Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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one, 10 reri
rmvia fifiiK ttug.
tckrt sella catp-t.
Bd Rogers' Tony Faust beer.
rinmbln( and heating. Blsby Son
Drs. Woodbury, dentists. Pearl street.
Woodritig-Schmldt. undrtake -a. Tel. X?.
Bd floger.' famous Mlckclnb on drau.lit.
Jaryl Co., 225 Main street. I.ndle el
Com. Diamonds a an Investment. Talk to
i-effert about it.
School paint, pen, papers and tablets.
Alexander a. 133 B way.
No -saloon at Jarvis ' 1-adr will wait on
you for best Ilium, all kind.
Stste Senator C. .. 8aunrtr returned to
fV Moines yesterday morning.
For Imported wine, iiqiiurs enjS chsm-
psgne, L. Hoser.reld company, sit Main Pt.
Ml Floyd Frank, a ' tea-hr In ti e
Wenlngton Avenue school, la on the i k
J. W. Can't, 'he Tttoa.lwny diuaKit. ia
ret owrlni Irom a fever att.wk oi appen
dicitis. Mr. and Mr, w. S. ooper are sojourn
ing aA K.treiwor Hpnugs, Mo., lor a couple
of woeka.
For exchange, H-room hotel in good Ne
' biweka town. L. U Kerr. Co. biufl. la.
'flHiM 417.
If you want your fire insurance to in
ut have tiilton-lV'aiaor . write II in
M-iiHbie rnmpunifF.
Buy your Kdison phonograph nnd rec
ord nt Williamson's More 1 H"an Mam
street. Mall orders prompt ly filled.
Wax beans, string bean. blueberries,
blackberries, raspberries nnd strawberries.
Still three can lor l!c. at the il"ii Af.
-To the Paper Hangers We have Jur un
)Miied a cht of Amu- plaster .n t imt is
iwhi.i mr patch wcra to pa r over nt.onre.
. Hater.
Worn Iibk lw n received 1 ere of the death
of O. V.' Miller. tormcrl of ill Mynster
street, at Armour, a. U. He will he huned
in Armour.
Stulre Annl. money to loan; cash on
iiand. no delay; city and farm nroiierty fur
4ie 6u -Hi9v terma oi payment, urhce, 14
i'erl el reel
Don't buy Wall paper till you nee p,ot
wick. ill Moutn Main, Tel. .. lie a got
wan p.iper tout will jusl suit you nnd ins
price is right.
.Mr. ' L. B. ftenard will entertain the
numbers of Tlgreuia lmpi . Huthbone Si
tcfa. kt her h'Miie. the Orand hotel annex,
t'riuay. ajternofin.
V are pay in the lilgheat cash prl-e
for m1 iron and metals. Council lilulTa
Junk Htise j KuitieuiHii. pioprictcr.
i el. Vi. (C B. Main.
At Fwaine A Maurev'F for gcl' K Meal
gasoline atove. tit Here may le ii.t hut
ma vutek Meal the heat. e don i
irlve the moat;- we glva the heat.
An acre of fmlt. with new, modern
house. 'I nt wli! not last Umg. t ntion
s' hiker Co.
A ruip for somebody, a IW li-e wagon
f'ir $K . e have uted It only four in'mtns,
I iMMerlciliy new. Hridetiwiein A- Binitli,
iol jttvl -CKxt, Hth ae. and 6th ft.
f I lie- iu nan rcMrturant nnd bar ara
giving tne fnge-t meal In town. Shoit
orders, with pura vream for excellent
vritfoe. Try ana you will he delightad.
Misaourl oaa dry cord woe d. a cord;
s'hellbMrk hlc-Kory, IT; Argaoea anthraeite,
M d" aor ton leas than hard coal. William
elth, 1 North Main St. Telephone 1-J.
Are you drinking muddy waterT There
i no excuae when you ran buy a atone
Alter that (Ives you water a clear ua
Viystal. i'nve, fX.bu each. V. A. Mnurer.
Jusila of the Peace Field is confined
his home on, Park a-enue by sleknesa.
, Tha Klraf M'ard lmpiwefnent club will
trieet thla evening in the city council chant-
' Painters, now is your chant to buv
brushes at 2a per cent discount for rash
only. Council Bluffs I'atnt, Oil and Dial's
company ara going; to move to Memum
blocs, on March li.
Still It grows. More Quirk Mcdl Ranges
Hold in. Council Bluffs truui any otuer
range. Money csnoot ninke them lietter.
t or sale at , sjwalue & Muuror ,. 3,ttj-:iJS
MMkwsway. t - ...
"Fpe member a nf the Woman a Chiiatiun
Tempciance union win meet tms artermxiii
in tne ciub rooms at tha library building,
t'ouni'l! Hums I'ourl ol Honor will meet
Ihlst evening In. regular scksioii in Uaniaii
rtaL '
The state eases ngainst A. Kaplan,
ihnigM with tiittexxlement from the umni
,Kg BciUM-niKen compaii. ani M.
Srwteney, cliargeu with Knowingly mann
ing the wltc oi miother. were vontlnueU in
Uie distuct court until the next term.
Otto Weaver yesterday brought sun In
the district court against tne etret-t ran
way company to recover $'.i.i, dmuKea lor
injunea aliege'd to nave leen reeenei in
a collision witn a motor while driving
across itroatanay on January 1 ot this year.
