Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Krai Comet Beariih, Inch dine Braditreets'
Visible Bnpplj. ,
harts Cover aaa Prlc-a U.I Halt
f eat Mar 4" ara traaaj, hat
Deferred Fataree Drag;
-4ats Steady.
OMAHA. March C. lto.
Wheat n wna beatisn. Cahlea did not
reflect the strength of yesterday and there
waic annw throughout the wheat b-lt.
Bradstreet's report o( a big Increase In
visible, against a big decrease lam year
waa anotner bearish feature. In sptle of
these condition there wu a disposition to
even up things after the rex en t break..
Short covered freely the last of the ses
stnn and the price advanced to 4c above
The feature of the com market was in
Mar. which advanced Sc. Inferred fu
tures made a slight gain. Receipts overran
estlmalea. The local cash market was 40
higher. Good cash demand, light estimated
receipts for tomorrow and small country
acceptances caused the strength. No Im
provement Is noted In the export demand.
The government will Issue a report Satur
day noon on reserves In farmers' hands.
Oats were steady, closing 4c higher. The
domestic demand continues good.
Primary wtieat receipts were 432.0"0
bushels and shipments bushels,
against receipts last year of 405.OU0 and
shipments of 'jfA.M. Corn receipts were
t7t.ot bushels and shipments 50,0li bushels,
agnlnst reclpts last year of 1.082.0l0 bushels
and shipments of iM.imO bushels. Clear
ances were 18.188 barrels flour. 4."1.
bushels corn and 81,0"u bushels oats. Sea
board sales yesterday were 62 0t bushels
corn. l&v.oou bushels oats and 25,0u0 bushels
Liverpool closed Vkd lower to Vtd higher
on wheat, and 1 higher on corn.
Bradstreet's total w heat increase was 4 -11,
bu.. against a decrease a year ago of
Xsuj.OitJ bu. The corn Inciease was i,7,nou
bu., and oats decrease l..'1.0Ul bu.
Minneapolis wired: "One of the large
milling concerns here says there Is no
change in the situation. Business Is very
rfull anrl bids war out of line."
Minneapolis stocks Increased (Sno.OOO bu.
for three days this week. - Contract stocks
at Chicago are 4,6!.l bu . wheat, S.22&,6l4
bu.. corn, and 1.7W.991 bu oats.
The local range of options:
ratora. The leading Increases are Mn.flnA
bu. In Manitoba and 15SAO bo. In elevators
In Unocln. Neb., and vicinity.
Qaotatlaas af the Day arloa
NEW TORK. March -FLOUR-He-celpt.
in kg bbl ; exports. 2,e-.7 bbl.; mar
ket stead with trade quiet; Minnesota tiat
euts, H.2o(iJA; Minnesoia bakers , f. "d
1 S; winter patents.; winter
straights. $; winter extras. i."i'it
S.2S; winter low grades, ni'3 Ke
flour. quie; fair to good. tt.HtMW; choice
to fancv. 3 lkVrjt to.
COH.N.MEAL Bteadv; fine white and ve.
low. M is, coarse, l ORfl 05; kiln-dried,
tl 1.31 6o
BARLEY Steady: feeding. 44e. c L f.
Buffalo; malting. 47j2c c. I. f. Buffalo.
WHEAT Receipts. 72,000 bu. Spot market
steady; No. 2 red, M4c elevator, 87c. f. o.
b; No. 1 northern, Duluth. frVc, f. o. b.
afloat. The wheat market had an lrregj
lar day, showing early depression on heavy
snows through the west an
in world s stocks. 8
Market Gires Iriden;e of Belief from
Forced Liquidation.
Deallaaa In Amalgamated Copper,
laioa Facile a ad Readlaa
Make I Balk of
NEW TORK. March . The day's market
gave unmlsiaaahle evidence of relief from
tne pressure of the urgent and forced liqui
dation which upset prices yesterday. A
desultory recovety was the consequence In
which covering by short contracts by pro-
01 tne
he later
based on covering, outside buying talk of a ,t,iking dlslnctin '.tlon to fellow the lecoveiy
ei an Miri-.- which covering bv short contracts b
presslon on heavy f(.iiKjonai Oerators on the bear side
and a big increase market placed a large part. The
ubsequent rallies ( tilirf., , rnnrkct, however, sho
I Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close.
Corn ,
Mar 7HB M i", 38
July 88 A 384 A
Os la
May 2S4A
Omaha. Cask price.
WHEAT-No. S hard, 7143744c: No. I
hard. WB714c; No. 4 hard, 64rnwc; No. 2
spring. 724574c; No. I spring, 69Cfr72c.
CORN No. I. awassc: No. 4. arfrUSe;
no grade. tOffaSHe; No. I yellow, KVgc;
No. 1 white. 874iM74e.
OATS No. I mixed. K&WtC: No. t white,
K-fric; No. 4 white, 2i928fC.
RIB-Ktu 2. 64Vi65c; No. J, ISV&Mc
Carlo! Receipts.
Wheat Corn. Oats.
Kansas City
Minneapolis .
St. Louis ....
... 17
Featares of the Trad I a a- mm Closiata;
Prices sa Board of Trade.
(CHICAGO, March . Active covering by
shorts, who Were forced to cover by tha
strong condition of the cash wheat market,
c-auseid a firm close In the local wheat mar
ket here today, final quotations on the May
option being up Ho- Corn showed a gain of
Sc. Oats were up 4c Provisions were
JH6c lowr.
Tho market was unsettled during the first
half of the session, and prices were easily
forced up or down. During the last hour,
however, sentiment became bullish, and
the market closed strong. 'with prices at
the highest point of the day. Commission
houses bought freely all day, and late in
the session their demand was reinforced by
free covering" by shorts. The bulk of offer
ings cams from pit traders, who were
baartahly tacltand Imams of the. I avorabl4
weather for tho fall-sown crop In the south
west. The improved demand was generally
ascribed to an oversold condition of the
market. May opened a shads lower to a
shade higher, at 74C to ThVjc. ranged lie.
tween "OWtCIfc. and closed at 7KT.2T790.
Clearances of wheat and flour were equal
to ?i.M busbela. The world visible sun'
ply, as shown by Bradstreet's, Increased
4 000.000 ' bushels. Primary receipts were
siz.ouu ousneis, compared with 4to,(K" bush
els one yoar ago-r Minneapolis, Dulutb and
tjnicago reported receipts or MV cars,
against ttt cars last week and M cars one
year ago,
The feature of trading In the corn pit
was the active demand for the May deliv
ery by a number of prominent bulls. Shorts
also covered freely, and the result was a
sharp advance In the tnce of the ontlon.
The buying was stimulated by reports of
wet weatner ana an improved demand for
cash corn. The market closed strons. with
prices at the highest point. May oened
anaoe to c nigner, at to 43ti-ia'c.
sold off to 43o and then advanced to 43V;
4JC, the closing price. Local receipts
were 3bs cara, with 11 cars of contrail
A decrease of l,a21,000 bushels in th3
world's available supply, as shown by
Bradstreet's, was chiefly responsible for a
firm tone in the oats market. Reports of a
reviving export demand also favored higher
prices. May opened unchanged, at i,c
old between fcxuiiuc. nd closed at i'V"
Loral receipts were 2.10 cars.
A decline In the price of live hors. not
withstanding small receipts, caused some
weakness In provisions. Commission houses
caused fair rally In pork by fair pur
chases. At the close May pork was up
SHo, at S1&.7ZH: lard was down Sc. at 17.;
rlla were off be, at pvai.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow are
Wheat. 4 cars; corn, 142 cars; oats. 134 cars:
hogs. 33.01111 head.
Tha leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles ! Open. High. Low. Close. Yes' y.
Wheat I
Julv '
Ribs .
better cash demand and unfavurable Indian
crop news, gave the market a rather strong
close at S'trc net advance. Msy. M't't
HoMlic., closed at KHc; Julv, M15-1W
Wta-lGo. closed at MT.V.c; September. WV?
R4ic. closed at R44C.
CORN Receipts. 149,413 bu.: exports. 51.
bu: nales, 5n.iX bu. futures and l,im bu.
snot. The snot market was firm: No. 2.
(h; elovstor, snd 4Xc. f. o. b. afloat; No. 2
yellow, 4c; No. I white, 49c. The option
market was fairly active and generally
striaiger on better cables, prospects for
smaller recripts and covering. The close
showed Vo-Sc net rise. May. 4SVa !"c,
closed at 4c; July closed at 4!V. Septem
ber closed at IWc.
OATS Receipts. 93.0 bu.: exports, M.otB
bu. Spot market- steady; mixed oats. to
32 lbs., 4V(i3&c: Batural white. ' to 33 lbs.,
3oV:Sfic; cllpfed hlte. 38 to 40 lb,, STa&c.
r tKU Steady: spring oran. .a. Marrn
shipment: middling. $1.7S, March shipment,
HAT-Ptesnv; shipping. 46fi50c; good to
Choice, T:itiKtc.
HOPB Quiet: state, common to choice,
1W. lllc; 1904. 'rtle: olds, 5Q7c; Pacific
coast. 16. SifUc; olds, ifiic.
