Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1906, Page 10, Image 10
t 10 TITFi OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. MARCH NEW INDUSTRIES FOR OMAHA Enterprises Knocking at Doors of City, Sijd A. B. Stickney. WILL HELP SOON AS CAN GET TRACKS frral4at nt rirral Hflfr Hele t D4rM Ptrlrtnrea of J. Illdm Ariinir Made I pnn Illiu. Nfw lndiiMrl s will lip laced nri our j a'rain termlnnl tratks an imoii a we ran i H-t connection with the 1'nlon I'litlfli track," said A. B. Stlekney, president f ' the ChlCBKO Great Western. In Omaha. Tuesday. " claim the decision of the upreme court ordering; the I nlon 1'acillc 1o allow other roud to rross the hrida-e nil tise. the terminals sIho Includes the obligation to ronnect with our ww grain terminal. This the road has refund to do end we have Vcn forced to ro Into court to compel the road to make that Conner lion. The case comes up for a hearing be. for JudKe Mung'T Wcdmsday. Industrie era knocking nt Omaha'" xntes. and we will help them along a soon ns we can assure them trark connection." Mr. Rtlckney arrived from St. I'a.ul Tues day, and wan accompanied by Lewis l"fts, vice president of the road; Frank H. Kel logg, general counsel, and Guy Chase, sec retary. They are quartered at the Her Urand during their stay In the city, and Tuesday nton were quests of W. D. Mj Hugh, local counsel of the Great Western, nt lunch at the Omaha chin. The morning was spent In driving over the terminals of the road in this rtty with large rolls of tilue prints, but nothing further wns given put as to the nature of their business. Refuses to Aninrr Arinonr. Mr. Btlckney Is in the limelight probably more than any other one niilroud man. He is what Is known as a disturbing cle ment In railroad rates, and is hard to ket-p in harness, being always out for the busi ness. Thus he niude a seven years' con tract with the packers whereby they were to give him a good percentage of their business from the 'Missouri river points In consideration of his promise to keep the rates at the amount agreed upon, 14 cents on through business. In the 8a mi day Even ing Tost J. Ogden Armour, the head of the Armour Packing company, takes Mr. Stickney to task 'or "frequently Indulging In word pictures of the poor, trembling railroads In the clutches of the voracious packers," when. In a communication to his stockholders, at the time the contract was made, he wrote In a different tone, as fol lows: It gives the management pleasure to be able to announce thai the company has executed Identical contracts with each of the packing companies doing busimss at Kansas C'lly, tit. Joseph, Omnha and Hloux City, by Which the packers agree to route fiver the Chicago Great Western lines at kast a certain percentage of the entire output of their plants, at deflnitu rates, lor the terra of seven years. The aggregate revenue which these con tractu secure to the Chicago Great Western railway on the present volume of business is estimated to be S14.onu.OUO. and. if the business increases as rapidly In the next seven years aa In the last, approximately SiO.UW.OOU. These oont nuts cannot be understood without a knowledge of the magnitude of the packing Industry. The published repoit of Swift and Company gives the amount of Its sales last year aa the enormous sum of fc!20,Ufx),000. Presumably Its chief competi tor, Armour & Co., did substantially as much, and It la probably safe to estimate that the aggregate sales of the other pm k ers amount to enough