The indictment against lJennls tiravea, a
collar tad, ciiargou wnn bre&ning into the
WiMHinuiy ooniiu.i.v store una ettanng a
Quantity of clouting, was tiiMiiiixacd in ui
trtot cimrl esteihiiy. The state was un
able to proouie tne witnesses it dep nded
Marvin P. Reed, president of the West
Bnd linprovonx-ini ciuti, mo failed to se
cure the repuout'Hii nomination lor niii.i
ler ol the iurd ot Ktiuoation Monday
night, aneioutx-eo yeateraay mat he wouiii
be a, utuiUMiaA lot .mayor .on an independ
ent tleaet.
Alvin HuckltJ". a 13-year-old boy who ran
aw.v irom hts noine at Aiarnc. la., because,
,s .ne says, bta turner wan cross to hiu,
wak plraed'Vin ii Uk; hour Monday in
tiiav Illinois central yard. He la lieing
ncid nt iKUkm tiuiinquarters pending woru
iioni 4lla lather.
The i6Uc wcl-e callel late Monday ntglit
lo tne Illinois I ijutrai yurua ny a report
that thiivva wera liuoHtng out traat irom
an outgoing fnHgnt train, A meat oox witn
one solitary pieo of nt In it was found
alongside tne tracK. tint the suppoaed
Uiteves had dlsaparen.
The defense hi the personal injury dum
agu suit of Maggie Hansen aguuiet H. A.
.rie, jr., tgm a motion lor a livw trial
esteidav, aiiegiug mat ueituin of tne jury
advocated and aigued in tne jury room in
lavor ot a large veralcl in oid.'i that the
parenta of " tne youtniul aeionnani mignt
im inuuced. to make a settlement.
Mrs. W. T. O'Neill of Avuca, lit., dbd
yesterday fct the home oi her lulnci-in-law,
James O Neill. I2 Filth avenue, agi-d
j years, lixceaseo came to Council Hluils
aoout tne first ol the year to undergo an
oneratlon. but her weakened condition prv-
lanim li twin nerorm't. hesirte her
miKoand she teates three chilren. Toe
lemains will bv taken lo Avuca lod;i for
TrasaeBdaas al
Oa lgulLo burners and self-ligblli.g mantles.
Hart cu tiled oneT We have excjle
sale. W. A. Miurer.
!i4 it ever occur to you that oj will
rind wheela tin "Van rirunt'a Vehlclc-a ' that
tost K more than the average manufac
turer uses on iheir chicle? This Is a
lact. The life of a vehicle depend al
most entirely uiou the quality of the
wheela used. I have them. Remember to
call on Van Brunt" a hen you wani a
For durability, neatness and style get the
Monarch range, the only satisfactory
ranee on the market. It gives you real
pleasure and happiness to uc it. Handle!
by Keller F.rnsworth.
Marrlaae Licenses.
License, lo wed were isued yesterday 10
i (lie following:
Name and Residence. Age.
;rl Brown. Arcadia. Neb J4
ilarle Metheny. Lincoln. Neb X
R Chaloupka. Carson, la X !
tdith M. Osier. Carson, la . !
Lloyd McN.iL Coun. il Bluffs 4
.flar Turpen. Tleasantou. la :
fl For TonsllItU J
nt. th. n.
Judee Adraiu Matr.rial Error in One of His
Inrtractiona in the Case.
ole liroand for Sew Trial Ike Krrnr
of the taart. All the Other
Claim of Doyle Relna
Juue Tliorm II In district court yestei.
duy nfternnon handed down hi deelrion
fc-ranting the plaintiff a new trial in the
famous Colorado mining suit of Jsme
Doyle against Janus F. Ruin, former
president of the Portland Oold Mining
Doyle In his application for a new trial
chanted Burns witli attempting lo tamper
with the jury nnd to brlneing- outside In
fluence to bear on them. Judge Thotnell
In hi decision wholly exonerated the Jury
and granted the nw trial on the gTOund
alone of hi having erred In one of hi
intmctons to the Jury.
The Instruction In which the court ad
mitted having erred in giving it to the
Jury was No. H, which was as follows:
It is eluimed by th- defendsnt that the
plaintiff located the Portland claim nhout
January 22. 1M2. In the name of James
Doyle & 'o., and that the defendant had
no Interest In the location thereof, and
that about Msrrh 2. the defendant
located s claim called the Professor
Orulih. and that about March 14. ISC he
fthe defendant) traded a one-half Interest
in the professor Orubhs claim to the
plaintiff for a one-half interest In the
Portland claim, and that, in pursuance of
said Mereement. the nmes of both the
plaintift and the defendant ete inserted
In the location certificates of both of said
cl.-ilms and that be'ore said agreement of
exchange of one-half of the Professor
Hi ebb claim for one-half of the Portland
claim he it he defendant I had no interest
in the Portland, and the Muintlff had no
Interest In the Prolessor Orublis.
Now. if the evidence shows that the. de
fendant had no Interest in ttie Portland
prior to March, 1H9Z. and that the plaintiff
then iigreed to. or did. trade or exchange
with the defendant, giving a one-half in
terest in the Portland for a one-half in
lereat In the Professor Mruhhs claim, this
would be so Inconsistent with the plain
tiff's claim that he and the defendant en
tered into the conti-nct in question on Feb
ruary 2. TM. that veu would not be Justi
fied in flndlnc thut said Februarv I con
tract was mnde lietween the parties, and
in that event vour verdict should be for
the defendant. But whether such an-ex-
chanae was in fact ma
between said
parties in March. IMC.
uuestloti of
fart to be derided bv von from all of the
evidence bearinit thereon.
