TITE OMATTA PATLT BTX: WEDNESDAY, MARCH xm. $500,000,000.00 It r ward for the IHirorr of n ore or Preventive of Catarrhal Illaaaaea. FIFTEEN YEARS FOR BUCKLEY Penitentiary Sentence Promptly Imposed on One of Two Captives. HE AND BERRY CAUGHT AT LOUISVILLE Mr. Hearr llrni' I'.mlnmte of , I'rleeleaa lalne of neh a niarotrry. he II Tii tun Januaiv "Cupmopolitan" Mr.. Hnry Cli", thf famous financier. Is looted ait imying that "Tuberculosis and catarrhal dl!sies are responsible for the. !"ifrrlng and drnth of a lnrge minority of thn population 'of this country. M" w"0 could discover a positive cure or irrvn lion of these two scourscs would confer a Iwnrflt which would well Ik- worth Ova hundred riKlione." Ma Hhlik) Done II." Ilacklry lu Judge Gallon F.itrnnation of Ilia (rlrar. I'lraria In mm yiJM IP.' iif;nv ru:'. " Thcie Is no question that Mv. (.'lows Is right. That Tuberculosis and Catarrhal diseases are responsible for nearly 50 per rent of the-sickness and sulTerlng and rarly death of the people "of this country l well substantiated without resort to rtatlstlcs. In fact, it would be sale to so farther and-state that a large majority of the population of this coutnry is suffering from some, form of these trrlble scourges. And that Catarrh Is generally thn fore runner of Consumption and kindred dis ease's Is equally well known. ' There Is no ijuostlon but that proper attention to u catarrhal attack in Its Im'plrncy would not only be a sure preventive of Pulmon ary Tuberculosis, but would r.lso he a sure preventive of such distressing diseases as Asthma, Bronchitis. Catarrhal Pcnfnesg mid many forms of 8toniach, Liver and Kidney troubles. There are two kinds of Catarrh. Moist or hypertrophic nnd dry or atrophic Moist Catarrh produces a accretion which ex tends from one organ to another, causing (hem to become, diseased until the entire sjstem is affected. Catarrh of the nose and throat gradually extends to the bron chial tubes, producing Itronchills and Asthma; then into . the lungs, causing acute lung trouble and Consumption and death. Tho eyes become weak and In flamed and the eustachian tubes become closed, causing deafness and head noises. In dry catarrh there are no secretions. ThS nose and throat become dry and sciily. ' Some" phys'.cluns maintain that Catarrh cannot be cured, ' but there is . a positive cure for Catarrh and preventive of Asthma nnd Consumption. ' That is the vapor treatment and elect ro-ntassn go used by Pr. O. M. Branaman, which penetrates every cavity of the head, throat, ears, bronchial tubes hid rUn'if. 'Soothing and restoring the membranes trr a healthy con dition, it reaches every sore spot froru the orifice of the note to the deepest part of the lungs and to the. innermost re fssea of the middle ear, Mopping the progress of tho disease and curing the dis eased membrane. ' Hut Vr. Hranunian does not ask nor wish for any such munificent reward. Knowing that the ravages of these scourges is especially severe among the poorer people because of their inabili'y to pay the high fees charged' by the general practitioner and the druggists' charges for filling their prescription, and consequently neglect themselves, until very often It la too late to obtain cure. Dr Branaman has gen erously offered his service and treatment entirely free of charge to nil who need treatment' for any form of catarrhal dis ease, the only exix-nsc to the patient being for tins medicines required. This gives everyone, beginning treatment before Marc!) 15th the opportunity to. secure the best treat ment known to- medical science practically free of charge. Many will bo cured for 13, and the most stubborn and complicated eaKes will not exceed IS for one whole month. This offer is not made us an ex periment,: Tills treatment hus cured hun dreds of rases of catarrh, deafness and haul noises that had been pronounced in surable by other specialists. COXstl.TATIO.X FREE, Free Trial Treat mnt to Ail in oflloe. had received any help from the outside. He said the only tool or weapon they had was a case knife. They bad no revolvers, he said, and he did not hear any shots tired after they had escaped. He was the second one out he said. Sheriff McDonald took no chances with him. . lie was see u redly handcuffed and gjarded by Ieputy Sheriff Hair and Jailer 8tryker on the way to and from the jail and In the court room was watched by these two and Sheriff McDonald. Sheriff McDonuld is anxious to get rid of him and will take him to the penitentiary early Wednesday morning. County At- torney EMabaugh does not know yet when " ' I he mill be able to try Berry, who is alleged J.iines J. Buckle) and John Kerry, two I to be an accomplice of Mike Knrlght in a of the four prisoners who escaped from H,h rimul.n saloon holdun. Enrlaht was tlie county Jail Thursday night, were ar- acquitted. rested at Louisville Mjnday and after they sheriff McDonald lias never had much I MSTKR 1 A.SO B HOT MICH CIHKI1 of I. on v Ularaaea uml Deafness. For ' satrerul years I have been nick nnd ut-iimpa arum iuiik uinetiae. iiuti ouo hem 'jriuugts mr. wiiuwity.