Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Now located in the- nrw
retail center, Howard
nnd Sixteenth
""""j htrrela.
Wninoftflay morning wo will place on mile, in our Economy linsement Linen Department, i'OO hemstitched Scarfs, Lunch Clothe,
and Center Pieces, at Jt'ST HALF PRICE. This is the most remarkable opportunity to secure Scarfs, Lunch Cloths and Center
Pieces at this extraordinarily low price, considering that the linen market is advancing in price even- day.
50 New Spring Coats Received
Consisting lf Pllk ClllltS, fOVelt CCIUtK,
fancy mixtures and plain checks. They
I beautiful results of flip tailor's 'kill
representing talent In tailoring local mod
istes cannot affjrd.
Separate Skirts.
About V WW styles Just leceived in
ffincy mixed gray, fine Tanamn, Mac'i
taffeia silk and Frelch voile, all siieg
from 22 up to 3.2 waist bands.
Leather Goods.
'lining'" brigs made of black seal, leather
lined, fitted with coin purse, $1.50 each.
Browu an! black seal leather hags,
leather lined, fitted with coin purse, plain
leather handle, ts, :.W and f.1 each.
Carriage bags, black, brown, tan, green
and bluo anal leather, ntted with coin purse
snd bather lined, fl, M 6" and 15 each.
Knvelopc hHgs, black, brown, tan. gray l-ather, leather lined, strap handles
at bach, $1' nnd each.
Draperies on the Third Floor.
i n eb i ikh t ten and comparison will con
vince you that our price? on draperies urc
always below the average.
Cretonne, 31-in. wide, in n. beautiful as
sortment of Ilfcht. and d.nk effect, 15c a
Fancy Trlnted Denims, .liMn, wld", Hw.
:'c, yard.
Printed Tapestry in beautiful new curded
elTeets, 3i-in. wide, :",c.
Reversible prlnteii I lunxai inn cloth, very
heavy quality. 3;-ln, wide, 25c.
fljrlap, Sti-ln. wide, plain colors, J5c a
yard, fancy printed one aid--, c, fancy
printed both sides, 25c a yard.
l.lnen Taffeta. 40c a yard.
Cotton Taffetn, llgiircd weave, printed
designs, 3"c a yard.
I"rinted Dimity Cretonne, auc a nrd.
Plain Art Denims, 25e a yard.
Drapery Hutc-c ns, at 15c a yard.
hould remain in the employ of the gov
ernment." He explained that by "agreements" iie
meant that the president had promised
him a free hand In carrying out his poli
cies and his sympathy and support in ad
ministrative muttets connected with canal
oatrarts with I 11 ion Oil Company.
Mr. Morgan and Mr. Taliaferro Inquired
at length concerning the concession to th
Cnlon Oil company of California to lay
pipe lines across the isthmus. Mr. Morgan
wanted to know it Mr. Phonts had ever
beard that Mr. Rockefeller owned th-
l'nlon Oil company. Mr. Shouts sid he
Jknew nothing about i,t.
It was brought out nguin thut the com-
ccr-sltm was revocable by the will of th
president, and. furthermore, that It wes
Mr. Shouts concluded with an earnest
appeal to the committee;, to determine the
type of canal ns soon as pooalhle and legis
late In suoh manner that the canal com
mission may know what to do. He said
that Chief Engineer Stevens has been ac
cumulating his forces. If u sea level canal
hould be ordered he had too many of one
character of( men and not enough of an
ether, and that condition was true also of
a lock canal, said the witness, lie declare!
that It was essential to economy to legis
late without delay. He recommended that
General Oswald 8. Ernst be Invited to sit
With the committee during the determint
tlon of the type of canal in order
any technical questions might be nnnwer -d
promptly and correctly.
Prof. Wilbur II. Burr will be heard to
morrow at 2:30 and Wt.llam Htmiay Par
aims lafer In the week.
' What Does
Stand For
For Good Faith
with the public for quar
ter of a century.
For Purity
never t et questioned by pure
food officials.