Where Krrwr Arlaea.
P.egarditig his itlmlt-d error in giving
tne jury this instruction Judge Thornell
s'd as toPows:
Instruction No. 14 is objected to on the
cronnd that It Invades the province of the
Jury bv instrucilng them that they must
draw a cerlatn inference of fact from other
tacts. If such other facts are shown. The
plaintiff brings suit on a contract that he
claims was made about February J. 1W1
under which he claims It was agree-d be
tween htm and rurns that each should own
one-half, share and share alike. In all min
ing claims then owned by them or that
should be acquired by them In the future..
lloth parties had an interest In the Port
land claim Hnd the question how that ln
. . .... ...niiirwd is onlv an evidential
matter bearing upon the question whether
the contract of February li, ciaunea
bv the plaintiff was made
Th Februarv 2 contract and that of
March 4. by which the defendant ciajms
half Interests In the fortiano: nno i rynepm.i (
en.Kl.u elalros wre tnuied. Willie ex.
trrmelv inconsistent, might both have been
made if the parties did not understand the
scope and meaning of the first contract.
The making of the second, contract would
not, as a matter of law. show that the
first was not The existence of the
aecond contract would be strong evidence
that the first was not male, but the force
of the Inference would lie for the Jury- and
pot the court to determine.
This Inconsistency, if shown, was a mere
evidential fact and not a conclusion of law.
and In saving what loive and eff.-ct should
be given it tli court invaded the province
of the jury. The submission to the Jury ot
I lie second special mining ssaui vno"-u
lention to the matter contained in the
fourteenth instruction and enipliasixed a
mere matter of evidence as an ultimate and
controlling fact in the case.
Jary la Commended.
Referring to the charges of alleged mis
conduct on the part of the Jury and the al
leged attempts made to influence the mem
bers of It, Judge Thornell hsd this to say:
It is asserted that some of the jurors
were intoxicated oi under the influence of
Intoxicants while In the Jury box. I ob
served the- Jury closely. I was among them
at everv rece. nd morning, noon and
night. 1 am not without experience in sucn
matters. And I do aot believe that any of
the Jury e-ould have heen under the In
fluence of intoxicating liquors while in the
jurv box without niv knowing it.
1 regret verv much that the jurors have
been ubje -ted to such severe criticism as
bus been made in this case, as I believe
that all of these criticisms as to thiiif
moral conduct me without merit. 1 be
liee. on the whole, the Jury were above
the average In character and ability.
I do not say that things were not aaid and
done in the presence of the Jury by the
agents of the parties that oughi not to
tmce liceu saul uml done. 1 du not say that
some jurot did not make statements he
oti.'lil mil lii have mini. From the cll-
etiiiiMiance disdotrd by the e Idcne I
l It i iiic sons-' such statements wen- made
and statements that might, and would. In
my judgment, afl-ct the validity of the
The allele re old in this respeet shows
that the court made a mistake at the very
outset of this oase m not ordering that tha
jury be kept together under the charge of
a swoiu onu-ei. not m-reiy to guaraagainai
misconduct of the jury, but to prevent
otrer pcisoiis from .toil. a tilings ou which
charges of misconduct might lie baaed.
tfeorge 8. Wright, one of the at
torneys for Ik)Iv siateei lie could not say the i-ase would be retried, but
doubted if it would be reached ls?fore the
October term, if then. There has been more
it less talk to tile effect that if Do le w as
granted a new tri.d p.uina would try to ef
fect a wtiK-nient rather than face a r.ew
trial, but this tcin.rt canopt lie vottrlicd
for. T'ie sup. ha now eel! pending eight
itr and has cost both side tnormous
sums of mulie; .
Itenamal Sale.
We ate going to move March li. to th.
Miirlam Block, and in order to reduce
our stock w. ate going to gie 3a per
cent discount on framing, flamed pictures,
all paper, brushes, etc., for cash only.
Council Bluffs Taint, Oil and Olas. com.
The price of olives has gone a a ay up, tout
it were fortunate enough to purchase A
l:ua- slock jut before the price raised,
which we will sell at lft. and up. They at
all the famous Don Carlos brand. J. Olson,
rjV"tl West Broadway.
The Title Guaranty Trust eoin,u.
abstracters of titles. Books date back to
1J. Bonks a-e .11 up tw date. Work at -
. jrately and promptly dona at lowest
price.. Offio. opposite coi'trt house, ISo Feari
street. Council BKiffa, la.
When you liav. your shoes half soled lav I
tiV-m to (urgent.. Have tneui seaed'O'l
and aav. sue aUrgent's Model Knot Strop.
Flaaa Wife lx-al la Home.
Mrs. Anna Mary Geislrr, wifw ot Chris
tina OeUler. died suddenly at her home.
t' Fifth avenue, yesterday afternoon from
1 hewn failure. When th husband returned
from hie work last evening be fnwiid all
' the doors' of O-e K.i- bveVM Mnd was
1 tvrcew w cliiuo iu iliiougii a a.ujj. On
emrlrut the kitchen he discovered the
dead body of his wife lying on the floor.