- i uiwaya nan a cold. Constantly cougnln and spilling blood. My. lungn would luttlu unu jaici me all tno time. Dicuned dump weaioer, as the pains were so severe It seemed liu possiblu to bear it a moment longer. Hud no appetite and nothing taed i.nxl. Ixtst nn ana oeouiua so weaa tnitt even waik ing was painiiu. awiui night sweats wure me otit. I went to Dr. Branaman because ne nsa resiorea iny iium urutlior hearing Brother - had leen deaf for thi ills ears and tue wnole stile ot his head uum bwcii u i unu ine piiin was something nun, ouuiu TAivuu inii mi, urain, Ullll fur If'un uu wuu.u w oiii u Ills lleutl, rav ing, tnsMng aim screaming wan the terrible suiirriiig. row nia neuring is restored and his terrible piiolis of ?fin.'iiiii.' .. Since treating with lr. Bianaiiian I !: k I ned flevh and atrcngth. My night sweats nave entirety uisappearcd. it neems nuraculoua to feel so well ug.iin. Both my leoher nnd 1 have to thank Dr. Bianamuii and bis treatment for our present happiness and health. W both rccuin mend him and bis treatment to ail who euncr. MIS8 Al GtSTA BbXK SliS tlKhtn .North Denver. Mra.'R. I). Ilatchtsiun. iunt . in, t saya: 'Nl had catarrh and deafness for year. nois In my head, my kidney, flum.-tch and lunxs iUiud me. 1 tried many good doelora without relief. I H dm-i-ouinged. Dr. t.ranuman i-uretl me In u abort lime. I am now eu.toylng the besi i.f baeltb." . Mra. LUsle llalgea. SI.HJ . i.m, Kays: "I bad asthma so bad I could not walk upstairs. I would wbeese. cough and gasp for breath day and night. loctci.i i told me asthma could not be cured. Dr. Branaman cured me I am now free from all the above symptoms and feel line." Mr. ti. H. Uarrieoa, He molds. rlt., aaya: "l was deaf for 21 years. Specta,;- ( lsls told mc 1 was lncuratle. I treat, ri i with a dosen. who failed to even benetu , me. Dr. Hranamau uured me, by honvi 1 tiralnient. I cau hear splendid." I air. Wewcll Kraata. ZXJT . mB ' says: I had head nolsea und was getting i deaf ; was troubled with catarrh of no.'! and throat; eaia stopped up; could not hour distinctly. Pr. Branaman cured my ca tarrh, stopped the head noises and restored my hoarlng. - I am now erfeety well and J revoraniend the doetor to all who are deaf." II infrri 111 mini, i iici r in iiupe lor you. llaa Trralnteat KCratira aa Uf ra TratBt. M rite for Home Treatment Syra plant Ulaajka mm4 Hook f VcallMoBkiala. '-j ..' G. II Branaman. M. D., IO rw York Lite Hldg. Uotaka eh. (ffli-a HMirs a. lit. to S p m : evening, ' VuAiuti . IVMliitidjvt aad BLi I untu vm a ,a p. a4i eundsya. W tu. to u iu, ' liud made two desperate attempts to escape from Jai' they ire brought to Omaha in shackles by Deputy Sheriff Haze and Jailer Btryker. Buckle), who had been convicted of holding up an Albright saloon, was hustled over to Judge Sutton's court room as soon as they arrived and sen tenced to fifteen years In the penitentiary after making a long plen for clemency. The fact the men were finally delivered over to the Omaha ollbeis may be at tributed to good luck or Kior Judgment on the part of the prisoners. They were first arretted at Louisville Monday morning for being drunk, but nftet being held until early alternooii were released. They were rearrested after Marshal Johnson had dis covered they had tried to break out of the jail and it was after their second arrest tho Louisville offictnl began to think he bnd captured big game. At 1 o'clock Tuesday morning Berry made an attempt to escape and was stopped only by 'the bullets from the gun of .an assistant In the Jail. He requested Marshal Johnson to let him go to a closet uml the marhnl let him out of the cell. Berry watched his chance ami dealt the marshal a blow on the side of the Jaw that felled htm to the floor. The marshal drew his gun. but It caught In his pocket and threw the cylinder of the frame out. A young man he had assisting him In the jail came to his rescue and fired three shots after Berry, who was making a run for liberty. One of the shots went wtthln n few inches' of Berry's head and he sur rendered. Omaha Officers (,et Word. The Omaha authorities were notified