Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1906, Page 9, Image 9
- TU1 UMAHA DAILY JiKKi TllCKSllAY, . MAKt'H V lfKMi NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL Office, 10 Pearl tWtBaeW-.-. . ajan,litl:!liiHif,il,i HKianti fur mi tlu - lint ho rill II r 1 r l.r I S IMlXr 1 Interfere Before Palinirt Gets to Point of Putting Oah in 601. INTENDED VICTIM SEEKS HIDDEN WEALTH prrh for upMiril F'orlnne nf the I. ate (inir Feuerhnnen Lrmlt Ret Intn Cliatrhea uf the Mm Htiu l)rU nllh plrlla. With i. charge of attempting lo obi.uu nmmr I'V fraud aguinrt him. (iecug- I'. Martin, an alleged medium mid iwlnilj-t. taken Into metocly .yesterday ftffrnoon hy the pollen and lorked up at the ittv Jail. Incidentally the nady cali, amount Inn 10 nhmit tJ.. of John Oets, an unsophisti cated; Gorman lth a firm belief in splrttu nllt. is .safe, at Irani for the present. When the late Oeoigo Feiierhaken, Junk prrmlxeh occupier! over s city li!o k on Avenue J und Tenth tre-t, died a year or so tin. tie reputed lo lie worth a large Ami. ul' tiio'iey, wlileh wns aid to lie ilepolted tiiwnK the Imnk of t hit elly mid fninitm. The wldoWj however, was unalil to focatv the upMsed wealth of lier decnaRMl hiiKbnnd and when h, after a. due peilod ui' mounting. Iiei-ame ilie wife of Jolni Oets. the latter continued the si arclt tut tlie iiiisslng wealth, hut with- ! out suci-ess. A week or so ago decided that no would swk the assistance of an "asttpl- gcr,". whose hunn: was said to be Living ston, and who was said to have a reputa tion of being most successful In locating hidden wealth through communion with the spirit world, tietz succeeded without much difficulty in enlisting the services of As trologer Livingston, whom the police, how ever, have not yet heen tilile (o locate. Liv ingston on receiving. It Is said, the prosr fee from .Get, went Into, a tranrv, during w hich he held communion Willi a number of spirits, -ho Informed him that George R Martin, the "palmist'' .and mwliuni. was the person who could locate for Ueli the miss ing "wealth of his wife's former husband. Get was duly introduced to Martin ami I lie latter., it Is alleged, lost no time In as "iii'lng the unsophisticated German that he could and would Without much difficulty discover the hanks In which the late K'eiier hskcu'S wnnlth whs deposited. Pollre Interfere. Accol dU:u' to the story innocently" recited lo ChK-f of Polite Hlchmond by the credu lous G' tz, Martin In the beginning of the ii'gotiai'oii's liiuuired of (lets how much ready raft! 'he 'had. Geti told Martin that lie i-ould scrape together about $.'t.n). This Is wluit I'almist Martin Is said to have thc4i InstriH.'led Get to do: To get his money changed 1 Into ourrency of convenient de nomination and carry It around witli him for oitridii?' irf lb would have the effect of 'iliamrlng", ,lo ' Jhlfl) the nioney supposed to havfjieeii lt't, by Feuorhaken. After walk ing ilnhiiftd. for ui whole day with the tt.oiH) in currency da Ms person, ttetz was to cull at MaiUu'a iiaiuiisUTsalon uu West Broad-, way and the tijn would pluce the money In a tin liox. togeihW villi an -nrdlnnry school s'"'t':iMl- i)a'tU,rbx. with Its -csmtetitf In oi of ;, The lianks. ' After the box had remain' d lu the vault of the bank for three days, they would remove It anil on opening it there would le . found written on the slate the names of lw banks in which th r'cHplTlaktMt ' tjfealMi" was reposing. (;-l..wcnt as fur as to walk around with Upon Every Bottle and wrapper of the genuine. Dr. Bell' Pine- TM-Hoorr 1 printed the aoove aeaigg. 1 1 ts bath trade-mark and g urnte a war rant tbt the medirtn enotained In tbc bot tla will rura rouiUi. noids and all lung. threat and ehet trouble more quickly ed eSeotually th any other remedy. Dr. Bcll'o PINE-TAH- MONEY U eold by all druggit. Vie., toe. sad II 00 per boUle. Maauiactured by THE E. E. SUTHERUNO MEDICINE CO. ' TaBUOAS. KXNTUOXT. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Notice Is herebv atven Unit liie k'rni, r.rf Lincoln Counties Irrigation Distract wili m receive sealed proposals for the purchase ot the tfc.ouu.uO bond Imuu of said district up tu the huui of 5 o'clock p. in., siondaid time, of the 2d day of Apul, lM, al the ulrk-e ot the secretary of said Irrigation District, Ui the town ut Sutherland, in Lincoln, county, tu the htate of Nebraska aakl bonds are in the denomination of IHii.ue such and bear interest al the rate o. six Ir cent, payable semi-annually, o., the tirst days ot March slid September ut eacti tad MHJ yeur. beginning with the nrs- of September. Ism. These bond are in tea riea. 34 which are due un the brat lay of March, ISl ; due Marcti i. )nm M iue Msri-h 1. lMltt: a2 due March 1, &g iue March 1. : 5 due March ). Ii2; 7. tue March . IK'S; 86 due Match 1. lfi.i .tin March 1.. 