Mrs Qelsler had been subject to attacks of
Jieort trouble recently, flhe was k years
bf age. Besides tier husband she leaves
one siste-. Mrs. John Merkel of this city.
The funeral ill probably le held Thurs
day afternoon, although arrangements are
not yet complete
DKtlOl H T
II 41 I. I)
l.labt ttlenHanee aad o MarK later
The demmi-ailc prlniaries last night, at
which delegate to the school and city con
ventions and precinct committeemen were
sch-cted. did not attract any big gatherings
and were evid-ntly cut and dried affairs
In one precinct only three of the faithful
put In an appearance, but nothing daunted
h the lack cf numbers they went through
the torm cf holding a primary and named a
set of dehg.tes and then elected one of
their nmn number committeeman.
In the Firt precinct of the 5ecemd ward
the delegation was Instructed for Dr. Mi
di'. Jr., for mayor, F. W. Miller for city
solicitor nd Emmet Tlnley for the school
board. In the First precinct of the Fourth
ward the delegation watt Instructed for
Mayor Macrae and Councilman Weaver,
but the. latter Instruction doe not count
forv much in view of the fact that ward
eouncilmen are named at ward caucuses
and mt by convention. The delegation
from the First precinct of the Fifth ward
wn Instructed for W. W. Cones for zmri
commissioner. None eif the other delega
lions was Instructed.
The detnocratif school cor. vent ion will b
hold tomorrow evening and the city con
vcntlon on Tbursday evening of next week.
These delegates w ere reported :
First ward: First precinct W. H. Barg
hausen. Wa-llace Penlnmln. A. J. Smith. M.
Goodwin. W. P.. Maxwell. B. R. Dentler. C.
H. Huber. Jens Thompson Fred Shoemaker.
Second precinct James Wlckham. W. M.
Orecn. Dr. D. Jackson. Charles A. Walters,
Rolrt Rnln. John Stockert, William Gall,
J. M. Rolston.
H-oond ward: First precinct J. C. De
Haven. J. N. Cassadv. jr.. W. .. Butler. K.
L Cnok. F. W. Miller. R. H. Huntington,
W. H. Schurx. Dave Bherward. Second pre-clnct-J
C. Martin. T. D. King. W. D. Han
sen. I,. P. Servlss. J. F. O'Neil. Harrv Iu
chow. M. J. Purcell, Charles Bischnff. Ixiuis
Thitd ward: First precinct Fremont Ben
jamin, i. I Kvans. E. B. Bowman. Zur
miiehlen, H. O. Ourcn. A. C. Oraham. II. K
Tlnley, J. P. Organ. Second precinct H. P.
Nelson. W. A. Stelnkopf. Andrew Sharkev,
John Toller, Ed Pierce. Ed Shlmson, Frank
Fourth wani: First precinct R. D. Amr,
C. K. Pasrhal. Emmet Tlnlev. 8. G. Cnder
wood. James O Nell. O. P. Wlckham. J. J.
Fifth ward: First precinct W. W. Cones,
Julius Kepner. T. I Coady. Ed Ryan. J. J.
Stewart. M. Callaghan. George Hunter, Js.
O Brlen. R. E. Hamlin. 8ec.nd precinct
Zed B tbers, J. A. Knox. A. Howard. John
Duff. John Qtilnn. Charles fluff
Sixth ward: First precinct John Cremln.
C. M. Crlppen. G. H. Payne. D. U Weir. W.
C. Bover. J. B. Watts. P. O. Mlkesell. Wil
liam Evans. John Nugent. U Boekoff. W.
M. Whitney.
These committeemen were reported:
First Ward-First precinct. Fred Shoe
maker; Second precinct. W. M Green.
Second Ward First precinct. R. H. Hunt
ington; Second precinct. Louis Grell.
Third Ward First precinct, I.. L,. Evans;
Second precinct. E. J. Sullivan.
Fourth Ward First precinct, Mahlon
Fifth Ward Second precinct. Zed Belh
er. Sixth Ward First precinct. D. It. Weir.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
March by the Title Guaranty and Trust
company of Council Bluffs:
Ernest E. Hart and wife to D. J.
flutehlnson, lot 2. In block 5, in
Park add. to Council Bluffs, la.;
d I S.olu
Jf)nn B .Woodbum and wife to Wil-
loughby Dye. prt of outlot 4. in
.vacenonin. ia., and part nwv. swu
23-74-4: w. d ...
John S. Woodburn and wife to Walter
M. Hesore, part of outlot 4. In Mace
donia, la.: w. d
Newton Hodgson and wife to William
Ktang. ne' -"-: w. d
Benjamin 1 Scebold and wile to Lv
Hlldrbrand, wtj sw, 7-77 -; w d . .
A. H. Jones and wife to Ivl Hllde
brand, wt, nwli 7-77-44: w. d
James A. Mattox and wife to Appier
n. jone. pan ni v.. -44; w. t
F. W. Pierce, guardian, to Pottawat
tamie county, part nwVj iw, l-7-tl;
ST. d
Joeeph P. Tye to H. M. Rcinig. part
sw' e' 1-,4-rtV u. c. d
C. H. Bolton and wife to Kleck An
derson, part nr1 nw1, S-74-;e;
q. c. d
Ten transfers: total JTS.OIS
Far a Qaiek Male.