For Finest Flavor
resulting froiri ute of costli
est and highest quality of
For the Eest
Cocoa and Chocolate made
anywhere at any price.
For Largest Sales
of any superfine Chocolate
' ' Bonbons la th world.
For Protection to
in guaranteed uniformity of
highest excellence.
Tkt Lwtuy Rtcfift Bt Fr. '
T Walter M. Lowney Co.,'
). A. BampaoR. Ua'l Sales Agxt. Oman.
Beneficial to elderly people
who suffer from dryness of
mouth and throat, u
Half Price Sale of Hemstitched Scarfs.
Lunch Cloths
All our I2i,r Hemstitched Center Pieces, In thin RHle 6c each.
All our 25c Hemstitched Center Fieoes, In this sale 2iC each.
All our 60c Hemstitched Center Pieces, in this sale 23c each.
hemstitch ki lunch cloths.
All our 50c Hemstitched Lunch Cloths, in this sale 25c each.
All our 75c Hemstitched Lunch Cloths, in this sale 3Sc each.
All our 35c Hemstitched Scarfs, In this Bale lKc each.
All our 50c Hemslitched Scarfs, Itr-thls sale 25c each.
All our 65c Hemstitched Scarfs, in this sale 33c each.
All our 10c Scrub Cloths, in our Economy Basement, oc each.
All our $1.00 Fringed Tablecloths, in our Economy Basement, 69c.
All our $1.25 Fringed Tablecloths, In our Economy Basement 89c
All pur $1.75 Hemstitched Tablecloths, in' our Economy Base
ment, $1.38 each.
All our 25c Hemstitched Tray Cloths, in our Economy Basement,
15c each.
500 yards Mercerized Satin Damask, in our Economy Basement,
4Sc per yard.
All our 23c Fringed Damask Towels, In our Economy Basement,
1 2 Vic each.
Filkullnrs, at lne and l!'4c a yard.
Down proof sateens, at 3c a yard.
Novelty satren with' embossed figures
printed in light and dark effects, C5c a yard.
Printed Swisses, 3fi-in. wide. 15c a yard.
Curtain Swisse-s, white, nt 8c, Hc, iZic
and 15c a yard.
Curtain Madias. 45c. Sue, 75c, $1.00 and
$1.25 a yard.
Fancy Nets, white ecru and colored, 20c,
-ic, 30c, 45c, 5io. and fiOc, yard.
Visit Our Millinery Department
If for no reason other than an Instructive
sight of the authentic new things. You can.
not do better than to become ncouulntcd
Howard and Sixteenth Streets
Senate Decides to Reconsider
Passed Last Week.
Stale Certificate Hill Made a Npeclal
Order for Thursday the
' llonse umber of alitor
Measnrp rsrl.
' 1
il'ioin a Staff Correspond ht.)
f UK? "MOINES. March . (8r'lal. In
J the senate today after a somewhat warm
I debate between Senator .Powell on one
1 side and Senators Tileakly and Garst on the
' other it was moved to reconsider tho bill
i prohibiting Sunday theater, base ball and
I all other atirai tlona where 1111 admission
la charged. Since the bill passed" the
I st-nute there has ,beeu manifest much
' surprise that It passed ho easily. The sen
I a ton have now been hearing from home.
Every town where there Is a league base
I ball team is anxious that the law should
lie killed or at least amended so as to allow
Sunday base ball. Senator Dowel! of Polk
county, where there is the Western league
! team, la chairman of the Judiciary com
I mlttec which recommended Us passage.
Hlcakly opposed the reconsideration and
1 HMike of the petitions that had flooded
! the senate for the bill. Howell thought
! this came with poor grace from Bleakly
! .....1 ....fii,-,....! I., tin, iniiiiMri- rtetitfonM
1 , ....... ...... , , 1 .1
;...." . " ,
! and proceeded to say thut what Powell
called a petition was not a petition, but
the declaration of wjvifal principles of
which live related to federal matters, while
one. the anti-pass bill, he favored ami
hud been innt nunntul in getting on for
special order, and thj? thef; was for the
primary, and he dotiared he had voted for
the best primary bill oft'Ted to the senate
tilt: Saunders substitute), llu.aaid further
there wus not etiilon circulated by his
. constituents und that,' What had been in
troduced was secured by thu Siobx City
Tribune, which claimed to Ijo Independent,
but waa really democratic. TfUT bill was
reconsidered and referred 10, the judiciary
: (omillilU-c.