HIDES Quiet; Ualveston, m ano s ids..
Sc: California, 21 end 26 lbs., 21c; Texas
dry, 24 snd 30 lbs., lc.
LEATHER Steady; acid. zeH'T-HC
PROVISIONS Beef steady; family, til. R0
4513 00; mess, tS 0" 10 oo: beef hsms, tsn.flffr
21. SO; packet. H06fiUOft; city extra India
mess. l .Vi-gDO (10. Cut meats firm: pickled
tollies i 0ui9.ait: nickled shoulders. $7."c
7.60: pickled hsms. t)0.2ri10.fiO. ImtA. steady;
middle western prime, continent,
IS 3fft.fio: compound, tfi.006.3TV4. Pork, firm;
family. I17K&17.&0; snort clear, ia.tKt)i(.tiu;
mess, tifi 2Val 7S.
TALLOW Steady; city. Be; country, 8Q
RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 34
6c; Japan nominal.
BI'TTER Steady : renovated common to
extra. 12V919lc; western Imitation cream
ery extras, zic; western nrsia, iiwiot.
t HKBHE-steaaT; state iuii cream. oiau
and large, colored and white, September,
fancy, 1414'r; state. October, best. LiH
13c; stste, late made, small, average best,
12V; state large, 12Hc; state fair. Ili512c.
fiOtlS Klrm: slate. Pennsylvania and
nearby farrv selected white, Zodiac: state
choice, 1S't19c; mixed extra, nc; western
firsts, i&Vic: western seconds. 13H8al5c:
southerns. IMlSc.
Pfll'LTRY Dressed oulet: western chick
ens, l613c; turkeys, loac; fowls, 1013c.
St. Loals General Market.
T. LOl'IS. March . WHEAT Higher;
No. 2 red. cssh, elevator, S44tWc; track,
Wfeffl; May, 77Sc; July, 77c; No. 2 hard,
CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 40c; track,
41c; May, o"c; July, 42c.
OATS Firm; No. 2 cash, 30c; track, JHc;
May. SO'ic; Julv. 29c; No. 2 white, liftWc.
FLOU'R Steady; red winter patents. 34 30
Q4.&0; extra fancy and straight, S4.d;
clear, t2.904i3.26.
SEED Timothy, steady: tiBOffltO.
CORNMEALSteady. U .30.
BRAN--8teady; sacked, east track. 84j
HAT Steady; timothy, 8.00S13.50; prairie,
tS.i0i9 50.
PROVISIONS Pork, weak; jobbing, tla.50.
Lard, eaaler; prime steam. 17.46. Dry salt
meats, steady; boxed extra shorts. tS.50;
clesr ribs.; short clears. t WVt Bacon,
steady; boxed extra shorts. 39.374: clear
ribs, t9.2H: short clear, t9.75.
POVLTRT Quiet; chickens, lotjjioc;
springs. 12Hc; turkeys, lie; ducks. . 13c;
-BtTTTER Eaayj reADaojv 2129ci dairy,
jtj 22c.
cnAa Itlirher: 17. c ras4f count.
The receipts and Ehirtments of flour snd
grain were:
t lour. DOIB.
Wheat, bu..
Corn. bu....
Oats, bu
Reeeints. Shipments
.... 8.000 11.000
..... 30.000 37.CI0
62.000 102.000
..... 3.0O0 7,j0
Mlaaea polls Grata Market.
Quiet; first paints. M ld'4 ; second pat
ents, t3!i'4.oO: first clears, 3.b0g3.0; sec
ond clears. 2.40S'J55.
BRAN In bulk. tl3.60fl3.75.
tSuperior quotations for Minneapolis de
livery). The range of prices, as furnish-d
by F. D. Day Co., UIM11 Board of Trade
building, was:
Articles ! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close Tes y.
Wheat I
1 14
1 16
1 13
X 1441
1 13 1 14
1 14HI 1 tfVa
Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1
hard. 77Wc: No. 1 northern. i-c; to tr-
nve 77c: No. 3 northern. ,ic; to arrive.
4.t 4.t4 -a 41
444 4344J4
7(4; 7s4 79j.94
43 ' 4344 tSS 434
J4 4av.'d4
444 444
304 ti so 304' son
9n S4' 294! 294 294 'a 4
24 4;2i4! 34, 24
W 75 IB 75 I IS 45 I IS 7241 15 70
15 60 15 674' IS 60 I 15 15 724
T 80 T 90 j 7 824 T 85 7 80
e to ftJ 1 7 824 7 5 8 i
124 I 1241 I 074' t 074 124
8 35 I 8 ST4! g 4 8 30 I t 35
a 40 I 1 40 I 8 a j 224I a 40
No. t 1
Cash quotations
casn quotations were as rollows:
KI ril'R Dull snd weak; winter patents
83S0C4.0D; winter strslghts. t3.40tiJ.70; spring
r'". i 'V22.'i'rin tratglits. ii.tov
No. a.
1(0; bakers. I.!.2t53.0u.
v m t.A 1 - .so. t spring
75c: No. J red. 7;h774c.
iY.?, No- 4w':: No. ! yellow.
OAT8-N0. I. No. J white, 304fiw
No. a white. 463j4c ' '
RYK-No. 2 wc.
BARLEY Clood feeding, 174c: fair to
choice malting, 41aor.
SEEDS No. 1 flax, $1.07; No. 1 northwest,
em 11 12. Clover, contract grade. Ill 85
PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl . $1S (0
4515 I&. Lard, per ln U.S.. 87.75. Short ribs
sides tloose. W 15.. snort clear sides
(boxed). tS4&471&
The receipts and shipments of flour and
lln were
Flour, bbls
Wheat, bu.
Com. bu
Oats, bu. . .
Rye bu
Barley, bu .
Receipts Shipment.
.... 4S.U XJ,J
.... 24. nw
....822.HIO iK-so
...MUbV JS790U
11 ! Ihn
10S,7uu 4.5w
On the Produce exchange todav the but
ter market was steady; creameries. lVr
.4c: dairies. lfc(;:c. Eges. steady at mark.
at USfem-
ifc; nists. ijt.c; prim.
'V; extras, Ibc. Chers.. stead
NEW TORK. March .-6pec!al .be and
ioi. graphic cinmunlcstkii received bv
fJolT1 ' "r ltM following changes in
available suppll... compared with Plu
vious accounts: Wheat, I nlted Slates and
?1 ly' Ho. klee, decrvs.d .0 bj :
adoat for and m Europe, incesased 4 4 t.iua
,0!. jupply. increased 4l..u. bu.
1 ri"d 6l" "4 Canada, eatt of
u.T'.r: l' 1,0 b" I lilted
''t .,ni, ' '""l. east if Rrn ki,. de
rrM 1CI (, ,u. The leading dcre-a
reported this week are 3 hu at the Chi.
cagt. private elevstorarlV' .) bu at P-.rt-
Lti bu fH,rt Hur"" "J
". ho- at tits Milssukev piuut. el-
tU:' No. s nortnern, hit- . '-v-.
No 1 durum. 70c; No. I durum, c. Corn;
No! 8 vtllow. 8M.C; No. 3. 344c. Oats: No
t white, 274c; No. 3, .44e-o4c. Barley:
Rye: Mqaac. f lax: casn,;
slay. l.ii
Kansas t lr tirala sal Provisions.
KANSAS CITY. March l-WHEAT-Stealy;
May. 734c: July. 74c; September.
71'4:; cash. No. 2 hsrd, l&ti T74c; No. 3. i2i
fie; No. 2 red, 8&91c; No. 3. fciqshc.
,V)RN irnchanged to higher; Msy. S8VV
July, 394c; cash, No. t mixed. 374'tf3f;
t white. 43kc; No. 8. 34c
OATS Firm. No. 2 white, 4fi314c- w
HAY Steady 10 stroiig; choice timothy,
tll.'-6rll ! choice prairie, b iw.
H E Steady,
EGGS Steadv: Missouri and Kansas, new
No. 2 whltewood cases tncluded, 12c; case
count, 11c: cases returned. 4c less.
BITTER Steady; creaii.vry, 26c; pack
ing, 124c. Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 36.;m
Corn, bu Jl."
Oat,, bu 14.UU 2U.0W)
Philadelphia Prod ore Market.
Firm; extra western creamery. c; nearby
prints. I2c. ' .
EGGS-FIrm: 4c higher; nearby fresh
and western fresh, l4c at mark.
CHEESE Firm; New York full creams,
fancy. 14rH4c; choice. 134wl34c; fair to
good. 12 134c
Mtlwaakeo Grala Market.
Steady; No. 1 northern. 7'vu04c: No. 2
northern, 7478c: May, 79.S'o aked.
RYII'wr; No. 1. 624c-
BARLEY' pull; No. 2. 4fijc: aaniplo.
Corn Higher; May. 434c-
Dalath Grata Market.
Dt'H'TH, March -WHEAT Low-r;
No. 1 northern, 74c; No. 3 northern. 4 ;
on track. No. 1 northern. 74r: No. 2 norm
ern. 744c; May. 74c; July. 4c
OATS To arrive and on track, 294c;
May. 2c
l.i erpoei ftralo Market.
nominal; futures steady; March, Is 7d;
May. . 54d: July, ts 54d.
i'ORN Siot steady; American mixed,
new. 4s; American mixed, old. 4s 74d; fu
tures quiet; Mar:h. 4s 4d. May, 4s 144.
of any large commitment on the long side.
