Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Four Hundred of Them Attend Banquet at
Lincoln Hotel.
thr lasaa MkH? Be railed f
Take rkarir of Satloaal
Aarlaai at Wanhlastaa.
f From a Btaft Corrrapondpnt.)
LINCOLN, March . (Special Telegram.)
Under the name of democratH over X
peraona (atliered around the banquet table
at the Lincoln hotel tonight at a love
feaat In a mighty effort to resuscitate the
old party and rt It In ahape for another
go against the biixxmw. In the crowd were
Bryan and anti-Bryan democrats and the
laat of the populists, George W. Berge,
the anti-pass candidate for governor In
The crowd began to reach IJncoln early
In the day and by night it had reached con
alderabln proportions and was sufficiently
enthusiastic to nttrart attention. Omaha
sent down at leant a dosen of the faithful.
Including James Dahlman, who In an as
pirant for the democratic nomination for
mayor, and Dan Custer, the old warhorsr
who admitted the party had gone to thi
bow-wows and who tried (o get a sreclu.
train home before the speaking.
Before the banquet bt-gan members of the
state committee met and diecuiwcd the beet
way to secure an organisation and the best
way to get the remnanta of the party In
fighting shape. While no formal action
was taken except to allow the executive
committee to call the state convention
when It got ready for It, It was the senti
ment of the majority that the convention
should be called some time In July or
August. The question of holding a primary
and of endorsing a candidate for senator
was not dlHcusned.
Receptive I'andldatea for Governor.
On the lint of speakers were several pros
pective candidates for governor, I. E. Mc
Klllip. A. C. Bhallrnberger. W. H. Thomp
son and O. W. Berge. .None of these made
formal, of course, but each
left no doubt In the mlndn of the crowd
that be would be willing to make the sacri
fice should the nomination be offered him.
It was late when P. l Hall of Lincoln,
the toantmaster, took charge of nlTuIr
and called on the spcakrrn. From a demo
cratic standpoint these were Ideal. Even
ths populists could not object. It was the
same old talk. AH the speeches seeni'tl
to run out the same funnel. The speakers
were opposed to existing conditions; they
objected to corporation rule; they
to railroads dominating politics of the na
tion or state; they predicted failure on
the part of President Roonvelt in his
fight for tho government regulation of
railroads; they favored a 2-cent railroad
rate; they favored a direct primary for
the nomination of officers.
Klves Bryan All the Credit.
H. 11. Hanks devoted the time allotted
to him In preaching of Bryan and he made
the statement all the things which are
being done by Roosevelt, and Folk! and
LaFollette and the things being said by
these men and others of their kind, were
the-things for which Mr. Bryan and the
democratic party had been working for
years. In fact, credit for all things good
was given tho democratic lender and the
democratic party.
Governor Thomas of Colorado, J. B.
Weaver of Iowa and Mr. Shallenbergor
confined themselves almost exclusively to
latlona: nniilrs. The speakers and their
subjects were as fallows:
! Victory Worth While?" Hon. P. E.
Xt' fCfTlij., lluriinhrey', "The Nebraska r-m-.
ocrttt." Hon. M. H. HatikH, Nebraska City;
"Foundation Stones," Hon. A. C Hliall.ii-t-rg'r.
Alma; "The 1shu in Nebraska,"
Hon. O. W. lierge, Lincoln; "Equality He
lore the l.nw," Hon. V. H. Thompson.
Grand Island; "Moral Strength of Dem
ocracy." Hon. G. M. Hitchcock, Omaha;
"Jefferson or MarlilvHil," Hon. J. H.
Weaver, Iowa; "The Consumer." Hon. C
A. Thomas, Colorado.
treeae May o to Waahlnarton.
Superintendent James L. Greeno of the
Lincoln insane hospital will In all proba
bility be appointed superintendent of th'j
national Insane hospital at Washington.
Dr. Greene this h rning received a tele
gram from Senator Hurkett to come to
Washington for a conference with the
president regarding the place.
About a year ago Dr. Greene wai an ap
plicant for this position and was seriously
considered by the president, but the place
went to arother. Now ft la reported a new
superintendent is to be apiolnted and
President Roosevelt hus asked Senator Bur
kett to have Dr. Greene call upon him.