1SC6. ond 101 due March I r.i The sealed proposals ma be for th whole of said bonds or fur any portion thereof, snd such bids will be opened Im mediately after the hour of 5 o'clock p. m f said 2d day ut April. Uut, the board re serving the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this J-'th dsr of February, 1K4. JAMES SHOLP. Secret i- Ma-UJi BRIDOi: NOTK'K. I Sealed proposals wtll be receiwd at the ! ffice of the cojuty clerk at o Neill. Ne- i masks, and at Ih ofllc of the iinit- chik I Butte, Nebranka. untU 12 o'clock, uuon. jii April I. lisai. for the construction ol a j bridge, tive hundred and forty feet long, i inn or lens, with sixteen-foot roadwav, tenuis the Niobrara liver, between Hull arid :10yd couuties. Kehraakax nt ir nnr a um f iiiown a pnrsball crvisalug, in township thmy.thiwe, rang thirteen, west of ihr ixih prtucipal jiifiutiaiu ... BldiUrs will be reuulrssl to furnish their . own iiianasiid w-illi oimui. All bid lo In- : sealud Uid niarkwi. "ProMsala (or Bridge." j Tlio Honid tif Supervisor lest-rt r Hi right ' to rejm-t any or all l.xis . i lnt.lsi ITeusiuiiy, J! . , ' i t .- W. V, K4MAH. County Clerk, Holt t'ouulj, Nebraaks i JnViX I BLUFFS St. Tel. 4. ..... , ' ' ,. ..... ' .. ... ' ! the tin box Thi part of the iwrformaiKt I ; was to Imvr been cari'liU out j eteTiln, ) hut a friend nf (lets, with w liotn lie bad i talked the matter over, informed the pollee I and M-irtin was taken into custody shortly prior to the time set for Oct lo call t the palmistry salon. "Itd you expect when yo.i took the box out of the hunk to find your money still In It ami 1 he writing on the slate?" was ask"il of lid l Chief Hlehnioml. wlien the Int ler a reciting his stury "I certainly dirt. Mr. Martin told, me it would h" there becaut-e the spirits had told j him so." answered the aged German with .apparently full confidence In the iiowets of the alleged palmist and medium. Miirtin said he hail been only nine Jlays In this city, hut the police are said to have evidence showing thill he lias hern located on West Hrosdway for two month at least, In a small frame llnildlng formerly occu pied hy a burlier, where a sign In the win dow announces "aJm Read for 3 (Vnts and Vp." He wjll tie held for investiga tion. F.I K Tll tl OHMKII(tl. II.IH hnrle W. Meltonalri to lie President the Knnnlnaj trsr. Charles AV. McDonalil. local manager for the Htmdwit'h Manufaetiiring t'onipany, was electud president of the OommerclHl cluri at tlie umihihI mreting last night. Mr. Mc- lona'd tor the last year was chairman of 1 the executive commute or 'tie elul). J lie other officers elected were: Vice presidents. Dr. V. I.. Tlfnor. K. H. tiloomer; treas. urcr, Krnest K. Hart; secretary, W. Brooks Reed. The old executive committee was re elected! with the exception that the retiring president, II. W. Binder, become chairmin In ulace of C. V. McDonald. Th other members ire F. K. Davis. H. II. Van Brunt, H. A. julnn. Kmniet Tlnley. These wer elected to couirise liu' lasiul of fifty directors: H. V. BlndiMv V. K. B-ndcr. August Bereshelm. C. A. Hepo, R. ft. Bloomer. C. M. Chlsam. F. J. Day. F. R. Davis. K. H. Doollttle, f. C IieN'ol, teonard Kverett. F. F. Kxerest. J. P. GreenshleliU. William Groneweg, A. C. Graham, L- tianinier, F. H. Hill. K. K. Hart, t". Hater. K. V-. Hart. J. V. Hess. Chris Jensen. W. H. Kimball. F. U. Kevs, K. if I.ougee. K. H. Merrlani. I). Micrae, h. 'I'. D. Melralf. William Moore C. V. McDonald. V. A. M.uirer, S T. MeAtee, T. N. l'etersen. H. A. Uuinn. M. F. Kolirer. 11 M Sargent. C. G. Biiun dei's, John Hchocnlgen, Chris Htrauh, Km met Tlnlev, V. I.. Treynor. F. T. True. W. H. Town. T. G. Turner, H. II. Van Brunt. J. F. Wilcox. E. H Walt-i-. Lucius Wells. J. G. Wadsworth. K. A. Wlckham. The election of the Hfty directors was hy Australian ballot, the polls being open fro. n lo a. in. to g p. in. The annual meeting was held In the evening. There was a large attendance and considerable enthusiasm and Interest displayed at the reading of fhe reports of the several officers and com mittees, t The need of i.iore niemliei or 'tin Increase In the membership due from $12 to 115 per annum was stated by President Binder to be necessary to hieet the expense of the club without Intrenching ' on the reserve fund. Thi will be a matter for the new board to determine. Mr. Binder took ooca slon tu congratulate on. It ' pi'oSr perou and healthy condition at the end of three' years. Secretary-Reel In his report guvv an ex haustive statement of -work aprimpllShed by the club and It several committers dur ing the past year. He suggested that the Street Fair and Carnival company he re quested to donate Its net receipt of the fair this year to form a fund for the- Com mercial club, to ue in aiding and gecurlng desirable Industrie. This matter will be taken up by the new board. Ml. Reed also recommended that the constitution and by laws lie amended so as to permit the mak ing of traveling men honorary members. Thla matter was also referred to the new board. The report of the finance committee showed that since the organisation of the club three year ago