Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1906, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEKj THURSDAY. MARCH 8, IWn. Don't Miss the Great Bargain Opportunity Tbarsday Crtat Sate f Muslin Underwear Continued !AH WEATHKIl KOItECAST ThurMlay, Fair. THE RELIABLE ST9RE I 1 I Spring VyilIinery The Stunning New Styles Brandos' 5poclal Hat at $5. All nr-tv models in smart hats for spring new HhadeH of coral, reseda, Alice blue and other fashionable gltades trimming are of the large and small roses, wings, breasts. feathers and new ornaments every one with a touch of metropolitan style special, at f Trimmed Hats 2.50 Street Hats T n n u ronlj lilrtk a a a iw.At -f uvall ctvtod tl UC1 fit St niOfiP!- ' 1 d iiut in niin.i iilfcll Ci D a 171 UUIH CI v L pnvn o ' - . v ate price newest. Jaunty shapes and colors lots of style In 50 tnene nats mat are copied rrom stunning rrenrn luuuuin, ai 1 LUC 5 FINE ALLOVER LACES The moKt exquisite lot of allovers ever Keen in Omaha at special sale. New figured and dotted Nets, Oriental, Point Venice and Irish Crochet also fancy English allovers widths 18 to 40 inches white, cream, ecru and black worth tip to $1.50 yard, at 25c, 59c 75c yd 12U PRINTED MADRAS, at J 2 Very . speciul sale of printed madrus. In light, and dark grounds regular twelve and a half cents cjual- T 1 Ity, in null rem- nnts for Thurs (' day, at, yard . . . c LADIES' NECKWEAR Newest spring styles of stocks, tabs, turnovers and dainty collars and cuff nets pat terns are absolutely new this season a splendid variety, at, per yard 10e-I5c-25c Ladies' Smart Tailored Spring Skirts New styles In Walking Skirts are chic and pretty this spring all new styles and materials in this lot the best bar gains you will all seasoo, til The New Separate Waists Everybody thinks the new styles are delightful we are, the first to show the really swell effects in popular priced, aervicable waists. 98c-I.50-I.98 Ladies' Spring Suits All the laie style featureu are here, polo coats, pony coats, etons, old rose, resedas, )50 : " win w mw - 2uf DNS Misses' Outdoor Shoes At thin tima of t tie year tlie shorn on the feet have a (treat deal to rto Kith tlie health of the wearer, Theso mlHSps' Htine are ftrnultip hox calf and I 1 1 1 1 1 1 r kid. Vwllh genuine welt wiles juct the shoes to prevent wet feet and tolrts. Child's sizes SV4 to 11 $1.W. Mines' sizes U to 2 S-."0. Young Women's nixes 2Vd to S--$2 .30. We reeonimeiHl these shoes for com fort and extra good wear. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Street. I i BggaBMHtH'0U, SBaVBflaVaBjjja'JJ' "If we were all Apollos and lind per fe t proKH tions for our chest meusutx , llic elothlng business wuuld be a cinch. "-F. M. AtWiNid, Clothier, Chl cugro Tribune. WD AXSOIME that we 1ia made this bunlnri a clncli. We ran HI any form that romea nar war Apollo or otherwise. Oar tailoring la for line trade, that ar willing- to par from flill to 4S for Malt or Overt-oat and act line fabric with durability, lit. workmanship and service thrown In. We have l.MK pat. terns, picked from the beat mill of thla f-oantrjr and abroad, to how to those who are Interested that we are here to nleaae. Don't wait for your new aiylrMt aalt antll the style of cloth you may like brat baa run out. DRESSIER Omaha'a Faahloaable Tailor, lft 1IV FARAAM ST. Open Evenings Too