I will offer the five-roomed huune and lot
at JSC Avenue A for one week at tSfin. New
house: city water. Easy terms. No bet
ter Investment in Council Bluffs. Hake a
flna home. Wallace Benjamin, Itooni I,
First National han. I write fire insur
ance. Office phone, S15; residence 'phone.
Black 1444.
Istf Plaaa Bargala.
Parties leaving tha city. Left eu aula.
Original pric. XA. Will sell on easy pay.
ments. $155. Bee at the big piano house.
Schmoller & Mueller Piano company. 502
Broadway, Council Bluffs, Ia.
This 1. the seuaou of the year that yuu
drink coffee, and If you desire to hav. the
best erftVe on earth served on your tabl.
order It from Me A tee The three leading
brands: McAfees Java and Mocha at 40c.
Special Blend sue and Premium Blend at &e.
VT will handle during Lantaa Season a
full tin. of fresh, .alt, smoked and cured
Osh of all kiiHis at th. usual low prices.
Central Grocery and Meat market. Phone
U. V-"i W. Broadway.
Flue Colorado farm land, $' jt acre.
Improved ranches. $!0 to $'.' per acre. Oue
Improved ranch, four miles from town, ft
per acre. A big soap. F.xrurslnn March
:u Tare. t.y. r. C. Louge, K'4 South
Main street.
We tiuw have an-rntlre nea aprlug stock
1 arpet. rugs, oilcloth, linoleum, window
shade and lace curtains. Come in and In-
leot It. D. W. Keller. NE South Main St.
Telephone IH V.'4.
Harry Schmidt. photographer. Tour
money back If photo, are not the beet on
tarin. Engage sitting at W. Broadaaj.
Artistic in everv particular.
'St A" lUi., ia - j . a
.. ,oie arw
:V'0i.'1'i or th WOmr" Wh W-':
no other kind.
George Hoaglsnd has the old reliable
Atlas Portland cement. Now Is the time
to make contract, for spring work. Bring
your lumber bill tor estimate.
shorthand and bookkeeping positions ar.
easily secured If you .re well qualified? W
dr. :hat. New clause, this week. Western
1 i-ollegt
New pianos at Swanaou Music ooinpany
(rum Ills and up on payment, of S Aowa
and It per month. Reliable standard makes
New sneation. 7 Broadway.
Mra. Mary t. Dead.
Mrs. Mary C. Long, aged 12 yeara. died
yesterday noon at the borne of her daugh
ter, Mra. Taylor Woolsey, Sue Weal Broad
Way. Deceased wa. born la Risia Sun.
!l.d.. February 33. ISM. In IMS with her
husband, the late John W. Long. sb cam.
l Iowa, settling for a while near Knox
yjlle, and In lk7J moved to Council Bluffs,
where n bad s-in.-e resided. The re.-eil
death of Ler sen, N. A. Long, was a blow
from which she nevr fully rallied Be-
sides the daughter, at whose hotne she ,
died, she leaves another daughter. Mrs. t
H. r. Nile o' Stout City, and one son.
John B. liong of this city. The funeral
Will lie held Thursday nftrnoon at 2:i
from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor
Woolsey. .TJ Weal Broadway, and burial
will lie in Fairview cemetery.
Alia est It each the Oatalde Before
They Are Dlnroierril.
A second attempt on the (tart or some of
his wards to saw their way to liberty wss
frustrated yesterday morning by County
Jailer Gallup. Th prisoners Implicated had ,
succeeded in sawing half way through one I
of the bars of an outer window on the j
south side of the building when dlscov- i
ered. j
Charles SNevenstin and Charlea Uoyd,
under IndlcAnent for robbing two pawn- I
brokers; Arthur lvi. under joint indict-
ment with Pat e'rowe on the charge of i
holding up two motor trews last July, and i
James Arthur, awaiting his second trial
for alleged complicity in the attempt to j
rob ths Treynnr hank, were the prisoners j
confined on th third floor where the at-
tempt was made, Cbarles Stevenson, who i
wa the ringleader In the former recent j
attempt to break Jail, admitted yesterdiiy
that he planned the attempt to saw
through the outer window.. Arthur, in the I
opinion of Jailer Gallup and Sheriff Can- j
nlng. was not implicated.
With the steel spring: or "shsnk" from !
nc tf his shoes Stevenson succeeded In j
.nunufacturing a small saw, the handle of
which was made of two pieces of kindling
wood tied together with twine. With this
Improvised tool Stevenson managed to saw
thtousli the liolt of the padlock on the
door leading into the outer corridor. Once
In the outer corridor access to the outer
window on the south side was easy and
Stevenson and hi accomplices met with
little difficulty in sawing through the iron
bar and were half way through with the
Job when discovered by Jailer Gallup. A
few minutes longer and they would have
hsd the bar sawed through. The drop I
from this window to the gmss plot below
would have been less than twenty feet.
Stevenson made no denial of the fact
that he planned the attempted Jail break.
He has already served three terms In the
state prison and he renllxe that If con
victed this time he may be sent up under
the habitual criminal act. which will prob
ably mean a twenty-year sentence.
On the occasion of the former attempted
jail break Arthur is said to have tried
to dissuade hi fellow prisoner from at
tempting it and this leads the sheriff and
Jailer Gallup to believe that he had no
hand in yesterday s attempt.
rasTe Bice.
Something r.ew, candled puffed rice, line
eating, manufactured by O. C. Rrowu at
the Purity Candy Kitchen. MS . Broad
way. A new plumbing .hop In town. t A.
