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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1906)
THK OMAHA DAILY BKK: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 11X0. The Omaha Daily Bee. E. ROBEWATER. EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERT MORNINO. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ially Bee (without Sunday), ona year. ..MM I l 1 y lies and Sunday, one 7ax ' Illustrated Be, one year I W Sunday lice, one year t-0 Saturday Bee, una year 1W DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Dally Wee (including Sunday), per week.. To Dally Bee (without Sunday , far week.. ..lie Evening B'e (without Sunday), per week. c Evening Bra (with Sunday), per week. ...10c Sunday Bee. oer cony Addreaa complaints of Irregularities in de- livery to City Circulation Department. Irculatlon V OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha Oily Hall Building. Council Bluffs-10 I'earl Street. Chicago 1640 Unity Building. New Vork 13f Home Life Ins. Building. Washington Ml Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating- to news and ed Itorlal matter should be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order payable to The Bee Publishing Company Only 2-cent stamps received as payment of mall accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BEE PUBL1BHINO COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss: C. C. Rosewater, secretary of The Bee Publishing company, being duly sworn, says that the actual numoer of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morning. Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of February, 190S. waa as fol lows: I 2 81.KSO 1 83,200 4..... 99,8X0 6 81.70O I 81.T10 7 81.KAO 1 81.4AO 81,4MO iff aa.rao n ,eoo 12 81.8BO It 81.X90 14 81.SOO is steo It 88,040 17 R.30 11 89,2.10 i si, an 29 81.8TO tl 81,820 2J 8L30 a B1.430 24 82.000 2B Stt.JKM) 2t 81,300 27 81.4SO 28 81,SeiO ToUl 8TS.210 Leas unsold copies 9,1(121 Net total sales fMO.O-trt Dally average 81,374 C. C. ROSEWATER Secretary. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before ma this 2&th day of February, 19U6. (Seal) M. B. HUNGATE, Notary Public. WHEN OIT OF TOWJf. Snbaerlbera leaving the city teni porarlly should have The Be nailed to them. Address will bo . changed aa oftea as reaaested. Delegates at Algeclras should remem ber that on the subject of police Russia Icakg as an expert Perhaps, after all, the democratic sen ators required the use of the pitchfork to drive them upon the presidential res ervation. Another record mark has been made for Ooiaha bank clearings. But Omaha Is making new record marks nearly every day. Tho school teuehers acknowledgement of the new salary 'schedule expresses an attitude of thanks for what they have it nd hopes for more. The discovery of a bomb In the hair of a wohiini" In TRuVslii will probably make "pompadours" unfashionable in fct. Petersburg official circles. It is up to those liquor dealers who have again Incurred the displeasure of the Civic Federation to make another compromise on any terms they can get. Doubling the price of saloon licenses at Chicago will doubtless do more there toward a sane control of the liquor traf fie than all of tho "lrds" between Port land. Me., and Portland. Ore. With Bourke Cockran grand sachem of the tribe of Tammany, ex-Boss Croker may find another reasou for not leaving his Wantage home to take part In another political contest in New York. "Insurgents" may denounce the rules of the lower house of congress, but while watching the course of the rail road rate bill In the senate a lot of peo ple will regret there are no similar rules In the upper house. If the city attorney of Omaha does not challenge the city attorney of South Omaha to mortal combat to de cide which is no lawyer, the spectacu lar possibilities of the campaign will , not be fully exploited. If the Chinese government Is as much exercised as reports Indicate over the rumor that the United States is prepar ing an expedition to Peking, it Is quite possible all ne-essity for such a trip will be averted. It now transpires that the United Htatos must have not only a big navy but also coast defenses from Cape Cod to' Zoamboanga so the nary will not have to watch the land. "World power" is expeustve, but we must have It. The news that Husan B. Anthony, the mother of the woman suffrage move- uieut, Is ill will cause profound regret among many people who do not fully coincide with her political views, but admire persistency and honesty lu any cause. A commercial club conrtnlttee down at Lincoln baa reported In favor of municipal ownership as the proper way to relieve-the unsatisfactory street railway situation at the state capital