Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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Office, 10 Pearl
mimik HRno.
Ilavlw lle drugs.
Mtockert sells carpet.
Kd Roarre' Tony Faust beer.
Oldest whisky In state at Jarvlx'.
IMumblng and heating. Ulxliy A. gun.
lira. Woodbury, dentists, 3t Pearl street.
YVoodrrng-Fehmldt. undrrtakers. Tel. S!J.
Kd lUurrrs' famous Mlckelob on drnughl.
lliamonds a an Investment. Talk to
Leffart about, it.
School - paint, pens, papula and tablets.
Alexander's, 833 B' way.
Jar vis Mil , put California, wines. ,
X. P. Ixxlpre left yesterday for an fc
tended -trip through the south.
Star IJhspter, r Royal Arrh Masons, will
met lit regular convocation this evcnim;.
'Mr. Minnie Wilcox of Monmouth. 111.. I j
the. ust of he i mint. Mr. N. J. Bwsnenu. I
For Imported wines, liquors and chain- I
fa una, L. Roacnfeld company. MU Main Ht.
For exchange, 21-rootn hotel in good e
brsk'n town. V. S. Kerr, Co. IMuft. la.
'Phone 417.
Klorir Bale. mT A Flour, Ilia il suck.
J " ZoUer Mercantile Co.. loi-l'C-l'Hi llrond
). 'I'hnne wi.
John ': Cain .and Hcssic Moore, both of
Onlaha, were married In till city yesrer-
lay by Justice Field.
Mr. V. B. Kldgon left yesterday for a
lx week visit with relative In Peoi in
mid other point in Illinois.
J-odB-e Brott commenced the March term
rf Superior court yesterdny nnd will make
.117 BKSiirntnent of case this afternoon.
' rf'inlre Annts. money to loan: vash on I
Hand, no delay; city and farm property for J
te on easv terms oi payment, omce. 101 (
larl street.
Jewel. Co'jtt Tribe of Ren Hui, will met
tlilg evening In the Ilrowu building. wh?n
nil. rriomucrs of the degree team an. re-
iuctrl to be present.
Jarvls say not - bow cheap, but how
good : . -
We are paying the highest cimh prices
for old Iron and metals. Council Bluffs
Junk Jli.ust: J Kattlcmau. proprieler.
Tel. Kfi. ' oj .. Main.
Klour Sale. Rig A Flour. $1 a sack
J. Zoller Mercantile Co.. Mn-lni-lin llioa I
wai'. 'Phono 320..
Get your acrerns rtMidy now.. We take
mr aHiirements Hnil quote prices free of
cbiugej II your old screens need painting
and reimirlng. we are in shape to take care I
of .tufim on. short notice. ('.. Hafer.
I.lly camp. Royal Neighbors of America,
will mecf in regular session tills evening.
removing I lie initiation oi new incline rs
lefresliinvntK will Is) serveil.
A- nnp for soinetxidy. a $'gn lee wagon
for 1175. We havo used It only lour month,
is practically new. Rndensi u A- Smilli.
Coal avnd wood, lfth ave. and 6th st.
'Ine Aiannattan reslaurunl and bar ura
giving the biggest meai In town tihort
mders, - with pure cream for excellent
coffee. Try nnd you will be delighted.
Good Won Stick. So: cloths. 1c cut.: good
steel frame Wringer, 11.29; good wood fratr-
wrhiRVr. ,$!.; No t-opp r-bottoni wash
i n,ir-M , v. miiht ierenioe
JfMtW Ur.oadway. 'I'hone. 32".
Missouri oak dryl cordwood, a cord;
shellbark hickory, IT; Argansas anthracite.
it .ru per ton lea tnan naru coal. William
Welsh, 18 North Main St. Telephone 1.
lAre.jrou drinking muddy water? There
Is -no excuse when you can buy a stone
lilter tjiat gives you water as clear as
crystal.'. Price. 3.W each W. A. Maurer,
Spring Is coming and with It new shoes.
IJnti't- you thirtk It would be a wise nnd
sns(rle plan to have tliose corns removed
at Graves', inp peafl St.? r
Painters, now is your chancu to buv
brushes at !S pef cent discount for cash
only. Council bluffs Paint, Oil and Glass
company are going to move to Mcrriam
block on March 15.
Flour Sale. Rig A Flour, tl.iu a sack.
J. .SWller Murcantile Co., Im-lv2-l( 13 road -.wfly.
, 'Phone .
Cltv fcnalneer tltnvre will no in llretnu
Xb. week to Inspect a home-made
uredgeu constructed there, with a view to
rontuig H for the Indian creek work, pro
vided it b suitable -and oan- Iw secured at a
rewonglde prtcef "
T 'Stin It grows.' More Quick Ical Ranges
sold in Council HlurTs than any other
range. ' Monev- cannot make Jhem. better.
r ir saie ii ewaine ac Aiaurer s, B.ReXH
1) load way.
The old reliable Weeer pianos, sold by
many dealers at t12& to $.'fi. can be bought
ror 1235 on eauy payment at A. Hotspe Co s
One Price Ptano Store, 33 Bouth Main St.,
Council Hluffs.
Miss Emily Rutherford, who has been
seriously, ill for several week, has gone to
Colorado In hopes of benefitting her health.
She Is accompanied by her brother, Foiest
Rutherford, who came here from Denver
for that purpose.
It Is such a satisfaction in house cleaning
time -to- have your carpets and rug taken
away from the bouse, cleaned thoroughly
and brought back Just the day you want
them. ' Satisfaction guaranteed. The Coun
cil HlutTa Carpet Cleaning & Rug Mfg. Co.,
14 North Mala St.. Tel ft Hi.
Good mop stick. 5c; cloths, lo us.; good
steel frame wringer, $1.2; good wood frame
wringer. $l.Js; No. K copper-liottorn. wash
boiler, lc. J. Zolle Mercantile Co. 1(0-im-im
Kroadwav. . 'Phone SIM.
Rev. Henry ' DeLong officiated at four
wdddlng" at the court house yesterday,
th following Couples being married bv him:
H. N. Abbot and Velma Halley, both of
Ashland. Neb.; Joy R. Applegate of I'nlo.i,
Neb., and flrace E. Kappel of Hlue Rapids,
Kan.! William J. Kellogg and May Ghyst,
. both of Omaha; M. L. Ruby of Mynird,
nfo., ajia a. c. i-igni oi mcvook. rveo.