I Limit to Kauwille.
1 On motion of Smith of Mitchell the sen
I ale today reconsidered' the bill to limit
the admittance to Knoxvllle Inebriate
asylum and passed the bill after eliminating
the section itlvhig Judges of the district
.court discretion in sending only those giv
. ing promise of being cured. "
Because the officials have liccu unable
1 to find the bill that was lost in the house
: requiring the circulation of petitions of
consent every live years, the senate today
moved to recall the bill,-so that It can be
repassed and rent over to the house. There
ate : on the part of frieiuls of the
bill that It will never bo passed by the
senate again.
I senate Huullur, .....
The senute today fussed a concurrent
resolution arranging for a joint session
Thursday in memory of Colonel D. P..
Henderson; adopted the report of the com
mittee Indefinitely postponing the state
marshal's bill; provided for printing 1,200
copies of the supreme' court docket in
stead of I.Oom; passed, a law 'Ixing a penalty
for niisrtadinii the Babcock test of milk
or crani; appropriated W to repair the
soldiers' oiviaiiv monument at I'c.iai' Kills;
passed the bill Increasing the compensa
tion for publishing the st-sriou laws in
newspapers; passed the bill increasing the
jay of the superintendent "at Mitcnellvllle
I to Sl.
j Senator Saunders ttiday ini roduc'd a bill
I piobibiting person wearing he insignia of
secret s."MHeties to which they lo not be
long. Tsvjor Introduced .a, bill .providing
lhAt ulvorc- decrees cannot be signed and
issued 1 ill one y ir aftri the hearing of the
1 divorce. I-w Is Introtueed a bill giving the
nat'' auditor :-rvihm' m rr private
bn d.
KlrnalklM Will Mat Kill.
1 iUprwiMatlve Fleiiiiikln, chairman of
liw house committee oa trlKCtions said today
I hit lie would at once call togeUier tin
lominiltee and lhit there would soon be
reported out a pi unary election hill slmilar
to 1 he' l'rfisii y bill. Two bills are before
tb9.-viu': i .-.. 4 .
bvnatui 1 ui.l.uiu, wUw ivluruiU luvls)
and Center Pieces.
with this great display of Parisian and
American model hats.
There Is a comprehensive allowing of
lints at 5.0n to $15.00 uneipialed In the west
that will Interest every woman In Omaha.
That Second Floor Suit Room.
Even though our stilt room is filled with
new spring suits, coats, skirts and waists,
r.ew things are arriving almost daily. Only
Monday wo received a large shipment of
handsome suits, In alzes SS. 40, A 44. also a
different lot In smaller sixes, which we
would like very much to show you.
from his home, where he has been during
adjournment, has prepared a primary elec
tion bill which he will introduce soon.
House Properdins.
The house reached the state certificate
bill on the calendar and owing to the great
Importance of the measure it was made a
special order for Thursday morning at 10
o'clock. This Is the bill which passed the
Two bills were introduced by Mr. Hart to
protect telephone wires from Injury.
The house passed the Ericson bill from
the senate exempting publlr libraries from
the operations of tha collateral inheritance
tax where they receive bequests; also the
Hamhletou Mil to legalize tho platting of
Urge tracts of land in cities and towns by
county auditors; also the Wrldcii bill to
permit towns to nuike use of funds on hand
for the repair nnd improvement of public
btiildluK.s; also a bill to appropriate Ifieo for
a monument to John Moiftau, revolutionary
soldier, in llutiington.
ItepresenUitive Whitmer of OBiien
county waa in hie seat this morning for the
first time for weeks, and the resolution
calling on him for explanation was not
brought up.
I'.acaiira 'I hronah Wlnilon.