The Omaha Commercial club com rnlttee which la wrestling with the telephone question might get a tip bore. , One farmers' institute In Nebraska has already started the resolutlug In fuvor of a 2-cent passenger fare by legls atlve enactment. If the railway lobby 1st wilt watch their political barometer Ibey will see the trouble column steadily rising, and their foolhardy refusal to pay their legally levied ' taxes Is not operating to stem the tide of public rc- acntweut. el thee. pr.rosrTS rr trkascht rcsns. The decision of Hecrctsrv Shaw to deposit lo.Oiro.U'O of public money In national banks throughout the country raise once sijrnin protest lu the et and particularly In New York paper. The Ul-concoaled point of this criticism, however, la not the deposit of treasury funds In tanks, lint their eqnltalde dis tribution atnonit banks in the various section of the country. Instead of ar bitrary allotment of the lion's share to the Mr batiks of New York and other eastern centers of exchange and spec illation. Precisely this Is the true con tent of a lalwred arraignment In the ed itorial rolunins of the New York Jour nal of Commerce of the secretary's sys tem of distribution of deposits, although H Is put In the form of an argument that public fundH In excess of the re quirement of the treasury for a work ing balance "should le left to distribute themselves equitably after they have been deposited." Iiurlng all the decades when It was the custom of the treasury to "relieve" the stress In the money market by de posits practically confined to the east ern renters there was never a com plaint from their newspaper spokesmen, the funds evidently "distributing them- aelves" to the perfect satisfaction of all Interests In those quarters. Their dif ferences with the secretary of the treas ury In those days were mainly ex- ressed In clamor for bigger deposits than he might allow or for relief on excuses which he might not deeui suf ficient. It Is noteworthy that the familiar outcry Is made now In eastern money centers at a time when the effects of speculative excesses are making them selves apparent In the stock market, the Invariable occasion of traditional Wall street demand for n free hand with urplus public funds. But the country will approve as more equitable anil sal utary that policy which makes those funds, the common property of the peo ple, directly available for the legitimate business wants of the people of all the sections. YOUSO PATTERSONS CASK. Joseph Medill Patterson, who last week resigned In disgust the place of commissioner of public works under Mayor Dunne of Chicago, is not the first oung man to be shocked by the colli sion of his idealism with rough actuali ties, nor Is be the first to be thrown out of even-balanced Judgment by tho shock. The xeal that curried him into sensa tional espousal of Mayor Dunne's pro posals of municipal ownership in the ex citing contest over the Chicago street railways overleaped all bounds and landed him in such extreme socialism that he finds practical dealing with the existing state of things unconquerably repugnant to his feelings. He washes his hands of the whole business and turns forthwith to preaching the doc trines of an impractical cult. The fact that young Patterson as a municipal official bumped against it Is simply the fact of human nature. It has to be dealt with Just the same, whether under the form of existing In stitutions or under those of the soclul- st's conception, if ever that be at tempted. But he found so much selfish ness and overreaching, such machina tions ef evil-minded men and abuses In actually administering tli local govern ment of Chicago that Instead of carry ing ou to the limit of his ability a real tight In the living present, he walks off the field of battle before the contest Is really on. Just now especially are we living in a time when we need earnest and honest men to grapple with the governmental abuses and evils immediately about them, disagreeable and discouraging as the struggle often Is, rather than to idealize and theorise in the clouds. STOCKS AS lXSCRAyCE ISVESTMESTS No conclusion of the able and ex haustive report of the Armstrong In vestlgatlng committee has given a more pronounced turu to public thought than the one which urgently recommends the exclusion of Industrial stocks from the investments of life Insurance compa nles. The attention of policy holders has been more directed during recent investigations and exposures to ex travagauce and other gross abuses of management which invited and were capable of more summary correction than the wide-spread fundamental error In investment of insurance assets. But stockholders generally und thoughtful men are now Insisting