Wax' beans, string beans, blueberries,
blackberries, raspberries und strawberries.
Still, three cans lor 2V-. at the Glen Ave.
Grocery. ' . , .
Mrs. JCva Hopkins oC the Fifteenth street
mission, filed an Information yesterday
charging her brother, J. J. Garretson, Willi
being a dipsomaniac and asking that the
oourt commit him to the stata hospital for
Inebriates at Knuxvllle. As uolice was r-
celved yesterday from the superiiiieinlt lit
at Knoxvllle that the hospital was over
crowded and no more patients could be re
- ceiveu. II la dountiui what disposition can
le made of the case.
Special Money Hnlalna Sale.
Vour-tle carpet brooms, ISc; Santa Clara
prunes, per lb., ic; dried figs, 3 lbs. for
:5c: Dr. Price's balling powder, per lb. can,
3Sc; I'needa biscuit, per.dos. pkgs., 4&c;
lo cgna. oil sardines. 26c;i.2-ll. can Heine's
baked beans, 12c; 3-lu. can pears. I2tjc;
2-lh. can peaches, 12lsc; ISc bottle cataun,
12c; Dinner Party corn, 3 cans for 25c;
Rtmiford ' bsklng powder., 1-lh. can. ISc;
ginger snaps, lb., Sc; goo.1 soap, lu bars.
2V; tea siftings, pic lb.; true Jup tcu, rso
ll.. 3Rc; 1-lb pkg. Bell coffe. ITc; H-lb.
can Llpton Ceylon tea. I3c; Cud.ih s Rex
brand skinned bams, regular retail price
21k- lb., our price 12c lb; potatoes. ;mt 7c. J. V-oller Mercantile Co..
I'if-lii3-lei Broadway. Telephone 320.
It you want a fine, up-tn.dato suit, hero.
buying drop In to Hicks'. 13 Pearl street
Spring goods just received. Fancy worsted
suiting, cheviots, gray and blue serges,
Scotch, goods, trouserings and black goods
of all descriptions. Fine trimmings and
fine work a specialty. Phone F C2
Reaaal gale.
We are going to move M.ufli n, to the
Merriam Block, and In order lo reduce
our stock we are going to givu a 13 per
cent discount on framing, framed pictures,
wall paper, brushes, etc., for cash only.
COunctl Bluffs Paint. Oil and Glass coni
psny. ...
Isnltl Msstr HalelnM nle.
Four-tl carpet brooms. lc; Santa Clara
I tints, pr lb,, ic; dried figs. lbs. for
2ic; Dr. Prices baking powder, per lb. can,
Sac; I'needa biscuit, per dog. pkgs., 4oc;
10 cans oil sardines. 26c; Mb. can Hetns
baked beans. . 12c: I-lb. cau pears. 12V ;
J-lb. can peaches. UV; lc Iwitle catsup.
12c; Dinner Party corn. S can 'r 2io:
Humford bskiiuj powder.. 1-Jb. can, IV;
ginger snau lb.. Sc; good goap. lo bars,
2ie ; lea s)fllng. inc. Jb. lc Jap tea, pe r
.; 1-lb. pkg. Rell coffee. 17ci W-R-i
in Upton .Ceylon tea. 2c; Cudsliy's Rug
brand skinned hams, regular retail price
i lb., our price 12c lb:. potabHS i-i
basbet 7e. J. Zoller Mercantile Co..
lv.n-.'.iisj Broadway. t
1 .
X. Humblnaj Co. lei. Jju. N'sjht t N,
St. Tel. 43.
. - t, ... 0. . J
Heanne on Gharw of Robbing Street Car
Men to Be Held in April.
Jnaate Fall to llaad Dona llullna on
Motion for Sew Trial In the
n le-Haras Mlnlaa
Pat Crowe, indicted Jointly with Arthur
Levi on the charge of holding up und rob
bing the crews of two motor cars, will
not be tried at this term of district court.
This was decided upon yesterday when At
torney Wadsworth on behalf nf Crowe ap
plied for and wua granted a continuance
until the March term. The Match term
will open Tuesday. March 2U. with Judge
O. D. Wheeler presiding, but the trial Jury
ha not been summoned until April i.
The trial of Juiiicf Arthur, ( barged with
complicity In the attempt to rob the bunk
of Treynor. In., which whs set for yester-
dav. has niso been continued to the March
term on atinllentlon of the defense. John
n,.rnsiein Vrihur's -ilb ged pal nnd ac- I
.,.,., u ,.,Mr ,H.
totioe in the Fort Madison' mnltentlury. !
he having pleaded guilty to blowing the
bank safe, was brought from Fort Madi
son late Sunday night by Sheriff Cunning
and placed in the county jail here. Ilern
teln will be produced as a witness bv the
state. It 'I expected that he will Im- kept
here until Arthur's trial In April.
These cases were also continued lo the j
next term: Taylor Gordon, charged with
larceny aa latilce of proceeds of two horse
sale; Curl Jensen, charged with larceny
from h building, and 8. P. Matliiascu.
charged w ith passing a number of worthless
The grand Jury reconvened yesterday and
the following- prisoners were presented to
it and waived rlaht of cliallenae: Charles !
Stevenson. John Fosdlck and Charles I.loyd. 11 50 f"r testing all public scales, the same
charged with robbing Pawnbroker Fried- " hp lH o-' to charge for testing prl
man; Oeorge Hill, charged with robbery; I yato ' 1,1- Heretofore he was required
Maud Hansen, charged with lewdness; R. ! ""ar '"' ordlwince to test all public scales
C. Vroonian and Marry Raker, charged
with breaking and entering an agricultural
Implement warehouse and stealing a quan-
tlty of valuable brsss and copper engine
fixture; Charles Stewart, chiirged with
passing a forged check: Norman Taylor,
charged with lobbing Mrs. C. Gregory;
William Whltmore and Harry Hall, charged
with stealing an eighty-gallon keg of wine
from n freight cur: Ell Harter, charged
with passing worthies checks; Arthur F.
Fleti, charged with bigamy, and Frank
June and Frank Morgal alias Sherwood,
charged with assaulting Marcus Solomon
und larceny from a building. All of these
cases will be prese- d to the grand Jury
and It I expected that body will be busy
for a week or more.