of the arrrst about midnight Monday night and from tho description it was decided the men were Buckley and Berry and the two men from here were sent to Louisville on a freight train. Tho men were first arrested by Marshal Johnson. They w re in a saloon and had been drinking heavily. He locked them up, but let them go about 3 o'clock. After they had gone ho found they had almost suceeded in prying loose the Iron frame of the Jail window. The two men took a train for Plattsmouth, but as the train passed the gravel pit near town they changed their minds and Jumped off. They went back to the saloon they were arrested in in the morning and Johnson nabbed them again. They were kept all night and then turned over to the sheriff s assistants and brought back to Omaha on a Burlington train, reaching Omaha about 10:30. Reporters were not allowed to talk to them, but they made a short statement to Captain Haie on the way back to the city. They said after tho escape they went to Sheely, where they bought some liquor. They then went to South Omaha, bought pme ' more liquor, and spent the night there. At this point In their statements they stopped talking. It was rumored they had given a tip as to the-whereabouts of O'Brien, the only one of the quartet now at liberty, but this was denied by Captain Hase. 'At the Jail Berry waa given' his blue suit .again and Buekley was held In the office until Judge Sutton was ready for him. Buckley Denies Guilt. Attorney Cooper appeured before Judye button for Buckley and made a motion for a new trial, which was promptly overruled by Judge Sutton. When the judge asked Buckley If he had anything to say why sentence should not be pronounced upon him, the prisoner stood up in front of the Judge's bench and made a long plea. He denied having anything to do with the holdup and said the story of Healey, tho victim, was a "pack of Ilea." While he was talking he shifted about uneasily, standing first on one foot and then on an other, keeping his head down nearly all the time. 'It was whisky that done It, Judge." he said at the close of his plea. "I can't keep from drinking and when I drink I can't tll what I am doing." Mr Cooper told the court Buckley be longed to a good family In the east and nau a mot tier ana sister living who were highly respectable people. As Buckley la bS years old he urged leniency. "I have made a careful Inquiry as to your past life," said Judge Sutton in an nouncing the sentence, "and I have been informed that you are one of the most dangerous criminals ever tried In this state. I may have been misinformed, but I have been told you have been confined in a num ber of penitentiaries In different states and that you hold life of very little value. If everyone were like you this country would be a howling wilderness of crime." Xo Help from Outside. Judge Sutton asked Buckley ubout the Jull delivery and the latter denied they doubt about recapturing Buckley as he is heavy drinker and seems unablo to leave liquor alone. His personal appearance is such he could he picked out of a crowd by anyone who had seen him. He would lie taken by an experienced officer as a criminal at first sight. The Iioulsvllle marshal stands to get Ji, ns Sheriff McDonald offered a reward of Ym for the capture of each fugitive. County Attorney Slabaugh has b gun garnishment proceedings against Jumes J. Buckley for the costs in the criminal case. Buckley gave $L'0O to Ex-Sheriff Power to keep for him when he was arrested and his money has been attached by the county. The costs of the case amount to tlsS. Twice Arrested at Loalevllle. LOUISVILLE, Neb., March 6 (Special Telegram.) Two strangers appeared in own yesterday morning and in a short time became Intoxicated. They were placed In jnil by City Marshal Johnson, but about p. m. the marshal released them with the understanding that they leave town. They went a short distance from town, when hey chnnged their minds and returned. They were not discovered by the marshal until after supper, when he again placed them in Jail and guarded them all night. About 4 o'clock this morning the sheriff and the Jailer from Omaha came to town. having beer, notified last evening by the marshal, and w?nt to the Jail, where the prisoners were identified by the Jailer as John Berry and J. J. Buckley, two of the prisoners who broke Jail at Omaha a few days ago. Sheriff McDonald and the jailer took the prisoners to Omaha on the Bur lington, which left at. 8:55. P-L I M-I-N O 7 3 -I I M-l-N PTR fca-LI M-I-N A-TUM These remarkslilr irmtdlri are use mil tokened by tne net people in tliUeliy. K-l,l!