iiMn Itouds and real estate security, to the exclusion of stocks, as one of the most important steps to be taken next in establishing life Insurance on a satisfactory basis, The reasons for this course are ob vious. By the very nature of the bus iness the paramount point is security, and uot mere profit, us the primary Hen ou the property at bottom of In vestmeut bonds ure to be preferred to stocks which shrink In value In the event of disaster. The mere fact that during recent years insurance compa nles in many cases have made consul erable profits lu stock oieratIons Is not sutficieut at all. although It constitutes the sole plea iu defense of those, otli clals who have been so gravely Involved in the exosuie of such oieration. Even If stock Investments did not open up opportunities for questionable or corrupt manipulation for private gain and teud to a long train of other evil consequences, as lieyond question they do, the lis sard of loss to policy holders is ominous. The profits tnat have been claimed by discredited ohi clals were the lucky chance of an extra ordinary .market. But If the syndicates maneuvering for some of the Insurance companies In connection with great stock flotations bad begun or been caught In a time of depression, disaster would have Isvu inevitable, The Hlley holder Would , uot fail to suffer the whole loss, although he clearly has not received, ssve in small part, the profit when such Investments were fortunate. The demand Is not only to rid the insurance companies of speculators, but also of speculative securities. JVSTICE FUR POSTAL CLFRKH. The Interview with Postmaster Palmer printed In The. Bee Sunday brings out clearly the facts Uon which the postal clerks are asking to le relieved of the discrimination under which they labor as compared with other postofflce em ployes in the matter of tenure and pro motion. The letter carriers, the railway mail clerks and even the rural delivery car riers have leen accorded a schedule by which they enter the government serv ice at a minimum salary, with assurance of successive promotion to higher grades at increased pay after satisfac tory work for specified periods of time. The experienced city letter carrier can work his way up to the $l,OiK) class after a few years, but the promotion of the Jerks Inside the postofflce is so slow and the salary Increases so sniull that little incentive is offered to keep good men In the service longer than neces sary to get a chance at a good Job else where: As n consequence, the experi- nce of the Omaha postofflce, and, pre sumably, the postofHees In other cities, is that the clerical employes are con- taiuly changing lu the' lower grades. necessitating constant training in of new men and toleration of Inefficiency due to inexperience. The reorganization of the Postofflce department which is now in progress ought to take Into consideration the defective condition of the postofflce clerks and find a means of Improve ment at this point, which appears to be the weakest in the service. Em ployment as a postofflce clerk ought to be made attractive to steady, sober and reliable men, and to hold them ubject to good behavior, Just as well as any other branch of the public service. This can be done only by recognizing efficiency and length of service for promotion, with a maxi mum limit of salary far enough above the minimum to make It worth while waiting for When it comes to making promises W. J. Broatch has all the other candi dates whipped to a frazzle. Broatch can make more promises in shorter time than anyone who ever came down the political pike. If there is a job in the city hall he will not have promised from a dozen to two-score times over to different people during the campaign, It will be only because it has escaped his notice. And if he ever had a chance to redeem his pledges he would repudiate them all as easily as he did both times he was elected mayor before. Three of the five saloons against which the Civic Federation lias filed new charges of law defiance are located within the limits of the so-called "burnt" district When The Bee de clared that the resorts in this district could not possibly be conducted on law observing lines and should therefore be refused licenses altogether, It hit tho nail on the head and suggested the only true remedy. The loss of the Woodmen of the World headquarters from Omaha would be greatly deprecated. That Institution may be sure of as generous treatment In the matter of taxation here as It could get in any other state where the property of all citizens is required by the constitution to be taxed on the same basis of value. Why should there be any public cele bration of the completion of the first year of Omaha's