Ppencer, lii West Broadway, Is an expert
Id his Una and Is always glad to figure
with you ou any plumbing or contract
that you may have. HI. work is up-to-date
and guaranteed.
The Vienna restaurant serves excellent
meals and luncnes, comced In the most
appetising manner; delicious coffee with
pure cream. Meal tickets at reduced rater.
414 Broadway.
K. T. Pluinbimt Co. fa- 366. Night L. m.
. riaaa for.Tr jt, V. K.
A meeting of th genral Young Men .
Christian association committee of thirty
was held in the Comm-rciai club rooms
yesterday afternoon. This meeting was
originally set for this evening, but 011 ac
count of the fact that thlH was the evenlr g
for the annual meeting of the commercial
club, the loung Men s Christian assocbi-
tlon meeting had to be called off, and wis I
held yesterday afteinoon instead.
It wa decided by Uie committee to hold
the big mass meeting In the Dodge Litrht
Guards armory, at ihe corner of South
Main street and Fifth avenue, on Sunday
afternoon. March 18, at 3 o'clock, -at whlcn
time the details of the Young Men's Chris
tian association movement will be put
plainly before the people of Council Bluffs.
It was also' decided, and it met with tho
hearty approval of H. W. Binder, presi
dent of the Commercial club, to give the
Young Men's Christian asaoclullnu project
a ten-minute place on the program for the
C mmercial Hub banquet, lo be held at the
Grand hotel on Wednesday evening, March
14. In this way the movement can be pre
sented to the majority of the leading bust-
A Jytnif Train of Fatal HI. i. the Dii-rct
Itosult of l'ndigetcd Food.
Undigested food, by fermenting, forms a
poison In the stomach and this is absorbed
In the Mood. If this govs on very long,
ami your hourt happen, to tie weak, you li
be found some morning dead In bed, or you
may fall back down the stairs about an
hour and a half after dinner, and the doc-
tor win can it neart aisease. , that
may he the result, buunet the cause. The
cause Is Indigestion. Indigestion Is a slm-
pie. common w-rd. out ha. a terrible Im-
And so ou may gel apoplexy, and die
uddenly while you're standing.
If you have a weak liver, the poison of
undigested food will attack it and you will
get jaundice. If you have weak kidneys,
you will get Bright'. Disease or diabe tes,
from which there is no rescue for any
man. ,
It was a learned Dliyskian who ai,l .1.-.
I ' progress of race depend.-d upon the
stomachs of Its ;nerr.tjers.
' And you have at some time in youi life
! eaten a heavy meal, or eaten In a hum-
j and tell that "lump 01 lesku'' Immediately 1
a:irrwuia. 1 ni iuoi(i ui ieaa is a hard
bail of undigested lord.. The stomach!
can't digest It, and finds it hard to throw
11 out. And ao It .ours, and it make, you
our and everybody sour a ho talks m lth
you. It gives you a had breath and Is
buU(1ine for ou .he road to d spepla a
Oc-ath. unless you stop it.
Stop it with Stuart's Tablets.
Just think, these Uitls tablets art: everv
bit ss puwenui as iron gastric Juice In your
stomacn. Out grain will digest J.Oib grains
of food. Ion t this wonderful? And It Is
t.-ue, just try It and penve It.
If you hav. any brs.h, gas on the stom
ach, fermentation, burning, bloaty feeling
indigestion. dyspepsia or heartburn!
Stuart'. Dypepsia Tablet, will mak. it
disappear before it can do any harm to
your heart or other organs.
They will invigorate the stomach, relieve
tha stomach of two-thirds of its work
and give it a chance to rest. They will in
crease the flow of gastric juice, and If you
will ever "llTe" in your lifetime, tt will be
after you hare eaten a good, hearty meal,
nd takeu one of these little tablets Im
mediately afterward. You'll Just feel fine.
Take Stuart. Dyspepsia Tablets aftar
your next meal to-day and you will use
them ever afterward. You will be cheerful,
vigorous and your mind will be clear; you'll
hav. anap and rim. and aod many a iy
ta vour life.
Yu ran get tbe, wonderful little uh
let. at an) druggist s for jac a package.
i W.vt
Next Satun.av. Maivli
from -':;( to o in tlie afternoon
anl from 7 to 10 in the cyeninir.
(.'ova It's well known orchestra
will give a fine concert at our
store.. KvtM-yhot.v is cordially
Shirts. Collars, Neckties. Hosiery, Underwear,
Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Etc. Large as
sortments of Choice New Goods.
To every man who has' paid attention to the hest makes of shirts, the names of Wil
son Bros., Cluett and Waehusett have become as familiar almost as their own. Vc carry
each of these makes in white, colored. drcs and negligee styles.
We can please both you and your purse and it is nf to you to say what quality you
want we have them all. '
We carry the most popular styles in .'ollars every one in the house brand new
(.'lueU's Arrow Brand you know them, l.V, 2 for 'J.V.
Neckties galore Strings, Bows, l'our-in-llands, etc., :!.") ami oOe neckwear which haw
no peers in the necktie world. r
We ask the opportunity of allowing mr styles ami priees to prove to you that the
new store is the place to buy your furnishings. We court the keenest inspection we
know we can please you our values are second to none.
..3-3o Pearl. :V2-M Main.