-l-0 nven-ninr, Weakneaa ens te. vrfulttn wltliuut sliH)bollr or fetrieliniu Miami tln. K-l Imi-1-uo act b i-leaulng lUe potwonous te pp'tlm-ta irum the blooa sail taut restores llie clremauon. t 111 IA FTM lurr CkroRlr roost I na tlon without the coDtuiued use iff physic. Tliey aie dellulit lo all ttaiu smtri4. K.LIt IDtTI M hioiw rain la the vnrat wruiiui Moeomallem. neoralala sue ajelat lea without th use of Opium. MurDulne, Corim. ur Nerrottea la soy form. K-llio.l-na-toae sett hy 4l,nlvlug the polione that are aetttluc In the JolaU sua tieaura am' cau, lug pain. Atit uur Pruggtat. an organisation for the purpose of defeat ing the proposed meatire against Sunday base ball. The men will represent the thir teen laigest cities In the state, being Des Moines and Sioux City of the Western league. Cellar Bepld.s, Davenport and Du buque of the Thiee-I league and nil the teams of Ibe Iowa league. tiOI.I' TOl RVtMKVr t W ARIIKI) Western tasoclatlon rlects I'laees for i haraplonahlp Contests.. CHiCAtiO. Mnreh fi The western ama teur goh chnmplonshlp tournament for I'M; w i-4 awarded to the Olen Kcho Coun try c!ul of St. Lou), at the annual meeting here tonight of the Western Oolf associa tion. The western championship tourna ment went to the Homewood Country club of Chicago and th t-am competition for the .Marshall Kiold trophy to Onwentsta. The dates for the tournament will lie set tled by the executive committee t a fu ture meeting. Officers for the cunning year were elected ns follows: President, Fhclpe Hoyt of ilenvlew; ice president. George 8 Mo drew or the tllen Kchu Country club. St. Louis: treasurer. Murray Nelon. Jr.. of Onwentsla; secretary. Al'b-rt tiates of the Coluniet Country club. Chicago. The meeting was one of the largest ever held in fsilnt of attendance, forty-eight eluhs lielng represented. Slnee the last an nual meeting fifteen clubs have Joined the assoelutlon, the total rriemherahlp now being eighty-seven. The treasurer s report si. owed tin- organization to be flourishing financially. SPORTS OF A DAY. HlKh School Team Beaten. SClll-YI.KH. Ni It.. March r,.-(Hj c iiil Telegram.) The Schuyler basket bull team ileal tint high school team hero liy a score of 1H to 14. The game was close arid well contested from lieginuing to end. IoaaaaaHBr twmm u M aaaaaBia 1 fff aaataaaMBaasaav i H EVENTS 0 TIIK HISMSO THACKS Telegrapher's Improved Performance Causes Snrprlse at Osklsits. HOT STRINOS. Ark., March Telg- ranher wns the surprise and Bullfinch the disappointment at Oiklawn today. The lm- roved race ot leiegrapner causou jiok" Bryan to call Owner W. H. Msllory Into he stand for an investigation. No Hctlon was taken today, as one of the principal witnesses needed could not be located. Duchess Ollle. Convolo and Bitter Hand were the winning favorites. W. O. Wil liams was played by all the wls bettors and his victory caused the books to bo hard hit. Jockey Dennison carried off the honors of the day. Results: First race, five and a half furlongs: Duchess Ollle won. Dresden second. Young Safer third. Time: 1:H. Second race, six furlongs: Convolo won. H. L. Frank second, Black Pnt third. Tlm: PIS. Third race, one mile: Telegrapher won. Kittle Flatt second. King Kllswoith third. Time: P41S. Fourth rsce. seven furlongs: Bitter Hand won. Tomoehlchi second. Vagabond third. Time: PIS. Fifth race, five and .1 hnlf furlongs: w. O. Williams won. Dusky second. Scalplnck third. Time: pnS. Sixth race, one and an eighth mile: Do- Ilnda won. George Vivian second, Aggie Lwis third. Time: 1:53. A."v kkam-idcu, Aiaren . Kesuits: First race, three and a half furlongs: Silver Line won, Metidnn second, Keba third. Time: 0:42',,. 8econd race, one mile and a sixteenth: l.lberto won. Expedient second. Blackthorn third. Time: 1:S0V. Third race. Futurity course: Prince Mag net won. Bear Hunter second, Mncgregor third. Time: 1:12. Fourth race, the Favorite handicao. Fu turity course: Haibert won, Tocolaw sec ond. Saint George Junior third. Time: 1:10. Fifth race, one mile: Lucia won. Wen- rick second, May Holliday third. Time: 1:46. Sixth race. Futurity course: Blumenthal won. Tarn O Bhanter second. Sad Sam third. Time: 1:12. NEW ORLEANS. March 6. (Results at City park: First race, three and a half furlonars: Little Boot won, Irene A second. Black Flag third. Time: 0:lit5. Second race, one mile and three-six teenths: Sis lje won. Benvollo second. Small Talk third. Time: 2:1. Third race, one mile and one-sixteenth. handicap: Snllor Boy won, Tarp second. Garnish third. Time: P4TH. Fourth rare, five and a half furlongs: Prince Brutus won. Robin Hood second, Astarlta