the collections from II source had been $U.09fi.36 and the dis bursement $10,OC7.o4. leaving a balance of 11.1)28 8J in the treasury. Mr. Binder made announcement o? the iiiiiiMl banquet of the rlub to be held next Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock at the Grand hotel, w hen the speakers will be Kmniet Tinley, who will speak for the club: Superintendent W. N. Clifford, who will speak on the schools of the city; W. 1". Mitchell of Sidney, la., who will speak on southwestern Iowa; Assistant Fnied States District t Attorney Unorge . B. Stewart of Fort Madison, whe will speak on Council Bluffs, as viewed from the Mississippi, and Governor A. B. Cummins, whose subject has not yet been announced. Treiuendona gale ( On Ignilo burners and self-lighting mantle. Have you tried one? We have exclusive Bale. W. A. M Hirer. Did it ever occur to you that you will find wheels on "Van Brunt's Vehicle" that cost 16 more than the average manufac turer use on their vehicle'.' This is a fact. The life of a vehicle depends al most entirely upon the quality of the wheel ued I have them. Remember to call on "Van 4runt" when you want a buggy. The price uf ollves'ha gone away up. but me were fortunate enough to purchase a largo tixk just before the price raised, w hich we will sell at 10c and up. They are all the famous Don Carlos brand. J. Olson, 73-741 West Broadway. The Title Guaranty nd Trust company, abstracters of i tiles. Books date back l ISM. B. i arali I' price I street. up to date. Work ac--tlv done at lowest court house, IX Pear! l.i. . , , Fur !.' and style get tin: Muii.trcii r.i . . he only satisfactoryv! rane ml 'iie i. It give you. real pleasure and huppinesa to uye-'tt. fiundled by Keller Farnsworth. Iteuaurratie i tnol t itsiralluu. The democratic chool convention will be held this cxenlng at t o'clock in the tity council chamber Kmniet Tinley, it is conceded, will Ire re noininated and Dr. S. T. Toliey, an old resi dent of thii. iiiumy who r.Hently moved from Oakland to Hit city, is said lu be ARROW Ceato tanH. IkfM Coats CLUITT, PtABODT a CO. iirea V rwi m4 JV.'a .f ,r-t. I IX; y Quarter . I tlie leading iiunllilate for tlie unotid tmnil- I nntlon. M. K. HhrT Is Mid to be hii Hppitant fur the nomination for school treasurer, hm mny inert with illspiolntnii'iit. n h nuinlier of prominent metnl(eis of I He l'rly Mr" "''' h nomination of Pat Uunnoud'-. it he was Mated lat considered as a evening, declined to Candida le. HKI'IMIMsN (OKVriON Itl.l.KII Meet t t'oart House Thursday Ktenlns. Mareh Ifl. Chairman Hess of the city central com mittee issued yesterday the following call for the republican city convention to be held Thursday evening. March 15. In the county courthouse, ni.d for the precinct primaries to 1 held Tuesday evening. March 13, for the selection of delegates and precinct committeemen : The r publicans or the city of Council Bluffs will meet 111 delegate convention at the south courtroom In the county court house on Thursday evening. March 15. at d o'clock, to select the following candidates for the city elect Ion to he held In said city on March ifi: Mayor, city treasurer, citv auditor, city solicitor, city engineer, city superintendents of msrkets. city assessor, two councilmen-at-lai ge, one . park com rlssloner. For the purisise of selecting the delegates I to said convention primaries will be held in the various precincts of the city on Tuesday evening. March 13. at o'clock, at w Mcli the prims vy system adopted by the city and county central committee will pre vail, and said primaries will he held at the following named places: First Vrd Knst precinct, Jent. lugs' barn. 21 it Fast Broadway: Second precinct. Shecley I-nnc building. 217 East Broad way. Second Ward First precinct, cltv build ing. Bryant street; Second precinct, 1. P. Servls' store, Ml Broadway. Third Ward First precinct. 21V South Main stnet: Second precinct. No. 1 engine house, South Main street. Fourth Ward First precinct, county courthouse; Second precinct. No. 5 engine house. Kighth street and Nineteenth ar enue. Fifth Ward Ft rst precinct, county build ing, corner Fifth avenue and Twelfth street; Second precinct, county building. Sixteenth aventn- and Thirteenth street. Sixth Wnru First precinct, county build ing. Avenue B and Twenty-fourth street; Second precinct. C. O. Hamilton' house, Ksst Omaha. Suld convention will consist of seventy six members and th" various ;recincts of the city will be entitled to the following representation: First ward, First precinct. 5 votes; Sec ond precinct. votes. Be -ond ward. "First precinct. 7: Second precinct, g. Third ward, First precinct. ; Second precinct. S. Fourth ward. First precinct. t; Second precinct, 5. Fifth ward. First precinct. 8; Second pre cinct, ti. Sixth ward, First precinct. 