After so sharp a shsking out ss tnal of
yesterday, a renewal of decline in a more
deliberate way after a temporary rally Is
not unufual. But the rally usually goes
further than that of today. The large
part played by short covering operations
In the demand which lifted prices wits In
dicated by the relatively large buying of
the stocks which were most acutely under
pressure yesterday. Amalgamated Copper
was a notable example, the determined
support of thst stock at par yesterday
apparently having convinced the sellers
that protection was to be afforded the stock
by Interests caisble of taking care of it.
The dealings in this stork. I'nion Pacific
and in Reading will be found to make up
the bulk of yesterday's total transactions.
The advancing tendency was spotty and
Irregular and did uot set In until after
a ragged opening in which a majority of
the llt sold lower than last night s clos
ing Besides the prominence of yesterday's
wenkest stocks In the recovery there was
a show of positive strength in the Wabash
securities and those of southwestern rail
roads in the same group.
The assembling of the coal operators to
coriflder the proposition of the anthracite
miners for an agreement gave rise to vary
ing rumors which were reflected in the
fluctuations of Reading. Announcement of
a deposit at the suhtreasury of t2,ni,ftu0 for
transfer by telegraph to San Francisco
gave a chill to the market owing to the
Importance attached to the money situation
from a stock market standpoint. The trans
fer generally recognised as due to the
calling home by the Japanese government
of the resources of Its bond issue which
have been on deposit In New York for
many months past, where they huve had
the benefit of the high prevailing rates for
monev In the New Y'ork market. Their
withdrawal at this time is supposed to be
connected with the new loan operations
by the Japanese government In their home
market. Much interest naturally attaches
to the extent to which this movement may
be carried, but no authoritative information
Is forthcoming on the market. Today's
money rates were not materially changed,
although the eenenti tone begins to show
the benefit of the liquidation accomplished
In the stork market. Foreign exchange
nlso was inclined to yield today. The sag
ging tendency of stocks at one time wiped
out pretty much all of the gains, but a
heavy buying movement In Southern Rail
way In the final dealings re-established
some portion of them and left the closing
tone steady.
Bond were steadv Total sales, par value.
12.040000. United States bonds were all
unchanged on call.
Quotations on the New York Stork ex
change were as follows-
Silea. ntlh. Lew. rinne.
ahiibi Express
AmalKkmsled Copper ...
Alnr. C. a Y
Americas C. a F. pfd..
Auierlrsn Cotton Oil
Atneriran Cotton Oil pfd
American Expire
American H. A- L. pfd..
Alntrlran loe. aecurlttve.
Ainsrlutn Ltnnesd Oil....
Amerirsn Llnteed Oil pfd..
American locotnotire
Amor. Locomollvs pfd
American 8. aV R
American S. R. pfd
America Sugar Relining. ..
Am. Tobacco pfd clfa
Anaronria Muting company
Atchison pfd
Atlantic Coaat l.tna
Baltimore A Ohio
baittmore ar obto pfd
Uiouklrn kapid Transit...
(saadlas I'aciflc
Central of New Jersey
Otwaaveaan ft Ohio
t'faicaco aV Alton
rh.caio Alton pfd
Chicago Great Weetern....
Chlraso a Northwestern. . .
Ihlcann, Mil. . St. Taul..
fliKaio T. ft T
t hlcago T. a T. pfd
l. C. C. ft St. Lovla....
Colorado Fuel ft Iron
Colorado ft tauthtru
Colorado ft So. let pfd....
Csloradn ft So. 24 pfd....
Coneolidated Oaa
Cora Products
I ora Product pfd
Ik la vara ft rludon
Ielawar. L ft W
1'euver ft Klo ttrande
lienrer ft Rio Grande pfd.
Iimtlllera' Becuritlea
kris let pfd
Erie M pld
funeral Klrrtrlc
Mocking Valley
Illluoia Certral
International Paper
International Paer pfd...
International Putrp
intrruaimiial I'ump pld...
Iowa Centra!
luwa Central pfd
kdOaaa City bou'hern
Kaneaa City ?o. pfd
LouieMlle ft N'aah Ills. ...
Manhattan L
Metropolitan Securities ...
Metropolitan Street K. ...
MriUan Central
Minneapolis ft St. Loutt..
M . St. ft M
M . St. P. ft 8. g. M. pfd.
Missouri Pacific
Mikeourt, Kaneaa ft Texas.
Mlssnii. K ft T. pfd
National Lead
National H. R. of M. pfd.
New York Cel.lral
New Tork. O ft W
Norfolk ft Western
Norlo.k ft W. pfd
North American
Pailflr Mail
People' s Oaa
P C. O. ft Bt. Louis....
Tieseed Steel Car
Pretard Eteel Car pld
Pullman Palaca Car
heading let pfd
hradirg :d pfd.
ltipubilc Steel
Republic gleel pfd
iio. k Island Company
P.iKk I. land o pf1
et. L A ft F. td 1 fd
St. Louis Southwestim
ft. Louis K W. pfd
Southern Pacini-
toouthcrn Pac.lic pfd
Southern Railway
eoutnern haiiaay tfd
Tvnoeeaee (loal ft lian....
T-xaa at PactAc
loifdo. fit. L. ft W
Toledo. St. L ft W. pfd...
I moa Paclfl.
t'uioa Pacif.
I lilu.d Stales trrvaa
I Ulled States Hrai.
I ailed Slatee Rubber
1. . Hel.bcr r'd
lulled Btalee fteel
I uiud sta'.ts Vteet pfd ...
ts.'Csroline Chemical ....
V a. -Carolina I hem. pfd...
Wstiash pfd
Wclla-rsrgo Express
rsimgbouee fcietlrir ....
U'eatrrn laioa
Wheeling ft lMk Erie....
isuonsiu Caoiral
W'isoonain antral pfd
.Ventura PaciU-
Ontral leather
Ciitttal Leather pfd
iu-'haeui ieel
local asles lor the day.
Toledo ,ed Market.
TOT EDO. March H-SEED-CltAer. caah
and March. tU: Apt II. VI7; October. pLi;
timothy, tl DO. alsikr, t.20.
1 71. 50 104 1004 ID
. 4 41 41
on lvl 101 ltKiw,
, 4.100 KM 11 ii
. l.nnt ir.Si K 3
. .i 4- ; 474
. i,tm :s ''S C7t
too 11s lit llMi
. r.:..i" iMt k.24 im4
fi ir: 121 121
, i.noti i:n 12; ui4
4ihi hhk 1044 lt'4
. M non 2M, !47
, 4.l'l0 4 a.94 ti
100 10!, 102H 102
ino m n:t l.
l.XM 1104 l 1104
400 M M M
. ::io sixs 7 is
. J.StVl 174 1 1Mi,
'. !tsoo i: ' 'a" ' u
. ' m 104 104
2oo ik :m 2:1
. ll.tufl llf 17f 171
WW as 7 t7tg
. M.t f4 474 iW
. l.MI 13' U .Vt
o 714 704 n-i
. !.40 gni 4(4 4
. T.pOO 167', lMVs 1M4
too it 174 174
100 W4 iOl tfll
. ...' 40
. 1.000 44 414 434
. 2. KM) MS tfS "4
. U.f.00 4- 414 41
0 77 4 774 77
) tS t74 44
. 1.400 lf74 lMt 147
. 1.2U0 1474 1C lia
. i.ioo :is :i4 114
400 Ms, u rc,4
100 Xr4 l 10
100 n j
K t lit MV
. J. tOO 4b lilt, Hi,.,
too 71 7H, 714
M) H4i, us
. t.200 24 l tl
iiw :t, 744 7s
tn 144 111 tt
. 4 too N4 M
. S Too S4 u jjt,
. t.SOO 71 ' WV4 71a,
. ll.OOO 7H, 714 7714
imi i sua, jm,
. 1.000 14 141 14C4
70 4I 41 4i
. l."0 K, tL'i U-e
. I.t Ml, 7 Mi
too 4:1, 41 414
. JJ foo iisi, 1371, m,
i MV M Ml,
. 4. 70S t Ml l
too M 17
.ios.400 104 ir:w 121
2m ti KH,u
. IK Js :t
. 1.700 loj, 101 10:
. Ill S, 4 -14
ltai ti4 w ec
a 44 44 v
400 4 nt jj
100 hi ftS 14V
. 7 ti4 4o 's
. eo.uoo M', i ,t
tOU 10U HO lw ,V(
147 S
.4 Ml T4
J0 M 34 t4
.102,000 Kit, 1U4 U04
. S 700 MS, t; JJ4,
. 1.30" m lit nrs
.104.100 404, Ik I, HV
. M too H.-.S, 104 101 14
. 4.100 l!t U it
jet 114 1144 11.1
. I.aai 224, 22t
. i.ISo 04 4k 0W
r 3 us ajix
us) k n it
.. II. Ota) 11:14
tl S 41 4is
700 l.ttt, lot! JUS,
. 1 IS 71 Ti'
ttl.nua share.