third. Time: 1:US4. Fifth race, one mile and a sixteenth, sell ing: Trenola won, Wogclebug second, Gen clate third. Time: 1:4M- Sixth race, one mile: Bon Mot won. Arthur Cummer second, Brushton third. Time: 1:40V Seventh race, five and a half furlongs. selling: Meadow Breeze won. Doctor Mack second. Oratorlan third. Time: 1:08, Results at fair grounds: First race, one-half mile: Judge Dovey won, Dorothy M second, Gold Circle third. Time: ft:49j. Second race, six furlongs, selling: Elec tric' Spark won, Arabo second, Verandah third. Time: 1:14V Third race, six furlongs: Tom Mankins won. Invincible second. Roue third. Time; 1:14. Fourth race, six furlongs, handicap r Guiding Star won. Disobedient second, Cousin Kate tlflrd. Time: 1:14. Fifth race, one mile and a sixteenth: Pncle Henry won. Lemon Girl second, Lena J third. Time: l:4iV. Sixth race, one mile: Rolla won. Request secona, namiicar imru. lime: 1:4:1. J.OS ANGKLKS, March . Results at Ascot : First race, six fu'longs: Belvolr won. Conde second. Macumber third. Time: 1 :i::4. Second race, rive furlongs: Silver Wed ding won. J'lnlu weron'J, Mazapau third Time: 1:01. Third race, one miie and a furlniis- Needful won. Fie. aia second. Ding Dong II iniru. I line . J Fourth mce. one mile, handicap: Kiubar rassment won. Morita second. Good Luck mini, -lime: i :.. Fifth race, one mile and a sixteenth George P. McNeur won, Dewey second Mis May Bowdlsh third. Time: P47t4. Bixin race, six ruriougx: Koxliall won. r.velyn Urimn second. An Lara thud. Time: 1:14. pnrllnay Irrevltles. Jack Chesbro has signed his contract with the New York Americans. He had a bad year last season. The high school basket ball team will go to Hioux City, Friday for a return game with the high school team at that place. Brooklyn has been promised surplus pitchers by other National League clubs, provided they are not needed by the clubs that have the twirlers. A wrestling bout has been arranged to take place in the quiet village of Benson, Friday night. Langton will he opposed by the pride of the South Omaha stock yards. None of the members of the New York American League club will escape sprlu practice this year. No colleges have en gaged any of the players to coach their base bull nines. The Chicago Cubs left Chicago March 6 for the southern trip and will not include umuiia on the return trip as in former years. Much reliance Is placed on Sheckard and Steinfeldt and it is thought Sehring may not report. Manager McGraw, of the New York Giants, is Ju hi Pint over the showing made with the stick by Sammy Strang, his utility player of last season. "out ot twelc times I sent him to bat the latter part of a game," said "Mugsy," "he made good ten times. I guess that conies very near to .the record for an emergency man.'" Listen to that yell from the Record Herald: "Piltfhuig released Pfeistr onco and that Is no boost." Yes and Pittsburg let go of Del Howard once, and that is no boost for Pittsburg's Judgment of a first class ball player. What's the use bickering over the possibility of the wisdom of Pitts burg's releasing Jack, when you have a couple of reasons of as tine work as any pitcher ever did In the Western league to draw conclusions from? Oh Joy. what good thing is Providence going to send next? Just to think Western league fans will not be oppressed with Mike Cantillon this season as a manager. That's almost too good to believe. Caruthcrs last year made the assertion he would not umpire in a league where such a character as Cuntillon could be manager. It Is con soling to think that even If Bobby Is not going to umpire in this circuit this season, neither will the other person be a manager. The Record Herald has this to say con cerning Jack Pfelstor: "Manager Chance is pinning his faith to Pitcher Pfelster, the Western league recruit. He is a "south paw" and the club management seems to think there Is no doubt at all that he will bo as good a pitcher right from the Jump as Welmer was, who went to Cincinnati In the trade for Sebring and Steinfeldt. Certain Western league people say Pfeistcr has been touted too highly here. His work with the Omaha team was good, but nothing wonderful, say those who pretend to know. Pittsburg released Pfelster once, which Is no "boost."' . Dodge, Beebe, Knolls and Mueller, the otner pitchers signed, are doubtful proposltjoiv. Knolls Is the best of the lot, but is,au -erratic and unreliable that his chances ofmaklna; good In the big league look daffi, ' Like Bursting. When your head , feel like bursting, Dr. King's New Life Pills quickly cure the cause, constipation. 