White Iead company," was the unequivo cal announcement of a prominent Omaha business man to The Ree yesterday. "This Is straight." he added. "The three plants, at Omaha, Chicago and Montreal, are con sumed in tho deal and I think the price was I.OOO.flOO. though of the exact figures I won't be sure. "I cannot say whether the trust will con tinue to operate th Omaha plant, but my Impression Is It will, snd It may turn out to be a gooi thing for Oi.iha. i nsppen t11 Know tne innepennem eoiu pany made the best flght It could against being absorbed by the trust, but found It self unahk longrr to withstand the pres sure. It was a case of knuckles down snd the small ones couldn't hit from taw." President E. J. Cornish Is not In the city Just now, but when here last week denied the deal had been made. A similar denial was made about the same time In the New York Commercial, but the Omaha business man claims to have undeniable Information the transaction Is now complete. JOHN P. HAINES RESIGNS Head of American Society for Protec tion of Animal Retires After Seventeen Turn' Service. NEW YORK. March 8. John P. Halnrs, who for seventeen years has been president of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, with headquarters In this city, resigned his position tonight. Mr. Hnlnvs presented a long letter to the board of managers, In which he gives his reason for retiring ss the head of the so ciety. He says he has been assailed of lote as though he had committed some act of wickedness by a small but persistent hand of people with this one common character istic, that none of them has ever before been known to care for animal protection. Mr. Haines incorporated In his letter a statement from a firm of certified public accountants attesting the financial condi tion of the society and Its accounts. Thla report Is' Introduced. Mr. Haines says. In order that there may be "no possibility of question of the absolute Integrity which rules and has ruled in every sart of our business." The resignation was accepted, to take ef fect May 1. GEORGE E. GREEN ACQUITTED Former Sew York State Senator' Not fiullty of Conspiracy to De fraud; Government. WASHINGTON. March 8. George E. Green, a former state senator of New York who has been on trial In the district su preme court for more than two weeks on charees of conspiracy to commit an of fense against the I'nlted States and to de fraud the government In connection with the sale of time recording clocks to the Postoffice department, was today acquitted by a Jury. The announcement of the verdict, which was returned In court shortly before o'clock this afternoon, war, followed by a remarkable demonstration on the part of Mr. Green's friends who overwhelmed him with congratulations. The verdict waa reached after four hours' deliberation. BanlB.a rsiiftir-frtc r.TfftrBirn j MARINE ENGINtEKS SATISFIED President of Natloaal Association Says Organisation Has So Grievances This Year. DULUTH. Minn., March 8. Frank A, Jones of Sun Francisco, president of .the National Marine Engineers' Beneficiary association, addressed a large meeting of members here Inst night. He will visit the lake locals and go on to the Atlantic coast. "Our association has no grievances this year," said President Jones. 'and wo are very contented. The National Marin En gineer's Beneficiary association now has ll.tMi members, belonging to lid locals. Three thousand of our members are em ployed on the great lakes." MAN BURNED, WITH AMMONIA Paymaster for Strikebound Firm In New ork la Seriously Injured. NEW YORK, March 8 William A. Ma laney, a paymaster for Post & McCord on one of the buildings the firir. ia erecting with nonunion Iron workers, was burned and ptlnfully cut tonight when a man whom he says he recognised as a striker threw a bottle filled with ammonia in his face. Mulaney fell to the ground, but as he did so pulled a revolver from his pocke and fired it to attract help. A (oliceman and several hundred men and boys started In pursuit of the fleeing assailant, who was finally captured. He refused to give his name. BEARD GOES TO PHILIPPINES Rock Island Euglneer to Tnke Charge ot Railroad la Oriental lasalar Possessions. 1 . NUW YORK. March . It an nounced today that Edward J. Beard, pi In clpal assistant engineer of the Chicago, Rock Island k Pacific railroad, has ac Cepted appointment as engineer of steam railways In the Philippines for J. G. White & Co., the New York engineering firm, which was awarded the ll,0Ub.0X) contract for the building of a part of the rallwa system proposed by the Insular government MISS ANTH0NY IS WORSE Dlstluaolahrd Patient Is Esteemrly Weak. hat Is Hestlas Comfortably.' R mV'H ESTER. N Y.. March S.