Dr. Greene secured a leave of absence from
Governor Mickey this morning and left for
For some time It has been rumored that
Dr. Greene wanted to be governor and
would resign his place in order to make a
IHlave You (Met
"The Man in the Heart?"
The Heart that is going to dra.w
the people to it;
The heart that is great, ood and
is a blend of the finest grades of
cocoa beans carefully selected for
their -aroma, flavor and ricliness.
There are as many qualities ia
cocoa beans and as much difference
in their cost as there is in coffees.
Runkel's Cocoa is made of the rarest
growths. It U a nat-'vicocoa, produced
entirely by mechanical processes which
extract enough of the oil to make it
instantly digestible, and made without
starch, flour cr sugar all of which add
to the bulk and decrease the cost to the
manufacturer, but also subtract from ths
taste and quality of the goods.
There is no substitute there are only
imitations. When you pay the same you
never get the same.
Send 2e for simple of Chocolate
and minlalura can of locus
Cocoa and Chocolato Manufacturers
New York
campaign for the nomination. In view of
this a number of persons have applied for
hln place when It becomes vacant. Gov
ernor Mickey, however, said he had never
had nny intimation that Dr. Greene would
be a candidate for governor.
Bar Meeting; a Free-for-All.
I'nlesa a clone organisation hus been per
fected the meeting of lawyers tomorrow
for the purpone of dlscuRsing the Burkett
bill for the creation of a necond federal Ju
dicial district and the endorsement of a
candidate for the Judgeship, will be a free-
for-all affair, with little prospect of har
While a lot of lawyers are here none are
willing to talk about the meeting, but thero
In considerable Interest being taken In It
The Omaha lawyers are opposed to the
bill and so are a number of the lawyers
from the west end of the state, who vnnt
the court established there instead of in
Unooln. It la said President Calkins of
the State Bar association In anxious to
mount a federal bench, while friends of
Chief Justice Sedgwick are doing some
work to create sentiment In his favor. T
C. Muiitter In sawing wood and naylng little
It In a serious question whether the law-
yers will endorse the bill. It being the be
lief the Identity of the candidate for the
place will decide whether the bar will be
for tho Burkett measure. , ,
Most Pay I n or Lose Bnnlness.
The St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance
company stands a good chance to lose the
contract for insuring the outbuildings at
the Insane asylum at Hastings, because it
has not yet paid the reciprocal tax to the
insurance department. This company wan
the lowest bidder when the board asked
for bldn for insuring these buildings and
the chairman was authorized to draw up
the contract and secure the policy as soon
as the company paid Its dues to the state.
This was authorised at a meeting of the
hoard held February 20, but so far the
company has not paid up. The buildings
are to be insured for 115.000 at a rate of
a hundred.
saline Iinds gold.
The Board of Public Lands and Build
Ingd this morning disposed of several tracts
of saline lands located In Lancaster county.
The north half of the northeast quarter of
section 32. township 11, range 7. was bought
by Allen Barber, half of it for J2i.50 an acre
and the remainder for tx an acre. The
south half of the southwest quarter of sec
tion 4, township 9, range S, brought $40 and
fJO an acre and was bought by F. G. Burn
ham. Fred Beckman bought the south
half of the northeast quarter of section 3Z,
township 11, range 7. for til and US. Le.t
i. block 1. in Lincoln was bought by It.
Walters for 1175.
The Board of Public linds and Buildings
this morning was notified by Mrs. Johnson,
superintendent of the Home for the Friend
less, that she had let the contract for put
ting steel ceilings la a couple of rooms at
the home. The contract was let to Rudge
ft Gunsel for flp.
Iteirard for Marderer.
The governor. In behalf of the state, has
offered a reward of l:w for the arrest of
the party or parties who left the body of a
male child on the railroad track in Kearney
Sheriff Loses Fee.
Alex Lowry, sheriff of Sioux county, who
allowed a prisoner to escape while en route
with him to Harrison, Neb., from South
Dakota, will not be paid any salary for that
trip, though he will be allowed his expenses
actually Incurred. This is the decision of
the auditor's office and will In the future
govern such canes where It is the fault of
the sheriff that the prisoner Is allowed to
Prisoner Asks Pardon.
