T1IE OMAHA DAILY 13 KE: TUESDAY. MAKCH (5. 190C. I GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Weaknew Tnrn to Strength in Later Honrs. JULY WHEAT OPTION GAINS ON MAY ' thai Jonf." Fliirn Are Too I.argew Exportable Corn ftarplna of Argentina' Cut Do Tra cts Is Close aroaar. OMAILV March 6. 1906. Wheat started weak on liquidation by longs, and there was a quirk break to fic for May. The market turned strong then, though the pricipal buyera were short. The visible showed a murh imniur itirAU than waa exacted. There was considerable comment that the Jones figures at Satur day on reserves in farmers hands' were loo laige. Know makes stocks r hii in fanners hands, March 1, as KtuOyuM ousneis. July closed on a strong rise nt 'c above Saturday. May closed be-low Salur- uay. - ... Tha corn market ooehed weak In sym pathy with wheal. Receipts were moderate and demand fair. There waa a cable from Argentina to the effect that the estimated exportable surplus had been cut duwn, ana this, with the rally In wheat, made a tinner feeling. -The market rallied and Closed above Saturday. Oats opened a trine lower, but the gen eral market strength which developed car ried this cereal to V: above Saturday. 1'rltnnry wheat receipts were itti.nOO Iju. and shipments Itio.uuO bu., against receipts last year of 789,000 b'l. and shipments of 21H.OO0 bu. Corn rerelnts were illilol hu. and shipments 3(i.0oo bu., against receipts ism year 01 Wii.uw nu. anil shipments of 8W.00O bu. Clearances were 24,"jo bu. of wheat, il.WjO bbls. of flour, 234,000 bu. of corn. 47.0,0 bu. of oats. Liverpool closed Va'nd lower on wheat anil nncnariged to u lower on corn. World's wheat shipments last week were 10,64.0 bu., against o.8X8.v bu. the week before. Cc.rn shlDinents were Xliuntlii hu against 4.2SO.O00 bu. tlie week before. World s wheat shipments for this week last year were ll.12h.000 bu. On passage wheat this i" en.oM.uw nu., last week 4n.7!il.i4l Du. ; on passage corn this week is 14,ti!A,tiot bu., lost week ltj,0f,4.0ii0 bu. Hroomhall said: "Included In world's fihlDmeula this week were 3 MX8 000 Hnehals wheat shipped on orders, against 2,636,000 bushels last week and 2,93,(00 bushels a year ago. Total wheat taken by conti nental countries the past week was 4,ti,000 bushels, against 3,8nn,W bushels the pre vious week and 3,4S,0i0 bushels a year Tha local range of options: Articles. I Open. High. Low. Close. Wheat May .. Corn May ... July .. Oats May .. T3A 74 B! -A 74 U I 37 Al 37&vl!i 37 A; JTHtR '. 'f!A) 3S ti JiSA! 3! U I ! ! 38 H Omaha Cash gale. WIIEAT-No. 3 hard, 1 car, i:Vc; 1 car. tftc; No. 3 spring, 1 car, ilV. CORN No. I. 3 cars, 354c; No. 4, 1 car, 35c. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. t hard, 71r74Hc; No. 3 hard, WaT2c; No. 4 hard, 64inic; No. 2 spring, 72Vui4e; No. 3 spring, 0t.(fl71c. lunn-ni), , o-5c; no, 4 34-ji34Vc; no grade, Jru32c; No. 3 yellow, 35c; No. 3 wnue, a'flaiVic. OATS-No. 3 mixed, 2Sc; No. 3 white. 28140: No. 4 white, 2i;i4c. RYE No. 2. 6tc; No. 3, 53c. Carlo! Receipts. Wlieat. Corn. Oats. Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis Omaha Duluth St. Louis Hi 24 &0 Gli . . .. 4'ii .. 7 .. 48 .. 43 23 142 CHICAGO t.nAI AU PROVISIONS -Features of the Tradlaar and Closlng Prlcea oa Board of Trade. ' biCHICA?0, .March S -Rumnrs of a possl- ... ... i.ui u.r una a aecrensca esti mate of the exportable surplus of wheat In Argentina were the chief factors In creating a steady tone today In the local what .market atee a weak- opening.- At ' ?.OB whet ,or May delivery waa off uf'&L. CrV UP Sc 1'rovlslons were ltW-iHc higher. Oats were '.c higher During the first hour of trading prices declined shsrply and sentiment in the wheat pit was extremely bearish. Selling was general, while almut the niv .m,,-. came from shorts. Weekly statistics were i. . . in uen, me snipments being large and the amount of breadstuff on passage showing un Increase of 32,WO bushels. The continental markets were nil lower and Liverpool showed a decline of Id. Advices claiming that the European money centers were In a condition of seml panlo bocauae of a possibility of war be tween, France and Germany were received and exerted a powerful influence In steady ing tha market. Another factor for higher prices was an estimate from Argentina showing that the exportable surplus Is much below previous estimates. It was also reported that forty-two boatloads of wheat had been purchased In Now York for export. The market closed steady with prices slightly below the final quotations of Saturday. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 115.000 bushels. The vlalhle supply Increased 3M.(mu bushels. Primary receipts were M7.000 bushels com pared with 739,000 bushels a year ago. ..Minneapolis, Uuluth and Chicago reported receipts of 531 cars agHlnst 724 cars last week and 654 cars one year ago. Early in the day the corn market was weak In sympathy with wheat and there was considerable selling on advices from Argentina that the crop there is expected 1 to yield a larger surplus for export. The market, however, was well supported bv shorts and commission houses. During the last hour an advance of V,e In the prloe of corn stimulated the demand for options and the market closed firm with prices at the highest point of the day. May opened t-',c to c lower at KHUAftgo to 42He, sold up to 43Ce and closed st 4ft4t.c. Local receipts were 275 cars with 7 cars of contract grade. The nats market was easy at the open ing, but later a firmer tone developed on a fairly active demand by pit traders and commission houses. An advance of V6V in the price of cash oats stiffened the market. The close was firm. May opened "vnc lower at 29fi29V advanced to 3cHe and closed at the highest point. Lo cal receipts were 240 cars. Provisions were strong all day. Prices of live hogs were higher because of di minished arrivals, and this fact apparently held up the entire market. I .oral packers were active bidders, but offerings wero ' small. At the close May pork was up 171 iiOW at 115.70. Lard was up loo at J7.90. Ribs were 1741 3c higher at t35. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. If oars; corn, 290 curs; oats, 211 cars; hot;, Sl.iio head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: Articles ! Open.l High.! Low. Close. Yes'y Wheat May July Corn May July Sept. Oats Mav July Sept. Pork May July Lard May July Sept. Ribs May July I I I Ar.' 7S. ..7(W.'(iU' 78 79S.I 7M 7t s 7!i4i t 43V42SGS! 4.iaV42SG MS, t.'V' 4SViii 4JV 44V 43SI 44V 43 II S'V Wtl 30V JO 4.eU4.l 43V I 15 56 15 55 T. 7 96 I 05 t 35 I27H 15 75 15 75 15 55 15 70 16 iTVL 15 46 7 80 7 8 00 ( ITU 225 I 15 55 15 7.V 7 7 fJH( 7 o I e.'V 7 9L'V ( 00 t L'Vs1 I 06 I 8 l.'V S 37V ( S 42V 27! I 36 I 40 NO. t. Cssh quotations were as follows: KLtil'R Dull and weak; winter patents, fci ."S4.w); winter straights. $3.40 3 70; spring Jvatents. t3ion3M; spring straights, IXiif ; bakers. I2.2.$3.00. WHMT-No, i spring. TS-Suc; No. 3, 75V". No. 2 red, T'.jic. CORN No. 2. IWOWHc; No. 2 yellow, 40" OATS No. 2. 29V: No. 3 while, 232Vo. . R V E No. J. Sic. H VRLEY-Oo.d fee.ling. SttjJTc; fair to "h.Mo raltlng. 41"r'c SEi:isNo. 1 Max, tl 07H; No. 1 northwet ern. tl 1JV ITIme timothy. 