25c. For sale by Sher man & McConnell Drug Co. Montana Stockman Dlea. CHICAGO. March, Frank Kramer, a stockman from Miles City, Mont., dropped dead of heart disease here today while in the wultlng room, of the Grand Central depot. ' REAL. ESTATE THAKSFERi. DEEDS filed for record Mareh ft. lo. as furnished by the j. Fred Kerr company, bonded abstracters, 1008 New York Life bnilflinir: Van B. Iady and wife to Joseph Frenxer and wife, lot ft, Isaacs & Griffen's add and part of Burt street adjoining on south I ' D. V. Sholes company to Arthur C. Flua. lot s. block 4. Vassar place J George W. Jenks, trustee, to William I H. Kussell, lot 26, diock s. iJaaer Dlace It Harry A. Tukey to James A. Howard. lots iu. Ci, a. 2) ana mj, diock Mystic trk 1. Ida Iebovit to Harry A. Tukey. same It James Aherne et al to Frank D. Rob- bins, lots 6, 7 and 8. Muraette court Katie Ragan to James A. Bingham, lot 4 hlnck 1. Sixteenth street add.. 30C Same to same, lot 3, block 1, Sixteenth street add a"" Marv Olsen to Joseph Kubik and wife, lot lb, block K Brown park.... S40 A. R. Davla and wife to Karl Llnin- ger. wf-4 sW-i s-15-13 z.oou Jacob Slosburg, sr., et al to Mary Uiikp. n V lot 4, block 19, Omaha, and other land 7.M0 Christian Sekler to Elizabeth C. Gra ham, part lots 1 and 2. Buell's sub div . Daniel H. Smith to Robert S. Callyer, sH 1 t it.' block 4, Horbach's 2d add.. 1 Anders M. Anderson to Nellie M. An trim, purt lot 10, block 16. College place 5,300 Luther Maupln and wife to Nick Fenger, lots 1 and t. block 10, Omaha, View 1 Elizabeth C. Graham to Minnie Shra der, w 4u feet lot e, block 2, Parker's add i- MOO Harry A. Tukey to Edward T. Rouse, lots 1. in. il. 22. Zi and if, block 9. Halcyon Heights W Furnani Smith, trustee, to Wirents Anderson, Igl 9, block 3, Denises add .- Porter Ptckelt to Cora A. Rector, lot 1.1. block 3. Orchard Hill 1 Rebecca. A. Cottle to William Power, wU fc-lC-10 MOC Ida I.ebovits to W. F. Pitt, lots 54 and Jo. block 2. Mystic park K BANKS WILL NOT PAY THE TAX Local Financiers Say The Cannot Afford to Meet Woodmen'a Oblie&tious. THINK ORDER OUGHT TO AWAIT DECISION Matties and Drake Car l'ament ot Tax on Iteserve Fund tVonhl He More Than Fair I n -terest on Deposits. It was whispered around Tuesday morn ing thai Sovereign Commander Root of Hie Woodmen of the World was awaiting in offer on the part of the Omuha banks, which hold that organization's reserve fund as deioslt to pay a share of the taxes which will be nsi-eesed on the fund in April. It the blinks would make such an offer. It was said, the Woodman would agree to do nothing this spring with regard to moving the headquarters, but would await the action of the supreme court. In spite of Mr Root's statement that he had advance Information to the effect that the decision or the court would be adverse to the Wood men, the fiankers say It is absurd that any thing could have leaked from the supreme court commission, and ihut Mr. Root's Information cannot be reliable. Mr. Root numliereil among the Induce ments held out to his order from Port Worth and DaJlas, Tex., assurances of the national banks there that no tax would encumber the reserve fund. Although the banks will suffer from the withdrawal of the Woodmen to another state, it Is likely Mr. Root will be disap pointed if he expects advances from the bankers. They agree they cannot afford to pay the taxes on the reserve this year. Ranks Cannot See It thai Way. "If the taxes are to be I75,nni) as Mr. Root expects." said Luther Iriike. presi dent of the Merchants National bank, "that would mean JlI,nno for each one of the banks which carry the Woodmen's money. It would be big interest on the deposits. The banks cannot afford to do It. If the decision should be adverse, then our money would be gone and we would have no de posits. On the other hand, I think the organization can well afford to await the final action of the supreme court. The move to another state would cost money and the sacrifice on real estate the Wood men probably would be compelled to make would cause a loss of more. If the decision relieves them of taxes they will be glad to stay, and they will be saved the expense of moving." "I do not see that the banks can do anything for the order," said Gurdon W. Wattles, vice, president of the Pnited States National bank. "Together with all other people cf the city, we will rrgret It exceedingly if the Woodmen are compelled to leave, for the organization is a big tiling for Omaha, Still, I do not see what we can do; the matter is up to the supreme court." C'ominerrial tlab May Art. President Judson of the Commercial club, after