Judge Sullivan nt Dnttsmouth appeared
before Governor Mickey this morning and
argued for the pardon of Harry Hickman,
who in now serving a four-year term In the
penitentiary for forgery. This Is the second
time Hickman has been an Inmate of the
state prison, though he has a good record
as a prisoner. His time will he out In about
nine months. Governor Mickey has the
matter under advisement. '
Stafford Gora to Kansas.
N. W. Stafford, under arrest In Fremont,
wilt have to go back to Paola, Kan., to
stand trial for grand larceny. Governor
Mickey thin morning having honored the
requisition lasued by the governor of Kan
nan. Stafford Is under arrest at Fremont
for obtaining money under false pretenses.
but It is understood that charge will be
In the Snpreme Court.
In the supreme court of the state of
Nebraska the following cases were as
signed for oral argument: 1
I'cterscn against Petersen: Pullman P.'il
aoe Car Company agalns Woods; Missouri
pacific Hallway Company against County
of Cass; Nuckolls County against (iutlirie
Co.; Strode against Hoagland; Chicago,
Burlington & (Julncy Railroad Company
ngalnst Mann; American Hooding Company
MKaliiMt Heye; Skinner ngalnst Wlinon;
Chicago, Burlington & Qulnry Railroad
Company against Healey; Joslin against
Williams; State against Several Parcels of
Iuml (Redlcki: Harney against Ijashury;
Irving against Bond: Roby against State,
ex relator Farmers' Grain and Live Stock
Company; Taylor against Hunter; Eastern
Building and I -nun Association against
Tonklnson: Von Haller against State: lar
ngalnst State: Seeley ngalnst Kitchey;
Thompson against Kstate of Pope, de
ceased; State, ex relator Bishop, against
The following cases were marked for
submission on briefs:
Flke ngalnst Ott: School District No. 77
against Cowglll: Peycke against Sliinn;
Meyers against Omaha Furniture and Car
pet Company.
Following are miscellaneous orders:
Henry against Henry, continued to March
20, liKXi. per stipulation; Ioyal Mystic Le
gion against Richardson, continued to
March 20, UK: Cowles against Burnell,
affirmed for want of proper tilings of
Grand Inland Votes for Municipal
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. March 6.-(Spe-clal
Telegram. (Municipal ownership won
a most substantial and sweeping victory
on the proposition to vote S35.UOO In bonds
for the construction of n lighting plant
In connection with the already municipally
owned wnter works plant. Out of a total
vote of 1.2X7 the bonds carried by a ma
jority of 357, or by u vote of nearly 3 to 1.
Strangely enouph the prominent lenders
of the opposition were democrats, but the
rank and flic of the party voted for the
proposition practically to a man, with
Just an large a percentage of republicans
voting for it. It was In no sense, however,
a party lnsue. The Independent (rep.),
the Democrat and the Anzelger Herald, the
latter also democratic, espoused the propo
sition. Mnyor Schuff and five councllmen
favored it and three councllmen opposed It.
Tho Free Press, formerly populist, was
tho only Journal opposed to it.
The two private lighting plants and es
pecially the Grand Inland Electric com
pany, a brnnch of he General Electric
company of New York, made a vigorous
campaign in opposition, but only aided
in piling up the majority against them.
The question has been fully investigated
by the council and newspaper representa
tives and for weeks the press has been
giving facts and figures upon the subject.
No other question was voted upon.
Mreet Cars for Fremont.
FREMONT. Neb.. March 6.-(Special.)
The Fremont Street Railway company in
tends to reorganize and put In street cars
this summer. E. N. Morse, who was pres
ident and general manager of the company
during its brief existence seventeen years
ago. thinks that street cars would now pay
here, the city having grown since they
stopped running. The plana contemplate a
line from the depots to the normal school,
a line out East First street to the new
addition near the roundhouse and one to the
northwestern part of town. It Is proposed
to put In electric cars.
Sewi of Nebraska.
LOUISVILLE K. C. Twiss has sold his
meat market to C. A. Woche.
MINDEN This section of the state was
visited by a nice snow Monday and Tues
day. LOnSVILE About two and a half Inches
of annw fell here during the night and it
la still snowing.
PAPILLION Fully three Inches of snow
fell here last night, which will be of great
benefit to wheat and grass.
MINDEN The Masons conducted the
funeral of I. E. Jones, who died Sunday
morning. His funeral was held Tuesday
MINDEN The Kearney County News
has been sold to Mr. Shields of Axtell.