Juvenile court? Does some one on the salary roll fear hat his or her Job is in danger unless the taxpayers are impressed with the lm portance and value of the work the court is supposed to be doing? ( The announcement Is made that trus tees of the New York Life Insurance company want to contest the recom mendations of the Armstrong committee before the legislature. From this dis tance It looks as if It were up to the trustees to take their medicine and look as pleasant as possible. If a man Is Judged by the company be keeps. Candidate Benson, sur rounded as he is by "Billy" Saunders, John Westberg, "Mariner" Howell, John Butler and the others of their stamp, will have to be discounted on his professions of reform. American methods must be forcing their way Into royal families. Even King Alfonso of Spain seems to have taken precautions and made sure of the promise of his prospective bride before formal application to the bead of the family for her hand. If members of the Nebraska delega tion at Washington will only Introduce a few more measures to-dispose of the public lands In this state in different ways they will make sure ne land legis lation whatever is enacted at the pres cut session. A Fatare Possibility. Cleveland leader. Railroad senators ride on many passes, but they may get their walking papers, none the leas. Still Dolaar Baalaeae. . Chicago Newa. Congress may rebuke the coal roads, but that promised rise In prices on April thnwa that It cannot bumble their proud spirit. f aulas; On Seed Craft. New York Evening Post. An unexpected but not leas significant outcome of the prevailing agitation against "graft" la tha decision of the house com nilttee on agriculture to recommend no ap propriation thla year for tna rraa Distri bution of seeds. This graft 'of garden seed la nna of the most venerable of con nesaional abuses. It waa never known to produce any results useful to agriculture or horticulture. The Department of Agri culture doee carry on very useful work In experimental cultivation, and this the com mittee does not purpose to curtail. Why Shoald Ofllelala Ride Freef New York Tribune. Free transportation of public officers by railroads In obedience to law would be a great Improvement upon the long tolerated habit of giving legislators free passes In violation of the constitution. Time's Sooth las; Toueh. Minneapolis Journal. Senator Foraker, the man who made such a terrible alarum over President Cleveland's proposal to return the confederate battle ting, Is the same who put a provision Into the army bin for the marking of the graves of the confederate dead In the north. Aa men grow older they grow calmer, except In the case of T. W. Lftwaon. Versatility of Son Is. St. Louts Globe-Democrat. Judge Philips of the federal district court at Kansas City resents an insinuation of Judge Trimble that a judge accepting the hospitality of a corporation officer must feel under an official obligation to him. The judge practically Insists that he could. If need be, break a man's bread personally nd break his neck officially, without a qualm. But this Is possible only to such great souls as attain to that elevation long since reached by Judge Fhlllps, whose er mine robe has so long shut him out from the world that he has lost the Infirmities of the flesh. The ordinary man is partial to his friends, and such men as are not must be very high or very low, the very low being so low. Indeed, that the distance between them and Judge Philips leaves plenty of room for the great mass of people who stick to the men who stick to them. WISE "ADVICE OK COIXSEL." Kansas Railroad Deeldea to Obey the Law. Kansas City Star. The recent backdown of the rallroals from their proposed attack on the Kansas maximum freight rate law might profitably ba considered by managers of the great transportation interests throughout the United States. The announcement of the Intention - of the roads to advance the schedule on oil brought protests from tho corporation lawyers throughout the state. They hastened to warn the managers that such action, with the political conventions coming on, would be suicidal, and that the next i legislature would be more radical than any populist body had ever been. Whereupon the gentleman In charge of the railroad Interests saw a great light, and hurriedly announced their Intention of obeying the law of merely protesting to the next legislature that it was unjust, and ought to be modified. It would appear that the railroads In general are not so wisely advised as the Kansas roads are. For they are doing their best to hold up the rate regulation bill In the senate and to force a compromise that will make it Ineffective. Yet tlii nominating conventions