Busy Making Clothe to Close. Best Spring Coats for Men Cravenettes Damp Proof on Wet Days Stylish Every Day These fashionable and sensible Coats for Men are genuine rainproof cravenettes nil hand tailored and quarter lined with Venetian lining. The new Oxfords very popular splendid fit and extra good service would usually sell at $17.50 special at Smart New Spring Top Coats for Men The popular dressy C 750 (LIU Spring garment, at 4) D" $ u-piU 75 The Salvation Army have a contribution box In our store; be sides pennies and other small coins, a num ber of mir pat rone have been dropping III the TICKETS FROM OUR CA8H REOlS TKR. These tickets are worth t per cent of their face value to anyone, and the SALVATION ARM V la using them to get such thing an they need In our lino. Po you get your tickets, and If no, do you use them? If not, you can help the liOOl) CAl'BE of the army Just 5 per cent of your drug More purrhaoea by placing your ticketa In this box. Nnw nioet everyone, in thin part of the country knows that we do not allow any drug store anywhere to undersell ua. Here are a few oample cuts: 2ic rtravea Tooth Powder (Thursday). ...lo 25o Mennen'a Talcum Powder 15c Sue Socleiie Hygienic Sonp 2c Mtc Hurd's Honey and Almond Cream .... c 11.00 HoKwck'B Saranparllla Toe ?.no Cheater's Pennyroyal Pills SI. (II This is tha genuine CHESTER'S Pill t2.0t Succus Alteraus Il.TS i6o Swan's Down Fuce Powder 15c Any 5c cigar, box of 60, all the time 1.7u Any 10c straight cigar, box of BO, all the time tS.iiO WE It AVE NO "JOB I.OT" DRIED OCT C1C.ARS. ,?, SCHAEFER'S ,?SJS. Corner 18th and Chicago, OMAHA. 24th and N.. BO. OMAHA. Cor. 6th and Main St.. CO. BLUFFS. IA. ALL SIZES. Have a supply of fresh mined coal and can make prompt delivery by careful drivers. Phone Douglas 1007. 1507 Howard St It PURITAN LAUNDRY ENLARGES Tb purtUn Laundry wishes to ap ologize to (be public for their Inabil ity to turn out the laundry work seat them in the pant few days. Tha busi ness of thla laundry has grown so rapidly that it had literally outgrown tha capacity of the boilers, so it has ttoen necosary to install new boilers and Increase things generally. They are now prepared" to accommodate all the demands made oa them. PURITAN LAUNDRY UITH AND FAR.NAN ST. TtJ. IXarne lTl, DR. Charles S. Brady, Grantwood, N. J., uyi: "I believ th tnodrratc um of good beer, the product of rrfruble and cereal ingredt ent, it beiwncial to adult per sona and k certainly t food," Stou Bui a foot beet. There a better made ia the United States tu-da)JL It UJ put rink oa yout boact, blool in yuur uodv. Older Stoii. ,,4 it V i) in a mi All Ready! FOR YOUR CRITICAL INSPECTION ICOLL'S handsome array of Spring the best thoughts of the Foreign and Domestic cloth makers. Over 1,000 styles on disylay. Trousers, $5 ti $12 Suits. $20 to $50 WILLIAM JERREMS' SONS. S09-211 So. 15th Street. FAST TRAIN! Leave Omaha - 6:00 P. M. Arrive Chicago 7:30 A. M. Steamship tickets Co ail Europ ean points. ILLINOIS CENTRAL TICKET OFFICE 14Q2 Firnan St, Craihj, Reb. 6REEN TRADINS STAMPS EVERT TIME BENNETT'S BIO GROCERY HKPT (WOliH, LARGEST VARIK- Tlfc AND UnVK.ST 1R1CE5. Krr-Kh roantrd Ooklen Santos 2fic t'o (Tee pound avrv And twenty Green Trading Stamp. Basket Fired Japan !Op T(r- pound "OSi And twenty Ureen lYadlna Stamps. TWKXTY jKjunds best f f GranulHled SuKar ! VIV" And thirty Green Trading Stamiis. M. A Gedney's fC Pickles hot t If IOW Diamond 8 assorted Tip Fndts-can a-OV, And thirty Oi-een Trndlng Stamps. CANNED BPKC1A1- 2 cans Maine. 