11; Second precinct, 1. At the primaries ill each precinct there will also be selected a committeeman from each precinct. For Quick Sale. I will offer the rlve-roonied house and lot at ,'W4. Avenue A for one week at S50. New house; city water. Kasy terms. N bet ter Investment In Council Bluff. Make a flue home. Wallace Benjamin, Room t, First National bank. I write fire Insur ance. Office 'phone, 203; residence 'phono, Blark 1M4. Clifton-Walker Co. have recently closed the sale of a number of properties, which reduce their Hit.1 They have a large number of other clients who wish to Invest. Perhaps your property I Jut what they want. Better place It with them for quick action. This I the season ot the year that you drink coffee, and If you desire to have the beet cclTee on earth served on your table order it from MeAtee. The three leading brands -JdcAtee' Java and Mocha at 40c, Special ISK-nd 30c jind Premlnni Blend at 25c. Fine Colorado farm land, Sf per acre. Improved ranches. $10 to $20 per acre. One Improved ranch, four miles from town, t1 per acre. A big nap. Excursion March SO. Fare, W.2U F. C. Kougee, 124 South Main street. ' ' "Wo now .have an entire Pew spring stock carpets, rug, oilcloth, linoleum, window shades and lace curtains. Come In and in spect it. D. W. Keller, las South Main St. Telephone Red S.'t. Shorthand and bookkeeping position are easily secured If you are well guallflrd. We do that. New classes' this week. Western Iowa college. .Puffed Rice. Something new, candied puffed rice, due eating, manufactured by O. C. B.-own at the Purity Cnndy Kitchen, 4f W. Broad way. The Vienna restaurant serve excellent j meals and luncnes, couged in the most appetising manner; delicious coffee with pure cream. Meal tickets at reduced rater. 414 Broadway. N. T. Plumblni; Co. T 250. Night I. tts. Marriage I, It-eases. Ll.-ense to wed were issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. j.,. Walter N. Stoel, Burlington. Wis 27 Ellen Marie Jucobsen, Council Bluffs.... IS James P. Johnson. Omaha i2 Churlolt K. Edmondson. Omsha IS Nels W. Hansen, t'nilerwood. Ia ;i Lilian A. Feller. Missouri Valley, Ia 1 OJ:ailes It. Marshall, Kansas City, Mo... ii Ad-Mine Kose. Kansas City. Mo 50 Marlon Parker, Council Bluffs -s Nancy Sehulis. Council Bluffs 3 Ijiwrence Wilson, Omaha si Viola Martell, Lincoln. Neb 2 William J. Hiser. South Omaha 33 Anna Hiser. South Omaha jg T. H. Bobblee. Lincoln. Neb IS Anna Abbott, Lincoln, Neb 30 Far Male. 1'rhalr Ivarn to be moved, located at S2a 8. S'xth street. Elegant "lot on Glen Ave., up tu grade. Beautiful lot ou Fifth Ave., near high school. Lots in Babbitt Place, up lo grade. Lois In Highland Place, up to grade. Some new dwellings, modern, beautifully located. Insure our house sud furniture with me. Tel. St.- Chaa. T. Officer, 419 Broadway. Jensen A Nicholson, the great wallpaper establishment liavo just received a large shipment of dumetic snd Imported wall paper. Designs the latest and moat beau, tiful In the city. Oeo. A. lioagland has jmt let;elrd a car load of the famous Amason Rubls-i nsifing. und will make you very attractive price on large or small aiuuntilies, Now 1 the time lo get your roofs in shape before the heavy spring rains. lattera-tn llUtrlet ( nan. Former Governor C. 8. Thiunas of Col orado, counsel for James V. Burns, arrhed yesterday morning from Denver snd made I tire necessary arrangement with Senator j 1. (j. tia under and others of Burns' local attorney to appeal from th devlaton of Judgi Th.imll granting James Doyle a new trial. Mr. Thomas slated emphatically that th talk or a settlement of th suit was without j th slightest foundation. "The right lias i just begun." he significantly staled. Counsel fur Duyle filed notice of trial r Iho suit at the March term o( court, but a the defense will taite it up on appeal, it cannot bo tried at that time and It may be a year or possibly longer before the third trial of the famous suit will bo had. Mary U. Coffmau began suit againai th i eity vr COBTM-Il Bluff fop 13.510 damages for l-irinl Injuries alleged tu havs been ri--ceived tfeptember 2 Usi by a UU uu a defective sidewalk on Avenue F between Tenth and Kteventh srrM-ts. Miss Dagmar Jensen ha brought suit against M. melius Moxley. demanding $5."' damages. A criminal charge recently brought by the young woman against Mox ley ws dismissed. C. L. I'routy ha brought suit against the Great Western railroad for $210 for stock alleged to have been killed by the defend ant company's train. Saturday of this week will lie the last day for filing suits for the March term. CMHK VM.l. FOR KW Kt.K VI'OK tirp utapii tin Honff and 4nlna i on Idrrable lleadnn. ' The new elevator of the. Transnilssissiopi Grain company, now nettling completion at the Fnlon Pacific transfer, had a narrow escape yesterday afternoon from destruc tion by fire. The fire started. on the roof where a force of men engaged in put lint on the tar and gravel coating. In some manner one of the kettles of boiling tar cither rallied over Or upset, selling fire to the roof. For a while the llames spread rapidly and worked their way to wards the main