conferring with some of the bankers and other business men, said a meeting might be called Wednesday of men rep resenting Omaha's commercial Interests, in a final effort to evolve some plan for keeping the Woodmen here. Whatever may be the decision of the committee Wednesday with regard to mov ing, it Is known the order has been making arrangements preparatory to a removal if it should prove necessary Tho real estate agents of the Woodmen have been ex tremely active in looking up prospective purchasers for property owned by the order, and they are said to have secured bids on part of it. Members of Council. Some members of the executive council of the Woodmen of the World, which will hold a meeting In Omaha Wednesday to decide upon matters In connection with the proposed movement of the headquar ters of the order, are in the city. Those already present are W. A. Fraser of DaJ las, Tex.; C. C. Farmer of Mt. Carroll, 111.; and J. E. Fitzgerald of Kansas City. The members of the executive council are: Sovereign Commander Joseph Cullen Root. Omaha, Neb.; Sovereign Adviser W. A. Fraser, Dallas, Tex.; Sovereign Clerk John Thomas Yates, Omaha, Neb.; Sover eign Banker Morris Shcppard, Tcxarkana, i'ex. ; Sovereign Escort II. F. Slmrall, Co lumbus, Miss.; Sovereign Watchman Col orel B. W. Jewell, Omaha, Neb.; Sover eign Sentry De E. Bradshaw, Little Rock, Ark. Sovereign managers N. B. Maxey, chairman, Muskogee, I. T.; C. C. Fanner. Mt. Carroll, 111.; C. K. Erwin. Milwaukee, Wis.; J. E. Fitzgerald, Kansas City, Mo.; F. W. Lewis. Kineton, N. C; L. Q. Raw son, Cleveland, O.; T. E. Patterson, Chat tanooga, Tenn. "This taxation matter has been In the hands of the state board, and I understand Mr. Mortensen has been most active against us," said Commander Root, Tues day, "for the last two or three years. The governor's name appears on the suit, but 1 do not think he has been pushing the mat ter." When asked what his preference for a new location was, C. C. Farmer of Mt Carroll. 111., replied: "Mt. Carroll, of course." J. A. Todd of Fort Worth, Tex., Is in the city to present the arguments in favor ot that city for the location of the Woodmen headquarters there. When asked If he rcprebented the Commercial club of Fort Worth, he replied he represented the whole city, the business men and even the chil dren, all of whom were clamoring for the location. "The four national banks of Fort Worth have offered to guarantee the order against taxation," sa.ld Mr. Todd, "and I am here to present the claims of the city for the headquarters. We of Texas think that be cause of our 88,000 members In that state we are entitled to have the headquarters,." FAST TRAIN Leave Omaha - 6:00 P. M. Arrive Chicago 7:30 A. M. Steamship tickets to all Europ ao points. ILLINOIS CENTRAL TICKET OFFICE 1402 Farnam St., Omaha. Nek. W ITH TIIK BOW I. Kit. The Armours won three straight games from the Stors Blue Ribbons last night. Sprague rolled on.' of his corking gaJiies and pulled the packers out of the second ound with A 2M score. He wa also high on totals with iLHi. Scores: . ! ARM OCRS. 1st. S.I. :M. Tolul. Neale :'l:l 14 lsl S8 Tonneman 1 htf 51 , Ojerde 1M 1:17 h 517 ! Hartley 1!M 158 14i C I Spiague , Ins 1y.' !t ! Totals BU'E ....sm: sua RIBBONS Kri lather Forscutt . Hunter ... Schneider Weber .... Totals 1st. 190 1MB Hit l'J4 173 id. 147 1M 1M If 173 ill! 3d. Hi lHi liil 17'.' 2.7511 Total. 479 S71 S4n U4 841 K i'.til Tennis tOafrlra Close. LONDON. March 6 The entries for the Dwight K. Davis international lawn tennis cup closed today with only three chal lengers. America. Auatralaala and Austria. The drawing for the preliminary heats to decide which team will play the British holders of the trophy is expected to t ka pla :e tomorrow. , Meeting- of Baao Ball Men. FORT DODGE. la., March . tSprUa! A i...,im. n t all V. (111, nil IPTI tit ht tkBH ' I hall trams of tb state lisa been called tor Dee Mylnee Wednesday, MrcU 7, to stall Old Dutch Cleanser la absolutely free from caustic or alkali, or acid, or anthlnc else Injurious to the skin. It makes the bands white and smooth, and should be used by everybody whose hands get grimy in their daily work. . Machinists, farmers, uutomobllists. And it in valuable. It removes ink stains almost instantly without red- B"akBBBBBBBBSBBBSBBBSSBjeaBBBaaaB-- NSSk or rotiifen- iiiK the skin, or tlisc-oloriiiB the nails. Tim Ideal tleiinser for jmI islii Bf in e t n I -work, cleaning floors, woodwork, klt'hen utensils. Complies with th pure food laws of every state CALUMET BAKING POWDER HEHTH'i Cilumet is made of the finest materials pos sible to