Haling- an Uoyle Case.
Judge Thornell did not hand down bis
ruling In the motion for a new IrlHl la
the Doyle. Burn mining suit, but Intimated
that he might possibly do so some day this
week.- .. . ' I . , ' ' .
W. J. Ilroadfoot began suit for divorce
from Marian Uroudfoot. lo whom he was
married nt Amherst, Neb., October . W.
He charges hi wile among other offense
of leaving him against his protests to work
as a, chambermaid in hotel and that as
a result of her laianior ho was forced to
leave his home "discouraged, humiliated
and disgraced, mentally sick ftiid distressed,
a nervous wreck, unfit for work or busi
ness and with his health so undermined as
to endanger hi life."
Flora Bell Berger begun suit for divorce
from Garrett C. Berger, lo whom she was
married in Avoca, la., December 2, 1873,
and from whom she separated September
1, 1:4, and aks for the custody ,of their
two minor children and 123 a month ali
mony. Karl R. Ferguson, as administrator of
the estate of Herbert Fleming, deceased,
has brought suit against the Milwaukee'
Railroad company for 10,(l damages for
the death of Fleming, who was killed at
the crossing near the Iowa Schisil for the
Deaf, on Xoveniber 23 lust. Fleming, who
was In the employ of I. MuccU was driving
home when struck at the crossing. William
Baldwin, engineer; George Rati. . fireman,
and Charles Zlmmer, conductor of tho train
which killed Fleming, are named as party
Mrs. M. Koskr. owner of a grocery on
North Kighth street, has brought suit for
tl.siKi damages against the Nebraska Tele
phone company, ullloglng that a lineman
sent by the company to remove a telephone
last spring, in stepping down from a win
dow sill stuck one of his climbing spurs
Into her leg and seriously Injured her.
It is a pleasure to look at the many nif
ftrent pattern we have on our Dew patent
wall papur design rack. Wo would like lo
have you come In and look at our big iine
of samples and let us figure with you. Our
prices are right and work guaranteed. Uor
wick, 211 South Main. Tel. CS3.
The finest selection of marble gravestones
In southwestern Iowa can be found at
Sheeley Lane s marble and granlt works,
217 Cast Broadway, CouncU Bluffs. Many
different designs and colors. The work la
done by ' experts who have had years of
8tx rooms, city water; lot to grime; gold
repair: rents, 14; for .&t. Also Ave
rooms, best repair: rent. $12; for tMu.
Houses and lots on monthly payments.
Alva Smith, rest estati and liiiur:uie,
room 7 Everett block.
The price of olives lias gone away up, but
we were fortunate enough lu purchase a
larg- stock Jut laf in tin- price raised,
win-'I. we will sell at lit and up. They are
all tin famous l)on Carlos brand. J. Olson,
rt'-Tll w-t Broadway.
The Title Guaranty .nt Trust company
ul.ulr.l..ra ttf till.. HaC I I. ... i
........... v "-"
lla3. Rooks ae all un t.. rial. V. b o.
.jiately and promptly done al lowckl
prices. Office opposite court house, 136 I earl
l reel. Council Ulj?T. la.
sneclal Flab Sale.
Amiiovies. per lb.. 12l-e: Xoiwuv ni;.,-U
erel. each. ISc: w hile fish. J for lee; Hoi-
lind herring. S for luc; pickled herring. 4
lor 15c; rolled hening, each, ic; brick eod- per lb.. ,c; halibut, per lb.. IS.-:
boneless herring, per lb., ac; smokcel white
rieh. each. 5c; 2 c can salmon, I2V-. J.
Zoller Mircuntile Co.. lii-lo:-lw; Broadway.
Phone $..
Parmer lajareal In Knnawaa.
V:rueit Hullioff. a f amor residing in Gar
ner township, was more or leas seriously
injured in a runaway accident yesterday
mornlna. lie was driving . to the Mouth
Omaha market with a load of koaa. a ben
his learn l.k friht at something mt
unhington avenue and run away. At, the
1 urn from i'aahinrioi aauiuu to kiktita
street the wagua slnjck Hie curb and Jiul-
- . hoff was thrown nut
j hoir was thrown out.
I r'e 'earn kept un Its .) until 11 rtatciiol
j a point near the Kim k lslnnd freight house.
wliere It collided Willi a telephone nle
and the wagon wh ovefturned. Aulhoff's
7year-old son wss thrown out with live
loiid of ling, but cscaied injury, ua did
the hog. The Wagon, however, was badly
d moralised. Bullion! was taken to the of.
lite of a physician on Ilroadway, wliere
examination showed he hnd several rib
broken and possibly internul Injuries. 1 1
WlPf rcmi,V(Ml to nlB ,mic
Intlmalliin It Mill Habt Induct
W ood bar? Atrmr.
At the meeting of the city council last
night State Senator Saunders. npearing as
local attorney for the Great Western rail
road, requested that action on the ordi
nance requiring the railroad couiiwny to
construct a viaduct at Woodbury avenue
be deferred until nn opuortunity could be
nfforded the general attorney of the rood
to be heard' lef ore the council. Senator
Saunders' talk to the city council conveyed
the Impression that the railroad Intended
fighting the order to put In the viaduct
and there wa some opposition to any fur
ther delay in the matter, but finally the
ordinance wag laid over until a meeting
to be held Wednesday afternoon, March 14.
J at which time Senator Saunders stated lie
expected the fjeneraly attorney of the road
would lie able to be present. At the re
quest of Robert WallHCe, resident In the
neighborhood of the Woodbury crossing,
who are vitally Interested n the establish.
'"ent of, the viaduct, will also lie given a
hearing at this meeting.
1'' ordinance prohibiting the clly en-,
glneer or any of Ills assistants from per- j
loimniK any woik ior corpoiaiions or pri
vute ludividuul except sucli ns might lie
authorized or ordered by 'the city councU.
wn passed under suspension of the rules.
An ordinance amending the ordinance
regulating the fees of the city weighmaster
wa P""sed under suspension of the rules.