'. K. Gray, wanted at Marshalltown for
passing some forged paper on the postmas
ter there, wns arrested in this city today
as lie alighted from a train. A short time
later at the Wellington hotel, in company
with his wite and the deputy sheriff from
Marshall county. Gray dashed for the win
dow and jumped through it to the pave-,
inent, two stories below. He ran down the
street and made his escape.
NORTH M'GREOOR, la.. March tl.-tSpe-
the hero of McGregor today. At the risk of
her own life she flagged the heavily loaded
orthwestern tiussenger train and pre
vented it from striking a broken rail. The
girl discovered the broken rail while on her
way to school.
DIAMONDS Edholni. 16th and Harney.
t.overuiueut Reserves Favorite Breed -lug
Cjrounila for Wolvea and
l orotea In Vmtiiu.
CHKVKNNli. Wyo.. March . The sIock
men of Wyoming propose to go before th
in xt state legislature with a request f jr
even a larger upproprialioh than was set
aside a year ago for bounties on predatory
wild animals. They will'iido usk that the
price M-r head on wolves be Increased from
H to and on coyotes from $1 to flu.
Despite the fact that the last legislature
appropriated eKUM', and numerous live
stock associations offered additional pel
vate bounties, wolves und coyotes have In
creased in Wyoming at an alarming rate,
and tile pests are for the first time in
many years "hamstringing" full-growa
caltlend horses
I. The Wjoming Wocd Growers' association.
I a' Its annual convent lou in Casper, pass-l
I resolutkyns culling upon the secretary of
j agriculture to assist the stale authorities
' In exterminating w ild animals in the for
est receives. Secretary Wilson has proi 1
Ised to take the mutter up at once.
II nil bard Oat on Ball.
HI" RON. a. D., Marc h . iSpecial. I- H. U
Hubb.ird. charged with the killing of G. W.
Coke bread and sent to the penitentiary for
fifteen years, and who was recently granted
a new trial by the supreme court, has been
.released from Jail 011 bond of .".iii). Hub
baid's second' trial will occur during the
term of circuit court for this t Read lei
county, which convenes on the 15th.
body and brain with .
10 day will ahow
J Abuse I
j S body and brain with . J
n 1
Free Features of This Great
Miss Steemslrup, famous us an expert
needle artist, gives free Instruction In all
the new styles of embroidery stitches dally
from 2 to 6 p. m. Art Department, second
floor. . ' - .
Miss McCauley of New York, trained by
the designers of Itcdfern corsets In the
study of correct corset fitting, fits corsets
daily and gives counsel concerning corset
troubles or Inconveniences you may experi
ence. Second floor.
Our spacious, well furnished rest room
on the third floor, the unlimited use of our
telephone system and a most cordia re
quest to wander at will through the many
departments of this great store. If only
looking you are equally welcome with the
purchasers. '
Art Department.
The very newest tiling for hand made
curtains Is Uctierlyle Net. pure white
square mesh to be woven with mercerised
cotton Into flowers or figures, also scallop
for edge, durable and very stylish, Scinch
wide, $1.00, yard.
Have Just received a line of handsome
patterns in shirt . waist patterns stamped
on linen for French embroidery, combined
with lace, nnd eyelet patterns, three yard.,
of linen $2.25, Hedebo patterns, $3.75.
Stamped corset covers on linen for eye
let work, $1.25.
New line of stamped hat patterns. Sue.
Collar and cuffs for shadow embroidery
15c, eyelet embroidery 55c.
Many new stamping patternsfor waists
In eyelet, French and Shadow embroidery.
Good silk floss cushions which do not mat
and are. soft, downy and filled well, for
summer pillows, good value, 20-ln. 33c, 22
In. 4fr, 24-ln. 6nc ench.
Governor Leads Trustees of Nebraska
Methodist Hospital Association.
Indications Prompt Relief that Five
Thonsand Dollars Over Estimated
(oil n( en- Building Will
Be Raised.
The annual niufjUiy; of the Nebraska.
Methodist Hospital association as held
yesterday in .the Commercial club roonv.