Mr. Fourdyce, the former editor, has gone
to Oklahoma.
PLATTSMOL'TH About five inches of
snow' fell In this vicinity Monday night,
which the farmers say will be of much
benefit to the growing crops of rye and
fall wheat and the ground generally,
BEATRICE Arrangements wore made
yesterday whereby the New Home Tele
phone company and the Udell Telephone
company will connect their lines, thus giv
ing the patrons at Odell and Beatrice belter
PLATT8MOUTH The members of the
Woman's Christian Temperance union have
had printed and are circulating circulars
containing an exact copy of the petitions
of the saloon keepers and giving the names
of the signers.
M'COOK The mortgage record of Red
Willow county for the month of February
is as follows: Real estate tilings li4 2a a-
releases. i'.7.; town nilngs, 13,U.01; re
leases, Ifc.w7.s7: chattel filings, lU.iWJ.M; re
leases, JB.frM.Ut.
HUMBOLDT Tha Injuries sustained by
Carl Williamson, the lad who got his foot
unaur a passing ireigtu train lust (Sunday
were so serious as to comoel tne tiunuu.
tlon of the left limb a short distance above
toe anaie joint.
NORFOLK W. A. Benson haa been r
rested near Gregory. 8. D.. on a charm
of stealing. It Is said that there haa been
considerable thieving In a small way in
that section and officers are determined to
pgt an end to it.
M'COOK An Indication of the prosperity
of this section of Nebraska la given by a
recent public sale by a farmer; goods and
chattels to the total of U SuO were sold.
All was cash In hand but S.oo, which waa
paid in less man a wees.
AXTELL A man went-to Frank Ouatef
son s livery barn and hired a team last
Saturday and drove t Bloomington and
sold the outfit. Ths sheriff of Kaarnev
county went down and brought ths taaul
oacs,. out tne inter is still at large.
rr,Ainat.- a counierreit dnllar waa
passed on C. M. Coon, ths meat market
mas in Wtst Bea tries. The ccjln is a poor
Imitation of the genuine coin. It contains
considerable lead and Is much heavier than
those turned out at the United States mlntn.
BEATRICE Yesterday W. H. Bowman,
a stck raiser living north of Beatrice, re
ceived a shipment of n cattle which he
will feed nt his jila- e the coming summer.
M'COOK A splendid snow In now falling
over thin section of the state, bringing pro
tection and moisture to the email grain,
not to speak of the Joy and encouragement
to the husbandman.
BEATRICE The heaviest snowfall of the
wlntr visited this locality last night and
todav the ground is covered to the depth
of ahout four Inches. Knrmern say It Is
Just the thing for winter wheat and will put
the ground In splendid shape for spring
SHELBY A farm house occupied bv Ed
Burgess and family, northwest of town,
wan entirely burned after midnight thin
morning. All the household goods of Bur
gess were destroyed. The house belonged
to Charles Krumbach, who, is In Hot
Springs. Ark.
BEATRICE W. R. Laughlln. the Junior
member of the tlrm of Cummlngs &
laughlln. grain and cor.! merchants of thin
city, whs married a few days ago to Miss
Daisy Mnlono of Warrcnsburg, Mo. The
bride and groom arrived in the city yester
day to make their home.
SCHUYLER The Schuyler High school
has added sixty-eight volumes to the school
library. The library contains only books
that are Instructive and enjoyable to th
pupils. The library, considering the nixe of
the school. Is -one of the best in the state
end contains 7on volumes.
HARVARD Saturday evening several pe
titions were filed with the citv clerk asking
of the city council the submission to the
voters the question of license or no license
for the coming year, and an mativ more
names were on the petitions than the law
requires it In prenumed the requent will be
h.iTINGTON A declamatory contest
will he held here March 16 and will be par
ticipated In by eight students of the Hart
Ington High school. A gold medal or a
SID gold piece will go to the winner. The
winner will ilso be chosen to enter Into
the declamatory contest to be held at Nor
folk April 1.
HUMBOLDT A large crowd of friends
and neighbors gathered yesterday at the
country home of Uncle Hen 1entlierman
and wife, just east of the city, and cele
brated the golden wedding anivcrsary of
the worthy couple. Mr. and Mrs. Leather
man have been residents of this section for
about a quarter of a century.