-MIhs gusun li. Anthony is resting comfortably, but i rxtreiii-l weak. This weakness is the one untavorsble nipto.ia about her goudltivu lUai vut. ivsi Irkuds awUsly. RATE BILL IN FRONT Measure Attracts Mora Attention Than AaJ Other Issue for Many Year. ABSORBING TOPIC OF DISCUSSION ssBanxassasasK Earnest Consideration of Many Propositions for Amendment, MANY ANSWERS TO MR. BAILEY'S SPEECH Mr. Nelson Will Take Ground that Texas Plan is Unconstitutional. DOLLIVER AND MOODY IN CONFERENCE nn Senntor Says Hill Will ' Be Changed So aa to Add to Any Rights Railroad Sow Posses. WASHINGTON. March 8-Regardless cf the fact that the statehood bill waa th nly question discussed In the senate .today the house railroad rate bill continued as an hsnrblng topic ami groups of senators met In earnest hut Informal consideration of the many propositions that have been sug gested In the way of amendment. Without doubt no bill has been before congress In ears that has been given so much atten tion when the issue between the opposing factions has been one that could be settled hrough the use, of so few words. The question Is the choice r.f the words. Judicial review of orders of the Inter state Commerce commission has (mm the first been the only real Issue between the opposing factions. One faction, that sup porting the bill In Its present form, de clares that It has no objection to rallroada having their day In court, and It has made the assertion thnt this Is provided by ths present bill. The othor posltlv faction contends that It wants the same thing, but that the bill should provide for this In specific terms. There are other factlona which have amendments, such as tho Spooner plsn of Impounding the difference between the commission's rate and the rall- oad's rate, pending a determination of the equity of the former, and tha senator ad vocating the Bailey proposition declaring for a full review by the courts, but limit ing the powr of th circuit courts to en join the orders of the commission. Several senators will answer Senator Bailey's speech. Among these Is Senator Nelson. He takes th position that Sena tor Bailey has brouKht forward a plan that Is not in harmony with the constitution. Dolllver and Moody Confer. Senator Dolllver and Attorney General Moody conferred regarding th legal points raised yesterday in tho senate discussion on ths railroad rate bill. Ths senator would not specify the questions considered, but at the conoluslon of the conference expressed the opinion that the friends of the rats bill need have 110 fear that the aenat will adopt an amendment which would add to the righta ths railroads now tav in tbo Courts.. . " ' ' Democratic senators are disposed hot to enter into a general discussion of the rate bin until after Senator Bailey's proposition has been presented. He was called to Mis sissippi today by the serious illness of his father. Senator Aldrlch, the leader of the 'repub lican senators who are seeking to amend the bill, Is In New York, called there by the Illness of his daughter, Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, jr. OIL MAGNATES AT WHITE HOCSF. If. H. Roacera and John D. Archlbold Confer with the President. WASHINGTON, March 8. H. H. Rogers and John D. Archlbold of New York.' vice presidents of the Standard Oil company, were in conference with President Roose velt nt the White House tonight. .Neither of them would discuss the nature of their call. They arrived in Washington early In the evnitug and expect to leave bars to morrow. It was im!osslble to learn anything re garding the conference which the Stand ard Oil officials had with the president. Very few knew of their visit, and the fart that their engagement was to call on the president was not known. While' it is pos sible that the call had some connection with the subject of, the message which President Roosevelt sent to congress yester day calling attention to the tact that with out an extra appropriation and the power to compel the attendance of witnesses the Tlllman-Glllespie resolution which he signed to Investigate alleged railroad monopolies of coal and oil will amount to very little and might achieve nothing, there was nothing nn which any definite statement of the purpose of the conference could be based. Both officials repaired to their hotel after leaving the White House. FIC.HT .VJAINST Tl BERC t LOSIS Government rakes Steps to Prevent Its Spread Anions; Eiarloyea. WASHINGTON. March 8. A crusods against the apread of tuberculosis among, the employes of tho government service iu Washington was today directed by Presi dent Roosevelt, who Issued an order to ths heads of all departments giving thorn ex plicit instructions a to their duties in combatting the disease. After referring to the report of the committee appointed by an executive order, of December prepare a plan for the prevention of tuber culosis in government offices and work shoiis, the order directs that the bead Of each executive department In Washington shall see that ttje printed rules prepared by the committee shall be placed In each federal building under his control; that the nunies of persons In bis department who are affected with tuberculosis be ascertained and u copy of the rules be presented to each; that nonob-rvaiice of the rules may. at the discretion of the de partment head, be considered Just cause for separation from the service. SCO WILL BUILD EXTENSION Hundred aad Forty Miles of New Mao to lie Constructed In North Dakota. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Maich 8 The Tribune tomorrow will nay: The 800 rail road will spend pVj0,W for Improvement and equipment this year. The first great Improvement Will b the building of Itu ndlea of new road In North Dakota. Jurt where these nilieo of new track will be laid Is not yet known. The growth of the Soo In mileage has led to a vast outlay of money for equip ment, which has h.H-n oldeied for debvi r;.' by KcpW iabrr 1. No les than fort ven locomotives. 1 fci boxcars, fifty refriger ator urn and fifteen sirnger vehicles oL tu (.! Utu.i tin tvtu vf titled.