to make the grand total fully $700,000,0u0. More than halt the nggregate business la the output of the plants at the Missouri liver cities men tioned and Is affected by the contract. When asked If he had any reply to make to Mr. Armour on the subject, Mr. Stickney dismissed the question with a shrug of his shoulder, a wave of his hand and the terse statement, "Oh, that'a old." A rumor prevails to the effect that Mr. Stickney and party may, while here, lo cate tho Nye-Schnelder-Fowler elevator on the Great Western terminals. FAITHFUL GATHER AT SHRINE Many of the Interallied llrmiirrali of Omaha Go to Lincoln l.ove Feast. Democrat were leaving Tuesday to attend the organisation dinner at Lincoln at night. Among those who went down were James C. Dahlman. Gilbert M. Hitchcock, City Comptroler Lobeck, Deputy City Comp troller Cosgrove, A. A. Arter. George Itogera, Kd V. Bcrryinan. John nine, C. J. Smyth, Councilman Dave O'Brien, Kd Rob erson. Dr. A. Ii. Hippie. C. 8. Montgomery, I. J. Dunn, Lysle I. Abbott, Harry E. Bur nam, Charles R. Sherman. Alma Jackson, Louis J. Plattl. W. C. RuhsoII, John Power and Dan B. Butler. Assistant City Attor ney Herdman went to Lincoln on supreme court business, but It was expected he would "mix," notwithstanding his avowed severance from local politics. There la Tide la tho Adair of Men Which Taken at tho Flood Leads on to Fortine," The opportunity s :;.uke a success comes to every Individual at some time In his life, but It often appears In a disguised form and la not recognised until after It has flown. Failures In life result as often from poor health as from mismanagement, and yet people Ignore this fact and disregard a cold until it haa settled on their lungs and pneumonia has resulted or consumption haa been .contracted. The opportunity haa passed and It Is too late now to remove the 'cause. Your chance for success "may rest In curing a cold, and there is nothing you can procure which acts so quickly as Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. U Is famous for ita cures of coughs and colds and can al ways be depended upon. It counteract any tendency of a cold to result In pneumonia. . ; Mortality Ktatlatlca. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Hoard of Health dur ing the twenty-four hours ending at noou Births Frank Geiber. USB North Heven tnenUi. girl; Oliver I'attci son. : Frank lin, girl: Charley R.., Fortv-slxth and Center, boy; William K. Robertson 1M North Twenty-fourth, buy; Charles Sief! ken, VCl Pacific, loy; L. Hlbner, Tlk 8,. nth Thirty-second, Buy; L. Fek-sco, liijo South Tenth, boy. Deaths Mrs. Virginia B. Oalllnan Caatellar, 60; Harrv Broodky. U06 Brians I: Mary H. Wallace. irt Webster. V Granville Woods. Klnventh and Jones t: Mrs. Catherine Shannon. 161 Cuming, ,"T: Georgia Patton. County hospital, 34: Klenora Schmidt. 30Jo South Twenty-third' i day. . DIAMONDS Frenzer, 16th and Dodge. SUPPORTERS W Mil all kla4 of Supporters for lata aad Women II or 40 itylea Is JL fHITa FOR CATALOGUE or nnaa & McConnsII Drug Co,, Cfft Ittes eVBll It ml Its fTI V" - Lao! Visit Our Showing of New Spring Millinery LADIES' NEW SPRING COATS P0HY COVERTS POLO COVERTS BOX COURTS Very smart little Covert Coats that are much favored everywhere for spring wear made with collars or In collar loss styles some with new belts others with half fitted bRcks nniiHunlly good alttn at . . 