FREMONT The Great Northern has
plans ready for its passenger depot which
will he located in the east side of Main
street south of the Union depot. It will
be a two-story structure with a large wall
ing room, ladies waiting room and a smok
ing room, wlih ample rooms for batigae
nnd express. It will be about the siao of
the Union depot.
FREMONT Hans Stolley Is wanted by
the officers for passing a worthless check
for S-D on Mortensen & Christennen, the
complaint against Idm having been filed
by i'ritx Shrodcr. who endorsed thu check
and had It to pay. Stolley was In town
last week enjoying a good spree at the
time the check was drawn and lives on a
farm In the western part of Saunders
FREMONT J. A. Welton has succeeded
in finding a farm wagon which was stolen
from his store in Novemlier. l!t. It was
found in Omaha in the possession of I.
Peterson nt Twenty-first and Cuming. Pe
terson bought in from a traveling horse
trader who spends considerable time In
this vicinity. Mr. Welton still has a reward
for the arrest of the thief and hopes to
get him.
FREMONT The police last night gath
ered in an Omaha pair a', n lower Slain
street lodging house on a statutory charge.
They gave tneir names as Si-hneiderwlndt
and put up money for their appearance this
morning, but failed to anpeur. The man
had plenty of casii and was much agitated
for fear the Omaha papers would get onto
his escapade. He was apparently a man of
good standing.
BEATHK 'fci The annual government In
spection of Company C was made laat
night by Captain F. A. Wilcox, Thirtieth
infantry. U. S. A. The Inspection was made
Under heavy marching orders and included
guns, haversacks and all accoutrements of
the company. Captain Wilcox left today
to Inspect Battery A t Wymore. He was
accompanied by Captain i'enrod of this
city, who will conduct the stale Inspection.
BEATRICE At a meeting of the Board
of Education last evening George A. Iec,
English and civics teacher in the high
school, tendered his resignation, but the
board took no action In the matter. The
total enrollment ns shown by Superintend
ent Fulmer's report is l.WS. County Su
perintendent Anna W Day was granted
nu "Mne of the high school room inr the
third Saturday In each month for monthly
examinations at a rental of Sj per month.
FREMONT The Northwestern Railway
company la making preparations for putting
on more truins as soon as the Shoshone
reservation Is opened. A notice waa posted
In the roundhouse today for twenty-live
additional firemen to take engineers' ex
aminations, which will result in the pro
motion of practically all firemen of over
two years' service. The Black Hills and
Wyoming train Is doing an Increasing busi
ness and it Is said that another through
train to the end of tho line in Wyoming
will soon be put on.
EDGAR The first real snowstorm of the
season begun yesterday afternoon ahout 4
o'clock and continued till after midnight.
The snow fell quietly, without nny wind,
and thi? morning the ground is covered to
lie depth of nearly four inches with u fine,
heavy snow. The winters uo to March 1,
had been unusually mild, no snow, no wind,
and only one blizzard, and that occurred
last r rlday and Saturday. I lie wneat
crop, before beinp covered with snow, was
looking fine, and this nice fall of snow will
undoubtedly lie highly beneficial.
HUMBOLDT Snow fell during laat night
to a depth of nearly a foot In this aec
tion, the heaviest fall of the winter, but
there, was no wind and travel has not yet
been Interfered with to any great extent.
The crowd of Canadian emigrants are ex
periencing considerable diftlculty in load
ing their cars as a result of the snow,
which makes the roads heavy. The crowd,
with Its train of nine cars, loaded witii
household goods and Implements, started
this evening for the province of Saskatche
wan, Canada, where many of them have
iready taken Claims snu oiners expect
to do so.
PLATTSMOUTH In the case of M. E.
Brantner of this city against the Burlington
Railroad company, Byron ciarK, attorney
for the company, has learned that Judge
Wheeler of the Mills county, Iowa, dis
trict court haa handed down the following
ruling on the application for a new trial.
The court found that the charges of mis
conduct on the part of the attorneys and
certain witnesses for the defendant com
pany were untrue and that the verdict in
the sum of SlA.Oio was excessive and gives
the plaintiff until March 20 to remit fo.liuo,
and if he does not do no the motiun for
a new trial will be sustained.