Isaden Closlas; gioeka.'
LONDON. March (.Closing quotations
on r.e exchange were:
laiar aasl Molatsrs.
NEW YORK. March 8llJAK-Raw,
quiet: retlnel. I S-t-i2 15-1V-; oentriruml.
M test. 1 11-32M i i-loc; molasst-s sugar.
I ;l-i-'v2 ll-ltic: reftnKl, quiet; No. C. 4.1tic;
No. 7, 4 U5c: No. a, 4c: No . ..!; No. Hi
1-; No. 11. Sc; No. li,. S-; No.
t.Tac; No. 14 I. Tic; confectioners' A. 4.40-:
n ould A. 4.&V-; cut loaf. S : crust, e.1.
aS'jc, powdercU, 4Ttc; granuUled. 41jc;
cukes. t4.k.i
MOUAsJriK Stearly: New Orleans open
kettle tood to choi , ic.
NEW phI.r.AN8. Merck
Fir-u; npen kettl r-rntnf ugal. M -i-;
eentrifugal while. e 14. , yelloas. S4U
IIJ-I-: exnro's. ;4j4 1-IV'
Mtil.ASt'VeV-jpen kei'rc, iTav; ccn-
tii'tmi i::hv-
eYiii r-NoiiiisiaU.
Consols, xooner
do accwunt ......
do pfd
Baltimore ft Okie.
Caaadiaa Pacific ,
Ctee ft Ohio
Chicago 43. W
C M ft Si r ....
D' Beers
Deresr ft g. tl
do std
ee 1st pfd
do d pld
UliBois Centrsl . .
Lou'svtlle ft Kask.
M . K ft T
, 8U.Vi:K tlar.
The rat
.. fcfi, ( y Central.
. . r4 Norfolk ft W.
.. da ltd
. . It Ontario ft W.
. 1 Pen nsy I sale Mtsea ..
..i;4S, Reading
ist pie.
. IIS do Id pfd
is; itoutsera ks.las
. 111. I do pfd
. l t euthera Pa :
. tw 'oios Pacitv . .
.42" de prd
.74 '. g sieel
. Tr do r'd
171 a4ieak
.141 da pfd
- 44-, ersnien 4s .,
quiet. a'd per ounce.
Ju'j far cent
f (listoi.'nt In the oiien market
ties. Americans opened dull and lower, bui
the market was upheld during the fore
noon lo a fraction a-hove parity. IxK-al
bears covering and Wall street advices in
duced renewed support, and stocks closed
firm at the best quotations of the day.
Reading was an exception, closing weak.
Foreigners were featureless, with frac
tional lewer movements early In the day.
They hardened later and finished steady.
Kaffirs were In better dem.tnd after early
weaknesa Paris supported the market dur
ing the afternoon, and early sellers cov
ered. Japanese imperist ts of lf4 were
Hunted at 113V
PARIS. March 1 Prices on the bourse
today opened heavy, but Improved with
the better tendency in Berlin. Russian Im
perial 4s were quoted at cj 20 and Russian
bonds of 14 at 44.00.
BERLIN. March . Prices on the hours
today opened weak, due to realisations.
Later prices were firm, but at the close the
tone was Indecisive.
Kew Tork Moaey Market.
NEW YORK. March . MONET On call,
firm. 61i64 per cent; ruling rate. 64 per
cnt; closing bid. 6 prr cent: offered. 4
per cent; lest los i, S1, per cent; time loans,
steady; sixty and ninety days. s4ti4 Per
cent: slT months, ,Vnf,4 per cent.
per cent.
tual business In bankers' bills at t4 KT&A
I M for demand and at U KTb for
sixty-day bills: posted rstes. U .824 and
$4 ST ; commercial bills, t4-KV
SILVER Bar, ti44-: Mexican dollars,
BONDS Governments and railroads
CI' sing quotations on bonas today were
as follows:
It. . ret ts. rf 'Japan 4a. M series... i-4i
do coupon 10t4. do 4e rtfs sis
V. 8. Is re lftl I do 44s rtfs 4
do coupon 101 I do Id series so
V. fl. old 4a. reg Iiu4 L. ft N unl. 4s ins
do coupon li4 Msn. r. g. 4s 10:4
r. 8. new 4a. reg ...It Mex. Central 4e U
do coupon H04' do 1st inc 1'4
Am. Tobacce 4s 7 Mltm ft St L. 4a... ?4
114 M.. K. ft T. 4e 1"
103V, I do 2s I"
Atchison gen. 4e
do sd. 4a
Atlantic C. L 4a....
Bal. ft Ohle la
do 14a
Brk. R. T. c. 4a....
central of Oa. Is...
do let Inc
do 2d inc
do Id Inc
rtiee. ft Ohio 4Se .
Chicago ft A. ISe...
C . B. ft Q. n. 4e...
C . R. 1. ft P. 4a...
So col. 4s
Ct'C. ft St. L,. g. 4... 10!
Colo. Ind 4a. ser. A. 77
do aeries B...
Colorado Mid 4s..
Colorado So. 4a.
CVba Is
D. ft R. O 4s
Ptstlllera' Sec. ts.
E-ie p 1. 4e
do gen.
N. R. R. of M e, 4s. KM
et.S. T. C. g. 4S tSVk
14 IH. 1 C g. te 1JOV,
.s4INo Pacific 4s
tl'ai do Is 77
11414'N. ft W. a 4s 101 4
M 0 8. L. rfdg 4s .... M4
74Penn. cone. i,s loi
k- Reading gen. 4t WK
1044. St. L. ft I. M. c. ts. 117
Ml 'St. L. ft a r II O '
ms'st. L. 8 W. 4s so
7li 'Seshoerd A L. 4s.... '
Mk!Ko. Pacific 4a 1
do 1st 4s ctts
80. Railway as 11TV
74V, Teiaa ft P. Is
. 7SV, T . St. L. & W. 4S
. 14 jt'nion Pactnc 4a
.lot I do oonv. 4s
. H I' 8. Steel ad 4a...
. 7', Wahash la
.100), do deb. B
tl Western Md. 4s......
Hocking Val. 4Ss...lo W. ft L E.
Japan 4a toot, Wis. Central 4s.
. bU1,
. 4
. ti4
. SO
for slK.rt bills Is 34' JS Per cent; for three,
uior.ins tills, t 7-ltj4 p-r rent.
Forrlga Flaaaeial.
IXINTslN. March , i-uppliea of money
ere plinnful in the market today, and
tiie denuind was fair. Ixscnunts were
tvaaier Rusinets on the Slink exchange lid
I'ot expand, owing to the fa.-t tltat Ike art-,
tl.nieut ea progreeaing. but ieap money
aid 'he deMtand caueed price to tlci'ie flr.
efrtclall- la iLc t.ajc vl ail-clav gecu.-i-
Bostoa gtorka and Boads.
BOSTON. March . Call loans. &d per
cent; time loans, 4V per cent, official
quotations on stocks and bonds wrre:
Atchison adj. 4a 44V, Westing, common ... 71
do 4s lOi Adventure
Mex Central 4s II Alloues
Atrhleon 414 Amalgrmatcd ....
do pfd 1024 American Zinc ...
Boston ft Albany 344 Atlantic
Boston ft Mstne 17; e. Bingham
Boeton Klcrsled 144 I si ft Hecle
ritchburg pfd 1404 Centenmel
Mexican Central ..... Copper Range
N. V.. N H. ft H...1M Lair Weal
I nlon Pacific l.nt. Franklin
Amer. Arge. Chem..-.. 2k Granby
ID Isle Rnysie .
. 22 Msss. Mining
,l- Mlrhlcan ....
,137V, Mnhsak
.Us Old Dominion
. 4iV4 Osceola
.10 Psrrot
. "Qulncy
.4t Shannon
. Ik vi Tamarack
. t7 Trinity
. 4 Cnlted Copper ...
t nlted Fruit 107V, I'. 8. Mining
intiea snna Marh.... kliell . s. oil
do pfd si.t'tah
North Mutta 7' Victoria
V. 8. Kleel M- Winona
do pfd 1m Wolverine
do pfd
Amer. Pneu. Tune.
Amer. Suger
do pfd
Amer. T A T
Amer. Woolen .....
do pfd
Dominion I. A 8...
Edison Elec. 111...
Msss. Electric
do pfd
Msss. Oss
. i'4
. Iv
. 10
. 11V,
. 4V,
. MV
. lV,
. IS
. 114
. :iv,
. i
. UVj
. a
.. 62 V,
.. is
.. ll4
.. 41
:: I
.ew Tork Mlalaa- gtorks.
NEW YORK. March . Closing quotations
on mining stocks were
Adams Con
Preece ,
lirunswick Con ..
Cernotock Tunnel.
Con. Cel. ft Vs..
Hers Silver
Iron Silver -.
Leadviue Cos. ..
. U
. so
I Little Chief ...
' Pboente
. IS Toiost
.11 ;Sara
.MS IKlen-a Nevada
.509 1U Hopes ..