are coming on. State legislatures are to be chosen next Autumn that will elect a third of th'j United States senators, and al the members of the house of representatives are to be selected. If the people should And tllat the railroads were determined to pre vent the enactfnent of a fair rate law, might they not respond, Kansas fashion, by aending radical men to Washington? The case of Kansas Is worth the careful ttcntlon of the gentlemen who are direct- ng the railroad fight In the senate, and it ought to be sanctified especially to the use of Aldrich, Klklns, Kean, Foraker and Lodge. ARMY GOSSIP IN W ASHIAUTIV Matters of Interest Gleaned from the Army and .Navy Heg later. The quartermaster general of the army has sent out instructions which will govern the purchase of newspapers and periodicals for . military post libraries for the ilacal year 1SW7. Post quartermasters will sub scribe to such publications for the libraries as may be recommended by the post council of administration and approved by the post commander. The schedule for computing the money allowances for this purpose id aa follows: Posts of not less then twenty men, $10; posts of more than twenty men and less than one company, $J0; one com pany post, $J); two-company posts, three-company posts, $30; four-company posts, $35; five-company posts, $4u; six-company posts, $45; seven-company posts $.(; eight-company posts, $55; nine-company posts, $uu; ten-company posts, $U6; eluven- company posts, $7v; twelve-company posts. $75; posts of more than twelve companies an additional allowance of $a for each addi tional company. No allowance la made for regimental bands or companies of Indians and scouts. A general order which affects vitally the infantry, cavalry and artillery of the army will be issued this .week from the War de partment on the suggestion of the president and In accordance with recommendations made by the general staff. It la provided that the practical training of those troopa shall be divided Into two distinct phases garrison training and field training. The former will Include gymnastics, foot and horse exercisea, close order drills, cere monies, guard duty, riding, mechanism of extended order, hygienic care of the person, building and grounds, swimming, etc. Tlie field training will Include range finding, practice marches, camping and such work as will piepaie tr.e s.ld.e- lor t-ervlce In lima of war. In thla training the regulation field kit for each arm will invariably ac company the command and on all marches maneuvers, drills and exercises, and in that part of the target course where pre scribed, the kit will ba habitually carried In the authorised way. There will be one practice march a week, the Infantry cover ing not lesa than twelve miles and tha cavalry and field artillery not leas than eighteen miles. There will be ona inarch In each month of three consecutive dava, requiring that two, camps shall be made. During that part of the year It la also re quired that all organizationa shall take the field for twenty-one consecutive daya. There Is nothing more gratifying in offi cial action prompted by the recommend ation from the general staff than the atti tude of the War department in regard to the wearing of badges and other emblems of the uniform of the service. It la well that the line ba drawn somewhere, and it might aa well be drawn against the dec orations which stand for membership in the Innumerable military and seml-mlll-tary societies and the organisations which permit decorations on account of ancestral distinction. It Is easy to see that the string of badges which might come to be worn on the uniform would tmeprll the dignity of tha ayearer and certainly add nothing to the decora tive featurea of his garb. There Is even observable at this time a desire to further restrict the emblems which may properly be worn with tha unliorm and to permit aa few aa possible, and preferably to au thorize none save the medal of honor. Per haps the badges of the various campaigns or wars might ba Indicated by pendant bars attached to a .main badge. Thla Is ona of tha suggestions made and It finds favor among those who realise that It Is worth while considering aertoualy soma means of limiting persons! ornamentation of this sort. i ftOIXD ABOIT HEW YORK. Ripples oa tho Cwrreat of 1.1 fa la Ike Sf . M nulla. I Three months In the penitentiary was tha penalty Imposed on a New Torker who confessed that far years ha has polluted tha springs of Justice In the Jury room. His trade was that of professional Juryman, but the cases which Interested him most were damage suits against the Metropoli tan Street Railway company. No matter In what court such cases came to trial, the confeased