WEST POINT Bert Green, a stranger In
the city, was arrested on Saturday evening
by Sheriff Malchow and lodged in Jail upon
the Information of C. L. Tate of Atchlsgn
county, Missouri, who asserts that Green
was a fugitive rrom justice from Atcnison
county, and that be, Tate, had authority
to pursue and arrest titin. Tate says that
Green hud Jumped a bail bond of Sl.OnO in
the Missouri county. It appears that Green
had been for some days past in Scribner
In company with his brother. F. H. Green.
befoe coming to West Point, and upon
hearing of the arrest tho elder Green Im
mediately sued out a writ of habeas corpus
which wan tried yesterday netore County
Judge Iewalu, resulting in the discharge
of Green from custody, the so-called officer
from Missouri falling to show his authority.
Of the Whole Family Depends Upon the
rand Cendnd Brand EvaporaUd
Dorden's Condensed KY.U-K Co.
Senator Clapp Has Measure Affecting; Hold
ino in Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska,
Contractor on Irrigation Project
Alonar Sorth Pintle Denied Inten
sion of Time In Which to
Complete the Work,
tFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. March . tSpeclal.)
Senator Clapp, chairman of the committee
on Indian affairs, today Introduced a bill
appropriating SlS'.ftO to enable the secre
tary of the Interior tO" Issue patents In fee
simple to allottees of the Sac and Fox of
Missouri and Indian tribes now residing in
Nebraska and Kansas; to pay tho per
capita amounts due said tribes under the
existing law and to allot the surplus tribal
lands of the Sac and Fox of Missouri.
Xcbraakane Dlarnaa Lease Bill.
The Nebraska delegation met tonight at
the residence of Judge Klnkald. It la un
derstood the subject of land leasing wan
further discussed. Klnkald and McCarthy
being particularly interested In such n
Land for Aatrlenllnral Experiments.
Representative Mondell Introduced a bill
authorizing the secretary of the interior,
on request of the secretary of agriculture,
to reserve public lands for agricultural ex
periment ntatlonn. The proposition Is that,
upon sequest of the secretary of agricul
ture, there may he reserved from entry or
disposition under the public lHnd laws such
tracts of unreserved and unappropriated
public lands, not exceeding two sections in
nny one body or tract, and not more than
three bodies or tracts In any one ntate or
territory, an the secretary of agriculture
shall deem necessary, for the purpose of
tarrying on or conducting any agricultural
work or experiments authorized by con
gress. Contractors Denied More Time.
The application of Messrs. Robinson &
Maney of St. Louts for an extension of
time for the completion of the work on the
Interstate caru',1, North Platte Irrigation
project in Nebraska, under their contract
of June 12. 1!i6, nnd supplemental contract
of December 14, 19u5, which latter contract
provides for completion of the work by
May 1, 19f!, has been denied by the secre
tary of the Interior. The present condi
tions do not warrant granting the extension
nsked for, and If the force empkyed is
properly Increased It Is believed the work
can be completed on time.
Postal Matters.
Rural free delivery carriers appointed:
Nebraska Exeter,- route 1, William Mitch
ell carrier, Robert J. McKeag substitute,
fowa Carson, route 1, Fred Tlirop carrier.
Carrie Throp substitute; Princeton, route 2,
Bert L. Morgan carrier," Harry P. Smith
Rural route No. 3 ban been ordered estab
lished April 16 at Blnkesburg. Wapello
county, la., serving 31S people and seventy
nine houses.
Court at Ilarttnarton.
ItARTINGTON, Neb.. March 6.-(Special.1
The March term of the Cedar county
district court convened yesterday, with
Judge Graves presiding. The bar docket
contains fifty cases, most of which are of
minor Importance. There are a few crimi
nal casen, but for nothing woise than an
sault nnd battery. There Is but one di
vorce case. Among the civil sultn there Is
a 15,000 damage cane, that of J. B. Green
W(.od, administrator of the estate of Maud
Greenwood,, deceased, vs. Dr. John W.
King.. Several noted physicians will be
called to give expert testimony. The case
is attracting considerable attention, ami
the indications are that it will be vigor
ously contested on both sides and will
probably take up considerable time at this
Mlnden on a Boom.
MINDEN. Neb., March 6.-(Spcclal.)