Hereafter nil persons doing public weigh
Ing will be required to purchase tickets
from the city clerk at' the rate of U per
l''. of the money thus received the city
will receive one-third and the city weigh
master two-thirds, thus giving the city
weighmaster i cents on every load weighed
in the city on public scale. The ordinance
B,!" lml" ,h" weighmaster to charge
free of chargi
ResldenH on Avenue C, Isdwein Kleventh
nnd Twelfth streets, asked for water mains
on that street and it hydrant at the cor
ner of Twelfth, street and Avenue C. The
laHitlon was referred to the committee on
W. K Williams, whose photographic
studio was burned down Saturday, was
given permission to rebuild.
A rvitiest from the Independent Tele
phone company that the curb line on the
north side of Broadway, between Twentieth
and Twenty-seventh streets, be established
In order that it could place Its poles, was
laid on the table.
The application of Joe Glynn to conduct
a saloon at 128 West Broadway was laid
on the table. R. A. Filter. Vntaltist whom
Mr. Xelson secured u Judgment In the
district court last week, has been conduct
ing the saloon there. The application of
Sherman A Healy to conduct the saloon
at the corner of Broadway, und Scott
street, formerly conducted by T. J. Griffin,
one of the four saloonmen against whom
Mr. Xelsoa secured a judgment; Was re
ferred to the chief of police.
Mary I Coffman served notice of a claim
Tor Jtj.mio damages for injuries alleged Id
have been sustained on account of a .de
fective sidewalk on Avenue F. The claim
was turned over to the Judiciary committee
to wrestle with.
The Federation oi my Improvement
clubs requested iiermlssion to occupy tho
council chandler ror Its meetings on the
second Tuesday night of each month. On
motion of Councilman Weaver the dub was
granted the privege during "our admin
istration." provided the Janitor was com
pensated for the extra work. At the re
quest of City Solicitor Snyder the First
Ward Improvement club was granted the
use of the chamber for tomorrow night.
The following republican judges and clerks
or iu- cny election nn .March 2i were ap-
j ll!t''? '
First Ward First meeinel II A Ui.l.,.
Judge; Carl Morgan, clerk. Second precinct,
A M. Bonham. judge; 8. H. Conner, clerk.
Second Ward First precinct. SDencer
Smllh.i Judge: C. A. Tlbbits. clerk. Second
precinct. J. Bollinger, Judge; J. D. John
son, clerk.
Third Ward First nreehiel H v inn,..
Judge; M. I.. Williams, clerk. Second pre
.......i, . vonuo., juage; m. ncnmiut.
Fourth Ward-First precinct. H. J. Cham
bers. Judge: N. A. Crawford, clerk. Sec
ond precinct, Soren Wilson. Judge; J. K
Ford, clerk.
Fifth Ward First precinct. John Hill,
Judge; Hurry James, clerk. Second pre
cinct. J. II. Struck. Judge; Lawrence Han
sen, clerk.
Sixth Ward First precinct, J. W. Kirk,
Can Be Cured and We Can Preve It.
- ,
Sample k'sckaae Free Prove It Vnar.
When we say that we can cure Piles wu
mean just exactly what we say nothing'
more, -4iutjilng lefcs. We say il because wu
Know It, utiu stand ready to prove II to
you or to uny other pcis.n, just as uc
Have said il and proved it lo thousands
- il Is because of these thousands thai we
have cureii tnai we arc able to say tills.
We have done our ri in caning your ut
i ntion to tins tact, and il is up to you lo
disprove It. .Hid wc oiler ou tne means
ot doing to, knowing that uu can t and
thai wncn jou, try our wor.ucilut pyramid
Pile lure you will Is- n wen p.ejsi d with
II mm ou will go straight to jour dru--!
and gel a box of il.
And, more than thai, n ui an tn.ic in
i nc ruiure uny person U lis you,
ua you
, nave tout sj many M-r.-ons o
' ,...... ,
t. taal
.... J " V IIIH
iaine,i ireu. plus, xoirwiu
1 t
j he or -i.c lias !oU,,i and is
anu gelling the Mime r iii f
you t. Hi nave s-en ii dune
Here, fur instance, is a sample oi a
samp let did and shows vei i-oniiui cl
that we are. dealing in cold, nard facl and
I "ot e"'l" eriln. A person w lio gets a
! 4n1PMf rver '" ' ''"
' Ul'' ,0,"1 H'lnp of -' S. coi.d uti-qai,
Now Yirk "J1 writing i.ndcr date o
Jj"' 1'ln' a.'; "I received the sam-
, P n1 UJ 'l !!i away. I got .j much
' ' rieni II urter 3) ears' suffe ring that
I bouant a Jo-ceni box. The tuost unbear
able pain is aimosi (one and my lislula
lias almost disappe-ared. 1 bad ieu up
all hope of ever b. Ing cured. I assure you.
gentlemen. I will use every effort to make
any of my fri-nds try them, as I can
guarantee ihoy art a sure care." '
Pyramid' Pile Cure Is for sate at . very
druggist for Su cents a bo, and It is cheap
al teu limes Die price to aiiyone who
nxla it.
i"o git a pixe Hajnplc aend ur uaiiM- and
address 'lousy to th Pyramid Urug Co..
less Pji.mud Uldg , Marshall, itlciu
Judge; J p. Kemp, clerk. Second pre
cinct. C. O. Hamilton. Judge; K. W. Ward,
Announcement was made that .Chairman
Hughe of the democratic city central com
mittee would have his list of Judges and
clerk In by the next meeting of the council.
amp rtnao Bargain. I
Parties leaving the city. Left on sale. ,
Original price tr. Will sell on easy pay. ,
ments. 115. Se at the big piano house.
Bchniollcr Mueller Piano company. G02 '
Ilroadway, Council Muffs, la.
This Is the ea."ii ol the year that Mu
drink coffee, and If you desire to have the j
best crffee on earth served on your table '
order it from Mr Alee. The three leading
brnads: Me A tee Java and Mocha at 40c.
Special Wend 3v and Premium Hiend at 25c. j
We will handle during Lenten vcuson a i
full line of flesh, salt, smoked and cured
fish or all kinds at the usual low prices. 1
Central Grocery and Mout market. Phone I
24. l?V-ffJ2 W. Broadway.
aprelal Fish Hale.
Anchovies, iter lb., 1-'k; Not way mack
erel, each. 15c; white flub, .1 for bc; Hol
land herring. 3 for VV: plckbtl herring. 4
for 15c; rolled herring, each, .V; brick cod
fish, per lb., 8V: halibut, per lb.. ISe;
boneless herring, per lb., ay; smoked white
fish, each. 5c; 2rtc Citt salmon. I'.'1!'. J.