Jury fixer was on hand, tvn 1 rarely failed to get on the Jury. 11a stood In with court clerks and thus managed to lender effective service for the company. It docs not appear that the fixer worked for his health or for glory, yet tha court thus scandalised took no step to discover and punish the real culprit the employer of the Jury fixer. A new form of lingering death from tha subway was discovered by Dr. O'Hanlon, a coroner's physician. Steel dust, gen erated by the friction of the shoe on tha third rail, amounts to a ton a month, and track walkers, according to the doctor, have already shown symptoms of consump tion due to the inhalation of the fine steol particles. The disease is somewhat Ilk brass finishers' and stonecutters' consump tion. When complicated with subway germs It Is as surely fatal as hanging, but not so swift in operation. Tha steel dim Is kept suspended In the air by constant rushing of air currents, duft to passing trains. In time passengers who have the chronic subway habit will be affected. Dr. O'Hanlon claims that If you ride for an hour In the underground and then knock the dust off your hat upon a ploce of while paper a magnifying glass will reveal the presence of fine steel particles. Oeorgj Westing-house, who has always been an advocate of overhead trolleys as against the third rail, has never made any refer ence to this danger. Ills objections have been largely on the score of mechanical in efficiency, larger cost, greater dangers and shorter life of equipment In thlrd-rall de vices. Dr. O'Hanlon Is really serious on the new danger. He says: "No practical remedy has as yet been suggested for em ployes and patrons of the subway, but one will have to be found If the mortality from this cause Is not to assume startling pro portions. Even the man or woman whj only uses the subway twice a day cannot hope to escape without ultimate ill effects, and on people with weak lungs the danger Is all the greater." The experience of teachers and pupils In a New York City school a day or two ago is one that should cause school authorities In all parts of the country to Insist that fire drills Bhould be had frequently, and that never, under any circumstances, should they be omitted for any length of time. It made the hearts of all parents beat a little faster - to learn how the teachers, calmly and quietly, formed their pupils Into line and marched them safely to the street without one moment of fear or panic on the part of the little ones, while the root was bazlng over their heads, and the fire engines tearing madly down the street. Thj children had been taught many times Just what they must di, and in the moment of danger their Impulse was to do that one thing and nothing else. Mayor McClcllan has declared against granting the Pennsylvania railroad the franchise for the New York connecting road on the terms favored by the rapid transit board. The mayor will insist upon terms which will give the city $2,500,000, instead of $1,100,000, for the twenty-five-year fran chise, and place In the hands of the city authorities many powers over the connect ing railroad which are not given tn the contract proposed by the rapid transit board. One of the most important features of the contract which the mayor will In sist upon is the original clause that the Pennsylvania railroad shall not discrimi nate against New York City In freight rates. It also gives the city the power to control local rates over the road. The new Manhattan bridge now under way is a stupendous engineering work. It will span East river from the Bowery at Canal street to the terminal of the new Flatbush avenue extension In Brooklyn, In Nassau street, between Jay and Bridge streets. In accurate figures the bridge Is 6.864.43 feet long; length of the New York ap proach, 2.0S6.48 feet; length of approach on the Brooklyn side, 1,807.95 feet; length of main span between the towers, 1,470 feet. The roadway at the center of the main spun at mean temperature with dead load Is 14H.S3 feet above the water, and the clear head room under tiie bridge at this point is 136.23 feet of maximum temperature with working loads. The maximum grade on the ends of ap proaches Is 3H feet In each 100 feet. The bridge will have on the lower floor a road way thirty-five feet wide between curves: two tracks for subway trains, two tracks for surface cars and two footwalks, each eleven feet wide. On the upper floor will be two tracks for elevated trains and two tracks for surface cars. This gives one an idea of the great capa city and apaciousnesa of the structure. The weight of steel in the bridge between anchorages la about 30.000 tons. In the language of experts the bridge is propor tioned for a regular traffic