.10I1X BEXC). Pres.
ties men or th city. A comictent speaker
will be secured to present the subject.
There was much discussion 0 to the best
methods of conducting the campaign for
funds, tmt no definite decision wa reached.
Thl reature will be more fully discussal
at the next meeting of the committee, n
be beld some time during the early part of
next week. Much encouragement is felt u
the part of the committee In charge on ac
count of Interest manifested by the people
in general.
For PR I.
I'rivale burn to be moved, located at .t
8. S'xth street.
Klega-it lot on Glen Ave., up to taade.
Beautiful lot on Fifth Ave., near high
Lots in Babbitt Place, up to grade,
lxits in Highland Place, up lo grade.
Some new dwelling, modern, beautifully
Insure your house and furniture with m
Tel. Si. Chas. T. Officer. 419 Broadway.
Jeneen A Nicholson, the great wallpaper
establishment, have just received a, large
shipment of dometic and Imported wall
paper. Designs the laiest and most beau
tiful in the city.
The finest selection of marble gravestone
jn southwestern Iowa can be found at
Fheoley & Lane', marble and granit works.
217 East Broadway, Council Bluffs. Many
different designs and colors. The work Is
don. by experts who have had years of
fix rooms, city water; lot to grade; good
i t pair, rents. J14; for 11.050. Also nv
looms, best repair: rent, fl2; for JSOu.
Houses and lots on monthly payment.
Alva Smith, real estate and insurance,
room 7 Everett block.
If you aant n good Htylisli. strictly up-to-date
spring suit, let Hicks fit you out.
Ha can give you the lest fll in town anil
make you a price that wiil fit your pock
etbook IS Pearl street.
Commercial Club Klect Ion.
At the annual election or the Commercial
club to be held today the Australian ballot
system will pievall nnd the polls will be
open at the dub room from 10 a. in. to
C t. m. , '
Fifty directors are to lie elected, who in
turn will elect a president, two vice pres
idents, secretary and treasurer. These offi
cers will then name an executive com
mittee of fivf members.
You have noticed special sales or. Mrs.
Pott.' irons advertised use and Hc per set.
our regular price for the pest twelve
I months has been 73c per set. Remember
I our price. TSc ier set. Paddo. k-Handschy
Hardware company:
l 1
i Don't pound the life out of your tine
I Wilton or Axminster rug by cleaning it the
' old-fashioned way. There is a belter way.
I cheaper in the lone run. Our way will not
1 Injure the finest rubric. Our wagon will
i call. Tel. 616. The Council Bluff Cariel
1 Cleaning and Rug Mfg. company.
i LADIKS Did you ever hear of lb. Mari-
' ,'4'"0 ,,,"'n, for tm treatment of facial
j blemish? If not. call and see us. We
, wiU ,K" P'':'"'1 to ' V1' n"ut
, Craves. 1 pearl street.
We note Unit the A. Hoipe Co.. X Main
St., Co. Bluffs, are selling a great many
planes. They take in old pianos and or
grans at what they are worth, balance on
easy payments.
Clifton-Walker Co. have recently closed
the sale of a number of proiierties. which
reducea iheir III '. Ther have a large
number of other clients who wish lc Invest.
Perhaps your property just what they
. want. Better place II witli them for quirk
I -
Mabel Jayaea .ays ae H -tla.d
aad rrontM ta Omaha.
CEDAR FALLS, la.. March . Bpctal .)
The niysterv concerning the dieappeat
ance of Orvill Joues the who left
I hi. home, wile and four children Friday.
February . supposedly accompanied by
Mid Mabel Jaynes. bas Iwea cleared by
the return to this city of Mis Jaynes, who
Is now at the horde of her aunt. Mrs A. C.
Thomas, where rh ia awaiting her father's
fnraiTeness. Miss Jaynes is It yearj old
and was her father's housekeeper up 10 the
time when she left here with Mr. Jones.
The girl clalina aha had no thought of
any such move aad ran account for it
only on th. ground that Jane, hypnotised
her. She say. he took her to Omaha where
they have spent the entire four week. She
. J ..L m knt.l 1,, , 1 Mil.- .
last she knew of blrtt he was showlii.g
Just bear irv mind that
the new store is right up to
the minute with their Men's
Furnishing Goods Dept.
Y. A. MAritEU. Sec
coiil in Omaha. She became rep, ntant and
returned to Cedar Falls and si nt word to
her father. Henry Jaynes to whom idir now
longs to go. The young woman was en
gaged to a farmer living near her home
and Is wearing a nice an Id watch whlih
he had given her. It is not thought thnt
Jones will attempt to return to hi family,
who are now with his wife's parents in
llistrict Convention djnurna I ntil
Final Arllon la Taken.
DE8 MOINES, la.. Marc h U.-District No.
13, Iowa I'nlted Mine Workers uf America,
who have been In joint conference with
the operators, adjourned today without tak
ing action in regard lo a new scale cf
wages. It wn decided to await the n
tion of the national association April 1
and abide by that decision.
Iowa operators and miners are tirm m
their opinions relative 10 a strike, and arc
unwilling to yield a point. Adjournmci t
was taken today until March K when ac
tion will be taken on the decision of the
iietlonal association nnd the operators.
Oratora at Cedar Kalis.
CKDAB FALLS. I t.. March ti.-irtpi cial.