Znller Mercantile Co.. Iii-Irj-1'; KriHidway.
'Phone 3J.
rum iikm
Connrllinen ti He Selected tin ?'rldy (
Chuiimaii Hfss of the lepublicaii cltv j
eentia! committee Issued the following call
lasi evening for the republican ward pri
maries to name ward rouncHineti. which ;
will be held Friday evening at the place's ;
The republleuiis of the city of Council
Uliiffs will meet In the vuviour wards of
said city on Friday evening. March !'. st a
o'clock p. lo. for the purpose of placing lr.
nomination one councilman in each or said
ward. The primary system adopted by
the county and city cniral committee will
prevail and lh( meetings lu the several
wards will lie held at the following named
First ward. Sheeley and I.ane's build'ns. j
217 Fast Broadway; Second ward, city hull:
Third Ward. 217 South Main street; rourtli
Ward, county courthouse; Fifth ward,
county building, corner Fifth avenue and
Twelfth street; Sixth Ward, county build
ing, corner Avenue 1: nnd Twenty-fourth
The .call for the republican city conven
tion, to lie held Thursday. March IS. and
the precinct p-lniaiies to select delegate
to be belli Tuesdiy. March 13. will be Is
hucd today by Chairman Hess.
It requires the strongest kind of effort j
as a rule, as well as convincing argu- ;
ments. to demonstrate the superiority of j
certain vehicles over others. If you will
only cell at my repository It will be iv
nlm to present to' you a few facts and
arguments that will establish lieyoud
doubt that "Van Brunt vehicles" arc the
Fine Colorado farm land, per acre.
Improved ranches. iu to $2 per gcre. One
Improved ranch, four miles from town. W
per ucre. A big snap. Excursion March
M. Fare, 1 .2". i F.' Ct' I-ougee. K'4 South
Main street. .
"s Heal Kstate Transfers..
These transfers wei-ev reported March 3 to
The Ben by the Title! Guaranty and Trust
coniparfy (ft Counbn,'.ln(r: '
Edward P. and JoUn 8. Murphy -o .
Caii and Herniurt'Umli'nburg. ne( 21 "
and wit nw'4 24'J"-4.' w. d.!. Ibi.suii
James F. Wood and wile to John R.
Rosling. nt nf' nnd sty ne-i and
nt-'i swi4 1S-74-. W. dii': 12.ii
Dnnlel W. Boruff and wife to Vincent
1.. Watson, w ue UnJ mU ne
o-74-4n. w. d 12.n
J. H. Sengstak to Adolph H. Goos.
w' net, and eti nwi4 'U-74-41. w. d . l'.:S!5
Vincent L. Watson and wife to I.. W.
Trtplett. swV4 ne' and se'4 nw4 :I2-74-;ts.
w. d : fl.fl
Edward Rattlgan to Mike Mi-Cabe,
sk nei4 and se4 nw4 21-77-42. w. d.. ll.UOO
Henry Mickey and wtle to linens
Heinsohn. sty sw t, J7-T7-42, w. d
Carl Rndenburg and wife to Herman
Rodenburg, ty Interest In part neVt
2:1-76-4-!. w. d i
James M Coons anil wife to Benjamin
F. Harlierl. nty ne4 13-74-41. w. d ... 4.041
Herman Rndenburg and wife to Carl
Kodenburg. undivty Interest wty
nw", 23-75-43. w. (i
Herman Mendel t" Henry Benllage,
sel set, 14.77.4j. w. d
John W. Rush and wife to Henry H.
Rush, iielj nwty 2-7l-, w. d
David G. PiiK-h und wife to David
Campbell, part s '4 s w " ,and part
sty sw se'ty 2-77-44, w d 2JC3
IVnlamin F. Case and wife to Wil
liam Morford, aw1 se-'4 lS-75-3Ji, v. d. I.IC5
James T. Farrell and wife to A. C.
Sixers. 4 interest In lots 10 and 11.
block 1(1, Carson. Ia., w. d
Herman L.. Batchelder and wife to A.
C. Slvers. ty Interest In lots 111 and
It. block I, Carson, la'., w. d ;
J. H. Jenks and wife to Andrew C.
Johnson, lot 7. blmk :ti. Avexa. Ia.,
w. d
XeUie M. Coleman toICdwaid Saddler,
lot XI. block . Oakland, la., w. d
Ella Albright and husband to David
D. Jones, lots 4 and 5. block 1. Ar
nold's 2d add to Oakland, la., w. d .-
William flsler and wife . to Klerk An.
derson. part m nw-i 30-74-:. w. d. '
Klsiu Young to William C. Young, 2-9
Interest In ety lie', -74-41. w. d
J. D. Edmiindsou and wife to Wil
liam 11 Slorls. lots'-it. h uiwl lit. I. in.
' 1,125
I coin pliU-e, CouncU Bluffs, la., w. d.
I Laura A. Clayton et al to Christopher.
'; C. Morris, part nwi4 sw1 -75-:t!i.
w. a
Mary Fruiils to Andrew C. Johnson,
lots U and 14. blin k 10. Meredith a
add tei Avoca. Ia., w. d
Andrew C. Johnson and wife to J. II.
Jenks. lots U and 14. blo.-k Pi. Mere
dith's add lo Aoca. lit., w. d
J. D. Kdmundson and wile to William
B. Storte. lot 17. Lincoln plai-e add
to Council Bluffs, I., w. d
Henry C. Urn rules and wife to John
11. JenkK. lot 7 and part of lot bund
. Avoca I. ind and Loan company's
subdlv. Av.H'u. Ia.. w. d .
Freil Holm und wile to Anna Oriue.
part nwi nw4 7-74-41. w. d
Claude ". Wiilroii and wife lo Nathan
P. Ilge. lot 1. block 3. Fast Omaha
pluioat add to CouhciI llluff. I'i..
W. d ;.....'.;..'..
An.lrew Wli:e lo Jesat- White, nty
wty sty sty licty nety 21-75-14. u. c. d..
James Seymour and wife to Caroline
M. Severance, lot 7. I lock S: lot
bloc's . and lot 2. block 1:1. Mulllu's
sutuliv In Council Hhiffs. w. d.