Mlndcn In on a boom Just at the present
time. There are at present twenty new
houses going up and many more would
be If carpenters were plenty. The Mlndcn
Brick works Is grinding lots of money on
its plant. The owners of the Mlnden Edi
son Light and Power plant have arrived
and will commence work at once. The phint
will cost $15,0110 and will be one of the
best light plants in the west and Mindcn
people will rejoice when it in ready for
business. The company is from Chicago.
Enjoins Street Vacation.
NORFOLK, Neb., March 6. (Special.)- j
injunction proceedings have been Issued
against the mayor and city council to re
strain them from passing an ordinance to
vacate a portion of Philip avenue In order
to meet the request of the Northwestern
Railroad company, which promises on this
condition to erect a modern station for the
city at a cost of not less than S15.000 and
probably 120,000. The injunction proceedings
were filed at the Instance of a few citizens
who assert that their property will be dam
aged by the closing of the street.
Kttruw Business Men Organize.
KENESAW, Neb., March . (Special
Telegram.) The business men met at Ma
sonic hall tonight and completed organiz
ing an association to be known as the
Kencsaw Commercial club. A harmonious
feeling prevailed and every business house
was represented. The following officers
were elected: President, Hon. H. A. Red
man; vice president, C. G. Schlagel; secre
tary. Dr. E. J. Latta; treasurer, M. W.
Chappel. ,
Fntal Accident at Franklin.
FRANKLIN, Neb., March . (Special.)
Lee, the youngest son of Walter Mllh-r,
was killed by being thrown from his horso.
He was dragged twelve yards and was un
conscious when found, dying In about ten
Girlhood, Womanhood, Motherhood.
The flnt lesson that tho young girl
ban of wotnnnlirxHl is usually a painful
ons. She learns t4 know what hcml
ache means, and backache, ami some
times is sadly borne down by this new
experience of life.
All the pain and misery which young
girla commonly experience at such a
time may, in almost every instance, he
entirely prevented or cured by the use
of Ir." Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
It establishes regularity. It Wines up
the general health, ami cures headache,
backache, nervousness, chorea, or St.
Vitus' dance, and other consequences
of womanly weakness or disca.-".
The anxious mother of the family
oftentimes carries the whole burden of
responsibility so far as the home med
ication of common ailment of the Birls
or boys are cor.-rerned. The cost ol the
doctor's visits are very often much too
great. At such time the mother is
invited to write to Dr. K. V. Pierce, of
Buffalo. N. V., for medical advice,
which is given hrr. Correspondence is
held sacrodly confidential.
"Favorite. Prescription- is the only
medicine for women the milkers of
which are not afraid to print Just what
It- is made of on even- bottle wrapper.
It is the only medicine for women
every ingredient of which haa the unan
imous endorsement of all the lead
ing medical writers of this country,
recommending it for the cure of the
vervsame diseases for which this "Pre
jcn'pliou" is advised.
A mother's love.
A mother's love is so divine that the
roughest man cannot help but appre
ciate it as the crown of womanhood.
However, motherhood is often looked
forward to with feelings of great dread
by most women. At such times a
woman is nervous, dyspeptic, irritable,
and she is in need of a uterine tonic
and nervine, a strength builder to lit
her vfor the ordeal. No matter how
healthy or strong a woman may be she
cannot but be beneliuxi bv taking Ir.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription n prepare
fur the event. It makes childbirth easy
and often almost painless.
dr. pierce's favorite prescription
is a powerful, invigorating tonic. It
imparts strength to the whole system
ana to the womb and We, appendages
in particular. For overworked " worn
out," "run-down," debilitated teachers,
milliners, dressmukers, seamstresses,
"shop-girls," housekeepers, nursing
mothers nnd feeble women generally,
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is
the greatest earthly boon, being un
equaied as an appertizing cordial and
restorative tonic.
"Favorite Prescription is unequaled
and is invaluable in allaying ana sub
duing nervous excitability, irritability,
nervous exhaustion, prostration, neu
ralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea, or St.
Vitus's dance, and other distressing,
nervous symptoms commonly attend
ant upon functional and organic dis
ease of the womb. It induces refresh
ing sleep and relieves mental anxiety
a ad despondency.
n. rr,.nr:t Tt jfjj,
Every Saturday and Sunday;
up to April 1st. 1906
Harlan -Manning
Carroll - -Fort
- 1.60
- 2.80
Cood returning fallowing Monday.