3 li. Clover, cootrai-t grade. I1S.85. PROVISIONS Mesa xirk. per Mil.. $15 HflS.iiu. Lard, per hw lbs., r7 U. Short r'bs sides (looe .' $M 2otj.26; short clear sides Ibucedi, j04i(0. The receipts and shipments of flour and grain Were: Flour. LI. Is Wheat, bu Corn, bu ... Oats, hu ... hvri hu xtucruus. Biupinetiis lS.Sirt a7i ! 1 lil 4R.v 211lirt 247. 240.k, 4,MI si It .... Parley, bu un the Produce exchaage today the but XL Tr. V ' I creameries. li -V: dairies 1WJ2.C. Ebus. steady al mark raea inUuded. U,c; ttisu. 1; Jri J Cheese, steady SKW YORK GEEItl, MARKRT Commodities. NEW YORK. March ft FLOl'R Re ceipts. U.y.it bbls. ; exports. .2te b'bls; mar ket essy; Mlnesota patents, 4.a4.6o; Min nesota bakers, 3 4frt.1.75; winter patents, 13 SUM. ; winter straights. .1.7fi3 So; win ter extras. 12.7513.26; mltiter low grades. -6.".'u3.'5. Rye (lour, dull; fair to good, 3.)iftj3 90; choice to fancy. I3.KVU4.3A. CORN. MEAL Steady; fine white and yel low, tl 15; coarse, tl.ftf'ijl.OS; klln-drled, $1.3Ai71.65. RA RLE Y Dull; feeding, 4Te c. 1. L Buffalo; malting, 47(ft2c c. I. f. buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, .) bu.: exports, 24. (S3 bu. Spot market steady; No. 2 red, 84c for elevator and 8frc f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. 8dc f. o. b. afloat. At the opening wheat broke He below the previous low point on further heavy un loading, but reeoverles followed, and the close, was V,c net higher. The late buying was on bullish private estimate of farm reserves, heavy covering, reported lower cables, reduced estimates of the Argentina surplus and export sales; Mav. 84Va6 5-lijc, closed at K6c; July, 4VhV:. closed at SfiHc; September. 83Vfi4V, closed at S4V. CORN Receipts. 1M.7J6 bu. : exports, 88.175 bu. Spot market steady; No. 3. 49c for elevator and 47Hc f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 47V; No. white. 4V. Option market was active and generally firmer on talk or light receipts, bullish Argentina news and covering. The close was partly V4C net higher: May. 4Sij349c, closed nt 4c; July. 49H9Hc. closed at 49c; Sep tember closed at 50c. " OATS Receipts, 117,000 hu.; exports. 40, 344 bu. Spot market steadv: mixed, 26 to 33 lbs.. 34V&36C; natural white. 30 to S3 lbs., 36VU3rie; clipped white. 38 to 40 lbs., 3739c. FEED Steadv; spring bran. I19.75. March shipment: middling, 119.75, March shipment. HAY Steady ; shipping, 45&'S0c;' good to Choice. 77Va8jc. HOPS Stemlr; state, common to choice, 195, Hftinc; i!M, 9llc; olds, c; Pacific coast. 1906. 94fl4c; olds. 6ifi7c. HIDES Quiet; Galveston. 20 and 26 lbs., 25c; California, 21 and 25 lbs., 21c; Texas dry. 24 and 30 lbs., 19c. LEATHER Steadv; acid. 2fiVtfI7He. PROVISIONS Reef steadv; family. Ill 50 4513.00; mess, $9.001000; beef hams, $20.ova 21.50; packet. HOniillOO: city extra India mess. $!9Wtf??000. Cut meats iirm; pickled bellies, 9.(g9 50; pickled shoulders. 17 oMr 7.60; pickled hams. loV,tflHc Lard firm: middle a-estern prime, ts.5: continent, ts 30 fi.80: compound, $6.0i.37V Pork, firm; family. I17.nwi7.50; short clear. tl5.O0fffl7.6O; mess. Ill 2Mi 10.76. . TALLOW Steady; city, 5c; country, 5 6e. RICE Quiet: domestic, fair to extra, 3V? 6c; Japan nominal. BVTTER Irregular: street price, extra creamery, 2743"27V. OfBrln I prices: Cream ery, common to extra. MtfjZic; state dairy, common to extra, lW2tic; renovated, com mon to extra, 121511; western factory, common to firsts. l.ljjlijHc; western Imita tion creamery, extras, 21c; western firsts, 18c. CHEESK Steady; state full crenm. small and large, colored and white, September, fnncy, 14-il4ic; state, October, best. 1.1 V lMie; state, late made, small, average best, 12'4c: state largo. 12V: state fair, 11512c. EGOS Firm ; state. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, 3Vfi21c: state choice, 18h!9c: mixed extra. 17c; western (lists, IbVJc; western seconds, 13V&15C; southerns, 13mrc. POULTRY Dressed. quiet: western chickens, 10(6 13e, turkeys, lott21c; fowls, ljl3c. it. Iala (ieneral Market. ST. LOUIS, March 6. WHEAT Firm; No. J red. cash, elevator. 831iWc; track, 89VW2V: May. 77Vsc; Julys 7ii'c; No. 2 hard. It'oKc. CORN Higher- No. 2 cash, 34c; track, 40Vii41c; May, 4oc; July. 41c. OATS Firm ; No. 2 cash, 30c; track, 30 Sir; May, 30c; July, 2tc; No. 2 white, ' FLOUR Steady: red winter patents. $4.30 (M.SO; extra fancy and straight, t3.90fi4.26; clear. t2.90fiS.26. SEED Tlmothv, steadv: tJ50iat80. COR NMEAL Steady. 12.25. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, tiia 86c. HAT 8teady; timothy. $8.00613.50; prairie. $H.0Oi9.6O. IRON COTTON TIES-$1.02 BAOOINO 9ic. HEMP TWINE 7Hc. PROVISIONS-Pork, higher: jobbing, $16.60. Lard, higher; prime steam, $7.50. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, $8.50; clear ribs. $8.75: short clears, IS 87Vj. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $9.S7H; clear ribs. I9.37H: short clear. $9.60. POULTRY Quiet: chickens. lOftlOHc; springs, 12Hc; turkeys, lc; ducks, 13c; geese, Sc. BI TTER Firm: creamery. 20829c; dairy, J8fr21c. EGOS Higher: U'Sc case count. The receipts and chinments of flour and grain were: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls....... 11,000 6,000 Wheat, hu 43,nno fifi.ono Corn, bu 81.000 tSl.flort Out, bu 142.000 75.ot'0 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 5. FLOUR-Firm ; first patents. $4.1ilfi4.20: second patents. $390 H.oi: first clears, $.1.603.60; second clears, $2.40f,i2 55. BRAN In bulk, $13.50ff 13.75. (Superior quotations for Minneapolis de livery). The range o orlces, as furnished by F. D. Day & Co., 110-111 Board of Trade building, was: Artloles.l Open.l Uigh. Low. Close! Safy. Wheat I I May. '76V!r77t July.. 7!Vn'V Sept.. 78V3I FHx- I I I 7THI 79V 78 I 77l.. 79-i.. 78!.. 114Hi!.. 1.15V.. 7P-V 7W May.. 1.14 July.. I 1.15 1.14V 1H 1.16 V 1.15V Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 hard. 78c: No. 1 northern, 76Uc; to arrive, 7V; No. 2 northern. 74lo; to arrive, 74V,c: No. $ northern, 72fi73c; No. 1 durum, 89V4"; No. 3 durum, 67c Corn: No. 3 yellow, S."4c; No. 3, Mi Oats: No. 3 white, 2744C; No. 3. 2tK,42tic. R:irlev: Xf,'ui Be: 64n'gric. Flax: Cash. tl.lOV, Mav. $1.13. Kaaaaa City firaln anil Provisions. Stronger; May, 72Vc; July. 74V,c: Septein ber, 72'.c. Cash: No. 2 hard. 74VU'77V: No. t. 721T73HC; No. 2 red. SS'jSSsc; No. 3, I4j9c' No. 2 spring. 72ifi3o. CORN Lower; Mav. 3'c: July. 30,r; September. S9c. Cash: No. i mixed. Vthtc: No. 2 white, S.sVTWc; No. 8. 38c. OATS Steady; No. t white. SoVSltyc. .HAY Steady : choice timothy, $lu.75'u 11.50; choice prairie, $S.258.76. RYE Steadv. 5nh5sUc. EGOS Steady to firm; Missouri and Kan sas, new No. 2 whltewood cases included count, lie; cases returned, Ho less Bl TTER Weak; creamery, 26c; packing, .... . , Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu W.000 4:t Corn, bu Xs.'iOO Outs, bu 14,000 7;ouo Mllwaakee'liraln Market. '' MILWAUKEE. March 5 WHEAT Low er; No. 1 northern. 79'yuHiV; No. 2 north ern. 7tK8e: May. 73i7snc bid. RYK-Uiwir; No. 1, t-.' BA R LEY Dull ; No. 2, 64fi53c; sample 37Vln"C OATS-Steadv: standard. 3iV&31o. CORN Steady; No. 3, 3.sVa3sc bid: May, 43c. Visible Sapply of Grata. NEW YORK. March S.-The visible sup ply of grain Saturday. March a. as com piled by the New York Produce exchange was as follows: Wheat, 47.2M.OdO bu.; in crease. 3l.iu bu., Corn, 1.2O,00O bu ; In crease. tfM.OiO bu. Oats. 24 4."l.(VO bu. ; de crease. 