structure, which Is 1W feet high. t i Wetter was hauled to the roof In barrel and a bucket brigade did valiant work until the arrival of two of the city fire com panies The firemen attached the hose to the steam force pumps of 'the. Pcavey ele vator and by thi were enabled lo throw a good, strong strem Onto 4he burning roof. The fire wa extinguished fortunately with comparatively little damage. It being esti mated that not to exceed $5ii would cover the damage. But for the assistance rendered by the management of the Peavey elevator lu offering their steam pumps. It Is doubt I ul If the building could have- been saved, as by the time the tlrnnien' reached the scene the flames had worked down into the bins In the main structure. ' Iteraoval nlv. We are going to move March 15, to the Mertlatn Block, and In order to reduce our stock we arp going to give a 25 per cent discount on framing, framed pictures, wall paper, brushes. Hc. for cash onlv Council Bluffs Faint. Oil anil Glass com pany. ' Snap Piano Bargain. Parties leaving the .city. Left on sale. Originat price $3i''. WiU sel on easy pay ments, S1S5. See at the big piano house, Schmtiller & Mueller Piano company. 5iU Broadway. Council Bluffs, la. Six rooms, city water., lot to grade, good repair, rents, 14. for U.uoo. Also rive rooms, best repair, rent. $12, for $!K. Houses and lots on monthly payments, Alva 8mlth, real estate and insurance, room 7. Everett block. Harry Schmidt, photographer. Your money back if photo are not the best on earth.' Kngage sitting at 4' AV. Broadway. Artistic In' every parflculiir. New pianos at Swansou jkuslc company from $1W and up on payments of X down and $5 per month. Reliable atamiard make. New location, 407 Broadway. 8. W. Williamson represents the four leading sewing machine ( companies, vli.: Standard, New Home, Domestic and White. These are all strictly high-grade machine. He also carries a Hurt JTjcheap rnaehlnes. He rent and repair jiTHfinds pf machine and bicycles at 17 South' Main .street. iLiii' If you waul a good ft lisli. stUctly up-to-date spring suit, let Wicks fit you out. He can give you the best fit In town and make you a price tliat will tit your pock etbook 1? Soar! street. T... A new plumhirig' shopoln' town. F. A. Spencer, j.W West Broadway, Is an expert in his Him and Is always glad to figure with you on any plumbing or contract that uu may have. Hi work Is up-to-date and guaranteed. ' . Tou have noticed special sales on Mrs. Pott' iron advertised 8c and !Wc per sit. Our regular price for. the past twelve month has been 75c per ei. Remember our price, 75c per set. Paddock-Hnndschy Hardware company. ' The finest selection of marble gravestone In southwestern Iowa can be found ut 4heeley & Lane's fnarhle and aranite works. 217 East Broadway, Council Bluffs. Many different designs and ' colors. The work I done hy expert who have had years of training. Don't pound the life nut of your fine Wilton or Axminster rug by cleaning It the old-fashioned way. There I a better way. cheaper in the long run. Our way will not Injure the finest fabric. Our wagons will call. Tel. 51. The Council Bluffs Carpet Cleaning and Rug Mfg. company. Heal F.atat Transfers These transfers were reported to" The Bee March 7 by the Title Gnaisnty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: Huns Eggei and wife to Ira Evans. nVi neV, 5-77-X'. w d $ .5t, o. .a. viny niMo to i nomas Aionagnan, W e'4 4-7'i-41, w d Samuel Gaymau to Thomas M ou- ghan. ttei iiw't 9-76-41, w d Lewis A. JUtKell and wife to Adol- phu M. Miller, part ne ne4 27-74- 4". w 1 Frank O. Humbert lo W. W. McRory. part lot 2. Auditor' ub nw'. nek. 12-75-40, w d John L. Caldwell, referee, to Ed-.ln While, part se', nw 17i-3!t. r d Waller J. Tompkin and wife to Lewis li.ttia 3.2UU if) AT beer do you drink as a rule? Speaking of draught ' V beer keg beer are you partial to a glass occasionally during the day? And do you watch for the Blatz signs? They indicate the places where Blatz Wiener Beeror other Blatz brands may be had. Cultivate the "Blatz signhabit'' if you would enjoy a draught beer that is at once the personification of beer goodness Always honest and undc viating in quality. ' Bottled Blatz is available, or should be, in most first-class places. Ask for Blatz Wiener Beer Telephone Douglas 10S1 or drop a postal to Omaha Branch, S02-10 Douglas St., Cor. Sth for it ikVlivriftl lioinr. The celebrated brands Wiener, Private Stock, Muenchener and Export are Brwd EclulTljr hy i VAL BLATZ BREWING CO.. MILWAUKEE, A llstswell. pall ne'4 and n4 se'4 5.-7-. w- d K I Lillian A. Lester lo Willis H. Klmlsill. ! 1... 1 A C.i,.l. A. f...,,M.... t add to Council Bluff rCniinlv treiw-.i- lit W illu,-M. I tell lit . 1.1. si mln lot 1. block 4, Ferry add to Council Bluffs, t U tVuinty treasurer to F.lmer 1.. Fehr. lots 55 and ,V. Johnson's add to Council Bluffs, t d M.irv tturneit to John Guinell. lots I. 2. :l. . 