4.99 FINELY TAILORED COVERT COATS AT $9.93 These Coats are splendidly fashioned of selected cloths, lull satin lint?d, flat stitched straps, very smart appearing; every correct new style feature, at l it. V bV. v iwvianj 9.98 WEDNESDAY SPECIAL Sale of Stock Rugs Those are pood quality of Rugs, made up of remnants of carpets left over at the end of the season. These have been made up in every size a wide variety of new and desirable pat terns. Bring the size of your room and we will have a rug to fit It. 'Special K5 Brussels Rugs at $12.59 EMBROIDERIES! Medium width and extra wide embroideries and insertings, fine quality of Swiss, nainsook and cambric, all new pat terns, manv open work designs and ribbon beading, worth as high as 50c a yard, at, yard. W1525c NEW SPRING STYLES In Very Servictibl t Quality of Ladies' Shoes Made on comfortable lasts, specially good stout leathers, all new styles and all very dressy, shiny or jrt q dull leathers, good wear I in every pair, nttea ry ex- n wmm perienced shoe men BRANDEIS BOSTON STORE P8LrticilLr People CHILLER'S Old Standard WHISKEY OiiSTAniiaj The Best For Home Use Hottled in bond. The government super vises the distilling, ageing and bottling. Vouches for its Age, Strength and Purity. Look for government stamp on every bottle. If it Comes From MILLER'S It Must Be Good. 1309 FARNAM ST., OMAHA, NEB. Hiller'a Whiskies, full quart, SOc, $1.00 and $1.25. Smart Boots $3.50 You will he surprised whrn you sev how rrally "a-octl lucking" our 3.a0 boots r. They ure nwde in palent stix-k", in kli with patrnt tips, or in the new gun metal leather they are In button or lare patterns in any sise or wiilt It and can be fittfd to suit the most fastidious. cdv rune m Wk aid DouIms 5fi 1 Charles A. Potter UEMER-Ui HIKNOGUAfHElt. Ik-KtK)ua, Currrepondcnvc, Uriel lYork aitd (special lteMrtins oa BUun Nutictf. NOTARY PtBLIC TeL Mil. . 101 Be BaiiaXas. Five FastTrains DAILY TO Chicago nd the Eatt via the CHICAGO ft FiORTII-WESTERPJ RAILWAY over the only double track railway between the Mis aouri River and Chicago. This complete service includes Pullman drawing room and private compart, ment sleeping cars, parlor cars, composite observa tion cars with library and buffet-smoking apartment, free reclining chair cars, standard day coaches and dining cars (a li carte ser vice.) Tickets snc Tall information oa id ell cation to ticket otfic 1401 m4 140S FarntM St, OMAHA, NEB. 1 3332.518 OMAH. WKtTRKR FOREfiST Wessnsst, Fair and Warmer. fflETT 1 GREEN TRADING STAMPS EVERT TIME New Arrivals in Our Cloak and Suit Department WE HAVE OPENED DURING THE PAST FOUR DAYS NEARLY FIFTY CASES OF New Suits for Ladies, New Suits for Misses, New Dresses for Girls New Coats, Short and Long IN FANCY CLOTHS, BLACK SILK AND CLOTH OF GOLD. NEW SILK AND LINGERIE WAISTS-In all tho most elegant designs of the spring season. Special atten tion is called to the "Wednesday attractions. LADIES' WAISTS-One Hundred Dozen fine Jfi cambric with elaborate embroidery, a reg- d u ular $1.25 waist, at " Thirty Dozen Fine Lingerie Waists, with fine f"y tucks, Val. lace and embroidery, new trim- A f med sleeve. Ladies, this is a $1.25 waist, for. LADIES' NEW SUITS-Eton. Blouse dflQO Jacket Styles, handsome new mixtures and checks, ever) one of them $20 styles, at aWVaisBl MISSKH RED GOLF JACKET With ereen collar, loose bar-k, made of good English serge, ages 6 to 16 years; price MISSES' Rt'lTS Made of covert cloth and mixtures. Jacket f) CIA style, loose effects, pleated skirt; price ZJJM RIBOLIXE Sl'ITIXfi Stiperlor mercerlied finish, one of the -JA most popular spring suitings, in plain colors; Wednesday, yd. UC MADRAS SHIRTING 36 inches wide, white ground with dot f 1 and small futures, worth 18c; Wednesday, a yard, only laWV 86-IX. CURTAIN SWISS With white ground, colored dots or stripes; Special for Wednesday on Main Floor a yard. . . LADIES' VXIOX Sl'ITS Fine fleece lined, smooth finished seams, medium and extra sizes, our $1.50 quality, at LADIES NEW COTTON HOSE Seamless, fast black; special IP. !