At out forty members were present, includ
ing all the Methodist ministers of Omaha
nnd South Omaha, deaconesses of the hos.
pital and ministers from the stale. Among
the latter were Rev. James Leonard, pre
siding elder of the Kearney district, and.
Key. U. II. Shumate, presiding elder of
the North Platte district.
A board of trustees was elected, as fol
ic ws: For the Nebraska conference, Gov
ernor J. H. Mickey, Gcorte 1. Wright of
Nebraska City and A. I4. Johnson of Uni
versity IMace, for the west Nebraska con
ference, L. It. Shumate ot North I'la'te
and Thomas Campbell of Kearney; for inn
northwest Nebraska conference. A. R.
Julian of line and George H. Hornby
of Valentine; for the north Nebraska con
ference, Charles A. Goss, W. p. Harford,
C. W. Peljimatre, Oscar Alien, T. V. !Stui'
gess, all of Omaha; A. F. Stryker of South
Omaha and William Wilson of Blair.
Keport f Hustlers.
He-port of the hustling committee, rcu 1
before the meeting:
Already expended on building f 4.U"0.0Q
Cash in bank March 1 31. 779.7;
Pr. Jonas' conditional sub n ;(o.i.vj
Subscriptions reiMirted to hospital
March 1 from churches in slate.t 3,7sti.f
From special pledges in Omaha.. s.iVlo..i
From old pledges deemed good
V ' ' t 1SM77..SI
Subscriptions secured by "Hustling
Committee" Irotii churches in
the stale f L'.UtSli.'.kJ
From Omaha canvas 2hMt.?1
I 38,045.17
Total availuble assets, all Miurce.ltw.&li.tit
Kstlmated cost of new building... ltCVUVn
Surplus I 3.31. fM
Since the report was made up subscrip
tions to the amount of t.'.V have been re
ceived, and more Is coming each day. It is
thought now that the desired extra $."..0t,
to cover shrinkage, will he subscribed.
The treasurer's report showed receipt
for the year ending March 1 of approxi
mately llft.ttiD, and expenditures of about
fC7.jfta. The balance of $l,li. added to fl,:k)
in the general fund at the beginning of the
year, makes that fund 2.m.
Mrs. Mclaughlin, superintendent of ih
hospital, made her annual report. The hos
pital treated S70 pattella during the year,
?li of whom were . ileUlodlsts. 2li of 1,0
church and the rest iif various denomina
tions. The visiting deaconesses made lo.iiti
visits. Resolutions commending Mrs. Mc
Laughlin for the good wprk were adopted.
The newly elected trustees held a post
meeting and organlxej by the election f
C. W. De luting re. president; A. I.. John
son, vice president; Charles A. Goss, re
cording secretaryi . W. P. Harford, treas
urer; C. P. 'Trotell. membership secre
tary; Oscar Allen, auditor. It was decided
to increase the menilierhhlp of the building
committee from three to Ave. Messrs.
Goss, Harford and De Latuatrr are the old
members, and Oscar Allen was added, the
other place bring left open lor the present.
I Chinese at Chime.
CHICAGO. March "..-Prince Tsl T. head
ing Chinese imperial commissioner, sent to
Amerloa to study the Chinese exclusion
laws and the methods f the American gov
ernment, reached Chicago early today. Si
teen members of the party came over the-
hicsgo. Burlington ts Quiney road todav,
while thirty-three members of the commis
sion passed through the city last nigh',
arouig directly to New YorV Prince Tsl
1m and his party will st.end the day in
this city and leave f 01 the east tonight.
Ilraaarnee ana earnBla front Cnlae.
Laxative Bromo Qumlua, the Cold and
Urip remedy, removes the cause. Call fur
name and signature ot E. W. Grove. Sic
1 1 "
tnllr atnaleale.
Heals are now on sale at Myers-Dillon
Drug Co.'s for this benefit concert, to be
Ifl Ui t)a. 'lil, Cong xgaUouai uliun.ii
Uax-li Hi.
i Mf. Hale Chanjes General Staff with Desire
to Invade China.