32cUO bu. Rve. 2.714.000 bu.; in crease, 4J.0OO bu. Barley, 4.1&9.UIO bu.; de crease, 141.0U) bu. Liverpool (irala Market. LIVERPOOL. March .-WHEAT-8pot nominal; ruturea easy; March, 6s 7d: May, Cs 6Vd: July. 6s 5Sd. CORN Spot steady: American mixed, new. 4s: American mixed, old. 4s 7V1: fu tures nulet; March. 4 d: Mav. 4s ld HOPS In London (Pacitie coast), steady. 2 l(XKu3 las. y Philadelphia Prod ace Market. PHILADELPHIA, March 6.-B UTTER Firm; extra western creamery. SOc; 'extra nert'bv prints. 32c. EOGS Firm; nearby fresh and western fresh. IV at murk. CHEESE Steadv : New York full creams' fancy. 14ml4.c; choice. 13VU13Vc; fair tu good. 12W13e. Peoria Grata Market. PEORIA. March 5. ('ORS-Un ; No 3 yellow. jN.r: No. X S9c; No. 4. SdVc; no grade 15VuIV. OAT8-teady; No. $ white, iv.c; No. I white. WHISKY On the busla of $1 for fin ished goods. CasTee Market. KTU' VORW UaMk ft ,M,L'L.n ,. 1. . V -.v.r r r.c Mar ket for futures ntiened s'eadv at tinchanaed "rh-es to a decline of 5 points the lofcses being dut to scattered realising. The ur- k-l I . -t.u.li- .. . . .1 1 . ' v,-., . ... . wiiiiMiigeu. Bales acre . reported of 22.7.V bnes. ineluilina llar,h .1 T Vf . T I..T It... f..i.. .. . nrwrmuTl 9'"t W, le ll 1T. I l-tuuuy. 7 c. Bpot, steady; No. 7 Rio. I 8 1-U-G. I ftrts ll'y; extras. 16c st USl.V. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Share Are Thrown Orer bj Wholesale at HeaTj 8acnfioe. LEADERS DECLINE FOUR TO EIGHT POINTS Readlna. Hill Hallways. Amerleaa melting; nad Colorado Fael and Iron Drop Sharply Bonda Are Irreajalar. NEW YORK, March S.-A penalty was paid In today s stock market for some of the excesses of the past speculation. The fiaylng of the iienalty must be the more un palatable as coming In the midst of the fruition of the expectations on which the original simulation was based. Incoming reports from all quarters sustained the eon virtlon in the unparalelled level of the coun try's pro-perlty. Nevertheless, stocks were throwrf over today by wholesale at heavy sacrifices and at severe speculative losses. Judged by the enormous shrinkage In market quotations Indicated by the comparison of prices touched today with the high prlcea touched while the speculative excitement was In force. The slump of today was a culmination of the morn gradual declining tendency last week. The acceleration of the pace In the later stages of the movement Is not a novelty in the stock market whether the movement be either upwards or downwards. Speculative holdings which have been re tained through earlier discouragement In the hope of a turn In the tide and an Im provement In conditions, become an Increas ing burden as prices sag downwards. When selling becomes urgent In character the quicker decline enhances the difficulties of belated holders and detracts from the dis position to buy stocks. Hence it comes that the later stages of a decline take on an ap pearance of aggravated weakness. Margins are wiped out, stop-loss orders uncovered and the professional bear trader Is always on the watch to take advantage of the sit uation and force the decline. The shrink age In the value of collateral makes the lenders of money additionally exacting and prompts refusal of some securities as col lateral which may have been playing the largest part In market activity. All of these factors were at work In today's mar ket. There was not much news of any more substantial character to account for the decline. The opening of the week disclosed the continuance of the factors of depletion of bank reserves. The sub-treasury continues to take funds from the New York market and Interior exchanges Indicate that the current of the cash movement Is In that di rection. Foreign exchange also becama firmer today In spite of a yielding of dis count rates In London. Rather gloomy pre dictions were heard of the outlook for an anthracite strike and the special weakness of Reading was attributed to this cause. The continued disturbance In the life In surance field was given credit for effect on sentiment, although It had no Immediate consequences In the stock market. The liquidation In Amalgamated copper was supposed to come from Interests concerned In the settlement of the Montana copper dispute and cynical discussion was heard of tho possible auspices of the decline In this stock market. An advance In the price of copper, both here and In London, had no effect on the price of stock. The market In the latter part of the day showed some evi dence of the relief afforded by the liquida tion and the bear traders were inclined to buy to cover their short contracts. This caused some recoveries from the day's ex treme decline which ran to over 8 points In Reading and between 4U5 points In Amal gamated Copper, American Smelting. North ern Pacific, Great Northern preferred, Col orado Fuel and a few others. Declines ranged very generally from 1 to 3 points. The late rally was not well held and the closing tone waa rather easy. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales par value. $1,868,000. United States bonds were Quotations on the New York Stock ex change were as follows- tUl. High. Low. Cln. Adimt Eiprera Ainalsiiuatril Copper .... Amrlt-sn C. & V Anitrlon C. & P. ptd American Cotton Oil 10 2M 50 2a 2(1.900 M KM 100 ( lO.dOO 40' 1.4H0 llll 40 10014 1IH4 31 I.4O0 324i Anierlon Cotton Oil pfd American Kxprnw American H. & L. pf4 00 Aniarloan Ire. ecuiitlr tfoo American Llnaeed Oil 100 s 110 .14 47 11 4n US J5', 144 4 1S American Unwed Oil pM American Locomotive .... Amer. Locomotive pfd.... American 8. flr B American 8. K. ptl American Sugar Rrnnlng. Am. Tnnarco pfd ctfa Anaconda Mining Co AlchlFon Atchison Dfd U.tOU lV MM 00 iiH.ii is liutti Ml l.too H2S i!t i.eon m 1st mi 1I IMS 1"4 lOJva T3. 00 Z. U.KO0 ks. 14Hi 24 102 Vs Atlantic Coast Line 400 1M Is Haltimore Ohio Baltimore & Ohio ptd. Prnoklyn Rapid Tranalt Canadian Pacific .too loT4 lulos 5 moo ot4 7IS "w 11.2O0 ldia 17 Central of New Jeraer 400 114 111 lit m14 to 77 10 i 111 Cheaapcake a Ohio S.tofl M'i Chli-alu Alton 144 Chicafii a Alton pin Chicago Great We.tern ... Chicago AV Nortliwcutern.. Chicago, Mil. HI. Haul. 31.40ft f'Vi It. 100 iH its 1H.J.I0 177S lif", 171 Chlnian T. & T Chicago T. AV T. pfd C. C. C. a SI. Louie too Colorado fuel A Iron 4.00 Colorado ac Southern I.7"0 Colorado a Bo. lat pfd 100 Colorado i Bo. 2d pfd Too 10 4l 3ki Xi 4l i lsrH !7Sa (4 20 44 424 M Anl 41S 7 7 S4 lit i 1 :il, n 49 M (7 11 71 48 m nvi i 101 4i0 42 ti M1 I'M', 41 7 74 Conaoltdated Gaa Com Producta corn Producta pfd Delaware A Hudson Iwlaware, L. a W Ilenver a Klo Orande llenvrf V It lo Orande pfd Diatlllera' Becurlllea Krle ICne lit pfd trie 2d pfd (ieneral Klectrlo Hocking Valley llllnola Central International Paper International Paper pfd... 14. I'D 1(7 J no 17tt ioo pViii 100 460 1.400 4i 700 .mm M.XU 1.2ii0 7 42 71 W l.too 1.3110 17 14(14 100 lift 11 11 t.ono iui ir.s, us ana 40s 11 tl1 4 4 International Pump International Pump pfd Iowa Central lnwa Central pfd Kautaa city Southern too Kanaaa City Bo. pfd loo 2 (t 11 Va (a4 144 1(4 !, 144 1U Loulavllle it Naahvllls l.too 144 Manhattan L Io0 1M Metropolitan Bdcuritlea .... l.