. 4 letanosrd
... I
... t
... 44
... 44
... 24)
Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON, March 6. Today s state,
ment of the treasury balances In the gen
eial fund, exclusive of the tlD0.iw,ci0 gold
reserve, shows: Available cash balance,
I) 52. 11 .(so: gold coin and bullion, l.o,eo,ll;
gold certificates, e.,9iS.&0.
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA. March .-Bank clearings for
today were, and fcr tne corre
sponding date last year tl.4T7,u99.M.
Wool Market.
BOSTON. March . WOOL-The market
is in a strong position. This Is partly aue
to the belief that the wools now here can
not be duplicated In the west at the priced
ruling in this market. The indications are
that the stock of wool here, when new clip
begins to arrive, in volume will be un
usually small. Territories are becoming
scarce. The demand for pulled wools Is
Improving with the call still for fine As and
A supers. Foreign wools are firm. Leading
quotations follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania,
X.X and above, MVo&r: X t3$4c; No. 1,
oVtiiic; No. 2, 2Si74tc; fine unwashed. Uitl
: quarter-blood, unwashed, .'4i3-4P,
three-eighths-blood. S30a4c; unwashed de
laine. ii'JVe. Michigan, fine unwashed, 2Vd
Jc. three-eighths-blood, 311 U3 4c; unwashed
delaine. zTTtrAc. Kentucky, Indiana, etc.,
three-eighths and quarter-blood. 3:41 33c.
Territory Idaho, fine medium, 6?3c; me
dium. lioJiKc; low medium, l'ijf.iC. I'tah
and Nevada, SMiSc; heavy fine, 213c; me
dium, HottJitTc; low medium, iV(j27o. Dakota,
fine. 214i:Tc; fine medium. 2iu3c;
iTaJvc; low medium, 2Vo2Tc. Montana, fine
choice, :6.Z7c: line medium choice, i4-.5c;
average, 23ri24c; staple, JTipc; meaiuni
choice. ITtjc.
ST. LOlIS. March ti. WOOL Steady ;
medium grades, combing and floihtng. U
Ac; light fine, 2lff-.Sc; heavy fine, ls-'aiuc; tuo
washed, fctjAlc.
Metal Market.
NEW TORK. March 8.-METAU9 The
Iondun tin market was '.,iv with spot
unchsnged at 12 lis. 4 ..e . ical market
was quiet with spot quoted at t3i.6"33.:.'4.
Copper was Irregular in London, closing (is
higher at b0 for spot. and bs lower at T4
for futures. Locally no further change is
reported Lake is quoted at tUSTu-'t is.75;
electrolytic at llfc.124rWle.tTV nd casting at
tlS i4uHS.25. Lead was unchanged at t'i.35(Sr
5 41 in the local market, but declined 2 1
to 15 17s d in London. Spelter declined
5s in London, cloeing at 24 10s. Locslly.
however, the market continued firm with
si.t quoted at tl. 1 ' tf f Iron waa lower
abroad with standard foundry chasing at
47s 4d and Cleveland warrants at 47s 441.
Icnllv no change was reported. No. 1
foundrv northern is quoted at lis fifc 1 Si;
No. t foundrv northern at H7.TM) l.c5; No. 1
foundry southern at 1K 2i i.TV and No. S
foundrv southern at tlTTotiHSS.
BT. IH IS. March -METALS Iad.
firm at ta.r:4; spelter, higher at 44 MQi .124
Cattle Bell at Prices Not Xatjri&llj Differ
ent from Ytt?rda.
keep gat Laaaoa Co mm sad Strong
rrleee, with Ewes So More Taaa
teaely Markets oa All
Klada Rather Slow.
SOL'TH OMAHA. March , 15.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday I m .: .S1J
Official Tuesday 5 f 8.O11O
Two days this week ll.T2 1S.3U
Same days last week. .. .U.6v 19. TM m.T.'l
Same days week before It" its 18.542 2.7
Same days weeks ago 10iH l.(i:ti 1S.W3
Same days 4 weeks ago.10.01M li.24 15.41H
Same days last year.... .S 17.2SI Zi.f
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omahs.
for tha year to date, compared with lasi
1108. lfms. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 17T.S23 1S .51T
Hgs 4M.M0 4.H7.(i:c 5.4X
Bheep 21t.B jus.lll
The following taoie shows the a vert g
price ot hoga at South Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
Date. 1 ltX. llsa.lliXM.iiaai.ilo.iijo,.',
Feb. 1...
Feb. 20...
Feb. 21...
Feb. 21...
Ken. a...
Feb. 24..
Feb. a...
Feb. 2T...
Feb. 2...
Mch. 1...
Mch. I...
Mch. t...
Mch. 4...
Mch. 5 ..
Mch. ...
I 4 71 081
t VI 41
k ui's
t 064
t H
a us
t 214l
4 M!
4 Ui
4 741
4 ssi
1 n
4 80
4 72
4 76
4 U
5 U
t 20l
t 12
I 40
5 32
R 081
( 12
6 l4
5 07!
( 47'
I 91 i
ti Mi
t k4,
7 03
( tci
7 11
t IX
I I7
( K
i C
t 84,
5 M;
6 22:
5 til
t 81 4 71
3: 4 T
4 70
I 821 4 70
4 t
t '
t I4 4 4Z
27, 4 7
i 21 4 70
4 4 f
4 ' 4 Mi
4 P 4 70
5 "4 4 74
I t ;o
1 is is 1 n i
I 44 I II I . t IB
I... tat t 4 1 c IW
t lea I 71 I T?l IT4
1.... so in t too 1 ti
1 -TS on 14 M I
I IW I at 24 tU 1st
t 421 I to 1J tie J an
1 44 1 11 I 4N 4 14
1 410 If.
14 1JT0 t 4t 1 1400 I 4
I use t to t irto 1 tt
1 1410 2 40 1 440 I 40
1 I40 7 1 177 I hi
t lltt I SO 1 isn I an
1 1100 I St 1 17ttl I tt
1 Too I os 1 1 io I tr.
1 140 4 tt I f fi: 4 t
4 4 14 1 I IS
I IX. I 10 1 Ill 4 tl
1 170 4 so 1 17t 4 14
I It I SO 1 H 4 24
I ITO ri .T I 21
I I! IS I lit lit
I ltd IK 1' 4 to
1 200 Is I til 4 14
1 li 4 4 1 171 I II
i H) III
1 440 I 21 4M I 40
1 74C I 2 tot 4 10
I 742 4 40 I 7f0 4 It
1 441 I SO H M l
1 7t I It 4 Ill 4 4.1
4 n I Iv 4 477 4 to
1 701 I il 4 IS IM
I Ill I 40 4 Ml 4 SS
1 T4 t 40 24 ttt 4 10
1 Iff) 4 I I ITJO I 7
1 1410 3 U 1 14" I 41
t 1400 I 0 1 lilt 4 7S
1 1040 I St 1 IW 4t
I lt'4 I 40 1 0S" I to
I lut a at t 1:4 I on
I V-t t V 1 lit If.
1 o I 7i I Ill 4 n
4 1 Jn 4 Ts: 4 44
7 '.. It7 lU l 4 44
1 10 I 71 1 Tot 4 t
t 7H I 71 4 Irss 4 H
14 471 I 10 4 4: 4 St
24 742 I It,
bulls, t: 4ofl4 A: calves, 12 V7 W: Texas and
tnd'an steers, tt1"?! 70; cows and heifers.
U Hff4 10.
H alS-Receipts. H' on head Market was
steady: pigs and tights tr- Mif 44: packers,
S'.,"414 44, butchers snd best heavy, 1.B
4 V
KHEEP AND I.AMRS-Recelpts. . 1 M0
head. Msrket steody. native muttons. e4f
fijsfi; lambs, tahKiiKM. culls snd bucks,
tA7T4 U. StiKkeis. t-Tfl4tW.
Stork la Htght.
Receipts of live sttM-k at the six principal
western markets esterday were as fol
ios t :
Cattle. Hogs Sheep.
South Omaha S 4m . T.0S4
Sioui Cll.v 1 :.
Kansas t Ity . tvro 10tV
St. Joseph t. t.MH 7.1"
St. L'itls 4.t l.ttiO LS-Xi
Chicago 4.K10 lf.OOO 14.000
.27.t! 4S.;iM 42.27T
Tho following shows the number of cars
of stockers and feeders shipped to the
country yesterday and their points of destination:
Shipper- Cars.
j'.'.'.'. 1
4 "O. 1
H J. Oieee n-tU,- 1. ri ...
. r-rlngy. Coon Kaplds, Ia.-Mil
J. N. Jarrnan. Rlverttin, la Q
. Muse. Dunlsp, la. N. W
W. A. Daney, Dunlap, la. I. C
Mike Jordan, Hoone, la. N. W...
Perry ft T.. Wahoo, Neb. K. E...
C. A. Cline. Spalding, Neb.-U. P..
Kunzman ot K.. Plattsmouth. Neb.-
O. V. Holdrlge, Madrid, Neb.-y...
). K. Vanpelt. Ttloomfleld, Neb M.