55 Ctirn $J3C 3 rans G. ntsce 1". TcmuUH'S OC 6"C And forty Green Trading Stamps. HeniH'tt's Capitol Extract iu bottle IOC And ten Green Tr.ujing Sianii's. Two saiks Worcester ifn Table Salt IUW And ten Green Tradinrr Statnis. tiexeral ins Ander- (E derson's Tomato Soup, each CJw Three packages OE. Jell-O JiOC And ten Green Tr.idinif Stamps. Uennett's Capitol imia and A- Wheut. pkif. of i-acli fcVIW And ion fiteen Trading Stumps. Six 5c Wlagle fitn Sticks HI11. lug oW And ten Green Tra.llng StJtmitR. Three hie Wlgglp Slicks 0r lllueing J3w And ten Green TiudiiiK Stiinips. New Flower and Vegetable Seiila package W HfTTlCK l'Yenli Country Butter . pound Sour Tickles quart lot And ten (ireen Trading St;itnps. A GREAT BOOK SALE Fiction, Historical Romance. Rellgloa, Travel, Adven ture, Fun, Etc. Bljf est Book Sale To Date - HAND50T1E BINDINdS- Sale Starts Saturday SEE HUGE WINDOW SHOW SPECIAL Dinnerware Sale AH of our stock patterns; also straight 100-piece sets on sale Thursday at sl Discount of 10 IGNITO MANTLE, the only sensible gas mantle made, turn on the iras and it s lit no matches re quired, ea. Us ete tits . J a ma eaiai 35c 1.00 Imnortvd Cut Star Table Tumblers, regular $3.75 a doz en. Itiuis- day. each . . 19c SPECIAL SILK BARGAINS THURSDAY 2 15c 18c ...5e New Spring Suits and Coats Jt Our -.racial offirlnns for Thursday In the Cloak Department are certainly deserving or particular notice. The Immensity of our Atrw-lf thn II nimiiu II...4 VdiHuti- l. . I o . n n .i.A unsurpassed high quality of workmanship -.. mil,. n'n .i ii m i iiiisiiiuir inn Cloak Dejiaitment Ginaha stylo hendqum ters for spring, IPiKJ. suit, or coat this Hca.ion can afford to mls.s tlii.i opportunity. NEW SPRING WAISTS G prat est assort nient and best values In GTnana. New Waists worth up to $- u 1.25 2.98 2.95 ERS the 1.25 speciHl tied silk 1'tidersklrts- Ihursdav $i.K) Walking Skirts sneclH 1 SKK tH H HOSIE-MAWi WRAl'l liest on the market at $2.'.'ft, $2.w. $1.76 ll .iO and r'rnin K Till t a. ni. Women's S1.-5 Wrappers at From : Till n HO a. Women's Inet-sing Sacques at From t Till in a. ni Children's Dresses at From li.' Till lOh'lo a Women's J1.50 Waists at 75c Silk Ribbons 15c We have secured all the odd plepes nf plain and fancv wide Ribbons from K H. Levy f New Voik. one of tho largest nbhnn liiaiiutuctuiera in the country; they do not run In full bolts, but lengths from S t US vards; all colors, satin, plain, taffota and' printed warps, all on sale Thursday. In two lots. tit. h r 1()r jtird, l.'io anil SVW 69c .19c 69c 50c 19.90 8.95 Over 100 pieces of 90c Pure Silk Crepe de Chine. In both street and evenlnR shades, including white, cream and black; also very desira ble shade of the 8oc quality of Chiffon Taffeta, CC on sale for one day, Thursday, at, a yard DJC 36 In. Cream Japanese Silk, the kind that washes and wears, f regular selling price $1.00, Thursday, a ard OJC SALE OX COLORED DRESS GOODS THURSDAY Fine imported silk finished Mohairs, high glossy finish, a splendid range of Ifls colorings and designs, a yard, only $lt00. 