&oo 714a 71 71 Metropolitan Street Hy Mexican Central M.uncapolia A St. Loula... M , St. P. S. I. M M . St. P. 8. M. pfd.. Mlraouli Pacific M . K. eV T , ei-rllbta M.. K. T. pfd. ei-rlthl National Lead National H. It. of M. pfd.. New York central New York. O W Norfolk A; Weelern Norfolk At Wertem ptd Nonh American Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Ciaa P . v.. C. it St. Loula Preaaed Steel Car Preaaed Steel Car pfd 1.(00 U(4 111 114 t.oo 24'i 13 ' 1144 7S . 141 its l.i no i, tm, li ioo . ts tl li't 400 70 It It !4.(oO 7114 71 74 201) II M 17U .(no lavi 1.700 4'4 l.too u 14414 144 414 4HH MS 1414 tl 1.600 AI4 VI t7(4 7u0 42 41 41 14.400 17'4 1SDV, 117 1.100 M', 11V) wis 71 4tt4 40 4.400 too (I t Pullman 1'alac tar.. Reading Reading lat pfd Itmdllig Id ptd Republic Steel 100 U 111 ....tll.ioo i:t 1W1 12H44 .... MV tlH . , . . M0 tl t04t t M 101 n u 41 44S tl) M .... 1.7i) 21 24 V, 101 14 4644 4( 21 1414 Republic Sir. I pad l.foo 103 Hock laland Company 1.1 no !, koek Island Co. pfd St. L. 8. r Id pfd too St. Louia S. W l.too ia. 81 Louis 8. W. pfd 700 ,H Southern Pacific M.lie koI 14 1, tt Southern Pacific pfd Suutherb Rrtlluay 6oulhern Railway pfd.... Tenueaae Coal at Iron... Te&as aV Pacific Toledo. St. L. W Toledo. St. L. A W. ptd. t nlon Pacific , t limn Paclhc pfd ioo 1174 117 11714 14. too MS 200 lie) M' MS 147S to IT.", 14S 14' tS HI 14 US 1US ion 11414 144 I too IS44 a 111. 100 14M4 1'nited Staiea txpreaa I u tied States Healty too H 44 (OS 111 I nitid Statea Rubber.. ..I.. t.44 W I . f Rubber pfd l.lov 1114 I . 8. Steel Ill too 40 its It i niiea states steel pf. Va. -Caroline Chemical . a. -Caroline Cham. Dfd 1. 400 ItHS 104S l.tw Its 4eS 4t HIS 12 s 41 s 110 lit 3S 1S 14 Wabuh 1 ton u Vabah pfd l.auO 41 W.l.a-fargo Bapreta lis) 114 Weatlnchouae Cleclrlo Weatem Lnlon io0 11 Wbeclluf A Lake Krle M Wiacoualn Central euo tuv Wivonaln Central pfd Ita) 14Sa Northern Pad Ho It, too 111 Central Leather I.Mu 4J'4 Central Leather pfd too lot Sioas-ShelBeld Steel 4. KD 71 Total ealea for the day, 1.47 sot. 41 U4 2) 14 U "S His lios 41 41, lots 73 71 Poreiga Fleaaelal. LONDON. March 5. Money waa plentl ful and cheaper In the market today, owing to Saturday's gold arrivals. Dis counts, consequently, were easier. Opera tors on the Block exchunge were princi pally occupied with arrangements lor the settlement, but the tone was) cheerful oil the munelary outlook. There have been fears of serious trouble In Kaffirs during the forthcoming settlement, but the piesent Indications are that the failures, if there are any, will be unimportant. Consols eased toward the close. Americans opened a shade below purity and hardened on local support. The Improvement disappeared in the afternoon on Wall street advices, and stocks closed weak. Foreigners were In active. In sympathy with Paris, but hard ened on moderate support. Russians, Jap. neae and Mexican rails were steady. Kaf firs were a fraction harder, but the morn ing business was narrow, dealers being rn gMged In arranging the settlement. Prices declined In the afternoon and closed easv. Japanese Imperial s of ltH were quoted at lOB'S. PARIS. March fv -Priors on the bourse today were weak, and the tone was Indeci sive, owing to the situation at Algeclras. Toward the close rentes were offered on ru mors of cabinet dissensions. At the close prices were wesk. Kusslsn Imperlsl 4s were quoted at S2 40 and Russian bonds of l!i4 were quoted at 4M.X HERLIN. March 5-Tradlng on the bourse today was dull and disquiet, Ameri cans were weaker. New York Moaey Market. NEW TORK. March .MONEY On call steady at 44j per cent; ruling rate, 4Vfi5 per cent; closing bid. 3S per cent: offered at 5 per cent. Time loans, Arm; sixty and nlnfty days. $HS per cent; six months, ISfRH per cent. PttlMIO MERCANTILE PAPER-&et3V. per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm. with actual business In bankers' bills at HK&Ao'f 4.86HO for demand and at $4 laTOS.If.'TS for sixty-day dims; posted rates. 14 mvj and e , coTiinierciiM inns, 81 LV BR Bar, 4So; 4Kc. $4 MS-S4.82S. Mexican dollars. B0ND8 Government, stead; railroad. Ir regular. Closing quotations on bonus today were, as follows: U. g. ret. It. ..101 '.'span la. Id series.. lot ..11S I do 4a ftfs MS ..1M Ho 4Sa rtfl 0'4 .101 L do Id aerlea to ..lots 'L. N. unl 4a 10114 ..IMS Man. 0. 1 4a 109 ..tao Meilran central 4a.. M ..110S do let Ine US do cospoa V. 8. la. 1 do coupon V. 8. old 4a. rag. 80 coupon ... V. 8. new 4s. 1 io coupon . . . Am. Tobacco 4i do Is Atchlaon gen. 4 do adj. 4a ... Atlantic C. L. Bal. A Ohio 4a do ISa Brk. R. T. e. 4 'Central of Oa. do lat Inc.... do Id Inc...., do Id Inc 7s Minn. A St. L. 4s ... Its ..11"S M., K. A T. 4a... ..I0IS, do 1 .. W IN. R. R. of M. 0. ..MS N. Y. C. g isa.. .104 N. J. C. g. la.... .. 13S No. Pacific 4a.... ..14 do la ..IMS N A W. c. 4. ... .. M IO. 8. L. rfdg 4a. ....loos st 4a. tf-S .... '4 ....111 ....IMS .... 77S ....101s .... MS ....loos . ...100s 7S Pnn. ronr. ISa.. 14 1 Reading gen. 4a.. Chea. A Ohio 4Sa...lOS St Chicago A A. IS ... MS St. Li. A I. M. C. L, A 8. F. fg. la.. 117 4t. Ifl C, B. A Q. n. 4a.... tts.'st L. 8. W. c. 4a. aos C. R. I. A p. 4a.... 7 Seaboard A. L. 4a. do col. it MS Sn. Pacific 4a CCC. A 8. L. g. 4a. .lobs do lat 4a rtfa.... Colo. lnd. (a. aer. A. 77 Po. Railway aa . to . ts . MS .111 .111 do aerlea R. ... T5 Teaaa A P. la ... 7S .. t- L. A W. 4 ... 14 lnlon Pacific 4s... . . .lot I do cony. 4a ...100S V 8. Steel Id la. . ... I7S Wabash la ...loos do deb. R Colorado Mid. 4e.... Colo. A 80. 4a Cuba I D. A R. O. 4a Dlatlllert' See. Ss... Erie p. 1. 4a do gen. 4a Hooking Val. 4St. Japan la Offered. . MS .I04S .111 . MS .I14S . Ml . Ms western Md. 4a .10 W. A L. E. 4e.... .loos vVle. Central 4e ... . 74 . Wl 12 H Boston Stocka aaal Bonds. nvaiun. raarcn . uan loans, Mf per lime mans, aseo per cent, umclal quotations on siocks and nonas were: Atchison ad). MS A Hours US do 4a Mex. Central 4a.... Atchison do pfd Boston A Albany... Boston A Maine.... Boston Elevated ... Pitch burg pfd Mexican Central ... N. Y , N. H. A H.. t'nlon Pacific Amer. Arte. Chest.. do pfd Amer. Pneu. Tube. . Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T. A T Amer. Woolen do pfd .101s Amalgamated . . 0 American Zint- . its Atlantic .toas Bingham .21 ( si. A Hecla.. .177 ICentennlal .... .1(4 ICopper Range . .140S Ualy West .... . J3S franklin .IMS Oranbv .IMS Isle Rnvale ... . 27 S Mass. Mining . . B7 Michigan . 21S Mohawk .1.14 4, Mont. C. A 1:. 117 jtild Dominion .1.17 Osceola . 41 S Parrot .101 .Qulnry ..loos .. iss .. a .. .tl ..700 .. IS .. 7IS .. 14S .. 1A .. 1 A .. 41S .. 1 .. ISlj .. MS . . o .. 41 S .. 4 . . 'hi Dominion I. A 8. 10 i Shannon .. 4H Rdlaon Elec. Illu 145 .Tamarack ..107 Mara. Electric 17' Trinity .. J's do pfd Mass. Gsa t'nlted rrult I'nlted She Mach.. do sfd . M t'ntted Copper . 47tj V. a Mining... .107 f. 8. Oil . 0 il'tah . It Vlciorla . US I Winona .IOC, Wolverine . 71 INorth Butt ... .. (is .. tl .. 11s .. 7 V. 8. steel .. 7S do pfd Wetting, common . Adventure Asked. ..111 .. 74 Loa don rioataar Rtorka. LitJiuc)N. March S. Closing quotations wo .no block excuange were: Console, money ... 10 1 11 N r. Central 16.) do account Anaconda ......... Atchlaon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Pacific . Chea. A Ohio .. ei'S Norfolk A W 7S ... I2S do pfd IIS .. IIS. Ontario A W 8014 ..em-a rennsyivanis 11 ..111 Rand Mlnea IS ..i"- itaaaint: at .. (7 do lat pfd 41 Chicago Ot. W C. M. A 8t. P.... DeBeera :iS: do !d pfd ds -im eoutnern aauway ... it .. isl d pfd i n .. 