Mr. l.oaa Matkra sin Intended
peeeh la Favor of statehood
lllll na It l ame from
WASHINGTON. March 6-The question
of the enlargement of the medical depart
ment of the army occupied the major por
tion of the time of the senate today. The
question arose in connection with the con
sideration of a bill for the displacement
of contract surgeons by physicians who
shall be given the rank of army officers,
and the reorganization of the medical corps.
Mr. Hale criticised tho bill as an entering
wedge for a general increase of the army
and said that It was a part of a general
plan of the general start" which he charged
with general purpose of enhancing the
army's Importance. In his remarks the
senator said the general staff was disposed
to encourage an invasion of China.
Messrs. Carter and Qallinger spoke in
somewhat the same vein of objection as did
Mr. Hale, while the hill was defended by
Messrs. Warren, Blackburn and other sen
ators. The hill was not disposed of.
The only speech of the day on the state
hood bill was made by Mr. Ing. who
advocated the passage of the bill as re
ported by the committee on territories.
Secretary Taft occupied a snat on tha
floor of the senate while the army bill was
under consideration.
Indian Bill Kent to Conference.
When the senalo convened 'today Messrs.
Clapp, MeCumber and Dubois were ap
pointed as n committee to confer with a
like committee rrom the house cm the bill
providing for the settlement of the a IT. 1 Irs
of the five clvlllied tribes of Indians.
The bill providing for the increase of the
efficiency of the medical department of the
army was called up ami Mr. Hale spoke in
opposition to it. He said that the bill was
one of the many prepared by the genernl
staff of the army Intended to accomplish
the Influence of the army which he be
lieved undesirable. He added a word c-j.-pressing
his conviction that the plan was
that of the general staff nnd not of the
secretary of war.
"AI! of these bills have their root here."
he said. "I find that this staff, dealing
with an army of men, is disporting
itself as the general staffs In Europe do,
whereas in Germany, for instance, there If
an army of "t.ncn or sno.onti men. While
the plans pursued were proper where end.
country was surrounded by powerful neigh
hors, It was not proper whore there was no
Would Invade China.
In this connection Mr. Hale said that the
general staff had prepared plans for the
invasion of China by an American army,
but he added that he did not mean to go
Into this subject.
"For with the secretary ot state sitting on
the lid I do not believe we aro likely to
have war."
It waa, he said, the purpose of that organ
ization to invade China which would bo a
declaration of war.
Mr. Hale was replying to a question of
Mr. Tillman, who asked how many troops
had been sent to the Philippines with a
view to their being sent to China, and Mr.
Hale said:
"1 don't know how many troops Siave
been sent there, but I think several thousand-
The purpose of the. general staff
that they may be used If any emergency
either arises, or can be made, to Invade
China, which, of course, would be a dec
laration of war, while, congress is In ses
sion." !
Mr. Hale spoke of the great rxpense of
the retired list, saying that In the last
three years we have retired more brigadier
generals than were ever retired before in
the same time alter a great war. He also
said that the navy list was something
Warren Iteplles to Hale.
Mr. Warren replied to the last suggestion
by saying thut It was due largely to the
bill of last session retiring officers who had
served in the civil war with Increased
rank and called attention to the fart that
Mr. Hale had supported that mensute. Mr.
Hale responded that the Increase was due
not to the civil war. but to the fact tiiat
officers were given Increased rank for a
very brief time, in some cases only for a
day, In order to give them better rank In
Mr. Warren took exception to Mr. Utile's
statement that the pending bill was one of
many looking to an increase of the army,
declaring that it was not intended for that
purpose and that no Increase In expend!-
that indicates your success. A man with
capital has all of the advantages ot those
who do not save.
Our facilities for savings will help you.
Oldest and Strongest Saving?. Bank in
i le I l 4 II
worn out. Common macnine
lasts lest tnan 20 minutes. No etretch in I ounrt ahoes;
we do tne stretching before the leather (toes into the shoe.
HoMinf it. ehape males the Tourist always styliah and
comfortable. It COStS hut $3. jfoM Wy tlu We eWlare everywhere.