C. Kecher, Irwin, la. O. W
C. Oamon, Wlsner. Neb. F. E
C. Kennedy. Belgrade. Neb. V. P.
The following will show the pr'ce paid
for the different klnda of catue on the
Bouth Omaha market:
Good to choice corn-fed steers.... H Xfctj.Mi
r air to choice corn-ted steers.... 4 i4 lw
Common to fair corn-fed steers.... 4 tw.44 ui
Oood to choice cows and heifers.. Idu4 to
Fair to good cows and heifers.... ..uttos J
Canners and cutters 2iMa;lK
Good to choice stockers and feeders 4.tny4 6j
hair to good stockers and feeders. i.50i4 ix
Common to fair stockers a uoua M
Bulls, stags, etc S..w
Oood veal calves 6.uisu4iu
itA.-vuti or PRICKS.
. Cattle.
Pmah tJ.ou(4i.25
V "icago I.ta4i.40
Kansas City .2y4i.wl
bt. lniis .Aruti.i
Sioux City tuu6.60
'los ort.piul tin,k -
brought in today by each roan un p.H ses
Cttsrles Stone XVva.
feeders.. 1027 t ttl 14 feeders. .ltrI7 4 45
HOG8 Recetpta of hogs, numbering 12
cars, this morning looked laige as com
pared with the extremely small run of yes
terday. Nevertheless the receipts were
really light for a Tuesday, showing a very
heavy falling off aa compared with the cor
responding day of previous weeks.
The market opened with shippers and
speculators paying a little stronger prices
tnsn yesterday. Orders from this source,
however, were light snd soon filled so that
comparatively few sellers got the benefit
of the early morning strength. By the
time packers were ready to start out ad
vices from other selling points were un
favorable and they announoed right from
the first that thev must have a concession
of oVfrtOr as compared with yesterday.
Sellers were not disposed to take off that
mueh unless absolutely compelled to, which
means that the market waa very slow and
dull ull the morning. It was late before
very much business was transacted. When
the hogs did sell they went at prices that
were generally 5e lower than yesterday, a
considerable proportion of the loads aelllng
at the range. t4 litjti.324. Tlie top today,
t. was the same aa wag paid yesterday.
Repreaentatlve sales:
Ns. A. 8k Tt m. Ik. W
40 141 ... 4 44 76 z:4 ... 4 IS4
101 11.4 ... I 04 KI 214 ... 4 114
II Ill ... 4 10 40 117 ... I :v.
It 172 ... 4 14 44 44 ... 4 124
42 Ill 44 4 11 70 224 II I 111
40 lilt ... 4 11 (4 U ... 4 ttV,
41 17 ... IS M 4J k a
SO 171 ... 4 174 24 tt ... 4 22 V,
14 Ml 124 I 17 V, 240 41 4 24
74 tJ4 M I If tl ttl 1M 4 2i
24 2UI ... I 17V, 04 ' ... 4 24
124 140 ... 1 17', 04 307 ... Ill
tt 12V 40 4 171, 14 14 W lit
72 214 m IT, 7: m ... 4 21
48 Ut ... I 17V, 73 :4 ... 4 14
77 131 10 t 17V, 71 14t ... I 2t
40 144 ... I 77 Ill ... 4 24
74 2M 110 I in 70 IW 140 4 10
tl 114 ... 4 20 lit 141 ... 4 10
71 211 2W 4 10 70 M SO I SO
41 144 40 4 10 74 lis ... 4 10
40 Ill 120 I 20 41 211 110 I 10
(7 2CI 40 I II V, 70 244 ... I 10
tl ... 4 I2v,
SHKF.P The average quality of the re-
tti.tssaiti ao
a.uowi an
.tXif. Sw
ot stuck
C, M. A St. P..
u abash
Missouri Pacini
I'nion Piiclnc system..
C. fc N. W. least!
C. A N. W. (west)
C. St. P M. & O
C. U. & Q. teast)
C, H. ox w (west)
C, H. 1. at P. (eastK..
C. H. I. V !. (weet...
Illinois Central
Chicago Ot. Western .
Total receipts 22S 127 32 lo
The disposition of the dav'a receipts waa
f folJ' ach buyer purcnusing lue nuin-
" uts fiuii;l3a.
. 4
. 4
. i
Hogs. Sheep.
l.tejo Si.l
t.s 1,443
i.-w 2.O0U
i.blo 1,1.2
t'ottoa Market.
cit sed quiet. It) points higlser; middling up
lands, 11.3uc; tniddliiaf gulf. lL56c; sales,
t.f. bales.
ST. LOIM8. March tl COTTON Firm :
middling. 11c; salts. 14 bak-s; receipts. I
bales; shipments. T bales; stuck, 44.157
in fair demand: prices 1 point lower;
American muidllnit fair. 41d: good mid
dling, 607d; middling. 5 89d; low niidJlinv,
5 73d. good ordinary. 6 5m1; ordinary. 5-&d.
The sales of the day acre 12.IKO bales, of
which l.Uud I'Sles were fur speculation and
export, and included 4. SOT bales American.
Receipts, ls.isju bales. Including 7.2 sj bales
A merle ail
sales. 7.J bales; ordinary. 7 15-lsc;
good ordinary. 4c: middling. Hi:-1c; good
middling. 114c; middling fair. 11 4-lec. Re
ceipts, 10.14 bales; stock. 272.855 bales.
Ft spateal Apples aad Dried Frails.
APPLES-Market ia firmly lit Id. with a
little export demand reported. Common to
fair are quoted at 7tjK'..; good tlt4i. k4f
i ; lair to good 06i. 44iU4c; prim .
iC.-; choice. IHc; fancy, lltill4.
rre in fair d-mand on spot, and the tone
of the market is flrui. with the tendency
upward, although there Is u change In the
genersl range, whicb is quoteU at 44 te c,
atuirditg to graue. Aik-jIi are in fair
demand ill a jobbing way. with rbnice
uuoted at lfl-i : extra liolce. 1"4b-1o4,-;
fancy. l)t12Vc. Peaefcea are in some bet.
ler demand, but trwat-4 not active. Ch'il
quoted at H': extra choice. Ii4c; lancv,
!4jllc: extra fancy. i:',tlic. ItaJui4
tic qulft with lcxe Muscatel ij noted at 'si
c; Deeded rsl.ins. 4l"'-e-. LoiioV.t
Uitit at tl V gl x
- .11-
Omaha Packing Co 6n7
Swltt and Company 1,0m
Cudahy backing Co
Armour A Co 1,012
Vansant 1 Co '101
Carey w
Lobman A Co 24
W. 1. Stephen 4
Hill ft Son 68
Huston k Co 2t
Hamilton & Rothschild., lo
L. F. Husx pri
Wolf Ac .VJui'iMti its
Miae Haggerly :.. 39
Sol Degan
J. U. hoot At Co l
Bulla et Kline 10
I'nion Dressed betf Co... 41
I.uer Bros
Other buyers fjij
Totals .,404 1407 y-jry
CATTLE Recelpta of cattle this moi n
lng numbered 2ii cara, aa against J41 iaat
Tuesday and 217 two weeks aero. It waa
really the smallest Tuesday a run in some
thing over a month.
While a large proportion of the cattle
were only fair to pretty decent killers,
there were quite a number of loads ot
quite good Killers. The market opened
rather slow, buyers and sellers lielns soma.
wiiat apart in their views nnd Inclined to
await later developments before do. nit
very much business. As is apt to be the
case under such circumstances, tne mar
ket was rather uneven and it was hard to
find any two salesmen whoso report would
agrte in every respect. Those mho hap-
rened to have such cattie as appeared good
n the eyes of buyers thougnt mat they
were able to secure good, strong prices
On ths other hand, there were salesmen
who found it difficult to secure even sieadv
prices, their cattle not being Just the kind
thst buyers happened to want.
The market on cows and heifers mat
also slow to open snd somewuat uneven
Buyers seemed to want quite a good nia.iyj
but with the number on sale they ap
parently felt that they could afford to take
their time in making purchases. The kinds
that- aeemed to suit them brought good,
strong prices, while others were slow tci
sell and ths general market was no more
than steady.
Feeders navlng weight and quality are
free sellers at good, steady prices, but
there ire not very many of that kind com
ing. On the contrary, light and thin stock,
era. especially those lacking quality and
off In color are coming in fusler then they
can be disposed of and are consequently
slow and weak.
Representative sales:
Ka. At. rr no as. St.