(; front and 5.95 15c 58c sale price, Wednesday. CHILDREN'S NEW COTTON HOSE In fine and heavy ribbed, f double heel, toe and knee, fast black; sale Wednesday, all sizes I JC CORSETS FOR 25c One hundred dozen odd lots, worth from IP 48c to $1.00; all go Wednesday, at DQ ANOTHER BIG EMBROIDERY SNAP WEDNESDAY. HUNDREDS OF PURCHASERS left our store pleased with the bar gains they received of our big sale of manufacturers' sample end embroideries. We'll offer you another big lot Wednesday, in 5 to 7-yard lengths, worth to 50e a yard; special, a yard, 10c 7 He and DC FANCY EMBROIDERED TURNOVERS CHEAP New lot of fine linen lawn Turnover Collars, beautifully embroidered in about fifty dif ferent patterns; on sale Wednesday, each, 23c, l.V, lOc and : , 5c BIG ETCHING SALE GREAT ,SALt OF ETCHINGS. This Immense Purchase Wo Have Divided in Two Lots. Etchings well worth up to Sale Prit-e Etchings, value would be cheap at $3.00, 1 Q Sale Price U-C These pictures have been in windows since Saturday. Art Section 2nd Floor. GREAT BOOK SALE STARTS SATURDAY. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. Bennetts Big Grocery. Headquarters for the Best Values m Teas. SPECIAL OFFER ON JOS. TETLEY & CO'S. TEAS. One-pound can 7" Sunflowrr brand uw And Kisty Given Trading- Siajn)ia. Half-pound can AfXr Sunflower brand 4UC And thirty Urwn Trading Stamps. Qunrter-pound can 1fr 8untlwvr brand -vw And (tftPvn Green Trading Stamps. CANNED SPECIAL, 2 cans Maine Oc Corn 50C 2 ian Gtnesee Cp Tomatoes iJfc. 1! lain Llltle lexter ' Peas Ot t (ana Diamond 8 9r Salmon aaOS. $1.00 And eighty Uiicn Trading Stamps. Piumond S Peaia, Aprtuots. Cherries, Pineapples, Strawberries 2Sc per rati ."V And thirty Green Trading Stamp. Bennett's Candy. BENNETT'S CANDY fKKSH MADE VANILLA FI.A- VOKED MAnSHMALl.OWS K for of I CZP une pound for Tnese are delicious. Deliveries When Required. f ONE-WAY SETTLER'S RATES Ever- Tuesday during Msrch and April to ' points in North Dakota, Minnesota, Manitoba and Canadian Northwest, also HOMESEEKERS' RATES , to same destinations firet and third Tuesdays in March and April, via ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. Fast trains leave Omaha Union Station at 8 a m. and 8:30 p. m., via St. Paul. Bates and information at 1402 Farnara St SAMUEL NORTH, : District Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. Your Spriag Suit Shpuld be Hirt, Schaflncr & Marx Hand Tailortd. Special Bar gains in THE RELIABLE TORk Headquarters for the Newest Style Ideas in Ladies' Saits and Coats CosJS Coal. f t Doxrble Green Trading StoLmps Wednesday 0i All Orders Dainty Undermuslins N'pvor before has mich n unlimited i 8ortment of high quality munlln fnderKarnients been shown In Orav ha. Never before hare prices been o lew. The manufacturers are th los ers, our customers the gainers. A few of the many bargains specially brought forward for Wednesday are: I.AMK8' HK1RT8. made extra full, havlnn loop tlnnnren nf fine einbrntdertea or dainty and InKertlnira. also underlay with rtiint ruffle garments worth re.u- wXissa1?. $ar:.,n..,wo. i5o-98c