aelnrt, and make lt(ht ellT digested Bread. Rlacalts or PaMrv: therefore. It Is recom mended by leading pbyatclao and chemists. FPflNnilY ,n ,iosr Cslssttt you are always avmred LUUnUM I a-ood baklnr: therefore, there la no wt nf material or time. Cllsmat li put up In air-tic!, t csn: It will keep looser tn .tn any other Making t'owoer on tne market and has more ralaing power. PAIIIIICT l so carefully and sck-n-U ft LU Htl tiflcallv prepared that ttie neutralisation of the meredienta la absolutely perfect. There I ore, food prepared with Vaisaiet Is tren Irom Kochelle Salts. Alum, or any injurious substance. $1,000.00 f fven for any unbalance In jurious to Deaiui found In Calumet DOCTORS MEN THE MEN'S TRUE SPECIALISTS. Men whose vitality is exhausted, those who have some private disease or weakness lurking in their system, and who are prematurely old while still young in years, broken down wrecks of what ought to be, and who want to be strong end feel as vigorous as they did before they wasted their strength to enjoy life again to win back the vim. vigor and vitality lost should consult with the eminent specialists connected with the Slate Medical Institute before It Is too lute. It is humiliating to know that your manly strength is slipping away to be weak, nervous, fretful and gloomy, have pains and aches In different parts of the body, your sleep dlnturbcd. weak back, headaches, despondency, melan cholia, too fretful urination, palpitation of the heart, unable to concentrate; your thoughts, poor memory, easily fatigued, specks before the eyes, aver sion of society, luck of ambition, will power depleted. dliy siiells, vital losses, poor circulation, to le cold, lifeless and worn out, primarily induced in many cases by abuses, excesses, overwork, etc. Vigorous munliood is the stepping stone to surcess in life. The man who preserved the vitality given him by nature or having lost It, has regained it by securing, proper trestment in lime. Is enabled to shove n.-ide the barriers which impede his progress, both commercially and socially. It forces men to the front in all walks of life. Do you want to be strong, possess nerves of steel, self-confidence, strength in every muscle, ambition, grit, energy and endurance. In order to make your life complete? We have gladdened the hearts of thousands of young und middle-aged men, who were plunging toward the grave, restoring them to perfect specimens of physical manhood. If you are lacking in these essential elements of manhood, you should consult with us at once before It Is too late. We cure safely and thoroughly. Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, J, Kidney and Urinary Diseases and all diseases or weaknesses due to Inheritance, evil habits, excesses, self abuse or the result of specific or private diseases. W'tt make no misleading statements, deceptive or unbusinesslike propositions to the afflicted, neither do we promise to -ure them in a few days, nor offer cheap, worthless treatment in order to secure their patronage. Honest doctors of recognized ability io not resort to such methods. We guarantee a perfect, safe and lasting enre in the quickest possible time, without leaving injurious after-CiWts in the system, and at the lowest cost possible for honest, skillful and successful treatment. FOrr Consultstlon If you cannot call write for symptom blank. ll and Examlnstlon Office Hours 8 a. m. to I p. m.; Sundays. 1m to 1 only, i ..: i STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1808 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., OMAHA, NEB. I ft s EI NIGHT CHICAGO TRAIN Number 12 TAKE DINNER AT HOME. It leaves Omaha It arrives Chicago. . . . 8 -.05 p. m. .0:03 a. m. DAY CHICAGO TRAIN Number 6 It leaves Omaha. It arrives Chicago. . . :'2, a. m. . .8:4.) p. in. AFTERNOON CHICAGO TRAIN Number 2 It leaves Omaha It arrives Chicago. . ..'5:45 p. in. . . .7:00 a. in. Tickets, berths, folders, rates mnl information at City Ticket Office. 1502 Farnam St. IK We Cure Men for AT ALL GROCERS IN Large Sifting t An Top Cans UUC Mad by Ob CUDAUY PACKING CO.. SOUTH OMAHA. NEBRASKA 6. vm ' frL f " f mm . ill WEAK. NERVOUS MEN rv, n"t DR. SEARI.KS EARLES, .,rHi or victims to Nervous Debility or No"o.hrrPV..a,,,,.t will rl-HK a. t llllt BLOOD POISON &?"krJn! '.Visocu'r. all SZ&tftdXZZZ Hydrocrla. Prostatic. Catarrh of Hladdr. Kldnea. .chronic dl..r;. of J".; Writ. f. FREE Al "V" 'leraska. Uth and Douglas Sireeta. Omaha. Nebraska. Heateiectric light janitor service ail night and Sunday elevator ser vicea fire proof building all cost the tenant of The Bee Building nothing extra. -