'Cel. dine M. He'verunc" lo Jantes Kev-
eruiu e. lot 2. bla k 0: lot 7. block S.
and lot i. block '.:. Mulli i s sulsliv
' lr Council Rlufls. la., (. c. d
I County licasurer to Minnie J. Went.
I lot 7. block 7. Muy lie's 1m u,)it to
Council Bbufs. la., i. d 1
' II Irs .f Xetiie Mt.i io David U.
i l'uh. sty swty ty ;-77-M. a. w. d 1
1 Toti I liuusfriH Illi.'.i;
Mmb Machine Male.
1 Soiiarc Western. $J.7!f; Round Ameriean.
I I2.: Merry Go Ruund. t-1 W: O. K. Rotary,
j 11.; Wtziaid Rotaiy, 16.93; Omaha Rotary.
I $5.ho: Msjcstlc Rotary. I'I CO. J. Zoller Mer
' cantile Co.. PV-lit-lKi Bioudwjy
Kur VI Irk. sale.
I will offer the five-roomed house and lot
, at Mii Avenue A for one wick at x5u. New
I linuee; city water. Kasy lerin. No bet
j tev ln esl' ielit In fount II Hluffs. Make a
nne home. W alluee Penjanuu. liooui 1.
First Nallonul lank. I write tire Insur
ance. Office 'phone, -JiiJ; residence 'phone,
Illnck tll.
OWrer (allaalaan Hrslaaa.
Afier making a liioi-ongh Inve-silgatlop ui
the fr.ici'S ut polkv be.uliuat tcj-s 8unday
sfu riewin. when iJeire tlve-- Oallagiisji as
auiiltd Firrt Chief M holon. and the cir
cumstances leatdil.g up lu the trouble. Chief
e.f .polite' hlchmouu yesterday decade4 to
accept GelUghan's resleiilon Instead of
suinniaiily rtinoelng luin fium tUe lurce.
Chief Rlehmnnd decided to put sue tld
course in -eeognillu of the olfn-ot's pre-
Ions l-eord.
I ' '
I Plioitlmnd and Ixiukkocping posit ious mo
j easily secured if you ure well qualified. We
do that. New classes this week. Wetern
Iowa college.
Wash Machine fair.
. Bquatc Western. :.''.. Round A met h a it.
. $:': Merry lb Hound. :.; t . K. Rotary.
$I.W: Wissiird JHotgry, sYSu: Omaha llmur)'.
V'.Su; Majestic Rotary. .:. J. .oiler M. r
cnntile Co., i-ln:'.iai l)i iiiolw jv
I'sllrtl Hlce.
tometliitiK new. can. tied puffed rl. i . t i e
eating, manufactured by U C. Ilrowu at
tlio Purity Candy Kitchen. Jl; W. Ilroau
way. Hprclnl Hani -"ale.
."" i I l'uilali s Ri-x I i a in I skiiiiu I
liants. retailed c-vei ywlu rc it t 2i c Hi.. Her
fg-N-e Tuesday and Wednesday. IJc lb. .1.
JCollei Mi reHtitile Co.. iho-ilj-Pi; liroadwa...
I'l'h me
The Vienna restaurant serves excellent
meals and luiicnes, cooked In the most
appctiiitng manner; dellelous coffee Willi
puie Meal ticket ul reduced rates.
411 Ilroadway
Jensen & Nicholson, the great alluper
establishment have just received a large
shipment of domestic and Imported wall
paper. reslmiB (he iHleM atld tllOSt lleatl-
tlftil in the city.
gielal llnm nle.
.;."si only Cudithy's Ilex brand skinned
liHins. retailed everywhere at 2" c lb., otn
price Tuesday and Wednesday, l.'e lb. J.
Zoller Mercantile Co.. Ine-lo'-ln; Hioadwnj.
Ph me "20.
New pianos it Swanson Music company
from flHii and tip on payments of down
and $fi per mouth. Reliable statnlurd makes
New locution. 4i7 Broad nay.
S. M WlllliiniSfiii liiev.l.v .....
chine. Ktlisun plionugi aphs. records. Re- !
pairing machines and bicycles a eclaliy. I
Tel. Red 1157. 17 South Main street
Speelnl Ham Kale.
3.VI only Cudnliy's Ri x brand skinned j
hams, retail, d everyw here at 2" c lb., on-
price Tuesday and Wr Jncsdiiy. ,. p,. j,
Xoller Mercantile Co.. Iiiii-v;.(i,; !ronda-. .
Pli-me :!U j
We now I ave an entile new spring stock j
carpets, runs, oilcloth, linoleum, window I
shades and l.iee curtains. Come In and in- I
sm cI il. D. W. Kcl r. lit; South Main St.
Telephone Red 021.
O-orge lloagland lias the old reliable
Atlas Portland cement. Now is the time
to make coiuracts for spring work.' Iliing
your lumber 1,111 for estimate. '
Men Ladder fpcclal.
S-f lot step ladder, lie: 4-foot step ladder.
36 ; 0-f'oot step ladder. I.!c: ti-foot step lad
der. 52c: 7-foot slep ladder. 5!'e. J. 7,ollf
Mercantile Co.. 1ui-i2-i; f.iiiadwyi.
I'll me Sifl.
Harry Schmidt, photographer. Your
money back If photos are not the beet on
earth. Engsge sitting at W. Broadway.
Artistic In every particular.
"Big A" flour Is being used more ard
more every day ry the women who wa.i:
only the best. Tell your grocer to send yoi
no other kind.
Step I. ndder Special.
3-fool slep ladder, 21e; 4-foot step ladder.
:itie; 5-foot step ladder. 44!c; fl-looi slep lad
der, 52c; 7-foot step ladder, 'iHe. J. X.olie.r j
Mercantile Co.. lot-li.-M,".; . Itroadwy.i.
'Plume J2a.- . : , ; ' . . i
Tremendous Sole
On Igniio burners and self-lighting maniles.
Have, you tried one? We- have exclusive
saU'. NV. A. Miurer.
Seeds. Seeds.
All 5c pkg! garden, and flower seed. 2 lor
Dc. J. Zoller Mercantile Co.. lmi-liij-i ;
A new plumbing shop In town. F. A
Bpencer, 1 West Broadway, Is un exper
in his line and Is always glad to ligui
with you 011 any plumbing or couir.