5 and 21. Mock 22, MoWanl add to Council Bluffs, u c d Klvlrs Blakeslee to Albreiht Andrc sen. n'i nw' 2-7ii-:W. c d Ij Twelve transfei. aggregating. :t7.r. LADIES Did you ever hear of the tiello system for the treatment of facial blemishes? If not. call and see us. We will be pleased to tell you all about it. Graves. 15 Pearl street. We note that the A. Hospe Co.. :CI Main St., Co. Bluffs, are selling a great many pianos. They tak In old pianos and or grans at what they are worth, balance on easy payments. We will handle during Lenten season a full line of fresh, salt, smoked and cu il rtsh of all kinds at the usul low price. Central Grocery and Meat market. Phone 24. I4i-Hi2 W. Broadway. Good bread can't le made except troin good ilour. I'se ' Big A" Hour and your bread will always be good. Your grocer Kells it or should. .vniin, nr,iiiu.t, Dai sells drugs. Stockert sells carpets. . Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer. Plumbing and heating. Bixby & Son. Drs. Woodbury, d-titlst. Pearl street. Woodrlng-Schmlilt. undertakers. Tel. JSi. Ed Rogers' famous Mickelob on draught. Diamonds as an investment. Talk to Ltftert utout It School paints, liens, paper and tabids. Alexander'. 3-"3 B'wny. Strictly fresh eggs two dosen for twi uty Hve cents. Glen Ave. Grocery. Kentucky, I'cnns) Ivanla. Mnrylaml and all ryes r bourbons at Jai vts'. For Imported wines, nqunr i'".d cham pagne. I.. Roscpfeld company. ai9 Main St. Alvin Buckley, the runaway, boy from Marr,e, la., has been sent home by the police. For exchange, 21-rouin hotel hi good Ne braska town. D. 8. Kerr, Co. Bluffs, la. 'Plume 117., Otis Johnson of Cheyenne. Wyo., is vis iting rein lives and friends in mis city en rou'e to Sweden. If you want your tire insurance to in sure have Clifton-Walker Co. write it In liliablH companies. When you have our shoes half soled lake tliern to Sargent's. .Have them sev.ed on und save one. Sargent Model Shoe Shop, Sotilre & Annis. nioney to loan; cssn on hand, no delay; city and farm property foi time on easv term ot payment, office, h'l pearl street. Don't buy wall paper till you see Bor wick, 211 South Main, Tel. iW. He's got wall paper that will Just suit you and ms pi Ice is right. We are paying the highest cash prices for old iron and metals. Council Bluffs Junk Hcuse J Kattlenian. proprleter. Tel. tV. M S. Main. An acre of fruit, with new. modern house. 'I his w ill not last long. Clifton Walker Co. The Pottawattamie Counly Medical so ciety M Its quarterly meeting in Avoca Tuesday decided to hold all of its meetings in the future In Council Bluffs. A snap for somebody, a 0 Ice wagon for $175. We have used it only four months, is practically new. Bridenstein Binith, coal and wood. 14th ave. and 6th st. Ine Manna nan restaurant and bar are giving the biggest meal in town. Short orders, with pure cream for excellent coffee. Try and you will he delighted. Missouri oak dry cordwood, IS a cord; hellbark hickory, $7; Araansas anthracite. $2.fs per ton less than hard coal. William Welsh. 1 North Main St. Telephone 12. Nothing new at Jarvls'; no. It is all old wines, wniskies and liquor. ' Strictly fresh eggs two dozen for twenty tlve cenls. Glen Ave. Grocery. Are yoli drinaing muddy water?.. There. Is no" c-xcuae when you can buy a stottv filter thai gives you water as clear as crystal Price, each W. A. Maurer. Still it grows. More Quick Meal Ranges sold in Council 1. luffs than any oin-r range. Money cannot make them better. For salt' al Swalne Mauer's, :Sii iix Broadway. The Farmers' Savings bank of Mlndcti. Pottawattamie county, filed yesterday amendment to the articles of Incorporation ing tlie number of directors from eight to five. i iinu-ri. now is vour cnauce tu IjUV brushes at 2i per cent discount tor cash only. Council fluffs faint. Oil and Glani company are going lo move to Mcrrtam block on March Jj. Huy your poultry leno' of us, as we carry various kinds from two foot up to seven fool high. These goods have been hoittjht low and It enables us to make you clotw figures. ('. Hater. Mrs. Angus Caldwell is In the east at tending tlie Dressmakers' " convention. In the special Interest of the John Beno com pany new dressmaking parlo, which will he in her charge. Ex-Councilman C H. Huber announced last evening that he and his brother will erect an arti'lclal ce plant in this city. They will be assisted hy local capital and It Is contemplated to invest ubout ISit.txn in the plant. William J. Ifeiser and Anna Heise.r, both of South Omaha, were married yesterday afternoon in this city by P.ev. G. Snyder of St. John's Knglish Lutheran church. Mr. und Mr. 1 bluer hail been divorced, but decided to make up and try ll over again. County Treasurer Conslgny yesterday turned over to the slate 12.4X1 3ft, to the Council IJlnffs school district I4.x91.54 and to VlYn .Vi i .it . i .' . tlonments of the tax collections for Feb- lunry. N. M. Hanson of Weston. Ia.. and Miss Lillian A. Feller of Missouri Valley were married Jast evening at the residence of the groom's