- ' t
a atwa
ture would result fr'ii the psar of the
Mr. Vet His spoke Suppoit of the hill
It waa not distsiscil- t f
l-niia on Alslrhmiit lllll.
Mr: Ixinr addrsscd the senate on the
atehood hill. IJ spoke especially of the
fltn's of Oklahoma find Indian Territory
for statehood noil then entered upon nn
rfTnr-t to show that Arixona was not only
nol now. hut nevAr would be, lit for stale
hood le sii1 the only purpose In now
uiitngontKing Joint statehood for Arixona
and New Mexico was to reserve Arlxonu
for separate statehood In tho future and
that this undesirable design should lx
thwarted by uniting that territory In a
state with New Mexico.
When Mr. lmg concluded, the bill for the
regulation of enlistment and punishment
In the revenue cutter service was taken up
and passed.
The senate then resumed consideration of
the bill to Increase the efficiency of the
medical department of the army and Mr.
Carter took the floor In opposition to it.
He declared the hill was an entering wedge
for an Increase of the army, which he did
not believe to be desired by the country.
He suggested the recommittal of the bill.
Mr. Warren again denied that the bill
contemplated any material Increase or that
It was any part of a general scheme for
the enlargement of the army. lie added
that such Increase of the army as was
made was In the -displacement of contract
surgeons by njajors, captains ,nd lieu
tenants. The army bill was still pending when at
5:H p. m. the senate went Into executive
session ahd at 6:2J p. m. adjourned.
on !.; will 1.1; An thf. h atm
l.rnrala. Man Will Direct t'onarres.
slonal Cnmpalaa for Minority.
WASHINGTON, March S.-Representa-live
J. M. Griggs of Georgia was unani
mously chosen chairman of the democratic
congressional committee tonight at a meet
ing at tho capital attended by forty-one
members of the committee. Representative
Bowers of Mississippi placed Mr. Griggs In
nomination. There was no other nomina
tion and the secretary was instructed to
cast the entire vote for Mr. Griggs.
The following officers of the committee
were also elected withouc opposition:
Secretary. Charles A. Kdwards of Texas:
assistant secretary, Captain J. L,. Tearyof
Tennessee; treasurer. Jimifs I,. Iirris of
the District of Columbia; sergeant-at-arnis,
J. J. Hlnnott of Virginia.
A committee composed of Representatives
Lloyd (Mo.). Ho wets (Miss.), Flnley (8. C.I,
Kellher (Mass.) and Granger (R. I.) was
appointed by Mr. Griggs to select two vice
chairmen and memliers of the congressional
committee from states and territories which
lave no representatives in the house.
An auditing committee was named, oon--Isting
of Representatives Gaines (Tenn.),
Ivan N. T.I and Clark (Fla.V
A financial report showed that the eoni
.iltlee has $2,.!u) cash on hand. It was an
nounced by Chairman Griggs that the com
mittee will establish headquarters in Wash
ington and direct the approaching congres
sional campaign from that city.
llnnse Passes Rill to Abolish Tag of
la Centa n Pound.
WASHINGTON, March .-The house be
gan Its session today by passing without
discussion or opposition a bill for the relief
of tobacco growers, by permitting them to
sell leaf tobacco without paying the tax of
6 cents a pound heretofore charged. The
balance of the day was devoted to tariff
discussion, the Indian appropriation bill be
ing the vehicle to carry the debate. Pre
ceding this, Mr. Sherman explained the
provisions of the bill.
The tariff discussion was opened by Mr.
Rue ker of Missouri, who brought forth
arguments designed to sustain the demo
cratic idea of tariff for revenue only, and
he closed with the prediction that these
Ideas would prevail with W. J. Rrjan as
the standardbearer.
Mr. Lacey, In discussing the home market
and the German tariff, initiated a lively
Are of argument from both sides and par
ticipated in generally, and near the close
of the day Mr. Williams, the minority
leader, talked tariff for more than an hour.
Mr. Williams set forth the various bills he
has Introduced and asserted that 2" pe-r
cent of the cost of the commodities would
cover, as a rule, the actual cost of the labor
in their product Ion. The Indian bill still
remains before the house, no effort to limit
general debate having been insde.
tlel fur Alaskans.