5 i Kilt
Rheumatism does not come on in a day, the lLt OlftUllULJl
causes that produce it 'work silently in the system for 3'ears. This insidious
disease becomes intrenched in the blood, and tome exposure to cold or damp
weather, or slight indiscretion brings on an attack. Poor digestion, stomach
troubles, weak Kidneys, torpid Liver, and a peneral sluggish condition oi
the system are responsible for Rheumatism. Food souring in the stomach
poisons the blood, the failure of the Kidneys and Liver to act properly leaves
waste matter and impurities ia the eystem, which, coming in contact with
the natural acids of the body, form uric acid. This is absorbed by the blood,
and as it penetrates to the muscles, nervc3 and bonc3 produces the terrib'c
pains and aches and other disagreeable symptoms of Rheumatism. Life ii
made a torture by its excruciating pains, nerves are shattered, the health un
dermined, and if the disease is not checked it breaks down the strongest con
Btitution. It will not do to depend on plasters, liniments, etc.; such treatment
is helpful in easing the pain and reducing the inflammation, but does no'
reach the blood where the rtal trouble is located. S. S. S. cures Rheumatisu
and build3 up the entire health. S. S.
or chronic, and the cure is thorough
and any medical advice desired without
Far West g
X. Puget Sound Cilllorn'a, Butte- I Spoxinr
Country, Portland San Francisco, Helsna I
Di&trict 103 Angt'is, itc. District J District.
Omaha,... $25.00 $25.00 $2000 $22.50
Lincoln... $25.00 $25.00 $20.00 $22.50
Dauver, with d:)' In ride ita tbe Hio (Jraudc Rout ihro-jgh Scenic
Colorado and Sal; Ijike, ( liy, thence the Halt. Lake Route; Tl'KS
DAYS and SATl'ltDAVS personally conducted.
Denver, thence tha Rio Grande Houie through Beanie Colorado and
r'slt Lake City: rioutliern Pacific beyond Ogden THURSDAYS and
FRIDAYS personally conducted.
at :10 p. m. snd at 11:10 i. ni: Chair Cara, Dining Cars. SUads.d
and Tourist Sleepers via Billings, Montana, to Hutte, Helena. Spok
ane. Seattle, Tatieima, Portland.
Folders and descriptive matter, ratea, berths all Info- nia'lon of
J. B. KFYIOIDS. Citt Pattinrir ittai Uni PirniM nmihs lak
"mmmmmm ' " " " i" '
His wotk is up-to-da
Mnrrlnae Licenses. enscS to Wed Wc'e ivsin d eli ihl
to the following:
Name fled Rt J'den. e. Age.
R. X. Ablstt. Ashland. N !
Velum Halley, Arhland. Neb I
John Cain. Inialia .
.tessie Mooie. tl.'naha JM 1
IMH M. Parks. Cation, la Jl
Cloo Halts. Oakland la I"
Peter .lessen. llotie tV't k. la '
Nettle C. Mackiand. Neola. la .T.
Joy R. Aprlegate. Fnlon. N'eh :.'
lliuee K. Kappel. Mine Rapids. Ka 21
William 1 Kellogg. Omaha Jl ;
May tlhyst, Oinnlia .
M. I.. Riil.v, Mvnanl. Xeb In
A. K. Light. Mi'Cook. Net)
l-'or dtirnliiltty, neatness ami styh- get the
Moti'.irvh range. the i.nly satisfactory :
re lire on the market. It gics you real j
pleasure and happiness to use It Handled
by Keller & Kavnsworth. '
When you have your shoes half soled 1. 1 1- -tl:i
m to Sargent's. Have them sewed o i
ami save SV Sargent's .Model Bhoi Sbo,'. ,
Injured linn Is Robbed.
FORT HOIIilK. la.. March :.-iSma lal
Trh gnini.l Cluirles I.Hll'eity of Clarion had
Ills t lgiit leg s v i( d from bis bo.l ben-
todax while attempting to Isiard an Illinois
, Central train. l.:i(Trly sli.e Hnd fell be. j
iicntli the train and lay for hours befoiel
l-lii llscovere.l. On being found il was;
h al lied tin, l h had leeti tolibed of i I
wtiile he lav tin onseiims from his injuries. J
Man Found llend In Street.
Ci:lAR RAPIDS, la.. March o.-tSpi ci.ili
An unidenttftod mini was found on the
street here toniglil. It is believed dealt,
was caused from drinking n pint of alcohol,
as an empty alcohol lsdtle was found In
his clothes.
Tuf nl Men mid l'iiir Women In
Custnil .
Sltil'X FALLS. S. 1.1.. Mauli j.-The po
lice havi arrested twenty men and lent
women on suspicion of having been impli
cated In or knowing something about tie
supiMised murder of Christopher Sven. a
farmer whose home was near llumnoldl
and who disappeared several weeks aire.
Snow Is n lleiietll.
STl'RGIS. S. D.. March .V tSpeclal. I
Inning the last fi w days this vicinity Inn.
been isited by the most severe stoim of
the winter. It stalled with a driszliiiK
rain, ufter w hich It b gau to snow. The
snow varies lu depth, being from twelve
to eighteen inches deep. There wa n high
wind ami in some places the snow drit'ted
badly, piling up as high a six feet Trains
were all delajed .and telegraph wires
down. The snow Is a good thing, its it
will make lots of moisture, which is iiy ded
throughout the nui icullurul country of
the Black Hills, From reports the storm
did not reach tin cattle ranges.
Wldun- nes for tlnuinaes.
KVANSTOX. Wyo., March .V iSpccluI.l
The widow or Brakenvan Clarence Moore,
who was killed by the cur a year ngo, ha
sued the Oregon Sinai Line railway for J2.
lio daina es. While coupling cars Moore
was struck by an ail hose and knocked
miller the wheels, death being caused, says
the petition' by alleged defective appli
ances. Hrldae nl Belle Kiiurrhr.
VALE, S. D.. Mnriii 3. iSpccluI.l The
btttldltig of a biige ucross the Relle
Fourchc liver at the Gib crossing Is as
sured. ,1 lie money Is being subscribed, by
the business men of iV.e town of Rell
Fourchc. The bridge Is badly needed nnd
will be gren t ' convenience to ranchmen
on Indian., creek and farther tothe east
and northeast.