brother, H. P. Hanson. V$ Avenue K, Rev. U. W. fiuydcr, pastor of St. John Knghsh Lulheran church, offi ciating. These delegates to the democratic school and city conventions were eh'cted Tuesday night in the Second precinct ofth Fourth ward: Frank Boche. Arthur Slack, Svenke Hoysen, Don t'.ryant. W. H. Bussee, T. t Smith, Frank Wood. Frank Beebe was elected committeeman. W. S. Hewetson has just pun based a large stock or wall naper. moulding and interior decoration goods; also pictures and art goods ut joc on the dollar. Framing done artistically and cheap. A large stock of picture mouldings to select from. Open- i Ing day. Wednesday. March 15. The defence In the suit of John llanhr s itnst Chris lllssc and others, in whi. h i the plaintiff was tecently awarded $2.t'. has hied a motion for h new trial. One of I the grounds is tbc nib ged iniscoinluct of ; counsel for the phiintliT stilling to th Jury that the defense was inanulacuii d. i The funeral ir the late Mrs. Chris Gelslcr will e held this uiiniilna al ln:.t" o'clock from the ). '11111111 Evanacllciil church slid intei tii.-nt will be In Walnut Hill cemetery. Rev. Mr. Sell 'ur. r w ill conduct the scr - 1 Ices. The liineral cortege will leave th" ' residence. 111? Fifth avenue, nt 1 clock. ' Th. funeral of Mrs. Mary C. lof.g will ! held this afternoon at 2.:' o'clockll'rnm the , leslrlence of hei dh tighter. .Mr. Taylor ; Woolsev, .1n2 West Broadway, and burial will be' In Fairvlew ( - nieieiy. Rev. James 0 Mav pastor of Broadway church, as- I slsted bv Rev. F. A Case, pastor of the ' Flrt Baptlsi. chiitch. will conduct the , services. - I OW-ot Of 'snd In l.wis IowiikIiIp have filed with Count v Auditor Cheync a pctl- I tlon ror the establishment of a drainage ditch bv the B lard of Supervisors. The land ; sought' to be dralmd lies south and east I or Mosii'ilto creek and souihwcsl of the : 1 Itrhi-or.wae of the Wabash rnllr.iad and j Is due easi o l.ske Manawa. Al times of the year It is almost submerged under water. low a iii;hikf kh iif-th gnraenns IMsi-over Fatal Disease While I'rrformlna Mperntlon. ATLANTIC, la.. Match 7-tSpecial Tele-giam.)-8herlff Rolert Marshall lie at th polnt of death at a hospital In this city. In operating for a supKised obstruction if the bowels a cancer was discovered and the attending physicians say hut a few bonis are left to the patient. Mr. Marshall Is the head of the state organization of county sheriffs and Is uivi of the best known and most popular otll clals in the state. Ills complaint has lxi ,i one of rapid growth and his sad condition will come as a great surprise to his many friends in this and neighboring states. stlnnx Ity MepubllcHii llckct. SIOl'X CITV. Ia.. March 7. tSpecinl Tel tgrani.) The republicans In convention this afternoon nominated the following city ticket: Mayor. P. A. Sawyer: solicitor. Fred V. Sargent; auditor, W. E. True; treasurer. Captain T. C. Prcscntl: assessor. C. C. Wales; engineer. M. HoIuivIk; jm!cc judge, II. F. Situs; superintendent of mar kets. O. S. Skegerson. The democrats will hold their primaries Saturday and probably will nominate the following ticket: Mayor. W. G. Sears; solicitor, E. J. Htason; treas urer. George B. Wliittemore; engineer. J. M. Lewi; police Jtnluc Sam Pase. The other oftlcers are doubtful. The republicans are nledaed against licensed gambling. , Tn(, ,.n,cln, stand on their administra tion ot the last two years, which licensed gambling. A hot campaign Is in prospect. Thi- election is on March 2v 4 linngea In Red Oak Hanks. j RED OAK. la., March 7. (Special Tele- , gram.) The Farmers' National bank has j bought the controlling Interest of the First J National bank. O. .1. Gibson, formerly cashier of the Fanners' National, will sue- . cced Walter Ellis, who resigned his po- sition as cashier of the First National, j The Farmers' National bank, will here- j after be known as the Farmers' Trust and Savings bank, with F. J. Brodby at the head. Other officers have not yet been elected. Bis, lialn for t nil ersll j . IOWA C1TV. March 7. tSpecial. I Accord ing Id a statement issued this afternoon by the registrar of the Htate university, the gain In students this yeur over last has heen greater than'iit any other university in the 1'nlted States. Iowa university has gained J per cent. Jlichitfati conies sec ond Willi 12 per cent. The total registration to date. Is J. Kamll- Tronlrle Lead tu Sniclile. SIDNEY, la., March 7. (Special Tele gram.) John Sutnpter. a young man em ployed In a livery stahle In tills city, shut' himself this evening and unduiihtedly will j die. Bumpier and his wife hud a iurrel till morning and decided to separate, i ney had been married aliout a year and hud one child. Their married life had not Is-en pleasant. ' , I rrlrphune i oiuai. t liauae IIhiiiIk TAHOR. Ia.. March 7. tSjieclal.1 The stock of the Tahor City Telephone company ' and W. H. Hell's ranch in Holt county. ! Neliinfka. have been sold to I. W. Way nick of leaven worth,' Kan., for Irto.nOO, the l.UJU phone being taken at about Rana1nKge by a heavy cold or cough, your lung ar helpless till you cur them with Dr. King's New Discovery. 