I.AD1FS' CORSKT t'OVKRS, drawers and (towns, well made, handsomely trimmed, worth regularly "he. 3C OIILDRKN'8 Mtl.JN 1MIAWKRS In aV, sles. trlmiried with enihrolderles and .Tk:-?.,lh..?'r tofrv 10c-15-25c DoZKNR OF fVTtlKH fTKCLVl. OAR GAINS WEDNESDAY. LADirS' DRAWERS. Corset Co-ers an1 Skirts, neatly made and prettily trimmed with laces and embroideries, worth up to TRc, Wednesdny 25C Sale of Boys' and Children's Clothing Specially reduced prices for Wednesday on thoroughly reliable garments from our own stork. KNEE PANTS SUITS In great variety of fabrics, colors and patterns, double- breasted or Norfolk Mvles, well f JEf trimmed, regular II. 50 values, at. "" KNKK PA NTS SflTS In the newest styles and materials, greatest Hssortmenf ever shown, regular KM and U.) values. .rr...."r:d.?;:. 1.95-2.00 Wool Dress Goods Sale 60 pleeea of French silk warp batiste, all 1 New Over ('hecks in the genuine shades, nothing In Omaha like It, 4 (Sf Insdowne. 4 It at. yard I'OUI at. yard l;rJ Don't forget our Thursday, Friday and Saturday salo of fine mohairs. High Grade Wash Goods Genuine French Percales, at, yard Anderson's celebrated 8cotch Ginghams, 2Jrf Vie and Amoekeag dress A. F. V. at 124c 15c 10c FROM i TO 4 P. M. We will sell ami pieces of the finest mercer iiod English white Waistlng goods, sella at 2fc, ;Sk SOc and .'.9c vard. 10 lOc jards to a customer, yard FLOUR! FLOUR! FL0URI Tomorrow. Wednesday, we are going to have, another Panner flour sale. We hav Just received two carloads from the mill. This Is mir Highest Patent Flour, marin from the finest Red Turkey hard winter wheat, , and will take more watr and make much whiter bread than any other flour on the market. To Introduce our flour Into everhody s home in Omaha, we are going to make tills a banner sale and sell It PER 48 POl'ND SACK Remember tnls Is for one day only Wednesday. .$1.00 fS ft Mill A A Small Office In The Bee Building carries with it all the advantages of being in the best office building in Omaha. The Bee building is always kept in perfect repair. The elevator service is ample and the elevator conductors accommodating and courteous. Kental price includes electric light, janitor service, heat, water and all the conveniences of a modern office building. 0 m .a 4 va At the present time theiv are vacant one office at $12.00 per month, one at $15.(H) per month and one at $18.00 per month. There are only three small offices vacant in the building today and these will not stay vacant long. If you want one, apply. at once. K. W. BAKEIt, Sunt. Ft. 418. lk-e Hldtf. C. C. IIOSKWATKH, Secy. ' 1702 Farnaui St. ffne-Way To Many Point In California. Oregon, Washington FROM OMAHA VI $20 $22 $25 , UNION PACIFIC EVERY DAY TO APRIL T, 1WH). Ml to Ogden and Salt Lake City, j to Butte, Aoaeonda and Helena. C l ( to Pendleton and Walla Walla, lUU j to Spokane and Wenatcbee, Waah. M to San Francisco, LoaAngelea, San Diego f and many other California point. Ato Everett, Fairhaven, Whatcom, Van ' couver, Victoria and Astoria. io Ashland, Kcwehurtf, Eugane, Albany and Salem, via Portland. Vto Portland, or to Tacoma and Seattle. Inqulra at Clif Ticket Ottlee 1H24 Parnaa Thona Douglaa I3i, t. WE: CAN SUPPLY YOU now with either ROCK SPRINGS C0AL LUMP and NUT - - $7.40 HAIIIIA LUMP EGG OR NUT $6.90 Just got ia a fresh supply of thsaa coaia and it lan't nerhry for us to tell about their sooA qualities Olva ua your order early If you want fieaa, clean, coal. C. B. HAVENS & CO. Tel. Douglas 317 219 8. 16th St.