44s;Southern Pacific H74, Denver A R. 0.... do pfd .. 11 Lnlon Pacific 11444 En :i uo pin ts do lat pfd do Id nfd .. 714, u. sttel 41S .. m 1 ao pro illy ..174 Wehash 14 ..1 do pfd 51 llllnola Central ... Louisville A Nash. M., K. A T . 3454 Spanish 4a 144 SILVER Bar. ntllet. ri rvee Atin... ii -jii 1 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market tor sunn mi s is 1 s-lKfff M ner or,. r- iiirce monins Dins. Z'Mirz -lti Der cent. w York Mlnlnar llorka. NEW YORK. March 6. -Closing auotatlon. on mining stocks ve Adamt Con !( K.lttle Ctilef ... .. 7 ..too Alice 110 s 12 I 12S 2no .471 I Intsrlo fhlr Phoenix Potoal Saveg Sierra Nevada Small Hnpea .. Standard Breee ..M7S Brunswick Con .. .. 1 .. lo .. 10 .. 10 .. to ..Sj) Comstock Tunnel. Con. Cal. A Vs.. Horn silver Iron Silver Leadvtlle Cos. .. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. March . Tnrisv. ... ueiim ui me treasury naiances in the gen erai runci. exclusive of the SloO.OiW.OCO gold reserve, shows available cash balance, $13:',- eoi.oi; goia coin sun million, 7n,4S4.71: gold certificates, $u2.7S7,2SO. ' " Bank Clearings. u.vi.itA, inarcn (.-Bank clearings for o") "Tin ti.wM.tiB.n anu ror tne corre sponding date last year $1.84,0T2.1o. Metal Market. NEW YORK. March 6.-METAIS-The London tin market broke ahaiplv. with spot closing at 1A1 16s and futures at eCloltsrkl. The local market waa weak In sympathy and closed at $35.35ri86.6 for spot. Copper was higher In London, closing at 79 15a for spot und at 78 6s for futures. The local market was also Iirm und higher, with outside offerings light, and the big producers firm In their views. Lake is noted at $lS.37Vm.:3. electrolvtlc, $18,124 frlfttO and casting at $18"ft 18 35. locally lead was unchanged at $V36t5 45. but de clined 2s M to 14 in London. Spelter also was lower In London, closing at 24 15s. Ixically. however, the market was firm and a shade higher at II tiVno.Oo. Iron was lower abroad, with standard foundry clos ing at 47s lid and Cleveland warrants ul 4ls. The local market was quiet; No. 1 foundry northern. IlK.lCfiiSU'S: No. 2 foun dry northern. Sn.TVijlS.jo; No. 1 foundry southern, lis 2Mji8.7i; No. 2 foundry south ern $17.7Mrl8 i. . ST. LOIMS. March 5-METALS-Lead. steady, la.iVfa; spelter, higher, 10. 06. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. March 6 COTTON-Bpot closed quiet, 10 points lower; middling up lands. 11. av; middling gulf, 11.45c; sales, 6,018 bales. LIVERPOOL. March S.-COTTON-Spot. good business done; prices i points lower; American middling, fair, S42d; good mid dling, lofcd; middling. 9od; low middling. 5.74d;.good ordinary, IKd; ordinary. 5.40d. The sales of the day were ia.t) hales, of which 1.000 mere for speculation and export, and Included 11.500 American. Receipts were l.0t)o bales, including 13.50) American. BT. IOFI8, Mo.. March l.-COTTON Quiet: middling. 10 15-lbc. Sales. 100 bales: receints. hoi bales; shipments, none; stock 44 400 bales. NEW ORLEANS. March 5 COTTON 8 pot closed quiet; sales. 4.700 bales. Ordi nary, 7'c; good ordinary, 8S-I60; low mid dling. 10 1-lbV; middling. ln;c; good mid dling. i-16c: middling fair. 11H' celpts, $.811 bales; stock, 298,578 bales. Re- Itgar and Molasses. NEW YORK, March B. 8UOAR Raw. nuiet; refined, t SSi-si U-ltic: centrtrtiral, M test, $ 13-$2'g.1 7-loc: molasses sugar, 2 21-S2-&2 ll-16c: refined steadv; No. 1 4.10c; No. 7, 4 to; No. a. 4c: No . S5c: No. 10, $lo; No. 11, 885c; No. 12. $0c; No. 13, 1.75c; No. 14, 1.75c; confectioners' A, 4.45c; mould A, 45c; cut loaf. 5.S0c: crushed. 1.30c; powdered, 4.7Cc; granulated, 4.S0c; cubes. $4 86. MOLASSES-Steady; New Orleans open ke"l. good to pholn. MKftMf. NEW ORLEANS. March S.-SfOAR- Flrm: open kettle centrifugal. 3ii3S-lric: centrifugal white. 3Vd4r yellows, 11116c; seconds. 23 l-16c. MULASStri Open kettle, trifusrHl. IT'n.-Oc. SYKCP Nominal. 26j3oc. 171130c; Wool Market. . laONMH)N. March 5.-WOOI-The arrivals of wool lor Ihe second scries of auction Bales closed todsy. wltki the following amounts listed: New York. Wales, 5J.i74 bales; Queensland. V.'i'l; Victoria. 72.071; Houth Australia, 14.S4; West Australia, 4.76; Tasmania. tV4; New Zealand. It.irj4; Cape of Uomd Hope and Natal. J7.800. The total amount available for the sales Is 131 7S bules. as 14.5"o Austnllss and el.) C" or Oood Hod mni Natal ei (ur warded to spinners. ST. LOL'18. March 5. -WOOI, Kteadf medium grsdes combing and rtothtng. 24tr 2sc; light tine. JIj;;U:, iieaV hne. lfcjaw; tub-wahd, Ji-rOc . OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Unusually Licht Run of Cattl of All Kindt for Monday. HOGS ARE A BIG TEN CENTS HIGHER Best Sheen anil Lambs Command tronr Prices, with Kwea K More Than ateady and 4nallty ot Receipts ftaata. SOUTH OMAHA. March S, !. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 2.547 2387 .2t) Same day last week.... 4,156 7.H67 14.itt Same day week before.. S.US10 4.4i"il 10. 4 Same three weeks ago.. t.Ui 4.244 J, 102 Same four weeks ago.. 4.3n3 4.i 10.147 Sstne day last year 4.6u 4.9eM 13.JW) The following table shows the receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep for the vear to date at South Omaha, compared with last year: lUo. 1905 Inc. 171,862 134.2P7 17.iM Hogs 4S3.366 437.07(1 01 Sheep 27H.5IO 275.M1 $.7 SATURDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following shows the number of cars Of atockera and feeders shipped to the country Saturday and their points of desti nation: . . . CATTLE. Cars. J. M. Holt, Omaha, Neb. U 1 r. r . Hanks, Atkinson. Neb. F. K 3 L. E. Patter, Springfield, Minn M U. 1 Johnson C Story City, la. N. W.... 1 John T. Moss, Silver City, la. Wab 2 William Oettleh, West Side, la. N. W.... 1 H. K. Brown, Horton, Mo. Mo. P I Will am Oettlrk, West Side. Ia. N. W.. 1 CATTL1S QUOTATIONS. The following will show the price paid for the different kinds of csttlc on the South Omaha market: Oood to choice corn-fed steers. .. .$4 9ofi6.io Fair to choice corn-fed steers.... 4.i&4.!i Common to fair corn-fed steers 4.W4.oi) Oood to choice cows and heifers.. S.6ofy4 V Fair to good cows and heifers.... S.oi)3k) Canners and cutters 2tvt)"ls Good to choice stockcrs and feeders 3 !4 to) Fair to good stockers and feeders. S-nt-ya ) Common to fair stockers $.0tij3.C0 Hulls, stags, eto 2.6t'ul4 00 Oood Veal calves 6.Ou..50 RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. lentils Bloux City.,. The following $2.nm.6.7 $6.17V"t 224 5.75 l.tn-UO.vu 2.2n43aoo 2.2O&II.10 2.75ri.75 ftii.Drt 5.75 $ 00 8.00 t).32Uj tjri 5" f ifj.20 table shows the averag" price ot hogs at South Omaha for the lust several days, with comparisons: Date. I 1906. 11905. 11904. 1903. 11902. !901. ilW. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mch. Mch. Meh. Mch. Mch. 18... 19... 20... 21... 21... u... 24... 25... 2... 27... 28... 1... 2... S...I 4... 5... 4 871 5 051 97! 6 7i 5 221 I 5 12' C 91 1 t 87 6 231 4 84 t t I 5 7tI 5 91 ' i KVsl 4 Ml i 26, 6 99 6 841 5 311 4 74 4 KM 5 881 5 83i 4 74 $ 9G t tW 4 70 I 6 321 4 70 4 74 4 6 4 t! 5 28 6 23 8 93 K i 98 C 04HI 6 201 6 841 6 95 1 4 o9 4 74 e i T7 5 S2i 8 8J 6 93 6 381 6 40 93! 6 88! 6 34j 4 65 5 821 6 8iii 6 KM 5 27: 4 87 6 21 6 ls 6 5 2 4 70 S l?,i I H 22! 