4.. IIU t Tt T4 1M1 4 TS
I 4 4 It 14. lim 4 41
11 4 4 14 IS t"t 4 li
ti H IIS It 124 4 tt
11 l"l 4 K 11 1222 4 M
4 1121 4 10 90 1211 4 at
20 M 111 21 12t1 4 tS
14 "tl 4 44 to Ilea 4 It
1 1044 4 4 14 1 KIT I SS
II H7 4 SO 10 1321 4 ut
II 1011 4 44 1 lilt 4 It
1 t44 4 14 1 114 4 10
1 llso 4 SO II 1:21 I II
14 47 4 44 7 1411 I It
4 1044 4 II 44 l.4 4 It
24 1010 4 HI 14 111 I It
4 1014 4 4: M 11-4 4 fi
tt I1H 4 44 44 1224 I to
I last 4 44 17 127T 4 H
II t4 4 4 4 H72 4 14
4 ll'l I tl Itsl 4 lu
14 144g 4 7t f .Ilil a li
U KZI 4 !
t tti : 24 n 1-7 IX
1 710 8 24 1 M I JS
1 440 8 tt 14 1104 I 44
1 ISO I ti 2 1114 I 40
t ISO t M I loul I 44
1 I0 I It 14 lien 4 4
1 7 SO t 40 I lifct I o
1 114 t M 17 te2 I 44
4 101 I 40 4 loot I to
1 S3 44 1 1274 I St,
I lti I 40 4 170 I 40
1 Tt IH 1 IIS 1 lu
I I1M I ti I tTI 4 t-'t
1 (14 8 I lilt 4 to
8. 414 J TO 1 t 1 a
1 .....'X I TO 1 1 jo I It
I lino 8 t; 1 110 I 7
1 Iltu i 7t I Itwo I 70
1 441 8 71 10 I;t I To
t t4i I li I im I To
8 lt 8 7 II lime I 74
8 luce I Ti lotl 1 M
4 8 4i 1 I as
I.... too 4 as 81 tas 1 to
1 110 8 tl It 10o4 I 4e
8 list I 00 17 ttt I 4s
8 toe I St 8 Iss I so
1 17I I SO 4 1.C7 I H
1 7v 8 40 4 Lit i OS
4 SM III 24 u 4 oa
14 440 I U 4 nasi 4 to
8 I 44 7 Ilea 4 :
4 les I 2f, I nrl 4
t Tea I le 4 tit 4 SS
t see I u 1 net 4 84
I to t kv 1 ttt I 44
celpts was wm.'l;it better than yesterday.
mere being a smaller proportion or trasn
and moie load of fair to good killers.
The market as a whole was Inclined to
ward dullness, there being very little snap
or enthusiasm to the trade. Some of the
heaviest packers did not appear to need
very many sheep and were consequently
In no hurry about filling orders. The late
arrival of some of the trains also contrib
uted to the dullness.
Sheep of got id quality were in fair de
mand. This would apply to both wethers, and ewes. Wethers, If anything,
were the best sellers, owing to the fact
that there were not many nere, and the
best of them sold steady and in some
esses possibly a little stronger than yes
terday. As high as Wi wss paid for the
Gibson old wethers, which were very
choice and fat. Ewes by reason of the
large number that have been coming in
during the last few days were not In as
good demand as the wethers, there being
more of that kind than packers really
need. Aa a result of this the ewes were
the slowest of anything on sale. It usually
follows that a slow market is a weak mar
ket, and there were spots in the ewe trade
that looked weak. Some of the best ewes
here sold up to 8 SO, with very decent kill
ers on down to t5.
Lambs were slow all the morning. The
fact Is, the lamb trade has been without
very much life at this point for several
days back. The demand appears to be
rather limited, and hence there Is not much
snap to the trade. Still prices this morn
ing were not bad, being steady to higher
In spots. Some good native lambs sold up
to to. 75, which was the top price of the
day. The Leavenworth lambs brought tt 60,
which was 10c higher than they brought
Quotations: Good to choirs native lambs
ia.4-6.00, good to choice western iambi.
pi.C).',4; lair to good lambs, tt.ft'ati fcN cull
lings, $b TS ti.W; good to choice heavy year
la rhbs, tt 50.3. 25; rood to choice light year
lings, 15 041 G ft'; fair to good heavy vear
lings, iV4ta5.60; good to choice wethers,
86.4ovg5.66; fstr to good wethers. t0.26v6.6O;
good to choice ewes. H.SO'uS 4d; fair to good
ewe, tt&oojt.eft; cull sheep and bucks, U-04
64 00.
Representative sales:
11 cull ewes
4- western ewes
4t western ewes
18 western ewes
4 western ewe
5 cull ewes
1.1S western ewes
jv western ewes
244 western ewes
12 western ewe
r.6 western wether
323 western yearling....
Ill western
6 western
271 western
Kil western
Mex lambs...
... 41
... 10,
... lit
.... its
.... US
.... 76
I It
6 30
t to
4 26
4 -i
4 '.i
4 76
6 10
a 10
I 145
6 mi
I m
t bu
Cattle, thesis aad Lambs
Hogs Weak.
CHICAGO, March CATTLE Renelpts.
4.600 head; mutk.-t steady; common to
prime steers. 83 tuft!.!; row, la fcfa4 M;
heifers. 4J.-Vs. j.OC; bulls. t2.40)42o; calves.
t3hir?i7.75; stocker and feeder. t3.0oO4.7t
HOGS-Receipt. l,f head; market
c-ak: choice to prime heavy. tl.ttidi.fA;
medium to good heavy, 4ii .V.t;t 45; butcher
weights. ii tin s. jti. good to choice heavy
mixed. 6 Sosfic 4,4; packing, ft i'X.3.45.
SHEEP AND LAMBSRenefpts. 14. 0X)
head; market steady; sheep. HKJilJ; year
lings. t6.5cCd.; iambs. tn.ie7.1.
Coaaltloa ot Trad aad Qaotattoa oa
Staple aa foaey Prodae.
KArGS Receipt liberal; freh stock, esjt
count. ISc.
LIVE POVI.TRT-IUns. 4; old roost
ers, be; turkeys. 15c; ducks, Uc; young
roosters. 1I1H': geese, so.
DRKSdKU Pt 1 LLTHV -Turkeys. WtJTltc;
old toms. I&ti1c; chickens. Metflle; old
roosters. 7e; ducks, U4jlc; geese, Mr.
BI'TTER Packing stock, lie; choice to
fancy dairy. 1 Smite; creamery. atf214C-
HAY Prices quoted bv Omaha Feed com
pany: No. 1 upland. I" 00; medium, ti 5oi
coarse. 4 NHJ W Rye straw, 40.
BRAN Per ton. tit .
DATES Per bog ot 10 1-lb. pkg., tOO;
Hallow en. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 6c; y
era, per lb., 4c; walnut etufTed, l-lb. pkg.,
t2 00 per dim.; l-lb. boxes, Il 00.
ORANUES-Californta, extra faney Red
land navels, all sises, 13 60; fancy navels,
U86. choice, ail sises, II. St.
LEMONS Llmontera, extre. fancy, 249
Btle, 1360; to 84)0 Sites, 14 00.
FlOS-Callfornla. per 10-lb. carton, tb
85c; Imported Smyrna, three -crown. 11c;
glx-crown, lto.
BANANAat-Per medium aiaod hunch. II 76
62 26; jumbos, 2.6PtS 00.
TANGERINES California, per bog ot
about 126. t-t 00.
GRAPE FRl'IT Florida, per twig, t7 00
I 60; California, per bog. U.0&44.50.
PEARS Winter Nelll and Mount Varnon,
12 60.
APPLES California Newton, Pippins and
Baldwins. I2.ui per bu. box; Ben Davis, tl 76
per bu. box; Winesaps, t2 60 per bu. box;
other varieties, 2.wKai.cii per bu.; New York
apples. Baldwins and Russets. 8n i per bbL.
GRAPEB-lmported Malagas. 5.6O.00.
POTATOLa Home grown, per bu., 60
Oc; South L'akut. er bu., 75c.
ONIONS Home grown, yellow and red.
per bu.. Soc; Spanish, per crate. It 00; Colo
rado, red and yellow, per bo., 11.00.
NAVY BEANS Per bu., 12.00.
LIMA BEANS Per lb., 44c.
C ABB AG K California, 24c per lb.; Wis.
cousin. In crates, per lb., 2c.
Per bu., 86c.
CELtuR Y California, tl per dog.
SWEET POTATOES Kansaa, per 2-bu.
bbls., 12.00.
TOM ATOKS Florida, per era to of 20 lbs.
net, t.
WAX PEANS Per hamper of about SO
lbs net.
STRING BEANS Per hamper of 'about
30 lbs. net. 3 Oo1.o0.
EGG PLANT Florida, per do., tl.t581.S0.
GREEN PEPPERS Florida, per hamper
of aoout 10 dot., 44 M.
Louisiana, per do, bunches. 75c.
SHALLOTTS Louisiana, per dog.
bunches, 76c.
HEAD LETTUCE-LcuUlan. per bbl..
tl2.tai416 00: per do, heads 1.76$t.O0.
LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per dog.
heads, (nc.
CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per do., tl.Tl.
RADISHES Hothouse, per do, bunches.
MUSHROOMS Hothouse, per lb.. tttjT&c.
No. 1 ribs, 13c; No. 1 round. Ttsjc;
No. 2 ribs, -14c; No. t round, 7c: No.
I rib. 8c; No. 4 round. 4c; No. 1 loin,
lti4c; No. 2 loin, 13c; No. loin, 10c; No. 1
plain, 44c; No. t piste, 4c; No. I plate, tc;
No. 1 chuck, 64c; No. 2 ohuck, 4c; No. t
chuck, 4c.
CIDER Per keg, 13.76; per bbl., 14.76.
llUNCY New, per 24 lb., tS.60 .
Ci-iEh.SE owiss. new, 16c; Wisconsin
brick, lac; Wisconsin ilmherger, lie; twin.