load of 9.000 pounds a lineal foot, or a maximum con gested load of 16,000 pounds a lineal foot. The bridge Is expected to be ready for traffic in four years. Tho original Brook lyn bridge was fifteen years In building, and the recently constructed Williamsburg bridge seven years. Both of the founda tions for the new bridge piers are finished and ready for the steel work of the towers. PERSONAL NOTES. The Longworths have returned to Wash ington and Joined the ranks of the plain people once more. A Cincinnati banker accused of graft swore at the Investigating committee. Of course, they were offended, not having ex pected anything worse than being lied to The Wall Street Journal calls It "the panic of the square deal," and adds: "It ia the kind of panic that works, not for dla aster, but for financial health and honor." President Roosevelt In the near future may publish for private circulation a book of Irish poems he translated from tha Gaelic. The president was taught Gaelic by James Jeffrey Roche. Rufus Bullock, the only republican ever elected governor of Georgia, and whe played a conspicuous part in tha recon struction period. Is now spending his de clining days in the village of Albion, N. Y.. his boyhood home. A. Q. Spalding, the wealthy sporting goods manufacturer, has acquired 104, acres of land In Mexico and expects to irrigate It, and when it la reclaimed It will be the largest acreage of arid land ever put under irrigation by a private Indl virtual. A Washington guide directed tha alien tlon of a party of sightseers to a small gray-haired man and said, affectionately "There goea one of the greateat men in the country. That's Chief Justice Fuller." "Why, ha lias no stature whatever," whis pered one of the women. "Nor weight,' hastily rejoined another. "And I can't un demand." observed a man In the group. "how he has managed to attain to so grea a height." The guide answered him slg nlhVanlly and tersely: "Because of hi great di-ith." Absolutely Pure Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness, and flavor noticed in the finest cake, short cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc, which expert. pastry cooks declare ia unobtainable by the use . of any other leav ening agent A pure grape cream of tartar powder. No akxm. SOVM. bMONO soWDCft 00., NEW VOMK, STOPPING A GRAB. Temporary Check to Greed of Mineral Iaad Hantera. Pittsburg Dispatch. Back of the resolution extending the tribal existence of the five tribes In Indian Territory from March 1, 1906, when It waa to terminate, to March 1, 1907, passed by the senate yesterday. Is an Interesting his tory. Stories of corporate spoliation of the Indians, In which Wisconsin politicians figured, account for the Interest taken tn the matter by Senator I .a Follette, who made his first speech in the senate In sup port of the tribes. Under the terms of the settlement of the Indians in the Territory certain rich lands were to revert to the government in case the Indians became extinct or abandoned the land. The Im pending termination of their tribal existence offered an opportunity for railroad claims upon this property, and It was to defeat this grab that the resolution was passed. Senator La Follette's effort was directed to raising the issue whether the railroads should be prohibited from acquiring certain asphalt and coal lands In the Territory that might be claimed upon the dissolution of the tribal relations. The lands, according to the estimate of Senator Bailey, are worth between $30,000,000 and $30,000,000. There are only two railroads in the Terri tory, and It was charged that they formed a monopoly. Senator Clark of Montana urged that the lands be retained for the Indians until the introduction of better railroad facilities assured them a fair deal. The extension of their tribal existence for another year, recommended by the secretary of the interior, will permit a thorough investigation of the matter and prevent the Indians being despoiled of their rights or the seizure by corporations of lands that should revert to the government as part of the public domain. In these days of land grabs special care is necessary In watching every bill dealing with the pub lic domain. CAl'BES OP Bl SINES FAILI RES. Instructive Analysis of Last Year's Record. Chicago Tribune. lABt year 9,967 Individuals, firms and cor porations engaged In legitimate mercantile occupations In this country suspended busi ness and failed to pay their debts. The number seems large, considering that 1905 was a year of general prosperity, but it Is small when one considers that there were 352,947 concerns tn business In the United States. Fraud is one of the constant causes of commercial failures, but It is