On the evening of March . in the Normal
auditorium, will occur the thirteenth an
nual oratorical contest. The winner will
receive a $15 gold and the honor of
representing the Iowa State Normal school
at ilie interstate tout, it which will be
held 'fay 4 in Warrensliurg. Mu. The
A Time When Women Are Susceptible to Many
Dread Diseases Intelligent Women Prepare
for It. Two Relate their Experiences.
The " of life" i.
the moat critical orriod
of a woman's existence,
and the anxiety felt by
women it draw, near
ia not without rcnon.
Erery woman who
neglects the care of her
health at this time in
vite, disease and pain.
V beu her system ia in
a deranged condition,
or alie ia predUpofced to
apoplexy, or coiig-eation
of any orff.n, the ten
dfoey ia at this period
likely to become active
and with host of ner
vous irritations make
life a burden. At this
time, also, cancer, and
tumor are more liable
to form and beg-in their
destructive work.
Such warn'iDg- symp
toms a. tense of suffo
cation, hot flashes, head
aches, backaches, dread
of impending- evil, timid
ity, sound, in the ears,
palpitation of the heart,
spark, before the exes,
irrejularitie., constipa
tion, variable appetite,
weakness, inquietude,
nd digzineas. ar
promptly heeded by in
telligent women who are
approaching the period
in life when woman', great ehang.
may be expected.
Lydia E. Finyisns's Veretable Com
pound was prepared to meet the needs
of woman a system at thi tryinir
period of her life. It in rif orates ami
strengthens the female organism and
builds op the weakened nervous sy stein.
Tor special advice regarding this im
portant period women are inribed to
write to Mrs PioUhatn at Lynn. Maaa.,
and it will be furnished sbsolutelv free
of charge. The present Mrs riukUrun
is tb.daughter-ia-iaw of Lydia L Pink
ham. her assistant before hr decease,
and for twenty-flee yea', since her
advice has been freely given to sick
Read what Lydia E PinkhHiu'a Coin
pound did for Mra. Hy'aud and Mrs.
Doar airs Pinitam
" I had bean suffering wish displacement of
the orrtn for sears and mm pnig throiuh
tha change of life. Mvsblinirn was hadiy
swollen: mr stmnach was sore: I had dizzy
spells, si' k haada-ha. ami a Terr nsrrnui.
Lydia E. riiiWhu'a Ve.cUljie CcupetnJ Succeeds Wbert Otbm HL
Council Bluffs. - - Iowa.
A. K. HITXTEH. Treas.
speakers are; Miss Margaret Kelly, Ills
Catherine Stilus, C. O. Itugglr. Julian
Gist and K. B. Cowan. The judge are:
County Attorney A. M. Clough of Man
i luster. Prof. Frank Broan, professor of
oratory at Drake university. Des Moines,
and Dr. J. W. Bivsel of Waterloo.
Jnilur tddisi.n Oliver Tarts Tltle with
Ills sin Farm. .
ONAWA, la., March K.tSpeelal. The
big land pale of Judge Addison Oliver,
wherby he sold 2.IH1 acres In Belvidere and
Franklin townships, Monona county, (
S. C. Dooley, R. L. Carlnck, C. M. Coyb ,
R. W. Lamls. David R. Niver. Jc.eph 7..
Adams, W.-T. llarwund. H. C. Howe, and
Robert Munsnn, was fully closed yesterday
and Judge Oliver paid In full, the purchase
ptlce being H09.KT7. making It the largest
land sale ever made In Monona, county.
The purchasers gave a mortgage on aame
to riiiuiiv & Amiis of Council Bluff, for
I75.'Kidiic in 1311. The land will be divided
Into small tracts, A large portion of this
land has been in Judge Oliver's possession
for many yer.i. miiii of It being the
oriKinul pre-emptions of the Pt. Charlea.
III., people made In ls;, who were going to
start 11 town there to be called Grand
Plateau, but when the Little Sioux river
overflowed the land the Iruffalo fish fright
ened them and the lowneltc was abandoned.
This k,i1c marks thi closing out of one of
the best known and largest farm. In the
county, and indicates the usslng of large
farms In this locality.
I Mrs.AEG.Hyand J
' I wrnta r,u fnr ivL And
treatment with Lydia E. Pinkhajna Vaga-
tatile t 0111)1011 nd as you directed, aad I aas
ba'.ipy to say that all those disWeasieg s.Tmw
toms'left me and 1 have ranted safely tarongw
the change of life, a well woniaji. I am
recommending our medicine to .11 niv
friends '-Mrs. Annie E Q. HyUad, Cbeatet-
town, Md.
Another Woman's Cm
"Duriui; chance of life words cannot as
preas what 1 suffered My physician aaid I
bad a cancerous condition of th. fecials
organ. hi. day I read soma of the testi
monials ot womeu wbo bad barn eared bv
Lydia K. Piiikbam. Vegetable Compnuna,
and I decided to try it and to writ yon tor
ad vie Your mcdJune atari, an a wall
woman, and all my bad symptom, snow
" I advisa every woman at this period of u.
to take vour medu hie uift writ, you for ad
vie."' Mrs. Lizzie Hinkle. J-'alem. Ind.
What Lydia t Pinkham'a Vegetable
Corrirround did for Mra. Ilyl.rid and
Mrs. Uinkle it will do for other women
at this time of Jifef ,
It has conquered pain, restored
heslth. and prolonged life In eases that
utterly baffled physicians.