Uu, young America. 164c
NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft hell, new
crop, per lb., 154c: hard ehfllt, per lb.,
U4c. Pecan, large, per lb., 14c; email,
per lb., 12a Peanuta. per lb., 4c; roattod,
per lb., sc. Chili walnuts, per lb.. 12t2L84c
Almonds, soft ahclla, per lb., 17c, hard
hell, per lb., lsc. Cocoanuu, Hli per
sack of 100.
FRF.SH FISH-Trout. He: halibut, 10c;
pickerel, dressed. 7c; while bass, Uc; sun
nth, 6vc; perch, skinned and dressed, 6c;
pike, luc; redsnapper, 11c; salmon, lie;
crapple. tvc; eels, lo; black bass, t2c;
whitehsh, 12c; irog legs, per do., 54c ;
lobsters, green, 33c; boiled lobsters, 17c;
blueflsh, luc; herring, 4Ci Suanish mackerel,
lc; haddock, lfc, shrimp, tl.Ouvdl.W per
gallon; inelU, 12c: cod, Uc.
OYSTERS Fresh standard, 11.40 per gal.;
hell oysters. !1.102.H per WO; Little Neck
ciains. 41 a0 per 10U.
SUGAR Granulated cane. In bbl., 16 04:
granulated cane. In aacka. 15.01; grnulaid
oeet. In aacka, 14 41.
8 Hi P in barrels. 1 4c per 471.; cases, f
10-lb. cans. II 40. cases, 11 6-1 b. cans, 1M;
cases. 24 i4-lb. can. 1.0.
COFFEE Roated: No. 15. 26Hc per lb.;
No. !), tv4o per o. 25, li4e per lb.;
No. 20. 154c per lb.; No. tl, I24SC per lb.
F1XUR (wholeal Bct high (rad Ne
braska, per cel., t2; best high grsdt patent
Minnesota, per cwt, 12.30; straight patent
Nebraska, per cwt., ti. second patent Ne
braska, tl.tu
CURED FISH Family whlteflsh, per 4
bbl., Hsi lb., 14.60; Norway mackerel, pr
bbl., 2u lbs., bloaters, 140; No. 1, A; No. t.
X; No. t. 8a0; Irish No. t. 117. Herring, In
bbl., J0 lbs. ein. Norway, 4k, tit; Nor
way, tk. 111; Holland, mixed, til 60. Hol
land herring, in kega, milker. bOc; keg,
mixed, 'inc.
BROOMS-No. 1 carpet, 11.25; No. I car
pet, 2 40; No. 1 plain, 13.16.
CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west
ern. ioot; Maine, II 26. Tomatoe. l-lb.
can. ll.ibTjl.&v; 2-lb.. IflcCrtl. Pineapple,
grated, 2-lb.. UviKui.JO, sliced. 1102 2";
gallon apple, fancy, California aprt
outs, tl4"t;2.00; pear. tl.TTyjl.W, peaches,
fancy, Il.ia4i2.40; H. C. peae.he. llod-SlWi.
Aiasaa salmon, red.; pink, tuo; fanoy
Chinook, F.. t2.10; fancy aockeye, K.. fl.M;
sal dines. 4-oil, 12.60; -mustards, 2.6uU
1.1H. Sweet potatoes, 1 lyl 26; sauerkraut,
41; pumpkin. SOcuti; wax beana. 2-1 b., 769
luc; Lima beana, 2-lb., 76ikctof l.ti; spinach.
41.eii4j2.c4; cheap ea, t-Ib., sue; ezUa, 760
juc. fancy. tl.3641.7e-
green hide. 44c No. !, 64c; No. 1 lieL
U4c No. 2. 104c; bull hide gfito; dr
hide. KtVc. Horse hides. large, tJ.ov;
small. t2 bf. Sheep pelts, each, aOoCtl 2o.
Tallow, No. 1, 44c; No. 2, 14c: rough, 14c.
Oils aad Roala.
NEW YORK. March -OILS Cottonseed
oil firm; prime crude, f. o. b. mills. 344v32cj:
prim yellow, XlVtJ'&Sc. Petroleum, steady;
refined. New York. 17.40; Philadelphia and
Baltimore. 17.65; Philadelphia and Baltlmoia
In buik. 14.45. Turpentine quiet. 7l4f72c.
ROSIN Vuiet; strained, common to (0044
March 45. OIL Turpentine
Kaaaas City l.lve tloek Market.
reljita. 0.0x41 head, including 600 head aouth- U 174.
ern; market steady to Pc higher; choice SAVANNAH
export and dressd beef steers, tvvttseiii.ig); firm. i40.
fair to food. l4.iiiS26; western fed stwrs. ( RtrSlN-Flrm. Stock. 41,234 bbls. A, B, C,
liUitrtk', stockers and feeders. t'.OilSc.; ID, E. F, O, t4 10; H. 14 2S; 1 14 56; M,;
southern steers. "i.7ti4.B3; southern eow. I N. If. HO; W. O.. Vti.10; W. W.. I JO.
I2.5ccja.: native cows. !.u,.i; nstiv,? OIL CITY. Pa.. March 4 OH.. Credit
11. 5s; Sl.lptiienU, Vi.fW bbls.;
hull, 8.."u4,iO0, calves.
heifers. B.iJUu4.!l
43 utai uu.
HOGS-Recelpt. k.Sofl head; murltet
rpeneci strong and cl iSed weak; top. 44 si;
bulk of asles. ttl StsU'oO. heavy, tt i i .1 tt :
ckcrs, t;.t-44jt,.3.4; pigs and lights, tf.-fssj
head, market stead,: native
l.Hu: weatern lamb,; 4.75
yearlinge. 14 TStil x; w-tern fed
7t.ji. ; weatern fed sheep,
stucaer and foeder. tt.26u4.74.
lamb. IC6"d
11. off
ewe and
14 2-xni 45,
erage, U54 bbl.; run. 10.071 bbl.; aver
age. 4.3n bbls.; shipments, Lima, ai.ti)
l.lols. : average. 54 Uo bbls.;
l.bnt bbl.; aveiagc a.t42 bbl.
run, Limit,
t. Joseph Ltvo lock Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mirth li. CAT TLE-Re-relpt.
head. Market atrong to l'v
higher; native, 4 K-icH-; cows ard helfera,
tl fiotat: stockers and feeders. I3.j4 50.
Hex IS Receipts. I :CI head. Market was
steady; light. tt lMcti 2.'4 : medium and
hesv v. WVi3r4. bulk of saleg. p;2c,4 0
head. Market for lambs l'ie lower; top f ;.7t ;
sheep, strong, ewe 5 60.
max (Its- l.lve Stark Markl.
SIOUX CITY. Msrth .-tgpecial T
gram CATTLE - Fieiclot. I.u hed;
maiket ttead; slot ker strong; to-ve, 14 0)
lit, ifi; cows, bulls and mixed. tl vcl :
; stooxers anil feeders
1 yearhngs. t!evjt A
Hffl Receipts. ".Ss) head; msrket ic
Ihighei . eUing tinintei: bulk, ti li.M M.
; SHEEP AND UlU:- ileceip.a, n
I headi market td.
fi ovnt ST.; calves and j poitatlori business.
4 ogee Market.
market for futures opened steady at a de
cline of 64)10 pofms in response to disap
pointing French .-ablet. 'flier was no
freth demand of consequence and the mar
ket eased off under selling for long account.
The cl-ise was steady ut a net decline of
Ivl5 points. Sales were reHrted of 4.3f
I bass Including Mxv at ' irHl u&c ; July,
i 7 v: September. 7.Jji7.4tc; Iecember. 7 ht
. 7 tSSc. 8iot Rio, teady; No. 7 lnvolc,
t 7. it..
Phlllaalae Hallway laooraarato.
HARTFORD. Ccnn.. March -The Philip
pine Ral'wsi company of Hartford ha
filed srtlcie of Incornoratlon with the tts'e
I secretsry. The authorised capital stock i
ft c. na Arthur 1.. charle W.
Gross nnd Al-un W. Hyde, ail of this city,
are the Incorporators of record Th eom
pary proixises to own and operate steam
u rA ele.'trlf roeda In tha 4hil Islsnita
I ai.d e'eem her, atao ia do a enrsl imm.
" hi. Loals lite siewk Market.
ST. LOUIS. March t -CATTLE-RerelMs. !
l.4Ki head, including J 11 Texan. Maiket (
was strong; native shmrliig and expert j
steer. 84 '-fi KI; dressed Kef and l.Uu nr I
teeis. 14 Stle 16: steets under 1 -ai lbs.. 1 1
in 4 f. siis ltfrrs u r. A -h&.r - ..
autl heifer a, t2.2oigtij, cannar, 11 Ttlivt; j kIi'f itOM tiA
F. D Day & Co,
hlocK. Grain. Provision
bhlg 4 oar Gaala la Va.
Mrs ash tttsee. tio-llt BaarS at Trad
fllelc. Oatkt. Sea. Tlhaaa 4)144,
:-rt kxeeans B'dg , Soath Owiaha.
4aepaaaeai rmnmt)