far from being the principal one. Fraud never can be got rid of, but it does not appear to be making any headway. In 1908 the per centage of failures ascribed to that cause was 10.1. In 1904 It was M and In 1906 It was 1.2. If any reliance can be placed on percentages the commercial world is not permeated with dishonesty. The public, which has read so much about grafting In high places, In politics and grand, finance, may take comfort In the thought that dis honesty is not rife among the average busi ness men of the country. Only four of last year's failures were due to speculation. That does not prove that speculation Is rare among men en gaged In commercial occupations. Probably there are many of them who are more or less speculative, but only four got caught. If there had been a panic or a sharp de pression In values the number of failures duo to speculation would have been much larger. Incompetence and lack of capital are the chief causes of bankruptcy today, as they have been from the beginning. To them 678 per cent of last year's failures are ascribed. The man who has exceptional We Trust Doctors If you are suffering from impure blood, thin blood, debility, nervous ness, exhaustion, you should begin at once with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known, all your life. Your doctor knows it, too. Ask him all about it. Then do as he says. . We have no secrets We publish the formulas of all our medicines. Made fcy the . 0- ayae Ca.. LowaU, Vase, alaa KauitiarturM r ATSK'S laTa TIOOK-Var tka kau. - ATBS'S PILLS Wet easatisaUas. AYTK CBaEBYPMTOEAL Vereescka. AYsK't AGUaCU&a r aularia sad agM. business ability can make a start with practically no capital and score a success. Men of only average ability who are handi capped by the lack of adequate capital nre likely to go to the wall, even when general commercial conditions are favorable. Of the failures of 1905, $,428 were due t.i incompetence. Those failures cost creditors $10,000,000. that being the difference between assets and liabilities. The failures due to fraud were less expensive, the loss to cred itors being a little over $6,000,000. It Is busi ness incapacity rather than dishonesty against which creditors should be on tlieli guard. LINES TO A SMILE. Mrs. Jawbock I'm sure I've suffered ev ery misfortune a woman can. Mr. Jawback Ob, no you've never been a widow. Mrs. Jawback I believe I said misfo" tune, didn't I ? Cleveland Leader. "It's love that makes the world kh 'round," said the old-fashioned sentimental ist. "No," answered Miss Cayenne, "It merelv makes some people so dizzy that they think the world Is going 'round." Washing ton Star. The cook came to the professor to report that the cabbage he had ordered for dinner was all right In the center, but she had ha 1 to throw nearly all the rest of It away. "Ah, well," said the professor, "let us make the best of It. Its errors are of the head rather than of the heart." Chicago Tribune. "It's a fine day, deacon." "Yes, but we're all miserable creatures." "Well, thank God, we're still a-llvln !" "Yes," groaned the deacon, "but our tlpie s comln' !" Atlanta Constitution. "He's the moat devout man In church. I never aaw anyone who eould be so ab sorbed in prayer." - - . i - "Indeed? I never noticed It." "Probably not. I don't suppose you ever took up the collection." Philadelphia Cath olic Standard. "My dear," said Mr. Nearslght, watchln his little boy playing at bean bag In th street, "what Is that our Willie Is trying to catch out there?" "I don't know, I'm sure," replied his wife, wearily; "he's already had thu mumps, measles and whooping cough." Plhladelphia Press. Robinson I wonder what Saul remarked when David said that all men were liars? Brown That's easy to Imagine. Robinson What was It, then? Brown Well, I'm from Missouri. Cincin nati Commercial-Tribune. "I won't resign under fire," the senator pugnaciously declared. "And If we draw oft the attack?" "Then I won't have to resign." Louisville Courier-Journal. IM TUB SIGHT. Paul Keater In McCture's. When you shall waken In some far-off town. Distant alike by many miles And many years From home. And all shall seem Unchanged; The dim light falllti By the window sua, The maple leaves Whispering beyond, The echo of a neighbor's steps Coining belated by; When it shall seem to you You need but raise your hand To touch your mother's Bleeping face, That any whispered word Shall wake her, For your comfort In the awesome hour. When you shall know . That morning brings no dread Beond the fear Of rainy days or school; Then w hen some sense Of present time returns And youth departs. The heart grows old asain And feels with bitterness The weight and pain of all the Intervening years. I