WASHINGTON, March Secretary
Taft has sent to congress a Joint resolu
tion authoriring the War department to
sell the surplus eon I on hand at Fort
Davis, Nome, Alaska, to alleviate the suf
fering of the people there, who are ex
periencing a coal famine. The mayor of
tho town and other officials have tele
graphed the secretary an urgent plea for
Every Tourist aho It left on itslaat
(to form) to dry for four day,
v tViat it will toll its fhape until
- aeweoi aKoca are left on tneir
All Run Down
In tho spring that in the condition of
thousands whosp sy.-t'in have not
thrown off the impurities accumulated
during the winter blod humors that
are now causing pimples and other
eruption, loss of appetile, dull head
aches and weak, tired feeling.
The medicine to take, according t
the testimony of thousands annually, is
Hood's Sarsapar ilia
In liquid or tablet form. 100 Dosra $1.
assistance, but he finds that he has 110
authority to let them have the coal at tha
Mill nt Hhenaailoau.
SI I KN ANDOAH. la.. March fi.-tSpeclal
Telegram.) Fire at midnight last night
broke cut In th" second story of the
Practical Milling company's mill and did
about js.onu damage before It could be put
out, three hours later. The mill is fully
Insured In th Millers' Mutual of Dc
by a heavy cold or cough, your luns ara
helpless till you cure them with Dr. King's
New Discovery. 5V and ll.Po. For sale by
herman A McConnell Drug Co.
BTERMNO SU-VF-R-Frenter, 15 IVilxa
Kentneky mil Stolen.
FRANKFORT. Ky.. Match K.Kepte
sentatlve Simmons today reported that ail
copies of his bill to suppress pool rooms
have been stolen from Hie records of the
slate senate. Investigation will lie made.
nerfhe Ctalrhe rieacls tinlltj.
NKW YORK. March t lierthe Clalrh
plead-d guilty to mnnslatightei In the first
degn-e at the re-sumption ot" her trial for
murder In the supreme court this after
to auda of th bat while of co!ar-fwt lahries,
1 oil an set whsl you want of raw dealer if
pa iiea oa it. $1.50 end more.
Oa aad of like net.
tartest aUarnof C'ollara and Sairte hi lbs WerM
$1 Advertising Book
To those Interested In the subject of adver
tising, we will send free upon receipt of 10c
In stamps or coin to cover postage, the IS I
rage bound book entitled Current Rates of
rive Publications This book contains lists
of all publications In the ITnlted States
with their circulation and their rates for
advertising space. It also contains a com
plete list of street cars allowing e-ewts of
street ear card advertising. A most valu
able book foi' the old as well as the new
advertiser. '
Piinter-Tobey-Jones Co., Advestislng Agents
3S Dearbern Ski Chicago, III.
TON It JUT AT 8:15
t.'harles Dillingham Presents
In the Musical Comedy
(Of Weber & Fields),
and Company of lit) People, in
Bun., Mon. -ISLK OF SPICli."
Nights-Sun. Mat. 10c-25e
Tues., Thurs., Bat.
-Mat. lite. 200.
Mats. Thurs,
nd Saturday.
NeKt Week
Hoc i s
In bis Famous Lectin a
For the benefit of "The- P. ui le
church. -
R.-si-rvid seats now on Je at the
Auditorium. Prii-es. &c and 7ic.
f g 0 c",,OMTO'
'Phone Douglae U4.
livery Night. Matinees. Thur.. Hat., gun.
Watson, Hutching al Kdwards; Fairy
Corwey; muni aV Itusfell, M.ny Dupont
aV Co.: Mitchell Cain; Mildred Irioia;
O'Rourke, Burnett Trio and the Kinodiome.
Prices llic, 2.V. ft(c.
West A Votes and
Margaret Dalr
A Pair" of Pinks
Prlcee-t&c. e. Mr, lie.
'The Way of the Transgressor."
Always Somelh.nj N;w That Will
Tempt the Appetite.
J Oui aciwec la toe. i.oic.keist aad !