50c and 1.00. For sal by fehermsn McConnell Drug Co. DIAMONDS Fremer. luth and Dodge. OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Month (Inisha tnrt Mnmmer I'nek With Uuoil Maratln for Third IMnee. CINCINNATI. March 7.-lSpccll Tele I grain.l-I'rlce Current nays: There has been considerable decrease in the marketing of hog. The indicated total western packing is about 40.non against 5!,0OU for the pre ceding week und 47R.iKK last year. The week's total represents killings since March 1. I'mmlnent places compare us follows: i; Chicago lln.l Kansas City So, mm South Omaha Sumu St. Ixiuls 3o,ti St. Jowph 4iln Indianapolis 15to Cincinnati Ottuniwa S.ii 'ediir Hi. phis ll.Ouo fllcux City ls,i St. Paul j i'ii.ihiii Cleveland 15,tiu 19U5. 12o.H) ttt.uisj :.( :t6.u 1 i ( 12.I1 ll.Ollll le.t'Kl 23, mw lll.l) 12.(0 p in "A 1 IS F Whole Foot Nothing But Proud Flesh Tri'i Different physicians and , All Kinds of Ointments Could Waik Only With Crutches-Ohio Man Says 5 "CUTICURA REMEDIES THE BEST ON EARTH" "In Ihe yesr 1S99 tl snl of mr right foot was cut off front the littla toe down to t he heel, and the physicist w ho had rhargeof me w a Irving to sew up th ioV of my foot, lint with no success. When hr found out that wouldn't work, he Wgan trying to heal the wound with all kinds of ointment, .lint tl at last my whole foot aud war up slvnve mv calf was JTV' not hing but proud N V in-sll. 1 suffered un told agnniei for four year, and tried different physician and all kind of oint ments. I co ul J walk only withi'niti'he. It is sixteen month ago since I began using Cuticura fionp and Ointment for my limb and foot. The first two months the Cuticura Remedies did not seem to work, but I kept on using them both. In two weeks afterwards I saw a change in my limb. Then 1 began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment often dur ing the day and kept it up for sevrn months, when my limb was healed up just the same as if 1 never had trouble. "It is eight, months now since I stopped using Cuticura Remedies, the Iwst, on God's earth. I am working at the present diiy, after five years of suffering. The" cost of Cuticura Ointment and Soup was only to; but the doctors' bills were more like 000. You can publish my name and refer any one to write to me about Cuticura Remedies. I will answer all letter if postage is enclosed. John M. Llovd, 718 S. Arch Ave., Alliance, Ohio, June "27, 1905." Com!t gittrsal and Tntrmal TrMtmtnt for vrr Humor from rlnipl tu Sf-rrtfuls, from Infant? lo A rambling uf Cuticura Aoap, tnr., Olnlmrm, MV , Reaal Taril.Mia. ito form of Chnrolatr Caattrl Pllta. IV. iwt vial of !. may b had ol all drugslata. A ingle- mi oftsacuraa. Final Prill A Chrm. Corp., Snlf Prop.. H,nr.n. StrMatlad rrw, "Ho to Cars Skis w4 Bluwt BlUDora. HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH Finger roughened by needlework catch every stain and look hopeless!- -dirty. Hand Sapollo removes not only the dirt, but also the loosened, injured cuticle, and, restores the tlagers to their natural beauty. ALL GROCERS AND DRUGGIST' $1 Advertising Book Sen! FREE To those Interested in the subject of adver tising, we will ;end Iree upon receipt nf Ph. in stamps or coin to cover postage, the l.'d ago bound book entitled Current Kates ol lve 1'ublicatiints This book contains list? of all publications In the United States with their circulation and their rates for advertlMing hicc. ll also contains a com plete, list of street cars showing costs ot street car card advertising. A .most valu able hook for, t he old as well us the new advertiser. Painter-Tobey-Jones Co., Advestising Agents 35 Dearborn St. I Chicago, III. FiveFastTrains DAILY TO Chicago snd the East vis the . CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY over the only double track railway between the Mis souri River and Chicago. This complete service includes Pullman drawing room and private compart ment sleeping cars, parlor cars, composite observa tion cars with library and buffet-smoking apartment, free reclining chair cars, standard day coaches and dining cars (a la carte ser vice.) Ticket! ini 'ul! inforaiatioo OS sbbll cation to ticket office U01 and 1403 Ftrnam St. OMAHA, NEB. BLOOD PO I SON ured fur 1.1 1 Dr. McGREW SPECIALIST DISEASES OP MEN JO Vars CsfMrUsc -2 Year la) Omsk. Blood Holacoa, Van. e o I , Hrlrture. Ixii of trogtB Vliallty. Clanraes Lea Tnan All Oilier. ('All or write. Unx ?b. OrTii t kViutti lUli ot.. Oinalia Neb. MEN AND WOMEN. Cm B-C fr Uft-t4Urftl 4tckt.vrgM,ialataMlM. lrnicioB r wiit !.. of Mttc MabniM, tn I aaLanA SkaVal at ka S Sat tlBi. TSttVAMauScJiaTatin. f am 1 aniMl. . tssnuun,( OR FOUR YEARS fi (lEtV g la t to aevJ . J Saaaalw4 W W a-4 i airtatot.. m , ai r f ml is 4ia rv &t b.4. .aai4, la rrJ SI ertkuttlM) t I Cax 1st aast a laa.maa