7."ic and JUC WATERPROOF SUITINGS All new color combinations, 20 styles to select from, Just the right material for traveling suits and street skirts, always sold at 85c a yard, Cfl .Thursday, per yard DJC We are showing the finest and most complete lines of popular grey suitings to be seen in this city, and at prices that are mak- Crt lng them move rapidly, 38 to 58 in. wide, a yd., from $2 to. . . 3UC SALE OF BLACK DRESS GOODS THURSDAY 54 In. Black Rope Panamas, dust proof, extra fine finish, suitable for Jacket suits, separate skirts and long coats, never sold for less than Q f $1.25 a yard, at, per yard 03C 40 In Black Panamas, with shadow checks, regular 75c value, at, a yard, only JC 48 in. Imperial Twills, soft finish, plaits and drapes gracefully, very popular, sold at $1.50 a yard, f (f Thursday, per yard l.UU PRETTY NEW WASH GOODS, SPECIAL FOR THURSDAY Duck Suitings, in plain colors; also pretty neat dot effects 111 and stripes, Thursday special, per yard .liC DRESS SATEENS, with neat dots and small figures, soft finish, Thursday, per yard New Henrietta Novelties, In checks, all sizes and colors, 36 in. wide, special for Thursday, per yard 1,000 yards of fine dreifs Ginghams, 10c quality, Thursday only, per yard iui pieces nne sneer inciia Ninons, very wine, worth 25c m a yard, Thursday only, per yard I JC BIG EMBROIDERY SEASON We are showing the most com plete line of fine and heavy Nainsook, Swiss and Cambric Em broideries, in match sets, Allovers, Skirt flouncing, Corset Cover and yoking widths; insertions and fancy headings; excellent values, at prices to suit all. SPECIAL LOT 1.000 yards Nainsook and Cambric Embroidery tinges, a to i& mcnes wide, insertions to match? lot of fine flouncing wiatns in tnis lot worth to 3 0c yard; sale price, Thursday, per yard, 19c, 10c, 7c, down to..... BLACK SATEEX AND MERCERIZED PETTICOATS Special display, new spring styles, extra value, QCI $1.89, $1.50, $1.25, .$1.00 and OlC LADIES' AND MISSES' COVERT COATS AND JACK ETS, fitting and box styles, lined and A A unlined, price JeUU MISSES' AND LADIES THREE-QUARTER COATS - New spring novelty cloths, Moire Velour Q Q collar, nobby style, at Oti MISSES' RAIN COATS, ages 12 to 18 years, genuino Priestly Cravenette cloth, color tan and 7 QP castor, full box styles, at J LADIES' AND MISSES' NORFOLK SWEATERS, the very latest cut, $5.00 quality, T PA SeiSU HAMJSOMB TAILOR SrilS-ln Panamas, voiles, chiffon cloths, etc.. in all the most popular snuilcs ju dim rent stydes to s icci irom garments wen worm lA'Jo Thursday STYLISH TAILOR SIMTS-ln U the new spriiiK similes Hiul fabrics, cloti. puny or blouse jacket st vies f 4 Ofl VHlues special Thursday " NOHHY TA1I.OK SI 'ITS In cton jacket or mouse erects, in nil new fahllcs and col i-is good value ut $lu.i--'i'hursdiiy s price t'oiKKT rovr spun Women's ('overt fouls worth tip to A 0s ?.;, RHtUI Thursday at .VC Women's Covert Coats worth up st to $10. ecir.l Thursday at J M iJ Women's Covert Coats, the finest assort ment and bcM values in fk lr Omaha, at tis.iu. $16, $12,511 and... lw'U C'HA KM-ITTK COAT SI'I-'.CIAI.JI. Women's J7.Su Cravenetis A QSi sHt-ciul i"f 'Jt) tVavenette Coats, in Oxfords, olives and luru!. well worth tl2.5 special y Q3 NKW URKS8 SKIRTS In voiles, l'ans liiajs, taffetas, etc. spli-mliil val- T B.IX ues at $15, $U'.5o. 10 and d ,UJ BAMFLI'2 SKIRTS In ureal variety of styles and material, and 1'J A Q4J values, at New Laces A new lot of .ion -City liees Just received, prices ific, down to...., T11K Hl-JST LACK SIAUK. .4c Dress Goods Sale 5c I li u rsiln , K'rlilay and Watunln? We will place on sale 5i pieces of (lilt mixed fancy Mohairs that sell at 1 S I and ii.i a yard, nmde sieclally for shu t waist suits for sprinK l!"