4 951 4 t A Ml A 08 8 22 1 4 le'il 4 mi 5 12 7 0:li 6 li 4 !0 4 70 6 04; ( 021 6 191 6 0-1 5 07 7 11 I 5 Oil 4 74 00 4 80 4 72l 11 I. 781 4 81 Sunday. The official number of cars stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle.Hngs.Sh'p.H'ses. C. M. A St. P. Ry... 1 2 Mo. Pac. Ry S l nlon Pacific. System. 21 C. eV N. W. Ry. (east) 8 C. N. W. (west).... 20 C, St. P., M. 0 14 C, R. AV Q. (east).... 3 C, B. & Q. (west).... 18 C. R. I. & P. (east).. 2 Illnois Central S Chicago Great West. .. Total receipts 102 Buyers. Omaha Packing Co..... Swift and Company...... Cuda.hy Packing Co Armour A Co Vansant & Co Carey Lnbman Co Hill ft Son Huston & Co 4 2.1 1 3 13 3 5 i 1 1 4 8.. i 4 37 39 2 Cattle. Hogs. Sheep .. 263 5X1 1.33S . hHU 938 2, Sill .. 442 512 2,443 .. 277 1,157 1,897 8 ,. 12 ,. 188 .. 6 .. 39 .. 218 .. 7H ' ,. 62 1 .. 217 .. 7 220 ,. 236 !i22 Hamilton A Rothschild.. L. F. Hnsi Mike Haggerty Sol Degan J. B. Root A Co Bulla A Kline Hoffman Other buyers Total 2.688 3.408 9,291 CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morning were the lightest for a Monday since the first of the year, less than lot) cars being reported in when the market opened It would look very much its If the storm of last week, which prevailed over nearly- all of the tributary territory, had discouraged shipments. With so few cattle In sight and with the quality not very good on an average, that Is, with a scarcity of desirable fat beeves, the trade was lacking 'n features of spe cial Interest. Buyers were oul In good season, but tho csltle did not appear to be the kind that wjuld create min-h en thusiasm and they were slow In making a start. When the market did open it was on the bssis of a little stronger prices than those which prevailed on Friday of last week. As the general run of the cattle was not very g.iotl, aa noted above, sales did not show up very advantageously on paper. The market on cows and heifers was In about the same condition as that on steer. It was slow in getting started, hut when once tinder way prices showed some little strength over last week. In some cases salesmen who appeared to have Just what a buyer neeneq 10 nil ins order t houaht that they secured A fifilOe advance, but It would hardly do to call the general market that much higher. Stockers and feeder did not show miieh change from last week. Good feeders were fully steady and thore was some Innuiry for that kind. As noted last week too many light stock cattle on the Pommtinlnh order have been coming forward and the market has a surplus of that kind. As a result light stock tattle are slow to move at the decline noted last week. Representative snles: BEEF BTEEH8. No. 11 u 1 Ae. ...1071 ... 117 ...1131) ...1031 ...1MI ... att ...143 ... Ml ...lftal ...1117 . . . KM ,..1111 ... 110 ...1040 ... Ilfl ...loOA ,..1140 ,. 110 ... IDT ... 4"0 ... 171 ... HI ... 0 ... K4 ,.. 710 .. ,.. I7 ... tat .. Ihn ..1140 .. HO ..ll'H Pr. I e No I... 17... 31... I... I... II... 1... II... II... SO... 1... A. ..1040 ..1040 ..K'OO ..1100 ..1460 ..till ..1410 ..14l . .12KI ..i:i ..1470 ..-.240 r. 4 M 4 B'l 4 II 4 r.t 4 11 4 U 4 to 4 to 4 to I 00 1 no I 00 t II I M 1 it 1 M a li 1 ! 1 In I 11 1 30 I I I 11 1 1! I 11 1 41 I 10 I 10 1 II I u 40 1 40 40 I 46 44 li 1 Ti ' 1 M t tu I to 4 00 4 04 4 to 4 00 4 OA 4 10 4 10 4 IK) 4 IS 4 38 4 II 4 13 4 10 4 40 4 40 4 41 4 M 4 10 II...;..., II COW8. 1 00 1... 1 1 1 1 l. 1 t , 1 I , I 1 I 1 I I I .1 1 1 t 1 1 I t 1 t t 1 I :r:::::: 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 .... too .... tl ...1010 ....1104 .... ttt ....MHO ....10SI 1010 .... Ml) ....louo ....llto .... tUi .... tao .... 171 ....lino ....1110 141 ....K'U ...lufl ....Idnl ....1014 1011 ....lot ....1110 ....1014 ....1044 ....1111 .... Ill ....111) ....1410 . . . . 1047 ....1124 . . . . I 1J1 ...,ir"u ....i:4 I 00 1 no 3 00 1 00 1 II I fll 1 ti I u I III 1 10 1 10 1 M I 41 I 4o 1 41 I 70 t 70 1 Tl t Tl I 74 I 71 I IS $ t I 0U I Ml I 0u 1 10 I 00 00 I te 1 M) 1 Ou I 0 1 00 I l IP I 10 1 1 4 I I 1 I 1 1 4 1 1 11 I I 1 I 11 I 1 11 14 II 14 1 1....;. 1 1 10 1 ..1140 ..1144 .. 140 .. til ..1070 .. llO .. 170 .. 140 ..low) ..liao .. am ., Ito ..1140 ..llto HE!f-RS. I 00 I to I el I to 1 II t Tl I Tl I lo 1 ail I 14 I H I tu I M . 110 414 411 314 , 7!1 Ti , TJD . tit . ?Z . ti.l . 7 I 00 I 00 I uo It II I ti I M I 4" 1 10 1 to 1 Tu 4 w 4 lo .. T40 .. 4 en .. l!t .. Til .. 4 .. I .. Ill ..IU0 .. 411 .. 147 .. 7t io!!!! 4l!!!! 4 ( 4 1 I I 1 70 BULLS. t IK IM 1 ISla 1 71 1 1144 I W 1 lit.) ISO t lit I td I u; I M 1 114 I to 1 14ta) 1 It I UK) I 11 I 1. I II 1 IS4J I 11 II I1U I II J llee I : 1 ic 11 1.... 1.... I.... 1 ... 1.... . T4 .140 .1110 l:u .eto .IIS) .1710 1 1 14 I ii 1 li I 1" 1 I' I It 1 44) 1 4v I Ti 1 7.. I u 1 t hi 1. lean 4o :k lT?t Ua-J , IM TAGS. ai r:..KeJ AND il lilt 4 U CALVES. I OH t (II I SO 5 fl 1 1st I ? tri 1 eo 1 !I5 4 so t m 1 f, I 14 4 on M 1 71 I ISO 4 nu ion I 7r, 1 100 4 Ml 4 IM I 7:, I IM 4 (X nt i 71 11 4 00 1 i;n 4 on I HO 4 no t 1' 1 1x1 I ri 4 et . t i n ti 1 tun 4 no 1 ito I ne II 170 4 10 1 1.1a c mi I JW 4 11 1 .1:0 IS 1 t" 4 So T IM I sr, 1 10 4 STOCKERS AND VESPERS. 1 4!W I 00 4 77 1 7f, 1 COM 1 5 I l I 7 I IW 1 Sn 17, 1 7f. 5 I 1 Oil 4 W 1 to 1 710 1 0 ;7 til IK I I M 1 00 1 5 111 I t"l I on 1 4:.o 4 mi 1 t0 I 00 27 1 4 on I Mi) t IS I t;u 4 Of 1 170 I SI 1 S!'l 4 in 7 7T I 40 S ' 4 4 In 1 140 1 SO "n Ml 4 in II I 1 IT 114 4 I.". 21 Ill I tu I Kit 4 11 4 !4'l 1 70 I 7Mi I II, 1 110 I 70 IS til 4 :. It 140 I 71 4 TV) 4 11 11 411 1 71 "4 741 4 1'. HOGS Another high record for the year was made this morning, rnder the Influ ence of a good local demand and the very encouraging reports from all other selling points hogs sola early a big 10c higher I linn Inst week. The earlv sales were verv largely IT, SOfei .22',. aa agnlnst ti .11 rati .124 on Saturday. For a few minutes the trade was quite active nt the advance noted but by the time half of th.' hogs were sold the trade slackened tip and became dull ami easier owing to the fact that some of the heaviest packers were still oil the bent side of tho ilal and not disposed to allow any eharp advances without n etrtiggle. Representative sales: Nl. It.. M.. 71.. 74.. 11.. 73.. tl.. tl.. SK.. 17.. 14.. t.. 4.. St.. 7S.. Ml.. 70.. Ti.. 4 . . CI.. 7!.. II.. At. ...171 . . .201 . . . I'll ...127 ...Ikl ...211 ...115 ...IM ...140 ...111 ...112 ...104 ...2J4 ..."3 ...1H4 .. .214 ...m ...in .. .?. . . . 2WI 8k. r-r M0 111.. f!. . 14.. :i.i . . 75.. 14.. .14. . tl.. 74.. tii. . 74 . 14.. 71... PI.. t7... Li.. sv. ..'.''IK ..IIS ..110 . ..'37 ..194 . . 72 . I'M ..!:! . .240 . .310 . .2S9 ft. Pr I S:", 4 i; 211 2'i I M 4 20 I 20 I 211 I tn 4 20 C 121. I 22 ' I 12', 4 22S 4 22S I .SS I 22i I 22', 4 If, 4 2:, 4 2f I 30 1 17 I 20 I to I 20 4 to I so I II) 4 20 I SO I 10 I 10 I sit n 't 1 lis ss 1 a: i, 4 s:'t I 2.", I 121 4 lit. 4o 40 ISO ..ill ... ..J2 ... ..Sn! an . m: 10 . J ... ..3:4 ... 0 40 . .2M .241 . .241. . 27t 130 40 ..su Ji't 08. 