(Jetting Kendj for SliirUnriinf r;
VAI.R. 8. D., March 5. ( Special.) Or.ut
preparations are being made for the fourth
nnnual meeting of the Northwestern Stock
Growers' association, which will be held
at Belle Fourchc April 12. 13 and 14. The
citizens "ire making arrangements lo en
tertain the stockmen in their usual royal
Make Your Wants Knur, 11 Through The
;ec Wnnt Ad Prgo.
tup CTnnxir.rcT
that you may have,
and guaranteed.
by purifying and invigorating the thin, acnt.
blood, driving out all impurities and poison? anc
sending a stream of strong, rich blood to wast
out all irritating particles that are causing tin
pain and inflammation. S. S. S. stimulates th
sluggish organs to better action, tones up tb
stomach and digestion, restores nervous energ'
S. cures Rheumatism, whether acutt
and lasting. Book on Rheumatisu:
One Way
Settlers' date
APRIL 7, 1906.
tr r "i'i rr "s1 'smi
Came Out Constantly Hair Finally
Had to Be Cut to Save Any Scalp
Now In Good Condition and No
More Itching Another Effective
" I will gladly jive you 11 the iufor
piation concerning; try ckc. I used
tlic Oiticiira Swp ami Ointment for m
itiratU scalp, ilaJnimlT, and constant
fullms 'f hair. 1 inally 1 hnd lo cut
my hair to save uny at all. Just at
that time I rea l about tho Ctiticura
Itemed ics. Once every week I sham
pooed my hair with the t'ulictira Soap,
and 1 used the Ointment, twice a vccL
lu tv.o months' time niy hair was long
enough to do up in l rench twi.t. That
is how live jears and 1 liavn a
lovely head of hnir. '1 lie length it
six iticbes below my watt I'.ie, my
scalp is in very Ri"d itir tion, ami
no more ilaiidniif tr itohing of tha
, scalp. I used other rctnedies that wera
rectitiitiiendcil to me u gtHxl. hut with
no results. If you v,ih to publish
any of what 1 have written you, you
are welcome to do so. 1 am, respect
ftiilv, Mrs. W. F. (iriess, Clay Center,
Neb., Oct. 2H, lDO.V"
Mothers Should Use Cuticura
Soap, the World's
Mothers are assured of the ahsolut
purity and unfailing efficacy of Cuticura
Soap" ami Cuticura Ointment, the creal
Skin Cure, in the preservation and puri
ticat ion of the skin, scalp, hair, and handg
of infants and children. 1 or hsby ecze
ma, rashes, itching, and chtifinir,
well us for annoying irritations and
tthvrntivr weaknesses, and many sana
tive antiseptic purposes which readilr
gttgeest themselves to mothers, as well
sj for all the purposes of the toilet.
Iiath, nnd nursery, Cuticura Sonp and
Cuticura Ointment are priceless.
Sld thrmirli"'tt Oi world, e'tillrur -.. ?r..Olnt
i?iit, &"., KreoivmcfOc. On form of CnnroUar CasI'S.
Pllli, 2f. rr tui ,,l (ni, mar b had t ail Sruirli.
Peltfr I rut and C'hem. I'ir., Seta Prop... Botton, Maaa,
r Mailed 1 ra, " 1 ha U'aal Culicura ckla BmIl."
It mikes the toilet something" to be en
joyed. It removes all Stains and roughness,
orevent prickly heat and chafing, and
leaves the skin white, soft, healthy. In the
hath it brings a glow and exhilaration which
no common soap ran equal, imparting the
vg-or and life sensation of a' mild Turkish
sib All On-irmn and Dsuggist
In addition to our verv taint" line of Mcd
hines ol the Allopathic selsool, we sell nil
k:nd of Homeopal hi'- medicine, und sup
plies: llomcoioi rbhe rills.
MnnienpHtlele Dilution. e
Hmneopnf lilc DIsUw. -
Homeopathic Mother 1 Indorse.
Homeopathic Trtlnraflon.
Iloineoulblc Tablets.
Iloiut-o-iuthle HooUs. ( urks. A lala,
I'nveder. Papers, as tssed liy Homeo-
Itne Ionia.
We- are iii position to supply the profes
sion, tho retail and wholesale trade, and
the laity. Write or call on
Cur. lilth und I lodge. Omaha. Neb.
TH E ingredients of Stosi
Mits are the brit ob
tainable tor the purpose.
. Barlry Malt, made fioni the
clioicest grain grown in the west.
Bohemian Hopi, importre di
rect at three times the coit ol
American bopt.
Xrtejian Water, pure ami
sparkling, from s 1 400 ft. well.
This iriplaiiit its tine flavor
and high quality. Aluayk Older
Stoi But. .,.
t'ured for Life
JO Vcsrs EipsrUncs
-21 Yesrsla Otasha.
lilood I'olsous, Vsrl-
c o c e 1 e, Stricture,
I al of slreufth and
('barges l.raa I'ban ill Others,
fall or write. Box 7.. Office 111
Kouili Kill ht., Oinaliii Neb.
MMIF lVUiilUll
vWTV-cifl MARVlt. Vh.rl.nq Spray
CM-; Jlisll I OIITDIPIll.
stS tMtMili
iak wwr Cnfiid fsr M.
tsiikfi . -iJi M-rni taiiin for
i Utairai-J l- k-alel ft flT
full iwrtiviiUr And lirMmi in.
rultiMUo i J..i-. MHt.l. CO..
illicit VAN .Wo.lOlN.Ni.uL, DKia COn
1Mb and Podg bti.
Hromo-L (contains aa
Quiuinel brvaks up roids ia
the head lu a few bou
leares no bad sf er-elTee-is
I like ejjlnuis Preparation.
eLiues I lie work ujiekiv
lately vet a bo I today froin your drug.
it Ask far the Drums tXilored Box
sjid see lout laaalstM-l road
ba B w for simaiural
ia. ksi ,M.II..'.U.W.
iriitMi.s. er
f ntatnsrat.aa.
aa. i. atlMMf
Pan.ia, ass m l aaln.
f Ut n l-eltuwa.
.1 k"1! , kl 7 rat,
. is elais wrasasr.
I 1 l.. -. - . .... A
a. a.
II ill
ft.. .1 J. u
Zffm i . kattl. S3 T
r m . .. . i., ...i i-.u-.a