-: liaiidsomu areys. isreens. In-owns, tans, blues, SUtr etc., tor three dyys, ut, per yurd. ... Wash Goods Department Thursday- Silk (M Handles. Just like c the TiMc Krade, on sale at, a yard. ... Special Hosiery Sale Men's Half Hose, in Macks, tans and fancy colors, ill line Lisle and Maco rotloli. worth up to Mk;, at per puir, lio, l-'iiC. lik-, dow n to UXDHCS' Ut'K HOSt:. In whites. pinks and blues. 2mi qualities, lit. per pHtr LA OIKS' FANCY L1SI.K HOSK, worth 3!k', at, er pair C1I1LDRKN S HOSK. nil siies, weights, worth double the special price, per pair, luc anil CHI LI RKN'B SAMFLK KNIT I'NDKR O Alt. NIK NTS Home have taped buttons, worth up to SHc per ijnrnient, IQc Special at 15c nnd 1 w ORANGES! ORANGES! We have Just received another car of Fancy Highland Navel Oranges. Nearly every person in Omaha knows the lilcli quality and rlcn flavor of the Highland Navels. Tomorrow (Thursday) we are fcolnu; to place this car on sale: 29 Highland Navel Oranges for 25c Per Dozen . 15c We buy direct from the grower. 5c blacks, 124c 19c sprltiK 5c mm wm EVERY DAY to April 7, 1904, ona wnj ColonUt ticket wilt b on aal from OmohA to PorUAnd, Bettl, Tacoma and many othr pointf In Uio NortbwaM. Via UNION PACIFIC Ticketa good la Daily Touriat Oara. SHORT LINE. PAST TRAINS. KO DELAYS. InQulr at City Ticket Office, 18S4 Fartuun St. 'Phono DoucIm-834. for I Two "SSJilllUIiSaSr Fu!lmn through JSL J Sleeper a8t trains ffjV and Psrlor from Omaha XL'i.MV' Cafe Serrice 8:30 P. M. and 8:00 A. M. arriving Minneapolis 7:25 A. IL and 6:50 P. M. Ilatee and information at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam street SAMUEL NORTH, DUtrlct Paaaongar Agont, OMAHA, NEB. fro) TAPT.c DENTAL L i( TAH b ROOMS. MVy 1517 Douglas St. Charles A. Potter GENtKAL j:K.NOG.J'Uiat. IJruuktluDk. CwrrekponUvuce, Uriel Work and H pec 14 lUporting ou HUort Notice. UOIhlW PI BLIC. IL iei, a BsUdlaa. '.J l ' i M " I DiPt-Y STATU VETERINARIAN. H. L RAMACCIOTTi; D. V. C1TT VC1CR1.UR11I. OtCe. mA Luflxmarjr, 2Kb u4 Mhjuju eta. A Small Office In The Bee Building carries with it all the advantages of being in the best office building in Omaha. The liee building is always kept in perfect repair. The elevator service is ample und the elevator conductors accommodating and courteous. Rental price includes electric light, janitor Kerviee, heat, water and all the conveniences of a modern office building. At the present time there art vacant one office at $12.00 per month, one at $15.00 per month and one at $18.00 per month. There are only three small officei vacant in the building today and these will not stay vacant long. If you want one, apply at once. R. W. HA K Kit, Supt. It. 418, Uee lild. C. C. ItOSKWATEIl. Secy. 1702 I'tu-uam St. BRACELETS R are to b wciu very mui h'tlils iiprin. and sunitui r. hiiiI i vny lady will want mir. U liuve tlKin In vulit. u nil! anil silver lucasiiTiu', nuiiuy . siyis-wriiii J6. 8pnil a fw mliiuiea. In our atunk and ace llitiiit. UJUK fOH ITtri NAM hi -. , S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. HIS OOUOkAS ST. i V