27 SHEKP Offerings this mornlna consisted very largely of ewes, wi:h only a sprink ling of old sheep, yearlings and lamlis. I'he average quality was a long wuvs from being good. Now anil thru there was a pretty decent load, hut the nicst of the stuff on sale was of the kind that bu.ers generally designate by the word "rotten." The gnjieval slluttiou uMilc from the quality of the reicipta wits rather In fav u of tha selling interests and old sheep and yearlings sold nt what looked like strong prices, as high as Ji, belm- paid for a bunch of the latter. Only a very few lambs were offered and none of them such as would be called right choice. The few loads on sale of the mure desirable kind 4 brought prices thut looked a Utile hlehr. In fact. In some eases as much as luc higher tlmn lust week. 1 retry decent xctsiciis sold up to Jl..'ii. Kwes by reason or the large supplv did not show any Improvement, but commanded Just about last week's prices. While the market was not exactly what might ! called active still there was a fair ileninnil and the offerings sold reasouablv well, so that a considerable proportion of the re. celpts changed hands bv the middle of the forenoon. Quotations: Good to choice native lambs. J6.4iij6.6ii; good to choice western lumln. Irt.3iifi8.riii; fair to good lambs. rt.iKi'tn;.30: cull lambs, I4.n0fid.25; good to choice light vear I ngs, t-1.78i.ti.iaj; g,,od to choice hea y eur 1 ngs, lfi.6irfio.ti5; fair to good heavy venr llnge, 15.4tXu6.50; good to choice wether, to. otitis. 60; fair to koimI wetheis. $..2fiit.5l: good to choice ewes. t4.!1t."i.40; fair to good ewes. I4.5f-fj4.90; cull sheep und bucks. 13.W 4J4.00. Representative sales: ISO. 1 western buck 87 western ewes 85 western ewes 427 western ewes 17 western ewes 405 western ewes 49 western ewes 245 wethers 25 western lambs 4rl yearlings and wethers... 573 western In nibs 226 western lambs 4 western htmbs ' 218 western lambs 241 Colorado lambs 41 Mexican ewes ... M Mexican ewes 47 Mestcan ewes Go cull Mexican em s 5 Colorado bucks 374 Mexican ewes 9.1 Mexican ewes S75 Mexican ewes M Mexican ewes SW Mexican ewes 115 Colorado ewes lif) Colorado ewes 2.'.2 western lambs 9i3 western lambs Av. Pr. 130 3 73 7 4 R0 121 5 !." 111 5 15 97 n lo Vi'l 5 3') lufi 5 30 104 5 ri 71 5 75 84 6 IV) 82 0 25 61 6 2.1 IT, 6 1V1 80 H 50 86 6 62 7.1 3 5n Ml 2 1.0 7 3 75 7i.1 3 7.1 128 4 en . 82 4 75 X2 4 7.1 M 4 75 VI 4 75 92 4 7.1 93 4 75 1"2 5 00 87 6 2!i 112 6 jo CHICAGO MVK STOCK MRKKT Cattle and Hons Ten lo Fifteen Cents Illu her. March 5.-iWTTLK-Reccipts. market lOWl.lc hiirhcr- -.un. CHICAGO, 20.000 head : mon to prime steers, f. 7domI.4u; cows. jLl.lurii 4.W; heifers, ti.iVHS.oi); bulls. 12. 41M1 1.3.1; caives, (.oo; stockers anil feeders, fits) Itt4.i6. HOGS Receipts. :!2,M) head; market Kft 15c higher: choice to prime heuvv. 6.4SW 0.52H: medium to good heuvv. f'c, 3.V(i,i t.y butcher we ights, trt. lo6 ,12i.j; g,'.od t , ,ol. e heavy, mixed. t6.3tVi.it. 4.1; packing, $6.01 h fcllBKP AND LAMRrl-Kceflpt. 18 1, head; market 10c higher: slici-n. tt.o.Vj, ii.21 yearlings, t6.60,i6.2o; lambs, 'i.21'tt7.10. Kanaaa City Live Mock Market. KANSAS CITY, March B.--CATTLK Re ceipts, ti.Kl) head, incluillinf 7;,.i south erna; market 6ulfo higher: choice export arid dressed beef steers, Jo.rBtiS.tu; fair to good, t4.ltirri1.25; western fed steers, $1 riVri s.oG; stockers ami feeders. t3.l'i4 S)- south ern steers. 3 2.i4!i: southern cows, f 2.II1 4.011; native cows. 1L.:.14 i.iii: native heifers .I.2MM e); hulls. 12. 751(4. hi. calves. n.Oirti,! .-j' ftDGh-Kecetpts. o.:or: head; market lu,i l.V higher: top. f..X: bulk of sales. V, 27v (1.30; Tieavy S.;.27V.i.!.V.: packers. KUVtf 6.i: piers and llgiits, 5.tOtitJ.:5. SHEKP AND IAMbS-Recelpts, io.OOij head; market strong to 10c higher; native lambs, li. UHHX, ; a.ftern fed lambs. S.1 e I'1 F"?. "n,J venrllrea. 1. 7Ciff.:K' ; western I. ri.rlln"- V-''T-- : western fed sheep. 4.J-o.9u; Mockers and feeders, 12. 235 4. 75. SI. I.oals Live ftork Market. ST. IvOtlS. March ft.-CATTLK-Re-Cfclpts, 2.500 head, including 1.0.0 head Tex ans. market loc higher; native shipping and export steers. t4r."i8 10; uressi-d beef anil nitcher steers, $.'l.oiii.OCj; steers under I con lbs., I.I.KKUI.40; sloi Iters and feeders S" ilr,. li'2i-.,.;rl!!'''4.''n1 ti"'"'"- --i,l''l.i; earine.s. II.Kt,n2.60; bulls. t2.4ir4.:j; calves. $2rVi7fx): Texas and Indian steers, $3.31., 4.711; v,;wi and heifers, ti.t-iiit.lo. ' ir.nCi0?H"'.''i,)t''' .f" ,,,"'.' niarket lij 15c higher; plirs an.J lights, ti.5oojti.45; pnek- t?'-'- ,"",',,," ''" "'. BlIEKP ASP LAMH3-H...eipts. K) h sid markci higher: native muttons. $4 it, 'U9 .-(! lambs, ti.-ji. ;5; CU alul ,U( K, ,t.,,,i w: Blockers. U.2j3. 75. ' Slon City Live Slorli Market. BIOFX CITY. March S.-tSncclal Tele gii.m. ) CA IT LK Receipts. 2,7(, h,.ai. , market Italic higher: lK-eve, $4 Offi 5 75- I eoa bulls and mixed. $2.75'd4.tt; stockeis 1 and feders, Uto4.3o; culves and yearlings 1 HOUS-Rereipis, 1.H1 head; maik.l 1 k- ' l'r; KO- liti.iO; bulk Of ralis. ' $n 10111 IB. BHKEP AND LAMRit !rr. l,.i. iri i.,.j I market strong. t. Joseph Live slock Market. 8T. JOSEPH. March 5. -C.VTTLF.-Re. celpts, 917 head; market strong to Ik higher: natives. $4 XV(5.0; Texas arid west erns. $3.lii'o.40; coat ai.d heifers. $1.C,4 tj stockers and feeders. .(;: 1 '.0. HOOS RfCeinta. S.7!ri he trt - r.,oC, W.... higher: light. f'.-Hw i.ii: medium ar-d heavy $j.lfiti.3.i: bulk of tales. $0 2CCitf.i7i. 1JHKKP AND LAMRM-Reolpts. 414 head; market strong to lu- higher; l-mb-ti.ci. stuck In flclit. Receipts of live stork at the western markets yerlerday: (....! South Omaha : :i7 ' I1am.11 City ii - . Kloux Cite Y.S.'I ft. Joseph 9.7 fl lmlJ .;. it, Chicago .. ., , !x priticip.) ?.'2 1 1 1 4 ''4 - 0 1 r-.u 1 -. :-i :. i) I Mi :.is i e'Otul i.is; Unlink train lrL.ei. Dl-LFTH. Mn-h l-t'HKAT-Tu urv v. : Nca, 1 northein. 7CV,c ; Nu. 2 northern nr tn linik: No. 1 noi-.,.rn, 7tai,e- No nc 1 them 74 V; May. 7;ct; Ju:. ;jv .OA 4. T" arrive and 01 truck. :!r; M.iy. :i,c .. Llula Hniler Market,. KLtilN. March 5 - PI TTKR - Firm, Ing toduv at i'T'.tc. s cumpaKd Willi II- .'-' ' -ck nm )it,iit f"r ML tik, 4lit.'"i 'iiit'.l- tli-it i, t dut mg omaii v noi.i: i.i; nitivi: i. Condition of 1'rnde and tlnm minus taple mill It-net I'rmlni c l-MGS - Receipts Illu i ll. I'. ISO count, l.lt; I. IN K Ptil l.TKV li. ns ' . ..1,1 in.... crs. ."n . tuikivs. 1'.f: lin. K 11, . so, 11 lonster.. Tul'c; gi esc. Sc. lKKSSI-:i I'cu'Ll It 1 - Tin kes, l'il ' old loins, 1,V,i8c; . lili ken.-.. mil:.. Iiiostets, To; ducks, l.ul.1. ; gi esc, 1 .'c. Id ' T 1" Kit liicslng Muk. !,; il,. in fancy dulty, lMii:v, creiinierx. .1 ..I'-.c. HAY Prices quoted by tnn.il'11 li'eed cm puny: No. 1 uphintl, js.0.. ineilium, .'i..''; course. M Suor ni Je straw , t, 1!R.N Per ton, tl6.Su. TROPICAL 1'ltl US I.TK8 Per Imx of .M l-ll.. yk.. I.'.V; Hallowe en. In 7t'-lli b"Xcs. er lb., lie; ttiv crs. per lb., -ic; wa Unit stun,), 1 -Its ks., l.'tsi per do.; i-lb. boxes, tl.cii. oRANtiKS-c'ul : r. it'll ui . xtui fancy Re I In ml navels, nil sir. s. f!.."n'. la'ny ii.im Is, t.i:iA; choice, nil slxc, M .Ti. LK?. 14 l.liui'iiiei s. xlvi f.iucv. size, J.'I.Mi; :4l to Ml sizes. J1.U0. KKiS t ill 1 : 01 iil:t . per Ih-IIi. carton. Tn'r 85c.; tmport'd Kmyriiu. ttuee-cn r.11. He; lix-ctiiwu. ISc. BANANAS- Per 111 ilium sixid bunch, tl .i ti21S; Juuilios. f.'.'-iii, .t.io TANciKRINLS-Callfortiin. per box of about U'S. $;i.(i(i. Git A Pi: Kit I IT Florida, per Vnix. t7."v 7.60; Ciihfoi nla, ju-r box. l t OH 4..V). FRI'ITS. l'EARS Winter Nellls and Mount Vetnun, $3 50. At'PI.KS --California Newton, pippins ami Kttlilw ins, t:.im per 1 .11. box; lien liavis, $i.,'5 pt-r lm. box; 'miai'H. l...'