For lull Information applf to
H. H. Churchill, Ctntrel Agtnt. itii Faraam Strut.
Northwestern Medical
Required to Commence Treatment.
We Mean Tbli Moit Emphatically. It U for Yon -For Everybody.
Lost Power Restored, According to Age, 14 to 60 DAYS.
Private Diseases, Recently Contracted, 4 DAYS.
Varicocele. Without in Operation, 10 to 30 DAYS.
Olood Poison, No Mercury or Potash, 30 to 90 OAYS.
KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES, either acute or chronic, 15 to 40 DAYS.
Northwest Cor. 13th and
Oneway Colonist
AH tb Way Roundxtrip Homeseekers
Put. Agt.
4M tqulubl Bldg..
0$ Moiats, I.
a ncicntilic medicine, rnrefnllv devised
bv an esiwrienettl and skillful phv
si'rian, and ndapted to roman's dcli-cat-
organism. It is purely vegetable:
in its cuiiMsiti(n nnd perfectly harm
less in ilN iffiH-ts in nwy mmtfinw o'
thr mmtrm. I ,r morning sickness ot
tunica, weak stomach, indigestion,
dyspepsia and kindred svmptoms iu
use will prove very bcnelicial.
"Favorite Prescription" Is n positive
cure for the most complicated and
obstinate cases of leucorrhea, exces
sive Mowing, painful menstruation, un
natural suppressions and irregularities,
Crolapsus or falling of the womb, weak
ack, "female weakness," anteversion,
retroversion, bearing-down sensations,
chronic congestion, inflammation and
ulceration of the womb, inflammation
pain and tenderness of the ovariea
accompanied with "internal heat."
Young women or matrons should not
nllow themselves to look sallow and
wrinkled because of those pains and
weaknesses which l)ccotne chronic and
are tl.i? result of colds, tight, lacing, and
the imprudent enreof the womanly sys
tem. Manvaw-oman would look Sean
tiful.have healthy color and bright eves
if it were not for those drains on her
strength and those weaknesses which
come all too frequently and make her
lifo miserable. There is a rendy-to-use
lrcscrirtion,used a great many rears by
Dr. R. V. Pierce in his large practice as
a Specialist in women's diseases, which
is not like the many "patent medicines"
on the market, as it contains neither
alcohol nor any narcotic, or other harm
ful drug. It is purely vegetable. It is
known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription nnd is sold by druggists.
cure biliousness, sick and bilious head
ache, dizziness, costiveness, or con
stipation of the bowels, loss of appe
tite, coated toneue, sour stomach.
windy belchings, " heartburn." pain
ami distress after eating, and kindred
derangements of the liver, stomach
and bowels.
Persons subjected to any of theset
troubles should never be without a vial
of the "Pleasant Pellet" at hand. In
proof of their superior excellence it can
truthfully be said that they are always
adopted as a household remedy aftet
the first trial.
One little "Pellet" is a laxative, two
are cathartic. .Thev regulate, invigor
ate and cleanse the liver, stomach and
bowels. As a "dinner pill," to promote
digestion, take one each day. To re
lieve the distress arising from over
eating, nothing equals one of these
little "Pellet." They're tiny, sugar
coated, anti-bilious granules, scarcely
larger than mustard soeds.
How to live in health and happiness,
is the general theme of Dr. Pierce's
Common Sense Medical Adviser. This
great work on medicine and hygiene,
containing over 1000 pages and more
than 700 illustrations, is sent free on
receipt of stamps to pay expense of
mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps
for the cloth-bound volume, or only 21
mr for tho honk in rnre
Eagle Grove
Clarion . -Hampton
Mason City -
5 45
& Surgical Institute
We are Specialists for Diseases and
Weaknesses of MEN and MEN ONLY.
We know just what we can do, and we
have such firm confidence in our NEW
METHODS and TREATMENT that we are
willing to cure our patients under an
absolute guarantee of
faraam OMAHA. Ml.
March 6 nd 20 tho Santa Fe will tell one-tray .
econd-rlaas tickets to the Southweat at about I
half fare. '
On a me dates round-trip Homeseekers' tickets
will be sold at about three-quarters of one fare.
See for yourself the prosperous Southwest