.u per bu. lice; oilier viiileilcs. t-.to i: per bu.: New Ymk apples. Ilaldwins anil Itussi t.s, t",l l" i bbl, URAPKB I 111 I I tcil Aliilagns. .,'rti'iiii.iO. Ol.lJ N'KciKTAllI.KS. POTATOKH-lloine grown, per bu.. 5: 'j, CiK ; frtouth lmlcola, per bu , 75c. c )N IU. S 1 ionic giow u. ellow und red, per bu., !ac; ipanlsn. per crate, l.'m., Colo riuli.. red ami yellow, per l:i., $l.ii. NA V ltl.ANS -Pel bu.. t.'.tn.. LIMA liKANS-l'er lb.. eVsC. CAIU4AGK Callloi fia. :c .i r lb; 1 is const . In crates, j.ei- Hi., c. I'AhliUlS, i'AL8NII' AM) Tl'UNIPS I'er bu., N.c. CKLKR1 Citllfiirnia. .1 per ilcr. 8WEKT !'( I'ATOKS-Kansas, per L'-bu. bbls., $:.i. N EV V ICGHTA ULKS. TOMATUKS-KUu ida. pel ciate of ::n lbs. net. JU. W AX F.F.ANS -Pcf hainpcr T about ?. lbs. nei, Sci. HTHIMI HKANS - Per hainpcr 3" lbs. net, :l.n.rnt to if IllniUt, LtHl Pl.A.S I -I'laiiil i. pet dc.g.. ll.'i 1 1 :.'. liHl-.l'..N i'..i'r..iin ot ai.i.i.t I" tloz.. 11 ,:C. -I'loinlit, per h.Hiij'ir Tl ISMI'M. HKi. IS AND Louisiana. !" v ilo.. luiiu lice. C'AHItOTS i.'ic. SIIAI.U)'!' T.-5 - I.ouislitia, per Oca. bunclu s, HEAD I.HTTl'CK-LoiiiHinnn. per bid.. tl2.co,i ln.00; per dnz. luails. 1I. .,ki2."". LKAF Lr; 1 Ti CK- llutnousc, per dog. heails. rule. crcl'MHKRS-llothmisp, HT clog., tl.75. RAD1SHKM llclhousf, per doz. bunches, 6oy '1.1C. Mi ROOMS- Hothouse, r lb., Ck1n7.ric. BISKF Ct TS. No. 1 ribs. i:v; No. I roiinil. 7'.': No. 2 ribs. . i'v; No. 2 round. ; ,n. 3 ribs, oc; No. .1 round. li'Cje; Nu. 1 loin, lSVic; No. 2 loin. l:ic; No. ;i loin, be: No. 1 plate, 4Vac; No. 2 plate. Ic; No. 3 phite, :!c; No. I cnuck. .i'sic; No. 2 chuck, 1c; No. i chuck, 4c. MISCELLANLUl'S. ClI'LH Per kci;. 7.1 ; per bid., Jii.7o. HuMiV-New, per 2-1 lbs.. W..10 . I'llKtSli-w iss, new, 1 lie; Wisconsin brick, lie; iscoii.-iln linibi 1 m r, lie; twins, 15c; Young Americas, li;c. N FT? W'uliuits, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., lnvc; hard shells, jur lb., loVc. l'cc.cns, lame, per lb., lie; small, per lb., 12c. I'eunuis, per Jb., ti'.KC; roasted, per lb., nc. Chill walnuts.' per lb., 12'u i.;iac Almonds, soil sliell.s, per II)., lie; liuid hliells, H-r lb., loe. Cocoa nuts, t4.20 p.-r rack of t). FRFrfH FISH Trout. 11c; halibut, PK-; pickerel, dressed, ic; white liass. lie; run iish, ti'jt'.'C; perch, skinned and dressed, Sc; pike, ic: reilHliaiiier, 11c; salmon, lie; erapples, Cfj'.tc; eels, lie; black buss, l.'c; whltellsh, lie; 1'iog leys, per tins., 5.1c; iobslers, y.ieei), 3:!t ; boiled lobslers. SVc; bluetlsli. 1.1c; herring, Ic; fnanisli nucckeiei, liic; haddoc k, I'c; slu lin, 41.00fei.iu per gallon; smells, 12c; cod, 12c. OYSTliRB Fresh titaiiilanl, $1 40 per gal.; shell oyslers. tl.ueti2.li0 jar 100; Lllilo Neck eiiiins, 11.50 per lt. SI'OAR-Oianulateil cane, In bbls., t.l.fsj; granulated eutie. ill sacl.s. $5.01; granuluied beet, in tacks, tt.'Jl: ., Siltl 1' in barrels.-21c per gal.; cites, U ln-ll. cans, ll in,; eases, 11 i-lb. cans, $2. SO; eases, 21 IS-lii. en nr. Sl.iK). I'ul'FKK ltoasit d : No. fi.1, LT.c per lb.; No. :i, I'.'se per In.; No. lsi,i.. per io. ; No. 2D. I:ilc pi r lb.; No. 21. ;2'jc per lb. Fl.ol'U twholealcl-He.si luc-!i gi-aih Ne braska, pel uwt., $2; bos I high fci.ule patent .Mli.nesiiia, pet int.. 12.Ji.; iti.tlxlil paleni Nebraska, per ill., $2; s mil patent Xi- braskit, i.''. CFRKU FISli 1-iiiiiily whltellsh. fier 'a bbi., bu) lbs.. l. So; Norway mm ken !. p(Y bid., 210 lbs., bloaleis. u; Sn. 1, ..v; No. 2. ji; No. S, tic; lrlstl No. 2. $J7. II. rrli.g. in bbls., 210 lbs. eneli. NorwBT. 4k. JIJ; Nor way, :tk. t!3: Hollai.J, iniKiil. tlli". 1 i . j 1 - lallil llel'lillK, ill h'gS. 11'IUel:,, NIL, kefcS, mixed, 7t!c. UROO.MS No. 1 ciiipet. :j.25; No. 2 cur Pet. U.H1: No. ; lilain, t;;.2.1. ! CANN Kl OOOLiri (.1.111. sland.ird west- c-rn, ill-'iiiiii' : Niaine. $l.:.'.-ii-- 'lliiu-iioi s, 3-II1, , cans, fl.2i"il.ji; -lb., '.O'ji-SI. Pineiippli-.s, griiloil. 2-lb.. $..c.i'ii 2.W; aliced. Jl !i.ii ..-.; i;;iilou apples, fancy. 1 'a ht'iii tiia it j,i-i- I eols, $l.4iei2.io; p.iu-fc. $.75'n ::.i 1; pvaeiie..., fancy, $l.'iC4i2.o; 11. C in .e-li. a, 1:.ii.i.i-...",i., i Alaska siilinon. led. tl.il; iink, !ie; funcv Cbinotik. F., t'i.l'i; 1 incv s-a-keye. I-'.. l '..'; I nafilines. '...-oil, $2. 5a; 14-musiaids. 'J. ;,(".(. 3.1U. pweet polatoes. M.l.it.2.; satlel Kl .1 11 : , i; UMIilvll;f. Hie.i.r wax hc'lllM. 2-lb.. Tim, IVJe; Lima beuim, 2-lo., 7u'i'J i-'u 1 1.3.1; spinacli, vl...il 2.1 li; 4-iie.-l as, 2-II1.. M-c, ixlia. i.n. '; 1 nicy, 11. t.'i l.'.j. lllDKrt. PFI.TS AND TALLOW-No. 1 green hides. !''jc; No. 2. S',,o; .No. 1 sali.-.l, ll"4e. No. 2, lO'ic; bull hides, s-c'.ie; ihv hides. Ii''i 2uc. lloi-Me hides, lai ne. t :.."'"; email, 12. 10. Sheep pel is, inch, no '.i-l TulliiW, No. 1,. 4-tc; No. 2, ?ic; muiii, l'.e. nils 11 ml Itosln. YORK. .Much 1. 1 ) 1 1, ( o. i on si- il prime enule, f. . b. tnllls. 21' : N KV 1 oil linn I inline yellow, :i2tti. 2 '-..'-. pel i.il.-.im siiady: ! letined. New Yol k. 7.ftl; l'liil:t.l. li,a rflel Haitian. re. t7.il; Philudi Iphia anil II ill i'li.e e In bulk. Si.c. Turin nt in. ouiei. ;i,.ot2e. ROSIN Culel ; suuincil, con iinm lo good, Jl 17' HAVANNAII, firm, 89141'. ROSIN-Firm: II, $1.21; 1. 11.1.1; Y . (.., $8.10; W. OIL CITY. 1 March 5. )l L Tui in ntiiio A. II, C. I ). K. K. li. $41 " N, $1.:i" K. $.1.2u; M. $.1.4i; W.. 'i.2u. a.. .March . 1 )l L Credit balances. $1.,1K lilinienls. ..ii.iilu IiIiIm.; in-. crage. 5K,Mi7 bbls. eritge, lil. 214 bills.; bbls.; uvi-iiiK'-. .'.!',; SSitf bbls.; uvcruge. runs. II, 1. ml b. Is. ; 1 shlpnieiils, Lima. (,7 "7 bbls.; runs, Lima. ::2.4U1 bbls. Kvnpnrntrd Apples unil Pried I'm lie. NEW YORK, March 6.-KVA p( iRATKU APPLKS .Market iiilet. but piles eie nrmiy nem. c oniiiinu to lair ire iiuoted at fill Kl R'l'ld clijiic, Ih.; good tl'.cli. M.w'ii:.i,c; H'iiotic; prime" ny.e; 11411'i.e. - fancy Toledo heed llitrki-l. IYiI F.DO, Murtdtu. SI-:i".l)S -I'h. vi 1 : Cadi Hi-.d Mnreh, $N 22'; (li tolii r. i! In. Tlniotliy, $1.80; alslke, $x.2 . iii'.ti. i;i4Tii: tiunhkiiv Deeds tiled rot record M uch 4, )!i f, nt fi inlshcil by the J. Fr.-d Knr t'o homled lilif traeieis. i; s ,'w- York Life buil iing: Ji hn L. Church and v.i' - to .lolui ('. Kimball, lot 1. i.-nw-'snn's ,i,l .... $i,-, Flunk J li rsnv.s to Anna ri. I'isc, ninth 5) feet lots 11 and 11. block I, Jitt.-r sudd to Sun' Oiiiim.. 1,0.) Jnmes H, llalpins and wife In C'.nicii giitlon of Uni' l 1 1 11c. 1 . !-t 1. block 7. eub. of J. I. H' cllck s add... Fdna C' Walworth to C1141 lea If Mul li.T. soutil -U fett lot 3 anj ,ii,itii 2 fet lot 4. blcc-k 3. Hind i; itld-i 1 0 Emese Sweet to Kdlth 1. Pa f tfci sun. lot 5. Kin-st .Swe. i s HJ,1 l,7- C. I L Fckery ami wife to F.li It Ne il- l.i"-n, li,;s 1 id block I'.i'rlt k s nc"d S.-Vi') Hi-rrv Koyc Isclier and wife 101 21, re-plat o Frank A I'l' LI:-' k . - He 1 l-i imrk 3,'iei CI ilKilaii lfotli n'lil nil" I eningi. lots 1. ' 7 and 8 'ling's u.l.l t" Clklioi 11 KmIIhu iiii M Win il'.voi 1 1 l allil lo J.-n-ih- li 1'. .nil-, 9. I'J. igh ton H-iJI.is..., Lewis II olil Mill w 1; . i-.'t-i r.ifjc- !. 0 lock -7. i . li.l li.: - . lm 11. b! 1 k ii: N. Wo .won! F- Du Day Cl Go." 1)4 tiers la . J Mitckv iiruin. I'rovir.ioni skill lour (.raia it la. tlruorli 11 nice, llu-lll fcaard of IrsU Pldat.. Ilacaba. Aeiu 1 rlephone 8A14, f?-n Kxehan. HU 'Phone 214 Bldg. South Omaha, luueiendcul i'tiong a. a w Hie l'l lo S 77"